USD127055S - Design fok a textile fabric ob similar article - Google Patents

Design fok a textile fabric ob similar article Download PDF


Publication number
USD127055S US D127055 S USD127055 S US D127055S
United States
Prior art keywords
textile fabric
similar article
design fok
Prior art date
Application number
Albert Maisch
Filing date
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May 6, 1941. MAlScH Des. 127,055 0 TEXTILE FABRIC 0R SIMILAR ARTICLE Filed April 4, 194-1 INVENTOR. $65k? MA /s H 9 ATTORNEYS Patented May 6,1941 Des. 127,055
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN igo n liggllhlij 5:31:10 OR I Albert Maisch, New York, N. Y.
Application April 4, 1941, Serial No. 100,142
Term of patent 3 /2 years To all whom it may concern: The figure of the drawing is a plan View of a Be it known that I, Albert Maiseh, a citizen textile fabric or similar article showing my new of France, residing in the city, county, and State design.
of New York, have invented a new, original, and. I claim:
ornamental Design for a Textile Fabric or The ornamental design for a textile fabric or Similar Article, of which the following is a similar article, as shown.
specification, reference being had to the ac- ALBERT MAISCH.
oompanying drawing, forming a part thereof.



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