USD119932S - Pencil clip or similar article - Google Patents

Pencil clip or similar article Download PDF


Publication number
USD119932S US D119932 S USD119932 S US D119932S
United States
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similar article
pencil clip
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Alexis V. Lapteff
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Des. 119,932
April 16, 1940.
A. v. LAPTEFF PENCIL CLIP OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Filed Aug. 51, 1939 Patented Apr. 16, 1940 Des.
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A PEN GIL CLIP OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Alexis V. Lapteff, New York, N. Y., assignor to The Esterbrook Steel Pen Manufacturing 00., Camden, N. J a corporation of New J ersey y Application August 31, 1939, Serial No. 86,990
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a perspective view of the pencil clip Be it known that I, Alexis V. Lapteff, a citizen or similar article showing my new design;
of the United States of America and. a resident Fig. 2 is a side elevation;
of New York, county and State of New York, have Fig. 3 is a plan view, and
invented a new, original, and ornamental De- Fig. 4 is a. front elevational View of the same. sign for a Pencil Clip or Similar Article, of which I claim: the following is a specification, reference being The ornamental design for a pencil clip or had to the accompanying drawin o g a similar article, substantially as shown. part thereof, ALEXIS V. LAPTEFFv



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