USD116508S - Design for a dress - Google Patents

Design for a dress Download PDF


Publication number
USD116508S US D116508 S USD116508 S US D116508S
United States
Prior art keywords
new york
united states
Prior art date
Application number
Pauline Fracchia
Filing date
Publication date




P. FRAccHlA Des' 116,508
Sept. 5, 1939.
DRESS Filed July 31, 1939 Patented Sept. 5, 1939 Des,
UNITED STATES DATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A DRESS v Pauline Fracchia, New York, N. Y. i Application July 31, 1939, serial No. 86,351
Term of patent 3% years To all 'whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a front view of a dress showing my Be it known that I, Pauline Fracchia, a citdesign, and
zen of the United States, residing in New York Fig. 2 is the rear View thereof.
city, in the county of New York and State of I claim:
New York, have invented a new, original, and. The ornamental design for a dress, substanornamental Design for a Dress, of which the foltally as shown. lowing is a specification, reference being had. to PAULINE FRACCHIA.
the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof.



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