USD113520S - Design fob a press frame - Google Patents

Design fob a press frame Download PDF


Publication number
USD113520S US D113520 S USD113520 S US D113520S
United States
Prior art keywords
press frame
design fob
Prior art date
Application number
George E. Munschauer
Filing date
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Feb. 28, 1939. G. E. MuNscHAUER De8 113,520
PRESS FRAME l Filed se'pt. 22, 1938 mlm y INV TOR George E. Maase aaai.
Patented Feb. 2s, 1939 Des, 113,520
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE George E. Munschauer, Buialo, N. Y.
Application September 22, 1938, Serial No. 80,044
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 2 is a top plan View of the design shown Be it known that I, George E. Munschauer, a in Fig. 1; and
citizen of the United States, residing at Buffalo, Fig. 3 is a bottom plan of the design shown in in the county of Erie and State of New York, Fig. 1.
have invented a new, original, and ornamental I claim:
Design for a Press Frame, of which the follow- The ornamental design for a press frame, as ing is a specification, reference being had to the shown.
accompanying drawing, forming a part thereof. GEORGE E. MUNSCHAUER.
Fig. 1 is a perspective View of a press frame showing my new design;



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