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G11B3/00 Recording by mechanical cutting, deforming or pressing, e.g. of grooves or pits; Reproducing by mechanical sensing; Record carriers therefor
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(No Model.) 4 Sheets-Sheet 1.
n PUERS, wow-Wa um Washmgion 0.1:.
ted May 4, 1886.
ealouz/{lwe C Z Mk4 (No Model.) 4 Sheets-Sheet 3.
No. 341,214. Patented May 4, 1886.
-"'iiiiii Z/Xilneade.
(No Model.) 4Sheets-Sheet 4. 0. A. BELL & S. TAINTER.
SPECIFlCA'EION forming part of Letters Patent No. 341,214, dated May 4, 1886,
Application filed June 2'1, [885. Serial No. 170,044.
. which improvement is fully set forth in the following specification.
This invention relates to the formation, in a solid substanee,of elevations and depressions, or other inequalities corresponding more or less perfectly to the forms of sound-vibrations, and the reproduction, by means of such inequalities, of the sounds represented by them.
The invention consists, first,in the formation of the record or phonogram, as it has been called, by means of a cnttingstyle which is vibrated by the sound-waves or sonorous vibrations to be recorded. The vibrations may beimpressed upon the style directly by the impact of the sound-waves upon some device mechanically connected with or carried by the cuttingstyle or its support, or indirectly through the action of an electric current or other suitable vibratory medium. Heretofore a large number of contrivances have been devised for converting electrical impulses into mechanical vibrations, and they could, of course, be used for vibrating the cuttingstyle. Otherwise they have no relation to this part of the present invention, the essential new feature of which is the removal of material to form the record by a cutting, gouging, or gravingaetion of the vibrating style. Heretofore the vibrating stylehas,as in Edisons well-known phonograph,sim ply indented the recording material. It has been proposed to cut the record in the edgeofastrip of metalor other solid material by vibrating the strip in contact with the cuttingedge ofa rotary disk cutter; but this proposal is essentially different from this invention, the new mode being applicable to cutting the record upon all sorts of surfaces, and not, upon strips only, and is. besides, believed to be laterin time than this invention. Underthis part of theiuventiou are included the vibratory cuttingstyle as a new device in a sound-recorcler, and the combination of the same with other devices; also the cut or engraved record itself. In this new or improved form ofrecord not only may a larger number of words or sounds be recorded in a given surface than has (No model.)
been practicable with the indented records heretofore in use, but the recorded vibrations are also sharper and better defined. It is found that an indenting style smooths over the crests of the larger elevations, and also rubs out some of the finer ones.
The invention consists, secondly, in engraving or cut-ting the record in a waxy or amorphous, and slightly cohesive substance. Pref erably, a compound of beeswax and paraffine (the latter in excess) is employed. This compound has no tendency to clog the style, but is readily removed thereby in chips or shavings. This part of the invention also consists in a recording material composed of a wax or waxy surface on a paper or pasteboard foundation. Heretofore it has been proposed to use soft paper saturated or coated with paraffine as the material for recording by the indenting method; but its use does not appear to have been successful, and an outer layer of tinfoil was therefore employed to receive the indentations.
The invention consists, thirdly, in cutting or engraving the record in the form of a groove with sloping walls, the sound-waves being represented by elevations and depressions at the bottom of the groove or otherwise. The advantage of this form of record is that it forms an efficient guide to the reproducingstyle.
The invention consists, fourthly, in loosely mounting the reproducing-style so that it can readily be guided by the record. Preferably the reproducing style, or rather what may be called the head of the reproducing instrument is mounted on an universal joint, and the style is pressed against the record by the yielding pressure of a spring or weight. Practically in the instruments made by us the pressure is due to the weight of the instrument, modified by the elasticity of a section of soft-rubber tube, which supports the same and constitutes a universal joint; but evidently there are many devices which can be used to mount the reproduccr, so that it is free to follow the sound record or phonogram, and which, therefore, would be within the spiritoftheinvention. Thereproducing-style, mounted asjust explained, is specially adapt ed for use in connection with a record in the form ofa groove with sloping walls, and this combination is specially claimed; but it may also be usefully employed in connection with other forms of record.
The invention consists, fifthly, in reproducing directly from the wax record. It is found thatsuch a record has sufficient strength to withstand the rubbing action of the reproducing-style, so that a considerable number of reproductions can be obtained from it. The smoothness of the wax gives it agreat advantage in this regard. So far as we are aware, no one has reproduced sounds from a wax record by rubbing a style or reproducer over it.
The invention consists, sixthly, in a reproduccr or reproducing instrument in which the reproducing-style, instead of being placed behind its snpport,proiects at the point beyond the edge thereof. One practical advantage of this is that it enables the position of the style on the record or phonograin readily to be observed.
The invcntion consists, seventh] y, in cutting the sound-record in a fusible material, (the waxy compound before referred to, for example,)and then melting the surface slightly, so as to remove any roughness left by the cuttingstyle. These ronghnessesare altogetheroutside of the sound-vibrations,and give rise in reproducing to scraping noises, which interfere with the intelligibility of the sounds reproduced. These scraping noises are greater with some other modes of reproducing which we have devised, and which will form the subject of other patents, than they are with a rubbing style; but even with the latter the additional smoothness given to the surface by the partial fusion hassoine advantage.
The invention consists, eighthly, in asound recorder having a cutting or graving style which is held by elastic or yielding pressure against the surface on which the record is to be made. The obj cct is to enable the vibra tory graver or cutting style to ride over in stead of plowing through any elevations on the recording-surface. The depth to which the point of the cutting-style is embedded in the record affects the amplitude of the styles vibration. By this improvement the depth is kept uniform, notwithstanding any slight unevenness of the recording-surface.
The invention consists, ninthly, in having the recorder, of whatever description, or the reproducer, or both, rest against the tablet or recording material by gravity.
The invention consists, tenthly, in combining, with a soundrecorder or recordinginstrument of any suitable description, and specially with one having a cuttingstyle, a tube or hollow standard on which the recorder is mounted, and through which the sound-waves are conveyed to the same. This part of the invention also consists in supporting this hollow standard on a hinge, and having a soundconveying tube com mnnicate with the interior thereof through the hinge. This part of the invention further consists in supporting the reproducer or reproducing-instrnrnent on a hollow sound-conveying standard, the same as explained with respect to the recorder, and in similarly connecting the hollow standard of the reproduccr with an exterior soundconveying tube.
The invention consists, clcventhly, in combining with the recorder a mouth-piece so shaped as to include the nose of the user. It is found desirable to concentrate the soundwaves as much as possible upon the recording instrument or style, andif an ordinary mouthpiece be used the sound reproduced from the record is imperfect in the nasal elements, and sounds somewhat like the speech of a person with a cold in his head. By the use of the improved mouth-piece this disagreeable quality of the reproduced sound is avoided.
The invention consists, twclfthly, in a reproducer in which the sonorous vibrations impressed by the record upon the style are by "the latter communicated to a block, plate, or
other body of hard rubber, and through said body are transmitted to the air or to other vibratory medium. It is found that this material (hard rubber) gives much purer sounds than metal and other substances heretofore employed. It appears to absorb minute vibrations which give rise to scratching noises, and also to communicate sonorous vibrations without at the same time adding any foreign vibrations due to the movements of its own particles among themselves. The result is probably due to the high elasticity and the homogeneity of hard rubber.
The invention consists. thirteenth ly, in combining with the disk of a recording and reproducing apparatus, in which the record is formed on the face of said disk in a volute or spiral by cutting or otherwise by any known or suitable means mechanism for giving to said disk a uniform surfacespeed under the recorder. Heretofore when the record was formed on the face of a disk the latter has been given a uniform rotation, so that the same number of words were rccordrd in the outermost circles, as in the smaller inner ones. By giving to the disk a uniform surface-speed under the recorder, or by making the times of each rotation inversely proportional to the distance of the recorder from the center of the disk, the record of any given word or sound will be of the same length at whatever part of the disk it may be, and in this way it is possible considerably to increase the nu mbcr of words or sounds on a given area.
The invention further comprises certain special constructions, combinations, and arrangements of parts, as hereinafter set forth.
Having now explained the principle of the invention, the manner in which the same is or may be applied will now be explained with reference to the accompanying drawings, which make part of this specification.
Figure 1 is a plan view of an apparatus constructed in accordance with the invention, arranged for recording; Figs. 2 and 3, respectively, a front elevation and cross-section of the same; Fig. 4, a view in section and elevation of the recorder; Figs. Sand 6, views on an enlarged scale of the graver or cutting style; Figs. 7 and 8, views in elevation and section, respectively, of the reproducer; Figs. 9 and 10, similar views of another form of reproducer, and Fig. 11 an elevation of the sound-conveying tube for use with the reproducer. Figs. 12 to 17 represent a modified form of apparatus, Fig. 12 being a back view, partly in section; Fig. 13, a plan, partly in section; Fig. 14, an edge view, partly in section; Figs. 15 and 16, views in elevation and section of the recorder, and Fig. 17 an edge view of a friction-clamp making part of the apparatus. Figs. 18 and 19 are plan and longitudinal sections, respectively, of a form of apparatus also constructed in accordance with the invention,or with parts thereot'in which the record is made on a strip, and Fig. 20 a plan, partly in section, of the reproducer for use with such apparatus. Fig. 21 is a view ofa recorder in which, the style is operated electrically.
teferring to Figs. 1 to 11, A is the base or bed of the apparatus, and Ban upright frame, which carries the mechanism for supporting and moving the tablet F, (shown as a disk,) on which the record is to be or has been formed. In the slide C, movable in ways of the frame B, is journaled an arbor,D,on which are fixed a metal disk, E,at one end and a bevel gear, 1, at the other. The arbor projects beyond the metal disk E, so as to form asupport for the recording-tablet F, which is retained thereon by the nut 2and washer 3. The metal disk E performs the double function of a friction-wheel and of a backing to the recording-tablet F. The bevel-gear 1 engages asi milar gear, 4, on the end of the screw 5, whichis 4O journaled in a bearing in the slide (1, and is tapped through a stationary lug, 6, on the frame B. As the arbor D is revolved, the screw 5 is turned also, and in consequence of its engagement with the lug 6 it moves the slide 0 lengthwise of the frame B. The rota tion is communicated to the arbor from the shaft 7, journaled in bearings of the frame B, and provided at one end with a tiy-wheel, 8, and crank-handle 9, and at the other with a friction-pinion, G. This pinion is formed, as shown, of rubber disks clamped together between metal washers. It bears against the back of metal disk E, and communicates motion to it. As the slide 0 is moved by the action of the screw 5, the metal disk E is carried past the frietion-pinion, so that it touches the metal disk in aspiral line, and serves to give a uniform su ri'ace-speed to each partot' the disk as it in turn comes opposite said pinion. The recorder H is placed on the opposite side of the metal disk E, preferably as shown, with the point of the graver or cutting style 11 directly opposite the point where the pinion G touches the disk E. The said pinion thus acts as a support to the disk against the action of the cutting or recording style. The latter is preferably formed of a round wire by turning the end conical and rounding the extremity, and then grinding off one side to theaxis of the wire. This leaves sharp cutting-edges on both sides of the tapering point. These edges remove the material in chips or shavings, like a plane or turning-tool. It is not essential to give this form to the style. Any form which will remove the material and not simply displace it will answer. The style is set in one end of a block, 12, provided on the opposite end with a cup, 13, (see Fig. 4,) and secured in the cross-piece 14 by the nut 15. The cross-piece 14 is fastened to a ring, 16, into which a back plate, 17, is secured. These parts, except the steel style, are preferably of hard rubber, although they could be made of another materialof brass, for example. A sound-conveying tube, 18, is screwed into the back plate, 17, the end beingjust behind the cnp 13. A diaphragm, 105, of any suitable material, whose edges are clamped between the ring 16 and back plate, 17, is placed behind the cup 13, which. is pressed against said diaphragm by the elasticity of cross-piece 14:. The cup 13 and block 12 serve to communicate the vibrations from the diaphragm to the recording-style.
Thetube 18 forms part of a hollow standard, upon which the recorder is mounted. The lower part, 19, of this standard is hinged in the bracket 20, as clearly shown in Fig. 2, so that it can be rocked to bring the recorder into otput it out of action.
On the tube or standard 19 is a ring-weight, Z, which is retained in position by aset-screw, 127. It therefore can be adjusted up or down, in order to increase or diminish the pressure of the style 11 against the tablet F. The use of this weight is desirable, but not necessary.
The tube 21 communicates with the interior of the hollow standard through the hinge, and does not therefore interfere with its freedom ofinotion. This tube 21 can be fixed in the bracket or can be allowed to turn, as may be preferred.
The mouth-piece I is shaped to fit the face of the user, and is provided with a notch, 22, to receive the nose. It is attached to the tube 23, which at its lower end fits snugly in the tube 21 and communicates th rough the series oftubes 23, 21, 19, and 18 with the space inside and back of the cup 13.
In operation the recorder rests by its own weight, assisted by the pressure of weight Z, or by its own weightalone, if preferred, against the recording-tablet F, said weight causing the style to embed itself to the proper extent in the recoiding material. The sonorous vibrations impressed upon the style are so rapid, as well as so minute, that the record is made as perfectly as if the recorder were held positively, while at the same time the recorder can be moved bodily to conform to the unevenness 0f the surface of the tablet, and thus keep uniform the depth at which the style operates.
The tablet F consists of a paper or pasteboard foundation, 24, with a coating, 25, of
4 5 waves.
5: canized-rubber tubing, 32.
5 two bodies are melted together, and if not perfectly free from dirt and grit should be filtered. A filtration through cotton-wool will answer. The coating is or may be about onetwentieth of an inch in thickness, (the paper IO being one-tenth of an inch, more or less,) and can be made by flowing the melted composition over the paper disk or foundation. The surface is preferably turned off flat on a lathe.
In order to place the tablet in the machine,
the recorder H is turned back out of the way.
lVhen the tablet has been secured in place, the recorder is turned forward into the position shown, the style resting against and slightly penetrating the wax coating. Apenetration 2o ofone one-hundredth of an inch has been found very effective, the style being formed of No. 1.6 wire-shaped at the cutting end as in Figs. 5 and 6. Upon turning the fly-wheel 8 the disk E and tablet Ewill be turned, and the style 11 will cut or engrave a spiral line in the wax coating of the tablet. If one talks into the mouth-piece I, the style will be thrown into vibrations corresponding to the spoken words, and the engraved line will be of varying character, the inequalities or variations from uniformity representing the forms of the sound-waves.
The reproducer K, (shown in Figs. 7 and 8,) for reproducing from the engraved tablet, or
5 from other suitable record the sounds which formed said records, hasu. reproducing-style, 26, formed of a narrow metal strip bent near the end, as shown in Fig. 8, and pointed, as shown in Fig. 7. This style is held by ce' 4c nienting, riveting, or otherwise, between the strip 27 and the circular plate 28, both preferably of hard rubber. The strip 27 is fastened at the bottom to an offset on the block 29, in which a passage is formed for the sound This passage terminates just behind the plate 28. ,There is afixcd disk, 30, ofthe same size as the movable plate 28. It is cemented or otherwise fastented on the face of the block, and is perforated at the center, in
order not to obstruct the opening therein.
- The plate 28 is close to but not in contact with the disk. The tube 31, fixed at the upper end to the block 29, isjoined at the lower end to the tube 33 by a section of soft flexible vul- For use the tube 33 is slipped into the tube 19 in the manner shown for the tube 18 of the recorder.
lhe reproducer K when so placed is mounted upon a hollow standard composed of the (0 tubes or tubing 31, 32, 33, and 19, and in consequence of the flexibility of the rubber tubing 32 it is free to follow the record. No special care is necessary to insure its adjustment, for if the reproducer K be allowed to rest 6 against the record with the style upon the engraved line the style will of itself gravitate to the bottom of the groove.
There exists always a liability to disarrangement in some part of the machine either in the recorder or the support therefor or the recording-tablet or its support, or if there be no disarragement it would be diffieult to insure that the reproducing-style should touch the record precisely at the proper point if the reproducer be held rigidly. Difficulties on these accounts are avoided by the loose or flexible mounting of the reproducer, the style automatically adjusting itself to the proper place on the record. It will be seen that the reproducer is mounted on a universal joint, so that it can move in any direction. The movement parallel with the face of the tablet would, however, by itselfallow the style to follow and adjust itself to the record to a useful extent.
In operation the reproducer K is placed against the record, and on turning the wheel 8 in'the same direction and at about the same speed that it was turned in recording, the record will move the style 26 and plate 28, so as to throw the air in the hollow standard into vibrations, and produce S011l1d-WJ.V8S similar to those which originally acted upon the recording-style to make the record. The reproduced sounds are audible by placing the ear in proximity to the mouth-piece I; but it is preferred to withdraw said mouth-piece, and to connect the flexible tube 34 (see Fig. 11) with the tube 21 and listen at the ear-piece 35.
After the record has been cut it will of course be understood that the machine is turned back to the starting point for, reproducing. The surface of the cut record can be rendered more smooth by removing the engraved tablet froin the machine and exposing the surface to heatas, for example, by rotating the tablet-face downward over an alcohol-lamp until the surface begins to glisten. Of course a too long exposure would destroy the record. It is the merest surface action that is required. The record can be used for reproducing without submitting it to this operation and without removing it from the machine. It may, however, be removed, and at any time thereafter replaced on the same or a similar machine, and be made to reproduce the original sounds.
The reproducer K (shown in Figs. 9 and 10) has the style 26 attached to the outer of two light plates, 36 and 37, which are attached to a diaphragm, 38, of thin sheet rubber clamped at the edges between the ring 39 and the border of the back plate, 40. The tube 31 is fastened in the back plate.
It will be observed that in both forms of reproducer the style 26 projects beyond the edge or end of the instrument, so that the position of its point on the record can be easily seen.
Referring now to Figs. 12 to 17, A is the bed, B an upright frame, D an arbor, E a metal disk, F the tablet, and G a friction-pinion, as in Figs. 1 to 11. The nut2 and washer 3, the shaft 7, wheel 8, and crank 9, and the paper disk 24 and wax coating 25 are identical with the parts similarly numbered in Figs. 1,
2, and 3. The arbor D, instead of being journaled in a slide, is carried by an arm, L, which is supported by and is fixed on the short shaft 50. This shaft is supported on centers 51 and 52, so that the armL can be rocked. The worm-wheel 53, loosely mounted on the shaft 50, is held stationary by the clamp M, thejaws 54. fitting on either side of the wheel, and being pressed against it by the thumb-screw 55. The arbor D carries a screw-wheel, 56, which engages the worm-pinion 57 at the upper end of shaft 58. The screw 59 at the lower end of the shaft engages the worm-wheel 53. This shaft 58 and the gears 57 and 59 carried thereby prevent the arm L being turned independently of the worm-wheel 53, except as the said shaft is rotated. As the arbor D, disk E, and tablet F are rotated, the screw 56 turns the shaft 58, and consequentlythe worm-wheel 53 being held stationary by the clamp Mthe arm L is swung gradually to one side, so that the recorder engraves a spiral line on the wax face of the tablet. Vheu the record has been cut, it is only necessary, in order to restore the tablet to the starting-point for reproducing, to draw back the recorder and to loosen clamp M, when arm L can be moved at once to the proper position.
A recorder constructed and mounted precisely as in Figs. 1, 2, 3, and 4 could be used in this machine; but, as shown, the recordinginstrument H is modified to some extent. The cutting-style 11 (which is the same as that of Figs. 4 to 6) isset into ablock, 60, carried by a metal strip, 61. This is fastened to a block, 62, at the lower end of a back piece, 63,Which is attached to the upper end of the tube 64, which forms the hollow standard for the recorder, and which is mounted on the bracket 65, so as to be capable of being turned to put the record into or out of action. The soundconveying tube 66 corresponding to tube 21 of Figs. 1 and 2 communicates through the hinge with the interior of the tube 64. In front of the opening at the upper end of tube 64 is stretched a diaphragm, 67, of thin sheet metal, or it may be of other membrane or material, its edges being clamped between the ring 68 and back piece, 63, soft-rubber rings 69 and 70 being interposed one on each side of the diaphragm. On the opposite side of the diaphragm 67 from the tube 64 a light plate, 71, of metal cupped in the center, is held against the diaphragm by the pressure of the strip 61, a projection on the back of said strip bearing against the said plate 71.
In this machine the reproducer K, instead of being mounted on the same bracket as the recorder when the latter has been removed, is carried by a separate bracket, 72, the tube 33 being hinged thereto, so that the recorder and reproducer remain, or may remain, always attached to the machine, it only being necessary to turn one or the other into position, as may be required.
bed, B an upright frame, 7 the driving-shaft, 8 the fly-wheel, 9 the operating-crank handle, and G the frietion-pinion, as in Figs. 1 and 2. The arbor P is supported in an upright position in bearings of the frame A B, and is revolved by the friction-pinion G engaging the friction-disk Q. The record is made on a wax-coated strip, R, of paper, which is passed around the periphery of the disk S in the groove formed thereon. As the strip passes in front of the recorder or reproducer, it is wound off one reel-say the reel T-and upon the other reel, U. The strip can be wound back upon the reel T when desired. Each reel rests by its own weight upon a platform or flange, 75, at the upper end of a hollow shaft, 76, which turns upon a stud, 77, fastened at the base to the bed B. A pin, 78, passes through the center of the reel, and forms a journal for it to'turn upon. A nut, 79, holds the reel on, and may be used to bind it with more or less tension. On each shaft 76 is a belt-pulley, 80 and 81, respectively, driven by a crossed belt, 82 or 83, from a pulley, 84 and 85, on the arbor I. These pulleys 84 and 85 are loose upon the arbor, but are provided each with a clutch, 86 and 87, so placed (see Fig. 18) that when the arbor is turned to the left the clutch 87 engages the hub 89 on the arbor, and the pulley 85 is turned therewith, while when turned to the right the clutch 86 engages the hub 88. Each shaft 76 has a stop-clutch, 90 and 91, respectively, which holds it stationary when the strip is being Wound on the other reel. Thus,when the arbor P is turned to the left the reel U is revolved in the direction indicated by the arrow, and the sleevc-supporting reel '1 is held stationary. The strip is thus stretched at all times, the degree of tension depending upon the friction between the reels and their supporting-flanges 75. The recorder H is carried by a cross-piece, 92, supported by posts 93. The style 11 is carried by a cross-piece, 94, to which it is attached by means of the cup 95, of hard rubber, which forms a nut on the screw-threaded shank of the style, and said cup rests against a mica diaphragm, 96, whose edges are clamped between the screwring 97 and the back plate, 98. The tube 18, screwed into the back plate, is fastened by soldering or otherwise to the crosspiece 92. The tube 23 of the mouth-piece I fits into said tube 18. The ends of the cross-piece 92 are slotted to fit around the screws at the top of posts 93 and rest upon nuts 99, and are clamped by nuts 100. By means of these nuts the vertical position of the recorder can be adjusted. After one line has been engraved on the strip, the recorder can be adjusted to engrave as many additional lines parallel thereto as the strip will receive. The slots in the cross-piece 92 allow the recorder to be moved toward and away from the strip, so as to regulate the depth of the engraved line. To insure a Referring to Figs. 18 to 20, A is the base or i greater nicety of adjustment, screws 101 are tapped through the metal at the closed end of the slots, and hear at the point against the supportirig-screws.
The rcproducer K, Fig. 20, is similar to that shown in Figs. 9 and 10, except that the style 26 is so placed that the point is at the center instead of projecting beyond the edge of the instrument. Its position on the record is therefore not so readily seen; but with the form. of machine shown in these figures this is less important. The same may be said of the loose mounting of the reproducer,although in point of fact the thin rubber diaphragm 3 gives a certain lateral play to the style. tube 31 is rigidly fastened to a cross-piece, 102, identical with the cross-piece 92, and with said tube 31 the bearing-tube 30 and earpiece 35 are connected.
The paper strip can be easily coated with the beeswax and parailinc compound by running the same through a body of melted com position and scraping one side, leaving what adheres to the other to harden thereon.
in Fig. 21 an arrangement for operating the recorder by electromagnetism is shown. The magnet 107 is mounted on a bar, 108, journalcd in bearings in standards 109. It is provided with a bobbin, 106, of wire, surrounding the polc'piece, which bobbin is included in a circuit-over which electrical undulations are caused to pass by any suitable transmit ting insirument-for example, such as commonly employed on telephone-lines. In front of the pole-piece or core of the bobbin is a diaphragm, 105, of magnetic material, whose edges are clamped between the ring 16 and back plate, 17. The cup 13 should always be in contact with diaphragm 105, and is pressed against it by the spring of piece 14. This cup, as well as the style 11, block 12, not 15, and cross-piece 11, is the same as in the recorder H of Figs. 1 and 4.
It is evident that various modifications other than those indicated can be made and the invention still be employed in whole or in part,
and also that parts oi the invenlian may be used separately.
In the foregoing description details have been given with some minuteness. This has been done to furnish the best infornn'ition in our power for enabling those skilled in the art to make and use the invention, and not with the intention of limiting the invention to the precise dimensions, proportions, shapes, and materials stated.
A means has been shown for impressing vibrations upon the recording-style by an electrical current through the intermediary of an elcctro-magnet, in a manner similar to that in which the diaphragm of an ordinary receivingtelcphone has been vibrated.
It is evident that other means heretofore used for vibraling a diaphragm could be used in place ofthe magnet; also, it is evident that the vibrations of the reproducing-style could be taken up and transmitted by the means heretofore used for taking up and transmit- The ting vibrations, (those of a telephone-dim phragm, for example.)
The term cutting is herein employed to indicate an action in which the material is removed in chips, shavings, or other small pieccsas in engraving,turning,and the like and not simply displaced.
The displacement of the material is not only adifferent operation from the cutting contemplated by this invention, but is not calculated to accomplish the objects for which cutting or graving is employed.
Having now fully described our said invention and the manner in which the same is or may be carried intoeii'ect, what we claim is- 1. The method of forming a record of sounds by impressing sonorous vibrations upon a style, and thereby cutting in a solid body the record corresponding in form to the soundwaves, in contradistinction to the formation of sound-records by indenting a foil with a vibratory style, or cutting a strip by vibrating it against a revolving diskcutter, substantially as described.
2. The method of forming a sound-record by impressing the sonorous vibrations upon a style in a direction at right angles to the recording-surface, and thereby cutting in a solid body a series of elevations and depressions of varying depth, corresponding in form to the sound-waves, substantially as described.
3. The vibratory cutting-style ofa sound recorder, substantially as described.
4. The cutting-style, in combination with a support permitting the same to be vibrated, and means for impressing sonorous vibrations thereon, substantially as described.
5. A vibratory cutting style, in combination with a sound-conveying tube for concentrating the sound-waves upon the style, substantially as described.
6. Avibratory cuttingstyle, in combination with a tablet or other solid body in which the record is to be cut, and mechanism for supporting the same and moving it with reference to the said style, substantially as described.
7. A sound'record consisting of a tablet or other solid body having its surface cut or engraved with narrow lines of irregular or varied form corresponding to soundwavcs, sub stantially as described.
8. A sound-record consisting of a tablet or solid body having its surface cut or engraved with a number of lines of variable cross-sec tion, .the irregularities or variations corresponding in form to sound-waves, substantially as described.
9. The method of formingasound or speech I record which consists in engraving or cutting the same in wax or a wax-like composition, substantially as described.
10. The sound or speech record cut or engraved in wax or a wax-like composition, sub stantially as described.
11. The recording-tablet of a phonograph or sound-recording machine, having as the material for recording sounds or sonorous vibrations the composition of beeswax and paraffine, substantially at described.
12. The sound or speech record cut or en graved in a wax like composition, such as the compound of beeswax and parafiine, substantially as described.
13. A tablet or body for recording soundvibrations, consisting of a paper or pasteboard foundation and a surfacecoating of beeswax and parafline compound, substantially as described.
14. The sound or speech record cut or engraved in a Waxlike composition,such as the described compound of beeswax and paraftine, constituting a surface-coating to a paper or pisteboard foundation, substantially as de- S ribed.
15. The method of making asound or speech record which consists in engraving or cutting in the recording material an irregular groove with sloping walls, the shape of the groove representing the sound-vibrations, substantially as described.
16. The method of makingasound or speech record which consists in cutting in the recording material a groovewith sloping walls and of variable cross-section, the variations corresponding in form to sound-waves, substantially as described.
17. The soundrecord in the form of an irr gular groove with sloping walls cutin solid iii-aterial, substantially as described.
18. The soundrecord cut in wax or wax like composition in the form of an irregular groove with sloping walls, substantially as described.
19. The combination, with a reproducingstyle,of a mounting therefor,which leaves said style-face to move laterally, and thereby ad just itself automatically to a sound-record, substantially as described.
20. The reproducer loosely mounted on a suitable support, so that the reproduei ngstyle is capable of a lateral movement, and may in consequence thereof adjust itself automatically on the record, substantially as described.
21. The reproducer mounted on auniversal joint and held against the record by yielding pressure, substantially as described.
22. The combination, with a grooved tablet or other body having a soundrecord formed therein, of a reproduccr having a rubbingstyle loosely mounted,so that it is free to move laterally, and thus adjust itself to the groove, substantially as described.
23. The combination,w itli the tablet or other body having the sound record formed therein as an irregular groove with sloping walls, of a reproducer having a style for rubbing over said record and mounted on a universaljoint, substantially as described.
24. The combination, with a sound-record formed in wax or a wax-like material, of a reproducer havinga rubbing style for receiving sonorous vibrations from said record, substantially as described.
25. A. reproducer having a style proiecting beyond the edge or end of the instrument, so that the position of the point of the style on the record may readily be seen, substantially as described.
26. In a reproducer, the combination, Willi a vibratory plate or diaphragm, of a repreducing-style fastened i'latwise on said plate or diaphragm and bent at the end, substantially as described.
27. The method of recording and reproducing sounds by cutting the record in a wax or wax-like material, and then rubbing over the record the style of a suitable reproducing iir strnment, so as to impress sonorous vibrations on said style, substantially as described.
28. The method of improving a sound-record which consists in producing an incipient fusion of thesurfaee,substantially as described.
29. Theimprovementin preparing asoundrecord, consisting in cutting the record in a fusible material, and then producing an incipi cnt fusion of the surface, substantially as described.
30. The sound-recorder having a vibratory cnttingstyle held against the recording material by yielding pressure, substantiaily as described.
31. The reeordinginstrument having a v1- bratory cutting-style and mounted on ahinged arm, substantially as described.
32. The combination, with the tablet or body in which the sound-record is to be made, of the recording-instrument mounted on a hinged arm and resting by gravity against the tablet, substantially as described.
33. The recorder mounted on a hollow arm or standard, which constitutes also a soundoonveyer, substantially as described.
34. The recorder mounted upon an arm or standard hinged to its bracket or base, and provided with a soundconveyer extending lengthwise of said arm, substantially as de scribed.
85. The recorder mounted upon a hinged arm, and combined with a sound-conveyer which extends lengthwise of the arm, and is connected at the hinge with an exterior soundconveyer, substantially as described.
36. The reproducer mounted upon a hollow standard which forms a soundconveyer, substantially as described.
37. The reproducer mounted on a hinged arm, and provided with a sound-conveyer extending lengthwise of said arm, substantially as described.
38. The reprodncer mounted on ahinged arm. and provided with a sonnd-conveyer extending lengthwise of said arm, and connected at the hinge with an exterior sound-conveyor, substantially as described.
39. The combination, with a sound-recorder, of a mouth-piece shaped to surround the mouth and nose of the user, and to concentrate the sound upon the recording devices, substantially as described.
40. The combinatiomwith the tablet, in the form of a disk, and a recorder or reproducer,
of mechanism for causing a spiral line to be traced on the disk by the recorder or reprodncer at a uniform surface-speed, substantiall y as described.
41. Ihe con1bination,with the tablet, in the form of a disk, the arbor, and the metal disk operating as africtionwheel, of the slide. or its equivalent, such as herein shown, in which said arbor is jonrnaled, and the friction-pinion for revolving said disk, substantially as de scribed.
42. The combination,withtherecorderorthe reproducer, the disk, the arbor, and the laterally-movable support to the arbor, of the friction-pinion placed behind and bearing against the disk at a point opposite the recorder or r pprodncer, substantially as described.
3. The combination,with arecording-style and the support therefor, of acnp on the back of said support, and the sound-conveyingtnbe terminatingjust behind the cup, substantially as described.
44. In combination with the style of a sonnd-reprodncer a vibratory body or plate of hard rubber, upon which vibrations are impressed by said style, and through which they are transmitted, substantially as described.
4-5. A tablet provided with a wax or waxlikecoating, and having engraved in Said coating a spiral line with inequalities or irregularities corresponding in form to sound-waves, substantially as described.
46. A tablet provided with a coating of wax or wax-like composition, and having asoundrecord engraved in said eoatingsaid engraved coating having the glazed surface which results from an incipient fusion of the wax after cutting or engraving the record, substantially as described.
47. In combination with a sound-recorder, a flaring mouth-piece shaped to fit over the face of the user and to include his nose, and communicating through a tube or contracted opening with the space behind the diaphragm of said recorder, substantially as described.
In testimony whereof we have signed this specification in presence of two subscribing w i tnesses.