US320586A - Cupola-furnace having sectional water-jackets - Google Patents

Cupola-furnace having sectional water-jackets Download PDF


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US320586A US320586DA US320586A US 320586 A US320586 A US 320586A US 320586D A US320586D A US 320586DA US 320586 A US320586 A US 320586A
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    • C21B7/00Blast furnaces
    • C21B7/16Tuyéres


  • My invention relates to a new and useful blast furnace, designed more-especiall y for the smelting of silver-lead ores, but equally adapted for working, with the addition of suitable fluxes, all other ores containing silver and gold.
  • My invention consists, mainly, in such an arrangement and construction of tuyeres as enables me to largely increase the capacity of the furnace, and in a peculiar water jacket or trough, which I term a hydrocycle, surrounding the region of fusion, and consisting of a circular series of independent and separately-removalolewater-cells suitably joined.
  • Figure 1 is a perspective View of my oresrnelting furnace.
  • Fig. 2 is a vertical section on the line 00 00
  • Fig. 3 is a horizontal section, the upper portion (marked 1) being one half of the circumference of the furnace, taken on the line y y, Fig. 2, while the lower portion (marked 2) (the other half of the furnace) is a section on the line 2 2, Fig. 2.
  • Fig. 4 is an enlarged perspective view of one of the a portion of another, showing the means for securing them together.
  • Fig. 5 is a vertical lonitudinal section showing the long tuyeres 1?.
  • the special objects or advantages which I claim for the furnace are its large smelting capacity, the facility with which it can be repaired even whilein operation, and the facility, generally, with which the entire operation
  • the first of these advantages arises from overcoming, as I shall show, the disadvantages in the ordinary furnaces.
  • the diof theblast-that is, twice the distance to which the blast penetrates the charge, or, say, from thirty to forty inches.
  • This necessity limits the smelting capacity of the furnace, so that the daily production rarely exceeds from twenty to thirty tons.
  • My invention renders it possible to increase the diameter of the furnace, and therefore its productive (or smelting) ca pacity, more than twofold without materially increasing the cost of construction, while the running expenses are reduced to a minimum.
  • the second advantage arises from the peculiar construction of the hydrocycle, the elements or independent cells of which are so fitted to place and united as to render it possible for each to be cleaned while in place, or taken out for repairs while the furnace is in actual operation, with the least possible difficulty and in the shortest length of time.
  • the bottom of the furnace consists of a circular wall, A, of firerock or tire-brick, the top of which rises three feet above the level of the smeltingfloor, and is carried downward an.
  • the smelting hearth or crucible D of thefurnace (containing, usually, from ten'to fifteen tons of red-hot lead,) and which is constructed of the usual refractory furnace mate rials, consisting of firebricks, fire-clay, sand, and brasque, (clay and coke-dust beaten together,) out of which last material the upper surface of the crucible is molded, so as to assume a bowl-shaped form tohold the lead.
  • the chief novelty in this lower part of the furnace (or base) is the working front F, the shape of which is obtained by drawing two tangents to the circle of the base at the extremities of its front quadrant, extending them until they meet, and then truncating the right angle formed at such a'distance from the angle as will give a working front of about three and a half feet long, projecting outward about one foot beyond the general curvature of the base. 7
  • hydrocycle Resting upon the upper rim of the wall of fire rock or brick, which I have described, is the hydrocycle, which I designate as an entirety by G. It consists of a series of (nine,
  • Each segment is constructed, preferably, of threeeighths-inch boiler-plate, the sheet forming the inner wall being of the best flange-iron, capable of havingits four edges turned back all round to the depth of three inches at least, to receive the single curved piece forming the front and sides, the bottom piece, and the apron or top piece, 9, which is applied at a considerable slope toward the interior of the furnace and only partly closes the top,whereby a space four inches wide and running the full length of the compartment is left open for cleaning it out from time to time and removing the fur apt to be deposited by the water, Fig. 4.
  • Each segmental cell is provided with a T-pipe coupling, on the outside, by means of which a tubular connection, k, may be made between the cells, thus insuring a constant level and free circulation of the water in and through all the cells.
  • Each cell is further provided with a lip or spout, Z, through which the overflow or waste water passes to the launder.
  • a flat bar of iron m, about three inches wide and one inch thick, is bolted horizontally on the outer side of each, following its contour. outward two inches at a right angle, and a hole is made in each to receive an inch-bolt, m, which is slotted to receive in its turn a cutter or wedgeshaped key, m Fig. 4.
  • any compartment of the hydrocycle can be readily detached and withdrawn from its place, in case of its leaking or needing repairs, and another substituted for it, without disturbing the rest, thewhole operation not occupying more than half an hour, instead of causing the loss of entire days and necessitating the suspension of smelting operations.
  • That compartment of the hydrocycle which faces the working front of the furnace does not extend downward as far as the rest, a space of about six inches being left beneath it to allow of the raking out of the scoria occasionally from the interior.
  • this particular compartment instead of resting on the masonry of the lower part of the furnace, like the rest,is suspended between the two adjoining-ones ataslightly higherlevel by the two overflow-spouts 0, with which it is provided, and by which also it discharges the waste water into the two adjoining compartments, instead of into thelaunder, which itis not found convenient to carry complete] y round the working front, Fig. 1.
  • the long blast-tuyeres 1 consisting of pipes having a surrounding water-jacket, P, in which a constant circulation of water is maintained by means of the short feed-pipes p, supplied from a pipe, Q, below, and the discharge-pipes p,emptying their contents into the launder.
  • These tuyeres project into the furnace two feet or more, or as far as the dotted circle in Fig. 3, which may betaken as representing the sectional interior area of a circular blast-furnace of average size-or, say, thirty-six inches in diameter.
  • R are the blast-pipes having their nozzles inserted in the open center of the long tuyeres P and in the short tuyeres q. These are supplied with air under pressure through the flexible pipes or tubes r from a wind-chamber, S, above.
  • the water-cells of the hydrocycle serve as water-tuyeres, so that they will not be burned out.
  • the shell T or upper portion of the furnace, which has the shape of a truncated inverted cone, and which rises about twelve feet above the hydrocycle to the feed-floor above, (whereit receives the ore and fuel-the charge,) and is surmounted bya dome and stack leading to the fine, which part-s I have herein deemed it unnecessary to show.
  • the outer tunic or casing of this shell is of one-eighth to three-sixteenths inch sheet-iron, and the lining of common bricks, except for a distance of two feet from the bottom, where the shell takes a reverse slope (designated by U) to the top of the hydrocycle, and for this portion fire-bricks are used.
  • the shell is supported indirectly by cast-iron pillars V, and no part of the weight is borne by the hydrocycle, which is left perfectly free, a space being left in which a layer of brick, t, supported upon the apron of the water-cells, is placed, Fig. 2.
  • the novelty to be .noted about the upper part of the furnace is the wind-chamber S, which, instead of being made of thin galvanized iron or zinc, as is usual, and serving merely for the distribution of the blast, is made of iron-plate, or stout sheet-iron, or cast-iron, and converted into a hollow girder, in section a right-angled triangle, which, encircling the shell beneath a flange, 8, receives its weight and transfers it to the cast-iron pillars, upon which it rests and which rise from the foundat l011-1)lt1t6.
  • This girder wind-chamber receives the blast from suitable blowers through a ten-inch ap- 1 erture and distributes it to the blast pipes or tuyeres.
  • the furnace thus far described is of circular form and of the diameter of seven feet, and is capable of smelting from fifty to sixty tons of ore daily; but the principle explained by which the capacity is increased is applicable to the IIO construction of a still larger furnace. For reor ends capable of smelting from eighty to one hundred tons daily, which is the capacity of one now in actual use, and which has even exceeded the highest production named.
  • the curvilinear wall A in which the crucible is formed, said wall having a projecting working front, F, the sides of which are tangential to the circle of the wall, in combination with the bands 0,
  • the curvilinear wall A of fire-rock or fire-brick, in which the crucible is formed, said wall having a projecting working front, F, the sides of which are tangential to the circle of the base, and the series of iron slabs O, fitted to and encircling said wall and front, in combination with the iron bands 0, passing completely around said slabs and bolted thereto, whereby an envelope is formed around the masonry or fire-brick wall, substantially as herein described.
  • the curvilinear wall A in which the crucible is formed, said wall having a projecting working front, F, the sides of which are tangential to the circle of the wall, and the series of iron slabs C, fitted to and en circling said wall and front, in combination with the foundation-plate B, embedded in the earth, and having a curb, 1), within which the wall A and slab 0 rest, and the iron bands 0, passing completely around said slabs and bolted thereto, substantially as herein described.
  • the annular water-jacket or hydrocycle G surrounding and in direct contact with the region of fusion said hydrocycle being constructed of a single series ofindependent and separate]y-rcmovable cells or compartments, in combination with means by which said cells are bound and clamped together into a rigid whole, consisting of the bars m bolted to each, and having outwardlyturned perforated ends, the slotted bolts m,
  • the annular water-jacket or hydrocycle G surrounding and in direct contact with the region of fusion, and consisting of the independent and separately-removable water-tight cells 9, in combination with the bars m, bolted to each cell, the slotted bolts on, and cutters m by which said cells are bound together into a rigid whole, the encircling pipe II, and the short pipes 12, by which the cells are supplied with water, the T-coupling and tubular connec-' tion 70 by which a water-communication between the several cells is effected, and the lip or spout Z and encircling launder I by which the water is carried off,all arranged and operating substantially as herein described.
  • an ore'smelting furnace having one set or series of blast-tnyeres at the region of fusion opening through and protected by the water-jacket of the furnace, said furnace having a diameter greater than twice the throw of the blast from said tuyeres, one or more sets or series of supplementary or additional blast-tuyeres in the same horizontal plane as the first set and alternating therewith, said additional tuyeres projecting within the fun nace a sufficient distance to throw their blasts into the spaces which lienearer the center or beyond the limit of the throw of the blast from the first set or series of tuyeres, and a waterjacket or casing surrounding each of said inwardly-projecting tuyeres, substantially as herein described.
  • the hydrocycle G surrounding the region of fusion, and consisting of independent and separately-removable cells or compartments bound together and each having an apron or top piece, g, partially inclosing the top and sloping to the interior, in combination with the shell T, supported by pillars V above, and not resting on the hydrocycle, and the layer of brick tbetween the apron g and the base of the shell, substantially as herein described.
  • the shell T having an encircling-flange, 8, near its top, in combination with the supporting-pillars V, and the wind-chamber S, triangular in crosssection,said wind-chamber encircling, though independent of,the shell and forming a hollow girder resting on the pillar and supporting the flange s whereby the shell is supported, substantially as herein described.
  • the base-plate B and crucible base-wall A, and thehydrocycle G surrounding the region of fusion and resting on wall A said hydrocycle consisting of independent and separatelyremovable cells or compartments g, bound together to form a rigid trough, in combination with the shell T 5 having the flange s and independent windchamber S, triangular in cross-section and encircling loosely said shell, and the pillarsV resting on the base-plate and bearing under the wind-chamber, whereby said chamber is supported without resting on the hydrocycle, substantially as herein described.
  • the shell T In an ore-smelting furnace, the shell T, the upper and greater portion of which has the shape of an inverted truncated cone, its exterior and interior surfaces beingparallel, and the lower and smaller portion of which flares outwardly to form a return slope at U, just above the region of fusion of the furnace, substantially as herein described.
  • the shell T In an ore-smelting furnace, the shell T, the upper and greater portion of which has the shape of an inverted truncated cone, its interior and exterior surfaces being parallel, and the lower and smaller portion of which flares outwardly to form a return slope at U, just above the region of fusion, in combination with the hydrocycle G below the return slope and surrounding the region of fusion, and the tuyeres 1?, all arranged and operat- 7o ing, substantially as hereing described.


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  • Vertical, Hearth, Or Arc Furnaces (AREA)


(No Model.) 4 Sheets-Sheet 1.
No. 320,586. Patented June 23', 188 5 (No Model.) 4 Sheets-Sheet 2.
No. 320,586. Patented June 28, 1885.
(No Model.)
4 Sheets-Sheet 3. -E. PROBERT.
Patented June 23, 1885.
(No Model.) 4 Sheets-Sheet 4.
Patented June 23, 1885. D
' the foundation, the shell and its supports, and
California, have invented an Improvement in cells or compartments of the hydrocycle and anieter should never exceed twice the throw "UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE.
SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent. No. 320,586, dated June 23, 1885.
Application filed January '7, 1884. "(No model.)
To aZZ whom it may concern.-
Be it known that I, EDWARD PROBERT, of the city and county of San Francisco, and State of Cupola Furnaces having Sectional lVater- Jackets; and I hereby declare the following to be a full, clear, and exact description thereof.
My invention relates to a new and useful blast furnace, designed more-especiall y for the smelting of silver-lead ores, but equally adapted for working, with the addition of suitable fluxes, all other ores containing silver and gold.
My invention consists, mainly, in such an arrangement and construction of tuyeres as enables me to largely increase the capacity of the furnace, and in a peculiar water jacket or trough, which I term a hydrocycle, surrounding the region of fusion, and consisting of a circular series of independent and separately-removalolewater-cells suitably joined.
It consists also in various details of construction, embracing the tuyeres, the hydrocycle,
other minor features, all having in view the general perfection of the furnace, and. all of which I shall hereinafter fully describe by reference to the accompanying drawings.
Figure 1 is a perspective View of my oresrnelting furnace. Fig. 2 is a vertical section on the line 00 00, Fig. 3. Fig. 3 is a horizontal section, the upper portion (marked 1) being one half of the circumference of the furnace, taken on the line y y, Fig. 2, while the lower portion (marked 2) (the other half of the furnace) is a section on the line 2 2, Fig. 2. Fig. 4 is an enlarged perspective view of one of the a portion of another, showing the means for securing them together. Fig. 5 is a vertical lonitudinal section showing the long tuyeres 1?.
The special objects or advantages which I claim for the furnace are its large smelting capacity, the facility with which it can be repaired even whilein operation, and the facility, generally, with which the entire operation The first of these advantages arises from overcoming, as I shall show, the disadvantages in the ordinary furnaces. It is well known that in the construction ofpressure blast-furnaces of the ordinary type the diof theblast-that is, twice the distance to which the blast penetrates the charge, or, say, from thirty to forty inches. This necessity limits the smelting capacity of the furnace, so that the daily production rarely exceeds from twenty to thirty tons. My invention renders it possible to increase the diameter of the furnace, and therefore its productive (or smelting) ca pacity, more than twofold without materially increasing the cost of construction, while the running expenses are reduced to a minimum.
The second advantage arises from the peculiar construction of the hydrocycle, the elements or independent cells of which are so fitted to place and united as to render it possible for each to be cleaned while in place, or taken out for repairs while the furnace is in actual operation, with the least possible difficulty and in the shortest length of time.
The last advantage results from the general construction of all the parts, and will be better seen as the description progresses.
The bottom of the furnace consists of a circular wall, A, of firerock or tire-brick, the top of which rises three feet above the level of the smeltingfloor, and is carried downward an.
equal distance below the surface of the earth or floor, where it rests on a cast'iron foundation-plate, B, two and onehalf inches thick, and having a curb, 1), running round its edge, which holds in position a series of curvilinear castiron slabs, C, each six feet in height, three feet in curvilinear measurement, and two and a half inches thick. These are bolted and clamped together at their upper ends, and further strengthened by having two strong circular iron bands, 0, passed completely round them, so as to form an envelope around the masonry or fire-brick wall. Within this wall is formed the smelting hearth or crucible D of thefurnace, (containing, usually, from ten'to fifteen tons of red-hot lead,) and which is constructed of the usual refractory furnace mate rials, consisting of firebricks, fire-clay, sand, and brasque, (clay and coke-dust beaten together,) out of which last material the upper surface of the crucible is molded, so as to assume a bowl-shaped form tohold the lead.
A two-inch hole, e,having a spout, E, at its upper and outer end, is drilled obliquely downward from the outside of the furnace through the iron casing, the fire-brick wall, and the composition within, so as to strike the bottom of the bowl-shaped cavity, and through this the red-hot lead rises under the pressure of the charge, and the accumulating metal when the furnace is in action, till it runs out at the spout and is received in a pot placed beneath. The chief novelty in this lower part of the furnace (or base) is the working front F, the shape of which is obtained by drawing two tangents to the circle of the base at the extremities of its front quadrant, extending them until they meet, and then truncating the right angle formed at such a'distance from the angle as will give a working front of about three and a half feet long, projecting outward about one foot beyond the general curvature of the base. 7
The general form thus obtained, though departing very little from that of a circle, is much more convenient in use, the projecting front giving the extra depth required for working the furnace and offering special facilities for affixing and changing the slag-spoutf and speiss or matte spout f. This peculiar form of working front is also advantageous in that it allows greater facility in bracing the entire wall, as the encircling strips curve to a better advantage and bind the whole in a better manner than if a straight projecting front were used.
Resting upon the upper rim of the wall of fire rock or brick, which I have described, is the hydrocycle, which I designate as an entirety by G. It consists of a series of (nine,
- more or less,) independent watertight iron cells or compartments, of curvilinear form, locked rigidly together by means of bolts and cutters, (in a manner presently to be described,) so as to form an annular cellular trough, through which the water circulates,
entering under pressure near the bottom of each cell, through pipes 71-, from an encircling supply-pipe, H, above, and being discharged over the top edge of the outer side of each into a launder or gutter, I, passing around the furnace.
The special details of construct-ion of the several segmental compartments of the hydrocycle to be pointed out, and the mannerof bolting them together, are as follows: Each segment is constructed, preferably, of threeeighths-inch boiler-plate, the sheet forming the inner wall being of the best flange-iron, capable of havingits four edges turned back all round to the depth of three inches at least, to receive the single curved piece forming the front and sides, the bottom piece, and the apron or top piece, 9, which is applied at a considerable slope toward the interior of the furnace and only partly closes the top,whereby a space four inches wide and running the full length of the compartment is left open for cleaning it out from time to time and removing the fur apt to be deposited by the water, Fig. 4. The several sheets are riveted together, so as to form a curvilinfeet deep, two feet in circular outside measurement, and one foot between the inner and outer walls at the top, tapering downward to eight inches at the bottom. Each segmental cell is provided with a T-pipe coupling, on the outside, by means of which a tubular connection, k, may be made between the cells, thus insuring a constant level and free circulation of the water in and through all the cells. Each cell is further provided with a lip or spout, Z, through which the overflow or waste water passes to the launder.
In order to connect the several segmental cells together and form the rigid trough or hydrocycle, a flat bar of iron, m, about three inches wide and one inch thick, is bolted horizontally on the outer side of each, following its contour. outward two inches at a right angle, and a hole is made in each to receive an inch-bolt, m, which is slotted to receive in its turn a cutter or wedgeshaped key, m Fig. 4. When thesev several cutters or wedges are driven home, the ends of all the short curved bars are forcibly drawn toward each other and the bars united into a circle, which, tightening on the water-compartments, locks them securely together, forming a rigid whole, the hydrocycle having the form of a frustum of an inverted hollow cone, the interior surface of which has a slope of about one in eight, corresponding to the general interior slope of the furnace.
The cutters and bolts being removable at pleasure, any compartment of the hydrocycle can be readily detached and withdrawn from its place, in case of its leaking or needing repairs, and another substituted for it, without disturbing the rest, thewhole operation not occupying more than half an hour, instead of causing the loss of entire days and necessitating the suspension of smelting operations.
That compartment of the hydrocycle which faces the working front of the furnace does not extend downward as far as the rest, a space of about six inches being left beneath it to allow of the raking out of the scoria occasionally from the interior. Moreover, this particular compartment, instead of resting on the masonry of the lower part of the furnace, like the rest,is suspended between the two adjoining-ones ataslightly higherlevel by the two overflow-spouts 0, with which it is provided, and by which also it discharges the waste water into the two adjoining compartments, instead of into thelaunder, which itis not found convenient to carry complete] y round the working front, Fig. 1.
Through certain of the cells of the hydrocycle are inserted the long blast-tuyeres 1 consisting of pipes having a surrounding water-jacket, P, in which a constant circulation of water is maintained by means of the short feed-pipes p, supplied from a pipe, Q, below, and the discharge-pipes p,emptying their contents into the launder. These tuyeres project into the furnace two feet or more, or as far as the dotted circle in Fig. 3, which may betaken as representing the sectional interior area of a circular blast-furnace of average size-or, say, thirty-six inches in diameter.
By projecting a tuyere through the lining of the furnace and into its region of fusion I am enabled to increase the diameter of the furnace; but in order to maintain such an inwardly-projecting tuyere it must either be of material refractory enough to withstand the heat, or it must be a water-tuyere. I prefer the latter, but with such a long tuyere, and with so much weight on its inner end, it becomes essential to provide a firm support in the body of the furnace through which it passes. If it passed through the ordinary shell of the furnace, whether lined with refractory material or not, it would soon lose its support by reason of burning away of the refractory lining, and the inner end of the tuyere would soon fall out of position; but by my construction this danger is avoided because the water-jackets withstand the action of the heat, and there remains a firm support for the inwardly projecting tuyerean important feature in my furnace.
Through the remaining cells of the hydrocycle arelet short blast-tuyeres,q,which do not project within the furnace at all, Fig. 3.
R are the blast-pipes having their nozzles inserted in the open center of the long tuyeres P and in the short tuyeres q. These are supplied with air under pressure through the flexible pipes or tubes r from a wind-chamber, S, above.
For the short tuyeres q the water-cells of the hydrocycle serve as water-tuyeres, so that they will not be burned out.
It will be perceived that the air entering the furnace through the long tuyeres will be discharged within the area of the dotted circle, while that entering through the shorter ones q will be discharged within the curvilinear spaces lying between the several pairs of long tuyeres and the sides of the hydrocycle. \Vhile, therefore, the former set of tuyeres supply air for the smelting of the portion of the charge lying within the area of the dotted circle, the latter set, opening directly on the inside of the several compartments, convey it to the portions lying within the curvilinear spaces inimediatelyin front of them, and thus the complete combustion of the fuel is insured over the whole area of the furnace, and the effect of two furnaces working, as it were, one within the other, is produced. It will be readily seen from this that the capacity of my furnace is largely increased.
It only remains to describe the shell T, or upper portion of the furnace, which has the shape of a truncated inverted cone, and which rises about twelve feet above the hydrocycle to the feed-floor above, (whereit receives the ore and fuel-the charge,) and is surmounted bya dome and stack leading to the fine, which part-s I have herein deemed it unnecessary to show. The outer tunic or casing of this shell is of one-eighth to three-sixteenths inch sheet-iron, and the lining of common bricks, except for a distance of two feet from the bottom, where the shell takes a reverse slope (designated by U) to the top of the hydrocycle, and for this portion fire-bricks are used. The shell is supported indirectly by cast-iron pillars V, and no part of the weight is borne by the hydrocycle, which is left perfectly free, a space being left in which a layer of brick, t, supported upon the apron of the water-cells, is placed, Fig. 2.
The novelty to be .noted about the upper part of the furnace is the wind-chamber S, which, instead of being made of thin galvanized iron or zinc, as is usual, and serving merely for the distribution of the blast, is made of iron-plate, or stout sheet-iron, or cast-iron, and converted into a hollow girder, in section a right-angled triangle, which, encircling the shell beneath a flange, 8, receives its weight and transfers it to the cast-iron pillars, upon which it rests and which rise from the foundat l011-1)lt1t6. By thus making the girder triangular instead of rectangular sufficient strength is obtained with very much less material. This girder wind-chamber receives the blast from suitable blowers through a ten-inch ap- 1 erture and distributes it to the blast pipes or tuyeres.
The water which is supplied to the'tuyeres and hydrocycle becomes boiling hot, and
usually deposits a considerable amount of calcium sulphates and carbonates on the inner surface, which tends to cause the iron to burn out, and hence the great importance of leaving the water-cells open at the top, so that the deposit or fur from the water may be readily removed.
The advantage gained by the reverse slope U of the shell is that it gives an enlargement for the expansion of the gases from the charge, and more time is gained for their proper operation.
As the ore or charge lies in the throat, it is compact, but lower down the gases have a better opportunity to get at all the particles.
The furnace thus far described is of circular form and of the diameter of seven feet, and is capable of smelting from fifty to sixty tons of ore daily; but the principle explained by which the capacity is increased is applicable to the IIO construction of a still larger furnace. For reor ends capable of smelting from eighty to one hundred tons daily, which is the capacity of one now in actual use, and which has even exceeded the highest production named.
I am aware that projecting working fronts for furnaces are not new 5 but these have been heretofore added to the base in a manner to form an angle with its curvilinear or polygonal periphery, andI do not, therefore, claim such broadly; but I claim only my tangential front, in connection with the curvilinear base, envelope, supporting-plate, and inclosing-bands, as I have described.
I am also aware'that sectional water-jackets have been used.
I am further aware that in iron blast-fun naces and foundry cupola-furnaces for melting cast-iron, tuyeres or pipes covered with refractory material have been projected within the lining; but these have been projected into the bosh of the furnace, and have been arranged in various horizontal planes and in groups.
Having thus described my invention, what I claim as new, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is-
1. In an ore blast-furnace, the curvilinear wall A, in which the crucible is formed, said wall having a projecting working front, F, the sides of which are tangential to the circle of the wall, in combination with the bands 0,
passing completely around wall A and the front F, and bolted thereto, substantially as herein described.
2. In an ore blastfurnaee, the curvilinear wall A, of fire-rock or fire-brick, in which the crucible is formed, said wall having a projecting working front, F, the sides of which are tangential to the circle of the base, and the series of iron slabs O, fitted to and encircling said wall and front, in combination with the iron bands 0, passing completely around said slabs and bolted thereto, whereby an envelope is formed around the masonry or fire-brick wall, substantially as herein described.
3. In an ore blast-furnace, the curvilinear wall A, in which the crucible is formed, said wall having a projecting working front, F, the sides of which are tangential to the circle of the wall, and the series of iron slabs C, fitted to and en circling said wall and front, in combination with the foundation-plate B, embedded in the earth, and having a curb, 1), within which the wall A and slab 0 rest, and the iron bands 0, passing completely around said slabs and bolted thereto, substantially as herein described.
4. In an ore-smelting furnace, the annular water-jacket or hydrocycle G surrounding and in direct contact with the region of fusion, said hydrocycle being constructed of a single series ofindependent and separate]y-rcmovable cells or compartments, in combination with means by which said cells are bound and clamped together into a rigid whole, consisting of the bars m bolted to each, and having outwardlyturned perforated ends, the slotted bolts m,
water-jacket or hydrocycle surrounding the region offusion,and consisting of independent and separately removable water tight cells bound together, one of which is slightly raised above the adjoining ones,top and bottom,and discharges therein from its top, in combination with the wall A upon which the hydrocycle rests, and having its working front in communication with the crucible under said specified section, substantially as and for the purpose herein described.
7. In an ore-smelting furnace, the annular water-jacket or hydrocycle G surrounding and in direct contact with the region of fusion, and consisting of the independent and separately-removable water-tight cells 9, in combination with the bars m, bolted to each cell, the slotted bolts on, and cutters m by which said cells are bound together into a rigid whole, the encircling pipe II, and the short pipes 12, by which the cells are supplied with water, the T-coupling and tubular connec-' tion 70 by which a water-communication between the several cells is effected, and the lip or spout Z and encircling launder I by which the water is carried off,all arranged and operating substantially as herein described.
8. In an ore-smelting furnace having one set or series of blast-tuyeres at the region of fusion and a diameter greater than twice the throw of the blast from said tuyeres, one or more sets or series of supplementary or additional blast-tuyeres in the same horizontal plane as the first set and alternating therewith-said additional tuyeres projecting within the furnace a sufficient distance to throw their blasts into the spaces which lie nearer the center or beyond the limit of the throw of the blast from the first set or series of tuyeres, the blasts from which are directed to the spaces lying between the supplementary tuyeres, substantially as herein described.
9. In an ore'smelting furnace having one set or series of blast-tnyeres at the region of fusion opening through and protected by the water-jacket of the furnace, said furnace having a diameter greater than twice the throw of the blast from said tuyeres, one or more sets or series of supplementary or additional blast-tuyeres in the same horizontal plane as the first set and alternating therewith, said additional tuyeres projecting within the fun nace a sufficient distance to throw their blasts into the spaces which lienearer the center or beyond the limit of the throw of the blast from the first set or series of tuyeres, and a waterjacket or casing surrounding each of said inwardly-projecting tuyeres, substantially as herein described.
10. In an ore-smelting furnace having awater-jaoket or hydrocycle surrounding the region of fusion, the short blast-tuyeres q, let through said water-jacket and flush with the inner wall, in combination with the long tuyeres l? in the same horizontal plane and alternating with tuyeres q, said long tuyeres projecting into the furnace and having a surrounding water space, P, and means for supplying said space with water, substantially as herein described.
11. In anore-smelting furnace, the hydrocycle G surrounding the region of fusion, and consisting of independent and separately-removable cells or compartments bound together and each having an apron or top piece, g, partially inclosing the top and sloping to the interior, in combination with the shell T, supported by pillars V above, and not resting on the hydrocycle, and the layer of brick tbetween the apron g and the base of the shell, substantially as herein described.
12. In an ore-smelting furnace, the shell T, having an encircling-flange, 8, near its top, in combination with the supporting-pillars V, and the wind-chamber S, triangular in crosssection,said wind-chamber encircling, though independent of,the shell and forming a hollow girder resting on the pillar and supporting the flange s whereby the shell is supported, substantially as herein described.
13. In an ore'smelting furnace, the base-plate B and crucible base-wall A, and thehydrocycle G surrounding the region of fusion and resting on wall A, said hydrocycle consisting of independent and separatelyremovable cells or compartments g, bound together to form a rigid trough, in combination with the shell T 5 having the flange s and independent windchamber S, triangular in cross-section and encircling loosely said shell, and the pillarsV resting on the base-plate and bearing under the wind-chamber, whereby said chamber is supported without resting on the hydrocycle, substantially as herein described.
14. In an ore-smelting furnace, the shell T, the upper and greater portion of which has the shape of an inverted truncated cone, its exterior and interior surfaces beingparallel, and the lower and smaller portion of which flares outwardly to form a return slope at U, just above the region of fusion of the furnace, substantially as herein described.
15. In an ore-smelting furnace, the shell T, the upper and greater portion of which has the shape of an inverted truncated cone, its interior and exterior surfaces being parallel, and the lower and smaller portion of which flares outwardly to form a return slope at U, just above the region of fusion, in combination with the hydrocycle G below the return slope and surrounding the region of fusion, and the tuyeres 1?, all arranged and operat- 7o ing, substantially as hereing described.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand.
O. D. COLE, J. H. Brown.
US320586D Cupola-furnace having sectional water-jackets Expired - Lifetime US320586A (en)

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US320586A true US320586A (en) 1885-06-23



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US320586D Expired - Lifetime US320586A (en) Cupola-furnace having sectional water-jackets

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Cited By (4)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2493642A (en) * 1944-06-06 1950-01-03 Ford Motor Co Cupola type furnace
US2671658A (en) * 1951-02-14 1954-03-09 Meehanite Metal Corp Metal lined cupola
US3053524A (en) * 1959-09-24 1962-09-11 Nat Steel Corp Tuyere and bosh cooling system
US3151198A (en) * 1960-07-15 1964-09-29 Mannesmann Ag Armored metallurgical shaft furnace

Cited By (4)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2493642A (en) * 1944-06-06 1950-01-03 Ford Motor Co Cupola type furnace
US2671658A (en) * 1951-02-14 1954-03-09 Meehanite Metal Corp Metal lined cupola
US3053524A (en) * 1959-09-24 1962-09-11 Nat Steel Corp Tuyere and bosh cooling system
US3151198A (en) * 1960-07-15 1964-09-29 Mannesmann Ag Armored metallurgical shaft furnace

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