US2498686A - Machine for flanging cylindrical shells - Google Patents

Machine for flanging cylindrical shells Download PDF


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US2498686A US675611A US67561146A US2498686A US 2498686 A US2498686 A US 2498686A US 675611 A US675611 A US 675611A US 67561146 A US67561146 A US 67561146A US 2498686 A US2498686 A US 2498686A
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Leon H Johnson
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Struthers Wells Corp
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Struthers Wells Corp
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Application filed by Struthers Wells Corp filed Critical Struthers Wells Corp
Priority to US675611A priority Critical patent/US2498686A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of US2498686A publication Critical patent/US2498686A/en
Anticipated expiration legal-status Critical
Expired - Lifetime legal-status Critical Current




    • B21D19/00Flanging or other edge treatment, e.g. of tubes
    • B21D19/02Flanging or other edge treatment, e.g. of tubes by continuously-acting tools moving along the edge
    • B21D19/04Flanging or other edge treatment, e.g. of tubes by continuously-acting tools moving along the edge shaped as rollers
    • B21D19/046Flanging or other edge treatment, e.g. of tubes by continuously-acting tools moving along the edge shaped as rollers for flanging edges of tubular products


  • Fig. 1 is a perspective :view oi a shell .flanging machineembodying this invention: andiishowin'gr the position of 3 the parts -upon-the completionzofi a-fia-nging operation.
  • Figs;- 2, 3 and i are fragmentary verticaltrans: verse sections taken respectivelyOn IiIIesIZi-K 3-3 and S -43 Fig. the scaleoffFi'gi 2 beix'clgl the-same asFig-E 5; but the scale ot Ei'gst 3 andi4 being larger" than that of Fi'gZ: 5.
  • Fig: 8 is a fragmentary horizentah sectioii;om an enlarged scale; taken onlinet8-8 1.Figl.6t
  • Fig; B ig a fragmentary: crossnssecti'omtakem substantially horizontally" onn line Se -9,6. 53
  • Fig; 10 isa similar View taken substantially vertically on line lit-l0, Fig. 5.
  • Fig. 11 is 'a-fragmen'tarysectionalisidcviewvofi' the-machine taken from the sideiopposite to'. Fig. 5'.
  • Fig; 12 is afragmentary cross secti'on-taken: online l2--l'2, Fig. 11.
  • Fig. 13- is a vertical cross sectionot the-machine taken on line l3.--
  • The" numeral 25' represents: a: pairof: front supporting,.rollerstwhich rare :adapted -to -engage with the: underside the ;body: of the shell-ed ja'cent to the fronti end-- of i the: same-v and:- on oppositezsides-t oil the: verticali centerthereof;
  • the preferred construction of the means for this purpose are shown in Figs.
  • 1, 13-15 and includes a horizontally and transversely adjustable slide 28 upon which the respective supporting roller 25 is journalled, a guideway 21 which is arranged on the upper end of one of the foremost posts 26 and upon which the respective slide 28 moves, an adjusting screw 29 working in a screw nut 30 on the slide and journalled on the frame so as to be capable of rotation but held against lengthwise movement, and a handle 3i secured to the outer end of this screw, for turning the latter and moving the respective supporting roller 25 relative to the shell body for properly supporting the same.
  • the numeral 32 represents two rear supporting rollers which are adapted to engage theun derside of the body of the shell adjacent to the rear end of the same on opposite sides of the vertical center thereof.
  • Each of these rear supporting rollers is mounted on a horizontally and transversely movable slide 33 which is guided on a guideway 34 formed on one end of a bolster 35 extending transversely underneath the shell.
  • Each of the rear supporting rollers 32 and its slide may be adjusted transversely for-bringing this roller in engagement with the body of the shell by anadjusting screw 36 engaging a screw nut 31 on the respective slide and turning in the bolster but held against lengthwise movement thereon and provided at its outer end with a handle 38 whereby the same is manipulated.
  • This bolster supportsboth of the rear rollers 32 and their slides and is capable of adjustment on the main frame for properly supporting rollers to shells of different length.
  • the bolster 35 is slidable on longitudinal guideways 39 on the longitudinal beams 23 and is held in its adjusted position by fastening means which include a clamping block 40 engaging its opposite ends with the underside of the bolster and the adjacent part of the main frame, and a bolt 4
  • Retaining means are provided which operate on the rear part of the shell for resisting rearward thrust on the same and also restraining rising of the part of the same while a flange is being formed on the front end of the shell, these retaining means being shown in Figs. 1-5 and constructed as follows:
  • which includes a lower transverse plate 42 slidable at its opposite ends lengthwise of the machine on longitudinal guideways 43 on the side plates I8 of the bench, and adapted to be held in its adjusted position thereon by a clamping bar 44 engaging its opposite ends with the undersides of said guideways and clamped thereto by fastening bolts 45 connecting said clamping bar and slide plate, as shown in Figs. 4 and 5.
  • an adjusting screw 46 arranged lengthwise in the upper part of the bench and mounted in bearings 4'!
  • an end thrust roller 49 which has its axis arranged vertically and. engages the front part of its periphery with the lower part of the rear end of the shell, as shown in Fig. 5, for the purpose of holding the shell against rearward movement while performing a flanging operation on thefront end of the same.
  • a hold-down roller 50 which is pivotally mounted by a horizontal shaft 53, on the upper part of the thrust slide and in front of the end thrust roller 49, so that it turns about a horizontal longitudinal axis and bears with the lower part of its periphery against the upper inner side of the lower part of the shell, as shown in Figs. 3 and 5.
  • the numeral 54 represents an abutment or back-up roller which is adapted to bear against the upper or inner side of the front part of the shell at a distance from the front edge thereof during the operation of bending or forging the flange 2
  • This back-up roller is preferably of cylindrical form and turns vertically about an axis which is horizontal and lengthwise of the machine. Only the lower part of the periphery of this back-up roller engages with the inner side of the shell and the same is mounted so that it is free to turn with the shell .by frictional contact with the latter.
  • the preferred means for thus mounting this roller includes a standard-55 arranged in front of the shell and mounted at its lower end on the front end of the main frame while its upper rear part carries the back-up roller.
  • a hanger 56 depending from the upper rear part of this standard and provided at its lower end with a bearing 57 in which is journalled a horizontal longitudinal arbor 58 upon the front end of which the back-up roller is journalled, as shown in Figs. 1, 5 and 6.
  • means for adjusting the standard 55 on the main frame which means preferably include a horizontal guideway 59 on the front part of the frame, av shoe 60' arranged on the lower end of the standard and slidable lengthwise on the guideway 59, an adjusting screw 5! mounted on the front' part of the main frame so as to be capable of rotation but held against longitudinal movement, and a screw nut 52 mounted on the lower part of the standard 55 and engaged by this adjusting screw, as best shown in Fig. 5.
  • the standard After the standard has been shifted to the desired position by turning of the screw 5!, the standard is held rigidly in place on the main frame by fastening bolts 63 passing through the shoe 6t and guideway 55, the latter being slotted, as shown at 54, to permit these bolts to move lengthwise of the frame the requisite extent.
  • on the body .20 of the same is effected by means which include a forging or forming roller 65 5" adapted toengage the upper or inner side on the lower fiontedge portion of the shelland bend the same fromthahorizontalposition shown in Fig. 5-, to theverticalpositionshown in Fig.
  • the numeral 66 represents a carrier having a stud or arbor 6 1 on whichtheformingroller is pivoted and' a quadrant shaped orsegmental shoe' 68 which slides withits outer cu-rved side on an arcuate shaped or semi-circular guideway: 69 on the rear side of the-standard 55.
  • the shoe 6B is" confined against lateral displacement on the curved guideway- 69 byseg mental members orkeepers lO-secured to pposite-edges of this guideway by screws 1 I andengag-ingwith-the-.o0r-'-- responding edges of the shoe; as shown in Figs 1, 6-, 8- and 13.
  • the numeral 12 represents a vertically recipro eating crosshead which is guided'in guideways 13 onthe standard 55 -and which is moved downwardly with a working or power stroke by a hy-- draulicram or motor the cylinder "W of which has *lts upper end secured to this standard while its piston 15 has a piston rod 16' extending through the lower head of this cylinder and eonnect'ed with the cross head, as best shown in Fig. 7:
  • theiormihgroller has:- been movedinto its lowermost or'advan'ceworking position the piston T5- is permitted to rise underthe pull of the weight 84 and return theforming roller to its elevated or retracted position:-
  • the numeral " 8.5 represents a: fiang'ing" rollerr or disk which constitutes part of themeans for rotating the shell so that all parts of its front'end are subjected tothe operation of the hanging mechanism for: producingan annular flange: aroundthe-entire front: end oi the shell and which serveszas ac'ontihuous support for the front.
  • roller is arranged" below thefront part ofthe'shelli and: adapted'torotat'e' ina plane which is inclined at an" angle of 45 degrees relativ'e to 'th'e horizon tal 'axis -of 'the shell and "theback up' roller and:
  • the -flanging roller When the -flanging roller is: in its upper and foremost; position the uppermosti'horizontal part of its supporting and driving face 86 engages: the underside ofthe shell immediately below the back-up roller so that the shell is gripped. between these rollers as-shownin Fig. 5; and the shell is turned about its axis by-the power ap plied-to the fl'angingroller. While the shell is thus gripped and turned the forming roller B5 is turned" bodily from the horizontal positionshown inyFig. 5 to; the vertical positionshown in, Fig. 6; wherebyparts ofthe front-end oi'the she'll are successively turned from a position parallel withzthe-axis of the'shell to an outwardly projecting position atright angles to the axis:-
  • This focal point also constitutes the axis of the curved guideway 69 upon which the shoe 68 slides a quarter circle as it carries the forming roller 65 bodily around the uppermost part of the flanging roller.
  • Shifting means are provided whereby the flanging roller is moved toward and from the focal point 88 on an inclined plane of 45 degrees which extends through this point so that thehighest part of the driving and. supporting face 36 of this roller when in its forward elevated position will engage the underside of the body of theshell I while the flange is formed thereon but when in its rearward lowered position will be disengaged therefrom and permit the flanged shell end to be removed and replaced by another unflanged shell end.
  • the shifting means for this purpose include a carriage which slides in inclined guideways 89 on the central part of the main frame and having a lower plate 99 which engages its opposite edges with said guideways, as shown in Figs. 9 and 10, and an upper plate 9! connected by webs -92 with the lower slide plate 99.
  • the flanging roller 85 is arranged between the carriage plates 90 and 91 and pivotally mounted thereon by an inclined axle or shaft 93 journalled in bearings 94, 95 on these plates. This flanging roller carriage is reciprocated on the inclined guideways so as to move the foremost part of the flanging'roller into and out of its operative position relative to the back-up roller and therforming roller.
  • the forward movement of the flanging roller carriage is preferably accomplished by a hydraulic ram or motor which includes a hydraulic cylinder 96 mounted in an inclined position on the lower part of the main frame and containing a piston 9'! which is connected by a piston rod 98 with the lower carriage plate 90, as shown in'Fig. 5.
  • a hydraulic ram or motor which includes a hydraulic cylinder 96 mounted in an inclined position on the lower part of the main frame and containing a piston 9'! which is connected by a piston rod 98 with the lower carriage plate 90, as shown in'Fig. 5.
  • a hydraulic ram or motor which includes a hydraulic cylinder 96 mounted in an inclined position on the lower part of the main frame and containing a piston 9'! which is connected by a piston rod 98 with the lower carriage plate 90, as shown in'Fig. 5.
  • Driving means are provided for continuousl rotating the flanging roller while the machine is in operation, these driving means being preferably constructed as follows: 1
  • the numeral 99 represents a driving shaft which is arranged horizontally and transversely above the rear part of the flanging roller car-s riage and journalled in bearings I90 thereon.
  • the prime mover of this machine preferably consists of an electric motor I06 mounted in'a fixed position on one side of the main frame so that its shaft [01 is above the driving shaft 99 of the flanging roller, as shown in Figs. 9an'd 11.
  • Motion is transmitted from the motor shaft lll'l, to the driving shaft 99 by a driving belt [88 passing around a small pulley [t9 on the motor shaft 107, and a large pulley III) on the driving shaft 99.
  • the relative position of this driving shaft and this motor shaft is such that in the uppermost or foremost position of the flanging roller.
  • carriage the driving-shaft 99 will be arranged above a line HI extendingfrom the axis of the motor shaft I01 at right angles tothe path of movement of the flanging roller carriage, as shown by full lines inFig.
  • hand operated holding means which are preferably constructed as follows;
  • the numeral H2 represents a vertically swinging locking arm which is pivoted at its rear end on the main frame by a transverse rock shaft I it and provided at its front end with a cam or wedge face H4 which is adapted to engage the rear end of the upper plate 9
  • a cam or wedge face H4 which is adapted to engage the rear end of the upper plate 9
  • I6 is mount-I ed on the front part of this arm in a position to s eec es be .engageable atits lower end with the rear part of the hanging roller Shaft.
  • the jack screw '6 is turned in the direction for engaging its'lower end with the hanging roller carriage and lifting the holding arm out of engagement therefrom, thereby releasing the flanging roller carriage and permitting retraction of the flanging roller'into aniinoperative position.
  • the numeral .I I1 represents a supply tank adapted to hold a fluid pressure transmitting medium, such .as oil.
  • the liquid is withdrawn from this tankby a pump I I8 which has itsinlet connected by a pipe I I9 with the tank and is driven by an electric motor I vor other suitable prime mover.
  • the outlet of this pump is connected with a relief valve I.2I which has its outlet connected with..a normal deliverypipe I22 adapted to .deliver fluid at a predetermined pressure "to ithehydraulic ram cylinders 14,96 butthedelivery offiu'id by this pumpunder excessive pressure .to these cylinders is prevented by this relief valve 'which is so constructed that any excess pressure liquidis-returned by a relief pipe I 23, to the tank.
  • 'I'henormal'pressure delivery pipe I22 isprovided with two branch pipes "I24, I25, which lead, re-
  • control valves I26, I21 are so constructed that when the parts thereof are in an open position 'liquid'under pressure, is permitted "to flow from the pump I I8 into the cyIinders 96 and I4 and thereby'first move the flanging .roller v85 into its operative :pOsition and then cause the forming roller65 to subsequently :move inanarcuate'path around the uppermost'part of the flangingroller, as previouslydescribed.
  • control valve I21 is first reversed to cut off the pressure liquid from the forming cylinder"! and permit the pressure liquid to escape therefrom through a branch return pipe I30 and allow the weight to pull the forming'roller 65 to its retracted position.
  • controlvalve I26 is'alsoreversed to cut off the pressure liquid from the flanging cylinder 96 and permit the pressure liquid to escape therefromthrough abranch return pipe I3 I and thereby permit the hanging roller carriage to "be returned to its rearward inoperative position.
  • branch'return pipes I30, 'I3I are connected with -a,'main return pipe I32 which leads back to the tank and returns the spent pressure liquid thereto-sotha't the same can be circulated and used repeatedly during successive operations of the machine.
  • a regulating pipe I33 connects thebranch pipe 129 leading to the cylinder IA andis provided with a regulating valve I34 thereby permitting the required amount of pressure liquid to by-pass or'bleed back'ito the tank as may be found necessary.
  • Amac'h'ine "for flanging metalshells'and the "like, comprising'a back-up roller adapted to engage-the inner side of a-she'll adjacent to an end 'oftheisame, a'flang'ing roller rotatable in 'a plane "at an angle of 45 to the axis of said shell and having its periphery bevelled toprovi'de an upper inclinedface a"-horizonta1 part of which is adapted to bear against the underside of said shell oppos'ite to said back-up roller, and also provide a lower inclined face 'vertic'al parts of which are adapted to "be arranged adjacent to the under- 'side of 'the shell, aforming roller-adapted to'bear with its *per'ip'heryagainst the *end part of said shell on the "sameside as "the'back-uproller and movable bodily inan arcuate'path froma position nextto'said back-'uproller
  • a m'a'chinefor flanging metal shells andthe like comprising a back-up roller 'adapted "to #engag e the inner s'ide of a shell adjacent to an end 'of the same; a' flanging roller rotatable in '-a planeat-an angle of 45 tofthe -axis of said shell and having its *perip'hery bevelled to provide "an upper inclined face'ahorizontalpartof'which is adapted'to bear against theunderside of said shell opposite to saidba'ck-up ro'ller and also provide a lowerin-clined face vertical parts of which are *adaptedto :b'e arranged-adjacentto the underside o'fthe-Shell, a forming roller adapted 'to'bear with its periphery against the -end part of said shell "on the same "side as the back-up roller and movable 'b'o'dfly in an arcuate path
  • a machine for flanging metal shells and like articles comprising a back-up roller adapted to engage the inner side of a shelladjacent to an end of the same, a fianging roller rotatable in a plane at an angle of 45 to the axis of said shell and having its periphery bevelled to provide an upper inclined face a horizontal part of which is adapted to bear against the underside of said shell opposite to said back-up roller and also provide a lower inclined face vertical parts of which are adapted to be arranged adjacent to the underside of the shell, a forming roller adapted to bear with its periphery against the end part of said shell on the same side as the back-up roller and movable bodily in an arcuate path from a position 7 next to said back-up roller to a position in front of said fianging roller and operating to bend the end part of the shell from a position parallel with the body thereof to a position at right angles thereto and against the vertical part of the lower face of said flanging roller, and
  • a machine for flanging metal shells and like articles comprising a back-up roller adapted to engage the inner side of a shell adjacent to an end of the same, a flanging roller rotatable in a planeat an angle of 45 to the axis of said shell and having its periphery bevelled to provide an upper inclined face a horizontal part of which is adapted to bear against the underside of said shell opposite to said back-up roller and also provide a lower inclinedface vertical parts of which are adapted to be arranged adjacent to the underside of-the shell, a forming roller adapted to bear with its periphery against the end part of said shell on the same side as the back-up roller and movable bodily in an arcuate path from a position next to said back-up roller to a position in-front of said fianging roller and operating to bend the end part of the shell from a position parallel with the body thereof to a position at right angles thereto and against the vertical part of the lower a face of said fianging roller
  • a machine for fianging metal shells-and like articles comprising a back-up roller adapted to engage the inner side of'a shell adjacent to an end of the same, a flanging roller rotatable in a plane at an angle of 45 to the axis of said shell and having its periphery'bevelled to provide an upper inclined face a horizontal part of'which is adapted.
  • a forming roller adapted to bear with its periphery against the end part of said shell on the same side as the back-up roller and movable bodilyin an arcuate path from a position next to said back-up roller to a position in front of said flanging roller and operating to bend the end part of the shell from a position parallel with the body thereof to a position at right angles thereto and against the vertical part of the lower face of said flanging roller, and actuating means for bodily moving said fianging roller toward and from itsoperative position relative to the shell independently of said back-up roller and forming roller and in a path which is inclined relative to the axis-of the article being flanged, including a frame on which said shell is adapted to be mounted and which is provided with an inclined guide-way arranged at an angle relative to the axis of the article being
  • a machine for flanging metal shells and like articles comprising aback-up roller adapted to engage the inner side of a shell adjacent to an end of the same, a fianging roller rotatable in a plane at an angle of 45 to the axis of said shell and having its periphery bevelled to provide an upper inclined face a horizontal part of which is adapted tobear againstthe underside of said shell opposite to said back-up roller and also provide a lower inclined face verticalparts of which are adapted to be arranged adjacent to the underside of the shell, a forming roller adapted to bear with its periphery against the end part of said shell on the same side as the back-up roller and movable bodily in an arcuate path from a position next to said back-up roller to a position in front of said flanging roller and operating to bend the end part of the shell from a position parallel with the body thereof to a position at right angles thereto and against the vertical part of the lower face of said flanging roller, and
  • a carriage slidable on said guide-way and pivotally supporting said flanging roller, means for reciprocating said carriage, a motor fixed on the main frame, and means for transmitting motion from said fixed motor to the flanging roller on said movable carriage including an intermediate shaft mounted on said carriage and provided with a gear wheel which meshes with a gear wheel connected with said flanging roller, a driving shaft mounted on said carriage and provided with a worm which meshes with a worm wheel connected with said intermediate shaft, and a belt passing around pulleys mounted respectively on said driving shaft and the shaft of said motor.
  • a machine for flanging sheet metal shells and like articles comp-rising a back-up roller adapted to engage the inner side of the shell to be flanged, an inclined flanging roller adapted to engage its periphery with the underside of said shell opposite the back-up roller, a forming roller adapted to engage the end of the shell and movable bodily for bending the end of the shell on the periphery of the flanging roller for producing a flange on the shell, a carriage movable toward and from said back-up roller and forming roller in a path arranged at an angle of 45 relative to the axis of said back-up roller, a frame upon which said shell is supported and which is provided with an inclined guide-way for said carriage, which guide-way is arranged at an angle relative to the axis of the article being flanged, actuating means for moving said carriage into and out of its operative position, and locking means independent of said actuating means for holding said carriage in a position in which it engages
  • a machine for flanging sheet metal shells and like articles comprising a back-up roller adapted to engage the inner side of the shell to be flanged, an inclined flanging roller adapted to engage its periphery with the underside of said shell opposite the back-up roller, a forming roller adapted to engage the end of the shell and movable bodily for bending the end of the shell on the periphery of the flanging roller for producing a flange on the shell, a carriage movable toward and from said back-up roller and forming roller in a path arranged at an angle of 45 relative to the axis of said back-up roller, a frame upon which said shell is supported and which is provided with an inclined guide-way for said carriage which guide-way is arranged at an angle relative to the axis of the article being flanged, actuating means for moving said carriage into and out of its operative position, and locking means independent of said actuating means for holding said carriage in a position in which it engagessaid shell
  • a machine for flanging sheet metal shells and like articles comprising a back-up roller adapted to engage the inner side of the shell to be flanged, an inclined flanging roller adapted to engage its periphery with the underside of said shell opposite the back-up roller, a forming roller adapted to engage the end of the shell and movable bodily for bending the end of the shell on the periphery of the flanging roller for producing a flange on the shell, a carriage movable toward and from said back-up roller and forming roller in a path arranged at an angle of 45 relative to the axis of said back-up roller, a frame upon which said shell is supported and which is provided with an inclined guide-way for said carriage, which guide-way is arranged at an angle relative to the axis of the article being flanged, actuating means for moving said carriage into and out of its operative position, and locking means independent of said actuating means for holding said,


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Bending Of Plates, Rods, And Pipes (AREA)


Feb. 28, 1950 1.. H. JOHNSON MACHINE FOR FLANGING CYLINDRICAL SHELLS 6 Sheets-Sheet 1 Filed June 10, .1946
aw mu $.N QM
Q g m o N8 Q H Q M \N 02 INVENTOR. 474.
az farrzqyg',
Feb. 28, 1950 1.. H. JOHNSON MACHINE FOR FLANGING CYLINDRICAL SHELLS e SheerLs-Sheet 5 Filed June 10, 1946 N I MN. R h L t MN 1| muQ R 0 v T .w R m w. M? m Qu J B l k &u% Q\ m@ m v NQ 1 mw m M \w \R N .s M a r L k I Q & I Q o 0 Q r. m h o Feb. 28, 1950 L. H. JOHNSON MACHINE FOR FLANGING CYLINDRICAL SHELLS 6 Sheets-Sheet 4 Filed June 10, 1946 INVENTOR.
afi offlqy'.
Feb. 28, 1950 H. JOHNSON MACHINE FOR FLANGING CYLINDRICAL SHELLS 6 Sheets-Sheet 5 1 Filed June 10, 1946 INVENTOR.
MN N N Feb. 28, 1950 L. H. JOHNSON 2,493,635
MACHINE FOR FLANGING CYLINDRICAL SHELLS Filed June 10, 1946 6 Sheets-Sheet 6 11 ll H II II 5 \T I l I I I I l M I 1 5 T N A mN A m I IN. V V
P I t i IU I J j Patented Feb. 28, 1950 U Nl 'l? f creme;
23498,686 MACHINE son FILnNGI'fiG" CYLINDRICAL' snares:
[icon Hllohnsemdwam en, Pm assi'gnonto stmith erslwel'lstGorporation, Warren P-ar, arcorporation' ofzMaryJandl- This invention relate's to a machine for? form ing external annular flanges-on"the ends o f cylin di'ical shells and" similar articlesand more: par= ticularly on shells which are made in relativelyi large'-sizes-' and" of comparatively thick malleable metal; such as 'steeliu These flanges on the ends of cylindrical shells are utilized 'for' bolting a plurality of 'suchisl-ieil's orattaching" heads or other" parts thereto: by" bolts- 01" the like;
Itis-the objectof this inven'tlon to provide? a machine for this purpose whereby fla-ngesimsa i-be. formedon the ends of cylindrical shellssexpedie tiously; accurately and economically and witma': minimum expenditure-"of power and laborx Ir'r the"accompanyingdrawings:
Fig. 1 is a perspective :view oi a shell .flanging machineembodying this invention: andiishowin'gr the position of 3 the parts -upon-the completionzofi a-fia-nging operation.
Figs;- 2, 3 and i are fragmentary verticaltrans: verse sections taken respectivelyOn IiIIesIZi-K 3-3 and S -43 Fig. the scaleoffFi'gi 2 beix'clgl the-same asFig-E 5; but the scale ot Ei'gst 3 andi4 being larger" than that of Fi'gZ: 5.
Fig; 51is=a fragmentary" vertlcaltlongitudinal section of the flangingmachineishowingrthe posit tion ofth'e parts atath'e beginningzof:theefltmging; operation? on one end of 'ash'elli Fig. 6 is a similar view oi the: front: part1 of: the machine I showing: therposttl'on of 'tliev parts at the-*completiom of" a fi'ange on a shel -L Fig. 'T-is'a fragmentarytransversesectlenrtakerr on line T-l, Fig: 61
Fig: 8 is a fragmentary horizentah sectioii;om an enlarged scale; taken onlinet8-8 1.Figl.6t
Fig; B ig a fragmentary: crossnssecti'omtakem substantially horizontally" onn line Se -9,6. 53
Fig; 10 -isa similar View taken substantially vertically on line lit-l0, Fig. 5.
Fig. 11 is 'a-fragmen'tarysectionalisidcviewvofi' the-machine taken from the sideiopposite to'. Fig. 5'.
Fig; 12 is afragmentary cross secti'on-taken: online l2--l'2, Fig. 11.
Fig. 13-"isa vertical cross sectionot the-machine taken on line l3.--|3; Fig.5, lookingiforwardlyt Fig. 15 is I a fragmentary transverse: section. taken on'-line l5'-l5, Figl4 1 Fig. 16 is a diagrammatic:fronttelevationsot the hydraulic mechanismzz.icrt moving'i into' and out of its operativelpositionuthe anvilvupormvliich' the-:fiange ofLthe.:shelluiszformed; andsithe forme ing; roll l. moved: into L and out of: its; operative position:-: in: forming? a; flange: our the shell: and:
I jest laterally.- therefroms implanes at: right angles to: the=axis1= 0'1 the": body as; shown' in: Figsu 1: and 6;
The main: frame:- oi: the machine which I supportsthe I several working-parts mayxbe' variously const'ructedzbuta astshown: in the-drawings pref erablyvcompriseaa base which includes transfverse= lower: beams? on bolsters 22*: adapted to rest on the: floorv or" foundation", lowerlongitudi-- nal beams or stringers -Z3- -secured upon said trans verse beams and .crosswpiecesxz d connecting; said-v ,longitudinal. beams; an elevated bench" rising fromz'therearrpart ofzthe basetandaincluding: twoi longitudinal side plates: lflvresting: on the upperr rear parts: of the: longitudinal beams 23 and provided with:v cross?! pieces: IG which.= are com nected 4 by. bolts I .9 withrthe: upper ;parts-- r of said beams, upper longitudinal sidelb'arss l 1 E arrangedaboveuthe'v ream parts oil then lower longitudinal beams and: on oppositessides' of.- the bench. I8 and a xplu na-lity' oi? upri'ght ppsts =2 6 :connected at their lewem andsuppei-n ends withx the respective lower longitudinal beams 23: and the upper 1on7 gitudinalsside-bars I 1:
- Whileha flange-isbeingcformed on one-end: o'fi thershell ther same 's -supportedi on: the--loa2se of the frame-l' set thattitsnaxisia arrangedhorizone: ta l andilengrthwi'sa, otthwmachine :and-ziscapable ofwbeingnotated vertically; about this :axis; The means ,1 forthus-supporting .theshell are shown-4n; Fligsa 1 and? l-2f-l5wand constructed:as-sfollows:
The" numeral 25' represents: a: pairof: front supporting,.rollerstwhich rare :adapted -to -engage with the: underside the ;body: of the shell-ed ja'cent to the fronti end-- of i the: same-v and:- on oppositezsides-t oil the: verticali centerthereof; Each; of these: front supportingaroll'ers -is adjust ably mountedaori the :adj acent' partl ofthermainframe-:se: that it t camibe: moved crosswise there on w and supportthe shelltina-thewprop'er: position relative to the mechanism which operates on the shell. The preferred construction of the means for this purpose are shown in Figs. 1, 13-15 and includes a horizontally and transversely adjustable slide 28 upon which the respective supporting roller 25 is journalled, a guideway 21 which is arranged on the upper end of one of the foremost posts 26 and upon which the respective slide 28 moves, an adjusting screw 29 working in a screw nut 30 on the slide and journalled on the frame so as to be capable of rotation but held against lengthwise movement, and a handle 3i secured to the outer end of this screw, for turning the latter and moving the respective supporting roller 25 relative to the shell body for properly supporting the same.
The numeral 32 represents two rear supporting rollers which are adapted to engage theun derside of the body of the shell adjacent to the rear end of the same on opposite sides of the vertical center thereof. Each of these rear supporting rollers is mounted on a horizontally and transversely movable slide 33 which is guided on a guideway 34 formed on one end of a bolster 35 extending transversely underneath the shell. Each of the rear supporting rollers 32 and its slide may be adjusted transversely for-bringing this roller in engagement with the body of the shell by anadjusting screw 36 engaging a screw nut 31 on the respective slide and turning in the bolster but held against lengthwise movement thereon and provided at its outer end with a handle 38 whereby the same is manipulated. This bolster supportsboth of the rear rollers 32 and their slides and is capable of adjustment on the main frame for properly supporting rollers to shells of different length. For this purpose the bolster 35 is slidable on longitudinal guideways 39 on the longitudinal beams 23 and is held in its adjusted position by fastening means which include a clamping block 40 engaging its opposite ends with the underside of the bolster and the adjacent part of the main frame, and a bolt 4| connecting said clamping block with this bolster, as best shown in Figs. and 12.
Retaining means are provided which operate on the rear part of the shell for resisting rearward thrust on the same and also restraining rising of the part of the same while a flange is being formed on the front end of the shell, these retaining means being shown in Figs. 1-5 and constructed as follows:
Adjustable horizontally and lengthwise on the rear part of the main frame is a thrust slide 5| which includes a lower transverse plate 42 slidable at its opposite ends lengthwise of the machine on longitudinal guideways 43 on the side plates I8 of the bench, and adapted to be held in its adjusted position thereon by a clamping bar 44 engaging its opposite ends with the undersides of said guideways and clamped thereto by fastening bolts 45 connecting said clamping bar and slide plate, as shown in Figs. 4 and 5. When the bolts 45 are loose the thrust slide may be moved lengthwise to the desired position on the bench by an adjusting screw 46 arranged lengthwise in the upper part of the bench and mounted in bearings 4'! thereon so thatthe same is held against longitudinal movement but is capable of being turned by a handle or hand wheel 41 on the rear end thereof, and a screw nut 48 mounted on the underside of the thrust slide plate 42 and engaged by the screw 46 so that upon turning the latter the thrust slide may be adjusted to the desired position lengthwise of the machine. On the thrust slide is pivotally mounted by a vertical shaft 52, an end thrust roller 49 which has its axis arranged vertically and. engages the front part of its periphery with the lower part of the rear end of the shell, as shown in Fig. 5, for the purpose of holding the shell against rearward movement while performing a flanging operation on thefront end of the same. During this opera- 1 tion the rear end of the shell is also prevented from being lifted by a hold-down roller 50 which is pivotally mounted by a horizontal shaft 53, on the upper part of the thrust slide and in front of the end thrust roller 49, so that it turns about a horizontal longitudinal axis and bears with the lower part of its periphery against the upper inner side of the lower part of the shell, as shown in Figs. 3 and 5.
After the shell has been thus mounted at its underside onthe supporting rollers and engaged at'its rear part by the end thrust and hold-down rollers the front end of the shell is flanged by means which are constructed and operated as follows: I
The numeral 54 represents an abutment or back-up roller which is adapted to bear against the upper or inner side of the front part of the shell at a distance from the front edge thereof during the operation of bending or forging the flange 2| on the front edge of the shell body 20. This back-up roller is preferably of cylindrical form and turns vertically about an axis which is horizontal and lengthwise of the machine. Only the lower part of the periphery of this back-up roller engages with the inner side of the shell and the same is mounted so that it is free to turn with the shell .by frictional contact with the latter. The preferred means for thus mounting this roller includes a standard-55 arranged in front of the shell and mounted at its lower end on the front end of the main frame while its upper rear part carries the back-up roller. Although the latter may be rotatably mounted on this standard in various ways this is preferably accomplished by means of a hanger 56 depending from the upper rear part of this standard and provided at its lower end with a bearing 57 in which is journalled a horizontal longitudinal arbor 58 upon the front end of which the back-up roller is journalled, as shown in Figs. 1, 5 and 6.
In order to permit of adjusting the position of the back-up roller lengthwise of the shell to suit the desired width of the flange which is to be formed on the front end of the shell, means are provided for adjusting the standard 55 on the main frame which means preferably include a horizontal guideway 59 on the front part of the frame, av shoe 60' arranged on the lower end of the standard and slidable lengthwise on the guideway 59, an adjusting screw 5! mounted on the front' part of the main frame so as to be capable of rotation but held against longitudinal movement, and a screw nut 52 mounted on the lower part of the standard 55 and engaged by this adjusting screw, as best shown in Fig. 5. After the standard has been shifted to the desired position by turning of the screw 5!, the standard is held rigidly in place on the main frame by fastening bolts 63 passing through the shoe 6t and guideway 55, the latter being slotted, as shown at 54, to permit these bolts to move lengthwise of the frame the requisite extent.
Forming or forging the front end of the, shell so as to produce an outwardly projecting flange 2| on the body .20 of the same is effected by means which include a forging or forming roller 65 5" adapted toengage the upper or inner side on the lower fiontedge portion of the shelland bend the same fromthahorizontalposition shown in Fig. 5-, to theverticalpositionshown in Fig. 62' This forming" rolleris' preferably" of" cylindricalshape and when in its fullyretracted inoperati've position shown in Fig; 5 the same N is arranged in front' of the backup" roller 5t and axially-in line therewith and also" of the-samediameterso-that the lowermost part ofits periph ery bears simultaneously-against the inner side of the front end portion" of" the shell preparatory to; bending; the flange on the-body-ofi the shell! During; the subsequent operation of the forming roller the same' is bodily turned forwardlyand downwardly 90 degrees fronraposition iii-whichits'axis is horizontal; as show-nin Fig. 5 toaposition inwhich its axis is vertical and thereby bends the shell sothat' the-foremosted'ge portion thereof forms a; right angled flange 2| on the body 20; in which last mentioned position the rearmost' part-of 'thezformingroller be'a-rs against the vertical front" side of the flange; Afterthe forming roll'erhas thusbent the fiangeon the body of the shell this-roller is returned from the vertica'lpositi'on-shown'iir Fig. 6 to the" horizontalp'osition shownin Fig. 5; The-= preferred con-- struction of the means for thus actuating" the forming, roller' is as follows:
The numeral 66 representsa carrier having a stud or arbor 6 1 on whichtheformingroller is pivoted and' a quadrant shaped orsegmental shoe' 68 which slides withits outer cu-rved side on an arcuate shaped or semi-circular guideway: 69 on the rear side of the-standard 55. The shoe 6B is" confined against lateral displacement on the curved guideway- 69 byseg mental members orkeepers lO-secured to pposite-edges of this guideway by screws 1 I andengag-ingwith-the-.o0r-'-- responding edges of the shoe; as shown in Figs 1, 6-, 8- and 13.
Actuating means are provided for-moving the formingroller and its carrier forwardly and downwardly with a working stroke; and "upwardly: and rearwardly with an idle or return stroke; these. actuating means being preferably con-= struct'ed as" follows:
The numeral 12representsa vertically recipro eating crosshead which is guided'in guideways 13 onthe standard 55 -and which is moved downwardly with a working or power stroke by a hy-- draulicram or motor the cylinder "W of which has *lts upper end secured to this standard while its piston 15 has a piston rod 16' extending through the lower head of this cylinder and eonnect'ed with the cross head, as best shown in Fig. 7: The numeral 1-! represents two pulling chains or-lines arranged along theopposite-outer sides of'fthe standard 55- andeach passing with its lower-intermediate part around a floating-guide roller 18 on the adjacent side of the cross head 12 while its rear part-is woundon: the perip'h' cry of" the segmental member orkeeper' TB on the respective'side of theforming roller shoe'ami connected therewith by a pin" 19- and its fixed front end is secured by a pin'8fl tothe'adjacent part of the standard.
Upon admitting a pressure medium into the upper end of the cylinder 14* the pistonti'rrth'e' latter isiorced downwardly together with the" cross head 12' and floating. guide rollers18;whereby the intermediate parts. of the pulling chains 11 are deflected downwardlyvin the form of a1 1oop,,or bight, and the. rear. stretches offthese' chains are unwound from the segmental memthereby movlngv the formingrolln 65:1 fronts its-elevated retracted position to its lowered: advanced positi'on. and causing the same: to forge a: part of'the flange-2 1 on theshell} 2m Return of the forming-roller 65: from its: foremost position in which it: has completed: its work to.its rearmost pesition-in which it begins its work: is effected by: twotretracting chains' or linesx8l arranged along the opposite outer: sides oi. the standard passing with its intermediate part around guide rollers 82 on the upper parts ofathis standard and having the-'rear-part's wound around the segmental keepers 1 0 in a. direction-- opposite. tvtherear par-ts of'thepu'llingchains Hi and se cured at their-rear ends thereto by pins 83 while" thafrontends are. secured 'to a; vertically movable counterweight 84::arranged in front of the stands ard as shownin Figs.- 1 5, 6; 7 and 8*.2
Upon perm-itting the pressure fluid to escape from the upper' end -of-the p'ower cylinderaiter:
theiormihgroller has:- been movedinto its lowermost or'advan'ceworking position the piston T5- is permitted to rise underthe pull of the weight 84 and return theforming roller to its elevated or retracted position:-
Uponadjusting the standard lengthwise on. the main frame by' meansofthe adjusting screw 8d: for--bringing the back-up roller 5'4- into thedesired position relative to" the; front part of the Shell the forming roller 65 is simultaneously moved therewith so as: to bringthe-same to the desired position relative to: theshell for bending the flange 2|" onthe body' zt 'thereofl The numeral" 8.5 represents a: fiang'ing" rollerr or disk which constitutes part of themeans for rotating the shell so that all parts of its front'end are subjected tothe operation of the hanging mechanism for: producingan annular flange: aroundthe-entire front: end oi the shell and which serveszas ac'ontihuous support for the front. end of the shell as'--succ'essiveparts-of the same are-brought" into operative positionrel'atilve to: the back-up roller and the forming roller for progressively formi'ng and' con'ipletingthe flange z" onthebody of 'theshelli' This Hanging. roller is arranged" below thefront part ofthe'shelli and: adapted'torotat'e' ina plane which is inclined at an" angle of 45 degrees relativ'e to 'th'e horizon tal 'axis -of 'the shell and "theback up' roller and:
" also the-formingro1ler-when the latter is in its.
fully retracted position. At its periphery the hanging roller is-b'eveled' so as" to provide the same with an upper annular'supporting face flfi the parts ofwhich are successively arranged horizontally when=they reach the upp'ermost'and foremost position or operative area of thisroll'en: and an annular anvil face -8 1 the parts of' which are successively arranged vertically: when they reach the uppermost".and'foremost' position or 033' erative area of this roller;
When the -flanging roller is: in its upper and foremost; position the uppermosti'horizontal part of its supporting and driving face 86 engages: the underside ofthe shell immediately below the back-up roller so that the shell is gripped. between these rollers as-shownin Fig. 5; and the shell is turned about its axis by-the power ap plied-to the fl'angingroller. While the shell is thus gripped and turned the forming roller B5 is turned" bodily from the horizontal positionshown inyFig. 5 to; the vertical positionshown in, Fig. 6; wherebyparts ofthe front-end oi'the she'll are successively turned from a position parallel withzthe-axis of the'shell to an outwardly projecting position atright angles to the axis:-
of the shelland against the vertical upper part of the anvil face 81 and thus forming the annular flange 2i on the front endof the body. In the operation of this machine-the flange forming means are so controlled that the same effect the operation of forging the flange gradually and are maintained in their working position until the flange has been completed it being understood that the shell is rotated repeatedly about its axis until the desired results are attained. The fulcrum about which the flange 2| is bent relative to the body 29 of the shell is located at the focal point between the apex or summit 8B of the two inclined faces 86 and 8! of the flanging roller 85 in the foremost and uppermost parts of these faces,and at the opposing lowermostperipheral parts of the back-up roller and the forming roller when the latter is in its fully retracted position. This focal point also constitutes the axis of the curved guideway 69 upon which the shoe 68 slides a quarter circle as it carries the forming roller 65 bodily around the uppermost part of the flanging roller.
Shifting means are provided whereby the flanging roller is moved toward and from the focal point 88 on an inclined plane of 45 degrees which extends through this point so that thehighest part of the driving and. supporting face 36 of this roller when in its forward elevated position will engage the underside of the body of theshell I while the flange is formed thereon but when in its rearward lowered position will be disengaged therefrom and permit the flanged shell end to be removed and replaced by another unflanged shell end. v l
The shifting means for this purpose include a carriage which slides in inclined guideways 89 on the central part of the main frame and having a lower plate 99 which engages its opposite edges with said guideways, as shown in Figs. 9 and 10, and an upper plate 9! connected by webs -92 with the lower slide plate 99. The flanging roller 85 is arranged between the carriage plates 90 and 91 and pivotally mounted thereon by an inclined axle or shaft 93 journalled in bearings 94, 95 on these plates. This flanging roller carriage is reciprocated on the inclined guideways so as to move the foremost part of the flanging'roller into and out of its operative position relative to the back-up roller and therforming roller. The forward movement of the flanging roller carriage is preferably accomplished by a hydraulic ram or motor which includes a hydraulic cylinder 96 mounted in an inclined position on the lower part of the main frame and containing a piston 9'! which is connected by a piston rod 98 with the lower carriage plate 90, as shown in'Fig. 5. Upon admitting fluid under pressure to the lower rear end of the hydraulic cylinder 96 the flanging roller carriage will be moved forwardly and upwardly and carry the fianging roller into its operative position and upon permitting the pressure fluid to escape from the lower end of this cylinder the flanging roller carriage willslide downwardly and rearwardly and carry the flanging roller into its inoperative position. 4 Driving means are provided for continuousl rotating the flanging roller while the machine is in operation, these driving means being preferably constructed as follows: 1
a The numeral 99 represents a driving shaft which is arranged horizontally and transversely above the rear part of the flanging roller car-s riage and journalled in bearings I90 thereon.
Motion is transmitted from this shaft to the? flanging roller shaft 93 by an intermediate shaftv l0l provided at one end with a driving gear wheel I02 which meshes with a driven'gear wheel i03'0n the lower end of the flanging roller shaft and provided at its opposite end with a worm wheel I04 which meshes with a worm I95 on'the driving shaft, as shown in Figs. 5, 9 and LO. The prime mover of this machine preferably consists of an electric motor I06 mounted in'a fixed position on one side of the main frame so that its shaft [01 is above the driving shaft 99 of the flanging roller, as shown in Figs. 9an'd 11. Motion is transmitted from the motor shaft lll'l, to the driving shaft 99 by a driving belt [88 passing around a small pulley [t9 on the motor shaft 107, and a large pulley III) on the driving shaft 99. The relative position of this driving shaft and this motor shaft is such that in the uppermost or foremost position of the flanging roller. carriage the driving-shaft 99 will be arranged above a line HI extendingfrom the axis of the motor shaft I01 at right angles tothe path of movement of the flanging roller carriage, as shown by full lines inFig. 11, and in theldwermost and rearmost position of the flanging roller carriage the driving shaft 99 will be arranged below said line HI, as shown by dotted lines the same figure, the distances whichthe driving shaft move above and below the line Ill being equal, thereby maintaining a practically uniform tension of the driving belt I68 in all positions'of the driving shaft 99 and insuring proper driving of the flanging roller without resorting to complicated driving mechanism. y
In order to .hold the flanging roller positively:
in its operative position as long as may be neces-v sary to form the flange 2| on the body 29 of the shell, hand operated holding means are provided which are preferably constructed as follows;
The numeral H2 represents a vertically swinging locking arm which is pivoted at its rear end on the main frame by a transverse rock shaft I it and provided at its front end with a cam or wedge face H4 which is adapted to engage the rear end of the upper plate 9| of the flanging roller car-f riage, as shown in Figs. 5 and 9. When the iiang' ing roller carriage is in foremost position the same is locked against backward movementby lowering the holding arm and engaging its Wedge I Hi with 1 the rear end of the flanging roller carriage, thereby positively holding the foremost part of the fianging roller in its operative position and insuring the formation of a uniform flange 2! on the shell body 20. I
VWhen the flanging operation has been com pleted the, holding arm is raised out of engagement from the rear end of the flanging roller car: riage thereby releasing the latter and permitting the same to move downwardly and backwardly by gravity and carry the flangin roller away from the operating position and thus permit removal of the shell which has been flanged and replacing the same by another preparatory to flanging the same. Raising and lowering of the holding arm out of and into its lockingposition may be effected by any suitable means, for example b a wrench or crank handle H5 applied to the outer end of the rock shaft H3, as shown by dotted lines in Fig. 9. r
Inasmuch as thewedge l I 4 on the holding lever engages the rear end of the flanging roller car-f riage so that it can only be released by consider-j able power, va releasing or jack screw"! I6 is mount-I ed on the front part of this arm in a position to s eec es be .engageable atits lower end with the rear part of the hanging roller Shaft. After the operation of fianging a s'hell'has been completed the jack screw '6 is turned in the direction for engaging its'lower end with the hanging roller carriage and lifting the holding arm out of engagement therefrom, thereby releasing the flanging roller carriage and permitting retraction of the flanging roller'into aniinoperative position.
Various means may .be .employed for supplying a pressure medium to the .cylinders I4, 96 of the hydraulic rams but those shown in Figs. '16 and 17,.as an example, have been found satisfactory in practice and are constructedas follows:
The numeral .I I1 represents a supply tank adapted to hold a fluid pressure transmitting medium, such .as oil. The liquid is withdrawn from this tankby a pump I I8 which has itsinlet connected by a pipe I I9 with the tank and is driven by an electric motor I vor other suitable prime mover. The outlet of this pump is connected with a relief valve I.2I which has its outlet connected with..a normal deliverypipe I22 adapted to .deliver fluid at a predetermined pressure "to ithehydraulic ram cylinders 14,96 butthedelivery offiu'id by this pumpunder excessive pressure .to these cylinders is prevented by this relief valve 'which is so constructed that any excess pressure liquidis-returned by a relief pipe I 23, to the tank. 'I'henormal'pressure delivery pipe I22 isprovided with two branch pipes "I24, I25, which lead, re-
spectively,'to the :inlets of manually operated control valves I26, I21, the outlets of which are connected respectively, by pipes I28, I29 'with the working ends of the ram cylinders 96, 14. The control valves I26, I 2'! are so constructed that when the parts thereof are in an open position 'liquid'under pressure, is permitted "to flow from the pump I I8 into the cyIinders 96 and I4 and thereby'first move the flanging .roller v85 into its operative :pOsition and then cause the forming roller65 to subsequently :move inanarcuate'path around the uppermost'part of the flangingroller, as previouslydescribed. After theflangingoper'a- "tion has been completed the control valve I21 is first reversed to cut off the pressure liquid from the forming cylinder"! and permit the pressure liquid to escape therefrom through a branch return pipe I30 and allow the weight to pull the forming'roller 65 to its retracted position. Thereafterthe controlvalve I26 'is'alsoreversed to cut off the pressure liquid from the flanging cylinder 96 and permit the pressure liquid to escape therefromthrough abranch return pipe I3 I and thereby permit the hanging roller carriage to "be returned to its rearward inoperative position. The branch'return pipes I30, 'I3I are connected with -a,'main return pipe I32 which leads back to the tank and returns the spent pressure liquid thereto-sotha't the same can be circulated and used repeatedly during successive operations of the machine.
In torder to control the speed of the bodily movement of the forming roller 155 during the operatlon'of bending the flangefZ I onthe body 20 of the shell a regulating pipe I33 connects thebranch pipe 129 leading to the cylinder IA andis provided with a regulating valve I34 thereby permitting the required amount of pressure liquid to by-pass or'bleed back'ito the tank as may be found necessary. Various accessories are employed in this liquid control system which are rcomnron'lytused=inrapparatus of this general charwater, such :as the gage I for indicating the liquid pressure "in the piping of the forming-cyl- 10 I inder I4, detail explanations of which are unnecessary. I Q
This "machine "is "very strong and durable in construction .and permits shells of comparatively heavy gauge metal to be flanged accurately and expeditiously, thereby effecting a substantial economy in doing work of this character. I Iclaimasmy'invention:
1. Amac'h'ine "for flanging metalshells'and the "like, comprising'a back-up roller adapted to engage-the inner side of a-she'll adjacent to an end 'oftheisame, a'flang'ing roller rotatable in 'a plane "at an angle of 45 to the axis of said shell and having its periphery bevelled toprovi'de an upper inclinedface a"-horizonta1 part of which is adapted to bear against the underside of said shell oppos'ite to said back-up roller, and also provide a lower inclined face 'vertic'al parts of which are adapted to "be arranged adjacent to the under- 'side of 'the shell, aforming roller-adapted to'bear with its *per'ip'heryagainst the *end part of said shell on the "sameside as "the'back-uproller and movable bodily inan arcuate'path froma position nextto'said back-'uproller to aposition in front of said 'flangingroller-and operating to bend the endpart'o'fthe shellfrom a position parallel with the body thereof to 'a position at right angles thereto-and against the'vertical part of the lower face of said 'flang'ing'rollen'and actuatingineans for effecting saidarcuatem'ovement of said form'- ing roller including a standard provided with an arcuate guide-way, a carrier 'slidable on said guide-way-and supporting said'forming roller and means formoving' said carrierincludingta segment on the carrier, a pulling line -'connected at one -end with said standard and connected at its opposite end "with said segment and adapted to bewo'und on the latter, a floating guide pulley engaging said pulling "line, and a hydraulic ram having "amovable cross head 'on whichsaid floating gu-ide pulley is mounted.
'2. A m'a'chinefor flanging metal shells andthe like, comprising a back-up roller 'adapted "to #engag e the inner s'ide of a shell adjacent to an end 'of the same; a' flanging roller rotatable in '-a planeat-an angle of 45 tofthe -axis of said shell and having its *perip'hery bevelled to provide "an upper inclined face'ahorizontalpartof'which is adapted'to bear against theunderside of said shell opposite to saidba'ck-up ro'ller and also provide a lowerin-clined face vertical parts of which are *adaptedto :b'e arranged-adjacentto the underside o'fthe-Shell, a forming roller adapted 'to'bear with its periphery against the -end part of said shell "on the same "side as the back-up roller and movable 'b'o'dfly in an arcuate path from a posi tion nextto saidbac'kup roller-to a-positi'onin front of said "hanging roller and 'operating'tobend the end part of the "'sh'ell from a position parallel withthe'bodytherecf to a position at rightangles thereto and againstthever'tical part of the lower "face of said 'flangingroller, and actuating means for effecting said arcuate movement of said forming "ro'ller including-a standard provided with an arcuate guide-way, a carrier slidable on said 'guide way' and supporting said forming roller,
and means for moving said c'arrierincluding a segment on the carrier, apull'ingline connected "at one =endwith said'standard and connected at its opposite end with said segment and adapted to be avoun-dho'n thelatterya floating guide pulley engaging said "pulling "line, a "hydraulic ram'having a movable cross head on which 'saidfloating guide pulley is mounted; asretracting line having fits'Iintermed-iatetpart guided on said standard and 11 oneof its ends connected with said segment and adapted to be wound thereon in a directionopposite to said pulling line, and a Weight connected with the opposite end of said retracting line.
3. A machine for flanging metal shells and like articles, comprising a back-up roller adapted to engage the inner side of a shelladjacent to an end of the same, a fianging roller rotatable in a plane at an angle of 45 to the axis of said shell and having its periphery bevelled to provide an upper inclined face a horizontal part of which is adapted to bear against the underside of said shell opposite to said back-up roller and also provide a lower inclined face vertical parts of which are adapted to be arranged adjacent to the underside of the shell, a forming roller adapted to bear with its periphery against the end part of said shell on the same side as the back-up roller and movable bodily in an arcuate path from a position 7 next to said back-up roller to a position in front of said fianging roller and operating to bend the end part of the shell from a position parallel with the body thereof to a position at right angles thereto and against the vertical part of the lower face of said flanging roller, and actuating means for bodily moving said fianging roller toward and from its operative position relative to the shell independently of said back-up roller and forming roller and in a path which is inclined relative to the axis of the article being flanged, including a frame on which said shell is adapted to be mounted and which is provided with an inclined guide-way arranged at an angle relative to the axis of the article being flanged, a carriage slidable on said guide-way and pivotally supporting said flanging roller, and means for reciprocating said carriage.
.4. A machine for flanging metal shells and like articles, comprising a back-up roller adapted to engage the inner side of a shell adjacent to an end of the same, a flanging roller rotatable in a planeat an angle of 45 to the axis of said shell and having its periphery bevelled to provide an upper inclined face a horizontal part of which is adapted to bear against the underside of said shell opposite to said back-up roller and also provide a lower inclinedface vertical parts of which are adapted to be arranged adjacent to the underside of-the shell, a forming roller adapted to bear with its periphery against the end part of said shell on the same side as the back-up roller and movable bodily in an arcuate path from a position next to said back-up roller to a position in-front of said fianging roller and operating to bend the end part of the shell from a position parallel with the body thereof to a position at right angles thereto and against the vertical part of the lower a face of said fianging roller, and actuatingmeans for bodily moving said fianging roller toward'and from its operative position relative to the shell independently of said back-up roller and forming roller and in a path which is inclined relative to the axis of the article being flanged, including a frame on which said shell is adapted to be mounted and which is provided with an inclined guide-way arranged. at an angle relative to the axis of the article being flanged, a carriage slidable on said guide-way and pivotally supporting said flanging roller, and means for reciprocating said carriage including a hydraulic ram mounted on the frame and operatively connected with said carriage.
I 5. A machine for fianging metal shells-and like articles, comprising a back-up roller adapted to engage the inner side of'a shell adjacent to an end of the same, a flanging roller rotatable in a plane at an angle of 45 to the axis of said shell and having its periphery'bevelled to provide an upper inclined face a horizontal part of'which is adapted. to bear against the underside of said shell opposite to said back-up roller and also provide a lower inclined face vertical parts of which are adapted to be arranged adjacent to the under side of the shell, a forming roller adapted to bear with its periphery against the end part of said shell on the same side as the back-up roller and movable bodilyin an arcuate path from a position next to said back-up roller to a position in front of said flanging roller and operating to bend the end part of the shell from a position parallel with the body thereof to a position at right angles thereto and against the vertical part of the lower face of said flanging roller, and actuating means for bodily moving said fianging roller toward and from itsoperative position relative to the shell independently of said back-up roller and forming roller and in a path which is inclined relative to the axis-of the article being flanged, including a frame on which said shell is adapted to be mounted and which is provided with an inclined guide-way arranged at an angle relative to the axis of the article being flanged, a carriage slidable on said guide-Way and pivotally supporting said fianging roller, means for reciprocating said carriage, a motor fixed on the main frame, and means for transmitting motion from said fixed motor to the fianging roller on said movable carriage. I
6. A machine for flanging metal shells and like articles, comprising aback-up roller adapted to engage the inner side of a shell adjacent to an end of the same, a fianging roller rotatable in a plane at an angle of 45 to the axis of said shell and having its periphery bevelled to provide an upper inclined face a horizontal part of which is adapted tobear againstthe underside of said shell opposite to said back-up roller and also provide a lower inclined face verticalparts of which are adapted to be arranged adjacent to the underside of the shell, a forming roller adapted to bear with its periphery against the end part of said shell on the same side as the back-up roller and movable bodily in an arcuate path from a position next to said back-up roller to a position in front of said flanging roller and operating to bend the end part of the shell from a position parallel with the body thereof to a position at right angles thereto and against the vertical part of the lower face of said flanging roller, and actuating means for bodily moving said fianging rollertoward and from its operative. position relative to the shell independently of said back-up roller and forming roller and in a path which is inclined relative to'the axis of the article being flanged, including a frame on which said shell is adapted to be mounted and which :is
' provided with an inclined guide-wayarranged at an angle relative to the axis of the article being flanged, a carriage slidable on said guide-way and pivotally supportingsaid flanging roller, means for reciprocating said'carriage, a motor fixed on the main frame, and means for transmitting motion from said fixed -motor to the flanging roller on said movable carriage including a driving shaft mounted on said movable carriage, pulleys mounted respectively on said driving shaft and a motor shaft forming a part of said motor; and belting passing around said driving pulley and said motor shaft pulley, said driving shaft being movable bodily with said carriage past the motor plane at an angle of 45 to the axis of said shell and having its peripherybevelled to provide an upper inclined face ahorizontal ,partiof "which .is' adapted to bear against .the underside ot-said shell opposite to said back-up roller andalso provide (a lower inclinedface vertical :parts of which are adapted to be arranged adjacent to the underside of the shell, a forming roller adapted to bear with its periphery against the end part of said shell on the same side as the back-up roller and movable bodily in an arcuate path from a position next to said back-up roller to a position in front of said flanging roller and operating to bend the end part of the shell from a position parallel with the body thereof to a position at right angles thereto and against the vertical part of the lower face of said flanging roller, and actuating means for bodily moving said flanging roller toward and from its operative position relative to the shell independently of said back-up roller and forming roller and in a path which is inclined relative to the axis of the article being flanged, including a frame on which said shell is adapted to be mounted and which is provided with an inclined guide-way arranged at an angle relative to the axis of the article being flanged,
a carriage slidable on said guide-way and pivotally supporting said flanging roller, means for reciprocating said carriage, a motor fixed on the main frame, and means for transmitting motion from said fixed motor to the flanging roller on said movable carriage including an intermediate shaft mounted on said carriage and provided with a gear wheel which meshes with a gear wheel connected with said flanging roller, a driving shaft mounted on said carriage and provided with a worm which meshes with a worm wheel connected with said intermediate shaft, and a belt passing around pulleys mounted respectively on said driving shaft and the shaft of said motor.
8. A machine for flanging sheet metal shells and like articles, comp-rising a back-up roller adapted to engage the inner side of the shell to be flanged, an inclined flanging roller adapted to engage its periphery with the underside of said shell opposite the back-up roller, a forming roller adapted to engage the end of the shell and movable bodily for bending the end of the shell on the periphery of the flanging roller for producing a flange on the shell, a carriage movable toward and from said back-up roller and forming roller in a path arranged at an angle of 45 relative to the axis of said back-up roller, a frame upon which said shell is supported and which is provided with an inclined guide-way for said carriage, which guide-way is arranged at an angle relative to the axis of the article being flanged, actuating means for moving said carriage into and out of its operative position, and locking means independent of said actuating means for holding said carriage in a position in which it engages said shell during the flanging operation.
9. A machine for flanging sheet metal shells and like articles, comprising a back-up roller adapted to engage the inner side of the shell to be flanged, an inclined flanging roller adapted to engage its periphery with the underside of said 14 Shell opposite'the back-'up-roller, a formin ro'ller adapted .to engage the end "of 'thesh-ell and movable "bodily for bending theend of the 'shell on the periphery of the "flangingroll-er for producing ailange 'on'the shelLa carriage movable towar'd "and'from said back-up'roller and forming roller-'in"a"=patharranged'at an angle of 45 relative .tothe'axis of said'back-up roller, "a frame upon which said shell is supported and which is provided'with an inclin'ed'guideeway for'saidcarria'ge,
which 'gdi'de' way is :arranged atanangle relative toiithe axis ofthetarticle being flanged, "actuating meansfor moving said carriage into and out of its operative position, and locking means independent of said actuating means for holding said marriage in a position-in which it engages said shell during the flanging operation including a vertically swinging locking arm pivoted on said frame and provided with a wedge face which is adapted to engage with said carriage.
10. A machine for flanging sheet metal shells and like articles, comprising a back-up roller adapted to engage the inner side of the shell to be flanged, an inclined flanging roller adapted to engage its periphery with the underside of said shell opposite the back-up roller, a forming roller adapted to engage the end of the shell and movable bodily for bending the end of the shell on the periphery of the flanging roller for producing a flange on the shell, a carriage movable toward and from said back-up roller and forming roller in a path arranged at an angle of 45 relative to the axis of said back-up roller, a frame upon which said shell is supported and which is provided with an inclined guide-way for said carriage which guide-way is arranged at an angle relative to the axis of the article being flanged, actuating means for moving said carriage into and out of its operative position, and locking means independent of said actuating means for holding said carriage in a position in which it engagessaid shell during the flanging operation including a vertically swinging locking arm pivoted on said frame and provided with a wedge face which is adapted to engage with said carriage, and a manually operated rock shaft connected with said arm for moving the same into and out of engagement with said carriage.
11. A machine for flanging sheet metal shells and like articles, comprising a back-up roller adapted to engage the inner side of the shell to be flanged, an inclined flanging roller adapted to engage its periphery with the underside of said shell opposite the back-up roller, a forming roller adapted to engage the end of the shell and movable bodily for bending the end of the shell on the periphery of the flanging roller for producing a flange on the shell, a carriage movable toward and from said back-up roller and forming roller in a path arranged at an angle of 45 relative to the axis of said back-up roller, a frame upon which said shell is supported and which is provided with an inclined guide-way for said carriage, which guide-way is arranged at an angle relative to the axis of the article being flanged, actuating means for moving said carriage into and out of its operative position, and locking means independent of said actuating means for holding said,
carriage in a position in which it engages said shell during the flanging operation including a vertically swinging locking arm pivoted on said frame and provided with a wedge face which is adapted to engage with said carriage, and a jack screw member on said arm and adapted to be said shell adjacent to said thrust roller, and a 10 Number slide carrying said thrust roller and hold-downroller and adjustably connected with said frame. LEON H. JOHNSON.
REFERENCES CITED The following references are of record in the file of this patent:
Number UNITED STATES PATENTS Name Date Grabreil Sept. 8, 1903 Bienenstok July 1, 1924 Wearne Apr. 3, 1934 Johnson Sept. 9, 1947 FOREIGN PATENTS Country Date Australia Jan.' 2, 1933 Great Britain of 1891 Great Britain of 1915 Austria July 10, 1919 Germany June 13, 1898
US675611A 1946-06-10 1946-06-10 Machine for flanging cylindrical shells Expired - Lifetime US2498686A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US675611A US2498686A (en) 1946-06-10 1946-06-10 Machine for flanging cylindrical shells

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US675611A US2498686A (en) 1946-06-10 1946-06-10 Machine for flanging cylindrical shells

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
US2498686A true US2498686A (en) 1950-02-28



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
US675611A Expired - Lifetime US2498686A (en) 1946-06-10 1946-06-10 Machine for flanging cylindrical shells

Country Status (1)

Country Link
US (1) US2498686A (en)

Cited By (5)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2982331A (en) * 1956-01-05 1961-05-02 Gen Electric Portable rolling tool
EP0688616A1 (en) * 1994-06-08 1995-12-27 Johan Massée Method and apparatus for forming a rim on a lamp reflector
NL1015062C2 (en) * 2000-04-28 2001-10-30 Ind En Handelmij Bergschenhoek Device for applying a profiled edge to one end of a pipe section.
WO2002024369A1 (en) * 2000-09-25 2002-03-28 Metu-System Meinig Kg Method and device for forming a flange or a rim on an end of a steel pipe
CN114309196A (en) * 2022-01-06 2022-04-12 佛山市南海佛迪机械有限公司 Automatic flanging machine

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US738428A (en) * 1903-04-01 1903-09-08 Mohr & Sons John Dishing and flanging machine.
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