US1587765A - Gauging device - Google Patents

Gauging device Download PDF


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US1587765A US715589A US71558924A US1587765A US 1587765 A US1587765 A US 1587765A US 715589 A US715589 A US 715589A US 71558924 A US71558924 A US 71558924A US 1587765 A US1587765 A US 1587765A
United States
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Expired - Lifetime
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Rene E Duplessis
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United Shoe Machinery Corp
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United Shoe Machinery Corp
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Application filed by United Shoe Machinery Corp filed Critical United Shoe Machinery Corp
Priority to US715589A priority Critical patent/US1587765A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of US1587765A publication Critical patent/US1587765A/en
Anticipated expiration legal-status Critical
Expired - Lifetime legal-status Critical Current




    • A43D47/00Machines for trimming or butting welts fixed on uppers
    • A43D43/00Machines for making stitch lips, or other preparatory treatment of soles or insoles before fixing same
    • A43D63/00Machines for carrying-out other finishing operations


  • This invention relates to trimming ma ⁇ chinos and is illustratedv as embodied in a machine especially designed to be used to trim the edge ot an insole attached to a st before the upper has been placed on the ln the majority oi'i slice
  • the pre- ⁇ vailing andv most economical practice oi litting an insole to a last is to die out the insole so that its 'lorepart lWill lit thc last r id so that its heel-seat will be longer and ider than that oit the last, and to register the torepart and let the heel-seat project beyond the last when driving the tacls by which the insole temporarily secured to the last.
  • 'lll-1e patented device comprises a gauge liavinq tivo abntinents spaced apart and ⁇ ar kr:ed tandem relation to slide on the perimeter oi ⁇ the last.
  • abntments, vvoi tingin coopera on Wit-li each other, utilize the variant "irvatnief oit the last to. reflect e nrad ⁇ l de ion oifthe ⁇ Vc'enrse of i; "reni the edge of the sole toward the edge oit ⁇ the heel-seat ol: the last yand vice versa. ATo keep theniaiininiii depth o trimm-ing ivitliin the desired limit for. all
  • an object oit this invention is to provide improved gauging means which, ⁇ Without sacrificing any of the advantages oli a device et the type above referred to, Will insure the desired. course or depth et trimming around the back ot the heel-seat irrespective ot the size et the last. ln. other Words, this object is to obtain the aforesaid desired results for all sizes with the same gauging means.
  • a feature of the invention by which the above object is attained consists in a com-v bination comprising tivo distinct gauging means one ot which constructed and arranged to lead the course ot trimming gradually toward and trom the edge ot the last at the sides. and the other ot which is con strncted and arranged to 'function only While trimming around the back ott the heel-seat and there to limit the depth o'lf trimming to any desired course 'and lead that course parallel te the edge of the last.
  • the illustrated construction provides a. gauging device comprising three abutn'ients arranged in a series, the intermediate abutment being oii'set inwardly from a line tangential tothe tivo terminal abuti'nents and adapted to engage only the back ot the heel, and that only when the back et the heel is 4between the tivo terminal abutments, While the latter are so spaced trom each other as to hold the last out ci contactwith the intermediate abutment when one side or the other of the last is in 'contact with them.
  • the terminal abntments utilize the variant curvato-re et the last to lead.
  • Another novel feature consists in provisions for adjusting the three abutments collectively toward and from the working point of the trimming critter to regulate the depth of trimming throughout the entire course, and still another novel feature consists in provisions for adjusting the two terminal abutments relatively to the intermediate abutment to regulate the course of trimming at the sides without altering the extreme depth of trimming around the back of the heel as determined by the intermediate abutment.
  • vFig. 1 is an elevation of a well known type of insole heel-seat' trimming machine equipped with gauging means of a preferred construction embodying the present invern tion; s
  • Fig. 2 is a similar elevation on a larger scale of the gauging means shown in Fig. l and shows a stage of trimming where the intermediate abutment alone is functioning;
  • Fig. 3 is a perspective view of said gauging means
  • Fig. et is a view similar to Fig. 2 of a fragment of the gauging means and represents that stage of trimming where the two terminal gauging abutn'ients are about to take control away from the intermediate abut-- ment;
  • Fig. 5 is a view similar to Fig. 4t showing the final stage of trimming in which the two terminal abutments hold the last away from the intermediate abutment;
  • Fig. 6 is a sectional view .including fragments of the heel end of a last. an insole ⁇ a trimming cutter and gauging devices for controllng the course of trimming. the working conditions represented by this figure corresponding to those represented in Fig. 2;
  • Fig. 'i' is ay view similar to Fig. 6 excepting that the workingconditions correspond to those shown in Fig. 5 see line VTI-VU of lfig. and
  • Fig. 8 is a plan View of the heel-seat end of an insolel before being trimmed to the last, and includes broken lines representing the outline of the heel-seat of the last and broken lines representing the cours-e. along which the trimming is led by the gauging means shown in the other figures.
  • rl ⁇ his machine comprises a column 10 the y.lower portion of which is omitted from the drawing to save space. rihis column furnishes bearings for a horizontal shaft 12 at the front end of which is a toothed cutter 14 of well-known form for trimming the edge of an insole.
  • the machine also comprises a jack or arm 1G arranged to swing on a. pin 1S to guide the last 20 toward and from the cutter 141-.
  • the jack is therefore provided with a last pin 22 adapted to occupy the usual last-pin socket 2li.
  • Other elements carried by the jack 16 include mechanism for clamping the heel-seat portion of an insole 26 against the corresponding portion of the last and for holding the last firmly on the pin 22, but inasmuch as said clamping mechanism is fully disclosed in said Patent 1,295,965 it will not be necessary to describe it in detail in this instance. Itis to be understood, however, ⁇ that the said clamping mechanism is capable of turning with the last as the latter swings about the axis of the pin Q2.
  • T he pin 1S on which the jack 16 swings forms a part of a universal point which includes the pin 28 extending at right angles to the pin 18 and arranged in a bearing afforded by a iiXtureZ-BO.
  • T he ack has a limitation-d movement about the axis of pin 28 to provide for different heights of lasts and for the cnrvatures of the bottoms of the last, while it may also swing about the pin 1S to guide tho last toward and from the cutter.
  • insoles are ordinarily died out approximately to the desired shapes and sizes it is customary to give them a little cxtra length and width at the heel end to provide for slight discrepancies between the 'outline of the last and the outline of the insole.
  • the assembler locates the insole relatively to the last with regard only to the forepart, and drives two or more tacks to fasten the insole temporarily to the last.
  • the heel end of an insole almost invariably projects beyond the heel end of the last and the sides of the heel-seat portie-n usually project beyond the heel-seat-of the last.
  • the length of the insole to be the same as that of the last, even though the heel-seat portion of the insole be wider than that of the last.
  • good practice requires that if there be any extra width in the heel seat portion of the insole it should be only in the forward part and the out-line of the insole should merge gradually into vthe outline of the heel-seat of the last at points from one half an inch to an inch forward of the extreme heel end, so that the outline of the insole will conform exactly tothe outline par member 32 according to the size of the lastor according to the points at which it is desired to join the courses G4 of trimming at the sides with the course oi trimming around the end.
  • the converging courses ot trimming represented by the broken lines 64, 64; may be shifted toward and from the back of the heel by relatively adjusting the gauging member 34.
  • the abutment-s 36, 38, 38 function as tollows: it last with an insole to be trimmed is .mounted on the last pin 22, the clamping means carried by the jack 16 is set up to c amp the insole lirmly against the last and the operative, grasping the handles 6G (Fig. l) in the lett hand and the forepart otI the last in the right hand, lirst swings the toe ot the last upwardly and then swings the jack toward the cutter.
  • the lett side oi the l.
  • the trimming has progressed about halt way from the starting point to the back ci the heel (the exact distance may be varied by adjusting the gauging members 32 and 3l) .
  • the trimming is progressing around the back of the heel under control of the abutment 36 it necessarily tollows a course parallel to, if not actually coincident with, the edge of the heel-seat of the last, since the varying curvature of the last has no effect in altering the depth of trimming so long as the depth is limited by the single abutment 36.
  • the gauging member 34 merely oscillates idly as required by the turning ot the last, for although it is not at this time functioning to control the depth ot trimming at lea-st one of its abutments 38 will be in contact with the side ot the last and it will tollow the movement of the last until that point is reached at t-he opposite side where the diminished convexity oi the last restores the gauging to the control of the two abntments 38, 38.
  • the abutments 38, 38 divert the course ot trimming gradually away from the edge of the last as indicated by the broken line (Sel at the lower side of Fig. 8, andthe dept-h o'l trimming is gradually decreased until the trimmed edge merges with the original edge 'at or near the front of the heel-seat.
  • a machine for controlling an operation by a contour ot a last, an operating tool, and gauging means comprising three abutments arranged in a series to Contact with said contour, the intermediate one ot said abntments being offset bac-kwardly from a line tangential to the terminal abutments and arranged to engage only the end of the last and that only when it is between said terminal abutments.
  • a machine 'for controlling an operation by a contour of a last, an operating tool, and gauging means comprising three abutments arranged in a series to contact with said contour, the intermediate one ot' said abut-ments being otlset backwardly from a line tangential to the terminal abutments and arranged to engage the end ot the last when said end is between said terminal abutments, and said terminal abutments being arranged to function simultaneously by engaging lirst one side of the last and then the other.
  • a tool arranged to operate on the article ot work, and gauging means comprising three abutments arranged to Iengage said contour, two otl said abutments being arranged to function simultaneously where the curvature ot said contour is relatively gradual, and the other being arranged to function where the curvature is relatively sha t.
  • trimming means In a machiner for trimming the edge of asole attached to a last, trimming means, gauging means arranged to abut the heel ot' the last to lead the course of trin'nning grad'- ually inwardly at one side ot the lieelfseat and gradually outwardly at the other side, and gauging means arranged to abut the back of the last to limit the depth of trimming around the heel end.
  • trimming means In a ⁇ machine for trimming the edgeot a sole attached to a last, trimming means, gauging means con'iprising two ⁇ cooperative abutn'ients spaced apart vand arranged to abut the heel ot the ⁇ last in tandem relation to lead the course ot t imn'iing gradually inwardly at one side or the heed-seat and gradually (mtn'ardly at the other side, and an ahntn'ient arranged to abut vthe last b'etween said two abutment?. to limit the depth oit trimming around the heel end.
  • gauging means comorising tvvo cooperative movable abutments spaced apart and arranged to abut the heel ot the last to lead the course ot trin'miing gradually inwardly at one side ot the heel-seat and gradually outwardly at the other side, 'and an abutment arranged to abut the last'between said two abutments to limit the deptlrot trimming around the heel end.
  • T. ln a machine tor trimming the edge oi' a sole attached to a last, trimming means, and gauging means ⁇ comprising three abutments arranged in a series, the. intermediate one oit said abutments being' arranged to abut the baci; ot the last to limit the depth oil. trimming around the end ot the heel and the tivo others being arranged to abut the last simultaneous y to lead the courte ot trin'iming gradually to and 'from that determined by said intermediate one.
  • trimming means In a machine for trin'uning the edge of a sole attached to a last, trimming means, gauging means arranged to abut the bacl; of the last to lead the trimming at the heel end along a course parallel to the edge ot the last, and gauging means arranged to engage tivo points or the last simultaneously to lead the trimming at one side gradually toward said edge and at the other side gradually away trom said edge.
  • uging means comprising three abutmenl arranged in a series, thev two terminal aljartments oi said series hei* f arranged to run simultaneously on the last to control the trimming along the sides ot the heel-seat et the sole ⁇ and the intermediate abutment being oii'eet troni a line tangential to said terminal abutments to control the course or trimming around the bach of the heel-seat.
  • a machine for trinuning the edge ot' a sole attached to a last trinnning means, and gauging means comprising three abutments arranged in aseries, the tiro terminal alfiutments ot said series being movable and arranged to engage the last to control the courses ot trimming ⁇ along the sides of the heel-seat, andthe intermediate abutment being stationary and arranged to engage the hach of the last to control the cour-se ot' trimming around the back of the heel-seat.
  • a machine tor trimming the edge ot a sole attached to a last trimming means, gauging means arranged to engage the last to'lead ,the trimming around the heel end along a course conforming to the lcmitonr o'l ⁇ the last irresgective ot the size ot' the last, and mea arranged to engage the heel oit the last at two separatel points vin tandem relation to lead the trimming gradually in t-o said course at one side of the heel and gradually out from said course at the other side irrespective et the size ot the last.
  • trimming means In a machine Yfor trimming the edge of a sole attached to a last, trimming means, gauging means ⁇ including two cooperative movable abutments and ja stationary abutment all arranged to engage the perimeter otV the heel-part ot thelast, said lmovable abutments being arranged to lead the 'course oi? trimming gradually inwardly at one side and gradually outwardly at the other side, and said stationary abutment fheing arranged te limit the dept-li vol: trimming around the heelfend. i U
  • a airing device constructed and' arranged to t a divergent course oli trimnnnw 'it the sides ot .the heel-seat, and a to eii'ect a non-,d course' ot' trinnning aifoundthe heel 'lll-v. ln a machine for trimming the edge ot' a sole attached to a last, trimming means, gauging means constructed and arranged to control the courses oit trimn'iing along the Sides ofthe hecl-seat portion, and' gauging means constructed and arranged to control the course ot trimming around the heel end, said two gauging means being relatively adjustable to determine the points where said side courses shall join said end course.
  • l5. a machine for trimming the edge of a sole attached to a last, trimming means, gauging means constructed and arranged to control.
  • a gauging device comprising an abutment and a lip, said lip being termed and arranged to project betveen i the last and the margin ot the sole, and said abutment lacing arranged to abut the back et the last to determine a course ot trimming around the heel end, and gauging means arranged to abut the sides of the heel of the last to divert the courses ot trimming along the sides ot the heehseat.
  • trimming means In a machine for trimming the edge of a sole attached to a last, trimming means,
  • a stationary gauging device comprising anabiitment and a lip, said lip being formed and arranged to project between the last and the margin of the sole, and said abutment bein? ⁇ arranged to abut the back of the last to control the course or' trimming around the heel end, and .
  • movable gauging means arranged to abut the sides of the last to divert the courses of trimming along the sides of the heel-seat.
  • trimming means In a machine for trimming the edge of a soie attached to a last, trimming means, a gauging ydeviceformed and arranged to have a single point of contact with the back of the last to control the trimming around the heel end, said device having a lip formed to project between the last and the margin of the sole, and a gauging device formed and arranged to have two separate points of contact intandem relation with the last to lead the course of trimming gradually inwardly along one side of the heel-seat and gradually outwardly along the other side.
  • trimming means In a machine for trimming the edge of a sole attached to a last, trimming means, a stationary gauging device and a movable gauging device formed and arranged to function alternately to determine a course of trimming along the sides and around the back of the heel-seat.
  • trimming means In a machine for trimming the edge of a sole attached to a last, trimming means, a stationary gauging device and a movable gauging device formed and arranged to func-- tion alternately to determine a course of' 21.
  • trimming means In a machine for trimming the edge' of a sole attached to a last, trimming means, an oscillatory gauging device formed and arranged to have two points of contact in 45 tandem relation with the last to control the trimming along the sides ot' the heel-seat.y and a stationary gauging device formed and arranged to have a single point of contact with the last to control the trimming around the end of the heel-seat.
  • trimming means In a machine for trimming of a sole attached to a last, trimming means. an oscillatory gauging device formed and arranged to have two points of contact in tandem relation with the last to control the trimming along the sides of the heel-seat, and a stationary gauging device formed and arranged to have a single point or' contact with the last to control the trimn'iing around the endof the heel-seat, said stationary device having a lip formed arranged to project between the lastand the margin of the sole.


  • Footwear And Its Accessory, Manufacturing Method And Apparatuses (AREA)


June 8 1926. 1,587,765
R. E. DUPLESSIS GAUGING DEVICE Filed May 24, 1924 Patented .lune 8, 1926.
entree nenn E. nnrnnssrs, or BEVERLY, Massaal-inserts, Assis-non To TINITED siren MA- CHINERY COEORATION, Ol'. ATERSON, NEVI JERSEY.
mesnil; A eonr'ona'ron or NEW entferne Device.
Application filed May 24,
This invention relates to trimming ma` chinos and is illustratedv as embodied in a machine especially designed to be used to trim the edge ot an insole attached to a st before the upper has been placed on the ln the majority oi'i slice Afactories the pre-` vailing andv most economical practice oi litting an insole to a last is to die out the insole so that its 'lorepart lWill lit thc last r id so that its heel-seat will be longer and ider than that oit the last, and to register the torepart and let the heel-seat project beyond the last when driving the tacls by which the insole temporarily secured to the last. llfhile this practice permits fitting the torepart et the insole to the last it necessitates triinnfiing the surplus material from the mewrin et the insole around the heelseat after the last and insole have been assembled as above described. Incidentally lo pci-'terming this trimn'iiiig operation by the machines most comniionly used, shoulders are mined on the opposite `edges ot the shanl; portion ot the insole at the points Where the trimming begins and ends, and the torniation oil ench shoulders is so objectionable that varier-.s devices have been designed For example, United States lo avoid it. letters Patent No. LellitlG, granted May lo. on application et H. Dflllebb, illnfa dei,v designed to overcome the v in questionY by leading the trimnt gradually 'liroin the edge ot the edge ot the heel-seat olf the last as the trin'm'iing progresses along one side, trom the breast line toward the lzael.: et the heel, and by loading the triminino' cnt gradually 'troni the edge ot' the het leal; et the last toward the original edge el the insole the trimming progresses along the other ide 'trom the bach et the heel toward the breast line.
'lll-1e patented device comprises a gauge liavinq tivo abntinents spaced apart and `ar kr:ed tandem relation to slide on the perimeter oi` the last. These abntments, vvoi tingin coopera on Wit-li each other, utilize the variant "irvatnief oit the last to. reflect e nrad `l de ion oifthe `Vc'enrse of i; "reni the edge of the sole toward the edge oit `the heel-seat ol: the last yand vice versa. ATo keep theniaiininiii depth o trimm-ing ivitliin the desired limit for. all
1524. serial no. 715,589.
sizes with the patented device it was found necessary to provide two interchangeable gauges to talre care et the Whole range et' sizes? that is to say, a gauge et relatively large proportions tor the larger sizes, and algal je of relatively small proportions iler the smaller sizes7 the essential difference being in the spacing ot the tivo abutments one 'troni the other.
In view et the' latoresaid conditions an object oit this invention is to provide improved gauging means which,` Without sacrificing any of the advantages oli a device et the type above referred to, Will insure the desired. course or depth et trimming around the back ot the heel-seat irrespective ot the size et the last. ln. other Words, this object is to obtain the aforesaid desired results for all sizes with the same gauging means.
A feature of the invention by which the above object is attained consists in a com-v bination comprising tivo distinct gauging means one ot which constructed and arranged to lead the course ot trimming gradually toward and trom the edge ot the last at the sides. and the other ot which is con strncted and arranged to 'function only While trimming around the back ott the heel-seat and there to limit the depth o'lf trimming to any desired course 'and lead that course parallel te the edge of the last.
According to another novel feature et the invention, the illustrated construction provides a. gauging device comprising three abutn'ients arranged in a series, the intermediate abutment being oii'set inwardly from a line tangential tothe tivo terminal abuti'nents and adapted to engage only the back ot the heel, and that only when the back et the heel is 4between the tivo terminal abutments, While the latter are so spaced trom each other as to hold the last out ci contactwith the intermediate abutment when one side or the other of the last is in 'contact with them. Byvvirtne of this feature the terminal abntments utilize the variant curvato-re et the last to lead. the course' of trimming gradually 'from the edgev of .the insolev inwardly.. and- Aiiially' ontwaidly.y Whereas the inte 1mediate abutment controls the coarse ot lt'riminin'g fwhi-le progressing around the loa-lv of lthe'.heel-seatwhereA the curvature is Q. est. Thus, ivh-ile 'theteel al abtitlnents may 'arranged to atteind the desired gradual gauging effect for all sizes the intermediate abutment is always a safeguard to prevent trimming too deeply, even on the smallest size, while progressing around the back of the heel.
Another novel feature consists in provisions for adjusting the three abutments collectively toward and from the working point of the trimming critter to regulate the depth of trimming throughout the entire course, and still another novel feature consists in provisions for adjusting the two terminal abutments relatively to the intermediate abutment to regulate the course of trimming at the sides without altering the extreme depth of trimming around the back of the heel as determined by the intermediate abutment.
Other features of the invention are hereinafter described and claimed and are illustrated by the accompanying drawings.
Referring to the drawings:
vFig. 1 is an elevation of a well known type of insole heel-seat' trimming machine equipped with gauging means of a preferred construction embodying the present invern tion; s
Fig. 2 is a similar elevation on a larger scale of the gauging means shown in Fig. l and shows a stage of trimming where the intermediate abutment alone is functioning;
Fig. 3 is a perspective view of said gauging means;
Fig. et is a view similar to Fig. 2 of a fragment of the gauging means and represents that stage of trimming where the two terminal gauging abutn'ients are about to take control away from the intermediate abut-- ment;
Fig. 5 .is a view similar to Fig. 4t showing the final stage of trimming in which the two terminal abutments hold the last away from the intermediate abutment;
Fig. 6 is a sectional view .including fragments of the heel end of a last. an insole` a trimming cutter and gauging devices for controllng the course of trimming. the working conditions represented by this figure corresponding to those represented in Fig. 2;
Fig. 'i' is ay view similar to Fig. 6 excepting that the workingconditions correspond to those shown in Fig. 5 see line VTI-VU of lfig. and
Fig. 8 is a plan View of the heel-seat end of an insolel before being trimmed to the last, and includes broken lines representing the outline of the heel-seat of the last and broken lines representing the cours-e. along which the trimming is led by the gauging means shown in the other figures.
lith the exception yof the gauging moans hereinafter described the illustrated trimming machine is of the same type and em- .hodiesthe `saine, construction as that'more fully disclosed in United States Letters Patent No. 1,295,965, oranted March 4, 1919, on an application of Brown and Macleod. rl`his machine comprises a column 10 the y.lower portion of which is omitted from the drawing to save space. rihis column furnishes bearings for a horizontal shaft 12 at the front end of which is a toothed cutter 14 of well-known form for trimming the edge of an insole. The machine also comprises a jack or arm 1G arranged to swing on a. pin 1S to guide the last 20 toward and from the cutter 141-. The jack is therefore provided with a last pin 22 adapted to occupy the usual last-pin socket 2li. Other elements carried by the jack 16 include mechanism for clamping the heel-seat portion of an insole 26 against the corresponding portion of the last and for holding the last firmly on the pin 22, but inasmuch as said clamping mechanism is fully disclosed in said Patent 1,295,965 it will not be necessary to describe it in detail in this instance. Itis to be understood, however, `that the said clamping mechanism is capable of turning with the last as the latter swings about the axis of the pin Q2. he pin 1S on which the jack 16 swings forms a part of a universal point which includes the pin 28 extending at right angles to the pin 18 and arranged in a bearing afforded by a iiXtureZ-BO. T he ack has a limite-d movement about the axis of pin 28 to provide for different heights of lasts and for the cnrvatures of the bottoms of the last, while it may also swing about the pin 1S to guide tho last toward and from the cutter. i
Although insoles are ordinarily died out approximately to the desired shapes and sizes it is customary to give them a little cxtra length and width at the heel end to provide for slight discrepancies between the 'outline of the last and the outline of the insole. The assembler locates the insole relatively to the last with regard only to the forepart, and drives two or more tacks to fasten the insole temporarily to the last. As a result of this assembling practice the heel end of an insole almost invariably projects beyond the heel end of the last and the sides of the heel-seat portie-n usually project beyond the heel-seat-of the last. and whether the extent of projection vis much or little, goed shoemaking practice requires the length of the insole to be the same as that of the last, even though the heel-seat portion of the insole be wider than that of the last. As to the latter, good practice requires that if there be any extra width in the heel seat portion of the insole it should be only in the forward part and the out-line of the insole should merge gradually into vthe outline of the heel-seat of the last at points from one half an inch to an inch forward of the extreme heel end, so that the outline of the insole will conform exactly tothe outline par member 32 according to the size of the lastor according to the points at which it is desired to join the courses G4 of trimming at the sides with the course oi trimming around the end. In other words, the converging courses ot trimming represented by the broken lines 64, 64; may be shifted toward and from the back of the heel by relatively adjusting the gauging member 34.
Having adjusted the two gauging mem bers to determine a course of trimming as above explained and as represented by Fig. 8, the abutment- s 36, 38, 38 function as tollows: it last with an insole to be trimmed is .mounted on the last pin 22, the clamping means carried by the jack 16 is set up to c amp the insole lirmly against the last and the operative, grasping the handles 6G (Fig. l) in the lett hand and the forepart otI the last in the right hand, lirst swings the toe ot the last upwardly and then swings the jack toward the cutter. The lett side oi the l. t is thus brought into engagement with 'the terminal abutments 38. 38 and the cutter begins to operate on the insole at a point adjacent to the arrow in Fig. 8. To cause the trimming to progress in the direction or' this arrow the operative swings the toe o'lf the last in the direction indicated by the arrow in Fig. l, at the same time maintaining pressure ot the last against the abutments 38. As the last turns about the pin 22 it slides on the abut-ments 38 and the point ot trimming gradually approaches the outline ot the heel-seat of the last by following the course indicated by the broken line 64 at the top ot' Fig. 8. This gradual approach to the edge ot the last is controlled by the gradually -increasing` convexity ot the last as the trimming progresses from the starting point toward the back of the heel, the increasing converity permitting the last to enter gradually the gap between the abut- ments 38, 38.
lli hen the trimming has progressed about halt way from the starting point to the back ci the heel (the exact distance may be varied by adjusting the gauging members 32 and 3l) .the last touches the abutment 3G between the abutments 38 (see Fig. 4) and at this point the maximum depth of trimming reached, the abutments 38, 38 cease to t'unction, and the intermediate abutment 3G takes control of the course ot trimming and maintains such control until the trimming has progressed to the corresponding point on the other side ot the longitudinal median line of the last. ri/virile the trimming is progressing around the back of the heel under control of the abutment 36 it necessarily tollows a course parallel to, if not actually coincident with, the edge of the heel-seat of the last, since the varying curvature of the last has no effect in altering the depth of trimming so long as the depth is limited by the single abutment 36. In the meantime the gauging member 34 merely oscillates idly as required by the turning ot the last, for although it is not at this time functioning to control the depth ot trimming at lea-st one of its abutments 38 will be in contact with the side ot the last and it will tollow the movement of the last until that point is reached at t-he opposite side where the diminished convexity oi the last restores the gauging to the control of the two abntments 38, 38. Continuing `from this point the abutments 38, 38 divert the course ot trimming gradually away from the edge of the last as indicated by the broken line (Sel at the lower side of Fig. 8, andthe dept-h o'l trimming is gradually decreased until the trimmed edge merges with the original edge 'at or near the front of the heel-seat.
Having thus described my invention, what l claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent of the United States is:
l.. In a machine for controlling an operation by a contour ot a last, an operating tool, and gauging means comprising three abutments arranged in a series to Contact with said contour, the intermediate one ot said abntments being offset bac-kwardly from a line tangential to the terminal abutments and arranged to engage only the end of the last and that only when it is between said terminal abutments.
i3. ln a machine 'for controlling an operation by a contour of a last, an operating tool, and gauging means comprising three abutments arranged in a series to contact with said contour, the intermediate one ot' said abut-ments being otlset backwardly from a line tangential to the terminal abutments and arranged to engage the end ot the last when said end is between said terminal abutments, and said terminal abutments being arranged to function simultaneously by engaging lirst one side of the last and then the other.
8. In a machine for operating progressively upon an article of work in xed relation to a pattern having a curved contour, a tool arranged to operate on the article ot work, and gauging means comprising three abutments arranged to Iengage said contour, two otl said abutments being arranged to function simultaneously where the curvature ot said contour is relatively gradual, and the other being arranged to function where the curvature is relatively sha t. In a machiner for trimming the edge of asole attached to a last, trimming means, gauging means arranged to abut the heel ot' the last to lead the course of trin'nning grad'- ually inwardly at one side ot the lieelfseat and gradually outwardly at the other side, and gauging means arranged to abut the back of the last to limit the depth of trimming around the heel end.
5, In a `machine for trimming the edgeot a sole attached to a last, trimming means, gauging means con'iprising two` cooperative abutn'ients spaced apart vand arranged to abut the heel ot the `last in tandem relation to lead the course ot t imn'iing gradually inwardly at one side or the heed-seat and gradually (mtn'ardly at the other side, and an ahntn'ient arranged to abut vthe last b'etween said two abutment?. to limit the depth oit trimming around the heel end.
ln a machi ie tor trin'iming the edge et a sole attached to a last, trimn'ii'ng means, gauging means comorising tvvo cooperative movable abutments spaced apart and arranged to abut the heel ot the last to lead the course ot trin'miing gradually inwardly at one side ot the heel-seat and gradually outwardly at the other side, 'and an abutment arranged to abut the last'between said two abutments to limit the deptlrot trimming around the heel end.
T. ln a machine tor trimming the edge oi' a sole attached to a last, trimming means, and gauging means` comprising three abutments arranged in a series, the. intermediate one oit said abutments being' arranged to abut the baci; ot the last to limit the depth oil. trimming around the end ot the heel and the tivo others being arranged to abut the last simultaneous y to lead the courte ot trin'iming gradually to and 'from that determined by said intermediate one.
S. In a machine for trin'uning the edge of a sole attached to a last, trimming means, gauging means arranged to abut the bacl; of the last to lead the trimming at the heel end along a course parallel to the edge ot the last, and gauging means arranged to engage tivo points or the last simultaneously to lead the trimming at one side gradually toward said edge and at the other side gradually away trom said edge.
tl. ln a machine tor trimn'iing the edge or a sole attached to a last, trimming` means,
and uging means comprising three abutmenl arranged in a series, thev two terminal aljartments oi said series hei* f arranged to run simultaneously on the last to control the trimming along the sides ot the heel-seat et the sole` and the intermediate abutment being oii'eet troni a line tangential to said terminal abutments to control the course or trimming around the bach of the heel-seat.
l0. In a machine for trinuning the edge ot' a sole attached to a last, trinnning means, and gauging means comprising three abutments arranged in aseries, the tiro terminal alfiutments ot said series being movable and arranged to engage the last to control the courses ot trimming` along the sides of the heel-seat, andthe intermediate abutment being stationary and arranged to engage the hach of the last to control the cour-se ot' trimming around the back of the heel-seat.
11. ln a machine tor trimming the edge ot a sole attached to a last, trimming means, gauging means arranged to engage the last to'lead ,the trimming around the heel end along a course conforming to the lcmitonr o'l` the last irresgective ot the size ot' the last, and mea arranged to engage the heel oit the last at two separatel points vin tandem relation to lead the trimming gradually in t-o said course at one side of the heel and gradually out from said course at the other side irrespective et the size ot the last.
l2. In a machine Yfor trimming the edge of a sole attached to a last, trimming means, gauging means `including two cooperative movable abutments and ja stationary abutment all arranged to engage the perimeter otV the heel-part ot thelast, said lmovable abutments being arranged to lead the 'course oi? trimming gradually inwardly at one side and gradually outwardly at the other side, and said stationary abutment fheing arranged te limit the dept-li vol: trimming around the heelfend. i U
13. -lln a machine 'lor trimming `the edge oit a sole attached to al last, .trimming means,
a airing device constructed and' arranged to t a divergent course oli trimnnnw 'it the sides ot .the heel-seat, and a to eii'ect a non-,d course' ot' trinnning aifoundthe heel 'lll-v. ln a machine for trimming the edge ot' a sole attached to a last, trimming means, gauging means constructed and arranged to control the courses oit trimn'iing along the Sides ofthe hecl-seat portion, and' gauging means constructed and arranged to control the course ot trimming around the heel end, said two gauging means being relatively adjustable to determine the points where said side courses shall join said end course.
l5. ln a machine for trimming the edge of a sole attached to a last, trimming means, gauging means constructed and arranged to control. the courses ot trimn'iing alonl, the sides of the heel-seat portion, gauging means constructed and arranged to control the course of trimming around the heel end, said two gauging means being relatively adinet-J able to determine the Qoints where said side courses shall join said end course, and moana arranged to adjust said tivo gauging means collectively to regulate the closeness et triinming.
16. In a machine for trimming the edge ot a sole attached to a last, trimming means, a gauging device comprising an abutment and a lip, said lip being termed and arranged to project betveen i the last and the margin ot the sole, and said abutment lacing arranged to abut the back et the last to determine a course ot trimming around the heel end, and gauging means arranged to abut the sides of the heel of the last to divert the courses ot trimming along the sides ot the heehseat.
vicei arranged lll) 17. In a machine for trimming the edge of a sole attached to a last, trimming means,
a stationary gauging device comprising anabiitment and a lip, said lip being formed and arranged to project between the last and the margin of the sole, and said abutment bein?` arranged to abut the back of the last to control the course or' trimming around the heel end, and .movable gauging means arranged to abut the sides of the last to divert the courses of trimming along the sides of the heel-seat. c c
18. In a machine for trimming the edge of a soie attached to a last, trimming means, a gauging ydeviceformed and arranged to have a single point of contact with the back of the last to control the trimming around the heel end, said device having a lip formed to project between the last and the margin of the sole, and a gauging device formed and arranged to have two separate points of contact intandem relation with the last to lead the course of trimming gradually inwardly along one side of the heel-seat and gradually outwardly along the other side.
19. In a machine for trimming the edge of a sole attached to a last, trimming means, a stationary gauging device and a movable gauging device formed and arranged to function alternately to determine a course of trimming along the sides and around the back of the heel-seat.
20. In a machine for trimming the edge of a sole attached to a last, trimming means, a stationary gauging device and a movable gauging device formed and arranged to func-- tion alternately to determine a course of' 21. In a machine for trimming the edge' of a sole attached to a last, trimming means, an oscillatory gauging device formed and arranged to have two points of contact in 45 tandem relation with the last to control the trimming along the sides ot' the heel-seat.y and a stationary gauging device formed and arranged to have a single point of contact with the last to control the trimming around the end of the heel-seat.
22. In a machine for trimming of a sole attached to a last, trimming means. an oscillatory gauging device formed and arranged to have two points of contact in tandem relation with the last to control the trimming along the sides of the heel-seat, and a stationary gauging device formed and arranged to have a single point or' contact with the last to control the trimn'iing around the endof the heel-seat, said stationary device having a lip formed arranged to project between the lastand the margin of the sole.
In testimony whereof I have name to this specification.
f l REN E. nUrLEssis.
the edge signed myv
US715589A 1924-05-24 1924-05-24 Gauging device Expired - Lifetime US1587765A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US715589A US1587765A (en) 1924-05-24 1924-05-24 Gauging device

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US715589A US1587765A (en) 1924-05-24 1924-05-24 Gauging device

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US1587765A true US1587765A (en) 1926-06-08



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
US715589A Expired - Lifetime US1587765A (en) 1924-05-24 1924-05-24 Gauging device

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US (1) US1587765A (en)

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
DE915189C (en) * 1941-03-26 1954-07-15 United Shoe Machinery Corp Machine for the edge milling of the heel end of a listed insole

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
DE915189C (en) * 1941-03-26 1954-07-15 United Shoe Machinery Corp Machine for the edge milling of the heel end of a listed insole

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