US1026936A - Printing-machine. - Google Patents

Printing-machine. Download PDF


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US1026936A US65979411A US1911659794A US1026936A US 1026936 A US1026936 A US 1026936A US 65979411 A US65979411 A US 65979411A US 1911659794 A US1911659794 A US 1911659794A US 1026936 A US1026936 A US 1026936A
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Charles A Sturtevant
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American Bank Note Co
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American Bank Note Co
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Application filed by American Bank Note Co filed Critical American Bank Note Co
Priority to US65979411A priority Critical patent/US1026936A/en
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Publication of US1026936A publication Critical patent/US1026936A/en
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Expired - Lifetime legal-status Critical Current




    • B41F7/00Rotary lithographic machines
    • B41F7/02Rotary lithographic machines for offset printing
    • B41F7/10Rotary lithographic machines for offset printing using one impression cylinder co-operating with several transfer cylinders for printing on sheets or webs, e.g. satellite-printing units


  • My inventiony relates to printing machines, and more particularly toa class of multivcolor rotary perfecting offset presses.
  • the main object of: the invention is to provide a press ofjthis character wherein an impression may be simultaneously made upon both sides of the paper by the pianographic oil-set method, and such nnpres sions may be taken without likelihood cit-the smutting or. spreading of'the ink.
  • a further object is to provide such a press which may be used either as a perfecting press or to make an impression upon one side of the sheet only, means being provided for rendcring' one planographic surface, or s'etv ot' planographic surfaces, inoperative while leaving the other. fully operative.
  • a still further object is to provide a press wherein the variousmechanisms will be so constructed and associated as to permit the making of an impression upon one side-of the sheet in a plurality of colors simultaneously, or in one color, as desired.
  • a still further object is to provide in a machine of this character a mam impression cylinder and an oppositely disposed impresas an impression cylinder, and, in relation to the other, as a platen cylinder, the nupressionsurfaces of both cylinders consisting of a resilient non-absorbent facing such as rubber; said main cylinder also carrying means whereby a planographic plate or plates may be secured thereto in a manner to transfer to said other impression cylinder or the facing thereon, an impression in color, and having associated therewith one or more planographic cylinders adapted tobc auto facing upon said main cylinder; and m matically shifted so as to be he'ldoitt iiifengi gagement with the planogitiphic platcsiup o n said cylinder whilebein'g caused to engage or bear upon the printing surface or rutber ans Specification of Letters Patent.
  • a still further object is to provide means whereby the main and the supplemental impressi on cylinders may be thrown out of or into the impression relation to control the operation of the machine independently of the main power.
  • a still further object is to provide means in conjunction with the impression cylindersor rollers, whereby a sheet of paper will be accurately positioned and fed be tween the two impression rollers and delivered thereby to the sheet delivery mechanism.
  • a still further object is to so construct and associate the various mechanisms as to cause the damping and inking mechanisms acting in relation to each planographic cylinder to he moved toward and from the main impression cylinders together with said planographic or transfer cylinders, while being capable of movement independently thereof to facilitate the adjustment of these mechanisms.
  • a still further object is to providgi bieans I whereby the inkin mechanism acting upon the planographic p ates carried by the main impression cylinder may be moved in its entirety' toward or away from said cylinder, th A cr'ioperating mechani ms between said cy ind'cr and said inking n echanism, whereby the latter is actuated, being so associated and arrangedrms to befin the proper oper- Patented May21,1912. i 11, 1911. Serial No. 659,794. i
  • A. still further object is to provide means, adapted to be set by hand, power being applied to the press to throw the two impression cylinders out of the impression position as to each other, or to re: store themto such impression position.
  • a still further object is to provide a throw-0E mechanism for the impression cylinders which will operate simultaneously, accurately and similarly upon both sides of one of said cylinders to move it out of the impression relation to the other and preserve the proper alinement of the two cylinders.
  • a still further object is to so construct and arrange the automatically acting means throwing the planographic or transfer cyl inders out ofthe impression relation to the main cylinder, as to secure a parallel movement th erect, and preserve the alinement between the said planographic or transfer cylinders and the main impression cylinder.
  • a still further object is to provide a press of this character embodying Morrisoniatically shift-able planographic damping and inking mechanisms, wherein the various damping and inking mechanisms will, after they have been shifted with relation to the pianographic surfaces, be automatically restored to their former position when the shifting member ceases to be operative.
  • cylinders will have such relation as to properly register upon opposite sides of the printed sheet, tliroagl'i the impression upon one cylinder being transp u a. i fei red to the other cylindcr by planographic plates carried by said first named cylinder.
  • a still further ob' ect is to )i'ovide adiustto utilize the ing means upon each of these planographie cylinders transferring an impression to the impre llOll surlz-iceo't the main cylinder, whereby the plateslupon said ilanographic cylinders may be brought to register with each other in a manner to permit a plurality oi? superposed colors, in accurale register, to he traiisl'erred to the impression surface of said main cylinder.
  • the invention consists primarily in a printing machine, embodying therein a main impression' cylinder carrying an impression surface adapted to receive an imprint from a plauographio plate, and planegraphic plates diametrically opposite said impression surface, a planographic transfer cylinder, a damping and inlging mechanism therefor adapted to transfer an impression to the impression surface upon said main cylinder, a damping and inking mechanism adapted to cooperate with the planographic plates upon said main cylinder, an iiiipression cylinder oppositely disposed to said main cylinder, and means automatically shifting said planographic cylinder and said damping and inking mechanisms acting upon the planographic plates upon said main cyl cylinder ⁇ and said damping and inking inder whereby said plainographic' mechanisms are respectively made inoperative during each rotation of the main cylinder so as to afford clearance for the planographic plates upon the main cylinder, and
  • zw Figure l is a side elevation of machine embodying my invention
  • Fig. 2 is an elevation of the delivery end thereof
  • Fig. 3 is an elevation of the feeding end thereof
  • Figp l is a detail view of one planographic-plate cylinder and the parts appurtenant thereto
  • Fig. 5 is a detail view of the mechanism for throwing the main impression cylinder and the oppositely disposcd impression cylinder into and out of the impression relation
  • Fig. 7 is a digrainn'iaticview.
  • l1 ig. 8 is a detailed perspective View illustrating the gripper mechanism used in connection with the oppositely disposedim pression cylinders; l ig. 9'is a detail View of the actuating mechanism forshiftiiig the.
  • damping and inking mechanisms for pre paring the planographic surfaces upon the main inipres sioncylinder 10 is a detail view showing the mechanism used noeeaeee 8 yarying the pressure between the two impression cylinders and between the pianographic cylinders and the main impression 1 -of the machine, 2 the feeding shelf, 3 the collect-in mechanism, which constitutes no part of t is invention and will not therefore "be described in detail, and 4, the main power shaft.
  • main impression cylinder 5 Mounted in fixed bearings in the main frame is the main impression cylinder 5, andoppositely disposed thereto is a secago 'oild impression cylinder 6, of one half the diameter of the main impression cylinder, so as to cause said oppositely disposed cyl inderti to turn two revolutions to each revolution of the main cylinder.
  • secago 'oild impression cylinder 6 Mounted in fixed bearings in the main frame is the main impression cylinder 5, andoppositely disposed thereto is a secago 'oild impression cylinder 6, of one half the diameter of the main impression cylinder, so as to cause said oppositely disposed cyl inderti to turn two revolutions to each revolution of the main cylinder.
  • a machine'ma de' in accordance with my invention has the primarycharacteristic of fleeing capable of use for simultaneously; -prin;ti ng upon both sides of a sheet of paper,
  • the main cylinder 5 has secured thereto "in any desiredynanner to secure the desired tautness, aresilient printing and impression surface 7, extendin throughout a por- V tion of the periphery 0t said cylinder only, ression cylinder 6 is provided I with a simi ar printing and impression surface 8,,' sa,id surfaces 7 and 8 corresponding as to;;length so as to act with each other, when taking the impression, to the full lcng'tli thereof.
  • These surfaces 7 and 8 are similar in all respects to the ordinaryprint- 1I1g.surfaces of ofi'set presses, excepting in I suclrminor details whichadapt them to this a part cular type of press.
  • I provide means whereby one or more planographic plates 9 may be secured upon said main cylinder, the surface of said plates 9 and of the impression surface 7 upon said cylinder being of the same height sothat said plates and said surface will successive vely transfer an impression to the p inting and impression surface 8 upon said cylinder 6 and come into the proper impression relation thereto with each single rotation of the n'laimcylindcr and each double rotation of the cylinder (3.
  • a plurality ofcylinders 10 and 11 mounted in the frame 1 upon one side of the main impression cylinder 5 is a plurality ofcylinders 10 and 11, adapted to have secured thereto planographic plates which transfer to the printing and impression surface 7 upon said main cylinder, the design to be printed upon one side of the sheet of paper, two such cylinders being used in order to permit difl'erent colors to besuperimposedaipon said printing surface in order that the design may be reproduced simul tancously in two colors. While 'a plurality of such planographic cylinders'is desirable, I only one such cylinder need be used if desired, and, as will hereinafter appear, I
  • Each of the cylinders 10 and 11 is'driven continuously from a gear carried by the main cylinder 5, so that with each rotation of said cylinder there will be two complete rotations of said planographic cylinders,
  • said cylinders being one-half the diameter of said main cylinder.
  • a dampingmcchanism 1213 Associated with each cylinder is a dampingmcchanism 1213 adapted to moist-en those parts of the plates upon said cylinders which have an a'flinity for water so as
  • the detailed construction of said damping mechanism is immaterial to my invention, the construction, uses and mode of operation thereof being old and well known in this and analogous arts. Such being the case,Iwill not enter into a detailed description of this mechanism excepting 125 in so far as it is related to the operation ofi the planographic cylinders while the machine is runnmg.
  • an inking mechanism l t-15 adapted to apply ink to the surface 130 7 graphic plates 9 carried of the plates upon each cylinder after the same have been dampened, the plates upon said cylinders receiving during each rotation of the press two inkings.
  • the inking mechanism of this character being used and Well known in this and analogous arts a description thereofwill not be entered into, any desired or approved type of ink feeding, spreading and distributing rollers being applicable to a machine made in accordance with my invention.
  • a damping mechanism 16 Associated With the main impression cylinder 5, on the side thereof opposite to cylinders, is a damping mechanism 16, adapted to dampen the surface of the planeand an inking mechanism 17, adapted to apply ink to said plates after they have been moistened by the said damping mechanism 16.
  • each planograpbic cylinder and the planographhr plat es upon the main cylinder are' provided with an individual damping and inking mechanism; adapted, respectively to prepare the plates ul ion sa 'd' planographic or transfer cylinders and upon said -main' cy]- inder res .iectively, so as totransfer with each rotation of said main cylinder, the def signs upon said plates to the impression and printing surfacenpon the main cylinder 5, and upon the corresponding surfac'e'of the multirevolution cylinder, (3.
  • the shifting mechanism for the cylinders 10 and 11 is the same, although the initia- 5 tion of this'movement occurs a differentin the said plane-graphicby said cylinder 5,
  • each planographie cylinder is mounted in a bushing 18-l9 having an eccentric outer surface and carried by said bushing is a face plate 20- 21 by means of Which said bushing may the cylinders 10 and 11 into and out of the transfer relation to the impression or print ing surface upon the main cylinder;
  • each plate 20 21. is provided with a guide slot 22 23 for limiting its movement and is connected by a link 24 25 with the short arm 26 27 of a bell crank lever, the plate 20 21 having a radially extending arm to which the link 2a 25 is connected.
  • the said bell crank lever is mounted upon a shaft F39 extending t1 ansversely of the machine, from side to side thereof, and the long; arm 30 31 of saidlever carries an anti-friction roller which is adapted to engage a cam 32 upon the shaft of the main impression cylinder 5, said cam 32 rotating with said main cylinder.
  • Acting upon the shafts :28 and 2.) respectively are torsion springs 33 34, which serve to normally turn said shafts in manher to turn the bushings 18 19 force the cylinders 10 and .1 into engagement With the main cylinderti.
  • each inking mechanism 1-1- and 15 are mounted in an adjustable frame 41 42 having a projecting arm 43 -l4tconnccted by a. link 45 46 with a bell crank actuating lo ,ver' Hand 48 so that either or both of said inking mechanisms may be thrown out of the inking relation-to its 'planographic or trans-- fer cylinder.
  • a connecting link 49 Connecting the long arm of the operating, levers 47 and 48 so as to be ierefrom, is a connecting link 49 which permits both inking mechanisms to be simultaneously actuated through either operating handle 47 48.
  • a second cam 50 Carried by the shaft of the main impression cylinder 5 is a second cam 50, the rise of which is upon that side of the cylinder which carries the rubber impression surface and is of an arc of a length corresponding in degree With the arc of the said impression or printing surface.
  • the ends olivhich adjacent to said cam carry anti f: 'ction rollers and-the other ends of which project in a manner to engage the various mechanisms actuated thereby.
  • Said cam is for the purpose of accomplishing that dis placement of thp damping and inking mechanism acting upon the main impression cylinder in the manner above referred to to make said mechanisms inoperative as to the rubber printing or impression surface.
  • the arrangement described permits the actuation of the damping and inking mechanisms in sequence, white at the same time holding both of these mechanisms out ofihe operative relation to the main impression cylin?
  • the distributing rollers of .the inking mechanism 17 are carried by independent oscillatory side plates 59 and 60 pivoted to gether at 61 to secure a lazy tongs lever arrangement.
  • the arms of these lovers bear against slides 52 and are forced into this relation by the spring (32.
  • the spring 62 Will be so tcnsioncd as to uutomht' rally restore these parts to their former operative relation immediately that the slides 59 and 53 pass from the rise of the cam 50, these slides being caused to follow said cam by the sprinp 62.
  • the entire inkingmechani m 17 is mounted upon a sliding carriage (if actuated by a rack and pinion mechanism (34, said carriage being capable of being rcciproiml'cd in the manner indicated in dotted lines in Fig. l to removev the entire inking mechanism from its position adjacent to the main cylinder 5 and permit access to said cylinder for the purpose of applying and removing the plates thereto and therefrom. While running. the said carriage is held in the proper cylinder by the latch mcmbor G5.
  • each cylinder with an independently operulive out out mechanism so constructed and arranged as to permit the movement of said plauogrsphic cylinders under the power of the machine, the cut out mechanism acting merely to prevent the restoration of these parts to normal under of said shaft being controlled by their springs 38 and 38. Carried by the collar of i-he hell crank lever es--22" respectively, a.
  • ratchet tooth 66-67 and mounted upon the frame oi the machine adjacent thereto is a counterweighted oscillacory dog 684%) which dog when thrown in one direction will be out oi engiigemeniwith the tooth se -e7 and permit .ihe free osciilatory movement of the shaft ZS--29, and when thrown in the opposite direction will, through the counterweight carried thereby,
  • the press may headgusted to print upon one side of the sheet in either one or two colors, or the sheet may be caused to receive an inipressionfrom the multi-revoluiion cylinder only.
  • I nrovide means ⁇ vluu'cby l'ho mullirevolution cylinder (3 uiuy be llu'owu in and out of ihe iu'ipi'cssiou nuancesiou lo the main cylinder at flu will u! ilu operator, i'hus permilfiugg; all u!
  • l mount the arbor ol: lIllL. multrrcvoluhon cylinder 6 in an cccen the plate "while the spring 85). acts trio bushing 79.. mounted in ihe frame of ihe machine, and provided with a face plate 73 having on extension 74. thereon and having as slot "2'5 inclosing a stop pin carried by the frame of the machine. Mounted adjacent to said cylinder 6 is a crank shaft '76, one crash of. Whi-c. is connected by e linlr 77 with. the extension Tl upon ispivofielly connected link '79. the lower the plate 73.
  • the cmnlc shszitlo carries a second crank '78 th which end oi which terminates in an elliptical,
  • closed loop 80 adjacent tothe end of the shaft of the main impression cylinder 5.
  • a plurality of oppositely disposed proieclions 81 and 82 either of which is adapted to-be engagedby c tappet 83 upon the shaft of the said cylinder when the loop is thrown into such a position as to bring either of said projeciions Within the line of motion of the said tappei.
  • Means are provided for oscillating the link 79 to position it so as to cause the tappet to act up n either of said projec- (ions as required, which means preferably consist of a crank 84 mounted within the link 79 and carrying plate 85 havingatwched thereto eccentrically thereof crud 86 passing through a bearing; 87 upon the'frame of he machine and having acting the springs 88 and 89 upon opposite sides of the hearing 87.
  • the spring-88 acls to normally position the plate 85 and crank shaft 8% so as to hold the projections 81 and 82 out of the path of the tappe't. 83.
  • I connect the link T7 with the plate by means of an eccentric pivot 90, similar in (16- sign and mode of operation to the ccccnl'ric pivots 70 and. 71, thus permitting" the pluic and its eccentricizishing to be shiilitcd in a manner to move said cylindmr either av 'ay from or toward l'ho main impression cylinder 5.
  • T nism 2 is employeil and the and the impression surface upon said. main cylinder.
  • the impression cylinder 6 makes two revolutions to each revolution of the main impression cylinder 5, the first revolution being for the purpose of effecting the transfer thereto of the impression from the planographic plates 9 upon the main cylinder.
  • the imprint is made; and between the completion of the first and of the second revolutions, the feeding of the paper to the cylinder is accomplished.
  • the feeding mechacylindcr provided with gripper fingers 91 which automatically close with the initiation of the second revolution of the cylinder, and automaticall y open tOWflIt'tl the completion of this revolution.
  • This gripper mechanism includes therein a disk 92 having therein a diametrical slot 93 adapted to receive pins 94 and 95 mounted 11 )0n the frame of the machine and actuate by the levers 9b and 97 from a worm gear 98 carried by the shaft of the main impression cylinder '5.
  • Said levers 96 and 97 receive atimely IQClPZOCth tion from said worm 98 so as to impart to the pins 94 and 95 timely movement to secure the closing of the gripper fingers 91 upon the forward edge of the sheet of paper as it is fed to said grippers upon the initiation of the second revolution of the impression cylinder 6, and a timely opening; of said fingers as it approaches the end o't' said revolution, so as to insure the delivery of the printed sheet through the delivery mcchan'ism 3.
  • the operation of the herein described printing machine is substantially as follows :-Normally, even while power is being applied .to the main shaft 4, the-members 5 and (S of the printing couple will be out of the impression relation through the elevation of the member 6 by the eccentric 72
  • the various planographic plates having been properly inked, and the press being in condition to make a run, l'lItE III'IPIOSSIOH cylina ders 5 and 6 are brought ,ll'lLO tho-planting relation by throwing the lever 84 to the left.
  • This eccentric so set' that with this rotary movement the :irbors of the cylinder 6 will be lowered, thus zinc or other bringing the resilient impression surface'S upon said cylinder into the plane of engagement with the plates 9 and impression surface 7 upon the main cylinder 5.
  • the stresses upon this cylinder 6 are such that it willretain any position into which it is forced through the eccentric bushings of its arbor's, the degree of pressure being deterinined by the set of the eccentric 72, and the position of this eccentric being capable of being varied without disturbing the relation or adjustment ot' the various parts actuating same by means of the eccentric pivot 90,.eonnectlag the link 77 with the plate 73.
  • Any desired locking means may be employed for holding the pivot 90 in any adjustedposh tion.
  • the resilient impression surface 7 thereon will receive from each of the plates upon the planographic cylinders 10 and 11 an imprint, these imprints being applied successively, in perfect register one with the other, so that the impression taken from this sur face 7 will be in a plurality of colors.
  • lVith each revolution of the main planogrnphic plates 9 thereon will be dampened and inked and ,brou ht into the printing or impression relation with the elastic printing or impression surfaoe 8- upon the multi-revolution cylinder 6, so as to transfer the design thereon to said cylinder prior to the establishment of the imming relation between said cylinder 6 and the elastic printing surface 7 u on the cylinder 5.
  • the eccentric bushings 1S and 19 may be shifted in their position through the plates 20 and 21 by means of the'eccentric pivots and 71 connecting said plates to the links 24 and respectively,
  • the springs 83 and, 254: will instantly restore, throughthe same mechanism used for shifting same, the planographic cylinders 10 and ll to their f rmer operative position, this return movement being so timed through the lay outof the cam 32 to position them preparatory to their engagement win the printin surface 7 upon the main (iyllt'lfiiff is r o plano- 1 illie cylii'iders ll ⁇ and l l are thus shifted, ife iramcs and il r:a!'2.' ⁇ ,'in" tho dan'iping rollers will
  • the damping mechanism may be maintained in the proper relation'to the planographic or transfer cylinders at all times and the movement thereof may be synchronized with that of the said planographic or transfer cylinders to secure the maintenance of a proper relative position of these parts at all times.
  • the gears driving printing couple and driving the planographic or transfer cyli ders l0 and 11 from the gear upon the main cylinder are. always in mesh, so that the plates upon the said 9 cylinders 10 and 11 receive two dan'ipenings and two inkings with each impression taken therefrom.
  • the cam 32 is set upon main impression cylinder so as to be operatiyethroughout an arc corresponding with the arc of the piano graphic plates carried-upon said cylinder, both planographic cylinders being inoperathe shaft of the tive during the entire period within which' 105 the planographic plates 9 are passing said cylinders 10 and 11.
  • either cylinder 10 or 1.1 may be cut out by merely throwing the pawl 68 or 69 into position where it will engage the ratchet tooth 66 or (37 upon the collar of the lever 26 or 27, as maximum throw under the. cam 32, thus preventing a return movement of these levers, either of them, to the normal operative position.
  • ing mechanisms may be simultaneously thrown out of the inking; relation.
  • sheet feeding and delivery mechanisms and the mode of operation thereof are immaterial to this invention, it being up parent that any such mechanisms may be employed in connection with the printing couple and mechanisms appurtenant thereto, for applying the design to the planographic printingsurfaces thereof, and to vary the adjustment of the members of the printing couple and these appurtenances.
  • a printingmachine embodying therein a main impression cylinder, carrying an in press-ion surface adapted to receive an imprint from a planographic plate, and adapted to receive a planographic plate diametrically opposite said impression surface, a planographic or transfer cylinder, a damping and an inking mechanism therefor, the plate upon said planographic or transfer cylinderbeingadapted to transfer an imill.
  • a printing machine embodying therein a main impression cylinder, carrying an impression surface adapted to receive a planegraphic plate di:unctrically opposite said impression surface, a plurality of planegra'phic or transfer cylinders, a. damping and an inlti g mechanism tor each of said cylinders, the plates upon said pianogmphic or an impilssion to the impression sari ace upon said mam cylinder adampinn and an inking mechanism adapted to eoiiperate with the planographic plate upon said main cylinder, an impression cylinder oppositely dispos d to said i ain cylinder, and means automatically shifting said plauographic or transfer cylinders, and said damping and inking mechanisms cooperating with the photographic plate upon said main cylinder, whereby said planographic cylinders and tndcrs being adapted to transiensaid damping and inking mechanisms are respectively made inoperative during each rotation of the main cylinder to allord clear ance for the planogriphic plate upon the. main cylimler
  • a printing machine embodying therein a main impression cylinder, carrying an impression surlaca adapted to receivi an imprintlrom a planographic plate, and a dapt; ed. to receive a. planographic plate diametrically opposite said impression surface, a planographic or transfer cylinder, a damping and an inking mechanism therefor, the plate upon said. planographio or transter cylinder heing adapted to trz'tnster an impression to the impression surface upon said main cylinder, a damping: and an inking mechanism adapted to -oo erate with the planographic plate upon said main cylinder,
  • an impression cylinder oppositely disposed to said main cylinder, and means automatically shitting said planographic or transfer cylinder, and said damping and inking mechanisms cooperating with the plano graphic plate upon said main cylinder, whereby said planographic cylinder and said damping and inking mechanisms are respectively made inoperative during each rotation oil? the main cylinder to aled clearmice for tile planographie plate upon the main cylinder and the impression surface thereon respectively, and means whereby the photographic cylinder may he held out of the operative relation to the main eylindcr.
  • a main impression cylinder embodying thcrein a main impression cylinder, -arrying an. impression surface adapted to receive a planographic plate diametrically opposite said impression surface, a plurality of plain ographic or transfer cylinders, a damping and an inking mechanism for nch.
  • a printing machine embodying therein a main impression cylinder, carrying an impression surface adapted to receive an imprint from a planogra hic plate, and adapted to receive a planographic plate diametrically opposite said impression surface, a planographic or transfer cylinder, a damp ing ind an inking mechanism therefor, the plate upon said planographic or transfer cylinder being adapted to transfer an impression to the impression surface upon sa d main cylinder, mains adapted to press said planographic cylinder upon said main impression cylinder, means whereby the degree of such pressure may be regulated, a damping and an inking mechanism ada ted to cooperate with the .planographic plate upon said main cylinder, an impression cylinder,
  • a printing machine embodying irrein a main impression cylinder, carrying an impression s rface adapted to receive an imprint from a planographic plate, and adapt ed to receive a plauogrnphic plate diametrically opposite said impression surface, a planographic or transfer cylinder, a dampingand an i nki ng mechanism therefor, the plate upon said planographic or transfer cylinder being adapted to transfer an impression to the impression surface uptm'ra'id main cylinder, a damping and an inking mechanism adapted to cooperate with the planograpliic plate upon said main cylinder, an impression cylimler oppositely disposed to said main cylinder,,mcans developing pressure between said main cylinder and said oppositely disposed cylinder, and means automatically shifting said plamigraphic or transfer cylindtw, and said damping and mechanisms cooperating with the plan'ogr 'phic plate upon said main cylimler,
  • planographic cylindpr and said damping and inking mechanisms are respectively made inoperative during each rotation of the main cylinder to afford clearance forthc planographicplate upon the main cylinder and the impression surface thereon respectively.
  • a printing machine embodying therein a, main impression cylinder, carrying an impression surface adapted to receive an imprint from a planographic plate, and adapted to receive a planographic plate diametrieally opposite said impression surface, a
  • an impression cylinder oppositely disposed to said main cylinder, means developing pressure between said main, cylinder and said oppositely disposed cylinder, means whereby the degree of such pressure may be regulated, and n'ieans automatically shifting said plano zraphic or transfer cylinder, and said damping and inking mechanisms co operating with the planographic plate upon said main cylinder, whereby said plauographic cylinder and said damping and inkin; mechanisms are respectively made inoperative during each rotation of the main cylinder to afford clearance for the planegraphic plate upon the maimcylinder and the impression surface thereon respectively.
  • a printing); machine embodying therein a main impression cylinder, carr 'ing an impression surface adapted to receive an imprint from a planographie plate, and adapted to receive a planographic plate diametrically opposite said impression surface, a
  • a printing machine embodying thercin a printing couple comprising a main cylinder having a printing and impression surface on one portion thereof and means whereby a planographic plate may be at tached to another portion thereof, and an. oppositely disposed inulti-revolution (ZYllIl der havmg an impression and printing surface thereon, in combination With means for transferring a design to said printing and impression surtaee upon said main cylinder,
  • a printing machine embodying there in a printing couple comprising a main (cylinderharing an elastie piiuting and impression surface'on one portion thereof and means whereby aplanographie late may be attached. to another portion thereof, and an oppositely disposed mult-i-revolntion ryiinder having an elastic impression and. printing surface thereon in combination with means for transferring a design to said printing and impression surface upon said inhin cylinder, and airinking mechanism for applying ink direetly to the plate upon said main cylinder.
  • a printing machine embodying there in a printing couple comprising a main (glinder having a printing and in'ngression surface on one portion thereof and means whereby a planographie plate may he attached to another portion thereoh an oppositely disposed multi-revolution cylinder having an impression and printing surtace thereon, and means whereby said cylinders may be thrown into and out of the printing relation in C()111l')l111-l'i()il with means for transferring a design to said printing and impression suritaee upon said main eylinder, and an inking mechanism for applying ink directly to the plate upon said main eyl inder.
  • a printing maehine embodying therein a printing eou-ple eomprising a main eylinder having a printing and impression surface on one. portion thereof and means whereby a planographie plate may be at taehed to another portion thereof, an oppositely disposed multi -revolution cylinder having an impression and printing sot-tare thereon, and means wherelry the pressure hetweeu said cylinders may be regulated in oombination with means for transferring a design to said printing and impression sur "face upon said main (-ylindcr, and aninlting' mechanism for applying inlc directly to the plate upon said main tr ⁇ 'lilltltl'.
  • a printing marhi-ne embodying therein a printing couple compr sing a main eylinder having a printing and impression surface on one portion thereo'l' and means whereby a piano; taehed to another portion thereof, an oppositely disposed multirevolution eylindei. having an impression and printing surface thereon, and means whereby the pressure between said eylinders maybe regulated, com prising means adapted to impart; increment to one of said cylinders toward or from the other, and supplemental n'ieans actuating said last nnled means whereby a nncrometgr: pliir plate may be at.-.
  • a printing mzu-hine embodying therein a printing eouple comprizing a main eylinder hating a printing and impression snrtat-e on one p rtion there f, and means whereby a planographie plate may be attat-lied to another porti n thereof, on oppositely disposed multi -re ⁇ ' h
  • bushings may be oscillated in combimition withnieans tor transferring a design to said printing and impression sin-tare upon said main cylinder, and an inking mechanism for applying int; direetly to the plate upon said main cylinder.
  • a printing marhine embodying therein a printing couple comprising a main cylindor having a printing and impression surtl'ace on one portion thereof, and means whereby a planographie plate may he at tat'l ed to another portion thereof, an oppo-' sittl V disposed mold-revolution cylinder having an impression and printing surface thereon.
  • a printing machine embodying therev. in a printing couple comprising a main cylindcr having a printing and impression surface on one portion thereof, and means whereby a planographic plate may be attached to another portion thereof, an oppositely disposed multi-revolution cylinder having an impression and printing surface thereon, and meansadapted to be actuated ,thrdugh the power driving the press whereby said cylinders may be thrown into and out of the printing relation, comprising eccentric bushings for said multi-revolution cylinder, and means whereby said bushings may be oscillated, comprising a cranl. shaft,
  • a printing machine embodying therein a printing couple comprising a main cylinder having a 'printingnnd impression surface on one .portion thereof and means whereby aplanographic plate may be attached to another portion thereof, an op ositely disposed nlulti-revolution cylinder having an impression and rinting surface thereon, and means where y the pressure between said cylinders may be regulated, comprising means adapted to impart move-r ment to one of said cylinders toward or from the other, and an eccentric actuating said last named means whereby a micrometrical adjustment is afforded, in combination with means for transferring a design to said printing and impression surface upon said main cylinder, and an inking mcchanism for ,applyin ink directly to the plate upon said main cy indcr.
  • a printing machine embodying therein a printing couple comprising a main cylindcr having a printing and impression surface on one portion thereof, and means whercby'a planographic plate may be attached to another portion thereof, an oppositely disposed multi-revolution cylinder having an impression and printing surface thereon, means, adapted to be actuated through the-power driving the press, whereby said. cylinders may be thrownlinto and out of the printing relation, comprising eccentric bushings for said multi-revolntion cylinder, and means whereby said bushings may be.
  • a printing machine embodying therein a main impression cylinder carrying a printing and impression surface thereon, and means whereby a planographic plate may be attachcdIthercto, n planographic cylinder adaptedto transfer an impression to the printing and impression surface of said main cylinder,eccentric bushings for the arbors of said planographic cylinder, means actuated from said main cylinder for ii'nparting an intermittent oscillatory movement to said bushings, damping and inking 'nwclnmisms for said planographic late upon said mam cyliinlcr, and means w iereby said last named damping and inking nuwhanisms are thrown out of the operative relation to said printing and impression snrfacerupon said main cylinileix
  • a priming machine embodying liar cin a main impression (*ylimlor varrying a pri'nl'ing and iln 'n'cssion surface iliorvon
  • crank sliaii' one crank of which is ailagiod io impart iiIOVClI'HjYliI io saiil lover system, and anoilior oranl: of which is ailaplicil i0 rcreive power for oscillaiing .saicl shaft, a spring acting on said shaft to normally force said planograpliic cylinder into ilio operative rolaiion io saicl impression and printing cylinder, a mm upon said main (3 llll(l (l.


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Rotary Presses (AREA)


Patented May 21, 1912.
In v01! tor:
Patented May 21, 1912.
w @Wventor:
b r J Attx.
Patented May 21, 1912 6 BIIBETB-SEBIJT 3.
1: Wm tor:
1,026,936.= Patented May 21, 1912.
APPLIGATION FILED NOV. 11, 1911 Patented May 21, 1912 .'r/ ven tor: (9 M.
. 1,0fi6,938. Patented May21,1912
W van to by flw'L W harem OFFICE.
Application filed November q I I To all whom may concern:
Be it known that I, Cumulus A.-S''U1it rn van'iya citizen of the United States, residing at llainiield, in the county of Union and State of New Jersey, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Printing-Machines,' of which the following is a specification, reference being had therein to the accompanying drawings, which form a part thereof.
.g My inventionyrelates to printing machines, and more particularly toa class of multivcolor rotary perfecting offset presses. The main object of: the invention is to provide a press ofjthis character wherein an impression may be simultaneously made upon both sides of the paper by the pianographic oil-set method, and such nnpres sions may be taken without likelihood cit-the smutting or. spreading of'the ink.
A further object is to provide such a press which may be used either as a perfecting press or to make an impression upon one side of the sheet only, means being provided for rendcring' one planographic surface, or s'etv ot' planographic surfaces, inoperative while leaving the other. fully operative.
A still further object is to provide a press wherein the variousmechanisms will be so constructed and associated as to permit the making of an impression upon one side-of the sheet in a plurality of colors simultaneously, or in one color, as desired.
' vsioncylincler, each of said cylinders acting A still further object is to provide in a machine of this character a mam impression cylinder and an oppositely disposed impresas an impression cylinder, and, in relation to the other, as a platen cylinder, the nupressionsurfaces of both cylinders consisting of a resilient non-absorbent facing such as rubber; said main cylinder also carrying means whereby a planographic plate or plates may be secured thereto in a manner to transfer to said other impression cylinder or the facing thereon, an impression in color, and having associated therewith one or more planographic cylinders adapted tobc auto facing upon said main cylinder; and m matically shifted so as to be he'ldoitt iiifengi gagement with the planogitiphic platcsiup o n said cylinder whilebein'g caused to engage or bear upon the printing surface or rutber ans Specification of Letters Patent.
being provided whereby the damping and the planographic plates upon the plano graphic or transfer cylinders, adapted to norma ly bear upon the printing surface of the main cylinder, may be independently thrown, and held, out of the impression relation with said main cylinder. y
A still further object is to provide means whereby the main and the supplemental impressi on cylinders may be thrown out of or into the impression relation to control the operation of the machine independently of the main power.
A still further object is to provide means in conjunction with the impression cylindersor rollers, whereby a sheet of paper will be accurately positioned and fed be tween the two impression rollers and delivered thereby to the sheet delivery mechanism.
A still further object is to so construct and associate the various mechanisms as to cause the damping and inking mechanisms acting in relation to each planographic cylinder to he moved toward and from the main impression cylinders together with said planographic or transfer cylinders, while being capable of movement independently thereof to facilitate the adjustment of these mechanisms.
A still further object is to providgi bieans I whereby the inkin mechanism acting upon the planographic p ates carried by the main impression cylinder may be moved in its entirety' toward or away from said cylinder, th A cr'ioperating mechani ms between said cy ind'cr and said inking n echanism, whereby the latter is actuated, being so associated and arrangedrms to befin the proper oper- PatentedMay21,1912. i 11, 1911. Serial No. 659,794. i
g, "masses ative position when the inking mechanism is brought into operative relation with said main cylinder.
A. still further object is to provide means, adapted to be set by hand, power being applied to the press to throw the two impression cylinders out of the impression position as to each other, or to re: store themto such impression position.
A still further object is to provide a throw-0E mechanism for the impression cylinders which will operate simultaneously, accurately and similarly upon both sides of one of said cylinders to move it out of the impression relation to the other and preserve the proper alinement of the two cylinders.
A still further object is to so construct and arrange the automatically acting means throwing the planographic or transfer cyl inders out ofthe impression relation to the main cylinder, as to secure a parallel movement th erect, and preserve the alinement between the said planographic or transfer cylinders and the main impression cylinder.
A still further object is to provide a press of this character embodying fautoniatically shift-able planographic damping and inking mechanisms, wherein the various damping and inking mechanisms will, after they have been shifted with relation to the pianographic surfaces, be automatically restored to their former position when the shifting member ceases to be operative.
A still further object to provide a press of this character wherein the impression upon the printing surfaces of the oppositely disposed impression. cylinderswill have such relation as to properly register upon opposite sides of the printed sheet, tliroagl'i the impression upon one cylinder being transp u a. i fei red to the other cylindcr by planographic plates carried by said first named cylinder.
A still further ob' ect is to )i'ovide adiustto utilize the ing means upon each of these planographie cylinders transferring an impression to the impre llOll surlz-iceo't the main cylinder, whereby the plateslupon said ilanographic cylinders may be brought to register with each other in a manner to permit a plurality oi? superposed colors, in accurale register, to he traiisl'erred to the impression surface of said main cylinder.
A still further object is to provide adjusting means whereby the degree of pressure between the impression cylinders may be regulated to a nicety and the adjustment will remain undisturbed irrespective of the actuation of the mechanism for throwing said cylinders into and out of the impression relation. Anda still. further object is to provide in a machine of this character, actuating means controlling the various planographic cylinders and inking uecl-ianisms,
theopeiation of which will be so synchro nized as to, avoid interference between the various planographic cylinders, and between the inking mechanism acting upon the planographic plates upon the main impression cylinder, and the impression, .or resilient, surface upon the said main cylinder.
The invention consists primarily in a printing machine, embodying therein a main impression' cylinder carrying an impression surface adapted to receive an imprint from a plauographio plate, and planegraphic plates diametrically opposite said impression surface, a planographic transfer cylinder, a damping and inlging mechanism therefor adapted to transfer an impression to the impression surface upon said main cylinder, a damping and inking mechanism adapted to cooperate with the planographic plates upon said main cylinder, an iiiipression cylinder oppositely disposed to said main cylinder, and means automatically shifting said planographic cylinder and said damping and inking mechanisms acting upon the planographic plates upon said main cyl cylinder} and said damping and inking inder whereby said plainographic' mechanisms are respectively made inoperative during each rotation of the main cylinder so as to afford clearance for the planographic plates upon the main cylinder, and
the impression surface thereon respectively;
and in such other novel features of construction and combination of parts are h'ercin after set forth and described, and more par ticularly pointed out in the claims hereto appended.
ielerring to the drawings zwFigure l is a side elevation of machine embodying my invention; Fig. 2 is an elevation of the delivery end thereof; Fig. 3 is an elevation of the feeding end thereof; Figp l is a detail view of one planographic-plate cylinder and the parts appurtenant thereto; Fig. 5 is a detail view of the mechanism for throwing the main impression cylinder and the oppositely disposcd impression cylinder into and out of the impression relation; Fig. (Sis a diagrammatic view showing the position of parts ust after an impression has been taken; Fig. 7 is a digrainn'iaticview. showing the position of parts during the t "ans-fer froiirthe planographic cylinders to the ini-- pression suriacc upon the main impression, cylinder, and the inking of tl plauographic plate prior to the transfer of the impression to .the' oppositely disposed impression -cyl ind-er; l1 ig. 8 is a detailed perspective View illustrating the gripper mechanism used in connection with the oppositely disposedim pression cylinders; l ig. 9'is a detail View of the actuating mechanism forshiftiiig the.
damping and inking mechanisms for pre paring the planographic surfaces upon the main inipres sioncylinder; 10 is a detail view showing the mechanism used noeeaeee 8 yarying the pressure between the two impression cylinders and between the pianographic cylinders and the main impression 1 -of the machine, 2 the feeding shelf, 3 the collect-in mechanism, which constitutes no part of t is invention and will not therefore "be described in detail, and 4, the main power shaft. Mounted in fixed bearings in the main frame is the main impression cylinder 5, andoppositely disposed thereto is a secago 'oild impression cylinder 6, of one half the diameter of the main impression cylinder, so as to cause said oppositely disposed cyl inderti to turn two revolutions to each revolution of the main cylinder. These cylo5 indersjare geared together so that one isidriven from the other, and power is ap-,
plied thereto by the main shaft 4 to continuously 'rotateboth-said cylinders when a the press is in operation. a
0 A machine'ma de' in accordance with my invention has the primarycharacteristic of fleeing capable of use for simultaneously; -prin;ti ng upon both sides of a sheet of paper,
orbeing used as a perfecting press, and has the secondary characteristics that it may he used to print upon either side of a sheet of paper and may print upon one side with a plurality of colors or with a single color, To impart .to the machine thecharacten .40 is-tics above referred to, Ihave adopted a design wherein one of the impression cyl-, iiidersis amulti-revolution c linder, and the other cylinder has the twotbld function of acting with the multi-revolution cylinder as an impression cylinder during a portion ofthe rotation thereof, and prior to itsso' "acting transferring to said multi-re'volution cylin er the impression from which the imprint is taken. a 60 The main cylinder 5 has secured thereto "in any desiredynanner to secure the desired tautness, aresilient printing and impression surface 7, extendin throughout a por- V tion of the periphery 0t said cylinder only, ression cylinder 6 is provided I with a simi ar printing and impression surface 8,,' sa,id surfaces 7 and 8 corresponding as to;;length so as to act with each other, when taking the impression, to the full lcng'tli thereof. These surfaces 7 and 8 are similar in all respects to the ordinaryprint- 1I1g.surfaces of ofi'set presses, excepting in I suclrminor details whichadapt them to this a part cular type of press. -Any desired ten- 65. s1on1ng means may .;be i employed :for scour 'relation thereto alone, for printing in a sinone of these cylinders and its related mecha ing the necessary smoothness of said surfaces.
Diamctrically opposite the surface 7 upon the main cylinder 5, I provide means whereby one or more planographic plates 9 may be secured upon said main cylinder, the surface of said plates 9 and of the impression surface 7 upon said cylinder being of the same height sothat said plates and said surface will succes vely transfer an impression to the p inting and impression surface 8 upon said cylinder 6 and come into the proper impression relation thereto with each single rotation of the n'laimcylindcr and each double rotation of the cylinder (3.
Mounted in the frame 1 upon one side of the main impression cylinder 5 is a plurality ofcylinders 10 and 11, adapted to have secured thereto planographic plates which transfer to the printing and impression surface 7 upon said main cylinder, the design to be printed upon one side of the sheet of paper, two such cylinders being used in order to permit difl'erent colors to besuperimposedaipon said printing surface in order that the design may be reproduced simul tancously in two colors. While 'a plurality of such planographic cylinders'is desirable, I only one such cylinder need be used if desired, and, as will hereinafter appear, I
have so constructed my machine that either of said cylinders may be thrown out of the transfer relation to the main cylinder so as to permit the other to occupy'thc operative gle color.
Each of the cylinders 10 and 11 and the parts appurtenant thereto are substantially the same, and I- will therefore describe but msms. I a
' Each of the cylinders 10 and 11 is'driven continuously from a gear carried by the main cylinder 5, so that with each rotation of said cylinder there will be two complete rotations of said planographic cylinders,
said cylinders being one-half the diameter of said main cylinder. Associated with each cylinder is a dampingmcchanism 1213 adapted to moist-en those parts of the plates upon said cylinders which have an a'flinity for water so as|to limit the distribution of the ink to those parts from which it is desired to print, The detailed construction of said damping mechanism is immaterial to my invention, the construction, uses and mode of operation thereof being old and well known in this and analogous arts. Such being the case,Iwill not enter into a detailed description of this mechanism excepting 125 in so far as it is related to the operation ofi the planographic cylinders while the machine is runnmg. Also associated with each cylinder 10 and 11 is an inking mechanism l t-15 adapted to apply ink to the surface 130 7 graphic plates 9 carried of the plates upon each cylinder after the same have been dampened, the plates upon said cylinders receiving during each rotation of the press two inkings. The inking mechanism of this character being used and Well known in this and analogous arts a description thereofwill not be entered into, any desired or approved type of ink feeding, spreading and distributing rollers being applicable to a machine made in accordance with my invention. Associated With the main impression cylinder 5, on the side thereof opposite to cylinders, is a damping mechanism 16, adapted to dampen the surface of the planeand an inking mechanism 17, adapted to apply ink to said plates after they have been moistened by the said damping mechanism 16. It will thus be observed that each planograpbic cylinder and the planographhr plat es upon the main cylinder are' provided with an individual damping and inking mechanism; adapted, respectively to prepare the plates ul ion sa 'd' planographic or transfer cylinders and upon said -main' cy]- inder res .iectively, so as totransfer with each rotation of said main cylinder, the def signs upon said plates to the impression and printing surfacenpon the main cylinder 5, and upon the corresponding surfac'e'of the multirevolution cylinder, (3.
Inasmuch as the plates 9 and the impress on or printing surface 7 are of the same height,- is necessary to provide means whereby the; planographic cylinders 10 andll n'ilhnotinterfere with the plano "the anti on of parts'ab' and out o and inkinganechanishis .for the plates not interfere 'with the impression trans v impression and printing T su f-l of this med a 1- with the; rota s manner to p iiogr'aphic'cylinders into and graphicsin-face upon the main cylinder and also to'pfrovidc means whereby the damping 1' atthe actuation i cylind'e mien-relation to the planeipon .ithe ma n I cylinder, and
lhrou nping and inking mechanism into and m (rt-the operative relation to the plates 9 upon said sa'd' timely 1 we (as,
or the. lesign from saidplafnogi aphic cyland the proper'ydamping and hiking pl at port the niain cylinder.
. of inoyement oftlte :vari ous '1' 'd-to,Y-to throw theinint-o e ope at've' relationis comparaa-si'x nth of an inch being tively small chine. p
The shifting mechanism for the cylinders 10 and 11 is the same, although the initia- 5 tion of this'movement occurs a differentin the said plane-graphicby said cylinder 5,
9 Will.-
'ma'incylinder, through tam cyl nder and with a" o insure the proper t-ranstervals'. I will therefore describe only one of these mechanisms and Will refer to the others merely by reference numerals,-
The shaft of each planographie cylinder is mounted in a bushing 18-l9 having an eccentric outer surface and carried by said bushing is a face plate 20- 21 by means of Which said bushing may the cylinders 10 and 11 into and out of the transfer relation to the impression or print ing surface upon the main cylinder; ,Each plate 20 21. is provided with a guide slot 22 23 for limiting its movement and is connected by a link 24 25 with the short arm 26 27 of a bell crank lever, the plate 20 21 having a radially extending arm to which the link 2a 25 is connected. The said bell crank lever is mounted upon a shaft F39 extending t1 ansversely of the machine, from side to side thereof, and the long; arm 30 31 of saidlever carries an anti-friction roller which is adapted to engage a cam 32 upon the shaft of the main impression cylinder 5, said cam 32 rotating with said main cylinder. Acting upon the shafts :28 and 2.) respectively are torsion springs 33 34, which serve to normally turn said shafts in manher to turn the bushings 18 19 force the cylinders 10 and .1 into engagement With the main cylinderti.
framesand 36 I '.u1")on-:the eccentric bushings 18 and 19 so "that then nation of saidbushmgs 1n mov-' away from their planographic or "The requisite pressure ofthe damping rol ers upon the planog raphic orgtransfer roll.- ers and th'e'rcstoration of these part 1 upona vbell ,cranl; which is pivotall y As the bushings are turned through the lever system above referred to, such movement is against the tension of the springs 33 34 so that when restore said planographic or transfer cylinders to their former operative position relative to the cylinder 5.
To insure substantially uniform constant pressure of the damping mechanism 12 upon the planographic or transfer cylinders 10 and 11, the rollers of these mechanisms.,-are mounted in reciprocatory side having a yoke bearing ing said"plaiiographic or transfer cylinders the main cylinder 5 will also impart a sufficient movement of the dampsingrollers to preserve their relation with transfer .c' vlinder.
anal "asthe'planographie or tra 1 cyl-- inder' reengagesi the main cylinder 5, securedby means at a spring 37 3S actinglever 53$) 4:0, one arm of connected to the frame 35 36 It 'will thus be obserlyed that the damping mechanism is moved simultane ously with the movement of the plane graphic cylinder and --in the same direction through the same agency and'against' the tension of the springst 38Which con antly tend to preserve-the proper relation be turned, to force} the cam 32 ceases to be operative, saidsprings Wlll instantly 1 times between the damping mechanismsand the planographic or transfer cylinders '10 and 11.
The movement of the planographic or transfer rollers 10 and 11 is so slight as not to requires movement of the inking mechanism, the rollers of said inking mechanism being sufficiently resilient to permit this movement without affecting the efiici'eucy oi. said mechanism. The distributing rollers of each inking mechanism 1-1- and 15, however; are mounted in an adjustable frame 41 42 having a projecting arm 43 -l4tconnccted by a. link 45 46 with a bell crank actuating lo ,ver' Hand 48 so that either or both of said inking mechanisms may be thrown out of the inking relation-to its 'planographic or trans-- fer cylinder. Connecting the long arm of the operating, levers 47 and 48 so as to be ierefrom, is a connecting link 49 which permits both inking mechanisms to be simultaneously actuated through either operating handle 47 48.
'I have not described the driving mechanisms for the various rollers'constituting,
the inking, and damping mechanisms, as
these are mere matters of mechanical detail and within the province of the sltilled mechanic.
, Carried by the shaft of the main impression cylinder 5 is a second cam 50, the rise of which is upon that side of the cylinder which carries the rubber impression surface and is of an arc of a length corresponding in degree With the arc of the said impression or printing surface.
Mounted upon the frame of the machine adjacent to said cam a plurality of slides 51 52 53, the ends olivhich adjacent to said cam carry anti f: 'ction rollers and-the other ends of which project in a manner to engage the various mechanisms actuated thereby. Said cam is for the purpose of accomplishing that dis placement of thp damping and inking mechanism acting upon the main impression cylinder in the manner above referred to to make said mechanisms inoperative as to the rubber printing or impression surface. The arrangement described permits the actuation of the damping and inking mechanisms in sequence, white at the same time holding both of these mechanisms out ofihe operative relation to the main impression cylin? der at that interval in which the resilient printing or impression surface is Within the'operative range of both the damping and the inking mechanism. To adapt the said damping and inking mechanism to the particular structure of the machine, it is essential to construct them with relation to the cooperating mechanisms, which construction however, has no relation to the manner in which these mechanisms operate in moistening or inking the planographic plates. The entiredamping mechanism 16 relation to the said is carried by an oscillatory frame 54-, pivot-- hold it out oi the operative damping rcla tion to the main cylinder 5 as' long as said slide is under the control of the rise of the cam 50. As the said slide leaves said rise, the spring 56 will rest-ore the damping mechanism to its normal position, thus at all times holding the roller upon the slide 51 against the cam and causing it to follow said cam.
The distributing rollers of .the inking mechanism 17 are carried by independent oscillatory side plates 59 and 60 pivoted to gether at 61 to secure a lazy tongs lever arrangement. The arms of these lovers bear against slides 52 and are forced into this relation by the spring (32. it will thus be observed that the lctiiu's 59 and 60 are opened by the applicatmn of power thereto through the slides 52 and 523 successively and the cam 50, and that as opened, the spring 62 Will be so tcnsioncd as to uutomht' rally restore these parts to their former operative relation immediately that the slides 59 and 53 pass from the rise of the cam 50, these slides being caused to follow said cam by the sprinp 62.
The entire inkingmechani m 17 is mounted upon a sliding carriage (if actuated by a rack and pinion mechanism (34, said carriage being capable of being rcciproiml'cd in the manner indicated in dotted lines in Fig. l to removev the entire inking mechanism from its position adjacent to the main cylinder 5 and permit access to said cylinder for the purpose of applying and removing the plates thereto and therefrom. While running. the said carriage is held in the proper cylinder by the latch mcmbor G5.
To permit either or both of the plane graphic cylinders '10 and 11 who thrown out of the operative relation to the main cylinder 5,1 provide means rendermg'the springs 37 and 38 inoperative to restore said cylindcrs to their operative position after they have been displaced through the action of the cam 32. In practice, I preferably provide each cylinder with an independently operulive out out mechanism so constructed and arranged as to permit the movement of said plauogrsphic cylinders under the power of the machine, the cut out mechanism acting merely to prevent the restoration of these parts to normal under of said shaft being controlled by their springs 38 and 38. Carried by the collar of i-he hell crank lever es--22" respectively, a. ratchet tooth 66-67 and mounted upon the frame oi the machine adjacent thereto is a counterweighted oscillacory dog 684%) which dog when thrown in one direction will be out oi engiigemeniwith the tooth se -e7 and permit .ihe free osciilatory movement of the shaft ZS--29, and when thrown in the opposite direction will, through the counterweight carried thereby,
be caused to drop into engagement with the said ratchet tooth 66-6? as the shafts 28-29 reach the-limit of hheir osciilahory movement under che control of the cam 32-. By means of the independent cm: out mechanism for each planogrephic or transfer cylinder 10 or 11, the press may headgusted to print upon one side of the sheet in either one or two colors, or the sheet may be caused to receive an inipressionfrom the multi-revoluiion cylinder only.
In presses of this charscl'enit is desirable to regulate to a. nic'ety the degree of pressure between the plonographic or transfer cylinders, as Well as between the cylinders of the printing couple, to secure a sharp imprint. The pressure between the 'plonographic or transfer cylinders 1.0 and 11 and the printing surface 7 upon the main impression cyl ,indcr 5 results from the action of the springs 20 21 and the sloi'a and stud pin 23 1n and acting upon said plate. To secure'the desired variance in The relation of the cylinders 10 and 11. Without disturhing the re lation or. adjustment of (he partsthroug-h which the springs 33-3-1l aci, i connect the link 2%425 with the plate 20--21 by means of an eccentric pivot -71 tl'irough which the eccentric bushing io which said plate is attached may be moved in either direction independently of said link Eel- 25, :to vary the normal position of the planographic or transfer cylinders 10 and 11 relative to the main impression cylinder 5. By adjusting the cylinders in the mhnncr referred to, through the two cccentri s, a mic ometrical adjustment is possible.
"While the press is running, the relation of (he impression cylinders forming ihc printing couple is always the same, but to secure the proper degree of pressure between said u'icmboi'snud oi. the same time permit l'hc press to be thrown out of operation in dcpcudcnl'ly of the 'mu'cr, I nrovide means \vluu'cby l'ho mullirevolution cylinder (3 uiuy be llu'owu in and out of ihe iu'ipi'cssiou roluliou lo the main cylinder at flu will u! ilu operator, i'hus permilfiugg; all u! llu uuuihanisms lo be oporulivc wiihoul: mulciuo; an imprint. 'lo accoulplish Hus result. l mount the arbor ol: lIllL. multrrcvoluhon cylinder 6 in an cccen the plate "while the spring 85). acts trio bushing 79.. mounted in ihe frame of ihe machine, and provided with a face plate 73 having on extension 74. thereon and having as slot "2'5 inclosing a stop pin carried by the frame of the machine. Mounted adjacent to said cylinder 6 is a crank shaft '76, one crash of. Whi-c. is connected by e linlr 77 with. the extension Tl upon ispivofielly connected link '79. the lower the plate 73. The cmnlc shszitlo carries a second crank '78 th which end oi which terminates in an elliptical,
closed loop 80 adjacent tothe end of the shaft of the main impression cylinder 5. Upon the inner periphery of the loop 80 is a plurality of oppositely disposed proieclions 81 and 82, either of which is adapted to-be engagedby c tappet 83 upon the shaft of the said cylinder when the loop is thrown into such a position as to bring either of said projeciions Within the line of motion of the said tappei. Means are provided for oscillating the link 79 to position it so as to cause the tappet to act up n either of said projec- (ions as required, which means preferably consist of a crank 84 mounted within the link 79 and carrying plate 85 havingatwched thereto eccentrically thereof crud 86 passing through a bearing; 87 upon the'frame of he machine and having acting the springs 88 and 89 upon opposite sides of the hearing 87. The spring-88 acls to normally position the plate 85 and crank shaft 8% so as to hold the projections 81 and 82 out of the path of the tappe't. 83. While the cylinders are out of the impression relation; and after the said link has been actu ated to so throw them out oi this relation; as a resisl'ancc the reaction frorn which will i'hrou the link 79 and its loop 80 toward the l'appeti 83 to cause said tappet i0 engage flu. lever handle projection carried by said loop and force it downwardly to bring the two members of the printing couple into the desired impression relation.
To secure the regulation of the prcssin'e between the two members of the printing couple, I connect the link T7 with the plate by means of an eccentric pivot 90, similar in (16- sign and mode of operation to the ccccnl'ric pivots 70 and. 71, thus permitting" the pluic and its eccentric luishing to be shiilitcd in a manner to move said cylindmr either av 'ay from or toward l'ho main impression cylinder 5. his regulating uioclmnism-is sib sl'antially the me as The shown and lescribed in connection will] the plauo'grzzphic or transfer cylinders 10 and ll, and file use of the ecccniri" 9O aolt'iug uponfl'he other. F2. permits the seine n. cromcirical udjusinurnl: of he u:ulii-rcvolul'ion cylinder (5 with relation to its plunogruphic plu es 9 upcliri the main cylinder 5.. and the impression s face Z upon aid cylinder. as ihut in col'm cfiou with me planographic cylinders, 10 and 11,
thereon T nism 2 is employeil and the and the impression surface upon said. main cylinder.
As above stated, the impression cylinder 6 makes two revolutions to each revolution of the main impression cylinder 5, the first revolution being for the purpose of effecting the transfer thereto of the impression from the planographic plates 9 upon the main cylinder. Upon the second revolution, the imprint is made; and between the completion of the first and of the second revolutions, the feeding of the paper to the cylinder is accomplished. To secure a timely feeding otthe sheets of paper, the feeding mechacylindcr (3 provided with gripper fingers 91 which automatically close with the initiation of the second revolution of the cylinder, and automaticall y open tOWflIt'tl the completion of this revolution. This gripper mechanism includes therein a disk 92 having therein a diametrical slot 93 adapted to receive pins 94 and 95 mounted 11 )0n the frame of the machine and actuate by the levers 9b and 97 from a worm gear 98 carried by the shaft of the main impression cylinder '5. Said levers 96 and 97 receive atimely IQClPZOCth tion from said worm 98 so as to impart to the pins 94 and 95 timely movement to secure the closing of the gripper fingers 91 upon the forward edge of the sheet of paper as it is fed to said grippers upon the initiation of the second revolution of the impression cylinder 6, and a timely opening; of said fingers as it approaches the end o't' said revolution, so as to insure the delivery of the printed sheet through the delivery mcchan'ism 3. l
The operation of the herein described printing machine is substantially as follows :-Normally, even while power is being applied .to the main shaft 4, the-members 5 and (S of the printing couple will be out of the impression relation through the elevation of the member 6 by the eccentric 72 The various planographic plates having been properly inked, and the press being in condition to make a run, l'lItE III'IPIOSSIOH cylina ders 5 and 6 are brought ,ll'lLO tho-planting relation by throwing the lever 84 to the left.
As the lever is thus thrown, the reaction from the spring 89 throws the link 79 to the might, (see Fig. 5) bringing the projection 81 within the line of movement ofthe tappet 83. With the next rotationof the main cylinder 5, this tap et engages said projection, forcing the link 9 downwardly to an extent to clearsaid projection and continue its rotation Without liurther engagement therewith. As the link 79 is thus drawn down wa'rdly, it oscillates the crank shaft 76 and t-l'irough the link 77, the plate 73 carrying the eccentric bushing 72. This eccentric so set' that with this rotary movement the :irbors of the cylinder 6 will be lowered, thus zinc or other bringing the resilient impression surface'S upon said cylinder into the plane of engagement with the plates 9 and impression surface 7 upon the main cylinder 5. The stresses upon this cylinder 6 are such that it willretain any position into which it is forced through the eccentric bushings of its arbor's, the degree of pressure being deterinined by the set of the eccentric 72, and the position of this eccentric being capable of being varied without disturbing the relation or adjustment ot' the various parts actuating same by means of the eccentric pivot 90,.eonnectlag the link 77 with the plate 73. Any desired locking means may be employed for holding the pivot 90 in any adjustedposh tion. The adjustment of the impression cylinder 6 to vary the pressure will under all circumstances be very minute, and the employment of-one eccentric to vary the position of the other, permits an adjustment sufficiently fine to meet the needs of a presshaw' ing even those fine requirements as to pressure found in ott'setr )resses, wherein each printing surface acts 0th as an impression surface and a platen. If it be desired to throw the cylinders 5 and 6 out of the operative relation while the press is running, the crahk handle '84 will be swung to the limit. of its movement to the right, the spring-t8 drawing the link 79 and its loop 80 to the left to an extent to bring the projection 82 on said loop within the line of movement *of the tappet 83, thus causing this trip et with the next-rotation of the main cylin er 5, to raise the link 79, thus reversing the movement of the eccentric bushing- 12 to raise the cylinder (3 out of the printing position, this action being a mere reversal of that already described. As the link 79 is raised, the spring 89 will draw the crank handle 84 to its normal inoperative position as shown in Fig. 5. As the main cylinder 5 rotates, the resilient impression surface 7 thereon will receive from each of the plates upon the planographic cylinders 10 and 11 an imprint, these imprints being applied successively, in perfect register one with the other, so that the impression taken from this sur face 7 will be in a plurality of colors. lVith each revolution of the main planogrnphic plates 9 thereon will be dampened and inked and ,brou ht into the printing or impression relation with the elastic printing or impression surfaoe 8- upon the multi-revolution cylinder 6, so as to transfer the design thereon to said cylinder prior to the establishment of the imming relation between said cylinder 6 and the elastic printing surface 7 u on the cylinder 5. While a single color on y is thus transferred to the printing surface 8, it will be observed that as the sheet passes between the rollers 5 and 6 it will receive imprints simultaneously upon both sides thereof one side cylinder 5, v the- .anisms for preparing the planogniphic plates upon said cylinder, shall respectively he inoperative as to the planographic plates and as to said )rinting surface upon said cyl' inder. In securing this result, the cams 2-32 and 50 are provided upon the shaft of the cylinder these cams with each rotation of said. cylinder acting rcspectiwly to shift tl'se planogrel'illic cylinders out of the opirc relation to said main cylinder \v'hile planograpliic plates 9 are in a w re-re they would otherwise planographic cylinders or the plates thereon, and shifting the damping and inlo ing me anisms ill and 1'7 when the print ing surrace 7 in a position relative thereto er, the
5, where it would otherwise receive moisture and inlr from said lastnam'ed mechanisms. As the cam 32 rotates with the cylinder- 5, it successively engages the arms 30-81 and therethrough rocks the shafts 28 and 29 againsttlie tension of the torsion springs 38 and This movement of said shafts through the links 24 and 25 respectively oscillates the plates 20 and 21 and with them the eccentric bushings l8 and 19 carrying the arhors of the cylinders 10 and 11. These bushings are so set that the movement of the cylinders 10 and 1.1 will be radially of the main cylinder andt 1e degree of movement will be constant and merely sutlicient to bring the planographic surfaces upon said cylinders out of the operative relation to the plates 9 upon said main cylinder. lzt' it he desired to vary the pressure of the upon the cylinders 10 and 11 relative to the printing or impression surface upon the cylinder 5, the eccentric bushings 1S and 19 may be shifted in their position through the plates 20 and 21 by means of the'eccentric pivots and 71 connecting said plates to the links 24 and respectively, Upon the disengagement of the cam 32 from the arms ill) and 31, the springs 83 and, 254: will instantly restore, throughthe same mechanism used for shifting same, the planographic cylinders 10 and ll to their f rmer operative position, this return movement being so timed through the lay outof the cam 32 to position them preparatory to their engagement win the printin surface 7 upon the main (iyllt'lfiiff is r o plano- 1 illie cylii'iders ll} and l l are thus shifted, ife iramcs and il r:a!'2.' \,'in" tho dan'iping rollers will be shifted to the same extent, through the n'iovcim-nt of said cylh'aders l0 thus: always i'naintaining said dampposition be engaged by- ,mechanism may be thrown out vders 10 and 11. are being shifted inv the ing mechanism in the same position rclative to the plates upon said cylinders The movement of the said frames 35 and 86 is against the tension of the springs 37 and 88 developed by the bell crank levers 39 and 40, so that with the automatic restoration of the cylinders 10 and 11 to their normal operative position under the springs and 34, the damping mechanism will also be antomatically restored to its former normal position through the springs 3'7 and 38. The tension of said springs being adjustable, the damping mechanism may be maintained in the proper relation'to the planographic or transfer cylinders at all times and the movement thereof may be synchronized with that of the said planographic or transfer cylinders to secure the maintenance of a proper relative position of these parts at all times.
As stated above, the resiliency of the inlcing rollers and the small quantity of movement of the planographic or transfer cyl inders' makes it unnecessary to provide an automatic shift mechanism for said inking mechanism.
The gears driving printing couple and driving the planographic or transfer cyli ders l0 and 11 from the gear upon the main cylinder are. always in mesh, so that the plates upon the said 9 cylinders 10 and 11 receive two dan'ipenings and two inkings with each impression taken therefrom.
The cam 32 is set upon main impression cylinder so as to be operatiyethroughout an arc corresponding with the arc of the piano graphic plates carried-upon said cylinder, both planographic cylinders being inoperathe shaft of the tive during the entire period within which' 105 the planographic plates 9 are passing said cylinders 10 and 11.
If it he desired to print upon the under side of the sheet in only one color, or not to at all, either cylinder 10 or 1.1 may be cut out by merely throwing the pawl 68 or 69 into position where it will engage the ratchet tooth 66 or (37 upon the collar of the lever 26 or 27, as maximum throw under the. cam 32, thus preventing a return movement of these levers, either of them, to the normal operative position. At the same time,
of engageon this cylinder by and 48 and the lever said levers with the merit with the plates means of the lovers l? mechanism connecting frames carrying said. or by using the connecting link 49, both inl:
ing mechanisms may be simultaneously thrown out of the inking; relation.
l/Vhilc the planographic or lrai' ster and of the cylinders 10 and ii, or i the cyhnders oi the 5, in a position print upon the under side of the sheet said lever reaches its either inking 1 9 inking mecha nisms i nor above referred to, the damping mechanism 16 and inking mechanism 17 will also be shifted so as to provide the proper clearance for the elastic impression or printing surface 7 upon the main cylinder 5, which surface has been previously inked by the plates upon said cylinders and 11. This shifting of the said damping and inking mechanisms results from the engagement: of
10 the cam 50 with the slides 51, 52 and 53 successively, which slides, engaging the frames 54 and the lovers, and the frames terminating in the lazy tongs levers 59 and (30, force the said frames 54-, 59 and (it) away lfrom'the cylinder 5, carrying with them the dai'nping and inking rollers. The movement of the frame 54 is against the tension of the spring 56, so that immediately after the slide 51 leaves the cam 50, said spring will 20 lrestore said damping mechanism to its former normal position. The movement of the lazy tongs frame of the inking mechanism is against the tension of the spring 62, with the result that this spring restores the inking rollers to their normal position immediately upon the disengagement of the slides 52 and 53 from said cam. By this construction it will be observed that with each rotation of the main cylinder 5, -.the plates 9 |thereon receive one dampening and a double inking, there being a double set of inking rollers in the inking mechanism 17. The movable frame (53 is used to permit access 'to the cylinder 65 for the purpose of ad- [justing the plates thereon and this frame may be util zed to throw the inking mechanism 17 in its entirety out of the operative position and thus permit the press to print upon the under side of the sheet only, in 40 leithcr one or two colors, as desired. \Vhen the frame (53 is thus thrown out of position relative to the printing couple, the cam 50 will operate upon the slides 51, 52 and 52, without affecting the mode of operation of press in any way, while when the frame 63 is brought into its operative position, these slides will be automatically coupled or connected therewith by an impact coupling, thus affording means whereby the frame (33 may be shifted without the necessity for rcmljusting any of the operative parts of the machine. In other words, the mere forcing of the rame (33 into the proper relation to the printing couple automatically couples the elements al l'ecting the desired mode of operation of said inking mechanism. It will thus be observed that when the cams 32 and 50 areinoperative, the planographic or transfer plates 9 upon the cylinder 5 will be undergoing the process of being dampened and inked, while the plates upon the pianographic cylinders 10 and 11 will be transfer-ring the impression to the elastic impression or printing surface upon said cylinder,
9 both said planographic cylinders and said five relation to the main cylinder 5, in the manner shown in Fig. (l. The impression or printing surface 9 having' received its imprint in the manner described, and the plates9 having been dampened and inked as describ d, with the rotation of the cylin; der 5 the design upon the plates 9 will he transferred to the ninting or impression surface 8 upon the cylinder (3, which will describe one coi'npletc revolution when receiving said impression. l pon the second revolution of said cylinder 6 it will be in the operative relation to the printing or impression surface 7 upon the main cylinder 5 and the said impression surfaces 7 and 8 will act against each other to simultaneously print upon both sides of the sheet, one printing surface acting as a platen to the other as well as acting as a printing sur- The operation of the fingers 91 in feeding the paper between the cylinders 5 and G-has been referred to ab ve, the lay out of the worm 98 being such as to impart timely movement to the levers 96 and 97, controlling the pins 94 and 95, so as to thrust them into the slot 93 in the disk 92. The point of engagement if said pins in said slot being adjacent to the periphery of the disk, the continued rotation of ,the disk with the cylinder (3 will resultinsubstantially a quarter revolution of said disk and a corresponding movement of the lingers.
The sheet feeding and delivery mechanisms and the mode of operation thereof are immaterial to this invention, it being up parent that any such mechanisms may be employed in connection with the printing couple and mechanisms appurtenant thereto, for applying the design to the planographic printingsurfaces thereof, and to vary the adjustment of the members of the printing couple and these appurtenances.
It is not my intention to limit the invention to the precise details of construction shown in the drawings, although such have been found highly ellicient in use.
llaving described my invention, what I claim as new and desire to have prptccted by, LOliOI'S Patent, is:-
.l. A printingmachine, embodying therein a main impression cylinder, carrying an in press-ion surface adapted to receive an imprint from a planographic plate, and adapted to receive a planographic plate diametrically opposite said impression surface, a planographic or transfer cylinder, a damping and an inking mechanism therefor, the plate upon said planographic or transfer cylinderbeingadapted to transfer an imill.
pression to the impression surface upon said main cylinder, a damping; and an inking mechanism adapted to cooperate with tie planographic plate upon said main cylinder, an impression cylinder oppositely disposed to said main cylinder, and means automatii ally shitting said planographie or transier cylinder, and said damping and inking mechanisms cooperating with the planographie plate upon said main cylinder, whereby said planogzraphic cylinder and said dar h and inking mechanisms are respeiirtively made immcrative dining; each rotation efthe main cylinder to affordclearance for the plaimgraphic plate upon the main cylinder and theimpression surface thereon respectively.
21A printing; machine, emhodying therein a main impression cylinder 'iari'ying an elastic inniression surface adapted. to receive an imprint from a. planmu'aphio plate, and adapted to receive a pl anographie plate dias melri rally opposite said inlpression surface, a planographic or transfer cylinder, a damping and an inking mechanism therefor, the plate upon said planographic or transfer cylinder being adapted to trauster an imph to the impression surt ace upon said iiain e indeiu a :lampir and an inking mechz-inism ad 3 ed to co perate with the )ilatihg iphic 1 a c upon said main cylinder, an l'ulplcHlOl) cylinder, having; an elastic printing surface, oppi 'itely disposed to said main cylinder, and means autoinatically shitting saidplanographic or transfer cylinder, and said damping and inking mechanisms cooperating with the planographic plate upon said main cylinder, whereby said planographic cylinder and said damping and inking mechanisms are respectirely made inoperative during each rotation of the u'iaiu cylinder to al'lord cleai'ance for the planon'rapoic plz'ite upon the main cylinder and the impression surface thereon.respeclively.
3. A printing machine, embodying therein a main impression cylinder, carrying an impression surface adapted to receive a planegraphic plate di:unctrically opposite said impression surface, a plurality of planegra'phic or transfer cylinders, a. damping and an inlti g mechanism tor each of said cylinders, the plates upon said pianogmphic or an impilssion to the impression sari ace upon said mam cylinder adampinn and an inking mechanism adapted to eoiiperate with the planographic plate upon said main cylinder, an impression cylinder oppositely dispos d to said i ain cylinder, and means automatically shifting said plauographic or transfer cylinders, and said damping and inking mechanisms cooperating with the photographic plate upon said main cylinder, whereby said planographic cylinders and tndcrs being adapted to transiensaid damping and inking mechanisms are respectively made inoperative during each rotation of the main cylinder to allord clear ance for the planogriphic plate upon the. main cylimler and the impression surface thereon respectively.
l. A printing machine. embodying therein a main impression cylinder, carrying an impression surlaca adapted to receivi an imprintlrom a planographic plate, and a dapt; ed. to receive a. planographic plate diametrically opposite said impression surface, a planographic or transfer cylinder, a damping and an inking mechanism therefor, the plate upon said. planographio or transter cylinder heing adapted to trz'tnster an impression to the impression surface upon said main cylinder, a damping: and an inking mechanism adapted to -oo erate with the planographic plate upon said main cylinder,
an impression cylinder oppositely disposed to said main cylinder, and means automatically shitting said planographic or transfer cylinder, and said damping and inking mechanisms cooperating with the plano graphic plate upon said main cylinder, whereby said planographic cylinder and said damping and inking mechanisms are respectively made inoperative during each rotation oil? the main cylinder to altord clearmice for tile planographie plate upon the main cylinder and the impression surface thereon respectively, and means whereby the photographic cylinder may he held out of the operative relation to the main eylindcr.
5. in printing machine, embodying thcrein a main impression cylinder, -arrying an. impression surface adapted to receive a planographic plate diametrically opposite said impression surface, a plurality of plain ographic or transfer cylinders, a damping and an inking mechanism for nch. of said cylinders, the plates upon said planographic or trans'l'er cylinders twine, adapted to transfer an impression to the impressionsurface upon said main cylinder, a damping and an inking mecnanism adapted to cooperate with the planographic plate upon said main cylinder, an inmression cylinder oppositely disposed to said main cylinder, means automatically shitting said planographie or transfer cylinders, and said damping and inking mechanisms coiiperating with the planog'raphic plate upon said main cylinder, whereby said planographic cylinders and said dampingand inking mechanisms are re. ct'ively made inoperative during ach rot ance for the planographic plate upon the main cylinder and the impression surface thereon respectively, and independently operative means whereby either or both pianographie cylinders may be held out of the operaitive relation to the main impression cyl- 111C er.
a tion of the main cylinder to attord cl mrinking 6. A printing machine, embodying therein a main impression cylinder, carrying an impression surface adapted to receive an imprint from a planogra hic plate, and adapted to receive a planographic plate diametrically opposite said impression surface, a planographic or transfer cylinder, a damp ing ind an inking mechanism therefor, the plate upon said planographic or transfer cylinder being adapted to transfer an impression to the impression surface upon sa d main cylinder, mains adapted to press said planographic cylinder upon said main impression cylinder, means whereby the degree of such pressure may be regulated, a damping and an inking mechanism ada ted to cooperate with the .planographic plate upon said main cylinder, an impression cylinder,
oppositely disposed to said main cylinder, and means automatically shifting said planographic or transfer cylinder, and said damping an] inking mechanisms cooperating with the,planographic plate upon said main cylindci', whereby said planographic cylinder and said damping and inking mechanisms are respectively made inoperative during each rotation ofthe-n'iain cylinder to afford clearance for the planographic plate upon the main cylindeand the impression surface thereon respectively.
7. A printing machine, embodying irrein a main impression cylinder, carrying an impression s rface adapted to receive an imprint from a planographic plate, and adapt ed to receive a plauogrnphic plate diametrically opposite said impression surface, a planographic or transfer cylinder, a dampingand an i nki ng mechanism therefor, the plate upon said planographic or transfer cylinder being adapted to transfer an impression to the impression surface uptm'ra'id main cylinder, a damping and an inking mechanism adapted to cooperate with the planograpliic plate upon said main cylinder, an impression cylimler oppositely disposed to said main cylinder,,mcans developing pressure between said main cylinder and said oppositely disposed cylinder, and means automatically shifting said plamigraphic or transfer cylindtw, and said damping and mechanisms cooperating with the plan'ogr 'phic plate upon said main cylimler,
whereby said planographic cylindpr and said damping and inking mechanisms are respectively made inoperative during each rotation of the main cylinder to afford clearance forthc planographicplate upon the main cylinder and the impression surface thereon respectively.
8. ,A printing machine, embodying therein a, main impression cylinder, carrying an impression surface adapted to receive an imprint from a planographic plate, and adapted to receive a planographic plate diametrieally opposite said impression surface, a
plauographic or transfer cylinder, a damping and an inking mechanism therefor, the plate upon said planographicv or transfer cylinder being adapted to transfer an impression to the impression surface upon said main cylinder, a damping and an inking mechauisn'i adapted to cooperate with the planogrraphic plate upon said main cylinder,
an impression cylinder oppositely disposed to said main cylinder, means developing pressure between said main, cylinder and said oppositely disposed cylinder, means whereby the degree of such pressure may be regulated, and n'ieans automatically shifting said plano zraphic or transfer cylinder, and said damping and inking mechanisms co operating with the planographic plate upon said main cylinder, whereby said plauographic cylinder and said damping and inkin; mechanisms are respectively made inoperative during each rotation of the main cylinder to afford clearance for the planegraphic plate upon the maimcylinder and the impression surface thereon respectively.
5), A printing); machine, embodying therein a main impression cylinder, carr 'ing an impression surface adapted to receive an imprint from a planographie plate, and adapted to receive a planographic plate diametrically opposite said impression surface, a
ing and an inking mechanism therefor, the
)late n )on said )lano 'ra )hic ortransfercvlinder being adapted to transfer an impression to the impression surfac: upon said, main cylinder, means adapted to press said planographic cylinder upon said main impression cylinder, means whereby the degree of such pressure may be regulated, a damping and an inking mechanism adapted to cooperate with the planographic plate upon said main cyli ndcr, an impression cylinder, oppositely disposed to said main cylinder, means developin; pressure between said main cylinder and said oppositely disposed cylinder, means whereby the degree of such pressure may be regulated, and means automatically shifting), said ptanographic or transfer cylinder, and said damping and inking; mechanisms cooperating with the planogra 'ihic plate upon said main cylinder, whereby said planographic cylinder and said .damping and ink ing' mechanisms are respectively made inoperative during each rotation of the main cylinder to atford clearance for the planognmhic plate upon the main cylinder and the impression surface thereon respectively.
10. A printing machine, embodying thercin a printing couple comprising a main cylinder having a printing and impression surface on one portion thereof and means whereby a planographic plate may be at tached to another portion thereof, and an. oppositely disposed inulti-revolution (ZYllIl der havmg an impression and printing surface thereon, in combination With means for transferring a design to said printing and impression surtaee upon said main cylinder,
and an inking mechanism for applying ink directly to the plate upon said main eylinder.
11. A printing machine, embodying there in a printing couple comprising a main (cylinderharing an elastie piiuting and impression surface'on one portion thereof and means whereby aplanographie late may be attached. to another portion thereof, and an oppositely disposed mult-i-revolntion ryiinder having an elastic impression and. printing surface thereon in combination with means for transferring a design to said printing and impression surface upon said inhin cylinder, and airinking mechanism for applying ink direetly to the plate upon said main cylinder.
12. A printing machine, embodying there in a printing couple comprising a main (glinder having a printing and in'ngression surface on one portion thereof and means whereby a planographie plate may he attached to another portion thereoh an oppositely disposed multi-revolution cylinder having an impression and printing surtace thereon, and means whereby said cylinders may be thrown into and out of the printing relation in C()111l')l111-l'i()il with means for transferring a design to said printing and impression suritaee upon said main eylinder, and an inking mechanism for applying ink directly to the plate upon said main eyl inder.
13. A printing maehine, embodying therein a printing eou-ple eomprising a main eylinder having a printing and impression surface on one. portion thereof and means whereby a planographie plate may be at taehed to another portion thereof, an oppositely disposed multi -revolution cylinder having an impression and printing sot-tare thereon, and means wherelry the pressure hetweeu said cylinders may be regulated in oombination with means for transferring a design to said printing and impression sur "face upon said main (-ylindcr, and aninlting' mechanism for applying inlc directly to the plate upon said main tr \'lilltltl'.
14. A printing marhi-ne, embodying therein a printing couple compr sing a main eylinder having a printing and impression surface on one portion thereo'l' and means whereby a piano; taehed to another portion thereof, an oppositely disposed multirevolution eylindei. having an impression and printing surface thereon, and means whereby the pressure between said eylinders maybe regulated, com prising means adapted to impart; increment to one of said cylinders toward or from the other, and supplemental n'ieans actuating said last nnled means whereby a nncrometgr: pliir plate may be at.-.
thereon, and means whereby said ovlinders may be thrown into and out of the. printing relation. i' 'iiiilin'isiir g' eccentric bushings for said multi-revolution cylinder, and means wherehy said bushings may be user iatel in uonihiua on with means for trai'isterring a design to said printing and impression surtat-e upon said main cylinder, and an inking merhanism for applying inlt direetly to the plate upon said main e lin lcr.
1 3. A printing mzu-hine, embodying therein a printing eouple comprizing a main eylinder hating a printing and impression snrtat-e on one p rtion there f, and means whereby a planographie plate may be attat-lied to another porti n thereof, on oppositely disposed multi -re\' h|ti n1 cylinder haring an imprr 'sion and printing snrlare thereon and ..eain adapted to bactuated through the pow r driving the press whereit) said 'yillitlti'rl mav be thrown into and out ot the printing relation, roniprising eeeentrie lnishin g's for said multi-rerolution orlilidtr. and means whereby said bushings may be oscillated in combimition withnieans tor transferring a design to said printing and impression sin-tare upon said main cylinder, and an inking mechanism for applying int; direetly to the plate upon said main cylinder.
17. A printing marhine, embodying therein a printing couple comprising a main cylindor having a printing and impression surtl'ace on one portion thereof, and means whereby a planographie plate may he at tat'l ed to another portion thereof, an oppo-' sittl V disposed mold-revolution cylinder having an impression and printing surface thereon. and means adapted to be actuated through the power driving the press where by said cylinders may be thrown into and out ot the printing relation, comprising e0 centrie bushings for said multi revolution cylinder, and means whereby said bushings may be oscillated, eoln iirising a eranl; shaft, a link pivotally connected with a erank thereon and acting eeeentrically of said bushings, and means whereby said shaft may he oscillated in both directions in comoination with means for transferring a design to said printing and impression surt ll ' licensee face upon said main cylinder, and an inking mechanism for applying ink directly to the tached to another portion thereof, an oppo- "sitely disposed multi-revolution cylinder having an impression and printing surface thereon, and means adaptet to be actuated through the power driving the press whereby sald cylinders may be thrown into and out of the printing relation, comprising eccentric bushings for said multi-revolution cylinder, and means whereby said bushings may be oscillated, comprising a crank shaft, a link pivotally connected with a crank thereon .and acting eccentrically of said bushings, alink plvotally connected to a second crank on said shaft, a loop on the free end of said link, a plurality of oppositely disposed, inwardly extending projections on said loop, a tappet rotatable with said main impression and printing cylinder, and means whereby said loop may be ac tuated to cause said tap et to exert a downward thrust upon one of said projections, or an upward thrust upon the other to oscillate said shaft, in combination vith means for transferring a design to said printing and impression surface ,npon said main cylinder, and an inking mechanism for applying ink directly to the plateuipon said main cyl indcr. i 19. A printing machine, embodying therev. in a printing couple comprising a main cylindcr having a printing and impression surface on one portion thereof, and means whereby a planographic plate may be attached to another portion thereof, an oppositely disposed multi-revolution cylinder having an impression and printing surface thereon, and meansadapted to be actuated ,thrdugh the power driving the press whereby said cylinders may be thrown into and out of the printing relation, comprising eccentric bushings for said multi-revolution cylinder, and means whereby said bushings may be oscillated, comprising a cranl. shaft,
,a linkpivotally cm'incctcd with a crank thereon and acting eccentrically of said bushings, a link pivotally connected to a second crank on said shaft, a loop on the free cndof said link, a plurality of oppositely'disposed, inwardly extending projcc tions on said loop,'a tappet rotatable-with said main impression and printing cylinder, a crank carried by said last named link, a
rod, opptf v u-irting cushion springs act-' ing tlicreo ,gu' lili con'ncct -m between said rod imd said last namegl crank wlu-rcby the o.-'cil|ation of said crank In oneidircct ion will move its link in the opposite direction to cause saidtappet to exert a downward thrust upon one of said projections, or ar upward thrust upon the other to oscillate said shaft.
20. A printing machine, embodying therein a printing couple comprising a main cylinder having a 'printingnnd impression surface on one .portion thereof and means whereby aplanographic plate may be attached to another portion thereof, an op ositely disposed nlulti-revolution cylinder having an impression and rinting surface thereon, and means where y the pressure between said cylinders may be regulated, comprising means adapted to impart move-r ment to one of said cylinders toward or from the other, and an eccentric actuating said last named means whereby a micrometrical adjustment is afforded, in combination with means for transferring a design to said printing and impression surface upon said main cylinder, and an inking mcchanism for ,applyin ink directly to the plate upon said main cy indcr.
21. A printing machine, embodying therein a printing couple comprising a main cylindcr having a printing and impression surface on one portion thereof, and means whercby'a planographic plate may be attached to another portion thereof, an oppositely disposed multi-revolution cylinder having an impression and printing surface thereon, means, adapted to be actuated through the-power driving the press, whereby said. cylinders may be thrownlinto and out of the printing relation, comprising eccentric bushings for said multi-revolntion cylinder, and means whereby said bushings may be. oscillated, comprising at crank shaft, :1 link pivotally connected with a crank thereon and acting cccentrically of said bushings, and means whereby said shaft may ,be oscillated in both directions,'and micromctrical adjusting meanswhereby the pressure between said cylinders may be regulated, comprising an eccentric pivot connecting said link with said bushing whereby said bushing may be oscillated independently of the movement of said link.
4 22. A printing machine, embodying therein a main impression cylinder carrying a printing and impression surface thereon, and means whereby a planographic plate may be attachcdIthercto, n planographic cylinder adaptedto transfer an impression to the printing and impression surface of said main cylinder,eccentric bushings for the arbors of said planographic cylinder, means actuated from said main cylinder for ii'nparting an intermittent oscillatory movement to said bushings, damping and inking 'nwclnmisms for said planographic late upon said mam cyliinlcr, and means w iereby said last named damping and inking nuwhanisms are thrown out of the operative relation to said printing and impression snrfacerupon said main cylinileix A priming machine, embodying liar cin a main impression (*ylimlor varrying a pri'nl'ing and iln 'n'cssion surface iliorvon, and means whereby a planograpliio plalo may be aliac 9d thereto, a planograpliiu cylinder adaptwl lo li-ansfin. an impression to file printing and. impression sin-fare of said nmin oylimlmg 'errvonl'ric bushings for the arlmrs of said. PliU'lOQi'illfillU cylinilirr, a lever system acinaiing. said cc'rcntric lmsliings, a can). upon said main cylinder sl'iail' actuating; said lover s 'sieni, damping aml inking nw-lianisins for saiol plaaog rapli o plate upon said main uy liailiir aml moans ii-lwrol'iy said last named (lumping aml inking mm-lmnisms are flu-own out oi oralivu :claliun lo Hfllii printing; a; l in:- piisslmi sari-ave upon said main nylinilvr.
in a main impressi n cylinder rar yiog a printing anll nnprvssmn sin-fave ilk-Broom aml inrans whorl-by a planograpliiv plai' attached iliereio, a yflmwgraplnc \'ii)1!il*l arlapi'ml lo lranslur an impression in llli? printing;- and imprassion sarfavo of saul main i limlm', vrz'oni'riv bushings for lllL arlUUl'H ml said planograpliic cylinder, a lever system avinaiing said evcvnlric bushings, embodying film. in a crank sliaii', one crank of which is ailagiod io impart iiIOVClI'HjYliI io saiil lover system, and anoilior oranl: of which is ailaplicil i0 rcreive power for oscillaiing .saicl shaft, a spring acting on said shaft to normally force said planograpliic cylinder into ilio operative rolaiion io saicl impression and printing cylinder, a mm upon said main (3 llll(l (l. shaft acinaiing saiil lever system, damping and inking mosh-anisms for said planog apliio pla upon saiii main cylimler, and means whereby said iasl named damping and inking mechanisms arr:- tln'own out of the operative rolal'ion lb said printing and impression sin-face upon said main cylinder.
A priming machine embody in l'llQl'L in a main impression cylinder carrying a printing and ii'11 rcssion Sllifmi'fi ilMIK-EOH and means whereby a planograpliio plate may be attached ilm-(rim a planogrra pliio oyl iinlor ailaplacl to transfer an implies ion lo the printing and improssion sni'i'aco of said main oyliniiv". cu'oniriv l2 ings for For arbors of said plainrginiplnn: igyli'mlrr a lover system avluaiinr; saiil (.U'Pilil'lt fiirjlh ings en'iboclying illPl'LlIl a crank sh :ii', one. rrank of which is aclapiwl i0 imp'ar inmoa (11am 1 .j'aling lllO 01%- in. a main impression -i 53% i; minling mavhinv embodying Lam'sin a, main llllpl'k ion (jylllhlfil Carrying a printing and in'xprvss-ion surlare ilwreon, and means hereby a planijan'apiiic plaio may lie ailavlwl therein, a planommipliiu czylindw adapiml in lransiior an imph to illU priming anil in'iprussimi surf a sakl main (:yliinlor, CCi'QillilC bushings for Mai aiion-s o5 saiil pl; "iplllfi v in\lr:', a
" orronii'iw lmslxa rank sli )6 io napalm Sgdiiil'l; and auoilier vaivioil m em x-a Naomi,
(rank l'o said of a'liirli in said imprvssion ami prinl'ingr vylimlo a van: noun saiil main oylin lefslmfl acliuaiin r 'aiil liwvr-sysi'oin, a i'alvlicl; iiootli Carri-ail is a nl movable will; saiil Prank slial'i- "ii a pawl 11lUUI1l 3l upon a rolaiivvi liXQ-Ll n' llCl a mi adagiod in be ilnwinvn info on ion with said iooiii, whereby a 1 a \inimi damping and inking m0;-
saiil pianogziapl'iiu piai'o up sai i I ini'lviy anil means wl'ioreby saii'l. iart na nail damping a nil inking ."acclianisms are ini-ow'i out of (110 U XI'Si lYG rolial'ion to said} filiitif and in'lpi'ession surface upon said ma cylinder.
liliiPlllnk cinlmiij ii'ig n oylmil wail X acithereon, rial moans whereby a planogmplno plaie i ay lJQ atiarlied thereto, a plmalily of planapl'iic -ylinl0r9 aiapmi to irans' an i mz'ession lo ilm printing ami. iin i'c non snz mw of saiil main cylinder crrmitrio J ings for (no arbors oi sai l piano a mali rs iniloymni'lontly opera :1 alimony sail m1 715i"EUC llQUih- IHS are J "i on? operaiivu ielalio i lo Fill uaijirossiw. surfm'v upon or Parrying; a
US65979411A 1911-11-11 1911-11-11 Printing-machine. Expired - Lifetime US1026936A (en)

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US65979411A US1026936A (en) 1911-11-11 1911-11-11 Printing-machine.

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US65979411A US1026936A (en) 1911-11-11 1911-11-11 Printing-machine.

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US65979411A Expired - Lifetime US1026936A (en) 1911-11-11 1911-11-11 Printing-machine.

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US (1) US1026936A (en)

Cited By (6)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2539382A (en) * 1941-08-11 1951-01-30 Davidson Corp Sheet detector control mechanism for printing presses
US2542073A (en) * 1946-09-20 1951-02-20 Southworth Machine Co Sheet controlled interrupter for offset printing presses
US3848320A (en) * 1970-09-17 1974-11-19 Vlaanderen Machine Co Van Printing press method of assembly
US4098185A (en) * 1972-03-16 1978-07-04 North Shore Precision Research Corporation Printing press
US4231291A (en) * 1978-01-03 1980-11-04 North Shore Precision Research Corporation Printing press
US4603631A (en) * 1984-01-30 1986-08-05 M.A.N.-Roland Druckmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft Perfecting printing process and apparatus for a sheet-fed offset press

Cited By (6)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2539382A (en) * 1941-08-11 1951-01-30 Davidson Corp Sheet detector control mechanism for printing presses
US2542073A (en) * 1946-09-20 1951-02-20 Southworth Machine Co Sheet controlled interrupter for offset printing presses
US3848320A (en) * 1970-09-17 1974-11-19 Vlaanderen Machine Co Van Printing press method of assembly
US4098185A (en) * 1972-03-16 1978-07-04 North Shore Precision Research Corporation Printing press
US4231291A (en) * 1978-01-03 1980-11-04 North Shore Precision Research Corporation Printing press
US4603631A (en) * 1984-01-30 1986-08-05 M.A.N.-Roland Druckmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft Perfecting printing process and apparatus for a sheet-fed offset press

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