TWM441686U - Inter-connectably assembled pre-fabricated modular building - Google Patents

Inter-connectably assembled pre-fabricated modular building Download PDF


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TWM441686U TW101215796U TW101215796U TWM441686U TW M441686 U TWM441686 U TW M441686U TW 101215796 U TW101215796 U TW 101215796U TW 101215796 U TW101215796 U TW 101215796U TW M441686 U TWM441686 U TW M441686U
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xu-hua Huang
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xu-hua Huang
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  • Steps, Ramps, And Handrails (AREA)
  • Residential Or Office Buildings (AREA)


M441686 五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作涉及-種建涵’尤其是指可鱗卸組合的組合屋單 凡及由組合屋單元組成的可拆卸組合的多層組合屋建築系統。 ' 【先前技術】 建築行業裏,傳統的賴均為固定不能移動的賴體,隨著 ♦社會的迅捷發展’城市擴容,城市規劃日新月異,到處都是拆遷 重建。妨礙賴_定建築的拆遷重建其#祕高昂。拆遷的群 眾在幾年的拆遷過財’由於是臨時居所植财—個舒 住環境。再有,再遇到很嚴重的自然災害時,比如汉川地震造成 大量的房屋倒塌,受災群眾沒有居所,只能在重建過程中,幾年 的時間都居住在不通風、舰悶熱的板房裏,生活條件特別銀苦。 匕隨著近幾年的建築行業的發展,出現了可拆却移動的_於 _貨櫃的組合屋。利用六面可組合拆卸的貨櫃壁組合成一個組合 ‘屋。該種組合屋其建造方便,但是其建築形態千篇一律,沒=美 感。且該類型的組合屋在一層需要多個放置時,如果堆放在一起, 則組合屋的幾個面沒有採光。如果放開放置,在各個組合屋之間 需預留-定的通道,則其占地面積太大^需要疊層搭建時,只 忐一層層類似貨櫃式的簡單疊加堆放,其樓梯需要外掛式樓梯。 當需要成排疊加組合屋時,其每個疊加單元均需外掛樓梯,其無 形中增加了建造成本。 M441686 總之,上述的__式的可拆卸移動的組合屋錢乏永 •久建_建築設計美感,在#加概時,其採歧果不好,且應 用於成片建接時,其所需的外掛樓梯量大,影響土地面積的利用 率。 f新型内容】 .本創作人所要解決的技術問題是提供—種組合建築其與永久 •建築體外觀_L/X有朗,具有很_賴設計美感·雛合建築, •其採光效果很好,组合屋令的每個房間均可以實現採光,避免了 採絲角。且其可以方便的拆卸組合移動,其土地面積的利用率 為了解決上述技術_,本創作提供的技術手段是—種可交叠 =合之flu她賴,嫩财蝴力㈣卸組合的的 弟一組合漁,所述第—組合模組的外部形狀呈L形;在所述第 2合^ w _卩娜恤㈣承重能力 一 K组’所4第—組合模組與所述第二組合模組的至少 、接面處具有互通的通口;所述第二組合模組包括中空的底 壁’在所述底板上可拆卸 式固疋有樓梯’所述樓梯位於所述底板財空部上方。 所述2組合模組的外形為立體四謂,在所述第二組合模 ^的四 拆卸缺合有—所述第-組合,水平相鄰 的所述第-組合·之間时空隙。 奸相一 在所述第二組合模組的上方依魄麵加有多個所述第 4 =合,在所述每個第二組合模組的四個邊㈣可拆卸地組 。有所料-組合模_成—賴體,層的所述第一组入 ,組利用緊固件以可拆卸方式細在—起,·其t:奇數層的所述 紅組合模組與所述第一組合模組的組合方式相同,偶數層的所 述第二組合模_職第—組合模_組合方式烟;且位於所 二岭模紐同一邊角處的上下層相鄰的第一組合模組其以90 又角度這加,在所述建築體的每個水平相鄰的所述第一組合模组 •之間留有空隙’所述空隙從下至上貫通。在其中一所述貫通的空 隙内組合设置有電梯’所述電梯與每層的所述第二組合模组相 通。麵的空射以作為戶外管道絲郎,其可直接與組合模 組内的官道連接,減少管道使用量,降低成本。 在上下層的所述第-組合模組之間形成的空間處以可拆卸方 式組合固定有驗,所鑛臺固定在與空卩猶於同-層的所 述第-組合模組的—側,所述第—組合模組與所述陽臺開設有通 、位於所述空間位置處的所述第一組合模組設置有加強筋。通 匕加強肋’使懸空伸出的第—組合模組的翻強度提高。 〜斤述垂直宜加固疋的第二組合模組的頂端以可拆卸方式固 疋有帶透明屋獅頂棚,通過所述頂棚可到達所述建築體的最頂 端。 上下層的所述第二組合模組之間的接觸面上間隔設置有減震 裝置。減震裝置為減震橡膠墊。 所述第、植合柄組包括構成其周壁的數個側壁、底板和頂板, M441686 所述側壁、所述底板及所述頂板相互以可拆卸方式利用緊固件組 合在一起形成所述第一組合模組。 所述每個觀包括承重框缺可拆卸安裝于所述承重框架内 的側壁面;所述底板包括承重框架及可拆卸安裝與所述承重框架 的底板面;所述職包括承重框架及可拆卸安裝於所述承重框架 的頂板面。所述側壁面具有隔熱保溫層。所述底板面具有防潮層, 所述頂板面具有防水層。 所述第二組合模組的所述樓梯踏板上貼附有一層彈性墊,在 所述彈㈣上_定有木板。所述彈雜為橡雜,所述木板為 膠木板。 所述第-組合模組包括至少兩個獨立的利用緊固件鎖固在一 起的模組單元’所述兩模組單元連接處相通;其中-所述模組單 凡外形呈L形’通過所述呈L形的馳單元與所述第二組合模組 以可拆卸方式組合固定在一起。 。、所述每刪莫組單元依據功能不同被劃分為若干個區域,所述 區域之間的隔板為可拆卸式隔板。 所述功能區域包括廁所,所述廁所位於所述空隙一側,在所 述《所預製有管道和衛生潔具的钱孔,,所述管料過所述廁所 所在的側壁’其管道開σ端位於所述空隙處。 本創作的可交疊組合之預製式模組建築 ,其優點如下: (一)、本創作的組合模組其尺寸大小適合運輸,可以預先製 作成半成品,其優點在於: 6 料41686 1 .縮短營建施工的時間,提前建築使用的期程。 2·減低營建場址的污染,降低碳排放量。 3. 減少營建工程管理,精簡現場施工之人、物力使用。 4. 量產規格化可以提高生產效能,降低成本。 5. 薇制標準化可以保證品質與尺寸精度。 6 .可將建築、室内施卫—次性的預製完成,免除二雜施工。 7.可將健康淨化、綠能科技、人工智慧…等高新技術,結合施作 於預製模組化之賴組合模組内,提高建築科技的性能。 8 ·建築組合模㈣可拆組式設計,滿足迴圈再湘,異地再重建 的需求模式。 9·因具有現場營建週期短的優勢,是應急現場房屋住宅需求的最 佳選擇。 (二)、組合模組可根據功能不能劃分為起居室、客應、蔚房、 廁所等多個功域,每個功能區域可根據需要與其他功能區域 連通’再通過組合模組交伽合的形絲大空間_的建築體, 其優點在於: '、 ^組合單元之模矩尺寸計算、形狀規格設計,達到最有效率的組 :模式:由於通則形㈣角處組合,最大程度提高了土地利用 放率、贯現了居家單位面積的使用合理性。 2組合模組運用交迭組合之空間錯位關係,形成每—戶居家單位 =有良好的全綠室_光、具有職面的戶外陽臺、在貫通 工隙處垂直安裝管道使管道檢修更容易、住戶與住戶之間完全 7 M441686 隔離保持私紐,以及光線充足的公共樓梯間。 =且合模組在相互疊加時,上下樓毅間成為雙層樓板,強化樓 層間之聲音傳導的阻絕。 4母層四戶之居家單位,因為組合模組之錯位組合,成為各自獨 立的入口門區闕係。 5·加大空間有效利用率:上下相鄰的下層的第—組合模組的頂面 可同時用於作為上層的第—組合模組的陽臺平臺。 • (三)、工程設計的優點 卜上下敎合餘之_置_性減震橡轉,可聽組合模組 '匕門的曰橋傳導。在樓梯踏板處設置的緩衝性減震橡夥塾,同 樣也可以降低踩踏樓梯時的聲音傳導。 2 ·組合模組的立體端點設計有戰、吊掛、触之_相互組裝 的多功能性鎖扣頭設計。 3·組合模組的壁面為模組化設計,可以依據使用者的不同需求, •進行全封面、開口窗等不同形式之壁面配置。 4在帛、组合模組$加時懸空的側壁部位、頂板部位及底板部位 增加的加強筋’可提南組合的建築體的強度和抗顫動功能。 【實施方式】 針對本創作,現舉一較佳實施例並結合圖式進行具體說明, 其中: 第一組合模組1〇,其外形呈L形,在本實施例中,其包括組 8 M441686 合t第Γ模組單元]和第二模组單w: 】2、…],外形呈L形,包括側壁⑴、 承重框架包括承納 6 ’·每個側壁都包括承重框架,該 柱雜於缝橫樑之咖承重纽,承重支 柱根據承重力的大小 里文 側壁面r在趣的㈣軸上開設有供 ..、储’各個側壁面以可拆卸方式固定安裝在承重 2架内。側壁面設置有防水層和保溫層,根據需要’也可以進一 ==。利用加裝保溫層和防火層,進-步提高作為居住 建藥物的和環㈣紐能。根據f要在 窗,在L形側壁盘第1人心“ 相匹配Μ 接觸的位置處開設有及閘 的通口。在各側壁的承重框架上間隔開設有數個固定孔。 ^板15包括水平承重框架’在承重框架上間隔水平設置有支 =’承麵_舰形,如此,承軸和支揮龍骨構 成今置空間,底板面固定在容置空間内。底板面包括有防潮層, 以避免組合歡组直接安裝在地面時吸潮。頂板】6其結構與底板巧 相似’其包括承重練,可拆卸式固絲承重轉上的頂板面。 頂板面包括有-防水層,可防止雨水滲人賴組單元崎。為了 防止雨水渗人’在職16上還可設置痛水觸除縣的雨水。 在底板15和頂板16的承_架的橫樑外側上的相對應位置 處均間隔職有數個安裝哺丨7,在每個絲凹槽Η下方缺口處 均固定設置有Μ避讓板。在各㈣的承重橫樑和周邊的支柱上對 應安裝凹槽17設置有安裝凸塊18,該安裝凸塊外形與安裝凹槽相 9 M441686 匹配’底板15上的安裝凸塊18其為上端具有開口的中空凸塊, 頂板16的上的安裝凸塊18其為下端具有開口的中空凸塊,底板 15和頂板16上的安裝凸塊的開口相對。在對應安裝凸塊的開口的 另-面上開設有固定孔。在組合安_,各側壁的安裝凸塊18對 應卡it底板15和頂板16上的安裝凹槽17内,並通過安裝凹槽17 下方的避雜it行承重支撐。如聽構,城了各讎不會在外 力作用下相對於底板或頂板發生左右或向下位移,提高了結構的 堅固性。為了條各侧壁之間及其與頂板和底板之間的密封性 能’在各連接處設置有密封條用於密封。 另外’在兩側壁上還預設置有用以安裝_的安裝快速扣 栓,當需要對第-模組單元i進行功能區域劃分時,可根據需要, 直接在安额喊裝隔板來崎出若干㈣能區域,比如客靡、 起居室等,起到極大的使用便利的作用。 在第—模組單元1的相對1形側壁的一端的兩側側壁、底板及 頁板的承重框架上還固定設置有加強筋。當第一模組單元1相對[ 賴土的-喊域錄料,其加賴蝴使第 構穩固的作用。 、早兀、、Ό 夕卜开模組粒2,參考圖2,其與第—模組單元1 _別是其 卜形為方形’其各侧壁⑵、22、23、24)包括承重桓架和安裝 氧重框架上賴壁面,各繼依據雜需要缝有門窗。底板 奶包括承重框架和安裝在承重框架上的底板面。頂板26包括承重 框架和安裝麵觸地細。財_峨有隔熱保溫 10 M441686 層’底板面設置有防潮層,頂板面設置有防水層。 第二模組單元2的兩側壁上同樣預設置有安裝快速扣栓沈, 用以安裝劃分區域的隔板27。利用在隔板27上兩側邊設置掛釣 使其掛入安裝快速扣栓28舟,即可實現快速固定。在本實施例中, 第-換組單70 2被隔斷為三個功能區域,其中包括磨房間和廟所, ‘在廚相和酬設置了進水管道、出水f道、職進出管道 •等,在_設置有各個衛纽施所需的安裝孔。各個預留設 #置的管道伸出相對與第一模組單元緊固一側的另一側的側壁,以 方便在使用時和外部管道直接連接。 在第_組單TLl和第二模組單元2的需細組合—側的承重 框架的橫樑上分別設置有開有緊固用的緊固塊(⑽、測),參考 圖3,利用螺栓螺母緊固件將其緊固在一起。為了保證第一餘單 元i和第二模組單元2之間的密封性能,在第—模組單元!和第 二模組單元2供緊固-側__承重橫樑和轉支柱接觸面之 •間設置有密封圈。在第-模組單元1需緊固組合的側壁上開設有 通道,在第二模組單元2相對的側壁位置處設置有門,如此,使 •第一模組單元1和第:模組單元2岭後相通。雜,根據需要, 可以設置多道門或窗。 雜,第一組合漁也可m模組料,其也可以分 為幾個相錄合在_起的難單元,魅單元的財大小只要滿 足在其組裝便於運輸即可。 第二組合模組30,其外形成正立方體形,在本實施例中參 M441686 看圖[其包括兩個樓梯模組單元⑽、5〇),樓梯模組單元4〇 其包括三個側壁(41、42、43)、底板44、樓梯45,其中:三個 侧壁(4卜42、43)均包括承觸,錄軸中安裝有呈有 防水層的側壁面。側壁41和侧壁松的側壁面上開設有門供住戶 出入。側壁43也可根據需要開設門。在三側壁(41、42、43)的 •承重框架的上下橫樑内侧兩端設置有供各侧壁相互緊固的緊固 塊:在上橫樑的上端面間隔設置有和底板相互鎖固的緊固塊,在 φ 樑的下端面間隔設置有供與底板垂直鎖固的鎖固凹槽。在與 弟-組合模、組30組合接觸的侧壁的承重框架的上橫襟的外側間隔 設置有相對的緊固塊300。 底板44 ’其外形呈側到立的凹形。底板&包括承重框架,在 ,重框架上安财底板面,敍面設置有_層。在底板供側壁 安#的承重框細上端面上,姆應舰的_凹湘定設置有 緊固塊’通過螺栓穿過緊固塊將三侧壁分別鎖固在底板44上端 I-面上’各側壁之間通過自身的緊固塊相互緊固。在底板的中空部 刀側向上通過緊固件以可拆卸方式組合固定搭建有—平臺 441 °亥平$同度位於各側壁高度的中部。預製樓梯奶其一端與 平至441通過緊固件固定連接在一起,其另一端向下與底板料的 邊緣通過緊固件緊固在一起,平臺和獅奶均位於底板Μ 的空間區域上方。在樓梯45的踏板上設置有一層減震的橡膠塾, 在橡膠塾上设置有膠木板。藉由該結構,在踩踏樓梯時,可以降 低踩踏樓梯的聲音’保證住戶的生活環境品質。在底板44的承重 12 M441686 框架的外侧也間隔設置有與各側壁相對應的緊固塊3〇〇。 樓梯模組單元50,其結構與樓梯模組單元4〇相似,其也包括 側壁(51、52、53)、底板54、樓梯55,其側壁結構與樓梯模組 單元大體’其結構區別在於側壁側壁51和側壁53上開設有門, 側壁52上未開設門。底板54其結構與底板44相同。平臺541與 平3: 441結構相同。樓梯一端緊固在平臺55ι上’其另一端為 自由端,在樓梯55的自由端的側端面上設置有緊固件。 • 娜驗單元40域觀組單元50通過緊·緊固組合在一 起其底板與底板緊固、组合在一起形成一中空底板,平臺與平臺 緊固組合在-起形成一大平臺,各側壁組合,形成第二組合模組 3/。在本實施例中’將第二組合模組分為兩麵組單元其目的 疋模、、且預製化’其可以在原理施工的地方組裝賴組單元,然後 通過運輸至目的地進—步組合安裝。如此即方便運輸又節約了施 工組裝週期。當然,第二組合模組也可以不分割為模組單元,直 鼸接由各趣、巾^雜、平臺及_組合。 上述各__立絲面,较奸·料辟其相互組合 的位置處固定設置錢於吊裝、平移運解❹功能鎖扣。 建築體組合方法:建築體第一層的組合方式:參看圖5、圖6, 組合模組居於中間位置,在第二組合模組的四個邊角處輕 :有一個第—組合模組,其中第—組合模組的L形料位於第二 、、且合模組的邊角處,並通過螺轉過㈣塊進拥定。每個第一 組合模組均與第二組合模組在其組合接觸面處相通,以保證居住 13 M441686 在每個第-組合模址中的住戶都可以到達第二組合模組的樓梯 處在水平方向,圍繞第二組合敏,相鄰的第一組合模組相互 *直且相鄰的第一組合模組之間形成一空隙⑼。空隙⑽的存在 '、了每個f組錢組哺光效果使第―模組巾的所有隔斷 的功能區域都有直接採光。 在宜加第二層時,其組合方式如下參看圖7 :第二層的第二 '組合模組以垂直方式疊加組合在第一層的第二組合模組上在上 #下兩層的第一組合模組的承重框架的接觸面處間隔設置有減震裝 置,在本實施财賴震裝置域震橡雜,通過螺栓將上下兩 2的第二組合模__壁與底板穿過㈣塊和安裝凹槽緊固在 起’第-層的第二組合模組的樓梯自由端與第二層的第二組合 :::=固件緊固組合在-起。通過在垂直疊加的第二 響之間5X置減震裝置,可以有效崎低噪音帶來的不良影 &人=繞第:層㈣:組級__邊肖依細組合有第一 凸且ί ^目互參疊加的第—組麵_栓穿過安裝 塑,在上a、\一起。為了達到降低上層震動對下層帶來的影 1有減2蝴第—組合模紐的各個接觸緊_安裝凸塊之間 二ttrrr第二層中第—組合模組與第二組合模組 方向與第二_第-組合模㈣料—組合輸的長度 、、、的長度方向相互垂直,如此結構的 M441686 =rr於同一邊角處的第二層的第-組合模組的-端懸 組:空伸出部分的側壁、底板和頂板處都二 式,其第第:層的第二組合模組的疊加方式同第二層疊加方 方式相同』合輪組與第二組合模組的組合方式與第—層的組合 第1外纟°=層的第—組合模組與第"組合模組的組合方式與 方式相同。總結之:在·第—組合模組和第二組 =、、且』5建築體時,奇數層的組合方式相同,偶數層的組合方 式相同。 二此結構’在第二層以上的每個第一組合模組處形成-空間, 乂 ?二加裝可拆卸的陽臺模組7G ’該陽臺模組為預製式陽i 吴、且為每個居住在第一組合模組的住戶提供一陽臺空間,達到 了充分利用立體空間的目的。在陽臺7G處的第—組合模組的側壁 上開設有通往陽臺的通口。如此有規律的組合方式,在水平相鄰 的第-組合模組的之間的形成的雜6G,從第—層至頂層在四個 方向形成了 _貫_空隙6G,保證了整她合建髓的採光效 果。 為了保证第一組合模組的樓梯的採光效果,在建築體組合完畢 後’在頂層的第二組合模組上方4加組合—帶有透縣頂的棚 模組80 ’該頂棚模組8〇其結構類似於的第二組合模組,其區別在 於頂棚有樓梯但是設置有巾空的底板。頂棚的底板與樓梯自由 端組合連接,即可實現住户通過樓梯登上建築_頂層。 15 M441686 組合建築體,在其四轉形成有-貫通的雜,第—組合模組 的第二模組單元中的衛生間與貫通空隙緊鄰,如此結構在進行 建築體管道絲時,將管道安餘貫通空隙處,域直接與每層 住戶的衛生間預⑨值的管道開口連通即可。由於位於建築體外部 空隙處的道自下而上垂直,減少了管道的長度,降低了管道的 女裝成本,也方便日後的維修保養。且由於外部管道位於空隙處, 使得建築體整體看起來更美觀整潔。 為了生活的便利,在建築體形成的其中一貫通空隙處,可以設 置電梯模組,電梯模組與每層的第二組合模組相通,可以保證住 戶通過第二組合模組進入第一組合模組中。 目前這個社㈣追求讎化,因此,對於本創作設計的組合的 建築體,也有很多献住戶的個性化設計。當同—住戶居住在上 下緊鄰的第-組合模組時,其通過第二組合模組的樓梯進入上下 層很是不便,因此,在本創作中,在上層㈣—組合模組的底板 上預製時,可設置有可拆卸的樓梯口蓋板。當住戶需要室内進行 上下兩層連通時,可通過在下層的第—組合模_曾加室内樓梯 模組’室内樓梯模組下端_在下層的第—組合模組的底板上, 其上端固定在上層的第—組合模組的底板上的樓梯口處,此時, 上層的樓梯口蓋板可以拿掉。當住戶不需要室内樓梯時,則上層 的底板上的娜π蓋板可和底板通過永久固定件進行固定。 备同-水平相鄰的第一組合模組需要連通時,可通過加裝可延 伸過空隙寬度的陽臺顯,該陽臺模組延伸至相鄰的第一組合模 16 M441686 組-端與該第-組合漁以可拆卸方朗定連接,在被連接的第 -組合模組的侧壁開設有通往陽臺的通σ。為了遮蔽風雨,在該 延伸位於空隙處的陽臺上方,可加裝遮雨透明的頂棚。 本創作的通過組合模組組合的建築體,其可以建成聯排建築 體。按照上述組合方式’在垂直叠加的每層的第二組合模組的四 個邊角組。四娜-組合模師成—倾合的縣體單元,每個 建築體單元抵靠在-起形成聯排建築體。這樣的聯排建築體其由 於相互抵靠’可以提高各倾合建築體單摘縣強度。當缺, 為了進-步提高聯排建築體的強度,可以在相互抵靠的的:築體 單元通過緊固雜絲固在—起使其成為整體。 本創作設計的建築組合模組,其土地使用效率高,組合起來的 建築採光效果好’其_空_合居住。由於其每—個模蚊寸 滿足運輸㈣要,因此可·先組合,絲運輸至麵工地,即 可就地搭建組合快速形成—座新建築。本創作的建築區別與目前 集裝箱式的組合屋的地方在於,其土地率和空_用率高, 其空間劃分可根_戶分生活舰區域,外職觀,可盘 永久建築風格滅美’適合臨時居住或永久居住。當有大量拆遷 概或受災居聽處安身時,摘物合建築可在辦間内提供 大量住宅’滿足需要。在需要時可永久居住,不f要時, 搬移再次利用。 17 M441686 【圖式簡單說明】 圖;第:模組的呈_第—模組單元結構示意圖。 圖U-組合模組的第二模組單元結構示意圖。 圖3第一組合模組的第一模組 構示意圖。 早场弟-—早元組合緊固結 圖4第—組合模級的結構示意圖。 圖\第-組合模_第二組合模組的組合緊固結構示意圖。 圖6弟-组合模組和第二組合模組組合的建築體第一層水平組 合結構示意圖。 圖7第-組合模組和第二組合模組組合的建築體第二層水平組 合結構示意圖。 圖8上下層疊加的第一組合模組之間的緊固結構示意圖。 圖9本創作的組合建築體的立體結構示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 10...... 第一紕合模組 1...... 第一模組單元 11〜K··...側壁 15...... 底板 16······頂板 17...... 安裝凹槽 18·····.安裴凸塊 18 M441686 19.. .... 減震橡膠墊 2.. .... 第二模組單元 21〜24......側壁 25…… 底板 26…… 頂板 -27...... 隔板 - 28...... 扣检 Φ 100、200、300......緊固塊 30.. .... 第二組合模組 40、50...樓梯模組單元 41〜43......側壁 44...... 底板 441...... 平台 45.. ....樓梯 • 51-53......側壁 • 54…… 底板 • 55…… 樓梯 551.. ....平台 60.. ....空隙 70.. .... 陽台模組 80...... 頂棚模組M441686 V. New description: [New technical field] This creation involves the construction of a culvert, especially a combination of a detachable house and a detachable combination of multi-storey building systems. [Prior Art] In the construction industry, the traditional Lai is a fixed and immovable body. With the rapid development of the society, urban expansion, urban planning is changing with each passing day, and demolition and reconstruction are everywhere. It is a hindrance to the demolition of the building. The demolished group has spent a few years in the demolition and relocation. Because it is a temporary residence, it is a good place to save money. In addition, when encountering a very serious natural disaster, such as the Hanchuan earthquake, a large number of houses collapsed, and the affected people have no place to live. They can only live in a non-ventilated, sultry board room during the reconstruction process for several years. In particular, living conditions are particularly silver.匕 With the development of the construction industry in recent years, there has been a detachable and mobile __ _ container combination house. Use a six-sided combination of disassembled container walls to form a combined ‘house. This type of combination house is easy to construct, but its architectural form is the same, not = beauty. And when the combination house of this type requires multiple placements on one floor, if stacked together, several faces of the combination house are not lit. If you put it away, you need to reserve a certain channel between each combination house, then the floor space is too large. ^ When stacking is required, only one layer of similar stacking like a container type is stacked, and the stairs need to be externally mounted. stairs. When it is necessary to stack stacked houses in a row, each of the superimposed units requires an external stairway, which inevitably increases the construction cost. M441686 In short, the above-mentioned __ type of detachable mobile combination house is lacking in Yong·Long Jian _ architectural design beauty, when the #加概, its mining disparity is not good, and when applied to the piece construction, its place The large number of external staircases required will affect the utilization of land area. f new content] The technical problem that the creator has to solve is to provide a combination of buildings and permanent • architectural appearance _L/X has a lang, has a very beautiful design aesthetics, a small building, • its lighting effect is very good In each room of the combined house, daylighting can be achieved, avoiding the angle of picking. And it can be easily disassembled and combined to move, the utilization of the land area in order to solve the above technology _, the technical means provided by this creation is - the kind of overlap = the flu of her, the younger brothers (four) unloading the brother a combination fishing, the outer shape of the first combination module is L-shaped; in the second combination ^ w _ 卩 恤 ( (4) bearing capacity a K group '4' - combination module and the second combination At least the junction of the module has an open port; the second combination module includes a hollow bottom wall 'removably fixed to the floor on the floor'. The stairs are located in the floor of the floor Above. The outer shape of the two combined modules is a three-dimensional four-negative, and the four-disassembly of the second combined mold has a gap between the first-combined, horizontally adjacent first-combined. A plurality of said 4th joints are added to the top surface of the second combined module, and the four sides (four) of each of the second combined modules are detachably assembled. In the case of a composite mold, the first group of layers, the group is detachably fastened by means of fasteners, and the red combination module of the t: odd layer is The combination mode of the first combination module is the same, the second combination mode of the even layer is a combination mode-combination mode _ combination mode smoke; and the first combination of the upper and lower layers adjacent to the same corner of the two ridges The module is provided with a 90-degree angle, and a gap is left between each of the horizontally adjacent first modular modules of the building body. The gap penetrates from bottom to top. In one of the through gaps, an elevator is provided in combination with the elevator. The elevator communicates with the second combination module of each floor. The air jet is used as an outdoor pipe, which can be directly connected with the official road in the combined module, reducing the amount of pipe used and reducing the cost. The space formed between the first and second combination modules of the upper and lower layers is detachably combined and fixed, and the ore platform is fixed on the side of the first-combined module which is the same layer as the open space. The first combination module is open to the balcony, and the first combination module located at the spatial position is provided with a reinforcing rib. The reinforcing ribs are used to increase the turning strength of the first assembled module that is suspended. The top of the second modular module, which is vertically reinforced, is detachably secured with a transparent house lion ceiling through which the top end of the building can be reached. Damping means are disposed at intervals on the contact surface between the second combination modules of the upper and lower layers. The damping device is a shock absorbing rubber pad. The first planting handle set includes a plurality of side walls, a bottom plate and a top plate constituting a peripheral wall thereof, and the side wall, the bottom plate and the top plate of the M441686 are detachably combined with each other to form the first combination. Module. Each of the views includes a load-bearing frame lacking a side wall surface detachably mounted in the load-bearing frame; the bottom plate includes a load-bearing frame and a bottom plate surface detachably mounted to the load-bearing frame; the service includes a load-bearing frame and a detachable frame Installed on the top surface of the load-bearing frame. The side wall surface has a heat insulating layer. The bottom plate surface has a moisture barrier layer, and the top plate surface has a waterproof layer. A stair pad is attached to the stair tread of the second combination module, and a wooden board is fixed on the bullet (four). The bullet is a rubber, and the wood board is a rubber board. The first combination module includes at least two independent module units that are locked together by fasteners. The two module unit connections are connected; wherein the module has an L-shaped shape. The L-shaped unit and the second combination module are detachably fixed together. . Each of the deleted unit units is divided into a plurality of areas according to functions, and the partition between the areas is a detachable partition. The functional area includes a toilet, the toilet is located on one side of the gap, and in the “the money hole prefabricated with the pipe and the sanitary ware, the pipe material passes through the side wall of the toilet” Located at the gap. The advantages of the prefabricated modular building of the overlapable combination of the present invention are as follows: (1) The combined module of the creation is suitable for transportation and can be pre-made into a semi-finished product, and the advantages thereof are as follows: 6 material 41686 1 . The time of construction and construction, the period of construction use in advance. 2. Reduce pollution at the construction site and reduce carbon emissions. 3. Reduce the management of construction projects and streamline the use of materials and materials on site. 4. Mass production standardization can improve production efficiency and reduce costs. 5. Wei system standardization can guarantee quality and dimensional accuracy. 6. The construction and indoor maintenance-secondary prefabrication can be completed, and the two miscellaneous constructions are exempted. 7. High-tech, such as health purification, green energy technology, artificial intelligence, etc., can be combined with prefabricated modularized modules to improve the performance of building technology. 8 · Building modular model (4) detachable group design, to meet the demand pattern of recirculation and re-reconstruction. 9. With the advantage of short on-site construction period, it is the best choice for emergency on-site housing needs. (2) The combination module can be divided into multiple work areas such as living room, guest room, Wei room, toilet, etc. according to the function. Each function area can be connected with other functional areas as needed. The shape of the large space _ of the building body, its advantages are: ', ^ combination unit die size calculation, shape specification design, to achieve the most efficient group: mode: due to the general shape (four) corner combination, the maximum increase Land use rate and the rational use of the unit area of the home. 2The combination module uses the spatial misalignment relationship of overlapping combinations to form a per-household unit = a good all-green room _ light, an outdoor balcony with a face, and a vertical installation of pipes at the through-gap to make the pipeline maintenance easier. There is a total of 7 M441686 isolation between the occupants and the occupants, as well as a well-lit public stairwell. = When the combined modules are superimposed on each other, the upper and lower floors are double-story slabs, which strengthens the sound transmission between the floors. 4 The four-family home unit of the parent floor has become a separate entrance door area because of the misplaced combination of the modular modules. 5. Increase the effective utilization of space: The top surface of the first-combined module of the lower layer adjacent to the upper and lower layers can be simultaneously used as the balcony platform of the first-combined module of the upper layer. • (3) Advantages of engineering design Bu 敎 敎 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The cushioning shock absorbing gangs placed on the stair treads also reduce the sound transmission when the stairs are stepped on. 2 · The three-dimensional end point design of the modular module has a multi-functional locking head design that is assembled, hanged and touched. 3. The wall surface of the modular module is modular design, which can be configured according to the different needs of the user. • Wall surface configuration of different forms such as full cover and open window. 4 In the 侧壁, combination module $ overtime, the side wall part, the top part and the bottom part of the reinforced ribs can increase the strength and anti-vibration function of the south combination building. [Embodiment] For the present invention, a preferred embodiment will be specifically described with reference to the drawings, wherein: the first combined module 1 has an L-shape, and in this embodiment, it includes a group 8 M441686. And the second module single w: 】 2, ...], the shape is L-shaped, including the side wall (1), the load-bearing frame includes the receiving 6 '· each side wall includes a load-bearing frame, the column is miscellaneous According to the size of the bearing capacity, the load-bearing ribs are provided on the interesting (four) axis according to the size of the bearing beam. The storage side walls are detachably fixed in the load-bearing frame. The side wall surface is provided with a waterproof layer and a heat insulating layer, and may be further advanced as needed. By using the insulation layer and the fire-retardant layer, it is possible to further improve the ring and the ring (4) as a drug for living. According to f, in the window, the first human core of the L-shaped side wall plate is provided with a gate for opening and closing. A plurality of fixing holes are spaced apart on the load-bearing frame of each side wall. The plate 15 includes a horizontal bearing. The frame 'is horizontally arranged on the load-bearing frame with a support='bearing_ship shape. Thus, the bearing shaft and the supporting keel constitute the present space, and the bottom surface is fixed in the accommodating space. The bottom surface includes a moisture-proof layer to avoid The combination group is directly installed on the ground to absorb moisture. The top plate] 6 is similar in structure to the bottom plate. It includes the heavy-duty, detachable fixed wire bearing top plate. The top surface includes a waterproof layer to prevent rainwater seepage. In order to prevent rainwater infiltrating, the rainwater in the county can be set up to prevent rainwater from infiltrating. In the corresponding position on the outer side of the beam of the bottom plate 15 and the top plate 16, there are several positions. The mounting bracket 7 is fixedly provided with a snagging slab at a notch below each of the wire grooves 。. The mounting groove 18 is provided on each of the (4) load-bearing beams and the surrounding pillars, and the mounting protrusions 18 are provided. Shape and mounting recess The groove phase 9 M441686 matches the mounting lug 18 on the bottom plate 15 which is a hollow lug having an opening at the upper end, and the mounting lug 18 on the top plate 16 is a hollow lug having an opening at the lower end, the bottom plate 15 and the top plate 16 The opening of the mounting bump is opposite. A fixing hole is formed on the other surface of the opening corresponding to the mounting lug. In the combined mounting, the mounting lug 18 of each side wall corresponds to the mounting recess 17 on the card bottom plate 15 and the top plate 16. Inside, and through the mounting groove 17, the load-bearing support is carried out. If the structure is used, the city will not be displaced left or right relative to the bottom plate or the top plate under external force, which improves the structural robustness. In order to seal the performance between the side walls and between the top plate and the bottom plate, a sealing strip is provided at each joint for sealing. In addition, 'installation quick-release bolts for mounting _ are also pre-set on the two side walls, When it is necessary to divide the functional area of the first module unit i, it is possible to directly assemble a plurality of (four) energy areas, such as a living room, a living room, etc., in accordance with the need to directly mount the partition plate, which is extremely convenient for use. Function The side walls of the opposite side walls of the unit 1 and the load-bearing frames of the bottom plate and the sheet are fixedly provided with reinforcing ribs. When the first module unit 1 is relatively Laihua makes the structure of the structure stable. Early, Ό, 夕 开 open the module granule 2, refer to Figure 2, and the first module unit 1 _ is its shape is square 'the side walls (2), 22, 23, 24) including the load-bearing truss and the installation of the oxygen-weight frame on the wall, each of which is sewn with doors and windows according to the need. The floor milk comprises a load-bearing frame and a floor surface mounted on the load-bearing frame. The top plate 26 comprises a load-bearing frame and a mounting surface contact The ground is fine. The financial _ 峨 has thermal insulation 10 M441686 layer 'the bottom surface is provided with a moisture-proof layer, and the top surface is provided with a waterproof layer. The two side walls of the second module unit 2 are also pre-set with a quick-release bolt sink for Install the partition 27 of the divided area. Fast fixing can be achieved by providing hanging fishing on both sides of the partition 27 so as to be hooked into the boat with the quick-release bolts 28. In this embodiment, the first-to-replacement list 70 2 is partitioned into three functional areas, including a grinding room and a temple, 'in the kitchen and the remuneration set up the water inlet pipe, the water outlet f, the occupational access pipe, etc. In _ there are installation holes required for each Guardian. Each of the reserved pipes protrudes from the side wall on the other side of the side that is fastened to the first module unit to facilitate direct connection with the external pipe during use. In the _ group single TL1 and the second module unit 2, the beam of the load-bearing frame on the side of the second module unit 2 is respectively provided with a fastening block for fastening ((10), measurement), referring to FIG. 3, using a bolt and nut Fasteners fasten them together. In order to ensure the sealing performance between the first remaining unit i and the second module unit 2, in the first module unit! And the second module unit 2 is provided with a sealing ring between the fastening-side __bearing beam and the rotating strut contact surface. A channel is formed on the side wall of the first module unit 1 to be fastened, and a door is disposed at a position of the opposite side wall of the second module unit 2, so that the first module unit 1 and the first module unit are 2 after the ridge is connected. Miscellaneous, multiple doors or windows can be set as needed. Miscellaneous, the first combination can also be used as a module material, which can also be divided into several difficult units that are recorded in the same way. The size of the charm unit can be as long as it is assembled and transported. The second combination module 30 is formed into a regular cube shape. In this embodiment, reference numeral M441686 is shown [which includes two staircase module units (10), 5〇), and the staircase module unit 4 includes three side walls ( 41, 42, 43), the bottom plate 44, the stair 45, wherein: the three side walls (4, 42, 43) each include a contact, and a side wall surface having a waterproof layer is installed in the recording shaft. The side wall 41 and the loose side wall surface of the side wall are provided with a door for the household to enter and exit. The side wall 43 can also be opened as needed. At both ends of the upper and lower beams of the load-bearing frame of the three side walls (41, 42, 43), fastening blocks for fastening the side walls are provided: the upper end faces of the upper beams are spaced apart from each other and are tightly locked to the bottom plate. The solid block is provided with a locking groove for the vertical locking of the bottom plate at the lower end surface of the φ beam. Opposite fastening blocks 300 are provided spaced apart from the outside of the upper cross-member of the load-bearing frame of the side wall in combination with the combination mold and group 30. The bottom plate 44' has a shape that is laterally concave. The bottom plate & includes the load-bearing frame, and the bottom plate of the wealth on the heavy frame. On the upper end surface of the load-bearing frame of the bottom plate for the side wall, the yoke of the yoke is provided with a fastening block. The three side walls are respectively locked on the upper end of the bottom plate 44 by bolts through the fastening block. 'The side walls are fastened to each other by their own fastening blocks. In the hollow portion of the bottom plate, the knives are detachably assembled and fixed by a fastener. The platform 441 ° haiping is equal to the central portion of each side wall height. The prefabricated stair milk is fixedly connected at one end to the flat to 441 by fasteners, and the other end is fastened downwardly with the edge of the floor material by fasteners, both of which are located above the space area of the floor sill. A cushioned rubber crucible is provided on the pedal of the stair 45, and a rubber board is placed on the rubber crucible. With this structure, when the stairs are stepped on, the sound of stepping on the stairs can be lowered to ensure the quality of the living environment of the residents. On the outer side of the frame of the bottom plate 44, the support frame 12 M441686 is also provided with fastening blocks 3 corresponding to the respective side walls. The stair module unit 50 has a structure similar to that of the stair module unit 4〇, and also includes side walls (51, 52, 53), a bottom plate 54, and a staircase 55, the side wall structure and the stair module unit are generally 'the structural difference is the side wall A door is opened on the side wall 51 and the side wall 53, and a door is not provided on the side wall 52. The bottom plate 54 has the same structure as the bottom plate 44. The platform 541 has the same structure as the flat 3: 441. One end of the stair is fastened to the platform 55 y' and the other end is a free end, and a fastener is provided on the side end face of the free end of the stair 55. • The naval unit 40 is formed by tightening and fastening the bottom plate and the bottom plate to form a hollow bottom plate. The platform and the platform are fastened together to form a large platform, and the side walls are combined. Forming a second combination module 3/. In the present embodiment, 'the second combined module is divided into two-sided group units, the target model, and prefabricated', which can assemble the unit in the place where the principle is constructed, and then combines by transportation to the destination. installation. This facilitates transportation and saves on the assembly cycle. Of course, the second combination module can also be divided into module units, and is directly connected to each other by fun, towel, platform and _ combination. Each of the above-mentioned __Lisi faces is fixedly set at the position where the combination of the traits and the materials is combined with the hoisting and translating function locks. Building body combination method: the combination of the first layer of the building body: see Figure 5, Figure 6, the combination module is in the middle position, light at the four corners of the second combination module: there is a first-combination module, The L-shaped material of the first-combined module is located at the corner of the second, parallel module, and is screwed through the (four) block to enter. Each of the first modular modules communicates with the second combined module at its combined contact surface to ensure that the resident of the 13 M441686 in each of the first combined modular locations can reach the stairs of the second combined module. In the horizontal direction, around the second combination, a gap (9) is formed between the adjacent first combination modules of the adjacent first combination modules that are mutually straight and adjacent. The presence of the void (10) ', the light-feeding effect of each group of f-groups allows direct lighting of all functional areas of the first-module towel. In the second layer of Yijia, the combination is as follows: Figure 7: The second 'combination module of the second layer is superimposed vertically on the second combination module of the first layer. A damping device is arranged at the contact surface of the load-bearing frame of a combined module, and the second composite mode __ wall and the bottom plate of the upper and lower sides are passed through the (four) block by the bolts in the present embodiment. And the mounting groove is fastened to the second combination of the stair free end of the second combination module from the 'first layer' and the second layer:::= Firmware fastening combination. By placing a 5X damping device between the vertically stacked second sounds, it is possible to effectively reduce the bad shadow caused by noise & person = winding: layer (4): group level __ side XI XI fine combination with the first convex and ί ^ Mutual superposition of the first - group face _ bolt through the installation of plastic, on the a, \ together. In order to reduce the impact of the upper layer vibration on the lower layer, there is a reduction of 2 butterflies. - Each contact of the combination die is tight. Between the mounting bumps, the second ttrrr in the second layer, the first combination module and the second combination module are oriented. The second_first-combined mode (four) material-the length of the combined transmission, and the length direction of the combination are perpendicular to each other, and the M441686=rr of the structure is the end-group of the first-module module of the second layer at the same corner: The side wall, the bottom plate and the top plate of the empty protruding portion are both in the same manner, and the second combined module of the first layer is superimposed in the same manner as the second layer. The combination of the combined wheel set and the second combined module The combination with the first layer is the same as that of the first combination module of the first outer layer °=layer and the combination module. To sum up: in the case of the ·-combination module and the second group =,, and 5 buildings, the odd-numbered layers are combined in the same way, and the even-numbered layers are combined in the same way. The second structure forms a space at each of the first combination modules above the second layer, 乂? Two additional detachable balcony modules 7G ’ The balcony module is prefabricated and provides a balcony space for each resident living in the first modular module, achieving the purpose of making full use of the three-dimensional space. A through opening to the balcony is provided on the side wall of the first modular module at the balcony 7G. With such a regular combination, the hybrid 6G formed between the horizontally adjacent first-combined modules forms a _ _ gap 6G from the first layer to the top layer in four directions, ensuring the whole of her construction. The lighting effect of the marrow. In order to ensure the lighting effect of the stairs of the first modular module, after the combination of the building body is completed, 'the combination of the second combination module on the top layer is 4 plus the shed module 80 with the top of the county. The ceiling module 8〇 The second combination module is similar in structure, and the difference is that the ceiling has a staircase but is provided with an empty floor. The roof of the ceiling is combined with the free end of the stairs to allow the tenants to climb onto the building _ top floor. 15 M441686 The composite building body is formed with a through-through type in the four-turn, and the toilet in the second module unit of the first-module module is adjacent to the through-opening gap, so that the structure is used to carry out the pipeline safety when the building body pipe wire is used. Through the gap, the domain can directly communicate with the opening of the 9-valued pipe of the bathroom of each floor. Since the road located at the outer space of the building is vertical from bottom to top, the length of the pipe is reduced, the cost of the pipe is reduced, and the maintenance is facilitated in the future. And because the external pipe is located in the gap, the building as a whole looks more beautiful and tidy. For the convenience of living, an elevator module can be arranged in one of the through-going spaces formed by the building body, and the elevator module communicates with the second combination module of each floor to ensure that the occupant enters the first combined mode through the second combination module. In the group. At present, this society (4) pursues degeneration. Therefore, for the combination of the design of this creation, there are also many individualized designs for the residents. When the same-resident lived in the first-complex module adjacent to the upper and lower sides, it is inconvenient to enter the upper and lower layers through the stairs of the second combined module. Therefore, in the present creation, prefabrication is made on the bottom plate of the upper (four)-combined module. A detachable stair cover can be provided. When the occupants need to carry out the upper and lower floors in the room, they can be fixed on the bottom plate of the lower module by the first assembly mode _ Zengjia indoor staircase module 'the lower end of the indoor staircase module _ At the stairway on the bottom plate of the upper modular module, at this time, the upper stair cover can be removed. When the household does not need an indoor staircase, the Na π cover on the upper floor can be fixed with the bottom plate by permanent fixings. When the first combined module adjacent to the horizontally adjacent state needs to be connected, the balcony module may be extended to the adjacent first combined die 16 M441686 group-end and the first - The combination fishing is connected by a detachable square, and a sill to the balcony is provided on the side wall of the connected first-combination module. In order to shield the wind and rain, a transparent roof can be installed above the balcony extending in the gap. The building of this creation, which is a combination of modular modules, can be constructed as a townhouse. According to the above combination, the four corner groups of the second combination module of each layer vertically stacked are vertically stacked. The Si Na-combined molder becomes a tidy county unit, and each building unit abuts against it to form a townhouse. Such a row of building bodies, which are mutually abutting, can increase the strength of individual counted buildings. When it is lacking, in order to further improve the strength of the townhouse structure, it can be mutually abutted: the building unit is fixed by fastening the filaments to make it integral. The building combination module designed by this creation has high land use efficiency and the combined lighting effect of the building is good. Because each of the mold mosquitoes meets the transportation (four) requirements, it can be combined first and the silk is transported to the surface of the construction site, that is, the local construction can be quickly formed to form a new building. The difference between the architectural difference of this creation and the current container-type combination house is that its land rate and air use rate are high, and its space division can be rooted in the area of the household ship, the external position, and the permanent architectural style can be eliminated. Suitable for temporary residence or permanent residence. When there are a large number of demolition or shelters, the picking and building can provide a large number of houses in the office to meet the needs. If you need it, you can live permanently. If you don't want it, move it again and use it again. 17 M441686 [Simple description of the diagram] Figure; The schematic diagram of the module's _--module unit structure. Figure U - Schematic diagram of the second module unit of the modular module. Fig. 3 is a schematic view showing the first module of the first combination module. Early field brother--Early element combination fastening knot Figure 4 is a schematic diagram of the structure of the combined mold stage. FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of the combined fastening structure of the second combined module. Fig. 6 is a schematic diagram showing the horizontal composition of the first layer of the building body combined with the combination of the combination module and the second combination module. Fig. 7 is a schematic diagram showing the horizontal composition of the second layer of the building body combined with the first combined module and the second combined module. Figure 8 is a schematic view showing the fastening structure between the first combined modules stacked on the upper and lower layers. Figure 9 is a schematic perspective view of the assembled building body of the present invention. [Description of main component symbols] 10... First coupling module 1... First module unit 11~K··... Side wall 15... Base plate 16· ····· Top plate 17... Mounting groove 18·····. Ampoule 18 M441686 19.. .... Damping rubber pad 2......... Second mode Group units 21 to 24... side wall 25... bottom plate 26... top plate -27... partition plate - 28... check Φ 100, 200, 300.... .. fastening block 30...... second combination module 40, 50... stair module unit 41~43... side wall 44... bottom plate 441.... .. Platform 45.. .... Stairs • 51-53... Sidewalls • 54... Floors • 55... Stairs 551.. .... Platform 60.. .... ... Balcony Module 80... Ceiling Module

Claims (1)

ΐνΐ"+Η-Ι〇5〇 t、申請專利範圍: 、一種可交疊組合之預製式模組麵,其包括具有承重能力的 可拆卸組合_第-組合模組,所述第—組合模組的外部形 狀呈L形;在所述第一組合模組的乙料角處以可拆卸方式 組合固定有具有承重能力的第二組合模組,所述第-組合模 組與所述第二組合模組的至少一連接面處具有互通的通口; 所述第二組合模組包括中空的底板,可拆卸地組合固定於所 ^底板上的側壁,在所述底板上可拆卸地固定有樓梯,所述 樓梯位於所述底板的中空部上方。 2、 專利範圍第】項所述的可交疊組合之預製式模組建 楚’,、,所述第二組合模組的外形為立體四方形,在所述 第一組合模組的四個邊角處分別可拆卸地組合有一所 組合桓組,水平相鄭的张、曾 十相鄰的所述苐—组合模組之間留有空隙。 =專利範圍第2項所述的可交疊組合之預製式鍵 二’:在所述第二組合模組的上方依次垂直鎖固疊加有 二組合模組,在所述每個第二組合模組的四個邊 角都可拆卸地組合有所述第—組合模組形成—建築體,且上 組合·利用緊固件以可拆卸方式鎖固在-⑽^ 所述第二組合模組與所述第一組合模組 八模㈣贿層的所述第二組合模組與所述第一組 瞭邊角 、口模,'且,、以90度角度疊加;在所述 20 4、 =體的梅彻物I喻㈣留 所述空隙從下至上貫通。 ’、 概圍第3項所述的可交疊組合之預製式模組建 以了糾Μ上下層崎34第—組合模組之卿成的空間處 :拆卸方式組合固定有陽臺,所述陽臺固定在與所述空間 處於同-層的所述第-組合模 餘H π側,所述弟-組合模組 二:f:堂開設有通口;位於所述空間位置處的所述第一組 δ模組设置有加強筋。 5 ΠΓ利範圍第3項所述的可交疊組合之預製式模組建 杂’/、中.,在所述垂直疊加_的第二組合模組的頂端以可 拆卸方如定有帶翻屋頂_棚,通過所述 述建築體的最頂端。 j運所 6、依據申請專利翻第3項所述的可交疊組合之縣式模組建 桌’其中,在於上下層的所述第二组合模組之間的接觸面上 間隔設置有減震裝置。 依據申請專繼圍第3項所述的可交疊組合之職式模組建 築/、中,在其巾-所述貫通的空_組合設置有電梯,所 述電梯與每層的所述第二組合模組相通。 8、依射請專利範圍第i至7項任—項所述的可交疊址合之預 製式模組建築,其中,所述第一組合模組包域成其周壁的 數個側壁、底板和觀,所述儀、所述底板及所述頂板相 互以可拆卸方式利用緊固件組合在一起形成所述第一組合模 21 組 z= 項任-項所述的可交疊組合之預 建癌’其中’所述第—組合模組包括至少兩侧立 2利用緊0件_在_起的模組單元,所述兩模組單无連接 處_ :其卜所述模組單元外形呈L形,藉由所述呈L形 的她早7〇與所述第二組合模組以可拆卸方式組合固定在一 起。 依據申#專利_第9項所述的可交疊組合之預製式模組建 築其中,所述每個模組單元依據功能不同被劃分為若干個 功月b區域’所述各功能區域之間的隔板為可拆卸式隔板。 22Ϊ́νΐ"+Η-Ι〇5〇t, patent application scope: A prefabricated modular surface of an overlapable combination, comprising a detachable combination with a bearing capacity _ first-combined module, the first-combined module The outer shape of the group is L-shaped; a second combination module having a bearing capacity is detachably fixed at a corner of the first composite module, and the first combination module and the second combination The at least one connecting surface of the module has an open port; the second combined module comprises a hollow bottom plate, and the side wall fixedly fixed to the bottom plate is detachably combined, and the stairs are detachably fixed on the bottom plate The stair is located above the hollow portion of the bottom plate. 2. The prefabricated module of the overlapable combination described in the scope of the patent scope is constructed, and the shape of the second combination module is a stereo square, and four of the first combination modules are A combined set of cymbals is detachably combined at the corners, and a gap is left between the horizontally symmetrical sheets and the 苐-combined modules adjacent to each other. The prefabricated key pair 2' of the overlapable combination described in the second aspect of the patent: the two combination modules are vertically locked and superimposed on the second combination module, and each of the second combination modes is The four corners of the group are detachably combined with the first-combined module forming-building body, and the upper combination is detachably locked by the fastener--(10)^ the second combination module and the The second combination module of the first modular module eight-mode (four) bribe layer and the first set of corners, die, 'and, at an angle of 90 degrees; in the 20 4, = body The Mecher object I (4) leaves the gap through the bottom to the top. ', the prefabricated modular modules of the overlapable combination described in item 3 are built with the space of the upper and lower layers of the 34th-combined module: the combination of the disassembly method is fixed with a balcony, the balcony Fixed to the first combined mode remaining H π side of the same layer as the space, the brother-combined module two: f: is provided with a port; the first position at the spatial position The group δ modules are provided with reinforcing ribs. 5 The prefabricated module of the overlapable combination described in item 3 of the profit range is built in the '/, the middle, and the top of the second combined module of the vertical stack _ is detachable Roof _ shed, through the top of the building body. j. The county-level module building table of the overlapable combination described in claim 3, wherein the spacing between the second combination modules of the upper and lower layers is reduced. Shock device. According to the application for the overlapable combination of the modular building construction described in the third item, the elevator is provided with an elevator in the towel-the through-the-air combination, the elevator and the first floor of each floor The two combination modules are connected. 8. The prefabricated modular building of the overlapable address according to any of the items i to 7 of the patent scope, wherein the first combined module is formed into a plurality of side walls and a bottom plate of the peripheral wall thereof. And the apparatus, the bottom plate and the top plate are detachably combined with each other to form a prefabricated combination of the first combination die 21 group z= item any item The first combination module of the cancer includes: at least two sides of the module 2, which are used in a module unit, and the two modules have no connection at each other. The L-shape is detachably fixed together with the second combination module by the L-shaped one. According to the pre-fabricated modular construction of the overlapable combination according to the claim of claim 9, wherein each of the module units is divided into a plurality of power month b regions according to different functions, The partition is a detachable partition. twenty two
TW101215796U 2011-08-29 2012-08-16 Inter-connectably assembled pre-fabricated modular building TWM441686U (en)

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