TWM350037U - Wide-angle reflection photography mirror device for automatic teller machine - Google Patents

Wide-angle reflection photography mirror device for automatic teller machine Download PDF


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TWM350037U TW97209795U TW97209795U TWM350037U TW M350037 U TWM350037 U TW M350037U TW 97209795 U TW97209795 U TW 97209795U TW 97209795 U TW97209795 U TW 97209795U TW M350037 U TWM350037 U TW M350037U
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dielectric film
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Chi-Sheng Hsieh
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Chi-Sheng Hsieh
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Application filed by Chi-Sheng Hsieh filed Critical Chi-Sheng Hsieh
Priority to TW97209795U priority Critical patent/TWM350037U/en
Publication of TWM350037U publication Critical patent/TWM350037U/en



  • Optical Elements Other Than Lenses (AREA)


M350037 八、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本新型涉及一種自動提款機用的廣角反射鏡,特別是 涉及一種可穿透鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡的彩色攝影成像裝 M350037 【先前技術】 目前金融機關大都在銀行建築物内部、外部、或交通方 便的都會區等,設置有自動提款機用以便利民眾的提領現 金服務' 〇 由於自動提款機的服務常見有要求提款人鍵入使用密 碼的動作’提款人鍵入使用密碼時,為了避免排隊在提款 人後面或周圍的其他人看到提款人所鍵入的密碼,自動提 款機業者常會設置一面小型廣角反射鏡(微凸的鏡子,非 平面鏡)在自動提款機上適當的位置,以利讓正在作鍵入 資料動作的提款人面對著小角反射鏡的反射影像能夠 監看後面或周圍的其他人。 在某些治安不好的都會地區,也常見有提款人鍵完密 碼正在取款時遭到後面或周_其他人迅速搶走。因此,有 些自動提款機除了安置有—面小型廣角反射鏡以外,還另 行設置有-監視用的攝影機同時進行監視錄影。 事實上在某些方面裝置「很明顯」的監視用攝影機, 可以對意®1窥視與搶劫的不法之徒達到1程度的嚇阻作 M350037 C是’在某些方面裝置「很明顯」$監視用攝影機,有 時會造成提款人程度的不舒服的反感。如果提款人明知 : ㈣藏的監視攝影機,而其監視賴影機*是㈣顯的, : 射預級款人錢上就不太會有這-種不舒服的反感。 又,如果在某些自動提款機正面的適當位置同時設置 籲 有一面廣角反射鏡與一具監視攝影機,對自動提款機會造 成在施工與維護上一定程度的困難。 再又’本人取得的中華民國新型專利第Μ 326646號「鍍 鋁半球型罩攝影機裝置」的實施中,是在一面锻銘半球型遮 罩後方設置有一具監視攝影機,利用鍍鋁半球型遮罩所穿 透的可見光使監視攝影機成像。但是,發現鍵鋁半球型遮罩 的鏡面效果略有一點瑕疵。 • 鍍銘(Aluminum,Al)是屬鍍金屬反射膜的一種。 一般金屬反射膜的優點是製備工藝簡單,工作的波長 範圍大反射帶比較寬;缺點是光損耗大,反射率不可能很 高,提高反射率增加可見光的反射雖然可以達成更好的鏡 面效果,但是確實也會因此降低可見光穿透率直接影響成 像品質。 7 M350037 【新型内容】 本創作所要解決的問題有: 在一自動提款機上的小型廣角反射鏡内如何設置一監 視用的彩色攝影機?以及如何可以提高小型廣角反射鏡鏡片 的反射率與穿透率? 本創作所採取的技術方案是: 以一鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡鏡片取代鍍金屬(例如鍍 銘)膜廣角反射鏡鏡片。 如先前技術所揭露的鍍金屬膜廣角反射鏡中,對可見 光的光損耗大,反射率不可能很高,反射率不高則鏡面效 果較差。 所以’要減少對可見光的光損耗,提高反射率形成鏡 面效果與提高穿透率增加成像效果,以鍍介電質膜取代鍍 金屬膜是一可行的技術方案。 簡單論述入射光與鍍膜廣角反射鏡的關係有: 假定入射光為L、鍍膜廣角反射鏡的反射光為R、鍍膜廣 角反射鏡的穿透光為τ、與鍍膜廣角反射鏡的吸收光為A。 M350037 則入射光L等於艘膜廣角反射鏡的反射光R加上鍍膜廣 角反射鏡的穿透光T再加上鍛旗廣角反射鏡的吸收光a。其 簡單的數學關係為l=r+t+a。 如果鍍膜廣角反射鏡的吸收光A报小或忽略為零,則 L=R+T,也就是說’在一定的入射光L之下,锻膜廣角反射 鏡的穿透光T與鍍膜廣角反射鏡的反射光R成反比^ 一定的 入射光L對鍍膜廣角反射鏡穿透的光越多,則反射的光就越 少。反之’ 一定的入射光L對鍍膜廣角反射鏡穿透的光越少, 則反射的光就越多。 再簡單說,以一鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡取代一鍍金屬 膜廣角反射鏡,就是取鍍介電質膜對光的吸收比鍍金屬膜 對光的吸收小。如果穿透光一定,就使得鍍介電質膜廣角反 射鏡的反射光比鍍金屬膜廣角反射鏡的反射光更多。反射光 較多鏡面就更亮麗。 同理,如果反射光一定,就使得鍍介電質膜廣角反射 鏡的穿透光比鍍金屬膜廣角反射鏡的穿透光更多。穿透光較 多對彩色攝影機的成像品質就更好。 所以’鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡是比鍍金屬膜廣角反射 鏡相對具有更多優點。 9 M350037 鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡是在一透明基材(Substrate) 上鍍有介電質薄膜(dielectric coatings)而形成的。 透明基材為經過清潔處理而且表面光滑(表面如果粗糙 對入射光會散射掉)的透明玻璃片或部份光學級透明樹脂 (例如PC,Polycarbonate聚碳酸酯樹脂、PMMA,壓克力) 板0 介電質薄膜的膜材(Material)是對可見光呈現透明的材 料。例如可以採取常用二氧化鈦(Ti〇2,折射率為2· 2 )與二 氧化矽(Si〇2,折射率為1.54 )。再利用此二種高低不同 折射率的鍍膜材料(Material)交替蒸鍍在透明基板上,經 清洗處理後完成為一鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡。 膜材除上述二氧化鈦與二氧化發以外還有其他的選用 例如五氧化二鈦Ta2〇5也是高折射率材料,在可見光到紅外 也都是透明的。例如Nb2〇s也是介於Ti〇2與Taws間的高折射 率材料。一般氟化物是低折射率材料。 這鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡中透明基材上的[透明]主要 是指無色的透明。其主要讓可見光可順利通過,如果採用紅 10 M350037 色透明基材則可見光通過後(大部份紅光通過)會有所謂的 紅色色偏現象,影響成像品質。如果採用紅色(或其他色)不 透明基材則可見光無法通過,也無法成像。 鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡利用薄膜的干涉效應與膜層設 計可以造成廣域的入射光適當地分成兩道光路的分光鏡效 果’一道入射光入射在鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡介面時有一 部份穿透鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡介面,另一部份自鍍介電 質膜廣角反射鏡介面反射。 穿透鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡介面的入射光越大,則成 像品質相對越好。自鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡介面反射的光越 大則顯示出鏡面的效果越好。 當鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡的背景是深色或黑色時,在 一般環境下(例如約2〇〇Lux的照度環境)對人眼從鍍介電質 膜廣角反射鏡的正面觀察,具有5〇%以上的反射光時就可 顯不出鏡面的效果。60%以上的反射光比較像鏡面,接近 7〇%以上時的反射光時,讓鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡簡直就 像一面鏡子一樣。 M350037 在前面簡單論述的數學方式L=R+T+A中,在一般照度 環境下,假設: 入射光L的照度為200Lux、鍍膜廣角反射鏡的反射光 R為80%、艘膜廣角反射鏡的穿透光T為20%、與鍍膜廣角 反射鏡的吸收光A為0% (事實上不是為〇%,僅就對本裝 置成像影響很小,相對於金屬膜對光的吸收而言,可以小 到忽略不計)。 穿透光T為20%穿透鍍膜廣角反射鏡到達背後的彩色 攝影機時,其彩色攝影機鏡頭約有40Lux (200Lux乘以 20%)的進光量。以目前市售的普通型彩色攝影機的影像感 測器(Image Sensor)所可感測的最低照度(依目前廠商規格 書標示)大約在0. 5Lux。有的高階(High end)型約在 〇. lLux以下,也有稱為星光級的產品其低照度約0. 02Lux。 就以低階Cmos的影像感測器也大約在5Lux。就以最低階 5Lux的影像感測器而言上述的40Lux進光量也足足有餘。 當所需環境的照度下降到影像感測器感測不足時,常 會在影像顯示器(monitor)上顯示出帶有雪花狀斑點的影像 12 M350037 ,造成不良的成像品質或是無法成像。這時可在所需環境更 換更高階的攝影機或是增加成像所需的輔助光源。 實際應用時,若僅是在鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡背面設 置一彩色攝影機尚存在有兩個問題·· 第一個是如何把一彩色攝影機架構在一鍍介電質膜廣 角反射鏡背面? 第二個是鍵介電質膜廣角反射鏡正面與背面都有20〇/〇 的透光率,如何使鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡對彩色攝影機產 生隱藏裝飾與必免成像干擾? 方法是增加一介面體。 利用一介面體,把彩色攝影機設置於其介面體内部; 把一鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡設置於其介面體的一侧。使之, 彩色攝影機的攝影鏡頭對準並緊鄰於鍍介電質膜廣角反射 鏡0 13 M350037 利用一介面體,使之達成,在入射光入射到鍍介電質 膜廣角反射鏡時,其入射光分成三部份。其中大部份(例如 80%)在鍍介電質臈廣角反射鏡外表面反射回去(人眼僅看到 此反射的影像)’其中一小部份(例如20%)則又分成兩道光, 一道光進入較小區域的攝影鏡頭内成像,另一道光落在較 大區域的攝影鏡頭外。把落在攝影鏡頭外的另一道大區域的 光,入射到介面體時在介面體内部以被吸收與被散射的方 式進行消除或衰減的動作。以免經介面體與鍍介電質膜廣角 反射鏡内表面反射後’再進入攝影鏡頭内造成重疊的反射 影像。 介面體内部要達成有吸收與散射的功能,簡單的方法就 是介面體内部要不透光以及内部表面作成黑色用以吸收内 部表面的入射光(20%)的光。介面體内部表面又作成粗縫表 面再把未被吸收的光再行四處分散,使最後可直接進入攝 影鏡頭内的光非常非常少,少到不足予干擾成像。 所以,基本上本創作是包含有一鍍介電質膜廣角反射 鏡、一彩色攝影機、與一介面體。 本創作所採取的技術方案與特徵的技術效果: 14 M350037 本創作的效果之一,本裝置的鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡 外表面呈現高反射鏡面,提款人在提款機前借以鏡面的反 射影像可以清楚看到排在後面或周圍的其他人,用以監視 自己的提款動作是否有被偷窺的功效。 本創作的效果之二,本裝置的鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡 的穿透光對其鏡内的彩色攝影機可達到成像條件,使提供 提款機業主可在遠端進行攝錄影監視。 本創作的效果之三,本裝置的鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡 對其鏡内的彩色攝影機而言可以達到保護的功效,以及其 彩色攝影機對鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡而言可以達到可延伸 視野的功效,造成兩者互補相乘效果。M350037 VIII. New description: [New technical field] The present invention relates to a wide-angle mirror for an automatic teller machine, in particular to a color photographic imaging device M350037 which can penetrate a plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror. Technology] At present, financial institutions are mostly located inside or outside bank buildings, or in convenient metropolitan areas, and there are ATMs to facilitate the withdrawal of cash services from the public. 〇Because the services of ATMs are often required The action of the person typing the password. When the cashier types the password, the ATM will often set a small wide-angle reflection in order to avoid the other people who are queued behind or around the cashier to see the password typed by the cashier. The mirror (micro-convex mirror, non-planar mirror) is placed at the appropriate position on the cash dispenser to allow the cashier who is typing the data to face the reflected image of the small-angle mirror to monitor other people behind or around. . In some metropolitan areas where security is not good, it is also common for the cashier to complete the password when it is being withdrawn. Therefore, in addition to the small-sized wide-angle mirrors, some cash dispensers are equipped with a camera for monitoring and simultaneous video recording. In fact, in some respects, the "obvious" surveillance camera can achieve a level of deterrence against the smugglers of the sneak peek and robbery. M350037 C is 'in some ways the device is "obvious" $ Surveillance cameras sometimes cause uncomfortable dislike of the level of the cashier. If the cashier knows: (4) Tibetan surveillance cameras, and their surveillance cameras* are (four) obvious: There is not such an uncomfortable dislike in shooting pre-paid money. Moreover, if a wide-angle mirror and a surveillance camera are simultaneously placed in the proper position on the front of some cash dispensers, the automatic withdrawal opportunity creates a certain degree of difficulty in construction and maintenance. In addition, the "Aluminum Dome Cover Camera Device" of the Republic of China, No. 326646, which was obtained by myself, is equipped with a surveillance camera behind an awning hemispherical mask, using an aluminized hemispherical mask. The transmitted visible light causes the surveillance camera to image. However, the mirror effect of the key aluminum hemispherical mask was found to be slightly awkward. • Aluminium (Al) is a type of metallized reflective film. The general metal reflective film has the advantages that the preparation process is simple, and the working wavelength range is large, and the reflection band is relatively wide; the disadvantage is that the optical loss is large, the reflectance is not high, and the reflectance is increased, and the visible light reflection can achieve a better mirror effect. However, it does reduce the visible light transmittance and directly affect the image quality. 7 M350037 [New Content] The problems to be solved in this creation are: How to set up a color camera for monitoring in a small wide-angle mirror on an automatic teller machine? And how can I increase the reflectivity and penetration of small wide-angle mirror lenses? The technical solution adopted by this creation is: Replace the metallized (for example, plated) film wide-angle mirror lens with a plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror lens. As in the metallized film wide-angle mirror disclosed in the prior art, the optical loss of visible light is large, the reflectance is unlikely to be high, and the reflectance is not high, and the mirror effect is poor. Therefore, it is a feasible technical solution to reduce the optical loss of visible light, increase the reflectivity to form a mirror effect and increase the transmittance to increase the imaging effect, and to replace the metallized film with a dielectric film. A brief discussion of the relationship between the incident light and the coated wide-angle mirror is as follows: Assuming that the incident light is L, the reflected light of the coated wide-angle mirror is R, the transmitted light of the coated wide-angle mirror is τ, and the absorbed light of the coated wide-angle mirror is A. . M350037 The incident light L is equal to the reflected light R of the wide-angle mirror of the film plus the transmitted light T of the coated wide-angle mirror plus the absorbed light a of the forged wide-angle mirror. Its simple mathematical relationship is l=r+t+a. If the absorbed light A of the coated wide-angle mirror is small or negligible to zero, then L = R + T, that is, 'under a certain incident light L, the transmitted light T of the forged film wide-angle mirror and the wide-angle reflection of the coating The reflected light R of the mirror is inversely proportional. ^ The more incident light L is incident on the coated wide-angle mirror, the less light is reflected. Conversely, the less incident light L passes through the coated wide-angle mirror, the more light is reflected. To put it simply, replacing a metallized film wide-angle mirror with a plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror means that the dielectric film absorbs light less than the metal film absorbs light. If the transmitted light is constant, the plated dielectric film wide-angle reflector reflects more light than the metal-coated wide-angle mirror. Reflected light More mirrors are more beautiful. Similarly, if the reflected light is constant, the penetrating light of the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror is more than that of the metal-coated wide-angle mirror. More penetrating light is better for color cameras. Therefore, the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror has more advantages than the metal-coated wide-angle mirror. 9 M350037 Plating Dielectric Film Wide-angle mirrors are formed by coating dielectric coatings on a transparent substrate. The transparent substrate is a transparent glass sheet or a partially optical grade transparent resin (such as PC, Polycarbonate polycarbonate resin, PMMA, acrylic) which has been cleaned and has a smooth surface (the surface is rough if it is scattered to the incident light). A material of a dielectric film is a material that is transparent to visible light. For example, conventional titanium oxide (Ti〇2, refractive index of 2.2) and cerium oxide (Si〇2, refractive index of 1.54) can be used. The two kinds of high and low refractive index coating materials are alternately evaporated on the transparent substrate, and after completion of the cleaning process, a plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror is completed. In addition to the above titanium dioxide and oxidizing hair, the film material is also selected, for example, pentoxide pentoxide Ta2 〇 5 is also a high refractive index material, and is transparent from visible light to infrared. For example, Nb2〇s is also a high refractive index material between Ti〇2 and Taws. Fluoride is generally a low refractive index material. The [transparent] on the transparent substrate in the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror mainly means colorless transparency. It mainly allows the visible light to pass smoothly. If the red 10 M350037 color transparent substrate is used, the visible light passes through (most of the red light passes through), which has a so-called red color shift phenomenon, which affects the image quality. If a red (or other color) opaque substrate is used, visible light cannot pass and cannot be imaged. The plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror utilizes the interference effect of the film and the film layer design to cause the wide-area incident light to be properly split into two optical paths. The incident light is incident on the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror interface. One part penetrates the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror interface, and the other part reflects from the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror interface. The larger the incident light penetrating the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror interface, the better the image quality. The greater the light reflected from the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror interface, the better the mirror effect. When the background of the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror is dark or black, in the general environment (for example, an illumination environment of about 2 〇〇 Lux), the human eye is observed from the front side of the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror, When the reflected light is more than 5〇%, the effect of the mirror surface is not exhibited. More than 60% of the reflected light is like a mirror. When the reflected light is close to 7〇%, the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror is like a mirror. M350037 In the mathematical method L=R+T+A briefly discussed above, in the general illumination environment, it is assumed that: the illumination of the incident light L is 200 Lux, the reflected light of the coated wide-angle mirror is 80%, and the wide-angle reflector of the film The transmitted light T is 20%, and the absorbed light A of the coated wide-angle mirror is 0% (in fact, it is not 〇%, only the imaging effect on the device is small, compared with the absorption of light by the metal film, Small enough to ignore.) When the transmitted light T is 20% through the coated wide-angle mirror to the color camera behind it, the color camera lens has a light input of about 40 Lux (200 Lux multiplied by 20%). 5Lux。 The minimum illuminance (indicated by the current manufacturer's specification) that can be sensed by the image sensor of a commercially available color camera (about 0. 5 Lux). Some of the high-end type is about 〇. lLux, and there is also a product called a star-level product whose low illumination is about 0. 02Lux. The image sensor with the low-order Cmos is also about 5Lux. With the lowest-order 5Lux image sensor, the 40Lux light input is also sufficient. When the illumination of the desired environment drops to the point where the image sensor is not adequately sensed, the image with the snowflake-like spot 12 M350037 is often displayed on the monitor, resulting in poor imaging quality or failure to image. This allows you to change higher-end cameras in the desired environment or to increase the auxiliary light source required for imaging. In practical applications, if there is only one color camera on the back of the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror, there are still two problems. · The first is how to structure a color camera on the back of a plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror. ? The second is that the front and back of the wide-angle mirror of the key dielectric film have a transmittance of 20 〇/〇. How can the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror produce hidden decoration and image interference for the color camera? The method is to add an interface. A color camera is disposed inside the interface body by using an interface body; a plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror is disposed on one side of the interface body. Thus, the photographic lens of the color camera is aligned and adjacent to the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror. 0 13 M350037 Using an interface body, the incident light is incident when it is incident on the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror. The light is divided into three parts. Most of them (for example, 80%) are reflected back on the outer surface of the plated dielectric wide-angle mirror (the human eye only sees this reflected image). A small part (for example, 20%) is divided into two lights. One light enters the photographic lens of the smaller area and the other falls outside the photographic lens of the larger area. The light of another large area that falls outside the photographic lens is removed or attenuated within the interface body by absorption and scattering when it is incident on the interface body. In order to prevent the transmissive body and the plated dielectric film from being reflected by the inner surface of the wide-angle mirror, the image is superimposed into the photographic lens to cause overlapping reflection images. The function of absorption and scattering is achieved inside the interface. The simple method is to opaque the inside of the interface and to make the internal surface black to absorb the incident light (20%) of the internal surface. The inner surface of the interface body is also made into a rough surface, and the unabsorbed light is dispersed again, so that the light that can be directly entered into the camera lens is very small, and the interference is insufficient. Therefore, basically, the creation includes a plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror, a color camera, and an interface body. The technical effects of the technical solutions and features adopted by this creation: 14 M350037 One of the effects of this creation, the outer surface of the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror of the device presents a highly reflective mirror surface, and the cashier uses a mirror surface in front of the cash machine. The reflected image can clearly see other people behind or around it to monitor whether their withdrawal actions have been peeked. The second effect of this creation is that the penetrating light of the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror of the device can reach the imaging condition of the color camera in the mirror, so that the owner of the cash dispenser can perform video recording and monitoring at the far end. The third effect of this creation is that the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror of the device can achieve the protection effect for the color camera in the mirror, and the color camera can reach the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror. The effect of the extendable field of view results in a complementary multiplication effect.

15 M350037 【實施方式】 請參閱囷一為本裝置實施示意圖。 如圖一為本裝置100包含有一鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡 10、一彩色攝影機組20、與一黑色圓形底盤30三大部份。 將微凸狀(非平面狀)鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡10周圍切 成一圓形狀,圓形狀大小大約比黑色圓形底盤30小一點。 圓形底盤30的邊緣設有一彈性的凸出卡座31,把鍍介電質 膜廣角反射鏡10貼近圓形底盤30然後以手用力壓迫可以將 鐘介電質膜廣角反射鏡10卡入的卡座31内部。如此的過程 相對於鎖螺絲組裝較簡單。 黑色圓形底盤30是用黑色塑料射出成型的一圓形狀的 底盤’圓形狀的底盤不一定是黑色,是其他深色彩的不透 光底盤也可以,其主要是不可透光。圓形狀的底盤也不一定 具有圓形狀,其他形狀也可以。主要是搭配鍍介電質膜廣角 反射鏡10的形狀。這圓形底盤30的内表面最好作成一粗糙 的表面,使人射㈣縣(㈣%)在穿猶㈣賊廣角 反射鏡10後在底盤面上被粗糙的表面四處散射掉。以免經 M350037 過底盤面再次反射進入彩色攝影機組20的攝影鏡頭2i ,造 成帶有重疊的影像,影響成像品質。 圓形底盤30鑿出一孔洞32 ’孔洞32大小適合夜入一 彩色攝影機組20外殼。彩色攝影機組20與圓形底盤3〇 <間 藉由數只L形支架33用螺絲鎮住。彩色攝影機組2〇的攝影 鏡頭21朝向鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡1〇的内表面,使f透鍛 介電質膜廣角反射鏡10的入射光L20可以直接進入彩色攝 影機組20的攝影鏡頭21成像。 彩色攝影機組20尾端22係作為有關於彩色攝影機組 20的電源與影像信號的引出線用,引出線口可加入防水橡 皮圈用以防水。 黑色圓形底盤30對卡入的鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡1〇 而言就如同具有一黑色的背景。 當入射的可見光L10入射到鐘介電質膜廣角反射鏡 外表面時’則L10(100%)分成兩路’ 一路為在鍛介電質膜 廣角反射鏡10外表面反射,其反射光Lli(8〇〇/0)對提款人 人眼10a來說就使得鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡1〇正表面簡直 像一面亮麗的廣角鏡,讓提款人可清楚看到自己以及周圍 17 M350037 的反射影像。另一路為透射光L12(20%)透射到黑色圓形底 盤30後大部份被吸收掉,剩餘未被吸收的又被圓形底盤30 - 粗糙表面散射掉。被散射的極少部份散光若再透過鍍介電質 膜廣角反射鏡10後,最後可以穿透出去的光幾乎接近零(極 小值給予忽略)。這就使提款人幾乎看不到鍍介電質膜廣角 反射鏡10後的彩色攝影機組20。 另一道入射的可見光L20入射到鍍介電質膜廣角反射 鏡10表面時,L20C100%)也是分成兩路,一路為反射光 L21(80%),另一路為透射光(20%)。透射鍍介電質膜廣角反 射鏡10後,再進入彩色攝影機組2〇成像。 所以’利用一介面艘(黑色圓形底盤)30可以把一彩 • 色攝影機組20架構在一鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡的背面。以 及’利用一介面體30可以使鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡1〇對彩 色攝影機組20達到隱藏裝飾與保護的功能。 本實施例採用的彩色攝影機組20,是一般常見的板狀 彩色CCD ( Charge-Coup丨ed Devices )模組(圈含中鋁外 殼),其中包含有一攝影鏡頭(Lens)與一控制電路板。控制 電路板上有一影像感測器(丨mage Sensor)影像處理控制 M350037 電路。CCD影像感測器與CM〇s影像感測器都由梦晶圓製 造而成,喊對可見歧近紅外線㈣的錢程度基本上 是相似的。雜製紐術铺由細的光電轉換過程,將影 像A射光iiU轉換成f壓(電)’如果還需要彩色感測 器’則再將每個畫素上覆蓋彩色(R、G、B)滅光片即可。 目前不論是CCD 5戈是CMos攝影模組對從可見光到紅外 的波域的都可城應,目此ccd^cmgs攝影模組在 本裳置均可屬郷色攝職組2Q的定義範圍。 如囷-所示’本裝置包含有一鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡 10 一彩色攝影機組2〇 '與一介面體3〇。其中,彩色攝職 組20與介面體3〇均為—般習知技術的產品。 請參閱圖二為一般習知的彩色攝影機的板狀模組圖。 請參閱圖二A為本裝置的彩色攝職組2〇。 &圖二’ 一般習知彩色攝影機模組(無鋁外殼),基本 上包括有一紅外LED燈組22與一電路控制板23。俗稱板狀 CCD攝影機°其中紅外LED燈組22用以在環境照度不足時發 出紅外光源’其中電路控制板23對成像作處理控制。 19 M350037 内建有紅外LED燈級22的一般彩色攝賴模組,為了 避免紅外LED燈組22發出的紅外因為有反射所以會造成干 擾,實際應用上大都在鏡頭21上套一黑色圈套21a用以防 止反射干《:。本裝置㈣色鄉機組2〇麟有無内建紅外 LED燈組22都加置一黑色圈套2ia。 囷二A為本裝置的彩色攝影機組20示意圖。 攝影鏡頭21上的黑色圈套2ia可在攝影鏡頭21上下位 移,使黑色圈套21a的一端可以緊鄰鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡 10的内表面如圖一所示’其目的是使攝影鏡頭21的入射光 僅僅限制於攝影鏡頭21前直接透過鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡 10的透射光。15 M350037 [Embodiment] Please refer to the first one for the implementation of this device. As shown in FIG. 1 , the device 100 includes a plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 , a color camera unit 20 , and a black circular chassis 30 . The micro-convex (non-planar) plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 is cut into a circular shape, and the circular shape is approximately smaller than the black circular chassis 30. The edge of the circular chassis 30 is provided with an elastic protruding card holder 31. The plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 is attached to the circular chassis 30 and then pressed by hand to insert the bell dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 into the disk. The inside of the deck 31. Such a process is simpler to assemble than a lock screw. The black circular chassis 30 is a circular shaped chassis formed by injection molding of black plastic. The circular shaped chassis is not necessarily black, and may be other dark-colored opaque chassis, which is mainly opaque. The circular shaped chassis does not necessarily have a circular shape, and other shapes are also possible. Mainly with the shape of the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10. The inner surface of the circular chassis 30 is preferably formed with a rough surface so that the human (4) county ((4)%) is scattered around the rough surface on the chassis surface after wearing the thief wide-angle mirror 10. In order to avoid re-reflecting into the photographic lens 2i of the color photography unit 20 via the chassis surface of the M350037, an image with overlapping images is formed, which affects the image quality. The circular chassis 30 is cut into a hole 32' hole 32 which is sized to fit into a color photography unit 20 casing. The color photographic unit 20 and the circular chassis 3 〇 are held by screws by a plurality of L-shaped brackets 33. The photographic lens 21 of the color photographic unit 2 faces the inner surface of the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 1 ,, so that the incident light L20 of the f-forged dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 can directly enter the photographic lens of the color camera unit 20. 21 imaging. The tail end 22 of the color photographing unit 20 serves as a lead-out line for the power and image signals of the color photographing unit 20, and a waterproof rubber loop can be added to the lead-out port for waterproofing. The black circular chassis 30 has a black background as if it were a carded dielectric film wide-angle mirror. When the incident visible light L10 is incident on the outer surface of the bell-shaped dielectric film wide-angle mirror, 'L10 (100%) is divided into two paths'. The way is to reflect on the outer surface of the forged dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10, and its reflected light Lli ( 8〇〇/0) For the cashmer's human eye 10a, the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 1 〇 front surface is like a bright wide-angle lens, so that the cashier can clearly see himself and the surrounding 17 M350037 Reflect the image. The other way is that the transmitted light L12 (20%) is mostly absorbed by the black circular chassis 30, and the remaining unabsorbed is scattered by the circular chassis 30 - rough surface. After a small amount of astigmatism is scattered through the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10, the light that can be penetrated at the end is almost zero (minimum value is ignored). This makes it almost impossible for the cashier to see the color photography unit 20 after plating the dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10. When another incident visible light L20 is incident on the surface of the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10, L20C100%) is also divided into two paths, one for reflected light L21 (80%) and the other for transmitted light (20%). After the transmission of the dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 is transmitted, the color imaging unit is further imaged. Therefore, a color camera unit 20 can be constructed on the back side of a plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror by using an interface vessel (black circular chassis) 30. And the use of an interface body 30 allows the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 1 to achieve a hidden decoration and protection function for the color photography unit 20. The color photography unit 20 used in this embodiment is a commonly-used CCD-like charge CCD (charge-Coup ed Devices) module (with a medium-aluminum outer casing) including a photographic lens (Lens) and a control circuit board. The control circuit board has an image sensor (丨mage Sensor) image processing control M350037 circuit. Both the CCD image sensor and the CM〇s image sensor are made of dream wafers, and the amount of money for the visible near infrared (four) is basically similar. The Miscellaneous New Art Shop is made up of a fine photoelectric conversion process that converts the image A-light iiU into f-voltage (electricity). If a color sensor is also needed, then each pixel is covered with color (R, G, B). Can be used to extinguish the film. At present, both the CCD 5 Ge and the CMos photography module can respond to the wave domain from visible light to infrared. The ccd^cmgs photography module can be defined in the 2Q definition of the color shooting group. As shown in Fig. 本, the device comprises a plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10, a color photography unit 2〇' and an interface body 3〇. Among them, the color shooting group 20 and the interface body 3 are all products of the conventional technology. Please refer to FIG. 2, which is a diagram of a plate module of a conventional color camera. Please refer to Figure 2A for the color crew of the device. & Figure 2' The conventional conventional color camera module (without aluminum housing) basically includes an infrared LED lamp set 22 and a circuit control board 23. Commonly known as a plate-shaped CCD camera, the infrared LED lamp group 22 is used to emit an infrared light source when the ambient illumination is insufficient. The circuit control board 23 performs processing control on the imaging. 19 M350037 Built-in general color light-receiving module with infrared LED light level 22, in order to avoid the infrared emitted by the infrared LED light group 22 because of reflection, it will cause interference. In practical applications, most of the black collar 21a is set on the lens 21. To prevent reflections from drying ":. The device (4) color township unit 2 unicorn has built-in infrared LED lamp group 22 has a black trap 2ia.囷二A is a schematic diagram of the color photography unit 20 of the device. The black snare 2ia on the photographic lens 21 can be displaced up and down in the photographic lens 21 such that one end of the black snare 21a can be immediately adjacent to the inner surface of the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 as shown in FIG. 1 for the purpose of making the photographic lens 21 The incident light is limited only to the transmitted light directly transmitted through the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 before the photographic lens 21.

對於介面體30來說,介面體30的形狀大小可與鍍介電 質膜廣角反射鏡10的產品外觀需求而搭配設計成多種款式》 接下來對鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡10詳加說明。 M350037 前面述之鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡ίο是在一透明基材 (Substrate)上鍍介電質薄膜(dielectric coatings) 而形成的β 鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡10中透明基材上的[透明]主要 讓可見光可順利通過。基材大約可分為玻璃與塑料》常用的 玻璃有青板玻璃(Soda-lime glass)、德國白板玻璃 (D263T)、耐熱玻璃(B0R0SILICATE)等等。 常用塑料是指光學級類的透明樹脂,例如 PC ’ Polycarbonate聚碳酸酯樹脂(透明度88%)、與 PMMA壓克力(透明度93%)等《其他在工業用塑料中透明 性好的樹脂也可用例如有:PS (透明度89%)、CR-39 (透 明度90%)、SAN樹脂(透明度90%)、MS樹脂(透明度 90%、聚-4曱基戊烯_ (TPX)(透明度>90%)。另外,像 聚甲烤酸曱酯、苯乙稀共聚物(MAS)、PET、PP以及PVC 等透明度均很好。透明基材上的[透明]首先必須有高透明度 必然要求表面質量要求嚴格,盡量不要有任何斑紋、氣孔、 泛白、霧章、黑點、變色、光澤不佳等缺陷,其透明以及表面光 滑的目的主要是可以讓紅外順利通過,避免或減少散射。 M350037 本實施例以透明光學級PC (Polycarbonate)聚碳酸酯 樹脂在模具内射出成型後切割成一直徑約為1〇公分而厚度 約為2mm的PC透明圓片(略為凸面狀以便鍍膜後可形成廣 角反射鏡),PC透明圓片表面要很光滑(表面粗糙對入射光 在表面造成散射,影響成像品質),將PC透明圓片經過清洗 處理後送入真空鍍膜機鍍膜。 請參閱圖三為鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡10樣品一之光譜 圖。 鑛介電質膜廣角反射鏡10樣品一設計的主要參數如下 列: (1)縱座標為反射率百分比R (%)。(2)橫座標為 光譜波長(單位nm)。(a)白光環境。(b)正面入射角 (0度)。(c)參考波長為510nm. (d)以四分之一波 (quarter-wave-stackmulti-layered)模式設計。 膜層設計鍍有十三層: 第一層:鍍二氧化矽。光學膜厚=2. 5000. 22 M350037 第二層:鍍二氧化鈦。光學膜厚=〇. 8000. 第三層:鏟二氧化矽。光學膜厚=0. 7500. 第四層:鍍二氧化鈦。光學膜厚=0. 7000 第五層:鍍二氧化矽。光學膜厚=0. 9000 ® 第六層:鍍二氧化鈦。光學膜厚=0. 9600 第七層:鍍二氧化矽。光學膜厚=1.1000 第八層:鍍二氧化鈦。光學膜厚=1.1500. 第九層:鍍二氧化矽。光學膜厚=1. 2500. • 第十層:鍍二氧化鈦。光學膜厚=1. 2000 第十一層:鑛二氧化矽。光學膜厚=1.3000 第十二:鍍二氧化鈦。光學膜厚=1. 3000 第十三層:鍍二氧化矽。光學膜厚=0.6300 23 M350037 鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡10樣品一鍍好後呈現亮麗的鏡 面反射,好像一面真實的明鏡鏡子。 請參閱圖三A為鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡10樣品二的光 譜圖。 圖三A中縱座標為穿透率百分比T°/〇 ( Transmi ttance %)。橫座標為光譜波長(單位nm)。其他參數為(a)白光環 境、(b)正面入射角(0度)、(c)參考波長為450 nm、(d)以四分之一波(quarter-wave-stack multilayered) 模式設計。 膜層設計鍍有二十二層:For the interface body 30, the shape and size of the interface body 30 can be matched with the product appearance requirements of the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 to design a variety of styles. Next, the detailed description of the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 will be described. . M350037 The above-mentioned plated dielectric film wide-angle reflector ίο is a transparent substrate on a β-coated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 formed by plating dielectric coatings on a transparent substrate (Substrate). [Transparent] mainly allows visible light to pass smoothly. The substrate can be roughly divided into glass and plastic. Glass has Soda-lime glass, German white glass (D263T), heat-resistant glass (B0R0SILICATE) and so on. Commonly used plastics are optical grade transparent resins such as PC 'Polycarbonate polycarbonate resin (88% transparency), and PMMA acrylic (93% transparency). Other resins that are transparent in industrial plastics are also available. For example: PS (transparency 89%), CR-39 (transparency 90%), SAN resin (transparency 90%), MS resin (transparency 90%, poly-4-decylpentene _ (TPX) (transparency > 90) In addition, transparency such as poly(methyl sulphate), styrene copolymer (MAS), PET, PP, and PVC is very good. [Transparent] on transparent substrates must first have high transparency and must require surface quality. Strict requirements, try not to have any defects such as streaks, pores, whitening, fog, black spots, discoloration, poor gloss, etc. The purpose of transparency and smooth surface is mainly to allow infrared to pass smoothly, avoiding or reducing scattering. The embodiment is formed by transparent optical grade PC (Polycarbonate) polycarbonate resin in a mold and then cut into a PC transparent disc having a diameter of about 1 cm and a thickness of about 2 mm (slightly convex shape to form a wide-angle mirror after coating). ), P The surface of the C transparent disc should be very smooth (the surface roughness will cause the incident light to scatter on the surface, affecting the image quality), and the PC transparent disc is cleaned and sent to the vacuum coater for coating. See Figure 3 for the dielectric film. The spectrogram of the wide-angle mirror 10 sample. The main parameters of the design of the mineral-dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 sample are as follows: (1) the ordinate is the reflectance percentage R (%). (2) the abscissa is the spectral wavelength (in nm) (a) white light environment. (b) frontal incident angle (0 degrees). (c) reference wavelength is 510 nm. (d) designed in quarter-wave-stack multi-layered mode The film design is plated with thirteen layers: First layer: ruthenium dioxide plated. Optical film thickness = 2. 5000. 22 M350037 Second layer: Titanium dioxide plated. Optical film thickness = 〇. 8000. Third layer: Shovel II Oxide. Optical film thickness = 0.7500. Fourth layer: Titanium dioxide plated. Optical film thickness = 0.001 7000 Fifth layer: ruthenium dioxide plated. Optical film thickness = 9000 ® Sixth layer: Titanium dioxide plated. Film thickness=0. 9600 Seventh layer: ruthenium dioxide plated. Optical film thickness = 1.1000 Eighth layer: Titanium dioxide plated. Film thickness = 1.1500. Ninth layer: ruthenium dioxide plating. Optical film thickness = 1. 2500. • Tenth layer: Titanium dioxide plating. Optical film thickness = 1. 2000 Eleventh layer: Osmium dioxide. Optical film Thickness = 1.3000 Twelfth: Titanium dioxide plating. Optical film thickness = 1. 3000 Thirteenth layer: ruthenium dioxide plated. Optical film thickness = 0.6300 23 M350037 Plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 sample is bright after plating The specular reflection is like a real mirror mirror. Please refer to Figure 3A for the spectrogram of sample 2 of the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10. The ordinate in Figure 3A is the percentage of penetration T°/〇 (Transmi ttance %). The abscissa is the spectral wavelength (in nm). Other parameters are (a) white light environment, (b) frontal incident angle (0 degrees), (c) reference wavelength of 450 nm, and (d) design in quarter-wave-stack multilayered mode. The film design is plated with twenty-two layers:

第一層:鍍二氧化鈦。光學膜厚=0.5500 第二層:鍍二氧化矽。光學膜厚=〇. 5100 第三層··鍍二氧化鈦。光學膜厚=0. 7700 第四層:鍍二氧化矽。光學膜厚=0.3300 第五層:鍍二氧化鈦。光學膜厚=1.1800 24 M350037 第六層:鍍二氧化矽。光學膜厚=0.4600 第七層:鍍二氧化鈦。光學膜厚=1.7500 第八層:鍍二氧化矽。光學膜厚=0. 7800 第九層:鍍二氧化鈦。光學膜厚=1.2000 第十層:鍍二氧化矽。光學膜厚=1.1200 第十一層:鍍二氧化鈦。光學膜厚=0.9000 第十二層:鍍二氧化矽。光學膜厚=0.8100 第十三層:鍍二氧化鈦。光學膜厚=2.4300 第十四層:鍍二氧化矽。光學膜厚=0.5100 第十五層:鍍二氧化鈦。光學膜厚=1.8400 第十六層··鍍二氧化矽。光學膜厚=1.8900 第十七層:鍍二氧化鈦。光學膜厚=0.6300 第十八層:鍍二氧化矽。光學膜厚=2. 3100 25 M350037 第十九層:鍍二氧化鈦。光學膜厚=0.7300 第一十層·鍛一氧化梦。光學膜厚=2.1900 第二Η層:鍍二氧化鈦。光學膜厚=4.2000 第二十二層:錢二氧化梦。光學膜厚=1. 0500 鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡1〇樣品二與鍍介電質膜廣角反 射鏡10樣品一,兩者所呈現的色澤不完全一樣,但是均呈 現亮麗的鏡面反射,都好像一面真實的明鏡鏡子。 如圖三Α所示,穿透率在光譜波長740nm左右由20%上 升到約95%以上。這顯示鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡1〇樣品二 可以透過可見光約20%而且對紅外具有很高的穿透率。 簡單說,鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡10樣品二所搭配的彩 色攝影機組20,在有紅外的環境下可攝取到紅外影像。而鍍 介電質膜廣角反射鏡10樣品一所搭配的彩色攝影機組2〇, 在有紅外的環境下也不可或不容易攝取到紅外影像。 26 M350037 也就是說,自動提款機前環境照度不足時,鍍介電質 膜廣角反射鏡ίο樣品一的成像效果相對很差。鍍介電質膜 廣角反射鏡10樣品二則在紅外輔助光源可以看到清楚的紅 外影像。 但是在全球各地幾乎所有的自動提款機都設置在以有 足夠環境照度下,以便利提款人提款操作照明,也可以因 足夠的照明提供給提款人一個安全的環境❶因此,對於鍵介 電質膜廣角反射鏡10樣品一已經可用。 對於環境不是長時間在照度充足的情況下,有必要加 入紅外LED光源22例如採用圖二B所示,則比較適合將鍍 介電質膜廣角反射鏡1G樣品—改用鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡 10樣品二再搭配輔助的紅外光源。 在圖二與圖二A的光講圖曲線中,在可見光範圍4〇〇 ,⑽間的穿透率約為肌,其曲線並非完全的-均 句直線。一般折射率愈大,則反射率越大。在可見光部份不 同顏色触折射率_序從小變大屬於正色散情形(n_d 一 P sion)但是變動幅度很小,如圖三與圖三人的光譜所 丁的變動巾S度(非平滑直線)細、對本裝置的攝影成像品 27 M350037 質(色偏)以人眼觀察沒影響,所以不一定要再增加鍍膜 層數來修正。 如囷三與圖三A的光譜所示,因為樣品一與樣品二均 有20%的可見光穿透,理論上在圖一中以斜角度(非正面 入射角的0度,例如45度視角)光下人眼10a靠近仔細看, 會看鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡10後的彩色攝影機組20。前面 籲 說到,因為黑色圓形底盤30的吸收與散射後再透過鍍介電 質膜廣角反射鏡10的20%穿透出去,最後穿透出去的幾乎 接近零。這使提款人人眼l〇a幾乎看不到鍍介電質膜廣角反 射鏡10後彩色攝影機組20。如果鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡1〇 弧度角太大(例如像半圓形狀),穿透鍍介電質膜廣角反射 鏡10的再反射光未經過黑色圓形底盤30的吸收與散射,則 • 再透過鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡10穿透出去的部份光,會使 提款人人眼10a隱約看到鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡10後彩色 攝影機組20。 今曰在薄膜光學上,我們很容易由向量法或導納軌跡 法在光學級基板上鍍折射率高低交互變化的多層四分之一 波膜堆可獲得預期的穿透率T%。而且理論上也同時可以證 28 M350037 明用相同多膜層數,四分之一波膜堆比非四分之一波膜堆 所得到的反射率要高。而臈層數越多則R%反射率也越大。 也就是說,很容易控制穿透與反射的分光比例。 在目前現有可用的艘膜材料在可見光區高折射率小於等 於2.4而低折射率大於等於1.35,所以單一的四分之一波 膜堆的高反射帶的寬度是有限的。因此,要滿足本實施例在 可見光區能夠像金屬膜一樣有較寬的反射帶,有必要將全 介電質膜高反射帶拓寬。 拓寬的方法有之一,是使膜系之每層濃度有規則的遞 增(可依等比級數或等差級數),如此可使很寬的區域内 的任何波長都有足夠多的膜層,其光學濃度也足夠接近四 分之一波。不過如此作成之高反射區反射率會有許多下降的 波紋,必須用優化法再行優化之。其他的方法還有將一個中 心波長稍短之四分之一波膜堆疊加在另一個四分之一波膜 堆上。 有關鍍膜的設計基本上可從標準膜系開始著手,例如高 反射鏡不管波寬大小或單或雙波數,都一律以四分之一波 膜堆基礎來設計。 29 M350037 當初始設計無法滿足需求的光學成效時,就利用目前 商用設計的電腦軟體來優化或合成。有些優化所用的是數學 技巧而且不斷的改進中。例如最常用的有簡形優化法 (Simplex method )、最小平方調適法(Least-square fit or damped least squares)及合成法。 本實施例就是將設計好的各膜層參數數據再委托廠商 _ 以真空蒸鍍完成如圖三與圖三A光譜的鍍介電質膜廣角反射 鏡10。同樣的膜層設計在不同廠牌鍍膜機會產生不同的光譜 對於同一機台内加熱分佈溫度、膜材更換、基板形狀大小都 影響每層鍍膜的特性。在量產鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡1〇時 以一專用的機台比較經濟。 請參閱圖四為薄膜反射率R%與光學厚度的變化關係圖。 • 由光學薄膜干涉現象可知,當光垂直(正面0度)入射 單層膜時’且光學厚度Nd (為薄膜折射率與薄膜厚度的 乘積)為(21«)/2)、又()、(34〇/2>..膜層對波長的反光強度 不變;若光學厚度Μ為(λ〇/4)、 (3又0/4)、 (5λ〇/4)…’反射率將為極大值或極小值,且其值決定於膜 的折射率η是大於還是小於基板的折射率沾當n〉nS時, 反射率為極大值,在n < nS時,反射率為極小值,如圖 M350037 六所示。由圖四可見,一層光學厚度為入射光波長四分之一 奇數倍,讓反射波形成破壞性干涉,即可得反射率為〇之減 反射效果。但對其他波長的反射率並非為〇,因而為了在可 見光範圍可得寬廣的反射率通常都是多層架構,適當選擇 膜層的折射率與膜層設計就可得到適當的反射率。由圖四可 見分析可H光料度為四分之-波長,且折射率夠 低的薄膜,可作為抗反射膜,使表面反射率降低,例如在 玻璃(BK7 ’ η = 1.53)表面鍍上單層氟化鎂(啦匕,n = 1. 38),即為一種簡單架構的抗反射膜。相對的,若在玻璃 表面鍍上一層折射率足夠高的材料,它將大大增加玻璃表 面的反射率,因此這種薄膜可作為一種很好的分光鏡,單 層的二氧化鈦(Ti02,η = 2.2)或硫化鋅(znS,η = 2 35) 薄膜常作為這種用途,反射率約可達30%左右。 基本上單層膜的疊加就是多層膜。當使用多層薄膜時, 可以依照我們的需要,運用高低折射率薄膜堆疊,做各式 各樣的薄膜設計,以產生我們所要求的光學特性。常見的如 抗反射鏡、高反射鏡、分光鏡、截止濾光鏡、帶通濾光鏡、帶止 遽光鏡等等。而電腦的出現,;j;但使光學薄膜設計(電腦輔 助軟艎)更為方便,且光學薄膜的相關研究更是一日千裡。 31 M350037 至今,光學薄膜製作的困難點已經很少出現下設計上,只 要特性要求合理,總是能設計㈣用❹層駭構,關鍵 的問題在於薄膜製鍍工藝的改進,如何精確地控制每一層 的厚度和折射率,以得到期望的光學性質和機械特性,甚 至考量製作的量產化及成本的降低,另外如薄膜材料的開 發、先進艘膜技術的開發與薄膜的量測等,皆為薄膜工程上 所要探討的重要課題。 本創作的鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡10是以電腦輔助的光 學薄膜設計製作的多層薄膜架構。 至於,鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡10的「鏡子」的鏡面效果, 反射率越大則鏡面效果越好。但是,提升反射率就會降低穿 射率。 如果降低穿射率後在一般的環境下會影響成像品性變 差,這就要再提升穿透率。提升穿透率就降低鏡面的效果。 要「提升鏡子的鏡面效果」以及要「得到最佳成像品質」 是不容易同時兼顧的。如前面所述之,入射光等於反射光加 上透射光。若入射光為一定,則反射光與透射光成反比,反 射光增加透射光就減少,透射光增加反射光就減少。 32 M350037 再回顧上面如由圖三與圖三A光譜製作的樣品中其穿射 率為20%,是本創作較佳實施例。但並非限制在剛好2〇%。 在實際測試環境中穿射率在20%與23%之間並無多大差異。 甚至於在大賣場、銀行内部、大飯店等的環境下測試結果發 現穿透率在20%與40%之間也並無多大的差異,這完全端 視環境的光照度而論。 就一般實驗而言’反射率大於穿透率就可顯示出有「鏡 子」的鏡面效果。當然,這要在有黑色或深色的背景才能顯 示出來。也就是說,穿透率在10%與40%之間是一般環境下 是「可形成鏡面效果」的較適當範圍。 穿透率在10%不是不行,僅是在環境低照度(約 lOLux)下使用者對成像品質變差而已。但是,對於最近出 品的高解析度低照度的CCD攝影機來說,例如,韓國三星 Samsung編號SDB-40規格顯示以F1.2鏡頭彩色最低照度 為0· 3Lux、黑白(夜間)最低照度為〇· 〇〇2Lux,這在穿透率 在10%時的確可攝取到令人滿意的品質,這是屬於高階產 品。對於低階的CMOS例如10萬像素(Pixels)而言,要達 到滿意的品質其穿透率約在40%或以上,這種低階的 CMOS已逐漸退出市場。對CMOS例如30萬像素者經過部 33 M350037 份參數的調整穿透率在20%時在環境照度約1〇〇Lux下確也 可攝取到令人滿意的品質。 請參閱圖五為自動提款機上安装本裝置之實施示意圖。 請參閱囷五A為排隊提款人的示意囷。 請參閱圖五B為提款人鍵入密碼的示意圖。 如圓五自動提款機上包括有一出鈔票口 41、一操作鍵盤 鲁 42、-本裝置1〇〇(在囷上僅看到一鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡 10)、一提款機台200。 通常當有複數人在一提款機台2〇〇前排隊時如圖五a所 示之’第一提款人(排隊最前的人)操作按入密碼如圖五B 所示之時’第-提款人很怕被後面排隊的他人看到自己在 操作鍵盤42上所按的數字密碼時,這時第—提款人可藉由 • 右㈤方設置的鍍介電質朗角反射鏡10的反射,可清楚看 到後面排隊的他人是否在「偷看」。 在某些治絲差的財,有時當第―提款人在操作鍵 盤42上順利操作完成,欲自出鈔票口 41取出鈔票的瞬間可 能又被後面排隊的他人搶走。這時第一提款人被搶走的情況 可藉由右前方設置的鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡1Q後面的彩色 攝影機組20,進行攝錄影後搜證查明。 34 M350037 如圖五所示,在提款機台200管理單位(例如銀行業者) 在平常時也可藉由右前方設置的鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡1〇 後面的彩色攝影機組20,對提款機台200前方附近周圍進 行一般性的環境攝影監視。 第一提款人要清楚看到後面排隊他人的影像,其所看 到的影像範圍視野與鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡1〇的形狀大小 •有關。 通常,一反射鏡呈現平面狀時,可以反射與實體一般 大小的鏡面(左右顛倒)影像。當一反射鏡呈現圓弧凸狀時 可以反射比一反射鏡呈現平面狀更寬廣的正面(有變形失 真)影像。 所以這種具圓弧凸狀的反射鏡可稱為廣角反射鏡。 • 例如在圓直徑同為五公分的相同尺寸下,廣角反射鏡 比平面反射鏡取得更寬廣的反射影像。 廣角反射的到底要多「廣角」?在同一尺寸下廣角反射 的圓弧凸狀越凸(彎曲率越大)其可視角度相對較廣。廣角 反射的可視角度越廣其成像相對越失真。廣角反射的可視角 度對自動提款機前的第一提款人來說,設定在約90度至 120度對可取得很好的視野。 35 M350037 所以’本裝置「自動提款機的廣角反射攝影鏡裝置」的 表面字義中;其「廣角」的意思是區別於一般平面反射鏡具 有較大的反射角度、其「攝影鏡」的意思是指具有「攝影」與 「鏡子」的功能組合物》其中,彩色攝影機組20具有「攝影」 的功能禮介電質膜廣角反射鏡1〇具有「鏡子」的功能。而把 鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡10與彩色攝影機組20組合,則除了 兼具有「攝影」與「鏡子」的組合功能外,鍍介電質膜廣角反 射鏡10也具有保護彩色攝影機組20與彩色攝影機組20也 具有延伸彩色攝影機組20的監視,使鍍介電質膜廣角反射 鏡10與彩色攝影機組20組合達到互補的功效。 一般傳統的廣角反射鏡,例如道路用的大型廣角反射 鏡與機車(摩托車)用的小型廣角反射鏡等若與彩色攝影 機組20組合則無法具有「攝影」與「鏡子」的組合功能,因為 一般傳統的廣角反射鏡無法或不容易穿透可見光,使彩色 攝影機組20無法成像。 其中,鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡10除了具有「鏡子」的功 能以外,還兼具有與先前技術的鍍金屬膜廣角反射鏡所揭 露「可穿透可見光攝影成像」的功能。例如,「中華民國新型 專利第Μ 326646號鍍铭半球型罩攝影機裝置」。 36 M350037 前面說出,鍍金屬膜廣角反射鏡對紅外又有很高的吸 收帶(不利紅外夜視),所以鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡10相 對於鍍金屬膜廣角反射鏡具夜視效率。如果不考慮其夜視效 率,考慮一般金屬反射膜製備工藝簡單的優點,工作的波 長範圍大反射帶比較寬,雖然有光損耗大的缺點,但在反 射率有55%(也有鏡面高反射效果)與穿透率有20%的鍍金屬 膜廣角反射鏡,在實際實施應用於環境照度充裕的銀行内 設置的自動提款機上,如這種具有反射率55%與穿透率20% 的鍍金屬膜廣角反射鏡也可取得不錯的效果。 請回顧如圖一所示,介面體(黑色圓形底盤)30支持 著鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡10與彩色攝影機組20,使艘介電 質膜廣角反射鏡10、一彩色攝影機組20、與一介面鱧30等 三部份組成一本裝置100的產品。 對於本裝置100產品的實際應用上,再請回顧如圖五所 示,是先在提款機台200右上方的一處挖一適當大小的圓孔 洞,其用以可插入彩色攝影機纽2〇的鋁圓管。再在黑色圓 形底盤30背部黏貼一強力雙面膠(例如3M雙面膠),將彩 色攝影機組20的鋁圓管插入圓孔洞内,使雙面膠的另一面 則黏貼在提款機台200圓孔洞周圍面上。也就是說,利用一 37 M350037 雙面膠把黑色圓形底盤3〇背部黏貼在提款機台200圓孔洞 周圍面上。如此,就簡單完成把本裝置1〇〇安裝在提款機台 200上(如圖五所示)。 對於本裝置100產品的另一個實際應用上,如圖五所示 的提款機台200,在經過設計後可直接將本裝置1〇〇的鍍介 電質膜廣角反射鏡10與彩色攝影機組20,分別固定鎖在提 款機台200本體的外部與内部,而直接省略黑色圓形底盤 30者,也可達成相同效果。 因此’介面體30是指可支持固定鍍介電質膜廣角反射 鏡10與彩色攝影機組2〇者,例如圖一的黑色圓形底盤與圖 五提款機台200的一部份。 由圖一與圖五來說,鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡鏡片10是 設置於界面體30—側的開口處,開口處主要是供入射光 L20的通過’彩色攝影機組2〇的攝影鏡頭21設置於該界面 艘30内。其中彩色攝影機組2〇的攝影鏡頭21朝向該廣角 反射鏡鏡片10内表面β如此,則入射光L20穿透鍍介電質膜 廣角反射鏡鏡片1〇後可直接進入彩色攝影機組20的攝影鏡 頭21成像。 38 M350037 以上的具體實施例說明本創作之實施方式,熟習此技 藝之人士可由本說明書所揭示之内容輕易地暸解本創作之 其他優點與功效。本創作亦可藉由其他不同的具體實施例加 以施行或應用,本說明書中的各項細節亦可基於不同觀點 與應用,在不悖離本創作之精神下進行各種修飾與變更。The first layer: titanium dioxide plating. Optical film thickness = 0.5500 Second layer: ruthenium dioxide plated. Optical film thickness = 〇. 5100 Third layer · · Titanium dioxide plating. Optical film thickness = 0.7400 Fourth layer: ruthenium dioxide plated. Optical film thickness = 0.3300 Fifth layer: Titanium dioxide plating. Optical film thickness = 1.1800 24 M350037 Sixth layer: ruthenium dioxide plated. Optical film thickness = 0.4600 Layer 7: Titanium dioxide plating. Optical film thickness = 1.750 Eighth layer: ruthenium dioxide plated. Optical film thickness = 0.7800 Ninth layer: Titanium dioxide plated. Optical film thickness = 1.2000 Tenth layer: ruthenium dioxide plated. Optical film thickness = 1.1200. Eleventh layer: Titanium dioxide plating. Optical film thickness = 0.900 twelfth layer: ruthenium dioxide plated. Optical film thickness = 0.8100 The thirteenth layer: titanium dioxide plating. Optical film thickness = 2.4300 Fourteenth layer: ruthenium dioxide plated. Optical film thickness = 0.5100 The fifteenth layer: titanium dioxide plated. Optical film thickness = 1.8400 Sixteenth layer · · ruthenium dioxide plating. Optical film thickness = 1.8900 The seventeenth layer: titanium dioxide plating. Optical film thickness = 0.6300 Eighteenth layer: ruthenium dioxide plated. Optical film thickness = 2. 3100 25 M350037 The nineteenth layer: titanium dioxide plating. Optical film thickness = 0.7300 The first ten layers · Forging and oxidizing dreams. Optical film thickness = 2.1900 Second layer: Titanium dioxide plated. Optical film thickness = 4.2000 Twenty-two layers: money dioxide dream. Optical film thickness = 1. 0500 plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 1 〇 sample 2 and plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 samples, the two colors are not exactly the same, but they all show bright specular reflection, It looks like a real mirror mirror. As shown in Figure 3, the transmittance increases from 20% to about 95% above the spectral wavelength of 740 nm. This shows that the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 1 〇 sample 2 can transmit about 20% of visible light and has a high transmittance to infrared. Briefly, the color photography unit 20 of the sampled dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 is used to capture infrared images in an infrared environment. The color film unit of the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 is equipped with a color photography unit 2〇, and it is not possible or easy to capture infrared images in an infrared environment. 26 M350037 In other words, when the ambient illuminance of the cash dispenser is insufficient, the plated dielectric film wide-angle reflector ίο sample 1 has a relatively poor imaging effect. Plating Dielectric Films Wide-angle mirrors 10 sample 2 can see clear infrared images in the infrared-assisted light source. However, almost all ATMs around the world are set up to have sufficient ambient light to facilitate the withdrawal of cash by the cashier, or to provide a safe environment for the cashier due to sufficient lighting. A sample of the key dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 is already available. For the environment is not long time in the case of sufficient illumination, it is necessary to add infrared LED light source 22, for example, as shown in Figure 2B, it is more suitable for plating dielectric film wide-angle mirror 1G sample - switch to dielectric film wide angle The mirror 10 sample 2 is then matched with an auxiliary infrared source. In the light diagram curves of Fig. 2 and Fig. 2A, the transmittance between the visible light range 4〇〇 and (10) is about the muscle, and the curve is not a complete-sequence straight line. Generally, the larger the refractive index, the greater the reflectance. In the visible light part, the refractive index of different colors is changed from small to large and belongs to the positive dispersion case (n_d-P sion), but the variation range is small, as shown in the spectrum of the three and three figures, the variation of the S-degree (non-smooth straight line) ) Fine, the photographic image of this device 27 M350037 quality (color shift) has no effect on the human eye, so it is not necessary to increase the number of coating layers to correct. As shown in the spectrum of Figure 3 and Figure 3A, because both sample 1 and sample 2 have 20% visible light penetration, theoretically in Figure 1 at an oblique angle (non-frontal angle of incidence of 0 degrees, such as 45 degrees of view) The human eye 10a under the light is close to look closely, and the color photography unit 20 after plating the dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 is seen. As previously stated, because the black circular chassis 30 absorbs and scatters and then penetrates through 20% of the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10, it finally penetrates almost zero. This makes the donor's human eye l〇a almost invisible to the color film unit 20 after plating the dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10. If the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror has a large arc angle (for example, a semi-circular shape), the re-reflected light penetrating the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 is not absorbed and scattered by the black circular chassis 30. • A portion of the light that is transmitted through the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 causes the cashmer's human eye 10a to faintly see the color film unit 20 after plating the dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10. In the case of thin film optics, it is easy to obtain a desired transmittance T% by a vector method or an admittance trajectory method on a multi-layered quarter-wave film stack in which the refractive index is alternately changed on an optical grade substrate. In theory, it can also be proved that 28 M350037 uses the same multi-layer layer, and the quarter-wave film stack has higher reflectivity than the non-quarter-wave film stack. The more the number of layers, the greater the R% reflectivity. That is to say, it is easy to control the split ratio of penetration and reflection. At present, the available film materials have a high refractive index in the visible light region of less than 2.4 and a low refractive index of 1.35 or more, so the width of the high reflection band of the single quarter-wave film stack is limited. Therefore, in order to satisfy the present embodiment, it is possible to have a wide reflection band like a metal film in the visible light region, and it is necessary to widen the high-reflection band of the full dielectric film. One of the methods of broadening is to increase the concentration of each layer of the film system regularly (depending on the number of steps or the number of steps) so that there is enough film at any wavelength in a wide area. The layer, whose optical density is also close enough to a quarter wave. However, the reflectivity of the highly reflective region thus produced has many declining ripples which must be optimized by optimization. Other methods include adding a quarter-wave film stack with a shorter center wavelength to the other quarter-wave film stack. The design of the coating can basically start with the standard membrane system. For example, the high mirror is designed on the basis of a quarter-wave membrane stack regardless of the width or the single or double wave number. 29 M350037 When the initial design fails to meet the optical performance of the requirements, it is optimized or synthesized using current commercially designed computer software. Some optimizations use mathematical techniques and are constantly being improved. For example, the most commonly used are the Simplex method, the Least-square fit or damped least squares, and the synthesis method. In this embodiment, the designed parameters of each film layer are re-committed to the manufacturer. The dielectric film wide-angle reflector 10 is shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 3A by vacuum evaporation. The same film design produces different spectra in different brand coating opportunities. The heating distribution temperature, film replacement, and substrate shape of the same machine affect the characteristics of each coating. When mass-produced dielectric film wide-angle mirrors are used, it is economical to use a dedicated machine. Please refer to Figure 4 for the relationship between the reflectance R% of the film and the optical thickness. • It is known from the optical film interference phenomenon that when the light is incident vertically (the front side is 0 degrees) on the single layer film' and the optical thickness Nd (which is the product of the film refractive index and the film thickness) is (21«)/2), again (), (34〇/2>.. The film's reflection intensity against the wavelength is constant; if the optical thickness Μ is (λ〇/4), (3 0/4), (5λ〇/4)...' the reflectance will be a maximum value or a minimum value, and the value is determined by whether the refractive index η of the film is greater than or less than the refractive index of the substrate when n>nS, the reflectance is a maximum value, and at n < nS, the reflectance is a minimum value, As shown in Figure M350037. As can be seen from Figure 4, the optical thickness of one layer is an odd multiple of one-fourth of the wavelength of the incident light, so that the reflected wave forms destructive interference, and the reflectivity is reduced. The reflectance of the wavelength is not 〇, so in order to obtain a wide reflectance in the visible light range, it is usually a multi-layered structure, and the appropriate reflectance can be obtained by appropriately selecting the refractive index of the film layer and the film layer design. A film with a H-light particle size of four-wavelength and a low refractive index, which can be used as an anti-reflection To reduce the surface reflectance, for example, a single layer of magnesium fluoride (b匕7, n = 1.38) is plated on the surface of glass (BK7' η = 1.53), which is a simple structure of anti-reflection film. Coating the surface of the glass with a material with a sufficiently high refractive index will greatly increase the reflectivity of the glass surface, so the film can be used as a good beam splitter, a single layer of titanium dioxide (Ti02, η = 2.2) or zinc sulfide. (znS, η = 2 35) Thin film is often used for this purpose, and the reflectivity is about 30%. Basically, the superposition of a single layer film is a multilayer film. When a multilayer film is used, high and low refraction can be used according to our needs. Rate film stacking, making a variety of film designs to produce the optical properties we require. Commonly used as anti-reflectors, high mirrors, beamsplitters, cut-off filters, bandpass filters, with stagnation Light mirrors, etc., and the emergence of computers; j; but the optical film design (computer-assisted soft palate) is more convenient, and the related research of optical film is even more and more. 31 M350037 So far, the difficulty of optical film production The point is already very With less design, as long as the characteristics are reasonable, it can always be designed. (IV) With the layer structure, the key problem is the improvement of the film plating process, how to accurately control the thickness and refractive index of each layer to obtain the desired optics. The nature and mechanical properties, even the mass production and cost reduction of the production, and the development of thin film materials, the development of advanced membrane technology and the measurement of thin films are all important topics to be explored in thin film engineering. The plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 is a multi-layer film structure designed by computer-assisted optical film. As for the mirror effect of the "mirror" of the dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10, the greater the reflectivity, the mirror effect The better, however, increasing the reflectance will reduce the penetration rate. If the penetration rate is lowered and the image quality is deteriorated under normal circumstances, it is necessary to increase the penetration rate. Increasing the penetration reduces the effect of the mirror. It is not easy to "enhance the mirror effect of the mirror" and "get the best image quality". As described earlier, the incident light is equal to the reflected light plus the transmitted light. If the incident light is constant, the reflected light is inversely proportional to the transmitted light, and the reflected light increases the transmitted light to decrease, and the transmitted light increases the reflected light to decrease. 32 M350037 Recalling the above example, the penetration rate of 20% in the samples prepared from the spectra of Figures 3 and 3A is a preferred embodiment of the present invention. But it is not limited to just 2%. In the actual test environment, the penetration rate is not much different between 20% and 23%. Even in the environment of hypermarkets, banks, hotels, etc., it is found that the penetration rate is not much different between 20% and 40%, which is completely dependent on the illuminance of the environment. For the general experiment, the reflectance is greater than the transmittance to show the mirror effect of the "mirror". Of course, this can only be shown in a black or dark background. That is to say, the penetration rate between 10% and 40% is a relatively suitable range of "mirror-forming effect" in the general environment. The penetration rate is not 10%, only the user's image quality deteriorates under low ambient light (about lOLux). However, for the recently produced high-resolution low-illuminance CCD camera, for example, the Korean Samsung Samsung SDB-40 specification shows that the minimum illumination of the F1.2 lens is 0·3 Lux, and the minimum illumination of black and white (night) is 〇· 〇〇2Lux, which does have a satisfactory quality when the penetration rate is 10%, which is a high-end product. For low-order CMOSs such as 100 megapixels (Pixels), low-order CMOS has gradually withdrawn from the market to achieve satisfactory quality with a penetration rate of about 40% or more. For a CMOS, for example, a 300,000-pixel person through the 33 M350037 parameters, the adjusted transmittance at 20% can also be satisfactorily obtained at an ambient illumination of about 1 〇〇 Lux. Please refer to Figure 5 for a schematic diagram of the installation of the device on the cash dispenser. Please refer to 囷五A for a list of cashiers. Please refer to Figure 5B for a schematic diagram of the typewriter entering the password. For example, the round five automatic cash dispenser includes a banknote opening 41, an operating keyboard Lu 42, a device 1 〇〇 (only one plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 is seen on the cymbal), and a cash machine Taiwan 200. Usually when there are multiple people queuing in front of a cash machine 2, as shown in Figure 5a, 'the first lender (the person who queued the front) operates the password as shown in Figure 5B' - The cashier is afraid that the person who is behind the queue will see the digital password that he has pressed on the operating keyboard 42. At this time, the first drawer can use the plated dielectric horn mirror 10 set by the right (five) side. The reflection can clearly see whether others behind the queue are "sneaked." In some financial difficulties, sometimes when the first-cash operator successfully completes the operation on the operation panel 42, the moment when the banknote is taken out of the banknote 41 may be taken away by others who are lined up. At this time, the first cashier can be taken away by the color photography unit 20 behind the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 1Q disposed on the right front side, and the video is searched and found. 34 M350037 As shown in Figure 5, in the cash machine station 200 management unit (such as the banker) can also be used by the right front of the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 1 〇 behind the color camera unit 20, General environmental photography monitoring is performed around the front of the cash dispenser 200. The first cashier should clearly see the images of others queued behind him. The image range of the image seen is related to the shape and size of the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror. Generally, when a mirror is flat, it can reflect a mirror-like (left-right reversed) image of a general size. When a mirror exhibits a convex arc shape, it can reflect a wider front (deformed distortion) image than a mirror. Therefore, such a circular convex mirror can be called a wide-angle mirror. • For example, in the same size with a circle diameter of five centimeters, a wide-angle mirror produces a wider reflection image than a flat mirror. How much "wide angle" does wide-angle reflection have? The convexity of the arc of the wide-angle reflection at the same size is convex (the greater the bending rate), and the viewing angle is relatively wide. The wider the viewing angle of wide-angle reflection, the more distorted its imaging is. The angle of view of the wide-angle reflection is good for the first cashier in front of the cash dispenser, setting a range of about 90 to 120 degrees. 35 M350037 Therefore, the "wide-angle reflection mirror device of the "automatic teller machine" of this device has the surface meaning; the "wide-angle" means that it has a larger reflection angle than the general plane mirror, and the meaning of the "photographic mirror" It is a functional composition having "photography" and "mirror". Among them, the color photography unit 20 has a function of "photography", and the function of the wide-angle reflector 1 has a "mirror" function. In combination with the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 and the color camera unit 20, in addition to the combined function of "photography" and "mirror", the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 also has a protective color photography unit. The 20 and color photography unit 20 also has the monitoring of the extended color camera unit 20 to achieve a complementary effect of combining the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 with the color camera unit 20. Conventional wide-angle mirrors, such as large wide-angle mirrors for roads and small wide-angle mirrors for locomotives (motorcycles), cannot be combined with color photography unit 20 to have a combination of "photography" and "mirror" because Conventional wide-angle mirrors are unable or difficult to penetrate visible light, rendering color photography unit 20 impossible to image. Among them, the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 has the function of "mirror", and also has the function of "transparent visible light imaging" as disclosed in the metallized film wide-angle mirror of the prior art. For example, "The Republic of China new patent No. 326646 plated Ming hemisphere cover camera device". 36 M350037 As stated earlier, the metallized wide-angle mirror has a very high absorption band for infrared (unfavorable infrared night vision), so the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 has a night vision efficiency relative to the metallized film wide-angle mirror. . If the night vision efficiency is not considered, considering the advantages of the general metal reflective film preparation process, the working wavelength range is large, and the reflection band is relatively wide. Although there is a disadvantage of large optical loss, the reflectivity is 55% (there is also a specular high reflection effect). ) A metallized film wide-angle mirror with a penetration rate of 20% is actually applied to an automatic cash dispenser installed in a bank with sufficient ambient illumination, such as a reflectivity of 55% and a penetration rate of 20%. Metal-coated wide-angle mirrors can also achieve good results. Referring back to FIG. 1, the interface body (black circular chassis) 30 supports the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 and the color camera unit 20, and the dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 and a color camera unit 20 are provided. The product of the device 100 is composed of three parts, such as an interface 鳢30. For the practical application of the device 100, please refer back to Figure 5, which is to dig a hole of appropriate size at the top right of the cash machine 200 for insertion into the color camera. Aluminum round tube. Then, a strong double-sided tape (for example, 3M double-sided tape) is adhered to the back of the black circular chassis 30, and the aluminum tube of the color photography unit 20 is inserted into the round hole, so that the other side of the double-sided tape is adhered to the cash machine. 200 round holes around the surface. That is to say, use a 37 M350037 double-sided tape to adhere the back of the black circular chassis 3〇 to the surrounding surface of the round hole of the cash machine platform 200. Thus, the device 1 is simply mounted on the cash dispenser 200 (as shown in Figure 5). For another practical application of the device 100 product, the cash dispenser table 200 shown in FIG. 5 can be directly designed to directly apply the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 and color photography unit of the device. 20, respectively, the lock is fixed on the outside and the inside of the body of the cash dispenser 200, and the black circular chassis 30 is directly omitted, and the same effect can be achieved. Thus, the "interface 30" refers to a portion of the black circular chassis and the fifth dispensing machine 200 that can support the fixed-plate dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 and color photography unit 2, for example. 1 and FIG. 5, the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror lens 10 is disposed at the opening of the interface body 30 side, and the opening is mainly for the incident lens L20 through the 'color photography unit 2 〇 photographic lens 21 is disposed in the interface ship 30. The photographic lens 21 of the color camera unit 2 faces the inner surface β of the wide-angle mirror lens 10, and the incident light L20 penetrates the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror lens 1 and can directly enter the photographic lens of the color camera unit 20. 21 imaging. 38 M350037 The above embodiments illustrate the implementation of the present invention, and those skilled in the art can readily appreciate the other advantages and effects of the present disclosure from the disclosure herein. The present invention may also be implemented or applied by other different embodiments. The details of the present specification may also be based on different viewpoints and applications, and various modifications and changes may be made without departing from the spirit of the present invention.

39 M35003739 M350037

乃年7月乂日 另有修正本F 【圖式簡單說明】 —‘ 圖一為本裝置實施示意圖。 圖二為一般習知的彩色攝影機的板狀模組圖。 圖二A為本裝置的彩色攝影機組20示意圖。 圖三為鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡10樣品一之光譜圖。 圖三a為鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡10樣品二之光譜圖。 圖四為薄膜反射率R%與光學厚度的變化關係圖。 圖五為自動提款機上安裝本裝置之實施示意圖。 圖五A為排隊提款人的示意圖。 圖五B為提款人鍵入密碼的示意圖。 M350037 【主要元件符號說明】 L10入射可見光 L11反射可見光 L12透射可見光 L20入射可見光 L21反射可見光 10a提款人眼 N薄膜的折射率 Μ光學厚度 nS基板的折射率 10鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡 20彩色攝影機組 21攝影鏡頭 21a黑色圈套 22紅外UD燈組 23電路控制板 30黑色圓形底盤 31卡座 32孔洞 M350037 33 L形支架 41出鈔票口 42操作鍵盤 100本裝置 200提款機台The following day of July of the same year, another revision of this F [Simplified description of the schema] - ‘ Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of the implementation of the device. Figure 2 is a diagram of a plate-like module of a conventional color camera. Figure 2A is a schematic view of the color photography unit 20 of the apparatus. Figure 3 is a spectrum diagram of a sample of a dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10 . Figure 3a is a spectrum diagram of sample 2 of a plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 10. Figure 4 is a graph showing the relationship between the reflectance R% of the film and the optical thickness. Figure 5 is a schematic diagram of the implementation of the device installed on the cash dispenser. Figure 5A is a schematic diagram of a queue of cashiers. Figure 5B is a schematic diagram of the cashier entering a password. M350037 [Main component symbol description] L10 incident visible light L11 reflected visible light L12 transmitted visible light L20 incident visible light L21 reflected visible light 10a withdrawal human eye N film refractive index Μ optical thickness nS substrate refractive index 10 plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror 20 Color photography unit 21 photographic lens 21a black trap 22 infrared UD lamp group 23 circuit control board 30 black circular chassis 31 card holder 32 hole M350037 33 L-shaped bracket 41 out banknote port 42 operation keyboard 100 device 200 cash machine

Claims (1)

修正 補充 ^M350037 九、申請專利範圍 1. 一種自動提款機的廣角反射攝影鏡裝置,適用於攝影, 至少包括有: 一鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡鏡片; 一彩色攝影機組,該彩色攝影機組至少包含一攝影鏡頭; 一介面體,該介面體為一不透光體; 該鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡鏡片設置於該介面體一侧 的開口處,該彩色攝影機組的攝影鏡頭設置於該介面體 内,以及;該彩色攝影機組的攝影鏡頭朝向鍍介電質膜廣 角反射鏡鏡片内表面。 2·如申請專利範圍第1項所述之一種自動提款機的廣角反射 攝影鏡裝置,其特徵在于,該鍍介電質膜廣角反射鏡片是 在一透明基板上鍍有對可見光形成一具有高反射率與低 穿透率分光比的多層介電質膜。 3.如申請專利範圍第2項所述之一種自動提款機的廣角反射 攝影鏡裝置,其特徵在于,該透明基板的形狀為廣角凸面 狀0 43 ,M350037Correction Supplement ^M350037 IX. Patent Application Range 1. A wide-angle reflex mirror device for an automatic teller machine, suitable for photography, comprising at least: a plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror lens; a color camera unit, the color camera The group includes at least one photographic lens; an interface body, the interface body is an opaque body; the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror lens is disposed at an opening of one side of the interface body, and the photographic lens of the color photographic unit is set In the interface body, and the photographic lens of the color photography unit faces the inner surface of the plated dielectric film wide-angle mirror lens. 2. The wide-angle reflex mirror device of an automatic teller machine according to claim 1, wherein the plated dielectric film wide-angle reflecting lens is plated with a visible light on a transparent substrate. A multilayer dielectric film having a high reflectance and a low transmittance split ratio. 3. The wide-angle reflection mirror device of an automatic teller machine according to claim 2, wherein the transparent substrate has a wide-angle convex shape. 0 43 , M350037 (9711.10) H ”J日[夕、止 — W充, 4·如申請專利範圍第2項所述之一種自動提款機的廣角反射 攝影鏡裝置,其特徵在于,該透明基板為透明聚碳酸樹脂 板0 5·如申請專利範圍第2項所述之一種自動提款機的廣角反射 攝影鏡裝置,其特徵在于,該透明基板為透明玻璃板。 6·如申請專利範圍第2項所述之一種自動提款機的廣角反射 攝影鏡裝置’其特徵在于,該透明基板為工業用透明樹脂。 7·如申凊專利範圍第2項所述之一種自動提款機的廣角反射 攝纖裝置,其特徵在于,該介電質薄膜的膜材為二氣化 鈦與二氧化矽。 8·如申請專利顧第丨項所述之一種自動提款機的廣角反射 攝影鏡裝置,其特徵在于,該彩色攝影機組攝影鏡頭前的 多層介電質薄膜可穿透紅外。 9·如申請專繼@第i項所述之—種自動提款機的廣角反射 攝影鏡裝置,其特徵在于,該介面_黑色圓形底盤。 10·如申_細第丨項所述之—種自動提款機的廣角反 射攝影鏡裝置’其特徵在于,該介面體為自動提款機的一 部份。 44(9711.10) A wide-angle reflex mirror device of an automatic teller machine according to claim 2, wherein the transparent substrate is transparent polycarbonate. A wide-angle reflection mirror device of an automatic teller machine according to claim 2, wherein the transparent substrate is a transparent glass plate. 6. As described in claim 2 A wide-angle reflection photographic apparatus of an automatic teller machine is characterized in that the transparent substrate is an industrial transparent resin. 7. A wide-angle reflection fiber-collecting apparatus of an automatic teller machine according to claim 2 of the patent application scope. The film of the dielectric film is titanium dioxide and ruthenium dioxide. The wide-angle reflection photographic device of an automatic teller machine according to the application of the patent application is characterized in that The multi-layer dielectric film in front of the photographic unit of the color photography unit can penetrate the infrared. 9· As claimed in the above-mentioned item i, the wide-angle reflex mirror device of the automatic teller machine is characterized in that interface_ Color circular chassis 10. The application of a fine _ Shu item of the - kind of ATM wide-angle photography reflecting mirror device 'wherein the interface member is a part of the cash dispenser 44.
TW97209795U 2008-06-04 2008-06-04 Wide-angle reflection photography mirror device for automatic teller machine TWM350037U (en)

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TW97209795U TWM350037U (en) 2008-06-04 2008-06-04 Wide-angle reflection photography mirror device for automatic teller machine

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TW97209795U TWM350037U (en) 2008-06-04 2008-06-04 Wide-angle reflection photography mirror device for automatic teller machine

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