TWM320512U - Integrated vehicular anti-burglar alarm - Google Patents

Integrated vehicular anti-burglar alarm Download PDF


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TWM320512U TW96204122U TW96204122U TWM320512U TW M320512 U TWM320512 U TW M320512U TW 96204122 U TW96204122 U TW 96204122U TW 96204122 U TW96204122 U TW 96204122U TW M320512 U TWM320512 U TW M320512U
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Cho-Jui Wu
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Cho-Jui Wu
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Application filed by Cho-Jui Wu filed Critical Cho-Jui Wu
Priority to TW96204122U priority Critical patent/TWM320512U/en
Publication of TWM320512U publication Critical patent/TWM320512U/en



  • Lock And Its Accessories (AREA)
  • Burglar Alarm Systems (AREA)


M320512 八、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 一種車用防盜裝置,特別是指一種與汽車原廠防盜模 組相結合並於汽車出廠時,直接裝設於汽車中之整合式車 用防盜裝置。 、 【先前技術】 汽車所使用的防盜裝置一般分為兩種,一種為車廠所 裝設之原廠防盜模組,另一種則是額外裝設於汽車上之防 盜裝置。 原廠防盜模組主要包含一控制晶片、複數個車門開 關、車Η感應器與訊號發射器。此訊號發射器發射入鎖訊 號,當控制晶片取得此入鎖訊號時係作動車門開關以鎖住 車門。當車門感應器感應到車門開啟時輸出感應訊號,控 制晶片係解析此感應訊號時確認車門是否為異常開啟狀 態,即是指訊號發射器未發送開鎖訊號而車門卻為開啟。 若控制晶片解析出此為車門為異常開啟狀態時作動此汽車 之喇叭以嚇阻盜賊。 額外裝設的防盜裝置一般為單獨裝設於汽車中。最常 見的防盜裝置包含不斷電喇°八、防盜感應器(超音波、氣壓 或紅外線感應器)與雙向傳訊發報機或是發報鎖。 此不斷電喇队可與防盜感應器相連接並内含電力模組 與發聲器。當發聲器作動時,即使盜賊將不斷電喇队之供 電線路截斷時仍可利用電力模組供電以持續發聲器之作 5 M320512 動。 防盜感應器主要是透過超音波、氣壓、紅外線感應等 * 方式,以感應進入汽車内部之人與物而輸出感應訊號。 _ 發報鎖則是鎖住車用裝置並具有一感應器,於感應器 感應此發報鎖正受人破壞時或是受外力衝擊時,發出感應 訊號。 ~ 雙向傳訊發報機則與防盜感應器及發報鎖連接,於承 φ 接防盜感應器或發報鎖所輸出之感應訊號時,以無線訊號 傳送方式傳送警告訊號至使用者具有之電子裝置。而傳送 的方式係利用GSM、GPRS、3G或無線網路等訊號傳送技術 進行訊號傳送。 然而,先前技術具有難以避免之缺失。原廠防盜模組 在盜賊破壞車窗時,因車門並未開啟,故車門感應器也不 會有所反應。因為車窗雖破裂但車門並未開啟,故車門感 - 應器不會作動,因此控制晶片並不會接收到感應訊號以驅 ®.動剩σ八。 而外接之防盜裝置缺失在於,防盜裝置乃是透過額外 接線來與汽車之車用裝置與裝置線路相連接,而且每個防 盜裝置所需連接之車用裝置或裝置線路皆有所不同,故連 接之線路易形成雜亂無章之情形。其次,防盜感應器與雙 向傳訊發報機一般裝設於儀表板上方,故會有曰曬導致電 路老化之問題。再加上防盜感應器為達到最大範圍的感應 效果,一般會設置於後視上方,即會顯露其電路接線,形 6 M320512 成不甚美觀且妨礙觀瞻之情形。 【新型内容】 鑑於上述習知技術之問題,本創作係提供一種整合式 車用防盜裝置,係於汽車製造時,將多個防盜裝置直接裝 設於汽車内部,並與原廠防盜模組相互連接,使原廠防盜 模組作動時可帶動其它防盜裝置來形成多重保護,以達到 汽車防盜之目的。 本創作係提供一種整合式汽車防盜裝置,係於汽車製 造時係裝設於汽車中。此裝置包含一喇叭、一感應模組、 一密碼發射模組、一原廠防盜控制模組、一訊號傳遞模組、 一訊號接收模組與至少一車用裝置鎖具。此原廠防盜模組 係電性連接感應模組、喇u八與訊號傳遞模組,而訊號傳遞 模組更電性連接車用裝置鎖具。 此感應模組主要是感應汽車内部是否有人或物進行異 常運動,並發出一感應訊號。密碼發射模組則是用以輸出 一無線密碼訊號。原廠防盜控制模組係承接無線密碼訊號 或感應訊號,並於承接無線密碼訊號時對其進行解析。當 原廠防盜控制模組取得感應訊號或解析出無線密碼訊號為 不正確之訊號時作動喇队,同時輸出一異常訊號。訊號傳 遞模組於接收此異常訊號時輸出一入鎖訊號及一無線警告 訊號。此車用裝置鎖具係配置於汽車之車用裝置上,並於 承接入鎖訊號時鎖住車用裝置,以使車用裝置無法作動。 訊號接收模組則是接收無線警告訊號並顯示無線警告訊號 7 M320512 所包含之資訊。 本創作之整合式汽車防盜裝置,其喇队可為不斷電喇 η八。密碼發射模組所發射之無線密碼訊號可為一滾碼訊 號。而感應模組係為超音波感應裝置、氣壓式感應裝置或 紅外線感應裝置。此車用裝置鎖具包含電門鎖、油門鎖、 排檔鎖與煞車鎖。此外,本創作更包含一車窗震動感應模 組,於感應汽車之車窗受外力衝擊而震動或是破裂時,輸 出一感應訊號至原廠防盜控制模組。訊號傳遞模組則是利 用 WiFi、Bluetooth、GSM、GPRS、3G 或 3. 5G 通訊協定技 術進行無線警告訊號之輸出。而訊號接收模組係為個人數 位助理、電腦或數位手機,並是利用WiFi、Bluetooth、 GSM、GPRS、3G或3. 5G通訊協定技術進行該無線警告訊號 之接收。 本創作具有先技術無法達到之功效,即如先前所述, 此裝置於汽車製造時即裝設於汽車中,故所配置之連接線 路與感應模組係隱藏於汽車殼體中而不顧露於外,以達到 美觀與保護線路或模組之效果,同時避免防盜裝置受曰光 照射而縮短使用壽命。另一方面、讓車主上下車,不用再去 每次都得解除一堆鎖類的困擾、在原廠防盜啟動的同時, 也相對啟動了車上一個或數個鎖具、在解除原廠防盜的同 時、也一起解除車上一或數個鎖具、具有相當的便利性、 這是以往鎖具所做不到的。而且,此整合式車用防盜裝置 預先裝設於汽車中,即表示整合式車用防盜裝置被視為汽 8 M320512 車之内部車用裝置之一,故業者設計電力系統時,即會將 防盜裝置所需使用之電力考慮其中’以免電力糸統無法提 供穩定之電力而使汽車無法正常運作。此外,此防盜裝置 將原廠防盜控制模組包含於其中,因此業者在設計連接電 路與運作程序時,需將原廠防盜控制模組與相關防盜裝置 之間電路連接之穩定性與執行程序之相容性考慮在内,以 免產生線路作動衝突或是程序運行不良。 【實施方式】 為使對本創作的目的、構造特徵及其功能有進一步的 了解,茲配合相關實施例及圖式詳細說明如下: 請參照第1圖,其為本創作之防盜裝置結構示意圖。 此整合式車用防盜裝置包含一剩队102、一感應模組104、 一密碼發射模組101、一原廠防盜控制模組103、一訊號傳 遞模組105、至少一車用裝置鎖具107與一訊號接收模組 106。此密碼發射模組101用以發射一無線訊號。車用裝置 鎖具107係裝設於汽車之内部車用裝置上。訊號接收模組 106則可接收無線訊號並顯示其無線訊號所包含之資訊。 此原廠防盜控制模組103則電性連接感應模組104、喇队 102與訊號傳遞模組105,而訊號傳遞模組105再電性連接 車用裝置鎖具107。 此整合式車用防盜裝置之運作方式有三,第一種運作 方式為經由密碼發射模組101發射一無線密碼訊號,原廠 防盜控制模組103係承接此無線密碼訊號並解析此無線密 M320512 碼訊號疋否正確的解碼資訊,此無線密碼訊號可為一滾碼 訊號。當原廠防盜控制模組103解析出此無線密碼訊號為 不正確的訊號時,係作動喇叭102發出聲音以嚇阻盜賊, 同時輸出一異常訊號至訊號傳遞模組105。此訊號傳遞模 組105取得此異常訊號時輸出一入鎖訊號來作動所有車用 裝置鎖具107,以使相關之車用裝置無法作動,即處於停 止或關閉之狀態。而且訊號傳遞模組1〇5更發出一無線警 告訊號至訊號接收模組,訊號接收模組106係顯示無線警 告訊號所包含之資訊,以使車主了解汽車當下之狀態。 此整合式車用防盜裝置第二種運作方式為利用感應模 組104感應汽車内部是否有物體正進行移動。當盜賊打破 車窗而進入車内時,感應模組1〇4即能感應有物體正在移 動,故輸出一感應訊號至原廠防盜控制模組1〇3。此原廠 防盜控制模組103係作動喇叭1〇2發出聲音並輸出異常訊 號。而訊號傳遞模组105承接異常訊號時輸出入鎖訊號, 以作動車用裝置鎖具1〇7而鎖住汽車之車用裝置,並輪出 無線警告訊號至訊號接收模組106,以通知車主有盜賊進 入汽車内部。 此整合式車用防盜裝置第三種運作方式為,當原廢防 盜控制模la 1G3歧纽_錢毅轉歸密碼訊號 時,係驅動訊號傳遞模,组105來作動車用 以鎖住汽車之車用裝置。此時,# 、、 了原厫防益控制模組〗若 取得感應訊號、或是承接到不正確的無線密碼訊號,係作 M320512 動喇°八102並輸出異常訊號。訊號傳遞模組於承接異 常訊號時係保持車用裝置鎖具107之入鎖狀態,同時輪出 " 無線I告訊號至讯號接收模組106,以通知車主有盜賊進 . 入汽車内部。 , 然而,此整合式車用防盜裝置不論採用那種運作方 式,當原廠防盜控制模組103承接無線密碼訊號後,解析 ' 出此無線密碼訊號包含正確的解碼資訊時,係解除防盜模 φ 組並傳送一解除防盜訊號至訊號傳遞模組105。此訊號傳 遞模組105係輸出一開鎖訊號至車用裝置鎖具1〇7,以使 車用裝置鎖具107進行開鎖動作,進而讓車用裝置得以使 用。 然而,為避免喇叭102發出聲音時被盜賊切斷電路, 此喇叭102可使周不斷電喇叭。不斷電喇叭内部具有供電 模組,當不斷電喇队作動時若被切斷用以供電之連接線 • 路,仍可利用其供電模組持續作動。 驗 此整合式車用防盜裝置所使用之感應模組104可為超 音波感應裝置、氣壓式感應裝置或紅外線感應裝置。而車 用裝置鎖具107可為使汽車之電門裝置切換為斷路之電門 鎖、卡擎汽車之油門使其無法作動之油門鎖、使汽車之排 檔裝置保持於停車檔之排檔鎖以及使汽車之煞車裝置保持 煞車狀態之煞車鎖。 此外,訊號傳遞模組105在輸出無線警告訊號時,乃 是透過 WiF!、Bluetooth、GSM、GPRS、3G 或 3. 5G 通訊協 11 M320512 定技術進行無線訊號之輸出。而訊號接收模組106係為個 人數位助理、電腦或數位手機等種類之電子裝置,同樣也 是利用 WiFi、Bluetooth、GSM、GPRS、3G 或 3. 5G 通訊協 定技術來接收無線警告訊號。 請參照第2圖,其為本創作之另一實施例之裝置結構 示意圖。與第1圖所示之結構不同處在於,此例更包含一 車窗震動感應模組108。當此車窗震動感應模組108感應 車窗受外力之衝擊而產生震動或破裂時,係輸出感應訊號 至原廠防盜控制模組103。此原廠防盜控制模組103係作 動喇队102並輸出異常訊號,再由訊號傳遞模組105承接 異常訊號後作動車用裝置鎖具107並輸出無線警告訊號至 訊號接收模組106。 綜上所述得知,藉由原廠防盜控制模組103與感應模 組104之相互配合以及滾碼技術之利用,來防止盜賊由破 解防盜密碼或物理破壞車窗或車門之方式進入汽車内。同 時可利用車用裝置鎖具107以使汽車無法作動,且迅速通 知車主使其返回汽車停放處以降低汽車或是其内部物品遭 受竊取之風險。 雖然本創作已以較佳實施例揭露如上,然其並非用以 限定本創作,任何熟習此技藝者,在不脫離本創作之精神 和範圍内,當可作各種之更動和潤飾,因此本創作之保護 範圍當後附之申請專利範圍所界定者為準。 12 M320512 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖係本創作之防盜裝置結構示意圖;以及 第2圖係本創作之另一實施例之結構示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 101 密碼發射模組 102 0刺口八M320512 VIII. New description: [New technical field] A vehicle anti-theft device, especially an integrated vehicle anti-theft device that is combined with the original anti-theft module of the car and directly installed in the car when the car is shipped from the factory. Device. [Prior Art] The anti-theft devices used in automobiles are generally divided into two types, one is the original anti-theft module installed in the car factory, and the other is an anti-theft device additionally installed in the car. The original anti-theft module mainly includes a control chip, a plurality of door switches, a rutting sensor and a signal transmitter. The signal transmitter emits a lock signal, and when the control chip acquires the lock signal, the door switch is actuated to lock the door. When the door sensor senses that the door is open, the sensing signal is output. When the control chip analyzes the sensing signal, it confirms whether the door is abnormally opened, that is, the signal transmitter does not send the unlocking signal but the door is opened. If the control chip resolves that the door is abnormally open, the car's horn is activated to deter thieves. The extra-installation anti-theft device is generally installed separately in the car. The most common anti-theft devices include uninterrupted power sensors, anti-theft sensors (ultrasonic, pneumatic or infrared sensors) and two-way messaging transmitters or transmission locks. The uninterrupted power team can be connected to the anti-theft sensor and includes a power module and a sounder. When the sounder is activated, even if the thief will cut off the power supply line of the electric squad, the power module can be used to continue the sound generator for 5 M320512. The anti-theft sensor mainly uses ultrasonic, air pressure, infrared sensing, etc. to sense the people and objects entering the interior of the car and output the sensing signal. _ The report lock locks the vehicle and has a sensor that emits an inductive signal when the sensor senses that the lock is being damaged or is impacted by an external force. ~ The two-way communication transmitter is connected to the anti-theft sensor and the alarm lock. When the φ sensor is connected to the anti-theft sensor or the sensing signal output by the alarm lock, the wireless signal transmission method transmits the warning signal to the electronic device of the user. The transmission method uses signal transmission technology such as GSM, GPRS, 3G or wireless network for signal transmission. However, the prior art has an inevitable deficiency. Original anti-theft module When the thief breaks the window, the door sensor does not respond because the door is not opened. Because the window is broken but the door is not opened, the door sensor will not be activated, so the control chip will not receive the sensing signal to drive the engine. The external anti-theft device is missing. The anti-theft device is connected to the car device and the device line through extra wiring, and the car device or device line to be connected to each anti-theft device is different, so the connection is made. The line is easy to form a messy situation. Secondly, the anti-theft sensor and the two-way communication transmitter are generally installed above the instrument panel, so there is a problem that the circuit is aging due to drying. In addition, the anti-theft sensor is generally placed in the rear view to achieve the maximum range of sensing effects, which will reveal its circuit wiring. The shape of the M320512 is not aesthetically pleasing and hinders the viewing. [New content] In view of the above-mentioned problems of the prior art, the present invention provides an integrated vehicle anti-theft device, which is installed in the interior of the automobile directly in the automobile manufacturing, and interacts with the original anti-theft module. The connection enables the original anti-theft module to activate other anti-theft devices to form multiple protections to achieve the purpose of anti-theft of the car. This creation provides an integrated car anti-theft device that is installed in a car when it is manufactured. The device comprises a speaker, a sensor module, a password transmitting module, an original anti-theft control module, a signal transmission module, a signal receiving module and at least one vehicle device lock. The original anti-theft module is electrically connected to the sensor module, the Ra 8 and the signal transmission module, and the signal transmission module is more electrically connected to the vehicle device lock. The sensor module mainly detects whether someone or something inside the car performs abnormal motion and sends out an inductive signal. The password transmitting module is used to output a wireless cryptographic signal. The original anti-theft control module accepts wireless cryptographic signals or inductive signals and parses them when receiving wireless cryptographic signals. When the original anti-theft control module obtains an inductive signal or parses out the wireless cipher signal as an incorrect signal, the squad is activated and an abnormal signal is output. The signal transmission module outputs a lock signal and a wireless warning signal when receiving the abnormal signal. The vehicle device lock is disposed on the vehicle device of the automobile, and locks the vehicle device when the lock signal is received, so that the vehicle device cannot be operated. The signal receiving module receives the wireless warning signal and displays the information contained in the wireless warning signal 7 M320512. The integrated car anti-theft device of this creation can be continually charged. The wireless cryptographic signal transmitted by the cryptographic transmission module can be a rolling code signal. The sensing module is an ultrasonic sensing device, a pneumatic sensing device or an infrared sensing device. The vehicle device lock includes an electric door lock, a throttle lock, a gear lock and a brake lock. In addition, the creation includes a window vibration induction module to output an inductive signal to the original anti-theft control module when the window of the induction car is vibrated or broken by an external force. The signal transmission module uses the WiFi, Bluetooth, GSM, GPRS, 3G or 3. 5G protocol technology to output wireless warning signals. The signal receiving module is a personal digital assistant, a computer or a digital mobile phone, and the wireless warning signal is received by using WiFi, Bluetooth, GSM, GPRS, 3G or 3.5G communication protocol technology. This creation has the effect that the prior art cannot achieve, that is, as previously described, the device is installed in the automobile at the time of automobile manufacture, so the connected connecting circuit and the sensing module are hidden in the automobile casing without being exposed to the In addition, in order to achieve the beauty and protection of the effect of the circuit or module, while avoiding the anti-theft device by the exposure of the light to shorten the service life. On the other hand, let the owner get on and off the bus, no need to go to the rescue every time to unlock a bunch of locks, while the original anti-theft start, but also relatively activated one or several locks on the car, while releasing the original anti-theft It also has the convenience of releasing one or several locks on the car. This is something that was not possible with locks in the past. Moreover, the integrated vehicle anti-theft device is pre-installed in the automobile, which means that the integrated vehicle anti-theft device is regarded as one of the internal vehicle devices of the V8 M320512 car, so when the operator designs the power system, the anti-theft will be The power required for the installation is considered to be 'to prevent the power system from providing stable power and the car is not functioning properly. In addition, the anti-theft device includes the original anti-theft control module, so the operator needs to connect the original anti-theft control module and the related anti-theft device with the stability and execution procedure when designing the connection circuit and the operation program. Compatibility is taken into account to avoid line conflicts or poor program operation. [Embodiment] In order to further understand the purpose, structural features and functions of the present invention, the related embodiments and drawings are described in detail as follows: Please refer to FIG. 1 , which is a schematic structural view of the anti-theft device. The integrated vehicle anti-theft device comprises a remaining team 102, a sensor module 104, a password transmitting module 101, an original anti-theft control module 103, a signal transmitting module 105, at least one vehicle device lock 107 and A signal receiving module 106. The cryptographic transmission module 101 is configured to transmit a wireless signal. Vehicle device The lock 107 is mounted on the interior vehicle of the car. The signal receiving module 106 can receive the wireless signal and display the information contained in the wireless signal. The original anti-theft control module 103 is electrically connected to the sensing module 104, the racquet 102 and the signal transmission module 105, and the signal transmission module 105 is electrically connected to the vehicular device lock 107. The integrated vehicle anti-theft device operates in three ways. The first mode of operation is to transmit a wireless cryptographic signal via the cryptographic transmitting module 101. The original anti-theft control module 103 receives the wireless cryptographic signal and parses the wireless cryptographic M320512 code. The signal is correct decoding information, and the wireless password signal can be a rolling code signal. When the original anti-theft control module 103 parses out that the wireless cryptographic signal is an incorrect signal, the audible speaker 102 emits a sound to deter the thief and simultaneously outputs an abnormal signal to the signal transmission module 105. When the signal transmission module 105 obtains the abnormal signal, it outputs a lock signal to activate all the vehicle device locks 107, so that the related vehicle device cannot be activated, that is, it is stopped or closed. Moreover, the signal transmission module 1〇5 further sends a wireless warning signal to the signal receiving module, and the signal receiving module 106 displays the information contained in the wireless warning signal to enable the owner to understand the current state of the automobile. The second mode of operation of the integrated vehicle anti-theft device is to use the inductive module 104 to sense whether an object is moving inside the car. When the thief breaks into the window and enters the car, the sensor module 1〇4 can sense that an object is moving, so an induction signal is output to the original anti-theft control module 1〇3. The original anti-theft control module 103 emits an audible sound and outputs an abnormal signal. The signal transmission module 105 outputs a lock signal when the abnormal signal is received, and locks the vehicle device for the vehicle device lock 1〇7, and rotates the wireless warning signal to the signal receiving module 106 to notify the owner that the vehicle has The thief entered the car interior. The third operation mode of the integrated vehicle anti-theft device is that when the original anti-theft control module la 1G3 纽 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vehicle equipment. At this time, #,、原厫防益控制模块〗 If the sensor signal is obtained, or the incorrect wireless password signal is received, the M320512 is activated and the abnormal signal is output. The signal transmission module maintains the lock state of the vehicle device lock 107 when receiving the abnormal signal, and rotates the "wireless I signal to the signal receiving module 106 to notify the owner of the thief to enter the interior of the car. However, the integrated vehicle anti-theft device adopts that operation mode. When the original anti-theft control module 103 takes over the wireless cryptographic signal, it parses 'when the wireless cryptographic signal contains the correct decoding information, the anti-theft mode φ is released. The group transmits and transmits an anti-theft signal to the signal transmission module 105. The signal transmitting module 105 outputs an unlocking signal to the vehicle device lock 1〇7 to unlock the vehicle device lock 107, thereby enabling the vehicle device to be used. However, in order to prevent the thief from cutting off the circuit when the horn 102 makes a sound, the horn 102 can make the horn continuously. The power supply module is provided inside the continual electric horn. If the connection line for power supply is cut off when the continual electric squad is activated, the power supply module can still be continuously operated. The sensor module 104 used in the integrated vehicle anti-theft device may be an ultrasonic sensor device, a pneumatic sensor device or an infrared sensor device. The vehicle device lock 107 can be an electric door lock for switching the electric door device of the automobile to an open circuit, a throttle lock for the throttle of the trucking car to be inoperable, a gear shift lock for keeping the gear shifting device of the car in the parking space, and a brake for the car. The device maintains the brake lock in the brake state. In addition, when the wireless transmission signal is output, the signal transmission module 105 outputs the wireless signal through WiF!, Bluetooth, GSM, GPRS, 3G or 3. 5G communication protocol 11 M320512. The signal receiving module 106 is a type of electronic device such as a number of assistants, a computer or a digital mobile phone. It also uses WiFi, Bluetooth, GSM, GPRS, 3G or 3. 5G communication protocol to receive wireless warning signals. Please refer to FIG. 2, which is a schematic diagram of the structure of the device according to another embodiment of the creation. The difference from the structure shown in Fig. 1 is that this example further includes a window vibration sensing module 108. When the window vibration sensing module 108 senses that the window is vibrated or broken by the impact of an external force, the sensing signal is outputted to the original anti-theft control module 103. The original anti-theft control module 103 acts as the squad 102 and outputs an abnormal signal. After the signal transmission module 105 receives the abnormal signal, the vehicular device lock 107 is actuated and the wireless warning signal is output to the signal receiving module 106. In summary, it is known that the cooperation between the original anti-theft control module 103 and the sensing module 104 and the use of the rolling code technology prevent the thief from entering the car by cracking the anti-theft password or physically destroying the window or the door. . At the same time, the vehicle device lock 107 can be utilized to make the car inoperable, and the vehicle owner can be quickly notified to return to the parking space of the car to reduce the risk of the car or its internal items being stolen. Although the present invention has been disclosed in the above preferred embodiments, it is not intended to limit the present invention, and any person skilled in the art can make various changes and refinements without departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention. The scope of protection is subject to the definition of the scope of the patent application. 12 M320512 [Simple description of the drawing] Fig. 1 is a schematic structural view of the antitheft device of the present invention; and Fig. 2 is a schematic structural view of another embodiment of the present creation. [Main component symbol description] 101 password transmission module 102 0 spurt eight

103 原廉防盜控制模組 104 感應模組 105 訊號傳遞模組 106 訊號接收模組 107 車用裝置鎖具 108 車窗震動感應模組 13103 original anti-theft control module 104 sensor module 105 signal transmission module 106 signal receiving module 107 vehicle device lock 108 window vibration sensor module 13

Claims (1)

M320512 九、申請專利範圍: 1. 一種整合式車用防盜裝置,其裝置於一汽車,該防盜系 統包含: 一口刺口八; 一感應模組,感應該汽車内部有物體進行移動時發 出一感應訊號; 一密碼發射模組,係輸出一無線密碼訊號; 一原廠防盜控制模組,係電性連接該喇"八與該感測 模組,該原廠防盜控制模組係承接並解析該無線密碼訊 號或承接該感應訊號,並於解析出該無線密碼訊號為不 正確或取得該感應訊號時作動該喇13八並輸出一異常訊 號; 一訊號傳遞模組,該訊號傳遞模組於承接該異常訊 號時輸出一入鎖訊號,並輸出一無線警告訊號; 至少一車用裝置鎖具,配置於該汽車之車用裝置並 於承接該入鎖訊號時鎖住該車用裝置,以使該車用裝置 無法作動;以及 一訊號接收模組,係承接該無線警告訊號並顯示該 無線警告訊號包含之資訊。 2. 如申請專利範圍第1項所述之整合式車用防盜裝置,其 中該喇u八為一不斷電喇。八。 3. 如申請專利範圍第1項所述之整合式車用防盜裝置,其 中該密碼訊號為一滾碼訊號。 14M320512 IX. Patent application scope: 1. An integrated vehicle anti-theft device, which is installed in a car. The anti-theft system comprises: a mouthpiece eight; a sensor module that senses an object inside the car to emit an induction when moving Signal; a password transmitting module, which outputs a wireless cryptographic signal; an original anti-theft control module electrically connected to the karaoke and the sensing module, the original anti-theft control module is taken and analyzed The wireless cryptographic signal or the receiving of the sensing signal, and when the wireless cryptographic signal is incorrectly detected or the sensing signal is obtained, the ram 13 is activated and an abnormal signal is output; a signal transmitting module, the signal transmitting module is Outputting a lock signal when receiving the abnormal signal, and outputting a wireless warning signal; at least one vehicle device lock is disposed in the vehicle device of the automobile and locks the vehicle device when receiving the lock signal, so that The vehicle device is inoperable; and a signal receiving module receives the wireless warning signal and displays information included in the wireless warning signal. 2. The integrated vehicle anti-theft device according to claim 1, wherein the arranging device is a galvanic device. Eight. 3. The integrated vehicle anti-theft device according to claim 1, wherein the cryptographic signal is a rolling code signal. 14
TW96204122U 2007-03-14 2007-03-14 Integrated vehicular anti-burglar alarm TWM320512U (en)

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