1241241 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係有關一種用於把紙張、紙板或類似的材料模 切成链件的機器,其包括一紙張進給站、一進給裝置、一 板切站、一廢紙邊除去站(waste stripping station)、衝切和 迗出站(blanking and delivery station)、附著於坯件的廢紙 邊真空抽出站、以及一個用於在切成的坯件疊堆起來的過 長中’把取自一個黏合片疊垛(st〇rage pile 〇f binder sheets) 的黏合片插入坯件之間的裝置。 【先前技術】 這種機器在製造用於包裝的紙板箱的領域是眾所周知 的,其係藉由把坯件沿著折疊線折疊,及藉由把成形在坯 件上的黏合舌邊黏合起來而達成的。 WO 90/06 838描述了這樣的一種機器。 广為了確保料疊碌的穩定性,儘管每一料疊場的坐 :备表面較軟弱’但是,#當坯件疊堆到一預定的數量時, 就插入涵蓋整個坯件疊 μ 土不心&夕 片I月且形成一包括許多 層坯件和許多黏合片的完整疊垛。 考慮到應用的黏合片的數晋 在-個U尸士 W里及其厚度,係把它們儲放 “於這些黏合片是由垂向行程受限的吸般 二取’抽屜的深度被限制為幾釐米,但: 片的量成為:個問題’只要黏合片的厚度是薄:1“ 疋可以,主意到兩方面的發展,一方而、丄 的工作速度越來越高速,點^ ,㊉種機器 ’ σ片的湞耗ϊ成比例地增加, 1241241 因而減少黏合片的備用量; 能插入較厚的黏合片會較好,:面’在某些應用中,可 能放置之黏合片的數量,以至㈣:減少一個習用抽展所 適應機器的正常使用。事·广黏合片抽履的容量不足以 多工作,但是對於一個.、果戶V模切機的操作員要執行报 合片之厚度為零點幾_,以及…的广片抽展’且黏 黏合片的機器來說,摔作^ ^母小%產生多於8 _張 p , p 作貝的大部分時間要用於裝填為入 片抽屜,而這顯然是難以想像的。 真h 對於這種機器的使用者還有—些重丄 本上不要改變機哭所兩 、 ,就是基 的㈣需求乂:1Γ 間,實際上,不僅是機器 的空間。事實上,扃 載#卸载所需要 爭只上,在—個工廠裏,重要的是 台包括農載和卸載而幾乎是佔用:夠以- 換一台老的模切機。 新的拉切機更 【發明内容】 本發明的目的是要明顯地增加黏合片進給 片容量,同時與進行同樣的衝切和模切工 二的黏合 致上保持相同的空間要求。 則機器大 據此,本發明係有關一種依據申請專利範圍Μ 所述’用於把紙張、紙板或類似的材料模切成坯:1項 在既不改變這種機器的結構也基本上不改變它、°。。 空間下,本發明允許顯著地增加黏合片的備用量2佔用 因而足夠維持供一整個工作天之使用。 里,其係可 黏合>1裝入量的這種大量增加而機器的佔 二間並不 7 Ϊ241241 i曾力u e 面的办 、、利用處在附連於坯件的廢紙邊真空抽出站下 潤、^積,以在這一容積被諸如這種機器的壓縮空氣泵、 ^電板等各部件雜亂地佔用’而這些部件本來 安放在機器的其他部位而又不佔用附加空間。 黏人 仔到的谷積,因此便可能配置一個用於放置 黏合::以及_升舉機構的實際的隔室,此因而可使 便扣卖$ W的頂面總是處於吸盤可以吸得到的距離内,以 ;用:合片插入达件疊操中。藉此,可以使用相同於附有 姑合片抽屜的那種黏合片插入機構。 同的由於這一結構特點,不僅用於插入黏合片的機構是相 樣附古:且遥可以把同一機器做成兩種式樣1,-種式 使用,習用的抽履,供不需要增加黏合片備用量的使用者 於柱仕另—種式樣帶有一個隔室,這個隔室佔用位於附連 牛的廢紙邊真空抽出站與機器底座之間的空間,以供 希王增加黏合片裝人站的容積的使用者使用。 有利的是,可U # 機哭 通過佈置在機器罩殼側向側壁上位於 =的輸出端的一個開口,藉由托板和托板式疊堆器達成 衣戟,同時亦穿成^主 九 ’拉切的紙張和被卸載坯件的進給。 广1土的X,廷-開口可由-個安全門關閉,安全門一 口丁開:會使機器停止,而且這個門上有利地係具有-個窗 度。方5使操作者可以通過這個窗口查看黏合片疊堆的高 的疋由—個檢測黏合片疊垛的頂面高度 糸統控制黏合片疊場的上升運動,同時亦控制紙張= 1241241 堆。 本發明的其他特點和優點將在下面結合附圖的詳細說 明中變得更加明顯,各附圖係做為例子示意性地表示了本 發明的坯件模切機的一個實施例。 【實施方式】 ° 卩$示思性地顯示出本發明之用於模切坦件之機 益的各個工作站。待模切之紙張1、紙板、紙或其他具有 .員m生貝的材料的進給站’包括放在一個托板上的紙祿1。 由们已知的升舉機構(未顯示出,因為對於理解本發明 =必要)隨著紙張的耗用把_丨向上提升,使紙^工 内了。、面達到紙張於此些紙張之進給裝置(未顯示出)範圍 此進紙張相繼地送到進給台3上 張被對準’以便於隨後之模切操作。 …氏 此些紙張的傳送裝置4包 的循環迴圈傳遊鏈,兩條俜、w職置在—兩側 模切紙張之义、“ 傳輯之間延伸出用於抓住待被 7 A張之月丨』邊緣的抓握條, 的步驟進行工作,把紙張從機哭的^=帶有中間停頓 個工作站,這種方式是已知的的—個卫作站傳送到另一 跟在進給台3之後的是— 於趣件的廢紙邊除去站6 之拉切站5和一未附連 的某些部分’特別是被抓握條的件互相貼合’紙 或各趣件之間形成的紙板牙條^ ^住的前邊緣,甚 這樣,在廢紙邊除去站6的 ^過橋連接於堪件。 翰出口處就只保留了坯件和連 1241241 接於坯件的那些紙張部分。 然後是坯件之送出站7,政 出)、’並且在這—送出站切成的_ 7被疊堆顯不 =㈣數由一紙張1能模切出的这件數而定:::, 丞件7的尺寸越小,&件疊堆的穩定性-’ 什麼要佈置黏合片8的原因,黏合片 ^是為 的所有各疊垛的廢紙構成吊w盍坯件7 Λ 疋以有規律的間隔插入。 作是HT:8是藉由已知的黏合片插入農置9被插入。 已知的黏合片插入裝置相反,勘合片 公、有輸深的抽履裏’因為那不能容納許多 =Γ時尤其如此。在本發明的模切機中::於黏 進认2、置9下面的空間完全被-個高容量的黏合片8 直::::〇佔用。黏合片插入裳置9本身設置在廢紙邊 出;^的Ml廢紙邊真空抽出站包括一個用於抽 〜寸運於料7的廢紙邊的廢紙邊抽出輸送帶U (見圖1 ’並且在衝切站分離趣件7時其已被釋放。通過把 、、、4室10配置在廢紙邊抽出輸送_ u的下方,可以有 :利用-個大的空間而又基本上不會改變機器的總的空間 笊”因為廢紙邊抽出輸送帶1 i總是要存在的。 s習用之黏合片插入裝置9是採用真空吸盤吸取黏合片 件亚把它們放在一個系統上,以便把它們插入各疊祿之链 幾、,門由於這種裝置只有在黏合片的高度變化不超過 伽時才能吸取到黏合片,所以進給隔t 10必須包括 们升舉機構1 2 ,就像進給待被模切的紙張1 一樣。 10 1241241 這種已知的升舉機、播彳9 a α 钺構12包括一個承載平台13,在圖2 中’以實線表示該平a # Α 口在卜下的位置,而以點劃線表示 該平台處在升起的位置。平a 十口 13可以上升輸送一垛黏合 片8。此平台13且右献罢户廿 /、有配置在其四個角部並且側向伸出於平 台1 3的兩側的四個臂〗4 # 14各臂分別懸掛在鏈條15a、15b、 15c、15d的端部。這此镉欠 二鏈&、進一步嚙合於固定在軸16上 的小齒輪,而軸1 6涵讲依f + , 通過循裱鏈條18連接於驅動馬達17。 馬達1 7由模切機的控制裝置所控制。 升舉裝置12還包括靠擋機構⑽P means),該機構用 於根據黏合片8的尺寸定 )痛用 兮▲执H 妯口月宜^的位置。為此目的,1241241 IX. Description of the invention: [Technical field to which the invention belongs] The present invention relates to a machine for die-cutting paper, cardboard or similar materials into chains, which includes a paper feeding station, a feeding device, a A board cutting station, a waste stripping station, a blanking and delivery station, a vacuum suction station for waste paper edges attached to the blank, and a The pieces are stacked too long. A device that inserts the adhesive sheet taken from a stack of adhesive sheets into the blank. [Prior art] This machine is well known in the field of manufacturing cardboard boxes for packaging. It is made by folding a blank along a folding line, and by bonding together a glued tongue formed on the blank. Reached. WO 90/06 838 describes such a machine. In order to ensure the stability of the material stack, although the material surface of each material stack is weak: But when #the blank stack is stacked to a predetermined number, insert the entire blank stack μ The & sheet was formed in 1 month and formed a complete stack including many layers of blanks and many adhesive sheets. Taking into account the number of adhesive pieces used in a U corpse W and its thickness, they are stored "because these adhesive pieces are drawn by a suction-and-pick-up two with limited vertical travel, the depth of the drawer is limited to A few centimeters, but: The amount of tablets becomes: a question 'As long as the thickness of the adhesive sheet is thin: 1 "I can, the idea is to develop in two aspects, one side, the speed of work is getting faster and faster, point ^, ㊉ The consumption of the machine's σ sheet increases proportionally, 1241241 thus reducing the spare amount of the adhesive sheet; it can be better to insert a thicker adhesive sheet: "face" in some applications, the number of adhesive sheets that may be placed, Even ㈣: reduce the normal use of the machine to which a custom draw is adapted. The capacity of the wide-bond film pumping is not enough to work more, but for a., The operator of the V-die cutting machine must perform a thickness of a few minutes, and the wide-screen filming of ... For the bonding machine, it is more difficult to produce more than 8 _ sheets, and most of the time is used for filling into the drawer of the film, which is obviously difficult to imagine. For the users of this kind of machine, there are still some important things. Do not change the basics of the machine, which is the basic demand of the machine: In fact, it is not only the space of the machine. In fact, 扃 载 # is only needed for unloading. In a factory, the important thing is that it includes agricultural loading and unloading and is almost occupied: enough-replace an old die-cutting machine. The new cutting machine is more 【Abstract】 The purpose of the present invention is to significantly increase the capacity of the adhesive sheet feeding sheet, while maintaining the same space requirements as the same die cutting and die cutting. Accordingly, the present invention relates to a method for die-cutting paper, cardboard or similar materials into blanks in accordance with the scope of the patent application: 1 item that neither changes the structure of this machine nor substantially changes it. It, °. . Under space, the present invention allows a significant increase in the spare amount of the adhesive sheet2 to be occupied and thus sufficient to maintain a full working day. Here, it ’s a large increase in the amount of adhesive that can be glued> 1, and the machine ’s space is not large. Ϊ241241 i Zeng Liue, the use, vacuum extraction of waste paper attached to the blank Run down and store up so that this volume is messily occupied by components such as the compressed air pump and electrical board of this machine, and these components were originally placed in other parts of the machine without occupying additional space. The sticky figure of the stick figure, so it is possible to configure an actual compartment for holding the glue :: and _ lifting mechanism, which can make the top surface of the buckle sale $ W always be in the suction cup. Within the distance, use: Use: Insert the piece into the stacking operation. Thereby, it is possible to use the same adhesive sheet insertion mechanism as that of the drawer with attached sheet. Because of this structural feature, not only the mechanism for inserting adhesive sheets is the same as the ancient one: and the remote can make the same machine into two styles. 1, a variety of uses, the conventional pumping, for the need to increase the adhesion Yu Zhu Shi, another user of the film reserve, has a compartment, which occupies the space between the vacuum extraction station on the waste paper edge of the attached cow and the base of the machine, for King to increase the adhesive film pack. The user stands for the volume of use. Advantageously, the U # machine can pass through an opening arranged at the output end of the lateral side wall of the machine casing, and achieve the clothing halberd by the pallet and the pallet stacker, and also wear the main nine 'pull Feed of cut paper and unloaded blanks. For X in 1 soil, the opening can be closed by a safety door. The safety door can be opened at one time: it will stop the machine, and this door has a window. Square 5 allows the operator to view the height of the adhesive stack through this window. A system to detect the height of the top surface of the adhesive stack can control the upward movement of the adhesive stack, and also control the paper = 1241241 stack. Other features and advantages of the present invention will become more apparent in the following detailed description in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, each of which schematically illustrates an embodiment of the blank die cutting machine of the present invention as an example. [Embodiment] Each work station of the advantages of the present invention for die-cutting of the present invention is shown imaginatively. The feed station 1 of the paper to be die-cut 1, cardboard, paper, or other material with a thickness of 1 m² includes paper 1 on a pallet. The lifting mechanism known by us (not shown, because it is necessary to understand the present invention = necessary) raises _ 丨 upward with the consumption of paper, so that the paper is inside. The paper reaches the range of the paper feeding device (not shown) for these papers. This paper is successively sent to the feeding table 3 and the sheets are aligned to facilitate the subsequent die cutting operation. … These paper conveying devices have 4 packages of circulating circulation chain, two 俜, w positions are placed on both sides—the meaning of die-cutting paper, “Extended between the Chuan Ji to catch the to be be 7 A Zhang Zhiyue 丨 ”The edge of the grip bar, the steps to work, the paper crying from the machine ^ = with a stop in the middle of a workstation, this way is known-a satellite station to another station After the feeding table 3 is-the scrap paper removal station 6 of the scrap paper edge removal station 6 of the fun piece and an unattached part 'especially the pieces of the grip strip are attached to each other' paper or fun pieces The front edge of the cardboard strip formed between them is even more so, at the waste paper edge removal station 6 the bridge is connected to the workpiece. Only the blank and the 1212441 connected to the blank are left at the John exit. Those paper parts. Then there is the delivery station 7 of the blank, and the government office), and here—the _ 7 cut out at the delivery station is stacked and not displayed = the number of pieces that can be die-cut from a paper 1 and Determine :::, the smaller the size of the piece 7, the stability of the & stack-'What is the reason why the adhesive sheet 8 is arranged, the adhesive sheet ^ is for all the stacks The paper is composed of hanging blanks 7 Λ 插入 inserted at regular intervals. As HT: 8, it is inserted by the known adhesive sheet insertion farm 9. The known adhesive sheet insertion device is opposite. There is a deep draw, especially because it can't accommodate many = Γ. In the die cutting machine of the present invention: the space below the 9 is completely covered by a high-volume adhesive sheet 8 Straight :::: Occupied. The adhesive sheet is inserted into the skirt 9 and is set at the waste paper edge; the Ml waste paper edge vacuum extraction station includes a waste paper edge for pumping ~ inch waste paper edge transported to the material 7 Take out the conveyor belt U (see Figure 1 'and it was released when the fun piece 7 was separated at the punching station. By arranging the ,, and 4 chambers 10 under the waste paper extraction conveyor _ u, you can have: use-one Large space without substantially changing the total space of the machine 笊 "Because waste paper is drawn out of the conveyor belt 1 i always exists. The conventional adhesive sheet insertion device 9 uses a vacuum suction cup to suck the adhesive sheet pieces. They are placed on a system so that they can be inserted into the chains of the stacks. The adhesive sheet can be sucked only when the height of the adhesive sheet does not change more than Gamma, so the feed spacer t 10 must include the lifting mechanism 12, just like the paper 1 to be die-cut. 10 1241241 This is known The hoisting machine, sowing 9 a α structure 12 includes a load bearing platform 13, in FIG. 2 'the position of the flat a # Α mouth is shown by a solid line, and the dotted line indicates that the platform is in The raised position. Flat a. Ten mouths 13 can be raised to transport a stack of adhesive sheets 8. This platform 13 is provided on the right side, and is arranged at its four corners and projects laterally on both sides of the platform 13 The four arms of # 4 are suspended from the ends of the chains 15a, 15b, 15c, 15d, respectively. The cadmium owes the second chain & further meshes with the pinion fixed on the shaft 16, and the shaft 16 is connected to the drive motor 17 through the mounting chain 18 in accordance with f +. The motor 17 is controlled by the control device of the die cutting machine. The lifting device 12 also includes a blocking mechanism ⑽P means), which is used to determine the position of pain according to the size of the adhesive sheet 8 ▲ H H 妯 口 月 宜 ^. To this end,
鋏# 4¾機構包括由兩個f I 浐n 士 内個金直向的板19形成的固定的前靠 私。同它還包括由 罪 列产尺9η . 田㈣近固疋的別靠擋19的兩個垂向 义又尺2〇a、20b形成的 f 成的兩個可移動的側向靠擋。這兩個可 移動的侧向靠擋2〇a 田调了 A 齒合於一個運動機構,該運動機 稱σ又置在固定的前靠 ^ 7〇 田9的另一側並且能夠使可移 罪私2〇a、2〇b互相拉 砂勒的 間總是對中於模切機的縱向中軸線,以伴::::之間的空 垛的對中,尤其針八 τ釉線,以保持黏合片8的疊 、、不““片8的側向尺寸是多大都能如此。 =建動機構部分地顯示於圖2並完整地顯 U的制桿22的控制手輪^控制桿 圓錐齒輪、f α圓錐齒輪23,其喷合於驅動機構的 的側“中靠::—例子中,驅峰^ 間部位有_ θ a 2〇b的第一驅動裝置,而桿25的中 個小齒輪’該小齒輪°齒合於循環傳輸鍵26 (圖 1241241 2)並且能夠把控制桿22的運動傳遞到由捍η形成的側 向對中罪私20a、20b的的第二驅動裝置,桿27平行於第 -桿25並且其中間部位也有—㈣合於循環傳輸鏈26的 小齒輪。 驅動機構的驅動桿25和27各包括有兩個螺紋段^、 25b和27a、2 7b (圖3),各自沾;饥丄田 ^ 〇 ;谷自的兩段螺紋的螺旋方向是 互相相反的。靠播2Ga、鳩分別喃合於兩個螺母心、… 和28b、29b,而各螺母又分別嚙合於螺紋段25^2以和乃b、 Μ。兩個固定的前靠擔19的板上加工出平行於上驅動桿 25的水平細長槽19“圖2),同-固定的前靠擔上還加 工出平行於下驅動桿27的兩個水平細長槽州。這些細長 槽心19b可使靠擒20a、20b分別與螺母28a、29a m 29b連接起來’靠# 2Ga、2Qb和這些螺母分別位於固定的 前靠擋1 9的兩側。 由於用這種結構配置,在用控制手輪2ι使控制桿u 向-個方向或另一方向轉動時’可使兩個可移動的靠擋 20a、20b作方向互相相反的運動。因此,靠擒心、_ 可以-邊運動:邊保持互相平行’以相對於模切機的縱向 中轴線移動相等的距離而互相靠近或遠離。 這一裝置還包括由處右俱食& @ 处在t罪位置的水平臂形成的後靠 擋30,該後靠擋可樞轉地安裝在轉軸3ι上,並且可在 軸31上和-個第二軸32上滑動(圖2)。這個後靠擔3〇 可以用手滑動’並且設有—個夹緊裝置(未顯示出) 於將後靠擔停止在所希望的位置。這一後靠 12 1241241 安裝成可相對於一個檢測桿33滑動,該檢測桿33由兩個 凸緣板34a、34b連接於轉軸31。這一檢測桿33也通過後 靠擋30可活動地附接於轉轴31。檢測器35能夠檢測該檢 測柃33繞轉軸3!的任何轉動,因而也就能檢測後靠擋 仗其水平V #位置開始的任何上升,可以一邊提升並不精 確地靠在Μ的前靠擔19 ±的黏合片8的疊操—邊進行 讀取。 進、。隔至1 〇的升舉機構丨2還包括一個能檢測黏合片 8的$ #的頂面南度的檢測器、36,其接收由光源發出 的光束37。在檢測器36由於光束被黏合片8的疊祿的頂 面遮斷而接收不到朵Φ B主 甘 叹个則九朿訏,其便發出一個信號,使升舉機 構1 2的驅動馬達1 7停止。 如圖1所示’設置有—個已知技術的可伸縮的支承件 二,用於在插人黏合片8的過程中接㈣件7。此一可伸 :的叉承件39破縮回’且在此支承件39被縮回時,將堆 積在其上的坯件放在各疊垛上。 如圖4所示’包圍著機器之罩殼的背面有一個門4〇, 或者沉是從待模切的紙張1的 s ΛΛ 浪1的仃進方向來看,該門是處在 罩叙的下游側。門40提供了進 逆、、、口丨同至1 υ的逋路,並 且匕被構造成允許以載有一羼 ,戟百宜黏口片8的新的托盤更換盆 上的黏合片被用完了的 嬙操, 的Λ瓜而把新的託盤放在升舉 機構12的承載平台13上。門 在幵牛 ^ 個自口 40a,它可供 栈益的操作者查看黏合片8的疊 ’、 必打鬥^ ^ 7且%的頂面處於何位置而不 打開門40。有利的是,門4〇 η Π U疋一個安全門,只要該門 13 Ϊ241241 被打甘 、便就觸動一個開關(未顯 【圖式簡單說明】 ")而使機器停止。 2 1是一此實施例之非常示意性的側視圖; 疋一黏合片疊垛之儲存隔室的立 出機器的罩殼’· 至的立體圖,圖中沒有 圖3是一配置在圖2的黏合片聂 舉機構的部分平面視圖; 且木之儲存隔室中的升 圖4是一類似於圖2之視圖的立 圍著儲存隔室的罩殼。 圖,,、顯示出了包 【主要元件符號說明】 I 紙張 3 進給台 4 傳送裝置 5 模切站 6 廢紙邊除去站 7 述件 8 黏合片 9 插入裝置 1〇 進給隔室 II 廢紙邊抽出輪送帶 12 升舉機構 !3 承載平台 14 臂 15a 鍵條 14 1241241 15b 鏈條 15c 鏈條 15d 鏈條 16 軸 17 驅動馬達 18 循環鏈條 19 前靠擋 19a 水平細長槽 19b 水平細長槽 20a 側向對中靠擋 20b 側向對中靠擋 21 控制手輪 22 控制桿 23 圓錐齒輪 24 圓錐齒輪 25 桿 25a 螺紋段 25b 螺紋段 26 循環傳輸鏈 27 桿 27a 螺紋段 27b 螺紋段 28a 螺母 28b 螺母 1241241 29a 螺母 29b 螺母 30 後靠擋 31 轉軸 32 第二轴 33 檢測桿 34a 凸緣板 34b 凸緣板 35 檢測器 36 檢測器 37 光束 38 光源 39 可伸縮的支承件 40 門 40a 觀察窗口 16铗 # 4¾ mechanism includes a fixed front privacy formed by two f I 浐 n gold straight plates 19. At the same time, it also includes two movable side stops formed by f formed by the two vertical stops 19 of the crime line ruler 9η and Tian Gujing Gu's standbacks 19a and 20b. The two movable siderests 20a Tian adjusts the A tooth to fit into a kinematic mechanism, the sports machine claims that σ is placed on the other side of the fixed frontrest ^ 7〇 田 9 and can be moved The sin private 20a, 20b pulling each other between Shale always centered on the longitudinal center axis of the die-cutting machine, with the alignment of the empty stack between ::::, especially the needle τ glaze line, In order to maintain the stacking of the adhesive sheet 8, no matter how large the lateral size of the sheet 8 can be. = The moving mechanism is partially shown in Fig. 2 and the control handwheel of the lever 22 of U is shown in full. ^ The control rod bevel gear and f α bevel gear 23 are sprayed on the side of the drive mechanism. In the example, there is a first driving device of _ θ a 2〇b between the driving peaks, and the middle pinion of the rod 25 'the pinion ° is engaged with the cyclic transmission key 26 (Fig. 1224141 2) and can control The movement of the rod 22 is transmitted to the second driving device of the lateral alignment of the sinners 20a and 20b formed by the defender η. The rod 27 is parallel to the-rod 25 and also has a middle position-a small coupling to the circulating transmission chain 26. Gears. The drive rods 25 and 27 of the drive mechanism each include two thread segments ^, 25b and 27a, 27b (Figure 3), each of which is attached to each other; starvation field ^ 〇; the spiral directions of the two segment threads of Gu Zi are mutually On the contrary, the two 2Ga, dove whispered to the two nut cores, ... and 28b, 29b, and each nut was respectively engaged with the thread section 25 ^ 2 to sum na b, M. Two fixed front pedestals 19 A horizontal elongated slot 19 "Fig. 2) parallel to the upper driving rod 25 is machined on the plate, and a parallel front seat is also processed parallel to the lower Two horizontally elongated slot states of the drive rod 27. These elongated slotted cores 19b can connect the catches 20a, 20b with the nuts 28a, 29a, and 29b, respectively. 'The # 2Ga, 2Qb and these nuts are located on both sides of the fixed front support 19, respectively. Due to this configuration, when the control lever u is turned in one direction or the other direction with the control handwheel 2m, the two movable stops 20a and 20b can be moved in opposite directions. Therefore, relying on the heart, _ can-side movement: the sides remain parallel to each other 'to move towards or away from each other by an equal distance relative to the longitudinal center axis of the die cutting machine. This device also includes a backrest 30 formed by a horizontal arm at the right position &@; at the sin position, the backrest is pivotally mounted on the rotating shaft 3ι, and can be on the shaft 31 and- Slide on two second shafts 32 (Fig. 2). This backrest 30 can be slid by hand ’and is provided with a clamping device (not shown) to stop the backrest in the desired position. This backrest 12 1241241 is mounted so as to be slidable relative to a detection lever 33 which is connected to the rotation shaft 31 by two flange plates 34a, 34b. This detection lever 33 is also movably attached to the rotating shaft 31 through the backrest stop 30. The detector 35 can detect any rotation of the detection shaft 33 around the rotation axis 3 !, and thus can detect any rise that starts from the horizontal V # position, which can lean against the front load of M while lifting. Overlapping of 19 ± adhesive sheet 8—reading. Into. The lifting mechanism 2 to 10 also includes a detector 36 that can detect the south degree of the top surface of the $ # of the adhesive sheet 8, which receives the light beam 37 emitted from the light source. At the detector 36, because the light beam was interrupted by the top surface of the stacked sheet of the adhesive sheet 8, no Φ B was received, and the host sent a signal, so that the drive motor 1 of the lifting mechanism 12 was sent. 7 stop. As shown in FIG. 1, a telescopic support member 2 of a known technology is provided for connecting the fastener member 7 during the insertion of the adhesive sheet 8. This extensible fork support member 39 is broken and retracted 'and when this support member 39 is retracted, the blanks stacked thereon are placed on each stack. As shown in Figure 4, 'the back of the casing surrounding the machine has a door 40, or Shen is viewed from the direction of the s ΛΛ wave 1 of the paper 1 to be die-cut, the door is in the cover Downstream side. The door 40 provides a forward path, a forward path, and a forward path, and the dagger is configured to allow the replacement of the adhesive sheet on the basin with a new tray containing a cricket sheet and an adhesive sheet 8 The new tray is placed on the carrying platform 13 of the lifting mechanism 12. The door is at the yak ^ mouth 40a, which can be used by the operator of Zhanyi to check the stack of the adhesive sheet 8 ′ ^ ^ 7 and where the top surface is located without opening the door 40. Advantageously, the door 40 η Π U 疋 is a safety door. As long as the door 13 Ϊ241241 is hit, a switch (not shown [simple description of the figure]) is used to stop the machine. 21 is a very schematic side view of this embodiment; 疋 a perspective view of the machine casing of the storage compartment where a stack of adhesive sheets is stacked, not shown in FIG. 3 is a configuration arranged in FIG. 2 A partial plan view of the adhesive sheet Nieju mechanism; and Fig. 4 in a wooden storage compartment is a cover similar to the view of Fig. 2 surrounding the storage compartment. The figure shows the package. [Description of main component symbols] I Paper 3 Feeding table 4 Conveying device 5 Die-cutting station 6 Waste paper edge removal station 7 Reference piece 8 Adhesive sheet 9 Inserting device 10 Feed compartment II Waste Pulling out the paper edge belt 12 Lifting mechanism! 3 Loading platform 14 Arm 15a Key bar 14 1241241 15b Chain 15c Chain 15d Chain 16 Shaft 17 Drive motor 18 Circulating chain 19 Front stop 19a Horizontal elongated slot 19b Horizontal elongated slot 20a Lateral Centering stop 20b Side centering stop 21 Control hand wheel 22 Control lever 23 Bevel gear 24 Bevel gear 25 Rod 25a Threaded section 25b Threaded section 26 Circulating transmission chain 27 Rod 27a Threaded section 27b Threaded section 28a Nut 28b Nut 1241241 29a Nut 29b Nut 30 Backrest 31 Rotary shaft 32 Second shaft 33 Detection lever 34a Flange plate 34b Flange plate 35 Detector 36 Detector 37 Light beam 38 Light source 39 Telescopic support 40 Door 40a Viewing window 16