TW201814670A - Apparatus and method of automated time reset capable of calculating the optimal traffic flow mitigation period without using the traditional traffic-light analysis software - Google Patents

Apparatus and method of automated time reset capable of calculating the optimal traffic flow mitigation period without using the traditional traffic-light analysis software Download PDF


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TW201814670A TW105131903A TW105131903A TW201814670A TW 201814670 A TW201814670 A TW 201814670A TW 105131903 A TW105131903 A TW 105131903A TW 105131903 A TW105131903 A TW 105131903A TW 201814670 A TW201814670 A TW 201814670A
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Application filed by 創新交通科技有限公司, 曾明德 filed Critical 創新交通科技有限公司
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Publication of TW201814670A publication Critical patent/TW201814670A/en



  • Traffic Control Systems (AREA)


The present invention relates to an apparatus and method of an automated time reset, which provides the front end of at least one lane in each time phase with a plurality of sensing devices, and detects the vehicular sensing time of each vehicle in the lane during the total sensing time and sends same to the processor, which adds a fine turing time to each vehicular sensing time to generate a plurality of vehicle mitigation times, and adds the plurality of vehicle mitigation times together to generate a traffic flow mitigation time, and after dividing the traffic flow mitigation time by the total sensing time to produce a ratio, the ratio is inputted into the equation for the optimal traffic flow mitigation period, and then the period time for an optimal traffic flow mitigation is produced and the green light for each time phase is also calculated. Therefore, the present invention calculates the total required time by recording the traffic flow, that is, calculates the optimal traffic flow mitigation period and the time for green light of each time phase, which can avoid errors caused by the use of the traditional traffic-light analysis software for calculation and reduce the uncertainties.


自動化時制重整之裝置及其方法Automatic time system reforming device and method

本發明係為有關一種規劃交通號誌週期、時相綠燈時間之技術,特別是指一種有效計算出最接近實際現況之自動化時制重整之裝置及其方法。The invention relates to a technology for planning a traffic signal cycle and a phase green light time, in particular to an automatic time system reforming device and a method for effectively calculating the closest to actual actual conditions.

交叉路口為道路系統中最容易產生衝突及交通事故的地點之一,在車流量極小且視線廣闊的交叉路口,可不用設置紅綠燈,使駕駛人依照交通規則及自身判斷通過路口,但當車流量逐漸增加時,可利用紅綠燈的指示將路權輪流分配給不同方向的車流。The intersection is one of the most tolerant places for conflicts and traffic accidents in the ballast system. At extremely small and wide-view intersections, traffic lights may not be set to allow drivers to pass through the intersection according to traffic rules and their own judgment. When gradually increasing, you can use traffic lights to assign rights to traffic in different directions.

紅綠燈號誌各時段的時比、時相、時差與週期的設計規定,稱為時制,但不適當的紅綠燈時制設計,如各種號誌燈的週期時間不當的分配,會造成不必要的延滯。十字路口車流狀態,常隨著都市發展而改變。例如,附近新設大賣場、百貨公司或新建住宅大樓而新引進車流。因此每固定一兩年,如何因應車流變化定義最佳車流量紓解週期的時間,以計算出各號誌燈的時相綠燈時間,是時制重整工作相當重要的一環。The design requirements for the time ratio, time phase, time difference, and period of the traffic light signals are called time system, but 不 proper traffic light time system design, such as improper allocation of cycle time of various signal lights, will cause necessary delays . Traffic conditions at intersections often change with urban development. For example, new hypermarkets, department stores, or new residential buildings have been set up nearby to introduce new traffic. Therefore, every one or two years, how to define the time of the optimal traffic flow relief cycle in response to changes in traffic flow to calculate the phase green time of each sign light is a very important part of the time reforming work.

目前紅綠燈號誌時制設計方法,粗略地劃分,可分為適應性號誌控制系統,以及傳統的時制重整號誌控制系統,其中適應性號誌控制系統係具有機動性,適應性號誌控制系統係在每一個時向中的車道上設置感測器,以針對停等及壓佔在感測器上的車輛進行偵測,並據以判斷當下交通車流之即時狀態,再透過路口號誌最佳化軟體進行演算,將能有效地分配路口各方向之紅綠燈時間帶,亦可提供相關資訊回傳至交控中心,如此將能促使交通更為順暢,亦能改善整體路網之運作績效。雖適應性號誌控制系統效率高,但卻需長期在路口設置眾多感測器才有辦法控制交通號誌,且不斷的在進行偵測以及運算,建置及維護成本都很高,實非國家財政所能夠支撐。因此目前全世界及國內,仍有90%以上的交通號誌係使用傳統的低成本的固定時制號誌控制系統,惟傳統的定時時制號誌控制方法,在一段固定期間後車流發會變異,因此需要定期做時制重整。The current design method of traffic lights and clocks is roughly divided and can be divided into adaptive signal control systems and traditional time reforming signal control systems. Among them, the adaptive signal control system has mobility and adaptive signal control. The system is equipped with sensors on each lane that is in the center of time, to detect vehicles that are waiting and being occupied by the sensors, and to judge the current status of the current traffic flow, and then use the intersection sign The optimization software performs calculations, which can effectively allocate the traffic light time bands in various directions at the intersection, and also provide relevant information to be returned to the traffic control center. This will promote smoother traffic and improve the overall road network operation performance. Although the adaptive signal control system is highly efficient, it requires long-term installation of many sensors at the intersection to control the traffic signal, and it continues to detect and calculate. The cost of construction and maintenance is very high. State finance can support. Therefore, at present, more than 90% of traffic signal systems in the world and domestic use the traditional low-cost fixed-time signal control system. However, the traditional time-based signal control method will vary after a fixed period of time. Therefore, it is necessary to perform regular time reforming.

傳統的紅綠燈的時制重整係可以進行下列步驟,首先選定使用一最佳車流量紓解週期方程式,以計算路口紅綠燈的最佳週期,以最佳車流量紓解週期方程式中的韋伯斯特(Webster)方程式為例,如下所示:其中係為最佳車流量紓解週期之時間長度;分別為每一時相每小時的小汽車流量與飽和紓解流量之比值;L則為每個週期的總損失時間;係為的總和。其中飽和紓解流量係在綠燈開始後,車隊通過停止線的最大疏解量,飽和紓解流量時間車距(headway)則稱為飽和時間車距,單位為秒/車輛,在此一時間車距下的每小時車隊疏解量稱為飽和紓解率,亦即3600秒除以飽和時間車距所得數字。損失時間包括起步損失時間(starting lost time)和清道損失時間(clearance interval)之總和,清道時間係當綠燈結束時,為讓已進入交叉路口內之車流繼續通過以淨空路口供下一時相綠燈方向車流使用之時間,一般分為黃燈時間及全紅時間;起步損失時間則是因紅燈而在交叉路口停等的車隊,自綠燈始亮時起至車隊以正常速率通過路口所需的時間。The traditional time-reforming system of traffic lights can perform the following steps. First, an optimal traffic flow is used to relieve the periodic equation to calculate the optimal cycle of traffic lights at the intersection, and Webster in the periodic equation is relieved with the optimal traffic. Webster) equation as an example, as follows: among them Is the length of time for the best traffic relief cycle; , ... The ratio of car flow to saturation relief flow per hour per hour; L is the total loss time of each cycle; Department is Sum. Among them, the saturation relief flow is the maximum amount of relief that the team passes through the stop line after the start of the flood light. The headway of the saturation relief flow is called the saturation time margin, and the unit is second per car. The hourly squadron dissolution amount is called the saturation relief rate, which is the number obtained by dividing 3600 seconds by the distance in the saturation time. The lost time includes the sum of the starting lost time and the clearing interval. The clearing time is when the traffic lights are over. In order to allow the traffic that has entered the intersection to continue to pass, the clearance time is used to provide the next phase of the traffic lights. The time of use is generally divided into yellow light time and full red time; the starting loss time is the time when the team stopped at the intersection due to the red light. The time required from the beginning of the light to the time when the team passed the gate at a normal speed .

接下來請參照第一圖,因此為取得運算最佳車流量紓解週期的數值必須進入步驟S50,至路口現場實際紀錄(1)每小時車道上的大車、小車、機車流量及其轉向(左轉、直行、右轉),(2)路口的車道配置,車道數,並紀錄車道是供直行、右轉、或左轉使用等,(3)時相內容及各時相紅、黃、綠燈時間,(4)各車道飽和紓解流量,(5)週期損失時間等。上述所有紀錄的方法僅能使用人工統計,完全無法適用機器以自動化取得上述資料。至現場實際收集到資料後,必須再經過各種計算才能產生紅綠燈的週期秒數,如步驟S52,以人工方式在電腦上建立路口幾何圖,還原路口配置及車道現況。接著進入步驟S54,同時再透過人工輸入將先前調查所得車流量總和重新分配回各車道。Next, please refer to the first figure, so in order to obtain the value of calculating the optimal traffic flow relief period, it must go to step S50, to the actual scene at the intersection (1) the flow of big cars, small cars, locomotives in the lane per hour and their steering (Turn left, go straight, turn right), (2) the lane configuration at the intersection, the number of lanes, and record the lane for straight, right, or left, etc. (3) the phase content and the red and yellow phases , Green light time, (4) saturation of each lane to relieve traffic, (5) cycle loss time, etc. All the methods of recording mentioned above can only use manual statistics, and it is totally impossible to apply machines to obtain the above data automatically. After the data is actually collected at the scene, various calculations must be performed to generate the traffic cycle seconds. For example, in step S52, the intersection geometry is manually created on the computer to restore the intersection configuration and the current lane status. Then, the method proceeds to step S54, and at the same time, the total of the traffic volume obtained in the previous survey is redistributed to each lane through manual input.

進入步驟S56,透過電腦根據換算表,其係由交通部提供的轉換表,透過轉換表將車流量換算成小客車當量數,此時必須將收集到每一車道的總車流量、大車、小車、機車流量比例,根據左轉、直行、右轉不同的小客車當量進行換算,產生相當於整條馬路都是小汽車的交通流量,並選擇在同一時相中,各方向車道中當量換算數值最高者;接著進入步驟S58,計算當量換算數值最高者的車流量與飽和車流量之比值。並進入步驟S59將車流量與飽和車流量之比值帶入最佳車流量紓解週期方程式,以計算出最佳車流量紓解週期;接著進入步驟S60,依最佳車流量紓解週期以及車流量與飽和車流量之比值,計算各時相綠燈時間;進入步驟S62,將計算出來的數值透過人工輸入電腦中車流模擬軟體進行模擬比對,若有誤差,可能需要再回去調整車道配置等,例如現場幾何雖然兩車道,但駕駛人常以三車道行駛,經模擬比對認為無誤即可再透過人力輸入號誌控制器;最後進入步驟S64,使用者再至現場路口實際測試,根據人力判斷先前計算的週期是否符合實際的效益,以透過人力來進行微調的步驟。其中步驟S50至步驟S54以及步驟S62至步驟S64皆只能使用人工進行操作,無法透過機器自動化操作,因此相當耗費人力成本。Go to step S56. According to the conversion table through the computer, it is a conversion table provided by the Ministry of Transport. The conversion table is used to convert the traffic volume into the equivalent number of passenger cars. At this time, the total traffic volume, large vehicles, The traffic flow ratio of cars and locomotives is converted based on the equivalent of different passenger cars that turn left, go straight, and turn right. This generates traffic equivalent to cars on the entire road, and selects the equivalent in the lanes in each direction in the same phase. The one with the highest conversion value; then proceeds to step S58, and calculates the ratio of the traffic volume of the person with the highest equivalent conversion value to the saturated traffic volume. Then enter step S59 to bring the ratio of traffic volume to saturated vehicle flow into the optimal vehicle flow relief cycle equation to calculate the optimal vehicle flow relief cycle; then proceed to step S60 to relieve the cycle and vehicle according to the optimal traffic flow. The ratio of the flow rate to the saturated vehicle flow rate is used to calculate the green light time of each phase. Go to step S62 and compare the calculated value by manually entering the vehicle flow simulation software in the computer for simulation comparison. If there is an error, you may need to go back and adjust the lane configuration. For example, although the scene geometry is two lanes, the driver often travels in three lanes. After simulation and comparison, the driver can enter the number controller through human power. Finally, the process proceeds to step S64, and the user then goes to the on-site intersection to actually test and judge according to manpower. Whether the previously calculated cycle is in line with actual benefits, with manual adjustment steps. Among them, steps S50 to S54 and steps S62 to S64 can only be performed manually, and cannot be operated automatically by a machine, so it is quite labor-intensive.

除此之外,由於先前技術在統計車流量時必須使用人力到現場實際統計每一車道的車種比例以及車流量,調查過程中可能因天候不佳或者人為缺失等情況導致紀錄的資料有所缺失。再者,在上述步驟S56轉換成小客車當量時亦可能產生缺失,如機車轉換成小汽車,意謂機車是排在小汽車之後魚貫紓解離開停止線,但實際上機車可能與車輛併行紓解,或者大客車的體型不盡相同,不能以同樣的當量做轉換等情形,因此利用計算出來的轉換小汽車當輛數估計出的週期時間、各時相綠燈時間可能會與實際情形有極大的落差,普遍偏高。再者,車流量調查時是紀錄同方向各車道的左轉、直行及右轉車總共車輛數,再平均分配回車道上,例如調查兩車道直行車,共500台,分配回兩車道時,各250台。這樣的平均分配是與實際情形有很大落差的。In addition, because the previous technology must use human power to the scene to actually calculate the proportion of vehicle types and traffic volume in each lane when counting vehicle traffic, the recorded data may be missing due to poor weather or human absence during the survey. . In addition, there may also be a loss when converting into a passenger car equivalent at step S56. For example, if a locomotive is converted into a car, it means that the locomotive is behind the car and escapes from the stop line. However, the locomotive may actually be in parallel with the vehicle Solution, or the buses are different in shape, and cannot be converted with the same equivalent. Therefore, the estimated cycle time and green light time of each phase using the calculated number of converted cars may be extremely different from the actual situation. The drop is generally high. Furthermore, the traffic flow survey is to record the total number of left-turn, straight-forward, and right-turn vehicles in each lane in the same direction, and then equally distribute them back to the lane. For example, when investing in two lanes of direct traffic, a total of 500 vehicles are allocated to the two lanes. 250 units each. This average distribution is far from the actual situation.

有鑑於此,本發明遂針對上述習知技術之缺失,提出一種自動化時制重整之裝置及其方法,可短期間利用感測裝置感測車輛經過的時間,再搭配演算法計算出最佳車流量紓解週期時間,可取代傳統耗時耗力的人工作業流程,達到低成本、高精確控制目標。意即,本發明在路口時制重整期間,開始安裝感測裝置,進行自動化取樣完成時制重整,時制重整自動完成後,感測裝置即可拆除,以利後續繼續到下一個需要自動時制重整的十字路口,以有效克服上述之該等問題。In view of this, the present invention proposes an automatic time system reforming device and method for the lack of the conventional technology, which can use a sensing device to sense the elapsed time of the vehicle in a short period of time, and then use an algorithm to calculate the optimal vehicle. The flow relief cycle time can replace the traditional time-consuming and labor-intensive manual operation process to achieve the goal of low cost and high precision control. In other words, the invention starts to install the sensing device during the intersection timing reforming. The automatic sampling is performed when the timing reforming is completed. After the timing reforming is automatically completed, the sensing device can be removed in order to continue to the next need for automatic timing. Restructuring at the crossroads to effectively overcome these problems.

本發明之主要目的係在提供一種自動化時制重整之裝置及其方法,其係可透過自動化紀錄每一時相的流量以及車輛經過的時間,即能精準地計算出最佳車流量紓解週期,可有效自動化作業,且能避免進行使用當量表之數值,將各種車輛轉換為小客車當量,可避免計算最佳車流量紓解週期所產生的誤差,能有效降低不確定因素。The main object of the present invention is to provide an automatic time-reformation device and method, which can accurately calculate the optimal vehicle flow relief period by automatically recording the flow of each phase and the elapsed time of the vehicle. It can effectively automate the operation, and can avoid using the value of the equivalent scale to convert various vehicles into small passenger vehicle equivalents. It can avoid the calculation of the optimal traffic flow and relieve the error caused by the cycle. It can effectively reduce the uncertain factors.

本發明之另一目的係在提供一種自動化時制重整之裝置及其方法,不需透過使用人力至路口現場紀錄每一車道的車流量、車種比例以及直行、左、右車道的流量等,故不需將各車種轉換為小客車當量,能有效避免當量轉換時與事實情形產生極大落差,因而影響到最佳車流量紓解週期計算的數值。Another object of the present invention is to provide a device and a method for automatic system reforming without the need to manually record the traffic flow of each lane, the proportion of vehicle types, and the flow of straight, left and right lanes by using humans to the intersection site. It is not necessary to convert each vehicle type into a passenger car equivalent, which can effectively avoid a great difference from the actual situation when the equivalent conversion occurs, thereby affecting the value calculated by the optimal traffic flow relief cycle.

為達上述之目的,本發明係提供一種自動化時制重整之裝置,其係提供複數感測裝置,分別裝設於每一時相中至少一車道的前端,以感測車道中的的每一車輛所需的紓解時間,其中計算交通紓解最佳週期之方法步驟包括,在一感測總時間內,擷取並紀錄每一時相中,每一車輛經過感測裝置的時間,以產生每一車輛感測時間;將小於一預設時間的車輛感測時間加上一微調時間,產生複數車輛紓解時間;接著將所有車輛紓解時間相加,產生一車流量總紓解時間;將車流量總紓解時間除以感測總時間,產生一車流量紓解時間與感測總時間比值;將車流量紓解時間與感測總時間比值帶入一最佳車流量紓解週期方程式,產生最佳車流量紓解週期時間。其中最佳車流量紓解週期方程式如下所示:其中係為最佳車流量紓解週期之時間長度;分別為每一時相的車流量紓解時間與感測總時間比值;L則為每個週期的損失時間;T係為複數的總和;a、b以及c為常數;最後再將最佳車流量紓解週期時間,帶入一綠燈時間方程式,計算出各時相綠燈時間。To achieve the above object, the present invention provides an automatic time reforming device, which is provided with a plurality of sensing devices respectively installed at the front end of at least one lane in each phase to sense each vehicle in the lane. The required relief time, in which the method steps of calculating the optimal cycle for traffic relief include: capturing and recording the time that each vehicle passes the sensing device in each time period within a total sensing time to generate each A vehicle sensing time; adding a vehicle tuning time that is less than a preset time plus a trim time to generate multiple vehicle relief times; then adding all vehicle relief times to generate a total traffic relief time; Divide the total traffic relief time by the total sensing time to produce a ratio of traffic relief time to total sensing time ; Bringing the ratio of the traffic flow relief time to the total sensing time into an optimal traffic flow relief cycle equation to produce the optimal traffic flow relief cycle time. The optimal traffic flow relief period equation is as follows: among them Is the length of time for the best traffic relief cycle; , ... The ratio of the relief time to the total sensing time for each phase of traffic; L is the lost time for each cycle; T is complex A, b, and c are constants; finally, the optimal traffic flow is used to relieve the cycle time, and then a green light time equation is calculated to calculate the green light time of each phase.

另外,本發明亦提供一種自動化時制重整之方法,包括一處理器、一資料庫以及複數感測裝置,其中感測裝置係分別對準每一時相中至少一車道的停止線前端,以感測車道中的每一車輛經過感測裝置的時間,產生複數車輛感測時間;一處理器信號連接感測裝置,以接收一感測總時間中所感測的車輛感測時間後,將小於一預設時間的車輛感測時間增加一微調時間,使其成為車輛紓解時間,將複數車輛紓解時間相加,產生一車流量紓解時間,再將車流量紓解時間除以感測總時間,產生一車流量紓解時間與感測總時間比值後,將車流量紓解時間與感測總時間比值帶入最佳車流量紓解週期方程式,產生一最佳車流量紓解週期時間。其中最佳車流量紓解週期方程式如下所示:其中係為最佳車流量紓解週期之時間長度;分別為每一時相的車流量紓解時間與感測總時間比值;L則為每個週期的損失時間;係為複數的總和;a、b以及c為常數,計算出最佳車流量紓解週期時間後,即可透過最佳車流量紓解週期時間,帶入一綠燈時間方程式,以計算出各時相綠燈時間。In addition, the present invention also provides a method for automatic time system reformation, including a processor, a database, and a plurality of sensing devices, wherein the sensing devices are respectively aligned with the front ends of the stop lines of at least one lane in each phase to sense The time that each vehicle in the lane passes the sensing device is measured to generate a plurality of vehicle sensing times; a processor signal is connected to the sensing device to receive a vehicle sensing time sensed in a total sensing time, which will be less than one Add a fine-tuning time to the vehicle sensing time at the preset time to make it the vehicle relief time. Add the vehicle relief times to generate a traffic relief time, and then divide the traffic relief time by the total sensing time. Time to generate a ratio of traffic flow relief time to total sensing time, bring the ratio of traffic flow relief time to total sensing time into the optimal traffic flow relief cycle equation to generate an optimal traffic flow relief cycle time . The optimal traffic flow relief period equation is as follows: among them Is the length of time for the best traffic relief cycle; , ... The ratio of the relief time to the total sensing time for each phase of traffic; L is the lost time for each cycle; Is plural A, b, and c are constants. After calculating the optimal vehicle flow relief cycle time, you can use the optimal vehicle flow relief cycle time to bring in a green light time equation to calculate the green light time for each phase. .

底下藉由具體實施例詳加說明,當更容易瞭解本發明之目的、技術內容、特點及其所達成之功效。Detailed descriptions will be provided below through specific embodiments to make it easier to understand the purpose, technical content, features and effects of the present invention.

本發明係用以計算最佳車流量紓解週期的時間長度,請參照第二圖與第三圖,如圖所示,本發明之計算交通紓解最佳週期之裝置1包括一處理器10電性或信號連接複數感測裝置12,其中複數感測裝置12係可設置於每一時相中,至少一車道的前端,如第二圖所示,本實施例舉例於感測裝置12設置在紅綠燈40上,使每一感測裝置12分別對準每一時相裡,每一車道停止線20的前端,以感測車道內每一台經過感測裝置12的車輛;當然更可僅在每一時相中的其中一車道上設置一感測裝置12,但此時感測裝置12就必須設置在時相中車流量最多的車道,其中如何得知車流量最多的車道係由歷史資料分析所得或至現場觀察所得。感測裝置12可為紅外線感測裝置、影像感測裝置或雷達感測裝置等,本實施例舉例感測裝置12係為雷達感測裝置,因此可持續感測經過雷達感測到物體的時間,藉此取得每一台車輛經過感測裝置12的時間。路口上更設有一交通號誌控制箱30,以提供輸入紅燈、黃燈以及綠燈的秒數,以控制紅綠燈。The present invention is used to calculate the length of the optimal traffic flow relief cycle. Please refer to the second and third figures. As shown in the figure, the device 1 for calculating the optimal traffic relief cycle of the present invention includes a processor 10 The plurality of sensing devices 12 are electrically or signal-connected. The plurality of sensing devices 12 can be arranged in each time phase, at the front end of at least one lane. As shown in the second figure, this embodiment exemplifies that the sensing device 12 is disposed at On the traffic light 40, each sensing device 12 is aligned with each time phase, and the front end of each lane stop line 20 is used to sense each vehicle in the lane passing the sensing device 12; A sensing device 12 is installed on one of the lanes in a time phase, but at this time, the sensing device 12 must be installed in a lane with the most traffic in the phase. How to know that the lane with the most traffic is obtained from historical data analysis. Or go to the site to observe the results. The sensing device 12 may be an infrared sensing device, an image sensing device, or a radar sensing device. In this embodiment, the sensing device 12 is a radar sensing device. Therefore, the time when an object is detected by the radar can be continuously sensed. Thus, the time that each vehicle passes the sensing device 12 is obtained. A traffic signal control box 30 is also provided at the intersection to provide the number of seconds for inputting the red, yellow and green lights to control the traffic lights.

處理器10則係安裝在一電腦裝置16中,在擷取感測裝置12的車輛感測時間後,可透過有線或無線傳輸至電腦的處理器10中,提供處理器10進行計算,本實施例舉例電腦裝置16係裝設在交通號誌控制箱30中,以信號連接交通號誌控制箱30;本實施例舉例最佳車流量紓解週期方程式則係如下所示: 係為最佳車流量紓解週期之時間長度;分別為每一時相的車流量紓解時間與感測總時間比值;L則為每個週期的損失時間;係為的總和;a、b以及c皆為常數。其中a、b以及c係可提供使用者根據目前交通流量所需的常數狀態來進行調整,使計算時能更加貼近實際的交通車流量紓解週期,為使實施例說明更加明確,以韋伯斯特(Webster)方程式為例說明,其中a=1.5;b=5;c=0,如下所示: The processor 10 is installed in a computer device 16. After capturing the vehicle sensing time of the sensing device 12, it can be transmitted to the computer's processor 10 by wire or wirelessly, and the processor 10 is provided for calculation. Example: The computer device 16 is installed in the traffic signal control box 30, and is connected to the traffic signal control box 30 by a signal. The optimal vehicle flow relief cycle equation for this example is as follows: Is the length of time for the best traffic relief cycle; , ... The ratio of the relief time to the total sensing time for each phase of traffic; L is the lost time for each cycle; Department is The sum of; a, b, and c are all constants. Among them, a, b, and c can provide users to adjust according to the constant state required by the current traffic flow, so that the calculation can be closer to the actual traffic flow relief period. To make the description of the embodiment clearer, Webers The Webster equation is taken as an example, where a = 1.5; b = 5; c = 0, as follows:

最後處理器10接收感測裝置12所產生的複數車輛紓解時間,並利用最佳車流量紓解週期方程式,加以計算產生一最佳車流量紓解週期時間,同時處理器10再將最佳車流量紓解週期時間依照各時相車流量紓解時間比例,以計算出各時相綠燈時間。Finally, the processor 10 receives a plurality of vehicle relief times generated by the sensing device 12 and uses the optimal traffic flow to relieve the periodic equation to calculate and generate an optimal traffic flow to relieve the cycle time. The traffic flow relief cycle time is calculated according to the proportion of the traffic flow relief time of each phase to calculate the green light time of each phase.

在上述說明完本發明之使用結構後,接下來詳細說明本發明在計算交通紓解最佳週期之方法流程,並詳細說明處理器10係如何計算出最佳車流量紓解週期。請參照第二圖至第四圖,第四圖係為本發明之方法流程圖,如圖所示,首先進入步驟S10並請參照第五圖,透過感測裝置12在一感測區間總時間內,本實施例舉例在一小時內,擷取並紀錄時相A、B、C、D中每一台車輛通過感測裝置12的時間,以分別產生每一時相A、B、C、D的複數車輛感測時間,其中車輛感測時間可能因為左轉、右轉或直行等不同因素而改變時間,一般來說轉彎的車輛會花費比直行車還要多的時間,由於本實施例係舉例於每一車道上設置對應的一感測裝置12,因此在計算時必須擷取每一時相A、B、C、D中,車流量最多的車道的複數車輛感測時間,當然若先前已得知每一時相A、B、C、D中最大車流量的車道時,僅可只在每一時相A、B、C、D中最大車流量的車道設置感測裝置12時,就不須採取此動作;接著進入步驟S12,並同時配合參照第六圖,如圖所示。由於感測裝置12亦有車輛偵測點的誤差,故擷取每一時相A、B、C、D中最大車流量的複數車輛感測時間後,分別對每一時相內的複數車輛感測時間進行校正,將小於一預設時間的複數車輛感測時間的車輛加上一微調時間,以產生複數車輛紓解時間,由於車與車之間並不會緊黏前進,因此必須在車與車之間保留一微調時間來避免誤差產生;接著進入步驟S14,將複數車輛紓解時間與複數間隔時間相加,產生車流量紓解時間。After the use structure of the present invention has been described above, the method flow of calculating the optimal period for traffic relief of the present invention will be described in detail, and how the processor 10 calculates the optimal period for traffic relief will be described in detail. Please refer to the second to fourth figures. The fourth figure is a flowchart of the method of the present invention. As shown in the figure, first enter step S10 and refer to the fifth figure. The total time of a sensing interval through the sensing device 12 Here, in this embodiment, for example, within one hour, the time of each vehicle passing through the sensing device 12 in time phases A, B, C, and D is captured and recorded to generate each time phase A, B, C, and D respectively. The sensing time of a plurality of vehicles, where the sensing time of the vehicle may change due to different factors such as a left turn, a right turn, or going straight. Generally speaking, a turning vehicle will take more time than a straight driving. For example, a corresponding sensing device 12 is provided on each lane. Therefore, in the calculation, it is necessary to capture the plurality of vehicle sensing times of the lanes with the most traffic in each phase A, B, C, and D. Of course, if previously When knowing the lanes with maximum traffic in each of phases A, B, C, and D, the sensing device 12 can be installed only in the lanes with maximum traffic in each of phases A, B, C, and D. Take this action; then proceed to step S12 and refer to the sixth figure at the same time, as shown in the figure As shown. Because the sensing device 12 also has an error at the vehicle detection point, after capturing the plurality of vehicle sensing times of the maximum traffic flow in each phase A, B, C, and D, each of the plurality of vehicles in each phase is sensed. The time is corrected by adding a fine-tuning time to the vehicles with a plurality of vehicle sensing times less than a preset time to generate a plurality of vehicles to relieve the time. Since the vehicles do not stick to each other, they must be moved between the vehicle and the vehicle. A fine-tuning time is reserved between cars to avoid errors; then step S14 is performed to add the plural vehicle relief time and the plural interval time to generate a traffic flow relief time.

因此使用感測裝置12感測得到車流量紓解時間,可取代過去使用車流量、車種型態以及車輛前進方向係為直向、左轉或右轉等數值,帶入最佳車流量紓解週期方程式的數值,因此使用感測裝置12所感測得到的車流量紓解時間代替過去的數值以及繁複的計算方式,除了可自動化紀錄數值,避免使用人力至路口紀錄時,因氣候不良或者其他因不可抗拒因素,導致人力在紀錄各種數值產生誤差之外,更可避免在轉換成小客車當量時因預設的數值不理想,造成計算出來的轉換數值可能會與實際情形有極大的落差。且上述皆可透過機器進行自動化的處理,不須人力介入,可有效降低成本且提高計算數值的精確度。Therefore, the use of the sensing device 12 to obtain the traffic flow relief time can replace the previous traffic volume, vehicle type, and the direction of the vehicle's forward direction as straight, left or right, etc., and bring in the best traffic relief. The value of the periodic equation, so the vehicle flow relief time sensed by the sensing device 12 is used to replace the past value and the complicated calculation method. In addition to automatically recording the value, avoiding the use of manpower to the intersection record due to bad weather or other reasons Irresistible factors, in addition to the errors caused by manpower in recording various values, can also avoid the unsatisfactory preset values when converting into passenger car equivalents, which may cause the calculated conversion value to differ greatly from the actual situation. And all of the above can be processed automatically by the machine without human intervention, which can effectively reduce the cost and improve the accuracy of the calculated values.

接下來請參照步驟S16,分別將每一時相A、B、C、D,最高車流量車道的車流量紓解時間除以感測總時間,產生四個車流量紓解時間與感測總時間比值,本實施例舉例感測車輛感測時間係為一個小時,因此感測總時間即係為一小時;最後進入步驟S18,處理器10擷取資料庫14中最佳車流量紓解週期的方程式,並將車流量紓解時間與感測總時間比值帶入最佳車流量紓解週期的方程式中,本實施例舉例的最佳車流量紓解週期方程式如下所示: 係為最佳車流量紓解週期之時間長度;分別為每一時相的車流量紓解時間與感測總時間比值;L則為每個週期的損失時間;係為的總和;a、b以及c皆為常數,可以根據使用者目前需求進行調整,以產生最佳車流量紓解週期之時間。Next, referring to step S16, divide the traffic flow relief time of the highest traffic flow lane by the total sensing time for each phase A, B, C, and D, respectively, to generate four traffic flow relief times and total sensing time. ratio , , In this embodiment, for example, the sensing vehicle sensing time is one hour, so the total sensing time is one hour. Finally, the process proceeds to step S18, and the processor 10 retrieves the equation of the optimal traffic flow relief period in the database 14. And the ratio of the relief time to the total sensing time , , In the equation for bringing in the optimal traffic flow relief period, the equation for the optimal traffic flow relief period illustrated in this embodiment is as follows: Is the length of time for the best traffic relief cycle; , , The ratio of the relief time to the total sensing time for each phase of traffic; L is the lost time for each cycle; Department is The sum of a; a, b, and c are constants, which can be adjusted according to the user's current needs to produce the optimal time for the traffic flow relief cycle.

最後進入步驟S20,計算最佳車流量紓解週期之後,更可透過最佳車流量紓解週期計算時相紅燈以及綠燈時間,計算綠燈時間的方法係將最佳車流量紓解週期時間帶入一綠燈時間方程式,以計算出每一時相之綠燈時間,其中綠燈時間方程式如下所示: Finally, the method proceeds to step S20. After calculating the optimal traffic flow relief period, the phase red light and green light time can be calculated through the optimal traffic flow relief period. The method of calculating the green light time is to reduce the optimal traffic flow to the cycle time. Enter a green light time equation to calculate the green light time for each phase. The green light time equation is as follows: ; ; ; ;

其中係為最佳車流量紓解週期之時間長度;分別為每一時相的車流量紓解時間與感測總時間比值;L則為每個週期的損失時間;係為總和;為總綠燈時間;分別為每一時相的綠燈時間;因此透過上述方程式即可計算各時相有效綠燈的時間,以產生各個時相綠燈,其中黃燈時間係為固定的時間,紅燈時間則是除了本身的時相以外的綠燈以及黃燈的總時間。在計算出紅燈、綠燈以及黃燈的時間秒數之後,處理器10會將紅燈、綠燈以及黃燈的時間秒數直接輸入交通號誌控制箱30中,以進行實際路口紅綠燈號誌的檢測,以根據實際車流情形微調各個時相的週期秒數。當然處理器10產生紅燈、綠燈以及黃燈的時間秒數後,亦更可透過人工輸入紅燈、綠燈以及黃燈的時間秒數至交通號誌控制箱30,並不以此為限。among them Is the length of time for the best traffic relief cycle; , ... The ratio of the relief time to the total sensing time for each phase of traffic; L is the lost time for each cycle; Department is sum; Is the total green time; , ... Green light time for each phase separately; Therefore, through the above equation, the time of the effective green light in each phase can be calculated to generate the green light in each phase. The yellow light time is a fixed time, and the red light time is the total of the green light and the yellow light in addition to its own phase. time. After calculating the time seconds of the red light, green light and yellow light, the processor 10 directly inputs the time seconds of the red light, green light and yellow light into the traffic signal control box 30 to perform the actual intersection traffic light signal. Detect to fine-tune the number of cycle seconds of each time phase according to the actual traffic situation. Of course, after the time seconds of the red light, green light, and yellow light generated by the processor 10, the time seconds of the red light, green light, and yellow light can also be manually input to the traffic signal control box 30, which is not limited thereto.

綜上所述,本發明係為一種自動化時制重整之裝置及其方法,其提供複數感測裝置裝設於每一時相中的至少一車道的前端,在感測總時間內感測車道中每一車輛的車輛感測時間至處理器中,處理器並將小於預設時間的車輛感測時間的車輛增加一微調時間,再將所有車輛感測時間與微調時間相加產生車輛紓解時間,以產生一車流量紓解時間與感測總時間比值後,帶入最佳車流量紓解週期方程式,產生最佳車流量紓解週期時間並計算各時相綠燈時間。因此本發明可自動化紀錄每一時相的車流量以及車子經過的時間,即能精準地計算出最佳車流量紓解週期,可有效自動化作業,不需透過使用人力至路口現場紀錄每一車道的車輛的流量、車種比例以及直行、左、右車道的流量等,且能避免使用小客車當量表之數值,將各種車輛轉換為小客車當量數,可避免習知計算最佳車流量紓解週期所產生的誤差,能有效降低不確定因素,避免重複計算以及反覆的驗證。To sum up, the present invention is an automatic time reforming device and method thereof, which provides a plurality of sensing devices installed at the front end of at least one lane in each phase, and senses the lanes within the total sensing time. The vehicle sensing time of each vehicle is stored in the processor. The processor adds a fine tuning time to the vehicles with a vehicle sensing time that is less than a preset time, and then adds all the vehicle sensing time and the fine tuning time to generate a vehicle relief time. In order to generate a ratio of the traffic flow relief time to the total sensing time, the optimal traffic flow relief cycle equation is brought in, the optimal traffic flow relief cycle time is generated, and the green time of each phase is calculated. Therefore, the present invention can automatically record the traffic flow of each phase and the elapsed time of the vehicle, that is, it can accurately calculate the optimal traffic flow relief cycle, which can effectively automate the operation, without the need to manually record the traffic volume of each lane at the intersection site. Vehicle flow, vehicle type ratio, straight, left and right lane traffic, etc., and can avoid the use of passenger car equivalent scale values, convert various vehicles into passenger car equivalents, can avoid the calculation of the optimal vehicle flow relief cycle The resulting errors can effectively reduce uncertainties and avoid double calculations and repeated verifications.

唯以上所述者,僅為本發明之較佳實施例而已,並非用來限定本發明實施之範圍。故即凡依本發明申請範圍所述之特徵及精神所為之均等變化或修飾,均應包括於本發明之申請專利範圍內。The foregoing are merely preferred embodiments of the present invention, and are not intended to limit the scope of implementation of the present invention. Therefore, all equal changes or modifications made according to the features and spirit described in the scope of the application of the present invention shall be included in the scope of patent application of the present invention.

1‧‧‧計算交通紓解最佳週期之裝置 1‧‧‧ Device for calculating the best cycle for traffic relief

10‧‧‧處理器 10‧‧‧ processor

12‧‧‧感測裝置 12‧‧‧ sensing device

14‧‧‧資料庫 14‧‧‧Database

16‧‧‧電腦裝置 16‧‧‧Computer device

20‧‧‧停止線 20‧‧‧ stop line

30‧‧‧交通號誌控制箱 30‧‧‧Traffic Signal Control Box

40‧‧‧紅綠燈 40‧‧‧ traffic lights

A‧‧‧時相 A‧‧‧phase

B‧‧‧時相 B‧‧‧ Phase

C‧‧‧時相 C‧‧‧phase

D‧‧‧時相 D‧‧‧ Phase

第一圖係為習知計算交通紓解最佳週期方法步驟流程圖。 第二圖係為本發明架設計算交通紓解最佳週期裝置於路口示意圖。 第三圖係為本發明計算交通紓解最佳週期裝置之方塊圖。 第四圖係為本發明之計算交通紓解最佳週期方法步驟流程圖。 第五圖係為本發明計算交通紓解最佳週期方法之車輛感測時間示意圖。 第六圖係為本發明計算交通紓解最佳週期方法之車輛感測時間加上微調時間示意圖。The first diagram is a flowchart of the steps of a conventional method for calculating the optimal cycle of traffic relief. The second figure is a schematic view of the intersection of the invention designing the best cycle device for traffic relief at the intersection. The third figure is a block diagram of the device for calculating the optimal cycle of traffic relief according to the present invention. The fourth figure is a flowchart of the steps of the method for calculating the optimal period of traffic relief of the present invention. The fifth figure is a schematic diagram of the vehicle sensing time of the method for calculating the optimal cycle of traffic relief according to the present invention. The sixth figure is a schematic diagram of the vehicle sensing time plus the fine-tuning time of the method for calculating the best cycle of traffic relief according to the present invention.

Claims (10)

一種自動化時制重整之方法,其係提供複數感測裝置,分別裝設於每一時相中至少一車道的前端,以感測該車道中的每一車輛,該自動化時制重整之方法步驟包括: 在一感測總時間內,擷取並紀錄至少一該時相中,每一該車輛通過該感測裝置的時間,以產生複數車輛感測時間; 將小於一預設時間的該等車輛感測時間加上一微調時間,產生複數車輛紓解時間; 將該等車輛紓解時間相加,產生一車流量紓解時間; 將該車流量紓解時間除以該感測總時間,產生一車流量紓解時間與感測總時間比值;以及 將該車流量紓解時間與感測總時間比值帶入一最佳車流量紓解週期方程式,產生最佳車流量紓解週期時間。An automatic time reforming method includes providing a plurality of sensing devices respectively installed at the front end of at least one lane in each phase to sense each vehicle in the lane. The method steps of the automatic time reforming include : Capture and record at least one time period of each vehicle passing through the sensing device within a total sensing time to generate a plurality of vehicle sensing times; the vehicles that are less than a preset time The sensing time plus a fine-tuning time generates multiple vehicle relief times; adding these vehicle relief times to generate a traffic relief time; dividing the traffic relief time by the total sensing time to produce The ratio of the traffic flow relief time to the total sensing time; and bringing the ratio of the traffic flow relief time to the total sensing time into an optimal traffic flow relief cycle equation to generate the optimal traffic flow relief cycle time. 如請求項1所述之自動化時制重整之方法,其中該最佳車流量紓解週期方程式如下所示:其中該係為該最佳車流量紓解週期之時間長度;、該…該分別為每一時相的該車流量紓解時間與感測總時間比值;該L則為每個週期的損失時間;該係為該總和;該a、該b以及該c為常數。The method of automatic time reforming as described in claim 1, wherein the optimal traffic flow relief period equation is as follows: Where the Is the length of time for the best traffic relief cycle; The … The The ratio of the relief time of the traffic flow to the total sensing time for each phase; the L is the lost time for each cycle; the Is for Sum; the a, the b, and the c are constants. 如請求項1所述之自動化時制重整之方法,更包括將該最佳車流量紓解週期時間帶入一綠燈時間方程式,以計算出至少一該時相之綠燈時間,其中該綠燈時間方程式如下所示: ; 其中該係為該最佳車流量紓解週期之時間長度;分別為每一該時相的該車流量紓解時間與感測總時間比值;該L則為每個週期的損失時間;該係為該總和;該為總綠燈時間;該、該…該分別為每一該時相的綠燈時間。The method of automatic time reforming as described in claim 1, further comprising bringing the optimal traffic flow relief cycle time into a green light time equation to calculate at least one green light time of the phase, wherein the green light time equation As follows: ; ; ; ; Where the Is the length of time for the best traffic relief cycle; , ... The ratio of the relief time of the vehicle flow to the total sensing time for each phase; the L is the lost time for each cycle; the Is for Sum; the Is the total green time; the The … The The green time for each of these phases. 如請求項1所述之自動化時制重整之方法,其中該等感測裝置係為紅外線感測裝置、影像感測裝置或雷達感測裝置等。The automatic time-based reforming method according to claim 1, wherein the sensing devices are infrared sensing devices, image sensing devices, or radar sensing devices. 如請求項4所述之自動化時制重整之方法,其中該等感測裝置係裝設在紅綠燈上。The automatic time reforming method as described in claim 4, wherein the sensing devices are installed on a traffic light. 一種自動化時制重整之裝置,包括: 複數感測裝置,分別裝設於每一時相中至少一車道的前端,以感測該車道中的每一車輛經過感測裝置的時間,產生複數車輛感測時間; 一處理器,信號連接該等感測裝置,以接收一感測總時間中所感測的該車輛感測時間後,將小於一預設時間的該車輛感測時間增加一微調時間,產生複數車輛紓解時間,將該等車輛紓解時間相加,產生一車流量紓解時間,再將該車流量紓解時間除以該感測總時間,產生一車流量紓解時間與感測總時間比值後,使用一最佳車流量紓解週期方程式並將該車流量紓解時間與感測總時間比值帶入,產生一最佳車流量紓解週期時間。An automatic time reforming device includes: a plurality of sensing devices respectively installed at the front end of at least one lane in each phase to sense the time that each vehicle in the lane passes the sensing device to generate a plurality of vehicle senses; Measuring time; a processor that signals the sensing devices to receive the vehicle sensing time sensed in the total sensing time, and increases the vehicle sensing time less than a preset time by a fine-tuning time, Generate multiple vehicle relief times, add these vehicle relief times, generate a traffic relief time, and divide the traffic relief time by the total sensing time to generate a traffic relief time and sense. After measuring the total time ratio, an optimal vehicle flow relief period equation is used and the ratio of the vehicle flow relief time to the total sensing time is brought in to generate an optimal vehicle flow relief cycle time. 如請求項6所述之自動化時制重整之裝置,其中該最佳車流量紓解週期方程式如下所示:其中該係為該最佳車流量紓解週期之時間長度;、該…該分別為每一時相的該車流量紓解時間與感測總時間比值;該L則為每個週期的損失時間;該T係為該的總和;該a、該b以及該c為常數。The automatic time reforming device as described in claim 6, wherein the optimal traffic flow relief period equation is as follows: Where the Is the length of time for the best traffic relief cycle; The … The The ratio of the relief time of the traffic flow to the total sensing time for each phase; the L is the lost time for each cycle; the T is the Sum of the; a, b, and c are constants. 如請求項6所述之自動化時制重整之裝置,其中該資料庫中更包括一綠燈時間方程式,該處理器將該最佳車流量紓解週期時間帶入該綠燈時間方程式,以計算出至少一該時相之綠燈時間,其中該綠燈時間方程式如下所示: ; 其中該係為該最佳車流量紓解週期之時間長度;分別為每一該時相的該車流量紓解時間與感測總時間比值;該L則為每個週期的損失時間;該T係為該總和;該為總綠燈時間;該、該…該分別為每一該時相的綠燈時間。The automatic time reforming device according to claim 6, wherein the database further includes a green light time equation, and the processor brings the optimal traffic flow relief cycle time into the green light time equation to calculate at least A green light time of the phase, wherein the green light time equation is as follows: ; ; ; ; Where the Is the length of time for the best traffic relief cycle; , ... The ratio of the traffic flow relief time to the total sensing time for each phase; the L is the lost time for each cycle; the T is the Sum; the Is the total green time; the The … The The green time for each of these phases. 如請求項6所述之自動化時制重整之裝置,其中該等感測裝置係為紅外線感測裝置、影像感測裝置或雷達感測裝置等。The automatic time reforming device according to claim 6, wherein the sensing devices are infrared sensing devices, image sensing devices, or radar sensing devices. 如請求項9所述之自動化時制重整之裝置,其中該等感測裝置係裝設在紅綠燈上。The automatic time reforming device as described in claim 9, wherein the sensing devices are installed on a traffic light.
TW105131903A 2016-10-03 2016-10-03 Automatic time system reforming device and method thereof TWI613624B (en)

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