200820886 (1) 九、發明說明 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明是主要關於以高壓電源動作的反流裝置或伺服 放大器等的電動機控制裝置者,尤其是有關於用以提昇電 動機控制裝置的散熱效果的散熱座者。 【先前技術】 傳統的電動機控制裝置,例如反流裝置是使用發出高 熱的功率半導體模組之故,因而將功率半導體模組密接於 散熱座而提高冷卻效果(例如專利文獻1 )。 在傳統的電動機控制裝置,例如在反流裝置,採取表 示於第7圖及第8圖的構成。 在第7圖及第8圖中,電動機控制裝置1A是具有:散 熱座2 A,及具備密接於上述散熱座2所安裝的例如反流部 IGBT( Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor)元件等的功率 半導體模組3,及與上述功率半導體模組3相連接,而且被 安裝於上述散熱座2A的基板4,及設置於以上述散熱座2A 的箭號A的排氣側或是以箭號B的吸氣側而在上述散熱座 2 A的內部流通冷卻風的冷卻風扉(未圖示)所構成。 上述散熱座2A是由底部21A,及從上述底部21A垂直 地延伸的複數枚散熱片所成的散熱片部22A所構成的例如 作成長方體。將功率半導體模組3密接安裝於例如中央部 分所用的螺穴24,及將上述基板4與上述散熱座2A的上面 2 3隔著間隔所配置所用的螺樁2 5安裝於四角落。在上述螺 200820886 (2) 樁25的上面251,形成有用以安裝上述基板4的螺穴252。 上述功率半導體模組3是具有朝上部延伸的複數個外 部電極端子3 1,而且在四落設置穿通螺絲穴32。該功率半 導體模組3是將螺絲33穿通於上述通螺絲穴32而被螺合於 上述螺穴24並藉由鎖緊,就可密接安裝於上述散熱座2A 的上面2 3。 上述基板4是在四角落的對應於上述螺樁25的螺孔252 的位置設置穿通螺絲穴4 1,將螺絲42穿通於上述穿通於上 述穿通螺絲穴4 1而被螺合於上述螺穴2 5 3並藉由鎖緊,就 可安裝於上述螺樁25的上面251。 上述功率半導體模組3是將朝上述延伸的複數外部電 極端子3 1穿通上述基板4的外部電極端子用的通孔(未圖 示)而被焊接。 在此種構成中,功率半導體模組3對於基板4的定位與 安裝,是如下地進行。 首先,在散熱座2A的上面23,以螺絲33暫時固定功 率半導體模組3。之後,將功率半導體模組3的外部電極端 子3 1對準於基板4的外部電極端子用的通孔(未圖示)之 狀態下,確認基板4的穿通螺孔4 1與螺樁25的位置是否一 致。若未一致則偏離功率半導體模組3的位置而修正位置 。若一致,或是修正功率半導體模組3的位置而令基板4的 穿通螺穴41與螺樁25的位置一致,則將基板4使用螺絲42 鎖緊固定於螺樁25。然後,經由螺絲起子等將螺絲33正式 鎖緊在e受於基板4的鎖緊螺絲用的穴(未圖不),而在散 200820886 (3) 熱座2A的上面23確實地固定功率半導體模組3。而且將功 率半導體模組3的各外部電極端子3 1焊接於基板4。 在此種構成中,在功率半導體模組3所發生的熱’是 被傳達到與功率半導體模組3密接的散熱座2 A的底部2 1 A 。被傳達到上述底部2 1 A的熱,是被傳達到從上述底部 2 1 A所突出的散熱片部22A。被傳達到散熱片部22A的熱’ 是藉由將未圖示的冷卻風扇所發生的冷卻風,通過散熱片 部22A,而與散熱片部22A進行熱交換被冷卻。 專利文獻1:日本特開2004-349548號公報 【發明內容】 然而,在此種傳統技術中,有如下問題。 (1 )必須採用具有用以將功率半導體模組的熱予以 散熱的散熱能力的散熱座,而需要具有某一定散熱面積( 大小)的散熱座。 (2 )又,藉由原材料的熱傳導率,無法將功率半導 體模組的熱均等地傳達到散熱座的各處,尤其是無法均等 地傳達到散熱片部的前端部之部,因而無法有效地使用散 熱座。所以,將散熱座作成小型化而實現電動機控制裝置 的小型化上有界限。 本發明是爲了解決此種問題所創作者,提供藉由實現 散熱座的散熱片部的有效地使用而可作成小型化,可將裝 置全體作成小型化,還可實現刪減原材料費所產生的降低 成本的電動機控制裝置。 -6 - 200820886 (4) 爲了解決上述問題,本發明是如下地所構成者。 申請專利範圍第1項所述的發明,是一種電動機控制 裝置,屬於具備:備有將具備複數外部電極端子的功率半 導體模組密固定於上面的底部,及從上述底部所突出般地 所形成的散熱片部的散熱座,及連接有上述功率半導體模 組的複數外部電極端子的基板,其特徵爲:上述散熱座爲 具有散熱管,上述散熱管的吸熱部,爲配置於上述散熱座 的底部,上述散熱管的散熱部,爲配置於上述散熱座的散 熱片部。 申請專利範圍第2項所述的發明,是上述散熱管是大 致平行地配置的直線狀吸熱部及散熱部,及連結此些的連 結部所構成的3狀或U狀地所形成,爲其特徵者。 申請專利範圍第3項所述的發明,是上述散熱管的連 結部,爲從上述述散熱座的側部朝外部突出,在散熱座的 內部,僅配置有上述吸熱部及散熱部,爲其特徵者。 申請專利範圍第4項所述的發明,是將上述功率半導 體模組配置於上述散熱座的底部上面的大約中央部,而且 將上述散熱管的吸熱部配置於上述底部側面的大約中央部 ,爲其特徵者。 申請專利範圍第5項所述的發明,是將兩條以上上述 散熱管配置於上述散熱座,爲其特徵者。 申請專利範圍第6項所述的發明,是在上述散熱管的 散熱部,安裝能引導流動散熱片部的冷卻風變更朝散熱座 的底部側方向流動的板狀導風板’爲其特徵者。 200820886 (5) 申請專利範圍第7項所述的發明,是將上 置在比上述功率半導體模組組靠近排氣側,爲 申請專利範圍第8項所述的發明,是上述 鋁、銅或板型散熱管所構成,爲其特徵者。 申請專利範圍第9項所述的發明,是將上 吸熱部對於散熱部,配置於上述散熱座的冷卻 而傾斜上述散熱管的連結部,而且隔著配置上 上述散熱管的吸熱部,爲其特徵者。 申請專利範圍第1 0項所述的發明,是將上 置在散熱座的底部與散熱片前端部間的大約中 徵者。 依照本發明,有如下的效果。 依據申請專利範圍第1項,第2項所述的發 自散熱座的底部的熱的傳達不好的散熱片部的 將來自底部的熱以散熱管良好地進行熱傳達之 有效活用散熱片部。因此,可提高散熱座的冷 小型化散熱座。又,隨著此可小型化電動機控 。又,藉由小型化散熱座,可抑制散熱座的材 降低成本。 依據申請專利範圍第3項所述的發明,因 熱部爲與散熱座的底部寬度方向充分地接觸, 管的散熱片部爲與散熱座的散熱片部寬度方向 ,因此可增大散熱管所產生的熱傳達量,又可 的冷卻能力。又,連結部不會妨礙冷卻風的流 述導風板配 其特徵者。 導通板是以 述散熱管的 風的吸氣側 述導風板與 述導風板配 央,爲其特 明,對於來 前端部,可 故,因而可 卻能力,可 制裝置全體 料費,而可 散熱管的吸 或是因散熱 充分地接觸 提昇散熱座 動之故,因 -8- 200820886 (6) 而可確保充分的冷卻風量。 依據申請專利範圍第4項所述的發明,對應於功率半 導體模組所配置的位置而配置散熱管的吸熱部之故,因而 可將來自功率半導體模組的熱經由散熱座的底部而有效率 地傳達至散熱管的吸熱部之故,因而可將來自功率半導體 模組的熱經由散熱座的底部而有效率地傳達至散熱管的吸 熱部,並可提高功率半導體模組的冷卻效率。 依據申請專利範圍第5項所述的發明,將兩條以上上 述散熱管配置上述散熱座之故,因而更提高申請專利範圍 第1項所述的發明的效果。 又,對應於功率半導體模組所配置的位置,配置兩條 散熱管的吸熱部的情形,則可將來自功率半導體模組的熱 經由散熱座的底部更有效率地傳達到散熱管的吸熱部,並 可大大地提昇功率半導體模組的冷卻效率。 依據申請專利範圍第6項所述的發明,因使用導風板 ,而將流在散熱片部間的冷卻風引導成變更朝底部側方向 流動之故,因而可將較多冷卻風流在來自功率半導體模組 的熱良好地被傳達的散熱座的底部與散熱片部,而可提昇 冷卻效率。 又,通風板是被安裝於散熱管的散熱部,而傳達來自 上述散熱片部的熱之故,因而來自通風板本身的散熱也良 好地進行,而更提昇冷卻效率。 又,通風板是被安裝於散熱管的散熱部,惟也可支撐 於散熱座的散熱片部之故,因而安裝成爲穩定。 -9 - 200820886 (7) 依據申請專利範圍第7項所述的發明,將上述導風板 配置在比上述功率半導體模組還靠近排氣側之故,因而不 會有從散熱片部被傳熱而令溫度上昇的冷卻風集中對於功 率半導體模組所位置的散熱座的底部部分,不會妨礙到功 率半導體模組的冷卻。 依據申請專利範圍第8項所述的發明,將上述導風板 以高熱傳導率的鋁或銅等所構成,或是以板型散熱管所構 成之故,因而來自通風板的散熱成爲更良好。 依據申請專利範圍第9項所述的發明,將上述散熱管 的吸熱部對於散熱部,配置於上述散熱座的冷卻風的吸氣 側而傾斜上述散熱管的連結部,而且隔著配置上述導風板 與上述散熱管的吸熱部之故,因而不會有經導風板所散出 的熱再度被傳達到散熱管的吸熱部。 依據申請專利範圍第1 〇項所述的發明,將上述導風板 配置在散熱座的底部與散熱片前端部間的大約中央之故, 因而可將冷卻風的大部分集中在功率半導體模組的熱有效 率地被傳達的散熱座的底部與散熱片部根部,而可提昇冷 卻效率。 【實施方式】 以下,依據圖式來說明本發明的實施例。 實施例1 第1圖是表示本發明的第1實施例的電動機控制裝置的 -10- 200820886 (8) 立體圖。第2圖是表示第1圖的電動機控制裝置的分解立體 圖。第3圖是表示第1圖的散熱座的圖式,(a)是俯視圖 ,(b )是前視圖,(c )是右側視圖。 本發明的電動機控制裝置1的基本上構成是與傳統的 電動機控制裝置1 A大致相同。因此,針對於同一部分及 大到同一部分的說明是省略,而針對於不相同部分。說明 如下。 本發明與傳統技術不相同之處,在於在散熱座2設置 散熱管5之處。 本發明的電動機控制裝置1是具有:散熱座2,及具備 密接於上述散熱座2所安裝的例如反流部I GB T元件的功率 半導體模組3,及與上述功率半導體模組3相連接,而且被 安裝於上述散熱座2的基板4,及被安裝於上述散熱座2的 散熱管5所構成。上述散熱管5是平行地排列兩條所配置。 上述散熱座2是與傳統的散熱座2A同樣地,由底部21 ,及從上述底部2 1垂直地延伸的複數枚散熱片所成的散熱 片部22所構成,惟在上述散熱座2的散熱片部22的前端部 分,及密接配置上述功率半導體模組3的散熱座2的底部21 具備散熱管5。 上述散熱管5是由例如大約平行地配置的直線狀的吸 熱部51與散熱部52,及連結此些的連結部53所構成的3狀 或U狀地所形成。 上述功率半導體模組3是配置在上述散熱座2的底部21 的上面23的大約中央部,上述散熱管是將上述吸熱部51對 200820886 (9) 應於上述功率半導體模組3的位置般地,配置在上述底部 2 1側面的大約中央部。 上述連結部5 3是從上述散熱座2的側部朝外部突出, 而僅上述吸熱部51與上述散熱部52被配置在散熱座2的內 部。上述吸熱部51是貫通(未貫通也可以)配置上述散熱 座2的底部21,而上述散熱部52是貫通(不需要貫通所有 散熱片)配置上述散熱座2的散熱片部22。又,上述散熱 管5的吸熱部5 1是與散熱座2的底部2 1密接,而上述散熱管 5的散熱部52是與散熱座2的散熱片部22密接。 藉由此種構成,在上述功率半導體模組3所發生的熱 被傳達的散熱座2的底部2 1的熱,是在配置於與上述功率 半導體模組3所對應的位置的散熱管5的吸熱部5 1有效率地 被吸熱,而從散熱管5的散熱部52直接有效果地被傳達至 散熱座2的散熱片部22的前端部。藉由此,從散熱座2的底 部21對於散熱片部22的熱移動活潑地進行,而在流動散熱 片間的冷卻風與散熱片之間有效率地進行熱交換。因此, 可提高散熱座2的散熱片部22的散熱能力,而可將散熱座2 作成小型化。 又,上述功率半導體模組3是被安裝於散熱管5的吸熱 部5 1所配置的部位的散熱座2的底部2 1,而且藉由散熱座2 ,有效率地熱傳達到傳統來自底部2 1的熱傳達不好的散熱 片部22的前端部之故,因此冷卻效率極優異,而可大大地 降低溫度。藉由降低功率半導體模組3的溫度,而在功率 半導體模組3的容許溫度上有剩餘,可採用發生損失較多 -12- 200820886 (10) 且熱阻較大的一範圍以下容量的功率半導體模組3。因此 ,成爲可降低功率半導體模組3的成本。 又,在第3圖中,2 6是安裝螺樁用的螺穴。 實施例2 第4圖是表示本發明的第2實施例的電動機控制裝置的 立體圖。第5圖是表示第4圖的電動機控制裝置的分解立體 圖。第6圖是表示第4圖的散熱座的圖式,(a )是俯視圖 ,(b )是前視圖,(c )是右側視圖。 在第4圖至第6圖中,散熱座2是例如形成長方體,底 部21的上面23是形成平面狀,而在下面形成有散熱片部22 。在上述上面23形成有用以將功率半導體模組3安裝於散 熱座2的複數個螺穴24。在側面配置導風板6成爲風直接碰 到配置功率半導體模組3的散熱座2的底部2 1,而降低底部 2 1的溫度。藉由降低功率半導體模組3的溫度,就可降低 功率半導體模組3的溫度,而在功率半導體模組3的容許溫 度上有多餘。藉由在功率半導體模組3的容許溫度上有剩 餘,可採用發生損失較多且熱阻較大的一範圍以下容量的 功率半導體模組3,而可降低功率半導體模組3的成本。又 ,將功率半導體模組3之熱傳達到導風板6之故,因而在散 熱座2安裝有散熱管5。上述散熱管5是將功率半導體模組3 的熱經由被安裝於散熱部5的導風板6而傳達到散熱片部22 ,而有效地使用散熱片部22。藉由此,可提昇散熱座2的 散熱片部22的散熱能力,而可將散熱座2作成小型化。 -13- 200820886 (11) 又,上述導風板6是配置在比功率半導體模組3還靠近 排氣側,將散熱管5的吸熱部5 1,安裝於功率半導體模組3 的散熱座2的底部21,而將散熱部52安裝於導風板6。 藉由將散熱管5安裝在配置於比功率半導體模組3還靠 近排氣側的導風板6,將散熱管5的熱移動作成活潑,可提 昇散熱座2的散熱片部22的散熱能力,而可將散熱座2作成 小型化。又,藉由風直接踫到導風板6,可降低導風板6的 溫度,而在配置功率半導體模組3的散熱座2的底部2 1與導 風板6之間可作成溫度差。藉由在配置功率半導體模組3的 散熱座2的底部2 1與導風板6之間作成溫度差,可將在散熱 管5的熱移動作成活潑,而可將多量的熱傳達到散熱座2的 散熱片部22。藉由將多量熱傳達到散熱座2的散熱片部22 ,有效地可使用散熱座2的散熱片部,而可提昇散熱座2的 散熱片部22的散熱能力。藉由提昇散熱座2的散熱片部22 的散熱能力,而可將散熱座2作成小型化。 本發明的電動機控制裝置是作成散熱座2的底部21, 及在散熱片部的前端部或在配置於散熱片部22的前端部分 的導風板6安裝散熱管5的構成之故,因而可將功率半導體 模組3的熱有效地傳達到散熱片部22,因有效地可使用散 熱片部2 2,因此可將散熱座2作成小型化,藉由將散熱座2 作成小型化,可抑制散熱座2的材料費用,而可降低散熱 座2的成本。 又,使用導風板6,可將冷卻風集中在配置功率半導 體模組3的散熱座2的底部2 1之故,因而可降低底部2 1的溫 14- 200820886 (12) 度’而且可降低功率半導體模組的溫度。又,藉由在功率 半導體模組3的容許溫度有剩餘,可採用發生損失較多且 熱阻較大的一範圍以下容量的功率半導體模組,而可降低 功率半導體模組3的成本。又,藉由散熱座的小型化,可 謀求電動機控制裝置的小型化。 本發明是主要關於以高壓電源動作的反流裝置或伺服 放大器等的電動機控制裝置者,尤其是適用於以提昇電動 機控制裝置的散熱效果的散熱座,可利用於製造提供藉由 實現散熱座的散熱片部的有效地使用而可作成小型化,可 將裝置全體作成小型化,還可實現刪減原材料費所產生的 降低成本的電動機控制裝置的領域。 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖是表示本發明的第1實施例的電動機控制裝置的 立體圖。 第2圖是表示第1圖的電動機控制裝置的分解立體圖。 第3圖是表示第1圖的散熱座的圖式,(a)是俯視圖 ’ (b )是前視圖’ (c )是右側視圖。 第4圖是表示本發明的第2實施例的電動機控制裝置的 立體圖。 第5圖是表示第4圖的電動機控制裝置的分解立體圖。 第6圖是表示第4圖的散熱座的圖式,(a)是俯視圖 ,(b )是前視圖,(c )是右側視圖。 第7圖是表示傳統技術的電動機控制裝置的立體圖。 -15- 200820886 (13) 第8圖是表示第7圖的電動機控制裝置的分解立體圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 1,1 A :電動機控制裝置 2,2A :散熱座 2 1,2 1 A :底部 22,22A :散熱片部 2 3 :底部的上面 24 :功率半導體模組用的螺穴 25 :螺樁 251 :螺樁的上面 2 5 2 :螺樁上面的螺穴 26 :螺樁用的螺穴 3 :功率半導體模組 3 1 :外部電極端子 3 2 :穿通螺穴 3 3 :螺絲 4 :基板 41 :穿通螺穴 42 :螺絲 5 ’·散熱管 51 :吸熱部 52 :散熱部 5 3 :直線部 -16- 200820886 (14) 6 :導風板 A :排氣側 B :吸氣側200820886 (1) IX. DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Technical Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a motor control device such as a reverse flow device or a servo amplifier that operates with a high voltage power supply, and more particularly to a heat dissipation device for lifting a motor control device. The effect of the heat sink. [Prior Art] A conventional motor control device, for example, a reverse flow device, uses a power semiconductor module that emits high heat, so that the power semiconductor module is closely attached to the heat sink to improve the cooling effect (for example, Patent Document 1). In the conventional motor control device, for example, in the reverse flow device, the configurations shown in Figs. 7 and 8 are taken. In the seventh and eighth drawings, the motor control device 1A includes a heat sink 2A and a power semiconductor module including an IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) device or the like attached to the heat sink 2, for example. The group 3 is connected to the power semiconductor module 3, and is mounted on the substrate 4 of the heat sink 2A, and is disposed on the exhaust side of the arrow A of the heat sink 2A or by the arrow B. On the gas side, a cooling air (not shown) through which cooling air flows is disposed inside the heat sink 2A. The heat sink 2A is formed, for example, by a bottom portion 21A and a fin portion 22A formed by a plurality of fins extending perpendicularly from the bottom portion 21A. The power semiconductor module 3 is closely attached to, for example, a screw hole 24 for the center portion, and the screw pile 25 for arranging the substrate 4 and the upper surface 23 of the heat sink 2A at intervals is attached to the four corners. On the upper surface 251 of the above-mentioned screw 200820886 (2) pile 25, a screw hole 252 for mounting the above-mentioned substrate 4 is formed. The power semiconductor module 3 has a plurality of external electrode terminals 3 1 extending toward the upper portion, and a through hole 32 is provided in the four holes. The power semiconductor module 3 is screwed to the through hole 32 and screwed to the screw hole 24, and is tightly attached to the upper surface 23 of the heat sink 2A by locking. The substrate 4 is provided with a through-hole 4 1 at a position corresponding to the screw hole 252 of the stud 25 at the four corners, and the screw 42 is threaded through the through-hole 4 1 and screwed to the screw 2 . 5 3 and by locking, it can be mounted on the upper surface 251 of the above-mentioned screw pile 25. The power semiconductor module 3 is soldered by a through hole (not shown) for penetrating the external electrode terminal 31 extending to the external electrode terminal of the substrate 4. In such a configuration, positioning and mounting of the power semiconductor module 3 with respect to the substrate 4 are performed as follows. First, the power semiconductor module 3 is temporarily fixed by screws 33 on the upper surface 23 of the heat sink 2A. After that, the external electrode terminal 31 of the power semiconductor module 3 is aligned with the through hole (not shown) for the external electrode terminal of the substrate 4, and the through hole 4 1 of the substrate 4 and the stud 25 are confirmed. The location is consistent. If they do not match, the position of the power semiconductor module 3 is deviated and the position is corrected. If the position of the power semiconductor module 3 is corrected and the position of the through hole 41 of the substrate 4 coincides with the position of the stud 25, the substrate 4 is locked and fixed to the stud 25 by screws 42. Then, the screw 33 is officially locked to the hole for the locking screw of the substrate 4 via a screwdriver or the like (not shown), and the power semiconductor mold is surely fixed on the upper surface 23 of the heat sink 2A of 200820886 (3). Group 3. Further, the external electrode terminals 31 of the power semiconductor module 3 are soldered to the substrate 4. In such a configuration, the heat generated in the power semiconductor module 3 is transmitted to the bottom portion 2 1 A of the heat sink 2 A which is in close contact with the power semiconductor module 3. The heat transmitted to the bottom portion 2 1 A is transmitted to the fin portion 22A protruding from the bottom portion 2 1 A. The heat transmitted to the fin portion 22A is cooled by heat exchange with the fin portion 22A by passing the cooling air generated by the cooling fan (not shown) through the fin portion 22A. Patent Document 1: Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 2004-349548. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION However, in such conventional techniques, there are the following problems. (1) It is necessary to use a heat sink having a heat dissipation capability for dissipating heat of the power semiconductor module, and a heat sink having a certain heat dissipation area (size) is required. (2) Moreover, the heat of the power semiconductor module cannot be uniformly transmitted to the entire portion of the heat sink by the thermal conductivity of the material, and in particular, it cannot be uniformly transmitted to the front end portion of the heat sink portion, and thus cannot be effectively Use a heat sink. Therefore, there is a limit to miniaturization of the heat sink to realize miniaturization of the motor control device. The present invention has been made to solve the above problems, and it is possible to reduce the size of the heat sink portion by using the heat sink portion, thereby miniaturizing the entire device and reducing the cost of raw materials. A motor control device that reduces costs. -6 - 200820886 (4) In order to solve the above problems, the present invention is constituted as follows. The invention according to claim 1 is a motor control device comprising: a bottom portion in which a power semiconductor module including a plurality of external electrode terminals is closely fixed to the upper surface, and a protrusion formed from the bottom portion a heat sink of the heat sink portion and a substrate to which the plurality of external electrode terminals of the power semiconductor module are connected, wherein the heat sink has a heat dissipation pipe, and the heat absorption portion of the heat pipe is disposed on the heat sink. At the bottom, the heat dissipating portion of the heat dissipating tube is a fin portion disposed on the heat sink. According to the invention of claim 2, the heat-dissipating tube is formed in a substantially linear shape and a heat-dissipating portion, and a three-dimensional or U-shaped connecting portion is formed. Feature. According to the invention of claim 3, the connecting portion of the heat radiating pipe protrudes outward from a side portion of the heat sink, and only the heat absorbing portion and the heat radiating portion are disposed inside the heat sink. Feature. According to the invention of claim 4, the power semiconductor module is disposed at a substantially central portion of the bottom surface of the heat sink, and the heat absorbing portion of the heat pipe is disposed at a center portion of the bottom surface. Its characteristics. According to the invention of claim 5, it is preferable that two or more of the heat radiation tubes are disposed in the heat sink. The invention according to the sixth aspect of the invention is characterized in that, in the heat dissipating portion of the heat dissipating pipe, a plate-shaped wind deflector that is capable of guiding the flow fin portion to be cooled and flowing toward the bottom side of the radiator seat is characterized. . 200820886 (5) The invention according to claim 7 is an invention which is placed on the exhaust side of the power semiconductor module group and is in the eighth aspect of the patent application, and is the above-mentioned aluminum, copper or It is composed of a plate type heat pipe and is characterized by it. According to a ninth aspect of the invention, the heat absorbing portion is disposed in the heat dissipating portion, and the heat dissipating portion is inclined to the connecting portion of the heat dissipating tube, and the heat absorbing portion in which the heat dissipating tube is disposed is interposed therebetween Feature. The invention described in claim 10 is an approximation between the bottom of the heat sink and the front end of the heat sink. According to the present invention, the following effects are obtained. According to the first aspect of the patent application, the heat transfer from the bottom of the heat sink is not effective, and the heat from the bottom is efficiently radiated by the heat pipe to effectively use the heat sink portion. . Therefore, the cold miniaturized heat sink of the heat sink can be improved. Also, with this, the motor control can be miniaturized. Moreover, by miniaturizing the heat sink, it is possible to suppress the cost of the material of the heat sink. According to the invention of claim 3, since the heat portion is in sufficient contact with the bottom width direction of the heat sink, the heat sink portion of the tube is in the width direction of the heat sink portion of the heat sink, so that the heat pipe can be enlarged. The amount of heat generated, and the ability to cool. Further, the connecting portion does not interfere with the passage of the air deflector of the cooling air. The conduction plate is defined by the air intake side of the air in the heat pipe, and the air guide plate and the air guide plate are arranged at the center, and the front end portion is degraded, so that the power can be made, and the total cost of the device can be made. The heat sink can be sucked or the heat sink can be fully contacted to enhance the heat sink. The cooling air volume can be ensured by -8-200820886 (6). According to the invention of claim 4, the heat absorbing portion of the heat pipe is disposed corresponding to the position at which the power semiconductor module is disposed, so that heat from the power semiconductor module can be efficiently transmitted through the bottom of the heat sink. The heat is transmitted to the heat absorbing portion of the heat pipe, so that heat from the power semiconductor module can be efficiently transmitted to the heat absorbing portion of the heat pipe through the bottom of the heat sink, and the cooling efficiency of the power semiconductor module can be improved. According to the invention of claim 5, the heat dissipating tube is disposed in two or more of the heat dissipating tubes, thereby improving the effects of the invention described in claim 1. Moreover, in the case where the heat absorbing portions of the two heat pipes are disposed corresponding to the positions at which the power semiconductor modules are disposed, heat from the power semiconductor modules can be more efficiently transmitted to the heat absorbing portion of the heat pipe via the bottom of the heat sink. And can greatly improve the cooling efficiency of the power semiconductor module. According to the invention of claim 6, the cooling air flowing between the fin portions is guided to flow in the direction toward the bottom side by using the air deflector, so that more cooling airflow can be derived from the power. The heat of the semiconductor module is well communicated to the bottom of the heat sink and the heat sink portion, and the cooling efficiency can be improved. Further, since the ventilating plate is attached to the heat radiating portion of the heat radiating pipe and conveys heat from the fin portion, heat dissipation from the ventilating plate itself is also well performed, and the cooling efficiency is further improved. Further, since the ventilating plate is attached to the heat radiating portion of the heat radiating pipe, it can also be supported by the fin portion of the heat radiating seat, so that the mounting is stabilized. -9 - 200820886 (7) According to the invention of claim 7, the air deflector is disposed closer to the exhaust side than the power semiconductor module, and thus is not transmitted from the heat sink portion The cooling air that heats up and raises the temperature concentrates on the bottom portion of the heat sink where the power semiconductor module is located, and does not hinder the cooling of the power semiconductor module. According to the invention of claim 8, the air deflector is made of aluminum or copper having a high thermal conductivity or is formed by a plate type heat dissipating tube, so that heat dissipation from the ventilating plate is better. . According to the invention of claim 9, the heat absorbing portion of the heat radiation pipe is disposed on the air suction side of the cooling air of the heat sink, and the connecting portion of the heat pipe is inclined, and the guide portion is disposed via the heat guide portion. The wind plate and the heat absorbing portion of the heat pipe are not transferred to the heat absorbing portion of the heat pipe by the heat radiated from the air deflector. According to the invention described in the first aspect of the invention, the air deflector is disposed at approximately the center between the bottom of the heat sink and the front end portion of the heat sink, so that most of the cooling air can be concentrated in the power semiconductor module. The heat is efficiently conveyed to the bottom of the heat sink and the root of the heat sink portion to improve cooling efficiency. [Embodiment] Hereinafter, embodiments of the present invention will be described based on the drawings. (Embodiment 1) FIG. 1 is a perspective view showing a motor control device according to a first embodiment of the present invention, in addition to -10-200820886 (8). Fig. 2 is an exploded perspective view showing the motor control device of Fig. 1. Fig. 3 is a view showing a heat sink of Fig. 1, (a) is a plan view, (b) is a front view, and (c) is a right side view. The basic configuration of the motor control device 1 of the present invention is substantially the same as that of the conventional motor control device 1 A. Therefore, the descriptions for the same part and the same part are omitted, but for the different parts. described as follows. The present invention is different from the conventional art in that the heat sink 2 is provided with the heat pipe 5. The motor control device 1 of the present invention includes a heat sink 2 and a power semiconductor module 3 including a counter-current portion I GB T device attached to the heat sink 2, and is connected to the power semiconductor module 3 Further, it is mounted on the substrate 4 of the heat sink 2 and the heat pipe 5 attached to the heat sink 2. The heat radiating tubes 5 are arranged in two in parallel. The heat sink 2 is composed of a bottom portion 21 and a fin portion 22 formed by a plurality of fins extending perpendicularly from the bottom portion 21, similarly to the conventional heat sink 2A, except for the heat sink 2 The front end portion of the sheet portion 22 and the bottom portion 21 of the heat sink 2 in which the power semiconductor module 3 is disposed in close contact with the heat dissipation tube 5 are provided. The heat radiation pipe 5 is formed by, for example, a linear heat absorbing portion 51 and a heat dissipating portion 52 which are arranged in parallel, and a three-dimensional or U-shaped structure which is formed by connecting the connecting portions 53. The power semiconductor module 3 is disposed at a substantially central portion of the upper surface 23 of the bottom portion 21 of the heat sink 2, and the heat radiating portion is such that the heat absorbing portion 51 is placed at the position of the power semiconductor module 3 at 200820886 (9). It is disposed at approximately the center of the side of the bottom portion 2 1 described above. The connecting portion 53 protrudes outward from the side of the heat sink 2, and only the heat absorbing portion 51 and the heat radiating portion 52 are disposed inside the heat sink 2. The heat absorbing portion 51 is configured such that the bottom portion 21 of the heat sink 2 is disposed to penetrate (not penetrated), and the heat radiating portion 52 is a heat sink portion 22 through which the heat sink 2 is disposed so as not to pass through all of the heat sinks. Further, the heat absorbing portion 51 of the heat radiating tube 5 is in close contact with the bottom portion 2 1 of the heat sink 2, and the heat radiating portion 52 of the heat radiating tube 5 is in close contact with the fin portion 22 of the heat sink 2. With such a configuration, the heat of the bottom portion 2 1 of the heat sink 2 in which the heat generated by the power semiconductor module 3 is transmitted is the heat pipe 5 disposed at a position corresponding to the power semiconductor module 3 The heat absorbing portion 51 is efficiently absorbed, and is directly transmitted from the heat radiating portion 52 of the heat radiating pipe 5 to the front end portion of the fin portion 22 of the heat sink 2. Thereby, the heat transfer from the bottom portion 21 of the heat sink 2 to the fin portion 22 is actively performed, and heat exchange between the cooling fins flowing between the fins and the fins is efficiently performed. Therefore, the heat dissipation capability of the fin portion 22 of the heat sink 2 can be improved, and the heat sink 2 can be miniaturized. Further, the power semiconductor module 3 is mounted on the bottom portion 2 of the heat sink 2 at a portion where the heat absorbing portion 51 of the heat pipe 5 is disposed, and is efficiently transferred to the bottom from the bottom portion 2 by the heat sink 2. Since the heat conveys the front end portion of the fin portion 22 which is not good, the cooling efficiency is extremely excellent, and the temperature can be greatly lowered. By lowering the temperature of the power semiconductor module 3 and remaining at the allowable temperature of the power semiconductor module 3, it is possible to use a power having a loss of a range of more than -12-200820886 (10) and having a large thermal resistance. Semiconductor module 3. Therefore, the cost of the power semiconductor module 3 can be reduced. Further, in Fig. 3, 26 is a screw for mounting a screw pile. (Embodiment 2) Fig. 4 is a perspective view showing a motor control device according to a second embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 5 is an exploded perspective view showing the motor control device of Fig. 4. Fig. 6 is a view showing the heat sink of Fig. 4, wherein (a) is a plan view, (b) is a front view, and (c) is a right side view. In Figs. 4 to 6, the heat sink 2 is formed, for example, in a rectangular parallelepiped shape, and the upper surface 23 of the bottom portion 21 is formed in a planar shape, and a fin portion 22 is formed on the lower surface. A plurality of cavities 24 for mounting the power semiconductor module 3 to the heat sink 2 are formed on the upper surface 23 described above. The wind deflector 6 is disposed on the side surface so that the wind directly hits the bottom portion 2 of the heat sink 2 where the power semiconductor module 3 is disposed, and the temperature of the bottom portion 21 is lowered. By lowering the temperature of the power semiconductor module 3, the temperature of the power semiconductor module 3 can be lowered, which is redundant in the allowable temperature of the power semiconductor module 3. By remaining in the allowable temperature of the power semiconductor module 3, a power semiconductor module 3 having a capacity of a range or less and having a large thermal resistance can be used, and the cost of the power semiconductor module 3 can be reduced. Further, since the heat of the power semiconductor module 3 is transmitted to the wind deflector 6, the heat radiating pipe 5 is attached to the heat radiating seat 2. In the heat dissipation pipe 5, the heat of the power semiconductor module 3 is transmitted to the heat sink portion 22 via the wind guide plate 6 attached to the heat dissipation portion 5, and the heat sink portion 22 is effectively used. Thereby, the heat dissipation capability of the fin portion 22 of the heat sink 2 can be improved, and the heat sink 2 can be miniaturized. Further, the air deflector 6 is disposed closer to the exhaust side than the power semiconductor module 3, and the heat absorbing portion 51 of the heat radiating tube 5 is attached to the heat sink 2 of the power semiconductor module 3. The bottom portion 21 is attached to the wind deflector 6 with the heat radiating portion 52. By mounting the heat pipe 5 on the air deflector 6 disposed closer to the exhaust side than the power semiconductor module 3, the heat transfer of the heat pipe 5 is made active, and the heat dissipation capability of the heat sink portion 22 of the heat sink 2 can be improved. The heat sink 2 can be miniaturized. Further, by directly blowing the wind to the wind deflector 6, the temperature of the wind deflector 6 can be lowered, and a temperature difference can be created between the bottom portion 2 1 of the heat sink 2 on which the power semiconductor module 3 is disposed and the wind deflector 6. By setting a temperature difference between the bottom portion 21 of the heat sink 2 of the power semiconductor module 3 and the wind deflector 6, the heat transfer in the heat pipe 5 can be made active, and a large amount of heat can be transmitted to the heat sink. 2 fin portion 22. By transferring a large amount of heat to the fin portion 22 of the heat sink 2, the fin portion of the heat sink 2 can be effectively used, and the heat radiating ability of the fin portion 22 of the heat sink 2 can be improved. The heat sink 2 can be miniaturized by increasing the heat dissipation capability of the fin portion 22 of the heat sink 2. In the motor control device of the present invention, the bottom portion 21 of the heat sink 2 is formed, and the heat radiating tube 5 is attached to the front end portion of the heat sink portion or the wind deflector 6 disposed at the front end portion of the heat sink portion 22. Since the heat of the power semiconductor module 3 is efficiently transmitted to the fin portion 22, since the fin portion 22 can be effectively used, the heat sink 2 can be miniaturized, and the heat sink 2 can be reduced in size to suppress the heat sink 2 The material cost of the heat sink 2 can reduce the cost of the heat sink 2. Further, by using the air deflector 6, the cooling air can be concentrated on the bottom portion 21 of the heat sink 2 in which the power semiconductor module 3 is disposed, so that the temperature of the bottom portion 2 1 can be lowered by 14-200820886 (12) degrees and can be lowered. The temperature of the power semiconductor module. Further, by remaining the allowable temperature of the power semiconductor module 3, it is possible to reduce the cost of the power semiconductor module 3 by using a power semiconductor module having a capacity of a range or less which has a large loss and a large thermal resistance. Further, by miniaturizing the heat sink, it is possible to reduce the size of the motor control device. The present invention relates to a motor control device such as a reverse flow device or a servo amplifier that operates with a high voltage power supply, and more particularly to a heat sink for improving the heat dissipation effect of the motor control device, which can be utilized for manufacturing to provide a heat sink. The heat sink portion can be effectively used for miniaturization, and the entire device can be miniaturized, and the field of the motor control device that reduces the cost of the raw material can be realized. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Fig. 1 is a perspective view showing a motor control device according to a first embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 2 is an exploded perspective view showing the motor control device of Fig. 1. Fig. 3 is a view showing a heat sink of Fig. 1, (a) is a plan view 'b' is a front view' (c) is a right side view. Fig. 4 is a perspective view showing a motor control device according to a second embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 5 is an exploded perspective view showing the motor control device of Fig. 4. Fig. 6 is a view showing a heat sink of Fig. 4, wherein (a) is a plan view, (b) is a front view, and (c) is a right side view. Fig. 7 is a perspective view showing a conventional motor control device. -15- 200820886 (13) Fig. 8 is an exploded perspective view showing the motor control device of Fig. 7. [Description of main component symbols] 1,1 A : Motor control unit 2, 2A: Heat sink 2 1,2 1 A : Bottom 22, 22A: Heat sink 2 3 : Bottom top 24 : Screw for power semiconductor module Hole 25: Screw pile 251: Upper surface of the screw pile 2 5 2 : Screw hole 26 on the screw pile: Screw hole for screw pile 3: Power semiconductor module 3 1 : External electrode terminal 3 2 : Through hole 3 3 : Screw 4: Substrate 41: Feedthrough hole 42: Screw 5'· Heat pipe 51: Heat absorbing part 52: Heat radiating part 5 3 : Straight part - 16 - 200820886 (14) 6 : Air deflector A: Exhaust side B: Suction Gas side