200421676 玖、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係安裝於配線基板的電連接器,為關於可吸收對 方側的連接器的位置偏位的具有浮動構造的活動型連接器 及用於此的補強扣環。 【先前技術】 在數位相機等的電子機器中,複數片配線基板在介由連 接器予以結合的狀態,被收容於框體内。在由2個以上的 連接器結合一對配線基板的情況等,有無可避免地在一對 配線基板間產生連接器的位置偏位的情況。在產生位置偏 位的狀態,因各連接器受到應力的作用,若就此持續予以 使用的話,連接器的導線(焊接部)從配線剝離,以致造成 導通不良。 在此,為吸收應相互連接的配線基板間的連接器的位置 偏位,使用如日本專利特開平6 - 3 2 5 8 2 5號公報所示的活動 型連接器。該活動型連接器具備固定於配線基板的固定殼 體;及以可活動的狀態(浮動狀態)安裝於該固定殼體上的 活動殼體。固定殼體如具有框體形狀,在該固定殼體内游 動嵌裝著活動殼體。活動殼體係介由電連接用的複數連接 器而安裝於固定殼體上,藉由連接器的彈性變形,允許活 動殼體對固定殼體的變位,以吸收與應連接於該活動型連 接器的對方側連接器的位置偏位。 在連接器上,在固定殼體側設有焊接於配線基板用的導 線部。利用將該導線部焊接於配線基板上,以達成連接器 5 312/發明說明書(補件)/93-03/92137432 200421676 與配線基板的電性連接。為防止應力集中於導線部,一般 設置將固定殼體固定於配線基板用的金屬扣環,而該金屬 扣環係焊接於配線基板上。 隨著電子機器等的小型化的趨勢,配線基板也逐漸小型 化。因此,要在小型配線基板上的有限面積的安裝面上安 裝多數的電氣、電子零件,連接器的小型化也不可或缺。 為達成活動型連接器的小型化,考慮將固定殼體形成為 薄壁。但是,其中仍有因固定殼體的強度不足,而無法承 受對方側的連接器的插拔時的應力作用而導致破損的擔 憂。 【發明内容】 本發明之目的在於,提供一種補強扣環及使用此的活動 型連接器,可補強固定殼體的強度,為小型裝置的同時又 可實現足夠的強度的活動型連接器。 本發明之活動型連接器用補強扣環,係為補強具備固定 於配線基板的固定殼體(1 〇)及可變位地結合於該固定殼體 的活動殼體(2 0 )的活動型連接器用的補強扣環(4 0 ),其包 含有:結合於上述固定殼體的端部的結合部(4 1 );以沿著 上述固定殼體的一對側面的方式向内彎曲的一對彎曲部 (43);及設於該一對彎曲部的各下端,用以焊接於配線基 板上的焊接部(4 4 )。又,括號内的英文數字表示後述的實 施形態的對應構成要素等,但這並不意味著本發明僅限於 該實施形態的解釋。以下,在該項中亦相同。 該構成的補強扣環,具有以沿著上述固定殼體的一對側 6 312/發明說明書(補件)/93-03/92137432 200421676 面的方式向内彎曲的一對彎曲部,因此在形成為小型的情 況也具有足夠的強度。因此,若藉由該補強扣環來補強固 定殼體時,因為活動型的補強扣環具有足夠的強度,將固 定殼體形成為薄壁,可圖獲活動型連接器的小型化。 最好在上述補強扣環,形成使上述活動殼體的端面(2 6 ) 露出的缺口部(4 2 )。根據該構成,因為從缺口部露出活動 殼體的端面,因此,例如將活動殼體及固定殼體,在此等 對應的各一端或兩端結合於捨棄殼體(60)。也就是說,藉 由將上述缺口部形成在對應捨棄殼體的結合部的位置,可 將活動殼體的端面結合於捨棄殼體。 在使用捨棄殼體一體成形活動殼體及固定殼體的情 況,無須在該間隙内設置橫條等便可正確規定兩者間的微 小間隙。藉此,無橫條的切除引起的焊接不良等的不良產 生,可形成微小的上述間隙,可圖獲活動型連接器的小型 化。 也可在上述活動殼體的端面形成從該端面突出的止拔 凸部(2 6 )。該情況,上述補強扣環最好還包括與上述止拔 凸部對向,藉由與該止拔凸部頂接而防止活動殼體的脫落 的抵部(4 5 )。根據該構成,因為活動殼體的止拔凸部頂接 於補強扣環的抵部,因此,在對方側連接器的拔脫時,無 施加過大的外力於結合活動殼體與固定殼體的接觸部的情 況。藉此,可防止接觸部的損傷,可提升活動型連接器的 可靠度。 又,也可藉由在與上述止拔凸部對向的位置形成如上述 7 312/發明說明書(補件)/93-03/92137432 200421676 的缺口 ,將補強扣環全體形成為通過上述止拔凸部的上方 (與對方側連接器的連接側)拱形,而將拱形的頂部(4 5 )作 為上述抵部。 本發明之活動型連接器包括:固定於配線基板的固定殼 體;可變位地結合於該固定殼體的活動殼體;及結合於上 述固定殼體的上述構成的補強扣環。 本發明之上述目的或其他目的、特徵及效果,藉由參照 所附圖式而陳述如下的實施形態的說明,便可一目瞭然。 【實施方式】 圖1 ( a )為本發明之一實施形態的活動型連接器的俯視 圖,圖1(b)為其前視圖,圖1(c)為其仰視圖,圖1(d)為 其右側視圖。另外,圖2為上述活動型連接器的部分立體 圖,圖3 ( a )為顯示活動型連接器的使用狀態的側視圖,圖 3 ( b )為同樣顯示使用狀態的橫剖面圖。 圖1 ( a )表示在將該活動型連接器安裝於配線基板時,從 上往下看該配線基板的安裝面(安裝活動型連接器的面)的 俯視圖。在以下的說明中,將配線基板的安裝面側(圖1 ( b ) 的下側)作為下方進行說明。 又,圖中,活動型連接器的尺寸表示為較實際尺寸要 大,而該活動型連接器的實際尺寸為寬度6nim左右、長度 1 2 m in左右、高度 3 ηι ηι左右。 為了連接第1配線基板與第2配線基板的目的,該活動 型連接器1 0 0係藉由焊接而安裝於第1配線基板1的安裝 面1 a上。在第2配線基板2的安裝面2 a上,藉由焊接安 8 3 12/發明說明書(補件)/93-03/92丨37432 200421676 裝著對方側連接器5,藉由使該對方側連接器5與活動型 連接器1 0 0嵌合,以達成第1及第2配線基板1、2間的電 性連接。此時,活動型連接器1 0 0與對方側連接器5的位 置偏位,由活動型連接器1 0 0所吸收。 活動型連接器1 0 0具備:略長方形框狀的固定殼體1 0 ; 游動嵌合於該固定殼體1 0的長形狀的活動殼體2 0 ;呈架 橋狀設於固定殼體1 0與活動殼體2 0的電性連接用的複數 接觸部3 0 ;及設於固定殼體1 0的兩端的補強扣環4 0。 活動殼體2 0係設為相對固定殼體1 0確保指定的間隙的 狀態,其在固定殼體1 0内,可在沿配線基板的安裝面的二 維方向上進行變位。也就是說,藉由接觸部3 0的彈性變 形,活動殼體2 0允許其對固定殼體1 0的相對變位。 固定殼體1 0係將沿活動殼體2 0的兩側的一對長邊部作 為連接固定部1 1。在該連接固定部1 1,以與該連接固定部 1 1交叉的姿勢相互平行且等間隔固定著複數的接觸部 3 0。在一對連接固定部1 1的端部分別形成結合補強扣環 4 0的補強扣環固定部1 3。在本實施形態中,一對連接固定 部1 1為分離式,以架橋結合該一對連接固定部1 1的兩端 部的方式固定一對的補強扣環40。 在一對連接固定部1 1的兩端部間,在較補強扣環4 0的 下方,設有從活動殼體2 0的兩端面突出的止拔凸部2 6。 止拔凸2 6在對方側連接器5的拔脫時,頂接於補強扣環 4 0的下部,以限制活動殼體2 0的移動。藉此,可防止施 加過大的外力於接觸部3 0。 9 312/發明說明書(補件)/93-03/92137432 200421676 圖4為沿著圖1 (b)中的A - A線所作的剖面圖。另外, 圖5為接觸部3 0的立體圖。接觸部3 0係藉由金屬板的沖 壓加工所製作而成,具備與固定殼體1 0結合用的固定殼體 側結合部3 1 ;與活動殼體2 0結合用的活動殼體側結合部 3 2 ;及連結固定殼體側結合部3 1與活動殼體側結合部3 2 的蛇行形狀的連結部3 3。 固定殼體側結合部3 1,沿與配線基板的安裝面大致垂直 的上下方向延伸,形成壓入固定殼體10的壓入孔12的壓 入片,在其下端部連設與配線基板的安裝面大致平行延伸 的導線部3 4。該導線部3 4係焊接於配線基板的安裝面上 的島上。在固定殼體側結合部3 1,在與導線部3 4的相反 側,面向活動殼體2 0的方向(亦即,向著框形狀的固定殼 體10的内方的方向)連設有連結部33。 在本實施形態中,連結部3 3具有沿與配線基板的安裝 面垂直的平面上下蛇行的蛇行形狀,具有2個峰部3 3 a、 33b及形成於該2個峰部33a、33b間的1個谷部33c。藉 此,減小固定殼體1 0與活動殼體間的間隙,同時,藉由加 長連結部3 3的長度,以確保活動殼體2 0的足夠的變位量。 而且,在本實施形態中,連結部3 3係進入到活動殼體2 0 的内部,藉此,可形成將固定殼體1 0與活動殼體2 0間的 間隙抑制在最小限度的構造。 活動殼體側結合部3 2係連設連結部3 3的内側端部而從 連結部3 3的内側端部向與配線基板的安裝面大致垂直的 上方豎起,形成壓入活動殼體20的壓入孔23的壓入片。 10 312/發明說明書(補件)/93-03/92137432 200421676 從該活動殼體側結合部32的中間部向著外側而從連結部 3 3的上方突出,又,還分歧出沿與大致垂直於配線基板的 安裝面(實際上為略微向外傾斜的方向)的方向延伸的接點 部3 5。該接點部3 5係形成為可向内側彈性變形的狀態, 利用在其外側面壓接於對方側連接器5的接觸部7 (參照圖 3 ( b )),以達成接觸部3 0、7間的電性連接。 在固定殼體1 0的一對連接固定部1 1,沿其長方向整排 形成上下方向貫穿該連接固定部1 1的複數(本例中為1 0 個)的壓入孔1 2。在該壓入孔1 2分別壓入複數(本例中為 1 0根)的接觸部3 0的固定殼體側結合部3 1。 另一方面,活動殼體2 0具備嵌合對方側連接器5 (本實 施形態中為外嵌)的嵌合部2 1 ;及連設於該嵌合部2 1的下 方,且較該嵌合部21寬的基部2 2。然後,在嵌合部2 1的 寬度方向的中央附近,沿其長方向以2排(本例中各排為 1 0個,共計2 0個)整排形成上下方向貫穿該嵌合部2 1的 複數的壓入孔2 3。在該複數的壓入孔2 3分別壓入複數的 (本例中為2 0根)接觸部3 0的活動殼體側結合部3 2。 又,在活動殼體20的兩側面,以大致等間隔形成可變 位地分別收容接觸部3 0的接點部3 5的接點收容溝2 4,此 等接點收容溝24係以沿著接點部35的方式,沿上下方向 而形成。 另外,在活動殼體20的基部22的下面,以向側面開放、 且連通活動殼體2 0的長方向的方式形成收容複數接觸部 3 0的蛇行形狀的連結3 3的連結部收容凹部2 5。 11 312/發明說明書(補件)/93-03/92137432 200421676 圖2最可表現補強扣環4 0的構成。該補強扣環4 0係藉 由沖壓加工及彎曲加工金屬板所製作而成,大致上在架橋 於一對連接固定部1 1的端部間的上方形成突起的拱形 狀。也就是說,補強扣環4 0具備形成拱形狀的頂部的樑部 4 5 ;從該樑部4 5的兩端面向著配線基板的安裝面而向下方 下垂的下垂部4 6 ;及從該下垂部4 6沿著配線基板的安裝 面連設於外側的延長部47。 然後,補強扣環4 0具備分別設於固定殼體1 0的連接固 定部1 1的兩端部的用以固定於補強扣環固定部1 3的一對 結合部41 ;形成於該一對結合部41間的缺口部4 2 ;在兩 端部以沿著連接固定部1 1的外側面的方式向内彎曲的一 對彎曲部4 3 ;及設於彎曲部4 3的下緣,焊接於配線基板 用的焊接部44。 此等之中,結合部4 1係由從樑部4 5向著配線基板的安 裝面而下垂所形成的壓入片所構成。該結合部4 1係設於較 下垂部46的内側,藉由與該下垂部46 —起抱持補強扣環 固定部1 3,以將補強扣環4 0固定於補強扣環固定部1 3。 補強扣環固定部1 3具有收容補強扣環4 0的補強扣環收容 溝1 4。該補強扣環收容溝1 4係對補強扣環4 0的下垂部 4 6、樑部4 5及結合部41開放。然後,藉由從上方將補強 扣環4 0壓入補強扣環收容溝1 4,其主要藉由在結合部4 1 的前端附近向外側突出而形成的壓入突起4 1 a的工作,以 便在補強扣環收容溝1 4的底面抱持補強扣環固定部1 3。 另夕卜,缺口部4 2係藉由一對的結合部4 1及樑部4 5的 12 3丨2/發明說明書(補件)/93-03/92丨37432 200421676 下緣所限定,止拔凸部2 6係插穿於該缺口部4 2,其上面 與樑部4 5的下緣形成對向。在對方側連接器5的拔脫時, 樑部4 5的下緣成為頂接於止拔凸部2 6的上面的抵部,以 防止活動殼體2 0的脫落,同時,防止施加大的外力於接觸 部30上。 又,一對的彎曲部4 3係通過彎曲上述一對的延長部4 7 而形成。藉由該一對的彎曲部43,補強扣環40本身得到 強化,即使在將該補強扣環4 0形成為小型的情況,仍可保 持足夠的強度。又,一對的彎曲部43係沿著連接固定部 1 1外側的側面而形成,用以補強該連接固定部1 1。藉此, 在將連接固定部1 1形成為薄壁以圖獲活動型連接器1 〇 〇 的小型化的情況,可賦予足夠的強度於此種小型的活動型 連接器1 0 0。 在連接固定部1 1外側的側面的兩端部,分別形成補強 扣環收容凹部1 5,在該補強扣環收容凹部1 5收容著彎曲 部4 3的各前端部。又,元件符號1 7為繫合於配線基板上 形成的定位孔,用以將該活動型連接器1 0 0定位於配線基 板上用的定位凸部。 圖6 ( a )、圖6 ( b )及圖6 ( c )為說明上述活動型連接器的 製造步驟用的圖,圖6 ( a )為固定殼體1 0與活動殼體2 0的 一體成型品5 0的俯視圖,圖6 ( b )為其前視圖,圖6 ( c )為 其仰視圖,圖6 ( d )為其右側視圖。 該一體成型品5 0係利用樹脂材料將活動殼體2 0、沿著 活動殼體2 0的兩側配置的一對連接固定部1 1、一對捨棄 13 3 12/發明說明書(補件)/93-03/92137432 200421676 殼體6 0 —體成形而製成者。一對捨棄殼體6 0分別結合於 活動殼體2 0及一對連接固定部1 1的兩端部。更為具體而 言,捨棄殼體6 0具備沿著連接固定部1 1的兩端面的本體 部6 5 ;從該本體部6 5向著一對連接固定部1 1的端面(補 強扣環固定部1 3的表面)的方向平行延伸的一對固定殼體 結合腳部6 1、6 2 ;及向著活動殼體2 0的端面(止拔凸部2 6 的表面)的方向延伸的活動殼體結合腳部6 3。 固定殼體結合腳部6 1、6 2係結合於補強扣環固定部1 3 的表面(與連接固定部1 1的長方向垂直的表面)的捨棄殼 體結合部1 6 ( —併參照圖1 ( d )及圖2 )。另外,活動殼體結 合腳部6 3係結合於活動殼體2 0的止拔凸部2 6的表面(與 活動殼體2 0的長方向垂直的表面)的捨棄殼體結合部 2 7 ( —併參照圖1 ( d )及圖2 )。 在活動殼體2 0及一對連接固定部1 1的對應的端面,捨 棄殼體結合部2 7、1 6係配置於相同平面内(與活動殼體及 連接固定部1 1的長方向垂直的表面)。因此,捨棄殼體結 合部1 6、2 7與殼體結合腳部6 1、6 2、6 3的分離,係使用 切斷器具一併來進行。 圖7為說明上述活動型連接器的製造步驟的流程圖。首 先,利用樹脂材料成形由捨棄殼體6 0結合一對連接固定部 1 1及活動殼體2 0的一體成型品5 0 (步驟S 1 )。 其次,以架橋於一對連接固定部1 1的方式將補強扣環 4 0壓入兩端的補強扣環固定部1 3,藉此,以結合一對連接 固定部1 1 (步驟S 2 )。此時,如圖1 ( d )及圖2所示,活動 14 312/發明說明書(補件)/93-03/92137432 200421676 殼體2 0的捨棄殼體結合部2 7係從補強扣環4 0的拱形部露 出於端面方向,且,連接固定部1 1及活動殼體2 0的捨棄 殼體結合部1 6、2 7均較補強扣環4 0位於相對各長方向的 外方側。 如此般安裝補強扣環4 0後,以架橋於連接固定部1 1與 活動殼體2 0的方式植入複數的接觸部3 0 (步驟S 3 )。 其後,藉由切斷器具,在捨棄殼體結合部1 6、2 7切除 捨棄殼體6 0,以便使連接固定部1 1及活動殼體2 0分離(步 驟S 4 )。藉此,活動殼體2 0相對固定殼體1 0,在兩者間的 間隙及藉由接觸部3 0的彈性變形而允許的範圍成為可相 對變位的狀態,從而完成活動型連接器1 0 0。 如上述,根據本實施形態,因為以介由一對的捨棄殼體 6 0結合活動殼體2 0及一對的連接固定部1 1的狀態一體成 形,因此,可較小地設定此等間的間隙,可圖獲活動型連 接器1 0 0的小型化。而且,一對的捨棄殼體6 0分別結合活 動殼體2 0與連接固定部1 1的兩端,因此,該切除時的切 除渣為微量,且該切渣幾乎不會到達接觸部3 0的附近。而 且,除捨棄殼體6 0外,因為未設置活動殼體2 0與連接固 定部1 1的結合部,因此無產生起因於切渣的接觸部3 0的 焊接不良的擔憂。 另外,接觸部3 0具有蛇行形狀的連結部3 3,因此即使 將活動殼體2 0與連接固定部1 1的間隙抑制在最小限,仍 可充分確保變形量,可良好地吸收與對方側連接器5的位 置偏位。 15 3丨2/發明說明書(補件)/93-03/92137432 200421676 又,藉由架橋於一對的連接固定部1 1的補強扣環4 0, 以補強固定殼體1 0,因此可將連接固定部1 1形成為薄壁, 藉此,可將活動型連接器1 0 0更為小型化。 以上,說明了本發明之一實施形態,但本發明還可由其 他的形態來實施。例如,在上述實施形態中,在製作一對 的連接固定部1 1、活動殼體2 0及捨棄殼體6 0的一體成型 品5 0後壓入補強扣環4 0,但也可製作將補強扣環4 0以内 嵌狀態成形(内嵌成形)於一對的連接固定部1 1的成型 品。也就是說,也可取代圖7的步驟S1、S 2來進行如此的 内嵌成形步驟。 另外,在上述實施形態中,在兩端部藉由捨棄殼體6 0 結合一對的連接固定部1 1及活動殼體2 0,但也可僅在對 應的一端部由捨棄殼體6 0結合一對的連接固定部1 1及活 動殼體20。 又,在上述實施形態中,固定殼體1 0具有相互分離的 一對的連接固定部1 1,但也可在捨棄殼體6 0以外的部位 結合一對的連接固定部1 1彼此,而由一零件來構成固定殼 體10。 另夕卜,在上述實施形態中,說明了設置2 0根接觸部3 0 的2 0針型的活動型連接器,但該針數僅為一例而已,例 如,藉由加長長度,可構成4 0針型或8 0針型等的任意針 數的活動型連接器。 以上,詳細說明了本發明之實施形態,但此等僅為明示 本發明之技術内容用的具體例而已,本發明並不意味限於 16 312/發明說明書(補件)/93-03/92137432 200421676 此等的具體例,本發明的精神及範圍係由所附的申請專利 範圍所限定。 本申請案對應於2 0 0 3年1月7日向日本專利局提出的 特願2 0 0 3 - 1 3 6 2號公報,本申請案的全揭示内容係依引用 而組入此而成者。 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1 ( a )為本發明之一實施形態的活動型連接器的俯視 圖,圖1(b)為其前視圖,圖1(c)為其仰視圖,圖1(d)為 其右側視圖。 圖2為上述活動型連接器的部分立體圖。 圖3 ( a )為顯示活動型連接器的使用狀態的側視圖,圖 3 ( b)為同樣顯示使用狀態的橫剖面圖。 圖4為沿著圖1 ( b )中的A - A線所作的剖面圖。 圖5為接觸部的立體圖。 圖6 ( a )為固定殼體與活動殼體的一體成型品的俯視 圖,圖6(b)為其前視圖,圖6(c)為其仰視圖,圖6(d)為 其右側視圖。 圖7為說明上述活動型連接器的製造步驟的流程圖。 (元件符號說明) 1 第1配線基板 la 安裝面 2 第2配線基板 2a 安裝面 5 對方側連接器 17 3 12/發明說明書(補件)/93-03/92丨37432 200421676 7 接觸部 10 固定殼體 11 連接固定部 12 壓入孔 13 補強扣環固定部 14 補強扣環收容溝 15 補強扣環收容凹部 16 捨棄殼體結合部 17 定位凸部 2 0 活動殼體 2 1 嵌合部 22 基部 23 壓入孔 24 接點收容溝 2 5 連結部收容凹部 26 端部、止拔凸部 27 捨棄殼體結合部 30 接觸部 3 1 固定殼體側結合部 3 2 活動殼體側結合部 33 連結部 33a 峰部 33b 峰部 33c 谷部 18200421676 发明 Description of the invention: [Technical field to which the invention belongs] The present invention is an electrical connector mounted on a wiring board. The present invention relates to a movable connector having a floating structure that can absorb the positional deviation of a connector on the counterpart side, and is used for This reinforces the buckle. [Prior Art] In an electronic device such as a digital camera, a plurality of wiring substrates are housed in a housing in a state where they are connected via a connector. When a pair of wiring boards are combined with two or more connectors, the position of the connectors may inevitably be shifted between the pair of wiring boards. In the state where the position is misaligned, each connector is subjected to stress. If the connector is used continuously, the connector's lead (soldering part) is peeled from the wiring, resulting in poor continuity. Here, in order to absorb the positional deviation of the connectors between the wiring boards to be connected to each other, a movable type connector as shown in Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 6-3 2 5 8 2 5 is used. The movable connector includes a fixed case fixed to the wiring board, and a movable case mounted on the fixed case in a movable state (floating state). For example, if the fixed casing has a frame shape, a movable casing is embedded in the fixed casing. The movable casing is installed on the fixed casing through a plurality of connectors for electrical connection. The elastic deformation of the connector allows the movable casing to be displaced to the fixed casing to absorb and connect to the movable connection. The opposite side connector of the device is out of position. The connector is provided with a lead portion for soldering to the wiring board on the fixed housing side. The lead wire portion is soldered to the wiring substrate to achieve the electrical connection between the connector 5 312 / Invention Specification (Supplement) / 93-03 / 92137432 200421676 and the wiring substrate. In order to prevent stress from being concentrated on the lead portion, a metal buckle for fixing the fixing case to the wiring board is generally provided, and the metal buckle is soldered to the wiring board. With the trend toward miniaturization of electronic devices and the like, wiring boards have also been miniaturized. Therefore, in order to mount a large number of electrical and electronic parts on a mounting surface with a small area on a small wiring board, the miniaturization of the connector is also indispensable. In order to reduce the size of the movable connector, it is considered to form the fixed housing into a thin wall. However, there is still a concern that the fixed housing may not be strong enough to withstand the stress caused during insertion and removal of the connector on the counterpart side, which may cause damage. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION An object of the present invention is to provide a reinforcing buckle and a movable connector using the same, which can reinforce the strength of a fixed casing, and is a movable connector that can achieve sufficient strength while being a small device. The reinforcing buckle for a movable connector of the present invention is to reinforce a movable connection provided with a fixed casing (10) fixed to a wiring substrate and a movable casing (2 0) variably coupled to the fixed casing. A reinforcing buckle (40) for a device includes: a coupling portion (41) coupled to an end portion of the fixed casing; and a pair of inwardly curved portions along a pair of side surfaces of the fixed casing. A bending portion (43); and a soldering portion (4 4) provided at each lower end of the pair of bending portions for soldering to the wiring substrate. In addition, the English numerals in parentheses indicate corresponding constituent elements and the like of the embodiment described later, but this does not mean that the present invention is limited to the explanation of the embodiment. Hereinafter, the same applies to this item. The reinforcing buckle of this structure has a pair of bent portions that are bent inwardly along a pair of sides 6 312 / Invention Specification (Supplement) / 93-03 / 92137432 200421676 of the above-mentioned fixed housing, and is thus formed in It has sufficient strength even in a small case. Therefore, if the fixed buckle is used to reinforce the fixed case, the movable type buckle has sufficient strength, and the fixed case is formed into a thin wall, thereby miniaturizing the movable connector. Preferably, a notch (4 2) is formed in the reinforcing buckle to expose an end surface (2 6) of the movable casing. According to this configuration, since the end surface of the movable case is exposed from the cutout portion, for example, the movable case and the fixed case are coupled to the abandonment case (60) at one or both ends of the corresponding case. That is, by forming the notch portion at a position corresponding to the coupling portion of the discarded case, the end surface of the movable case can be coupled to the discarded case. In the case where the movable casing and the fixed casing are integrally formed by using the abandonment casing, it is not necessary to provide a horizontal bar or the like in the gap to correctly specify the small gap between the two. Thereby, defects such as welding failure caused by cutting without a horizontal bar can be generated, and the above-mentioned gap can be formed minutely, and miniaturization of the movable connector can be obtained. A pull-out projection (2 6) may be formed on the end surface of the movable case. In this case, it is preferable that the reinforcing buckle further includes an abutting portion (45) that opposes the pull-out convex portion and presses against the pull-out convex portion to prevent the movable casing from falling off. According to this configuration, since the pull-out convex portion of the movable case is abutted against the abutment portion of the reinforcing buckle, no excessive external force is applied to the movable case and the fixed case when the mating connector is pulled out. The condition of the contact part. This prevents damage to the contact portion and improves the reliability of the movable connector. In addition, by forming a gap as described in 7 312 / Invention Specification (Supplement) / 93-03 / 92137432 200421676 at a position opposing the pull-out convex portion, the entire reinforcing buckle can be formed to pass through the pull-out stop. The convex portion is arched above (the connection side with the counterpart connector), and the arched top (45) is used as the abutting portion. The movable connector of the present invention includes: a fixed casing fixed to a wiring substrate; a movable casing variably coupled to the fixed casing; and a reinforcing buckle having the above structure coupled to the fixed casing. The above and other objects, features, and effects of the present invention can be seen at a glance by stating the following description of embodiments with reference to the drawings. [Embodiment] FIG. 1 (a) is a top view of a movable connector according to an embodiment of the present invention, FIG. 1 (b) is a front view thereof, FIG. 1 (c) is a bottom view thereof, and FIG. 1 (d) is Its right side view. Fig. 2 is a partial perspective view of the movable connector, Fig. 3 (a) is a side view showing a use state of the movable connector, and Fig. 3 (b) is a cross-sectional view showing the use state also. Fig. 1 (a) shows a plan view of a mounting surface (a surface on which the movable connector is mounted) of the wiring substrate when the movable connector is mounted on the wiring substrate, as viewed from above. In the following description, the mounting surface side of the wiring board (the lower side in FIG. 1 (b)) will be described below. In the figure, the size of the movable connector is shown to be larger than the actual size, and the actual size of the movable connector is about 6 nm in width, about 12 mm in length, and about 3 nm in height. For the purpose of connecting the first wiring substrate and the second wiring substrate, the movable connector 100 is mounted on the mounting surface 1a of the first wiring substrate 1 by soldering. On the mounting surface 2 a of the second wiring substrate 2, the mating connector 5 is mounted by soldering 8 3 12 / Invention Manual (Supplement) / 93-03 / 92 丨 37432 200421676 The connector 5 is mated with the movable connector 100 to achieve electrical connection between the first and second wiring boards 1 and 2. At this time, the position of the movable connector 100 and the mating connector 5 is misaligned and absorbed by the movable connector 100. The movable connector 100 includes: a slightly rectangular frame-shaped fixed casing 10; a long-shaped movable casing 20 fitted into the fixed casing 10; and a bridge-shaped fixed casing 1 A plurality of contact portions 3 0 for electrical connection between 0 and the movable case 20; and reinforcing retaining rings 40 provided at both ends of the fixed case 10. The movable housing 20 is set to ensure a specified gap with respect to the fixed housing 10, and it can be displaced in a two-dimensional direction along the mounting surface of the wiring board within the fixed housing 10. That is, by the elastic deformation of the contact portion 30, the movable casing 20 allows its relative displacement to the fixed casing 10. The fixed case 10 uses a pair of long side portions along both sides of the movable case 20 as the connection fixed portion 11. A plurality of contact portions 30 are fixed to the connection fixing portion 11 parallel to each other and at equal intervals in a posture crossing the connection fixing portion 11. At the ends of the pair of connection and fixing portions 1 1, reinforcing buckle fixing portions 13 are formed respectively, which are combined with the reinforcing buckle 40. In this embodiment, the pair of connection fixing portions 11 is a separate type, and a pair of reinforcing retaining rings 40 are fixed by bridging and connecting both ends of the pair of connection fixing portions 11. Between the two ends of the pair of connecting and fixing portions 11, below the reinforcing retaining ring 40, there are provided pull-out projections 26 protruding from both end surfaces of the movable housing 20. When the mating protrusion 26 is pulled out from the connector 5 on the opposite side, it is abutted on the lower part of the reinforcing buckle 40 to restrict the movement of the movable casing 20. This can prevent excessive external force from being applied to the contact portion 30. 9 312 / Invention Specification (Supplement) / 93-03 / 92137432 200421676 Fig. 4 is a sectional view taken along the line A-A in Fig. 1 (b). FIG. 5 is a perspective view of the contact portion 30. The contact portion 30 is made by pressing a metal plate, and includes a fixed case-side coupling portion 3 1 for coupling with the fixed case 10, and a movable case-side coupling for connection with the movable case 20. A portion 3 2; and a meander-shaped connecting portion 33 connecting the fixed case-side connecting portion 31 and the movable case-side connecting portion 3 2. The fixed casing-side joint portion 31 extends in an up-and-down direction substantially perpendicular to the mounting surface of the wiring substrate, and forms a pressing piece that is pressed into the pressing hole 12 of the fixed casing 10. The lead portions 3 4 extending substantially parallel to the mounting surface. The lead portions 34 are soldered to islands on the mounting surface of the wiring board. A connection is provided to the fixed case-side joint portion 31 in a direction facing the movable case 20 (that is, in a direction toward the inner side of the frame-shaped fixed case 10) on the side opposite to the lead portion 34.部 33。 33. In this embodiment, the connecting portion 33 has a meandering shape that snakes up and down along a plane perpendicular to the mounting surface of the wiring board, and has two peak portions 3 3 a and 33 b and a portion formed between the two peak portions 33 a and 33 b. 1 valley part 33c. Thereby, the gap between the fixed casing 10 and the movable casing is reduced, and at the same time, the length of the connecting portion 33 is increased to ensure a sufficient displacement amount of the movable casing 20. Further, in the present embodiment, the connection portion 33 is inserted into the movable case 20, whereby a structure can be formed in which the gap between the fixed case 10 and the movable case 20 is minimized. The movable casing-side joint portion 3 2 is provided with an inner end portion of the joint portion 33 and is erected from the inner end portion of the joint portion 33 to an upper direction substantially perpendicular to the mounting surface of the wiring board to form a press-fit movable case 20. The press-fit piece of the press-fit hole 23. 10 312 / Invention Manual (Supplement) / 93-03 / 92137432 200421676 Protrudes from the middle of the movable housing-side joint 32 toward the outside and from above the joint 33, and it also diverges along and is approximately perpendicular to The contact portion 35 extending in the direction of the mounting surface of the wiring board (actually, a direction slightly inclined outward). The contact portion 35 is formed to be elastically deformable inward, and the contact portion 7 (see FIG. 3 (b)) of the mating connector 5 is crimped on the outer surface of the contact portion to achieve the contact portion 30, 7 electrical connections. A plurality of press-fitting holes 12 are formed in the pair of connection fixing portions 11 of the fixed housing 10 in a row along the longitudinal direction of the connection fixing portions 11 through the connection fixing portions 11 (10 in this example). A plurality of (in this example, ten) contact portions 30 of the fixed case-side joint portions 31 are pressed into the press-fit holes 12. On the other hand, the movable housing 20 is provided with a fitting portion 2 1 that fits the mating connector 5 (outer fitting in this embodiment); and is connected below the fitting portion 21 and is more than合 部 21wide base 2 2. Then, in the vicinity of the center in the width direction of the fitting portion 21, two rows are formed along the longitudinal direction (in this example, there are 10 in each row, a total of 20), and the fitting portion 21 is vertically penetrated through the fitting portion 21. The plural of the press-in holes 2 3. The plural (in this example, 20) contact parts 30 of the plurality of press-fitting holes 23 are respectively press-fitted into the movable-shell-side joints 32 of the contact parts 30. In addition, contact accommodating grooves 24 for accommodating the contact portions 35 of the contact portion 30 and the contact portions 30 of the contact portion 30 are formed on both sides of the movable housing 20 at approximately equal intervals, and the contact accommodating grooves 24 are formed along the sides. The method of contacting the contact portion 35 is formed in the vertical direction. In addition, a connecting portion accommodating recess 2 is formed below the base portion 22 of the movable case 20 so as to open to the side and communicate with the longitudinal direction of the movable case 20 to accommodate the serpentine connection 3 of the plurality of contact portions 30. 5. 11 312 / Invention Specification (Supplement) / 93-03 / 92137432 200421676 Figure 2 shows the structure of the reinforcing buckle 40 most. The reinforcing buckle 40 is formed by press working and bending a metal plate, and is formed in a substantially convex arch shape that bridges between the ends of a pair of connecting and fixing portions 11. That is, the reinforcing buckle 40 includes a beam portion 45 that forms an arch-shaped top portion; a droop portion 4 6 that hangs downward from both ends of the beam portion 45 toward the mounting surface of the wiring board; and from this The hanging portions 46 are continuously connected to the outer extension 47 along the mounting surface of the wiring board. Then, the reinforcing buckle 40 is provided with a pair of coupling portions 41 respectively provided at both ends of the connection fixing portion 11 of the fixed housing 10 to be fixed to the reinforcing buckle fixing portion 13; A notch portion 4 2 between the joint portions 41; a pair of bent portions 4 3 that are bent inward at both end portions along the outer side of the fixed portion 1 1; and a lower edge of the bent portion 43 that is welded In the soldering portion 44 for the wiring board. Among these, the joint portion 41 is constituted by a press-fit piece formed by sagging from the beam portion 45 toward the mounting surface of the wiring board. The joint portion 41 is provided on the inner side of the drooping portion 46 and holds the reinforcing clasp fixing portion 1 3 together with the drooping portion 46 to fix the reinforcing clasp 40 to the reinforcing clasp fixing portion 1 3 . The reinforcing buckle fixing portion 13 has a reinforcing buckle receiving groove 14 for receiving the reinforcing buckle 40. The reinforcing buckle receiving groove 14 is open to the drooping portion 46, the beam portion 45, and the joint portion 41 of the reinforcing buckle 40. Then, by pushing the reinforcing buckle 40 into the reinforcing buckle receiving groove 14 from above, it mainly works by the pressing-in protrusion 4 1 a formed by protruding outward near the front end of the joint portion 4 1 so that Hold the reinforcement buckle fixing portion 13 on the bottom surface of the reinforcement buckle receiving groove 14. In addition, the notch portion 4 2 is defined by a pair of the joint portion 41 and the beam portion 4 5 12 3 丨 2 / Invention Specification (Supplement) / 93-03 / 92 丨 37432 200421676 The protruding portion 26 is inserted through the cutout portion 42, and the upper surface thereof faces the lower edge of the beam portion 45. When the mating connector 5 is pulled out, the lower edge of the beam portion 45 becomes an abutting portion abutting on the upper surface of the pull-out-preventing protrusion 26 to prevent the movable housing 20 from falling off, and at the same time, prevent the application of a large An external force is applied to the contact portion 30. The pair of bent portions 4 3 is formed by bending the pair of extension portions 4 7. With the pair of bent portions 43, the reinforcing buckle 40 itself is reinforced, and even when the reinforcing buckle 40 is formed in a small size, sufficient strength can be maintained. A pair of curved portions 43 are formed along the outer side surface of the connection fixing portion 11 to reinforce the connection fixing portion 11. Accordingly, when the connection and fixing portion 11 is formed into a thin wall to achieve miniaturization of the movable connector 100, sufficient strength can be imparted to such a small movable connector 100. Reinforcing buckle accommodating recesses 15 are formed at both ends of the outer side of the connection fixing part 11 respectively, and the front end portions of the bending portions 43 are housed in the reinforcing buckle accommodating recesses 15. The reference numeral 17 is a positioning hole formed on the wiring substrate, and is used to locate the movable connector 100 on a positioning projection for the wiring substrate. 6 (a), 6 (b), and 6 (c) are diagrams for explaining the manufacturing steps of the above-mentioned movable connector, and FIG. 6 (a) is an integration of the fixed casing 10 and the movable casing 20 A top view of the molded product 50, FIG. 6 (b) is a front view thereof, FIG. 6 (c) is a bottom view thereof, and FIG. 6 (d) is a right side view thereof. This one-piece molded product 50 is a pair of connecting and fixing parts 1 1 and a pair of connection fixing parts 1 1 arranged along both sides of the movable case 20 using a resin material. / 93-03 / 92137432 200421676 Shell 6 0 —The body is shaped and made. A pair of discarded casings 60 are respectively coupled to the movable casing 20 and the two ends of the pair of fixed portions 11. More specifically, the abandonment case 60 includes a main body portion 6 5 along both end faces of the connection fixing portion 11, and an end surface (reinforcing ring fixing portion) of the pair of connection fixing portions 11 from the main body portion 65 to the connection fixing portion 11. 1 3 surface), a pair of fixed casings connecting leg portions 6 1 and 6 2 extending parallel to the direction; and a movable casing extending toward the end surface of the movable casing 20 (the surface of the protruding protrusion 2 6). Combined with feet 6 3. The fixed casing coupling feet 6 1 and 6 2 are disposed on the surface of the reinforcing buckle fixing portion 1 3 (the surface perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the connection fixing portion 1 1), and the abandoned casing coupling portion 1 6 (— and refer to the figure) 1 (d) and Figure 2). In addition, the movable case coupling leg portion 6 3 is a discarded case coupling portion 2 7 (a surface perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the movable case 20) coupled to the surface of the pullout projection portion 26 of the movable case 20 ( -And refer to Figures 1 (d) and 2). On the corresponding end faces of the movable casing 20 and the pair of connecting and fixing portions 11, the casing joint portions 2 7 and 16 are disposed in the same plane (perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the movable casing and the connecting and fixing portions 11). s surface). Therefore, the separation of the casing joint portions 16 and 27 and the casing joint leg portions 6 1, 6 and 6 3 is discarded, and the cutting device is used together. FIG. 7 is a flowchart illustrating manufacturing steps of the above-mentioned movable connector. First, an integrally molded product 50 of a discarded case 60 combined with a pair of fixed portions 11 and a movable case 20 is formed using a resin material (step S1). Next, the reinforcing retaining ring 40 is pressed into the reinforcing retaining ring fixing portions 13 at both ends in a manner of bridging the pair of connecting retaining portions 1 1 to thereby join the pair of connecting retaining portions 1 1 (step S 2). At this time, as shown in FIG. 1 (d) and FIG. 2, activity 14 312 / Instruction of the Invention (Supplement) / 93-03 / 92137432 200421676 Case 2 0 Abandoned case joint 2 7 is reinforced by the retaining ring 4 The arched part of 0 is exposed in the direction of the end surface, and the abandonment case joints 16 and 27 connecting the fixed part 11 and the movable case 2 0 are located on the outer side in the longitudinal direction relative to the reinforcing buckle 40. . After the reinforcing buckle 40 is installed in this manner, a plurality of contact portions 30 are implanted in a manner of bridging the connection between the fixed portion 11 and the movable housing 20 (step S3). Thereafter, the abandonment casing 60 is cut off at the abandonment casing coupling portions 16 and 27 by the cutting tool so as to separate the connection fixing portion 11 and the movable casing 20 (step S 4). Thereby, the movable housing 20 is relatively movable relative to the fixed housing 10, and the gap between the two and the range allowed by the elastic deformation of the contact portion 30 are relatively displaceable, thereby completing the movable connector 1 0 0. As described above, according to the present embodiment, since the movable case 20 and the pair of connection fixing parts 11 are integrally formed through a pair of abandonment cases 60 and a pair of connection and fixing parts 11, the interval can be set smaller. It is possible to obtain the miniaturization of the movable connector 100. In addition, a pair of discarded shells 60 are respectively combined with the movable shell 20 and the two ends of the connecting and fixing portion 11. Therefore, a small amount of slag is removed during the cutting, and the slag hardly reaches the contact portion 30. Nearby. Furthermore, in addition to discarding the case 60, there is no fear of defective welding due to the slag contact portion 30 because there is no joint between the movable case 20 and the fixed portion 11. In addition, the contact portion 30 has a meander-shaped connecting portion 33. Therefore, even if the gap between the movable housing 20 and the connection fixing portion 11 is minimized, the amount of deformation can be sufficiently ensured, and the contact with the counterpart side can be well absorbed. The position of the connector 5 is out of position. 15 3 丨 2 / Invention Specification (Supplement) / 93-03 / 92137432 200421676 In addition, by reinforcing bridges 40 connected to a pair of connecting and fixing portions 1 1 to reinforce and fix the housing 10, The connection fixing portion 11 is formed in a thin wall, and thereby the movable connector 100 can be made more compact. Although one embodiment of the present invention has been described above, the present invention can be implemented in other forms. For example, in the above-mentioned embodiment, a pair of integrally-molded products 50 connecting the fixed portion 11, the movable housing 20, and the abandoned housing 60 is made into the reinforcing buckle 40, but it is also possible to produce The reinforcing buckle 40 is a molded product in which the reinforcing buckle 40 is formed in an embedded state (inset molding) on the pair of connection and fixing portions 11. That is, such an in-molding step may be performed instead of steps S1 and S2 in FIG. 7. In addition, in the above-mentioned embodiment, a pair of connection and fixing portions 11 and a movable casing 20 are combined by discarding the casing 6 0 at both end portions, but the casing 6 0 may be discarded only at the corresponding one end portion. A pair of connection fixing parts 11 and a movable casing 20 are combined. Furthermore, in the above-mentioned embodiment, the fixed casing 10 has a pair of connection fixing portions 11 which are separated from each other. However, the pair of connection fixing portions 11 may be combined with each other at a place other than the case 60, and The fixed casing 10 is constituted by one part. In addition, in the embodiment described above, the 20-pin movable connector provided with 20 contact portions 30 was described, but the number of pins is only an example. For example, by lengthening the length, it can be composed of 4 0-pin or 80-pin movable connectors with any number of pins. The embodiments of the present invention have been described in detail above, but these are only specific examples for expressing the technical content of the present invention, and the present invention is not meant to be limited to 16 312 / Invention Specification (Supplement) / 93-03 / 92137432 200421676 For these specific examples, the spirit and scope of the present invention are defined by the scope of the attached patent application. This application corresponds to Japanese Patent Application No. 2003-131 2 filed with the Japan Patent Office on January 7, 2003. The full disclosure of this application is incorporated herein by reference. . [Brief description of the drawings] FIG. 1 (a) is a top view of a movable connector according to an embodiment of the present invention, FIG. 1 (b) is a front view thereof, FIG. 1 (c) is a bottom view thereof, and FIG. 1 (d) ) Is its right side view. FIG. 2 is a partial perspective view of the movable connector. Fig. 3 (a) is a side view showing the use state of the movable connector, and Fig. 3 (b) is a cross-sectional view showing the use state as well. Fig. 4 is a sectional view taken along the line A-A in Fig. 1 (b). FIG. 5 is a perspective view of a contact portion. Fig. 6 (a) is a plan view of an integrally molded product of a fixed case and a movable case, Fig. 6 (b) is a front view thereof, Fig. 6 (c) is a bottom view thereof, and Fig. 6 (d) is a right side view thereof. FIG. 7 is a flowchart illustrating manufacturing steps of the above-mentioned movable connector. (Description of component symbols) 1 1st wiring board 1a mounting surface 2 2nd wiring board 2a mounting surface 5 mating connector 17 3 12 / Instruction Manual (Supplement) / 93-03 / 92 丨 37432 200421676 7 Contact part 10 Fixing Case 11 Connection and fixing part 12 Press-in hole 13 Reinforcement buckle fixing part 14 Reinforcement buckle receiving groove 15 Reinforcement buckle receiving recess 16 Abandon the case joint 17 Positioning projection 2 0 Movable case 2 1 Fitting part 22 Base 23 Press-in hole 24 Contact receiving groove 2 5 Connecting portion receiving recess 26 End portion, pull-out convex portion 27 Discarding the housing coupling portion 30 Contact portion 3 1 Fixed casing-side coupling portion 3 2 Mobile casing-side coupling portion 33 Connection Portion 33a Peak portion 33b Peak portion 33c Valley portion 18
312/發明說明書(補件)/93-03/92137432 200421676 34 導線部 3 5 接點部 40 補強扣環 41 結合部 41a 壓入突起 42 缺口部 43 彎曲部 44 焊接部 45 抵部、頂部、樑部 46 下垂部 4 7 延長部 50 一體成型品 60 捨棄殼體 6 1 固定殼體結合腳部 6 2 固定殼體結合腳部 63 活動殼體結合腳部 65 本體部 100 活動型連接器 5 1〜S 4 步驟 19 312/發明說明書(補件)/93-03/92137432312 / Invention Manual (Supplement) / 93-03 / 92137432 200421676 34 Conductor part 3 5 Contact part 40 Reinforcing ring 41 Joint part 41a Press-in protrusion 42 Notch part 43 Bending part 44 Welding part 45 Abutment part, top part, beam Portion 46 Sag portion 4 7 Extension portion 50 One-piece molded product 60 Discarding the case 6 1 Fixed case coupling leg 6 2 Fixed case coupling leg 63 Movable case coupling leg 65 Body portion 100 Movable connector 5 1 ~ S 4 Step 19 312 / Invention Specification (Supplement) / 93-03 / 92137432