SI9700010A - Device for demonstrating the movement in time - Google Patents

Device for demonstrating the movement in time Download PDF


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SI9700010A SI9700010A SI9700010A SI9700010A SI 9700010 A SI9700010 A SI 9700010A SI 9700010 A SI9700010 A SI 9700010A SI 9700010 A SI9700010 A SI 9700010A SI 9700010 A SI9700010 A SI 9700010A
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time course
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Atanackov Djordje
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EXCEL didactic izdelava učil
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Application filed by EXCEL didactic izdelava učil filed Critical EXCEL didactic izdelava učil
Priority to SI9700010A priority Critical patent/SI9700010A/en
Priority to US09/331,572 priority patent/US6402521B1/en
Priority to AU55842/98A priority patent/AU5584298A/en
Priority to DE19881987T priority patent/DE19881987T1/en
Priority to PCT/SI1998/000003 priority patent/WO1998031986A1/en
Publication of SI9700010A publication Critical patent/SI9700010A/en



The device for demonstrating the movement in time features two sets (2, 3) of equidistant optical resistors or LEDs in two parallel lines. The tracks (12) provided for the movement of the body (1) are located parallel to the sets (2, 3). The body (1) features a laser device (11) which in each moment illuminates two adjacent light sensitive elements of set 2. Each optical resistor (2i) is in line of the corresponding elements connected to the first logical AND-input, while on the other input to this door a time pulse signal is supplied and whose exit is via a logical flip-flop element connected to the LED (3i). The outstanding feature of the device according to the invention for demonstrating the movement in time is, that it provides a visual presentation of path sections which the body passes in equal time periods thus allowing to view whether the movement in certain moments is uniform or accelerated.


Priprava za demonstriranje časovnega poteka gibanjaGetting ready to demonstrate the timing of the movement

Predmet izuma je priprava za demonstriranje časovnega poteka gibanja oziroma bolj natančno za vidno predstavitev odsekov poti, ki jih telo prepotuje v enakih časovnih presledkih.The object of the invention is a device for demonstrating the time course of movement, or more precisely for the visual representation of the sections of paths traveled by the body at regular intervals.


Izum je po mednarodni klasifikaciji patentov uvrščen v razred G 09B 23/06.The invention is classified according to the international classification of patents in class G 09B 23/06.

Tehnični problem, ki ga rešuje izum, je izdelati takšno pripravo za demonstriranje časovnega poteka gibanja, da se bodo na premici, ki je vzporedna trajektoriji gibajočega se telesa, označile točke, ki prednostno v preslikavi 1:1 ustrezajo točkam, v katerih se je gibajoče se telo nahajalo ob začetku gibanja in zatem po mnogokratnikih poljubno izbranega časovnega intervala.The technical problem solved by the invention is to make such a device for demonstrating the time course of the movement, so that on a line parallel to the trajectory of the moving body, points are given which, preferably, in the 1: 1 mapping, correspond to the points at which the moving the body was located at the beginning of the movement and then after the multiples of any chosen time interval.

Znane so priprave za demonstriranje časovnega poteka gibanja, pri katerih se za vsak trenutek v času poskusa beleži prepotovana pot. Pri tem se uporabi merilna priprava, kot je naprimer škripec, preko katerega je napeljana vrvica, s katero utež vleče gibajoče se telo, in katerega zasuk se detektira s pomočjo fotocelice (PASCO Scientific 1994, Physics Experiments and Computer Interfaces, Roseville. California 95678-9011, ZDA). Po drugi strani pa so znane demonstracijske priprave, ki s pomočjo dveh ali več svetlobnih zapornic zaznajo trenutke prehoda gibajočega se telesa mimo njih (glej prejšnjo referenco in Impromax Mesco učila, SI-23J2 Orehova vas). Pri vseh teh demonstracijskih pripravah se meri bodisi prepotovana pot v odvisnosti od časa potovanja bodisi čas, v katerem telo prepotuje vnaprej določeno pot. Za nazoren prikaz poteka gibanja pa je zaželjeno na trajen način zaznamovati točke, v katerih se je gibajoče se telo nahajalo v vnaprej izbranih trenutkih.There are known preparations for demonstrating the timing of a movement in which a traveled path is recorded for each moment during the experiment. This uses a measuring device, such as a pulley, through which a cord is drawn, by which the moving body is drawn, and whose rotation is detected by a photocell (PASCO Scientific 1994, Physics Experiments and Computer Interfaces, Roseville. California 95678- 9011, USA). Demonstration devices, on the other hand, are known to detect moments of passage of a moving body past them with the help of two or more light barriers (see previous reference and Impromax Mesco Tutorial, SI-23J2 Walnut Village). In all of these demonstration preparations, either the traveled path is measured as a function of the travel time or the time during which the body travels a predetermined route. In order to give a clear picture of the course of the movement, it is desirable to permanently mark the points at which the moving body was at pre-selected moments.

Navedeni tehnični problem je rešen s pripravo po izumu za demonstriranje časovnega poteka gibanja, ki je značilna po tem, da sta na dveh vzporednih premicah nameščena prvi in drugi niz enakomerno in v obeh nizih enako razmaknjenih svetlobno občutljivih elementov oziroma svetil in da so tirnice, po katerih se giba telo, nameščene vzporedno z omenjenima nizoma in da je na telo pritrjeno svetilo s kolimiranim svetlobnim snopom, ki v vsakem trenutku gibanja telesa osvetli en ali dva sosednja svetlobno občutljiva elementa in da je vsak svetlobno občutljiv element v liniji sebi pripadajočih elementov priključen na prvi vhod logičnih IN-vrat, na katerih drugi vhod se vodijo pulzi ure in katerih izhod je preko logičnega flipflop elementa priključen na svetilo.Said technical problem is solved by the preparation according to the invention for demonstrating the time course of motion, characterized in that on the two parallel lines the first and second sets are placed uniformly and in both sets of light-sensitive elements or lights equally spaced and that the rails, according to the body moving parallel to said arrays, and a collimated light beam affixed to the body, illuminating at one or two adjacent light-sensitive elements at each moment of motion of the body, and that each light-sensitive element in a line of pertaining elements is connected to the first input of logical IN-ports, at which the second input is controlled by clock pulses and whose output is connected to a light via a logical flipflop element.

Priprava za demonstriranje časovnega poteka gibanja je nadalje značilna po tem, da je predvidena tipka, ki je povezana z enim izmed vhodov omenjenega logičnega flipflop elementa, za resetiranje priprave pred izvedbo naslednje demonstracije in da se ura sproži v trenutku, ko se telo začne gibati, in da se da nastaviti dolžina časovnega presledka med dvema urinima pulzoma.The preparation for demonstrating the time course of the movement is further characterized in that there is a key associated with one of the inputs of said logical flipflop element for resetting the device before the next demonstration is performed, and that the clock is triggered at the moment when the body begins to move, and that a time interval between two clock pulses can be set.

Na pripravi za demonstriranje časovnega poteka gibanja je prednostno ob nizu svetil nameščen merilni trak, katerega izhodišče leži ob prvem svetilu v nizu. V pripravi za demonstriranje časovnega poteka gibanja je svetilo s kolimiranim snopom prednostno laser in so svetlobno občutljivi elementi prednostno fotoupori in so svetila v drugem nizu prednostno svetleče diode.In preparation for demonstrating the timing of the movement, preferably a measuring tape is mounted next to the set of lights, the starting point of which lies at the first light in the set. In preparation for demonstrating the time course of motion, the collimated beam lamp is preferably a laser and the light-sensitive elements are preferably photoresistors and the lamps in the second set are preferably LEDs.

Priprava po izumu za demonstriranje časovnega poteka gibanja se odlikuje po tem, da posreduje vidno predstavitev odsekov poti, ki jih telo prepotuje v enakih časovnih presledkih, in s tem omogoči predstavo o tem, ali je gibanje v posameznih trenutkih enakomerno ali pospešeno.The apparatus of the invention for demonstrating the timing of a movement is distinguished by providing a visual representation of sections of paths traveled by the body at regular intervals, thereby providing an idea of whether the movement is steady or accelerated at particular moments.

Izum bo v nadaljnjem podrobno obrazložen na osnovi opisa izvedbenega primera ter pripadajočega načrta, ki prikazuje na sl.l pripravo po izumu za demonstriranje časovnega poteka gibanja in na sl.2 linijo vezja, ki pripada i-temu svetlobno občutljivemu elementu.The invention will hereinafter be explained in detail based on the description of an embodiment and the accompanying plan showing in Fig. 1 a device according to the invention for demonstrating the time course of motion and in Fig. 2 a circuit line belonging to the i-th light-sensitive element.

V pripravi po izumu za demonstriranje časovnega poteka gibanja sta vzdolž dveh vzporednih premic prikazovalne plošče 5 nameščena niza 2 in 3, ki obstojata iz N svetlobno občutljivih elementov 21, ..., 2i, ..., 2N, ki so prednostno fotoupori, oziroma N svetil 31,..., 3i,..., 3N, ki so prednostno svetleče diode (sl. 1). Razdalja med sosednjima svetlobno občutljivima elementoma je stalna vzdolž niza 2, isto velja za razdaljo med sosednjima svetiloma v nizu 3, prednostno pa je sta ti razdalji enaki za oba niza 2, 3. V opisanem izvedbenem primeru imajo tako fotoupori kot tudi svetleče diode premer 5 mm, elementi v vsakem od obeh nizov pa so nameščeni tako, da se dotikajo drug drugega.In the apparatus of the invention for demonstrating the time course of motion, arrays 2 and 3 are mounted along two parallel lines of the display panel 5, consisting of N light-sensitive elements 21, ..., 2i, ..., 2N, which are preferably photoresistors, respectively. N lights 31, ..., 3i, ..., 3N, which are preferably LEDs (Fig. 1). The distance between adjacent light-sensitive elements is constant along series 2, the same applies to the distance between adjacent lamps in series 3, and preferably these distances are the same for both series 2, 3. In the embodiment described, both photoresistors and LEDs have a diameter of 5 mm, and the elements in each of the two arrays are positioned to touch each other.

Telo 1 je izvedeno kot voziček, ki se giblje po tirnicah 12. Le-te so nameščene vzporedno z nizoma 2 in 3. Na telo 1 je pritrjeno svetilo 11 s kolimiranim svetlobnim snopom, ki je usmerjen pravokotno na prikazovalno ploščo 5 in ki v vsakem trenutku gibanja telesa 1 osvetli en ali delno dva sosednja svetlobno občutljiva elementa 21,..., 2i,..., 2N. Premer svetlobnega snopa v ravnini prikazovalne plošče 5 je 2 mm. Svetilo lije prednostno laser.Body 1 is designed as a trolley moving on rails 12. These are arranged parallel to the arrays 2 and 3. A light 11 is mounted on the body 1 with a collimated light beam directed perpendicularly to the display panel 5 and which in each the moment of movement of body 1 is illuminated by one or partially two adjacent light-sensitive elements 21, ..., 2i, ..., 2N. The diameter of the light beam in the plane of the display panel 5 is 2 mm. The light is preferably a laser.

Vsakemu svetlobno občutljivemu elementu 2i in pripada linija i elementov vezja (sl. 2), celotno vezje priprave po izumu pa je sestavljeno iz N takih linij. Svetlobno občutljivi element 2i je priključen na prvi vhod logičnih IN-vrat Lli, na katerih drugi vhod se vodijo pulzi T ure (ni prikazana). Na izhod IN-vrat Lli je preko logičnega tlipflop elementa L2i, na katerega drugi vhod se dovede resetirni signal R z resetirne tipke (ni prikazana), priključeno svetilo 3i v nizu 3 .Each light-sensitive element 2i is assigned a line i of the circuit elements (Fig. 2), and the entire circuit of the device according to the invention consists of N such lines. The light-sensitive element 2i is connected to the first input of the logic IN-ports Lli, at which the second input is controlled by a pulse T clock (not shown). To the output of the Lli IN-gate, through the logic tlipflop element L2i, to which the second input is fed by the reset signal R from the reset button (not shown), light 3i in series 3 is connected.

Ura se sproži v trenutku, ko se telo 1 začne premikati. Dolžina časovnega intervala med dvema pulzoma T ure je nastavljiva. Na pripravi po izumu je predvidena tipka za resetiranje priprave pred izvedbo demonstracije, pri čemer se predvsem ugasnejo od predhodne demonstracije prižgana svetila v nizu 3.The clock is triggered at the moment when body 1 begins to move. The length of time interval between two pulses T hour is adjustable. A device according to the invention provides a button for resetting the device prior to the demonstration, with the lights in series 3 being extinguished, in particular, from the previous demonstration.

Ob nizu 3 svetil je nameščen merilni trak 4. Njegovo izhodišče leži ob prvem svetilu 31 v nizu 3 in je usmerjeno v smeri gibanja telesa 1 med poskusom (puščica 13).A measuring tape 4 is mounted next to the set of 3 lights. Its origin lies at the first light 31 in the set 3 and is oriented in the direction of the movement of the body 1 during the experiment (arrow 13).

Prikazovalna plošča 5 je lahko na hrbtni strani opremljena z magnetom. Priprava po izumu se zato lahko pritrdi na tablo. Pri tem se lahko izbere nagib tirnic 12, kakršnega se želi za izvedbo poskusa, naprimer navpične tirnice 12 za poskuse s prostim padom.The display panel 5 may be provided with a magnet on the back. The device according to the invention can therefore be attached to the board. In doing so, the inclination of the rails 12 as desired for the experiment can be selected, for example, the vertical rail 12 for free fall experiments.

Iz opisa i-te linije vezja, pripadajoče posameznemu svetlobno občutljivemu elementu 2i in tudi svetilu 3i, je razvidno, da se svetilo 3i prižge, če ura odda pulz T, ko svetlobni snop gibajočega se svetila 11 osvetljuje prav svetlobno občutljivi element 3i. Drugače povedano: v enakomernih časovnih presledkih prihajajoči pulz T prižge tisto svetilo 3i oziroma odpre tista logična IN-vrata Lli, na katerih drugi vhod je priključen svetlobno občutljivi element 2i, ki ga v tistem trenutku osvetljuje svetilo 11 z gibajočega se telesa 1. Svetila v nizu 3, ki so se prižgala med poskusom, ostanejo prižgana, dokler se ne opravi resetiranje s pomočjo signala R.It is apparent from the description of the i-th line of the circuit belonging to each light-sensitive element 2i and also to the light 3i if the clock 3 emits a pulse T when the light beam of the moving light 11 illuminates the light-sensitive element 3i. In other words, at regular intervals, the incoming pulse T lights up that light 3i or opens those logical IN-ports Lli to which a light-sensitive element 2i is connected at the second input, which is then illuminated by light 11 from the moving body 1. set 3, which was lit during the experiment, remains lit until a reset is made using the R signal.

V opisanem izvedbenem primeru je absolutna napaka izmerka trenutne pozicije telesa 1 očitno enaka ± 2,5 mm in absolutna napaka pri izmerjeni dolžini odseka prepotovane poti ± 5,0 mm. Ker je značilna dolžina odsekov enaka okoli 250 mm, je relativna napaka pri izmerjenemu odseku prepotovane poti okoli ± 2%, kar je sprejemljivo za demonstracijske namene.In the embodiment described, the absolute error in the measurement of the current position of the body 1 is obviously equal to ± 2.5 mm and the absolute error in the measured length of the section of the traveled path is ± 5.0 mm. Since the characteristic length of the sections is about 250 mm, the relative error in the measured section of the traveled path is about ± 2%, which is acceptable for demonstration purposes.


EXCEL DIDACTIC izdelava učil dipl. inž. fizike Djordje Atanackov s.p.:EXCEL DIDACTIC production of teaching dipl. and with. of physics Djordje Atanackov s.p .:

^RNA, d.o.o. OPOVA 14^ RNA, d.o.o. OPOVA 14

Claims (6)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Priprava za demonstriranje časovnega poteka gibanja, označena s tem, da sta na dveh vzporednih premicah nameščena niza (2, 3) enakomerno in v obeh nizih enako razmaknjenih svetlobno občutljivih elementov (21, 2i, ..., 2N) oziroma svetil (31,3i,..., 3N), da so tirnice (12), po katerih se giba telo (1), nameščene vzporedno z nizoma (2, 3), da je na telo (1) pritrjeno svetilo (11) s kolimiranim svetlobnim snopom, ki v vsakem trenutku gibanja telesa (1) osvetli en ali dva sosednja svetlobno občutljiva elementa (21,..., 2i,..., 2N), in da je vsak svetlobno občutljiv element (2i) v liniji (i) sebi pripadajočih elementov priključen na prvi vhod logičnih IN-vrat (Lli), na katerih drugi vhod se vodijo pulzi (T) ure in katerih izhod je preko logičnega flipflop elementa (L2i) priključen na svetilo (3i).A device for demonstrating the time course of motion, characterized in that sets (2, 3) are placed on two parallel lines in a uniformly and light-sensitive element (21, 2i, ..., 2N) or light ( 31,3i, ..., 3N) that the rails (12) along which the body (1) moves are arranged parallel to the strings (2, 3), that a light (11) is attached to the body (1) collimated beams illuminating one or two adjacent light-sensitive elements (21, ..., 2i, ..., 2N) at each moment of motion of the body (1), and that each light-sensitive element (2i) is in line ( i) associated elements connected to the first input of logical IN-ports (Lli), at which the second input is controlled by pulses (T) of the clock and whose output is connected to the light (3i) via a logical flipflop element (L2i). 2. Priprava za demonstriranje časovnega poteka gibanja po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da je predvidena tipka, povezana z enim izmed vhodov logičnega flipflop elementa (L2i), za resetiranje priprave pred izvedbo demonstracije, da se ura sproži v trenutku, ko se telo (1) začne gibati, in da je nastavljiva dolžina časovnega intervala med dvema urinima pulzoma.Movement demonstration device according to claim 1, characterized in that there is a button connected to one of the inputs of the logical flipflop element (L2i) to reset the device before performing the demonstration so that the clock is triggered at the moment when the body (1) starts to move, and that the length of time interval between two clock pulses is adjustable. 3. Priprava za demonstriranje časovnega poteka gibanja po zahtevku 2, označena s tem, da je ob nizu (3) svetil nameščen merilni trak (4), katerega izhodišče leži ob prvem svetilu (31) v nizu (3).Device for demonstrating the time course of the movement according to claim 2, characterized in that a measuring tape (4) is mounted next to the set (3) of the lights, the starting point of which lies next to the first light (31) in the set (3). 4. Priprava za demonstriranje časovnega poteka gibanja po zahtevku 2 ali 3. označena s tem, da je svetilo (11) s kolimiranim snopom laser.Device for demonstrating the time course of the movement according to claim 2 or 3, characterized in that the collimated beam lamp (11) is a laser. 5. Priprava za demonstriranje časovnega poteka gibanja po enem izmed zahtevkov od 2 do 4, označena s tem, da so svetlobno občutljivi elementi (21,..., 2ί,..., 2N) fotoupori.Device for demonstrating the time course of motion according to one of claims 2 to 4, characterized in that the light-sensitive elements (21, ..., 2ί, ..., 2N) are photoresistors. 6. Priprava za demonstriranje časovnega poteka gibanja po enem izmed za htevkov od 2 do 5, označena s tem, da so svetila (31,..., 3i,..., 3N) v nizu (3) svetleče diode.Device for demonstrating the time course of movement according to one of claims 2 to 5, characterized in that the lamps (31, ..., 3i, ..., 3N) are in a series (3) of the LED.
SI9700010A 1997-01-20 1997-01-20 Device for demonstrating the movement in time SI9700010A (en)

Priority Applications (5)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SI9700010A SI9700010A (en) 1997-01-20 1997-01-20 Device for demonstrating the movement in time
US09/331,572 US6402521B1 (en) 1997-01-20 1998-01-20 Apparatus for demonstrating changes in motion with respect to time
AU55842/98A AU5584298A (en) 1997-01-20 1998-01-20 Apparatus for demonstrating changes in motion with respect to time
DE19881987T DE19881987T1 (en) 1997-01-20 1998-01-20 Device for demonstrating the course of movement in time
PCT/SI1998/000003 WO1998031986A1 (en) 1997-01-20 1998-01-20 Apparatus for demonstrating changes in motion with respect to time

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SI9700010A SI9700010A (en) 1997-01-20 1997-01-20 Device for demonstrating the movement in time

Publications (1)

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SI9700010A true SI9700010A (en) 1998-08-31



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
SI9700010A SI9700010A (en) 1997-01-20 1997-01-20 Device for demonstrating the movement in time

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SI (1) SI9700010A (en)

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