SI8912204A8 - Process for hydrogenation of oils - Google Patents

Process for hydrogenation of oils Download PDF


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SI8912204A8 SI8912204A SI8912204A SI8912204A8 SI 8912204 A8 SI8912204 A8 SI 8912204A8 SI 8912204 A SI8912204 A SI 8912204A SI 8912204 A SI8912204 A SI 8912204A SI 8912204 A8 SI8912204 A8 SI 8912204A8
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Joze Kobe
Andrej Smidovnik
Anton Stimac
Lidija Vidmar
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Do Helios Kemicna Ind Domzale
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Application filed by Do Helios Kemicna Ind Domzale filed Critical Do Helios Kemicna Ind Domzale
Publication of SI8912204A8 publication Critical patent/SI8912204A8/en



    • C11C3/00Fats, oils, or fatty acids by chemical modification of fats, oils, or fatty acids obtained therefrom
    • C11C3/12Fats, oils, or fatty acids by chemical modification of fats, oils, or fatty acids obtained therefrom by hydrogenation


There is disclosed a process for hydrogenation of vegetable or animal oils, wherein the oil is hydrogenated, optionally in a solvent, with a hydrogen donor in the presence of a phase transfer catalyst, which reduces the iodine values of the starting materials from the values of 50 to 183 to the values of 10 to 150. According to said process, hydrogenation products having very good properties are obtained.


Področje tehnikeThe field of technology

Izum je s področja živilske tehnologije in se nanaša na postopek za hidrogeniranje olj rastlinskega in živalskega izvora v proizvode z enotnim talilnim profilom, in sicer s katalitskim prenosom vodika v prisotnosti primernega katalizatorja.The invention is in the field of food technology and relates to a process for the hydrogenation of vegetable and animal oils into products with a single melting profile, by catalytic transfer of hydrogen in the presence of a suitable catalyst.

Tehnični problemA technical problem

Obstajala je potreba, da bi zagotovili postopek, pri katerem bi proizvedli hidrogenirana olja s posebnimi karakteristikami, kot je indeks vsebnosti trdnih maščob (solid content index = SCI), jodno število (IV), in veliko stabilnost2 jo pri sobni temperaturi ter da bi zagotovili tudi enostaven in hiter enostopenjski postopek proizvodnje omenjenih hidrogeniranih olj.There was a need to provide a process for producing hydrogenated oils with special characteristics, such as solid content index (SCI), iodine number (IV), and high stability2 at room temperature and to provide also a simple and quick one-step process for producing said hydrogenated oils.

Stanje tehnikeThe state of the art

Bistvene karakteristike proizvodov, ki vsebujejo hidrogenirana olja, kot so margarine, sladoledi, kolači itd., posebno mouthmelt, so posledica indeksa vsebnosti trdnih maščob SCI hidrogeniranih olj. Da bi dosegli želeni SCI, ki pogojuje kvaliteto v temperaturnem območju od 10°C do 30°C, t.j.The essential characteristics of products containing hydrogenated oils such as margarines, ice creams, cakes, etc., especially mouthmelt, are due to the SCI content of hydrogenated oils. In order to achieve the desired SCI, which determines the quality in the temperature range from 10 ° C to 30 ° C, i.e.

SCI od 40-70, 45-56 oz. 10-30, so potrebni novi in učinkoviti postopki hidrogeniranja za pridobivanje maščob z želenimi talilnimi lastnostmi. Osnovni postopek hidrogeniranja pomeni pretvorbo tekočih olj v poltrdne snovi, t.j. plastične maščobe, uporabne za proizvodnjo rastlinskih masti, margarine in namenskih maščob. S hidrogeniranjem dosežejo tudi povečano stabilnost in izboljšanje osnovne barve.SCI of 40-70, 45-56 oz. 10-30, novel and effective hydrogenation processes are required to obtain the fats with the desired melting properties. The basic hydrogenation process is the conversion of liquid oils into semi-solids, i.e. plastic fats used for the production of vegetable fats, margarines and dedicated fats. Hydrogenation also achieves increased stability and improvement of the base color.

Hidrogeniranje je adiranje dvojne vezi maščobe ob prisotnosti kovinskega katalizatorja. Njegov namen je, da se nasitijo dvojne vezi maščobnih kislin v maščobah. Reakcija hidrogeniranja ni enostavna, saj jo spremlja istočasna izomerizacija dvojnih vezi, ki je lahko pozicijska kot tudi geometrijska. Mesto maščobne kisline na glicerolu (alfa in beta) kot tudi stopnja nenasičenosti določata fizikalne lastnosti molekule, posebno tališče maščobe, in s tem vplivata na SCI. Reakcija poteka stopenjsko od najbolj nenasičene maščobne kisline do nasičenega stanja, npr. od linolenske do linolne, nato do oljeve in končno do stearinske kisline. Z običajno hidroge3 nacijo ne morejo doseči ozkega območja taljenja ali kontroliranega nivoja trans kislin.Hydrogenation is the adherence of a double bond of fat in the presence of a metal catalyst. Its purpose is to saturate the double bonds of fatty acids in fats. The hydrogenation reaction is not easy, as it is accompanied by the simultaneous isomerization of the double bonds, which can be positional as well as geometric. The location of the fatty acid on glycerol (alpha and beta) as well as the degree of unsaturation determine the physical properties of the molecule, especially the fat melting point, and thus affect SCI. The reaction proceeds stepwise from the most unsaturated fatty acid to the saturated state, e.g. from linoleic to linoleic, then to oil and finally to stearic acid. With normal hydrogenation, they cannot reach a narrow melting range or a controlled level of trans acids.

V literaturi so opisane metode hidrogeniranja olj, posebno rastlinskih olj, pri temperaturi od 190 do 230°C in manometrskih tlakih od 0 do 7.10^ Pa (U.S. patent 4,169,843,The literature describes methods for hydrogenating oils, especially vegetable oils, at temperatures from 190 to 230 ° C and pressure gauges from 0 to 7.10 ^ Pa (U.S. Patent 4,169,843,

Synder et al., in U.S. patent 3,459, 777, Seiden et al.).Synder et al., And U.S. Pat. Patent 3,459,777, Seiden et al.).

V zadnjem patentu postopno dodajajo katalizator in s tem dosežejo želeno stopnjo hidrogeniranja. Katalizatorji so običajni Ni katalizator ali z žveplom zastrupljeni oz. deaktivirani Ni katalizator. Splošni podatki so tudi opisani v JAOCS vol.60 (2), 1983, str. 282-290, Beckmann Hydrogenation Practice.In the last patent, the catalyst is gradually added to achieve the desired level of hydrogenation. Catalysts are common No catalyst or sulfur poisoned or. deactivated Ni catalyst. General information is also described in JAOCS vol.60 (2), 1983, p. 282-290, Beckmann Hydrogenation Practice.

V EP patentni prijavi 0 246 366 A1 je opisan poenostavljen enostopenjski postopek z delno deaktiviranim Ni katalizatorjem pri temperaturi od 16O-25O°C in manometrskem tlaku vodi5 ka od 0 do 7-10 Pa.EP Patent Application 0 246 366 A1 describes a simplified one-step process with partially deactivated Ni catalyst at a temperature of 16O-25O ° C and a pressure gauge of water from 0 to 7-10 Pa.

Opis rešitve tehničnega problema z izvedbenimi primeriDescription of solution to a technical problem with implementation examples

Pri predloženem primeru gre prav tako za enostopenjski postopek. Vse reaktante naenkrat šaržiramo in reagirajo v prvi stopnji bodisi v šaržnem reaktorju ali pa reagirajo na kontinuirnem pretočnem (flow) reaktorju pri pretoku preko katalizatorja, pripravljenega na primernem nosilcu. Namesto molekulskega vodika uporabimo donor vodika, ki je raztopljen v topilu ali suspendiran v olju in ki pri stiku s katalizatorjem (prednostno paladijem) in substratom tvori nascentni vodik. Postopek poteka že pri sobni temperaturi. Boljši rezultati se dosežejo pri 60 do 80°C.The present case is also a one-step procedure. All reactants are simultaneously batch-reacted and reacted in the first stage either in a batch reactor or reacted on a continuous flow reactor at flow through a catalyst prepared on a suitable carrier. Instead of molecular hydrogen, a hydrogen donor is used which is dissolved in a solvent or suspended in oil and which, on contact with the catalyst (preferably palladium) and the substrate, forms nascent hydrogen. The process is carried out at room temperature. Better results are achieved at 60 to 80 ° C.

Torej hidrogeniramo pri temperaturi od 20 do 80°C, običajno pri sobni temperaturi, boljše rezultate pa dosežemo z gradientnim zviševanjem temperature, kot tudi pri atmosferskem tlaku.So we hydrogenate at a temperature of 20 to 80 ° C, usually at room temperature, and better results are obtained by gradient temperature rise as well as atmospheric pressure.

Pri šaržnem načinu delamo v topilu ali pa brez topila v emulziji. Kontinuirno pa delamo v topilu.In batch mode, we work in solvent or without solvent in emulsion. We are continuously working in the solvent.

Hidrogeniramo olja, ki vsebujejo maščobne kisline z vsaj 12 atomi ogljika. Dobimo proizvode s specifičnimi sestavami, ki so osnova za izdelavo margarin, rastlinskih masti, krem, sladoledov itd., pri katerih se zahtevajo izboljšane jedilne in primerne talilne lastnosti.Hydrogenates oils containing fatty acids with at least 12 carbon atoms. We obtain products with specific compositions that are the basis for making margarines, vegetable fats, creams, ice creams, etc., which require improved edible and suitable melting properties.

Pri tovrstnem hidrogeniranju morajo biti v stiku olje kot akceptor (A), ki vsebuje dvojne vezi, donor vodika (DHx) in katalizator. Donor vodika je lahko vsaka organska snov, ki ima oksidacijski potencial dovolj nizek, da se lahko izvrši prenos vodika pri relativno milih pogojih.With this kind of hydrogenation, the oil must be in contact with the acceptor (A) containing double bonds, a hydrogen donor (DHx) and a catalyst. A hydrogen donor can be any organic matter that has an oxidation potential low enough to carry out hydrogen transfer under relatively mild conditions.

Reakcija poteka po sledeči formuli:The reaction is carried out according to the following formula:

DHx + nA ->- n AHx + 1)DHx + nA -> - n AHx + 1)

Hitrost hidrogeniranja je odvisna od narave olja, narave donorja vodika, aktivnosti in koncentracije katalizatorja ter hitrosti, s katero se nenasičeno olje in donor vodika adsorbirata oz. desorbirata na katalizatorju. Sestave in lastnosti hidrogeniranih proizvodov lahko variirajo glede na mesto dvojnih vezi, ki se hidrogenirajo, kot tudi zaradi vpliva reakcije izomerizacije, ki je spremljajoča reakcija vsakega hidrogeniranja in je zelo odvisna od pogojev hidrogeniranja.The rate of hydrogenation depends on the nature of the oil, the nature of the hydrogen donor, the activity and concentration of the catalyst, and the rate at which the unsaturated oil and hydrogen donor are adsorbed or. desorbed on the catalyst. The compositions and properties of the hydrogenated products may vary depending on the location of the double bonds that are hydrogenated, as well as the effect of the isomerization reaction, which is a concomitant reaction of each hydrogenation and is highly dependent on the hydrogenation conditions.

Kot rastlinska olja ali mešanice rastlinskih olj, ki vsebujejo maščobne kisline z vsaj 12 atomi ogljika v verigi, naj omenimo npr. sojino, sončnično, žafranovo (safflower), koruzno, olivno, bambusovo, arašidovo, palmovo, repično, grozdno,As vegetable oils or mixtures of vegetable oils containing fatty acids with at least 12 carbon atoms in the chain, for example, e.g. soybean, sunflower, safflower, corn, olive, bamboo, peanut, palm, rapeseed, grape,

A' kokosovo in ricinusovo olje.A 'coconut and castor oil.

Kot živalsko olje lahko uporabimo ribje olje ali mešanico ribjega olja z rastlinskimi olji.Fish oil or a mixture of fish oil with vegetable oils can be used as animal oil.

Uporabljamo katalizatorje, ki jih je mogoče regenerirati, kot paladij na aktivnem oglju (Pd/C), in sicer 5% Pd/C, 10% Pd/C, 20% Pd/C, Pd/C/FeCl^ (10%), Pd/C/Fe(III)hidroksid ali oksid, Pd/C/NaBH^ (10%), rodij na aktivnem oglju (5%), Raneyev nikelj, rutenium black in platinum black.We use regenerable catalysts such as palladium on activated carbon (Pd / C), namely 5% Pd / C, 10% Pd / C, 20% Pd / C, Pd / C / FeCl ^ (10%) , Pd / C / Fe (III) hydroxide or oxide, Pd / C / NaBH ^ (10%), rhodium on activated carbon (5%), Raney nickel, ruthenium black and platinum black.

Na vstopno maso olj in maščob uporabimo od 0,03 do 1% katalizatorja. Katalizator lahko suspendiramo v olju ali v topilu.A 0.03 to 1% catalyst is used per oil and fat inlet mass. The catalyst can be suspended in oil or in a solvent.

Katalizatorju mora ustrezati donor vodika, zato pri našem delu uporabljamo mravljinčno in fosfinsko kislino ter njune soli, trietilamonijev format, tri-n-butilamonijev format, natrijev fosfinat, natrijev format in amonijev format.The catalyst must be suitable for a hydrogen donor, so we use formic and phosphic acid and their salts, triethylammonium formate, tri-n-butylammonium formate, sodium phosphinate, sodium formate and ammonium formate in our work.

Pri hidrogeniranju v topilu je važna tudi koordinacija interakcij med topilom, donorjem in akceptorjem vodika. V primeru, da je vez med topilom in katalizatorjem moč.iejša kot vez donorja in akceptorja, reakcija katalitskega prenosa ne teče. Izbiramo npr. med naslednjimi topili, kot so etanol, propan-2ol, mravljinČna kislina, ocetna kislina, aceton in etilacetat. Nekatera topila lahko delujejo tudi kot donor vodika.When hydrogenating in a solvent, coordination of solvent, donor, and hydrogen acceptor interactions is also important. If the bond between the solvent and the catalyst is stronger than the donor-acceptor bond, the catalytic transfer reaction does not proceed. We choose e.g. among the following solvents such as ethanol, propane-2ol, formic acid, acetic acid, acetone and ethyl acetate. Some solvents may also act as a hydrogen donor.

Reakcijo lahko vodimo do proizvodov, ki so lahko popolnoma ali le delno hidrogenirana olja.The reaction may be carried out to products which may be completely or partially hydrogenated oils.

Dobljeni proizvod ima SCI na več kot 6 pri okoli 33°C in območje vrednosti SCI najmanj okoli 17 pri temperaturi med 21 in 33°C.The resulting product has an SCI of greater than 6 at about 33 ° C and an SCI value range of at least about 17 at a temperature between 21 and 33 ° C.

Bistvene prednosti postopka v smislu izuma v primerjavi s stanjem tehnike so učinkovitost, enostavnost, možnost uporabe običajne opreme (avtoklavi niso potrebni), prihranek energije in možna regeneracija katalizatorjev.The essential advantages of the process according to the invention in comparison with the prior art are efficiency, simplicity, the possibility of using conventional equipment (autoclaves are not required), energy savings and possible catalyst regeneration.

Kontinuirni postopek je enostavnejši od šaržnega, saj ni potrebno niti mešanje niti odstranjevanje katalizatorja. Katalizator je mogoče v koloni tudi regenerirati in se ga tako lahko uporablja neomejeno dolgo.The continuous process is simpler than the batch process because neither mixing nor removing the catalyst is required. The catalyst can also be regenerated in the column and can therefore be used indefinitely.

Pri šaržnem načinu pa ni treba delati s topilom. Hidrogeniranje lahko poteka v emulziji, zato ni problema odstranjevanja topila, pa tudi donorja vodika, če je vodotopen, ker po končani reakciji po ločitvi vodne in oljne faze ostane v vodni fazi.However, it is not necessary to work with solvent in batch mode. Hydrogenation can take place in an emulsion, so there is no problem of removing the solvent, as well as the hydrogen donor, if it is water-soluble, since it remains in the aqueous phase after the reaction is complete after separation of the water and oil phases.

Opisani postopek spada v vrsto reakcij hidrogeniranja s katalitskim prenosom olefinov, opisanih na osnovnih primerih v Tetrahedron Letters 29 (44) 5559-5600; B.Elamin et al., in v JAOCS 64 (11) 1529-1532, 1987; 0. Arkad et al.The process described belongs to a series of hydrogenation reactions by catalytic transfer of olefins described in the basic examples in Tetrahedron Letters 29 (44) 5559-5600; B.Elamin et al., And in JAOCS 64 (11) 1529-1532, 1987; 0. Arkad et al.


Pri šaržnem načinu dela (primera 1 in 2) uporabimo kot reakcijsko posodo 100 ml-sko bučko, v katero zatehtamo določeno količino olja, ki ga hidrogeniramo. Olju dodamo donor vodika, raztopljen v topilu, in na koncu vmešamo katalizator. Suspenzijo katalizatorja, olja in donorja vodika mešamo z laboratorijskim mešalom pri okoli 900 obr/min. Mešanje je potrebno zato, da se zagotovi stalno obnavljanje olja in donorja vodika na površini katalizatorja, kjer poteka reakcija. Pri nekaterih poskusih suspenzijo kontinuirno -grejemo z grelnim košem, kar pri nekaterih donorjih pospeši oddajanje vodika.In the batch mode (Examples 1 and 2), use a 100 ml flask as a reaction vessel into which a certain amount of hydrogenated oil is weighed. A hydrogen donor dissolved in the solvent is added to the oil and finally the catalyst is stirred. The catalyst, oil and hydrogen donor suspension is mixed with a laboratory mixer at about 900 rpm. Mixing is necessary to ensure a constant renewal of the oil and hydrogen donor on the catalyst surface where the reaction takes place. In some experiments, the suspension is continuously heated with a heater, which in some donors accelerates hydrogen emission.

Pri kontinuirnem načinu dela (primer 3) pa uporabimo 30 cm visoko stekleno kolono s premerom 1 cm. Kolona je opremljena s teflonskim petelinom. Do višine 1 cm je napolnjena s celitom, nad katerim je nanesen katalizator. Olje in donor vodika raztopimo v topilu in to raztopino eluiramo skozi kolono.For continuous operation (example 3), use a 30 cm high glass column with a diameter of 1 cm. The column is equipped with a Teflon cock. Up to 1 cm in height, it is filled with celite over which a catalyst is applied. The oil and the hydrogen donor are dissolved in a solvent and this solution is eluted through the column.


V bučko odmerimo 1 ml oleinske kisline in dodamo 25 ml acetona, 0,5 ml mravljinčne kisline, 2 ml trietilamina in 100 mg 10% Pd/C. Zmes 15 ur mehansko mešamo pri sobni temperaturi in atmosferskem tlaku. Zmes se zaradi eksotermne reakcije segreje na končno temperaturo okoli 30°C. Po odstranitvi topila dobimo pretežno stearinsko kislino. Nezreagirano ostane približno (zaradi slabe ločbe na plinskem kromatografu) 10% oleinske kisline .Add 1 ml of oleic acid to the flask and add 25 ml of acetone, 0.5 ml of formic acid, 2 ml of triethylamine and 100 mg of 10% Pd / C. The mixture was stirred mechanically at room temperature and atmospheric pressure for 15 hours. The mixture is heated to a final temperature of about 30 ° C due to the exothermic reaction. Removal of the solvent gives predominantly stearic acid. Unreacted remains approximately (due to poor separation on a gas chromatograph) of 10% oleic acid.


V bučko odmerimo 1 ml sončničnega olja z jodnim številom 139,2+3 ter dodamo 25 ml acetona, 0,5 ml mravljinčne kisline, ml trietilamina in 100 mg 10%-nega Pd/C. Zmes 15 ur mehansko mešamo pri sobni temperaturi in atmosferskem tlaku- Po odstranitvi topila dobimo hidrogeniran proizvod z jodnim številom okoli 20.Add 1 ml of sunflower oil with an iodine number of 139.2 + 3 to the flask and add 25 ml of acetone, 0.5 ml of formic acid, ml of triethylamine and 100 mg of 10% Pd / C. The mixture was stirred mechanically at room temperature and atmospheric pressure for 15 hours. After removal of the solvent, a hydrogenated product was obtained with an iodine number of about 20.

Jodno število izračunamo iz maščobno kislinske sestave.The iodine number is calculated from the fatty acid composition.

V tabeli 1 je navedena maščobno kislinska sestava sončničnega olja in hidrogeniranega proizvoda.Table 1 lists the fatty acid composition of sunflower oil and hydrogenated product.


Maščobna kislina Fatty acid Sončnično olje (IV=139,2+3)* Sunflower oil (IV = 139,2 + 3) * Hidrogenirano olje (IV~ 20) Hydrogenated Oil (IV ~ 20) palmitinska (C16:O) palmitic (C16: O) 8,3 8.3 9,7 9.7 stearinska (C18:O) stearic (C18: O) 2,9 2.9 <85,1 <85,1 oleinska (C18:1) oleic (C18: 1) 23,5 23.5 V V linolna (C18:2) linoleum (C18: 2) 65,2 65,2 5,2 5.2 linolenska (018:3) linoleum (018: 3) 0,1 0.1 0,0 0.0 skupaj together 100% 100% 100% 100%

*Napaka izhaja iz napake plinskokromatografskega določanja maščobnih kislin.* The error stems from the error of gas chromatographic determination of fatty acids.


Skozi kolono, napolnjeno s celitom in s 100 mg Pd/C, eluiramo zmes 2 ml sončničnega olja z jodnim številom 139,2+3, ml acetona in 2 ml mravljinčne kisline. Pretok je 0,5 ml/min.Through a column filled with celite and 100 mg Pd / C, a mixture of 2 ml of sunflower oil with iodine number 139.2 + 3, ml of acetone and 2 ml of formic acid was eluted. The flow rate is 0.5 ml / min.

Po odstranitvi topila dobimo hidrogeniran proizvod z jodnim številom 122,4+3·Removal of the solvent gives a hydrogenated product with an iodine number of 122.4 + 3 ·

V tabeli 2 je navedena maščobna kislinska sestava sončničnega olja in hidrogeniranega proizvoda.Table 2 lists the fatty acid composition of sunflower oil and hydrogenated product.


Maščobna kislina Fatty acid Sončnično olje (IV=139,2+3)* Sunflower oil (IV = 139,2 + 3) * Hidrogenirano olje (IV=122,4+3) Hydrogenated Oil (IV = 122.4 + 3) palmitinska (06:0) palmitine (06: 0) 8,3 8.3 io;o io; o stearinska (08:0) Stearin (08: 0) 2,9 2.9 3,0 3.0 oleinska (C18:1) oleic (C18: 1) 23,5 . 23.5. 38,5 38.5 linolna (C18:2) linoleum (C18: 2) 65,2 65,2 48,5 48.5 linolenska (C18:3) linoleic (C18: 3) OJ OJ 0,0 0.0 skupaj together 100% 100% 100% 100%

*Napaka izhaja iz napake plinskokromatografskega določanja maščobnih kislin.* The error stems from the error of gas chromatographic determination of fatty acids.

Metoda določanja maščobno kislinske sestaveMethod for determining fatty acid composition

V stekleno stekleničko s teflonskim zamaškom na navoj zatehtamo točno 100 mg maščobe ali olja in dodamo 2 ml 10%-nega BF^ v metanolu. Stekleničko dobro zapremo in segrevamo naWeigh exactly 100 mg of fat or oil into a glass teflon stopper and add 2 ml of 10% BF ^ in methanol. Close the bottle well and heat to

120°C. Po 5 minutah vsebini dodamo 1 ml heksana in segrevamo še 5 minut. V injektor plinskega kromatografa injiciramo 1 <ul heksanske faze.120 ° C. After 5 minutes, add 1 ml of hexane to the contents and heat for another 5 minutes. 1 µl of hexane phase is injected into the gas chromatograph injector.

Plinski kromatograf: VARIAN 3700Gas Chromatograph: VARIAN 3700

Kolona: 15% OV-275 na Chromosorbu WAW 80/100, dolžine 2 mColumn: 15% OV-275 on Chromosorb WAW 80/100, 2 m long

Detektor: plamensko ionizacijskiDetector: flame ionization

Nosilni plin: dušik, pretok 30 ml/minCarrier gas: nitrogen, flow rate 30 ml / min

Temperaturni program: od 150 do 200°C, 8°C/minTemperature program: 150 to 200 ° C, 8 ° C / min

Temperatura injektorja: 200°CInjector temperature: 200 ° C

Temperatura detektorja:210°C.Detector temperature: 210 ° C.

Claims (10)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Postopek za hidrogeniranje olj živalskega in rastlinskega izvora, označen s tem, da olje hidrogeniramo v temperaturnem območju od 20 do 80 °C pri atmosferskem tlaku, v danem primeru v topilu, z donorjem vodika v prisotnosti katalizatorja faznega transferja, ki zniža jodna Števila vhodnih surovin od vrednosti 50 do 183 na vrednosti 10 do 150.A process for the hydrogenation of oils of animal and vegetable origin, characterized in that the oil is hydrogenated in the temperature range from 20 to 80 ° C at atmospheric pressure, optionally in a solvent, with a hydrogen donor in the presence of a iodine-reducing phase transfer catalyst inputs from values 50 to 183 to values 10 to 150. 2. Postopek po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da kot donor vodika uporabimo mravljinčno ali fosfinsko kislino ali njune soli, trietilamonijev format ali tri-nbutilamonijev format, natrijev fosfinat, natrijev format ali amonijev format.Process according to claim 1, characterized in that formic or phosphinic acid or their salts, triethylammonium formate or tri-n-butylammonium formate, sodium phosphinate, sodium formate or ammonium formate are used as the hydrogen donor. 3. Postopek po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da hidrogeniramo rastlinska olja ali mešanice rastlinskih olj, ki jih sestavljajo maščobne kisline z najmanj 12 atomi ogljika v verigi.Process according to claim 1, characterized in that the vegetable oils or mixtures of vegetable oils consisting of fatty acids with at least 12 carbon atoms in the chain are hydrogenated. 4. Postopek po zahtevku 1 do 3, označen s tem, da so rastlinska olja sojino, sončnično, žafranovo, koruzno, olivno, bambusovo, arašidovo, palmovo, repično, grozdno, kokosovo in ricinusovo olje.Process according to Claims 1 to 3, characterized in that the vegetable oils are soybean, sunflower, saffron, corn, olive, bamboo, peanut, palm, rapeseed, grape, coconut and castor oil. 5. Postopek po zahtevku 1 in 2, označen s tem, da hidrogeniramo ribje olje ali mešanico ribjega olja z rastlinskimi olji.Process according to Claims 1 and 2, characterized in that hydrogenated fish oil or a mixture of fish oil with vegetable oils. 6. Postopek po zahtevkih 1 do 5, označen s tem, da kot katalizator uporabimo paladij na aktivnem oglju, Pd/C/FeCl3, Pd/C/Fe(III) hidroksid ali oksid, Pd/C/NaBH4, rodij na aktivnem oglju, Raneyev nikelj, rutenijevo črno ali platinovo črno.Process according to claims 1 to 5, characterized in that palladium on activated carbon, Pd / C / FeCl 3 , Pd / C / Fe (III) hydroxide or oxide, Pd / C / NaBH 4 , rhodium on activated carbon, Raney nickel, ruthenium black or platinum black. 7. Postopek po zahtevkih 1 do 6, označen s tem, da kot topilo uporabimo organsko topilo, kot n-pentan, izopropanol, etanol, aceton, dimetilformamid, in vodo.The process according to claims 1 to 6, characterized in that an organic solvent such as n-pentane, isopropanol, ethanol, acetone, dimethylformamide, and water is used as the solvent. 8. Postopek po zahtevkih 1 do 7, označen s tem, da je količina topila 100 do 500 mas.% na vstopno maso olj in maščob.The process according to claims 1 to 7, characterized in that the amount of solvent is 100 to 500% by weight per inlet of oils and fats. 9. Postopek po zahtevkih 1 do 8, označen s tem, da uporabimo od 15 do 200 mas.% donorja vodika na vstopno maso olj in maščob.Process according to claims 1 to 8, characterized in that from 15 to 200% by weight of the hydrogen donor is used per input mass of oils and fats. 10. Postopek po zahtevkih 1 do 9, označen s tem, da uporabimo 0,03 do 1 mas.% katalizatorja na vstopno maso olj in maščob.The process according to claims 1 to 9, characterized in that 0.03 to 1% by weight of catalyst is used per input mass of oils and fats.
SI8912204A 1989-11-20 1989-11-20 Process for hydrogenation of oils SI8912204A8 (en)

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YU220489A YU46273B (en) 1989-11-20 1989-11-20 OIL HYDROGENATION PROCEDURE

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