SI8211009A8 - Process for the preparation of a onion extract - Google Patents

Process for the preparation of a onion extract Download PDF


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SI8211009A8 SI8211009A SI8211009A SI8211009A8 SI 8211009 A8 SI8211009 A8 SI 8211009A8 SI 8211009 A SI8211009 A SI 8211009A SI 8211009 A SI8211009 A SI 8211009A SI 8211009 A8 SI8211009 A8 SI 8211009A8
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Hermann Postner
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Maggi Ag
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Priority claimed from DE3118810A external-priority patent/DE3118810C1/en
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Publication of SI8211009A8 publication Critical patent/SI8211009A8/en



  • Preparation Of Fruits And Vegetables (AREA)
  • Seasonings (AREA)


Črni luk je začin koji se cesto koristi u svakodnevnom pripremanju jela. Do sada nisu uspeli pokuša ji da se ova namirnica pripravi u obliku koji je pogodan za pakovanje u tube, što bi omogučilo njegovo tačno doziranje i lako čuvanje preostale količine, bez opasnosti da usled kontakta sa vazduhom dodje do njegovog kvarenja.Onions are a spice that is often used in daily cooking. So far, attempts have not been made to prepare this food in a form suitable for packaging into tubes, which would allow it to be accurately dosed and easy to store the remaining quantity without the risk of spoilage due to contact with air.

Sadašnjim pronalaskom rešen je tehnički problem postupka za dobijanje pripravka črnog luka koji je pakovan u tube, čime je olakšana primena ove namirnice u svakodnevnom pripremanju hrane.The present invention has solved the technical problem of the process for obtaining onion preparation packed in tubes, which facilitates the application of this ingredient in the daily preparation of food.

Stanje tehnikeThe state of the art

Pastozne materije, smese i pripravci mogu se, kao što je poznato, lako i jednostavno puniti u pakovanja u obliku tube, lagerc vati, a potom istisnuti iz ovih rezervoara u količini koja je požel jna za upotrebu. Uobičajeno je da se paste za zube pustaju u promet u tubama načinjenim od aluminijuma ili plastičnih masa. Masti i lepkovi takodje dolaze na tržište u tubama. I pripravci životnih namirnica u obliku pastem kao što su majonez, senf, smese začina ili koncentrat paradajza,imaju znatne prednosti u dnevnoj upotrebi ako su konzumentima stavljeni na raspolaganje u tubi ma, pošto sadržaj tube može da se doda jelu u tačno doziranoj količini, , a rezervoar se potom .može. čvrsto zatvoriti, tako da je životna namirnica ponovo sigurno zaštičena od pristupa vazduha i kvarenja.Pasty substances, mixtures and preparations can, as is well known, be easily and simply filled into tube-shaped packages, lightened and then squeezed out of these tanks in the amount desired for use. It is common for toothpastes to be marketed in tubes made of aluminum or plastics. Greases and adhesives are also marketed in tubes. Also, food preparations in the form of pastes such as mayonnaise, mustard, spice mixtures or tomato concentrate have considerable advantages in daily use if they are made available to consumers in a tube, since the contents of the tube can be added to the meal in exactly the dosed amount,. and the tank is then .can. close tightly so that the food item is again securely protected from air access and spoilage.

I za druge namirnice ili dodatke jelima, koji nisu u obliku paste, pakovanje u tube, a time i dodavanje koje se može jednostavno dozirati, bili bi od velike prednosti. Pošto ove, medjutim, nisu prisutne kao paste, pokušaji ove vrste do sada su ostajali bez rezultata. Tako je črni luk začin koji se cesto koristi u kuhinji koji se potroŠačima stavlja na raspolaganje u vrlo različitim oblicima koji se mogu održavati i pogodni su za neposrednu upotrebu. Poznati su koncentrati soka sirovog luka (DE-AS 17 92 366) kao i priravci arome prženog luka, kod kojih se sok zagreva sa jestivim uljem na 100-l50°C (DE-AS 12 39 925) , a takodje i sirovi luk, eventualno kratkotrajno zagrejan u slanoj vodi ili sirčetu (GB-PS 1 274 385). Dalje je poznata forma isečenog proprženog luka, koja pokazuje dobru održivost ( up. DE-AS 12 19 782 i DE-AS 12 41 246) . Trajnost se takodje može postiči sušenjem usitnjenog luka. Ipak se pri svim ovim merama ukus luka jako menja, tako da ovi načini konzervacije imaju nedostatke kod tako osetljivih proizvoda kao što je luk.For other non-paste foods or supplements, tubing, and thus easy-to-dispense additions, would be of great benefit. Since these are not present as pastes, however, attempts of this kind have so far failed. Thus, onion is a spice that is often used in the kitchen, which is available to consumers in very different forms that can be maintained and are suitable for immediate use. Raw onion juice concentrates (DE-AS 17 92 366) are known as well as fried onion flavor preparations, in which the juice is heated with edible oil at 100-150 ° C (DE-AS 12 39 925), as well as raw onions. possibly briefly heated in brine or vinegar (GB-PS 1 274 385). The shape of the sliced roasted onion is further known, showing good viability (cf. DE-AS 12 19 782 and DE-AS 12 41 246). Durability can also be achieved by drying onion. However, with all these measures, the taste of onions is changing a lot, so these conservation methods have drawbacks with products as sensitive as onions.

Usitnjavanje svežeg luka je neprijatno pošto ispraljive aromatične materije sirovog luka sraže sluzokožu oka. Zato se odavno vrše pokušaji 'da se sečeni luk napravi u trajnom obliku. Ovde naročite poteškoče proizilaze zbog toga što se čelijski fermenti kod sirovog luka oslobadjaju sečenjem pa potom, pri skladištenju, vode do reakcije razlaganja tkiva i aromatičnih materija. Takodje, biljno tkivo luka sadrži mnogo vode, tako da isečeni komadiči luka teže da otpuste čelijsku vodu, čime se gubi Čvrsta struktura.Shredding fresh onions is uncomfortable because the volatile aromatic substances of raw onions cripple the mucous membranes of the eye. That is why attempts have been made long ago to make the chopped onions in a permanent form. The particular difficulty here arises because the fermentation of the ferment on the raw onions is liberated by cutting and then, during storage, results in the decomposition of tissues and aromatic substances. Also, the onion vegetable tissue contains a lot of water, so the cut pieces of onion tend to release steel water, thus losing its solid structure.

Iz DE-AS 11 78 685 več je poznata izrada konzerve svežeg luka gotove za upotrebu. Ovde se sveže oljušteni luk seče na komade veličine od 1 do 10 mm po dužini Strane pa se potom ova usitnjena masa luka salamuri, radi inaktiviranja enzima koji pri skladištenju mogu da prouzrokuju reakcije razlaganja, pri čemu se masi dodaje znatna količina od 6 do 12% kuhinjske soli, kao i sredstvo za zguš njavanje, kao što je pektin, i askorbinska i limunska kiselina. Eventualno se može dodati i neki flavonski derivat, na pr. rutin. Ova mešavina treba da je dovoljno trajna kao konzerva, tj. pakovanDE-AS 11 78 685 already knows the production of a can of fresh onions ready for use. Here, freshly peeled onions are cut into pieces of 1 to 10 mm in length along the side and then this shredded onion mass is brined to inactivate enzymes that, when stored, can cause decomposition reactions, with a significant amount of 6 to 12% added to the mass table salts, as well as thickeners such as pectin, and ascorbic and citric acid. A flavone derivative may be added, e.g. routine. This mixture should be sufficiently durable as a can, ie. packed

2a u kutije. Ovaj proizvod je ipak samo ograničeno upotrebljiv ·. zbog sadržaja soli koja služi za salamurenje.2a into boxes. However, this product is only for limited use. because of the salt content used for brining.

Opis rešenja tehničkog problema sa primerom izvodjenjaDescription of a solution to a technical problem with an example embodiment

Sada je zadatak pronalaska da se obezbedi novi pripravak črnog luka u obliku usitnjenih kockica koji je, napunjen u tube, trajan i bez promene ukusa sirovog luka, s tim da kockice luka koje izlaze iz tube ne gube svoju rastresitu, komadnu formu. Prema pronalasku ovaj je zadatak rešen tako što se sirovi luk usitni do željenog kockastog oblika, prvenstveno do kockica veličine 6 x 6x3 mm, posle čega se ova masa kocki, uz pažljivo mešanje koje čuva strukturu, pomeša sa suvim natrijum-disulfitom, askorbinskom kiselinom i šečerom ili sorbitolom i malom količinom sredstva koje bubri s vodom. Načelno se, u odnosu na krajnju smesu, upotrebljava 88-92% luka, 0.05-0.1% natrijum-disulfita, 0.05-0.2% askorbinske kiseline, 0.1-0.5% vinske kiseline i/ili limunske kiseline, 0.05-0.20% sredstva za bubrenje, kao što je galaktomanan ili ksantan, u sprašenom obliku, kao i 3-5% šečera ili šečernog alkohola, na pr. sorbita, i oko 1% NaCl za poboljšanje ukusa. Ovim dodacima se pH spusta ispod 4.0. Sukcesivno se doda 3-5% masne smese od biljnog ulja, kao što je sojino ulje, i 0.05-0.15% emulgatora, kao što je uobičajeno za pripremu majoneza. Ova smesa even tualno može da sadrži i malu količinu nekog ekstrakta luka koja se uemulguje radi ujednačavanja prisutnog sadržaja arome svežeg luka, koji je različite jačine, več prema poreklu i sorti. Tako dobljeni pripravak svežeg luka sa potom puni u tube srednje veličine (zapre mine 200-300 en?) , posle čega se kratkotrajno agrejeina 70-80°C i pasterizuje. Proizvod se može održavati suže vreme, tj. više od 6 meseci bez obojenja i promene ukusa. Pri istiskivanju iz tube, kocke zadržavaju oblik i imaju izgled sveže iseckanog luka.It is now an object of the invention to provide a new onion preparation in the form of crushed cubes, which, filled into the tubes, is permanent and without changing the taste of the raw onions, so that the onion cubes that exit the tube do not lose their loose, chunky shape. According to the invention, this task is solved by crude the raw onions to the desired cubic shape, primarily to cubes of size 6 x 6x3 mm, after which this mass of cubes is mixed with dry sodium disulfite, ascorbic acid and with careful mixing that preserves the structure. sugar or sorbitol and a small amount of water-swellable agent. In principle, 88-92% of onions, 0.05-0.1% of sodium disulfite, 0.05-0.2% of ascorbic acid, 0.1-0.5% of tartaric acid and / or citric acid, 0.05-0.20% of swelling agent are used in relation to the final mixture. , such as galactomannan or xanthan, in powdered form, as well as 3-5% sugar or sugar alcohol, e.g. sorbitol, and about 1% NaCl to improve the taste. These additions lower the pH below 4.0. Successively, 3-5% of a vegetable oil mixture, such as soybean oil, and 0.05-0.15% emulsifier are added, as is customary for the preparation of mayonnaise. This mixture may even tually contain a small amount of some onion extract which is emulsified to equalize the present aroma content of fresh onions, which is of varying strength, but by origin and variety. The fresh onion preparation thus obtained is then filled into medium-sized tubes (200-300 en mines closed), after which it is heated to 70-80 ° C for a short time and pasteurized. The product can be maintained for a shorter time, ie. more than 6 months without discoloration and taste change. When squeezed out of the tube, the cubes retain their shape and look like freshly chopped onions.

Tube upotrebljene za pakovanje treba da imaju izlazni otvor prečnika od oko 1-1,5 cm, što odprilike odgovara dvostrukoj do trostrukoj dužini stranica isečenih kocki luka.Tubes used for packaging should have an outlet opening of about 1-1.5 cm in diameter, which roughly corresponds to double to triple the length of the sides of the cut cubes.

Pripravak luka dobijen postupkom prema pronalasku sa kockicama svežeg luka jednako je upotrebljiv. kao sveže iseckani luk, na primer za spremanje tartara, u salatama, sosovima, itd. Stoga je pronalaskom, na iznenadjujuče jednostavan i siguran način, rešen jedan davnašnji problem. Neprijatno seckanje sirovog luka, koje draži do suza, otpada za potrošača. On dobija proizvod koji se ne razlikuje od neposredno dobijenog fino isečenog sirovog luka, pošto je masna smesa prema pronalasku prisutna samo u relativno maloj količini, a ipak vrši konzervirajuče dejstvo i stabilizuje formu kockica. Takodje se nije moglo predvideti da pasterizacija pripravka luka, koja je potrebna zbog trajnosti, neče uticati na rastresitost kockica pri istiskivanju iz tube primenom pritiska. Voda koja se pri kratkotrajnoj toplotnoj obradi eventualno izdvaja iz luka, vezuje se kombinacijom dodatih materija tako da se ne stvara tečna faza. Nasuprot poznatim pripravcima luka, trajnost se ne postiže relativno visokom koncentracijom soli koja salamuri, niti velikim količinama kiseline, več se stabilnost prema enzimskom ili mikrobiološkom kvarenju, kao i stabilnost prema gubitku konzistencije i arome, postiže funkcionalnom kombinacijom blage pasterizacije i samo malog sniženja pH-vrednosti pomoču relativno malih količina odredjenih organskih kiselina u spoju sa uljem koje je takodje prisutno tek u maloj količini.The onion preparation obtained by the process of the invention with fresh onion cubes is equally usable. as freshly chopped onions, for example, for storing tartar, in salads, sauces, etc. Therefore, finding a surprisingly simple and safe way solved a longstanding problem. Inconveniently chopping raw onions, which tears to tears, is a waste to the consumer. It produces a product that is indistinguishable from the finely chopped raw onion obtained, since the oily mixture according to the invention is present only in a relatively small amount, and yet has a preserving effect and stabilizes the shape of the cubes. It also could not be predicted that pasteurization of the onion preparation, which was required for durability, would not affect the dissipation of the cubes when extruded from the tube by applying pressure. The water, which during short-term heat treatment may eventually be separated from the arch, is bound by a combination of added substances so that no liquid phase is formed. In contrast to known onion preparations, durability is not achieved by a relatively high concentration of salting salts or large amounts of acid, but stability by enzymatic or microbial degradation, as well as stability by loss of consistency and aroma, is achieved by a functional combination of mild pasteurization and only a small decrease in pH- values with the help of relatively small amounts of certain organic acids in combination with oil, which is also present in only a small amount.


Celi oljušteni lukovi, koji su skladišteni na 0-5°C, iseku se u kocke od 6 x 6 x 3 mm u mašini za fino rezanje Hollac iliWhole peeled onions, stored at 0-5 ° C, are cut into 6 x 6 x 3 mm cubes in a Hollac machine or

Herbortl. Na 90 kg ovog isečenog luka doda se, u mešaču, suva predsmesa od 80 g natrijum-disulfita, 270 g vinske kiseline,Herbortl. To the 90 kg of this shredded onion, a dry premix of 80 g of sodium disulfite, 270 g of tartaric acid is added,

150 g limunske kiseline, 100 g fino sprašene smeše (1 :‘l) galaktomanana i ksantana, 1000 g kuhinjske soli i 3800 g šečera i meša se 3 minuta pa. se zatim pomeša sa masnom smesom od 4400 g biljnog ulja (sojino ulje), 100 g trgovački uobičajenog monoglicerida i 100 g ekstrakta luka, koja je intenzivno emulgovana u mešaču. Da se tekstura ne bi pogoršala, vreme mešanja treba da iznosi najviše 3-5 minuta. Tako dobljena smesa se puni u alumini3 jumske tube prečnika 40 mm u količini od 250 cm , zadnja strana tube se zatvara na uobičajen način, pa se vrši pasterizacija u autoklavu, vodom ili parom, na 80°C. Posle pasterizovanja se vrši hladjenje.150 g of citric acid, 100 g of a finely powdered mixture (1: 1 l) of galactomannan and xanthan, 1000 g of table salt and 3800 g of sugar and stirring for 3 minutes. is then mixed with an oily mixture of 4400 g of vegetable oil (soybean oil), 100 g of commercially available monoglyceride and 100 g of onion extract, which is intensively emulsified in a blender. In order for the texture not to deteriorate, the mixing time should be no more than 3-5 minutes. The mixture thus obtained is filled into alumina 250 mm diameter yum tube 40 mm, the back of the tube is closed in the usual way, and pasteurization is carried out in an autoclave, water or steam at 80 ° C. After pasteurization, cooling is carried out.

Pri upotebi ovog pripravka luka, otvor tube se odseca tako da ne bude ostrih ivica i da se sadržaj istiskuje u' željenoj količini.When using this preparation of the onion, the tube opening is cut so that there are no sharp edges and the contents are squeezed out in the desired amount.

Pritom kockice luka izlaze kroz otvor tube restresito i svetlo su obojene, kao i originalne kockice svešeg luka. Posle zatvara nja tube, sadržaj je i dalje vrlo trajan i ne pokazuje promene čak ni pri dužem skladištenju; naročito ne dolazi do obojenja ili izdvajanja vodene faze.In doing so, the onion cubes come out through the opening of the tube restressively and are light colored, as are the original onion cubes. After the tube is closed, the contents are still very durable and show no change even with longer storage; in particular, no coloration or separation of the aqueous phase occurs.

-e>N a v o d c t-:··.'?-e> N a v o d c t-: ··. '?

Prijavilac navodi da je najbolji njemu poznat način za primenu pronalaska u industriji dat u sledečem primeru:The Applicant states that the best-known way of applying the invention to the industry is given in the following example:

Celi oljušteni lukovi, koji su skladišteni na 0-5°C, iseku se u kocke Od6x6x3mmu mašini za fino rezanje Hollac iliWhole peeled onions, stored at 0-5 ° C, are cut into 6x6x3mm cubes by Hollac or

Herbort. Na 90 kg ovog isečenog luka doda se, u mešaču, suva predsmesa od 80 g natrijum-disulfita, 270 g vinske kiseline,Herbort. To the 90 kg of this shredded onion, a dry premix of 80 g of sodium disulfite, 270 g of tartaric acid is added,

150 g limunske kiseline, 100 g fino sprašene smeše (1 :'l) galaktomanana i ksantana, 1000 g kuhinjske soli i 3800 g šečera i meša se 3 minuta pa se zatim pomeša sa masnom smesom od 4400 g biljnog ulja (sojino ulje), 100 g trgovački uobičajenog monoglicerida i 100 g ekstrakta luka, koja je intenzivno emulgovana u mešaču. Da se tekstura ne bi pogoršala, vreme mešanja treba da iznosi najviše 3-5 minuta. Tako dobljena smesa se puni u alumini3 jumske tube prečnika 40 mm u količini od 250 cm , zadnja strana tube se zatvara na uobičajen način, pa se vrši pasterizacija u autoklavu, vodom ili parom, na 80°C. Posle pasterizovanja se vrši hladjenje.150 g of citric acid, 100 g of a finely powdered mixture (1: 1 l) of galactomannan and xanthan, 1000 g of table salt and 3800 g of sugar and stirred for 3 minutes and then mixed with an oily mixture of 4400 g of vegetable oil (soybean oil). 100 g of commercially available monoglyceride and 100 g of onion extract, which is intensively emulsified in a blender. In order for the texture not to deteriorate, the mixing time should be no more than 3-5 minutes. The mixture thus obtained is filled into alumina 250 mm diameter yum tube 40 mm, the back of the tube is closed in the usual way, and pasteurization is carried out in an autoclave, water or steam at 80 ° C. After pasteurization, cooling is carried out.

Pri upotebi ovog pripravka luka, otvor tube se odseca tako da ne bude ošttih ivica i da se sadržaj istiskuje u' željenoj količini.When using this onion preparation, the tube opening is cut off so that there are no sharp edges and the contents are squeezed to the desired amount.

Pritom kockice luka izlaze kroz otvor tube restresito i svetlo su obojene, kao i originalne kockice svežeg luka.. Posle zatvaranja tube, sadržaj je i dalje vrlo trajan i ne pokazuje promene Čak ni pri dužem skladištenju; naročito ne dolazi do obojenja ili izdvajanja vodene faze.In doing so, the onion cubes come out through the opening of the tube restressively and are lightly colored, as are the original fresh onion cubes. After the tube is closed, the contents are still very durable and show no change Even with prolonged storage; in particular, no coloration or separation of the aqueous phase occurs.

MAGGI AG, ŠvajcarskaMAGGI AG, Switzerland

Zastupa:Represented by:

Srdja M. PopovičSrdja M. Popovic


Τβτΐ6φθΗ 331-970Τβτΐ6φθΗ 331-970

Dos: 73858Dos: 73858


16.IX 86 “ΤΑ Λ Π O K A T ;··. At. SlOttOBHh οΣΟ'ΡΑζί 7'-KOŠČKA 19 Tejsacpoj-i 33:-97016.IX 86 “ΤΑ Λ Π O K A T; ··. At. SlOttOBHh οΣΟ'ΡΑζί 7'-KOŠKA 19 Tejsacpoj-i 33: -970

Claims (1)

Postupak za dobijanje pripravka luka koji se može dozirati iz tube, naznačen time, što se sirovi luk, isitnjen u kockice veličine 3-6 mm, uz pazljivo mešanje pomeša sa ranije pripremljenom smesom od 0.05-0.1 mas.% natrijum-disulfita, 0.1-0.5 mas.% vinske i/ili limunske kiseline, 0.05-0.20 mas.% askorbinske kiseline, 0,05-0.2 mas.% materije za bubrenje, kao što je galaktomanan i/ili ksantan, oko 1 mas.% kuhinjske soli i 3-5 mas.% šečera ili šečernog alkohola kao što je sorbit, pa se dobijenoj masi primeša ranije pripremljena smeša koja sadrži 3-5 mas.% biljnog ulja, kao što je sojino ulje i 0.05-0.15 mas.% emulgatora, kao što je monoglicerid, u odnosu na masu gotovog pripravka i oko 0.1 mas.% ekstrakta luka, pri čemu je sadržaj kockica sirovog luka oko 88-92 mas.% u odnosu na masu gotovog pripravka; i što se dobljena smesa puni u tube koje se, nakon zatvaranja, kratkotrajno zagrevaju na 70-80°C.A process for the preparation of a tubular dosage formulation from a tube, characterized in that the crude onion, crushed into cubes of 3-6 mm, is mixed with careful mixing with a previously prepared mixture of 0.05-0.1% by weight of sodium disulfite, 0.1- 0.5% by weight of tartaric and / or citric acid, 0.05-0.20% by weight of ascorbic acid, 0.05-0.2% by weight of a swelling substance such as galactomannan and / or xanthan, about 1% by weight of table salt and 3 -5% by weight of sugar or sugar alcohol such as sorbitol, and the resulting mixture is mixed with a previously prepared mixture containing 3-5% by weight of vegetable oil such as soybean oil and 0.05-0.15% by weight of emulsifier, such as monoglyceride, relative to the weight of the finished formulation and about 0.1% by weight of the onion extract, wherein the content of the raw onion cubes is about 88-92% by weight relative to the weight of the finished formulation; and the resulting mixture is filled into tubes which, upon closure, are briefly heated to 70-80 ° C. MAGGI AG, ŠvajcarskaMAGGI AG, Switzerland Zastupa:Represented by: Srdja M. PopovičSrdja M. Popovic ApstraktAbstract A ,’i B O K 4 T C p i', a M, 11 n fi n p i< hA, 'i BOK 4 TC p i', and M, 1 1 n fi np i <h L ( i.·: j ‘ Λ /i, -7 »k o «? £ i< λ ; g i' e J’. 6φ OH 3 ·.. 9 ΌL (i. ·: J 'Λ / i, -7 »k o«? £ i <λ; g i' e J '. 6φ OH 3 · .. 9 Ό Opisan je postupak za dobijanje pripravka luka, koji se sastoji u mešanju 88-92 mas.% kockica sirovog luka, veličine 3-6 mm, sa prethodno pripremljenom smešom koja se sastoji od 0.05-0.1 mas.% natrijum-disulfita, 0.1-0.5 mas.% vinske i/ili limunske kiseline, 0.05-0.20 mas.% askorbinske kiseline, 0.05-0.2 mas.% materije za bubrenje kao što je galaktomanan i/ili ksantan, oko 1 mas.% NaCl i 3-5 mas.% šečernog alkohola, pa se bodijenoj masi primeša ranije pripremljena smeša koja sadrži 3-5 mas.% biljnog ulja, kao što je sojino ulje, i 0.05-0.15 mas.% emulgatora, kao što je neki monoglicerid i, prema potrebi, oko 0.1 mas.% ekstrakta luka. Svi procenti dati su u odnosu na masu gotovog pripravka. Dobljena smeša se zatim puni u tube koje se, nakon zatvaranja, kratkotrajno zagrevaju na 70-80°C.A process for preparing an onion preparation is described, which comprises mixing 88-92% by weight of raw onion cubes, 3-6 mm in size, with a pre-prepared mixture consisting of 0.05-0.1% by weight of sodium disulfite, 0.1-0.5 wt.% tartaric and / or citric acid, 0.05-0.20 wt.% ascorbic acid, 0.05-0.2 wt.% swelling agents such as galactomannan and / or xanthan, about 1 wt.% NaCl and 3-5 wt.% sugar alcohol, so mix the previously prepared mixture containing 3-5 wt.% vegetable oil, such as soybean oil, and 0.05-0.15 wt.% emulsifier, such as some monoglyceride and, if necessary, about 0.1 wt. .% onion extract. All percentages are given relative to the weight of the finished preparation. The resulting mixture is then filled into tubes which, upon closure, are briefly heated to 70-80 ° C.
SI8211009A 1981-05-12 1982-05-12 Process for the preparation of a onion extract SI8211009A8 (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DE3118810A DE3118810C1 (en) 1981-05-12 1981-05-12 Preparation of shredded fresh onions from tubes and method for producing this preparation
YU1009/82A YU41532B (en) 1981-05-12 1982-05-12 Process for obtaining an onion preparation

Publications (1)

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SI8211009A8 true SI8211009A8 (en) 1995-08-31



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
SI8211009A SI8211009A8 (en) 1981-05-12 1982-05-12 Process for the preparation of a onion extract

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SI (1) SI8211009A8 (en)

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