SI25366A - Door of the multifunction oven and/or microwave oven - Google Patents

Door of the multifunction oven and/or microwave oven Download PDF


Publication number
SI25366A SI201700033A SI201700033A SI25366A SI 25366 A SI25366 A SI 25366A SI 201700033 A SI201700033 A SI 201700033A SI 201700033 A SI201700033 A SI 201700033A SI 25366 A SI25366 A SI 25366A
Prior art keywords
locking means
door according
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Slovenian (sl)
Anže Čakš
Sebastijan Kotnik
Original Assignee
Gorenje Gospodinjski Aparati, D.D.
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Gorenje Gospodinjski Aparati, D.D. filed Critical Gorenje Gospodinjski Aparati, D.D.
Priority to SI201700033A priority Critical patent/SI25366A/en
Priority to PL18153357T priority patent/PL3358908T3/en
Priority to EP18153357.1A priority patent/EP3358908B1/en
Publication of SI25366A publication Critical patent/SI25366A/en



    • H05B6/00Heating by electric, magnetic or electromagnetic fields
    • H05B6/64Heating using microwaves
    • H05B6/642Cooling of the microwave components and related air circulation systems
    • H05B6/00Heating by electric, magnetic or electromagnetic fields
    • H05B6/64Heating using microwaves
    • H05B6/6414Aspects relating to the door of the microwave heating apparatus
    • H05B6/00Heating by electric, magnetic or electromagnetic fields
    • H05B6/64Heating using microwaves
    • H05B6/76Prevention of microwave leakage, e.g. door sealings
    • H05B6/763Microwave radiation seals for doors


  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Electromagnetism (AREA)
  • Electric Ovens (AREA)


Predlagani izum se nanaša na vrata multifunkcijske pečice z možnostjo uporabe mikrovalov in/ali na vrata mikrovalovne pečice, pri čemer omenjena vrata obsegajo zunanji panel s prozorno ali prosojno ploščo, vsaj dve steni, ki sta neposredno pritrjeni na notranjo stran zunanje prozorne ali prosojne plošče, lovilnik mikrovalov in pokrov lovilnika mikrovalov. V območju prvega vzdolžnega roba prozorne ali prosojne plošče (4) in na strani, obrnjeni v notranjost vrat, je pritrjen vsaj en nosilec (5) za pritrditev lovilnika (2) mikrovalov. Nasproti ležeči drugi vzdolžni rob prozorne ali prosojne plošče (4) je opremljen z vodilnikom (6) zraka. Zunanji panel (1) dodatno obsega v notranjost vrat obrnjeni prečni steni (12), katerih vsaka poteka v območju vsakokratnega prečnega roba plošče (4).The present invention relates to a door of a multifunctional oven with the possibility of using microwaves and / or microwave oven door, said door comprising an outer panel having a transparent or translucent panel, at least two walls directly attached to the inner side of an outer transparent or translucent panel, microwave catcher and microwave catcher cover. In the area of the first longitudinal edge of the transparent or translucent panel (4) and on the side facing the interior of the door, at least one support (5) is fastened to attach the microwave trap (2). The opposite longitudinal edge of the transparent or translucent plate (4) is opposite to the air guide (6). The outer panel (1) further comprises an inverted transverse wall (12) in the interior of the door, each of which extends in the region of the respective cross member edge of the panel (4).



[0001] Predlagani izum se nanaša na vrata multifunkcijske pečice z možnostjo uporabe mikrovalov in/ali na vrata mikrovalovne pečice, pri čemer omenjena vrata obsegajo zunanji panel s prozorno ali prosojno ploščo, vsaj dve steni, ki sta neposredno pritrjeni na notranjo stran zunanje prozorne ali prosojne plošče, lovilnik mikrovalov in pokrov lovilnika mikrovalov.[0001] The present invention relates to a door of a multifunctional oven with the possibility of using microwaves and / or microwave oven doors, said doors comprising an outer panel with a transparent or transparent plate, at least two walls directly attached to the inner side of the outer transparent or translucent panels, microwave catcher and microwave trap cover.

[0002] Vrata multifunkcijske pečice z možnostjo uporabe mikrovalov in/ali vrata mikrovalovne pečice uvodoma navedene vrste so znana npr. iz objave patentne prijave št. EP 2 731404 Al. Ker se dandanes vsepovsod zahteva, da je zunanje steklo vrat na dotik hladno vsaj v tolikšni meri, da so izpolnjeni varnostni predpisi, morajo biti vrata ustrezno hlajena. Omenjena vrata, razkrita v EP 2 731404 Al, so zgrajena na način, da ne omogočajo hlajenja zunanjega stekla s prisilnim obtokom zraka.[0002] The doors of a multifunctional oven with the possibility of using microwaves and / or microwave oven doors, in addition, are known, for example, from the publication of patent application no. EP 2 731404 Al. Since nowadays it is required that the outer glass of the touch door is cold at least to the extent that the safety regulations are complied with, the doors must be adequately cooled. Said doors disclosed in EP 2 731404 Al are constructed in such a way that they do not allow the cooling of external glass with forced air circulation.

[0003] Naloga predlaganega izuma je ustvariti konstrukcijsko enostavna vrat multifunkcijske pečice z možnostjo uporabe mikrovalov in/ali vrata mikrovalovne pečice, s čimer so odpravljene pomanjkljivosti znanih rešitev.[0003] It is an object of the present invention to provide a constructionally simple door of a multifunctional oven with the possibility of using microwaves and / or microwave oven doors, thereby removing the drawbacks of known solutions.

[0004] Zastavljena naloga je po predlaganem izumu rešena z značilnostmi, podanimi v značilnostnem delu 1. patentnega zahtevka. Podrobnosti izuma so razkrite v pripadajočih podzahtevkih.[0004] According to the present invention, the said task is solved with the features given in the characteristic part of claim 1. The details of the invention are disclosed in the respective sub-claims.

[0005] Izum je v nadaljevanju podrobneje predstavljen na osnovi ne omejujočega izvedbenega primera in s sklicevanjem na priložene skice, kjer kaže sl. 1 vrata multifunkcijske pečice po izumu v predstavitvenem tridimenzionalnem pogledu, sl. 2 prečna stena zunanjega panela v tridimenzionalnem pogledu, sl. 3 podrobnost vrat s sl. 1 v povečanem merilu in odstranjeno prečno steno, sl. 4 vodilnik zraka v prečnem prerezu po črti IV s sl. 3, sl. 5 vodilnik zraka v prečnem prerezu po črti V s sl. 3, sl. 6 pokrov lovilnika mikrovalov v tridimenzionalnem delnem pogledu, sl. 7 lovilnik mikrovalov v tridimenzionalnem delnem pogledu.[0005] The invention is furthermore presented in more detail on the basis of the non-limiting embodiment and by referring to the accompanying drawings, wherein FIG. 1 door of the multifunction oven according to the invention in the presentation three-dimensional view, Fig. 2, the transverse wall of the outer panel in a three-dimensional view, Fig. 3 detail of the door of Fig. 1 in an enlarged scale and the transverse wall removed, Fig. 4 the air guide in the cross-section along line IV of FIG. 3, Fig. 5, the air guide in the cross-section along line V in FIG. 3, Fig. 6 is a cover of a microwave trap in a three-dimensional partial view, Fig. 7 microwave trap in three-dimensional partial view.

[0006] Vrata multifunkcijske pečice z možnostjo uporabe mikrovalov oz. vrata mikrovalovne pečice v splošnem sestavljajo zunanji panel 1, lovilnik 2 mikrovalov in pokrov 3 lovilnika 2 mikrovalov, ki so medsebojno združeni v enovito zgradbo. Omenjeni zunanji panel 1 je prednostno izbran kot prozorna ali prosojna plošča 4, zlasti steklena plošča, pri čemer je v območju prvega vzdolžnega roba steklene plošče 4 in na strani, obrnjeni v notranjost vrat, pritrjen vsaj en nosilec, prednostno sta pritrjena vsaj dva nosilca 5 za pritrditev lovilnika 2 mikrovalov. Omenjena nosilca 5 sta s stekleno ploščo 4 povezana na primer s pomočjo adhezijskega sredstva. Nasproti prvega vzdolžnega roba steklene plošče 4 ležeči drugi vzdolžni rob je prav tako na strani plošče 4, obrnjeni v notranjost vrat, opremljen z vodilnikom 6 zraka, ki je s stekleno ploščo 4 povezan s pomočjo adhezijskega sredstva. Stekleni plošči 4 je na koncu, ki ji je prigrajen omenjeni vodilnik 6, a na strani, obrnjeni proč od notranjosti vrat, izbiroma prigrajen ročaj vrat po izumu. V takšnem primeru sta vodilnik 6 in omenjeni ročaj vrat pritrjena s pomočjo pritrdilnih sredstev, prednostno razstavljivih pritrdilnih sredstev, zlasti prednostno s pomočjo vijačne razstavljive zveze. Izbiroma je vodilnik 6 tudi v tem primeru dodatno pritrjen k stekleni plošči 4 s pomočjo adhezijskega sredstva. Vodilnik 6 zraka je prednostno izdelan iz umetne snovi.[0006] Multifunctional oven door with the possibility of using microwaves or the microwave oven door generally consists of an outer panel 1, a microwave trapper 2 and a microwave trapdoor 3, which are joined together in a uniform structure. Said external panel 1 is preferably selected as a transparent or translucent panel 4, in particular a glass panel, wherein at least one carrier is attached in the region of the first longitudinal edge of the glass plate 4 and on the side facing the interior of the door, preferably at least two supports 5 to attach the 2 microwell trap. Said carrier 5 is connected with a glass plate 4, for example, with the help of an adhesion agent. In contrast to the first longitudinal edge of the glass panel 4, the second longitudinal edge is also on the side of the panel 4 facing the interior of the door, provided with an air guide 6, which is connected to the glass plate 4 by means of an adhesion agent. The glass panel 4 is at the end to which the said guide 6 is attached, but on the side facing away from the interior of the door, the handle of the door according to the invention is optionally mounted. In such a case, the guide 6 and said door handle are secured by means of fixing means, preferably dismountable fastening means, in particular preferably by means of a screw dismountable connection. By way of example, the guide 6 also in this case is additionally attached to the glass plate 4 by means of an adhesion agent. The air guide 6 is preferably made of plastic.

[0007] Omenjeni vodilnik 6 zraka je v svojem prečnem prerezu zasnovan približno kot črka L, pri čemer sta kraka 7, 8 kot črka L zasnovanega vodilnika 6 medsebojno povezana z več ojačitvenimi rebri 9. Prvi krak 7 vodilnika 6 leži na omenjeni stekleni plošči 4, na strani lete, obrnjeni v notranjost vrat, medtem ko drugi krak 8 približno pravokotno glede na prvi krak 7 poteka v smeri notranjosti vrat. Prosti konec omenjenega drugega kraka 8 je v vzdolžni smeri le-tega zasnovan z nizom blokirnih sredstev 10, ki so predvideni za sodelovanje z nasprotnimi blokirnimi sredstvi 11, zasnovanimi na istoležni stranici omenjenega pokrova 3 lovilnika 2 mikrovalov. Omenjena blokirna sredstva 10 in omenjena nasprotna blokirna sredstva 11 tvorijo oblikosklepno razstavljivo zvezo, na primer zaskočno zvezo na način pero- utor, kjer je eno od blokirnih sredstev 10, 11 zasnovano kot sprejemnik in je drugo od blokirnih sredstev 10,11 zasnovano kot štrlina.[0007] The said air guide 6 is in its cross-section approximately like a letter L, whereby the legs 7, 8, as the letter L of the guiding guide 6, are interconnected with several reinforcing ribs 9. The first arm 7 of the guide 6 lies on said glass panel 4 , on the side of the fly facing the interior of the door, while the second leg 8 is approximately perpendicular to the first arm 7 in the direction of the interior of the door. The free end of said second arm 8 in the longitudinal direction thereof is configured with a series of locking means 10 which are intended to cooperate with opposing locking means 11, based on the side side of said cover 3 of the 2 microwave trap. Said locking means 10 and said counter locking means 11 form a form-dismountable dismountable connection, for example, a snap connection in the manner of a perforation, wherein one of the locking means 10, 11 is configured as a receiver, and the second of the blocking means 10, 11 is designed as a projection.

[0008] Zunanji panel 1 dalje obsega prečni steni 12, katerih vsaka poteka v območju vsakokratnega prečnega roba steklene plošče 4, pri čemer sta omenjeni steni 12 na strani steklene plošče 4, ki je obrnjena v notranjost vrat, s pomočjo adhezijskega sredstva povezani s stekleno ploščo 4. Vsakokratna stena 12 je v svojem prečnem prerezu zasnovana v smislu črke L, pri čemer je prvi krak 13 stene 12 predviden za omenjeno adhezijsko povezavo s stekleno ploščo 4 zunanjega panela 1, medtem ko je drugi krak 14 stene 12 predviden za razstavljivo zvezo z omenjenim pokrovom 3 lovilnika 2 mikrovalov. V ta namen je prosti rob drugega kraka 14 stene 12 zasnovan z nizom blokirnih sredstev 15, na primer štrlin, potekajočih približno vzporedno s stekleno ploščo 4 in v smeri proti notranjosti vrat oz. proti drugi steni 12. Omenjeni niz blokirnih sredstev 15 je predviden za sprejem niza nasprotnih blokirnih sredstev 16, na primer štrlin, predvidenih na pripadajočih vzdolžnih robovih pokrova 3 lovilnika 2 mikrovalov. Pri predstavljenem izvedbenem primeru so blokirna sredstva 15 stene 12 enakomerno razporejena v vzdolžni smeri stene 12, tako da je med vsakokratnima sosednjima blokirnima sredstvoma 15 na voljo vrzel 15’. Prav tako so nasprotna blokirna sredstva 16 enakomerno razporejena na pripadajočih vzdolžnih robovih pokrova 3 lovilnika 2 mikrovalov, tako da vsakokratno nasprotno blokirno sredstvo 16 lahko skozi omenjene vrzeli 15’ pride v prijem z blokirnimi sredstvi 15.[0008] The outer panel 1 further comprises a transverse wall 12 each extending in the region of the respective cross-member of the glass panel 4, said walls 12 on the side of the glass plate 4 facing the interior of the door being connected by means of an adhesive means to a glass plate 4. Each wall 12 is formed in its cross-section in the sense of the letter L, wherein the first arm 13 of the wall 12 is provided for said adhesion connection with the glass plate 4 of the outer panel 1, while the second limb 14 of the wall 12 is provided for the removable link with said cover 3 of the catcher 2 microwaves. To this end, the free edge of the second arm 14 of the wall 12 is configured with a series of locking means 15, for example, projections running approximately parallel to the glass panel 4 and in the direction towards the interior of the door, against the second wall 12. The said set of locking means 15 is provided for receiving a plurality of opposing locking means 16, for example, the projections provided on the associated longitudinal edges of the lid 2 of the microwave trap 2. In the present embodiment, the locking means 15 of the wall 12 are evenly arranged in the longitudinal direction of the wall 12 so that there is a gap 15 'between the adjacent locking means 15. Similarly, the opposing locking means 16 are evenly distributed on the respective longitudinal edges of the cover 3 of the trapper 2 of the microwaves, so that the respective counter locking means 16 can pass through the said gaps 15 'with locking means 15.

[0009] Lovilnik 2 mikrovalov je po sebi znana priprava, ki preprečuje uhajanje mikrovalov med delovanjem gospodinjskega aparata. Ob sestavljenih vratih je lovilnik 2 mikrovalov pokrit z omenjenim pokrovom 3, pri čemer sta lovilnik 2 mikrovalov in pokrov 3 razstavljivo povezana s pomočjo niza blokirnih sredstev 17, ki so razporejeni vzdolž vsaj enega roba lovilnika 2 mikrovalov in potekajo približno v ravnini lovilnika 2, in niza nasprotnih blokirnih sredstev 18, ki so razporejeni vzdolž pripadajočega vsaj enega roba pokrova 3. Lovilnik 2 mikrovalov je na stekleno ploščo 4 pritrjen s pomočjo vsaj dveh držal 19, razporejenih v vogalnem območju lovilnika 2 mikrovalov in na strani, obrnjeni k vodilniku 6 zraka. Omenjeni vsaj dve držali 19 sodelujeta z ustreznima vsaj dvema sprejemnikoma 20, ki sta zasnovana v vsakokratnem skrajnem vzdolžnem območju omenjenega vodilnika 6 zraka.[0009] A 2 microwave catcher is in itself a device that prevents leakage of microwaves during the operation of the household appliance. In the case of assembled doors, the microwave catcher 2 is covered by said cover 3, wherein the microwave trap 2 and the cover 3 are disjointly connected by means of a series of locking means 17 arranged along at least one edge of the trapper 2 microwaves and extending approximately in the plane of the trap 2, and a series of opposing locking means 18 arranged along the associated at least one edge of the lid 3. The microwellers 2 of the microwaves are fixed to the glass plate 4 by means of at least two holders 19 arranged in the corner region of the trapper 2 microwaves and on the side facing the air guide 6. Said at least two holders 19 cooperate with the corresponding at least two receivers 20, which are designed in each extreme longitudinal zone of said air guide 6.

[0010] Kot omenjeno zgoraj, pokrov 3 lovilnika 2 mikrovalov obsega nasprotna blokirna sredstva 11, ki po eni strani predstavljajo vodila za pravilno namestitev pokrova 3 v vodilnik 6 zraka, po drugi strani pa služijo za silosklepno in oblikosklepno povezavo pokrova 3 z vodilnikom 6 zraka.[0010] As mentioned above, the cap 3 of the microwave catcher 2 comprises opposing locking means 11 which, on the one hand, represent guides for correctly positioning the lid 3 in the air guide 6 and, on the other hand, serve as a silicon-locking and form-fitting connection of the lid 3 with the air guide 6 .

[0011] Dalje je po predlaganem izumu predvideno, da je omenjeni prosti konec omenjenega drugega kraka 8 vodilnika 6 zraka v svoji vzdolžni smeri zasnovan z nizom podolgovatih izrezov 21, katerih vsak je razporejen v območju med dvema sosednjima blokirnima sredstvoma 10. Omenjeni pokrov 3 je na svoji istoležni stranici, na kateri so predvidena nasprotna blokirna sredstva 11, zasnovan z nizom nadaljnjih podolgovatih izrezov 22, katerih vsak je razporejen v območju med dvema sosednjima nasprotnima blokirnima sredstvoma 11. Globina omenjenih izrezov 21,22 poteka v ravnini vrat, tako da ob sestavljenih vratih vsakokratni par izrezov 21,22 tvori odprtino 23 za pretok hladilnega zraka.According to the present invention it is further envisaged that said free end of said second arm 8 of the air guide 6 in its longitudinal direction is formed by a series of elongated cutouts 21 each of which is arranged in the region between two adjacent locking means 10. The mentioned cover 3 is on its side face, on which opposing locking means 11 are provided, is formed with a series of further elongate cutouts 22 each of which is arranged in the region between two adjacent opposing locking means 11. The depth of said cutouts 21, 22 is carried out in the plane of the door, of the composite door, the respective pair of recesses 21, 22 form an opening 23 for the cooling air flow.

[0012] Vrata multifunkcijske pečice in/ali mikrovalovne pečice po izumu se prične sestavljati z namestitvijo omenjenih nosilcev 5 lovilnika 2 mikrovalov in omenjenih prečnih sten 12 na stekleno ploščo 4, prednostno s pomočjo adhezijskega sredstva. Zatem se na stekleno ploščo 4 pritrdi vodilnik 6 zraka skupaj z ročajem vrat. Izbirama se za pritrditev vodilnika uporabi tudi adhezijsko sredstvo.[0012] The door of the multifunction oven and / or microwave oven according to the invention begins to be assembled by placing said microwave holders 5 of the microwave trapper 2 and said transverse walls 12 on the glass plate 4, preferably by means of an adhesion agent. Then, the air guide 6 is attached to the glass plate 4 along with the door handle. Adhesion means are also used for the mounting of the guide.

[0013] Dalje se na lovilnik 2 mikrovalov pritrdi tečaja vrat in namesti tesnilo 24, nakar se lovilnik 2 mikrovalov pokrije z omenjenim pokrovom 3. Pri tem omenjena nasprotna blokirna sredstva 18 pokrova 3 na zaskočni način primejo v omenjena blokirna sredstva 17 lovilnika 2 mikrovalov.[0013] Next, the door hinge and the gasket 24 are fixed to the 2 microwave catcher, and the gasket 2 of the microwaves is covered by the said lid 3. The opposing locking means 18 of the lid 3 are then clamped into said locking means 17 of the 2 microwellers.

[0014] Zatem se v prejšnjem odstavku sestavljeni sklop pokrova 3 in lovilnika 2 mikrovalov položi na stekleno ploščo 4, opremljeno z omenjenima prečnima stenama 12. Omenjeni niz nasprotnih blokirnih sredstev 16 na pokrovu 3 pri tem potuje skozi omenjene vrzeli 15’ na prostem koncu drugega kraka 14 stene 12. Ko omenjeni sklop pokrova 3 in lovilnika 2 mikrovalov dokončno sede na steni 12 in so nasprotna blokirna sredstva 16 pokrova 3 v celoti prešla omenjene vrzeli 15’, se omenjeni sklop pokrova 3 in lovilnika 2 mikrovalov potisne v ravnini vrat v smeri proti vodilniku 6 zraka. Pri tem na vodilniku 6 zraka predvidena blokirna sredstva 10 pridejo v prijem z nasprotnimi blokirnimi sredstvi 11, zasnovanimi na omenjenem pokrovu 3 lovilnika 2 mikrovalov. Ob dokončnem potisku sklopa pokrova 3 in lovilnika 2 mikrovalov proti vodilniku 6 zraka pride med omenjeni blokirnimi sredstvi 10 in omenjenimi nasprotnimi blokirnimi sredstvi 11 do oblikosklepne razstavljive zveze.[0014] Then, in the previous paragraph, the assembled assembly of the lid 3 and the microwave trap 2 is placed on a glass plate 4 equipped with said transverse walls 12. The said set of opposing locking means 16 on the cover 3 travels through said gaps 15 'at the free end of the second of the wall 14 of the wall 12. When the said assembly of the cover 3 and the microwave catcher 2 are finally seated on the wall 12 and the opposing locking means 16 of the lid 3 completely passes the said gaps 15 ', said assembly 3 and the microwaves 2 of the microwaves are pushed in the plane of the door in the direction towards the air guide 6. In this case, the blocking means 10 provided on the air guide 6 come in contact with opposing locking means 11, based on said cover 3 of the 2 microwave trap. Upon final closing of the cover assembly 3 and the microwave trapper 2 towards the air guide 6, the said locking means 10 and said counter locking means 11 will come to a form-dismantling dismantling connection.

Claims (13)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Vrata multifunkcijske pečice z možnostjo uporabe mikrovalov in/ali na vrata mikrovalovne pečice, pri čemer omenjena vrata obsegajo zunanji panel s prozorno ali prosojno ploščo, vsaj dve steni, ki sta neposredno pritrjeni na notranjo stran zunanje prozorne ali prosojne plošče, lovilnik mikrovalov in pokrov lovilnika mikrovalov., značilna po tem, da obsegajo zunanji panel (1), ki je prednostno izbran kot prozorna ali prosojna plošča (4), pri čemerje v območju prvega vzdolžnega roba plošče (4) in na strani, obrnjeni v notranjost vrat, pritrjen vsaj en nosilec (5) za pritrditev lovilnika (2) mikrovalov in je nasproti ležeči drugi vzdolžni rob opremljen z vodilnikom (6) zraka, in pri čemer zunanji panel (1) dalje obsega v notranjost vrat obrnjeni prečni steni (12), katerih vsaka poteka v območju vsakokratnega prečnega roba plošče (4), lovilnik (2) mikrovalov in pokrov (3) lovilnika (2) mikrovalov, ki so medsebojno združeni v enovito zgradbo.A multifunctional oven door with the possibility of using microwaves and / or microwave oven doors, said doors comprising an outer panel with a transparent or transparent plate, at least two walls directly attached to the inside of an outer transparent or translucent panel, a microwave trap and (1), preferably selected as a transparent or translucent panel (4), in the region of the first longitudinal edge of the panel (4) and on the side facing the inside of the door, the cover plate of the microwave trap, at least one carrier (5) for fastening the microwave catcher (2) is fixed and the second longitudinal edge is provided with an air guide (6) opposite to the opposite, and wherein the outer panel (1) further comprises an inverted transverse wall (12) in the interior of the door each takes place in the area of the respective transverse edge of the panel (4), the microwave catcher (2) and the microwave trap (2) catcher (3), which are joined together in a uniform structure. 2. Vrata po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da je vsakokratna stena (12) zasnovana v smislu črke L, pri čemerje prvi krak (13) stene (12) predviden za povezavo z omenjeno ploščo (4) zunanjega panela (1), medtem ko je drugi krak (14) stene (12) predviden za razstavljivo zvezo z omenjenim pokrovom (3) lovilnika (2) mikrovalov.A door according to claim 1, characterized in that the respective wall (12) is designed in the sense of the letter L, wherein the first limb (13) of the wall (12) is provided for connection to said panel (4) of the outer panel (1) while the second limb (14) of the wall (12) is provided for the disintegrating connection with said lid (3) of the microwell trap (2). 3. Vrata po zahtevku 1 in 2, značilna po tem, da je prosti rob drugega kraka (14) stene (12) zasnovan z nizom blokirnih sredstev (15), ki je predviden za sprejem niza nasprotnih blokirnih sredstev (16), predvidenih na pripadajočih vzdolžnih robovih pokrova (3) lovilnika (2) mikrovalov, pri čemer je med vsakokratnima sosednjima blokirnima sredstvoma (15) na voljo vrzel (15’).Door according to Claims 1 and 2, characterized in that the free edge of the second limb (14) of the wall (12) is formed by a series of locking means (15) provided for receiving a series of opposing locking means (16) provided for in of the associated longitudinal edges of the lid (2) of the lid (3) of the lid (2) of the microwaves, whereby a gap (15 ') is available between adjacent locking means (15). 4. Vrata po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, značilna po tem, da sta omenjena nosilca (5) in sta omenjeni steni (12) s prozorno ali prosojno ploščo (4) povezana s pomočjo adhezijskega sredstva.Door according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that said supports (5) and said walls (12) are connected by means of an adhesion means with a transparent or translucent plate (4). 5. Vrata po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, značilna po tem, da omenjeni vodilnik (6) zraka obsega prvi krak (7), ki leži na omenjeni prosojni ali prozorni plošči (4), na strani le-te, obrnjeni v notranjost vrat, in drugi krak (8), ki približno pravokotno glede na prvi krak (7) poteka v smeri notranjosti vrat, pri čemer je prosti konec omenjenega drugega kraka (8) v vzdolžni smeri le-tega zasnovan z nizom blokirnih sredstev (10), ki so predvideni za sodelovanje z nasprotnimi blokirnimi sredstvi (11), zasnovanimi na omenjenem pokrovu (3) lovilnika (2) mikrovalov.Door according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that said air guide (6) comprises a first leg (7) lying on said transparent or transparent plate (4) on the side of the latter facing the inside of the door, and a second leg (8) which is approximately perpendicular to the first leg (7) in the direction of the interior of the door, wherein the free end of said second leg (8) in the longitudinal direction thereof is configured with a series of locking means (10) which are provided for cooperating with opposing locking means (11) based on said cover (3) of the microwave trap (2). 6. Vrata po zahtevku 5, značilna po tem, da omenjena blokirna sredstva (10) in omenjena nasprotna blokirna sredstva (11) tvorijo oblikosklepno razstavljivo zvezo.Door according to claim 5, characterized in that said locking means (10) and said opposite locking means (11) form a form-dismountable detachable connection. 7. Vrata po zahtevkih 5 in 6, značilna po tem, da je omenjena oblikosklepna razstavljiva zveza izbrana kot zaskočna zveza na način pero-utor, kjer je prvo od blokirnih sredstev {10,11) zasnovano kot sprejemnik in je drugo od blokirnih sredstev (10,11) zasnovano kot štrlina.Door according to Claims 5 and 6, characterized in that said form-release dismantling connection is selected as a snap connection in the manner of a pero-groove, wherein the first of the locking means {10,11) is designed as a receiver and the second of the locking means 10, 11) is designed as a projection. 8. Vrata po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, značilna po tem, da sta lovilnik (2) mikrovalov in pokrov (3) razstavljivo povezana s pomočjo niza blokirnih sredstev (17), ki so razporejeni vzdolž vsaj enega roba lovilnika (2) mikrovalov, in niza nasprotnih blokirnih sredstev (18), ki so razporejeni vzdolž pripadajočega vsaj enega roba pokrova (3).Door according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the microwave catcher (2) and the lid (3) are disjointed by a series of locking means (17) arranged along at least one edge of the microwave trap (2), and a series of opposing locking means (18) arranged along the at least one edge of the lid (3). 9. Vrata po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, značilna po tem, da je lovilnik (2) mikrovalov na prozorno ali prosojno ploščo (4) pritrjen s pomočjo vsaj dveh držal (19), razporejenih v vogalnem območju lovilnika (2) mikrovalov in na strani, obrnjeni k vodilniku (6) zraka, pri čemer omenjeni vsaj dve držali (19) sodelujeta z ustreznima vsaj dvema sprejemnikoma (20), ki sta zasnovana v vsakokratnem skrajnem vzdolžnem območju omenjenega vodilnika (6) zraka.Door according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the microwave trap (2) is mounted on a transparent or translucent plate (4) by means of at least two holders (19) arranged in the corner area of the microwave trap (2) and on the side , facing the air guide (6), said at least two holders (19) cooperating with the corresponding at least two receivers (20), which are formed in each extreme longitudinal zone of said air guide (6). 10. Vrata po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, značilna po tem, da pokrov (3) lovilnika (2) mikrovalov obsega nasprotna blokirna sredstva (11), ki služijo vodenju pokrova (3) ter silosklepni in oblikosklepni povezavi sklopa pokrov (3) - lovilnik (2) mikrovalov z vodilnikom (6) zraka.A door according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the microwave catching cap (3) comprises opposing locking means (11) serving to guide the lid (3) and the locking and form-fitting of the lid assembly (3) - the catcher (2) microwaves with an air guide (6). 11. Vrata po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, značilna po tem, da je prosti konec omenjenega drugega kraka (8) vodilnika (6) zraka v svoji vzdolžni smeri zasnovan z nizom podolgovatih izrezov (21), katerih vsak je razporejen v območju med dvema sosednjima blokirnima sredstvoma (10).The door according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the free end of said second leg (8) of the guide guide (6) is formed in its longitudinal direction by a series of elongated cutouts (21) each of which is arranged in the region between two adjacent blocking means (10). 12. Vrata po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, značilna po tem, da je omenjeni pokrov (3) na svoji stranici, na kateri so predvidena nasprotna blokirna sredstva (11), zasnovan z nizom nadaljnjih podolgovatih izrezov (22), katerih vsak je razporejen v območju med dvema sosednjima nasprotnima blokirnima sredstvoma (11).A door according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that said lid (3) on its side, on which opposing locking means (11) is provided, is formed with a series of further elongate cutouts (22) each of which is arranged in an area between two adjacent opposing locking means (11). 13. Vrata po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, značilna po tem, da globina omenjenih izrezov (21, 22) poteka v ravnini vrat, tako da vsakokratni par izrezov (21, 22) tvori odprtino (23) za pretok hladilnega zraka.A door according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the depth of said recesses (21, 22) extends in the plane of the door so that the respective pair of recesses (21, 22) forms an opening (23) for the cooling air flow.
SI201700033A 2017-02-01 2017-02-01 Door of the multifunction oven and/or microwave oven SI25366A (en)

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DE102019220293A1 (en) * 2019-12-19 2021-06-24 BSH Hausgeräte GmbH Household microwave device with a microwave trap and method for their manufacture
WO2023075053A1 (en) * 2021-10-28 2023-05-04 엘지전자 주식회사 Cooking apparatus

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