SI24558A - The kitchen appliance - Google Patents

The kitchen appliance Download PDF


Publication number
SI24558A SI201300432A SI201300432A SI24558A SI 24558 A SI24558 A SI 24558A SI 201300432 A SI201300432 A SI 201300432A SI 201300432 A SI201300432 A SI 201300432A SI 24558 A SI24558 A SI 24558A
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kitchen appliance
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Slovenian (sl)
Cornelius Nilsen
Tobias Krueger
Original Assignee
BSH Hišni aparati, d.o.o.
Bsh Bosch Und Siemens Haushaltsgeraete Gmbh
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Application filed by BSH Hišni aparati, d.o.o., Bsh Bosch Und Siemens Haushaltsgeraete Gmbh filed Critical BSH Hišni aparati, d.o.o.
Priority to SI201300432A priority Critical patent/SI24558A/en
Priority to DE102014226327.1A priority patent/DE102014226327A1/en
Publication of SI24558A publication Critical patent/SI24558A/en



    • A47J43/00Implements for preparing or holding food, not provided for in other groups of this subclass
    • A47J43/04Machines for domestic use not covered elsewhere, e.g. for grinding, mixing, stirring, kneading, emulsifying, whipping or beating foodstuffs, e.g. power-driven
    • A47J43/07Parts or details, e.g. mixing tools, whipping tools
    • A47J36/00Parts, details or accessories of cooking-vessels
    • A47J36/24Warming devices
    • A47J36/2405Warming devices for warming food contained in vessels immersed in a water bath, e.g. chafers or steam tables


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Food Science & Technology (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Cookers (AREA)


Modul za kuhinjski aparat, namenjen za ogrevanje vsebine posode pri ÄŤemer je modul prilagojen tako, da se odstranljivo namesti s strani uporabnika na zunanjo stran posode in/ali kuhinjskega aparata. A kitchen appliance module designed to heat the contents of the container while the module is adapted to be removably installed by the user on the outside of the container and / or kitchen appliance.


Kuhinjski aparatKitchen appliance



Izum zadeva področje uporabe kuhinjskih aparatov za različne načine priprave hrane.The invention relates to the field of use of kitchen appliances for various methods of food preparation.


Znano stanje pri kuhinjskih aparatih za obdelavo hrane, kot npr. sekljanje, mešanje, gnetenje, stepanje in podobno, vključuje rešitve, ki omogočajo gretje posode za obdelavo z uporabo vodne kopeli. Ena od takih rešitev je predstavljena v US 1,295,684 kjer je predstavljeno ogrevanje posode v vodni kopeli, v katero je položena posoda za obdelavo hrane. Druge rešitve vključujejo snemljive posode za obdelavo hrane, kjer je gretje posode zagotovljeno z uporabo posode z dvojnim dnom ali dvojne posode, v katero se lahko v plašč natoči vroča voda. Tovrstna rešitev je opisana v US 8,438,971.Known state of the art of food processing appliances, e.g. chopping, mixing, kneading, whipping, and the like, includes solutions that allow the treatment vessels to be heated using a water bath. One such solution is disclosed in US 1,295,684 where the heating of a vessel in a water bath into which a food processing vessel is placed is presented. Other solutions include detachable containers for food processing, where the heating of the container is ensured by using a double bottom container or a double container into which hot water can be poured into the jacket. Such a solution is described in US 8,438,971.

Opisane rešitve ne omogočajo fleksibilnosti pri uporabi grelnih elementov, ki so bodisi nameščeni fiksno ali pa se jih ne da namestiti ali odstraniti med fazo obdelave hrane. S tem se zožuje možnost izvedbe različnih tehnik priprave hrane, ki npr. Zahtevajo gretje samo v eni od faz procesa.The solutions described do not allow flexibility in the use of heating elements, which are either fixedly installed or cannot be installed or removed during the food processing phase. This narrows the ability to perform various food preparation techniques, such as: They require heating only at one stage of the process.


Namen izuma je izboljšanje kuhinjskega aparata, ki se lahko uporabi za celoten izbor možnih načinov priprave hrane.The purpose of the invention is to improve the kitchen appliance, which can be used for a full range of possible food preparation methods.


Za dosego namena izuma, je v izumu opisan modul za kuhinjski aparat, namenjen za ogrevanje vsebine posod, pri čemer je modul prilagojen tako, da se odstranljivo namesti s strani uporabnika na zunanjo stran posode in/ali kuhinjskega aparata.In order to achieve the purpose of the invention, the invention describes a module for a kitchen appliance intended for heating the contents of vessels, the module being adapted to be removably mounted by the user on the outside of the container and / or the kitchen appliance.

Modul, ki je namenjen segrevanju vsebine posode za obdelavo hrane, npr. kvašenega testa, se namesti na posodo z zunanje strani tako, da se površina, ki je namenjena prenosu toplote čim bolje prilega površini posode in s tem zagotavlja maksimalni prenos toplote na posodo in njeno vsebino. Modul se lahko namesti na samo posodo, lahko se namesti tako, da nalega na spodnji del ohišja kuhinjskega aparata, lahko pa s kombinacijo obeh možnosti. Uporabnik lahko modul po želji tudi odstrani in/ali namesti medtem, ko je posoda že postavljena na kuhinjski aparat v položaju za obratovanje. To je posebej priročno kadar so v posodi že sestavine v obdelavi in tudi kadar je zaradi tega posoda težka in težje obvladljiva.A module designed to heat the contents of a food processor, e.g. of the yeast dough shall be placed on the outside of the container so that the surface intended for heat transfer is as close as possible to the surface of the vessel, thereby ensuring maximum heat transfer to the vessel and its contents. The module can be mounted on the pan itself, it can be mounted so that it rests on the bottom of the cabinet of the kitchen appliance, or with a combination of both. The module can also be removed and / or installed by the user if desired, while the cookware is already positioned on the kitchen appliance. This is especially handy when the container already has the ingredients under treatment and also when the container is difficult and difficult to handle.


Izvedbeni primeri, ki so lahko uporabljeni posamič ali v katerikoli kombinaciji so opisani v podzahtevkih.Exemplary examples which may be used individually or in any combination are described in the sub-claims.

Prednostno se modul lahko namesti in/ali odstrani s kuhinjskega aparata tudi, ko je posoda pritrjena na kuhinjski aparat. V nekaterih primerih je gretje potrebno samo v nekaterih delih postopka, zato je za uporabnika koristno, če je možno modul med pripravo hrane v posodi poljubno namestiti ali odstraniti brez odstranjevanja posode z aparata. V ta namen mora modul obsegati le nekaj več kot polovico obsega posode in biti zadostno fleksibilen.Preferably, the module can be installed and / or removed from the kitchen appliance even when the cookware is attached to the kitchen appliance. In some cases, heating is only required in some parts of the process, so it is useful for the user if the module can be installed or removed during the food preparation without removing the container from the appliance. For this purpose, the module should cover only slightly more than half the container size and be sufficiently flexible.

V enem od izvedbenih primerov je modul v bistvu obročaste, torusne oblike ali oblike izseka obroča. Glede na to, da so posode za obdelavo hrane v kuhinjskih aparatih večinoma pretežno okrogle, je smiselno, da podobni obliki sledi tudi modul za gretje. Pri tem je lahko modul narejen tako, da obsega celoten obseg posode ali pa le del obsega, prednostno več kot polovico, tako da se lahko začasno pritrdi na posodo. Za čim boljši prenos toplote mora oblika obroča čim bolj natančno slediti obliki posode, da je stična površina čim večja in s tem tudi prenos toplote hitrejši.In one embodiment, the module is essentially an annular, torus, or ring section shape. Considering that the majority of the cookware in kitchen appliances is mostly round, it makes sense that the heating module also follows a similar shape. In this case, the module may be designed to cover the entire circumference of the container or only part of the scope, preferably more than half, so that it can be temporarily attached to the container. In order to maximize the heat transfer, the shape of the ring must follow the shape of the container as closely as possible so that the contact surface is as large as possible and thus the heat transfer is faster.

V drugem izvedbenem primeru se površina namenjena kontaktu s posodo za obdelavo hrane tesno prilega površini posode za obdelavo hrane. Tesno prileganje je mišljeno v smislu zagotavljanja čim večje stične površine med modulom za gretje in posodo, pri čemer posledično prihaja do bolj učinkovitega prenosa toplote.In another embodiment, the surface intended to come into contact with the food processor is closely aligned with the surface of the food processor. A tight fit is meant to provide as much contact as possible between the heating module and the pan, resulting in more efficient heat transfer.

Prednostno modul vsebuje odprtino, skozi katero se v modul natoči tekočina. Odprtina, prednostno s pokrovom, se nahaja na zgornjem delu modula in omogoča vlivanje ogrevalne tekočine v modul.Preferably, the module comprises an opening through which fluid is poured into the module. An opening, preferably with a lid, is located at the top of the module and allows the pouring of heating fluid into the module.

Po eni od alternativ se za zagotavljanje toplote, potrebne za učinkovanje na vsebino posode modul napolni s tekočino, segreto na temperaturo do 100 stopinj, prednostno do 90 stopinj, še bolj prednostno do 80 stopinj Celzija. Pri nekaterih načinih obdelave hrane, npr topljenje čokolade, pasterizacija ipd., je koristno, če se ob tem ali med fazami obdelave hrane zagotavlja povišana temperatura, tudi do temperature vrelišča vode. Pri tem je potrebno zagotoviti, da so materiali odporni na take temperature.According to one alternative, to provide the heat required to effect the contents of the container, the module is filled with fluid heated to a temperature of up to 100 degrees, preferably up to 90 degrees, more preferably up to 80 degrees Celsius. For some types of food processing, such as chocolate melting, pasteurization, etc., it is useful to provide an elevated temperature at this or during the food processing stages, even up to the boiling point of water. In doing so, it must be ensured that the materials are resistant to such temperatures.

Po drugi alternativi se za zagotavljanje toplote, potrebne za učinkovanje na vsebino posode v primeru npr. vzhajanja testa modul napolni z vodo, segreto na temperaturo do 50 stopinj Celzija. Pri nekaterih načinih obdelave hrane je koristno, če se ob tem ali med fazami obdelave hrane zagotavlja povišana temperatura, ki pa se ne približuje temperaturi vrelišča in tudi ne presega 50 stopinj Celzija. Tak način obdelave je vzhajanje testa, ki potrebuje nekoliko povišano sobno temperaturo, hkrati pa je koristno, če je možno testo občasno premešati, kar omogoča uporaba opisane rešitve.Alternatively, to provide the heat required to effect the contents of the container in the case of e.g. the test dough is filled with water heated to a temperature of 50 degrees Celsius. For some food processing methods, it is advantageous to provide an elevated temperature at this or during the food processing stages, which, however, does not approach the boiling point and does not exceed 50 degrees Celsius. Such a treatment is an uplift of the dough requiring a slightly elevated room temperature, but it is also useful if the dough can be stirred occasionally to allow the described solution to be used.

Po enem od izvedbenih modelov se modul namesti samo na posodo in se lahko posoda odstrani s kuhinjskega aparata brez da bi bilo potrebno sneti modul. Pri nekaterih fazah obdelave je potrebno posodo odstraniti z aparata, vendar pa je koristno še vedno zagotavljati dovod toplote. Pri tem je za uporabnika uporabno, če pri tem ni potrebno snetiAccording to one of the models, the module can only be mounted on the pan and the pan can be removed from the kitchen without the module having to be removed. At some stages of treatment, the container must be removed from the appliance, but it is still useful to provide heat supply. It is useful for the user if it does not need to be downloaded

modula za gretje s posode. Primer takega modula je predvsem modul, ki se na posodo lahko natakne s strani in ni narejen v obliki celotnega obroča okoli posode.module for heating from the pan. An example of such a module is, in particular, a module that can be attached to the container from the side and is not made in the form of a complete ring around the container.

Modul je prednostno narejen iz materiala, ki dobro prevaja toploto. Prednostno so pri tem uporabljeni plastični materiali, ki so lahki in enostavni za rokovanje in čiščenje, opcijsko pa se lahko uporabijo tudi kovine in drugi materiali z boljšo prevodnostjo ali pa kombinacija večih.The module is preferably made of a material that conducts heat well. Preferably, plastic materials are used which are lightweight and easy to handle and clean, and optionally metal and other materials with better conductivity or a combination of several can be used.

Specifično je modul narejen iz materiala, ki dobro prevaja toploto, predvsem v delu, ki se prilega na posodo. Do prenosa toplote it modula za gretje na posodo in v vsebino posode za obdelavo hrane prihaja predvsem na delu, kjer stena modula za gretje prihaja v direkten stik s posodo za obdelavo hrane. Zato je lahko prednostno, da je v tem delu modul narejen iz materialov ki bolje prevajajo toploto od materialov iz katerih je narejen preostanek modula.Specifically, the module is made of a material that conducts heat well, especially in the part that fits into the container. The heat transfer of the heating module to the container and to the contents of the food processor occurs mainly at the part where the wall of the heating module comes into direct contact with the food processor. Therefore, it may be advantageous in this part that the module is made of materials that conduct heat better than the materials from which the rest of the module is made.


Izum je podrobno opisan v nadaljevanju na podlagi izvedbenih primerov in z uporabo slik:The invention is described in detail below by way of example examples and using the drawings:

Na Sliki 1 je prikazan shematski pogled na sestavljeno stanje kuhinjskega aparata, posode in modulaFigure 1 shows a schematic view of the assembled state of the kitchen appliance, dishes and module

Na Sliki 2 je prikazan shematski prerez sestave iz slike 1.Figure 2 shows a schematic cross-section of the composition of Figure 1.


Na Sliki 1 je prikazana sestava kuhinjskega aparata 2 z nameščeno posodo 3 za obdelavo hrane, na katero je pritrjen modul 3 za gretje. Tekočina z ustrezno temperaturo do 100 stopinj Celzija, običajno voda, se v modul 1 natoči skozi odprtino 4 na zgornjem delu nameščenega modula 1, ki ima lahko tudi pokrov. Modul 1 je v bistvu obročaste, torusne oblike ali oblike izseka obroča. Glede na to, da so posode 3 za obdelavo hrane v kuhinjskih aparatih 2 pretežno okrogle, je smiselno, da podobni obliki sledi tudi modul 1 za gretje. Pri tem je lahko modul 1 narejen tako, da obsega celoten obseg posode 3 ali pa le del obsega, prednostno več kot polovico, tako da se lahko začasno pritrdi na posodo 3. Za čim boljši prenos toplote se mora notranja stena modula 1 čim bolj tesno prilegati obliki posode 3, da je stična površina čim večja in s tem tudi prenos toplote hitrejši. Tesno prileganje je mišljeno v smislu zagotavljanja čim večje stične površine med modulom 1 za gretje in posodo 3, pri čemer posledično prihaja do bolj učinkovitega prenosa toplote. Na tem delu je modul 1 lahko narejen tudi iz materiala z večjo prevodnostjo, kot jo ima material, iz katerega je narejen preostali del modula 1. Prednostno se modul lahko namesti in/ali odstrani s kuhinjskega aparata tudi, ko je posoda pritrjena na kuhinjski aparat. V nekaterih primerih je gretje potrebno samo v nekaterih delih postopka, zato je za uporabnika koristno, če je možno modul 1 med pripravo hrane v posodi 3 poljubno namestiti ali odstraniti brez odstranjevanja posode 3 s kuhinjskega aparata 2. V ta namen mora biti modul 1 zadostno fleksibilen.Figure 1 shows the composition of the kitchen appliance 2 with the installed food processor 3 to which the heating module 3 is attached. Liquid at an appropriate temperature of up to 100 degrees Celsius, usually water, is fed into module 1 through an opening 4 at the top of the installed module 1, which may also have a lid. Module 1 is essentially an annular, torus or ring section shape. Given that the cooking vessels 3 in the kitchen appliances 2 are predominantly circular, it is reasonable that the heating module 1 follows in a similar form. In this case, module 1 may be designed to cover the entire circumference of the container 3, or only part of the volume, preferably more than half, so that it can be temporarily attached to the container 3. For the best possible heat transfer, the inner wall of the module 1 must be as tight as possible to fit the shape of the container 3 so that the contact surface is as large as possible and thus the heat transfer is faster. A tight fit is intended to provide as much contact as possible between the heating module 1 and the container 3, resulting in a more efficient heat transfer. In this section, module 1 may also be made of material with a higher conductivity than that of the rest of module 1. Preferably, the module can be installed and / or removed from the kitchen appliance even when the dish is attached to the kitchen appliance. . In some cases, heating is only required in certain parts of the process, so it is useful for the user if module 1 can be installed or removed during the food preparation of the container 3 without removing the container 3 from the kitchen appliance 2. For this purpose, module 1 should be sufficient flexible.

Na sliki 2 je predstavljen prerez sestave kuhinjskega aparata 2, kot je prikazan na sliki 1. Modul 1 za gretje na zgornjem delu, ko je nastavljen na sestavo posode 3 in kuhinjskega aparata 2, vsebuje odprtino 4, ki omogoča vlivanje ogrevalne tekočine 5 v modul 1. Odprtina 4 ima običajno tudi pokrov 4, ki preprečuje polivanje ogrevalne tekočine 5 med transportom modula 1 in tudi med transportom posode 3, na katero je pritrjen modul 1. Modul 1 se lahko napolni s tekočino 5, segreto na temperaturo do 100 stopinj Celzija, Pri nekaterih načinih obdelave hrane, npr topljenje čokolade, pasterizacija, je koristno, če se ob tem ali med fazami obdelave hrane zagotavlja povišana temperatura, tudi do temperature vrelišča vode. Pri tem je potrebno zagotoviti, da so materiali, iz katerih je narejen modul 1, odporni na take temperature. Prednostno so pri tem uporabljeni plastični materiali, ki so lahki in enostavni za rokovanje in čiščenje, opcijsko pa se lahko uporabijo tudi kovine in drugi materiali z boljšo prevodnostjo ali pa kombinacija večih. V primeru npr. vzhajanja testa zadostuje, da se modul 1 napolni z vodo, segreto na temperaturo do 50 stopinj Celzija. Vzhajanje testa, ki potrebuje nekoliko povišano sobno temperaturo, hkrati pa je koristno, če je možno testo občasno premešati kar v posodi 3, na katero je nameščen modul 1 za gretje, kar omogoča uporaba rešitve po izumu.Figure 2 shows a cross-sectional view of the composition of the kitchen appliance 2, as shown in Figure 1. The upper heating module 1, when set to the composition of the dish 3 and the kitchen appliance 2, contains an opening 4 allowing the heating fluid 5 to be poured into the module 1. The opening 4 also typically has a lid 4 which prevents the heating fluid 5 from flowing during transport of module 1 and also during transport of container 3 to which module 1 is attached. Module 1 can be filled with fluid 5 heated to 100 degrees Celsius , In some food processing methods, such as chocolate melting, pasteurization, it is useful to provide an elevated temperature at this or during the food processing stages, even up to the boiling point of water. In doing so, it must be ensured that the materials of which Module 1 is made are resistant to such temperatures. Preferably, plastic materials are used which are lightweight and easy to handle and clean, and optionally metal or other materials with better conductivity or a combination of several may be used. In the case of e.g. the rise of the dough is sufficient to fill module 1 with water heated to a temperature of up to 50 degrees Celsius. Kneading a dough that requires a slightly raised room temperature, but is also useful if it is possible to mix the dough from time to time in the container 3 to which the heating module 1 is mounted, allowing the use of the solution according to the invention.

Prednosti opisanega izuma so predstavljene tudi na naslednjem izvedbenem primeru. Na posodo kuhinjskega aparata 2 se namesti obročast modul 1, v katerega se natoči vroča voda. Vroča voda segreva posodo 3 in skupaj s pokrovom posode 3 poskrbi zato, da testo v posodi 3 vzhaja pri optimalni temperaturi. Grelni obroč - modul 1 - je dimenzioniran tako, da se posoda 3 tudi, ko je na njo že nameščen modul 1, še vedno lahko namesti v kuhinjski aparat 2 v pozicijo za delovanje.The advantages of the present invention are also presented in the following embodiment. An annular module 1 is installed on the pan of the kitchen appliance 2 in which hot water is poured. Hot water heats the pan 3 and, together with the lid of the pan 3, ensures that the dough in the pan 3 rises at the optimum temperature. The heating ring - module 1 - is sized in such a way that even when the module 1 is already fitted, the container 3 can still be placed in the kitchen appliance 2 in the operating position.

Z uporabo enostavnega modula 1 pridobi kuhinjski aparat 2 širšo uporabnost, ki jo sicer nudijo le specialni aparati, kot na primer pekači kruha. Kvašeno testo lahko tako na toplem vzhaja dlje časa in ga pri tem lahko po potrebi tudi občasno pregnetemo. Rezultat je boljša kvaliteta kvašenega testa.By using simple module 1, the kitchen appliance 2 gains wider utility, which is only offered by special appliances such as bread bakers. The yeast dough can thus rise in the warm for a longer period of time and, if necessary, fold it occasionally. The result is better yeast dough quality.

Lastnosti, opisane v zahtevkih in opisu so lahko v izvedbenih primerih posamezno ali v kakršnikoli kombinaciji.The features described in the claims and the description may be, in embodiments, individually or in any combination.

Seznam sklicevReference list


Kuhinjski aparatKitchen appliance




Claims (8)

1. Modul (1) za kuhinjski aparat (2), namenjen za ogrevanje vsebine posode (3) označen s tem, da je modul (1) prilagojen tako, da se odstranljivo namesti s strani uporabnika na zunanjo stran posode (3) in/ali kuhinjskega aparata (2).Module (1) for a kitchen appliance (2), intended for heating the contents of a container (3), characterized in that the module (1) is adapted to be removably mounted by the user on the outside of the container (3) and / or kitchen appliances (2). 2. Modul (1) za kuhinjski aparat (2) po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da se modul (1) lahko namesti in/ali odstrani (2) tudi, ko je posoda (3) pritrjena na kuhinjski aparat (2).Module (1) for a kitchen appliance (2) according to claim 1, characterized in that the module (1) can be installed and / or removed (2) even when the container (3) is attached to the kitchen appliance (2) . 3. Modul (1) za kuhinjski aparat (2) po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, označen s tem, daje modul (1) v bistvu obročaste, torusne oblike ali oblike izseka obroča.Module (1) for the kitchen appliance (2) according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the module (1) is substantially annular, torus-shaped or ring-shaped. 4. Modul (1) za kuhinjski aparat (2) po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, označen s tem, da se površina namenjena kontaktu s posodo (3) za obdelavo hrane tesno prilega površini posode (3) za obdelavo hrane.Module (1) for the kitchen appliance (2) according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the surface intended for contact with the food processing vessel (3) is closely aligned with the surface of the food processing vessel (3). 5. Modul (1) za kuhinjski aparat (2) po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, označen s tem, da modul (1) vsebuje odprtino (4), skozi katero se v modul natoči tekočina (5).Kitchen module (1) according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the module (1) comprises an opening (4) through which fluid (5) is pumped into the module. 6. Modul (1) za kuhinjski aparat (2) po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 1-5, označen s tem, da se za zagotavljanje toplote, potrebne za učinkovanje na vsebino posode (3) modul (1) napolni s tekočino (5), segreto na temperaturo do 100 stopinj, prednostno do 90 stopinj, še bolj prednostno do 80 stopinj Celzija.Module (1) for the kitchen appliance (2) according to any one of claims 1-5, characterized in that, in order to provide the heat required to effect the contents of the container (3), the module (1) is filled with liquid (5) heated to a temperature of up to 100 degrees, preferably up to 90 degrees, more preferably up to 80 degrees Celsius. 7. Modul (1) za kuhinjski aparat (2) po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 1 - 5, označen s tem, da se za zagotavljanje toplote, potrebne za učinkovanje na vsebino posode (3) v primeru npr. vzhajanja testa modul (1) napolni s tekočino (5), segreto na temperaturo do 50 stopinj Celzija.Module (1) for a kitchen appliance (2) according to any one of claims 1 to 5, characterized in that in order to provide the heat required to effect the contents of the container (3) in the case of e.g. the test dough fills the module (1) with liquid (5) heated to a temperature of up to 50 degrees Celsius. 8. Modul (1) za kuhinjski aparat (2) po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, označen s tem, da se modul (1) namesti samo na posodo (3) in se lahko posoda (3) odstrani s kuhinjskega aparata (2) brez da bi bilo potrebno sneti modul (1).Module (1) for the kitchen appliance (2) according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the module (1) is mounted only on the pan (3) and the container (3) can be removed from the kitchen appliance (2) without that module (1) should be removed.
SI201300432A 2013-12-17 2013-12-17 The kitchen appliance SI24558A (en)

Priority Applications (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SI201300432A SI24558A (en) 2013-12-17 2013-12-17 The kitchen appliance
DE102014226327.1A DE102014226327A1 (en) 2013-12-17 2014-12-17 kitchen appliance

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SI201300432A SI24558A (en) 2013-12-17 2013-12-17 The kitchen appliance

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SI24558A true SI24558A (en) 2015-06-30



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SI201300432A SI24558A (en) 2013-12-17 2013-12-17 The kitchen appliance

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DE (1) DE102014226327A1 (en)
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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
PL3485772T3 (en) 2017-11-16 2020-10-19 Vorwerk & Co. Interholding Gmbh Chocolate machine
CN108739907A (en) * 2018-07-30 2018-11-06 颍上县天好食品有限公司 A kind of potato powder dough mixing machine

Family Cites Families (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US1295684A (en) 1917-11-24 1919-02-25 Joseph Bouquin Mixer and beater.
US8438971B1 (en) 2010-03-04 2013-05-14 Sally Thurley Stand mixer and heating means combination apparatus

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