SE177589C1 - - Google Patents


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SE177589C1 SE177589DA SE177589C1 SE 177589 C1 SE177589 C1 SE 177589C1 SE 177589D A SE177589D A SE 177589DA SE 177589 C1 SE177589 C1 SE 177589C1
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Publication of SE177589C1 publication Critical patent/SE177589C1/sv



    • C03B27/00Tempering or quenching glass products
    • C03B27/00Tempering or quenching glass products
    • C03B27/04Tempering or quenching glass products using gas
    • C03B27/0404Nozzles, blow heads, blowing units or their arrangements, specially adapted for flat or bent glass sheets


  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Thermal Sciences (AREA)
  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Materials Engineering (AREA)
  • Organic Chemistry (AREA)
  • Re-Forming, After-Treatment, Cutting And Transporting Of Glass Products (AREA)


Uppfinnare: .1" S Golightly Prioritet beglird [run den 13 september 1955 (Amerilras Forenta Stater) Foreliggande uppf inning hanfor sig till glashardningsapparater. Narmare bestamt avser den en forbattring av en tidigare uppfinning, varigenom apparaten blir tillrackligt mera effektiv for att harda fonsterglas saval som spegelglas av en given tjocklek. Fare denna forbaltring kunde endast spegelglas och icke fonsterglas av den givna tjockleken liardas tillfredsstallande. Inventor: .1 "S Golightly Priority Beglird [Run of September 13, 1955 (United States of America) The present invention relates to glass hardeners. as mirror glass of a given thickness.Fare this prebreaking could only mirror glass and not window glass of the given thickness liardas satisfactorily.

I sina grunddrag Or metoden vid glashardning gamma! och beskriven I aldre pa.tentlitteratur. Den innebar att en glasskiva vOrmes Over sin utglodgningstemperatur och sedan kyles hastigtytan, sh att donna stelnar, medan del inre fortfarande är varmt. Delta resulterar i att glasskivans ytskikt utsattes for tryck och dess inre for dragning. En sã behandlad glasskiva Or mycket starkare On ohardat glas. Eftersom glas kan tala myeket stora stotkrafter, da det Or under tryckspanning, Oro hardade glasskivor overlagsna ohardade vid anvandning till bilrutor. Om den under tryckspanning staende ytan brytes, splittra emellertid de inre spanningarna glaset i mycket smO skarvor. Dessas storlek utgor ett matt pa hardningsgraden, och jamnheten betraffande skarvornas storlek anger j'amnheten hos glasets hardning. In its basic features Or the method of glass hardening gamma! and described in ages pa.tentlitteratur. It meant that a glass plate was heated above its annealing temperature and then the rapid surface was cooled, so that the donna solidified, while some of the interior was still hot. Delta results in the surface layer of the glass sheet being subjected to pressure and its interior for drawing. Such a treated glass sheet Or much stronger On hardened glass. Because glass can talk very large impact forces, when it Or under compressive stress, Oro hardened glass sheets are generally unhardened when used for car windows. However, if the surface under compressive stress is broken, the internal stresses split the glass into very small joints. Their size is a measure of the degree of hardening, and the uniformity in the size of the joints indicates the uniformity of the glass hardening.

Den hardningsgrad, som en glasskiva hibringas, bestammes i fOrsta hand av graden av ytkompression under kylningen, rnedan glasets inre forblir varmt och plastiskt. Den snabbhet, med vilken. glasytans temperatur Andras, varmeutvidgningskoefficienten, varmeledningsformagan och viskositeten hos glaset i skivan och skivans tjocklek Oro faktorer, som inverka ph hardningsgraden. The degree of hardening of a glass sheet is determined primarily by the degree of surface compression during cooling, before the interior of the glass remains warm and plastic. The speed, with which. the temperature of the glass surface of others, the coefficient of thermal expansion, the thermal conductivity and the viscosity of the glass in the disc and the thickness of the disc Concerns factors which affect the degree of pH hardening.

The American Standards Association, Inc. (ASA) har utarbetat en serie prov for bestammande huruvida hardat glas kan godkannas for anvandning till bilrutor. Dessa prov firma& i »The American Standards Safety Code for Safety Glazing Materials for Glazing Motor Vehicles Operating on Land Highways?. The American Standards Association, Inc. (ASA) has developed a series of tests to determine whether tempered glass can be approved for use in car windows. These test companies & i »The American Standards Safety Code for Safety Glazing Materials for Glazing Motor Vehicles Operating on Land Highways ?.

Enligt dessa prov .skall ett plant provstycke av hardat glas, 305X 305 X 11,1 mm, tala sti3- ten av en massiv, slat sthlkula ph 227 g, vilken faller fritt frail 305 cm hojd. Minst tio av tolv sadana provstyeken, som traffas mom 2,5 cm fran mittpunkten, skola stoten utan att sprieka eller brista. I ett annat prov slappes kulan p0 ett provstycke, som har uthardat foregaende stotar, frail en stegvis med 30,5 cm at gangen vaxande hajd, tills glaset brister. Glaset anses vat hardat, om in.gen sprickfri skarva av cletsamma vager mer an 4,3 g. According to these tests, a flat piece of tempered glass, 305X 305 X 11.1 mm, should measure the mass of a solid, smooth steel ball pH 227 g, which falls freely from a height of 305 cm. At least ten of the twelve such test pieces, which are struck at a height of 2.5 cm from the midpoint, must take the impact without cracking or breaking. In another test, the ball is released on a test piece which has hardened previous bumps, frail one step by step with 30.5 cm growing wax, until the glass breaks. The glass is considered to be hardened, if no crack-free joint of smooth scales more than 4.3 g.

Den inledningsvis namnda apparaten Or tillfredsstallande for hardning av buktiga spegelglasskivor, men den liar visat sig otillfredsstallande for hdrdnin:g air fonsterglasskivor av samma storlek och tjocklek. Nedansthende tabell I, som visar en jamforelse mellan vissa fysikaliska egenskaper hos spegelglas och fonsterglas, farklarar yarnr fonsterglas Or svarare att harda On spegelglas. The apparatus initially mentioned is satisfactory for curing curved mirror glass sheets, but it has been found to be unsatisfactory for curing air window glass sheets of the same size and thickness. Table I below, which shows a comparison between certain physical properties of mirror glass and window glass, explains yarnr window glass Or responders to harden On mirror glass.

Tabell I. Table I.

KanstantFonsterglasSpegelglas Utvidgnings- koefficient0,3X-6 0,76 xlo-6 minkningspunkt (viskositet 76 pois)737° C728° C Eftersom fonsterglas har lagre utvidgningskoefficient On spegelglas, bringar kylningen doss yttre skikt att sammandraga sig mindre hastigt On spegelglasets ytskikt. De spanningar, som alstras genom den olika; starka kylningen av det yttre och det inre skiktet, bli saledes mindre for fonsterglas On for spegelglas. Eftersom fonsterglaset liar hogre mjukningspunkt, reagerar det oeksa langsammare 2— — for plotsliga temperaturandringar an spegelglaset. Under den langre tid, som ytskiktet be-hover for att krympa efter en platslig temperaturandring, borjar Oven glasets inre att svaina, vilket resulterar i en minskning av de spanningar, som alstras genom den ojamna kylningen vid hardningen. ConstantWindow glass Mirror glass Expansion coefficient0,3X-6 0,76 xlo-6 reduction point (viscosity 76 pois) 737 ° C728 ° C Since window glass has a lower coefficient of expansion On mirror glass, the cooling doss outer layer causes the surface layer of the mirror glass to contract less rapidly. The voltages, which are generated by the different; strong cooling of the outer and inner layers, thus becoming smaller for window glass On for mirror glass. Because the window glass has a higher softening point, it reacts more slowly to sudden temperature changes than the mirror glass. During the longer time that the surface layer needs to shrink after a local temperature change, the interior of the glass begins to swell, which results in a reduction in the stresses generated by the uneven cooling during curing.

Andamalet med foreliggande uppfinning Or att med hansyn till dessa svarigheter forbattra den ifragavarande hardapparaten, som har skilda, motsatta fordelningskamrar, som Oro anslutna till en anordning for tillforsel av kylmedel under tryck, utloppsmunstycken ph de delar av varje fordelningskammare, som vetta mot den motsatta fordelningskammaren, en stel vagn for barande av en schablon med varmda glasskivor mellan de skilda utloppsmunstyckena, och en anordning far hstadkommande av en kretsande rarelse av utloppsmunstyckena i ett plan, parallellt med glasskivornas plan, medan glaset Mims mellan. munstyckena. The object of the present invention is to improve in view of these responsibilities the apparatus in question, which has separate, opposite distribution chambers, which are connected to a device for supplying refrigerant under pressure, outlet nozzles and those parts of each distribution chamber which face the opposite distribution chamber. , a rigid carriage for carrying a stencil with heated glass sheets between the different outlet nozzles, and a device for effecting a orbiting arrangement of the outlet nozzles in a plane, parallel to the plane of the glass sheets, while the glass mims between. the nozzles.

DO glasskivan Or kraftigt bajd nara andarna, Oro de fOrdelningskamrar, vilkasanunstycken bliisa luft ph glasskivans andpartier, svangbara i forhallande till de centralt placerade fordelningskamrarnas rorelseplan. DO the glass plate Or strongly bent near the spirits, Oro the distribution chambers, whose nozzles become air ph the glass part of the glass plate, pivotable in relation to the central plane of the distribution chambers.

Problemet Or nu att modifiera hardapparaten, som Or lamplig endast for spegelglas, sa. att Oven fonsterglas kan hardas godtagbart. Detta problem kan icke lasas genom de nal-a till hands liggande Atgarderna att varma fansterglaset till hogre temperatur, innan det utsattes for kylningen, eller att Oka kylmedelsmangden for att kyia glasytan hastigare, beroende p0 att dessa atgarder fordra stora investeringar for ombyggnad av redan existerande hardappara.ter, ombyggnad av ugnarna for glasets varmning fore kylningen eller insattning av storre flaktar for Okning av kylmedelsmangden. The problem now is to modify the hard drive, which is only suitable for mirror glass, he said. that Oven window glass can be hardened acceptably. This problem cannot be solved by the obvious advantages of heating the window glass to a higher temperature before it is subjected to the cooling, or of increasing the amount of coolant to cool the glass surface more rapidly, due to the fact that these measures require large investments for rebuilding already existing hardappara.ter, rebuilding of the furnaces for heating the glass before cooling or inserting larger flakes for increasing the amount of coolant.

Enligt fOreliggande uppfinning loses problemet genom en myeket enklare modifikalion, kannetecknad av munstycksforlangningar, som Oro fastsatta prt atminstone en del av utloppsmunstyckena och Ore elastiskt bojliga genom heraring i sidled med den stela vagnen under sin rorelse i forhfillande till glaset. According to the present invention, the problem is solved by a much simpler modification, characterized by nozzle extensions, which Oro fasten at least a part of the outlet nozzles and Ore elastically flexible by herring laterally with the rigid carriage during its movement in relation to the glass.

Foretradesvis ha munstycksforlangningarna samma innerdiameter som de ursprungliga munstyckena, sa. att kylmedlet biases i en cylindrisk stra.le mot glasytan -vinkelratt mot denna. Genorn att munstycksforlangningarnas innerdiameter gores lika med munstyckenas hindras uppkomsten av turbulens i munstyckena, vilken skulIe minska stralens hastighet och Ora dess riktning mera obestamd. Preferably, the nozzle requests have the same inside diameter as the original nozzles, he said. that the coolant is biased in a cylindrical radius towards the glass surface - perpendicular to it. Due to the fact that the inner diameter of the nozzle requirements is made equal to that of the nozzles, the occurrence of turbulence in the nozzles is prevented, which would reduce the speed of the jet and make its direction more indeterminate.

En cylindrisk strale, riktad vinkelratt mot glasytan och beskrivande en cirkelrarelse i farhallande till denna, avlagsnar ett stillastaende skikt av het tuft invid glasytan med mycket storre effektivitet On flagon annan kombination av orientering och rarelse av stralen forhallande till glaset. Vidare Or en eylind risk strata av kylmedlet betydligt mera effektiv an en konisk strale eller en strale av nagon annan form i fraga om kylning av den varma glasytan. A cylindrical beam, directed at an angle to the glass surface and describing a circular motion in relation to it, removes a stationary layer of hot tuft next to the glass surface with much greater efficiency. Furthermore, an eylind is likely to be stratified by the coolant considerably more efficiently than a conical jet or a jet of any other shape in the case of cooling of the hot glass surface.

Om munstycksforlangningarna sluta alltfar Ifingt ifran glaset, spridas luftstralarna och antaga en mindre effektiv konisk form. Om munstycksfarlangningarna sluta alltfOr nara glaset, bli deras spetsar branda..Goda resultat erhallas, om munstycksfarlangningarna sluta hogst 75-90 mm fran glasytan, dvs. de mot varandra riktade munstyckena skola vara belagna hogst 150-180 mm frail varandra, medan deras avstand frau den narmaste glasytan icke bar vara mindre On 6 mm. If the nozzle requirements stop at least from the glass, the air jets disperse and assume a less efficient conical shape. If the nozzle lengths stop too close to the glass, their tips will burn..Good results are obtained, if the nozzle lengths stop no more than 75-90 mm from the glass surface, ie. the nozzles facing each other should be coated no more than 150-180 mm apart, while their distance from the nearest glass surface should not be less than 6 mm.

Tack -care de elastiskt bajliga forlangningarna enligt foreliggande uppfinning kan alltid det lampligaste avstandet valjas, da det Or mojligt att Ufa munstyckena na. mycket narmare glaset On som Or mojligt vid den aldre hardapparaten utan att denna skadas. Skador uppkomma, om stela raunstycken traffa vagnen, som bfir schablonen med glaset, under sin kretsande rorelse I forhallande till vagnen. Om bojliga munstycksforlangningar stota mot den stela -vagnen, blir foljden endast att munstycksforlangningen bojes elastiskt, Harda munstycken, som stata emot vagnen, kunna fastna mot denna eller brytas eller deformeras. Vidare kunna de vibrationer, som uppsta genom stoten av ett hart munstycke mot vagnen, forskjuta glaset fran dess ratta lage pa schablonen, medan en stot av en b5jlig munstycksfOrlangning icke har flagon skadlig verkan, eftersom den tages upp genom tillfallig bojning av forlangningen. Dessutom kunna heta glasfragment, som traffa ett munstycke, lattare orsalca hrott eller deformation av ett hart munstycke On av en bojlig munstycksforlangning. Due to the resilient requirements of the present invention, the most suitable distance can always be selected, as it is possible to remove the nozzles. much closer to the glass On as Or possible with the aged hardener without damaging it. Damage occurs if rigid pieces of raven hit the carriage, which carries the stencil with the glass, during its orbiting movement in relation to the carriage. If flexible nozzle extensions abut the rigid carriage, the result is only that the nozzle extension is flexibly bent. Hard nozzles, which stand against the carriage, can stick to it or break or deform. Furthermore, the vibrations which arise from the impact of a hard nozzle against the carriage can displace the glass from its steering wheel bearing on the stencil, while an impact of a flexible nozzle extension does not have a detrimental effect, since it is absorbed by accidental bending of the extension. In addition, hot glass fragments, which hit a nozzle, can more easily cause salivation or deformation of a hard nozzle On by a flexible nozzle extension.

Uppfirmingen skall beskrivas narmare under hanvisning till hifogade raining. Fig. 1 Or en frontalvy av en hardapparat enligt moderuppfinningen, forsedd med munstycksforlangningar enligt foreliggande uppfinning. Fig. 2 visar i samma projektion som fig. 1 och i star-re skala en del av hardapparaten. Fig. 3-5 visa olika utforanden av de forlangda munstyckena. The invention shall be described in more detail with reference to the accompanying raining. Fig. 1 is a front view of a hardener according to the parent invention, provided with nozzle extensions according to the present invention. Fig. 2 shows in the same projection as Fig. 1 and on a larger scale a part of the hard apparatus. Figs. 3-5 show different embodiments of the required nozzles.

Den Asada apparaten har en rorlig stomme 10, som Or monterad inne i ett stativ 12 med pelare 14, sammanbundna medelst balkar 16. Vardera pelaren 14 uppbar ett Ovre-lagerfaste 17 och ett undre lagerfaste 18. Stativet 12 Or fastgjutet i goIvet 19, pa vilket Oven Oro monterade barplattor 20 med kullager 22, som bara apparatens rorliga stomme 10. En motor Or kopplad till ett par vevar (ej visat) for att astadkomma en horisontell eirkelrorelse av den rorliga stommen 10 i forhallande till golvet. The Asada apparatus has a movable body 10, which is mounted inside a frame 12 with pillars 14, connected by means of beams 16. Each column 14 carried an upper bearing bracket 17 and a lower bearing bracket 18. The frame 12 is cast in the floor 19, on which Oven Oro mounted bar plates 20 with ball bearings 22, such as only the movable body 10 of the apparatus. A motor Or coupled to a pair of cranks (not shown) to effect a horizontal circular motion of the movable body 10 in relation to the floor.

Den rorliga stommen 10 bar en byre och en undre fordelningskammare 30 resp. 32. Tillloppsledningar 34, 36 leda tuft under relativt — —3 lagt tryck till kamrarna 30 resp. 32. Den byre kammaren 30 bestar av ett flertal luftlador 40, som std parallellt med varandra och vardera ha en rad gangade hal 41 i bottnen. Pa lik- nande satt bestar den undre kammaren 32 av ett flertal parallella luftlador 42, som vardera ha en rad gangade hal 41 i taket. The movable frame 10 carried a chute and a lower distribution chamber 30, respectively. 32. Supply lines 34, 36 lead tuft under relatively - —3 added pressure to the chambers 30 resp. 32. The byre chamber 30 consists of a plurality of air shafts 40, which stand parallel to each other and each have a row of aisle hall 41 at the bottom. Similarly, the lower chamber 32 consists of a plurality of parallel air shafts 42, each having a series of aisle halls 41 in the ceiling.

Lit par ovre flygelkamrar 50, 52 aro svanghart monterade pa den ovre kammaren me- deist leder 54 rasp. 56. Dessa flyglar arc forsedda med slitplatar 55, som vila mot stodande kullager 57 ph fastena 17. Ph liknande satt aro ett par undre flygelkamrar 60, 62 svanghart monterade pa den undre kammaren me- deist leder 64 resp. 66. Aven dessa flyglar am f5rsedda med slitplatar 65, som vila mot stodande kullager 67 pa fastena 18. A small pair of upper wing chambers 50, 52 are pivotally mounted on the upper chamber with a lead 54 rasp. 56. These wings are arc provided with wear plates 55, which rest against standing ball bearings 57 ph fastenings 17. Ph similarly set are a pair of lower wing chambers 60, 62 pivotally mounted on the lower chamber with leads 64 and 6, respectively. 66. These wings, too, are provided with wear plates 65, which rest against standing ball bearings 67 on the fasteners 18.

Vardera flygelkammaren liar ett inlopp 70, som medelst en slang (ej visad) dr anslutet till en tryckluftskalla. Dessa kamrar matas med luft under relativt Mgt tryck, som fordelas ph ett antal luftlador 72 i varje flygel- kammare. Dessa luftlador ha ocksa gangade hal 41 for cylindriska munstycken 74 av metal!. Dessa munstycken ha en gangning 7 for att skruvas in i halen 41 och ha en sexkant 76, som underlattar montering och demoniering. Luftladorna 40 och 42 aro forsedda med liknande munstycken i sina hal. Each wing chamber has an inlet 70, which is connected to a compressed air head by means of a hose (not shown). These chambers are supplied with air under relatively high pressure, which is distributed over a number of air charges 72 in each wing chamber. These air shafts also have a hallway 41 for cylindrical nozzles 74 made of metal !. These nozzles have a passage 7 for being screwed into the tail 41 and have a hexagon 76, which facilitates assembly and demonization. The air vents 40 and 42 are provided with similar nozzles in their halls.

Enligt foreliggande uppfinning aro munstyckena 74 i den aldre hardapparaten for- sedda med bojliga forlangningar 78. Dessa forlangningar kunna besta av ror eller slangar med exempelvis 1,6 mm vaggtjocklek och med en innerdiameter av 5 mm. Den sistnthrinda dimensionen är densamma som for munstyckena 74. Det ar lampligt att Ora munstyckena 74 koniska utvandigt, sa att forlangningen 101-fare kan skjutas Det lampligaste materialet till forlangningen 78 i fig. 3 Or en polysiloxan. Dimetylpoly- siloxan, ett material, som liar god val.-meted- ningsformaga och forma" utharda stora temperaturskillnader och haga temperaturer un- der korta perioder, Or en sarskilt lamplig siloxan. Emellertid kunna ocksa andra polysiloxaner och gummi anvandas och Oven mjuka metaller, t. ex. koppar. According to the present invention, the nozzles 74 in the older hardener are provided with flexible extensions 78. These extensions may consist of tubes or hoses with, for example, 1.6 mm cradle thickness and with an inner diameter of 5 mm. The last-dimensional dimension is the same as for the nozzles 74. It is suitable that the nozzles 74 be conical on the outside, so that the extension 101 can be pushed. The most suitable material for the extension 78 in Fig. 3 is a polysiloxane. Dimethylpolysiloxane, a material which has a good choice. eg copper.

Ett annat utforande av foreliggande uppfinfling visas i fig. 4, dar en slang 80 av gummi eller siloxan Or armerad med en metallfjader 82, som hindrar stangen fran att plattas till. En del av slangen 80 bildar en muff, som Or inskjuten ph munstycket 74, och resten utgor f5rlangningen. Another embodiment of the present invention is shown in Fig. 4, where a hose 80 of rubber or siloxane Or is reinforced with a metal spring 82, which prevents the rod from flattening. A part of the hose 80 forms a sleeve, which Or is inserted into the nozzle 74, and the rest constitutes the extension.

I fig. 5 visas en tatt lindad fjader 90, som bildar forlangningen av munstycket 74. Fig. 5 shows a tightly wound spring 90, which forms the extension of the nozzle 74.

I alb. utforanden Or det viktigt, att forlangningens innerdiameter icke avviker fran munstyckets. Genona att skillnaden Wailes sa liten som mojligt bibehalles luftstralens cylindriska form. I alb. It is important that the inside diameter of the extension does not deviate from that of the nozzle. Genona that the difference Wailes as small as possible maintains the cylindrical shape of the air jet.

Hardapparaten har en transportar i form av fribarande rullar 100 med flansar 102, som bara en vagn C och fora fram densamma mellan de ovre och undre fordelningskamrarna. Vagnen C bar en schablon M, ph vilken en glasskiva G Or anbragt. The hardener has a conveyor in the form of cantilevered rollers 100 with flanges 102, which are just a carriage C and feed the same between the upper and lower distribution chambers. The carriage C carried a stencil M, ph on which a glass plate G Or was placed.

Da en glasski-va G skall hardas, lagges den pa schablonen M, som bares av vagnen C, och (glaset varmes till sin mjukningstenaperatur. Sedan fores vagnen air transportoren 100 till ett lage i vilket glaset befinner sig mellan de Njliga munstycksforlangningarna 78 pa de ovre luffladorna 40, 72 och de undre luftladorna 42, 72. Luft biases genom luftladorna och avges av de bojliga munstycksforlangningarna 78 pa glasets bada sidor, medan den rorliga stommen bringas att beskriva en cirkelrorelse i f5rhallande till stativet 12. When a glass sheet G is to be hardened, it is placed on the stencil M, which is carried by the carriage C, and the glass is heated to its softening temperature. the upper air shafts 40, 72 and the lower air shafts 42, 72. Air is biased through the air shafts and delivered by the flexible nozzle extensions 78 on both sides of the glass, while the movable body is made to describe a circular motion relative to the frame 12.

Glasskivans ytskikt kylas hastigt av luftstralarna, och glaset Midas kraftigare genom att munstycksmynningarna befinna sig narmare glaset On out munstyclisfOrlangningarna icke hade funnits. Tack Imre munstycksforlangningarna kan luften avges frail ett avstand av mindre On 75-90 ram frail ytan, som skall kylas, medan den aldre apparaten fordrade ett 'avstand mellan munstycksmynningarna och glaset ph minst 115-130 mm for att munstyckena icke skulle kora fast mot vagnen och apparaten skadas eller glasskivan f5rskjutas ph schablonen genom de av stoten alstrade vihrationerna. The surface layer of the glass plate is rapidly cooled by the air jets, and the glass Midas more strongly because the nozzle orifices are closer to the glass. Thanks to the nozzle requirements, the air can be released from a distance of less than 75-90 mm from the surface to be cooled, while the older apparatus required a distance between the nozzle orifices and the glass pH of at least 115-130 mm so that the nozzles would not stick to the carriage. and the apparatus is damaged or the glass sheet is displaced on the stencil by the vibrations generated by the shock.

En antydan om den fbrbattring, som vinnes genom foreliggande uppfinning, erhalles genom jamforelse av minimitjockleken av hardade glasskivor av identiskt samma form, som godkannas av kopanm. En jamforelse av resultat fran apparaten i dess tidigare tarorande och i del modifierade utforandet enligt foreliggande upplinning redovisas i nedanstaende tabell II, som anger de godtagbara minimitjocklekarna as, spegelglas roch fonsterglas, hardat i de angivna apparaterna. An indication of the improvement obtained by the present invention is obtained by comparing the minimum thickness of hardened glass sheets of identical identical shape, which are approved by the copane. A comparison of results from the apparatus in its previously tarred and partly modified embodiment according to the present invention is reported in Table II below, which indicates the acceptable minimum thicknesses as, mirror glass and window glass, hardened in the specified apparatus.

Tabell II. Table II.

GamlaNya apparaten apparaten lVfinimitjocklek av godtagbart hardat fonsterglas6,0 mm 5,6 mm Tvlinimitjocklek av godtagbart hardat .spegelglas5,6 mm 5,35 mm Ehuru den apparat, som har beskrivits i illustrerande syfte, liar bojliga munstycksforlangare pa de byre och undre munstyckena pa bade hogtrycks- och lagtrycksladorna, avses uppfinningen innefatta Oven anvandning av bojliga forlangningar pa enbart de owe eller de undre munstyckena eller enbart ph hogtrycks- eller lagtrycksmunstyckena alltefter omstandigheterna. I varje fall Or glasets lage i fOrh0.11ande till munstyckenas eller munstycksforiangningarnas mynningar i huvudsak centralt i mellanrummet mellan mynningarna. 4— — OldNew appliance lvfinimi thickness of acceptable hardened window glass6,0 mm 5,6 mm Tvlinimi thickness of acceptable hardened mirror glass 5,6 mm 5,35 mm The invention is intended to comprise the use of flexible requirements only on the upper or lower nozzles or only on the high-pressure or low-pressure nozzles, as the case may be. In each case, the position of the glass in relation to the orifices of the nozzles or nozzle arrangements is substantially central in the space between the orifices. 4— -

Claims (1)

Patent ansp rak: 1. Apparat for hardning air buktiga glasskivor, innefattande skilda, motsatta fordelningskamrar, som aro anslutna till en anordning f8r tillforsel av ett kylmedel, t. ex. luft under tryck, utloppsmunstycken pa de delar av varje fOrdelningskammare, som vetta mot den motsatta fOrdelningskammaren, en stel vagn for barande av en schablon med varnada glasskivor mellan de skilda utloppsmunstyckena, och en anordning for astadkommande av en kretsande rorelse av utloppsmunstyckena i ett plan, parallellt med glasskivornas plan, medan glaset halles mellan munstyckena, kannetecknad av munstycksfOrlangningar, som aro fastsatta pa atminstone en del av utloppsmunstyckena och Oro elastiskt loopiga genom beroring i sidled med den stela vagnen under sin 1.8- reIse i forhallande till glaset. 2. Apparat enligt patentanspraket 1, kannetecknad d.arav, alt munstycksforlangningarna ha sadan langd att de mellan sig larnna ett mellanrum pa hogst 18 cm med krokt profil for en buktig glasskiva, som skall hardas. 3. Apparat enligt patentanspraket 1 eller 2, kannetecknad darav, att munstycksforlangningarna. Oro ri5rformade och att deras inner-diameter Or vasentligen densamma som utloppsmunstyckenas. 4. Apparat enligt nagot av patentanspralcen 1-3, kannetecknad (Dray, att munstycksfor langningarna besta air bojliga rOr eller slangar av polysiloxan eller gummi. 5. Apparat enligt nagot av patentanspraken kannetecknad darav, att munstycksforla.ngningarna utgoras av armerade slangar. 6. Apparat enligt nagot av patentanspraken 1-3, kannetecknad darav, att munstycksforlangningarna utgoras av tatt lindade skruvfjadrar av metall. 7. Apparat enligt nagot av patentanspraken 1-3, kannetecknad darav, att munstyckena ha en stel, rorformig del och en elastiskt bojlig, rorformig forlangningsdel, vars vagg Or ogenomtranglig for kylmedlet och som Or fast vid den stela delen i linje med densamma, varvid den bajliga forlangningsdelen Or sa. belagen, att den kommer narmast glasskivan och den stela delen och den bojliga forlangningsdelen ha en gemensam genomloppskanal, genoni vilken kylmedlet ledes mot glasskivan. 8. Apparat enligt nagot av de foregaende patentanspraken, kannetecknad darav, att f Ordelningskamrarna var f8r sig aro sammansatta av en central kammare och flygelkamrar och att anordningen for tillforsel av kylmedlet Or anordnad att avge detta under relativt lagt tryck till de centrala kamrarna och under relativt hogt tryck till flygelkamrarna. AnfOrda publikationer: Patentskrif ter fain Tyskland 808 880. Stoeltholm 1961. Iiungl. Boktr. P. A. Norstedt & Saner. 610089 *01.4 VI L9 S9Patents claimed: 1. Apparatus for hardening air curved glass sheets, comprising separate, opposite distribution chambers, which are connected to a device for supplying a coolant, e.g. air under pressure, outlet nozzles on the parts of each distribution chamber facing the opposite distribution chamber, a rigid carriage for carrying a stencil with warned glass sheets between the different outlet nozzles, and a device for effecting a circulating movement of the outlet nozzle, parallel to the plane of the glass sheets, while the glass is held between the nozzles, may be characterized by nozzle extensions attached to at least a portion of the outlet nozzles and Oro elastically looped by lateral contact with the rigid carriage during its 1.8 travel in relation to the glass. 2. Apparatus according to patent claim 1, characterized in that the nozzle extensions are of such a length that they have a gap of at most 18 cm with a curved profile between them for a curved glass sheet which is to be hardened. Apparatus according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the nozzle requirements. Concerns are shaped and that their inner diameter is essentially the same as that of the outlet nozzles. Apparatus according to any one of the patent claims 1-3, can be drawn (Dray, that the nozzle extensions consist of flexible pipes or hoses of polysiloxane or rubber. 5. Apparatus according to any of the patent claims may be characterized in that the nozzle extensions consist of reinforced hoses. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1-3, characterized in that the nozzle extensions consist of coil-wound coil springs of metal 7. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1-3, characterized in that the nozzles have a rigid, rudder-shaped part and an elastically flexible, rudder-shaped part. extension part, the cradle of which is impermeable to the coolant and which is fixed to the rigid part in line therewith, the flexible extension part Or being said to be closest to the glass plate and the rigid part and the flexible extension part having a common passage channel, genius which Apparatus according to any one of the preceding patent claims, characterized in that f Ordel The chambers were in themselves composed of a central chamber and wing chambers and that the device for supplying the coolant was arranged to deliver this under relatively low pressure to the central chambers and under relatively high pressure to the wing chambers. AnfOrda publications: Patentskrif ter fain Germany 808 880. Stoeltholm 1961. Iiungl. Boktr. P. A. Norstedt & Saner. 610089 * 01.4 VI L9 S9 1. - Till Patentet N:o P10.3 41 FIG. 4 FIGS 76 74 90 GENERALSTABENS LITOGR. ANSTALT G EN ER A LSTA BENS LITOG R. ANSTA LT 7 41 FIC.3 76 76 FIO.S 76 74 90 Till Patentet N:o FIG.3 76 41 Fl G. S 76 74 901. - To Patent No. P10.3 41 FIG. 4 FIGS 76 74 90 LITOGR. ANSTALT G EN ER A LSTA BENS LITOG R. ANSTA LT 7 41 FIC.3 76 76 FIO.S 76 74 90 Till Patentet N: o FIG.3 76 41 Fl G. S 76 74 90
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SE177589C1 true SE177589C1 (en) 1961-01-01



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