OA20010A - Low-foam adjuvant combination for formulations for crop protection. - Google Patents

Low-foam adjuvant combination for formulations for crop protection. Download PDF


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OA20010A OA1202100040 OA20010A OA 20010 A OA20010 A OA 20010A OA 1202100040 OA1202100040 OA 1202100040 OA 20010 A OA20010 A OA 20010A
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Yoshitaka Sato
Hiroko OBATA
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Bayer Aktiengesellschaft
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Publication of OA20010A publication Critical patent/OA20010A/en



(57) The invention relates to the technical field of adjuvant combinations with antifoam properties (antifoam adjuvant combinations) for crop protection formulations, in particular herbicidal formulations, and formulations containing said adjuvant combinations, as well as methods for producing said formulations. In a preferred embodiment, the instant invention relates to aqueous formulations of water-soluble active crop protectant ingredients, in particular aqueous formulations of saltlike active crop protectant ingredients, and especially to formulations containin


Low-foam adjuvant combination for formulations for crop protection
The invention relates to the technical field of adjuvant combinations with antifoam properties (antifoam adjuvant combinations) for crop protection formulations, in particular hcrbicidal formulations, and formulations containing said adjuvant combinations, as well as methods for producing said formulations.
In a preferred embodiment, the instant invention relates to aqueous formulations of water-soluble active crop protectant ingrédients, in particular aqueous formulations of saltlikc active crop protectant ingrédients, and especially to formulations containing glufosinate and or glyfosate.
In the following antifoam adjuvants are also named defoamers.
Various and high concentrations of surfactants and adjuvants in agrochemical formulations, in particular in formulations containing water soluble active ingrédients like Glufosinate-ammonium or Glyphosate-salts, can providc good spreadability and good rétention of sprayed droplct on leaves, improvement or accélération of pénétration into leaf to transport Glufosinate-ammonium or Glyphosatc salts into target site and then to ensure reliable hcrbicidal activity. On the other hands, these surfactants and adjuvants cause problematic foam at the time of préparation / dilution of the spray solution and during the manufacturing and fdling process of said formulations.
Aqueous formulations of glufosinate-ammonium are known, for example, from EP-A-0048436, EP-A00336151, and EP-A-1093722. Bccause of the surfactants that arc présent in the formulations and boost the activity, the formulations exhibit unfavorable foam behavior when diluted with water prior to application, and during spraying in the course of application, unless defoamers arc added. The conséquences then are often overflow of spray apparatus, contamination of the environment, uneven spray deposits on the crops, and crop protectant residues in the spray apparatus.
To suppress or reduce the foam in agrochemical formulations, the use of various antifoams like perfluoroalkyl phosphonic acid (PFPA) or perfluoroalkyl phosphinic acid (PFPIA) or their mixture (prior art 1 EP 0407874 Bl) and silicone oil based antifoam (US 2005/0266998 Al) arc known.
The known fluorinated defoamers, e.g. PFPA and PFPIA, however, are not cqually suitable for ail ficlds of application. In the case of many such formulations, for examplc, the defoaming activity is dépendent on the hardness of the water (the calcium and magnésium sait content) used to préparé the spray liquors.
Howcver, PFPA and PFPIA are similar to perfluorinated alkyl acids (PFAA) - such as perfluorooctane acid (PFOA) or perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) - which are considercd to hâve harmful environmental effects. Therefore, from general ecotoxicological considérations the production and use of these PFPA and PFPIA are now restricted.
Hence, there is a nced for alternative defoamers which allow the préparation of low-foam formulations of active crop protcctant ingrédients with good performance properties: for cxample, good stability on storage and high, uniform biological activity. Moreovcr, an object of the présent invention is to reducc the amount of silicone based defoamer in the formulation.
Silicone oil based antifoams or their formulation, which show excellent defoaming performance, arc 10 widely used in various pesticide formulations. However, defoaming performance in aqueous solutions which contain high contents of surfactants and adjuvants, in particular those of polar crop protectant ingrédients, especially saltlikc ingrédients such as glufosinate-ammonium or glyphosate-salts, is insufficient and inferior to PFPA and PFPIA, in particular when hardness of water that is used to makc a spray solution is high.
Further, it is difficult to disperse silicone oil in water based formulation to obtain stable formulation foilong storage / shelf life (more than 1 year), wherein stable means no phase séparation and gel forming.
Further, defoamers of this kind no longer exhibit a sufficient defoamer activity after the formulations having been stored at room température or at an elevated température with up to 50°C, for example.
To overcome this problem organic solvent based formulations were prepared, but the antifoam 20 performance still seem to be insufficient (WO 2004/105914 Al).
In addition, replacing the defoamers (antifoam adjuvant) in many known crop protectant compositions by other defoamers is found from expérience, and in accordance with our own experiments, to lead in many cases to a marked réduction in the biological activity of the formulations.
The object is therefore to provide a defoaming combination for formulations of agrochemicals, in 25 particular aqueous formulations of saltlikc water-soluble crop protcctants, that climinate or reducc the aforementioned disadvantages and can be used with one or more advantages.
Surprisingly it has now been found that the perfluorated antifoam agents can be replaccd be a defoamer composition comprising a fatty acid ester and a silicone based antifoam, wherein the fatty acid ester has the higher proportion than the silicone based antifoam and preferably the fatty acid ester has an acid moiety (carboxylic acid moiety) comprising 8 to 16 C-atoms.
In the présent invention the term fatty acid ester relates to a carboxylic ester composed of a carboxylic acid moiety and an alcohol moiety as depicted in formula I
X \
Carboxylic acid · Alcohol moiety moiety
Formula I wherein said carboxylic ester has a C8 - Cl6 carboxylic acid moiety.
In connection with the présent invention, the carboxylic ester may either be isolated from naturel sources or produced by any method known in the art which is not limited to estérification of the respective carboxylic acid and alcohol underlying the carboxylic acid moiety and the alcohol moiety 10 according to Formula 1. Rather, usage of the terms “carboxylic acid moiety” and “alcohol moiety” serves to clarify and deftne the structure of the carboxylic esters according to the invention. When combined, both moieties create an ester group under formai élimination of H2O. Accordingly, the carboxylic acid moiety may as well be defined as the X-(C=0)- radical of a carboxylic acid, and the alcohol moiety may be defined as the Y-0- radical of an alcohol. Such définition is also referred to as 15 “derived from” in connection with the présent invention. Preferably, the carboxylic acid underlying the carboxylic acid moiety is a carboxylic monoacid as defined further below and the alcohol underlying the alcohol moiety is a monoalcohol or a polyalcohol as defined further below.
Therefore, in one aspect of the présent invention the defoaming composition for agrochemical formulation comprises:
1) an silicone based defoamer, and
2) a fatty acid ester (carboxylic ester) with a C8 to Cl6, preferably C8-C9, acid moiety.
Preferably the ratio of 1) to 2) is from 1:1000 to 1:8, more preferred, from 1:500 to 1:8, even more preferred from 1:200 to 1:9, and further preferred from 1:100 to 1:10, and most preferred from 1:50 to 1:10.
In one embodiment the ratio of l) to 2) is from l :20 to 1:10.
If not otherwise indicated ratio of defoamer 1) to fatty acid ester 2) always is weight ratio.
The defoamers 1) according to the present the invention comprise defoamers from the group consisting of linear polydimethylsiloxanes. Preferably, the defoamers hâve an average dynamic viscosity, measured at 25°C, in the range from 1000 to 8000 mPas (mPas = millipascal-second), preferably 1000 to 6000 mPas. The viscosity can be measured by a rotational shear rheometer, e.g. with a Brookfteld R VT viscometer, needle no. 3, 20 rpm, in accordance with the ISO 2555 standard.
Further, in another embodiment, the said defoamers additionally contain silica. By silica is meant, for example, forms/modifications such as polysilicic acids, meta-silicic acid, ortho-silicic acid, silica gel, silicic acid gels, kicsclguhr, prccipitatcd S1O2 etc.
Defoamers from the group of the linear polydimethylsiloxanes include as their Chemical backbone a compound of the formula HO-[Si(CH3)2-O-]n-H, in which the end groups are modified - etherificd, for example - or, in general, are joincd to the groups -SiiCHsh.
The amount of silica can be modified within a wide range and is generally in the range from 0.1 to 10 percent by weight, preferably 0.2 to 5 percent by weight, in particular 0.2% to 2% by weight of silica, based on the weight of polydimcthylsiloxane.
Examples of defoamers of this kind are ’ Rhodorsil Antifoam 416 (Rhodia) and Rhodorsil Antifoam 481 (Rhodia).
®Rhodorsil Antifoam 416 is a medium-viscosity silicone oil having a dynamic viscosity at 25°C of about 1500 mPas and containing a surfactant and silica. Because of the surfactant content the density is reduced as compared with the unadditized silicone oil, and amounts to about 0.995 g/cnf.
'Rhodorsil Antifoam 481 is a mcdium-viscosity silicone oil having a dynamic viscosity at 25°C of about 4500 mPas and containing silica. The density amounts to about 1.045 g/cm3.
The silicone oils can also be used as émulsions, e.g SAG 1572 Silicone Antifoam Emulsion by Momcntivc, Antifoam EM SE 39 (siliconc-bascd defoamer émulsion without silica gel, Wackcr), Antimussol 4459-2 (silicone-bascd defoamer émulsion without silica gel, Clariant), Rhodorsil 1824 (silicone-based defoamer émulsion without silica gel, Rhodia).
Préférence is given to the use of medium-viscosity defoamers based on polydimethylsiloxanes having a dynamic viscosity, measured at 25°C, in the range from 1000 to 5000 mPas, preferably 1200 to 5000 mPas, in particular émulsion defoamers like ®SAG 1572.
In one embodiment, said at least one fatty acid ester 2) is composed of or contains or may be obtained from al) a carboxylic monoacid moiety and a monoalcohol moiety and/or bl) at least one carboxylic monoacid moiety and a polyalcohol moiety wherein said monoalcohol moiety is a branched, linear, cyclic, acyclic or partially cyclic, saturated or partially unsaturated C1-C24 monoalcohol moiety, preferably ;
wherein said polyalcohol moiety is a branched, linear, cyclic, acyclic or partially cyclic, saturated or partially unsaturated di-, tri-, tetra-, penta- and/or hexavalcnt C2-C20 polyalcohol moiety; and wherein said carboxylic monoacid moiety is a branched, linear, cyclic, acyclic or partially cyclic, saturated or partially unsaturated C8-C16 carboxylic monoacid moiety, preferably C8-C9 carboxylic monoacid moiety optionally carrying at least one OH fimctionality.
As known to the skilled artisan branched moieties hâve to hâve at least 3 carbon atoms.
In one embodiment, any one of al ) and or b l ) is a mixture of esters comprised of more than one different monoalcohol, polyalcohol or carboxylic monacid. For cxample, the mixture according to al) may comprise more than one different carboxylic monoacid and/or monoalcohol moiety, and/or the mixture according to b 1 ) may comprise more than one different carboxylic monoacid and/or polyalcohol moiety.
In a preferred embodiment, said monoalcohol moiety is derived from a branched, linear, saturated or partially unsaturated C1-C20 monoalcohol, preferably from a C4-12 monoalcohol, even more preferred from a C6-C10 monoalcohol and most preferred from C8-C9 monoalcohol.
Further preferred the monoalcohol is a branched monoalcohol.
Exemplary and preferred monoalcohols are selected from the group consisting of methanol, éthanol, 1propanol, 2-propanol, 1-butanol, 2-butanol, isobutanol, tert-butanol, 1-pcntanol, 1-hcxanol, 1-heptanol, 2-ethylhexan-1-ol, 3,5,5-trimethylhexan-l-ol, 3,4,4-trimethylpentan-l-ol, capryl alcohol, pelargonic alcohol, isononyl alcohol, capric alcohol, undecanol, lauryl alcohol, and optionally mixtures of any of the foregoing. More preferred monoalcohols comprise 1-propanol, 2-propanol, 1-butanol, 2-butanol, isobutanol, tert-butanol, 1-pentanol, 1-hexanol, 1-heptanol, 2-ethylhexan-l-ol, 3,5,5-trimcthylhexan-lol, 3,4,4-trimethylpentan-l-ol, capryl alcohol, pelargonic alcohol, isononyl alcohol, capric alcohol, and optionally mixtures of any of the foregoing.
Even more preferred monoalkohols comprise 2-propanol, 2-butanol, isobutanol, tert-butanol, 1pcntanol, 1-hexanol, 1-heptanol, 2-ethylhexan-l-ol, 3,5,5-trimethylhexan-l-ol, 3,4,4-trimethylpentanl-ol, capryl alcohol, and optionally mixtures of any of the foregoing.
Most preferred monoalkohols comprise 2-ethylhexan-l-ol, 3,5,5-trimethylhexan-l-ol, 3,4,4trimethylpentan-l-ol, capryl alcohol, and optionally mixtures of any of the foregoing.
In another preferred embodiment, said at least one carboxylic monoacid moiety is dcrived from a branched, lincar, saturatcd or partially unsaturated C8-C16 carboxylic monoacid, preferably from a C8C9 carboxylic monoacid. Exemplary and preferred carboxylic monoacids comprise, caprylic acid, capric acid, 2-cthylhexanoic acid, 3,5,5-trimcthylhexanoic acid, 3,4,4-trimethylpentanoic acid, lauric acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid, and optionally mixtures of any of the foregoing.
More preferred the carboxylic monoacids comprise caprylic acid, 2-ethylhexanoic acid, 3,5,5trimethylhexanoic acid, 3,4,4-trimethylpentanoic acid and palmitic acid.
Most preferred the carboxylic monoacids comprise caprylic acid, 2-ethylhexanoic acid, 3,5,5trimethylhcxanoic acid and 3,4,4-trimethylpentanoic acid.
In a preferred embodiment, the at least one polyalcohol moiety is derived from a polyalcohol selected from the group consisting of glycol, 1,3-propandiol, 1 -4-butandiol, 1,5-pentandiol, 1,6-hexandiol, cyclohexan-l,2-diol, isosorbid, 1,2-propandiol, ncopentylglycol, glycerol, trimethylolpropane, erythritol, pentacrythritol and sugar alcohols according to the formula HOCEbfCHOHLCHzOH and optionally mixtures thereof. Examples of sugar alcohols comprise ethylene glycol, glycerol, erythrol, thrcitol, arabitol, xylitol, ribitol, mannitol, sorbitol, galactitol, fucitol, iditol, inositol, volcmitol, isomalt, maltitol, lactitol, maltotriol, maltotctraitol, polyglycitol and sorbitan. Preferred sugar alcohols arc sorbitol and sorbitan.
More preferred polyalcohols are 1,2-propandiol, erythritol, ncopentylglycol, glycerol, 1,3-propandiol, trimethylolpropane and sorbitan and optionally mixtures thereof.
Most preferred polyalcohols are erythritol, ncopentylglycol, glycerol.
The at least one polyalcohol giving rise to the polyalcohol moiety as compriscd in certain embodiments of said at least one carboxylic ester according to bl) may be partially or fully esterified. In other words, the polyalcohol may be esterificd at one or more of its functional OH groups up to ail functional OH groups présent in the resulting polyalcohol moiety. Accordingly, in a polyalcohol moiety comprising thrce functional OH groups, such as glycerol, one or two or ail three OH groups may be esterified with a monoacid to form a carboxylic ester according to bl).
Particularly prcferred carboxylic esters according to al) comprise a carboxylic monoacid moiety derived from a carboxylic monoacid selected from the group consisting of caprylic acid, 2cthylhcxanoic acid, 3,5,5-trimcthylhexanoic acid, 3,4,4-trimcthylpentanoic acid and palmitic acid, and optionally mixtures thereof and a monoalcohol moiety derived from a monoalcohol selected from the group consisting of 2-ethylhexan-l-ol, 3,5,5-trimethylhexan-l-ol, 3,4,4-trimethylpentan-l-ol, capryl alcohol, and optionally mixtures thereof.
In a preferred embodiment, said monoalcohol moiety is derived from a branched, linear, saturated or partially unsaturated C1-C20 monoalcohol, preferably from a C4-12 monoalcohol, even more preferred from a C6-C10 monoalcohol and most preferred from C8-C9 monoalcohol.
Preferably, the number of C-atoms in the carboxylic ester according to b) ranges between 9 and 37 carbon atoms, more preferably between 9 and 24 carbon atoms.
Particularly preferred polyalcohol moicties comprised in the carboxylic esters according to b) are derived from arc erythritol, ncopentylglycol, glycerol, and optionally mixtures thereof, and caprylic acid, 2-ethylhcxanoic acid, 3,5,5-trimcthylhexanoic acid and, 3,4,4-trimethylpentanoic acid and mixtures thereof.
Especially preferred, the fatty acid ester is selected from the group comprising
3,5,5-trimethylhcxyl 3,5,5-trimethylhexanoatc,
3,5,5- trimethylhcxyl 7-methyloctanoate,
2,3,4-tris(2-ethylhexanoyloxy)butyl 2-ethylhexanoate,
Ncopentyl glycol diethylhexanoate, and l,3-bis[(2-ethylhexanoyl)oxy]propan-2-yl 2-ethylhexanoate.
In one embodiment the fatty acid ester is selected from the group comprising
3,5,5- trimethylhcxyl 3,5,5-trimethylhexanoatc and
3,5,5- trimethylhexyl 7-methyloctanoatc.
In another embodiment the fatty acid ester is selected from the group comprising
2,3,4-tris(2-ethylhexanoyloxy)butyl 2-ethylhexanoate,
Neopentyl glycol diethylhexanoate, and l,3-bis[(2-ethylhexanoyl)oxy]propan-2-yl 2-cthylhexanoate.
In another aspect, the instant invention provides liquid aqueous crop protectant compositions, preferably of water-soluble active crop protectant ingrédients, said compositions comprising (a) one or more water-soluble active crop protectant ingrédients (type (a) active ingrédients), (b) optionally one or more water-insoluble active crop protectant ingrédients (type (b) active ingrédients), (c) optionally polar organic solvents, (d) anionic surfactants, (e) optionally, nonionic, cationic and/or zwitterionic surfactants, (f) siliconc-based defoamers 1 ) as described above.
(g) fatty acid ester 2) as described above (h) if desired, other customary formulation assistants, and (i) water, wherein the ratio of f (siliconc-based defoamer 1 )) to g) (fatty acid ester 2)) is from 1:1000 to 1:8, more preferred, from 1:500 to 1:8, even more preferred from 1:200 to 1:9, and further preferred from 1:100 to 1:10, and most preferred from 1:50 to 1:10.
In a preferred embodiment (f) is selected from the group of the linear polydimethylsiloxanes having an average dynamic viscosity, measured at 25°C, in the range from 1000 to 8000 mPas.
In a further preferred embodiment (f) is of the émulsion type.
In another embodiment (f) contains silica.
The aqueous formulations of the invention, containing defoamer, are suitable preferably for type (a) active ingrédients from the group of the salt-containing water-soluble active ingrédients such as glufosinate (salts), glyphosate (salts), paraquat, diquat and the like, especially glufosinate-ammonium and glyphosate salts.
The formulations of the invention may further comprise type (b) active ingrédients, which are largely insoluble in water, examples being herbicides from the group of the diphenyl ethers such as oxyfluorfen, carbamates, thiocarbamates, triphenyltin compounds and tributyltin compounds, haloacetanilides, phcnoxyphcnoxyalkanccarboxylic acid dérivatives and hcteroaryloxyphcnoxyalkanccarboxylic acid dérivatives, such as quinolyloxy-, quinoxalyloxy-, pyridyloxy-, benzoxalyloxy- and benzothiazolyloxyphenoxyalkanecarboxylic esters, examples being dielofop-methyl, fcnoxaprop-ethyl, and fenoxaprop-P-ethyL
Also suitable are correspondingly insoluble active ingrédients from classes of substance which normally include active ingrédients of different solubilities, examples being active ingrédients from the group of the cyclohexanedionc derivatives, imidazolinones, pyrimidyloxypyridinecarboxylic acid dérivatives, pyrimidyloxybenzoic acid derivatives, sulfonylureas, triazolopyrimidinesulfonamide derivatives, and S-(N-aryl-N-alkylcarbamoyhnethyl)dithiophosphoric esters.
The stated common names for active ingrédients, such as glufosinate, glyphosate, oxyfluorfen, diclofopmcthyl, fcnoxaprop-(P-)ethyl and others, are known to the skilled worker; see, for cxample, The Pesticide Manual British Crop Protection Council 2003; the names include the known derivatives such as salts of glufosinate and glyphosate, especially the commercially customary forms.
Correspondingly it is also possible for active ingrédients from the group of the safeners, growth regulators, insecticides and fongicides to be suitable as component (b) and/or, given good watersolubility, as componcnts (a).
The type of active ingrédients (a) and (b) used détermine the type of pests which can bc controlled by application of the crop protection compositions or agrochemical formulations. In case of herbicides the pests are undesired plants.
Preferred formulations are those comprising type (a) ingrédients from the group consisting of one or more compounds of the formula (1) or salts thereof, oo
HoC—P—CH^-CH.—CH—C—Z.(1) 3 I 22
OH NH2 in which
Zi is a radical of the formula -OM, -NHCH(CH3)CONHCH(CH3)CO2M or -NHCH(CH3)CONHCH[CH2CH(CH3)2]CO2M where
M = H or a salt-fonning cation, and/or one or more compounds of the formula (2) or salts thereof,
R2o—p—CH—NH—CH—Z2 (2)
OR3 in which
Z2 is a radical of the formula CN or CO2Ri, in which Ri = Q or a salt-fonning cation and Q = H, alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxyalkyl or Cô-Cio-aryl which is unsubstituted or substituted and is preferably unsubstituted or substituted by one or more radicals from the group consisting of alkyl, alkoxy, halogcn, CF3, NO2 and CN, and
R2 and R3 each independently of one another are H, alkyl, Ce-Cw-aryl which is unsubstituted or substituted and is preferably unsubstituted or substituted by one or more radicals from the group consisting of alkyl, alkoxy, halogen, CF3, NO2 and CN, or are biphcnylyl or a salt-forming cation.
Preferably, the carbon-containing radicals in connection with Q, R2 or R3, respectively hâve up to 10 carbon atoms, particularly preferred up to 6 carbon atoms.
The compounds of the formula (1) include an asymmctric carbon atom. The L enantiomer is regarded as the biologically active isomer. The formula (1) hence embraces ail stereoisomers and mixtures thereof, particularly the racematc, and the biologically active enantiomer in each case. Examples of active ingrédients of the formula ( 1) are as follows:
♦ glufosinate and its ammonium sait in raccmic form, i.e., 2-amino-4[hydroxy(methyl)phosphinoyl]butanoic acid and its ammonium sait, ♦ the L enantiomer of glufosinate and its ammonium sait, ♦ bilanafos/bialaphos, i.e., L-2-amino-4-[hydroxy(methyl)phosphinoyl]butanoyl-L-alaninyl-Lalanine and its sodium sait.
The racemate of glufosinate-ammonium is on its own delivered usually at doses of between 200 and 1000 g a.i./ha (i.e., grams of active ingrédient per hectare). These doses, glufosinate-ammonium is particularly effective when it is taken up by green parts of the plants; see The Pesticide Manual 13th Edition, British Crop Protection Council 2003. Glufosinate-ammonium is used predominantly for controlling broadlcaf and gramineous weeds in plantation crops and on uncultivatcd land and also, using spécial application techniques, for inter-row control in arable crops such as corn, cotton, etc. Its use is also of increasing significance in transgenic crops which are tolérant or résistant to the active ingrédient.
The compounds of the formula (2) comprise N-(phosphonoalkyl)glycine and hence dérivatives of the amino acid glycine. The herbicidal properties of N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine (glyphosate) are described for cxample in US Patent No. 3799758.
In crop protection formulations, glyphosate is used gencrally in the form of the water-solublc salts, the isopropylammonium sait in particular being of importance in connection with the présent invention; see The Pesticide Manual 13th Edition, British Crop Protection Council 2003.
In connection with the présent invention the term polar organic solvents (component (c)) refers for cxample to polar protic or aprotic polar solvents and mixtures thereof. Examples of solvents in the sense of the invention are ♦ aliphatic alcohols, such as lower alkanols such as methanol, éthanol, propanol, isopropanol and butanol, or polyhydric alcohols such as ethylene glycol, 1-methyl-propanediol and glycerol, for example, ♦ polar ethers such as tetrahydrofuran (THF), dioxane, alkylene glycol monoalkyl and dialkyl cthers, such as propylenc glycol monomcthyl cther, propylenc glycol monoethyl ether, ethylene glycol monomcthyl or monoethyl ether, diglyme and tetraglyme, for example;
♦ amides such as dimethylformamide (DMF), dimethylacetamide, dimethylcaprylamide, dimethylcapramide (Œallcomide) and N-alkylpyrrolidones;
♦ ketones such as acetone;
♦ esters based on glycerol and carboxylic acids, such as glyceryl mono-, di- and triacetate, ♦ lactams;
♦ carbonic diesters;
♦ nitriles such as acetonitrile, propionitrile, butyronitrile and benzonitrile;
♦ sulfoxides and sulfones such as dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and sulfolane.
Also suitable in many cases are combinations of different solvents which additionally include alcohols such as methanol, éthanol, n- and isopropanol, n-, iso-, tert- and 2-butanol.
In the case of single-phase aqueous-organic solutions the wholly or largely water-miscible solvents or solvent mixtures arc appropriate.
Preferred organic solvents in the sense of the présent invention are polar organic solvents such as Nmethylpyrrolidone and Dowanol® PM (propylene glycol monomethyl ether).
Formulations of the invention comprise as component (d) anionic surface-active compounds (anionic surfactants). Examples of anionic surfactants (where EO = cthylene oxide units, PO = propylene oxide units and BO = butylène oxide units) are:
dl) anionic dérivatives of fatty alcohols having 10-24 carbon atoms with 0-60 EO and/or 0-20 PO and/or 0-15 BO in any order, in the form of ether carboxylates, sulfonatcs, sulfates and phosphates and their inorganic (e.g., alkali métal and alkalinc earth métal) and organic salts (e.g., those based on amine or alkanolaminc), such as Gcnapol'LRO, Sandopan® grades, Hostaphat/Hordaphos grades from Clariant;
d2) anionic dérivatives of copolymers composcd of EO, PO and/or BO units with a molecular weight of 400 to 108, in the form of ether carboxylates, sulfonates, sulfates and phosphates and their inorganic (e.g., alkali métal and alkalinc earth métal) and organic salts (e.g., those based on amine or alkanolamine);
-13d3) anionic dérivatives of alkylene oxide adducts of C1-C9 alcohols, in the form of cther carboxylates, sulfonates, sulfates and phosphates and their inorganic (e.g., alkali métal and alkaline carth métal) and organic salts (e.g., those based on amine or alkanolamine);
d4) anionic dérivatives of fatty acid alkoxylates in the form of ether carboxylates, sulfonates, sulfates and phosphates and their inorganic (e.g., alkali métal and alkaline earth métal) and organic salts (e.g., those based on amine or alkanolamine);
d5) salts of aliphatic, cycloaliphatic and olefmic carboxylic and polycarboxylic acids, and also alpha-sulfo fatty acid esters as are obtainable from Henkel;
d6) sulfosuccinates, alkanesulfonates, paraffinsulfonates and olefmsulfonates such as Netzer IS®', Hoe®S1728, Hostapur®OS, Hostapur®’SAS from Clariant, Triton®GR7ME and GR5 from Union Carbide, Empimin® grades from Albright and Wilson, and Marlon®-PS65 from Condea.
Preferred anionic surfactants are alkyl polyglycol ether sulfates, especially fatty alcohol diethylene glycol ether sulfate (e.g., Genapol LRO®, Clariant), or alkyl polyglycol ether carboxylates (e.g., 2(isotridccyloxypolyethyleneoxy)ethyl carboxymethyl ether, Marlowet 4538®, Hüls).
The formulations of the invention may if desired comprise nonionic and/or cationic surfactants as component (e).
Examples of nonionic surfactants (for surfactant component e) are:
c 1 ) fatty alcohols having 10-24 carbon atoms with 0-60 EO and/or 0-20 PO and/or 0-15 BO in any order. Examples of such compounds are Genapol®’ C, L, O, T, UD, UDD and X grades from Clariant, Plurafac® and Lutensol® A, AT, ON and TO grades from BASF, Marlipal®24 and 013 grades from Condea, Dchypon® grades from Henkel, and Ethylan®1 grades from Akzo-Nobel such as Ethylan DC 120;
e2) fatty acid alkoxylates and triglycéride alkoxylates such as the Serdox®’NOG grades from Condea or the Emulsogcn grades from Clariant;
e3) fatty acid amide alkoxylates such as the Comperlan® grades from Henkel or the Amam®’ grades from Rhodia;
c4) alkylene oxide adducts of alkynediols such as the Surfynol® grades from Air Products; sugar
-14derivatives such as amino sugars and amido sugars from Clariant, e5) glucitols from Clariant, e6) alkylpolyglycosides in the form of the APG® grades from Henkel;
e7) sorbitan esters in the form of the Span® or Tween® grades from Uniqcma;
e8) cyclodextrin esters or ethers from Wacker;
e9) surface-active cellulose dérivatives and algine, pectin and guar dérivatives such as the Tylose® grades from Clariant, the Manutex® grades from Kelco, and guar dérivatives from Ccsalpina;
elO) polyol-based alkylene oxide adducts such as Polyglykol® grades from Clariant;
e 11 ) surface-active polyglycerides and their dérivatives from Clariant.
Examples of cationic surfactants (for surfactant component c) are alkylene oxide adducts of fatty amines and corresponding quaternary ammonium compounds having 8 to 22 carbon atoms such as, for example, the Genamin® C, L, O and T grades from Clariant.
Also possible if desired are surface-active zwitterionic compounds such as taurides, betaines and sulfobetaines in the form of Tegotain® grades from Goldschmidt and Hostapon'T and Arkopon®T grades from Clariant (for surfactant component e).
In onc preferred embodiment, e) is présent as in form of alkylpolyglycosides.
The formulations of the invention comprise defoamers of component (f), which is described above as 1).
The formulations of the invention also comprise fatty acid esters (g), which arc described above as 2).
Examplcs of customary formulation assistants (h) are inert materials, such as stickers, wetters, dispersants, emulsifiers, pénétrants, preservatives, and frost protcctants, fillers, carriers, dyes and colorants, évaporation inhibitors and pH modifiers (buffers, acids and bases) or viscosity modifiers (e.g., thickcncrs).
The assistants needed to préparé the above formulations, such as surfactants in particular, are known in principle and are described for example in: McCutcheon’s Détergents and Emulsifiers Annual, MC
-15Publ. Corp., Ridgewood N.J.; Sisley and Wood Encyclopedia of Surface Active Agents, Chem. Publ. Co. Inc., N.Y. 1964; Schônfeldt, Grenzflâchenaktive Àthylenoxidaddukte, Wiss. Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart 1976; Winnacker-Küchler, Chemische Technologie, Volume 7, C. Hanser-Verlag, Munich, 4th Edition 1986, and references cited in each of these.
With the aid of mixtures of components it is possible accordingly to préparé preferably concentratcd low-foam liquid aqueous préparations of saltlike active crop protcctant ingrédients, such as glufosinateammonium or glyphosate salts, which comprise (a) 1% to 40%, preferably 2% to 30% and in particular 5% to 20% by weight of water-solublc active crop protcctant ingrédients (type (a) ingrédients), (b) 0 to 40%, preferably 0 to 20% and in particular 0 to 10% by weight of watcr-insoluble active crop protcctant ingrédients (type (b) ingrédients), (c) 0% to 50%, preferably 2 to 30%, more preferably 5 to 20%, and most preferred 5 to 15% by weight of polar organic solvents, (d) 1% to 80%, preferably 5% to 70%, more preferred 6% to 60%, and most preferred 20 to 40% by weight of anionic surfactants, (e) 0 to 20%, preferably 0 to 15%, by weight of nonionic, cationic and/or zwitterionic surfactants, (f) 0.0005% to 2%, preferably 0.005% to 1% and in particular 0.01% to 0.25% by weight of the, optionally silica-containing, defoamer for use in accordance with the invention, (g) 0.01 % to 20%, preferably 0.05% to 10% and in particular 0.5% to 5.0% by weight of fatty acid ester for use in accordance with the invention, (h) 0 to 30%, preferably 0 to 20% and preferably 0.1 to 15% by weight of customary formulation assistants, (i) water to add up to 100%, wherein the ratio off (silicone-based defoamer 1)) to g) (fatty acid ester 2)) is from 1:1000 to 1:8, more preferred, from 1:500 to 1:8, even more preferred from 1:200 to 1:9, and further preferred from 1:100 to 1:10, and most preferred from 1:50 to 1:10.
-16In one embodiment b is présent in 0, l to 40% by weight.
In one embodiment e is présent in 0, l to 15 % by weight,
If not indicated otherwise % in the présent application refers to % by weight.
The weight ratio of the active ingrédients (a), e.g. herbicides (a), to the anionic surfactants specified under (d), based in each case on the respective detersive ingrédient (DTI), is generally in the range from l :0.1 to 1:10, in particular 1:0.2 to 1:8, especially 1:0.2 to 1:5.
The weight ratio of the active ingrédients (a), e.g. herbicides (a), to the defoamers specified under (f) is preferably in the range from 1000:1 to 2:1, more preferably 500:1 to20:l, in particular 200:1 to 50:1.
The weight ratio of the anionic surfactants (d) to the defoamers specified under (f) is preferably in the range from 1000:1 to 2:1, more preferably 800:1 to 50:1, in particular 500:1 to 50:1.
Further preference is also given to aqueous solutions, preferably single-phase solutions, which comprise (a) 1% to 40%, preferably 2% to 30% and in particular 5% to 20% by weight of water-solublc active crop protectant ingrédients (type (a) ingrédients), (b) 0 to 40%, preferably 0 to 20% and in particular 0 to 10% by weight of water-insoluble active crop protectant ingrédients (type (b) ingrédients), (c) 0% to 50%, preferably 2 to 30%, more preferably 5 to 20%, and most preferred 5 to 15% by weight of polar organic solvents, (d) 1% to 80%, preferably 5% to 70%, more preferred 6% to 60%, and most preferred 20 to 40% by weight of anionic surfactants, (c) 0 to 20%, preferably 0 to 15%, by weight of nonionic, cationic and/or zwittcrionic surfactants, (f) 0.0005% to 2%, preferably 0.005% to 1% and in particular 0.01% to 0.05% by weight of the, non silica-containing, defoamer for use in accordance with the invention, (g) 0.01 % to 20%, preferably 0.05% to 10% and in particular 0.5% to 5.0% by weight of fatty acid ester for use in accordance with the invention, (h) 0 to 30%, preferably 0 to 20% and preferably 0.1 to 15% by weight of customary formulation
-17assistants, (i) water to add up to 100%,
The solvents which can be added for the purpose of preparing the aqueous single-phase solution are in particular organic solvents of unlimitcd or substantial miscibility with water, such as Nmethylpyrrolidone (NMP), N-butylpyrrolidone (NBP), dimethylformamide (DMF), dimethylacctamide (DMA) or Dowanol® PM (propylene glycol monomcthyl ether), 1-methyl-propancdiol,for example.
Examples of customary formulation assistants (g) are the specified inert materials, frost protcctants, évaporation inhibitors, preservatives, colorants, etc.; preferred formulation assistants (g) are ♦ frost protcctants and évaporation inhibitors such as glycerol or ethylene glycol, in an amount of 2% to 10% by weight, for example, and ♦ preservatives, e.g., Mergal K9NlE‘ (Riedel) or Cobatc C®.
Additionally the formulations may comprise, as customary formulation assistants (g), defoamers of a different kind than those of component (f) or (g).
The liquid formulations of the invention can be prepared by methods which are customary in principle, i.e., by mixing the components with stirring or shaking or by means of static mixing methods. The liquid formulations obtained are stable with good storage properties.
The invention further provides low-foam liquid adjuvant formulations which can be used for preparing the stated conccntratcd crop protectant formulations or for preparing tank mixes with active crop protectant ingrédient formulations, or else may be applied scparately, simultaneously or sequentially with the application of active ingrédients (preferably the stated active ingrédients (a)) to the plants or to the soil on or in which the plants are growing.
Adjuvant formulations of this kind comprise (c) optionally polar organic solvents, (d) anionic surfactants, (e) optionally, nonionic, cationic and/or zwitterionic surfactants, (f) s ilicone-based defoamers 1) as described (g) fatty acid ester 2) as described above (h) if dcsired, other customary formulation assistants, and (i) water, components (c), (d), (e), (f), (g) and (h) and ratio of (f) to (g) being as defined for the aforementioned crop protectant formulations comprising active ingrédient.
Preferred liquid adjuvant formulations comprise (c) 0% to 50%, preferably 2 to 30%, more preferably 5 to 20%, and most preferred 5 to 15% by weight of polar organic solvents, (d) 1% to 80%, preferably 5% to 70%, more preferred 6% to 60%, and most preferred 20 to 40% by weight of anionic surfactan ts, (e) 0 to 20%, preferably 0 to 15%, by weight of nonionic, cationic and/or zwitterionic surfactants, (f) 0.0005% to 2%, preferably 0.005% to 1% and in particular 0.01% to 0.05% by weight of the, optionally silica-containing, defoamer for use in accordance with the invention, (g) 0.01% to 20%, preferably 0.05% to 10% and in particular 0.5% to 5.0% by weight of fatty acid ester for use in accordance with the invention, (h) 0 to 30%, preferably 0 to 20% and preferably 0.1 to 15% by weight of customary formulation assistants, (i) water to add up to 100%,
The liquid formulations comprising active ingrédient and the adjuvant formulations are low-foam formulations with good storage properties. In many cases they hâve very favorable technical properties on application. By way of examplc the formulations arc distinguished by a low tendcncy to foam when diluted with water, as for examplc when preparing tank mixes or when the formulations are applied by spraying, as well as rapid dégradation of foam. Moreover, the amount of silicone bascd defoamer can be significantly reduced by adding biodégradable fatty acid esters.
Accordingly the formulations of the invention are especially suitable for use in crop protection where the formulations arc applied to the plants, to parts of plants or to the area under cultivation.
-19In the case of herbicidal ingrédients (a) and/or (b) the formulations arc vcry suitable for controlling unwantcd plant growth both on uncultivated land and in tolérant crops.
Moreover, the defoaming composition of the instant application can be used for preparing low foam crop protection formulations according to the instant application.
In the tables the columns list the compositions of formulations with each line containing the amount of the component identified in the first column, in percent by weight.
Table 1: Formulations
Examplc No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(a) Glufosinate-ammonium (a.i.) 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50
(d)SLES (2) 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00
(c) 1 -mcthyl-propancdiol 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
(f) silicone bascd antifoam fl <3) 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.25 0.05 0.05
(g) fatty acid ester gl (4) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 5.00
(i) watcr(:>) ad 100 ad 100 ad 100 ad 100 ad 100 ad 100 ad 100 ad 100
Table 1: Formulations continued
9 11 13 14
(a) Glufosinate-ammonium (a.i.) 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50
(d)SLES -2) 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00
(c) 1-methyl-propanediol 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
(f) silicone based antifoam B 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.1 (f2)
(g) fatty acid ester g 1 (4) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
(i) watcr(,) ad 100 ad 100 ad 100 ad 100
Table 1 :Formulations continued
Example No. 10 16 17 18 21 22 23 24
(a) Glufosinate-ammonium (a.i.) 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50
Example No. 10 16 17 18 21 22 23 24
(d) SLES (2) 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00
(c) l -methyl-propanediol 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
(f) silicone based antifoam fl (3) 0.01 (β) 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.15 0.05 0.05 0.10
(g) fatty acid ester g2 *4) 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 (g4) 2.00 (g4) 1.00 (g4) 1.00 (g4)
(i) water*5) ad 100 ad 100 ad 100 ad 100 ad 100 ad 100 ad 100 ad 100
Table l Formulations continuée!
Example No. 12 28 29 30 31 25 26
(a) Glufosinatc-ammonium (a.i.) 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50
(d) SLES (2) 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00
(c) 1 -methyl-propanediol 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
(f) silicone based antifoam fl w 0.01 (β) 0.15 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.05 0.05
(g) fatty acid ester (g3) (4) 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 0.50 2.00 (§5) 1.00 (g5)
(i) water*5 * ad 100 ad 100 ad 100 ad 100 ael 100 ad 100 ad 100
Table l : Formulations continuée!
Example No. RF1(,) RF2 RF3 RF4 RF5 RF6 Comme rcial product
(a) Glufosinate-ammonium (a.i.) 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50
(d)SLES (2) 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00
(c) 1 -methyl-propanediol 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
(f) silicone based antifoam (,) 0.15 (fi) 0.15 (f2) 0.15 (β)
Example No. RFi(0 RF2 RF3 RF4 RF5 RF6 Comme rcial product
(g) fatty acid ester g4 (4) 1.00 (gl) 1.00 (g2) 1.00 (g3)
Perfluorinated antifoam Mixture of perfluoroalkyl phosphonic acid (PFPA) and perfluoroalkyl phosphinic acid (PFP1A) 0.09
(i) water(5) ad 100 ad 100 ad 100 ad 100 ad 100 ad 100 Add 100
Abbrcviations and indizcs in Table 1 : sec after Table 1
Abbreviations in Table 1:
a.i. amount based on active ingrédient, (1) no mark = according to invention / RF = reference (2) Sodium laurylether sulfate (3) fl=SAG1572 f2 = SAF 184 β = FOAM-CLEAR ARRAPRO S (4) gl = 3,5,5-trimethylhexyl 3,5,5-trimethylhcxanoate, g2 = 2-cthylhexylpalmitat, g3 = 2,3,4-tris(2-cthylhexanoyloxy)butyl 2-ethylhcxanoate, g4 = Neopentyl glycol diethylhexanoate, g5 = l,3-bis[(2-ethylhexanoyl)oxy]propan-2-yl 2-ethylhcxanoate.
-22(>) the amount of water is indicated as ad 100% and also includes small amounts of nonaqueous coconstituents that may be présent in certain components employed, such as colorants, preservatives, etc.
Pcrsistency foam test according to CIPAC MT 47.3
Transfer approx. 180 mL of CIPAC standard water D or softer water including 40 ppm minerais to the measuring cylinder standing on a balance.
Weigh and add 2.2 g, (2 ml, density 1.10 g/cm3) of SL formulation required to préparé a 200 mL dilution. Top up with CIPAC standard water D to 200 mL. Stopper the cylinder and invert it 30 times. Place the stoppered cylinder upright on the bench at room température and immediately start the stop 10 watch. Rcad and record the height (mm) of foam from water surface after 10 seconds, 1 minute, 3 minutes, 12 minutes. Volume of foam was calculated by volume per 1 mm (ml / mm)
-23 Table 5 (foam test)
I water | I uiiu 3 p b- CM CO O x-
Distillée c. E co b- CO CD co co
ω ω Φ m 1 min | b- LO r- co co
Water H: ç E ô 8 I se 63 j F*-· LO CO
I40 ppm) | 12 min | 29 | O CM cd t— CO CO CO co co CM 44 | CO CO LO LO LO CM CM CM CO I 48 I LO CM CO
>ft water i 3 min | 00 Œ) O CM 144 | CO CO co co 138 108 | CO o CO CD LO CD F- CO co Γ 126 j LO CM
ω ώ ω 0) c 1 min | 8 LO CO 144 | CO CO 138 | 00 co y— CO x— O LO X- CD CD b- LO b- x- h- CO co 126 CD CM
Water Harc 0,17 min | 149 | O 149 | 149 I 149 | 149 I CO 163 I co co 106 | 00 CO CO S CM CO 126 | 34 | co co 132 | CN CO !____________74 I | 102
(324 ppm) | 12 min_I b CO LO CM CM CM CO co CO CO b- CO I_______23j LO LO LO CO CO CD LO CO
C D water I 3 min I co CO m CO CM CM L3L | F'- x— LO X— LO 97 I O LO es | co b-· I 92
< œ o ω ω φ 1 min x— CD CD co CM CM 9ZL b- X” LO CM LO CO co 23 LO zet co b- su
( Water Hardn I 0.17 min I co I 46 LO LO I zet | LO CD LO CO I 114 I co CO I 144 I I 119 LO co I 149 I I 114 I I 103 I CD X-
Reference / Example No. I RF-1 I I I | I RF-5 I RF-6 I RF-7 I Commercial product bxa | I EX-2 I I EX-3 I X LU LO X LU I ΕΧ-6 z-xa | CO X LU I EX-9 I EX-10 I EX-11 | EX-12 I EX-13 I EX-14 I EX-16 X LU co X LU tz-xa I I EX-22 | EX-23 CM X UJ I EX-25 I ΕΧ-26 I EX-28 I ΕΧ-29 I ΕΧ-30 | ΕΧ-31
-24What is claimed is:

Claims (5)

What is claimed is:
1) a silicone based defoamer, and
1. A defoaming composition for agrochemical formulations comprising:
2. The defoaming composition for agrochemical formulations according to claim 1, wherein the ratio of 1 ) to 2) is ffom 1:1000 to 1:8.
2) a fatty acid ester (carboxylic ester) with a C8 to C16 acid moiety.
3. The defoaming composition for agrochemical formulations according to claim 1, wherein the ratio of 1 ) to 2) is from 1:50 to 1:10.
4. The defoaming composition for agrochemical formulations according to one or more of claims 1 to 3, wherein the silicone based defoamer is selected from the group of linear polymethyldisiloxanes.
5. The defoaming composition for agrochemical formulations according to claim 4, wherein the silicone based defoamer is selected from the group of linear polymethyldisiloxanes in émulsion.
6. The defoaming composition for agrochemical formulations according to claims 4, wherein the silicone based defoamer contains silica.
7. The defoaming composition for agrochemical formulations according to one or more of claims 4 to 6, wherein the defoamers hâve an average dynamic viscosity, measured at 25°C, in the range from 1000 to 8000 mPas (mPas = millipascal-second).
8. The defoaming composition for agrochemical formulations according to one or more of claims 1 to 7, wherein said at least one fatty acid ester 2) is composed of or contains or may be obtained from al) a carboxylic monoacid moiety and a monoalcohol moiety and/or bl) at least one carboxylic monoacid moiety and a polyalcohol moiety wherein said monoalcohol moiety is a branched, linear, cyclic, acyclic or partially cyclic, saturated or partially unsaturated C1-C24 monoalcohol moiety, preferably ;
-25wherein said polyalcohol moiety is a branched, linear, cyclic, acyclic or partially cyclic, saturated or partially unsaturated di-, tri-, tetra-, penta- and/or hexavalent C2-C20 polyalcohol moiety; and wherein said carboxylic monoacid moiety is a branched, linear, cyclic, acyclic or partially cyclic, saturated or partially unsaturated C8-C16 carboxylic monoacid moiety, preferably C8-C9 carboxylic monoacid moiety optionally carrying at least one OH fonctionality.
9. The defoaming composition for agrochemical formulations according to claim 8, wherein the acid moiety is a C8-C9 acid moiety.
10. The defoaming composition for agrochemical formulations according to one or more of claims l to 9, wherein the alcohol moiety of the fatty acid ester is a monoalcohol.
11. The defoaming composition for agrochemical formulations according to claims 10, wherein the monoalcohol is selected from the group consisting of mcthanol, éthanol, 1-propanol, 2-propanol, 1butanol, 2-butanol, isobutanol, tert-butanol, 1-pentanol, 1-hexanol, 1-heptanol, 2-ethylhexan-l-ol, 3,5,5-trimcthylhexan-l-ol, 3,4,4-trimethylpentan-l-ol, capryl alcohol, pelargonic alcohol, isononyl alcohol, capric alcohol, undecanol, lauryl alcohol, and mixtures thereof.
12. The defoaming composition for agrochemical formulations according to one or more of claims 1 to 9, wherein the alcohol moiety of the fatty acid ester is a polyalcohol.
13. The defoaming composition for agrochemical formulations according to claims 10, wherein the polyalcohol selected from the group consisting of glycol, 1,3-propandiol, 1-4-butandiol, 1,5-pentandiol, 1,6-hexandiol, cyclohexan-l,2-diol, isosorbid, 1,2-propandiol, neopentylglycol, glycerol, trimethylolpropanc, erythritol, pentacrythritol and sugar alcohols according to the formula HOCH2(CHOH)„CH2OH and mixtures thereof.
14. A low foam crop protcctant composition containing the defoaming composition according to any of claims 1 to 13 comprising:
(a) one or more water-solublc active crop protcctant ingrédients (type (a) active ingrédients), (b) optionally one or more water-insoluble active crop protectant ingrédients (type (b) active ingrédients), (c) optionally polar organic solvents, (d) anionic surfactants, (e) optionally, nonionic, cationic and/or zwitterionic surfactants, (f) siliconc-based defoamers 1) as described (g) fatty acid ester 2) as described above (h) if desired, other customary formulation assistants, and (i) water, wherein the ratio of f (silicone-based defoamer 1)) to g) (fatty acid ester 2)) is from 1:1000 to 1:8.
15. The crop protectant composition as claimed in claim 1 comprising (a) 1% to 40%, preferably 2% to 30% and in particular 5% to 20% by weight of water- soluble active crop protectant ingrédients (type (a) ingrédients), (b) 0 to 40%, preferably 0 to 20% and in particular 0 to 10% by weight of water-insoluble active crop protectant ingrédients (type (b) ingrédients), (c) 0% to 50%, preferably 2 to 30%, more preferably 5 to 20%, and most preferred 5 to 15% by weight of polar organic solvents, (d) 1% to 80%, preferably 5% to 70%, more preferred 6% to 60%, and most preferred 20 to 40% by weight of anionic surfactants, (e) 0 to 20%, preferably 0 to 15%, by weight of nonionic, cationic and/or zwitterionic surfactants, (f) 0.0005% to 2%, preferably 0.005% to 1% and in particular 0.01% to 0.25% by weight of the, optionally silica-containing, defoamer for use in accordance with the invention, (g) 0.01% to 20%, preferably 0.05% to 10% and in particular 0.5% to 5.0% by weight of fatty acid ester for use in accordance with the invention, (h) 0 to 30%, preferably 0 to 20% and preferably 0.1 to 15% by weight of customary formulation assistants, (i) water to add up to 100%,
-27wherein the ratio of f (silicone-based defoamer l)) to g) (fatty acid ester 2)) is from l : 1000 to 1:8
16. A process for preparing a crop protectant composition as defined in any one of claims 14 or 15, which comprises mixing components (a) to (g) and, optionally, further components présent in the formulation with water (component (h)).
5 17. The use of the defoaming composition of any of claims 1 to 13 for preparing low foam crop protection formulations according to claims 14 and 15.
OA1202100040 2018-07-30 2019-07-30 Low-foam adjuvant combination for formulations for crop protection. OA20010A (en)

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