NZ531883A - Global management of device data - Google Patents

Global management of device data


Publication number
NZ531883A NZ53188304A NZ53188304A NZ531883A NZ 531883 A NZ531883 A NZ 531883A NZ 53188304 A NZ53188304 A NZ 53188304A NZ 53188304 A NZ53188304 A NZ 53188304A NZ 531883 A NZ531883 A NZ 531883A
New Zealand
Prior art keywords
device data
global management
Prior art date
Application number
Roger Gordon Oed
Original Assignee
Beulah Technologies Ltd
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Beulah Technologies Ltd filed Critical Beulah Technologies Ltd
Priority to NZ53188304A priority Critical patent/NZ531883A/en
Publication of NZ531883A publication Critical patent/NZ531883A/en



  • Storage Device Security (AREA)


A method of global management of device data is disclosed, whereby the method is supported by a software system and optional apparatus. The device data is potentially shared within an organisation and between organisations, particularly where the devices and/or the organisations are geographically distributed. The method includes the stages of: (a) "security clearance" which includes the establishment of access rights of all potential users, (b) "meta data" which includes the definition of the types of data to be stored, and provides the foundation on which controlled data entry and error checking of the third stage are based, and (c) "operation" which allows entry of the actual data required for the business processes. The method is multi-lingual such that the method may accommodate the worldwide variations in languages, devices, and localised administrative processes. Additionally, the method is adapted to model a life cycle of device data, where the model of the life cycle of data includes design, installation, maintenance, and decommissioning, as well as providing for secured, automated, and global accessibility to the method.


53188 Patents Form No. 5 Fee No. 4: $250.00 Our ref:H/DH/l 2-3021NZ PATENTS ACT 1953 COMPLETE SPECIFICATION After Cognated NZ Patent Appln Nos. 531883 and 532362 Dated : 23 April 2004 and 19 May 2004. respectively GLOBAL MANAGEMENT OF DEVICE DATA We, Beulah Technologies Ltd, a New Zealand company of 68 Berkley Ave, Hamilton, New Zealand, do hereby declare the invention for which we pray that a patent may be granted to us and the method by which it is to be performed, to be particularly described in and by the following statement: GLOBAL MANAGEMENT OF DEVICE DATA Technical Field This invention relates to the management of data used in the operation of devices anywhere in the world.
In particular, the invention relates to a method of effectively managing device data that must be shared within an organisation and between organisations particularly where the 10 devices and/or the organisations are geographically distributed However, the invention may have applications outside this field.
Background Art A number of methods exist for managing data. Frequently, such systems are limited to management within an organisation. Further methods are advanced in that they allow inter-organisational access to data.
However, where multiple access to data from within or outside an organisation is required, the ability to effectively manage that device data, becomes problematic. Such problems include the need to have massive monolithic databases that are very difficult to access because they try to do all things for all people; the inability to extract supply trend information and other important information from a broad sample across organisations 25 potentially for the mutual benefit of all those parties; the need to duplicate all the software for each new organisation wishing to use the system (which is expensive in terms of maintenance effort and costs as a result).
The objective of the invention is to effectively manage device data that must be shared 30 within an organisation and between organisations particularly where the devices and/or the organisations are geographically distributed in such a manner that offered: 2 a) Efficient intra and inter-organisational communication, facilitating better cooperation between parties. b) Support of and for global monitoring, control and management of businesses processes relating to assets, for example design projects. Assets can include staff and customers, as well as hardware and software. c) Improved decision making at all levels of an organisation. d) Improved compliance reporting. e) Risk mitigation, particularly with respect to device and plant failures. f) Facilitation of on-going assessment of business processes in order to continually 10 improve the efficiency of the organisation. g) Timely updating of data. h) Improved reliability of data. i) Flexible design that allows application to many different market sectors. j) The ability to provide global consultancy or possibly contracting services from 15 isolated locations. k) An asset for which an owner can engage, monitor and control consultants and contractors from anywhere in the world, allowing selection of the most cost effective services irrespective of location. l) The monitoring and tracking of the locations of devices. m) Controlled global access to the data. n) Accessible information. o) Manageability of information.
It would therefore be advantageous to have an invention that offered at least some, if not 25 all, of the potential advantages of the above proposed global management of device data. It is therefore an object of the present invention to consider problems encountered with existing methods of managing device data and to provide at least one solution which addresses a plurality of these problems.
It is therefore another object of the present invention to at least provide the public with a useful choice or alternative system. 3 A further object of the present invention is to provide a method supported by a software system and optional apparatus.
Further aspects and advantages of the present invention will become apparent from the 5 ensuing description which is given by way of example only. It should be appreciated that variations to the described embodiments are possible and would fall within the scope of the present invention.
Disclosure of Invention To effect the objective of managing device data that must be shared within an organisation and between organisations particularly where the devices and/or the organisations are geographically distributed, the invention is a method supported by a software system and optional apparatus.
Preferably, the method can model the life cycle of device data, which includes design, installation, maintenance and decommissioning, as well as providing for secured, automated and global accessibility to the method. However, it can also model other business processes.
In preferred embodiments, the method is multi-lingual and highly flexible to accommodate the worldwide variations of languages, devices and localised administrative processes.
According to one aspect of the present invention therefore, there is provided a method of global management of device data, said method including the stages of: a) "security clearance" including the establishment of access rights of all the potential users; and b) "meta data" including the definition of the types of data to be stored; and providing the foundation on which controlled data entry and error checking of the third stage 4 are based; and c) "operation" allowing entry of the actual data required for the business processes.
According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a method of global 5 management of device data substantially as described above wherein the method is supported by a software system and optional apparatus.
According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a method of global management of device data substantially as described above wherein the method can 10 model the life cycle of device data, which includes design, installation, maintenance and decommissioning, as well as providing for secured, automated and global accessibility to the method.
According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided an algorithm for 15 use with the method of global management of device data, substantially as described above.
The method has three preferred major stages. The first one is called the "security clearance stage" and in it the access rights of all the potential users are established. The 20 second one is called the "meta data stage" and in it the types of data to be stored are defined. The meta data provides the foundation on which controlled data entry and error checking of the third stage are based. The third stage is called the "operational stage" and it allows entry of the actual data required for the business processes.
The method shall now be described with reference to the potentials within each individual 25 stage of the method. However, such description must not be viewed as the only potential applications and should not be seen as limiting the scope of the present invention.
The security clearance stage includes at least the following: One and only one organisation is assigned as the owner of a specific data store. An 30 "organisation" may be a department within a large company. Each person who is to work with the method is given access rights to one specific data store. Four possible categories of access rights are: Administrator, Creator, Editor; and 5 Inspector.
The Administrator has full access to all parts of the method. The other three have less and varying degrees of access rights. More sophisticated access rights can be established including some based on controlling access to specific items of data. The access rights 10 associated with a single data store are called "local access rights".
It is also possible to have access to multiple data stores. This may mean that one organisation can legitimately access not only its own data store, but also those of other organisations. This is called "foreign access rights". The key principle that must operate 15 in this distributed system is that of co-operation. That is, access to foreign data stores must be by mutual agreement. The alternative of unilateral access is potentially a severe security risk.
A practical configuration is to have one data store to hold the user data for the local 20 access rights and another one for the global access rights. The one for the global access rights has details of global user name and associated password, the data stores that can be accessed and the user name and passwords required to access them.
The local access rights data store contains the matching user name and password. These 25 must be compared on login of the global user for agreement. If differences are found the login cannot be permitted. The local access data stores may also have attributes that can be set to explicitly forbid foreign accesses. This however is not the only possible configuration. Other possibilities include a centralised data store for foreign access rights, local and foreign access rights in the same data store and variations of the login 30 algorithm. 6 The meta data stage includes at least the following: At the outset of a project, during the meta data stage, an Administrator or equivalent defines the data types required for the various data structures. These include, but are not limited to the devices, their identification mechanism, the approval stages and the 5 approval authorities, as well as testing regimes. The majority of the meta data set up occurs at the beginning of a project, but changes can be made at any point in time.
The allowable data for a device is defined in what is called a "model". The key part of the model is the definition of the allowable parameters or "settings" for that model. 10 However in general, models also have hardware, characteristics, software, revisions and ranges associated with them. The settings define the name and the type of data and the range of each one defines the valid values.
Individual models can be combined to form a composite model. A composite model can 15 be complex groupings of sub-devices within one larger super-device. The logical or physical interconnections can also be modelled. All the features embodied in the models are carried over to the operational stage.
In order to effectively locate data, a unique identifier is associated with each device. 20 These identifiers are in effect co-ordinate systems. Two examples are GPS co-ordinates and plant tag numbers. During the meta-data stage, the structure and data types of the unique identifier are defined. Both predefined types and free form types are available. In addition multiple identifiers can be defined.
Life cycle control points are configured for key stages of the life cycle of the devices and must satisfy the defined approval criteria before proceeding to the next stage. The approval processes for each control point are user defined. A flexible approval process is incorporated to allow configuration of any combination of approval regimes, including serial and parallel processes or any combination of them.
The method allows for the definition of test plans. Test plans define what must be tested 7 and when. They provide the basis for generating warnings when a test is due and if any are overdue.
In the operational stage the actual data values are stored and manipulated by the user. 5 The operational stage includes at least as follows: Two key concepts are associated with this stage. The first is "positions" and the second is "devices". Positions are conceptual place holders for devices. A position is a "conceptual" place holder because the unique identifier associated with it can reference 10 an identifier on an engineering drawing that has no connection with its physical location.
However, it can also represent a physical position. Multiple identifiers can be assigned to a position, but each must be independent of the other, so each type, by itself, must uniquely identify a position. These allow for cross referencing. For example, one type 15 could be from a drawing and another type may be the physical location. Any one of the models defined in the meta-data stage can be assigned to a position. Generally, a position must have one and only one model assigned to it.
A device is intended to represent an actual physical device. One model is linked to each 20 device. In order for a device to be placed in a position the device and the position must both have the same model associated with them. The data associated with a device are always retained with that device even if the device is moved from one position to another. Actual settings, event histories, test results as well as other related data are associated with a device.
Both positions and devices have settings associated with them through the model. Positions have ideal (or design) values and devices contain a copy of the actual values held within the physical device. Once the data are installed into a device they can be verified against ideal values via a feedback mechanism from those devices. Tolerances 30 can be defined to specify acceptable levels of discrepancy between ideal and actual. 8 The feedback mechanism may be automated and include a real time connection to the devices.
Before the data associated with a position can be installed in a device the full approval 5 process must be satisfied. The actual approval process is defined in the meta-data stage and is associated with a position during the operational stage. When all the approval processes have been satisfied, then design data associated with a position can be transferred to the device associated with that position. The transfer mechanism may be manual or automatic, remote or local.
Testing regimes are also assigned to positions and these regimes define when the next test should be performed on the device at that position.
The life cycle control points and accompanying approval requirements are associated 15 with each position. Typical control points are: "draft", "designed", "consultant approved", "asset owner approved for installation"; and 20 "installed".
In a package delivery system that a courier might use, the control points could be "package arrived", "package in position" and "package departed". Data associated with a position, and in particular the settings data, is subject to the control points and approval 25 process. The data cannot be transferred to the next phase unless it has passed the approval criteria allowing it to do so.
Devices can be assigned to a storage "location", instead of a position. The difference between a location and a position is that the former can contain multiple devices, but in 30 general the latter can at most have one device per position. Further, when in a position a device is operational (or potentially so). By comparison when in a storage location the 9 device cannot be operational. If the device is a package, then these statements do not necessarily hold.
Design documentation or any other documentation associated with the devices can be 5 referenced from the positions or the devices as necessary.
All additions and alterations to data are recorded, noting the name of the user who makes the change and the time of the change. No important data can be deleted completely, although it can be removed from the view of the general user.
Selected data can be "checked out" from the main data store, for use in an isolated environment, that is one with no connection to the main data store. While checked out, the data can only be changed in that one isolated environment to which it is checked out. It cannot be changed in the main data store, although the data as at the time of check out 15 can be viewed from the main data store. At the end of the check out period the selected data are "checked in" and any changes made on the isolated computer are copied back into the main data store. After the check in procedure is completed the prohibition on modifying the data in the main store is removed, thus allowing it to be modified in there once more.
The basic method, described above, can be extended to provide the features and potential benefits described below: A major potential benefit is the provision for local ownership and control of the data, but 25 with the ability to have global access. The system can be configured so that within one organisation each department can have its own data store that it is responsible for, yet at the same time allowing access to other users. This overcomes the problem of having massive monolithic databases that are very difficult to access because they try to do all things for all people. Instead, each system can be tailored to the specific requirements of 30 each section.
Similarly, in a multiple organisation configuration, one party can be granted access rights to the data stores of a number of other organisations provided all parties are in agreement. This allows trend information and other important information to be extracted from a broad sample across organisations potentially for the mutual benefit of all parties 5 involved.
The test results can be monitored for consistency, which allows the intervals between tests to be optimised for the greatest efficiency. The event histories can be searched for common mode failures or conversely searched for high performing areas. These searching functions can be manual or automated, and if automated can employ artificial intelligence techniques. When compliance reporting requires historical data the records are available to readily provide the desired information, significantly reducing engineering time to locate the necessary records.
Significant time savings are possible through improved interfaces to a variety of other systems, including configuration software supplied by the device manufacturer and analytical tools. Assuming a real time connection, there can be a flow of information from the devices through the method and onto other processes whether they are used for analysis, control, asset management or some other function.
Streamlining the information flow is a key to time saving. With or without a real time connection the system can act as a conduit for information flow, collecting it and then disseminating it to the required destinations.
The time taken for the set up in the meta-data stage can be reduced, by providing interfaces between the method and other sources of base data. Examples include interfaces to the configuration software supplied by manufacturers, standalone databases and spreadsheets.
A standard interface to the method has been created. Preceding this interface is a separate interface, which is created for each new external system that must be accessed. 11 The method can also be applied to other types of problem, including calibration, asset management and asset tracking, for example the tracing of goods as they pass through a delivery chain.
Job control functionality can also be incorporated into the method.
Value added services can be supplied with the method, including consultancy, contracting, data mining and data translation. Data mining can be used to analyse the data in at least one of the data stores and extract trends such as reliability figures. This 10 information can be provided as a separate service. Opportunities for providing higher value services such as increased availability, performance and functionality also exist. Further, consultancy services can be supplied as an adjunct to the method.
An optional apparatus can be supplied with the method to aid data capture. This may 15 connect directly to a device, indirectly through a user or some other alternative.
A specific algorithm with associated storage structures and optional apparatus support the method. These have been embodied in software. The algorithm is described below, as well as one possible embodiment, implemented in software: There are three major parts to the algorithm. In the first part any user with administrative level access rights enters the user names and passwords (or equivalents) in the security data source for a particular organisation. The second part is authentication and authorisation, referred to here as "login". The third part is the access and display of the 25 device related data. Although the algorithm is described in three distinct parts it is in fact one integrated whole. The reason being that the login part dynamically establishes the links between a particular user and the permitted data sources (or parts thereof) for that user, while the second part uses these established links when servicing the requests issued by that one user. Further, without the first part the links can never be established.
A key element of the algorithm is that it establishes the links in such a way that one copy 12 of the software can be used for all users from all organisations, despite the fact that users from different organisations require access to different data sources, or parts thereof.
Only a very small section needs to be separately duplicated for multiple organisations in 5 one embodiment. If it were not for the algorithm, a duplicate copy of all the software must be created for each new organisation wishing to use the system. A major saving in maintenance effort and costs accrues as a result. The algorithm and structure also allow the system to be used in an application service provider (APS) business environment, so the system can be provided as a service rather than sold as a product.
However, at the same time it does not preclude a separate copy of the system being dedicated to a single organisation, nor does it preclude the system being sold as a product. Therefore, significant benefits in flexibility of business options also result from the algorithm.
Normally the algorithm uses three data sources, one containing the device data to be protected, a local security data source and a global security data source, but this can be varied.
The first contains the actual device related data that may be required by any of the users. The second contains user authentication and authorisation data for local users (that is those that access only the data source of their own organisation). The third contains the authentication and authorisation data for global users (that is those who can access data sources other than those of their own organisation).
As previously mentioned therefore, it can be seen there are potentially realisable benefits from using the invention, such as: a) Efficient intra and inter-organisational communication, facilitating better co-30 operation between parties. b) Support for global monitoring, control and management of businesses processes 13 relating to assets, for example design projects. Assets can include staff and customers, as well as hardware and software. c) Improved decision making at all levels of an organisation. d) Improved compliance reporting. e) Risk mitigation, particularly with respect to device and plant failures. f) Facilitation of on-going assessment of business processes in order to continually improve the efficiency of the organisation. g) Timely updating of data. h) Improved reliability of data. i) Flexibility of design that allows application to many different market sectors. j) The ability to provide global consultancy or possibly contracting services from isolated locations. k) Provision of an asset that an owner can engage, monitor and control consultants and contractors from anywhere in the world, allowing selection of the most cost 15 effective services irrespective of location. 1) The monitoring and tracking of the locations of devices. m) Controlled global access to the data. n) Accessible information. o) Manageability of information.
Brief Description of Drawings Further aspects of the present invention will become apparent from the following description, given by way of example only and with reference to the accompanying 25 figures in which: Figure 1 shows the basic login algorithm for the second part of the algorithm, in relation to secured access for a networked system, in accordance with one preferred embodiment of the present invention; and Figure 2 illustrates the key elements of the data structure of the global security data 14 store, shown in a functional dependency graph, in accordance with one preferred embodiment of the present invention; and Figure 3 is a flow chart of the algorithm in accordance with one preferred 5 embodiment of the present invention; and Figure 4 is a general configuration of the stages of data processing which is invoked through the Remote Connection in accordance with one preferred embodiment of the present invention.
Best Modes for Carrying Out the Invention With reference to the diagrams (Figures 1 to 4) by way of example only, there is provided a method of global management of device data. As previously described, the method 15 uses a specific algorithm with associated storage structures and optional apparatus which have been embodied in software. An optional apparatus can be supplied with the method to aid data capture. This may connect directly to a device, indirectly through a user or some other alternative. The algorithm is described below, as well as one possible embodiment, implemented in software: There are three major parts to the algorithm.
Part 1: Any user with administrative level access rights enters the user names and passwords (or equivalents) in the security data source for a particular organisation.
Part 2: Authentication and authorisation, referred to here as "login".
Part 3: The access and display of the device related data.
Although the algorithm is described in three distinct parts it is in fact one integrated whole. The reason being that the login part dynamically establishes the links between a particular user and the permitted data sources (or parts thereof) for that user, while the second part uses these established links when servicing the requests issued by that one user. Further, without the first part the links can never be established.
In the first part of the algorithm a user with administrative access rights accesses the security data sources for a particular organisation either via a provided graphical user interface (GUI) or via system level functions such as structured query language (SQL). The system level functions are often required to establish the first user of the system. The user who is the administrator establishes local and global access rights. In order for 10 global access rights to become valid the administrator must contact his or her counterparts in the other organisations who must assign foreign access rights. The extent of access within a data source can be controlled to the level of allowing or prohibiting a particular user access to specific items of data within a data source.
The second part of the algorithm provides secured access, since security is important for a networked system. Figure 1 shows the basic login algorithm for this second part. First, the user selects his or her local organisation. Then the login dialogue can commence. This can take the form of a user name and password, but can be any method that uniquely identifies the user within the system. The security data sources are searched for a 20 matching user name and password (or equivalent). Whilst Figure 1 provides one example of the order in which the validity of the organisation is checked, such order may vary from that shown in Figure 1, without deviating from the scope of the present invention.
If the user entered data and data source authorisation credentials are in agreement for the 25 specified organisation then the user is permitted to access the allowable data sources via "Set Up" (refer Figure 1). The user is then granted access to the main menu.
The algorithm then enters a cyclical section where the user selects an action, is then checked to ensure that their credentials are still valid and finally the results of the 30 selection are displayed. The selection and access of the data are discussed in more detail in the third part of the algorithm. 16 With a global user, the login procedure is similar, except that checks must be made with the foreign data sources as well to ensure that the user has the correct credentials.
One way to facilitate global access is to create a separate database for global users, one per organisation. So the total number of databases per organisation is three, one for the device data, one for security data of the local users and one for the security data of the global users. The separate global security database means that the administration functions for the global and local users can be completely partitioned.
The key elements of the data structure for the global security database are shown in the functional dependency graph of Figure 2. This is not the only solution; other solutions include having the local and global security data in one data source, or having one or more data sources common to all organisations for all global users or for all users.
The "global user name", "global password" and "global organisation name" allow a user to login and be recognised as a valid global user. The "foreign organisational name" specifies which data sources the global user has access to. The "foreign user name" and "foreign password" must be the same as a user name and password pair in the specified 20 foreign organisational data source.
A separate login dialogue can be used for those wishing to gain global access rights. They have to successfully login to the system using the global user name and global password. The foreign user name and foreign password are the same as a pair in the local 25 security database that the global user wishes to access. The particular local security database is specified by the global organisational name. As part of the global login process each foreign user name and foreign password is checked against the local security data source of the specified organisation. If they are not present then the global user is not allowed access to that local data. This is to stop global users gaining unauthorised 30 unilateral access to the local data source. The local administrator can lock out selected or all global users if so desired. 17 The key concept is that a "foreign" user can gain access to a local database only by mutual agreement and that if either party wishes to terminate the agreement, then the global user is completely excluded from accessing the database.
The benefit of a global user having access to a number of data sources includes the ability to extract global trend data, for example to extract global reliability data. Allowing such access also allows the implementation of local autonomy (or control) with global monitoring. An example of this is allocating different data sources to different departments within a larger organisation, instead of allocating the data sources to 10 completely different organisations. This enables departments within an organisation to be given local ownership of their data and be responsible for its maintenance. The corporate managers can be given global access rights to allow them to view all department records or extract summary information, but possibly without the ability to alter the data. This overcomes the problem of having one large unwieldy database.
The time during which a user is logged in is called a "session". When a user has finished their session they can terminate it by logging out. The logging out process resets all data associated with the session.
Embodiments of the login procedure can be via a standard Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) mechanism or via a customised procedure or any other similar mechanism. When using the standard J2EE mechanism at least one remote session enterprise JavaBean instance is assigned to each user. Each session enterprise JavaBean is linked with one particular data source. In this way the user is given access to only the data sources 25 permitted for that user. Each data source is accessed via a session enterprise JavaBean that provides a common interface from the GUI irrespective of which data source is being accessed. The login algorithm can use encryption, but it is not essential.
This login embodiment extends the J2EE and JAAS login features to accommodate 30 multiple organisations using one common GUI and related software. Each organisation is provided with its own security data store where all the user details and access rights are 18 stored. A GUI is provided as the user interface that allows an organisation to manage its own users, but not interfere with any other. Access to specific items of data can be specified in this data store.
The essence of the second part of the algorithm is to extract the data from the data source and display it to the user in an efficient, flexible, reusable and cost effective manner. The algorithm operates within the context of a supporting structure designed specifically for it. Together the algorithm and structure have been embodied in the Java 2 Enterprise Edition platform, but is not limited to this platform. An overview of the algorithm is 10 given in the next two paragraphs.
A flow chart of the algorithm is shown in Figure 3. The user makes a selection, which is first actioned by the GUI framework. This triggers a GUI event that is passed through to be processed by a Data Action. On its way to be processed the event first passes through 15 a filtering mechanism that in effect allows events to be processed one at a time. This filter, called "Organisation Specific GUI Interface Controller" in Figure 3, is specific to an organisation and is the basis for access control to at least one specific data source. It is created and stored during the "Set Up" function of the login process, refer to Figure 1. In at least one embodiment, the filter can act as an interface between a multithreading, 20 multitasking or multiprocessing environment and the transaction processing controlled environment for a database type access.
After passing through the filter, the event is transferred to the section that makes the connection with the data source. The connection may be over any network, so may have 25 to be a remote connection. This is where transaction processing controls can be applied. Due to the fact that it is potentially a remote connection, which means there is not necessarily any control over the operation of the remote end, the connection may not be maintained at all times. Therefore, a check must be made to ensure its presence each time access is required. If the connection is not established it must be reconnected.
Each remote connection is specific to the data source of a particular organisation. At least 19 one remote connection is specified and stored during the "Set Up" function of the login process, refer to Figure 1. When the remote connection needs to be reconnected (or connected for the first time), the specification is retrieved from storage. Next the Action Invoker is created. Then the organisational specific facades are created and stored in the 5 Action Invoker. The specifications for the facades are also defined and stored during the "Set Up" function of the login process. The Action Invoker is stored in the remote connection and the remote connection itself is stored in the filter. If the remote connection is already established, then this process can be avoided, giving a significant improvement in performance.
Once the GUI event has been directed to the correct data source it can be processed via the Action Invoker, which is invoked by the Remote Connection. The Action Invoker in turn invokes the actions on the Concrete Data Actions. The Action Invoker and Concrete Data Actions are generic for all data sources. The Concrete Data Actions invoke the 15 required fagades. The facades determine what data sources can be accessed and perform the specified operations on the specified data in the data source. If data is retrieved, the facades can do any necessary processing on it prior to it being wrapped in a reply that is sent back to the GUI where it is rendered for display and then displayed to the user. The general configuration is shown in Figure 4.
In one embodiment of the algorithm the data are retrieved from the data source in the form of enterprise entity JavaBeans. These entity JavaBeans are tagged with markers that identify what data is destined for the display. Reflection and/or introspection are used to extract the required data, which are then stored in another data structure that mirrors the 25 essential elements of the entity JavaBean. Within the embodiment sorting can be applied to either the entity JavaBeans or to the data structure that mirrors them. The sorting mechanism is generic for all entity JavaBeans and their mirrors as well as for all sort fields. These functions are all performed within the context of a "facade" design pattern. The effect of the embodiment is to decouple the data structures associated with the 30 storage of data from those used for display purposes.
Then the mirrored data structures are transferred from the facade to a display controller module. They are then packaged into an appropriate HTTP type context, usually the request context, and extracted from that context by a custom tag, which renders the data into a suitable form for display on the screen. The custom tags contain an algorithm that 5 extracts the data from the mirrored data structures and prepares it in readiness for output to the screen.
Typically the data sources are databases, but this is not necessarily so. At least one other mechanism is a real time connection to the devices. Typically the incoming data is 10 packaged within the TCP/IP protocol or equivalent. The received data can be first converted into an XML file that has a common format for all field devices. The data are then transferred into the application via a remote resource adapter or as a data source, or equivalent. The application then stores the data in the database via a "fa?ade" structure or equivalent. Special data structures are needed to ensure the correct mapping between 15 the field devices and the locations in the database. Also special checking is required to ensure that the correct data is assigned to the correct locations within the database. A real time connection removes a significant portion of human error in the data collection process and even more significantly improves the availability of the data, especially when fault conditions have been detected in the devices being monitored by the real time 20 connection.
It should also be understood that the term "comprise" where used herein is not to be considered to be used in a limiting sense. Accordingly, 'comprise' does not represent nor define an exclusive set of items, but includes the possibility of other components and 25 items being added to the list.
This specification is also based on the understanding of the inventor regarding the prior art. The prior art description should not be regarded as being an authoritative disclosure of the true state of the prior art but rather as referring to considerations in and brought to 30 the mind and attention of the inventor when developing this invention. 21 Aspects of the present invention have been described by way of example only and it should be appreciated that modifications and additions may be made thereto without departing from the scope thereof, as defined in the appended claims. 22

Claims (39)

1. A method of global management of device data, said device data as herein defined being potentially shared within an organisation and between organisations and particularly where the devices and/or the organisations are geographically distributed, said method including the stages of: a) "security clearance" including the establishment of access rights of all potential users; and b) "meta data" including the definition of the types of data to be stored; and providing the foundation on which controlled data entry and error checking of the third stage are based; and c) "operation" allowing entry of the actual data required for the business processes said stages as herein defined, said method characterised by being either or both multi-lingual and adapted to model a life cycle of device data.
2. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 1 wherein the method is supported by a software system and optional apparatus.
3. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 1 wherein the method adapted to model the life cycle of device data as herein defined, includes design, installation, maintenance and decommissioning, as well as providing for secured, automated and global accessibility to the method.
4. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 1 wherein the method is multi-lingual to accommodate the worldwide variations of languages, devices and localised administrative processes.
5. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 1 wherein the "security clearance stage" includes the step of assignment of ownership of a specific data store to a single entity.
6. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 5 wherein an intellectual property office of n.z. 23 13 JUL 2006 RECEIVED entity includes a department within a large company.
7. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 6 wherein each entity is given either or both local and foreign access rights.
8. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 7 wherein local access rights enable to access to one specific data store.
9. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 7 wherein foreign access rights enable access to multiple data stores.
10. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 8 wherein local access rights to access to one specific data store is determined via categories of access rights including, administrator, creator, editor; and inspector.
11. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 10 wherein the administrator has full access to all parts of the method
12. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 10 wherein creator, editor; and inspector have varying degrees of access rights.
13. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 9 wherein foreign access rights enable access to multiple data stores such that one organisation can legitimately access not only its own data store, but also those of other organisations.
14. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 9 and Claim 10 wherein local access rights and foreign access rights are accessible via user name and associated password via use of a login algorithm.
15. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 1 wherein the meta-data stage includes definition of the model, or allowable data types 24 intellectual property office of n.z. 13 JUL 2006 RECEIVED parameters or settings for a device.
16. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 15 wherein the model includes one or more of the devices, their identification mechanism, the approval stages and the approval authorities, testing regimes, hardware, characteristics, software, revisions and ranges associated with them, the name and the type of data with the range of each one defining valid values, logical or physical interconnections.
17. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 16 wherein a number of models are combinable to create a composite model, such as complex groupings of sub-devices within one larger super-device.
18. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 17 wherein the meta-data stage also includes the ability to locate defined data via unique single or multiple identifiers associated with each device.
19. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 18 wherein the identifiers are co-ordinate systems, such as GPS co-ordinates and plant tag numbers.
20. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 1 wherein the method includes life cycle control points configured for key stages of the life cycle of the devices which satisfy defined approval regimes before proceeding to the next stage.
21. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 20 wherein the control points are adaptable to enable any combination of defined approval regimes, including serial and parallel processes or any combination of them.
22. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 1 wherein the operational stage, being the stage where the actual data values are stored and manipulated by the user, incorporates two concepts being: intellectual property 25 office of n.z. 1 3 JUL 2006 ftr.CF.IVtD a) "positions" which is a conceptual place holder for devices to represent a physical position, or having at least one identifier associated with it to reference an identifier on an engineering drawing that is not necessarily connected with its physical location; and b) "devices" which are designed to represent an actual physical device
23. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 22 wherein where multiple identifiers are assigned to either or both a position, and a location, each is independent of the other, so each type, by itself, uniquely identifies a position.
24. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 22 wherein each device has a model linked therewith such that the data associated with a device are always retained with that device even if the device is moved from one position to another.
25. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 24 wherein the data associated with a device includes actual settings, event histories, test results as well as other related data are associated with a device.
26. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 23 and Claim 25 wherein both positions and devices have settings associated with them through the model.
27. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 26 wherein positions have ideal (or design) values.
28. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 26 wherein devices contain a copy of the actual values held within the physical device.
29. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 28 wherein the devices include feedback mechanisms to verify the data installed into a device 26 intellectual property office of n.z. 1 3 JUL 2006 ilCgJVEn -> against ideal values and tolerances defined to specify acceptable levels of discrepancy between the ideal values and actual values.
30. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 29 wherein devices can be assigned to a storage location, instead of a position.
31. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 18 wherein the meta-data stage also defines the approval process required before any data associated with a position can be installed in a device.
32. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 31 wherein the approval process is associated with a position during the operational stage of the method and the transfer mechanism may be manual or automatic, remote or local.
33. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 32 wherein each position includes life cycle control points such as, "draft", "designed", "consultant approved", "asset owner approved for installation"; and "installed".
34. A method of global management of device data as claimed in Claim 33 wherein the life cycle control points determine when data can be transferred based on whether approval criteria has been met.
35. Managed device data via the use of an algorithm, said device data being potentially shared within an organisation and between organisations and particularly where the devices and/or the organisations are geographically distributed, said method including the stages of "security clearance" including the establishment of access rights of all potential users; and "meta data" including the definition of the types of data to be stored; and providing the foundation on which controlled data entry and error checking of the third stage are based; and "operation" allowing entry of the actual data required for the business processes, said algorithm including at least three parts comprising: 27 intellectual property office of n.z. 1 3 JUL 2006 RECEIVED a) a first part where any user with administrative level access rights enters the user names and passwords (or equivalents) in the security data source for a particular organisation; and b) a second part which is authentication and authorisation, or "login"; and c) a the third part which is the access and display of the device related data, but wherein the algorithm is an integrated whole.
36. Managed device data via the use of an algorithm as claimed in Claim 35 wherein the first part of the algorithm is adapted to allow a user with administrative access rights access to the security data sources for a particular organisation either via a provided graphical user interface (GUI) or via system level functions such as structured query language (SQL).
37. Managed device data via the use of an algorithm as claimed in Claim 36 wherein the algorithm allows one copy of the software to be used for all users from all organisations, with the option for a small segment also being provided for each organisation.
38. A method of global management of device data, substantially as described herein with reference to the included examples and accompanying figures.
39. Managed device data via the use of an algorithm substantially as described herein with reference to the included examples and accompanying figures. BEULAH TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED By its attorneys PIPERS CENTRAL
NZ53188304A 2004-04-23 2004-04-23 Global management of device data NZ531883A (en)

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NZ53188304A NZ531883A (en) 2004-04-23 2004-04-23 Global management of device data

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NZ53188304A NZ531883A (en) 2004-04-23 2004-04-23 Global management of device data

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN108717415A (en) * 2018-03-30 2018-10-30 广州供电局有限公司 Production equipment life cycle state data modeling method and system

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN108717415A (en) * 2018-03-30 2018-10-30 广州供电局有限公司 Production equipment life cycle state data modeling method and system

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