
Publication number
NO790755L NO790755A NO790755A NO790755L NO 790755 L NO790755 L NO 790755L NO 790755 A NO790755 A NO 790755A NO 790755 A NO790755 A NO 790755A NO 790755 L NO790755 L NO 790755L
Prior art keywords
scraper blade
support arm
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Norwegian (no)
Henry Schmidt Hansen
Original Assignee
Laigaard Niels Henning
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Laigaard Niels Henning filed Critical Laigaard Niels Henning
Publication of NO790755L publication Critical patent/NO790755L/en



    • E01H5/00Removing snow or ice from roads or like surfaces; Grading or roughening snow or ice
    • E01H5/04Apparatus propelled by animal or engine power; Apparatus propelled by hand with driven dislodging or conveying levelling elements, conveying pneumatically for the dislodged material
    • E01H5/06Apparatus propelled by animal or engine power; Apparatus propelled by hand with driven dislodging or conveying levelling elements, conveying pneumatically for the dislodged material dislodging essentially by non-driven elements, e.g. scraper blades, snow-plough blades, scoop blades
    • E01H5/065Apparatus propelled by animal or engine power; Apparatus propelled by hand with driven dislodging or conveying levelling elements, conveying pneumatically for the dislodged material dislodging essentially by non-driven elements, e.g. scraper blades, snow-plough blades, scoop blades characterised by the form of the snow-plough blade, e.g. flexible, or by snow-plough blade accessories
    • E01H5/066Snow-plough blade accessories, e.g. deflector plates, skid shoes


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Architecture (AREA)
  • Civil Engineering (AREA)
  • Structural Engineering (AREA)
  • Cleaning Of Streets, Tracks, Or Beaches (AREA)
  • Lubricants (AREA)


Sneplov eller lignende skraberedskab.Snow plow or similar scraping device.

Den foreliggende opfindelse angår en sneplov eller et lignende redskab af den art, der er angivet i indledningen til krav 1, dvs. med et skrabeblad, som normalt er beregnet til at befæstiges til et ophængsbeslag ved forenden af en lastvogn og til ved dennes hjælp at fremføres langs en vejbane for mere eller mindre vidtgående renskrabning af denne. Ved en egentlig skrabeberøring fremkaldt f.eks. ved vægten The present invention relates to a snowplow or a similar tool of the type specified in the introduction to claim 1, i.e. with a scraper blade, which is normally intended to be attached to a suspension bracket at the front end of a lorry and to use this to is advanced along a roadway for more or less extensive cleaning of this. In the case of an actual scraping touch caused by e.g. by weight

af skrabebladet vil der fremkomme et kraftigt slid på både skrabebladet og vejoverfladen, og det tilstræbes derfor at montere skrabebladet med en frigangshøjde på et par mm. Da det vognchassis, hvortil skrabebladet befæstiges, ikke kan påregnes at ligge fuldkommen stabilt under kørslen, er det nødvendigt at lade skrabebladet være selvstændigt støttet mod vejbanen ved hjælp af glidesko eller de nævnte støttehjul, der er monteret umiddelbart ved bagsiden af skrabebladet på of the scraper blade will result in heavy wear on both the scraper blade and the road surface, and it is therefore aimed to mount the scraper blade with a clearance height of a couple of mm. As the carriage chassis, to which the scraper blade is attached, cannot be expected to lie perfectly stable during driving, it is necessary to let the scraper blade be independently supported against the road surface by means of sliding shoes or the mentioned support wheels, which are mounted immediately at the back of the scraper blade on

en sådan måde, at de virker som lokale afstandsholdere mellem skrabebladets underkant og vejoverfladen, idet skrabebladet such a way that they act as local spacers between the lower edge of the scraper blade and the road surface, as the scraper blade

er således forbundet med nævnte chassis, at det ikke er bun-det til at følge dettes lodrette bevægelser. Navnlig ved brug af støttehjul monteret i svingkonsoller opnås en vejstøtte med lav friktion også ved kørsel gennem kurver, og da hjulene er beliggende umiddelbart bag skrabebladet,• vil dette stort set følge de lokale højdevariationer, som forekommer i vejbanen under fremføringen langs denne. is so connected to said chassis that it is not bound to follow its vertical movements. In particular, when using support wheels mounted in swing consoles, low-friction road support is achieved even when driving through curves, and as the wheels are located immediately behind the scraper blade,• this will largely follow the local height variations that occur in the roadway during the advance along it.

Det kan dog konstateres, at højdejusteringen ikke foregår nøjagtigt på selve skrabestedet, men et stykke bag dette, hvorved det ofte forekommer, at skrabeunderkanten lokalt enten hæ-ves højere end ønsket eller sænkes til direkte berøring med den faste vejoverflade, således at skrabningen bliver uregel-mæssig og forbundet med et betragteligt slid på både vejbane og skrabeblad. Denne virkning forstærkes antagelig på grund af skrabebladets inerti, idet bladet dels vil reagere med en ringe forsinkelse på en lodret bevægelse af støttehjulet og dels vil søge at fortsætte en påbegyndt bevægelse efter at den tilhø-rende forskydning af støttehjulet er ophørt. Under visse kør-selsbetingelser kan der herved opstå kraftige rystelser i skrabebladet. En jævnere gang kunne tilstræbes opnået med en form for affjedring, men for at være effektivt kan et sådant arrangement meget vel indebære, at skrabebladets reaktionstid m.h.t. højdebevægelserne gøres utilladeligt lang. It can be noted, however, that the height adjustment does not take place exactly at the scraping location itself, but a short distance behind it, whereby it often occurs that the lower edge of the scraper locally is either raised higher than desired or lowered to direct contact with the fixed road surface, so that the scraping becomes irregular -related and associated with considerable wear and tear on both the road surface and scraper blade. This effect is presumably enhanced due to the inertia of the scraper blade, as the blade will partly react with a slight delay to a vertical movement of the support wheel and partly will seek to continue a started movement after the associated displacement of the support wheel has ceased. Under certain driving conditions, this can cause strong vibrations in the scraper blade. A smoother ride could be achieved with some form of suspension, but to be effective, such an arrangement may very well imply that the reaction time of the scraper blade with respect to the height movements are made unacceptably long.

Opfindelsen har til formål at angive et skraberedskab af den nævnte art, som generelt kan fremføres med god evne til at følge de lokale højdevariationer i vejbanen uden større tendens til at udføre vertikale rystelser. The purpose of the invention is to provide a scraper of the type mentioned, which can generally be performed with a good ability to follow the local height variations in the roadway without a greater tendency to produce vertical vibrations.

Dette opnås ifølge opfindelsen ved, at sneploven eller skraberedskabet er indrettet som angivet i den kendetegnende del af krav 1. Ved denne indretning, hvor hvert af de kendte enkelte støttehjul er erstattet med et tandemhjulpar i en vippekonsol, opnås at forbindelsesområdet mellem støttehjul-konsollen og skrabebladet ikke umiddelbart vil følge højde-bevægelserne af et enkelt støttehjul, da konsollen ved begyn-dende og ved afsluttende højdebevægelse af et af hjulene vil svinges omkring aksen for det andet hjul, hvorved nævnte mel-lemliggende forbindelsesområde vil udføre en reduceret højde-bevægelse eller en højdebevægelse med reduceret hastighed. Re-sultatet er, at skrabebladet fremføres forholdsvis roligt hen over lokale ujævnheder, idet vippekonsollen vil tendere til at skabe en udjævnet eller dæmpet begyndelse<p>g afslutning på enhver højdebevægelse af skrabebladet, vel at mærke samtidigt med, at det er vejbanen selv og ikke uvedkommende dæmpnings-organer, som styrer bevægelserne. Heri ligger, at skrabebladet fortsat reagerer særdeles kontant på forekommende niveauænd-ringer i vejbanen, dvs. der opnås generelt en særdeles god skrabevirkning med et minimum af slid og med en udjævnende virkning ved skrabning over koncentrerede ujævnheder. According to the invention, this is achieved by the snow plow or scraper being arranged as indicated in the characterizing part of claim 1. With this arrangement, where each of the known individual support wheels is replaced by a pair of tandem wheels in a tilting console, it is achieved that the connection area between the support wheel console and the scraper blade will not immediately follow the height movements of a single support wheel, as the console at the beginning and at the end of the height movement of one of the wheels will swing around the axis of the other wheel, whereby said intermediate connection area will perform a reduced height movement or an altitude movement with reduced speed. The result is that the scraper blade is advanced relatively calmly over local unevenness, as the rocker console will tend to create an even or dampened beginning<p>g end of any height movement of the scraper blade, bearing in mind that at the same time that it is the road itself and not extraneous damping bodies, which control the movements. Herein lies the fact that the scraper blade still reacts very promptly to occurring level changes in the road, i.e. a particularly good scraping effect is generally achieved with a minimum of wear and with a leveling effect when scraping over concentrated unevenness.

Den nævnte særlige virkning bliver mere udpræget, jo tættere hjulkonsollens vippeakse ligger ved forbindelseslinien mellem centrerne for de tilhørende tandemhjul, og et hensigts-mæssigt arrangement er angivet i krav 2. Ved opfindelsen har man iøvrigt mulighed for, f.eks. jfr. krav 3, at anbringe det ene hjul betydeligt nærmere ved skrabebladets bagside end det hjul, der skal sørge for at konsollen automatisk drejes i over-ensstemmelse med køreretningen, hvorved en del af den rullende understøtning på fordelagtig måde kan anbringes tættere ved skrabebladet end ved brug af et enkelt hjul. The mentioned special effect becomes more pronounced, the closer the pivot axis of the wheel console is to the connecting line between the centers of the associated tandem wheels, and an appropriate arrangement is indicated in claim 2. The invention also has the possibility of, e.g. cf. requirement 3, to place one wheel significantly closer to the back of the scraper blade than that wheel, which must ensure that the console is automatically rotated in accordance with the direction of travel, whereby part of the rolling support can advantageously be placed closer to the scraper blade than in use of a single wheel.

Det har vist sig, at opfindelsen indebærer en yderligere væsentlig fordel, nemlig at støttehjulene viser en meget ringe tendens til under kørslen at udføre svingninger i tværgående vandret retning, hvilket ellers er et betydeligt og velkendt problem ved brug af de kendte svingkonsolhjul. It has been shown that the invention entails a further significant advantage, namely that the support wheels show a very slight tendency during driving to carry out oscillations in a transverse horizontal direction, which is otherwise a significant and well-known problem when using the known swivel console wheels.

Opfindelsen forklares i det følgende nærmere i forbindelse med tegningen, på hvilken The invention is explained in more detail in the following in connection with the drawing, in which

fig. 1 er et ovenbillede af en lastvogn påmonteret en sneplov ifølge opfindelsen, fig. 1 is a top view of a truck fitted with a snow plow according to the invention,

fig. 2 et perspektivisk billede af den ene ende af sneploven set bagfra, og fig. 2 a perspective view of one end of the snow plow seen from behind, and

fig. 3 et sidebillede af sneploven.fig. 3 a side view of the snow plow.

Den i fig. 1 viste lastvogn 2 er fortil udstyret med et beslag 4 til befæstigelse af en sneplov, der som helhed er be-tegnet med 6. Den består af et skrabeblad 8, der midt på bagsiden har et hængselbeslag 10, hvormed den ved hjælp af en for-bindelsesstang 12 kan kobles til beslaget 4, således at skrabebladet 8 kan svinges i vandret plan omkring hængslet 10 og derved indstilles i en ønsket tværretning f.eks. skråtstillet som vist, idet den valgte stilling kan fikseres med en stang 14 indskudt mellem beslaget 4 og et ydre støttehængsel 16 på bladet 8. Fortrinsvis består stangen 14 af en hydraulisk cylinder, ved hvis hjælp bladets tværretning kan ændres efter ønske, og til yderligere støtte for bladet 8 kan der på den anden side af midterstangen 12 være anbragt en modsvarende stang eller cylinder 18. The one in fig. The truck 2 shown in 1 is equipped at the front with a fitting 4 for attaching a snow plough, which as a whole is denoted by 6. It consists of a scraper blade 8, which in the middle of the back side has a hinge fitting 10, with which, by means of a front - connecting rod 12 can be connected to the fitting 4, so that the scraper blade 8 can be swung in a horizontal plane around the hinge 10 and thereby set in a desired transverse direction, e.g. tilted as shown, as the selected position can be fixed with a rod 14 inserted between the bracket 4 and an outer support hinge 16 on the blade 8. Preferably, the rod 14 consists of a hydraulic cylinder, with the help of which the transverse direction of the blade can be changed as desired, and for additional support for the blade 8, a corresponding rod or cylinder 18 can be placed on the other side of the central rod 12.

Nær hver yderende af skrabebladet 8 har dette ved sin bag side et svinghængsel 20 for en bagudragende bærearm 22, der er forbundet med en støttehjulkonsol 24, hvorved bladet 8 er støttet mod vejbanen ved hjælp af svingbare hjul, der dels er effektive uanset skrabebladets vinkelstilling og dels yder en lavfriktionsunderstøtning også ved kørsel gennem kurver. Ifald konsollerne 24 hver indeholder et enkelt hjul eller sågar et par koaksialt anbragte tvillingehjul, vil det således beskrevne og i fig. 1 viste arrangement tilhøre den kendte teknik, og det skal nævnes, at skrabepladen kan have andre former, f.eks. en sædvanlig tilspidsende pilform. Near each outer end of the scraper blade 8, this has on its rear side a pivoting hinge 20 for a rear-protruding support arm 22, which is connected to a support wheel bracket 24, whereby the blade 8 is supported against the road surface by means of pivoting wheels, which are partly effective regardless of the angular position of the scraper blade and also provides low-friction support when driving through curves. If the consoles 24 each contain a single wheel or even a pair of coaxially arranged twin wheels, the thus described and in fig. The arrangement shown in 1 belongs to the known technique, and it should be mentioned that the scraper plate can have other shapes, e.g. a usual tapering arrow shape.

Som vist i fig. 2 og 3 er imidlertid sneploven ifølge opfindelsen forsynet med to efter hinanden anbragte støttehjul 2 6 og 28 i hver hjulkonsol 24, idet skrabebladet i fig. 2 og 3 As shown in fig. 2 and 3, however, the snow plow according to the invention is provided with two support wheels 2 6 and 28 placed one behind the other in each wheel bracket 24, the scraper blade in fig. 2 and 3

er vist i en stilling lige på tværs af kørselsretningen. Hjulkonsollen 24 ér lejret svingbart omkring en tværtap 30 anbragt vandret gennem den nedre ende af en lodret tap 32, der er fast nedragende fra den ydre ende af bærearmen 22. Ved sin forreste ende er bærearmen 22 udformet med en lodret drejetap 34, der optages i en lejebøsning 36, som selv er højdeindstilleligt fastholdt i et holdebeslag 38 svarende til det i fig. 1 viste støttehængsel 16. Konsollen 24 vil herved kunne svinge i vandret plan ganske som hvis den på sædvanlig måde kun indeholdt et enkelt hjul. is shown in a position directly across the direction of travel. The wheel console 24 is supported pivotably around a cross pin 30 arranged horizontally through the lower end of a vertical pin 32, which is fixed downwardly from the outer end of the support arm 22. At its front end, the support arm 22 is designed with a vertical pivot pin 34, which is accommodated in a bearing bushing 36, which itself is height-adjustably held in a holding bracket 38 corresponding to that in fig. 1 showed support hinge 16. The console 24 will thereby be able to swing in a horizontal plane just as if it only contained a single wheel in the usual way.

Imidlertid vil hele konsollen 24 under kørslen yderligere kunne vippe i lodret plan omkring tværtappen 30, hvorved f.eks. en isoleret løftning af det forreste hjul 28 vil resultere i, at konsollen svinges op omkring aksen for hjulet 26, og at However, during driving, the entire console 24 will be able to tilt in a vertical plane around the cross pin 30, whereby e.g. an isolated lifting of the front wheel 28 will result in the console being swung up around the axis of the wheel 26, and that

og and

bærearmen 22/dermed skrabebladet 8 kun løftes i mindre grad. Iøvrigt vil hovedvirkningerne af dette arrangement være som . allerede omtalt foran. the support arm 22/thus the scraper blade 8 is only lifted to a lesser extent. Otherwise, the main effects of this event will be as . already mentioned above.

For opnåelse af de bedste virkninger er det fundet for-målstjenligt at lade tværtappen 30 være lokaliseret en smule nærmere ved det forreste hjul 28 end ved det bågeste hjul 26, ligesom tappen ikke bør ligge væsentligt højere end i hjule-nes oversideplan. Fortrinsvis - som vist i fig. 3 - bør centrum af det forreste hjul 28 være beliggende lidt bagved den lodrette svingakse for drejetappen 34, idet dette synes at stabilisere hjulkonsollen imod svingninger i vandret plan under kørslen. In order to achieve the best effects, it has been found expedient to let the transverse pin 30 be located a little closer to the front wheel 28 than to the most curved wheel 26, just as the pin should not be located significantly higher than in the top plane of the wheels. Preferably - as shown in fig. 3 - the center of the front wheel 28 should be located slightly behind the vertical pivot axis for the pivot pin 34, as this seems to stabilize the wheel console against fluctuations in the horizontal plane during driving.

Ved afprøvninger af en sneplov ifølge opfindelsen har det vist sig, at der opnås både en yderst effektiv og jævn skrabevirkning, et minimalt skrabeslid, en rolig gang af ploven og en bemærkelsesværdig god styreevne og retningsstabilitet af det skubbende køretøj. In tests of a snowplow according to the invention, it has been shown that both an extremely efficient and even scraping effect, a minimal scraping wear, a quiet movement of the plow and a remarkably good steering ability and directional stability of the pushing vehicle are achieved.

Claims (3)

1. Sneplov eller lignende redskab af den art, der omfatter et skrabeblad beregnet til at fastgøres til et motorkøretøj og til ved dettes hjælp af fremskubbes langs en vejbane i hovedsagen i skrabeberøring med denne, idet skrabebladet ved sin bagside er understøttet mod vejbanen ved hjælp af støtte-hjul af svingkonsoltypen, dvs. med en hjulkonsol forbundet med en bærearm, der fortil er svingbart befæstiget til skrabebladets bagside omkring en hovedsageligt lodret akse og derfra strækker sig bagud til hjulkonsollen, kendetegnet ved, at hjulkonsollerne hver er udformet med to efter hinanden beliggende støttehjul og er forbundet med nævnte bærearm på en sådan måde, at konsollen er frit vippelig i lodret plan omkring en i forhold til det fælles hjulplan tværgående akse beliggende i mellemrummet mellem de lodrette planer gennem de respektive hjulakser.1. Snowplow or similar tool of that kind, which includes a scraper blade intended to be attached to a motor vehicle and to be pushed forward along a roadway with the main saw in scraping contact with it, the scraper blade being supported on its rear side against the roadway by means of support wheel of the swivel bracket type, i.e. with a wheel bracket connected to a support arm, which is pivotably attached to the back of the scraper blade around a mainly vertical axis and from there extends backwards to the wheel bracket, characterized in that the wheel brackets are each designed with two located behind each other support wheel and is connected to said support arm in such a way that the console is freely tiltable in a vertical plane around an axis transverse to the common wheel plane located in the space between the vertical planes through the respective wheel axes. 2. Sneplov ifølge krav 1, kendetegnet ved, at konsollens vippeakse er beliggende omtrent i samme højde som hjuloversiderne, idet bærearmen er forbundet med konsollen gennem en nedragende arm, som ved sin nedre ende har et kip-leje for konsollen.2. Snowplow according to claim 1, characterized in that the tilting axis of the console is located approximately at the same height as the wheel upper sides, the support arm being connected to the console through a lowering arm, which at its lower end has a kip bearing for the console. 3. Sneplov ifølge krav 1 eller 2, kendetegnet ved, at det forreste af de to hjul i hjulkonsollen er beliggende med sit centrum omtrent lige neden under svingforbindelsen mellem skrabebladet og nævnte konsolbærearm.3. Snow plow according to claim 1 or 2, characterized by, that the front of the two wheels in the wheel console is located with its center approximately just below the pivot connection between the scraper blade and said console support arm.
NO790755A 1978-03-10 1979-03-06 SNOW PLOW OR SIMILAR SCRAPER DEVICE NO790755L (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DK106478AA DK141941B (en) 1978-03-10 1978-03-10 Snowplow.

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NO790755L true NO790755L (en) 1979-09-11



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
NO790755A NO790755L (en) 1978-03-10 1979-03-06 SNOW PLOW OR SIMILAR SCRAPER DEVICE

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US4589508A (en) * 1984-10-05 1986-05-20 Hoover William A Motorized wheelbarrow
AT396599B (en) * 1988-11-24 1993-10-25 Schrottenbacher Hermann Snow pick up and plough
US5305843A (en) * 1992-12-24 1994-04-26 Armstrong Leonard J Power driven wheel barrow

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DK141941C (en) 1980-12-01
ATA174579A (en) 1981-12-15

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