MXPA99007654A - Isolated foam board systems and methods to produce - Google Patents

Isolated foam board systems and methods to produce


Publication number
MXPA99007654A MXPA/A/1999/007654A MX9907654A MXPA99007654A MX PA99007654 A MXPA99007654 A MX PA99007654A MX 9907654 A MX9907654 A MX 9907654A MX PA99007654 A MXPA99007654 A MX PA99007654A
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board system
foam board
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Spanish (es)
Charles Leduc Edward
Original Assignee
Charles Leduc Edward
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Application filed by Charles Leduc Edward filed Critical Charles Leduc Edward
Publication of MXPA99007654A publication Critical patent/MXPA99007654A/en



An insulated foam board system of the present invention comprises a first layer, a second layer, and a central layer. The first layer is made of a selected material a. from the group consisting of aromatic polymers of alkenyl polypropylenes, polyethylene terephthalates, polyethylenes and combinations thereof. The second layer is made of a material selected from the group consisting of aromatic polymers of alkenyl, polypropylenes, polyethylene terephthalates, polyethylenes, and combinations thereof. The central layer is located between the first layer and the second layer. The second layer is bonded to the first layer and the third layer. The core layer is made of a material selected from the group consisting of glass polystyrene, impact polystyrene, polyethylene terephthalate, and combinations thereof. The most representative figure of the invention is the number


ISOLATED FOAM BOARD SYSTEMS AND METHODS TO PRODUCE THEM FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to an insulating foam board system, and to methods for its production. In particular, the present invention relates to a foam board system and methods thereof which combine at least three layers in order to provide greater durability and structural integrity to the foam board system. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION In the construction of buildings, insulating material is used. Insulating materials are especially requested in regions of the country that experience extreme weather conditions. Modern popular insulating materials include foam boards that are often made from a polystyrene polymer that has a laminated coating. The foamed polystyrene board has insulating properties associated therewith. The laminate coating works primarily to protect the foamed polystyrene polymer and provide the foam board with better protection, durability, strength, and elasticity. This foam board insulation can be found in a number of different ways. For example, foam board insulation is sold in individual flat sheets that can be applied to the exterior of a building in combination with an exterior façade material, such as partition or wood lining. The foam board insulation in this application is used as a layer in the construction of the overall external wall of a building. The foam board insulation can also be in the form of a folded or articulated board (also referred to as a fan-folded board) which, when deployed at the joints, can be applied to the exterior of a building in the same way as the insulation of flat foam board. Fan-shaped or flat-folded board insulation can be constructed of a foamed polystyrene with a laminated coating that provides protection, durability, strength, and elasticity. Frequently preferred is the fan-folded board over flat foam board insulation, due to its easier handling and installation. Regardless of the laminate coating in the above-described types of foam board insulation, foam board insulation is still susceptible to deterioration at the building site prior to installation. This problem is also evident when, for example, there are delays in insulation and / or installation in extreme weather conditions. Additionally, foam board insulation is often mishandled or improperly installed, such that the laminated coating does not provide sufficient protection and strength, resulting in damaged foam board insulation. A common example of damage is when a piece of the rest of the foam insulation board breaks. In accordance with the above, there is a need for both types of foam board insulation - flat foam board insulation and folded / jointed foam board insulation - which have greater weather resistance, protection, durability, and strength. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION In one embodiment, an insulated foam board system of the present invention comprises a first layer, a second layer, and a central layer. The first layer is made of a material selected from the group consisting of aromatic polymers of alkenyl, polypropylenes, polyethylene terephthalates, polyethylenes and combinations thereof. The second layer is made of a material selected from the group consisting of aromatic polymers of alkenyl, polypropylenes, polyethylene terephthalates, polyethylenes and combinations thereof. The central layer is located between the first layer and the second layer. The central layer is linked to the first layer and the second layer. The core layer is made of a material selected from the group consisting of glass polystyrene, impact polystyrene, polyethylene terephthalate, and combinations thereof.
In another embodiment, the insulated foam board system comprises a first layer, a second layer, a core layer, and at least one laminated surface coating. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Other objects and advantages of the invention will become clearer after a reading of the following detailed description and on a reference to the drawings. Figure 1 is a side view of the foam board insulation system of the present invention. Figure 2 is a side view of the foam board insulation system according to a second embodiment of the present invention. Figure 3 is a side view of the foam board insulation system in accordance with a third embodiment of the present invention. Figure 4 is a schematic flow diagram of a global sequence of operations in accordance with a modality involved in the manufacture of the foam board insulation system. Although the invention is susceptible to different modifications and alternative forms, a specific embodiment thereof has been shown by way of example in the drawing, and will be described in detail herein. However, it should be understood that it is not intended to limit the invention to the particular forms disclosed, but, on the contrary, the intention is to cover all modifications, equivalents, and alternatives that fall within the spirit and scope of the invention, as defined in the appended claims. DESCRIPTION OF ILLUSTRATIVE MODALITIES Foam Board Insulation System The foam board insulation system 10 of the present invention, as shown in Figure 1, includes a first layer 11 and a second layer 12. The insulation system of foam board 10 of Figure 1, also includes a central layer 14 which is located between the first and second layers 11, 12. The central layer 14 is bonded to the first and second layers 11, 12. As shown in the Figures 2 and 3, the foam board insulation system 10 may contain optional layers, such as laminate surface coatings or "appearances" 16. The laminated surface coating 16 may be added to an external surface of the first and / or second layers 11. , 12. The foam board insulation system of the present invention has greater durability and strength. First v Second Layers The first layer 11 and the second layer 12 can be formed independently from any of the following resins: Alkenyl aromatic polymers, polypropylene, polyethylene terephthalate, polyethylenes and combinations thereof. It is contemplated that the first and second layers 11, 12 can be formed of any foamable material that provides insulating properties. It is not necessary for the first layer 11 and the second layer 12 to be formed of the same resins. For example, the first layer 11 and the second layer 12 can be formed from separate extruders. The term "alkenyl aromatic polymer", as used herein, includes polymers of aromatic hydrocarbon molecules containing an aryl group attached to an olefinic group with only double bonds in the linear structure, such as styrene, α-methylstyrene, o-methylstyrene, m-methylstyrene, p-methylstyrene, α-ethylstyrene, α-vinylxylene, α-chlorostyrene, α-bromostyrene, vinyltoluene, and the like. Aromatic alkenyl polymers also include styrene homopolymers (commonly referred to as polystyrene), and also styrene-butadiene copolymers (commonly referred to as impact polystyrene). The term "polystyrene resin" or "polystyrene material", as used herein, includes styrene homopolymers, and styrene copolymers comprised of at least 50 mole percent of a styrene unit (preferably at least about 70%). mole percent), and a minor (ie, less than 50 percent) proportion of a monomer copolymerizable with styrene. The term "polystyrene resin" or "polystyrene material", as used herein, also includes blends of at least 50 percent by weight of the styrene homopolymer (preferably at least about 60 percent by weight) with another predominantly styrenic copolymer. The physical mixtures are combined in a dry form after the mixtures have been previously polymerized. The polystyrene resin that can be used in the present invention can be any of these homopolymers obtained by the polymerization of styrene up to a weight average molecular weight (Mw) of from about 100,000 to about 450,000 (commonly referred to as crystal polystyrene), or can be any of the graft copolymers obtained by polymerizing a styrene-polymerized mixture on a styrene-butadiene rubber core (HEB) to a weight average molecular weight of from about 100,000 to about 350,000 (commonly referred to as impact polystyrene) ). Impact polystyrenes are generally classified as medium impact polystyrene (PEIM), high impact polystyrene (PEAI), or super high impact polystyrene (PESAI). The butadiene level of impact polystyrene is preferably in the range from about 3 to about 10 weight percent of the copolymer (butadiene and polystyrene). The impact polystyrene generally has a melt flow index of less than about 5 grams / 10 minutes, and preferably less than about 3 grams / 10 minutes. Preferably a mixture of glass polystyrene and impact polystyrene is used in the formation of the first and second layers 11, 12. The aromatic alkenyl polymer of the present invention can be obtained by mixing two or more alkenyl aromatic polymers . For example, mixtures of glass polystyrene and impact polystyrenes, such as glass polystyrene and high impact polystyrene, can be mixed to comprise the aromatic alkenyl polymer of the present invention. The term "polypropylene", as used herein, includes polymers of propylene, or the polymerization of propylene with other aliphatic polyolefins, such as ethylene, 1-butene, 1-pentene, 3-methyl-1-butene, 4- methyl-1-pentene, 4-methyl-1-hexene, 5-methyl-1-hexene, and mixtures thereof. The polypropylene not only includes propylene homopolymers, but also propylene copolymers comprised of at least 50 mole percent (preferably at least 70 mole percent (of a propylene unit, and a minor proportion of a monomer copolymerizable with propylene) and mixtures of at least 50 weight percent of the propylene homopolymer with another polymer The term "polyethylene", as used herein, includes low density polyethylene (LDPE), medium density polyethylene (PEDM). ), high density polyethylene (HDPE), very low density polyethylene (PEMBD), linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE), linear low density polyethylene catalyzed by metallocene (LLDPE), and combinations thereof. Density is generally defined as an ethylenic polymer having a specific gravity of about 910 to about 925 kg / m.sup.3 The medium density polyethylene. it is generally defined as an ethylenic polymer having a specific gravity between the low density polyethylenes and the high density polyethylenes (ie, from about 925 to about 940 kg / m 3). The term "polyethylene", as used herein, includes homopolymers of ethylene and copolymers comprised of at least 50 mole percent of an ethylene unit (preferably at least 70 mole percent), and a minor (ie, less than 50 percent) proportion of a copolymerizable monomer with the ethylene unit. The term "low density polyethylene", as used herein, also includes physical blends of two or more different homopolymers that are classified as low density polyethylenes. In a similar manner, the terms medium density polyethylene and high density polyethylene may also include mixtures of two or more different homopolymers classified as medium density polyethylenes and high density polyethylenes, respectively. The high density polyethylene (HDPE) of the present invention has a specific gravity of about 940 to about 970 kg / m3. The Mz preferably is greater than about 1,000,000, and preferably greater than about 1,200,000. The average molecular weight z (Mz) is characterized by a concentration of polymer chains of an extremely high molecular weight (ie, those near the upper end of the molecular weight distribution). High density polyethylene generally has a polydispersity index, D = MW / Mn, on the scale of about 12 to about 20. Very low density polyethylene resins have densities of about 880 to about 912 kg / m3, most commonly from about 890 to about 910 kg / m3, and melting rates from about 0.5 to about 5 grams / 10 minutes, preferably from about 1 to about 3 grams / 10 minutes. The linear low density polyethylenes of the present invention are preferably those having from about 1 to about 20, preferably from about 1 to about 10 weight percent of the higher alpha-olefin monomer copolymerized therein . In addition, the alpha-olefin monomer used in the ethylenic copolymer can be selected from the group consisting of 1-butene, 3-methyl-1-butene, 3-methyl-1-pentene, 1-hexene, 4 methyl-l-pentene, 3-methyl-l-hexene, 1-octene, and 1-decene. The linear low density polyethylene resins that can be used in the present invention have densities from about 890 to about 940 kg / m3, more commonly from about 900 to about 930 kg / m3, and a melting index (I2) of about 1 to about 10 grams / 10 minutes, as determined by ASTM D1238. Metallocene catalyzed polyethylene (PELBDm) is a polymer that has a low polydispersity. The low polydispersity polymer can be prepared from a partially crystalline polyethylene resin which is a polymer prepared with ethylene and at least one alpha-olefin monomer, for example a copolymer or terpolymer. The alpha-olefin monomer generally has from about 3 to about 12 carbon atoms, preferably from about 4 to about 10 carbon atoms, and more preferably from about 6 to about 8 carbon atoms. The content of alpha-olefin comonomers is generally less than about 30 weight percent, preferably less than about 20 weight percent, and more preferably from about 1 to about 15 weight percent. Exemplary comonomers include propylene, 1-butene, 1-pentene, 1-hexene, 3-methyl-1-pentene, 4-methyl-1-pentene, 1-octene, 1-decene, and 1-dodecene. The low polydispersity polymer has a density of about 880 to about 940 kg / m3. The low polydispersity polymer must have a molecular weight distribution, or polydispersity, (? YfÍO, "MWD") within the range of about 1 to about 4, preferably from about 1.5 to about 4, more preferably about 2 to about 4, and still more preferably from about 2 to about 3. The melt flow rate (PFF) of these polymers, defined as I20 / I2, and as determined in accordance with ASTM D1238, is generally from about 12 to about 22, and preferably from about 14 to about 20. The melt index (IF), defined as the I2 value, it should be on the scale of about 0.5 to about 10 grams / 10 minutes, and preferably about 1 to about 5 grams / 10 minutes, as determined by ASTM D1238. The first and second layers 11, 12 are preferably formed from aromatic alkenyl polymers, and specifically, from polystyrene resins. Preferably a mixture of glass polystyrene and impact polystyrene is used in the formation of the first and second layers 11, 12. It is contemplated that two or more first layers 11 can be independently made from the resins described above, in the Formation of foam board insulation system. In a similar manner, two or more second layers 12 can be independently made from the resins described above, in the formation of the foam board insulation system. It is contemplated that the first and second layers may be made at least partially from recovered or reprocessed material. In term "recovered material" is used herein as the waste material that previously existed and that has been reprocessed to be incorporated (i.e., as composite granules) as a material in the invention. The term "waste" or "waste material" is used herein as the material that is not suitable for use due to a variety of reasons including physical damage and aesthetic appearance. Polystyrene resins are generally preferred because they provide more stiffness than other materials, such as polyethylene, as measured by ASTM D1037-87 and ASTM D1621-73, in insulated foam board system. Also, at present, polystyrene resins are more economical to use than the other resins contemplated in the formation of the first and second layers 11, 12. Central layer As described above, the central layer 14 is bonded to the first layer 11. and the second layer 12. The core layer 14 can be formed of the following resins: glass polystyrene, impact polystyrene (PEI), including high impact polystyrene (PEAI), polyethylene terephthalate, and combinations thereof. The central layer 14 is preferably formed from high impact polystyrene. It is contemplated that two or more core layers 14 can be independently made from the resins described above, in the formation of the foam board insulation system. The central layer 14 can be made of recovered or reprocessed material. The central layer 14 is also more resistant to breakage than the first and second layers 11, 12, due to the flexibility of the central layer 14. Accordingly, a tear or tear, for example in the first layer 11, is less likely to propagate to the second layer 12, with the addition of the core layer 14 to the foam board insulation system 10. This bonding of the first and second layers 11, 12 with the core layer 14 can be referred to as bonding, bonding, melting , or the like, for example, the core layer 14 can be chemically bonded or thermally bonded to the first and second layers 11, 12. The fact that the core layer 14 is chemically or thermally bonded, depends on the selected resins of the central layer 14, comparing with the first and second layers 11, 12. The thermal bond can be realized by any conventional way to fuse the polymeric surfaces, including the use of a torch of ai. re without flame, hot rollers, and infrared heating. The chemical bond can be made through an additional adhesive layer or layers (not shown) between, for example, the core layer 14 and the first layer 11. In a similar manner, an adhesive layer can be located between the central layer 14 and the second layer 12. One type of adhesive that can be used is ethylene-vinyl acetate (EAV). For example, modified ethylene vinyl acetate, such as BYNELR made by DuP0NTR, can be used. These modified EAVs have melt indices of about 6.4 to about 25 grams / 10 minutes, as measured by ASTM D1238, and densities from about 0.923 to about 0.947 grams / cubic centimeter, as measured by ASTM D1505. BYNELR is an adhesive that is designed to bond materials that ordinarily would not adhere to each other. Another type of adhesive that can be used is a block copolymer comprising styrene-rubber-styrene polymer regions. For example, KRAT0NR made by ShellR Chemical Company can be used. Other adhesives in the present invention are contemplated for bonding the core layer 14 to either the first layer 11 or the second layer 12. Laminate Surface Coating To provide a more durable and reinforced foam board insulation system, the first layer 11 and the second layer 12 may also include optional laminate surface coatings 16. As shown in Figure 2, both outer surfaces of the first layer 11 and the second layer 12 include a laminated surface coating 16. It is contemplated that only one of the layers it may have a laminated surface coating 16 (see, eg, Figure 3). Laminated surface coatings 16 can be made from different resins that are independently selected from the material consisting of impact polystyrene (PEI), which includes high impact polystyrene (PEAI), polypropylene, glass polystyrene, polyethylene, metallized film , and combinations thereof. An example of a metallized film is a polyolefin metallized with aluminum. The polyolefin of the metallized film can be a combination of polyolefins, such as polypropylene and polyethylene. Laminated surface coatings 16 are preferably made of high impact polystyrene. The foam board insulation system of the present invention preferably comprises a first layer 11, a second layer 12, a core layer 14, and at least one laminated surface coating 16. The foam board insulation system most preferably comprises a first layer 11, a second layer 12, a central layer 14, and two or more laminated surface coatings 16. Properties of the Foam Board Isolation System The foam board isolation system of the present invention generally has a density, measured by ASTM D1622-88 of from about 16 to about 96 kg / m3, and preferably from about 32 to about 64 kg / m3. The foam board insulation system improves stiffness, strength, and durability, without the need to make the thicker foam board in obtaining such improved properties. The foam board insulation system of the present invention exhibits good rigidity and strength in the machine direction, measured by ASTM D1037-87. The foam board insulation system generally has a tension to the average machine direction (MD) flexural strength determined by ASTM D1037-87 greater than about 10.5 kg / cm2. It is recognized that some properties, such as the average flexural strength to the performance in the machine direction of the foam board insulation system, are decreased by perforating the foam board insulation system for applications where a barrier is not desired. steam (ie, for these applications they have a WVTR measured by ASTM E96-95, greater than approximately 1.0). The amount of decrease of different properties depends on factors such as the number the length, and the depth of the perforations. It is also recognized that some properties such as tension to the average flexural strength performance in the machine direction will increase as the thickness in the foam board insulation system increases. The tension to the average flexural strength performance in the machine direction is preferably greater than about 12.6 kg / cm2, more preferably it is greater than about 15.75 kg / cm2, and still more preferably greater than 19.25 kg / cm2. The foam board insulation system generally has a tension to the average flexural strength performance in the transverse direction (DT) determined by ASTM D1037-87 greater than about 8.4 kg / cm2. The tension to the average flexural strength performance in the transverse direction of preference is greater than about 10.5 kg / cm2, and more preferably greater than about 14 kg / cm2. The foam board insulation system generally has an average load on the machine direction performance, determined by ASTM D1037-87, greater than about 0.907 kilograms. The average load on the machine direction performance is preferably greater than about 1360 kilograms, and more preferably is greater than about 1814 kilograms. The foam board insulation system generally has an average load to cross direction performance, determined by ASTM D1037-87, greater than about 0.589 kilograms. The average load to the performance in the transverse direction of preference is greater than about 1,134 kilograms, and more preferably greater than about 1,814 kilograms. The foam board insulation system generally has an average compressive strength in the machine direction of 10 percent, determined by ASTM D1621-73, greater than about 0.42 kg / cm2. The average compressive strength in the machine direction at 10 percent preferably is greater than about 0.56 kg / cm2, and more preferably is greater than about 0.7 kg / cm2. The foam board insulation system generally has a tension to the machine direction performance, determined by ASTM D1037-87, greater than about 0.025 cm / cm, and preferably greater than about 0.30 cm / cm. The foam board insulation system generally has a tension to the performance in the transverse direction, determined by ASTM D1037-87, greater than about 0.025 cm / cm, and preferably greater than about 0.030 cm / cm. The foam board insulation system generally has a hardness in the machine direction, determined by ASTM D1037-87, greater than about 0.703 cm-grams / cubic centimeter, and preferably greater than about 0.105 cm-grams / cubic centimeter . The foam board insulation system generally has a hardness in the transverse direction, determined by ASTM C203-92, greater than about 0.527 cm-grams / cubic centimeter, and preferably greater than about 0.878 cm-grams / cubic centimeter. The foam board insulation system of the present application can be formed in a number of configurations. For example, the foam board insulation system may be a flat board sheet or a folded or articulated board (usually referred to as a fan-folded board). The fan-folded board is designed to be deployed in your joints and include a number of individual panels. The foam board insulation system of the present invention can be manufactured in a variety of sizes. The popular sizes used in the construction market include a sheet of flat board of 0.61 meters by 2.44 meters, or 1.22 meters by 2.43 meters. A popular size is a fan-folded board of 1.22 meters by 15.24 meters, which includes a number of individual panels. The foam board insulation system can also vary in thickness. In general, the thickness of the foam board insulation system is from about 0.3175 centimeters to about 2.54 centimeters, as measured by ASTM D1622-88. The thickness of the foam board insulation system is normally from about 0.32 centimeters to about 1.27 centimeters. The popular thicknesses for the foam board insulation system of the present invention include 0.64 centimeters, 0.95 centimeters, and 1.27 centimeters. The layers of the insulated foam board system may also vary in their respective weight percentages in relation to each other. The insulated foam board system generally comprises from about 2 weight percent to about 50 weight percent of the core layer 14. The remainder of the insulated foam board system (from 50 weight percent to about 98 weight percent) comprises the first layer 11, the second layer 12, and the optional laminate surface coatings 16. It is contemplated that the remainder of the insulated foam board system may include other materials, including, but not limited to, adhesives. . Preferably, the insulated foam board system comprises from about 5 to about 25 percent by weight of the core layer 14, and more preferably from about 5 percent by weight to about 15 percent by weight of the central layer 14. The remainder of the insulated foam board system (from about 75 weight percent to about 95 weight percent in the preferred embodiment, and from about 85 weight percent to about 95 percent by weight in the most preferred embodiment) comprises the first layer 11, the second layer 12, and the optional laminate surface coatings 16. In general, the core layer 14 preferably decreases on a percentage basis when the thickness of the coating system is increased. foam board insulation due to economic considerations. The foam board insulation system of the present invention can be used in a variety of applications. For example, the foam board insulation system can be applied to the exterior of a building in combination with an exterior appearance material, such as partition or wood lining. This type of application is referred to in the industry as a wood lining base. The foam board insulation system can also be used as a background for walls and for commercial roof systems. Process of the Present Invention The process of the present invention includes the step of providing a polymeric foam fabric. In one embodiment, the process uses a row foam extrusion line. For example, the process begins by loading granules of a polymeric resin, such as alkenyl aromatic polymers, polypropylenes, polyethylene terephthalate, polyethylene, and combinations thereof, in their solid form, into an extrusion hopper. The granules of the polymeric resins are to be used in the formation of the first layer and the second layer. According to another embodiment, the second layer can be formed with granules of polymeric resins different from those used in the formation of the first layer (ie, the first layer and the second layer would have to be formed in separate extruders). A nucleating substance (also referred to as a cell size control substance), or a combination of nucleating substances, may be employed in the process of the present invention to have advantages, such as its ability to regulate formation and morphology. cell phone. The amount of nucleation substance to be added depends on the desired cell size, of the selected blowing agent, and the density of the polymer composition. Known nucleating substances, such as talcum, mixtures of sodium bicarbonate and citric acid, and the like, can be employed in the present invention. It is contemplated that stability control agents may also be added to the polymeric resins, including conventional stability control agents. Some examples of stability control agents that can be used include, but are not limited to, glycerol monostearate, saturated higher fatty acid amides, and glycerol monoester of a fatty acid of 20 to 24 carbon atoms. If desired, fillers, colorants, light and heat stabilizers, plasticizers, chemical blowing agents, flame retardants, foaming additives, and plastic composition agents can be added to the polymer composition. The polymer composition comprises the polymeric resin, and if the nucleating substance, the stability control agent, and the additives are added. The polymer composition is transported through a feed zone of the extruder, and heated to a temperature sufficient to form a polymer melt. A physical blowing agent is added in the area of the injection gate of the extruder in an appropriate ratio to the target density. The selected blowing agent may be any type that is capable of foaming with the selected resin. Some examples of blowing agents include physical blowing agents, such as halocarbons, hydrocarbons, or combinations thereof. Examples thereof include commercially available hydrofluorocarbons, such as HFC-152a and HFC-134a, and hydrocarbons of 3 to 6 carbon atoms. Other types of blowing agents include carbon dioxide. The polymer composition and the selected blowing agent are mixed thoroughly inside the extruder in a mixing zone, and subsequently cooled in a cooling zone. The cooled fusion of polymeric blowing agent is extruded through a die. According to one embodiment of the present invention, the polymeric foam of Figure 4 is extruded from an extruder 30 through a round die 32. After exiting the round die 32, the extrudate expands when it enters a region of more low pressure (eg the atmosphere), and forms a polymeric foam fabric. The polymeric foam fabric is stretched on a sizing drum 33, to size the foam fabric, and then divided into two separate polymeric fabrics of foam in the divider 34. The dividers are well known in the art, and therefore, You can select any conventional divider that can divide a woven foam into two separate foam fabrics. The outer surfaces of upper tissue 36 and lower tissue 48 are normally cooled to form a "skin". The skin is typically about a few millimeters thick, but may vary depending on the cooling used. The skin provides additional strength, and also provides a smoother surface that is more aesthetically pleasing to the consumer. It is contemplated that cooling methods may include methods of cooling with water and cooling with air. The formation of the skin can be carried out, for example, by stretching the upper fabric 36 on a sizing drum 33 with optional cooling, where an inner surface of the upper fabric 36 is cooled. The sizing drum 33 with optional cooling can be incorporated in proximity to the divider 34. It is contemplated that one or more of the surfaces of each of the polymeric foam fabrics may be cooled. An upper polymeric foam fabric 36 proceeds to traverse around an S envelope of the rollers 38a-c, wherein the roller 38a is a idler roller, and the rollers 38b and 38c are driven or pulled roller. The upper foam fabric 36 will form the first layer 11 of the insulated foam board system 10. The driven rollers 38b, 38c assist in the movement of the upper foam fabric 36 through the process of the present invention. The upper foam fabric 36 proceeds through two crazy rollers 40a, b, before proceeding between two driven rollers 42a, b. The driven rollers 42a, b assist in the maintenance of a consistent surface for which an optional laminated surface coating 16 is added by means of a coating or rolling machine 44. The coating machine 44 can be any conventional machine that can apply the laminated surface coating 16 to the upper foam fabric 36. The coating machine 44 is optional for the process of the present invention. The upper foam fabric 36, including the optional laminated surface coating 16, continues to proceed through a plurality of idler rolls 46. It is contemplated that the upper foam fabric 36 may be processed to include printing on a surface or other treatments. In a similar way, a lower foam fabric 48 of Figure 4 is proceeding at the same time through an S-wrap of the rolls 49a-c, which is identical to that written above with respect to the upper foam fabric 36 and the S-wrap of the rolls 38a- c. The lower foam fabric 48 will eventually form the second layer 12 of the insulated foam board system. The lower foam fabric 48 then proceeds around a plurality of rollers 50. If desired, a laminated coating machine (not shown) can be added to the process of the present invention, which is similar to the coating machine 44, with In order to provide a second laminated surface coating 16 to the lower foam fabric. It is contemplated that the lower foam fabric 48 can be processed to include printing on a surface or other treatments. The lower foam fabric 48 and the upper foam fabric 36 proceed through the opening between two driven tightening rollers or polishing rollers 52a, b. In this opening, a central layer 14 is inserted between the lower fabric 48 and the upper fabric 36. The central layer 14 is inserted by a coating or rolling machine 54. At this point, the optional laminate surface coatings 16, the gone upper 36, the central layer 14, and the lower fabric 48, form an insulated foam board system. Optional laminate surface coatings 16, the upper foam fabric 36, the central layer 14, and the lower foam fabric 48, proceed to a driven roller 54, and around a plurality of idler rollers 56. In an alternative embodiment, the roller 54 is a roller Crazy which, together with the plurality of idle rollers 56, can be located generally parallel to the roller 52b, such that the laminated surface coatings 16, the upper foam fabric 36, the central layer 14, and the lower foam fabric 48, they proceed in a generally horizontal direction after exiting between the rollers 52a, 52b. As shown in Figure 4, the laminated surface coatings 16, the upper fabric 36, the central layer 14, and the lower fabric 48, proceed through an optional folding and punching machine 58. The folding and perforating equipment 58 can include any conventional equipment that can fold the insulated foam board system of the present invention into a fan-folded foam board. Of course, if a flat board sheet is desired, the folding equipment 58 should not be included in the process. However, a drilling machine can be used in the production of a flat board sheet. The insulated foam board system is then cut to a desired dimension by the cutting equipment 60. The cutting equipment 60 can be any equipment that can cut the insulated foam board system to the desired dimensions. It is also contemplated that other finishing operations may be presented, such as packaging and binding. It is contemplated that different measures can be taken throughout the process to ensure consistent measurements of the insulated foam board system. In accordance with a second process of the present invention (not shown), the two separate polymeric foam fabrics are extruded from separate extruders. The first polymeric foam fabric corresponds to the upper foam fabric 36, while the second polymeric foam fabric corresponds to the lower foam fabric 48 of Figure 4. In the second embodiment, two dividers 34 are needed, because the fabrics 36 and 48 are formed separately, and therefore, are divided separately. The rest of the process described with respect to Figure 4 is contemplated, to be used in the second mode. The first process of the present invention eliminates the production of individual weaves of material from two separate extruders. However, it is contemplated that the insulated foam board system can be made by two extruders, as described in the second process. EXAMPLES The results of the tests appear in Table 1, where Table 1 includes two products of the invention (Products of Invention 1 and 2), and three comparative products (Comparative Products 3 to 5). Referring to Table 1, the Product of Invention 1 was a three layer insulated foam board system. The first and second layers (layers A) of the Product of Invention 1, comprised a glass polystyrene for general purposes. The central layer (layer B), located between the first and second layers, was a high impact polystyrene (PEAI). The high impact polystyrene of layer B comprised about 93 weight percent of glass polyestyrene for general purposes, and about 7 weight percent of butadiene (rubber). The insulated foam board system comprised 83.5 percent by weight of layers A, and 16.5 percent by weight of layer B. The total thickness of layers A was 0.579 centimeters, while the thickness of layer B was of 0.00381 centimeters. The Product of the Invention 2 comprised the same three-layer structure as the Product of the Invention 1, except that the Product of the Invention 2 included perforations therein, and had a total thickness of slightly thicker A layers (0.617 centimeter). tros).
Comparative Product 3 was a two-layer insulated foam board system comprising a first layer and a second layer (layers A). The layers A were each comprised of a glass polystyrene for general purposes. The total thickness of layers A was 0.566 centimeters. Comparative Product 4 was also a single-layer insulated foam board (layer A) without perforations. The layer A of Comparative Product 4 comprised a general purpose glass psistyrene with a thickness of 0.551 centimeters. Comparative Product 5 was a single-layer insulated foam board system (layer A), which had perforations, layer A comprising a general purpose glass polystyrene with a thickness of 0.581 centimeters. Continuing with the reference to Table 1, the Product of Invention 1 non-perforated had a higher stiffness and strength, measured by ASTM D1037-87, on non-perforated comparative products 3 and 4. Specifically, the Product of the Invention 1 had stresses to the average yield of flexural strength in the machine direction and in the transverse direction, and average loads to the machine direction and cross direction, which were greater than the of the Comparative Products 3 to 5. The Product of the Invention 2 perforated, also had a higher stiffness and strength, measured by ASTM D1037-87, on the Comparative Product 5 perforated. Specifically, the Product of Invention 2 had stresses to the flexural strength performance in the machine direction and in the transverse direction, and average loads to the machine direction and transverse direction performance, which were higher than those of the comparative product 5. The Product of the Invention 2 had a tension to the flexural strength performance in the machine direction similar to that of the Comparative Products 3 and 4. The Product of the Invention 2 had a higher value than the Comparative Product 3, and a lower value than Comparative Product 4, in the tension to the yield of flexural strength in the transverse direction, even when the Product of Invention 2 was perforated. Different tensile properties are also shown for the Products of the Invention 1 and 2, as well as for Comparative Products 3 and 4 in Table 1. The tensile properties of Table 1 include the values in the direction of the machine and in the transverse direction for the displacement to a maximum load, tension in maximum load, traction in self-break, modulus, inclination, energy up to the breaking point, and hardness. The tensile properties were measured by ASTM C209-92. The Product of Invention 1 had higher tensile values than Comparative Product 4, but had no higher tensile values than Comparative Product 3. 1 Glass polystyrene for general purposes 2 High impact polystyrene (7 percent butadiene, 93 percent polystyrene for general purposes) Although the present invention has been described with reference to one or more particular embodiments, those skilled in the art will recognize that many changes can be made thereto without departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention. It is contemplated that each of these modalities and obvious variations thereof fall within the spirit and scope of the claimed invention, which is set forth in the following claims.

Claims (26)

  1. NOVELTY OF THE INVENTION Having described the foregoing invention, it is considered as a novelty, and therefore, property is claimed as contained in the following: CLAIMS 1. An isolated foam board system, which comprises: a first layer which is made from a material selected from the group consisting of aromatic polymers of alkenyl, polypropylenes, polyethylene terephthalates, polyethylenes, and combinations thereof; a second layer which is made of a material selected from the group consisting of aromatic polymers of alkenyl, polypropylenes, polyethylene terephthalates, polyethylenes, and combinations thereof; and a central layer located between the first layer and the second layer, the central layer being linked to the first layer and the second layer, this core layer being made from a material selected from the group consisting of glass polystyrene, impact polystyrene, polyethylene terephthalate, and combinations thereof. 2. The insulated foam board system according to claim 1, characterized in that it also comprises a laminated surface coating located on an external surface of said first layer. 3. The insulated foam board system according to claim 2, characterized in that it also comprises a second laminated surface coating located on an external surface of the second layer. 4. The insulated foam board system according to claim 2, characterized in that the laminated surface coating is made of a material selected from the group consisting of impact polystyrene, polypropylene, glass polystyrene, polyethylenes, Metallized polystyrene, and combinations thereof. 5. The insulated foam board system according to claim 1, characterized in that the central layer is made of regenerated material. 6. The insulated foam board system according to claim 1, characterized in that the density of the insulated foam board system is from about 16.0 to about 96.
  2. 2 Jcg / m3. The insulated foam board system according to claim 6, characterized in that the density of the insulated foam board system is from about 32.1 to about 64.1 kg / m3. 8. The insulated foam board system as claimed in claim 1, characterized in that the stress to the average flexural strength performance in the machine direction of the insulated foam board system is greater than about 10.5 kg / cm2. 9. The insulated foam board system as claimed in claim 8, characterized in that the stress to the average flexural strength performance in the machine direction of the insulated foam board system is greater than about 17.5 kg / cm2. 10. The board system according to claim 1, characterized in that the thickness of the insulated foam board system is from about 0.32 centimeters to about 2.54 centimeters. 11. The board system according to claim 10, characterized in that the thickness of the insulated foam board system is approximately 0.32 centimeters to approximately 1.27 centimeters. The board system according to claim 1, characterized in that the insulated foam board system is a flat board sheet. 13. The board system according to claim 1, characterized in that the insulated foam board system is a fan-folded board. 14. The insulated foam board system in accordance with claim 1, characterized in that the first layer is an aromatic alkenyl polymer, the second layer is an aromatic alkenyl polymer, and the middle layer is impact polystyrene. The insulated foam board system according to claim 1, characterized in that the first layer and the second layer are aromatic alkenyl polymers, each of the aromatic polymers of alkenyl mentioned being a mixture of polystyrene of glass and impact polystyrene. 16. The foam board system isolated according to claim 1, characterized in that it also comprises at least one adhesive layer located between the first layer and the central layer mentioned. 17. The insulated foam board system according to claim 16, characterized in that it also comprises at least one adhesive layer located between the second layer and the central layer. 18. The process for forming an insulated foam board system, which comprises the steps of: providing a first polymeric foam fabric, this first polymeric foam fabric being made of a material selected from the group consisting of aromatic polymers of alkenyl, polypropylenes, polyethylene terephthalates, polyethylenes, and combinations thereof; providing a second polymeric foam yarn, this second polymeric foam fabric being made from a material selected from the group consisting of aromatic polymers of alkenyl, polypropylenes, polyethylene terephthalates, polyethylenes and combinations thereof; transporting the first polymeric foam fabric through a first set of a plurality of rollers; transporting the second polymeric foam fabric through a second set of a plurality of rollers; inserting a central fabric between the first polymeric foam fabric and the second polymeric foam fabric, said core fabric being made of a material selected from the group consisting of glass polystyrene, impact polystyrene, polyethylene terephthalate, and combinations thereof, the central fabric being bonded to the first polymeric foam fabric and the second polymeric foam fabric, to form the aforementioned insulated foam board system. 19. The process according to claim 18, characterized in that it further comprises the steps of: providing a first driven roller and a second driven roller, the first driven roller and the second driven roller being sufficiently separated to allow them to be transported between them the central fabric, the first polymeric foam fabric, and the second mentioned polymeric foam fabric; and transporting the core fabric, the first polymeric foam fabric, and the second polymeric layer between the first driven roller and the second driven roller mentioned. 20. The process according to claim 18, characterized in that it also comprises the steps of: providing a folding and perforating equipment; and folding the foam insulation board system with the perforating crimping equipment after the step of adding the central woven between the first woven foam and the second mentioned foam fabric. The process according to claim 18, characterized in that it further comprises the steps of: providing cutting equipment; and cutting the foam insulation board system with the mentioned cutting equipment after the step of adding the central woven between the first foam fabric and the second foam fabric, to a desired dimension. 22. The process according to claim 18, characterized in that it further comprises the steps of: providing a divisor; and dividing a polymeric foam fabric to form the first foam polymeric fabric and the second mentioned polymeric foam fabric. 23. The process according to claim 18, characterized in that it further comprises the step of cooling at least one side of the first foam polymeric fabric. 24. The process according to claim 23, characterized in that it also comprises the step of cooling at least one side of the second polymeric woven foam. 25. The procedure according to claim 23, characterized in that the step of inserting the central layer uses a coating machine or laminator. 26. The process according to claim 18, characterized in that it also comprises the step of adding an adhesive layer between the central fabric and the first mentioned polymeric foam fabric.
MXPA/A/1999/007654A 1998-08-18 1999-08-18 Isolated foam board systems and methods to produce MXPA99007654A (en)

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