MXPA06006462A - Frozen confectionery product - Google Patents

Frozen confectionery product


Publication number
MXPA06006462A MXPA/A/2006/006462A MXPA06006462A MXPA06006462A MX PA06006462 A MXPA06006462 A MX PA06006462A MX PA06006462 A MXPA06006462 A MX PA06006462A MX PA06006462 A MXPA06006462 A MX PA06006462A
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Sztehlo Andrew
Malcolm Lindner Nigel
Jane Towell Deborah
Ferguson Sarah
Jonathan Winch Paul
Original Assignee
Unilever Nv
Unilever Plc
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Application filed by Unilever Nv, Unilever Plc filed Critical Unilever Nv
Publication of MXPA06006462A publication Critical patent/MXPA06006462A/en



A frozen confectionery product is provided comprising a plurality of discrete frozen confections, each discrete frozen confection being able to contact directly other discrete frozen confections in the product, which discrete frozen confections comprise an ice structuring protein (ISP) and have an average volume of at least 1 ml.


FROZEN CONFITERY PRODUCT FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to frozen confectionery products comprising a plurality of individual confections and containing structured ice proteins.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Bar frozen confectionery products, such as ice popsicles / popsicles (registered trademark) are often sold to consumers as multi-pack. However, individual jams need to be wrapped to prevent sticking during storage. The wrapping of the jams imposes additional manufacturing costs. In addition, consumers need to dispose of the wrappers, which generates additional waste.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION It has now been found that the addition of ice structure proteins to frozen confectionery products reduces their tendency to adhere and allows the products to be stored in contact with each other for extended periods without the need for casings. The appearance of these products is significantly improved compared to REF .: 173120 Existing products even after storage at temperatures above about -20 ° C for several weeks. This discovery allows manufacturers to pack together multiple frozen confectionery products without the need to individually wrap the products. Furthermore, this discovery has made it possible to produce confectionery products in the form of, for example, "candy / candy" bags in which the "sweets" do not wrap but do not adhere to each other or sinter after storage. Therefore, the present invention provides a frozen confectionery product comprising a plurality of discrete frozen confections, each discreet frozen confection being capable of directly contacting other discrete frozen confections in the product, these frozen confections comprise an ice forming protein. (ISP, for its acronym in English) and have an average volume of at least 1 mi. Preferably, the product comprises at least 10 discrete frozen confections, such as at least 20, 50 or 100 discrete frozen confections. In another embodiment, the product comprises less than 20 or 10 discrete frozen confections, for example from 2 to 20 or from 2 to 10. In a preferred embodiment, frozen confections discrete ones have an average volume of 5 mi to 100 mi. Frozen jams, for example, can be in the form of bar products, such as ice pops or pieces in the form of candies. In a highly preferred embodiment, discrete frozen confections have a minimum thickness of at least 10 mm. In one embodiment, the product is a sorbet. Preferably the sorbet comprises at least about 6% solids, for example from 6 to 20% by weight solids. In another embodiment, the product comprises at least about 3% by weight nonfat dairy solids (MSNF). For example, the product can be selected from ice cream, frozen yogurt or frozen milk. Preferably, the product comprises at least about 15% by weight solids. Typically, the product comprises from about 2% by weight to 15% by weight of fat. In a related aspect, the present invention provides a product comprising a container filled with a frozen confectionery product of the invention. The container, for example, can be a bag or a box which usually comprises a sealing means. The present invention also provides a sales unit comprising a plurality of containers, each container comprising a product of the invention, wherein the product in each container is different.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Unless defined otherwise, all technical and scientific terms used herein have the same meaning as those commonly understood by one skilled in the art (e.g., in the manufacture of frozen confectionery, molecular biology and biochemistry). Definitions and descriptions of the different terms and techniques used in the manufacture of frozen confectionery are found in Ice Cream, 4th Edition, Arbuckle (1986), Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, NY. Standard techniques are used for molecular and biochemical methods (see, in general, Sambrook et al., Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, 3rd ed. (2001) Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY and Ausubel et al., Short Protocols in Molecular Biology (1999) 4th Ed, John Wiley &Sons, Inc. and the full version entitled Current Protocols in Molecular Biology).
ICE STRUCTURING PROTEINS Ice structuring proteins (ISPs) are proteins that influence the shape and size of ice crystals formed when freezing occurs and inhibit recrystallization of ice (Clarke et al., 2002, Cryoletters 23: 89-92). Many of these proteins were originally identified in organisms that live in sub-zero environments and are thought to protect the body from the damaging effects of ice crystal formation on body cells. For this reason, many structured ice proteins are also known as antifreeze proteins (AFPs). In the context of the present invention, an ISP is defined as a protein having ice recrystallization (Rl) inhibitory activity. The properties of ice recrystallization inhibitory activity can be conveniently measured by means of a modified impact test as described in WO 00/53029. 2.5 μl of the research solution in 30% sucrose (w / w) are transferred to a clean, appropriately labeled 16 mm circular coverslip. A second coverslip is placed on top of the drop of the solution and this sandwich (sandwich) is pressed between the index and the thumb. The interleaving is left in a hexane bath maintained at -80 ° C in a dry ice box. When all the intercalates have been prepared, the intercalates are transferred from the hexane bath at -80 ° C to the viewing chamber containing hexane maintained at -6 ° C using forceps pre-cooled in the dry ice. Once they are transferred to -6 ° C, the interleaves it can be observed that they change from a transparent to opaque appearance. The images are recorded by a video camera and recorded in an image analysis system (LUCIA, Nikon) using a 20x objective. The images of each impact were recorded at time = 0 and again after 60 minutes. The size of the ice crystals in both tests is compared by placing the slides inside a cryostat cabinet with controlled atmosphere (Bright Instrument Co Ltd, Huntington, UK). The images of the samples are transferred to a Quantimet 520 MC image analysis system (Leica, Cambridge UK) by means of a Sony monochromatic CCD camcorder. The size of the ice crystals can be done by drawing by hand around the ice crystals. Usually, at least 100 to 400 crystals are sized for each sample. The size of the ice crystal is taken as the longest dimension of the 2D projection of each crystal. The average crystal size is determined as the average number of individual crystal sizes. The size of the ice crystals in both tests is compared. If the size at 30-60 minutes is similar or increased only moderately (less than 10%) compared to the size at = 0, and / or the size of the crystal is less than 20 micrometers, preferably from 5 to 15 micrometers this is an indication of good recrystallization properties of the ice crystal A significant ice recrystallisation inhibitory activity can be defined as where a 0.01% by weight solution of ISP in 30% sucrose, cooled rapidly (at least 50 ° C per minute) to -40 ° C, heated rapidly (at least 50 ° C per minute) at -6 ° C and then maintained at this temperature results in an increase in the average size of the ice crystals for one hour of less than 5 μm.
Types of ISPs ISPs for use in accordance with the present invention can be derived from any source provided they are suitable for inclusion in food products. ISPs have been identified to date in fish, plants, lichen, fungi, microorganisms and insects. In addition, a number of synthetic ISPs have been described. Examples of ISP 'fish materials are AFGP (eg obtained from Atlantic cod, Greenland cod and male cod (Tomcod)), ISP type I (eg obtained in winter flounder, yellowtail flounder, spiny coto. of short horn and prickly wormwood), ISP of type II (for example obtained from sea crow, smelt and Atlantic herring) and ISP type III (for example obtained from pollock from the ocean, Atlantic sea lion, radiated Atlantic slug, rock gift and viviparous slug from Laval). Type III ISPs are particularly preferred. Type III ISPs typically have a molecular weight of about 6.5 to about 14 kDa, a beta interspersed secondary structure and a globular tertiary structure. A number of genes coding for type III ISPs have been cloned (Davies and Hew, 1990, FASEB J. 4: 2460-2468). A particularly preferred type III ISP is type III HPLC-12 (Access No. P19614 in the Swiss-Prot protein database). Lichen AFPs are described in WO 99/37673 and WO 01/83534. Examples of plants in which the ISPs have been obtained are described in WO 98/04699 and WO 98/4148 and include garlic-mustard, blue wood aster, spring oats, barbarea watercress, winter cañola, Brussels sprouts, carrot (GenBank Access No. CAB69453), Dutch trousers, euphorbia, lily, winter barley, Virginia water leaf, narrow-leaved plantain, plantain, meadow grass, Kentucky poa, Eastern Virginia poplar, white oak, winter rye (Sidebottom et al., 2000, Nature 406: 256), sweet-sour belladonna, potato, cerastium, dandelion, spring and winter wheat, triticale, bigaro, violet and grass. The ISPs can be obtained by extraction from the native sources by any process, for example the isolation processes as described in WO 98/04699 and WO 98/4148. Alternatively, ISPs can be obtained through the use of recombinant technology. For example, host cells, usually microorganisms or plant cells, can be modified to express the ISPs and the ISPs can then be isolated and used according to the present invention. The techniques for introducing the nucleic acid constructs encoding the ISPs into the host cells are well known. Usually, an appropriate host cell or organism would be transformed by a nucleic acid construct encoding the desired ISP. The nucleotide sequence encoding the polypeptide can be inserted into an appropriate expression vector encoding the elements necessary for transcription and translation, and in such a way that they will be expressed under the appropriate conditions (e.g., in the appropriate orientation and reading frame). correct and with the appropriate white and expression sequences). The methods required to construct these expression vectors are well known to those skilled in the art. A number of expression systems can be used to expressing the sequence encoding the polypeptide. These include, but are not limited to, bacteria, fungi (including yeast), insect cell systems, plant and plant cell culture systems transformed with the appropriate expression vectors. Preferred hosts are those that are considered food grade - "generally considered safe" (GRAS).
Suitable sling species include yeasts, such as (but not limited to) those of the genera Saccharomyces, Kluyveromyces, Pichia, Hansenula, Candida, Schizo saccharomyces and the like, and filamentous species, such as (but are not limited to) those of the genera Aspergillus, Trichoderma, Mucor, Neurospora, Fusarium and the like. Preferably, the selected species is a yeast, more preferably a species of Saccharomyces, such as S. cerevisiae. When the glycosylation of the ISP leads to reduced activity then it is preferred that the host exhibit reduced glycosylation of the heterologous proteins. A wide variety of plants and plant cell systems can also be transformed with the nucleic acid constructs of the desired polypeptides. The appropriate plant species include corn, tomato, tobacco, carrots, strawberries, rapeseed and beet.
The sequences encoding the ISPs are preferably at least 80% identical at the amino acid level with respect to an ISP identified in nature, more preferably at least 95% or 100% identical. However, those skilled in the art can make conservative substitutions or other amino acid changes that do not reduce the RI activity of the ISP. For the purpose of the invention these ISPs that possess this high level of identity with respect to an ISP that occurs naturally are also encompassed within the term "ISPs".
PRODUCTS D? FROZEN CONTAINER Frozen confectioneries include confectioneries that usually include milk or milk solids, such as ice cream, ice milk, frozen yogurt, sherbet and frozen custard, as well as frozen confections that contain no milk or milk solids, such as sorbets, granitas and frozen purées. The frozen confectionery products of the present invention comprise a plurality of discrete frozen confections. Frozen jams are not separated from each other by the use of wrappers or other inedible packaging, or by compartmentalization. In fact, the individual frozen confections are packed so that they are able to be in contact directly with other jams frozen individual. However, the water ices are able to move among themselves, in other words they are not immobilized inside, for example, a matrix, such as a coating. In a highly preferred embodiment, the frozen confectionery product of the invention is flowing freely, by which it is understood that the individual confections do not adhere to each other. Preferably, the frozen confectionery product of the invention remains free flowing after storage at -10 ° C for at least 10 days, more preferably at least 15 or 20 days. With regard to large products, such as bar products, this can be measured by determining whether the products can be easily separated from one another substantially without deformation of the product. The frozen confections have an average volume of at least 1 ml, preferably at least 2, 3 or 5 ml. Usually, the average maximum volume will be less than 100 mi. In the case of bar products, the volume will usually be from 20 to 100 ml. In another form, frozen confections can be formed, flavored and colored to look like candy. Accordingly, the frozen confections of the invention may be analogous to the environmental bags of the unwrapped sweets. A bag of these frozen "sweets" will comprise usually from 5 to 30 discrete pieces. An alternative sales format can use large containers with a much larger number of pieces that can be collected in a container, such as a bag, by the merchant or the customer, for example, as part of a "take and mix" sales format " The volume of these frozen confections will usually be about 2 or 3 mi to about 20 mi. The discreet frozen confections can be made in any way, such as in the form of cubes, waits or disks. Preferably, frozen confections have a minimum thickness, in all dimensions, of at least 10 mm, that is, they are not thin. The frozen confections can be in the form of a composite product wherein at least one portion or region of the product, such as a center or layer, does not contain ISPs. An example of this would be a product that contains an ice cream center that lacks ISP, coated in a layer of ice cream, malted or sorbet that does not contain ISP. Preferably, substantially the outer layer of the confection of the composition comprises ISP, i.e., the region that will come into contact with other discrete frozen confections. It will be appreciated that in the case of a composite product, the amount of% by weight of added ISP is calculated exclusively in relation to the components of the jam contained in ISP and not in relation to the complete product. The frozen configurations can be aerated or deaerated. By "deaerated" is meant a frozen configuration having a surplus of less than 20%, preferably less than 10%. A de-aerated frozen confection is not subjected to deliberate steps, such as shake to increase the gas content. However, it will be appreciated that during the preparation of the de-aerated frozen confections, low levels of gas, such as air, may be incorporated into the product. Aerated jams preferably have a surplus of 25% to 100%. Sorbet jams usually contain sugar, water, color, fruit acid or other acidifying agent, fruit or fruit flavoring and stabilizer. Preferably, the total solids content is at least 6% by weight, more preferably at least 8, 10, 15 or 20% by weight and can be as high as about 35% by weight. Preferably, the total solids content is less than 35% by weight, more preferably less than 25% by weight. Water ice can be aerated or deaerated. If aerated, the surplus is usually less than about 50%, for example from about 25% to 30%. In one embodiment, the sorbet jams of the invention are deaerated.
The frozen confections containing milk preferably contain at least about 3% by weight of MSNF, more preferably from about 5% by weight to about 25% by weight of MSNF. The shakes will generally comprise at least about 10 or 11% by weight MSNF. In general, ice cream comprises at least 18 or 20% by weight MSNF. Frozen confections containing milk will also generally comprise at least 2% by weight of fat. The shakes will generally comprise less than 7% by weight of fat whereas the ice cream in general comprises at least 8 or 10% by weight of fat. In some embodiments, it is preferred that the total fat content be less than 8% by weight, more preferably less than 6% by weight. The frozen configurations that contain milk can be aerated or deaerated. If they are aerated, it is preferred that the surplus be 50% to 100%. The frozen confections of the invention usually comprise one or more stabilizers, such as one or more stabilizers selected from gums, agar, alginates and derivatives thereof, gelatin, pectin, lecithin, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, carrageenan and furcelleran. Preferably, a mixture of stabilizers is used, such as a mixture of gum and carrageenan. In a preferred embodiment, the frozen configuration comprises from 0.1 to 1% by weight of stabilizer.
The frozen configurations of the invention usually comprise at least about 0.0001% by weight of ISP, more preferably at least 0.0005% by weight. ISPs can be used at very low concentrations and therefore, preferably, the confections comprise less than 0.05% by weight of ISP. A preferred range is from about 0.001 to 0.01% by weight. The frozen confections of the invention can be manufactured using a number of techniques known in the art. For example, freely flowing beads can be manufactured by distributing drops of the liquid mixture in a liquid nitrogen freezing chamber (see WO 96/29896). Other forms can be manufactured by molding techniques, for example by introducing a liquid premix into a cooled mold. Alternatively, the ice cream and the like can be introduced into the mold after the initial freezing steps when the ice cream is still soft and then hardened in the mold. The molded products, in particular sorbets, milkshakes and the like, may contain complex shapes and have a high degree of surface definition. The frozen confections can optionally comprise bars. The frozen confection products of the invention, especially ice cream and the like can also be manufactured by standard extrusion techniques followed by cutting / forming or by using special extrusion equipment. Coated products, for example, can be produced using immersion techniques. Additional information on manufacturing techniques is provided in Arbuckle, 1986. Ice cream products and the like do not need to undergo a cold hardening step of less than -20 ° C to -25 ° C, although this can be used if you want, especially if the product is a composite product with a layer or center that does not contain ISP. The frozen confectionery product of the invention can be packaged in containers for sale to consumers as an individual unit. The containers, for example, can be in the form of a box, cardboard box or bag. In the case of bar products, the container is usually in the form of a box that can be sealed. The container usually contains 4 to 20 pieces, although it is possible to include more. In the case of sweets / candies and the like, the volume of the frozen confections of these containers is usually 100 mi to 1000 mi, such as 200 mi to 500 mi. However, the product can also be packaged in large containers for sales purposes where the product is distributed in smaller containers, such as bags, and sale sites, for example, in fast food stores or as a "take and mix" format, where consumers can choose from the frozen confections of the invention that have different shapes, flavors and / or colors. For example, these large containers may have a volume greater than about 100 mi, for example, at least 2000 mi or 5000 mi. The present invention will now be further described with reference to the following examples, which are only illustrative and not limiting.
EXAMPLES Examples 1 to 6 and Comparative Examples 1 to 5 Ice cream / malting beads Materials and methods Ice cream / shake premixes were produced according to the following formulations. Table 1 Keys I The milk protein source can be any typically used ice cream or milkshake ingredient, such as SMP. II Any source of ice cream or malted fat typically used, such as coconut oil, butter oil or cream. III The sugar source can be any typically used ice cream or milkshake ingredient, such as sucrose or a mixture of sucrose / fructose in a 60/40 ratio or sucrose / fructose in a 98/2 ratio or a 76/24 ratio of sucrose / MD40. IV LBG or a mixture of LBG / guar gum / carrageenan, such as 90/0/10 or 61/30/9. V Any of the ice cream or malty flavors typically used. VI Any typically used ice cream or milkshake emulsifier, such as monoglycerol palmitate (MGP) or glycerol monostearate (GMS). TS indicates the content of total solids as a percentage by weight. TF indicates the total fat content (including emulsifier) as a percentage by weight. MSNF indicates the non-fat content of milk solids as a percentage by weight.
The determination of these values is conventional in the art.
Mixing process All dry ingredients were added to water that was preheated to 80 ° C, followed by stirring for 5 minutes. Then all the liquid ingredients were added, stored for 1 minute, pasteurized at 82 ° C for 33 seconds, homogenized at a pressure of 150-170 bar and cooled to 5 ° C until required. Post-pasteurization ISP was added for the purposes of this study, the pre-pasteurization of addition would require the removal of an equal weight of water from the formulation.
Particle formation The liquid mixture at 5 ° C was loaded into a 5 liter mixing chamber which was fed directly into a drip nozzle of 1 mm internal diameter. The liquid droplets instead fell into liquid nitrogen where they were quickly frozen in approximately spherical balls. From here, they were filled in a tray of cylindrical type (height 95 cm, external diameter of the bottom 63 cm, outer diameter top 46 mm) up to a total weight of 85 g, of the base, the base being sealed with an iron. The products were then placed at -25 ° C until it would be required for 'the measurement.
Free-flow test Samples are kept at a constant temperature of -10 ° C or -25 ° C for 50 days. The samples in a tray (six replicates) were manually squeezed at -25 ° C, the tray was then opened and turned over and the flow properties of the contents were verified on a 5-point scale according to: 1 = particles leaving the tray and they flow completely free. 2 = if the particles do not come out in 1, the tray is closed again and inverted 5 times to separate the particles, which come out when the lid is opened and turned over. 3 as 2, but additionally two light squeezes are required at the sides before the particles come out. No residual deformation of the package is observed. 4 = as 3, but two stronger squeezes are required that will deform the package, leaving it still deformed after the particles are removed. 5 = the particles could not leave. A record of squeezed out of 3 is considered the maximum in terms of acceptable flow capacity. The records classified in Table 2 are the average values of the records obtained for six replicated samples. The proof It was done with respect to time, sampling every few days. Results Table 2 Comparative Example 1 is a control sample at 17% TS, which does not contain ISP. After 50 days at -25 ° C, the sample was unacceptable. After 2 days at -10 ° C, the sample became unacceptable. Example 1 contains 0.005% ISP at 17% TS. The sample flows freely through the test at -25 ° C. After 5 days at -10 ° C, the sample remains free flowing and did not reach the same level of unacceptability as the example until day 15. Comparative example 2 is a control sample at 20% TS, which does not contain ISP . After 50 days at -25 ° C, the sample remained free flowing. After 15 days at -10 ° C the sample became unacceptable. Example 2a contains 0.002% of ISP at 20% TS. After 50 days at -25 ° C, the sample remained flowing freely. After 40 days at -10 ° C, the sample became unacceptable. Example 2b contains 0.005% of ISP at 20% TS. After 50 days at -25 ° C, the sample remained free flowing. After 50 days at -10 ° C, the sample became unacceptable, showing marked improvement over Comparative Example 2 and Example 2a. Example 2c contains 0.007% of ISP at 20% TS. After 50 days at -25 ° C, the sample remained free flowing. After 40 days at -10 ° C, the sample became unacceptable. This sample showed a marked improvement over Comparative Example 2 and Example 2a. Comparative Example 3 is a control sample at 30% TS, which does not contain ISP. After 50 days at -25 ° C, the sample remained free flowing. After 3 days at -10 ° C, the sample became unacceptable. Example 3 contains 0.005% ISP at 30% TS. After 50 days at -25 ° C, the sample remained free flowing.
After 15 days at -10 ° C, the sample became unacceptable, showing marked improvement over the control. Comparative example 4 is a control sample at 35% TS, which does not contain ISP. After 50 days, the sample remained free flowing. After 15 days at -10 ° C, the sample became unacceptable.
Example 4 contains 0.005% ISP at 35% TS. After 50 days at -25 ° C, the sample remained free flowing. After 50 days at -10 ° C, the sample remained free flowing. Comparative example 5 is a control sample at 35% TS, which does not contain ISP. After 50 days at -25 ° C, the sample remained free flowing. After 1 day at -10 ° C, the sample became unacceptable. Example 5 contains 0.005% of ISP at 35% TS. After 50 days at -25 ° C, the sample remained free flowing.
After 30 days at -10 ° C, the sample became unacceptable, showing a marked improvement over the control. Example 6 contains 0.005% ISP to 55% TS. After 50 days at -25 ° C, the sample remained free flowing. After 10 days at -10 ° C, the sample became unacceptable. In summary, it is readily apparent that the addition of ISP leads to a product with improved characteristics and that it has improved storage stability, as evidenced by the improved flowability after storage at -10 ° C than the corresponding product lacking of ISP.
Examples 7 to 11 and Comparative Examples 7 to 10 Sorbet Accounts Materials and methods Sorbet premixes were produced according to the following formulations.
Table 3 I The sugar source can be any typically used sorbet ingredient, such as sucrose or fructose or a mixture of sucrose / fructose in a 97/3 ratio or sucrose / fructose in a 54/46 ratio. II A mixture of pectin / carrageenan. III Any sorbet color typically used. IV Any of the sorbet flavors typically used. V Source of fat such as coconut oil or other soft fat. VI Emulsifier such as monoglycerol palmitate (MGP). VII Concentrated fruit juice added to give a flavor / fruit value, the solids should be balanced if added: the level shown is an example and can be any fruit. VIII Any sherbet food acid typically used, such as citric acid. VIV Any artificial sorbet sweetener typically used, such as acesulfame or aspartame or a 50/50 mixture of both.
TS indicates the content of total solids as a percentage by weight. TF indicates the total fat content (including emulsifier) as a percentage by weight. The determination of these values is conventional in the art. Mixing, particle formation and free flow testing were performed as described above for ice cream / malting beads.
Results Table 4 Comparative example 7 is a control sample at 20% TS, which does not contain ISP. After 50 days at -25 ° C, the sample remained free flowing. After 10 days at -10 ° C the sample became unacceptable. Example 7a contains 0.0005% ISP. After 50 days at -25 ° C, the sample remained free flowing. After 50 days at -10 ° C, the sample became unacceptable.
Example 7b contains 0.0025% ISP. After 50 days at -25 ° C, the sample remained free flowing. After 40 days at -10 ° C, the sample became unacceptable. Example 7c contains 0.005% ISP. After 50 days at -25 ° C, the sample remained free flowing. After 50 days at -10 ° C, the sample became unacceptable. Example 7d contains 0.007% ISP. The sample remained free flowing through the test at both -25 ° C and -10 ° C. In this sample a marked improvement was observed over Comparative Example 7 and Examples 7a, 7b and 7c. Comparative example 8 is a control sample at 15% TS, which does not contain ISP. The sample remained free flowing through the test at -25 ° C. After 4 days at -10 ° C the sample became unacceptable. Example 8 contains 0.005% of ISP at 15% TS. The sample remained free flowing through the test at -25 ° C and -10 ° C. Comparative example 9 is a control sample at 9% TS, which does not contain ISP. The sample remained free flowing through the test at -25 ° C. After 10 days at -10 ° C the sample became unacceptable. Example 9 contains 0.005% of ISP at 9% TS. The sample remained free flowing through the test at -25 ° C and -10 ° C. Comparative example 10 is a control sample at 6% TS, which does not contain ISP. The sample remained free flowing through the test at -25 ° C. After 40 days at -10 ° C the sample became unacceptable. Example 10 contains 0.005% of ISP at 6% TS. The sample remained free flowing through the test at -25 ° C and -10 ° C. Example 11 contains 0.005% ISP at 20% TS. After 90 days at -25 ° C, the sample remained free flowing.
After 90 days at -10 ° C, the sample became unacceptable, showing a marked improvement over comparative example 7. The present invention has been exemplified using beads, which have a volume of less than 1 ml. However, these results also demonstrate the applicability of the technology to larger ice jams, such as bar products. The different features and embodiments of the present invention, referred to in the individual sections applied previously, as appropriate, to other sections, mutatis mutandis. Consequently, the characteristics specified in a section may be combined with the characteristics specified in other sections, as appropriate. All publications mentioned in the above specification are incorporated herein by reference. The various modifications and variations of the methods described and the products of the invention will be apparent to those skilled in the art without departing from the scope of the invention. Although the invention has been described in conjunction with the specific preferred embodiments, it should be understood that the invention as claimed should not be unduly limited to these specific embodiments. In fact, the various modifications of the modes described for carrying out the invention that are apparent to those skilled in the art in the relevant fields are intended to be within the scope of the following claims. It is noted that in relation to this date, the best method known to the applicant to carry out the aforementioned invention, is that which is clear from the present description of the invention.

Claims (19)

  1. CLAIMS Having described the invention as above, the content of the following claims is claimed as property: 1. A frozen confectionery product, characterized in that it comprises a plurality of discrete frozen confections, each discreet frozen confection being able to be in direct contact with other frozen confections. discrete frozen confections in the product, these discrete frozen confections comprise an ice-forming protein (ISP) and have an average volume of at least 1 ml.
  2. 2. A product according to claim 1, characterized in that it comprises from 2 to 10 discrete frozen confections.
  3. 3. A product according to claim 1, characterized in that it comprises at least 10 discrete frozen confections.
  4. 4. A product according to any of the preceding claims, characterized in that the discrete frozen confections have an average volume of 5 to 100 ml.
  5. 5. A product according to any of claims 1 to 4, characterized in that it is a de-aerated sorbet.
  6. 6. A product according to claim 5, characterized in that it comprises at least about 6% by weight solids.
  7. 7. A product according to any of claims 1 to 4, characterized in that it is a de-aerated ice cream or milkshake.
  8. 8. A product according to claim 7, characterized in that it comprises at least about 15% by weight solids.
  9. 9. A product according to claim 8, characterized in that it comprises approximately 2% by weight to 15% by weight of fat.
  10. 10. A product according to any of the preceding claims, characterized in that the ISP is an ISP of fish type I
  11. II. 11. A product according to claim 10, characterized in that the ISP is type III AFP HPLC-
  12. 12. 12. A product according to any of the preceding claims, characterized in that the frozen confections comprise at least 0.0005% by weight of the ISP.
  13. 13. A product according to any of the preceding claims, characterized in that the frozen configurations have a minimum thickness of 10 mm.
  14. 14. A ^ product in accordance with any of the previous claims, characterized in that the frozen configurations comprise a bar.
  15. 15. A product, characterized in that it comprises a container filled with a frozen shaping product according to any of claims 1 to 13.
  16. 16. A product according to claim 15, characterized in that the container has a volume of 100 to 1000. my.
  17. 17. A product according to claim 15 or claim 16, characterized in that the container is a bag.
  18. 18. A product according to claim 15 or claim 16, characterized in that the container is a box comprising sealing means.
  19. 19. A sales unit, characterized in that it comprises a plurality of containers, each container comprises a product according to any of claims 1 to 14, wherein the product in each container is different.
MXPA/A/2006/006462A 2003-12-10 2006-06-07 Frozen confectionery product MXPA06006462A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

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EP03257757 2003-12-10

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MXPA06006462A true MXPA06006462A (en) 2006-10-17



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