MXPA00011218A - Systems and methods for advertising television networks, channels, and programs - Google Patents

Systems and methods for advertising television networks, channels, and programs


Publication number
MXPA00011218A MXPA/A/2000/011218A MXPA00011218A MXPA00011218A MX PA00011218 A MXPA00011218 A MX PA00011218A MX PA00011218 A MXPA00011218 A MX PA00011218A MX PA00011218 A MXPA00011218 A MX PA00011218A
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Spanish (es)
Michael D Ellis
Robert A Knee
Steven J Reynolds
Original Assignee
United Video Properties Inc
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Application filed by United Video Properties Inc filed Critical United Video Properties Inc
Publication of MXPA00011218A publication Critical patent/MXPA00011218A/en



The present invention allows control of the presentation of advertisements associated with television networks, channels, and programs, and enables a single broadcasting of each advertisement associated with a network to numerous television systems in parallel. The presentation of advertisements is controlled by determining at television viewer equipment whether the associated television networks, channels, or programs are unavailable to the television viewer or are undesirable to the television viewer. The television viewer equipment then presents the advertisements, or selects and presents suitable alternative advertisements. A single broadcasting of each network advertisement is enabled by broadcasting each advertisement with a network identifier to all television systems, and then by determining whether a local affiliate for that network is available and not designated as undesirable by the television viewer. Based upon this determination, the advertisement or a suitable alternative is then presented to the television viewer.


SYSTEMS AND METHODS TO ADVERTISE TELEVISION NETWORKS, CHANNELS AND PROGRAMS Background of the Invention This invention relates to television advertising and, more particularly, to techniques for advertising networks, channels and television programs. The practice of advertising networks, channels and television programs has become very widespread. For example, an advertisement referring to a network or channel may promote the network or channel in general, or a list of television programs on that network or channel. Similarly, a notice referring to a television program may promote the program in general, or a particular episode or episodes of that program. Advertisements for networks, channels and television programs have been provided to viewers in a variety of ways. For example, advertisements have been supplied using the current television commercial (time) intervals, in television programs, to present advertisements to viewers. Advertisements referring to networks and television channels, supplied in such regular television commercial intervals, have been supplied both in the same networks and channels that are advertised, and in different networks and channels. Similarly, advertisements referring to television programs and delivered in the regular television commercial intervals have been supplied during the same television programs that are being advertised, as in different television programs. As another example, television screens have also been used for presentation, in order to present advertisements to viewers, on channels that are not used by television systems. The advertisements provided on such television screens for presentation have been presented in a variety of formats, including full-motion video (with audio included), still images, graphics and text. As another example, passive programming guides that provide information about television programs to viewers on specific television channels have been used to present advertisements. More recently, interactive television programming guides have been developed that can similarly provide advertising for various types of programming. The advertisements provided by such passive and interactive programming guides have been presented in a variety of formats including full-motion video (with audio included), still images, graphics and text. A problem associated with television advertising is that in certain circumstances, the advertisement referred to a network, channel or program can be wasted, if the network, channel or program is not available to a viewer or he does not want them. For example, an advertisement referred to a comedy channel, which is presented to a viewer of a news channel, it can be wasted if the comedy channel is not available to the viewer. As another example, an advertisement referred to a television channel for adults, can be wasted when presented to a viewer who has chosen to block, in his home, the programming available on the adult television channel.
As another example, an advertisement referring to a program on a network can be wasted if the local branch of that network has chosen not to present the advertised program. As another example, when a channel of a television system is divided by the operator of the system between a first programming provider during a portion of the day, and a second programming provider during another portion of the day, an advertisement referred to a The program supplied by the first programming provider may be wasted if the program is to be broadcast during the portion of the day corresponding to the second programming provider. As another example, when a channel produced by a programming provider functions as a subsidiary of a first network during a portion of the day, and of a second network during another portion of the day, an advertisement referring to a program of the first network may be wasted if the program will be issued during the portion of the day corresponding to the second network. Instead of wasting an advertising opportunity by presenting a notice referring to a network, channel or program that is not available to a viewer or does not want them, it may be preferable to present an advertisement referring to a network, channel or program that is available to them.
Gj a viewer or are desired by this, or some other advertisement. A problem associated with the provision of television advertising in programming guides is that in order to present an advertisement referring to a network or a program to be broadcast by a network, it must be transmitted to the television systems in which the advertisement will be issued, a separate copy of the advertisement for each of the network's subsidiaries. This repetitive transmission must be executed so that each television system receives a copy of the advertisement that is associated with the subsidiary of the advertised network that integrates the television system. However, since the dimension of typical advertisements containing graphics may be in the order of several kilobits, transmitting a separate copy of the advertisement for each large network subsidiary may be ineffective. For example, for a program guide advertising notice whose dimension is six kilobytes, which is going to be publicized in association with a network that has three hundred subsidiaries, only the transmission of that advertisement would require the transmission of one thousand eight hundred kilobits of data. Accordingly, it is an object of the present invention to provide systems and methods for advertising networks, channels and television programs that prevent advertisements from being displayed on networks, channels and programs that are not available to viewers. It is also an object of the invention to provide systems and methods for advertising networks, channels and television programs ^^^^ j &jgj ^ á ^^^^ laj ^^^^ aL ^ ggg ^ - ^ that prevent advertisements from being displayed on networks, channels and programs that are not desired by viewers.
It is another object of the invention to provide systems and methods for advertising networks, channels and television programs that prevent advertisements referring to the programs of the networks from being displayed when those programs are not issued by the local branches of the corresponding networks. It is a further object of the invention to provide systems and methods for advertising networks, channels and television programs that prevent advertisements referred to programs from being displayed when those programs are going to be airborne during a portion of the day in which the program is broadcast. The program provider or the network associated with the program are not available to viewers. It is another object of the invention to provide systems and methods to advertise networks, channels and television programs that do not require repetitive transmission, for each subsidiary of a network, of the advertisements referred to that network, or of a program to be broadcast. through that network, to those television systems that have the advertisements.
Summary of the Invention These and other objects of the invention are achieved in accordance with the principles of the invention, providing systems and methods that control the presentation of advertisements to viewers, based on the networks, channels and programs that are available to them. viewers, and in ' ^ -. '^ - ^ ¿-X- base to if the viewers indicate that those networks, those channels and those programs are not desired. Furthermore, in preferred embodiments of these systems and methods, for all television systems, only one transmission of each advertisement that is associated with a network (or with a program of a network), and of an identifier of net. Once received, the network identifier is used to determine if the advertising is going to be presented to the viewers of each television system.
The systems and methods of the present invention preferably control the presentation of advertisements by determining, in the viewer's television equipment, whether the advertisements are associated with networks, channels or television programs that may not be available to the viewer or may not be desired by the viewer. Once this determination has been made, the viewer's television team then preferably presents the advertisements, or selects and presents suitable alternative advertisements. Advertisements may be presented using any suitable technique such as presenting video with full motion (audio included), still images, graphics and text, during ordinary television commercial intervals, on presentation screens, in advertisements of passive programming guides or interactive, or using any other suitable advertising method. The television team of the viewer of the systems and methods of the present invention is preferably a box that It is placed on the television (set-top box), connected to a television, although video recorders (VCR), advanced television receivers, televisions with personal computer (PC / TV) and any other suitable equipment with sufficient support can also be used. physical (hardware) to execute the same processing and display functions provided by the television and a box that is placed on the television. The viewer's television team preferably receives data transmissions such as advertising notices and ad control information, program guide information, and channel map information, from a television distribution facility, or network nodes within a television system. In the viewer's television team, this data may be used by an interactive television programming guide or other suitable application, possibly with additional data stored in the viewer's television equipment (such as information on channel blocking), to determine if An advertisement will be presented to the viewer. For example, the programming guide or other application may determine that an advertisement that was intended to be presented on the "CNN" channel, referring to a program to be broadcast on the "WTBS" channel, will not be presented if the "WTBS" "It is not available on the television system, although" CNN "is available. In this example, it can be determined that the advertisement is associated with "WTBS", from the advertisement control information that accompanies the advertisement, or by looking for the program that is being publicized, in the information about programming guides that is stored in the television team of the viewer, and recovering the corresponding information about channels. The determination that "WTBS" is not available to the viewer can be made by consulting the channel map information that is stored in the viewer's television equipment, or by referring to the information on channels contained in the information on the programming guide which is stored in the television equipment of the viewer. Finally, once a determination has been made as to whether the advertisement will be presented, the advertisement may be presented to the viewer, or a suitable alternative advertisement may be identified and presented. In order to avoid the redundant transmission of an advertisement that is associated with a network (or with a program to be broadcast by a network), to each television system that has the advertisement for each subsidiary of that network, preferably the notification advertising and a network identifier are transmitted only once to all television sets of viewers in television systems. The advertisement and the network identifier are received by the television team of the viewer. Using the network identifier and the channel map or the programming guide information located on the viewer's television equipment, an interactive programming guide or other application operating on the viewer's television equipment determines whether a local affiliate that network is available, and if a viewer has not designated it as unwanted. If the local affiliate is available and has not been designated as unwanted, the ad is presented to the viewer. If a local branch of that network is not available or if the only local branch of that network has been designated as unwanted by the viewer, an appropriate alternative advertising notice is then identified and presented to the viewer. Other features of the invention, its nature and various advantages will become more apparent from the accompanying drawings and from the following detailed description of the preferred embodiments.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Figure 1 is a diagram of a system in which systems and methods for directing advertisements can be implemented based on the availability and desirability of networks, channels and programs, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. . Figure 2 is a diagram of a system similar to the system of Figure 1, showing how the servers can be located in network nodes, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. Figure 3 is a flowchart of the steps involved in receiving and processing an order referred to an advertisement, in a computer for order entry, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.
Figure 4 is a flowchart of the intervening steps in the transmission of programming guide information, channel map information, and advertising information, from the corresponding databases, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. Figure 5 is a flowchart of the intervening steps in the reception and storage or processing of programming guide information, channel map information, and advertising information, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. Figure 6 is a flow chart of the steps involved in receiving, processing and displaying advertising information, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. Figure 7 is a flow chart of the intervening steps for determining whether a television network can be viewed by a television audience, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. Figure 8 is a flow diagram of the intervening steps for determining whether a television channel can be viewed by a viewer, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. Figure 9 is a flowchart of the intervening steps for determining whether a television program can be viewed by a viewer, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. Figure 10 is a box of a channel map that relates channel numbers, source identification numbers, availability flags, blocking flags, and start and end times, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. Figure 11 is a box of a channel map that refers to source identification numbers, network identification numbers, and start and end times, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. Figure 12 is a box of a channel map that relates channel numbers, source identification numbers, network identification numbers, availability flags, blocking flags, and start and end times, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. Figure 13 is a flowchart of the steps involved in the presentation of an advertisement referred to a television channel, in a current commercial television slot, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. Figure 14 is a flowchart of the intervening steps for displaying a promotion of a presentation channel, containing only text and graphics for a paid program, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. Figure 15 is a flowchart of the steps involved in the presentation of an advertisement referred to a television network, in an interactive programming guide, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. Figure 16 is an illustration of a programming guide Interactive type "grid", which shows a zone of advertising notices to present advertisements, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. Figure 17 is an illustration of a visual presentation screen of a "browser" interactive programming guide, which shows two areas for advertising notices to present advertisements, in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention. Figure 18 is an illustration of a "program by channels" interactive programming guide display screen showing two zones for advertising notices to present advertisements, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. Figure 19 is a flow diagram of the steps involved in the transmission, reception, processing and display of an advertisement referred to a television network, making only one transmission of the advertisement to all television systems, in accordance with a embodiment of the present invention.
Detailed Description of the Preferred Embodiments Figure 1 shows an illustrative system 100 for controlling the display of advertisements associated with networks, channels and television programs, in accordance with the present invention. The system 100 preferably includes a main facility 102 and a plurality of communication links 108 and television systems 103. In Figure 1 only one such communication link 108 is shown and television systems 103, to avoid complicating too much the drawing. Each television system 103 includes at least one television distribution facility 104, one communication channel 110, and one television equipment unit of the viewer 106. Generally speaking, installation 102 provides storage and central data control for some. of the programming guide functions associated with system 100. System 100 typically comprises a very large geographical area. Each communication link 108 transmits data between the main facility 102 and one, or preferably more, of the television distribution facilities. The television distribution facilities 104 can provide storage and local data control, typically for more localized geographic areas within the system 100. Each communication path 110 transmits data between a television distribution facility 104 and one or more units of television equipment. television of the viewer 106. And each unit of television equipment of the viewer 106 controls the presentation of advertisements (for example, on a television viewer). The main facility 102 provides storage and central data control of the programming guide, advertising data, and channel map data, within the system 100. To do this, the main facility 102 preferably contains, among other things, a computer 111 for order entry of advertisements, a database of programming guide, 112, an advertising database 114, and a database of channel maps, 116. The computer for order entry of advertisements, 111, preferably enables and controls the making of orders for presentation of advertisements in system 100. When an order is made through computer 111, computer 111 can accept information control notices advertising, which identifies which advertising notice will be presented, the network, channel, or program with which the advertising is associated, the date, time and channel in which the advertisement will be presented, etc. Once this information has been entered, the computer 111 can prepare a package with the advertisement and the control information of advertisements and then store them in the advertising database 114, for later transmission. The computer 111 may also prepare a package with a substitute advertisement (which may be a generic advertisement that has no correlation with the primary advertising and may be presented in place of the primary advertising) and store it with the advertisement and the information control of advertisements. The computer 111 can be implemented using a personal computer, a macrocomputer, a computer network, or any other suitable computer capable of receiving and processing data, and of communicating with the advertising database, 114. The guide database of programming, 112, preferably includes information about the television programming guide such as schedules, channels, titles and descriptions of programs, price information for individual payment programs and channels for subscription, time windows for ordering = ^ s ^ ^^ B ^^ ßi? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^? jggfc? ^ jg - ^^^^^^ «gÉjgg ^ programs and channels paid, telephone numbers to make orders referred to programs and paid channels, etc. The advertising database 114 preferably includes advertisements in forms such as text, graphic, video and audio data, advertising control information such as information on date, time (including time slots and correction data) and extension of the presentation, information about the channel and the presentation network, and information such as the names, categories, qualifications, descriptions, and series of the networks, channels and programs that are being advertised. The channel map database 116 preferably includes information indicating the channels, networks and programming sources that may be received in the system 100, and which may also indicate which channels are available to the viewers. For example, channel map information may indicate that channel number "2" is related to the Central Broadcasting System-Central Broadcasting System- network ("CBS") and is supplied by the subsidiary "WCBS" in the city of New York The channel map information may also include day and time information indicating the days and hours at which the channels change associations with sources or networks. Although each of the databases 112, 114 and 116 are illustrated in Figure 1 as single databases in the main installation 102, any or all of the databases 112, 114 and 116 could all be consolidated together in the installation 102, or omitted from it, or they could be located in separate main facilities 102.
The information of the databases 112, 114 and 116 can be transmitted to each television distribution facility 104 via the communication link 108. The link 108 can be a satellite link, a link by telephone network, a link by cable or optical fiber, a microwave link, a combination of such links, or any other suitable communication link. The information transmitted via communication link 108 can be transmitted using any suitable transmission technique. Each television distribution facility 104 is an installation, such as a cable system terminal, a broadcasting distribution facility, or a satellite television distribution facility, for distributing television signals and data to the television set of the viewer 106. As illustrated, each television distribution facility 104 may include, among other things, a computer 117 for order entry of advertisements, a database of programming guide, 118, a database of advertising, 120, and a database of channel maps, 122. The computer 117 for order entry of advertisements may be substantially the same as the computer 111 for order entry of advertisements of the main facility 102. Each of the databases 118, 120 and 122 can be substantially the same as the databases 112, 114 and 116 of the main facility 102, can provide local mirrors of the data from those databases, and can be omitted from the television distribution facility 104, or be located in distribution facilities television 104 separate. If desired, some or all of the information of the programming guide, the advertisements and the information of control of advertisements (including the information received from the computers 111 and 117 for entry of orders of publicity announcements), and the information of Channel maps, contained in the databases 112, 114, 116, 118, 120 and 122, can be supplied using data sources in facilities other than the main facility 102 and the television distribution facility 104. For example, the The programming guide information for the entire system 100, or a portion thereof, may be maintained by a programming guide information provider that is separate from the main facility 102 and the television distribution facility 104. In this manner, the Likewise, advertisements and advertising control information may be generated by an advertising facility that is separate from the main facility 102 and the television distribution facility 104. Also, the channel map information that is contained in the databases 112, 114, 116, 118, 120 and 122 can be generated and maintained locally in the television distribution facility 104. The information of the programming guide, the advertisements, the advertisement control information and the channel map information are distributed from the television distribution facility 104 to the television equipment of the viewer 106 through the communication channels 110. The communication channels 110 can be ¡^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ satellite links, links by telephone networks, cable or fiber optic links, microwave links or other free space links, combinations of such links, or any other type of communication channels. Any suitable technique or combination of techniques can be used to transmit the information of the programming guide, the advertisements, the information of control of advertisements, and the information of channel maps, by the means of communication 110, included the analog transmission, digital transmission, and mixed analog and digital transmissions. Preferably, the communication paths 110 have sufficient bandwidth to allow the television distribution facility 104 to distribute television programming such as standard broadcast television, paid programming, advertising and promotional videos, and other video information, intended for the broadcasting team. television of the television viewer 106. Multiple television and audio cabales (analog, digital or both: analog and digital) can be supplied by the communication channels 110. The information of programming guide, the advertisements, the information of control of notices advertising, and channel map information may be transmitted through communication channels 110 using out-of-band channels, using digital in-band channels, using the vertical blanking interval, or using any other suitable technique. If desired, the information in the guide programming, advertisements, advertisement control information, and channel map information may be distributed by one or more distribution facilities that are similar to main facility 102 and television distribution facility 104 (although they are separate from these), using communication channels that are the same as the communication routes 110 or are separated from them. The information stored and transmitted by the data bases 112, 114, 116, 118, 120 and 122 preferably finally arrive at the television set of the viewer 106, where the information is processed and displayed (for example, by means of an application of Interactive programming guide or through any other suitable application), as necessary. As shown, each television equipment unit of the viewer 106 may include a box 124 that is placed on the television, a VCR 126 and a television 128. The television equipment of the viewer 106 may additionally or alternatively, include advanced television receivers. television, televisions with personal computer (PC / TV), and any other suitable equipment that has enough physical support to execute the same processing and display functions supplied by a television and the box that is placed on the television. Preferably, the information of the databases 112, 114, 116, 118, 120 and 122 is processed and transformed into a visually presentable signal, by the computer equipment and the appropriate software (software) incorporated in the box that is placed on the television, 124, ^^^^^ jg ^^^^ although this computing equipment could, alternatively, be incorporated in the VCR 126 or the TV 128. The distribution of data from the databases 112, 114, 116, 118, 120 and 122 can be done using unidirectional transmission, from some or all databases, to the television set of the viewer 106. For example, the data may be distributed to the television set of the television viewer 106 continuously or periodically from some or all of the databases 112, 114, 116, 118, 120 and 122. Data distribution can also be executed using bidirectional transmissions. With this criterion, the television team of the viewer 106 requests the necessary data from the databases and, in response, the corresponding database transmits the requested data back. As shown in Figure 2, the capabilities of the databases 112, 114, 116, 118, 120 and 122 can be provided using the databases 204, 206 and 208 located at the network nodes 202, which may be located throughout the system 100. Databases such as databases 204, 206 and 208 may be used in place of some or all of the databases 112, 114, 116, 118, 120 and 122, and may be used together with some or all of the databases 112, 114, 116, 118, 120 and 122. Providing databases on the network nodes 202, instead of or in addition to the databases provided in the main facility 102 and the television distribution facility 104, it may be possible to focus attention on the data maintained for a specific area H ^ - ^ H ^ ^ g. jj ^ Yes ^^ served by each network node 02, and it may be possible to more quickly provide responses to the data requests made by the television team of the viewer in bidirectional transmission systems. Figure 3 illustrates a process 300 for enabling and controlling the specification of advertising orders that can be implemented in computers 111 (Figure 1) and 117 (Figure 1) for order entry of advertisements. In step 302, the process 300 begins by waiting for and receiving advertising control information from a user. As mentioned before in relation to the analysis of the computer 111 for order entry of advertisements, of Figure 1, this information can include an indicator of the advertisement to be presented, the network, channel or program with which the advertisement is associated, the date, time and channel in which the advertisement will be presented, etc. Staff at the main facility 102 or the television distribution facility 104 may enter the advertisement control information directly to computers 111 or 117, or the information may be received by computers 111 or 117 through any computer system. adequate intermediate computing. During normal operation, advertisements are retrieved from one of the advertising databases 114, 120 or 206, at step 304, based on the advertisement control information. The advertisements and the advertising control information are then prepared in a package for transmission to the television set of the viewer 106, in the step 306. If desired, in step 304, a surrogate advertisement (which may or may not be correlated to the primary advertising) may also be retrieved from one of the databases 114, 120 or 206 and then, in step 306, a package for transmission can be prepared therewith together with the primary advertisement and the advertisement control information. In the case of an advertisement associated with television networks, this preparation of the packet in step 306 may include the establishment of a network identification number, in the advertisement control information, so that the television systems 103 that receive the advertisement may determine whether a subsidiary associated with the network is located in each television system 103. Finally, the advertisement and control information of advertisements (and the substitute advertising, if desired) are placed in an advertising database 114, 120 or 206, for subsequent transmission to the television set of the television viewer 106 in step 308. Once step 308 is executed, the process 300 returns to step 302 to wait and receive more control information of advertisements. Figure 4 shows a process 400 for controlling the transmission of data to the television distribution facilities 104, the network nodes 202 and the television equipment of the viewer 106, from the databases 112, 114, 116, 118, 120 , 122, 204, 206 and 208. The process 400 can be implemented by means of any of the computers 111 or 117 for entering order data of advertisements, _ ^ j¡a¡¡s-B jit-_ by databases 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 204, 206 or 208 (either by executing individually a portion of the process 400, or executing the whole process as a supervisor of the other databases in the same location), by a transmitting terminal of the communication link 108, by a transmitting terminal of the communication routes 110, or by means of any other suitable equipment able to control the transmission of data from the databases 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 204, 206 and 208. In step 402, the process 400 begins by determining whether the information of the programming guide is ready to be transmitted from any of the databases 112, 118 or 204. If in step 402 it is determined that the information of the television programming guide is ready to be transmitted, the process 400 then retrieves and transmits the information of the appropriate television programming guide, in step 404.
Once the information has been transmitted in step 404, or if it is determined in step 402 that there is no information from the television program guide that is ready to be transmitted, the process 400 determines whether the channel map information is ready to be transmitted from any of the databases 116, 122 or 208. If in step 406 it is determined that the channel map information is ready to be transmitted, the process 400 retrieves and transmits the appropriate channel map information , at step 408. Once the information has been transmitted in step 408, or if it is determined in step 406 that there is no channel map information that is ready to be transmitted, the process 400 * > * - * J-fc »» »» - ^ * ^ ». j & amp; amp it determines in step 410 if the advertising information is ready to be transmitted from any of the databases 114, 120 or 206. The advertising information may include an advertisement and control information of advertisements (and a substitute advertisement) , if desired). If in step 410 it is determined that the advertising information is ready to be transmitted, process 400 retrieves and transmits the appropriate advertisement information, in step 412. Once the information has been transmitted in step 412, or if it is determined in step 410 that there is no advertising information that is ready to be transmitted, process 400 returns to step 402 and repeats it. If desired, the steps of Figure 4 can be executed concurrently or in a different order. Figure 5 shows a process 500 for controlling the reception of data transmitted from the databases 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 204, 206 and 208, to the television distribution facilities 104, to the nodes of network 202, or the television set of the viewer 106. The process 500 is preferably implemented by a processor in the television set of the television viewer 106, but can also be implemented by a processor in the computer 117 for order entry of advertisements, in the databases 118, 120, 122, 204, 206 and 208 (either individually executing a portion of the process 500, or executing the whole process as a supervisor of the other databases in the same location), in a receiving terminal of the communication link 108, in a receiver terminal of the communication channels 110, or in any other suitable equipment capable of controlling the reception of data from the databases 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 204, 206 and 208 in the television distribution facilities 104, in the network nodes 202 , and on the television team of the viewer. In step 502, the process 500 begins by determining whether the information of the programming guide is waiting to be received from any of the databases 112, 118 or 204. If in step 502 it is determined that the information of the guide of programming is ready to be received, process 500 then receives and stores in the memory the information of the programming guide, in step 504. When the information of the programming guide is received in a television distribution facility 104 or in a network node 202, instead of being stored in the memory, the information can be stored in the database 118 or 204 of the programming guide, respectively. Once the information has been stored, in step 504, or if it is determined in step 502 that there is no information of the programming guide waiting to be received, the process 500 determines in step 506 whether the map information of The channels are waiting to be received from any of the databases 116, 122 or 208. If it is determined in step 506 that the channel map information is waiting to be received, the process 500 then receives and stores the information in the memory. channel maps, in step 508. When the channel map information is received in a television distribution facility 104 or in a network node 202, instead of being ^ ^ á £ ¡ stored in memory, the information can be stored in the channel map databases, 122 or 208, respectively. Once the channel map information has been received in step 508, or if in step 506 it is determined that no channel map information is waiting to be received, the process 500 determines in step 510 if there is advertising information waiting to be received from any of the databases 114, 120 or 206. The advertising information may include an advertisement and control information of advertisements (and a substitute advertisement, if desired). If in step 510 it is determined that the advertising information is ready to be received, the process 500 then receives and processes the advertising information, in step 512. The reception and processing of the advertising information are further illustrated in the Figures 6-9 and discussed later. As discussed with reference to Figures 6-9, the manner in which the advertising information is processed, displayed (if necessary) and stored (if necessary), may be a function of the information of the programming guide and of the channel map information that has been received by the process 500 (if it has been), at the moment when the advertising information is received. When the advertising information is received in a television distribution facility 104 or in a network node 202, instead of being processed, the information may be stored in the advertising database, 120 or 206, respectively. Once the information has been processed or stored in step 512, or - • "*? - ^ - c-- '- * - if it is determined in step 510 that there is no advertising information waiting to be received, the process 500 then returns to step 502 and repeats it. If desired, the steps of Figure 5 can be executed concurrently or in a different order. Figure 6 illustrates in more detail the reception and processing of advertising information, as executed in step 512 of Figure 5. As shown, the advertising information is received in step 602 in the form of an advertisement and of advertising control information (and a substitute advertising notice, if desired). Then, in step 604, using the advertisement control information, it is determined whether the advertisement received is associated with a television network. If in step 604 it is determined that the advertisement is associated with a television network, it is then determined in step 606 whether the network can be seen by the audience of the advertisement. The advertisement audience may consist of viewers of a single unit of television equipment of viewer 106, viewers of all television equipment 106 connected to a television distribution facility, etc. An exa of how step 606 can be executed is discussed below with reference to the illustration of Figure 7. If in step 606 it is determined that the network can be seen by the audience, the advertisement is displayed or stored in the step 608, and then step 512 is coted. If in step 604 it is determined that the received advertisement is not associated with a television network, or if it is yermar- T I - * - »-« '"'" - »- determines in step 606 that the network can not be seen by the audience, then in step 612 it is determined, using the advertisement control information, whether the advertisement received is associated with a television channel. If in step 612 it is determined that the advertisement is associated with a television channel, it is then determined in step 614 whether the channel can be seen by the audience of the advertisement. An example of how step 614 can be executed is discussed below with reference to the illustration of Figure 8. If in step 614 it is determined that the channel can be seen by the audience, the advertisement is displayed or stored in the step 608, and then step 512 is completed.
If in step 612 it is determined that the received advertisement is not associated with a television channel, or if it is determined in step 614 that the channel can not be seen by the audience, then in step 616 it is determined, using the advertising control information, if the advertisement received is associated with a television program. If in step 616 it is determined that the advertisement is associated with a television program, it is then determined in step 618 whether the program can be seen by the audience of the advertisement. An example of how step 618 can be executed is discussed below with reference to the illustration of Figure 9. If in step 618 it is determined that the program can be viewed by the audience, the advertisement is displayed or stored in the step 608, and then step 512 is completed. On the contrary, if it is determined in step 618 that the program can not be seen by - * - -: «& ^ - JMii ^ the audience, at step 610, is selected and displays a substitute advertising notice, and then step 512 is completed. The selection of a substitute advertising can be done by selecting an advertising message transmitted with the primary advertising, selecting an advertisement indicated by the control information of advertisements, selecting a predetermined advertisement, or by means of any other suitable technique to select a substitute advertisement. Finally, if in step 616 it is determined that the advertisement is not associated with a television program, then in step 620 it is determined once again whether the advertisement is associated with a network or a television channel. If in step 620 it is determined that the advertisement is associated with a network or a television channel, then in step 610 a substitute advertisement is selected and displayed, and step 512 is completed. On the contrary, if in the Step 620 determines that the advertisement is not associated with a network or a television channel, then the advertisement is displayed or stored in step 608, and step 512 is completed.
Although Figure 6 illustrates a specific order of steps, it should be evident that the tasks performed in those steps could be executed in different orders, or concurrently, with the appropriate modification of the steps, without departing from the spirit and scope of the steps. the present invention.
In Figure 7 an example of a process is illustrated by which in step 606 of Figure 6 it can be determined whether a network can be seen by an audience. As shown, in step x, - - »- ^ i,? MTir ~ * TBp - ~~ i - - -« ~ ^. ~ faith 702, this process begins by determining whether the network is contained in a channel map stored in the television equipment of the viewer 106, which executes the process of step 606. Figure 11 and Figure 12 show two examples of channel maps which can be used to execute this step; those examples are discussed below. In the event that the channel map information is not available for the process of step 606, it is not necessary to execute step 702 and steps 704 and 706 that follow step 702. If in step 702 it is determined that the network is on the channel map, it is determined in step 704 if the network is available to be viewed in the schedule or time slot associated with the advertisement. The determination of step 704 can be a "Yes" for each network inscribed in the channel map (for example, for channel maps as shown in Figure 11), or only for those networks shown in the map of channels and that are indicated as available to view (for example, for channel maps like the one shown in Figure 12), and can be a "No" for all other networks. If in step 704 it is determined that the network is not available to view, step 606 is completed and returns an indication that the network can not be seen. On the contrary, if in step 704 it is determined that the network is available to be seen, in step 706 it is determined if the network has been blocked. A network can be blocked by a parent who wishes to protect their children from adult programming, or by means of an automatic attachment of a censorship system, such as the "V" micro chip. A network can be blocked because the network or the channel »* ^ - - • - - - i IWG ÍÍ **" - ' of the network have been blocked, or because a program has been blocked in the time or time slot of the advertisement. In blocking networks and channels, the determination of whether a network has been blocked can be "No" for any network that appears in the channel map (for example, for channel maps like the one shown in Figure 11) or only for those networks inscribed in the channel map and indicated as not being blocked (for example, for channel maps like the one shown in Figure 12), and may be "Yes" for all other networks . In the case of blocked programs, the determination of whether a program is blocked can be made from a list or banners of blocked programs, contained in the information of the programming guide. If in step 706 it is determined that the network is blocked, step 606 is completed and returns an indication that the network can not be seen. On the contrary, if in step 706 it is determined that the network is not blocked, step 606 is completed and returns an indication that the network can be seen. If in step 702 it is determined that the network does not appear in the channel map, then it is determined in step 708 whether the network is contained in the programming guide information that is in the device executing the process of step 606. If the programming guide information is not available for the process of step 606, then step 708 and steps 710 and 712 that follow step 708 may be skipped, and step 606 may then be completed and return a predetermined indication that the network can be seen or not, as desired. The determination of whether the network is included in the guide information ÉÉtakílÉittifeWliifa. can be done by looking for the information of the programming guide and returning a "Yes" indication if the network is found in the information of the programming guide, and a "No" indication if the network is not found in the information of the programming guide. If in step 708 it is determined that the network does not appear in the programming guide information, step 606 is completed and returns an indication that the network can not be seen. On the contrary, if in step 708 it is determined that the network is included in the information of the programming guide, in step 710 it is determined if the network is available to be seen in the schedule or time slot associated with the advertisement. This determination can be made by checking the flags associated with the network, in the information of the programming guide. If in step 710 it is determined that the network is not available for viewing, step 606 is completed and returns an indication that the network can not be seen. On the contrary, if in step 710 it is determined that the network is available to be seen, in step 712 it is determined if the network has been blocked. This determination can be made by checking the flags associated with the network in the information of the programming guide, verifying the channel map, or verifying a list of blocked programs. If in step 712 it is determined that the network is blocked, step 606 is completed and returns an indication that the network can not be seen. On the contrary, if in step 712 it is determined that the network is not blocked, step 606 is completed and returns an indication that the network can be seen. Figure 8 illustrates an example of a process by the which can be determined, in step 614 of Figure 6, if a channel can be seen by an audience. As shown, in step 802, this process begins by determining whether the channel is contained in the channel map information that is stored in the television equipment of the viewer 106, which executes the process of step 614. In Figures 10 and 12 shows two examples of channel maps that can be used to execute this step; those examples are discussed below. In the event that channel map information is not available for the process of step 614, it is not necessary to execute step 802 or steps 804 and 806 that follow step 802. If in step 802 it is determined that the channel is contained in the channel map information, then in step 804 it is determined whether the channel is available to be seen in the schedule or time slot associated with the advertisement. The determination of step 804 may be "Yes" for each channel appearing in the channel map information, or only for those channels which are listed in the channel map information and which are indicated as being available to be viewed (for example). example, for channel maps like the one shown in Figures 10 and 12), and can be "No" for all other channels. If in step 804 it is determined that the channel is not available to be seen, step 614 is completed and returns an indication that the channel can not be seen. On the contrary, if in step 804 it is determined that the channel is available to be seen, then in step 806 it is determined if the channel has been blocked. A channel can be blocked by a father or mother who wishes to protect their children of programming for adults, or by an automatic accessory of a censorship system, such as the micro-chip (chip) "V". A channel can be blocked because the channel or network of the channel have been blocked, or because a program has been blocked in the schedule or time slot of the advertisement. In the blocking of networks and channels, the determination of whether a channel has been blocked can be "No" for every channel that appears in the channel map or only for those channels that appear in the channel map and that are indicated as they are not blocked (for example, for channel maps like the one shown in Figure 10 and Figure 12), and can be "Yes" for all other channels. In the case of blocked programs, the determination of whether a program is blocked can be made from a list or banners of blocked programs, contained in the information of the programming guide. If in step 806 it is determined that the channel is blocked, step 614 is completed and returns an indication that the channel can not be seen. On the contrary, if in step 806 it is determined that the channel is not blocked, step 614 is completed and returns an indication that the channel can be seen. If it is determined in step 802 that the channel does not appear in the channel map, it is then determined in step 808 whether the channel is contained in the programming guide information, contained in the television equipment of the viewer 10, which executes the process of step 614. If the information of the programming guide is not available for the process of step 614, then step 808 and steps 810 and 812 may be skipped follow step 808, and step 614 can then be completed and return a predetermined indication that the channel can be viewed or not, as desired. The determination of whether the channel appears in the information of the programming guide can be done by looking for the information of the programming guide and returning a "Yes" indication if the channel is found in the information of the programming guide, and an indication " No "if the channel is not found in the information of the programming guide. If in step 808 it is determined that the channel does not appear in the programming guide information, step 614 is completed and returns an indication that the channel can not be seen. On the other hand, if in step 808 it is determined that the channel is included in the programming guide information, in step 810 it is determined if the channel is available to be seen in the time or time slot associated with the advertisement. This determination can be made by checking the flags associated with the channel, in the information of the programming guide. If in step 810 it is determined that the channel is not available to be viewed, step 614 is completed and returns an indication that the channel can not be seen. On the contrary, if in step 810 it is determined that the channel is available to be seen, in step 812 it is determined if the channel has been blocked. This determination can be made by checking the flags associated with the channel in the programming guide information, verifying the channel map, or verifying a list of blocked programs. If in step 812 it is determined that the channel is blocked, step 614 is completed and returns an indication that the channel is not • * »** • It can be seen. On the contrary, if in step 812 it is determined that the channel is not blocked, step 614 is completed and returns an indication that the channel can be seen. An example of a process by which step 618 of Figure 6 can determine if a program can be viewed by a hearing is illustrated in Figure 9. As shown, the process begins by determining in step 902 whether the program data should be present in the programming guide information that is stored in the television equipment of the viewer 106., which executes the process of step 618. In the event that the information of the programming guide is not available for the process of step 618, the process may skip steps 902, 904, 906 and 908, after which the step 616 can be completed and return a predetermined indication that the program can be viewed or can not be viewed, as desired. The determination of whether the information related to a program should be in the information of the programming guide, can be done by verifying if the program is on the air at a date and time for which other information is available, if the program is in a program. network or channel for which there is information of the programming guide, or by any other suitable technique. If in step 902 it is determined that the information relating to the program should not be in the programming guide information, step 618 is completed and returns an indication that the program can be viewed. On the contrary, if in step 902 it is determined that the information relative to the program should be in the information of the programming guide, then it is determined in step 904 if the information relating to this program really is in the information of the programming guide. This determination can be made by looking in the information of the programming guide to determine if information corresponding to the program is present. If in step 904 it is determined that the information relating to the program is not present, step 618 is completed and returns an indication that the program can not be seen. On the contrary, if in step 904 it is determined that the information relating to the program is present, it is then determined in step 906 whether this program is in a channel available in the time or time slot associated with the advertisement. This determination can be made by first determining, from the information in the programming guide, the channel in which the program is going to be broadcast, and then checking the flags associated with that channel, in the information of the programming guide. If in step 906 it is determined that the program is not in an available channel, step 618 is completed and returns an indication that the program can not be seen. On the contrary, if in step 906 it is determined that the program is in an available channel, in step 908 it is determined if the channel has been blocked. A program can be blocked because the channel or network of the channel where that program is going to be broadcast have been blocked, or because the program has been blocked. This determination can be made by checking the flags associated with the channel in the programming guide information, in the channel map, or in a list of programs Aifc, .jaa¡S ». Jexj .. blocked. If in step 908 it is determined that the channel has been blocked, step 618 is completed and returns an indication that the program can not be seen. On the contrary, if in step 908 it is determined that the channel has not been blocked, step 618 is completed and returns an indication that the program can be viewed. Figures 10-12 illustrate examples of channel maps that can be used with the present invention. As shown in Figure 10, the channel map 1000 includes six columns of information. In column 1002 of channel numbers, there is a channel number for each programming source listed in column 1004. These channel numbers are used by a viewer as a familiar mechanism for selecting a particular programming source. For example, when a viewer selects the channel "2", the television set of the viewer 106 presents to the viewer the programming provided by the source identification number "1000", which may be a programming on a particular broadcasting frequency, a digital channel, etc. In the source identification column 1004, a source identification number for each programming source that can be received using the television equipment of the viewer 106 is displayed. The number assigned to each programming source listed in the identification column 1004 of source, can be any number that is preferably unique to each programming source and, preferably, allows the device using the channel map 1000 to receive the programming provided by the "" _., -, _., ..... ^ < «-J ^» t- - ^ - * -a - ^ "- a ^ source that corresponds to that number. In the "available" column 1006, a boolean flag (boolean flag) appears for each programming source. Each flag can indicate if a particular viewer can receive the programming from the corresponding source. This ability of the viewer can be based on whether the viewer has paid for the program (however, if desired, it is preferred to display advertisements regardless of whether the programs have been paid by the viewer), if the program is not visible in the viewer's area (for example, as is often the case with sports events), etc. In column 1008 titled "locked", a Boolean flag appears for each programming source. Each flag can indicate whether a particular viewer has indicated that a programming source is unwanted, and therefore should not be viewed, or that an automatic censorship system such as the "V" micro-chip has indicated that the programming source should be censored. Although a programming source may be blocked, advertisements for that programming are preferably presented to induce viewers to watch the programming. However, advertisements may also be blocked, if desired. In the start time column 1010 and in the end time column 1012 are the start and end times referred to the time periods during which each channel number is associated with a -AÍ¿2 --.-. .- ^^., .-? ^^ - source identification number in particular. For example, the channel number 6 - • is associated with the source identification number 1050 from 12 a.m. (0000) until 12 p.m. (1200), and with the source identification number 1075 from 12 p.m. (1200) until 12 a.m. (2400). As shown in Figure 11, the channel map 1100 includes four data columns, a source identification column 1102, a network identification column 1104, a start-time column 1106, and an end-time column 1108. The source identification column 1102 lists a source identification number for each programming source that can be received using the television equipment of the viewer 106. These source identification numbers can be substantially the same as those listed in column 1004 of channel map 1000 of Figure 10. In network identification column 1104, network identification numbers appear for each programming source. Each network identification number can be any number and is preferably unique for each network. Since not all programming sources are associated with a network, some or all of these network identification numbers may correspond to "no network" (for example, as shown, the network number "2000" appears for each network). the "1015" and "1018" sources to indicate that they are not associated with a network). Also, two or more programming sources may be associated with the same network (for example, as shown, the network number "2001" appears for each of the sources "1000" and "1075"). In column 1106 of start time and in the end time column 1108 contains the start and end times for the association of each network that appears in column 1104 and the corresponding source of column 1102. As shown in Figure 12, it can be used also a channel map 1200 which is a combination of the channel maps 1000 and 1100. The channel map 1200 incorporates a column 1202 of channel numbers, a column 1204 for identifying sources, a column 1206 for identifying networks, a "available" column 1208, a "blocked" column 1210, a start time column 1212, and an end time column 1214. Each of the columns 1202, 1204, 1206, 1208 and 1210, and the data contained therein, can be substantially the same as those of columns 1002, 1004, 1104, 1006 and 1008, respectively, of maps 1000 and 1100. Columns 1212 and 1214 represent the start and end times during which each channel is associated with a programming source and the indicated network is a subsidiary of that programming source. Although the channel maps in Figures 10-12 are shown with particular data columns, other types of data could be used in the channel maps, and the channel maps could be divided or consolidated, as necessary, in accordance with the present invention. According to the aforementioned, the display of advertisements referring to networks, channels and television programs, in the present invention, can be executed presenting videos with total movement, still images, graphic, text and audio, during the regular television commercial intervals, on television screens for presentation, in passive and interactive television programming guides, using any other suitable techniques, or using a combination of these or other appropriate techniques, if you want Figures 13, 14 and 15 illustrate examples of the steps that can be executed in the presentation of advertisements in some of these criteria, in accordance with the present invention. Figure 13 shows an example 1300 of steps that can be executed in the system 100 of Figure 1 when presenting an advertisement referred to a television channel, in a current television commercial interval, in accordance with the present invention. Beginning at step 1302, at a computer 111 for admission of advertisement orders, at a main facility 102, an order referred to an advertisement is received in a current television commercial interval, notice that is associated with a television channel. Then, a primary commercial advertisement, a substitute commercial advertisement, and the advertisement control information are then retrieved from the advertising databases, 114, at the main facility 102, a package is prepared with them for transmission, and they are again stored in the advertising database, 114, in the main facility 102, in step 1304. During the preparation of the package in step 1304, the primary and substitute commercial advertisements can be converted from their original format to another format, such as the MPEG-2 (Moving Picture Experts Group) -Group of j ** - '^ «? ..
Experts in Cinematography-. Just before the rjjgnerial announcement presentation time, in step 1306, the primary commercial advertisement with which a package was prepared, the substitute commercial advertisement, and the advertising control information are transmitted from the base. of advertising data, 114, in the main facility 102, to the television equipment of the viewer 106. The transmission of the step 1306 is executed using digital channels in the communication link 108 and in the communication paths 110. In step 1308, the primary commercial advertisement, the substitute commercial advertisement, and the advertising control information are then received in the television equipment of the viewer 106. The television crew of the television viewer 106 then determines in step 1310 that the primary commercial advertisement is associated with a television channel, and also determines, from the channel map information that is stored in the tel equipment television viewer 106, that this television channel is available, but has been blocked. Finally, in step 1312, the substitute commercial advertisement is selected and presented by the interactive programming guide. Figure 14 shows an example 1400 of the steps that can be executed in the system 100 of Figure 1, when presenting an advertisement referred to a paid program, in the form of a television screen for presentation in accordance with the present invention. Beginning at step 1402, at a computer 111 for admission of advertisement orders, at a main facility 102, a receipt is received.
. -Read -Mife-. request referred to a promotion of a presentation channel, promotion that contains only text and graphics for a paid program. A primary promotion, a substitute promotion, and the advertising control information are then retrieved from the advertising database, 114, at the main facility 102, a package is prepared with them for transmission, and they are returned to stored in the advertising database, 114, in the main facility 102, in step 1404. Just before the promotion presentation time, in step 1406, the primary promotion with which a package was prepared, the promotion substitute, and the advertising control information is transmitted from the advertising database, 114, in the main facility 102, to the television equipment of the viewer 106. In step 1408, the primary promotion, the substitute promotion, and the advertisement control information is then received in the television equipment of the viewer 106. The television crew of the viewer 106 then determines in step 1410 that the primary promotion is associated with a paid program, and also determines, from the programming guide information that is stored in the television equipment of the viewer 106, that that program is available and has not been blocked. Finally, in step 1412, the primary promotion is presented. Figure 15 shows an example 1500 of the steps that can be executed in the system 100 of Figure 1, when presenting an advertisement referred to a television network in an interactive television programming guide of according to the present invention. Beginning with step 1502, in a computer 111 for entering advertising orders, in a main facility 102, an order for an advertisement of the programming guide, referred to a television network, is received. A primary advertisement, a surrogate advertisement, and the advertisement control information are then retrieved from the advertising database, 114, at the main facility 102, a package is prepared with them for transmission, and the returns to store in the advertising database, 114, in the main installation 102, in step 1504. Just prior to the presentation time of the advertisement, in step 1506, the primary advertisement with which a package was prepared, the substitute advertising, and the advertising control information are transmitted from the advertising database, 114, in the main facility 102, to the television equipment of the viewer 106. In step 1508, the primary advertisement, the surrogate advertisement, and the advertisement control information are then received in the television equipment of the viewer 106. An interactive programming guide application contained in the television set of the viewer 106 then determines in step 1510 that the primary advertising is associated with a television network, and also determines, from the programming guide information that is stored in the television set of viewer 106, that that network is not available. Finally, at step 1512, the substitute ad is presented by the interactive programming guide.
Figure 16 shows an example of a 1600 visual presentation screen in the form of a "grid" of the interactive programming guide. As shown, the display 1600 may have a title 1602, an advertisement 1604, and a programming schedule 1606. The title 1602 may be any text or logo indicating a source of the information in the guide. The advertisement 1604 may include text, graphics, and any other visual presentation, and any or all of the presentations such as text, graphics, or other visual presentation, may be fixed or have movement. In addition, the advertisement 1604 may also include an audio portion that may or may not be synchronized to the visual portion of the display displayed. Although the advertisement 1604 is shown as using a narrow band of the 1600 display, the advertisement 1604 could use any portion of the 1600 display or could use the entire visible area of the 1600 display during a portion of the time in which it is displayed. activates the interactive programming guide that controls the 1600 screen. The 1606 programming grid can have the illustrated format: schedule grid and schedules, or it can have any other format. In the format shown, channel grid and timetables, one axis of the displayed grid presents channel numbers (in this example, the vertical axis), the other axis of the displayed grid presents schedules (in this example, the axis horizontal), and the cells within the grid show the information of the programs. A user of the 1600 screen can see program information by navigating the 1606 grid by pressing directional keys upwards and down, on a remote control ^ which controls the box 124 on which the programming guide is implemented. An example of a "browser" 1700 display screen of the interactive programming guide is illustrated in Figure 17. As shown, the screen 1700 can have a title 1702, one more advertisements 1708 and 1710, and a browser menu, 1704. The title 1702 can be any text or logo indicating the source of the information of the guide or the name of the browser device of the visual presentation of the interactive programming guide. Advertisements 1708 and 1710 may include text, graphics, and any other visual presentation, and any or all of the presentations such as text, graphics, or other visual presentation, may be fixed or have movement. In addition, advertisements 1708 and 1710 may also include portions of audio that may or may not be synchronized to the visual portions of the exhibits displayed. Although the advertisements 1708 and 1710 are shown as using two particular areas of the display 1700, the advertisements 1708 and 1710 could use any portion of the 1700 display or could use the entire visible area of the display 1700 during a portion of the display. time in which the interactive programming guide that controls the 1700 screen is active. The browser menu, 1704, can allow navigation through the interactive programming guide data by allowing a user to select one of the options listed in menu 1704 using cursor 1706, and then view the data based on the selected option. By ~ * Jfe. example, the user could select "SCHEDULE" and then see all the data of the programming guide referring to programs broadcast at a time indicated accordingly. As another example, the user could select "TITLE" and then see all the data of the programming guide referred to the programs that correspond to a title consistently indicated. As another example, the user could select "CHANNEL", and then see all the data of the programming guide referring to the programs that are being broadcast and will be broadcasted in a consequently indicated channel. An example of such a visual presentation screen of the interactive programming guide is illustrated in Figure 18. As shown, a 1800"program per channel" screen may have a title 1802, one or more advertisements 1814 and 1816, and a program announcement 1804. The title 1802 may be any text or logo indicating a source of the programming guide or the name of the program device per channel that belongs to the visual presentation of the interactive programming guide. Advertisements 1814 and 1816 may include text, graphics and any other visual presentation, and any or all of the text, graphics or other visual presentations may be fixed or moving. In addition, the advertisements 1814 and 1816 may also include portions of audio that may or may not be synchronized to the visual portions of the displayed presentations. Although advertisements 1814 and 1816 are displayed as using specific areas of the 1800 screen, advertisements 1814 and 1816 could use ':, -tf-- > ? ....-• ------ Y)"" any portion of the 1800 screen, or they could use the entire visible area of the 1800 screen for a portion of the time in which the interactive programming guide that controls the 1800 screen is active. Program announcement 1804 may present r-? Player of programs on a designated channel, in a given period of time, as shown. The designated channel may be indicated in the visual display 1806 of channel names, the given period of time may be indicated by the visual time presentations, 1808, and the programs may be indicated by the names of programs 1810. In preferred embodiments of screen 1800, more information about any selected program may be available by selecting the program using cursor 1812. Other examples of presentation of advertisements in interactive television programming guides are discussed in Knudson et al, US patent application no. Series 09 / 034,939, filed on March 4, 1998, Knudson et al, US patent application Serial No. 09 / 070,604, filed on April 30, 1998, Knudson et al, patent application Serial No. 09 / 070,555, filed April 30, 1998, and Boylan III et al, US patent application Serial No. 09 / 070,700, filed April 30, 1998, which are incorporated in merely to the present as reference. Figure 19 illustrates an example 1900 of the steps that can be executed by the system 100 of Figure 1 when transmitting, receiving, processing and displaying an advertisement associated with a television network, in accordance with the present invention. Beginning at step 1902, an advertisement and control information of advertisements that are associated with a television network are retrieved in package form from the advertising database, 114, of the main facility 102. The notice advertising and package information are then transmitted to all television equipment of the viewer 106 via the communication link 108, the television distribution facilities 104, and the communication channels 110, in step 1904. Next, in the step 1906, the advertising package and the advertising control information is received in each television equipment unit of the viewer 106. Carrying out a process such as that shown in Figure 7 and has been described above, each unit of television crew of the viewer 106 then determines in step 1908 whether a network affiliate associated with the received advertisement is available. onible on the user's television equipment, 106, and if it has not been designated as undesired. If at step 1908 it is determined that a subsidiary of the network associated with the advertisement is available and has not been blocked, then the advertisement is displayed at step 1910. Otherwise, step 1910 selects and displays a substitute advertisement. . The foregoing is merely illustrative of the principles of this invention, and various modifications may be introduced by those skilled in the art, without departing from the scope and spirit of the invention.

Claims (22)

1. A system for controlling the presentation of an advertisement to a viewer, characterized by comprising: an advertising database that stores said advertisement; and a processor, which is a portion of a user's television equipment unit, of a box that is placed on the television or a network node, and that receives said advertising notice from said advertising database, which receives advertising control information associated with said advertisement, which determines whether a network, a channel or a program is associated with said advertisement, and in case said network, said channel or said program is associated with said advertisement, it determines if said network, said channel or said program can be seen by said viewer, and that it avoids the presentation of said advertisement when it is determined that said network, said channel or said program can not be seen by said viewer.
2. The system defined in claim 1, characterized by further comprising a database of the programming guide that stores information of the programming guide, wherein said processor receives from said database of the programming guide said information of the programming guide, and uses said information from the programming guide to determine if said network, said channel or said program can be seen by said viewer.
3. The system defined in claim 1, characterized by further comprising a database of channel maps that stores channel map information, wherein said processor receives said channel map data% from said channel map information, and utilizes said channel map information for determine if said network, said channel or said program can be seen by said viewer.
The system defined in claim 1, characterized by further comprising a surrogate advertisement that is received from said advertising database, wherein said processor selects said substitute advertising message to be presented to said viewer, when said network is determined. , said channel or said program can not be seen by said viewer.
The system defined in claim 1, characterized in that said processor determines that it has been determined that one of said network, said channel and said program can not be seen by said viewer, in case said network, said channel or said program does not be available to that viewer.
The system defined in claim 1, characterized in that said processor determines that it has been determined that one of said network, said channel and said program can not be seen by said viewer, in case said network, said channel or said program does not it is desired by said viewer.
The system defined in claim 1, characterized in that said processor determines that said network, said channel or said program can not be seen by said viewer, when said network, said channel or said program should have the corresponding information of the programming guide, and does not have said corresponding information of the programming guide.
The system defined in claim 1, characterized in that said advertising database is part of a television distribution facility.
The system defined in claim 1, characterized in that said advertising database is part of a main installation.
10. A method for controlling the presentation of an advertisement to a viewer, characterized by comprising: storing said advertisement in an advertising database; and in a processor that is a portion of a user's television equipment unit, of a box that is placed on the television or a network node, receiving said advertising notice from said advertising database, receiving said advertising control information associated with said advertisement, determining whether a network, a channel or a program is associated with said advertisement, and in case said network, said channel or said program is associated with said announcement. advertising, determine if said network, said channel or said program can be viewed by said viewer, and prevent the presentation of said advertising when it is determined that said network, said channel or said program can not be seen by said viewer. ^^ ^ Ku
11. The method defined in claim 10, characterized by further comprising storing information of the programming guide in a database of the programming guide and, in said processor, receiving from said database of the programming guide said information of the programming guide, and use said information of the programming guide to determine if said network, said channel or said program can be seen by said viewer.
The method defined in claim 10, characterized by further comprising storing channel map information in a channel map database and, in said processor, receiving said map information from said channel map database. channels, and use said channel map information to determine whether said network, said channel or said program can be viewed by said viewer.
The method defined in claim 10, characterized by further comprising selecting, in said processor, a substitute advertising to be presented to said viewer, when it is determined that said network, said channel or said program can not be seen by said viewer. .
The method defined in claim 10, characterized in that said processor determines that it has been determined that said network, said channel or said program can not be seen by said viewer, in case said network, said channel or said program is not available for said viewer. ^^ ggg¿
15. The method 10, characterized in that it has determined that said network, said channel or said program can not be seen by said viewer, in case said network, said channel or said program is not desired by said viewer.
16. The method defined -É "in claim 10, characterized in that said processor determines that one of said network, said channel and said program can not be seen by said viewer, when said network, said channel or said program should have the corresponding information of the programming guide, and has no such information from the programming guide.
17. The method defined in claim 10, characterized by further comprising implementing said advertising database as part of a television distribution facility.
18. The method defined in claim 10, characterized by further comprising implementing said advertising database as part of a main data storage and control facility.
19. A system for presenting to a viewer an advertisement that is associated with a television network having a network identifier, said system characterized by comprising: an advertising database that stores said advertisement; and a processor that receives said advertisement from said advertising database; who receives information of advertising control that is associated with said advertisement and which contains said network identifier; using said network identifier to determine if any affiliate of said network can be seen by said viewer; and that it avoids the presentation of said advertisement when it is determined that none of said subsidiaries can be seen by said viewer.
The system of claim 19, characterized in that said processor further implements a programming guide application that prevents the presentation of said advertisement when it is determined that none of said affiliates can be seen by said viewer.
21. A method for presenting to a viewer an advertisement that is associated with a television network having a network identifier, said system characterized by comprising: storing said advertisement in an advertising database; and in a processor, which receives said advertisement from said advertising database, receive advertising control information that is associated with said advertisement and which contains said network identifier; using said network identifier to determine if any affiliate of said network can be seen by said viewer; and avoiding the presentation of said advertisement when it is determined that none of said affiliates can be seen by said viewer.
22. The method of claim 19, characterized by• -A * t - ¿"- further understand to implement, in said processor, a programming guide application that prevents the presentation of said advertisement when it is determined that none of said affiliates can be seen by said viewer. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention allows the control of the presentation of advertisements that are associated with networks, channels and television programs, and allows a single transmission to be made of each advertisement associated with an advertisement. network, to numerous parallel television systems. The presentation of advertisements that are associated with networks, channels and television programs is controlled in the present invention by determining in the user's television equipment whether the networks, channels or television programs with which the advertisement is associated are not They are available to the viewer or are not desired by the viewer. Once this determination has been made, the television team of the viewer then presents the advertisements, or selects and presents suitable alternative advertisements. In the present invention, a single transmission of each advertisement referred to the network is allowed to all television systems, transmitting each advertisement with a network identifier to all television systems. In television systems, the network identifier and the channel map or the program guide information located in the television equipment of the viewer, are then used by an interactive programming guide, or other application running in the television team of the viewer, to determine if a local branch of that network is available and has not been designated as unwanted by the viewer. If the local subsidiary is available and has not been designated as unwanted, the notice advertising is then presented to the viewer; otherwise, an alternative advertisement is then identified and presented to the viewer.
MXPA/A/2000/011218A 1998-05-15 2000-11-15 Systems and methods for advertising television networks, channels, and programs MXPA00011218A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US60/085,608 1998-12-16
US09217100 1998-12-16

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MXPA00011218A true MXPA00011218A (en) 2001-07-31



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