JP4749622B2 - Method for detecting DNA endonuclease activity - Google Patents

Method for detecting DNA endonuclease activity Download PDF


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JP4749622B2 JP2001244783A JP2001244783A JP4749622B2 JP 4749622 B2 JP4749622 B2 JP 4749622B2 JP 2001244783 A JP2001244783 A JP 2001244783A JP 2001244783 A JP2001244783 A JP 2001244783A JP 4749622 B2 JP4749622 B2 JP 4749622B2
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1. HeLa S3アッセイ法
2. 活性ゲル法
3. プラスミドアッセイ法
HeLaS3アッセイ法では、まず、HeLa S3細胞をテフロンホモジナイザーでホモジナイズし、遠心してHeLa S3細胞から細胞核を単離する。次に、DNAエンドヌクレアーゼ活性を測定したい試料にこのHeLa S3細胞核を加え、37℃で10分間反応させた後、HeLa S3細胞核を溶解してDNAを抽出する。得られたDNA抽出液を2%アガロースで電気泳動させ、そのDNAバンドを検出することによりDNAエンドヌクレアーゼ活性を測定する。
上記のようなDNAエンドヌクレアーゼ活性を測定するための方法は、いずれも電気泳動法を使用するため、多くの時間と労力を要する問題がある。またHeLa S3アッセイ法は、他の二つの方法に比べて検出感度が低く、しかも前処理としてHeLa S3細胞核を準備しなければならないためきわめて不便であり、煩雑な実験操作を必要とする。活性ゲル法は、HeLa S3アッセイ法よりも検出感度がよいものの、ゲルからSDSを除去するためにバッファー交換というきわめて不便で時間のかかる実験操作を必要とする問題がある。プラスミドアッセイ法は、他の二つの方法と比べて検出感度、および実験操作の簡便性において優れてはいるものの、タンパク質を取り除くために、フェノール/クロロホルムといった劇物を取り扱わなければならず、やけどの危険性や、換気施設の整った場所で操作を必要とする問題がある。
なお、ほ乳類細胞において、アポトーシスと関連して報告がなされているDNAエンドヌクレアーゼとしては、DNase I、DNase II、およびCAD/CPANなどがあげられる。本発明の方法によれば、これらを含む如何なるDNAエンドヌクレアーゼについても、その活性を測定することができる。
DNase Iは、ウシ膵臓から結晶化されたDNAエンドヌクレアーゼであり、真核生物のDNaseの中で最もよく研究されている。その活性は二価陽イオン(Ca2+、Mg2+、Mn2+のいずれか一つでよい)要求性であり、Zn2+では阻害されず、G-アクチンにより阻害される。また、二本鎖DNAの一本鎖を切断し、その切断様式は3’-OH/5’-Pである。さらに、DNAase Iは二本鎖DNAを約10bpごとに切断するため、DNAラダーは通常検出できない。DNase Iは分泌性であり、臓器特異性がある。胸腺、脾臓、リンパ節などでは活性がきわめて低いことから、これまでアポトーシスDNAエンドヌクレアーゼをしては注目されていなかった。しかしある報告によると、アポトーシスを起こしたラット胸腺細胞の核に、DNase Iの抗体やG-アクチンによって阻害されるDNaseが存在することから、アポトーシスの際に、分泌小胞内のDNase Iが核に移行してDNA断片化を行っているのではないかと考察されている。前立腺上皮細胞では、アポトーシスに伴ってDNase Iレベルが上昇することが報告されている。
DNase IIは至適pHが酸性側(pH5付近)にあるDNAエンドヌクレアーゼで、臓器特異性は低く、リソソームに存在するとされている。また、活性には二価陽イオンを必要とせず、多価の陰イオン、特にSO4 2 によって阻害される。DNAを二本鎖で切断するが、その切断様式は3’-P/5’-OHであり、アポトーシス細胞における切断様式(3’-OH/5’-P)とは一致せず、このことに対する説明も未だになされていない。DNase IIに関しては、複数のグループよりレンズ細胞の分化、脳の老化、CHO細胞のアポトーシスへの関与を示すデータが報告されている。
DNase γは、免疫系組織や肝臓において高い活性が見られる。このタンパク質は至適pHを7.2に持つ中性DNAエンドヌクレアーゼであり、分子量は33kである。Mg2+、Ca2+依存性で、Zn2+より阻害される。またその切断様式は、アポトーシス細胞におけるものと同様の、3’-OH/5’-Pである。完全長DNase γの安定発現株HeLaS3/DNase γ細胞において、C2セラミドを24時間処理することによりDNAの断片化が観測され、さらにアポトーシスの進行に伴う核内DNase γの活性上昇が、活性ゲル法により観察された。これらの結果から、DNase γがアポトーシスのDNA断片化を触媒していることが示唆される。
DNAエンドヌクレアーゼ活性を測定する試料は、たとえばアポトーシスが引き起こされた細胞から調製することができるが、これに限定されない。具体的には、様々な刺激でアポトーシスを誘導した後、活性化されたDNAエンドヌクレアーゼを含む細胞抽出液を調製すればよい。そのために使用する抽出用溶液の組成例としては、50mM PIPES-NaOH pH7.0(Sigma)、50mM KCl、5mM EGTA、1mM DTT、20μM cytochalasin B(Sigma)、1mM PMSF、1μg/ml leupeptin(Sigma)、1μg/ml pepstatin A(Sigma)、10μg/ml cymopapain(Sigma)があげられる。上記細胞を遠心して回収し、氷冷した上記抽出液に再び縣濁する。-80℃で前記細胞を凍結させて、再び溶解させる。溶解した溶液を氷水上でホモジナイズして遠心した後、上清を採取して細胞抽出液とする。
本発明に使用する基質DNAの蛍光マーカーとしては、追跡可能な蛍光マーカー分子を用いればよい。たとえば、DAPI、FITC、ローダミン、Cy3、Cy3.5、Cy5、Cy5.5、Cy7等、公知の種々の蛍光色素を用いることができる。蛍光マーカーで標識された基質DNAは、テンプレートDNAと、蛍光標識モノヌクレオチドを含んだモノヌクレオチドとを含有する反応溶液内において、特異的プライマーおよびTaqポリメラーゼを使用してテンプレートDNAを増幅することにより作製することができる。ここで、複数種類の基質DNA(dATP, dTTP, dCTP, dGTP)の一部または全部に対して、同一または異種の蛍光物質を標識することができる。
本発明において、DNAエンドヌクレアーゼによる基質DNAの分解は、DNAエンドヌクレアーゼ活性を測定すべき試料に蛍光標識された基質DNAを添加し、所定温度で所定時間(例えば37℃において10分間)反応させることにより行うことができる。その後、反応を停止させるときには、TE(10mM Tris-HCl pH7.5、10mM EDTA)を加えればよい。
焦点上のレーザービームの強度分布はガウシャン分布であるが、蛍光測定領域は準円筒形状で表した。サンプル液中に焦点を結んだレーザービームは非常に小さい円筒形状の場を形成し、その中に蛍光粒子がブラウン運動で出入りしている。従って、その微小領域ににおいて、蛍光粒子数の変動により引き起こされた蛍光強度のゆらぎをモニターすることができる。蛍光強度のゆらぎを自己相関関数を使用して解析することにより、焦点領域内の分子の平均数および並進拡散時間が求められる。蛍光自己相関関数G(t)は、蛍光分子の平均数(N)、モノマーの並進拡散時間(τfree)およびDNAポリマーの並進拡散時間(τpoly)を用いて、下記の式1により単純な2成分モデルで近似させた(Rigler R.ら、Fluorescence Spectroscopy, 13-24, In J. R. Lakowicz(Ed.), 1992参照)。なお、τfree,poly=wo2/4Dfree,poly、およびS=wo/zoである。ここで、yは全体の分子数にしめるDNAポリマーの比率、woは検出領域の径(体積要素)、2zoは領域長、DfreeおよびDpolyはそれぞれモノマーおよびDNAポリマーの並進拡散定数である。体積要素における拡散時間は、拡散定数に関係している。FCSによるデータ解析には、Zeiss社製のConfocor(R)に付属の解析用ソフトウエアである「FCA ACCESS」を使用できる。

Figure 0004749622
FCSを使用した生物学的材料に関する測定データの演算手法は、標識された核酸プローブと標的核酸分子とのハイブリダイゼ−ション反応においてFCSを利用した報告(Kinjo, M., Rigler, R., Nucleic Acid Reserch, 23,1795-1799, 1995)を参照することができる。
本発明において、連結反応によって連結した核酸分子に由来する標識物質と、切断反応によって切断された核酸分子に由来する標識物質とを区別して測定する工程は、被検核酸分子の存在によって連結した核酸分子に標識された標識物質から得られる信号が、切断反応によって連結が解除されたときに得られる同標識物質からの信号と明らかに区別されるような測定方法によって実行される。例えば、連結反応によって連結した核酸分子と、切断反応によって連結が解除された核酸分子との分子量が充分に異なる場合には、分子量の違いを用いた測定方法が可能となる。特に、切断反応によって連結が解除された核酸分子が、ブラウン運動のような分子運動を生じるかあるいは促進されるような反応系においては、分子運動の違いを利用した任意の測定法法を適用できるが、好ましくは、標識物質の分子運動を直接測定できる分子ゆらぎの測定手段、特にFCS装置を使用することができる。被検核酸分子を適宜の固相によって捕捉した状態で、連結反応と切断反応を行った場合には、切断された核酸分子のみを所定の測定領域に導くことによっても、上記の区別した測定が実行可能となる。かかる固相を用いた測定方法は、例えば、クラウス・デーレ(Klaus Dorre)ら、Bioimaging, vol. 5, 139-152(1997)に記載のように、光学的に不動化させた微粒子の表面に被検核酸分子を固定しておいて、エンドヌクレアーゼによって切断された核酸分子を適宜の液流によって所定の測定位置へ移動させることができる。クラウス・デーレらの測定方法は、核酸分子の塩基配列を一個ずつ読みとるために考案されたシーケンシング技術であり、フローセル内に光学的に不動化させた被検核酸分子の末端からエンドヌクレアーザの作用によって一個の塩基ずつ順番に切断する工程と、切断された個々の塩基を順番通りに一個ずつ測定領域に流動させる工程と、測定領域で順次得られた複数のデータに基づいて塩基配列に変換する工程を有する。光学的に微粒子を不動化する技術は、レーザー光のような特定波長のビーム光の圧力によって特定粒径の微粒子を捕まえる光物理学的原理に基づいている。これに対して、本発明の方法は、特定の核酸分子の存在および/または量を検出するために、不特定多数の被検核酸分子を含むようなサンプルと標識された必要十分な多数の核酸分子とを混合する核酸反応工程を有し、この反応工程は、被検核酸が存在する場合に限って、所定の長さを有する標識された核酸分子を形成する連結反応を含んでいる。また、本発明は、連結された核酸分子を切断する工程によって、複数の標識された核酸分子を生じ得る。複数の標識物質は、測定感度を高め、充分な解析精度によって、被検核酸分子の存在および/または量に関する解析結果を強調することができる。
[付記項1] 特定の核酸に関する核酸分子の連結または切断を証明する方法であって、
[付記項2] 前記連結反応は、核酸同士の結合反応または核酸合成反応を含んでいる付記項1に記載の方法。
[付記項3] 前記測定および検出工程は、連結反応によって連結した核酸分子に由来する標識物質と切断反応によって切断された核酸分子に由来する標識物質とを区別する工程を含んでいる付記項1または2に記載の方法。
[付記項4] 連結反応によって連結した核酸分子と、切断反応によって連結が解除された核酸分子との分子量の違いに基づく付記項3に記載の方法。
[付記項5] 核酸分子の分子運動に基づく付記項5に記載の方法。
[付記項6] 分子ゆらぎに基づく付記項5に記載の方法。
[付記項7] 蛍光を発生し得る標識物質による蛍光分子の運動力学的な相関に基づく付記項5または6に記載の方法。
[付記項8] 被検核酸分子を適宜の固相状態で捕捉した状態で、連結反応と切断反応を行う付記項3に記載の方法。
[付記項9] 標識物質を有する切断後の核酸分子を所定の測定領域に導くことによって測定を行う付記項8に記載の方法。
[付記項10] 被検核酸分子を固相に結合させた後に切断工程を実行する付記項8または9に記載の方法。
[付記項11] 固相が、光学的に不動化されていることを特徴とする付記項8〜10のいずれか一項に記載の方法。
Rhodammine Green-5-dUTPを取り込ませたDNAを基質として、ヒトT細胞株の細胞抽出液に含まれるDNAエンドヌクレアーゼによる基質DNAの消化反応を検出する系を例とする。
図1に基質となるDNAの蛍光標識法を示す。700塩基対のテンプレートDNA、およびモノヌクレオチド(dNTP):蛍光標識モノヌクレオチド(Rhodamine Green dUTP)を20:1の割合で含む反応溶液内において、特異的プライマーおよびTaqポリメラーゼを使用して増幅し、蛍光ラベルされた700塩基対DNAを作製する。反応溶液組成は以下の通りである。なお、700塩基対のテンプレートDNAは、M13mp18(+)STRAND,DNA (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech)をテンプレートに、プライマーFw(AAGTCTTTAGTCCTCAAAGC)とRv(AGAGAAGGATTAGGATTGTTAGC)を用い1306〜2005部分をPCRにて作製し、アガロース電気泳動後、バンドを抽出し作製した。
10mM Tris-HCl pH8.3、50mM KCl、25mM MgCl、200μM dNTP Mix(東洋紡績株式会社)、10μM Rhodamine Green dUTP(Moleculaer Probes, Inc.)、50nM primer、2.5units rTaq DNA polymerase(東洋紡績株式会社)、Template DNA 0.5μl。
94℃で5分の後、94℃で60秒、55℃で30秒、72℃で1分を30サイクル行い、最後に72℃で10分反応させる。増幅反応後、MicroSpin S-300 HR(Amersham Pharmacia Biotech)を使用して未反応のRhodamine Green dUTPを除去した。
次に、測定する試料、すなわちDNAエンドヌクレアーゼを含む細胞抽出液の調製法を示す。抽出液の組成は、50mM PIPES-NaOH pH7.0(Sigma)、50mM KCl、5mM EGTA、1mM DTT、20μM cytochalasin B(Sigma)、1mM PMSF、1μg/ml leupeptin(Sigma)、1μg/ml pepstatin A(Sigma)、10μg/ml cymopapain(Sigma)からなる。
各細胞抽出液10μlに上記の蛍光標識された700塩基対の基質DNAを2μl加えた。37℃で10分間インキュベートした後、88μlのTE(10mM Tris-HCl pH7.5、10mM EDTA)を加えて反応を停止させる。
この実施例ではPCR増幅を実行したが、エンドヌクレアーゼにより分解されたRhodamine Green-d UTPが一定の測定領域中に充分に存在する条件下では、より少ないサイクル数であってもよい。また、PCR増幅後の未反応のRhodamine Green-d UTPは、FCSの測定前であれば、いつ除去してもよい。また、PCR増幅によって、未反応のRhodamine Green-d UTPが枯渇するか、あるいは分解されるRhodamine Green-d UTPに対して無視できる程度に少ない残量となるように設定されている場合には、PCR増幅後の未反応のRhodamine Green-d UTPを除去する必要はない。また、この実施例では、エンドヌクレアーゼ活性がない細胞株由来のDNAと同活性がある細胞株由来のDNAとを比較することにより、分解の有無を確認していたが、予め活性が無い条件のDNAおよび/または同活性があるDNAによる蛍光相関関数の拡散時間の閾値を決定しておいてもよい。
Figure 0004749622
Figure 0004749622
細胞[Jurkat(human T cell)]を0.1%NP−40、10mM Tris-HCl pH7.5、3mM MgCl2、2mM 2-mercaptoethanol緩衝液を等量加えて、20分間浸透した。その後、15000Gで60分間遠心して上清を核抽出液として回収する。S-Sepharose、QA52カラムクロマトグラフィーにて粗精製した画分をCM-5PW(東ソー株式会社)HPLCにかけ、0.1-1M KCl-(50mM Tris-HCl pH7.8、0.1mM PMSF、1mM 2-mercaptoethanol、5%エチレングリコール)で溶出した。核溶出画分10μlに700塩基対の蛍光標識基質DNA(実施例1に記載のものと同じ)を2μl添加し、37℃において10分間反応させる。その後88μlのTE(10mM Tris-HCl pH7.5、10mM EDTA)を加えて反応を停止させる。これをFCSで測定すると、レーザーからの励起光は光学系の緩衝フィルターや対物レンズを介してカバーグラスの試料溶液に導かれ、その測定領域における蛍光が測定される。この時、蛍光分子の挙動、すなわち蛍光強度とゆらぎの関係は、分子が小さい場合は速く、分子が大きいほど遅い。従って、DNAエンドヌクレアーゼ活性が存在するとDNA分子が消化され分子量が小さくなるために、蛍光標識基質DNAの相関時間(並進拡散時間τ)が短くなる。逆に、DNAエンドヌクレアーゼ活性が存在しない場合、分子量は大きいままであり、相関時間(並進拡散時間τ)が長くなる。
Figure 0004749622

【図2】 FCSを実施する装置の概略図。
The present invention relates to a method for detecting DNA endonuclease activity. This method is particularly useful for detecting apoptosis.
[Prior art]
Conventionally, as a method for measuring DNA endonuclease activity,
1. HeLa S3 assay
2. Active gel method
3. Plasmid assay
Etc. are known. The conventional method will be briefly described below.
In the HeLaS3 assay, first, HeLa S3 cells are homogenized with a Teflon homogenizer, and centrifuged to isolate cell nuclei from HeLa S3 cells. Next, this HeLa S3 cell nucleus is added to a sample whose DNA endonuclease activity is to be measured and reacted at 37 ° C. for 10 minutes, and then the HeLa S3 cell nucleus is dissolved and DNA is extracted. The obtained DNA extract is electrophoresed with 2% agarose, and the DNA endonuclease activity is measured by detecting the DNA band.
In the active gel method, a separation gel for SDS-PAGE is prepared by adding bovine thymus DNA to a final concentration of 200 microg / ml. Next, using this SDS-PAGE separation gel, a sample whose DNA endonuclease activity is to be measured is electrophoresed on SDS-PAGE. After electrophoresis, the SDS is removed by incubating in removal buffer for 1 hour at 50 ° C. Incubate overnight at 4 ° C. in Tris-HCl buffer. Thereafter, it is incubated in a reaction buffer at 37 ° C., stained with ethidium bromide, and then an active band is detected using a transilluminator under ultraviolet light. The active portion of the DNA is detected as a blackened band after being cleaved.
In the plasmid assay method, a plasmid is mixed with a sample whose DNA endonuclease activity is to be measured, and reacted at 37 ° C. for 10 minutes. After the reaction, a protein mixture is removed by adding a mixture of phenol / chloroform. The DNA endonuclease activity is measured by subjecting this sample to agarose electrophoresis.
Any of the methods for measuring the DNA endonuclease activity as described above uses electrophoresis, and thus has a problem that requires a lot of time and labor. In addition, the HeLa S3 assay has a lower detection sensitivity than the other two methods, and it is extremely inconvenient because it requires preparation of HeLa S3 cell nuclei as a pretreatment, requiring complicated experimental operations. Although the active gel method has better detection sensitivity than the HeLa S3 assay method, there is a problem in that it requires a very inconvenient and time-consuming experimental operation of buffer exchange in order to remove SDS from the gel. Although the plasmid assay method is superior to the other two methods in terms of detection sensitivity and ease of experimental manipulation, it must handle deleterious substances such as phenol / chloroform in order to remove proteins. There are dangers and problems that require operation in well-ventilated areas.
In addition, the conventional method has a problem that the DNA in the gel must be stained with a staining solution in which carcinogenicity such as ethidium bromide has been pointed out. In addition, when measuring DNA endonuclease activity using a conventional method, a large amount of substrate DNA is required to detect DNA with a staining solution, and a sample for measuring DNA endonuclease activity accordingly. There is also a problem that requires a large amount. Furthermore, it is difficult to measure delicate DNA endonuclease activity due to low detection sensitivity. In addition, for the reasons described above, there is a problem that it is difficult to fully automate.
On the other hand, DNA endonuclease has been reported to be activated with apoptosis, and is known to be a molecule that performs the execution process of apoptosis. Therefore, as a means for detecting cell apoptosis, a method of measuring DNA endonuclease activity extracted from the cell has been conventionally used. However, since the cells in which apoptosis has been induced are fractionated by column chromatography and the activity of the fractionated DNA endonuclease fraction is measured, electrophoresis is used, so there are problems as described above. In addition, there is a problem that it is difficult to process multiple samples.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
The present invention has been made in view of the above circumstances, and does not require complicated pretreatment, can be carried out using a small amount of sample and reagent, has high measurement sensitivity, and is suitable for full automation. It aims at providing the measuring method of activity.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
As a result of intensive studies to solve the above problems, the present inventors have succeeded in developing a method for measuring DNA endonuclease activity using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), thereby completing the present invention. It came.
That is, the present invention is a method for measuring DNA endonuclease activity,
(A) preparing a substrate DNA labeled with a fluorescent marker;
(B) mixing a sample whose DNA endonuclease activity is to be measured with the substrate DNA, and performing a digestion reaction of the substrate DNA;
(C) distinguishing and measuring the labeling substance derived from the nucleic acid molecule linked in step (a) and the labeling substance derived from the nucleic acid molecule cleaved in step (b);
(D) detecting the cleavage of the substrate DNA based on the data obtained in step (c),
A method comprising the steps of:
The present invention also provides a method for measuring the above DNA endonuclease activity, wherein the measurement of the fluorescently labeled DNA is based on FCS.
The present invention further provides a method for detecting apoptosis characterized by measuring DNA endonuclease activity using the above-mentioned method for measuring DNA endonuclease activity.
A DNA endonuclease is an enzyme that hydrolyzes a phosphodiester bond inside a polynucleotide chain among nucleases. Endonuclease activity refers to the activity of cleaving the 3 ', 5' phosphodiester bond inside the polynucleotide chain to generate an oligoribonucleotide.
Examples of DNA endonucleases that have been reported in relation to apoptosis in mammalian cells include DNase I, DNase II, and CAD / CPAN. According to the method of the present invention, the activity of any DNA endonuclease containing these can be measured.
DNase I is a DNA endonuclease crystallized from bovine pancreas and is the best studied among eukaryotic DNases. Its activity is divalent cation (Ca2+, Mg2+, Mn2+Zn can be any one) and Zn2+Is not inhibited by G-actin. In addition, a single strand of double-stranded DNA is cleaved, and the cleavage mode is 3'-OH / 5'-P. Furthermore, since DNAase I cleaves double-stranded DNA approximately every 10 bp, DNA ladders cannot usually be detected. DNase I is secreted and organ-specific. Apoptotic DNA endonuclease has not received much attention so far because its activity is extremely low in the thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, and the like. However, one report shows that DNase I antibodies and G-actin inhibit DNase I in the nucleus of rat thymocytes that have undergone apoptosis. It is considered that DNA fragmentation may have been carried out by moving to. In prostate epithelial cells, DNase I levels have been reported to increase with apoptosis.
DNase II is a DNA endonuclease whose optimal pH is on the acidic side (around pH 5), and has low organ specificity and is believed to exist in lysosomes. In addition, divalent cations are not required for activity, and polyvalent anions, especially SOFour 2 Is inhibited by. The DNA is cleaved in double strands, but the cleavage pattern is 3'-P / 5'-OH, which is inconsistent with that in apoptotic cells (3'-OH / 5'-P). No explanation has been given yet. Regarding DNase II, several groups have reported data indicating involvement in lens cell differentiation, brain aging, and CHO cell apoptosis.
DNase γ is highly active in immune system tissues and liver. This protein is a neutral DNA endonuclease with an optimum pH of 7.2 and a molecular weight of 33k. Mg2+, Ca2+Dependency, Zn2+More disturbed. The cleavage pattern is 3'-OH / 5'-P, similar to that in apoptotic cells. In a stable expression strain of full-length DNase γ, HeLaS3 / DNase γ cells, C2 ceramide was treated with C2 ceramide for 24 hours, and DNA fragmentation was observed. Was observed. These results suggest that DNase γ catalyzes apoptotic DNA fragmentation.
CAD / CPAN was reported as a DNase activated by caspase-3 in mouse lymphoma WR19L cells, and was purified and cloned. CAD is inactivated by forming a heterodimer with its inhibitor, ICAD, and activation of CAD occurs when ICAD is degraded by active caspase-3 during apoptosis induction. For the properties of CAD / CPAN, see Mg2+Dependency, Zn2+It is known to be inhibited by ATA and ATA, but the rest are unknown.
A sample for measuring DNA endonuclease activity can be prepared from, for example, cells in which apoptosis is caused, but is not limited thereto. Specifically, after inducing apoptosis with various stimuli, a cell extract containing an activated DNA endonuclease may be prepared. As an example of the composition of the extraction solution used for this purpose, 50 mM PIPES-NaOH pH 7.0 (Sigma), 50 mM KCl, 5 mM EGTA, 1 mM DTT, 20 μM cytochalasin B (Sigma), 1 mM PMSF, 1 μg / ml leupeptin (Sigma) 1 μg / ml pepstatin A (Sigma) and 10 μg / ml cymopapain (Sigma). The cells are collected by centrifugation and suspended again in the ice-cold extract. The cells are frozen at −80 ° C. and lysed again. The dissolved solution is homogenized on ice water and centrifuged, and then the supernatant is collected and used as a cell extract.
A traceable fluorescent marker molecule may be used as the fluorescent marker of the substrate DNA used in the present invention. For example, various known fluorescent dyes such as DAPI, FITC, rhodamine, Cy3, Cy3.5, Cy5, Cy5.5, and Cy7 can be used. Substrate DNA labeled with a fluorescent marker is prepared by amplifying the template DNA using a specific primer and Taq polymerase in a reaction solution containing the template DNA and a mononucleotide containing a fluorescently labeled mononucleotide. can do. Here, the same or different fluorescent substances can be labeled on a part or all of a plurality of types of substrate DNAs (dATP, dTTP, dCTP, dGTP).
In the present invention, degradation of substrate DNA by DNA endonuclease is performed by adding fluorescently labeled substrate DNA to a sample whose DNA endonuclease activity is to be measured, and reacting at a predetermined temperature for a predetermined time (for example, at 37 ° C. for 10 minutes). Can be performed. Thereafter, when the reaction is stopped, TE (10 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5, 10 mM EDTA) may be added.
In the above reaction, if the DNA endonuclease is active, the substrate DNA is degraded and its molecular weight changes. Thus, DNA endonuclease activity can be determined by detecting changes in the molecular weight of the substrate DNA. This change in molecular weight can be detected as a temporal fluctuation of the fluorescence intensity generated from the marker molecule of the substrate DNA.
Hereinafter, as one embodiment of the present invention, a method for measuring an endonuclease using the FCS method will be described.
The FCS measurement is based on the following principle.
Depending on the size of the molecule, the Brownian motion of the molecule can be slow or fast. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy is a method for measuring such molecular movement and number of molecules from fluctuations in fluorescence intensity of fluorescent dyes.
The basic feature of FCS is that the concentration and intermolecular action of fluorescent molecules contained in a homogeneous solution through the “fluctuation” of fluorescence derived from the Brownian motion of an average of several fluorescent molecules in a very small area under the microscope field. Can be monitored almost in real time without going through a physical separation process. Thus, FCS is a technology that is expected to be applied to a wide range of research subjects because it detects free molecular motion in solution.
Conventionally, methods for detecting various biological binding reactions based on the principle of FCS have been reported. This is because when the molecules are bonded to each other and the molecular weight is increased, the Brownian motion of the molecules in the solution increases and the number of molecules in a certain measurement region varies greatly, so the change in fluorescence intensity over multiple elapsed times. The idea is that the presence or absence of binding can be determined by measuring. In contrast, the present inventors have focused on applying this FCS principle to nucleic acid molecules whose bonds have been cleaved. That is, according to the present invention, a nucleic acid molecule having a sufficiently small molecular weight such that a cleaved nucleic acid molecule (for example, DNA) undergoes Brownian motion in a solution when a bond between sufficiently long molecules is cleaved is determined. It can be detected by the presence or absence of fluctuations. Here, the magnitude of variation differs depending on the molecular weight of the cleaved nucleic acid molecule. The greater the difference in molecular weight before and after cutting, the greater the difference in the Brownian motion speed of the molecules, and the more frequent the entry and exit in a certain measurement region, the greater the variation in the number of molecules in the region. Therefore, in the present invention, the molecular weight of the nucleic acid molecule to be cleaved is set so that a difference due to Brownian motion is sufficiently obtained as compared with that before cleaving. Various nucleolytic enzymes are known as substances that cleave nucleic acid molecules, and endonucleases are particularly preferable. In the present invention, in order to obtain a sufficiently long nucleic acid molecule before cleavage, various nucleic acid binding reactions and nucleic acid synthesis reactions may be performed in advance. In the present invention, in order to track the cleaved nucleic acid molecule, it is important that at least a part or all of the nucleic acid to be cleaved is labeled with a measurable labeling substance (for example, a fluorescent dye). A change in the molecular weight in a certain region caused by a nucleic acid molecule cleavage reaction proves that a specific nucleic acid molecule has been bound, or a method to prove that the cleavage activity of a nucleolytic enzyme was present. provide. In that sense, the present invention is an effective method for providing a method for confirming that specific nucleic acid molecules are linked in a specific active state. In order to confirm a specific ligation state, it is necessary to cause a nucleic acid molecule having a specific labeled base sequence to undergo a ligation reaction before the degradation reaction and to perform the degradation reaction under conditions that are surely cleaved. In order to confirm the presence of the cleavage activity, the labeled nucleic acid molecule is reacted with the target nucleic acid molecule under conditions that allow binding or synthesis, and the presence or absence of degradation may occur depending on the cleavage activity of the target nucleic acid molecule. It is necessary to carry out a decomposition reaction. Surprisingly, the detection method of the present invention is advantageous in that an FCS measuring apparatus that has been applied to the binding reaction can be applied as it is, as will be described in the following examples.
In the basic FCS measurement system, a confocal optical system excited by laser light is used as a sample measurement unit, and fluctuations in molecular motion caused by the number and size of fluorescent molecules are detected as changes in fluorescence intensity by a detector. Record and analyze data with a correlator. Laser light as excitation light is concentrated on one point of the sample solution, and the fluorescence emission from that point is captured by the detection system due to the characteristics of the confocal optical system. The measurement area in the actual solution is not an ideal point but a cylindrical area. For example, the diameter is about 400 nm, the shaft length is about 2000 nm, and the volume is femtoliter (10-15l). The measurement area of FCS is a solution, and the fluorescent molecules present in the measurement area are in Brownian motion. Therefore, the number of molecules in a certain measurement region is not always constant but fluctuates around a certain value, and “number fluctuation” occurs. Furthermore, due to this number fluctuation, “intensity fluctuation” occurs in the intensity of fluorescence to be measured. By analyzing the fluctuation of the fluorescence intensity, information on the diffusion rate and information on the number of molecules can be obtained.
A specific example of an apparatus that performs FCS is shown in FIG. This FCS device is an inverted fluorescence microscope 1 using a confocal optical system, a photomultiplier 2 for measuring fluorescence from a sample, and receiving measurement data and performing calculations using an autocorrelation function. A data processing device 3 that performs conversion into a graph or a graph, and a display device 4 that displays a calculation result on a screen.
As shown in FIG. 2, the sample-containing liquid 11 can be easily set by spotting on the slide glass 13 placed on the sample stage 12. In this apparatus, in particular, since a very small amount of the sample-containing liquid 11 is used, a lid 14 for preventing evaporation of moisture is placed on the slide glass 13. The lid 14 is preferably made of a material having as low a light transmittance as possible, so that airtightness and light shielding properties can be obtained at the same time. However, it is preferable to use an inner surface of the lid that has as low light reflectivity as possible so as to prevent reflection of excitation light. An objective lens 15 set so as to be focused in the sample-containing liquid 11 is disposed under the portion of the slide glass 13 where the sample-containing liquid 11 is located. The fluorescent microscope 1 may be an epi-illumination type. In the epi-illumination type, the sample-containing liquid 11 may be directly spotted on the lower surface of the objective lens 15. The laser generator 16 as the light source of the fluorescence microscope 1 uses an argon (Ar) ion laser in FIG. 2, but depending on the type of fluorescence, a krypton argon (Kr-Ar) ion laser, helium neon A (He—Ne) laser, a helium cadmium (He—Cd) laser, or the like may be used. Further, various operations such as loading and unloading of the slide glass 13 in the fluorescence microscope 1, spotting of the sample-containing liquid on the slide glass 13 and the opening and closing of the lid 14 may be appropriately automated as necessary.
FIG. 3 is an enlarged view showing a measurement part of the fluorescence microscope 1 of FIG. In FIG. 3 (A), a minute visual field region 20 is formed by the positional relationship between the slide glass 13 and the objective lens 15 having a predetermined numerical aperture. As shown in FIG. 3 (B), this small visual field region 20 actually has a substantially cylindrical visual field extending up and down from the focal point of the laser beam having a volume (in the figure, the middle constricted portion). Yes. In the fluorescence measurement in the visual field region 20, noise derived from fluorescent molecules other than those in the vicinity of the focal point in the sample-containing liquid 11 is effectively removed by reducing it to a minimum region where the minute movement of the fluorescent molecules can be traced. This makes it possible to accurately measure each fluorescent molecule.
Next, the conversion of the measurement data obtained above into statistical data will be described.
The intensity distribution of the laser beam on the focal point is a Gaussian distribution, but the fluorescence measurement region is represented by a quasi-cylindrical shape. The laser beam focused in the sample liquid forms a very small cylindrical field in which fluorescent particles enter and exit by Brownian motion. Accordingly, fluctuations in fluorescence intensity caused by fluctuations in the number of fluorescent particles can be monitored in the minute region. By analyzing the fluctuation of the fluorescence intensity using the autocorrelation function, the average number of molecules in the focal region and the translational diffusion time are obtained. The fluorescence autocorrelation function G (t) is a simple two-component equation (1) using the average number of fluorescent molecules (N), monomer translational diffusion time (τfree) and DNA polymer translational diffusion time (τpoly): The model was approximated (see Rigler R. et al., Fluorescence Spectroscopy, 13-24, In JR Lakowicz (Ed.), 1992). Note that τfree, poly = wo2 / 4Dfree, poly, and S = wo / zo. Here, y is the ratio of the DNA polymer to the total number of molecules, wo is the diameter of the detection region (volume element), 2zo is the region length, Dfree and Dpoly are the translational diffusion constants of the monomer and DNA polymer, respectively. The diffusion time in the volume element is related to the diffusion constant. For FCS data analysis, you can use "FCA ACCESS", the analysis software that comes with the Zeiss Confocor (R).
[Expression 1]
Figure 0004749622
The calculation method of measurement data on biological materials using FCS has been reported by using FCS in the hybridization reaction between labeled nucleic acid probes and target nucleic acid molecules (Kinjo, M., Rigler, R., Nucleic Acid Reserch, 23, 1795-1799, 1995).
In the present invention, the step of distinguishing and measuring the labeling substance derived from the nucleic acid molecule linked by the ligation reaction and the labeling substance derived from the nucleic acid molecule cleaved by the cleavage reaction is performed by the nucleic acid linked by the presence of the test nucleic acid molecule. The measurement is carried out by a measurement method in which the signal obtained from the labeling substance labeled with the molecule is clearly distinguished from the signal from the labeling substance obtained when the linkage is released by the cleavage reaction. For example, when the molecular weight of a nucleic acid molecule linked by a ligation reaction is sufficiently different from that of a nucleic acid molecule unlinked by a cleavage reaction, a measurement method using a difference in molecular weight is possible. In particular, in a reaction system in which a nucleic acid molecule that has been decoupled by a cleavage reaction causes or promotes molecular motion such as Brownian motion, any measurement method that utilizes the difference in molecular motion can be applied. However, it is preferable to use a molecular fluctuation measuring means that can directly measure the molecular motion of the labeling substance, particularly an FCS apparatus. When the ligation reaction and the cleavage reaction are performed in a state where the test nucleic acid molecule is captured by an appropriate solid phase, the above-mentioned distinct measurement can be performed by guiding only the cleaved nucleic acid molecule to a predetermined measurement region. It becomes executable. A measurement method using such a solid phase is, for example, as described in Klaus Dorre et al., Bioimaging, vol. 5, 139-152 (1997), on the surface of an optically immobilized fine particle. The test nucleic acid molecule is fixed, and the nucleic acid molecule cleaved by the endonuclease can be moved to a predetermined measurement position by an appropriate liquid flow. The measurement method of Klaus Daele et al. Is a sequencing technique devised to read the base sequence of a nucleic acid molecule one by one. Endonuclease is detected from the end of a test nucleic acid molecule optically immobilized in a flow cell. A step of cutting one base at a time by action, a step of flowing each cut base into the measurement region one by one in order, and converting to a base sequence based on multiple data sequentially obtained in the measurement region The process of carrying out. The technique of optically immobilizing fine particles is based on the photophysical principle of capturing fine particles having a specific particle diameter by the pressure of a light beam having a specific wavelength such as laser light. In contrast, the methods of the present invention provide a sufficiently large number of nucleic acids labeled with a sample that contains an unspecified number of test nucleic acid molecules to detect the presence and / or amount of a specific nucleic acid molecule. It has a nucleic acid reaction step of mixing with a molecule, and this reaction step includes a ligation reaction that forms a labeled nucleic acid molecule having a predetermined length only when a test nucleic acid is present. The present invention can also generate a plurality of labeled nucleic acid molecules by the step of cleaving the linked nucleic acid molecules. The plurality of labeling substances can enhance the measurement sensitivity and enhance the analysis result regarding the presence and / or amount of the test nucleic acid molecule with sufficient analysis accuracy.
According to the above description, the present invention includes not only the method for detecting DNA endonuclease activity but also the following essential inventions.
[Appendix 1] A method for proving the linkage or cleavage of a nucleic acid molecule with respect to a specific nucleic acid, comprising:
(A) a nucleic acid reaction step in which a sample containing a large number of unspecified test nucleic acid molecules and a necessary and sufficient number of nucleic acid molecules labeled with a predetermined labeling substance are mixed, where the test nucleic acid is present Including a ligation reaction to form a labeled nucleic acid molecule having a predetermined length only
(B) a cleaving step for performing a cleaving reaction for partially cleaving the nucleic acid molecule having the labeling substance from the linked nucleic acid molecule;
(C) a measurement step of measuring the presence and / or amount of a labeling substance derived from the cleaved nucleic acid molecule;
(D) a detection step of detecting the presence or absence of at least the ligation reaction or cleavage reaction based on the measurement data;
A method comprising the steps of:
[Additional Item 2] The method according to Additional Item 1, wherein the ligation reaction includes a binding reaction between nucleic acids or a nucleic acid synthesis reaction.
[Additional Item 3] The measurement and detection step includes a step of distinguishing a labeling substance derived from a nucleic acid molecule linked by a ligation reaction from a labeled substance derived from a nucleic acid molecule cleaved by a cleavage reaction. Or the method of 2.
[Additional Item 4] The method according to Additional Item 3, which is based on a difference in molecular weight between a nucleic acid molecule linked by a ligation reaction and a nucleic acid molecule unlinked by a cleavage reaction.
[Additional Item 5] The method according to Additional Item 5, based on molecular motion of a nucleic acid molecule.
[Additional Item 6] The method according to Additional Item 5, based on molecular fluctuations.
[Additional Item 7] The method according to Additional Item 5 or 6, based on a kinematic correlation of fluorescent molecules with a labeling substance capable of generating fluorescence.
[Additional Item 8] The method according to Additional Item 3, wherein the ligation reaction and the cleavage reaction are performed while the test nucleic acid molecule is captured in an appropriate solid phase.
[Additional Item 9] The method according to Additional Item 8, wherein measurement is performed by introducing a nucleic acid molecule after cleavage having a labeling substance to a predetermined measurement region.
[Additional Item 10] The method according to Additional Item 8 or 9, wherein the cleavage step is performed after binding the test nucleic acid molecule to the solid phase.
[Additional Item 11] The method according to any one of Additional Items 8 to 10, wherein the solid phase is optically immobilized.
【The invention's effect】
As described above, according to the present invention, it is possible to dynamically measure the degradation of the substrate DNA by the DNA endonuclease. Therefore, pretreatment such as preparation of cell nuclei, preparation of SDS-PAGE separation gel added with DNA, and complicated steps such as buffer replacement of the separation gel and phenol extraction are unnecessary. Moreover, since electrophoresis and gel staining with ethidium bromide are not required, it is possible to shorten the inspection time and simplify the inspection process as compared with the conventional method. Further, in the present invention, the region for detecting the emitted signal is a minute region, and the amount of specimen required for measurement may be small.
Examples of the DNA endonuclease activity measurement method according to the present invention will be described below.
Example 1
An example is a system for detecting a digestion reaction of a substrate DNA by a DNA endonuclease contained in a cell extract of a human T cell line using a DNA incorporating Rhodammine Green-5-dUTP as a substrate.
Here, Fas antigen is a transmembrane protein, and induces apoptosis in cells when Fas ligand as its ligand is bound and stimulated. Anti-Fas antibodies can also be used to simulate this mechanism. For example, apoptosis can be induced by cross-linking Fas antigen with anti-Fas antibody using human T cell line.
A method for measuring the DNA endonuclease activity when apoptosis is induced in this manner will be described.
Preparation of 700 base pair fluorescently labeled DNA:
Fig. 1 shows the fluorescent labeling method for DNA as a substrate. Amplified with specific primers and Taq polymerase in a reaction solution containing 700 base pairs of template DNA and mononucleotide (dNTP): fluorescent labeled mononucleotide (Rhodamine Green dUTP) in a ratio of 20: 1, and fluorescence Make labeled 700 base pair DNA. The composition of the reaction solution is as follows. The 700 base pair template DNA was prepared by PCR using the M13mp18 (+) STRAND, DNA (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech) template and primers Fw (AAGTCTTTAGTCCTCAAAGC) and Rv (AGAGAAGGATTAGGATTGTTAGC). After electrophoresis, a band was extracted and prepared.
10 mM Tris-HCl pH8.3, 50 mM KCl, 25 mM MgCl, 200 μM dNTP Mix (Toyobo Co., Ltd.), 10 μM Rhodamine Green dUTP (Moleculaer Probes, Inc.), 50 nM primer, 2.5 units rTaq DNA polymerase (Toyobo Co., Ltd.) , Template DNA 0.5 μl.
The reaction conditions for PCR amplification are as follows.
After 5 minutes at 94 ° C, 30 cycles of 94 ° C for 60 seconds, 55 ° C for 30 seconds and 72 ° C for 1 minute are performed, and finally, the reaction is performed at 72 ° C for 10 minutes. After the amplification reaction, unreacted Rhodamine Green dUTP was removed using MicroSpin S-300 HR (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech).
Preparation of cell extract containing DNA endonuclease:
Next, a method for preparing a sample to be measured, that is, a cell extract containing a DNA endonuclease will be described. The composition of the extract was 50 mM PIPES-NaOH pH 7.0 (Sigma), 50 mM KCl, 5 mM EGTA, 1 mM DTT, 20 μM cytochalasin B (Sigma), 1 mM PMSF, 1 μg / ml leupeptin (Sigma), 1 μg / ml pepstatin A ( Sigma), 10 μg / ml cymopapain (Sigma).
5 × 106Individual human cell lines are stimulated with 500 ng / ml anti-Fas antibody. After incubation at 37 ° C. for 20 minutes, the cells were collected by centrifugation. Add 50 μl of the above ice-cold extract to the collected cells and suspend in ice. The cells are frozen at −80 ° C. and lysed again in ice. The lysed solution is homogenized in ice and centrifuged (15 minutes at 15000G), and then the supernatant is recovered and used as a cell extract.
Measurement of DNA endonuclease activity:
2 μl of the above-mentioned fluorescently labeled 700 base pair substrate DNA was added to 10 μl of each cell extract. After incubating at 37 ° C. for 10 minutes, the reaction is stopped by adding 88 μl of TE (10 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5, 10 mM EDTA).
When this sample is measured by FCS, the excitation light from the laser is guided to the sample solution in the cover glass via the buffer filter and objective lens of the optical system, and the fluorescence emission in the measurement region is measured. At this time, the behavior of the fluorescent molecule, that is, the relationship between the fluorescence intensity and the fluctuation is faster when the molecule is small, and is slower as the molecule is large. Accordingly, when DNA endonuclease activity is present, the DNA molecule is digested and the molecular weight is reduced, so that the correlation time (translational diffusion time τ) of the fluorescently labeled substrate DNA is shortened. Conversely, in the absence of DNA endonuclease activity, the molecular weight remains large and the correlation time (translational diffusion time τ) increases.
The observation results are shown in FIGS. FIG. 4 shows the fluorescence correlation function of the fluorescence-labeled substrate DNA when the anti-Fas antibody is not stimulated, and FIG. The vertical axis represents the correlation function, and the horizontal axis represents time (milliseconds). Calculation of the correlation time (translational diffusion time τ) from the obtained data gives 1884.2 microseconds and 585.4 microseconds, respectively (Table 1). From this result, it is clear that the presence of DNA endonuclease activity shortens the correlation time (translational diffusion time τ). By this method, DNA endonuclease activity can be easily measured from a small amount of sample in a short time.
At this time, the fluorescence-labeled mononucleotide, which is a degradation product of the DNA endonuclease, has a correlation time (translational diffusion time τ) of 8.5 μsec. Therefore, the concentration can be calculated from the ratio and parameters of the fluorescence-labeled mononucleotide. (Table 2). When the DNA endonuclease activity is present, the concentration of the fluorescently labeled mononucleotide that is a degradation product is high, and when there is no activity, the concentration is low, so that the activity can be discriminated.
In this example, PCR amplification was performed, but the number of cycles may be smaller under conditions where Rhodamine Green-d UTP degraded by endonuclease is sufficiently present in a certain measurement region. Further, unreacted Rhodamine Green-d UTP after PCR amplification may be removed at any time before the measurement of FCS. In addition, when PCR is set so that unreacted Rhodamine Green-d UTP is depleted or the remaining amount is negligibly small with respect to Rhodamine Green-d UTP to be degraded, It is not necessary to remove unreacted Rhodamine Green-d UTP after PCR amplification. In this example, the presence or absence of degradation was confirmed by comparing DNA derived from a cell line having no endonuclease activity with DNA derived from a cell line having the same activity. A threshold value for the diffusion time of the fluorescence correlation function by DNA and / or DNA having the same activity may be determined.
[Table 1]
Figure 0004749622
[Table 2]
Figure 0004749622
Example 2
Examples of measuring the endonuclease activity of DNAase α, β, and γ, which are DNA endonuclease activities, are shown below.
Cells [Jurkat (human T cell)] 0.1% NP-40, 10 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5, 3 mM MgCl2Then, an equal volume of 2 mM 2-mercaptoethanol buffer was added and permeated for 20 minutes. Then, the supernatant is collected as a nuclear extract by centrifugation at 15000 G for 60 minutes. The fraction roughly purified by S-Sepharose and QA52 column chromatography was subjected to CM-5PW (Tosoh Corporation) HPLC, 0.1-1M KCl- (50 mM Tris-HCl pH7.8, 0.1 mM PMSF, 1 mM 2-mercaptoethanol, Elution with 5% ethylene glycol). 2 μl of 700 base pair fluorescently labeled substrate DNA (same as described in Example 1) is added to 10 μl of the nuclear elution fraction and reacted at 37 ° C. for 10 minutes. The reaction is then stopped by adding 88 μl TE (10 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5, 10 mM EDTA). When this is measured by FCS, the excitation light from the laser is guided to the sample solution in the cover glass via the buffer system of the optical system and the objective lens, and the fluorescence in the measurement region is measured. At this time, the behavior of the fluorescent molecule, that is, the relationship between the fluorescence intensity and the fluctuation is faster when the molecule is small, and is slower as the molecule is large. Accordingly, when DNA endonuclease activity is present, the DNA molecule is digested and the molecular weight is reduced, so that the correlation time (translational diffusion time τ) of the fluorescently labeled substrate DNA is shortened. Conversely, in the absence of DNA endonuclease activity, the molecular weight remains large and the correlation time (translational diffusion time τ) increases.
The observation results are shown in Table 3. Observe the endonuclease activity of DNaseα in elution fraction 26, DNaseβ in elution fraction 30, and DNaseγ in elution fraction 38, since the correlation time (translational diffusion time τ) of elution fractions 26, 30, and 38 is short. Is possible.
[Table 3]
Figure 0004749622

[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of a method for preparing fluorescently labeled substrate DNA.
FIG. 2 is a schematic view of an apparatus for performing FCS.
FIG. 3 is an enlarged view showing a measurement part of the fluorescence microscope 1;
FIG. 4 is a diagram showing a fluorescence correlation function when anti-Fas antibody is not stimulated.
FIG. 5 is a graph showing a fluorescence correlation function when anti-Fas antibody stimulation is performed.

Claims (3)

A method for detecting apoptosis by measuring the activity of a DNA endonuclease associated with apoptosis comprising :
(A) preparing a substrate DNA labeled with a fluorescent marker;
(B) mixing a sample whose DNA endonuclease activity is to be measured with the substrate DNA, and performing a digestion reaction of the substrate DNA;
(C) distinguishing and measuring a labeling substance that labels the substrate DNA that has not been cleaved and a labeling substance that labels the cleaved substrate DNA ;
And (d) based on the data obtained in the step (c), and detecting the cleavage of the substrate DNA,
Only including,
A method wherein the labeling substance is measured by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) .
前記アポトーシスに関連するDNAエンドヌクレアーゼが、DNase I、DNase II、DNase α、DNase β、DNase γおよびCAD/CPANから選択される、請求項1に記載の方法。The method according to claim 1, wherein the DNA endonuclease associated with apoptosis is selected from DNase I, DNase II, DNase α, DNase β, DNase γ and CAD / CPAN. 前記試料が、アポトーシスを誘導された細胞であることを特徴とする、請求項1または2に記載の方法The method according to claim 1 or 2, wherein the sample is a cell in which apoptosis is induced .
JP2001244783A 2001-08-10 2001-08-10 Method for detecting DNA endonuclease activity Expired - Fee Related JP4749622B2 (en)

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