JP4082823B2 - Phototoxicity inhibitor - Google Patents

Phototoxicity inhibitor Download PDF


Publication number
JP4082823B2 JP12560699A JP12560699A JP4082823B2 JP 4082823 B2 JP4082823 B2 JP 4082823B2 JP 12560699 A JP12560699 A JP 12560699A JP 12560699 A JP12560699 A JP 12560699A JP 4082823 B2 JP4082823 B2 JP 4082823B2
Prior art keywords
essential oil
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Expired - Fee Related
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Other languages
Japanese (ja)
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JP2000319154A (en
肇夫 小島
佐藤  淳
友則 堅田
道政 堀
弘之 小島
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Nippon Menard Cosmetic Co Ltd
Ichimaru Pharcos Co Ltd
Original Assignee
Nippon Menard Cosmetic Co Ltd
Ichimaru Pharcos Co Ltd
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Nippon Menard Cosmetic Co Ltd, Ichimaru Pharcos Co Ltd filed Critical Nippon Menard Cosmetic Co Ltd
Priority to JP12560699A priority Critical patent/JP4082823B2/en
Publication of JP2000319154A publication Critical patent/JP2000319154A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of JP4082823B2 publication Critical patent/JP4082823B2/en
Anticipated expiration legal-status Critical
Expired - Fee Related legal-status Critical Current




  • Coloring Foods And Improving Nutritive Qualities (AREA)
  • Seeds, Soups, And Other Foods (AREA)
  • Noodles (AREA)
  • Seasonings (AREA)
  • Confectionery (AREA)
  • General Preparation And Processing Of Foods (AREA)
  • Meat, Egg Or Seafood Products (AREA)
  • Pharmaceuticals Containing Other Organic And Inorganic Compounds (AREA)
  • Acyclic And Carbocyclic Compounds In Medicinal Compositions (AREA)
  • Bakery Products And Manufacturing Methods Therefor (AREA)
  • Non-Alcoholic Beverages (AREA)
  • Cosmetics (AREA)
  • Anti-Oxidant Or Stabilizer Compositions (AREA)
  • Medicinal Preparation (AREA)
  • Medicines Containing Plant Substances (AREA)


例えば、大気汚染物質の中でも代表的な多環式芳香族炭化水素であるベンゾ(a)ピレンを、硝酸と二酸化窒素を含む空気に8時間暴露させると、約20%のベンゾ(a)ピレンが6−ニトロベンゾ(a)ピレンと1−ベンゾ(a)ピレン及び3−ベンゾ(a)ピレンに変換すると報告されている(日本環境変異学会 第27回大会組織委員会:プログラム・要旨集 P.49-50、平成10年10月15日)。ここで得られたニトロ基を有するニトロ化合物は毒性や変異原性が強く、最近では環境変異原物質として盛んに研究が行われている。
更に最近この大気汚染物質の光毒性の問題が指摘されている。多環式芳香族炭化水素(ナフタレン、アントラセン、フェナントレン、ピレン、ベンゾ(a)ピレン、ベンゾ(a)アントラセンなど)に光を照射するとその細胞毒性は非照射時に比べてフェナントレンでは約30倍、ベンゾ(a)ピレンでは76,000倍高くなる。つまり光照射により強力な光毒性物質となることが報告されている(日本環境変異学会 第26回大会:プログラム・講演要旨集、P.103、平成9年11月1日)。

Figure 0004082823
Figure 0004082823
Figure 0004082823
原料とする具体的な植物(生薬)としては、例えば、アーモンド(へん桃)、アイ(藍葉)、アオカズラ(清風藤)、アオキ(青木)、アオギリ又はケナシアオギリ(梧桐)、アオツヅラフジ(木防巳)、アカシア、アカショウマ(赤升麻)、アカスグリ「果実」、アカブドウ、アカミノキ(ログウッド)、アカメガシワ(赤芽柏)、アカネ(茜草根)、アカヤジオウ又はジオウ(地黄)、アギ(阿魏)、アキニレ(榔楡皮)、アケビ(木通)、アサ(麻子仁)、マルバアサガオ又はアサガオ(牽牛子)、アジサイ(紫陽花)、アシタバ(明日葉)、アマナ(光慈姑)、アズキ(赤小豆)、アセロラ、アセンヤク(阿仙薬)、アニス、アベマキ「果実」、アボカド、アマ、アマチャ(甘茶)、アマチャヅル、アマドコロ(玉竹)、アマランサス(ヒユ、ハゲイトウ、ヒモゲイトウ、センニンコク、スギモリゲイトウ、ホソアオゲイトウ、アオゲイトウ、ハリビユ、アマラントウス・ヒポコンドリアクス)、アミガサユリ又はバイモ(貝母)、アルテア、アルニカ、アルピニア又はカツマダイ(ソウズク)、アロエ(蘆薈)、アロエベラ、アンジェリカ、アンズ又はホンアンズ(杏仁)、アンソッコウ(安息香)、イガコウゾリナ(地胆頭)、イカリソウ又はヤチマタイカリソウ(インヨウカク)、イグサ(灯心草)、イタドリ(虎杖根)、イチイ(一位)、イチゴ、イチジク(無花果「果実、葉」)、イチハツ(一初)、イチビ(冬葵子)、イチヤクソウ(一薬草)、イチョウ(銀杏「種子、葉」)、イトヒメハギ(遠志)、イナゴマメ、イヌナズナ(テイレキシ)、イヌビユ(ホナガイヌビユ)、イネ「種子、種皮」、イノンド「種子」、イブキジャコウソウ、イラクサ、イランイラン、イワタバコ(岩萵苣)、イワヒバ又はイワマツ(巻柏)、ウーロン茶、ウイキョウ(茴香)、ウキヤガラ(三稜)、ウグイスカグラ「果実」、ヒメウイキョウ、ウコン(鬱金)、ウキクサ(浮萍)、ウスバサイシン又はケイリンサイシン又はオウシュウサイシン(細辛)、ウスベニアオイ、ウスベニタチアオイ、ウツボグサ(夏枯草)、ウド又はシシウド(羌活、独活、唐独活)、ウバ茶、ウメ(烏梅「種子、果肉」)、ウラジロガシ、ウワウルシ(クサコケモモ)、ウンシュウミカン(陳皮)、エストラゴン、エゾウコギ(蝦夷五加)、エチナシ(ホソバムラサキバレンギク)、エニシダ、エノキタケ(榎茸)、エビスグサ又はカッシア・トーラ(決明子)、エルダーベリー「果実」、エレミ、エリンギィ又はプレロータスエリンジ、エンジュ(槐花、槐花米)、オウギ又はキバナオウギ(黄耆)、オウレン(黄連)、オオカラスウリ(カロコン)、オオグルマ(土木香)、オオツヅラフジ(防己)、オオバコ(車前子、車前草)、オオハシバミ(榛子)、オオバナオケラ又はオケラ(白朮)、オオバナサルスベリ(バナバ)、オオバヤシャブシ「果実」、オオミサンザシ又はサンザシ(山査子)、オウセイ(ナルコユリ、カギクルマバナルコユリ)、オウヒササノユキ又はササノユキ、オオムギ(大麦)、オオホシグサ(穀精草)、オカゼリ(蛇床子)、オグルマ(旋覆)、オクラ「果実」、オタネニンジン又はトチバニンジン (人参)、オトギリソウ又はコゴメバオトギリソウ又はセイヨウオトギリソウ(弟切草)、オドリコソウ(続断)、オナモミ(蒼耳子)、オニグルミ、オニドコロ又はトコロ又はナガドコロ(ヒカイ)、オニノヤガラ(天麻)、オニユリ又はササユリ又はハカタユリ(百合)、オノニス、オヒョウ(裂葉楡)、オミナエシ(敗醤)、オランダカラシ(クレソン)、オランダゼリ、オランダミツバ、オリーブ「果実、種子、葉」、オレガノ、オレンジ「果実、果皮」、カイケイジオウ(熟地黄)、カカオ「果実、果皮、種子」、カキ(柿蒂「葉」)、カギカズラ(釣藤鈎)、カキドオシ又はカントリソウ(蓮銭草)、カシア、カジノキ(楮実「果実」)、ガジュツ(莪朮)、カシワ(槲樹、槲葉)、カスカリラ、カスカラサグラダ、カニクサ(金沙藤)、カノコソウ(吉草根)、カバノキ又はシダレカンバ(白樺)、カボチャ、カポックノキ「種子」、カホクサンショウ(蜀椒)、ガマ(蒲黄)、カミツレ又はローマカミツレ、カミヤツデ(通草)、カムカム(カモカモ)、カラスウリ又はシナカラスウリ(王瓜)、カラスビシャク(半夏)、カラスムギ、ガラナ「種子」、カラホオ(厚朴)、カラヤ、カリン(木瓜)、ガルシニア、カワミドリ、カワラサイコ(委陵菜、翻白草)、カワヂシャ、カワラタケ、カワラナデシコ(石竹)又はエゾカワラナデシコ(瞿麦、瞿麦子)、カワラニンジン(青蒿)、カワラヨモギ(茵チン蒿)、カンスイ(甘遂)、カンゾウ(甘草)、カンタラアサ、カンデリラ、カントウ、カンナ、キイチゴ(エゾイチゴ、オランダイチゴ、エビガライチゴ、ナワシロイチゴ、モミジイチゴ、ヨーロッパキイチゴ)、キウイ「果実、葉」、キカラスウリ(瓜呂根)、キキョウ(桔梗、桔梗根)、キク(菊花、シマカンギク、チョウセンノギク)、キササゲ(梓実)、ギシギシ(羊蹄根)、キジツ(枳実)、キズタ、キダチアロエ、キダチハッカ、キナ、キナノキ(シンコーナ、アカキナノキ)、キハダ(黄柏)、ギムネマ・シルベスタ、キャベツ、キャベブ「未熟果」、キュウリ、ギョリュウ(西河柳、てい柳)、キラジャ・サポナリア、キラヤ、キランソウ(金瘡小草)、キンカン「果実」、キンマ、キンミズヒキ(仙鶴草)、グアバ「果実」、グアユーレ、クェルクス・インフェクトリア(没食子)、ククイナッツ、クコ(枸杞、枸杞子、枸杞葉、地骨皮)、クサスギカズラ(天門冬)、クズ(葛根)、クスノキ、グースベリー「果実」、クソニンジン(黄花蒿)、クチナシ(山梔子)、クヌギ(樸ソウ)、クマザサ、クマツヅラ(馬鞭草)、クララ(苦参)、クランベリー「果実」、クリ「種子、果実、渋皮」、クルクリゴ・ラチフォリア「果実」、グレープフルーツ「果実・葉」、クロウメモドキ、クロガネモチ(救必応)、クロバナヒキオコシ又はヒキオコシ(延命草、延命皮)、クローブ(丁子、丁香)、グンバイナズナ(セキメイ、セキメイシ)、ケイガイ(荊芥、荊芥穂)、ケイトウ(鶏冠花、鶏冠子)、ゲッケイジュ(月桂樹)、ケナシサルトリイバラ(土茯苓、山帰来)、ゲンチアナ、ゲンノショウコ(老鸛草)、ケンポナシ(キグシ)、コウキセッコク、キシュウミカン(コウジ、タチバナ、オオベニミカン、フクレミカン、サガミコウジ、ポンカン、サンタラ(橘皮))、コウシンバラ(月季花)、コウスイハッカ、コウゾ「果実」、コウチャ(紅茶)、コウホネ(川骨)、コウホン(藁本、唐藁本)、コウリャン、コウリョウキョウ(高良姜)、コエンドロ「果実」、コオウレン(胡黄連)、コガネバナ(黄ゴン)、コケモモ(越橘)、ココヤシ「果実」、ゴシュユ(呉茱萸)、ゴショイチゴ(覆盆子)、コショウ(胡椒)、コパイババルサム、コーヒー「種子、葉」、コブシ又はモクレン(辛夷)、ゴボウ(牛蒡、牛蒡子)、コボタンヅル、ゴマ(胡麻)、ゴマノハグサ(玄参)、ゴミシ(五味子)、サネカズラ又はビナンカズラ又はマツブサ、コムギ(小麦)、米又は米糠「赤糠、白糠」、コメ油、コーラ・アクミナタ「種子」、コーラ・ベラ「種子」、コロハ「果実」、コロンボ、コンズランゴ、コンブ、コンニャク、コンフリー(鰭張草)、サイザル(サイザルアサ)、サキシマボタンヅル又はシナボタンヅル又はシナセンニンソウ(威霊仙)、サクラ(オオシマザクラ、ヤマザクラ、オオヤマザクラ、エドヒガシ、マメザクラ、ミヤマザクラ、ソメイヨシノ、タカネザクラ、カスミザクラ、チョウジザクラ、コヒガン、サトザクラ、カンザクラ「葉、花、果実、樹皮(桜皮)」)、サクランボ、ザクロ、ササ、サザンカ、サジオモダカ(沢瀉)、サツマイモ、サトウキビ、サトウダイコン、サネブトナツメ(酸棗仁)、サフラン(番紅花、西紅花)、ザボン「果実」、サボンソウ、サーモンベリー「果実」、サラシナショウマ(升麻)、サルビア(セージ)、サワギキョウ(山梗菜)、サワグルミ(山胡桃)、サンシクヨウソウ、サンシチニンジン(三七人参)、サンシュユ(山茱萸)、サンショウ(山椒)、サンズコン(山豆根)、シア(カリテ)、シアノキ「果実」、シイタケ(椎茸)、シオン(紫苑)、ジキタリス、シクンシ(使君子)、シソ又はアオジソ又はチリメンジソ又はカタメンジソ(紫蘇葉、紫蘇子)、シタン、シナノキ、シナホオノキ、シナレンギョウ(連翹)、シメジ(ヒンシメジ、シャカシメジ、ハタケシメジ、オシロイシメジ、ブナシメジ、ホンジメシ、シロタモギタケ)、シモツケソウ、ジャガイモ、シャクヤク(芍薬)、シャジン(沙参)、ジャスミン(マツリカ)、ジャノヒゲ(麦門冬)、シュクシャミツ(砂仁、縮砂)、ジュズダマ、シュロ「果実」、ショウガ(生姜)、ジョウザンアジサイ(常山)、ショウブ(菖蒲、菖蒲根)、ショズク「果実」、シラカシ「種子」、シロゴチョウ「種子」、シロトウアズキ(鶏骨草)、シロバナイリス(ニオイイリス)、シロバナツタ「花」、シロミナンテン(南天実)、シンコナサクシルブラ、ジンチョウゲ(瑞香、瑞香花、沈丁花)、シンナモン、スイカ(西瓜)、スイカズラ(金銀花、忍冬)、スイバ(酸模)、スイムベリー「果実」、ステビア、ストロベリー「果実」、スズサイコ(徐長卿)、スギナ(問荊)、スベリヒユ(馬歯けん、馬歯けん子)、スモモ「果実」、セイヨウアカマツ「球果」、セイヨウカラマツ、セイヨウキズタ、セイヨウグルミ、セイヨウサンザシ、セイヨウタンポポ、セイヨウトチノキ(マロニエ)、セイヨウナシ「果実」、セイヨウナツユキソウ、セイヨウニワトコ(エルダー)、セイヨウネズ(ジュニパー、杜松)、セイヨウノコギリソウ(ミルフォイル)、セイヨウバラ、セイヨウフウチョウボク、セイヨウヤドリギ、セイヨウハッカ又はセイヨウヤマハッカ、セイヨウワサビ、セキショウ(石菖根)、セッコク(石斛)、ゼニアオイ、ヒロハセネガ、セネガ、セリ、セロリ、センキュウ(川キュウ)、センシンレン(穿心連)、センダン、センブリ(当薬)、センナ「果実、葉」、センニンソウ(大蓼)、ソウカ(草果)、ソバ「種実」、ソメモノイモ、ダイオウ(大黄)、大根、大豆、ダイダイ(橙皮、枳実)、タカサブロウ(旱蓮草)、タカトウダイ(大戟)、タカワラビ(狗脊)、ダークスィートチェリー「果実」、タチアオイ、タチジャコウソウ(タイム、百里香)、タチドコロ(ヒカイ)、タチヤナギ、タマリンド「種子」、タマネギ、タムシバ(辛夷)、タラノキ「果実、葉、根皮」、タンジン(丹参)、タンポポ(蒲公英)又はシロバナタンポポ又はモウコタンポポ、ダンマル、チェリー「果実」、チガヤ「果実、根、芽」、チクセツニンジン(竹節人参)、チコリ、チョウセンダイオウ(大黄)、チョウセンニレ(蕪夷)、チョウセンニンジン(人参)、チョウセンヨモギ(艾葉)、チョレイマイタケ(猪苓)、ツキミソウ、ツクリタケ(マッシュルーム)、ツバキ、ツボクサ、ツメクサ(漆姑草)、ツユクサ(鴨跖草)、ツルアズキ(赤小豆)、ツルドクダミ(何首烏)、ツルナ(蕃杏)、ツルニンジン(四葉参)、ツワブキ、デイコ、テウチグルミ、デュベリー「果実」、テングサ、テンチャ(甜茶)、テンダイウヤク(烏薬)、トウガ(冬瓜子)、トウカギカズラ、トウガラシ(番椒)、トウキ(当帰)、トウキンセンカ(マリーゴールド)、トウナベナ(川断)、トウモロコシ又はトウモロコシ毛(南蛮毛)、トウネズミモチ(女貞子)、トウリンドウ又はチョウセンリンドウ(竜胆)、トクサ(木賊)、ドクダミ(十薬)、トコン(吐根)、トシシ又はマメダオシ又はネナシカズラ、トチュウ(杜仲「樹皮、葉、根」)、トネリコ(秦皮)、トマト、トラガント、トリアカンソス「種子」、トルメンチラ、ドロノキ、トロロアオイ、ナイゼリアベリー「果実」、ナガイモ又はヤマノイモ(山薬)、ナギイカダ(ブッチャーブルーム)、ナギナタコウジュ、ナズナ、ナタネ、ナタマメ又はタテハキ(刀豆)、ナツミカン、ナツメ(大棗)、ナニワイバラ(金桜子)、ナベナ(続断)、ナメコ、ナルコユリ(黄精)、ナンキンマメ(落花生)、ナンテン(南天実)、ナンバンカラムシ(苧麻)、ニガキ(苦木)、ニガヨモギ(苦艾)、ニクズク、ケイ又はニッケイ又はセイロンニッケイ又はヤブニッケイ(桂皮)又はケイシ(桂枝)、ニラ(韮子)、ニワトコ(接骨木「果実、花、茎、葉」)、ニンニク(大蒜)、ヌルデ(五倍子)、ネギ、ネムノキ又はネブ又はネビ又はネムリノキ又はジゴクバナ(合歓)、ノアザミ(大薊)、ノイバラ(営実)、ノコギリソウ、ノダケ(前胡)、ノバラ、ノモモ、パーム、パイナップル「果実」、ハイビスカス(ブッソウゲ、フウリンブッソウゲ、ローゼル)、ハカマウラボシ(骨砕補)、ハクセン(白癬皮)、ハクルベリー「果実」、ハコベ(繁縷)、ハシバミ(榛子)、ハシリドコロ(ロート根)、バジル、ハス(蓮、蓮肉、蓮子)、パセリ(オランダゼリ)、ハダカムギ、バタタ、ハチク又はマダケ(竹茹)、パチョリー、ハッカ(薄荷、薄荷葉)、ハトムギ(ヨクイニン)、ハナスゲ(知母)、バナナ、ハナハッカ、ハナビシ(シツリシ、シシツリ)、バニラビンズ、パパイヤ、ハハコグサ(鼠麹草)、ハブ「全草、茎、葉」、パプリカ、ハマゴウ又はミツバハマゴウ(蔓荊子)、ハマスゲ(香附子)、ハマビシ(シツ莉子)、ハマナス(マイカイ花)、ハマボウフウ(浜防風)、ハマメリス、バラ(薔薇)、ハラタケ(ハラタケ、シロオオハラタケ、ウスキモリノカサ)、ハラン、パリエタリア、ハルニレ(楡皮、楡白皮、楡葉)、ハンダイカイ(胖大海)、パンノキ、ヒオウギ(射干)、ヒカゲツルニンジン(党参)、プーアル茶(普?茶)、ピーカンナッツ、ヒガンバナ(石蒜、蔓珠沙華)、ヒキオコシ(延命草、延命皮)、ヒシ(菱実)、ピスタチオ、ビート、ヒトツバ(石葦)、ヒトツバエニシダ、ヒナタイノコズチ(牛膝)、ヒノキ、ヒバ、ヒマシ、ヒマワリ、ピーマン、ヒメウズ(天葵)、ヒメガマ(香蒲)、ヒメマツタケ(カワリハラタケ、ヒロマツタケ)、ピメンタ「果実」、ビャクシ、ビャッキュウ、ヒユ「果実」、ビロウドアオイ、ヒロハオキナグサ(白頭翁)、ビワ「果実、葉、茎」、ビンロウ(大服皮、檳榔子)、フウトウカズラ(南籐)、フキ、フキタンポポ(款冬花、款冬葉)、フジバカマ(蘭草)、フジマメ(扁豆)、ブドウ「果実、果皮、種子、葉」、ブナ、フユムシナツクサタケ(冬虫夏草)、ブラジルカンゾウ、ブラジルニンジン、ブラックカーラント「果実」、ブラックベリー、プラム「果実」、フルセラリア、ブルーベリー(セイヨウヒメスノキ)、プルーン、ブロンドサイリウム、ブンドウ(緑豆)、ヘチマ、ベニバナ(紅花)、ヘネケン、ベラドンナ、ベリー「果実」、ペルビアンバーグ、ベンケイソウ又はイキクサ(景天)、ボイセンベリー「果実」、ホウキギ又はニワクサ又はネンドウ又はハハキギ・コキア(地膚子)、ホウセンカ(鳳仙、急性子、透骨草)、ボウフウ(防風)、ホウレンソウ、ホオズキ(登呂根)、ホオノキ(和厚朴、朴)、ボケ(木瓜)、ホソバナオケラ(蒼朮)、ホソバノキリンソウ(景天三七)、ホソババレンギク、ボダイジュ(菩醍樹)、ボタン(牡丹、牡丹皮)、ホップ、ホホバ、ホワートルベリー「果実」、ホンオニク(肉じゅ蓉、大芸)、ホンセッコク(鉄皮石斛、雀山石斛)、マイズルテンナンショウ(天南星)、マイタケ(舞茸)、マオウ(麻黄)、マカデミアナッツ、マクリ(海人草)、マグワ(桑白皮「樹皮、葉」)、マグノリア又はスプレンゲリ、マタタビ(木天蓼)、マツカサ、松「葉、樹皮、根」、マツホド(茯苓)、マヨラム(ハナハッカ)、マルバノジャジン(苦参)、マルベリー「果実」、マルメロ、マンゴー、マンゴスチン、マンシュウグルミ、マンダリン「果実」、マンネンタケ(霊芝)、キジツ(枳実「果実」)、ミシマサイコ(柴胡)、ミズオオバコ又はミズアサガオ(竜舌草)、ミゾカクシ(半辺蓮)、ミソハギ(千屈菜)、ミチヤナギ又はニワヤナギ(篇蓄)、ミツガシワ、ミツバ、ミドリハッカ、ミモザ、ミョウガ、ミラクルフルーツ「果実」、ミルラ、ミロバラン、ムクゲ(木槿)、ムクノキ、ムクロジ、ムラサキ(紫根)、ムラサキシキブ又はオオムラサキシキブ(紫珠)、ムラサキトウモロコシ、ムラサキナツフジ(昆明鶏血藤)、メハジキ(益母草)、メボウギ、メラロイカ、メリッサ、メリロート、メロン「果実」、モウコヨモギ、モウソウチク、モッコウ(木香)、モミジバダイオウ、モモ(桃「葉、種子、花、果実」)、モヤシ、モレロチェリー「果実」、モロヘイヤ(黄麻)、ヤカワムラサキイモ、ヤクチ(益智)、ヤグルマソウ(ヤグルマギク)、ヤグルマハッカ、ヤシャブシ(矢車)又はヒメヤシャブシ又はオオバヤシャブシ「果実、果皮、果穂」、ヤチヤナギ、ヤツデ(八角金盤)、ヤドリギ(柳寄生)、ヤナギ(カワヤナギ、タチヤナギ、シダレヤナギ、アカメヤナギ、ネコヤナギ、イヌコリヤナギ、キヌヤナギ、コリヤナギ、ウンリュウヤナギ、ミヤマヤナギ、ヤマヤナギ、オオバヤナギ、タイリクキヌヤナギ、キツネヤナギ、ドロノキ)、ヤナギタデ「葉、茎」、ヤブガラシ、ヤブコウジ(紫金牛)、ヤブタバコ(鶴虱、天名精)、ヤマゴボウ(商陸)、ヤマハンノキ(山榛)、ヤマモモ(楊梅皮)、ヤマヨモギ、 ユーカリ、ユキノシタ(虎耳草)、ユッカ又はフレビフォリア、ユズ「果実」、ユリ、ヨロイグサ、ヨモギ(艾葉)、ライガン(雷丸)、ライム「果実」、ライムギ、ラカンカ「果実」、ラズベリー「葉、果実」、ラタニア(クラメリア)、ラッキョウ又はエシャロット(薤白)、ラベンダー、リュウガン(竜眼肉)、リュウゼツラン(アオノリュウゼツラン、フクリンリュウゼツラン)、リョクチャ(緑茶)、リンゴ「果実、種子、葉、根」、リンドウ、ルバス又はスアビシムス(甜涼)、レイシ(茘枝、茘枝核)、レタス(チシャ)、レッドカーラント「果実」、レモン「果実」、レモングラス、レンギョウ又はシナレンギョウ(連翹)、レンゲソウ、ロウヤシ、ロコン(ヨシ、蘆根)、ローガンベリー「果実」、ローズマリー(マンネンロウ)、ローズヒップ(ノバラ)、ワサビ、ワレモコウ(地楡)などが挙げられる。
紅藻類(ウシケノリ属:ウシケノリ、フノリノウシケ、アマノリ属:アサクサノリ、スサビノリ、ウップルイノリ、オニアマノリ、タサ、フイリタサ、ベニタサ、ロドコルトン属:ミルノベニ、アケボノモズク属:アケボノモズク、コナハダ属:ハイコナハダ、ヨゴレコナハダ、アオコナハダ、ウミゾウメン属:ウミゾウメン、ツクモノリ、カモガシラノリ、ベニモズク属:ベニモズク、ホソベニモズク、カサマツ属:カサマツ、フサノリ属:フサノリ、ニセフサノリ属:ニセフサノリ、ソデガラミ属:ソデガラミ、ガラガラ属:ガラガラ、ヒラガラガラ、ヒロハタマイタダキ属:ヒロハタマイタダキ、タマイタダキ属:タマイタダキ、カギケノリ属:カギノリ、カギケノリ、テングサ属:ヒメテングサ、ハイテングサ、オオブサ、ナンブグサ、コヒラ、ヨヒラ、キヌクサ、ヒビロウド属:ヒビロウド、ヒメヒビロウド、イソムメモドキ属:イソムメモドキ、 ミチガエソウ属:ミチガエソウ、リュウモンソウ属:リュウモンソウ、ヘラリュウモン、ニセカレキグサ属:ニセカレキグサ、オキツバラ属:オオバオキツバラ、アカバ属:アカバ、マルバアカバ、ナミノハナ属:ホソバナミノハナ、ナミノハナ、サンゴモドキ属:ガラガラモドキ、シオグサゴロモ属:シオグサゴロモ、イワノカワ属:エツキイワノカワ、カイノカワ属:カイノカワ、カニノテ属:カニノテ、サンゴモ属:サンゴモ、ムカデノリ属:ムカデノリ、スジムカデ、カタノリ、ヒラムカデ、キョウノヒモ、サクラノリ、ニクムカデ、タンバノリ、ツルツル、イソノハナ属:ヌラクサ、クロヌラクサ、オオムカデノリ、ヒラキントキ属:ヒラキントキ、マタボウ属:マタボウ、キントキ属:チャボキントキ、キントキ、マツノリ、コメノリ、トサカマツ、ヒトツマツ、カクレイト属:オオバキントキ、イトフノリ属:イトフノリ、ナガオバネ属:ナガオバネ、フノリ属:ハナフノリ、フクロフノリ、マフノリ、カレキグサ属:カレキグサ、トサカモドキ属:ホソバノトサカモドキ、ヒロハノトサカモドキ、ヤツデガタトサカモドキ、クロトサカモドキ、ネザシノトサカモドキ、キヌハダ属:キヌハダ、エゾトサカ属:エゾトサカ、ツカサノリ属:エナシカリメニア、オオツカサノリ、ハナガタカリメニア、ホウノオ属:ホウノオ、ヒカゲノイト属:ヒカゲノイト、ウスギヌ、ニクホウノオ属:ニクホウノオ、ベニスナゴ属:ベニスナゴ、ススカケベニ属:ススカケベニ、オカムラグサ属:ヤマダグサ、ミリン属:ミリン、ホソバミリン、トサカノリ属:キクトサカ、エゾナメシ属:エゾナメシ、イソモッカ属:イソモッカ、ユカリ属:ユカリ、ホソユカリ、イバラノリ属:イバラノリ、サイダイバラ、タチイバラ、カギイバラノリ、キジノオ属:キジノオ、イソダンツウ属:イソダンツウ、アツバノリ属:アツバノリ、オゴノリ属:オゴノリ、ツルシラモ、シラモ、オオオゴノリ、ミゾオコノリ、カバノリ、テングサモドキ属:ハチジョウテングサモドキ、フシクレノリ属:フシクレノリ、ナミイワタケ属:ナミイワタケ、カイメンソウ属:カイメンソウ、オキツノリ属:オキツノリ、サイミ属:イタニグサ、サイミ、ハリガネ、ハスジグサ属:ハスジグサ、スギノリ属:イカノアシ、ホソイボノリ、ノボノリ、クロハギンナンソウ属:クロハギンナンソウ、アカバギンナンソウ属:アカバギンナンソウ、ヒシブクロ属:ヒシブクロ、マダラグサ属:トゲマダラ、エツキマダラ、タオヤギソウ属:タオヤギソウ、ハナサクラ、フクロツナギ属:フクロツナギ、スジコノリ、ハナノエダ属:ハナノエダ、ヒラタオヤギ属:ヒラタオヤギ、ダルス属:ダルス、マサゴシバリ、アナダルス、ウエバグサ属:ウエバグサ、ベニフクロノリ属:ベニフクロノリ、フシツナギ属:フシツナギ、ヒメフシツナギ、ヒロハフシツナギ、ワツナギソウ属:ヒラワツナギソウ、ウスバワツナギソウ、イギス属:イギス、ケイギス、ハリイギス、ハネイギス、アミクサ、エゴノリ属:エゴノリ、フトイギス、サエダ属:サエダ、チリモミジ属:チリモミジ、コノハノリ科:ハブタエノリ、コノハノリ、スズシロノリ、ウスベニ属:ウスベニ、ハスジギヌ属:ハスジギヌ、ナガコノハノリ属:ナガコノハノリ、スジギヌ属:スジギヌ、アツバスジギヌ、ハイウスバノリ属:カギウスバノリ、ヤレウスバノリ、スジウスバノリ、ハイウスバノリ、ウスバノリモドキ属:ウスバノリモドキ、アヤニシキ属:アヤニシキ、アヤギヌ属:アヤギヌ、ダジア属:エナシダジア、シマダジア属:イソハギ、シマダジア、ダジモドキ属:ダジモモドキ、イトグサ属:モロイトグサ、フトイグサ、マクリ属:マクリ、ヤナギノリ属:ハナヤナギ、ユナ、ヤナギノリ、モツレユナ、ベニヤナギコリ、モサヤナギ、ササバヤナギノリ、ソゾ属:クロソゾ、コブソゾ、ハネソゾ、ソゾノハナ、ハネグサ属:ハネグサ、ケハネグサ、コザネモ属:コザネモ、イソムラサキ、ホソコザネモ、ヒメゴケ属:ヒメゴケ、クロヒメゴケ、ヒオドシグ属:キクヒオドシ、ヒオドシグサ、ウスバヒオドシ、アイソメグサ属:アイソメグサ、スジナシグサ属:スジナシグサ、イソバショウ属:イソバショウ、フジマツモ属:フジマツモ、ノコギリヒバ属:ハケサキノコギリヒバ、カワモズク属:カワモズク、アオカワモズク、ヒメカワモズク、イデユコゴメ属:イデユコゴメ、オキチモズク属:オキチモズク、イトグサ属、チノリモ属:チノリモ、チスジノリ属:チスジノリなど)。
光毒性誘発物質としては、大気汚染物質より得られた大気汚染物質抽出物とベンゾ(a)ピレン(和光純薬工業製)を使用した。大気汚染物質抽出物は、石英繊維フィルター(Pallflex products製)を付けたハイボリュームサンプラー(Staplex製)にて室外の大気汚染物質を24時間捕集し、得られた大気汚染物質65mgをメタノールを用いて超音波抽出法にて抽出した後、1mLのジメチルスルホキシド(和光純薬工業社製)に再溶解することで調製した。
Figure 0004082823
Figure 0004082823
本発明のスコポレチン、ウンベリフェロンの各物質を、50mg/mLとなるよう生理食塩水又はDMSO水溶液にて調製したものを0.1mL、S9 Mix(代謝活性化による場合)又は0.1M Na-リン酸緩衝液pH7.4(代謝活性によらない場合)を0.5mL、前培養菌(TA100、TA98)0.1mLを順次試験管に加えて37℃で20分間振とうし、その後トップアガー2mLを加えて混合した。これを最小グルコース寒天平板上に重層固化させて、37℃、48時間培養し、復帰突然変異により生じたコロニー数をカウントした。このとき同時に既知変異原物質を用いた陽性対照試験も行った。その結果、各菌株とも代謝活性化による場合、代謝活性化によらない場合共に、溶媒対照と比較して陽性対照では顕著な復帰変異コロニー数の増加が認められ、一方、上記の被験物質を添加した群においては復帰変異コロニー数の増加は認められなかった。これらの結果から、各被験物質の突然変異誘起性はないものと判断した。
The present invention A phototoxicity inhibitor comprising one or more substances selected from scopoletin and umbelliferone It is about.
The field of use can be used in various external preparations (including preparations used for animals) in general, specifically, ampoules, capsules, pills, tablets, powders, granules, solids, liquids, gels Or foamy 1) pharmaceuticals, 2) quasi-drugs, 3) topical or systemic skin cosmetics (for example, lotions, emulsions, creams, ointments, lotions, oils, packs and other basic cosmetics, face wash And skin cleansing agents, hair removal agents, hair removal agents, shaving treatments, after-shave lotions, pre-show lotions, shaving creams, etc.), 4) medicinal and / or cosmetic preparations applied to the scalp and hair (eg shampoos) Agents, rinse agents, treatment agents, permanent liquids, hair dyes, hair styling agents, hair styling agents, hair growth and hair nourishing agents, etc.), 5) bathing agents used in bath water, 6) other anti-odor and anti-odor agents Agent, deodorant, hygiene products, sanitary cotton, wet tissue, breath fresheners (for example, toothpaste, such as mouthwash), 7), and the like food and drink.
Furthermore, as food and drink, oral compositions such as gum and candy, processed marine products such as kamaboko and chikuwa, livestock products such as sausage and ham, Western confectionery, Japanese confectionery, raw noodles, boiled noodles, noodles such as buckwheat, Seasonings such as sauce, soy sauce, sauce, sugar, honey, powdered candy, and water candy, spices such as curry powder, mustard powder, pepper powder, jam, marmalade, chocolate spread, pickles, soy sauce, sprinkles, or various vegetables Processed vegetables and fruits such as canned and bottled fruits, dairy products such as cheese, butter and yogurt, miso soup, soup, fruit juice, vegetable juice, whey beverage, soft drinks, beverages such as alcoholic beverages, and other health foods The use to general food and drink is mentioned.
[Prior art]
Sunlight ultraviolet rays are useful for human health, such as vitamin D synthesis, sterilization, and disinfection, but they also have harmful effects such as sunburn, suntan, skin aging, and skin cancer induction. ing.
The solar ultraviolet rays are divided into three regions, a UV-C region of 290 nm or less, a UV-B region of 290 to 320 nm, and a UV-A region of 320 to 400 nm, depending on the biological action. The UV-C region is a highly carcinogenic UV ray that has a strong effect on living organisms, and it is said that it will not reach the ground because it is almost absorbed by the ozone layer in the stratosphere, but in recent years the decrease in the ozone layer has become a problem, There is concern about an increase in skin cancer.
UV-B has also been reported to promote sunburn (acute inflammation), suntan (pigmentation), skin aging, and skin cancer. When UV-B is irradiated to the skin, erythema appears in about 3 to 6 hours, reaches a peak in about 24 hours, and gradually shifts to blackening in 4 to 15 days. This is because UV-B that has passed through the stratum corneum damages cells (phototoxicity), and inflammation induced thereby activates melanocytes and increases melanin production. Furthermore, it has been reported that keratinization progresses in damaged epidermal tissues, and the skin becomes rough due to a decrease in the stratum corneum moisture content.
UV-A is said to cause immediate blackening and the pigment disappears in a short time, which is thought to be due to the oxidation of existing melanin and temporary blackening. Furthermore, UV-A has been reported to promote activation of melanocytes and to cause damage to the dermal tissue due to its high skin permeability, resulting in loss of skin elasticity, resulting in deep wrinkles.
In recent years, the influence of air pollutants on human bodies and living organisms such as garbage incineration products, exhaust gas, tobacco smoke, and airborne particulate matter has been taken up as a major problem. Among them, it is known that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons contained in air pollutants generate secondary products containing mutated (cancer) raw materials by reacting with nitrogen oxides.
For example, when benzo (a) pyrene, a typical polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon among air pollutants, is exposed to air containing nitric acid and nitrogen dioxide for 8 hours, about 20% of benzo (a) pyrene is obtained. 6-Nitrobenzo (a) pyrene and 1-benzo (a) pyrene and 3-benzo (a) pyrene are reported to be converted (Organizational Committee of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Environmental Mutation) -50, October 15, 1998). The nitro compound having a nitro group obtained here has strong toxicity and mutagenicity, and recently, it has been actively studied as an environmental mutagen.
Furthermore, the problem of phototoxicity of this air pollutant has been pointed out recently. Irradiation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (naphthalene, anthracene, phenanthrene, pyrene, benzo (a) pyrene, benzo (a) anthracene, etc.) has a cytotoxicity of phenanthrene about 30 times that of non-irradiated benzoanthrene. (a) Pyrene is 76,000 times higher. In other words, it has been reported that it becomes a strong phototoxic substance by light irradiation (The 26th Annual Meeting of the Environmental Mutation Society of Japan: Program and Abstracts, P.103, November 1, 1997).
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
It has been reported that sunlight ultraviolet rays or air pollutants adversely affect the skin, but in addition to the presence of air pollutants under the conditions of receiving sunlight ultraviolet rays, it has a strong cytotoxic effect, photocells It has been recognized that it produces toxic effects and damages the skin tissue, causing adverse effects such as carcinogenesis, rough skin, aging, sunburn (blackening), and inflammation harmful to the human body. However, the substance which suppresses the photocytotoxicity by this sunlight ultraviolet ray and an air pollutant is hardly known at present.
Therefore, the present invention does not damage tissues due to photocytotoxicity due to sunlight ultraviolet rays, cytotoxicity due to air pollutants, and cytotoxicity when exposed to sunlight ultraviolet rays in the presence of air pollutants. Provides phototoxicity inhibitors that prevent various adverse effects on the skin, such as carcinogenesis, rough skin, aging, sunburn (blackening), and inflammation, in all forms of preparations (pharmaceuticals, quasi drugs, cosmetics, foods and drinks) For the purpose.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
In view of these circumstances, the present inventors have reported that in the presence of benzo (a) pyrene, which is reported to be the most phototoxic among air pollutants and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons contained in air pollutants. As a development theme, we have conducted intensive research on the development of useful substances and plant extracts that have a so-called phototoxicity-inhibiting effect, in which cells are not toxic when exposed to water. as a result, It was confirmed that one or more substances selected from scopoletin and umbelliferone have a phototoxicity-inhibiting action. These substances are useful for preventing skin cancer, preventing and improving rough skin, preventing skin aging, preventing sunburn, preventing inflammation and the like.
A “flavonoid” is a compound containing phenylchroman, which is a C6-C3-C6 compound in which two benzene rings are linked by three carbons, and includes an oxidized or reduced form thereof. For example, baicalin, chrysin, myricetin, dihydromyricetin, morin, naringin, quercetin, quercitrin, rutin, ougonine, flavone, flavonol, chalcone, flavanone, dihydroflavonol, isoflavone, anthocyanin, multiflorin, soybean zein, quanon, silymarin, Apigenin, sulticin, luteolin, baicalein, plantaginine, kaempferol, alpinone, chalcone, butein, carthamin, ferroretin, bradylin, hematoxylin, molsin, icariin, licoricon And the like.
“Coumarins” are compounds having a basic skeleton of 2H-1-benzopyran-2-one in which an α-pyrone ring is condensed to a benzene ring, and are compounds containing an oxidized or reduced form thereof, such as coumarin and esculetin. , Scopoletin, umbelliferone, esculin, flaxin, scopalone, umbellprenin, ostole, angelol A, psoralen, bac-anglicin, bisnadine, dicoumarol, daflutin, manmain and the like.
In addition, “Baicalin” used in the present invention is a substance that is abundantly contained in, for example, Lamiaceae, and is represented by the following formula (Formula 1).
[Chemical 1]
Figure 0004082823
“Scopoletin” is, for example, a substance contained in the eggplant family Hasylidokoro, Belladonna and the like, and is represented by the following formula (Formula 13).
Embedded image
Figure 0004082823
“Unbelliferone” is, for example, a substance contained in the ciraceae Agi, ammoniacum, galvanum, and the like, and is represented by the following formula (Formula 14).
Embedded image
Figure 0004082823
In the present invention, Scopoletin, umbelliferone Each of these substances can be obtained by a general chemical synthesis method, and can also be used commercially. In addition, any known production method / purification method may be used as the production / purification method.
In addition, the present invention Scopoletin, umbelliferone Each of the above substances may contain various solvents "(water, alcohols (for example, lower alcohols such as methanol and ethanol, or polyhydric alcohols such as propylene glycol and 1,3-butylene glycol), ketones such as acetone, and ethyl acetate. These organic solvents such as esters, ethyl ether, dioxane, acetonitrile, xylene, benzene and chloroform can be used alone or in a combination of two or more kinds in a dissolved state.
In the present invention, Each substance of scopoletin and umbelliferone Depending on the dosage form and form of the phototoxicity inhibitor to be applied, it may be prepared by arbitrarily drying, concentrating, diluting or mixing.
Of the present invention Each substance of scopoletin and umbelliferone , Which can be incorporated into the phototoxicity inhibitor to be applied, and the content thereof is not particularly specified, but varies slightly depending on the type, quality, and expected level of action of the phototoxicity inhibitor and is usually 0.0001% by weight or more ( Hereinafter, it is preferably 0.001 to 5%. If the content is less than 0.001%, the effect cannot be expected sufficiently.
In the present invention, Phototoxicity inhibitor In addition to the essential substances described above, the components and additives exemplified below can be arbitrarily selected and used in combination as long as the effects of the present invention are not impaired.
(1) Various fats and oils
Avocado oil, almond oil, fennel oil, egoma oil, olive oil, orange oil, orange rafa oil, sesame oil, cacao butter, chamomile oil, carrot oil, cucumber oil, beef tallow fatty acid, kukui nut oil, safflower oil, shea fat, soybean oil , Camellia oil, corn oil, rapeseed oil, persic oil, castor oil, cottonseed oil, peanut oil, turtle oil, mink oil, egg yolk oil, palm oil, palm kernel oil, molasses, coconut oil, beef tallow, tallow or these oils and fats Hydrogenated products (hardened oil, etc.)
(2) Wax
Beeswax, carnauba wax, whale wax, lanolin, liquid lanolin, reduced lanolin, hard lanolin, candelilla wax, montan wax, shellac wax, rice wax, squalene, squalane, pristane, etc.
(3) Mineral oil
Liquid paraffin, petrolatum, paraffin, ozokelide, ceresin, microkristane wax, etc.
(4) Fatty acids
Natural fatty acids such as lauric acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, behenic acid, oleic acid, 12-hydroxystearic acid, undecylenic acid, tall oil, lanolin fatty acid, isononanoic acid, caproic acid, 2-ethylbutanoic acid, isopentanoic acid , Synthetic fatty acids such as 2-methylpentanoic acid, 2-ethylhexanoic acid and isopentanoic acid.
(5) Alcohols
Natural alcohols such as ethanol, isopyropanol, lauryl alcohol, cetanol, stearyl alcohol, oleyl alcohol, lanolin alcohol, cholesterol, phytosterol, and synthetic alcohols such as 2-hexyldecanol, isostearyl alcohol, 2-octyldodecanol.
(6) Polyhydric alcohols
Ethylene oxide, ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, triethylene glycol, ethylene glycol monoethyl ether, ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, diethylene glycol monomethyl ether, diethylene glycol monoethyl ether, polyethylene glycol, propylene oxide, propylene glycol, polypropylene glycol, 1,3-butylene glycol Glycerin, pentaerythritol, sorbitol, mannitol, etc.
(7) Esters
Isopropyl myristate, isopropyl palmitate, butyl stearate, hexyl laurate, myristyl myristate, oleyl oleate, decyl oleate, octyldodecyl myristate, hexyldecyl dimethyloctanoate, cetyl lactate, myristyl lactate, diethyl phthalate, phthalate Dibutyl acid, lanolin acetate, ethylene glycol monostearate, propylene glycol monostearate, propylene glycol dioleate and the like.
(8) Metal soap
Aluminum stearate, magnesium stearate, zinc stearate, calcium stearate, zinc palmitate, magnesium myristate, zinc laurate, zinc undecylenate, etc.
(9) Gums, sugars or water-soluble polymer compounds
Gum arabic, benzoin gum, danmar gum, guaiac gum, Irish moss, Karaya gum, tragacanth gum, carob gum, quinseed, agar, casein, lactose, fructose, sucrose or esters thereof, trehalose or derivatives thereof, dextrin, gelatin, pectin, starch, Carrageenan, carboxymethyl chitin or chitosan, hydroxyalkyl (C2-C4) chitin or chitosan to which alkylene (C2-C4) oxide such as ethylene oxide is added, low molecular chitin or chitosan, chitosan salt, sulfated chitin or chitosan, phosphorus Oxidized chitin or chitosan, alginic acid or salt thereof, hyaluronic acid or salt thereof, chondroitin sulfate or salt thereof, heparin, ethylcellulose, methylcellulose, carboxymethylcellulose, carbo Polyalkylene oxide such as xyethyl cellulose, sodium carboxyethyl cellulose, hydroxyethyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, nitrocellulose, crystalline cellulose, polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinyl methyl ether, polyvinyl pyrrolidone, polyvinyl methacrylate, polyacrylate, polyethylene oxide and polypropylene oxide or Its cross-linked polymer, carboxyvinyl polymer, polyethyleneimine, etc.
(10) Surfactant
Anionic surfactant (alkyl carboxylate, alkyl sulfonate, alkyl sulfate ester salt, alkyl phosphate ester salt), cationic surfactant (alkylamine salt, alkyl quaternary ammonium salt), amphoteric surfactant: carboxylic acid Type amphoteric surfactant (amino type, betaine type), sulfate ester type amphoteric surfactant, sulfonic acid type amphoteric surfactant, phosphate ester type amphoteric surfactant, nonionic surfactant (ether type nonionic surfactant) Agent, ether ester type nonionic surfactant, ester type nonionic surfactant, block polymer type nonionic surfactant, nitrogen-containing type nonionic surfactant), other surfactants (natural surfactant, protein Hydrolyzed derivatives, polymer surfactants, surfactants containing titanium and silicon, fluorocarbon surfactants Such as.
(11) Various vitamins
Vitamin A group: retinol, retinal (vitamin A1), dehydroretinal (vitamin A2), carotene, lycopene (provitamin A), vitamin B group: thiamine hydrochloride, thiamine sulfate (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), Pyridoxine (vitamin B6), cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), folic acid, nicotinic acids, pantothenic acids, biotins, choline, inositols, vitamin C group: vitamin C acid or derivatives thereof, vitamin D group: ergocalciferol (vitamin D2 ), Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), dihydrotaxosterol, vitamin E group: vitamin E or derivatives thereof, ubiquinones, vitamin K group: phytonadione (vitamin K1), menaquinone (vitamin K2), menadione (vitamin 3), menadiol (vitamin K4), other essential fatty acids (vitamin F), carnitine, ferulic acid, .gamma.-oryzanol, orotic acid, vitamin P such (rutin, eriocitrin, hesperidin), and vitamin U.
(12) Various amino acids
Valine, leucine, isoleucine, threonine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, lysine, glycine, alanine, asparagine, glutamine, serine, cysteine, cystine, tyrosine, proline, hydroxyproline, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, hydroxylysine, arginine, ornithine, histidine And amino acid derivatives such as sulfate, phosphate, nitrate, citrate, or pyrrolidone carboxylic acid.
(13) Various additives derived from plant or animal materials
These are processed in a conventional manner according to the product type and form to be added (for example, pulverization, milling, washing, hydrolysis, fermentation, purification, pressing, extraction, fractionation, filtration, drying, pulverization) , Granulation, dissolution, sterilization, pH adjustment, deodorization, decolorization, and the like are arbitrarily selected and combined), and may be arbitrarily selected from various materials.
The solvent used for the extraction may be selected in consideration of the intended purpose and type of the product to be provided, or the processing performed later. Usually, water, a water-soluble organic solvent (for example, ethanol, propylene glycol) It is desirable to use one or a mixture of two or more selected from 1,3-butylene glycol and the like. However, when it is not preferable to contain an organic solvent depending on the application, it is sufficient to use only water or ethanol that can be easily removed after extraction, and it may be used alone or in any mixture with water. The thing extracted and extracted may be sufficient.
In addition, when using additives derived from plant or animal-based ingredients for systemic or topical external preparations and cosmetics, it protects skin and hair, moisturizes, improves touch and texture, imparts flexibility, and stimulates Relaxation, stress relief by fragrance, cell activation (cell aging prevention), suppression of inflammation, improvement of skin and hair quality, prevention of rough skin and its improvement, hair growth, hair growth, hair loss prevention, imparting gloss, cleansing effect, In addition to cosmetic effects such as fatigue relief, blood flow promotion, and bathing effects, effects such as flavoring, deodorizing, thickening, preserving, and buffering can also be expected.
In addition, in food and drink, nutritional supplementation, fatigue recovery, tonicity, cell activation (cell aging prevention) and other healthy and cosmetic effects, as well as improved taste, color tone, aroma, gloss, stabilization, thickening, It can be used for antiseptic purposes. In addition to this, various cosmetic and pharmaceutical effects of each of the known raw materials are expected, and by combining these, the intended effect can be promoted or multifunctional. It is also possible to make the product expected to be effective.
Specific plants (herbal medicines) as raw materials include, for example, almonds (toen), ai (indigo leaves), aokazura (Keifu Fuji), Aoki (Aoki), Aogiri or Kenashia Ogiri (Ao Tung), Aotsu Samurai (wooden candy) , Acacia, Akashoma (red 升 hemp), Akasuguri `` fruit '', red grape, Akaminoki (logwood), Akamegashiwa (red buds), Akane (Agaric root), Akajia or Gio (land yellow), Agi (Aki), Akinire Crust), akebi (trees), Asa (Makojin), Maruba morning glory or morning glory (Chicken), hydrangea (hydrangea), Ashitaba (morrow leaves), Amana (Kojyo), azuki (red bean), acerola, asenyaku (Asen Yaku), Anise, Abemaki `` Fruit '', Avocado, Ama, Amacha (Amacha), Amacharu, Amadokoro (Jade), Amaranth (Amaranthus, Hagatou, Higegateto, Senninkoku, Sugimorigateto , Hosoaogeito, Aogateto, Haribiyu, Amaranthus Hippochondriax), Amigasayuri or Baimo (shellfish mother), Altea, Arnica, Alpinia or Katsumadai (Suzukuku), Aloe (蘆薈), Aloe Vera, Angelica, Apricot or Honzu (Apricot), Ansokkou (benzoic incense), Igakozolina (earth gall head), Ikarisou or Yachima Taikoshi (Inyokaku), Rabbits (Ginseng grass), Itadori (Toujokone), Yew (first place), Strawberry, Fig (No fruit `` fruit, leaf '') , Ichihatsu (first), Ichibi (winter lion), Ichiyakusou (one medicinal herb), Ginkgo (Ginkgo `` seeds, leaves ''), Itohimehagi (distant), Carob, Japanese apricot (Taileki), Inubiyu (Honagainubiyu), Rice `` Seeds , Seed coat ", Inondo" seed ", Ikki Sou, nettle, ylang ylang, iwa tobacco (Iwatsuki) Iwahiba or Iwamatsu (Makimaki), Oolong tea, fennel (Mika), Ukiyara (Sanryo), Uguisukagra `` fruit '', Himewikyo, turmeric (Golden), Duckweed (Floating), Usba Saishin or Keirin Saishin or Oshusaishin (Spicy), Usbunia mushroom, Ususanitai mallow, Nepenthes (Summer hay), Udo or Shishido (Aki, Shizukatsu, Tangyu), Uba tea, Ume (Ume plum `` seed, pulp ''), Vulgari, Uwaurushi (Kusakokemo), Unshu Citrus (Chest), Estragon, Ezoukogi (Magogoka), Echinashi (Musobasaki Barengiku), Enishida, Enokitake (Mushroom), Ebisugusa or Cassia Tora (Keiko), Elderberry "Fruit", Elemi, Elingy or Pre-Lotus Erin Ji, Enju (Aoihana, Aoihana), Ogi or Kibanaogi (Yellow), Auren (Huangren) ), Parakeet's cucumber (Carocon), Giant gulma (Incense incense), Otsuka Rafuji (Preventive Self), Psyllium (Principal car, Precursor), Toucan beetle (Chinese lion), Ovana querella or Okera (Hakuho), Ovanasusuberi (Banaba), Obaya chabushi `` Fruit '', sea hawthorn or hawthorn (Yamako), seisei (narukoyuri, kagura-mabanaruyori), sasayukiyuki or sasanoyuki, barley (barley), euglena (cereal essence), casserole (serpentine), oguruma (overturn), Okra `` fruit '', ginseng or tochibaninjin (carrot), hypericum or scabbard hypericum or hypericum perennial (brothers cut grass), blackbird (interrupted), red fir tree (red ears), onigurumi, onidokoro or tokoro or nodokoro ), Onyuri or Sasayuri or Hatayuri (lily), Ononi , Halibut (foliage pods), ominae (losing soy sauce), Dutch mustard (watercress), Dutch jellies, Dutch honey bees, olives `` fruits, seeds, leaves '', oregano, orange `` fruits, pericarps '', silkworms (ripening yellow) ), Cacao `` fruit, pericarp, seeds '', oysters (bamboo `` leaves ''), scallops (Katsufuji Aoi), oysters or kantosou (lotus), cassia, gambling (fruits `` fruit ''), gadgets (莪 朮), Oak wrinkles (bamboo tree, oak leaves), cascarilla, cascara sagrada, cynomolgus (gold sato), valerian (valerian), birch or fern birch (white birch), pumpkin, kapokoki `` seed '', kahokusansho (bamboo shoot), Catfish (carp yellow), chamomile or roman chamomile, chamomile (weed), cam cam (camo duck), crow or cinnamon crow (king moth), crow bishak (half summer), crow wheat, guarana `` seed '', caraho (Shinpak), Karaya, Karin (Kiso), Garcinia, Kawamidori, Kawara Psycho (Koryocho, Japanese white grass), Kawajisha, Kawaratake, Kawaranadeshiko (Shitake) or Ezokawara Nadeshiko (Soba, Soba), Kawaraninjin ), Kawara mugwort (茵 蒿 茵), Kansui (sweet candy), licorice (licorice), Kantaraasa, Candelilla, kanto, Kanna, raspberry (Ezo strawberry, Dutch strawberry, shrimp strawberry, Nava white strawberry, maple strawberry, European raspberry), kiwi `` fruit, leaf '', Kikarasuuri (Gurone), Oyster (Kikkyo, Kikyo Root), Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum, Shikankaniku, Ginseng), Kisame (Kashimi), Gishigishi (Yotei), Kizutsu (Kurumi), Kizuta, Kidachi Aloe, Kidachihakka , Kina, linden (shinkona, red linden), yellowfin (yellow tuna), gymnema sylvester, cabbage, cabbage Beb `` Immature fruit '', Cucumber, Gyoryu (Nishikawa willow, Taiyanagi), Kiraja saponaria, Kiraya, Kiranso (Kinusakusa), Kumquat `` Fruit '', Betel, Snapper grass, Guava `` Fruit '', Guayule, Quercus infectria, cucumber nuts, wolfberry (bamboo shoots, coconut leaves, cocoon leaves, cruciform skin), Japanese quail (Tenmon winter), kudu (kudzu), camphor tree, gooseberry `` fruit '', ginseng (yellow bud) , Gardenia (mountain lion), kunugi (bamboo grass), Kumazasa, pine moth (horse whip grass), clara (bitter), cranberry `` fruit '', chestnut `` seed, fruit, astringent skin '', curkurigo latifolia `` fruit '', grapefruit `` fruit・ Leaf '', buckthorn, black spider (necessary), black-bellied toad or tow-koshi (life-extending grass, life-extended skin), cloves (clove, clove), gumbai tuna (serum) (Kimei, Sekimeishi), Kei-gai (bamboo shoots, chicks), Celosia (chicken flowers, hens), bay bay (Laurel tree), Kenashi Sartorii roses (Tsumago, Yamakage), Gentiana, Genokosho (old lady), Kemponashi (Kigushi), Koki Sekkok, Kishimizukan (Koji, Tachibana, Obenimikan, Fukurikukan, Sagamikouji, Ponkan, Santara (Tachibana)), Koshinbara (Monthly Flower), Kouseihakka, Kozo (fruit), Kocha (tea), Kohone (riverbone) , Kouhon (Enomoto, Karasumoto), Koryang, Koryo Kyo (Koryo), Cilantro "fruit", Kouren (Huo Ren), Koganebana (Yellow Gon), Cowberry (Etsutachibana), Coco palm "Fruit", Goshuyu (Kurei) , Gosho strawberry (pepper bonsai), pepper (pepper), copaiba balsam, coffee `` seed, leaf '', kobushi or magnolia (hot pepper), burdock (cow) , Beef coconut), coconut lees, sesame (sesame), sesame seeds (genus ginseng), trash (gomisin), saneka or binankazura or pine bush, wheat (wheat), rice or rice bran `` red rice, white rice '', rice oil, cola acminata `` Seed '', cola vera `` seed '', fenugreek `` fruit '', colombo, condurango, kombu, konjak, comfrey (birch grass), sisal (sisal asa), saxima button bud or cinnabar bud or cinnamon Sakura (Oshima cherry, Yamazakura, Oyamazakura, Edhigashi, Bean cherry, Miyaza cherry, Yoshino cherry, Takane cherry, Kasumi cherry, Chojizakura, Kohigan, Sakura, Kanzakura `` Leaf, flowers, fruit, bark (cherry bark) '', cherry, pomegranate, cherry Sasanka, Sajimodaka (Sawaka), sweet potato, sugar cane, Sweet radish, sunflower jujube (acid vine), saffron (bancho flower, west red flower), pomelo `` fruit '', savonso, salmon berry `` fruit '', salamander ginger (satsuma), salvia (sage), ragweed (mountain vegetables), sawagurumi (Yellow walnuts), Salamander, Sansino carrot (37 ginseng), Sanshuyu (Yamamuro), Sansho (Yamamuro), Sandskon (Yamazune), Shia (Kalite), Cyano `` fruit '', Shiitake mushroom (Shiitake) Zion (Shimeji, Beechhimeji, Honjimeshi, Shirotamogitake), Shimotsukeso, Potato, Peonies (Shakuyaku), Shajin (Sanjin) Jasmine (Matsurika), Janohige (Wheat Gate Winter), Shukushamitsu (Sanjin, Shredded Sand), Juzdama, Shuro “Fruit”, Ginger (Ginger), Jouzan Hydrangea (Tsuneyama), Shobu (Koji, Sone), Shozuk `` Fruits '', shirakashi `` seeds '', white-faced butterflies `` seeds '', white cherry (chicken bone grass), white squirrels (Nioiris), Shirobanatsuta `` flowers '', shirominanten (southern natural fruit), cinchona sylbra, ginkgo biloba , Shencho Flower), Cinnamon, Watermelon (Sairan), Honeysuckle (Gin Silver Flower, Shinobu), Sorrel (Acid Model), Swimberry "Fruit", Stevia, Strawberry "Fruit", Suzu-Psycho (Xu Longan), Sugina (Question), Subuhiyu ( (Horse-tooth soap, horse-tooth soap), plum (fruit), Japanese red pine (cone), Japanese larch, Japanese kizuta, Japanese walnut, Japanese cherry , Dandelion, horse chestnut (marronie), pear `` fruit '', psyllium prunus, elder, prunus (juniper, pine), yarrow (milfoil), rose, pearl butterfly, mistletoe Mint or horse mint, horseradish, budgerigar (pepper), gypsophila (pepper), mallow, hirosanega, senega, celery, celery, nematode (river cucumber), senshinren (centennial ream), sendan, assembly (this drug), Senna `` fruits, leaves '', ginseng (large persimmon), soka (grass), buckwheat `` seed '', rice potato, daiou (daihuang), radish, soybean, Daidai (orange peel, fruit), Takasaburo Takatodai (Otsuka), Takarabi (Kashiwaji), dark sweet cherry `` fruit '', Chiaoi, Tachikakuso (Thyme, Hyakurika), Tachidokoro (Hikai), Tachiyanagi, Tamarind `` Seeds '', Onion, Tamshiba (hot pepper), Taranoki `` Fruits, leaves, root bark '', Tanjin, Dandelion, Dandelion or Shirobana Dandelion or Mouko Dandelion, Danmaru, Cherry `` Fruit '', Chigaya `` Fruit, Root, Bud '', Chikutsujinjin (Bamboo Ginseng), Chicory, Ginseng (Dahi), Ginseng (Ginseng), Ginseng (Ginseng), Korean mugwort (bamboo leaves), choreimaitake (bamboo shoots), camellia, tsukuritake (mushrooms), camellia, camellia, tsumeksa (lacquered vines), camellia (duck moths), vine azuki (red red beans), tsurudukudami (what neck moths), tsuruna (Apricot apricot), Tsuru carrot (Yoshiba ginseng), Azalea, Deco, Teuchigurumi, Duberry "fruit", Tengusa, Tencha ), Tendai Yaku (glaze), Touga (winter coconut), Capsicum crispula, Capsicum (panyu), Toki (Toshiki), Tokinsenka (marigold), Tounabena (river cut), corn or corn hair (south eyelashes) , Scotch moth (Sadako), Torindou or Kyakusen Gindou (Ryuboku), Tokusa (wood band), Dokudami (10 medicines), Tokon (Togashi root), Toshishi or Mamedaoshi or Neshikazura, Tochu (bark `` bark, leaf, root '') ), Ash (crust), tomato, tragacanth, triacanthus `` seed '', tormentilla, dronoki, troloaoi, nigerian berry `` fruit '', Chinese yam or wild yam (wild boar), nagii kada (butcher bloom), naginata koju, nazuna, rapeseed, Solid bean or vertical bean (sword beans), Natsumikan, jujube (Oiso), Naniwaibara (Golden cherry), Navena (continuous), Nameko, Na Luco lily (yellow spirit), peanut (peanut), Nanten (southern honey), Nanban karamushi (snacks), bitter gourd (bitterwood), bitter mugwort (bitter melon), nikuzu, Kei or Nikkei or Ceylon Nikkei or Yabu Nikkei (Katsunashi) or Keishi ( Katsushi), leek (lion), elderberry (bone, fruit, flower, stem, leaf), garlic (large persimmon), nurde (penta), leek, nemnoki or nebu or nebi or nemuroki or zigokubana (cheer), Noazami (Otsuka), Neubara (fruit), Yarrow, Nodake (Mae-hu), Novara, Peach, Palm, Pineapple `` Fruit '', Hibiscus (Bussouge, Furinbusouge, Roselle), Hakamaraboshi (Otsuka) Skin), hakuruberry `` fruit '', chickweed (breeding), hazelnut (coconut), ashridokoro (roth root), basil, lotus (lotus, lotus meat, lotus), parsley (holland jelly), hada Wheat, Batata, Hachiku or Madake (bamboo shoots), patchouli, mint (light load, light load leaf), pearl barley (Yokuinin), Hanasuge (knowing mother), banana, hana mint, hanabishi (Sitoshi, Shitsutsuri), vanilla bins, papaya, mint leaf ( `` Was grass '', hub `` whole grass, stem, leaf '', paprika, hamago or honey bee moth (vine lion), hamasge (kotsuko), kingfish (shitsu coconut), hermanus (maikai flower), hamabofu (hamafu wind), Hamamerisu, Rose (Rose), Agaric (Agaric, White-faced Agaricus, Usukimori no Kasa), Haran, Parietalia, Harunire (Crustacea, Cinnabarium, Bamboo Leaves), Handaikai (Aoi Omi), Pannoki, Hinogi (Agarashi), Hikageturinjin (Party affiliation), Pu'er tea (general tea), pecan nuts, ganbanana (stone wall, vine pearl shahua), hikiokoshi (life-extending grass, life-prolonging skin), horsetail (hishin), pistachio, bi , Cypress, cypress, cypress, cypress, hiba, castor, sunflower, bell pepper, himeuzu, tencho, matsutake mushroom (kawariharatake, hiromatsutake), pimenta `` `` Fruit '', beakshi, beakkyu, jade `` fruit '', belude oyster, hirohaokinagusa (bald eagle), loquat `` fruit, leaves, stem '', betel row (large clothes skin, coconut), sweet beetle (south rattan), burdock, dandelion ( (Fuji winter flower, Fuku winter leaf), Fujibakama (Orchid grass), Fuji bean (Tsuname), Grapes `` Fruits, pericarp, seeds, leaves '', Beech, Fuyushinatsusatake (Cycium colander), Brazilian elephant, Brazilian carrot, Black currant `` Fruits '' , Blackberry, Plum “Fruit”, Fullceraria, Blueberry ), Loofah, safflower (safflower), heneken, belladonna, berry `` fruit '', pervianburg, beniso or nettle (scenic sky), boysenberry `` fruit '', scallop or narcissus or nendo or hahagigi kokia (earthworm), Spinach (Akansen, Acute Child, Transparent Grass), Bow Fu (Windproof), Spinach, Japanese physalis (Torune), Japanese cypress (Japanese Koshoku, Pak), Bokeh (Kiso), Hosobana Okera (Aoi), Hosobana Kirinso (Keiten) 37), Hosobabarengiku, Bodaiju (bamboo tree), buttons (peony, peony skin), hops, jojoba, white berry `` fruit '', hononiku (meat juju, daige), honsekkok (iron skin stone bowl, sparrow mountain stone bowl) ), Mizul Tennan Show (Tennan Star), Maitake (Maiko), Maou (Mao), Macadamia Nuts, Macri (Marine Grass), Magwa (Mulberry White Bark “Bark, Leaf”), Magnolia or Spray Geri, Matabi (wooden bonito), Matsukasa, pine `` leaves, bark, root '', matsuhodo (茯苓), mayoram (butterfly), malvanojadin (bitter), mulberry `` fruit '', quince, mango, mangosteen, manshu gurumi, Mandarin `` fruit '', Mannentake (Ganoderma lucidum), pheasant (fruit berry `` fruit ''), Mishima Saiko (Shibahu), Mizuoobako or Mizuasagao (Dragongrass), Mizokakushi (half-sided lotus), Misohagi (Chinese vegetable), Michiyanagi or Japanese willow (Henshu), Mitsuwashi, Mitsuba, Green mint, Mimosa, Myoga, Miracle fruit `` Fruits '', Myrrh, Milobaran, Mugge (Mushroom), Mungoki, Mukuroji, Murasaki (purple root), Murasakiki kib or Omurasakikib (purple pearl), Murasakiki Maize, Murasaki Natsufuji (Kunming chicken blood wisteria), Swordfish (beneficial herb), Meowugi, Melaroika, Melissa, Meri Melon, melon `` fruit '', mugwort mugwort, mosouchiku, mokko (wooden incense), Japanese maple peach, peach (peach `` leaves, seeds, flowers, fruit ''), coconut palm, morello cherry `` fruit '', morohaya (burlap), ya Kawamura potato, yakchi (masutachi), cornflower (cornflower), cornflower mint, yashabushi (yash) or himeya shabushi or oyabaya chabushi `` fruit, pericarp, fruit ear '', yachiyanagi, scorpion (octagonal gold plate), mistletoe (willow parasitism), Willow , Yabu Tobacco (Crane Crab, Tenmei Seimei), Yamagobo ( Commerce), Yamahanoki (Yamamuro), Yamamomo (Yamamushi), Yamabomogi, Eucalyptus, Yukinoshita (tiger ear grass), Yucca or flevifolia, Yuzu `` fruit '', Lily, Yorigusa, Mugwort (Leaf), Ligan (Raimaru) , Lime `` fruit '', rye, lacanca `` fruit '', raspberry `` leaves, fruit '', latania (chlamelia), lacquer or shallot (lavender), lavender, longan (long-eye meat), agave (aonorus agave, fuchrin agave), ryokucha ( Green tea), apples `` fruits, seeds, leaves, roots '', gentian, lubas or sabibismus, litchi (toothpick, toothpick core), lettuce (chisha), red currant `` fruit '', lemon `` fruit '', lemon Glass, Forsythia or Chinese Forsythia (ream), Forsythia, wax palm, Lokon (Yoshi, Sone), Loganberry "fruit" Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), rose hip (Novara), wasabi, and the like burnet (Chinire).
In addition, other seawaters such as sea salt, seawater dried products, dead sea or Atlantic or Pacific sea water (sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, potassium chloride, etc.), sea mud or mud (fango), such as Sea mud or mud in various regions such as Italy, France, Germany, Eifel and Franceburg (Contained components: silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide, aluminum oxide, iron oxide, manganese oxide, sodium oxide, potassium oxide, magnesium oxide, calcium oxide) Strontium oxide, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, chromium, iron, copper, nickel, zinc, lead, manganese, arsenic, water).
As seaweeds, seaweed [green algae: Chlorella vulgaris, Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Chlorella ellipsoidia, Aonori (Usubaonori, Susiaoonori, Hianaonori), seaweed [Brown algae: Kombu Hosome Kombu, Mitsuishi Kombu), Wakame, Hirome, Aowakame, Giant Kelp (Macrocystis pirifera, Macrocystis integrofolia, Hiijiki, Hibamata), seaweed [Red algae: Hijirimen, Maxa (Tengusa), Nettle, cypress, prickly pear, caterpillar, yatabegusa, yui-kiri, striped primrose, crested beetle, spruce rhinoceros, crested rhinoceros, giraffe rhinoceros, ginseng giraffe, horned mackerel, plover Data, carrageen (Yahazutsunomata), Ezotsunomata, Togetsunomata, Hirakotoji, Kotojitsunomata, Suginori, Shikin'nori, Kainori, Ibotsunomata, Yareusubanori, Kagiusubanori, Sujiusubanori, Haiusubanori, Akamomijinori] and the like as a representative.
In addition, other algae such as green algae (Chlamydomonas: Chlamydomonas, Akayukimo, Dunaliella: Dunaliella, Chlorococcus: Chlorococcus, Kuwanomimo: Kuwanomimo, Volboxa: Ougemawari, Volbox, Palmera, Yotsumeo, Aomido: Chrysanthemum, Aoumidro, Tirguimidro, Hibidoro: Hibidoro, Aosa: Anaaaosa, Amiaosa, Nagaaosa, Kawanori: Kawanori, Friccella, Shiogusa Magama genus: Magamata, Iwagata: Fusaikawa, Surichogata, Heraiwata, Kurokita, Hanemo, Genus: Mill, Chromel, Sakibutimil, Nagamil, Hira Lemon, Casanori genus: Casanori, Jusmo genus: Jujusmo, Tamajusmo, Mizojuzumo, Mika ヅ kimo, Korekaete, Tsutsumimo genus: Kyukougusa, Hitogususa genus: Humanegusa, Hirohatohigususa, Umushihimoe, Sakikimoe Sumiremo: Sumiremo, Hoshimamidro, Fushinashimidoro etc.).
Cyanobacteria (Suizenjinori: Suizinori, Aoko, Nenjumo: Kawatake, Ishijelly, Hassai, Yuremo, Rasenmo (Spirulina): Spirulina, Trichodesmium (Aiacacio), etc.
Brown alga Sanadagusa: Sanadagusa, Fukurimamiji, Commongusa: Commongusa, Yahazugusa: Ezoyahaz, Yahazugusa, Uraboshiyahaz, Jigamusa: Jigmygusa, Umichiwagusa, Umamisakugakua, Hakusou : Navarimo, Chasomen genus: Motsuki Chasomen, Matsumo genus: Matsumo, Nagamatsumo genus: Nagamatsumo, Okinawa mozuku: Okinawa mozuku, fake Tomozuku: Niseft Mozuku, Futomozuku: Futomozuku, Ishimozuku: Ishimozuku, Kuromo: Kuromo, Nisemozuku: Nisemozuku, Mozuku: Mozuku, Ishige: Ishige, Iroro, Ichimosa: Ichimegasa Umibosu, Urushigusu: Urushigusa, Keurushigusa, Tobaccogusa, Composita: Composita, Haberodomo: Haberodoki, Havanori: Habanori, Habanori: Habanori, Commonbukuro, Ezobukuro, Ezobukuro Chishima fukuronori genus: Chishima fukuronori, Kagomenori genus: Kagomenori, Muraridori genus: Murachidori, shark genus: shark zusa, genus genus: lobster, genus genus: yokojimamanori, Ganoderma genus: cynomolgus, fennel spider: fennel spider, vine genus: turmo, turtle genus: sea turtle, scorpion genus: sujime, misji kumbu genus: misji kumbu, atsuba misji kumbu, kumbu genus: tsutsugara kumbu, oyster kumbu, onikombu, gakonbubu Barracuda, Trollocombu: Trollocombu, Antokume: Antokume, Kajime: Kajime, Tsuruarame, Kurome, Kikuishikombu: Kikuishicombu, Nejikcombu: Nejicombu, Kuroshiome: Kuroshiome, Nekoshikonbu, Aramei Genus: Ainuwakame, Chigaiso, Oniwakame Ezoi Shige: Ezoi Shige, Yabane Moku: Yabane Moku, Rappa Moku: Rappa Moku, Joromoku: Ugano Moku, Jo Lomoku, Hiemoku, Honda Walla: Tamanashimoku, Isomoku, Nagashimamoku, Akamoku, Shidamoku, Honda Walla, Nejimoku, Narasamo, Mametawala, Tatsukuri, Yatsumata Moku, Umitora no Moku, Fushishimoku, Mohmokumoku, Hahamokumoku ), Genus Ukimo: Ouki, genus Burukimo: burukimo, genus genus: mosquito mono).
Red algae Genus: Sea urchins, Tsukumonori, Anemone crickets, Astragalus, Amaranthus, Amaranthus, Agaricata Genus: Tamaitadaki, Kaikekenori Genus: Kaginori, Kaikekenori, Proboscis: Giant plover, Hytengus, Oobusa, Nambugu , Kohira, Yohira, Kinukusa, Hibirodo: Hibirodo, Himebiro, Isomumedo: Isommedo, Aedes: Rhizome, Ryumons: Ryumon, Ranunculaceae, Nisekare Naminohana: Hosobanaminohana, Naminohana, Sangomodoki: Ragaramomodoki, Shiogusagoromo: Shiogusagoromo, Iwanokawa: Etsukiiwanawa, Kinokawa: Kinokawa, Kanonote, Sangori Scarlet, cherry blossom, Nikumukade, Tambanori, Tsurutsuru, Isonohana: Nurakusa, Cronouraxa, Oumkadeno , Hirakintoki spp. Mafunori, Karekigusa: Karekigusa, Tosakamodoki: Hosobanotosakamodoki, Hirohatosakamodoki, Yatsudegatatosakamodoki, Kurotosakamodoki, Nezashinotosakamodoki, Kinuhasada, Ezotosaka , Anopheles genus: Honoo, genus genus: genus genus, Usugineu, genus Anemone genus: genus Anne, genus Benusnago: genus Venice, Suskakebeni: Skakebeni, Okamuragusa: Yamadagusa, Mirin-genus: Mirin, Hosobamyrin, Tosakanori: Kikutosaka, Ezonameshi: Ezonameshi, Isomokka: Isomokka, Yukari: Yukari, Hosoyukari, Ibaranori: Phellinus genus, Isodantsu: Isodantsu, Atsubanori: Atsubanori, Ogonori: Ogonori, Tsurushiramo, Shiramo, Oonogori, Mizokonori, Birch, Amanita spp. , Genus genus: cypress, genus: cypress, cygnus, spinach, spinach genus: spinach, cedar genus: staghorn, hosoibono Li, Novonori, Black-tailed genus: Black-crowned dragon, Red-billed genus: Red-billed pea, Red-billed genus: Red-billed crocodile, Red-tailed moth : Hanaeda, Hirataka goat genus: Hirataka goat, Dulse genus: Darus, Masagobari, Anadalus, Uebagsa genus: Uebagusa, Benifukuronori: Benifukuronori, Fushitsunagi genus: Fusunagi, Himefusunagi, Hirohasunahi, Tsukiwiso : Igis, Keigis, Harigis, Hanegis, Amixa, Egonori genus: Egonori, Fuyugisu, Saeda genus: Saeda, Chilemomoji: Chirimomiji, Kono Noriaceae: Habutaenori, Conohanori, Suzuronori, Usbeni: Usbeni, Hasujiginu: Hasujiginu, Nagakonohanori: Nagakononohanori, Sugiginu: Sugiginu, Abasbasginu, Heiusbanova , Ayanishiki: Ayanishiki, Aaginu: Ayaginu, Dadia: Enasidadia, Shimadadia: Isohagi, Shimadadia, Dajimodoki: Daimodomoki, Engussa , Plywood, moss willow, sasabayagi nori, sozo: Kurosozo, kubsozo, nesozo, sozonohana, sedge genus: sedge, sage Cozanemo: Kozanemo, Isomurasaki, Hosokozanemo, Himegoke: Himegoke, Kurohimegoke, Hyodosigus: Chrysanthemum, Hyodosigusa, Usubahiodosi, Isomegusa: Isomegusa, Sugina Fuso Sakisawiri, Kawamoku, Kawamozuku, Aokawa Mozuku, Himekawa Mozuku, Ideyugogome: Ideyugogome, Okichimozuku: Okichimozuku, Engussa, Chinomo, Chinozurimo, Chisujinori, etc.)
Axial algae (Shajikumo spp., Shiratamamo spp., Hoshitsurimo spp .: Hoshitsurimo, Rikunotamnus spp., Flask spp .: Hime flaskmo, Chaboflaskmo, Tripera spp.), Yellow algae (Hikarimo spp .: Hikarimo, etc.)
In addition, the raw materials derived from animal sources include chicken crown extract, cow or human placenta extract, pig or cow stomach, duodenum or intestinal extract or degradation product thereof, pig or cow spleen extract or its Degradation product, porcine or bovine brain tissue extract, water-soluble collagen, collagen derivatives such as acylated collagen, collagen hydrolyzate, elastin, elastin hydrolysate, water-soluble elastin derivative, keratin and its degradation products or their Derivatives, silk proteins and degradation products thereof or derivatives thereof, porcine or bovine blood cell protein degradation products (globin peptides), porcine or bovine hemoglobin degradation products (hemin, hematin, heme, protoheme, heme iron, etc.), milk, casein and Decomposition product thereof or derivatives thereof, skim milk powder and decomposition product thereof or derivatives thereof, lactoferrin or decomposition product thereof, egg component Such as fish meat decomposition products.
(14) Microbial culture metabolites
Yeast metabolites, yeast extract, natto metabolite, natto extract, rice fermented extract, rice bran fermented extract, Euglena extract, lactic acid fermented raw milk or skim milk powder, trehalose or derivatives thereof.
(15) α-hydroxy acids
Glycolic acid, citric acid, malic acid, tartaric acid, lactic acid, etc.
(16) Inorganic pigment
Silica, magnesium silicate, talc, kaolin, bentonite, mica, mica titanium, bismuth oxychloride, zirconium oxide, magnesium oxide, zinc oxide, titanium oxide, calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, yellow iron oxide, red iron oxide, black iron oxide , Gunjo, chromium oxide, chromium hydroxide, carbon black, calamine and so on.
(17) UV absorber / blocker
Benzophenone derivatives (2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone, 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone-5-sulfonic acid, sodium 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone-5-sulfonate, dihydroxydimethoxybenzophenone, dihydroxydimethoxybenzophenone-sulfone Acid sodium, 2,4-dihydroxybenzophenone, tetrahydroxybenzophenone, etc.), p-aminobenzoic acid derivatives (paraaminobenzoic acid, ethyl paraaminobenzoate, glyceryl paraaminobenzoate, amyl paradimethylaminobenzoate, octyl paradimethylaminobenzoate) ), Methoxycinnamic acid derivatives (ethyl paramethoxycinnamate, isopropyl paramethoxycinnamate, octyl paramethoxycinnamate, paramethoxy) 2-ethoxyethyl cinnamate, sodium paramethoxycinnamate, potassium paramethoxycinnamate, di-2-methoxycinnamic acid mono-2-ethylhexanoate glyceryl, etc.), salicylic acid derivatives (octyl salicylate, salicylphenyl, homomenthyl salicylate, dipropylene glycol salicylate, ethylene salicylate) Glycol, myristyl salicylate, methyl salicylate, etc.), anthranilic acid derivatives (such as methyl anthranilate), urocanic acid derivatives (such as urocanic acid, ethyl urocanate), coumarin derivatives, amino acid compounds, benzotriazole derivatives, tetrazole derivatives, imidazoline derivatives, Pyrimidine derivatives, dioxane derivatives, camphor derivatives, furan derivatives, pyrone derivatives, nucleic acid derivatives, allantoin derivatives, nico Acid derivatives, vitamin B6 derivatives, umbelliferone, esculin, benzyl cinnamate, cinoxalate, oxybenzone, dioxybenzone, octabenzone, soribenzone, benzoresorcinol, arbutin, guaiazulene, shikonin, baicalin, baicalein, berberine, neoheliopan, escalol, Zinc oxide, talc, kaolin, etc.
(18) Whitening agent
p-aminobenzoic acid derivatives, salicylic acid derivatives, anthranilic acid derivatives, coumarin derivatives, amino acid compounds, benzotriazole derivatives, tetrazole derivatives, imidazoline derivatives, pyrimidine derivatives, dioxane derivatives, camphor derivatives, furan derivatives, pyrone derivatives, nucleic acid derivatives, Allantoin derivatives, nicotinic acid derivatives, vitamin C or derivatives thereof, vitamin E or derivatives thereof, oxybenzone, benzophenone, arbutin, guaiazulene, shikonin, baicalin, baicalein, berberine, placenta extract and the like.
(19) Tyrosinase activity inhibitor
Vitamin C acid or its derivative, hydroquinone or its derivative (hydroquinone benzyl ether), kojic acid or its derivative, vitamin E or its derivative, N-acetyltyrosine or its derivative, glutathione, hydrogen peroxide, zinc peroxide, hydroquinone monobenzyl Ether, placenta extract, silk extract, plant extract (mulberry, toki, firewood, clara, mugwort, honeysuckle, yellowfin, dokudami, matsuhod, pearl barley, licorice, hop, hawthorn, eucalyptus, yarrow, altea, keihi, mankeshi , Hamamelis, Yamaguchi, life-extending grass, bellflower, toshishi, follower, dried fish, mao, nematode, dokkatsu, psycho, bowfish, kingfish, gonon, peony skin, peonies, genus shoko, kudzu, licorice, quintuplet, aloe Cimicifuga, safflower, green tea, black tea, Ali elixir), and the like.
(20) Melanin pigment reduction / degradation substance
Phenylmercury hexachlorophene, mercuric oxide, mercuric chloride, hydrogen peroxide, zinc peroxide, hydroquinone or its derivatives (hydroquinone benzyl ether).
(21) Turnover promotion / cell activator
Hydroquinone, Lactic acid bacteria extract, Placenta extract, Ganoderma extract, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Allantoin, Spleen extract, Thymus extract, Yeast extract, Fermented milk extract, Plant extract (Aloe, Ogon, Horsetail, Gentian, Burdock, Shikon, Carrot, (Hamelis, Hop, Yokuinin, Odori Sou, Assembly, Toki, Tokinsenka, Achacha, Hypericum, Cucumber, Ginger, Rosemary, Parsley).
(22) Astringent
Succinic acid, allantoin, zinc chloride, zinc sulfate, zinc oxide, calamine, zinc p-phenolsulfonate, potassium aluminum sulfate, resorcin, ferric chloride, tannic acid (including catechin compounds) and the like.
(23) Active oxygen scavenger
SOD, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, etc.
(24) Antioxidants
Vitamin C acid or a salt thereof, stearic acid ester, vitamin E or a derivative thereof, nordihydrogua ceretenoic acid, butylhydroxytoluene (BHT), butylhydroxyanisole (BHA), hydroxytyrosol, parahydroxyanisole, propyl gallate, Sesamol, sesamorin, gossypol, etc.
(25) Lipid peroxide production inhibitor
β-carotene, plant extracts (sesame cultured cells, amacha, hypericum, clams, clove, melissa, enamel, birch, sage, rosemary, southern fruit, age, ginkgo, green tea).
(26) Anti-inflammatory agent
Itamol, indomethacin, kaolin, salicylic acid, sodium salicylate, methyl salicylate, acetylsalicylic acid, diphenhydramine hydrochloride, d-camphor, dl-camphor, hydrocortisone, guaiazulene, camazulene, chlorpheniramine maleate, glycyrrhizic acid or a salt thereof, glycyrrhetinic acid or a salt thereof Salt, licorice extract, sicon extract, age extract, etc.
(27) Antibacterial / disinfectant / disinfectant
Acrinol, sulfur, calcium gluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, sulfamine, mercurochrome, lactoferrin or its hydrolyzate, alkyldiaminoethylglycine chloride solution, triclosan, sodium hypochlorite, chloramine T, salicy powder, iodine compound, iodoform, sorbin Acid or salt thereof, salicylic acid, dehydroacetic acid, parahydroxybenzoic acid esters, undecylenic acid, thiamine lauryl sulfate, thiamine lauryl nitrate, phenol, cresol, p-chlorophenol, p-chloro-m-xylenol, p-chloro -M-cresol, thymol, phenethyl alcohol, o-phenylphenol, irgasan CH3565, halocarban, hexachlorophene, chlorohexidine, ethanol, methanol, i Sopropyl alcohol, benzyl alcohol, ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, phenoxyethanol, chlorobutanol, isopropylmethylphenol, nonionic surfactant (polyoxyethylene lauryl ether, polyoxyethylene nonyl phenyl ether, polyoxyethylene octyl phenyl ether, etc.), Amphoteric surfactants, anionic surfactants (sodium lauryl sulfate, potassium lauroyl sarcosine, etc.), cationic surfactants (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, benzalkonium chloride, benzethonium chloride, methylrosaniline chloride), formaldehyde, hexamine, brilliant green, Malachite Green, Crystal Violet, Jamal, Photosensitive Element 101, Photosensitive Element 201, Photosensitive Element 4 No. 1, N- long chain acyl basic amino acid derivative and its acid shark salts, zinc oxide, hinokitiol, etc. sophora root.
(28) Moisturizer
Glycerin, propylene glycol, 1,3-butylene glycol, hyaluronic acid or its salt, polyethylene glycol, chondroitin sulfate or its salt, water-soluble chitin or chitosan derivative, pyrrolidone carboxylic acid or its salt, sodium lactate, mini sasanishiki extract, natto Metabolites, natto extract, etc.
(29) Elastase activity inhibitor
Fluorophosphate diisopropyl, plant extracts (Ogon, Hypericum, Clara, Mulberry leaves, Keihi, Genshosho, Comfrey, Sage, Elderberry, Bodaige, Buttonpi), seaweed extract, etc.
(30) Hair preparation
Selenium disulfide, alkylisoquinolinium bromide solution, zinc pyrithione, biphenamine, thianthol, castari tincture, pepper tincture, pepper tincture, quinine hydrochloride, strong aqueous ammonia, potassium bromate, sodium bromate, thioglycolic acid and the like.
(31) Antiandrogen
Follicular hormones (estrone, estradiol, ethinyl estradiol, etc.), isoflavones, oxendron, etc.
(32) Peripheral blood flow promoter
Vitamin E or its derivatives, assembly extract, garlic extract, carrot extract, aloe extract, gentian extract, toki extract, cephalanthin, carpronium chloride, minoxidil and the like.
(33) Local stimulant
Pepper tincture, nonyl acid vanillamide, cantalis tincture, ginger tincture, peppermint oil, l-menthol, camphor, benzyl nicotinate and the like.
(34) Metabolic active agent
Photosensitizer 301, hinokitiol, pantothenic acid or derivatives thereof, allantoin, placenta extract, biotin, pentadecanoic acid glyceride and the like.
(35) Antiseborrheic agent
Pyridoxine or its derivatives, sulfur, vitamin B6 and the like.
(36) Keratolytic agent
Resorcin, salicylic acid, lactic acid, etc.
(37) Oxidizing agent
Hydrogen peroxide solution, sodium persulfate, ammonium persulfate, sodium perborate, urea peroxide, sodium percarbonate, sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium bromate, potassium bromate, sodium pyrophosphate, sodium orthophosphate Sodium silicate hydrogen peroxide adduct, sodium sulfate sodium chloride hydrogen peroxide adduct, β-tyrosinase enzyme solution, mushroom extract and the like.
(38) Hair remover
Inorganic reducing agents such as strontium sulfate, sodium sulfide, barium sulfide, calcium sulfide, thioglycolic acid or its salts (calcium thioglycolate, sodium thioglycolate, lithium thioglycolate, magnesium thioglycolate, strontium thioglycolate) Such.
(39) Hair swelling agent
Ethanolamine, urea, guanidine, etc.
(40) Dye agent
5-aminoorthocresol, 2-amino-4-nitrophenol, 2-amino-5-nitrophenol, 1-amino-4-methylaminoanthraquinone, 3,3'-iminodiphenol, 2,4-diaminophenoxyethanol hydrochloride 2,4-diaminophenol hydrochloride, toluene-2,5-diamine hydrochloride, nitroparaphenylenediamine hydrochloride, paraphenylenediamine hydrochloride, N-phenylparaphenylenediamine hydrochloride, metaphenylenediamine hydrochloride, orthoaminophenol, N-phenyl acetate Paraphenylenediamine, 1,4-diaminoanthraquinone, 2,6-diaminopyridine, 1,5-dihydroxynaphthalene, toluene-2,5-diamine, toluene-3,4-diamine, nitroparaphenylenediamine, paraaminophenol Paranitroorthophenylenediamine, paraphenylenediamine, paramethylaminophenol, picramic acid, sodium picramate, N, N'-bis (4-aminophenyl) -2,5-diamino-1,4-quinonediimine, 5- ( 2-hydroxyethylamino) -2-methylphenol, N-phenylparaphenylenediamine, metaaminophenol, metaphenylenediamine, 5-aminoorcresol sulfate, 2-amino-5-nitrophenol sulfate, orthoaminophenol sulfate, sulfuric acid Orthochloroparaphenylenediamine, 4,4'-diaminodiphenylamine sulfate, 2,4-diaminophenol sulfate, toluene-2,5-diamine sulfate, nitroparaphenylenediamine sulfate, paraaminophenol sulfate, paranitrosulfate sulfate Triphenylenediamine, paranitrometaphenylenediamine sulfate, paraphenylenediamine sulfate, paramethylaminophenol sulfate, metaaminophenol sulfate, metaphenylenediamine sulfate, catechol, diphenylamine, α-naphthol, hydroquinone, pyrogallol, phloroglucin, gallic acid, resorcinol Tannic acid, sodium 2-hydroxy-5-nitro-2 ', 4'-diaminoazobenzene-5'-sulfonate, hematein and the like.
(41) Fragrance
Natural animal fragrances such as musk, civet, castrium, ambergris, anise essential oil, angelica essential oil, ylang ylang essential oil, iris essential oil, fennel essential oil, orange essential oil, cananga essential oil, caraway essential oil, cardamom essential oil, guayakwood essential oil, cumin essential oil, black letter Essential oil, cinnamon essential oil, cinnamon essential oil, geranium essential oil, copaiba balsam essential oil, coriandel essential oil, perilla essential oil, cedarwood essential oil, citronella essential oil, jasmine essential oil, gingergrass essential oil, cedar essential oil, spearmint essential oil, western peppermint essential oil, dairy perfume essential oil, Tuberose essential oil, clove essential oil, orange flower essential oil, winter green essential oil, trubalsum essential oil, buttery essential oil, rose essential oil, palmarosa essential oil, cocoon essential oil, hiba essential oil, sandalwood essential oil, petit gren essential oil, bay essential oil, vetiva essential oil, bergamot essential oil, pe -Plant flavors such as balsam essential oil, boad rose essential oil, melamine essential oil, mandarin essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil, lime essential oil, lavender essential oil, linaloe essential oil, lemongrass essential oil, lemon essential oil, rosemary essential oil, Japanese mint essential oil, and other synthetic fragrances, etc. .
(42) Dyes / colorants
Red cabbage dye, red rice dye, red dye, anato dye, scum dye, turmeric dye, enju dye, krill dye, amber dye, caramel, gold, silver, gardenia dye, corn dye, onion dye, tamarind dye, spirulina dye, Buckwheat whole pigment, cherry pigment, laver pigment, hibiscus pigment, grape juice pigment, marigold pigment, purple potato pigment, purple yam pigment, lac pigment, rutin, etc.
(43) Sweetener
Sugar, sweet tea, fructose, arabinose, galactose, xylose, stevia, mannose, maltose, honey, glucose, miraculin, monelin, licorice extract, etc.
(44) Nutrition enhancer
Shell-calcined calcium, cyanocolabamine, yeast, wheat germ, egg yolk powder, hemicellulose, heme iron, etc.
(45) Dairy products
Milk, cheese, fresh cream, butter, margarine, powdered milk, whey, condensed milk, etc.
Others, hormones, sequestering agents, pH adjusters, chelating agents, antiseptic / antibacterial agents, cooling agents, stabilizers, emulsifiers, animal / plant proteins or their degradation products, animal / plant polysaccharides or the like Degradation product, animal / plant glycoprotein or its degradation product, anti-inflammatory agent / anti-allergic agent, wound treatment agent, foam / foaming agent, thickener, oral agent, deodorant / deodorant, bitter, seasoning Enzymes and the like are raised, and by using them together, various additive or synergistic effects can be expected.
In addition, the present invention Phototoxicity inhibitor The dosage form is arbitrary, and can be used by blending in the form of capsule, powder, granule, solid, liquid, gel, foam, emulsion, cream, ointment, sheet and the like.
In the present invention, To phototoxicity inhibitor The addition method may be added in advance or may be added during production, and may be appropriately selected in consideration of workability.
Hereinafter, test examples and formulation examples will be described, but the present invention is not limited thereto.
(Test 1) Phototoxicity inhibitory action test
In the ambient air, various fine particles ranging from 0.01 μm to 100 μm in size are suspended. These atmospheric fine particles are discharged into the atmosphere from exhaust gas or the like, and are also called air pollutants. A phototoxicity test was performed on this air pollutant and a representative benzo (a) pyrene among polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons contained in the air pollutant when it was irradiated with ultraviolet rays (UV-A).
"Test method and evaluation method"
The in vitro phototoxicity test was performed. Balb / 3T3 cells are seeded in a 96-well plate, cultured for 24 hours, and replaced with an air pollutant extract to which each test substance is added or a culture solution containing 0.03 μg / mL of benzo (a) pyrene. 5.0J / cm at FL20S-BLB lamp 2 Of ultraviolet rays (UV-A). Thereafter, the culture solution was changed again and cultured for 24 hours, and the effect of the drug on the phototoxicity of the air pollution extract and benzo (a) pyrene was examined by measuring the number of viable cells using the neutral red method. From the results obtained, the presence / absence of the effect was defined as ++ for those having an ED80 value or higher, ++ for those having an ED80 to 50 value, and “+” for those having an effect less than the ED50 value. Furthermore, those with an ED50 value or higher were also expressed numerically. The results in Table 1 show the phototoxicity-inhibiting action when the test substance is added in the presence of air pollutants and the phototoxicity-inhibiting action when the test substance is added in the presence of benzo (a) pyrene.
a. sample
Samples of phototoxicity inhibitory action test (commercially available), flavonoids include baicalin (manufactured by Kishida), chrysin (manufactured by Sigma), myricetin (manufactured by Sigma), dihydromyricetin (manufactured by Ichimaru Falcos), morin (manufactured by Kishida), naringin (manufactured by Kishida) Wako Pure Chemical Industries), Quercetin (Tokyo Kasei), Quercitrin (Tokyo Kasei), Rutin (Tokyo Chemical), Ogonin (Matsuura Pharmaceutical). Coumarins (manufactured by Kishida), esculetin (manufactured by Sigma), scopoletin (manufactured by Tokyo Chemical Industry), umbelliferone (manufactured by Tokyo Chemical Industry), phenylpropanoids, caffeic acid (manufactured by Tokyo Chemical Industry), chlorogenic acid (Tokyo Chemical Industry) ), Cinnamic acid (manufactured by Sigma), p-coumaric acid (manufactured by Kishida), hesperidin (manufactured by Funakoshi), rosmarinic acid (manufactured by Funakoshi). As tannins, epigallocatechin (manufactured by Kurita), epigallocatechin gallate (manufactured by Kurita), gallic acid (manufactured by Kishida), and tannin (manufactured by Ichimaru Falcos) were dissolved in physiological saline or 50% ethanol solution, respectively. It was used for.
b. Phototoxicity inducer
As a phototoxicity inducer, an air pollutant extract obtained from air pollutants and benzo (a) pyrene (manufactured by Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd.) were used. For air pollutant extract, outdoor air pollutant was collected for 24 hours using a high volume sampler (Staplex) with quartz fiber filter (Pallflex products), and 65 mg of the air pollutant obtained was used in methanol. After extraction with an ultrasonic extraction method, it was prepared by re-dissolving in 1 mL of dimethyl sulfoxide (manufactured by Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd.).
Figure 0004082823
Figure 0004082823
(Test results) As shown in Table 1, according to the present invention Of scopoletin and umbelliferone Each substance was confirmed to have an action of suppressing the phototoxicity of air pollutant extract and benzo (a) pyrene.
(Test 2) Phototoxicity inhibitory action test
“Test method and evaluation method” A test for suppressing phototoxicity induced by benzo (a) pyrene by ultraviolet irradiation was conducted. Three Hartley white guinea pigs (female, guinea pig, 9 weeks old) were used, and a test area of 2 cm × 2 cm was set on both sides of the back midline, and was divided into an irradiated part and a non-irradiated part. The irradiation amount of UV-B was set to 1/2 of the minimum erythema amount, and irradiation was carried out for 90 seconds (0.18 J / cm2) at an irradiation amount of 2.0 mW using a Toshiba FL20S-E lamp. Next, UV-A was irradiated for 68 minutes (10.2 J / cm2) with an irradiation dose of 2.5 mW using a Toshiba FL40S-BLB lamp. Evaluation was performed using erythema and edema as an index based on the criteria for Draise. The results are collectively shown in FIGS. 1 and 2 as average values.
a. Sample of phototoxicity suppression test , Rutin and tannin were used for the test as 0.5, 1.0, and 5.0% acetone solutions, respectively.
b. Phototoxicity inducer
Benzo (a) pyrene 0.001% acetone solution
Benzo (a) pyrene 0.005% acetone solution
(Test results) As shown in FIGS. 1 and 2, no increase in the phototoxicity of benzo (a) pyrene was observed at the site not irradiated with UV, whereas the increase in phototoxicity by benzo (a) pyrene was observed at the site irradiated with UV. Admitted. It was confirmed that rutin and tannin significantly suppressed the enhancement of phototoxicity caused by the phototoxic substance benzo (a) pyrene. or, Scopoletin and umbelliferone substances About the same result was confirmed.
(Test 4) Safety test
(1) Skin primary irritation test
Of the present invention Of scopoletin and umbelliferone Each substance was prepared with physiological saline or ethanol solution so as to have a concentration of about 0.1%, and applied to the skin of Japanese white rabbits (female, 3 mice per group, body weight around 2.3 kg) shaved on the back. . 24, 48, and 72 hours after application, evaluation was performed using erythema and edema as an index based on the criteria for Draise. As a result, in all animals, no erythema and edema were observed, and it was judged that there was no problem with primary skin irritation.
(Test 5) Safety test
(2) Cumulative skin irritation test
Of the present invention Of scopoletin and umbelliferone Each substance is prepared in physiological saline or ethanol solution to a concentration of about 0.1%, and once a day on the skin of a Hartley guinea pig (female, 3 per group, body weight of about 320 g) shaved on the back. 0.5 mL / animal was applied 5 times a week. Application was performed over 2 weeks and shaving was performed on the last application day of each week. Evaluation was performed using erythema and edema as indices based on the criteria for Draise on the day after each application and the day after the last application. As a result, in all animals, no erythema and edema were observed for 2 weeks, and it was judged that there was no problem with respect to cumulative skin irritation.
(Test 6) Safety test
(3) Phototoxicity test
Of the present invention Of scopoletin and umbelliferone Each substance is prepared with physiological saline or ethanol solution so as to have a concentration of about 0.1%, and the back midline of a Hartley guinea pig (female, 1 group, 5 animals, weight of about 320 g) is shaved on the back. Both sides were taken as test sections, and 0.05 mL of the test substance was applied to the 1.5 × 1.5 cm section surface in an open manner, and one side was shielded from light with aluminum foil. Irradiation was started 15 minutes after applying the test substance. In order to eliminate the influence of ultraviolet rays of 320 nm or less, irradiation was carried out by passing 14 J / cm 2 long wavelength ultraviolet rays through a glass filter having a thickness of 3 mm and six FL20S-BLB lamps made by Toshiba in parallel. The phototoxicity of each test substance was evaluated by comparing the responses of irradiated and non-irradiated sites after 24, 48 and 72 hours of irradiation. As a result, in all animals, no erythema and edema were observed, and it was judged that there was no problem with respect to phototoxicity.
(Test 7) Safety test
(4) Single dose toxicity study
Of the present invention Of scopoletin and umbelliferone Each substance was adjusted with purified water to a concentration of 12.5%, and ddy strain mice (male and female, 1 group, 5 animals, 5 weeks old) were fasted for 4 hours before the test in an amount of 16 mL / kg. ) Was orally administered, and the occurrence and degree of toxic symptoms were observed over time. As a result, no abnormalities were observed in all mice for 14 days, and no abnormalities were found in the anatomical results. Therefore, LD50 was 2,000 mg / kg or more, and was judged to be a safe substance.
(Test 8) Safety test
(5) Mutagenicity test (mutagenicity test using microorganisms)
Of the present invention Of scopoletin and umbelliferone 0.1 mL of each substance prepared in physiological saline or DMSO aqueous solution to 50 mg / mL, S9 Mix (in case of metabolic activation) or 0.1M Na-phosphate buffer pH 7.4 (in metabolic activity) 0.5 mL and 0.1 mL of precultured bacteria (TA100, TA98) were sequentially added to the test tube and shaken at 37 ° C. for 20 minutes, and then 2 mL of top agar was added and mixed. This was solidified on a minimum glucose agar plate, cultured at 37 ° C. for 48 hours, and the number of colonies generated by back mutation was counted. At the same time, a positive control test using a known mutagen was also performed. As a result, the number of revertant colonies markedly increased in the positive control compared to the solvent control in both cases of metabolic activation and non-metabolic activation, while the above test substance was added. There was no increase in the number of revertant colonies in the group. From these results, it was judged that each test substance was not mutagenic.
【The invention's effect】
Of the present invention From scopoletin and umbelliferone It was confirmed that one or more selected substances have a phototoxicity-inhibiting action. That is, it receives sunlight ultraviolet rays in the presence of sunlight or air pollutants, and the cells are damaged by receiving phototoxicity, causing skin cancer, rough skin, skin aging, sunburn (blackening), inflammation, etc. The adverse effect is that the substance of the present invention has an action to suppress. Therefore, it can be applied to all forms of preparations (pharmaceuticals, quasi-drugs, cosmetics, foods and drinks), and is safe for internal or external use.
[Brief description of the drawings]
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a diagram showing the phototoxic effect of a site where benzo (a) pyrene is applied and a site where benzo (a) pyrene and rutin are applied.
FIG. 2 is a diagram showing the phototoxic effect of a site where benzo (a) pyrene is applied and a site where benzo (a) pyrene and tannin are applied.

Claims (2)

スコポレチン、ウンベリフェロンから選ばれる1種以上の物質を含有することを特徴とする光毒性抑制剤。 A phototoxicity inhibitor comprising one or more substances selected from scopoletin and umbelliferone . スコポレチン、ウンベリフェロンから選ばれる1種以上の物質を含有することを特徴とする大気汚染物質による光毒性抑制剤。 A phototoxicity inhibitor by an air pollutant characterized by containing one or more substances selected from scopoletin and umbelliferone .
JP12560699A 1999-05-06 1999-05-06 Phototoxicity inhibitor Expired - Fee Related JP4082823B2 (en)

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JP12560699A JP4082823B2 (en) 1999-05-06 1999-05-06 Phototoxicity inhibitor

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JP12560699A JP4082823B2 (en) 1999-05-06 1999-05-06 Phototoxicity inhibitor

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