JP3910525B2 - Screening method for oxidized purine nucleoside triphosphate degrading enzyme inhibitors - Google Patents

Screening method for oxidized purine nucleoside triphosphate degrading enzyme inhibitors Download PDF


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酸化プリンヌクレオシド三リン酸分解酵素(一般に、MTH1またはNUDT1と略称される。本明細書においてもMTH1と略称することがある)は、酸化されたプリンヌクレオシド三リン酸(8-oxo-dGTP,2-OH-dATP,2-OH-ATP等)を一リン酸に分解する活性を有することから、酸化核酸前駆体が複製や転写の際にゲノムDNAやRNAに取り込まれる結果引き起こされる突然変異や翻訳エラーを回避することにより遺伝情報の維持に重要な役割を持つと考えられている。事実、Mth1ノックアウトマウスでは肝細胞がんを始めとする複数の臓器の自然発癌頻度の増加が認められている(T. Tsuzuki, Y. Nakabeppu他、Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98, 11456-11461 (2001)(非特許文献1)。一方、MTH1は、脳腫瘍細胞において8−オキソデオキシグアノシン(8−oxo-dG)の細胞内蓄積の上昇とともに高発現することも認められている(T. Iida, Y. Nakabeppu他、Neuro-Oncology, April, 73-81 (2001))。これらの事実から、MTH1は遺伝情報の維持から腫瘍発生を抑制するのみならず、酸化ストレスを受けた細胞の機能障害や細胞死の回避に関わる可能性が示唆される。
T. Tsuzuki, Y. Nakabeppu他、Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98, 11456-11461 (2001)
T. Iida, Y. Nakabeppu他、Neuro-Oncology, April, 73-81 (2001)
本発明が対象とする酸化プリンヌクレオシド三リン酸分解酵素MTH1は、哺乳動物における核酸の酸化損傷の防御機構に関与する酵素の1種であり、そのcDNAと遺伝子は本発明者らによりクローニングされ、大腸菌のMutT蛋白質の配列とホモロジーを有することからMTH1(mutT homolog 1)と命名された(H. Oda, Y. Nakabeppu他、Nucleic Acids Res., 27, 4335 (1999))。
MTH1 欠損マウスの作製
マウス129SV系由来の遺伝子ライブラリー(Stratagene社より購入、 Cat. No. 946313)よりMth1遺伝子を単離しその構造を解析した。Mth1遺伝子は約 7 kbp の大きさで 5 つのエクソンより成り、第1,第2の2つのエクソンは 5' 側非翻訳領域で、開始コドンは第3エクソンに含まれていた。ヒト、マウス及び大腸菌を含む3種の細菌由来のMutT様蛋白質間でアミノ酸配列がよく保存されている領域が認められるが、その部分はマウスの遺伝子上でエクソン3と4に分かれてコードされていた。第3エクソンをG418耐性遺伝子カセット(Deng, C., Thomas, K. R.およびCapecchi, M. R., Mol. Cell. Biol. 13: 2134-2140 (1993)参照)と置換したターゲティングベクターを構築した。ベクターの両端には、ネガティブ選別用にHSVのチミジンキナーゼ遺伝子(Rancourt, D. E., Tsuzuki, T. and Capecchi, M. R., Genes Dev. 9: 108-122 (1995))を配置した。
このターゲティングベクターをエレクトロポレーション法によりES細胞に導入し、G418・ガンシクロビル耐性クローンの中からMth1の対立遺伝子の片方にG418耐性遺伝子カセットが挿入されたMth1ヘテロ欠損細胞クローン(Mth1+/-)を選択した。なお、用いたES細胞は、CCE細胞株(E. J. Robertson博士より分与:Robertson, E. J. Tetracarcinomas and Embrionic Stem Cells: A Practical Approach, IRL Press, NY (1987)参照)であり、このCCE細胞は研究目的であれば無償配布されている。同等のES細胞は、例えば、ATCCよりCRL-11632としても入手することができる。
上述のMth1+/- ES細胞をマウスの胚盤胞に導入して得られたキメラマウスをBDF1マウス(日本クレア社より購入)と交配し、Mth1+/- マウスを樹立した。Mth1+/- マウスはC57BL6マウスと12世代戻し交配を行い、その遺伝的背景を純化した。
MTH1 ホモ欠損マウス胎仔線維芽細胞株( Mth1 -/- MEF )の樹立
12世代戻し交配したMth1+/- マウスの雄と雌を交配し、妊娠17.5日目のマウスを開腹、無菌的に子宮から1個体づつ胎仔を摘出した。Mth1-/-マウス胎仔より約8mm×8mmの皮膚を剥離、切除し、培養シャーレに移す。少量の培地中(DMEM (低グルコース)、10%ウシ胎仔血清)で組織片をはさみでミンチし、シャーレの培養面に広げ、CO2インキュベーター中で静置する。
1時間後、組織片が剥がれないように注意深く培地を添加し、数日間培養する。組織片より移行して増殖してきた繊維芽細胞を0.05%トリプシン−EDTAで剥がして回収し、新しいディッシュに移して3日おきに継代培養を継続する。30世代以上の継代の後にコロニー形成率(plating efficiency)が30%を超えた段階で株化したものとみなした。T2およびT5の2つの独立の株を樹立した。
ヒト MTH1 を過剰発現する Mth1 -/- MEF の樹立
以上のようにして得られるMTH1ホモ欠損マウス胎仔線維芽細胞株Mth1-/-MEF(T2およびT5)に、ヒトMTH1 cDNAをサブクローニングした発現ベクター(pcDEBΔ:hMTH1)をリポフェクション法により導入し、ハイグロマイシンB耐性細胞クローンを複数分離した。単一細胞由来のコロニー形成を2回繰り返し、純化したクローンについて抗MTH1抗体を用いたウエスタンブロッティング法によりヒトMTH1の発現を確認し、2つのクローン(T2:hMTH1およびT5:hMTH1)を樹立した。コントロールとしてpcDEBΔのみを導入したT2:vectorおよびT5:vectorを樹立した。なお、上記の発現ベクター(pcDEBΔ:hMTH1)や抗MTH1抗体については、文献(Kang, D.,およびTakeshige, K.他、J. Biol. Chem. 270, 14659-14665 (1995))に詳述されている。また、ヒトMTH1 cDNAはTHE I.M.A.G.E. CONSORTIUMから入手できる。
MTH 1阻害剤のスクリーニング法
本発明のスクリーニング法において細胞の生存率を測定または観察する手段は、特に限定されるものではなく、細胞死を判定するための各種の手法、例えば、代謝酵素活性測定法、コロニー形成法、細胞分染法による顕微鏡観察、生合成能測定法などを用いることができる。このうち、代謝酵素活性測定法は、96穴マイクロプレートなどを用いて多数の検体を比較的簡単に測定できることから好ましい。代謝酵素活性測定法の例としては、Cell count kit WST-8 (Dojindo:株式会社同仁化学研究所製)が挙げられ、これは、テトラゾリウム塩が細胞内脱水素酵素により還元されて生じる水溶性のホルマザンの吸光度を測定することにより生細胞数を検出するタイプの測定法の1種である。
対数増殖期のT5:vector(ヒトMTH1非発現株:既述)とT5:hMTH細胞(ヒトMTH1強制発現株)を96穴マイクロプレートに50%飽和になるように播種し(3x103 cells/100μl/well)、37℃、5% CO2存在下に24時間培養した。用いた培地はMEM (Invitrogen 11095-080)である。次に、異なる濃度のH2O2(10μl/well)を培地に添加し、さらに24時間培養した。Cell count Kit WST-8 (Dojindo)を10 μl/well添加し、90分から120分後に培養液の2つの吸光度の差(A450nm−A620nm)を測定した。未処理細胞の吸光度の値を1.0として相対生存率を求めた。
実施例2: MTH 1阻害剤
MTH1阻害剤として硫酸銅(CuSO4)を用いた。試験管内ではMTH1の8−oxo−dGTP分解活性は17μMのCu2+の存在下で50%阻害されることが知られており(Porter, D. W., Nakabeppu他、Carcinogenesis 18 (9), 1785-1791 (1997))、本発明で用いるMTH1ノックアウトマウス胎仔線維芽細胞にヒトMTH1を強制発現させた細胞のMTH1活性が、そのような阻害物質によって阻害されるか否かを調べた。
対数増殖期のT5:hMTH細胞を96穴マイクロプレートに50%飽和になるように播種し(3x103 cells/100μl/well)、37℃、5% CO2存在下に24時間培養した。培地はMEM (Invitrogen 11095-080)である。次に、MTH1阻害剤(CuSO4)を最終濃度50μMで培地に添加し2時間培養した。その後、異なる濃度のH2O2(10μl/well)を培地に添加し、さらに24時間培養した。Cell count Kit WST-8 (Dojindo)を10μl/well添加し、90分から120分後に培養液の2つの吸光度の差(A450nm−A620nm)を測定した。H2O2未処理細胞の吸光度の値を1.0として相対生存率を求めた。
The present invention belongs to the technical field for developing drugs, and particularly relates to a method for screening an oxidized purine nucleoside triphosphate degrading enzyme inhibitor that can be an anticancer agent.
[Prior art]
Chemotherapy is one of the important approaches in cancer treatment, and more than 50 types of anticancer drugs are currently used in clinical practice, but it is still not sufficient, and new anticancer drugs are being developed day and night. For efficient development of anticancer drugs, various physiologically active substances that can be candidates for anticancer drugs are screened in advance based on findings revealed from academic studies before full-scale pharmacological and clinical trials. It is necessary to establish a system that can do this.
Oxidized purine nucleoside triphosphate degrading enzyme (generally abbreviated as MTH1 or NUDT1, which may be abbreviated herein as MTH1) is oxidized purine nucleoside triphosphate (8-oxo-dGTP, 2 -OH-dATP, 2-OH-ATP, etc.) have the activity of degrading them into monophosphates. Mutations and translations caused by incorporation of oxidized nucleic acid precursors into genomic DNA and RNA during replication and transcription It is thought to play an important role in maintaining genetic information by avoiding errors. In fact, Mth1 knockout mice have been found to increase the frequency of spontaneous carcinogenesis in multiple organs including hepatocellular carcinoma (T. Tsuzuki, Y. Nakabeppu et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98 , 11456). -11461 (2001) (Non-Patent Document 1) On the other hand, MTH1 is also highly expressed in brain tumor cells with an increase in intracellular accumulation of 8-oxodeoxyguanosine (8-oxo-dG) (T Iida, Y. Nakabeppu et al., Neuro-Oncology, April, 73-81 (2001)) From these facts, MTH1 not only suppresses tumor development from maintaining genetic information but also prevents oxidative stress in cells undergoing oxidative stress. This suggests the possibility of dysfunction and cell death.
Therefore, drugs that inhibit MTH1 are expected to suppress the resistance of cancer cells to oxidative stress, and in combination with other anticancer drugs, the dose of the anticancer drug can be reduced, the radiation dose during radiation therapy can be reduced, and these Although it is expected that it can be applied to chemotherapy and radiation therapy of cancer resistant to the above therapy, a system capable of screening such a drug simply and reliably has not yet been found. In particular, MTH1 is known to be effectively inhibited in vitro by substances such as oxidized purine nucleoside diphosphate, but oxidized purine nucleoside diphosphate cannot be used as a drug because it cannot penetrate cell membranes. . That is, when a drug that inhibits MTH1 is discriminated, using a cell-free screening system has a problem that a drug that does not have cell membrane permeability can be obtained.
[Non-Patent Document 1]
T. Tsuzuki, Y. Nakabeppu et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98 , 11456-11461 (2001)
[Non-Patent Document 2]
T. Iida, Y. Nakabeppu et al., Neuro-Oncology, April, 73-81 (2001)
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
An object of the present invention is to provide a new assay system capable of simply and reliably screening for an agent that inhibits oxidized purine nucleoside triphosphate degrading enzyme (MTH1).
[Means for Solving the Problems]
As a result of repeated research, the present inventor has devised the present invention that can achieve the above-mentioned object by using a cell line that falls into cell death unless MTH1 is expressed.
Thus, according to the present invention, it becomes possible to screen a drug that inhibits oxidized purine nucleoside triphosphate degrading enzyme (MTH1), and a test substance is produced in cells in which human MTH1 is forcibly expressed in fibroblasts of Mth1-deficient knockout mouse fetuses. Is added, and the cells are cultured in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. When cell death is observed, the test substance is selected as an MTH1 inhibitor.
The oxidized purine nucleoside triphosphate degrading enzyme MTH1 targeted by the present invention is one of enzymes involved in the defense mechanism of nucleic acid oxidative damage in mammals, and its cDNA and gene have been cloned by the present inventors, It was named MTH1 (mutT homolog 1) because it has the sequence and homology of the MutT protein of E. coli (H. Oda, Y. Nakabeppu et al., Nucleic Acids Res., 27 , 4335 (1999)).
The present inventors conducted research on spontaneous carcinogenicity of various organs using the knockout mouse deficient in the Mth1 gene (Non-patent Document 1), and also used human MTH1 in the fibroblasts of fetuses of the MTH1-deficient knockout mouse. A cell line in which (hMTH1) was forcibly expressed was established and analyzed by paying attention to cell dysfunction and cell death under hydrogen peroxide loading conditions. As a result, the hMTH1 forced expression strain was found to have a significantly higher survival rate than the non-expression strain, and it was considered that this phenomenon can be used to determine whether or not a drug that inhibits MTH1 (human MTH1) is present. Is derived.
Hereinafter, a method for producing an MTH1-deficient knockout mouse derived from a cell line used in the method for screening an MTH1 inhibitor according to the present invention, a method for establishing the fetal fibroblast cell line and hMTH1 overexpression strain, and a screening using the cell line The embodiment of the present invention will be described along the law. However, the specific embodiment shown below is for illustration, and the embodiment of the present invention is not limited to this. Those skilled in the art can use the same materials and techniques to achieve the same. Of course, it can be produced.
Generation of MTH1- deficient mice
A knockout mouse deficient in MTH1 can be prepared according to a conventional method using ES cells and gene targeting, one example of which is described in the above-mentioned document (Non-patent Document 1) by the present inventors. As follows:
The Mth1 gene was isolated from a mouse 129SV-derived gene library (purchased from Stratagene, Cat. No. 946313), and the structure was analyzed. The Mth1 gene was about 7 kbp in size and consisted of 5 exons. The first and second exons were the 5 ′ untranslated region, and the start codon was contained in the third exon. A region where the amino acid sequence is well conserved among the MutT-like proteins derived from three types of bacteria including human, mouse and E. coli is recognized, but the portion is encoded in exons 3 and 4 on the mouse gene. It was. A targeting vector was constructed in which the third exon was replaced with a G418 resistance gene cassette (see Deng, C., Thomas, KR and Capecchi, MR, Mol. Cell. Biol. 13 : 2134-2140 (1993)). HSV thymidine kinase gene (Rancourt, DE, Tsuzuki, T. and Capecchi, MR, Genes Dev. 9 : 108-122 (1995)) was arranged at both ends of the vector for negative selection.
This targeting vector was introduced into ES cells by electroporation, and an Mth1 hetero-deficient cell clone (Mth1 +/- ) in which a G418 resistance gene cassette was inserted into one of the Mth1 alleles from among the G418 / ganciclovir resistant clones Selected. The ES cells used are CCE cell lines (distributed by Dr. EJ Robertson: see Robertson, EJ Tetracarcinomas and Embrionic Stem Cells: A Practical Approach, IRL Press, NY (1987)). If so, it is distributed free of charge. Equivalent ES cells can also be obtained from ATCC as CRL-11632, for example.
A chimeric mouse obtained by introducing the above-described Mth1 +/− ES cells into a mouse blastocyst was mated with a BDF1 mouse (purchased from Clea Japan) to establish an Mth1 +/− mouse. Mth1 +/− mice were backcrossed with C57BL6 mice for 12 generations to refine their genetic background.
Establishment of MTH1 homo-deficient mouse fetal fibroblast cell line ( Mth1 -/- MEF )
Establishment of the fetal fibroblast cell line from the MTH1-deficient knockout mouse can be carried out as follows according to cell culture techniques known in the art:
Males and females of Mth1 +/− mice that had been backcrossed for 12 generations were mated, the mice on the 17.5th day of gestation were opened, and fetuses were aseptically removed from the uterus one by one. About 8 mm x 8 mm of skin is peeled from the Mth1 -/- mouse embryo, excised, and transferred to a culture dish. Tissue pieces are minced with scissors in a small amount of medium (DMEM (low glucose), 10% fetal calf serum), spread on the culture surface of the petri dish, and left in a CO 2 incubator.
After 1 hour, add medium carefully so that the tissue pieces do not peel off and incubate for several days. Fibroblasts that have migrated and proliferated from the tissue pieces are removed by removing with 0.05% trypsin-EDTA, transferred to a new dish, and subculture is continued every 3 days. It was considered that the cells had been established after the passage of 30 generations or more and the colony forming efficiency (plating efficiency) exceeded 30%. Two independent strains T2 and T5 were established.
Overexpressing human MTH1 Mth1 - / - MTH1 homo-deficient mouse embryonic fibers obtained as establishment <br/> more MEF blast cell lines Mth1 - / - in MEF (T2 and T5), subcloned into human MTH1 cDNA The expression vector (pcDEBΔ: hMTH1) thus introduced was introduced by a lipofection method to isolate a plurality of hygromycin B resistant cell clones. Single cell-derived colony formation was repeated twice, and the expression of human MTH1 was confirmed for the purified clones by Western blotting using an anti-MTH1 antibody, and two clones (T2: hMTH1 and T5: hMTH1) were established. T2: vector and T5: vector into which only pcDEBΔ was introduced were established as controls. The expression vector (pcDEBΔ: hMTH1) and anti-MTH1 antibody are described in detail in the literature (Kang, D., and Takeshige, K. et al., J. Biol. Chem. 270, 14659-14665 (1995)). Has been. Human MTH1 cDNA can be obtained from THE IMAGE CONSORTIUM.
Screening method for MTH 1 inhibitor According to the present invention, an agent that inhibits MTH1 using MTH1-deficient knockout mouse fetal fibroblasts (Mth1 − / − MEF) established as described above can be used. Can be screened. In other words, a test substance that is a candidate for an MTH1 inhibitor is added to a cell in which human MTH1 is forcibly expressed in Mth1 − / − MEF, and the cell is cultured in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. The test substance is selected as an MTH1 inhibitor.
In actual operation, Mth1 -/- MEF that overexpresses human MTH1 was cultured under appropriate conditions from the logarithmic growth phase (generally at 37 ° C in the presence of 5% CO 2 for about 24 hours) The test substance is added and cultured for an appropriate time (for example, 1 to 5 hours), after which hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) with a different concentration is added, and further cultured (generally for about 24 hours) When the cell death is significantly observed, the test substance is selected as an MTH1 inhibitor. The medium used is not a special medium and may be a standard MEM medium. In addition, pyruvic acid may be added to reduce the effect of cytotoxicity, but the assay system of the present invention can generally be measured without adding pyruvic acid.
The means for measuring or observing the cell viability in the screening method of the present invention is not particularly limited, and various methods for determining cell death, for example, metabolic enzyme activity measurement method, colony formation method, cell Microscopic observation by the dyeing method, biosynthetic ability measurement method, etc. can be used. Among these, the metabolic enzyme activity measurement method is preferable because a large number of specimens can be measured relatively easily using a 96-well microplate or the like. An example of a method for measuring metabolic enzyme activity is Cell count kit WST-8 (Dojindo, manufactured by Dojindo Laboratories Co., Ltd.), which is a water-soluble product produced by reducing tetrazolium salt by intracellular dehydrogenase. This is one type of measurement method that detects the number of viable cells by measuring the absorbance of formazan.
In order to more specifically illustrate the features of the present invention, the following examples are given. Example 1 clarifies the phenomenon underlying the screening method of the present invention. A cell line in which human MTH1 was forcibly expressed in MTH1 knockout mouse fetal fibroblasts was peroxidized as compared to a non-expressing line. It has a significantly higher cell viability after hydrogen loading, indicating that cell death occurs in this system in the absence of MTH1. Example 2 shows that a cell line in which human MTH1 is forcibly expressed in MTH1 knockout mouse fetal fibroblasts has its MTH1 activity inhibited by the presence of a specific substance, and therefore, such an inhibitor can be selected. This indicates that it can be used.
Example 1: Hydrogen peroxide sensitivity test T5: vector (human MTH1 non-expressing strain: described above) and T5: hMTH cells (human MTH1 forced expression strain) in the logarithmic growth phase were placed in a 96-well microplate at 50%. The cells were seeded so as to be saturated (3 × 10 3 cells / 100 μl / well) and cultured at 37 ° C. in the presence of 5% CO 2 for 24 hours. The medium used is MEM (Invitrogen 11095-080). Next, different concentrations of H 2 O 2 (10 μl / well) were added to the medium and further cultured for 24 hours. Cell count kit WST-8 (Dojindo) was added at 10 μl / well, and the difference between the two absorbances (A450 nm−A620 nm) of the culture solution was measured after 90 to 120 minutes. The relative survival rate was determined by setting the absorbance value of untreated cells to 1.0.
The result is shown in FIG. In this system, it is understood that cell death occurs in the absence of MTH1.
Example 2: MTH 1 inhibitor
Copper sulfate (CuSO 4 ) was used as an MTH1 inhibitor. It is known that the 8-oxo-dGTP degradation activity of MTH1 is inhibited 50% in the presence of 17 μM Cu 2+ in vitro (Porter, DW, Nakabeppu et al., Carcinogenesis 18 (9), 1785-1791 (1997)), it was investigated whether the MTH1 activity of cells in which human MTH1 was forcibly expressed in MTH1 knockout mouse fetal fibroblasts used in the present invention was inhibited by such inhibitors.
Logarithmically growing T5: hMTH cells were seeded in a 96-well microplate at 50% saturation (3 × 10 3 cells / 100 μl / well) and cultured at 37 ° C. in the presence of 5% CO 2 for 24 hours. The medium is MEM (Invitrogen 11095-080). Next, MTH1 inhibitor (CuSO 4 ) was added to the medium at a final concentration of 50 μM and cultured for 2 hours. Thereafter, different concentrations of H 2 O 2 (10 μl / well) were added to the medium and further cultured for 24 hours. Cell count kit WST-8 (Dojindo) was added at 10 μl / well, and the difference between the two absorbances (A450 nm−A620 nm) of the culture solution was measured after 90 to 120 minutes. The relative survival rate was determined by setting the absorbance value of H 2 O 2 untreated cells to 1.0.
The measurement results are shown in FIG. As shown in FIG. 2, cell death is observed in the presence of the MTH1 inhibitor.
【The invention's effect】
As is clear from the above explanation, the method of the present invention can be used to easily and reliably screen for drugs that inhibit MTH1, and to select drugs that do not have cell membrane permeability as in the cell-free screening system. The problem is also avoided. Thus, the present invention contributes to the development of anticancer agents and cancer treatment methods through efficient screening of MTH1 inhibitors.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 shows that a cell line in which human MTH1 is forcibly expressed in MTH1 knockout mouse fetal fibroblasts used in the present invention has a significantly higher cell survival rate under a hydrogen peroxide load condition than a non-expression strain. Indicates.
FIG. 2 shows that a cell line in which human MTH1 is forcibly expressed in MTH1 knockout mouse fetal fibroblasts used in the present invention causes cell death by an MTH1 inhibitor.

Claims (1)

酸化プリンヌクレオシド三リン酸分解酵素(MTH1)を阻害する薬剤をスクリーニングする方法であって、MTH1欠損ノックアウトマウス胎仔の線維芽細胞にヒトMTH1を強制発現させた細胞に被験物質を添加し、過酸化水素の存在下に細胞を培養して、その細胞死が認められたときに被験物質をMTH1阻害剤として選択することを特徴とする方法。A method for screening a drug that inhibits oxidized purine nucleoside triphosphate degrading enzyme (MTH1), comprising adding a test substance to cells in which human MTH1 is forcibly expressed in fibroblasts of MTH1-deficient knockout mouse fetuses, and peroxidizing A method comprising culturing cells in the presence of hydrogen and selecting a test substance as an MTH1 inhibitor when cell death is observed.
JP2002336181A 2002-11-20 2002-11-20 Screening method for oxidized purine nucleoside triphosphate degrading enzyme inhibitors Expired - Fee Related JP3910525B2 (en)

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JP2002336181A JP3910525B2 (en) 2002-11-20 2002-11-20 Screening method for oxidized purine nucleoside triphosphate degrading enzyme inhibitors

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JP2002336181A JP3910525B2 (en) 2002-11-20 2002-11-20 Screening method for oxidized purine nucleoside triphosphate degrading enzyme inhibitors

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JP2004166590A JP2004166590A (en) 2004-06-17
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JP2002336181A Expired - Fee Related JP3910525B2 (en) 2002-11-20 2002-11-20 Screening method for oxidized purine nucleoside triphosphate degrading enzyme inhibitors

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
JP2015529665A (en) * 2012-08-27 2015-10-08 ツェーエムエム−フォルシュングスツェントルム フュア モレクラレ メディツィン ゲーエムベーハー Aminoheteroaryl compounds as MTH1 inhibitors

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