JP3740321B2 - Data processing device - Google Patents

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JP3740321B2 JP16781299A JP16781299A JP3740321B2 JP 3740321 B2 JP3740321 B2 JP 3740321B2 JP 16781299 A JP16781299 A JP 16781299A JP 16781299 A JP16781299 A JP 16781299A JP 3740321 B2 JP3740321 B2 JP 3740321B2
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Renesas Technology Corp
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Renesas Technology Corp
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  • Advance Control (AREA)
  • Executing Machine-Instructions (AREA)
  • Microcomputers (AREA)


このため、オブジェクトレベルで互換性を保ちつつ、アドレス空間の拡張や、命令セット拡大を実現した例として、例えば、特開平6−51981号公報、平成5年6月(株)日立製作所発行『H8/300Hシリーズプログラミングマニュアル』などの記載がある。この中で、いわゆるロードストア型アーキテクチャを採用することが、命令セットの拡張を図る上で有効であることを示されている。かかるロードストア型アーキテクチャは、所謂RISC(Reduced Instruction Set Computer)型のマイクロコンピュータの普及と共に、採用される場合が多くなっている。
ライトデータバッファにプログラムカウンタの内容を格納するようにし、更に、ライトデータバッファをFIFO(First-In First-Out:先入れ先出し)構造とし、また、前記プログラムカウンタのインクリメンタと同様に前記ビット1をセットする回路を持つとよい。これにより、実際にリードした命令のアドレスとプログラムカウンタに保持した内容との食い違いが大きくなり、また、一意に決まらなくても、サブルーチン分岐命令時に、待避すべきプログラムカウンタの値をライトデータバッファから容易に得ることができる。かつ、制御を容易にし、論理規模の増加を抑止することができる。
既存の命令を実行可能にし、内部動作の順序なども同等にしているから、既存のCPUと比較して、将来拡張余裕を大きく損なうことがない。例えば、既存のCPUに対して、新たな命令の追加が可能になった場合には、かかる技術を、本発明を適用したCPUにも用いることができると考えられる。命令セットの互換性を維持していれば、機械語としては、既存のCPUと同じ命令を追加することはできる。また、追加命令も、複数の実行ステート数を持つものであれば、固有の動作を行なう部分と省略可能なステートとに分け、後者を必要に応じて省略することは可能とすることはできる。少なくとも、必要に応じて命令のリードとプログラムカウンタ・インクリメントを禁止することができ、既存CPUと同等の処理時間では実現可能である。追加命令が1ステートで実行可能であれば、 複数個設けた演算手段(例えばALU,ALUS)の交互の動作などによって高速化を実現できる。
制御部CONTは、例えば3ワード分のFIFOから成る命令レジスタ200、命令レジスタ検出回路(MON)201、命令レジスタコントローラ(FIFOCNT)202、命令デコーダ(DEC)203、サブ命令デコーダ(DECS)204、レジスタセレクタ(SEL)205をむ。命令デコーダ(DEC)203、サブ命令デコーダ(DECS)204は、例えば、PLA(Programmable Logic Array)または布線論理などで構成される。命令デコーダ(DEC)203は全ての命令に対応し、CPU2の全体の制御を行う。サブ命令デコーダ(DECS)204は、レジスタ間演算命令などの演算動作を命令デコーダ(DEC)203と重なった時間に実行する制御だけを行なう。命令デコーダ203の出力の一部が命令デコーダ203にフィードバックされている。これは各命令コード内の遷移に用いるステージコード(TMG)と、命令コード間に用いる制御コード(MOD)を含む。かかる制御コードは、命令デコーダ(DEC)203及び命令レジスタ検出回路(MON)201で生成され、マルチプレク(MPX)206サを介して、命令デコーダ203に入力される。また、命令レジスタ検出回路(MON)201は、レジスタ間演算命令、前置コードを検出する検出回路を持ち、レジスタ間演算命令の検出結果を信号NXTMON1によって、前置コードの検出結果を信号NXTMON2によって命令デコーダ(DEC)203に指示する。更に、命令レジスタ検出回路201は、命令レジスタ200のリード中であることを信号IFMONによってデコーダ203に指示する。命令レジスタコントローラ(FIFOCNT)202は、命令レジスタに保持している有効な命令コードの量を検出し、検出結果を検出信号FIFOCNT1,FIFOCNT2によって命令デコーダ(DEC)203に指示する。前記信号検出信号FIFOCNT1、FIFOCNT2、NXTMON1、NXTMON2、IFMONに基づくデコーダ203による制御内容は、図10乃至図13、図22及び図23に基づいて詳述する。
前記算術論理演算器ALUとサブ算術論理演算器ALUSの動作は、0.5ステートずらされるようになっている。算術論理演算器ALUは基本クロック(φ)がハイレベルの期間にデータを入力し、この結果を基本クロック(φ)がロウレベルの期間に出力する。これに対して、算術演算器ALUSは、基本クロック(φ)がロウレベルの期間にデータを入力し、この結果を基本クロック(φ)がハイレベルの期間に出力する。CPU2は、命令フェッチ、デコード、実行の3段パイプラインで命令を実行する。このとき、例えば、加算命令“ADD.L ER0,ER1”とシフト命令“SHLL ER1”が連続する場合、基本クロック(φ)のハイレベルに同期してER0とER1の内容がバスDB、GBに読み出され、算術論理演算器ALUに入力される。算術論理演算器ALUで加算が行なわれ、加算結果が基本クロック(φ)のローレベルに同期して、バスWBに出力される。この基本クロック(φ)のローレベルでER1のリード/ライトが競合する。バスWBの内容がER1に書込まれる。ER1の内容は読み出されず、代わりに、算術論理演算器ALUの内容がバスGBに読み出され、サブ算術論理演算器ALUSに入力される。即ち、演算器は命令の順序に従って、算術論理演算器ALUとサブ算術論理演算器ALUSが動作し、一方の算術論理演算器ALUの結果を、他方の算術論理演算器ALUSの入力に利用できるから、レジスタの競合を本質的に回避できる。
図8には転送命令“MOV.W @aa:16,Rd”の動作タイミングが示される。図8の(1−1)、(1−2)には制御部(特に命令デコーダ203)CONTの動作が示され、図8の(2)には実行部EXECの動作が示されている。実際には、制御部CONTの出力する制御信号に基づいて実行部EXECが動作するから、制御部CONTの動作と実行部EXECの動作には時間差が存在するが、図8では便宜的にその時間差を0として表現している。また、制御部CONTの動作において(1−1)は従来技術同等の動作であり、(1−2)は本発明特有の動作の一例に対応されている。
図9には分岐命令(JMP @aa:24)の動作タイミングが示される。図9の(1)には制御部(特に命令デコーダ203)CONTの動作が示され、図9の(2)には実行部EXECの動作が示されている。図8と同様に、制御部CONTの動作と実行部EXECの動作との時間差を便宜的に0として表現している。
このため、分岐先に同じ分岐命令(JMP @aa:24)が存在した場合、分岐先が4の倍数番地であれば、自命令の第2ワードのリード(プリフェッチ)が完了した状態で、実行が開始されるので、第1ステートST1を省略(スキップ)できる。分岐先が4の倍数番地でなければ、自命令の第2ワードのリードが完了していない状態で、実行が開始されるので、第1ステートST1を省略(スキップ)できない。

Figure 0003740321
尚、MOV.L ER1,@aa2は、MOV.W R1,@aa2の命令コードに、前置コードを付加した命令コードを持っている。かかる前置コードは制御信号を発生し、続く命令コード( MOV.W R1,@aa2)の動作を変更するもので、特開平6−51981号公報などに記載されている。
L0 .EQU 2
L1 .EQU 14、
L0 .EQU 2
L1 .EQU 12、
L0 .EQU 0
L1 .EQU 14、
L0 .EQU 0
L1 .EQU 12、
aa1 .EQU 102
aa2 .EQU 104
サイクルT9のスロットC1で、汎用レジスタER0に演算結果を格納する。また、演算結果を検査して、結果をコンディションコードレジスタCCRの所定のビット(例えば、ネガティブN、ゼロZ、オーバフローV )に反映する。
図13の動作を、主に図10との相違点に関し説明すれば、以下の通りである。 図12と同様に、サイクルT2のスロットC1で命令コード(jmp−1)がデコーダ(DEC)203に入力されて、命令の内容が解読される。自命令の第2ワード(jmp−2)のリードが完了しており、第1ステートを省略(スキップ)する。それ以降の動作は、図11と同様である。
図17にサブルーチン分岐命令(JSR @aa:24)の動作タイミングが示される。同図の表現形式は図9の場合と同様である。図17において、第3ステートST3に、プログラムカウンタPCのスタックのためのステートが挿入される他は、図9の分岐命令と同様である。第1ステートST1は、自命令の第2ワードのリードの完了を待つためであり、第2ワードがリード済みであれば省略(スキップ)する。第2ステートST2の分岐先アドレスの命令リード、第3ステートST3のスタック、第4ステートST4の次の命令のリードは、サブルーチン分岐命令に固有の動作であり、省略(スキップ)されない。
図18及び図19にはサブルーチン分岐命令を含むプログラムの実行タイミング図の一例が示される。各図には、分岐命令で分岐した先で、以下のプログラムL0 JMP L1
L1 MOV.W @aa1,R0
L0 .EQU 2
L1 .EQU 14
L2 .EQU 40、
L0 .EQU 2
L1 .EQU 12
L2 .EQU 40
図18では、サイクルT7のスロットC1で命令コード(jsr−1)がデコーダ(DEC)203に入力されて、命令の内容が解読される。この時点で、 PC値は次に命令リードすべきアドレス(24)、ライトデータバッファWDB−Mには前回の命令リード時のアドレス(20)、WDB−Sには前前回の命令リード時のアドレス(16)が格納されている。
Figure 0003740321
L0 .EQU 2
L1 .EQU 14
L2 .EQU 40
L3 .EQU 160
この時点で、 PC値は次に命令リードすべきアドレス(24)、ライトデータバッファWDB−Mには前回の命令リード時のアドレス(20)、WDB−Sには前前回の命令リード時のアドレス(16)が格納されている。
Figure 0003740321
L0 .EQU 2
L1 .EQU 12
L2 .EQU 40
図22及び図23にはデコーダ(DEC)203に含まれる、図8の転送命令に対するデコード論理の一部の論理記述が示される。同図に示された論理記述は、RTL(Register Transfer Level)若しくはHDL(Hardware Description Language)記述と呼ばれ、公知の論理合成ツールを用いることによって論理回路に展開することができる。HDLはIEEE1364として標準化されている。これに示される論理記述の構文は、ケース(case)文に準拠しており、always@の次の()内で定義された値若しくは信号に変化が有ったとき、それ以下の記述行の処理を行う、という記述内容になっている。尚、「5’b00001」は5ビット長のバイナリデータ00001を意味する。IR[8]はインストラクションレジスタIR(DECの入力値)の最下位から9ビット目の論理値を意味する。記号〜は論理値反転を意味する。
図22及び図23の論理記述は、転送命令“MOV.W @aa:16,Rd”のコードを解読するための論理記述に相当する。図22及び図23の論理記述において、casex(IR)の次行に記述された16‘b0110_101?_??00_????がその転送命令のコードを意味する。IR[8]=0のときバイトサイズ、 IR[8]=1のときワードサイズ、IR[7]=0のときメモリ→汎用レジスタ(リード型)、IR[7]=1のとき汎用レジスタ→メモリ(ライト型)、の転送を意味する。その命令において、第1ステートST1、第3ステートST3を省略するかは、信号FIFOCNT1,FIFOCNT2,IFMONの状態に従って決定する。即ち、その論理記述では、ステージコードTMGに従って制御信号を生成するようになっており、現時点でのステージコードTMGの値とその時のFIFOCNT1,FIFOCNT2,IFMONの値等にしたがって、次のステージコードNEXTTMGの値を決定するようになっており、これによって、第1ステートST1、第3ステートST3を省略するかを決定する。図22を参照するに、第1ステートST1のステージコードは1、第2ステートST1のステージコードは17、第3ステートST1のステージコードは3である。
論理記述の第2の部分(1−2)でバス制御を行なう。nop=0はバスアクセス開始、 nop=1はバスアクセス禁止を指示する。data=0は命令リード、data=1はデータアクセスを指示する。 byte=0はワードサイズ、byte=1はバイトサイズを指示する。 write=0はリード、 write =1はライトを指示する。
図23の論理記述の第3の部分(1−3)で実効アドレスを計算する。本転送命令の場合、ステージコード1で自命令の第2ワードがリード済みの場合、またはステージコード17で、リードデータバッファRDBに保持している命令コードのEA拡張部16ビットを、rdbext信号によって32ビットに符号拡張した上、内部バスGBに出力する。ステージコード1で自命令の第2ワードがリード済みでない場合、及びステージコード3で、 PC値の内部バスPCGBへの読み出しと、アドレスバスAB、インクリメンタINCへの入力、及び、インクリメント結果の内部バスPCWBからプログラムカウンタPCへの格納が指示される。なお、アドレスバッファABへは、内部バスPCGBからの入力が指示されない場合、内部バスGBから入力されるようにされている。尚、rdbgbはリードデータバッファRDBの尚用をバスGBに出力する指示信号、rdbextはリードデータバッファRDBを符号拡張する指示信号である。
〔9〕既存の命令を実行可能にし、内部の動作の順序なども同等にしているから、既存のCPUと比較して、将来拡張余裕を大きく損なうことがない。例えば、既存のCPUに対して、新たな命令の追加が可能になった場合には、かかる技術を、本発明を適用したCPUにも用いることができると考えられる。命令セットの互換性を維持していれば、機械語としては、既存のCPUと同じ命令を追加することはできる。また、追加命令も、複数の実行ステート数をもつものであれば、固有の動作を行なう部分と省略可能なステートとに分け、後者を必要に応じて省略することは可能とすることはできる。少なくとも、必要に応じて命令のリードとPCインクリメントを禁止することはでき、既存CPUと同等の処理時間では実現可能である。追加命令が1ステートで実行可能であれば、 ALUとALUSの交互の動作などによって高速化を実現できる。
【図8】転送命令“MOV.W @aa:16,Rd”の動作タイミングチャートである。
【図9】分岐命令“JMP @aa:24”の動作タイミングチャートである。
【図17】CPUによるサブルーチン分岐命令“JSR @aa:24”の動作タイミングを例示するタイミングチャートである。
1 シングルチップマイクロコンピュータ
200 命令レジスタ
202 命令レジスタコントローラ
203 命令デコーダ
204 サブ命令デコーダ
205 レジスタセレクタ
FIFOCNT1,FIFOCNT2 命令コード量検出信号
ER0〜ER7 汎用レジスタ
PC プログラムカウンタ
ALU 算術論理演算器
ALUS サブ算術論理演算器
AU 算術演算器
INC インクリメンタ
WDB ライトデータバッファ
RDB リードデータバッファ
AB アドレスバッファ[0001]
The present invention relates to a data processing apparatus such as a microcomputer, a microcontroller, and a central processing unit (CPU). For example, the present invention relates to a technique that is effective when applied to a device-embedded microcomputer formed as a semiconductor integrated circuit.
[Prior art]
A microcomputer composed of a semiconductor integrated circuit has been expanded in address space, instruction set, and speed. Since the functions of the microcomputer CPU are defined by software, the software resources of existing microcomputers can be used effectively even in microcomputers designed to expand the address space, expand the instruction set, and increase the speed. It is desirable to be able to do it.
Therefore, as an example of realizing address space expansion and instruction set expansion while maintaining compatibility at the object level, for example, Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 6-51981, published by Hitachi, Ltd. / 300H Series Programming Manual ”. Among these, it has been shown that adopting a so-called load store type architecture is effective in extending the instruction set. Such a load store type architecture is often used with the spread of a so-called RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) type microcomputer.
In addition, the speed is increased so that the basic instruction can be executed in one state while maintaining compatibility with the CPU that executes the basic instruction in two states, and a multiplier independent from the CPU is incorporated. Examples of speeding up are described in Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 8-263290 and “H8S / 2600 Series H8S / 2000 Series Programming Manual” published by Hitachi, Ltd. in March 1995. In this CPU, the basic unit of instructions is 16 bits (words), and the data bus width is 16 bits. That is, it is possible to read an instruction for one word by one bus access. In particular, the “H8S / 2600 Series H8S / 2000 Series Programming Manual” pp268-277 issued by Hitachi, Ltd. in March 1995 describes the bus state at the time of instruction execution.
In the CPU described above, an inter-register operation instruction having an instruction code length of 1 word performs an instruction read of 1 word (the next instruction read for prefetch) and PC increment (+2), and general-purpose in the CPU. Read the contents of the register, perform the operation, and write the result to the general-purpose register.
On the other hand, in an operation instruction for 16-bit immediate data and a general-purpose register, the instruction code length is 2 words because 16-bit immediate data is included in the instruction. Two instruction reads (the second word of the own instruction and the next instruction read) and two PC increments are performed. This process requires two states. On the other hand, the CPU reads 16-bit immediate data and the contents of the general-purpose register, performs an operation, and writes the result into the general-purpose register. The internal arithmetic operation can be executed in one state in the same manner as the inter-register arithmetic instruction. That is, in one state, only instruction read and PC increment are performed, and in another one state, instruction read, PC increment and internal arithmetic processing are performed.
The execution of an instruction having an instruction code length of a plurality of words includes a state in which only instruction read and PC increment are performed, and a state in which instruction read and PC increment are performed, and internal arithmetic processing and data access are performed.
With the above-described technology, the processing capacity of the CPU or microcomputer per unit time is improved. This makes it possible to speed up the control processing of microcomputer application systems, and speed-up, high functionality and high precision of devices controlled by the microcomputer, or a conventional configuration with a plurality of semiconductor integrated circuits (microcomputers). It is possible to reduce the size by integrating these products. In particular, by shortening the response time to an interrupt, it is possible to improve the temporal accuracy when controlling various devices, so-called real-time characteristics.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
The present inventor makes it possible to effectively use software assets while maintaining compatibility, minimizing an increase in logical and physical scale, and minimizing an increase in power consumption. We studied to make data processing devices such as microcomputers capable of high-speed processing.
In order to speed up the operation of the CPU, it is necessary to reduce the number of states required for executing one instruction and to improve the operation speed or operation frequency of a single chip microcomputer such as a semiconductor integrated circuit. Can be separated. The latter operating speed or operating frequency can be realized by miniaturizing a semiconductor integrated circuit, increasing the speed of a transistor, or the like. However, the operation speed or the operation frequency inevitably increases the current consumption. Therefore, in order to minimize the increase in current consumption, it is better to reduce the number of states required for executing each instruction.
Note that high speed, high functionality, and miniaturization of devices are also required for CPUs and microcomputers having a relatively small address space and a relatively small instruction set. Therefore, a CPU having a wide address space and a CPU having a small address space. It is desirable to increase the speed of both of them.
Also, by maintaining compatibility, cross software tools such as an assembler, C compiler, simulator / debugger can be used in common. That is, since these development environments can use existing ones, the development environments can be prepared quickly.
Since an ordinary microcomputer operates by reading an instruction, it is necessary to read the instruction by itself. As described above, data access is also performed. However, in order to access data, it is necessary to read an instruction instructing this. In addition, since there are instructions that do not perform data access, the number of instruction reads in the bus cycle is greater than that in data access. For example, there are cases where the instruction read is 80% and the data access is 20%.
In order to increase the speed of instruction reading, the data bus width may be made larger than the unit word length of the instruction. For example, when the instruction unit word is 16 bits, it may be expanded to 32 bits. Instruction read for two words can be performed by one bus access.
However, even if the instruction is simply read at high speed, it does not make sense unless the instructions for the read are executed (consumed).
When a 5-stage pipeline is configured as a microcomputer employing a 16-bit fixed length instruction set and a 32-bit data bus, instruction fetch can be executed in one bus cycle, so the instruction fetch stage is performed once. You can leave every other. Memory access can be made to an empty stage.
However, the present inventor has revealed that the method of increasing the number of bits for one instruction read to increase the speed has the following problems.
When the pipeline is deepened, if the flow of the program changes as in the case of branch instructions and interrupt exception handling, the subsequent pipeline must be canceled and the pipeline newly refilled. In a device control microcomputer, since there are a relatively large number of branch instructions and many interrupts are generated, it is not preferable that the number of pipeline stages is large and the execution time of branch instructions and interrupt exception processing cannot be improved.
The 32-bit data bus enables reading or writing of 4 bytes starting from a multiple of 4 at a time. However, if it is intended to maintain compatibility with an existing CPU that reads instructions in 16-bit units, Bit fixed length instructions cannot be used, and instructions of 1 word length and instructions of 3 word length are mixed. In other words, it cannot be aligned to a unit of a 32-bit data bus. For example, in the case of an instruction having a length of 2 words, it is necessary to determine whether the instruction is to be read once or read twice depending on whether the instruction exists at a multiple of 4 or not. It is thought not to be. If the instruction is read twice, the execution time may be equivalent to the instruction execution of the existing CPU. Furthermore, it is easy to increase the logical scale when determining the address of the own instruction or performing control to perform both one and two instruction reads.
On the other hand, as a so-called microprocessor, as described in “Nikkei Electronics” pp 68-80 published in Nikkei BP Co., Ltd. in January 1995, “Turn in 1998, simplify hardware to VLIW” Acceleration has been achieved such as superscalar and VLIW. In either case, the number of processes that can be executed simultaneously is increased (for example, 4 parallel processes) to improve the overall processing performance. However, in the above technique, since a plurality of instructions are executed in parallel, a plurality of CPU resources such as a control circuit and an arithmetic unit are provided, resulting in an increase in physical and logical scale.
Further, in a device built-in type microcomputer (or microcontroller), the contents of processing are changed while referring to the states of various devices. Data access is performed to refer to the state of the device, and a branch instruction is executed to change the contents of processing. Therefore, it is less likely that the local program is repeatedly executed as compared with the microprocessor. In addition, depending on the control target, there are cases where there are restrictions on the order of execution of instructions and there are restrictions on the local instruction execution time. Even if there is no software contradiction, the order of instructions cannot always be changed. Furthermore, depending on the system to be controlled, it may be necessary to reduce power consumption.
As described above, since there are many branch processes, there is a case where a branch instruction exists and the result of processing once must be abandoned even if parallel processing is possible using a technique such as superscalar. Also, conditional branch instructions cannot be executed until the branch condition referenced by the conditional branch instruction is determined, so instructions that generate branch conditions referenced by the conditional branch instruction and conditional branch instructions cannot be executed simultaneously. Further processing beyond that cannot be executed. Each time there is a conditional branch instruction, parallel processing of the instruction becomes impossible. If branch prediction or speculative execution is performed, the possibility of performing an operation different from the operation to be actually processed cannot be ignored. In the case of equipment control, conditional branch instructions are combined (configured in a tree) and branch destinations are often determined from a large number of branch destinations. In addition, it is considered that there are many more conditional branches. As a result, branch prediction tends to have a very low hit rate. In addition, the average processing time may be improved by branch prediction or speculative execution, but it is not expected to speed up individual local processing.
That is, even if a plurality of instructions can be executed in parallel, they are likely to be wasted. The logic for parallel execution is wasted and logical and physical resources cannot be used effectively. In addition, useless logic and useless operation undesirably increase power consumption.
In the end, for microcomputers for embedded control, it is difficult to effectively use software assets even if parallel processing such as superscalar and VLIW is performed, and in fact, it is difficult to increase the speed of microprocessors. It is. At least, it is difficult to increase the speed for the logical and physical scale, and power consumption is increased.
It should be noted that the trend of processing performance differs between CPUs and microcomputers in repeated processing of the same calculation and device control such as motor control, “Interface” pp134 issued by CQ Publishing Co., Ltd. in February 1998. ˜145 “Thorough study of embedded CPU performance”. From this point of view, it is necessary to maintain the compatibility of existing CPUs and microcomputers suitable for device embedded control at an appropriate cost, inherit the existing architecture, properly increase costs, and increase the speed. It has been clarified by the present inventors.
An object of the present invention is to increase the speed of a data processing apparatus such as a microcomputer suitable for device control.
Another object of the present invention is to minimize the increase in manufacturing cost while maintaining compatibility with existing CPUs and allowing the use of existing software while minimizing the increase in logical scale. It is only to improve the processing performance of the CPU.
The above and other objects and novel features of the present invention will be apparent from the description of this specification and the accompanying drawings.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
The following is a brief description of an outline of typical inventions disclosed in the present application.
That is, for an existing data processing device such as a CPU, the internal data bus width is at least larger than the basic unit of an instruction (for example, a word), and an instruction register that can hold a plurality of read instructions is provided. Means are provided for monitoring the amount of instructions present in the instruction register. A state (first operation) in which an (existing) instruction is subjected only to instruction read control (including control of increment of the program counter) according to a basic unit time of execution (referred to as a state), an effective address calculation, The state is divided into a state (second operation) including control of data operation processing, and a state in which only the read of the instruction is controlled can be omitted according to the state of the already read instruction. In other words, in accordance with the instruction of the monitoring means corresponding to the amount of already read instructions existing in the instruction register, a state in which only the reading of the instructions is controlled is skipped.
The amount of instruction read during execution of each instruction is increased or decreased with respect to the instruction length of the own instruction. This is controlled according to the amount of instructions that have been read or are being executed.
According to the above, by making the internal data bus width larger than the basic unit (word) of instructions, the amount of instructions read at a time can be made larger than that of an existing CPU.
In the case of the basic execution state, as in the case of the existing CPU, if the state is not omitted (skip) by performing the number of instruction reads corresponding to its instruction code length, The read instruction code can be accumulated by increasing the amount of the read instruction than the instruction code.
On the other hand, by omitting (skip) and not reading the instruction, the amount of the instruction code of the executed instruction is made equal to the amount of the read instruction, and the amount of the read instruction code is maintained. The amount of read instruction code can be reduced by reducing the amount of read instruction compared to the amount of instruction code of the executed self-instruction.
This speeds up the read of instructions while keeping the amount of read instructions within a predetermined range (balancing the amount of instruction read and the amount of instruction execution), and the overall instruction execution time Can be shortened.
In addition, by automatically changing the state to be omitted (skip), it is possible to cope with a change in instruction arrangement.
In addition to the instruction code, information on bit 1 on the instruction code address (IAB) is stored in the instruction register, and the instruction decoder may determine the information simultaneously. Such a value of bit 1 indicates whether the address of a basic unit such as a word is a multiple of 4 or an even number that is not a multiple of 4. This facilitates control and minimizes the increase in the logical scale of the instruction decoder.
Except for the branch instruction and the read of the leading address of interrupt exception processing, the instruction is read in 32-bit units, and the increment of the program counter is +4. Similarly, when the start address of a branch instruction or interrupt exception processing is a multiple of 4, the instruction is read in units of 32 bits and the increment of the program counter is +4. When the head address of a branch instruction or interrupt exception processing is not a multiple of 4, the head instruction is read in 16-bit units, and the program counter increment is +2. To configure the incrementer to automatically control +2 or +4 (+ 2 / + 4) of the increment of the program counter, for example, when bit 0 is a byte address, bit 1 of the incrementer is used as its input. A value obtained by logical OR with 1 may be used to give a carry to bit 1.
In this way, except for reading the start address of branch instructions and interrupt exception processing, instructions are read in 32-bit units, and the program counter is incremented automatically by + 2 / + 4 to facilitate control. An increase in logical scale can be suppressed.
The contents of the program counter are stored in the write data buffer, and the write data buffer has a FIFO (First-In First-Out) structure, and the bit 1 is set in the same manner as the incrementer of the program counter. It is good to have a circuit to do. As a result, the discrepancy between the address of the actually read instruction and the content held in the program counter increases, and even if it is not uniquely determined, the value of the program counter to be saved at the subroutine branch instruction is read from the write data buffer. Can be easily obtained. In addition, control can be facilitated and an increase in logical scale can be suppressed.
Even when the effective address calculation or data transfer process operates over a plurality of states, the control itself is performed at once and the actual operation is performed in a plurality of states (for example, addresses are provided by delaying the control signal). The calculation is performed in the first state and the read data is stored in the next state.
In the case of branch instructions and interrupt exception handling, processing time is lost due to branch instruction and interrupt exception handling by starting and executing decoding of the first instruction at the branch destination when at least one word of prefetch is completed. And so-called responsiveness, and hence real-time performance can be improved.
Execution means so that an operation that should delay a control signal (for example, storage of read data), such as having an independent internal bus, can operate simultaneously even if it overlaps with the next control operation (program counter increment) Configure.
Instructions that can be processed in basic unit time (instructions that do not have an optional state) are provided with a plurality of arithmetic means such as an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) so that they can operate while having overlapping times. The execution means is configured so that it can be operated at the same time even if the operation of one of the arithmetic means and the operation for reading the instruction overlap, such as by having an independent internal bus. A control circuit for controlling each arithmetic means is provided. One control circuit controls one arithmetic means to control all instructions, and the other control circuit exclusively controls the other arithmetic means.
In this way, only a plurality of arithmetic means and control circuits are provided, one control circuit controls all instructions, and the other control circuit exclusively controls the arithmetic means. The increase of can be suppressed.
An instruction code that generates only a control signal, such as a prefix code, detects a prefix code in a state in which the instruction is read and held in the instruction register, and generates a desired control signal and By providing a control signal generation circuit, skipping is enabled, and only a control signal is generated when skipping. Thereby, the execution time of the instruction can be shortened. Further, since only the prefix code is detected and a control signal is generated based on the detected result, the logical scale of the detection circuit and the control signal generation circuit can be minimized.
While maintaining compatibility at the object level, if there is a CPU with a wide address space (large instruction set) and a CPU with a small address space (small instruction set), the CPU with a wide address space can increase the speed. When implemented, the above-described high speed can be similarly achieved for instructions that exist in a CPU having a backward compatibility and a small address space. In other words, the same method can be used to increase the speed of a CPU having a wide address space and a CPU having a small address space while maintaining compatibility at the object level. It is possible to enjoy both the advantages of maintaining compatibility at the object level and the advantages of enabling high speed.
Since existing instructions can be executed and the order of internal operations is the same, future expansion margins are not significantly impaired compared to existing CPUs. For example, when a new instruction can be added to an existing CPU, it is considered that such a technique can be used for a CPU to which the present invention is applied. As long as the instruction set compatibility is maintained, the same instruction as that of the existing CPU can be added as the machine language. Further, if the additional instruction also has a plurality of execution state numbers, it can be divided into a part for performing a specific operation and an optional state, and the latter can be omitted as necessary. At least instruction read and program counter increment can be prohibited as necessary, and can be realized with a processing time equivalent to that of an existing CPU. If the additional instruction can be executed in one state, high speed can be realized by an alternate operation of a plurality of arithmetic means (for example, ALU, ALUS).
By using the same instruction set as that of an existing CPU, development tools such as an assembler, C compiler, simulator / debugger, etc., so-called cross software can be used in common. The development environment can be quickly established by using cross software in common.
FIG. 2 shows an example of a single chip microcomputer to which the present invention is applied.
The single-chip microcomputer 1 includes a CPU 2 that controls the whole, an interrupt controller (INT) 3, a ROM 4 that stores a processing program of the CPU 2, a work area of the CPU 2, and a RAM 5 that is a memory for temporary storage of data. , Timer 6, timer 7, serial communication interface (SCI) 8, A / D converter 9, system controller (SYSC) 10, first input / output port (IOP [1]) 11 to ninth input / output ports (IOP [ 9]) 19, and a functional block or module of the clock oscillator (CPG) 20, which is formed on one semiconductor substrate (semiconductor chip) by a known semiconductor manufacturing technique.
The single chip microcomputer 1 has a ground level (Vss), a power supply voltage level (Vcc), an analog ground level (AVss), an analog power supply voltage level (AVcc), and an analog reference voltage (Vref) as power supply terminals. Further, as dedicated control terminals, reset (RES), standby (STBY), mode control (MD0, MD1), and clock input (EXTAL, XTAL) terminals are provided.
The single-chip microcomputer 1 operates in synchronization with a reference clock (system clock) generated based on a crystal oscillator connected to the terminals EXTAL and XTAL of the CPG 20 or an external clock input to the EXTAL terminal. One cycle of this reference clock is called a state.
The functional blocks of the single chip microcomputer 1 are connected to each other by an internal bus 21. The internal bus 21 includes an internal address bus, an internal data bus, and an internal controller bus. The internal control bus includes a read signal, a write signal, a bus size signal, a system clock, and the like. Of the internal data bus, the space between the ROM 4 storing the program of the CPU 2 and the CPU 2 is 32 bits. Although not particularly limited, in the example of FIG. 2, the RAM 5 is similarly interfaced with a 32-bit bus. In addition, the external bus may be a 32-bit bus.
There are two types of internal address buses, IAB and PAB, depending on the phase, and the internal data bus also has IDBs and PDBs depending on the phase. For example, in the case of a read, after IAB, the PAB is delayed by 0.5 state. PAB and PDB are synchronized. After the PDB, the IDB is delayed by 0.5 states. IAB and PAB, IDB and PDB are buffered by a bus controller (not shown). Such functional blocks and modules are read / written by the CPU 2 via the internal bus. The built-in ROM 4 and RAM 5 are interfaced with the CPU 2 via IAB and IDB, and can be read / written in one state. Note that the control registers of the timer 6, the timer 7, the SCI 8, the A / D converter 9, the IOP [1] 11 to IOP [9] 19, and the CPG 20 are collectively referred to as an internal I / O register. These are connected to the PAB and PDB. The bus width of the PDB is not particularly limited, but is 16 bits. This is because the internal I / O registers are distributed in each functional block, so if they are to be connected by a 32-bit bus, the total wiring length of the bus becomes large, which tends to increase the physical scale. This is because meaningful data on the internal I / O register (each functional block) is 8 to 16 bits, and the necessity of accessing with 32 bits is low.
Each of the input / output ports 11 to 19 is shared with an address bus, a data bus, a bus control signal, or the input terminals and input / output terminals of the timers 6 and 7, the SCI 8, and the A / D converter 9. That is, the timers 6 and 7, the SCI 8, and the A / D converter 9 each have input / output signals, and are input / output to / from the outside via a terminal also used as an input / output port. For example, IOP [5] 15, IOP [6] 16, and IOP [7] 17 are also used as input / output terminals for timers 6 and 7, and IOP [8] 18 is also used as an input / output terminal for SCI8. The analog data input terminal is also used as IOP [9] 19.
When a reset signal RES is given to the single chip microcomputer 1, the single chip microcomputer 1 including the CPU 2 is reset. When the reset is released, the CPU 2 reads a start address from a predetermined address, and performs a reset exception process that starts reading an instruction from the start address. Thereafter, the CPU 2 sequentially reads and decodes instructions from the ROM 4 and the like, and processes data or transfers data to and from the RAM 5, timers 6 and 7, SCI8, etc. based on the decoded contents. That is, the CPU 2 is stored in the ROM 4 or the like while referring to data input from the input / output ports IOP [1] to IOP [9], the A / D converter 9 or the like, or an instruction input from the SCI 8 or the like. Process based on the current command, and based on the result, I / O ports IOP [1] to IOP [9], timers 6, 7 etc. are used to output signals to control various devices. Is to do.
The states of the timers 6 and 7, the SCI 8, and external signals can be transmitted to the CPU 2 as interrupt signals. The interrupt signal is output by a predetermined one of the A / D converter 9, timer 6, timer 7, SCI8, IOP [1] 11 to IOP [9] 19, and the interrupt controller 3 inputs this, An interrupt request signal 22 is given to the CPU 2 based on designation of a predetermined register or the like. When an interrupt factor occurs, a CPU interrupt request is generated, and the CPU 2 interrupts the process being executed, goes through an exception processing state, branches to a predetermined processing routine, performs a desired process, and sets the interrupt factor. Or clear it. At the end of the predetermined processing routine, a normal return instruction is given, and the interrupted process is resumed by executing this instruction.
FIG. 3 shows a configuration example (programming model) of general-purpose registers and control registers built in the CPU 2.
The CPU 2 has general-purpose registers ER0 to ER7 having a 32-bit length. The general-purpose registers ER0 to ER7 all have the same function and can be used as an address register and a data register.
As a data register, it can be used as a 32-bit, 16-bit and 8-bit register. The address register and 32-bit register are used as general registers ER (ER0 to ER7) at once. As 16-bit registers, general-purpose registers ER are divided and used as general-purpose registers E (E0 to E7) and general-purpose registers R (R0 to R7). These have equivalent functions, and up to 16 16-bit registers can be used. Note that the general-purpose registers E (E0 to E7) may be particularly referred to as extension registers. As an 8-bit register, the general-purpose register R is divided and used as general-purpose registers RH (R0H to R7H) and general-purpose registers RL (R0L to R7L). These have equivalent functions, and up to 16 8-bit registers can be used. The usage method can be selected independently for each register.
The general-purpose register ER7 is assigned a function as a stack pointer (SP) in addition to a function as a general-purpose register, and is used implicitly in exception processing, subroutine branching, and the like. Exception handling includes the interrupt handling.
PC is a 24-bit counter indicating the address of an instruction to be executed next by the CPU 2. Although not particularly limited, since all instructions of CPU 2 are in units of 2 bytes (word: 16 bits), bit 0 is invalid, and instruction read is 4 bytes (long word: 32 bits). Also, bit 1 is not used. Further, when saved in the stack, etc., it is handled as a long word size with the upper 8 bits set to 0.
CCR is an 8-bit condition code register indicating the internal state of the CPU 2. It consists of 8 bits including interrupt mask bit (I) and half carry (H), negative (N), zero (Z), overflow (V) and carry (C) flags.
EXR is an 8-bit register in which control information for controlling exception processing such as interrupts is set, and includes interrupt mask bits (I2 to I0) and trace (T) bits.
For example of data structure on general-purpose register, data structure on memory space, addressing mode and effective address calculation method, for example, "H8S / 2600 Series H8S / 2000 Series Programming Manual" published by Hitachi, Ltd. Is the same as the CPU described.
FIG. 4 shows a configuration example of general-purpose registers and control registers built in another CPU. This is the same configuration as the CPU described in “H8 / 300 Series Programming Manual” issued by Hitachi, Ltd. in July 1989, and has 16-bit general purpose registers R0 to R7. The CPU 2 having the programming model of FIG. 3 to which the present invention is applied includes the general-purpose registers and instruction set of the CPU of FIG. In other words, the CPU 2 has an upward compatibility relationship with the CPU having the register and instruction set of FIG.
FIG. 5 shows an example of a machine language instruction format of the CPU 2. The instruction of the CPU 2 is in units of 2 bytes (word). Each instruction includes an operation feed (op), a register field (r), an EA extension (EA), and a condition field (cc).
Although not particularly limited, the CPU 2 has the same instruction format as the CPU described in “H8S / 2600 Series, H8S / 2000 Series Programming Manual” published by Hitachi, Ltd. in March 1995. In particular, basic operation instructions and transfer instructions are 16 bits long (one word).
The operation field (op) represents the function of the instruction, and specifies the processing contents of the specified operand in the addressing mode. Always include the first 4 bits of the instruction. There may be two operation fields.
The register field (r) specifies a general-purpose register in combination. The register field (r) is 3 bits for the address register and 3 bits (32 bit register) or 4 bits (8 or 16 bit register) for the data register. There may be two register fields or no register fields.
The EA extension unit (EA) designates immediate data, an absolute address, or a displacement. It is 8 bits, 16 bits, or 32 bits. The condition field (cc) specifies the branch condition of the conditional branch instruction (Bcc instruction).
FIG. 1 illustrates a block diagram of the CPU 2. The CPU 2 includes a control unit CONT and an execution unit EXEC including the general-purpose registers ER0 to ER7, a program counter PC, and a condition code register CCR.
The control unit CONT includes, for example, an instruction register 200 composed of a FIFO for three words, an instruction register detection circuit (MON) 201, an instruction register controller (FIFOCNT) 202, an instruction decoder (DEC) 203, a sub instruction decoder (DECS) 204, a register Remove the selector (SEL) 205. The instruction decoder (DEC) 203 and the sub instruction decoder (DECS) 204 are configured by, for example, PLA (Programmable Logic Array) or wiring logic. An instruction decoder (DEC) 203 corresponds to all instructions and controls the entire CPU 2. The sub-instruction decoder (DECS) 204 performs only control for executing an arithmetic operation such as an inter-register arithmetic instruction at a time overlapping with the instruction decoder (DEC) 203. Part of the output of the instruction decoder 203 is fed back to the instruction decoder 203. This includes a stage code (TMG) used for transition in each instruction code and a control code (MOD) used between instruction codes. Such a control code is generated by the instruction decoder (DEC) 203 and the instruction register detection circuit (MON) 201, and is input to the instruction decoder 203 via the multiplexer (MPX) 206. The instruction register detection circuit (MON) 201 has a detection circuit for detecting an inter-register operation instruction and a prefix code. The detection result of the inter-register operation instruction is received by a signal NXTMON1, and the detection result of the prefix code is received by a signal NXTMON2. An instruction decoder (DEC) 203 is instructed. Further, the instruction register detection circuit 201 instructs the decoder 203 by the signal IFMON that the instruction register 200 is being read. The instruction register controller (FIFOCNT) 202 detects the amount of valid instruction code held in the instruction register, and instructs the instruction decoder (DEC) 203 of the detection result by the detection signals FIFOCNT1 and FIFOCNT2. The contents of control by the decoder 203 based on the signal detection signals FIFOCNT1, FIFOCNT2, NXTMON1, NXTMON2, and IFMON will be described in detail with reference to FIGS. 10 to 13, 22, and 23. FIG.
The register selector (RSEL) 205 forms a register selection signal such as a general-purpose register based on the outputs of the decoders 203 and 204, and includes a detection circuit in the case where the read and write of the general-purpose register conflict, although not shown. Yes.
The execution unit EXEC is configured to be able to transfer data in units of 32 bits, and includes the general-purpose registers and control registers shown in FIG. 3, temporary registers TRA and TRD, an arithmetic logic unit ALU, a sub arithmetic logic unit ALUS, and an arithmetic unit AU. , An incrementer INC, a read data buffer RDB, a write data buffer WDB, and an address buffer AB. These functional blocks are GB (first internal bus), PCGB (second internal bus), DB (fifth internal bus), WB (fourth internal bus), and PCWB (third internal bus). They are connected to each other by an internal bus.
The internal bus GB transfers data from predetermined registers of the general-purpose registers ER0 to ER7 to arithmetic logic units ALU, ALUS, etc., predetermined registers in the general-purpose registers ER0 to ER7, read data buffer RDB, arithmetic logic unit It is used for address transfer from the ALU to the address buffer AB.
Internal bus PC G B is used for transfer from the program counter PC to the address of an instruction to the address buffer AB, the incrementer INC, the write data buffer WDB, and the like.
The internal bus DB is used for data transfer from predetermined registers in the general-purpose registers ER0 to ER7 to the arithmetic logic unit ALU and the write data buffer WDB.
The internal bus WB is used for data transfer from the arithmetic logic units ALU and ALUS and the read data buffer RDB to the general purpose registers. The internal bus PCWB is used for transfer to the address of the instruction from the incrementer INC to the program counter PC.
The read data buffer RDB temporarily stores instruction codes and data read from the ROM 4, RAM 5, internal I / O registers, or external memory (not shown). The write data buffer WDB temporarily stores write data to the ROM 4, RAM 5, internal I / O register, or external memory, and temporarily stores an instruction read address. The read data buffer RDB and the write data buffer WDB adjust the timing of the internal operation of the CPU 2 and the read / write operation outside the CPU 2.
The address buffer AB temporarily stores an address to be read / written by the CPU 2 and has an increment function for the stored contents. An address buffer having an increment function is described in JP-A-4-333153.
The incrementer INC is mainly used for PC addition and performs + 2 / + 4. The arithmetic unit AU is used to generate a branch address of a branch instruction / subroutine branch instruction relative to the program counter. The arithmetic and logic unit ALU is used for various operations designated by instructions and calculation of effective addresses. The sub-arithmetic logic arithmetic unit ALUS is used exclusively for arithmetic operations between registers. Whether the instruction to be executed is a register indirect operation instruction is detected by the signal NXTMON1.
The operations of the arithmetic logic unit ALU and the sub arithmetic logic unit ALUS are shifted by 0.5 states. The arithmetic logic unit ALU inputs data when the basic clock (φ) is at a high level, and outputs the result when the basic clock (φ) is at a low level. On the other hand, the arithmetic unit ALUS inputs data while the basic clock (φ) is at the low level, and outputs the result when the basic clock (φ) is at the high level. The CPU 2 executes instructions in a three-stage pipeline of instruction fetch, decode, and execution. At this time, for example, when the addition instruction “ADD.L ER0, ER1” and the shift instruction “SHLL ER1” are consecutive, the contents of ER0 and ER1 are transferred to the buses DB and GB in synchronization with the high level of the basic clock (φ). It is read out and input to the arithmetic logic unit ALU. The addition is performed by the arithmetic logic unit ALU, and the addition result is output to the bus WB in synchronization with the low level of the basic clock (φ). The read / write of ER1 competes at the low level of the basic clock (φ). The contents of bus WB are written to ER1. The contents of ER1 are not read out. Instead, the contents of the arithmetic logic unit ALU are read out to the bus GB and input to the sub arithmetic logic unit ALUS. That is, since the arithmetic logic unit ALU and the sub arithmetic logic unit ALUS operate according to the order of instructions, the result of one arithmetic logic unit ALU can be used as an input to the other arithmetic logic unit ALUS. Register conflicts can be essentially avoided.
An instruction is operated in an overlapped manner in the first or last state of each instruction (instructions executed in one state is all periods), and in this period, an operation of a specific type (arithmetic operation) is performed. Therefore, a part of the instruction decode operation of the CPU 2 only needs to be performed in the overlapping period for both arithmetic logic units ALU and ALUS, and other sequential operations are controlled. The instruction decoder (DEC) 203 can be made equivalent to the conventional one, and the increase in logical scale can be minimized by making the added sub-instruction decoder (DECS) 204 relatively small.
Although not particularly limited, the sub-instruction decoder (DECS) 204 is configured to specify the type of operation (operation control) using the sub-arithmetic logic unit ALUS, input / output control of a general-purpose register used for the operation, and the sub-arithmetic logic unit Setting control of the condition code register CCR based on the ALUS calculation result is performed.
On the other hand, in addition to the above, the instruction decoder (DEC) 203 generates instruction operation timing, bus control, PC control, effective address calculation, general-purpose register input / output control used for effective address calculation, and memory access data. I / O control, instruction register control, interrupt control, etc.
Here, the functions of the decoder 203 and the sub-decoder 204 will be supplementarily described. When the sub-decoder 204 detects that the register indirect operation instruction is detected by the signal NXTMON1, the sub-decoder 204 decodes the register indirect operation instruction, and the operation control of the sub arithmetic logic unit ALUS based on the decoding result is delayed by 0.5 state. Start.
FIG. 6 illustrates the configuration of the ROM 4. The ROM 4 has a maximum number of parallel data input / output bits of 32 bits, and the data input / output terminals thereof are connected to the internal data bus IDB. Consecutive 4 bytes starting from a multiple address of 4 are configured such that the lower address “0” byte is higher and the lower address “3” byte is lower.
The ROM 4 reads 32-bit data (long word data) starting from a multiple of 4 in a single state. In addition, 32-bit data starting from other even addresses must be read by dividing each state twice. Similarly, 16-bit data (word data) starting from an even address can be collectively read in one state. Reading of 16-bit data starting from an odd address is not permitted. This corresponds to the instruction code being in 16-bit units. The ROM 4 can read 8-bit data (byte data) at an arbitrary address in one state.
That is, when 16-bit instructions are consecutive, two instructions can be read by one read of the ROM 4. The read / write of the RAM 5 has the same configuration.
FIG. 7 illustrates the addressing mode of the CPU 2. Register indirect (@ERn) designates an operand on the memory with the contents of the address register (ERn) designated in the register field (r1) of the instruction code as an address.
The post-increment register indirect (@ ERn +) designates an operand on the memory with the contents of the address register (ERn) designated in the register field (r1) of the instruction code as an address. Thereafter, 1, 2 or 4 is added to the contents of the address register, and the addition result is stored in the address register. 1 is added for the bi-size, 2 for the word size, and 4 for the long word size.
In the pre-decrement register indirect (@ -ERn), an operand in the memory is designated with the content obtained by subtracting 1, 2 or 4 from the content of the address register (ERn) designated in the register field (r1) of the instruction code. . Thereafter, the subtraction result is stored in the address register. 1 is subtracted for the byte size, 2 for the word size, and 4 for the longword size.
Register indirect with displacement (@ (d: 16, ERn)) is a 16-bit displacement (d) included in the instruction code in the contents of the address register (ERn) specified in the register field (r1) of the instruction code. The operand in the memory is specified using the content of the addition as an address. Upon addition, the 16-bit displacement is sign extended.
The absolute address (@aa: 16) is an absolute address (aa) included in the instruction code and designates an operand on the memory. Although not particularly limited, in the case of a 16-bit absolute address, the upper 16 bits are sign-extended.
FIG. 8 shows the operation timing of the transfer instruction “MOV.W @aa: 16, Rd”. 8 (1-1) and (1-2) show the operation of the control unit (particularly the instruction decoder 203) CONT, and FIG. 8 (2) shows the operation of the execution unit EXEC. Actually, since the execution unit EXEC operates based on the control signal output from the control unit CONT, there is a time difference between the operation of the control unit CONT and the operation of the execution unit EXEC. In FIG. Is expressed as 0. Further, in the operation of the control unit CONT, (1-1) is an operation equivalent to the prior art, and (1-2) corresponds to an example of an operation unique to the present invention.
The execution unit EXEC performs the instruction read (if) of the next instruction and the PC increment (+4: +2 in the prior art) in the first state ST1. In the second state ST2, the EA extension part (aa) of this instruction is transferred from the read data buffer to the address buffer via the internal bus (GB), and a bus command for reading data is issued. In the third state ST3, instruction read (if) of the next next instruction and program counter PC increment (+4: +2 in the prior art) and data read in the second state ST2 are transferred from the read data buffer to the internal bus The data is transferred to the general-purpose register via (WB), the data is checked, and the result is set in the condition code register CCR.
The operation (1-1) of the control unit CONT has a control content in accordance with the operation of the execution unit EXEC. That is, in the second state ST2, an address output and bus command generation are generated, and in the third state ST3, a read data storage control signal is generated. Furthermore, in the “H8S / 2600 Series H8S / 2000 Series Programming Manual” published by Hitachi, Ltd. in March 1995, the PC increment is +2, and the read data is transferred from the read data buffer to the internal bus (GB). Then, the data is input to the arithmetic unit (ALU), and the arithmetic unit (ALU) outputs the data to the internal bus (WB) as it is and stores it in the general-purpose register. By using an arithmetic unit (ALU), an increase in the internal bus is suppressed (GB, DB, and WB), and the data check circuit and flag set circuit of the arithmetic unit (ALU) are shared. These detailed differences are omitted.
The operation (1-2) of the control unit CONT performs control for data access in the second state ST2. That is, in the second state ST2, control signals for address output, bus command generation, and read data storage are generated. First, a control signal for outputting an address and generating a bus command is given to the arithmetic unit EXEC, and a control signal for storing read data (RDB-Rd) is given in the next state.
The first state ST1 and the third state ST3 of the control unit CONT perform only instruction read (if) and PC increment (+4). These first and third states ST1 and ST3 are omitted (skipped) according to the amount of instructions already read in the instruction register (FIFO) 200. If the number of instructions that have been read is small, the first state ST1 and the third state ST3 are executed, and an instruction larger than the instruction length (2 words) of this instruction is read. If the amount of the read instruction is appropriate, one of the first state ST1 and the third state ST3 is executed, and an instruction having the same amount as the instruction length (2 words) of this instruction is read. If there are many read instructions, the first state ST1 and the third state ST3 are not executed, and the instructions are not read. Which operation is performed is determined by the instruction decoder 203 using signals such as FIFOCNT1, FIFOCNT, and IFMON.
For example, when this instruction is executed continuously for a plurality of instructions, only the first state ST1 and the second state ST2 are executed (the third state ST3 is omitted). The word size (16 bits) instruction read in the third state ST3 of the instruction before the control similar to the conventional one shown in (1-1) of FIG. 8 and the word size instruction read in the first state ST1 of the next instruction are performed. It can be understood that it is combined with the long word size (32 bits) instruction read of the first state ST1 according to the present invention that receives the control shown in (1-2) of FIG.
When one of the first state ST1 and the third state ST3 is executed, which is executed and which is omitted (skip) is determined by the previous instruction read state. If the branch instruction is placed at the head of the branch destination and is not a multiple of 4, only the first word of the own instruction is prefetched, and the first state ST1 is set to wait for the second word of the own instruction. Even if the branch instruction is placed at the head of the branch destination, if the address is a multiple of 4, the second word of the instruction has been read (prefetched) at the same time, so the first state ST1 is omitted (skip). The third state ST3 is executed.
FIG. 9 shows the operation timing of the branch instruction (JMP @aa: 24). FIG. 9 (1) shows the operation of the control unit (particularly the instruction decoder 203) CONT, and FIG. 9 (2) shows the operation of the execution unit EXEC. As in FIG. 8, the time difference between the operation of the control unit CONT and the operation of the execution unit EXEC is expressed as 0 for convenience.
In FIG. 9, the first state ST1 is for waiting for the completion of the reading of the second word of the self instruction, and can be omitted (skip) if the second word has been read. Read the branch destination instruction twice. In the first time, the read instruction is taken into the CPU 2, but in the second time, only the instruction read is issued, and the reading of the read instruction into the CPU 2 overlaps with the execution of the next instruction.
At the first time, when the address is a multiple of 4, 2 words are read and the PC increment is +4. When the address is not a multiple of 4, the 1 word is read and the PC increment is +2.
For this reason, if the same branch instruction (JMP @aa: 24) exists at the branch destination, if the branch destination is a multiple of 4, execution is performed with the second word read (prefetch) of the own instruction completed. Thus, the first state ST1 can be omitted (skip). If the branch destination is not a multiple of 4, since the execution is started in a state where the reading of the second word of the self instruction is not completed, the first state ST1 cannot be omitted (skip).
Even when a branch instruction is executed, execution of the branch destination instruction can be started at the same timing as in the prior art. For example, when branching to a multiple of 4, the instruction execution at the branch destination can be shortened. Responsiveness such as branch instructions and interrupt exception handling can be maintained and improved.
As described above, the branch instruction can be executed regardless of the arranged address. Although the number of execution states is different, it is at least the same as in the prior art. Rather, it is not necessary to insert a no-operation instruction, and the software need not be burdened.
10 to 13 illustrate timing charts when the program is executed. The executable program is
Figure 0003740321
It is.
MOV. L ER1, @ aa2 is MOV. It has an instruction code in which a prefix code is added to the instruction code of WR1, @ aa2. Such a prefix code generates a control signal and changes the operation of the following instruction code (MOV.WR1, @ aa2), and is described in Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 6-51981.
10 to 13, the addresses where the instructions are arranged are different, and the labels L0 and L1 are L0 = 2 and L1 = 14 in FIG.
L0. EQ2
L1. EQ 14,
In FIG. 11, L0 = 2 and L1 = 12, that is,
L0. EQ2
L1. EQ 12,
In FIG. 12, L0 = 0 and L1 = 14, that is,
L0. EQ 0
L1. EQ 14,
In FIG. 13, L0 = 0 and L1 = 12, that is,
L0. EQ 0
L1. EQ 12,
It is said. The data is common, aa1 = 102, 112 = 104, that is,
aa1. EQU 102
aa2. EQ 104
The first state of the branch instruction can be omitted when an instruction code for one word exists in the instruction register (FIFO) 200 (FIFOCNT1 = 1).
The first state of the transfer instruction (MOV.W) can be omitted if an instruction code for one word exists in the instruction register (FIFO) 200.
The third state of the transfer instruction (MOV.W) is when there is an instruction code for two words in the instruction register (FIFO) 200 (FIFOCNT1 = FIFOCNT2 = 1), or for one word in the instruction register (FIFO) 200. Can be omitted when the instruction code is present and the instruction read is being executed (FIFOCNT1 = IFMON = 1).
An inter-register operation instruction has an instruction code for two words in the instruction register (FIFO) 200 (FIFOCNT1 = FIFOCNT2 = 1), or an instruction code for one word exists in the instruction register (FIFO) 200, When instruction read is being executed (FIFOCNT1 = IFMON = 1) and the next instruction is an inter-register operation instruction (NXTMON1 = 1), the operations of the sub instruction decoder (DECS) 204 and the sub arithmetic logic unit ALUS Instruct.
The first state (prefix code, NXTMON2 = 1) of the transfer instruction (MOV.L) can be omitted when an instruction code for one word exists in the instruction register (FIFO) 200. If not omitted, the prefix code is decoded by the instruction decoder, instruction read and PC increment are performed, and a control signal is generated. If omitted, a desired signal is generated from the instruction register and input to the instruction decoder.
The second state and the fourth state of the transfer instruction (MOV.L) are the same as the first state and the third state of the transfer instruction (MOV.W).
In the case of FIG. 10, the operation is as follows. In the slot C2 (the low level period of the reference clock φ) in the cycle T0 of the reference clock φ, the CPU 2 outputs a bus command (BCMD) indicating an instruction fetch (if) when executing a branch instruction (not shown), and The address is output from the address buffer AB to the address bus IAB. Similarly, a bus command and the next address are output in slot C2 of cycle T1.
Based on the contents of the address bus IAB and the bus command, the contents of the built-in ROM 4 are obtained in the internal data bus IDB in the slot C2 of the cycle T1, and this is instructed in the slot C1 of the cycle T2 (high level period of the reference clock φ). The data is latched in the register (FIFO) 200 and the read data buffer RDB. Since the instruction address at this time is not a multiple of 4, only the lower side (bits 15 to 0) of the internal data bus IDB is used. Similarly, the content of the next address is latched in the instruction register (FIFO) 200 and the read data buffer RDB in the slot C1 of the cycle T2. Since this time is a multiple of 4, the upper (bits 31 to 16) and lower (bits 15 to 0) of the internal data bus IDB are used.
In slot C1 of cycle T2, the instruction code (jmp-1) is input to the decoder (DEC) 203, and the contents of the instruction are decoded.
Since the reading of the second word (jmp-2) of the self instruction is not completed, the first state ST1 is executed.
In slot C2 of cycle T2, the bus command is not operated, and read / write is not started.
In slot C2 of cycle T3, the contents of the read data buffer RDB (absolute address = 14) are stored in the address buffer AB via the internal bus GB, output to the address bus IAB, and a bus command is issued. Read the instruction. Similarly, a bus command and the next address are output in slot C2 of cycle T4 to read an instruction.
The read contents are latched in the instruction register (FIFO) 200 and the read data buffer RDB in slot C1 of cycle T5 and slot C1 of cycle T6.
The contents of the internal bus GB are also input to the write data buffer WDB and the incrementer INC, and incremented (+ 2 / + 4) is performed in the incrementer INC.
In slot C1 of cycle T4, the result (16) incremented (+2) by the incrementer INC is written to the program counter PC via the internal bus WB. Similarly, the result (20) incremented (+4) in the slot C1 of the cycle T5 is written to the program counter PC via the internal bus WB.
In slot C1 of cycle T5, the instruction code (mov-1) is input to the decoder (DEC) 203, and the contents of the instruction are decoded.
Since the reading of the second word (mov-2) of the self instruction is not completed, the first state ST1 is executed.
The bus command and the next address are output in slot C2 of cycle T5, and the instruction is read. In addition, the program counter PC is incremented.
In slot C2 of cycle T6, the contents of the read data buffer RDB (absolute address = 102) are stored in the address buffer AB via the internal bus GB, output to the address bus IAB, and a bus command is issued. Read data. The third state ST3 is omitted (skipped).
The read data is stored in the read data buffer RDB in the slot C1 of cycle T8, and is written to the general-purpose register ER0 (substantially R0) via the internal bus WB. Further, the data on the read data buffer RDB is inspected, and the result is reflected in predetermined bits (eg, negative N, zero Z, overflow V) of the condition code register CCR. This operation is performed based on the result of decoding the instruction code (mov-1), but is executed at a time overlapping with the next instruction.
In slot C1 of cycle T7, the instruction code (add) is input to the decoder (DEC) 203, and the contents of the instruction are decoded.
The bus command and the next address are output in slot C2 of cycle T7 to read the instruction. In addition, the program counter PC is incremented.
In slot C1 of cycle T8, the contents of general-purpose register ER1 (R1) are read to internal bus GB and input to arithmetic logic unit ALU. Further, the contents of the general-purpose register ER0 (R0) are read out to the internal bus DB, but are read from the read data buffer RDB because of contention with the previous instruction write (the delay time can be minimized), Input to the arithmetic logic unit ALU. The arithmetic logic unit ALU is instructed to add.
In slot C2 of cycle T8, the operation result is stored in general-purpose register ER1 (R1). Further, the operation result is checked, and the result is reflected in predetermined bits (for example, negative N, zero Z, overflow V, carry C, half carry H) of the condition code register CCR.
Since the next instruction code is an inter-register operation instruction (NXTMON1 = 1), the instruction code (exts) is input to the subinstruction decoder (DECS) 204 in the slot C2 of cycle T7.
At slot C2 of cycle T8, the content of general-purpose register ER0 is read out to internal bus GB, but is read from arithmetic logic unit ALU because it conflicts with the previous instruction write (minimize delay time). Input to the arithmetic logic unit ALU. Expansion is instructed to the arithmetic logic unit ALU.
In slot C1 of cycle T9, the operation result is stored in general-purpose register ER0. Also, the operation result is checked, and the result is reflected in predetermined bits (for example, negative N, zero Z, overflow V) of the condition code register CCR.
In slot C1 of cycle T8, the instruction code (movl-1) is input to the decoder (DEC) 203, and the contents of the instruction are decoded.
Since the reading of the second word (movl-2) of the self instruction is not completed, the first state (prefix code) ST1 is executed.
The bus command and the next address are output in slot C2 of cycle T8 to read the instruction. In addition, the program counter PC is incremented. Also, a control signal is generated to transmit an instruction (in this case, a long word size instruction) to the next instruction code.
In slot C1 of cycle T9, the instruction code (movl-2) is input to the decoder (DEC) 203, and the contents of the instruction are decoded.
The reading of the third word (movl-3) of the self instruction is completed, and the second state ST2 is omitted (skipped). Since the next instruction read has not been issued, the fourth state is executed.
The operation of FIG. 11 will be described below with reference to the difference from FIG. In slot C1 of cycle T5, the instruction code (mov-1) is input to the decoder (DEC) 203, and the contents of the instruction are decoded. At this time, the reading of the second word (mov-2) of the self instruction is completed, and the first state ST1 is omitted (skipped). Also, since the next instruction read has been issued, the third state ST3 is omitted (skipped).
In slot C1 of cycle T6, the instruction code (add) is input to the decoder (DEC) 203, and the contents of the instruction are decoded.
Although the next instruction code is an inter-register operation instruction, since reading of the next next instruction is not completed, the instruction code (exts) is not input to the sub instruction decoder (DECS) 204.
In slot C1 of cycle T7, the instruction code (exts) is input to the decoder (DEC) 203, and the content of the instruction is decoded.
An arithmetic logic unit ALU is used to perform an operation. Since no register conflict occurs, the general-purpose register ER0 is read.
In slot C1 of cycle T8, it is determined that the instruction code (movl-1) is a prefix code (NXTMON2 = 1), the instruction code (movl-2) is input to the decoder (DEC) 203, and the instruction code The contents are deciphered. Since the reading of the third word (movl-3) of the self instruction is not completed, the second state ST2 is executed. The reading of the next instruction is completed, and the fourth state is omitted (skip).
The operation of FIG. 12 will be described mainly with respect to the differences from FIG. In slot C1 of cycle T2, the instruction code (jmp-1) is input to the decoder (DEC) 203, and the contents of the instruction are decoded. The reading of the second word (jmp-2) of the self instruction is completed, and the first state ST1 is omitted (skipped). The subsequent operation is the same as in FIG.
The operation of FIG. 13 will be described mainly with respect to the differences from FIG. Similarly to FIG. 12, the instruction code (jmp-1) is input to the decoder (DEC) 203 in the slot C1 of the cycle T2, and the content of the instruction is decoded. The reading of the second word (jmp-2) of the self instruction is completed, and the first state is omitted (skip). The subsequent operation is the same as in FIG.
The five instructions can be executed in 12 states in the prior art. On the other hand, it is executed in 9 states in FIG. 10, 8 states in FIGS. 11 and 12, and 7 states in FIG. The number of states required for processing is shortened to 58 to 75%. This is because there is variation depending on whether the branch destination is a multiple address of 4, but when the branch destination is not a multiple address of 4, the upper side of the internal data bus IDB cannot be used, and the throughput of the internal bus is reduced.
In order to improve the processing speed of a predetermined program, if it is desired to place a desired program at a multiple of 4, an assembler can be provided with a control command for alignment to a multiple of 4 and used. Such control commands are described in, for example, “H8S, H8 / 300 Series Cross Assembler” p62 issued by Hitachi, Ltd. in May 1992. The control instruction to be aligned is not converted into a microcomputer instruction, and the program quality and the like due to the change are not greatly impaired.
In the above operation timing example, since the short instruction is executed immediately after the branch instruction and the branch instruction is further executed, the effect of the improvement of the present invention is not necessarily expressed to the maximum. I can't say that.
For example, when only the inter-register operation instruction is continuously executed, by executing ALU and ALUS alternately, two instructions can be effectively executed in one state, which can be reduced to 50% compared to the prior art. .
In addition, since the speed of the bus width is increased by omitting (skip) an omissible state, typically the instruction read time can be halved. If the instruction read is 80% and the data access is 20%, the instruction read can be shortened to 60%, and the instruction read can be reduced to 70% and the data access can be reduced to 65%.
Although depending on the contents of the program, an improvement effect of about 50 to 75% can be obtained as a whole program.
FIG. 14 illustrates a block diagram of the incrementer INC. The incrementer INC increments the program counter PC (+ 2 / + 4).
As described above, there are two sets of arithmetic logic units ALU and ALUS, whereas the incrementer INC is set to one set instead of two sets. Except for branch instructions, the increment of the program counter PC is +4. Therefore, the lower 2 bits of the program counter PC that is normally input is 2′b00.
The incrementer INC is composed of each bit half adder 300, receives the internal bus GB and outputs it to the internal bus PCWB. For bit 1 only, the data input is fixed to a logical value 1 (+2) by an OR circuit (OR) 301, and a carry (logical value 1) is input (+2). That is, +4 is realized by performing +2 twice.
In the case of a branch instruction, if the branch destination address is a multiple address of 4 (bit 1 is 0), +4 is performed as in the case other than the branch instruction. If the branch destination address is not an address that is a multiple of 4 (bit 1 is 1), there is no meaning of +2 by the OR circuit 301, so only +2 of carry input is performed.
As a result, + 2 / + 4 is automatically selected according to the branch destination address. In other words, a multiple of 4 that is larger than the input content and the smallest of them is output.
FIG. 15 illustrates a block diagram of the write data buffer WDB. The write data buffer WDB includes three parts WDB-M, WDB-S, and WDB-OUT. The WDB-M can be input from the internal bus GB and transferred from the WDB-M to the WDB-S. Further, transfer from WDB-M and WDB-S to WDB-OUT is enabled, and input from internal buses GB and DB is enabled to WDB-OUT. On the other hand, output from the WDB-M and WDB-S can be made to the internal bus GB. Output to the data bus IDB is performed from WDB-OUT.
The value of the program counter PC to be saved is stored in advance in the write data buffer WDB. The value of the program counter PC to be saved in the write data buffer WDB is previously stored in Although described in Japanese Patent No. 293665, in the present invention, the output method of the program counter PC value to be saved differs depending on the instruction code length of the own instruction and the state of the instruction read being executed at the start of instruction execution (IFMON). Let
Specifically, if the instruction is being read (IFMON = 1) with a 1-word instruction existing at a multiple of 4, the value of the program counter PC to be saved is obtained from the WDB-S to the internal data bus IDB. At that time, bit 1 of the PC value is fixed to 1.
If a 1-word instruction existing at a multiple of 4 is not being read (IFMON = 0), the value of the program counter PC to be saved is obtained from WDB-M to the internal data bus IDB. Further, bit 1 of the PC value at that time is fixed to 1 (see T8 portion in FIG. 21).
If it is a 1-word instruction that does not exist at an address that is a multiple of 4, and the instruction is being read (IFMON = 1), the value of the PC to be saved is obtained from the WDB-S to the internal data bus IDB. At this time, 1 is not fixed to bit 1 of the PC value.
If a 1-word instruction that does not exist at a multiple of 4 and the instruction is not being read (IFMON = 0), the value of the program counter PC to be saved is obtained from WDB-M to the internal data bus IDB. At that time, the PC value is not fixed to bit 1 (see the portion T9 in FIG. 20).
If a 2-word instruction existing at a multiple of 4 is being read and the instruction is being read (IFMON = 1), the program counter PC value to be saved is obtained from the WDB-M to the internal data bus IDB. The bit 1 is not fixed.
If a 2-word instruction existing at a multiple of 4 is not being read (IFMON = 0), the value of the program counter PC to be saved from the PC is obtained on the internal data bus IDB. Bit 1 is not fixed (see the portion T8 in FIG. 19).
If a 2-word instruction that does not exist at a multiple of 4 and an instruction is being read (IFMON = 1), the value of the program counter PC to be saved is obtained from the WDB-S to the internal data bus IDB. At that time, bit 1 of the PC value is fixed to 1.
If a 2-word instruction that does not exist at a multiple of 4 is not being read (IFMON = 0), the program counter PC value to be saved is obtained from WDB-M to the internal data bus IDB. At that time, bit 1 of the PC value is fixed to 1 (see T10 portion in FIG. 18).
In the program-relative addressing mode, a displacement (relative value) is added based on the address of the next instruction. The address of the next instruction used for this is the value of the program counter PC saved at the time of the subroutine branch instruction. Therefore, the contents of the write data buffer WDB can be used. That is, as described above, the address of the next instruction may be appropriately read from the WDB-M, WDB-S, or the program counter PC to the internal bus GB, and displacement and addition may be performed by the arithmetic logic unit ALU or the like. Setting bit 1 to 1 may be performed by the arithmetic logic unit ALU, or may be performed on the internal bus GB, or on the write data buffer WDB or the program counter PC.
FIG. 16 shows an example of an arithmetic operator AU for calculating a program relative branch address. The arithmetic unit AU inputs the value of the program counter PC (also simply referred to as PC value) stored in the write data buffer WDB via the multiplexer MPX prior to the start of execution of the program relative branch instruction of 1 word length. Since it is one word long, the program counter PC is not used. Further, the arithmetic operator AU inputs the 8-bit displacement contained in the instruction code, which is held in the read data buffer RDB or the instruction register (FIFO) 200, via the internal bus DB. The arithmetic unit AU adds both inputs. When such a branch instruction is present at a multiple of 4, it is possible to fix the bit 1 of the PC value to 1 and effectively perform +2 simultaneously by the control signal pls2.
By having the arithmetic unit AU for calculating the program relative branch address, the branch address can be calculated regardless of the operation state of the arithmetic logic unit ALU, and the speed of the branch can be increased.
The program-relative addressing mode is not limited to a branch instruction, but can also be used for a transfer instruction and the like, and the arithmetic logic unit AU makes it possible to speed up the calculation of the effective address and thus improve the instruction processing speed.
FIG. 17 shows the operation timing of the subroutine branch instruction (JSR @aa: 24). The representation format of FIG. 9 is the same as that of FIG. 17 is the same as the branch instruction of FIG. 9 except that a state for stacking the program counter PC is inserted into the third state ST3. The first state ST1 is for waiting for the completion of reading of the second word of the self-instruction, and is omitted (skipped) if the second word has been read. The instruction read of the branch destination address of the second state ST2, the stack of the third state ST3, and the read of the next instruction of the fourth state ST4 are operations unique to the subroutine branch instruction and are not omitted (skipped).
18 and 19 show an example of an execution timing diagram of a program including a subroutine branch instruction. Each figure shows the following program L0 JMP L1 after branching with a branch instruction.
L1 MOV. W @ aa1, R0
The timing for executing is shown. 18 and 19, the addresses where the instructions are arranged are different, and the labels are L0 = 2, L1 = 14, L2 = 40 in FIG.
L0. EQ2
L1. EQU 14
L2. EQ 40,
In FIG. 19, L0 = 2, L1 = 12, L2 = 40, that is,
L0. EQ2
L1. EQU 12
L2. EQ 40
It is said.
The subroutine branch instruction has an instruction code having a length of 2 words. In FIG. 18, since the subroutine branch instruction exists at the address 18 (to 21), the content of the PC value to be saved is 22. In FIG. 19, since the subroutine branch instruction exists at address 16 (-19), the content of the PC value to be saved is 20. In FIG. 18 and FIG. 19, the operation timing until the subroutine branch instruction is executed is the same as that in FIG. 10 and FIG.
In FIG. 18, the instruction code (jsr-1) is input to the decoder (DEC) 203 in the slot C1 of the cycle T7, and the content of the instruction is decoded. At this time, the PC value is the address (24) to be read next, the write data buffer WDB-M is the address (20) at the time of the previous instruction read, and WDB-S is the address at the time of the previous instruction read. (16) is stored.
In slot C2 of cycle T7, the contents of WDB-M are transferred to WDB-OUT (20).
In slot C1 of cycle T9, the stack pointer SP is read to the internal bus GB, and is input to the arithmetic logic unit ALU to decrement (−4).
In slot C2 of cycle T9, the decrement result is read to the internal bus WB, written to the stack pointer SP, read to the internal bus GB, stored in the address buffer AB, and output to the internal address bus IAB. . At the same time, a long word data write bus command is issued.
Write data is output in slot C1 of cycle T10 with the contents of WDB-OUT fixed at bit 1 to 1, and this contents (22) are stored in the stack.
In FIG. 19, the instruction code (jsr-1) is input to the decoder (DEC) 203 in the slot C1 of cycle T6, and the contents of the instruction are decoded.
At this time, the PC value is the address to be read next instruction (20), the write data buffer WDB-M is the address at the previous instruction read (16), and WDB-S is the address at the previous previous instruction read. (12) is stored.
In slot C2 of cycle T7, the content (20) of the PC value is transferred to WDB-OUT via the internal bus DB.
In slot C1 of cycle T7, the stack pointer SP is read to the internal bus GB, and is input to the arithmetic logic unit ALU to decrement (−4). In slot C2 of cycle T7, the decremented result is read to the internal bus WB, written to the stack pointer SP, read to the internal bus GB, stored in the address buffer AB, and output to the internal data bus IAB. . At the same time, a long word data write bus command is issued.
As the write data, the content of WDB-OUT is output in slot C1 of cycle T8 (bit 1 is not fixed), and this content (22) is stored in the stack.
20 and 21 show an example of the execution timing of a program including another subroutine branch instruction.
In FIG. 20, as a subroutine branch instruction, the addressing mode is not an absolute address but memory indirect is used, and the following program is executed after branching by a branch instruction.
Figure 0003740321
The timing diagram when executing is shown. In this case, the labels are L0 = 2, L1 = 14, L2 = 40, L3 = 160, that is,
L0. EQ2
L1. EQU 14
L2. EQ 40
L3. EQ 160
It is said. In the memory indirect, the memory is read according to the address (L3) included in the instruction code, and the read content (L2) becomes the branch address.
The timing in FIG. 20 is the same as that in FIG. 10 until the subroutine branch instruction is executed. The instruction code (jsr) is input to the decoder (DEC) 203 in the slot C1 of the cycle T7 in FIG. 20, and the contents of the instruction are decoded.
At this time, the PC value is the address (24) to be read next, the write data buffer WDB-M is the address (20) at the time of the previous instruction read, and WDB-S is the address at the time of the previous instruction read. (16) is stored.
In slot C2 of cycle T7, the contents of WDB-M are transferred to WDB-OUT (20). In slot C1 of cycle T9, the stack pointer SP is read to the internal bus GB, and is input to the arithmetic logic unit ALU to decrement (−4). In slot C2 of cycle T9, the decremented result is read to the internal bus WB, written to the stack pointer SP, read to the internal bus GB, stored in the address buffer AB, and output to the internal data bus IAB. . At the same time, a long word data write bus command is issued.
Write data is output in slot C1 of cycle T10 with the content of WDB-OUT fixed at bit 1 of the write address to 1, and this content (22) is stored in the stack.
In FIG. 21, as a subroutine branch instruction, program counter relative is used as an addressing mode, and the following program is executed after branching by a branch instruction.
Figure 0003740321
Shows the timing when. The labels in this case are L0 = 2, L1 = 12, L2 = 40, that is,
L0. EQ2
L1. EQU 12
L2. EQ 40
It is said. In this case, the displacement of the BSR is 22 (decimal number).
In FIG. 21, the timing is the same as that in FIG. 11 until the subroutine branch instruction is executed. In slot C1 of cycle T6, the PC value (16) stored in the write data buffer WDB and the 8-bit displacement (22) held in the read data buffer RDB are input to the arithmetic unit AU, and further the PC value Bit 1 is fixed to 1 and addition is performed, and the addition result (40) is output to internal bus GB in slot C2 of cycle T6, stored in address buffer AB, and output to internal address bus IAB. The
Further, the content (16) of the write data buffer WDB-M is transferred to WDB-OUT in the slot C2 of the cycle T6, is fixed to 1 in the slot C1 of the cycle T9, and is output to the internal data bus IDB. . This content (18) is written to the stack as a return address. Bit 1 is fixed to 1 in response to bit 1 of the address where the BSR exists being 0.
22 and 23 show a logical description of a part of the decoding logic for the transfer instruction of FIG. 8 included in the decoder (DEC) 203. The logic description shown in the figure is called RTL (Register Transfer Level) or HDL (Hardware Description Language) description, and can be developed into a logic circuit by using a known logic synthesis tool. HDL is standardized as IEEE 1364. The syntax of the logical description shown here conforms to the case statement, and when there is a change in the value or signal defined within () next to alwayss @, The description is to process. “5′b00001” means binary data 00001 having a 5-bit length. IR [8] means the 9th bit logical value from the least significant bit of the instruction register IR (input value of DEC). The symbol ~ means logical value inversion.
The logical descriptions in FIGS. 22 and 23 correspond to the logical description for decoding the code of the transfer instruction “MOV.W @aa: 16, Rd”. In the logical descriptions of FIGS. 22 and 23, 16′b0110 — 101? Described in the next line of the caseex (IR). _? ? 00_? ? ? ? Means the code of the transfer instruction. Byte size when IR [8] = 0, Word size when IR [8] = 1, Memory when IR [7] = 0 → General-purpose register (read type), General-purpose register when IR [7] = 1 It means transfer of memory (write type). In the instruction, whether to omit the first state ST1 and the third state ST3 is determined according to the states of the signals FIFOCNT1, FIFOCNT2, and IFMON. That is, in the logic description, a control signal is generated according to the stage code TMG, and the next stage code NEXTTMG is determined according to the value of the current stage code TMG and the values of FIFOCNT1, FIFOCNT2, and IFMON at that time. A value is determined, and by this, whether to omit the first state ST1 and the third state ST3 is determined. Referring to FIG. 22, the stage code of the first state ST1 is 1, the stage code of the second state ST1 is 17, and the stage code of the third state ST1 is 3.
Specifically, the stage code TMG is generated in the first part (1-1) of the logical description in FIG. The stage code TMG proceeds from 1 → 17 → 3, but the stage code 17 and the stage code 3 are omitted depending on the state of FIFOCNT1, FIFOCNT2, and IFMON. If the second word of the self-instruction is already read (FIFOCNT1 = 1) at stage code 1, data read / write control is performed. If the second word of the self-instruction has not been read in the stage code 1 (FIFOCNT1 = 0), the process proceeds to the stage code 17 to perform data read / write control.
Bus control is performed in the second part (1-2) of the logical description. When nop = 0, bus access is started, and when nop = 1, bus access is prohibited. Data = 0 indicates an instruction read, and data = 1 indicates a data access. Byte = 0 indicates the word size, and byte = 1 indicates the byte size. “write = 0” indicates a read, and “write = 1” indicates a write.
In the case of this transfer instruction, when the second word of the own instruction has not been read with stage code 1, and when the instruction is read with stage code 3 and the second word of the own instruction has been read with stage code 1, or the stage Data access is performed with code 17. Data access read / write is instructed by IR [7]. In the case of instruction read, the contents of the internal data bus IDB are stored in the IR and the read data buffer RDB at a predetermined timing. In the case of data read, the contents of the internal data bus IDB are stored in the read data buffer RDB at a predetermined timing. In the case of data write, the contents of the write data buffer WDB are output to the internal data bus IDB at a predetermined timing.
The effective address is calculated in the third part (1-3) of the logical description of FIG. In the case of this transfer instruction, when the second word of the own instruction has been read in stage code 1, or in stage code 17, the 16 bits of the EA extension part of the instruction code held in the read data buffer RDB is read by the rdbext signal. The sign is extended to 32 bits and output to the internal bus GB. If stage code 1 has not read the second word of its own instruction, and stage code 3 reads the PC value to internal bus PCGB, inputs to address bus AB, incrementer INC, and the internal increment result Storage from the bus PCWB to the program counter PC is instructed. The address buffer AB is input from the internal bus GB when input from the internal bus PCGB is not instructed. Here, rdbgb is an instruction signal for outputting the read data buffer RDB to the bus GB, and rdbext is an instruction signal for sign extension of the read data buffer RDB.
In the fourth part (1-4) of the logical description in FIG. 23, transfer data and registers are controlled. In the case of the read type (IR [7] = 0), the read data is output from the read data buffer RDB to the bus WB when the second word of the self instruction has been read in stage code 1 or in stage code 17. Store to general-purpose register (Rd). Instructs the N, Z, and V flags to be updated in the condition code register CCR. As shown in FIG. 8 and the like, the control of this operation is delayed. The delay circuit itself is not shown.
In the case of the write type (IR [7] = 1), the data is output from the general-purpose register (Rd) to the internal bus DB when the second word of the instruction is read in stage code 1 or in stage code 17 In either case, the data is stored in the write data buffer WDB. In addition, it instructs to update the N, Z, and V flags of the condition code register CCR.
24 to 26 show a logical description of a part of the decode logic for the branch instruction / subroutine branch instruction shown in FIGS. 9 and 17 included in the decoder (DEC) 203. The expression format of the figure is the same as the case of FIG. 22 and FIG. In the decoding logic of FIGS. 24 to 26, a branch (JMP) is made when IR [10] = 0, and a subroutine branch (JSR) is made when IR [10] = 1.
The stage code TMG is generated in the first part (2-1) of the logical description shown in FIG. The stage code TMG proceeds from 1 → 17 → 2 → 3, but the stage code 17 is omitted depending on the states of FIFOCNT1, FIFOCNT2, and IFMON. If the second word of its own instruction has been read (FIFOCNT1 = 1) in stage code 1, effective address calculation and branch destination instruction read control are performed. If the second word of the self instruction has not been read in the stage code 1 (FIFOCNT1 = 0), the process proceeds to the stage code 17 to perform effective address calculation and branch destination instruction read control.
Bus control is performed in the second part (2-2) of the logical description shown in FIG. In the case of this transfer instruction, if the second word of the self instruction has not been read in stage code 1, bus access is prohibited. When the second word of the self instruction has been read in stage code 1, or in branch code 17 the branch destination instruction is read. In the case of a subroutine branch, the process proceeds to stage code 2 to perform long word size data write for stacking PC values. In stage code 2, an instruction read following the branch destination instruction that has been read is performed.
The effective address is calculated in the third part (2-3) of the logical description shown in FIG. In the case of this transfer instruction, when the second word of the self instruction has been read in stage code 1, or in stage code 17, the EA extension portion of the instruction code held in the read data buffer RDB is output to the internal bus GB. And stored in the address buffer AB. This content is automatically input to the incrementer INC and incremented (+ 2 / + 4). Further, the storage of the increment result to the program counter PC is instructed. The stage code 3 instructs the output of the PC value to the internal bus PCGB and the storage of the increment result from the internal bus PCWB to the program counter PC.
In the fourth part (2-4) of the logical description shown in FIG. 26, transfer data (PC to be stacked) and registers are controlled. When the second word of the self instruction has been read in stage code 1, or in stage code 17, reading of the contents of the stack pointer to the internal bus GB is instructed. Although it is input to the arithmetic logic unit ALU and is not shown, decrement (−4) is instructed to the arithmetic logic unit ALU.
The stage code 2 gives an instruction to output the decrement result from the arithmetic logic unit ALU to the internal bus GB. As a result, the decrement result is stored in the address buffer AB. In addition, storage from the internal bus WB to the stack pointer SP is instructed.
Further, as described above, the address where the subroutine branch instruction exists is held as A1, and is decoded simultaneously with the instruction code. A value to be transferred to the write data buffer WDB-OUT is selected from PC, WDB-M, and WDB-S using the address information and the signal IFMON indicating that the instruction read is being executed. Further, based on the address information, it is selected whether to set bit 1 of the data to be output to 1 (+2).
Such control realizes execution without depending on the instruction arrangement and appropriately omitting the instruction state.
It should be noted that it cannot have an omissible state, and cannot be executed without incrementing the program counter PC by using the alternate operation of the arithmetic logic unit ALU and the sub-arithmetic logic unit ALUS. If there is an instruction, the bus command issuance and the PC increment may be prohibited by referring to the state of FIFOCNT2. For example, in FIGS. 22 to 26, nop = 1 is set in the second portion (1-2, 2-2), and inpcc = 0 is set in the third portion (1-3, 2-3). . As a result, the instruction read amount becomes larger than the instruction execution (consumption) amount, the instruction register (FIFO) 200 overflows, and the contents of the program counter PC to be saved in a subroutine branch instruction or the like are lost. It is possible to prevent it from getting stuck.
From the above, the following effects can be obtained. [1] With respect to existing CPUs, the data bus width is expanded without losing compatibility, and the instruction read speed is increased, and the instruction execution is controlled by the state including instruction-specific operations and the instruction The state is divided into states in which only reading is performed, and the latter can be omitted (skip). By omitting (skip) a part of the instruction execution state, the instruction read speed is shortened and the instruction execution time is shortened. Can be realized. A part of the instructions can be omitted (skip), and the instructions can be arbitrarily arranged (relocatable) by appropriately omitting (skipping) according to the amount of the read instructions. Arrangement of instructions is arbitrary (relocatable) to facilitate the creation of a program and to eliminate development restrictions such as a C compiler.
[2] For instructions that have an instruction code of 1 word (basic unit length), execute in 1 state (unit time), and do not have an omissible (skipable) state, such as an inter-register operation instruction By providing a plurality of units and operating such a unit with a time difference shorter than the execution time of resources for execution, a plurality of inter-register operation instructions and the like can be effectively executed simultaneously. It is possible to omit the instruction read of one instruction that operates effectively at the same time, balance the amount of instruction read and the amount of execution, reduce the execution time of the instruction, and realize high speed. By increasing the instruction decoder to one corresponding to all instructions (DEC 203) and one that exclusively controls one of the arithmetic units that operate effectively simultaneously (SDEC 204), the increase in the logical scale is minimized, and consequently Increases in manufacturing costs can also be minimized. By operating the arithmetic unit with a time difference, it is not necessary to perform parallel processing, and it is possible to easily cope with general-purpose register contention and to suppress an increase in logical scale. Each block of the instruction decoder and execution unit EXEC corresponding to all instructions can roughly share the same logic with the existing CPU, so that design assets can be effectively used to improve design quality, development period, etc. Can be shortened.
[3] Execution time of an instruction by enabling skipping of an instruction code that generates only a control signal, such as a prefix code, and generating only a control signal without using an instruction decoder at the time of skipping Can be shortened to achieve higher speed.
[4] At the time of branch instruction or interrupt exception processing, the head instruction at the branch destination is read and the execution is immediately started to maintain and improve the responsiveness.
[5] The instruction register, together with the instruction code, the contents of bit 1 of the address bus IAB of the instruction code are stored and simultaneously judged by the instruction decoder 203, thereby facilitating control, simplifying the decoding circuit, and logical scale Can be prevented.
[6] The PC increment after the branch destination instruction is read is automatically switched to + 2 / + 4 by the incrementer INC according to the contents of the branch destination address, so that it is possible to display regardless of whether the branch destination is a multiple of 4 or not. A single process can be performed to prevent an increase in logical scale.
[7] When the PC is incremented, the contents of the PC before the increment are stored in the write data buffer WDB. Further, by setting the write data buffer WDB in a FIFO structure, the bit 1 of the write data buffer WDB is logically changed. It is possible to fix the value 1 and easily realize +2. The PC value to be saved at the time of the subroutine branch instruction can be easily obtained. Also, it has an arithmetic operation unit AU for adding the PC value to be saved and the displacement held in the write data buffer WDB, and has a path to directly input from the write data buffer WDB, so that a program-relative addressing mode is prepared. The processing speed can be improved by increasing the speed. In addition, it is not necessary to have a prefetch counter and a program counter separately, and further an incrementer, so that an increase in the logical scale can be suppressed.
[8] When there is a CPU having a wide address space and a narrow CPU having compatibility, it is possible to realize high speed while maintaining compatibility with both. The necessary instructions and addressing modes may be provided as appropriate.
[9] Since existing instructions can be executed and the order of internal operations is made the same, the future expansion margin is not greatly impaired as compared with existing CPUs. For example, when a new instruction can be added to an existing CPU, it is considered that such a technique can be used for a CPU to which the present invention is applied. As long as the instruction set compatibility is maintained, the same instruction as that of the existing CPU can be added as the machine language. Further, if the additional instruction also has a plurality of execution state numbers, it can be divided into a part for performing a specific operation and an optional state, and the latter can be omitted as necessary. At least instruction read and PC increment can be prohibited as necessary, and can be realized with a processing time equivalent to that of an existing CPU. If the additional instruction can be executed in one state, high speed can be realized by an alternate operation of ALU and ALUS.
[10] By using the same instruction set as that of an existing CPU, development tools such as an assembler, C compiler, simulator / debugger, etc., so-called cross software can be shared. By making cross software common, the development environment can be quickly prepared. Further, resources necessary for development of the development environment can be suppressed, and undesired costs can be avoided for the user by using the existing development environment.
Although the invention made by the present inventor has been specifically described based on the embodiments, it is needless to say that the present invention is not limited thereto and can be variously modified without departing from the gist thereof.
For example, the present invention can be applied to a completely new microcomputer apart from maintaining compatibility. An instruction set, that is, an instruction type, an addressing mode type, and a combination thereof can be arbitrarily set. The general-purpose registers need not be commonly used for addresses and data, and some or all of them may be dedicated for addresses or data. The data size of the general-purpose register can also be set arbitrarily.
The type of the prefix code is not particularly limited. In addition, the prefix code may include other control information in addition to the information indicating the long word. Also, it is not necessary to limit the basic unit of the instruction code to 16 bits, and any bit width such as 8 bits or 32 bits can be used. The width of the data bus is not limited to 32 bits, and may be 64 bits. Instead of twice the basic unit of the instruction, it may be four times.
The capacity of the instruction register (FIFO) is not limited to 3 words. There should be at least 2 words. If the capacity is large, even when there is an instruction that does not have an omissible state, it is possible to balance the quantity of instructions by enlarging the accumulated instruction to be omitted in subsequent instruction execution. However, even if the capacity is increased, the read instruction is wasted when the branch instruction is executed. Therefore, it is better not to increase the amount of instructions existing in the instruction register in a normal or steady state.
In the present invention, parallel processing is not performed, but it may be configured in combination with parallel processing. Some instructions may be processed in parallel. The number of arithmetic units and instruction decoders can be arbitrarily set. There are no restrictions on the other functional blocks of the single-chip microcomputer.
In the above description, the case where the invention made mainly by the present inventor is applied to a single chip microcomputer in the field of use that is the background has been described. However, the present invention is not limited thereto, and other microcomputers or data processing The present invention can also be applied, and the present invention can be applied at least to a data processing apparatus that decodes and processes instructions and performs arithmetic processing.
【The invention's effect】
The effects obtained by the representative ones of the inventions disclosed in the present application will be briefly described as follows.
In other words, the internal data bus width (for an existing CPU) is at least larger than the basic unit (word) of the instruction, and there is an instruction register that holds the read instruction (multiple units). A means for monitoring the amount of instructions to be executed, a state in which (existing) instructions are controlled only by reading (and PC incrementing) instructions according to the basic unit time (state) of execution, and calculation of effective addresses, Divide into states that include control of data processing. For example, even when the effective address calculation or data transfer process operates over a plurality of states, the control itself is performed once, and the actual operation is performed in a plurality of states (for example, by providing a delay in the control signal). The address calculation is performed in the first state, the read data is stored in the next state, and the operation to delay the control signal (for example, read data storage) overlaps with the next control operation (PC increment). Are configured so that they can operate simultaneously. The state for controlling only the reading of the instruction can be omitted, and the state for controlling only the reading of the instruction is omitted according to the amount existing in the instruction register (in accordance with the instruction of the monitoring means) (skip) To do).
This makes it possible to increase the amount of instructions to be read at one time (than the existing CPU) by making the internal data bus width larger than the basic unit (word) of the instruction. (Similar to the above) If the instruction is read a number of times corresponding to the length of its own instruction code, and if it is not omitted (skip), the amount of instruction read is larger than the amount of instruction code of the executed own instruction The amount of instruction code that has been read can be accumulated, but by omitting (skip) and not performing instruction reading, the amount of instruction code of the executed instruction is equal to the amount of instruction that has been read. Maintain the amount of instruction code that has been read, or reduce the amount of instruction that has been read by reducing the amount of instruction that has been read. The number of read instructions is kept within a predetermined range (balancing the amount of instruction reads with the amount of instruction executions), while speeding up instruction reads and executing the entire program. Time can be shortened. In addition, by automatically changing the state to be omitted (skip), it is possible to cope with a change in instruction arrangement.
While maintaining compatibility at the object level, if there is a CPU with a wide address space (large instruction set) and a CPU with a small address space (small instruction set), the CPU with a wide address space can increase the speed. When implemented, the above-described high speed can be similarly achieved for instructions that exist in a CPU having a backward compatibility and a small address space. In other words, the same method can be used to increase the speed of a CPU having a wide address space and a CPU having a small address space while maintaining compatibility at the object level. It is possible to enjoy both the advantages of maintaining compatibility at the object level and the advantages of enabling high speed.
By using the same instruction set as that of an existing CPU, development tools such as an assembler, C compiler, simulator / debugger, etc., so-called cross software can be used in common. By making cross software common, the development environment can be quickly prepared.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a CPU to which a data processing apparatus according to the present invention is applied.
FIG. 2 is a block diagram of a single chip microcomputer to which a data processing apparatus according to the present invention is applied.
FIG. 3 is an explanatory diagram of a programming model relating to general-purpose registers and control registers built in the CPU of FIG. 1;
FIG. 4 is an explanatory diagram of a programming model related to general-purpose registers and control registers built in another CPU.
FIG. 5 is an explanatory diagram showing an example of a machine language instruction format in the CPU 2 of FIG. 1;
FIG. 6 is an explanatory diagram illustrating an example of a ROM.
FIG. 7 is an explanatory diagram of a CPU addressing mode.
FIG. 8 is an operation timing chart of a transfer instruction “MOV.W @aa: 16, Rd”.
FIG. 9 is an operation timing chart of a branch instruction “JMP @aa: 24”.
FIG. 10 is a timing chart illustrating an example of execution timing of a program by a CPU.
FIG. 11 is a timing chart illustrating the execution timing of a program having a different instruction arrangement address from FIG.
12 is a timing chart illustrating the execution timing of a program having a different instruction arrangement address from those in FIGS. 10 and 11. FIG.
FIG. 13 is a timing chart illustrating the execution timing of a program having a different instruction arrangement address from FIGS.
FIG. 14 is a block diagram illustrating an example of an incrementer.
FIG. 15 is a block diagram illustrating an example of a write data buffer.
FIG. 16 is a block diagram showing an example of an arithmetic operator for calculating a program relative branch address.
FIG. 17 is a timing chart illustrating the operation timing of a subroutine branch instruction “JSR @aa: 24” by the CPU.
FIG. 18 is a timing chart illustrating the execution timing of a program including a subroutine branch instruction.
FIG. 19 is a timing chart illustrating the execution timing of a program including a subroutine branch instruction.
FIG. 20 is a timing chart illustrating the execution timing of a program including another subroutine branch instruction.
FIG. 21 is a timing chart illustrating the execution timing of a program including another subroutine branch instruction.
FIG. 22 is an explanatory diagram illustrating a part of the logic description of the decoding logic by the decoder for the transfer instruction of FIG. 8 together with FIG. 23;
23 is an explanatory diagram illustrating a logical description of a part of the decoding logic by the decoder for the transfer instruction of FIG. 8 together with FIG. 22;
24 is an explanatory diagram illustrating a logical description of a part of the decoding logic by the decoder for the branch instruction / subroutine branch instruction of FIGS. 9 and 17 together with FIGS. 25 and 26; FIG.
25 is an explanatory diagram illustrating a part of the logic description of the decode logic by the decoder for the branch instruction / subroutine branch instruction of FIGS. 9 and 17 together with FIGS. 24 and 26; FIG.
26 is an explanatory diagram illustrating a logical description of a part of the decoding logic by the decoder for the branch instruction / subroutine branch instruction of FIGS. 9 and 17 together with FIGS. 24 and 25. FIG.
[Explanation of symbols]
1 Single-chip microcomputer
200 Instruction register
202 Instruction register controller
203 Instruction decoder
204 Sub-instruction decoder
205 Register selector
FIFOCNT1, FIFOCNT2 instruction code amount detection signal
ER0 to ER7 General-purpose registers
PC program counter
ALU arithmetic logic unit
ALUS Sub arithmetic logic unit
AU arithmetic unit
INC Incrementer
WDB write data buffer
RDB read data buffer
AB address buffer

Claims (21)

A data processing device that reads an instruction code composed of a basic unit bit number and operates according to a basic unit time,
A data bus having a bit number larger than the basic unit bit number;
Instruction code holding means connected to the data bus, for inputting an instruction code from the data bus, and capable of holding a plurality of instruction codes;
Monitoring means for monitoring the state of the instruction code held in the instruction code holding means;
Control means for decoding an instruction code acquired from the instruction code holding means and controlling an instruction execution operation;
The control means divides a part or all of the instruction execution operation based on the instruction code into the control operation for each basic unit time, and reads the instruction code to the divided control operation. Data processing characterized in that, when an operation and a second operation for performing other operations are included, execution of the first operation is inhibited according to a monitoring state by the monitoring means apparatus.
前記命令コードの状態は、命令コードの保持量であり、保持量が多いときは第1の動作の実行を抑止し、保持量が少ないときに第1の動作を実行するものであることを特徴とする請求項1記載のデータ処理装置。  The state of the instruction code is a holding amount of the instruction code. When the holding amount is large, execution of the first operation is suppressed, and when the holding amount is small, the first operation is executed. The data processing apparatus according to claim 1. 実行可能な命令としてデータ転送命令を持ち、前記データ転送命令の命令コードに対して前記制御手段が制御する前記第2の動作は、転送元アドレスを生成するための転送元アドレス生成動作と、転送されたデータを格納するための転送データ格納動作動作とを含み、
The second operation which has a data transfer instruction as an executable instruction and is controlled by the control unit with respect to the instruction code of the data transfer instruction includes a transfer source address generation operation for generating a transfer source address, and a transfer A transfer data storage operation for storing stored data,
The control means generates control information for the transfer source address generation operation and the transfer data storage operation in the same basic unit time, and the transfer source address generation operation and the transfer data storage operation are different in basic unit time. The data processing apparatus according to claim 1, wherein the data processing apparatus is executed.
Register means, flag means, read data buffer means, and an internal bus connected to the register means and the read data buffer means,
The read data buffer means temporarily stores the transferred data, outputs the stored data to the internal bus, and the register means can store the contents of the internal bus. The data processing apparatus according to claim 3.
前記リードデータバッファ手段は、前記転送されたデータを一時的に格納し、格納したデータを検査し、検査結果を前記フラグ手段に反映するものであることを特徴とする請求項4記載のデータ処理装置。  5. The data processing according to claim 4, wherein the read data buffer means temporarily stores the transferred data, inspects the stored data, and reflects the inspection result in the flag means. apparatus. プログラムカウント手段を有し、前記制御手段は、前記第1の動作としての前記プログラムカウント手段の読み出し又は書込みと、前記転送されたデータの前記レジスタ手段への格納又は前記フラグ手段への反映とを並列させるものであることを特徴とする請求項4又は5記載のデータ処理装置。  The control means includes a program count means, and the control means reads or writes the program count means as the first operation and stores the transferred data in the register means or reflects it in the flag means. 6. The data processing apparatus according to claim 4, wherein the data processing apparatuses are arranged in parallel. プログラムカウント手段と、前記プログラムカウント手段の内容をインクリメント可能な算術演算手段とを有し、
Program counting means, and arithmetic operation means capable of incrementing the contents of the program counting means,
The value incremented by the arithmetic operation means is a value selected from a first value corresponding to the size of the data bus and a second value smaller than the first value according to the input value. The data processing apparatus according to claim 1, wherein:
実行可能な命令として分岐命令を有し、前記分岐命令の実行時に、分岐先の命令コードをリードした後の、前記算術演算手段は、インクリメントする値を、前記入力する値に応じて、前記第1の値又は第2の値に選択するものであることを特徴とする請求項7記載のデータ処理装置。  A branch instruction is provided as an executable instruction, and when the branch instruction is executed, the arithmetic operation means after reading the instruction code of the branch destination determines a value to be incremented according to the input value. 8. The data processing apparatus according to claim 7, wherein the value is selected to be a value of 1 or a second value. 実行可能な命令として分岐を行なわない命令を有し、前記分岐を行なわない命令の実行時において、前記算術演算手段は、インクリメントする値を、前記第1の値とするものであることを特徴とする請求項7又は8記載のデータ処理装置。  An instruction that does not perform a branch as an executable instruction, and when the instruction that does not perform a branch is executed, the arithmetic operation means sets the incremented value as the first value. The data processing apparatus according to claim 7 or 8. 基本単位ビット数で構成される命令コードを読み込み、基本単位時間に従って動作するデータ処理装置であって、
A data processing device that reads an instruction code composed of a basic unit bit number and operates according to a basic unit time,
A data bus having a bit number larger than the basic unit bit number;
Instruction code holding means connected to the data bus, for inputting an instruction code from the data bus, and capable of holding a plurality of instruction codes;
First control means and second control means for decoding an instruction code and controlling an instruction execution operation;
A first arithmetic logic operation means and a second arithmetic logic operation means operating in accordance with the basic unit time, the operation phases of which are shifted from each other;
The first control means controls the first arithmetic logic unit, the second control means controls the second arithmetic logic unit,
The first control means includes the function of the second control means,
The first control means and the second control means are operable at the overlapping time;
A data processing apparatus, wherein the first control means controls the second control means.
Monitoring means for monitoring the state of the instruction code held in the instruction code holding means, and generating a control signal according to the monitoring result;
The instruction code holding means inspects the contents of the held instruction code and generates a detection signal when a predetermined instruction is detected,
The first control means supplies all or part of the predetermined instruction code to the second control means when the detection signal is in a predetermined state, and the control signal generated by the monitoring means is predetermined. 11. The data processing apparatus according to claim 10, wherein control by the second control means is permitted in the state of.
Program counting means, and arithmetic operation means capable of incrementing the contents of the program counting means,
12. The data processing apparatus according to claim 10, wherein the arithmetic operation means operates in synchronization with the basic unit time at a phase different from that of the first arithmetic logic arithmetic unit.
A data processing device that operates by reading an instruction code composed of a basic unit number of bits,
A data bus having a bit number larger than the basic unit bit number;
Instruction code holding means connected to the data bus, for inputting an instruction code from the data bus, and capable of holding a plurality of instruction codes;
Monitoring means for monitoring the state of the instruction code held in the instruction code holding means;
Control means for decoding the instruction code and controlling the instruction execution operation,
The control means controls an instruction code read operation to be executed later, and when a predetermined instruction code is decoded, the instruction code read amount can be changed according to a monitoring result by the monitoring means. Data processing device.
A branch instruction as an executable instruction,
When the instruction code of the branch instruction is decoded and executed, the control means reads the branch destination instruction and decodes the branch destination instruction read content when the branch destination instruction read content is input. 14. The data processing apparatus according to claim 13, wherein
A first arithmetic logic unit, a second arithmetic logic unit, an arithmetic unit, a register unit, a program count unit, an incrementer unit, a read data buffer unit, and an address buffer unit,
A first internal bus coupling at least the address buffer means, the program count means, the register means, a first arithmetic logic operator, a second arithmetic logic operator, and the arithmetic operator;
A second internal bus coupling at least the address buffer means, the program count means, and the incrementer means;
A third internal bus coupling the program count means and the incrementer means;
A fourth internal bus coupling at least the read data buffer means and the register means,
Transfer from the register means to the second arithmetic logic unit by the first internal bus and transfer from the program count means to the address buffer means by the second internal bus are performed in parallel. Is possible,
Furthermore, the transfer from the read data buffer means to the register means by the fourth internal bus and the transfer from the incrementer means to the program count means by the third internal bus can be performed in parallel. A data processing apparatus characterized by being:
A fifth internal bus coupling the register means, the first arithmetic logic unit, and the second arithmetic logic unit;
And transfer to the first arithmetic logic unit from said register means by said first internal bus, and another transfer from the register means by the fifth internal bus to said first arithmetic logic unit Can be done in parallel,
Furthermore, another transfer of the to the first from the register means by the internal bus and the transfer of the to the second arithmetic logic unit, said second arithmetic logic unit from said register means by said fifth internal bus 16. The data processing device according to claim 15, wherein the data processing device can be performed in parallel.
The first internal bus is further coupled to the read data buffer means;
The transfer from the register means by the first internal bus to the first arithmetic logic unit and the transfer from the read data buffer means to the register means by the fourth internal bus are instructed. And control means for instructing output from the read data buffer to the first internal bus and prohibiting output from the register means to the first internal bus. The data processing apparatus according to claim 15 or 16.
前記第2の内部バスは、更に前記ライトデータバッファ手段に結合され、前記第2の内部バスによる前記プログラムカウント手段から前記アドレスバッファへの転送時に、前記ライトデータバッファ手段への転送も行なうことを特徴とする請求項15乃至17の何れか1項記載のデータ処理装置。The second internal bus is further coupled to the write data buffer means, and when transferring from the program count means to the address buffer by the second internal bus, transfer to the write data buffer means is also performed. The data processing apparatus according to any one of claims 15 to 17, wherein the data processing apparatus is characterized in that: 前記ライトデータバッファ手段は下位ビットの補正手段を有し、前記プログラムカウント手段から転送された内容を出力する場合に、前記補正手段によって、下位ビットを補正することが可能なものであることを特徴とする請求項18記載のデータ処理装置。  The write data buffer means has a low-order bit correction means, and when the contents transferred from the program count means are outputted, the low-order bits can be corrected by the correction means. The data processing apparatus according to claim 18. 更に別の算術演算手段を有し、前記別の算術演算手段は、前記第1の内部バスと前記ライトデータバッファ手段に結合されている
20. The arithmetic operation unit according to claim 18, further comprising another arithmetic operation unit, wherein the another arithmetic operation unit is coupled to the first internal bus and the write data buffer unit. Data processing device.
A plurality of register means;
The register means can use the whole or an area divided into two for holding data, and is also used for holding an address with a number of bits larger than the number of one of the divided bits,
Use the entire register after including the instruction execution function of the other data processing apparatus having the same instruction code as another data processing apparatus and the instruction code having the register corresponding to the divided one bit number 16. The data processing apparatus according to claim 1, 10, 13, or 15, wherein the instruction can be executed.
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JP4073721B2 (en) 2002-06-28 2008-04-09 株式会社ルネサステクノロジ Data processing device
JP4082211B2 (en) 2002-12-27 2008-04-30 株式会社デンソー Microcomputer
JP5003070B2 (en) * 2006-09-09 2012-08-15 ヤマハ株式会社 Digital signal processor

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