JP2004030502A - Simulation method, simulation apparatus, and simulation program - Google Patents

Simulation method, simulation apparatus, and simulation program Download PDF


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JP2004030502A JP2002189163A JP2002189163A JP2004030502A JP 2004030502 A JP2004030502 A JP 2004030502A JP 2002189163 A JP2002189163 A JP 2002189163A JP 2002189163 A JP2002189163 A JP 2002189163A JP 2004030502 A JP2004030502 A JP 2004030502A
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Maki Oshita
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Akifumi Makinouchi
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  • Processing Or Creating Images (AREA)


<P>PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To produce a natural action of a character in real time even when extremely great shock or external force is imparted to the character. <P>SOLUTION: The simulation apparatus is provided with: an action synthesizing means 12 for producing continuous first action data by smoothly connecting data representing present states of a portion to be a reference of the character and of all joints and data of a plurality of acting states; an action control means 13 for calculating translational and rotational acceleration of the portion to be the reference of the character and angular acceleration of the joints to realize the natural action with the produced action data as a target action; an action decision means 14 for deciding whether or not the natural action is to be realized with the action data produced by the action control means 13 as a target action; a reaction producing means 15 for producing data of a suitable reaction in place of the action data when the natural action is not realized as a result of the judgement by the action judging means 14; and an action operating means 16 for calculating data representing the acting state of the character. <P>COPYRIGHT: (C)2004,JPO


本発明者らは、これまでに上記の問題を解決するための動作制御手法(Computer Graphics Forum(EUROGRAPHICS 2001)20,3,192−202)を提案した。本手法では、あらかじめ作成しておいた動作データを単純に再生するのではなく、与えられた動作データを目標動作として、目標動作に追従するようにキャラクタの関節角加速度を制御し、動力学シミュレーションによって実際の動作を計算する。本動作制御手法では、関節に加わる負荷や全身のバランスを考慮してキャラクタの関節角加速度を制御する。その結果、基本的には既存のシステムと同様にあらかじめ作成された動作データを実現しつつ、衝突や外力などの環境からの力学的な変化が加えられた場合には、それらの力学的な変化に応じた自然な動作を生成できる。
x={p,q,θ} p∈R,q∈R,θ∈R …式(1)
x’={p,q,θ,c} p∈R,q∈R,θ∈R,c∈D …式(2)
θ’’output=θ’’init+Δθ’’dynamic …式(3)
q(s)=(2s−3s+1)θ+(−2s+3s)θ+(s−2s+s)θ’+(s−2s+s)θ’ …式(5)
s=(t−current_time)/T …式(6)
θ’’init={6θ−6θ−2θ’−4θ’}/T …式(7)
p’’root,q’’root,p’’end,q’’end→θ’’0...k …式(8)
τ=H(θ)θ’’+C(θ,θ’)+F(θ)+G(θ) …式(9)
τ min<τ<τ max …式(10)
τ min,τ maxは筋力モデルにより決まる、関節iにおいて出力可能な関節トルクの最小値・最大値である。負荷減少制御では、出力トルクτが有効範囲内におさまるように角加速度を制御する。現在、筋力モデルとしては、比較的単純なモデルとして、モーションキャプチャデータから得られたデータをもとにそれぞれの関節のトルクの最小値・最大値をその関節の角度・角速度の2次関数によって表現したものを使用している。
τ min=f min(θ,θ’), τ max=f max(θ,θ’) …式(11)
ここで、s’’={s’’ ,s’’ ,s’’ }を体節iの並進加速度とし、地面が水平(y=0)であると仮定すると、零モーメント点の位置は次式によって計算される。
ZMP={Σm (s’’ −g)−Σm s’’ }/{Σm(s’’ −g)},
ZMP={Σm (s’’ −g)−Σm s’’ }/{Σm(s’’ −g)} …式(12)
は体節iの質量、s={s ,s ,s }は体節iの位置である。
τ=Hiiθ’’+C+F+G …式(13)
θ’’=θ’’−(τ−τmin)/Hii …式(14)
θ’’=θ’’−(τ−τmax)/Hii …式(15)
τ=Σj=1 ijθ’’+C+F+G …式(16)
ΔZMP=JΔp’’root 式(17)
Δp’’root=JΔZMP, J=J(JJ)−1 …式(18)
▲1▼末端の位置・向き拘束・支点拘束のある手足に含まれるそれぞれの関節(両足で立っている場合には両足の全ての関節)の負荷を計算し、最も負荷の大きい関節(複合関節)のトルクを有効範囲まで減少するように制御を行う。ここでは、それぞれ単一の関節ではなく、複合関節を対象とする。骨格モデルでは、実際の関節は内部的に複数の関節(最大3つ)に分けられて表現される(図2参照)。例えば、足首の関節は、実際にはxyzを中心とする3つの関節の角度によって表される。負荷減少制御では、それぞれの複合関節(例えば右足首の場合であればτr_ankle={τr_ankle_x,τr_ankle_y,τr_ankle_z}∈Rのように3次元となる)を対象に制御を行う。対象となる全ての複合関節において、最もトルクの超過量|Δτ|,Δτ∈R が大きい関節のトルクを減少するように制御を行う。
▲2▼バランス制御の場合と同様に、Δp’’root∈RとΔτ∈R の関係H=∂τ/∂p’’rootを計算する。Hは、逆運動学計算と式(9)の慣性モーメント行列から計算できる。ここで、Δp’’rootの次元数は必ずΔτより大きいか同じであるため、バランス制御の場合と同様に擬似逆行列Hを用いてΔp’’rootを計算する。
Δp’’root=HΔτ, H=H(HH)−1 …式(19)
Δθ’’limb=JΔZMP もしくは Δθ’’limb=HΔτ …式(20)
θ’’=θ’’+ Slimbθ’’limb …式(21)
Δθ’’back=JΔZMP もしくは Δθ’’back=HΔτ …式(22)
θ’’=θ’’+Sbackθ’’back …式(23)
関節に加わる負荷が大きい場合は、受動制御によって関節加速度が制限される。例えば、腕に大きな負荷がかかっている場合は、その負荷によって腕を持ち上げるための加速度が小さくなる。このように目標動作を十分に追従できていない場合、目標動作を進める速度を遅らせることによって、目標動作と現在の状態の差が大きくなり過ぎることを防ぐ。例えば、10秒間の長さを持つ動作データは、普通は10秒間のシミュレーション内部時間を使用して実行される。しかし、目標動作に追従できていない場合、動作データの再生速度を遅らせることによってなるべく目標動作を実現するように制御を行う。つまり、10秒間の動作データが15秒間のシミュレーション内部時間で実行されることがありうる。全体の制御の結果、初期角加速度方向の出力角加速度が実現できない関節が一つでもあれば(θ’’init ・θ’’output <0となる関節iが一つでもある場合)、次式によって動作速度を計算する。それ以外の場合は、speed=1.0とする。
speed=(tnext−t)/(tnext−tprev) …式(24)
複数の動作データを合成して新しい動作データを生成するための手法はこれまでに多く提案されている。しかし、従来のシステムでは基本的に動作データはそのまま再生されるだけであったため、衝突や外力によってキャラクタの姿勢が動作データから外れるといったことは想定されていない。そのため、既存の手法の多くは、基本的に動作データ同士はあらかじめうまくつながるように作成されていると仮定されており、動作間で足の位置が異なるというような状況は考慮していないものが多い。これら既存の手法は、例えば上半身の動作と下半身の動作を組み合わせたり、早く走る動作とゆっくり走る動作を混合して中間の速度で走る動作を生成したりといった、動作のバリエーションを増やすことを目的としたものである。既存の手法の中にも、いくつか支点となる足の問題について扱ったものがある。例えば、1995年のRoseらの論文(In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH95, ACM Press / ACM SIGGRAPH, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, ACM, 147−154)では、二つの動作の間を補間するときに、軸足を固定するような方法が提案されている。しかし、この手法では、軸足以外の足の位置は単純に補間していたため、両足で立っているときには、やはり片方の足が地面の上をすべるような動作が生成される。このように、両足で立っているような場合であっても、支点となるべき足が不自然にすべるのを防げるような動作合成手法は存在していない。
まず、現在の時刻tと、二つの動作A・動作Bの開始(予定)時刻tinit ,tinit から、それぞれの動作データ内部でのローカル時刻t,tを計算する。
=t−tinit , t=t−tinit  …式(25)
(t)=(t−Ttotal +Tterm )/Tterm , (t>TtotalA−Tterm のとき) …式(26)
(t)=t/Tinit , (t<Tinit のとき) …式(27)
θ(t)={θ (t)・w(t)+θ (t)・w(t)}/{w(t)+w(t)} …式(28)
root(t)={proot (t)・w(t)+proot (t)}/{w(t)/w(t)+w(t)} …式(29)
root(t)={qroot (t)・w(t)+qroot (t)}/{w(t)/w(t)+w(t)} …式(30)
(t)={p (t)・w(t)+p (t)}/{w(t)/w(t)+w(t)} …式(31)
(t)={q (t)・w(t)+q (t)}/{w(t)/w(t)+w(t)} …式(32)
root,qroot,p,q→θ0...k …式(33)
この演算が本手法の主要部である。支点制約のある手足については、動作Bが始まってからも動作Aの終了時の末端位置・向きをそのまま保つようにする。動作Bの途中でその手足を移動させることがあれば、そのときに動作Bのもとの末端位置・向きの関数と滑らかに混合する。動作Aの終了時の末端位置をp term 、動作Bにおいて次に足が離れる時刻をTleave 、Tleave 以降に足が地面に着く時刻(または動作Bの終了時刻)をTtouch とする。
<Tleave のとき
(t)=p (Tterm ) …式(34)
leave <t<Ttouch のとき
(t)={(Ttouch −t)p (Tterm )+(t−Tleave )p (t)}/(Ttouch −Tleave ) …式(35)
touch <tのとき
(t)=p (t) …式(36)
まず、もとの動作データにおけるルート体節の水平位置を両足の位置を基準とした(u,v)座標系に変換する(図9参照)。ここで、基準ベクトルuは左足から右足へのベクトル、基準ベクトルvは体の正面方向である。この、(u,v)を足の位置修正後の基準ベクトルuに合わせて移動後のルート体節の水平位置p を計算する。
→(u,v), p →u+vv …式(37)
中間姿勢2…支点以外の足を移動できるように、重心を支点の上に移動する。中間姿勢1におけるルートの位置pを地面に投影した点をp としたとき、中間姿勢2における支点面の内部で最もp に近い点をルート体節の水平位置p とする。ただし、p が支点面の内部に含まれる場合はp =p 。ここで、支点面とはキャラクタと地面の接触面全体を含む最小の凸包面をいう。ルート体節の垂直位置p は、中間姿勢1における高さp をそのまま使用する。
=p +p  …式(38)
=a(p−f)+f, |f−b|=|f−b| …式(39)
・前の動作の終了時の速度θ’ (Tterm
・次の動作全体での最大速度θ’i_max=max{θ’ (t)}
それぞれの関節ごとに、中間動作の動作時間がTの時の最大の関節速度θ’i_maxを取得し、上記の速度のうち最大の速度より速くならないように動作時間T を計算する。
θ’i_max =max{θ’ (Tterm ),θ’i_max ,θ’min} …式(40)
θ’i_max>θ’i_max のときT =θ’i_max /θ’i_max …式(41)
=max{T ,…,T } …式(42)
0.5<|p’|<1.0(m/sec)かつ|p’’|>10.0(m/sec) …式(43)
root_term=krootp’+proot_init …式(44)
flying_term=kfoot(proot_term−pbase)+proot_term …式(45)
|p’|>1.0(m/sec)かつ|p’’|>10.0(m/sec) …式(46)
11 動作データベース(DB)
12 動作合成手段
13 動作制御手段
14 動作判定手段
15 リアクション動作生成手段
16 動作演算手段
17 描画手段
The present invention relates to a simulation method, a simulation apparatus, and a simulation program for generating a motion of a virtual character such as a person or an animal appearing in a computer game or the like in real time.
[Prior art]
The motion of a character such as a person appearing in a computer game is generated by continuously reproducing motion data created in advance. For this reason, the conventional computer game has a limitation that it can reproduce only a certain number of repeated operations. This restriction is not a problem when the character is operating alone. However, when dynamic changes from the environment such as characters colliding with each other or external force being applied are applied, there arises a big problem that a natural action cannot be generated.
For example, when a character collides or is pressed, it is expected to reproduce an action such as swaying and swaying or falling. Such an operation needs to be changed according to the place and size to which an external impact or force is applied. However, since the current main approach can only reproduce a certain motion, an unnatural motion such that the character falls in the same way every time is reproduced.
The present inventors have proposed an operation control method (Computer Graphics Forum (EUROGRAPHICS 2001) 20, 3, 192-202) for solving the above-described problems. In this method, instead of simply replaying the motion data created in advance, the joint motion acceleration of the character is controlled to follow the target motion using the given motion data as the target motion, and a dynamic simulation is performed. To calculate the actual behavior. In this motion control method, the joint angular acceleration of the character is controlled in consideration of the load applied to the joint and the balance of the whole body. As a result, it is basically possible to realize motion data created in advance in the same way as with existing systems, and when dynamic changes from the environment such as collision and external force are applied, those dynamic changes A natural motion can be generated according to the
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
However, if this motion control method is simply used for the motion of the character as it is, the following two problems arise.
(1) Natural motion cannot be generated when a very large impact / external force is applied to the character.
In the above motion control method, control is performed so as to realize a natural motion while following the input motion data as a target motion. Therefore, when a very large impact or the like that makes it difficult to realize the input operation data is applied, an unnatural operation is generated. For example, in this method, when a character loses balance due to an impact or the like, control is performed so as to maintain the balance by waving an arm or moving the waist according to the magnitude of the balance. For this reason, when a very large impact or the like is applied, control is performed such as swinging the arm violently in order to forcefully cancel them. In actual human motion, in such a case, instead of trying to achieve the target motion forcibly, for example, by moving the position of the foot so as to maintain balance, once the posture is stabilized, Flexible control is performed such that the target action is started again. However, it is difficult to realize such an operation only by the control in the angular acceleration space of this method.
(2) When the operation changes due to an impact or external force, the next operation cannot be performed successfully.
In this operation control method, control is performed based on one operation data. However, in an actual application, it is necessary to be able to realize a plurality of operations in succession. In general applications such as current computer games, in order to generate a continuous motion of a character, a lot of short motion data is prepared in advance, and appropriate motion data is reproduced in order according to the situation. The approach of realizing a series of operations is taken. In this case, each motion data is basically created in advance so that the previous and subsequent motions are well connected. For example, by setting the posture at the end of the motion A and the posture at the start of the motion B, when the motion B is executed immediately after the motion A, the two motions can be smoothly connected. . Since the conventional application basically only reproduces the operation data created in advance, there is no problem in the connection between the operation data. However, when the character is moved using this movement control method, the original movement data is not always executed as it is. Therefore, as a result of the motion control, when the end posture of the previous motion is changed due to the influence of a collision or an external force, there is a problem that it cannot be connected to the next motion as it is.
Therefore, the present invention provides a simulation method, a simulation apparatus, and a simulation program that can generate a natural motion of a character in real time even when a very large impact or external force is applied to the character.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
The simulation method of the present invention includes a motion synthesis step for generating a single continuous motion data by smoothly connecting a plurality of motion data and data representing a character reference portion and all joint states at the start of motion. A motion control step for calculating the translation, rotational acceleration, and rotational acceleration of each joint as a reference of the character so as to realize a natural motion using the motion data generated in the motion synthesis step as a target motion; Motion data generated in the motion synthesis step from the data representing the current state of the reference portion and all the joints and the translation, rotational acceleration, and rotational acceleration of each joint calculated in the motion control step. Whether or not a natural motion can be realized by the motion control step. If the natural motion with the motion data generated in the motion synthesis step as a target motion cannot be realized as a result of the determination in the motion determination step and the motion determination step, the motion data of appropriate reaction motion instead of this motion data is obtained. The reaction motion generation step to be generated, the character reference portion and the data indicating the current state of all joints, the character reference portion translation, rotational acceleration, and rotational acceleration of each joint calculated in the motion control step And a motion calculation step for calculating data representing the motion states of the character reference portion and all joints.
According to the present invention, when a character is moved with movement data generated from a plurality of movement data and data representing the character reference portion and the state of all joints at the start of movement, As a result of external force etc. being given to the character, when natural motion cannot be realized simply by applying the motion control method with this motion data as the target motion, motion data for appropriate reaction motion is generated instead of this motion data, By using the action data of the reaction action as a target action, it is possible to generate a natural action of the character in real time.
In the simulation method of the present invention, the motion synthesis means for generating a single continuous motion data by smoothly connecting a plurality of motion data and data representing a character reference portion and all joint states at the start of motion. A motion control means for calculating the translation, rotational acceleration, and rotational acceleration of each joint so as to realize a natural motion using the motion data generated by the motion synthesis means as a target motion, and the character The motion generated by the motion synthesis means from the data representing the current state of all the joints and the current state of all the joints, and the translation, rotational acceleration, and rotational acceleration of each joint calculated by the motion control means A motion determination means for determining whether or not a natural motion can be realized by the motion control means with the data as a target motion, and a motion A reaction action generating means for generating action data of an appropriate reaction action instead of the action data when a natural action using the action data generated by the action synthesizing means as a target action cannot be realized as a result of the determination by the determining means; Based on the character reference part and the data representing the current state of all the joints and the character reference part translation, rotational acceleration and rotational acceleration of each joint calculated by the motion control means And a motion calculation means for calculating data representing the motion states of the joints and all the joints.
Further, the simulation apparatus includes a motion synthesis unit that smoothly connects a plurality of motion data and data representing a character reference portion and the state of all joints at the start of motion and a plurality of motion data. The motion control means for calculating the translation, rotational acceleration and rotational acceleration of each joint as a reference of the character so as to realize a natural motion using the motion data generated by the motion synthesis means as a target motion, Motion data generated by the motion synthesizer from the data representing the current state of the reference part and all joints and the translation, rotational acceleration, and rotational acceleration of each joint calculated by the motion control means. Motion determining means for determining whether a natural motion can be realized by the motion control means with the target motion as a target motion, As a result of the determination by the means, when a natural action with the action data generated by the action synthesizing means as a target action cannot be realized, a reaction action generating means for generating action data of an appropriate reaction action instead of the action data; Based on the character's reference part and the data representing the current state of all joints and the character's reference translation, rotational acceleration and rotational acceleration of each joint calculated by the motion control means This can be realized by executing a simulation program that causes a computer to function as motion calculation means for calculating data representing the motion states of the parts and all joints.
FIG. 1 is a block diagram showing a configuration of a simulation apparatus according to an embodiment of the present invention.
In FIG. 1, the simulation apparatus according to the present embodiment includes a motion database (hereinafter referred to as “motion DB”) 11 in which motion data representing a plurality of motion states of a character created in advance and a character state at the time of motion start. The motion synthesis means 12 for smoothly connecting the data to be represented and a plurality of motion data executed in order by the character to generate one continuous motion data, and based on the motion data generated by the motion synthesis means 12 Whether the motion control means 13 for calculating the translation of the reference portion, the rotational acceleration, and the angular acceleration of each joint and the motion control means 13 can realize natural motion by using the motion data generated by the motion synthesis means 12 as a target motion. The action judging means 14 for judging, and the data of the appropriate reaction action instead of the action data Reaction motion generating means 15 to be formed, and motion calculating means for calculating data representing the motion state of the character on the basis of the translation, rotational acceleration and angular acceleration of each joint as a reference of the character calculated by the motion control means 13 16 and drawing means 17 for drawing a character based on the data calculated by the motion calculation means 16.
Here, the data representing the character state is the position p (3 degrees of freedom) and the direction q (3 degrees of freedom) of a portion serving as a reference for the character, in this embodiment, the waist portion (hereinafter referred to as “root”). ) And the joint angle θ of all the joints of the character. Here, θ is an n-dimensional vector, and each element θi(I = 1,..., N) represents the joint angle of each joint. n is the total number of joints when the character is expressed as a multi-joint body. Generally, when a human is modeled as a multi-joint body, at least about 40 joints are required.
The behavioral synthesis means 12 includes data representing the state of the character at the start of the motion (data on the position / orientation of the route and the state of all joints) and a plurality of motion data executed in order by the character (motion registered in the motion DB 11). Data or reaction operation data generated by the reaction operation generation means 15 (to be described later) and a connection method (either “synthesis mode” or “concatenation mode”) for starting each operation are received as inputs. These motion data are smoothly connected to generate one continuous motion data.
Here, the motion data is the time function θ of the joint angles of all the joints of the character.i(T), time function p (t), q (t) of the route position and orientation, and restraint conditions of both hands and feet (one of three kinds of restraint conditions: angular constraint, end position / orientation constraint, and fulcrum constraint) Time change c)l(T) (l = {right foot, left foot, right hand, left hand}) and meta information (time of the entire operation, time of the start range, time of the end range, arrangement of key times, etc.).
The motion control unit 13 calculates the translation of the character's route, the rotational acceleration, and the angular acceleration of each joint so as to realize a natural motion using the motion data generated by the motion synthesis unit 12 as a target motion. The motion determining means 14 is based on the character route translation, rotational acceleration and angular acceleration of each joint calculated by the motion control means 13 and data representing the current state of the character root and all joints. 12 determines whether or not a natural motion with the motion data generated by the target motion as a target motion can be realized, that is, whether the balance is so large that the motion control means 13 cannot cope with it, or whether a large joint load is applied. To do. The translation, rotational acceleration, and angular acceleration of each joint calculated by the motion control means 13 are also input to the motion calculation means 16.
As a result of the determination by the operation determination unit 14, the reaction operation generation unit 15 performs an appropriate reaction operation in place of the operation data when a natural operation using the operation data generated by the operation synthesis unit 12 as a target operation cannot be realized. Dynamically generate motion data. The action data of the reaction action generated by the reaction action generator 15 is input to the action synthesizer 12.
Based on the data representing the current state of the character's route and all joints and the translation, rotational acceleration, and angular acceleration of each joint calculated by the motion control means 13, the motion calculation means 16 Data representing the motion state of all joints is calculated. At the same time, the motion calculation means 16 calculates a collision between characters, an external force, and the like. The data calculated by the motion calculation means 16 is input to the motion synthesis means 12, used for calculation of the next motion data, and input to the drawing means 17.
The drawing unit 17 draws a scene where the character appears, and continuously draws the character in the scene based on the data calculated by the motion calculation unit 16.
Next, details of processing in the operation control means 13 will be described.
As described above, the motion control means 13 calculates the angular acceleration of each joint of the character. That is, motion control is performed in an angular acceleration space.
In general, in an animation such as a computer game, posture expression based on a joint angle is used as a method of expressing the posture and movement of a multi-joint body such as a human. For example, if the character has n joints, the posture x of the character at a certain point in time can be expressed by the following expression by a combination of the position of the route, the orientations p and q, and the joint angle θ of all the joints.
x = {p, q, θ} p∈R3, Q∈R3, Θ∈Rn... Formula (1)
Here, the joint angle θ is an n-dimensional vector, and θiRepresents the joint angle of the i-th joint. Similarly, the motion data of the character can be expressed by the time change x (t) of the posture.
An example of a character skeleton model is shown in FIG. In the present embodiment, a joint having a plurality of degrees of freedom is internally represented by a plurality of rotary joints having one degree of freedom (for example, the shoulder has three degrees of freedom (3 DOF). Model as 3 joints). Therefore, the rotational acceleration of each joint is controlled by angular acceleration about the axis of the rotational joint with one degree of freedom.
Here, the relationship among the joint angle, the joint angular velocity, the joint angular acceleration, and the joint torque is shown in FIG. In general, when a human or a robot exercises, first, joint torque (force to rotate the joint) is generated by muscular strength or the action of a motor. This joint torque causes joint angular acceleration, and the joint velocity and joint angle change by integration of the joint angular acceleration.
In general, in computer animation, when motion data is simply recorded / edited / reproduced, motion data is handled only in the joint angle space. In such a case, it is not necessary to consider joint angular acceleration or joint torque. However, if an attempt is made to generate a natural motion in consideration of mechanical influences such as collision and external force, it is necessary to consider joint angular acceleration and joint torque.
In this method, in order to perform motion control in consideration of the restraint conditions of the limbs, in addition to the information of Expression (1), the motion data includes information on the restraint conditions of the limbs.
x ′ = {p, q, θ, c} p∈R3, Q∈R3, Θ∈Rn, C∈D4... Formula (2)
Here, c represents the restraint condition of the limb in that state. c takes any value of {angle constraint, end position / orientation constraint, fulcrum constraint} for each of the right foot, left foot, right hand, and left hand. When the angle constraint is set as the constraint condition of the limb, the control is performed according to the joint angle data of the motion data. When the position / orientation constraint is set as the restraint condition for the limbs, the control is performed by giving priority to the position / orientation of the hand tip or the foot tip over the joint angle. The temporal changes in the position and orientation of the hand and foot are calculated from the original motion data. The position / orientation constraint is specified when the position / orientation of the hand or foot is more important than the posture of the limb, such as an action of picking up a falling object. Further, the fulcrum constraint is a special case of position / orientation constraint, and represents a state in which a load is applied with the limb contacting the ground as a fulcrum. When fulcrum restraint is set, control is performed so that the positions and orientations of the hands and toes are fixed and do not move.
In this method, the joint angular acceleration is calculated by a two-step procedure.
First, the initial angular acceleration for following the target motion is calculated by following control. In follow-up control, each joint is controlled independently, and no mechanical influence or mutual influence is considered. Simply calculate the joint angular acceleration that smoothly converges to the trajectory of the target motion.
Next, the output angular acceleration is corrected by dynamic control so that the operation becomes natural based on the initial angular acceleration calculated by the follow-up control. Specifically, when an action is performed with initial angular acceleration, if the character loses the balance of the whole body or a large load is applied to a certain joint that exceeds the range of muscle strength, depending on the effect To control the angular acceleration. When these problems do not occur, the initial angular acceleration is directly used as the output angular acceleration. That is, basically, an operation that simply follows the target operation is performed, and only when the balance is lost or a large joint load is applied, an operation corresponding to them is generated.
This can be expressed in mathematical formulas as output angular acceleration θ ″.outputIs calculated by the following formula. Where θ ″initIs the initial angular acceleration by tracking control, Δθ ″dynamicIs the corrected angular acceleration by dynamic control.
θ ’output= Θ ’init+ Δθ ″dynamic... Formula (3)
(1) Tracking control
[Control of joint angular acceleration]
In follow-up control, each joint is controlled independently. Initial angular acceleration θ ″ that follows the target trajectory when the target trajectory of the joint is p (t) and the current joint angle / angular velocity is θ, θ ′.initCalculate In follow-up control, two types of calculation methods are used depending on whether the target track is close or far.
First, when the current state is close to the target trajectory (the state in which the motion is normally executed), the output angular acceleration is calculated so as to simply realize the target joint angle and angular velocity obtained from the target trajectory. The joint angle and angular velocity after time 2dt in the target trajectory (dt is the step size of the simulation)g, Θ ’gThen θg, Θ ’gThe angular acceleration to satisfy is calculated by the following equation.
θ ’init= 1 / dt2・ (Θg−θ) −1 / dt · (0.5θ ′g−1.5θ ′) Formula (4)
On the other hand, if the current state is far from the target trajectory (a state in which the target trajectory cannot be temporarily followed due to a speed change due to a collision, etc.), the output angular acceleration is calculated using the above method, and a very large angular acceleration is calculated. The joint is overloaded. Therefore, an appropriate joint angular acceleration that smoothly converges to the target trajectory is calculated. The idea is to assume a smooth trajectory that converges from the current state to the next maximum / minimum point of the target trajectory (see FIG. 4), and the output angular acceleration is calculated from this trajectory.
Here, a quadratic Ferguson function is used as the trajectory for convergence to the target motion. The Ferguson function is a function that is obtained from the position / velocity of two points and is continuous in the second order between them (angular acceleration changes linearly). The current joint angle / angular velocity is (θ, θ ′), and the joint angle / angular velocity at the next pole of the target trajectory is (θt, Θ ’t) If the time between two points is T and the current time is current_time, the Ferguson curve q (s) is expressed by the following equation.
q (s) = (2s3-3s2+1) θ + (− 2s3+ 3s2) Θt+ (S3-2s2+ S) θ ′ + (s3-2s2+ S) θ ′t... Formula (5)
s = (t-current_time) / T (formula 6)
Here, the initial angular acceleration θ ″ is obtained by second-order differentiation of the above equation and substituting t = current_time.initIs calculated.
θ ’init= {6θt-6θ-2θ 't-4θ '} / T2... Formula (7)
In the follow-up control, first, the initial angular acceleration is calculated by the equation (4), and when the magnitude exceeds a predetermined range, the initial angular acceleration is calculated by using the equation (7).
[Control of route translation and rotational acceleration]
Route position (translational acceleration) p "rootSimilarly, the initial acceleration is calculated independently for each of the xyz axes. Route direction (rotational acceleration) q ″rootFor, always calculate the initial angular acceleration according to equation (4).
[Control of joint angular acceleration of restrained limbs]
For each limb (right hand, left hand, right foot, left foot), when position constraint / fulcrum constraint is set in the target motion, translation / rotational angular acceleration p ″ of the end portion of the limb (wrist / ankle)end, Q ″endCalculate
The calculation method of joint angular acceleration of limbs differs depending on the constraint condition of each limb set in the motion data of the target motion. When an angle constraint is set for a certain limb, the joint of the limb can be freely controlled. Therefore, the angular acceleration of each joint is calculated independently by the above calculation method. On the other hand, for joints of limbs with end position / orientation constraints and fulcrum constraints, which are special cases, it is necessary to control the joints as a whole instead of controlling them independently. For example, when the character is standing on both feet (when fulcrum constraint is set on both feet), all joints of both feet must be controlled in a coordinated manner so that both feet do not leave the ground. Therefore, these joints are calculated using a method called inverse kinematics calculation from the translation (rotational angular acceleration) of the root (waist) and the end of the limb.
Inverse kinematics calculation is a technique that is commonly used in animation tools and the like, and is a technique for calculating joint angles from the positions and orientations of the ends of limbs. Here, a calculation method in which inverse kinematic calculation is applied to an angular acceleration space is used. The calculation of the joint angular acceleration by the kinematic calculation method is expressed by the following equation.
p ″root, Q ″root, P "end, Q ″end→ θ ”0. . . k... Formula (8)
p ″root, Q ″rootIs the translational / rotational acceleration of the route, p "end, Q ″endIs the translational rotational acceleration at the end of the limb, θ ″0. . . kRepresents the angular acceleration of all joints of the limb. In general, there are two types of inverse kinematic calculation methods: a numerical solution method and an analytical solution method. In the present embodiment, an analytical inverse kinematic calculation method is used in which joint angular acceleration can be calculated at a higher speed by fixing the number of joints of each limb to seven.
(2) Dynamic control
The dynamic control is divided into a plurality of steps of passive control, restraint-controlled limb control, active control, and motion speed control. In the following, first, the joint load and balance evaluation criteria, which are dynamic control criteria, will be described, and then each control step will be described in turn.
[Balance control and load reduction control]
In dynamic control, two factors, joint load and whole body balance, are considered as a reference for performing control. That is, if the joint load is too large or the balance is lost if the initial angular acceleration calculated by the follow-up control is maintained, the angular acceleration is corrected so as to decrease them. Below, both evaluation criteria are demonstrated.
Consider the character's muscular strength model as a reference for joint loading. Joint torque τ∈R required to realize a certain angular acceleration θ ″nCan be calculated by a method called inverse dynamics calculation.
τ = H (θ) θ ″ + C (θ, θ ′) + F (θ) + G (θ) (9)
θ and θ ′ are current joint angles and angular velocities, H (θ) is an inertia moment matrix representing the relationship between joint angular acceleration and joint torque, and C (θ, θ ′), F (θ), and G (θ). Are vectors representing the effects of Coriolis force, external force, and gravity on joint torque.
Here, an effective range of torque that can be output at each joint is determined for each character as a muscle strength model.
τi minii max... Formula (10)
τi min, Τi maxAre the minimum and maximum values of joint torque that can be output at joint i, determined by the muscle force model. In load reduction control, output torque τiThe angular acceleration is controlled so that is within the effective range. Currently, the muscle strength model is a relatively simple model. Based on the data obtained from the motion capture data, the minimum and maximum values of the torque of each joint are expressed by a quadratic function of the angle and angular velocity of the joint. I use what I did.
τi min= Fi mini, Θ ’i), Τi max= Fi maxi, Θ ’i) ... Formula (11)
Next, balance control will be described. As a reference for balance control, a concept called zero moment point used in robotics or the like is used. The zero moment point is a point where the moment applied to the ground from the whole body becomes zero. 5A and 5B are diagrams showing zero moment points, where FIG. 5A is a diagram showing a state in which the balance is maintained, and FIG. 5B is a diagram showing a state in which the balance is not maintained.
As shown in FIG. 5A, when the zero moment point (ZMP) exists inside the fulcrum plane, the character is balanced. The fulcrum surface is the smallest convex hull surface including the entire contact surface between the character and the ground. On the other hand, as shown in FIG. 5B, when the zero moment point is outside the fulcrum plane, the character is not balanced and the point closest to the zero moment point inside the fulcrum plane (minimum moment point MMP). ) Around the character. In such a case, the joint angular acceleration is controlled so that the zero moment point moves inside the fulcrum surface. The position of the zero moment point can be calculated from the angular acceleration of all joints. Actually, the angular acceleration θ ″ ″ ∈R of all jointsnFrom the above, the translation acceleration s ′ ″ ∈R3 * m(M is the total number of nodes) and the position of the zero moment point is calculated.
Where s ’i= {S ’i x, S ’i y, S ’i z} Is the translational acceleration of the segment i, and the ground is horizontal (y = 0), the position of the zero moment point is calculated by the following equation.
ZMPx= {Σmisi x(S ’i y-G) -Σmisi ys ’i x} / {Σmi(S ’i y-G)},
ZMPz= {Σmisi z(S ’i y-G) -Σmisi ys ’i z} / {Σmi(S ’i y-G)} Expression (12)
miIs the mass of the body segment i, si= {Si x, Si y, Si z} Is the position of the body segment i.
(Passive control)
In passive control, the joint angular acceleration of each joint is controlled according to the joint load of each joint. For example, when a backward load is applied to the spine, the load is reduced by accelerating the angular acceleration of the spine backward according to the load. Control considering the load on other joints, such as reducing the load on the spine by the angular acceleration of the arms and hips, is performed by active control described later. In passive control, joints of limbs with end position / orientation / fulcrum constraints are not controlled. A method for controlling these joints will be described later.
In passive control, the corrected angular acceleration is calculated in a two-step procedure. When the angular acceleration of each joint is calculated in a single procedure, when the initial angular acceleration of a certain joint is very large, the angular acceleration of all joints is corrected more than necessary due to the influence. Therefore, as a first step, only a very large joint angular acceleration is reduced. In the next step, the angular acceleration of each joint is controlled in consideration of the influence from other joints.
In the first step, when the joint load exceeding the effective torque range of the joint is applied when the influence from other joints is ignored for each joint, the angular acceleration is adjusted so that the joint load falls within the effective torque range. Correct it.
(1) θ ″ = θ ″initAnd θ ’initIs the initial angular acceleration calculated by tracking control.
(2) The following processing is repeated for each joint i.
(3) The joint torque of the joint i when the influence of the angular acceleration of other joints is ignored is calculated.
τi= Hiiθ ’i+ Ci+ Fi+ Gi... Formula (13)
(4) Joint torque τiIf is beyond the range of muscle strength, the angular acceleration is corrected to fall within the range.
θ ’i= Θ ’i− (Τi−τmin) / Hii... Formula (14)
τi> ΤminWhen,
θ ’i= Θ ’i− (Τi−τmax) / Hii... Formula (15)
In the second step, the angular acceleration is controlled so that the joint load falls within the effective torque range in consideration of the influence from other joints. In the second step, control is performed according to the following procedure.
(1) The joint torque is calculated in consideration of the influence from other joints.
τi= Σj = 1 nHijθ ’j+ Ci+ Fi+ Gi... Formula (16)
(2) Processing is performed in order from the joint i having the largest excess amount of joint torque from the effective range.
(3) The angular acceleration of the joint i is corrected in the same manner as the procedure (4) in the first step.
(4) If there are other joints that have not yet been processed and the joint torque exceeds the effective range, return to step (1) and repeat the operation.
Finally, θ ″ becomes the output angular acceleration after passive control. The correction amount of angular acceleration by this passive control is θ ″.passive= Θ ″ −θ ″initIt is.
[Control of limbs with restraints]
As described in [Control of joint angular acceleration of limbs with constraint conditions], joints of limbs must be controlled in a coordinated manner for limbs with end position / orientation constraints and fulcrum constraints. . Therefore, in the control of these limbs, only the translational acceleration of the reference waist is controlled, and the angular acceleration of each joint is calculated by inverse kinematic calculation from the translational / rotational acceleration of the hips and the translational / rotational acceleration of the end of the limb. . That is, the angular acceleration of the joints of these limbs is indirectly controlled by the translational acceleration of the hips, and not directly.
Hip translational acceleration p "root∈R3Performs control according to the joint load of the limbs with fulcrum constraints and the balance of the whole body. However, since the degree of freedom of translational acceleration of the waist is 3, for example, when the balance is lost and a large load is applied to a plurality of joints, it is not possible to deal with all of them. Therefore, the translational acceleration of the waist is controlled by paying attention only to the largest condition. If all the constraints cannot be solved by waist control alone, the following active control is used.
When the character is out of balance, priority is given to balance control. This is because balance control is more important than load reduction control in order to realize stable control. When the balance is maintained and a load exceeding the effective torque range is applied to some joints, load reduction control is performed on the joint receiving the maximum load. As a result, even if the torque of some other joints cannot be within the effective range, it is ignored. If the balance is maintained at the current angular acceleration and the required torque of any joint does not exceed the effective range, the translational acceleration of the hip is not controlled, and the value calculated in the follow-up control is used as it is.
First, the hip translational acceleration correction amount Δp ″ for balance controlrootThe calculation method of will be described.
(1) Necessary amount of movement ΔZMP∈R for how much the zero moment point needs to be moved for balance control2Calculate First, the position of the ZMP at the current angular acceleration θ ″ is calculated to determine whether the ZMP is inside the fulcrum surface. If ZMP is inside the fulcrum surface, balance control is not necessary. If ZMP is outside the fulcrum surface, the shortest movement distance ΔZMP (= ZMP−MMP) to the fulcrum surface is calculated.
(2) Δp ″root∈R3And ΔZMP∈R2Jacobian matrix representing the relationship of J = ∂ZMP / ∂p ″root∈R2 * 3Calculate ∂ZMP / ∂p ″rootCan be calculated from the amount of movement of the center of gravity of the entire upper body according to the translational acceleration of the waist.
ΔZMP = JΔp ″rootFormula (17)
(3) Δp ″ for realizing ΔZMProotCalculate Where Δp ″rootHas a higher degree of freedom than ΔZMP, so Δp ″rootThere are infinite solutions. Therefore, using a technique called a pseudo inverse matrix, | Δp ″rootA solution Δp ″ that minimizes |rootAsk for.
Δp ″root= J+ΔZMP, J+= J (JtJ)-1... Formula (18)
Where matrix J+Is a pseudo-inverse of the matrix J.
Next, hip translational acceleration correction amount Δp ″ for load reduction controlrootThe calculation method of will be described.
(1) Calculate the load of each joint (all joints of both feet when standing with both feet) included in the limb with the position, orientation constraint, and fulcrum constraint of the end, and the joint with the largest load (composite joint) ) Is controlled so as to reduce the torque to the effective range. Here, not a single joint, but a composite joint. In the skeletal model, the actual joint is internally divided into a plurality of joints (up to three) (see FIG. 2). For example, an ankle joint is actually represented by the angle of three joints centered on xyz. In the load reduction control, each composite joint (for example, τ in the case of the right ankle)r_ankle= {Τr_ankle_x, Τr_ankle_y, Τr_ankle_z} ∈R3The control is performed on the target. Excess amount of torque | Δτ for all target composite jointsj|, Δτj∈R1 ~ 3The control is performed so that the torque of the joint with a large is reduced.
(2) Δp ″ as in the case of balance controlroot∈R3And Δτ∈R1 ~ 3The relationship H = ∂τ / ∂p ″rootCalculate H can be calculated from the inverse kinematic calculation and the moment of inertia matrix of equation (9). Where Δp ″rootIs equal to or greater than Δτ, the pseudo inverse matrix H is the same as in the balance control.+Δp ″ usingrootCalculate
Δp ″root= H+Δτ, H+= H (HtH)-1... Formula (19)
If the balance is greatly lost or the joint is heavily loaded, Δp ''rootAlso grows. However, if the translational acceleration of the waist becomes too large, it becomes unnatural. Therefore, the maximum value p ″ of the translational acceleration of the waist in advance.root_maxAnd the corrected acceleration | p ″root+ Δp ″root| Is p ″root_maxIf it ’s bigger than p ’root_maxScaling to fit within the range.
(Active control)
In the active control, each joint is not controlled independently, but a control that assists the operation of other joints and the whole body is performed in consideration of the mutual effect of the joints. For example, active control such as reducing the load applied to the lower limbs by shaking the arm or maintaining the balance of the whole body by moving the upper body is realized. However, calculating the effects of all human joints to perform active control requires a huge amount of calculation, and there is a lot of waste because some joints do not have much influence. Therefore, in this method, particularly important joints that affect the movement of the whole body are selected, and active control is performed for each part of the body. Specifically, as shown in FIG. 6, the whole body is divided into three parts, ie, limbs, back, and waist, and controlled. The translational acceleration of the waist is controlled by the method described above. Here, we describe the control of the remaining limbs and back. These control methods are also almost the same as the control method of the translational acceleration of the waist. In active control, control is first performed in the order of limbs and then back.
In the control of limbs, control is performed using only limbs that can move freely without constraint conditions. For example, when fulcrum restraint is specified for both feet and standing on both feet, all joints of both feet are controlled by the method described in [Control of limbs with fulcrum restraint], and only both hands are used for active control.
For each limb, not all joints are controlled, but only three degrees of freedom that have a great influence on the whole body are selected and controlled. As shown in FIG. 6, in the case of an arm, three degrees of freedom of rotation of the shoulder in the x-axis direction (front-rear direction), rotation of the shoulder in the z-axis direction (left-right direction), and rotation of the elbow in the x-axis direction (front-rear direction). Is used. For example, the rotation of the shoulder in the y-axis direction (direction twisted to the left and right with the arm as an axis) has less influence on the joints of the whole body than the rotation of the other axes of the shoulder, and is not used for active control. Since both hands and feet need to be controlled in a coordinated manner, the control acceleration Δθ of all limbslimbCalculate at once. ΔθlimbThe dimension varies depending on the number of limbs that can be controlled. For example, if the character stands on both feet and controls only both hands, the number of dimensions is 3 × 2 = 6, that is, Δθ.limb∈R6It becomes. Actual control acceleration ΔθlimbThe calculation method is substantially the same as the method for controlling the translational acceleration of the waist described in [Control of limbs with fulcrum constraint]. (1) The balance and joint load are calculated based on the current angular acceleration θ ″. If balance is not maintained, balance control is performed. If the balance is maintained, load reduction control is performed on the joint (composite joint) with the largest load throughout the body.
Δθ ″limb= J+ΔZMP or Δθ ″limb= H+Δτ Equation (20)
(2) The control result is reflected in the angular acceleration θ ″. SlimbIs θ ’limbIs a selection matrix that maps to each joint.
θ ″ = θ ″ + Slimbθ ’limb... Formula (21)
As described above, since the degree of freedom of each part is limited, it is not always possible to control to satisfy all the conditions of the balance of the whole body and the joint loads of all joints only by the control of the waist and arms. If the condition to be controlled still remains after the arm control, the control is performed using the back. On the back, control is performed by moving the entire upper body using a three-degree-of-freedom rotation of the spine in the xyz-axis direction. At this time, Δθback∈R3It becomes. ΔθbackThe calculation method of is exactly the same as that for limbs.
Δθ ″back= J+ΔZMP or Δθ ″back= H+Δτ Equation (22)
θ ″ = θ ″ + Sbackθ ’back... Formula (23)
[Control of operation speed]
When the load applied to the joint is large, the joint acceleration is limited by passive control. For example, when a large load is applied to the arm, the acceleration for lifting the arm is reduced by the load. When the target motion is not sufficiently followed in this way, the difference between the target motion and the current state is prevented from becoming too large by delaying the speed at which the target motion is advanced. For example, motion data having a length of 10 seconds is usually executed using a simulation internal time of 10 seconds. However, when the target operation cannot be followed, control is performed so as to realize the target operation as much as possible by delaying the reproduction speed of the operation data. In other words, the operation data for 10 seconds may be executed in the simulation internal time of 15 seconds. As a result of the overall control, if there is even one joint that cannot realize the output angular acceleration in the initial angular acceleration direction (θ ″)init i・ Θ ''output i<If there is at least one joint i that is 0), the motion speed is calculated by the following equation. In other cases, speed = 1.0.
speed = (tnext-T) / (tnext-Tprev) ... Formula (24)
Where t is the current time and tnext, TprevAre the previous key frame and the next key frame obtained from the motion data of the target motion. Since the posture of the key frame is particularly important in the operation, the closer to the key frame, the slower the operation speed so that the target operation can be followed as much as possible.
[Overall control procedure]
The overall control procedure is as follows. The joint load is controlled so as to reduce the joint load by active control, and passive control is performed when the joint load cannot be completely removed. As for balance control, first, balance control based on passive control / restraint limb control is calculated. If balance cannot be controlled, balance control is performed by active control. This is because the movement of the waist is more important than the movement of the arms and back for balance control.
(1) Initial angular acceleration θ ″ by tracking controlinitCalculate
(2) Initial angular acceleration θ ″initBased on the above, the balance control by passive control and restraint limb control is temporarily calculated. In the following equation, J is a matrix representing the change in the angular acceleration of the whole body in accordance with the change in the translational acceleration of the waist obtained by inverse kinematics calculation. θ ″ == θ ″init+ Θ ″passive+ Jθ ″root
(3) Calculate active control (Balance control is based on θ ″, Load reduction control is θ ″)initStandard). θ ″ == θ ″init+ Slimbθ ’limb+ Sbackθ ’back
(4) Add the influence of active control to the initial angular acceleration to calculate passive control and restraint limb control. θ ’output= Θ ″ + θ ″passive+ Jθ ″root
(5) Calculate the operation speed speed.
As described above, the motion control means 13 is generated when the control of the character joint is controlled in the torque space by applying the robot control method as it is in the conventional method by the approach of performing the control in the angular acceleration space. Resolve various problems you had. As a result, basically, it is possible to realize the control according to the balance and the joint load as needed while realizing the target motion almost accurately. In the present embodiment, the motion control is performed so as to reduce the large load applied to the joint while maintaining the balance of the whole body, but it is not necessarily limited to this.
Next, details of the processing in the behavioral synthesis means 12 will be described.
As described above, the behavioral synthesis means 12 has a function of smoothly connecting a plurality of motion data and outputting the motion data as a whole. In particular, the behavioral synthesis means 12 can avoid a phenomenon that occurs when a simple motion interpolation method is used and a foot that is supposed to be loaded slips unnaturally on the ground. is there.
Many methods for synthesizing a plurality of motion data to generate new motion data have been proposed so far. However, since the motion data is basically reproduced as it is in the conventional system, it is not assumed that the posture of the character deviates from the motion data due to a collision or an external force. For this reason, it is assumed that most of the existing methods are basically created so that motion data are connected well in advance, and there are things that do not consider the situation where the position of the foot differs between motions. Many. These existing methods aim to increase movement variations, such as combining movements of the upper body and lower body, or generating movements that run at a medium speed by mixing fast and slow movements. It is a thing. Some of the existing methods deal with some fulcrum foot problems. For example, a paper by Rose et al. In 1995 (In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH95, ACM Press / ACM SIGGRAPH, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conferencing Series, ACM, 147-154) A method has been proposed to fix the above. However, in this method, since the positions of the feet other than the axial feet are simply interpolated, when one stands on both feet, an operation in which one foot slides on the ground is also generated. Thus, even when standing on both feet, there is no behavioral synthesis method that can prevent the foot to be a fulcrum from slipping unnaturally.
The behavioral synthesis means 12 uses two types of methods, “synthesis mode” and “connection mode”, as behavioral connection methods that satisfy the above-mentioned purpose. FIGS. 7A and 7B are explanatory diagrams of the operation connection method, in which FIG. 7A is a diagram showing a synthesis mode, and FIG. 7B is a diagram showing a connection mode. In the simulation apparatus according to the present embodiment, an appropriate connection method can be properly used depending on the situation by specifying one of the methods when inputting the behavior data to the behavioral synthesis unit 12. In this embodiment, two types of methods, “synthesis mode” and “connection mode”, are used, but it is not necessarily limited to this.
However, not all types of operations can be connected using these connection methods. For example, if an operation that starts in a standing state is performed after an operation that ends in a sleeping state, it is necessary to perform a rising operation between the two operations. Processing including such advanced operation planning is beyond the scope of this method. The purpose of this method is to connect the actions that were originally created so as to connect well, if they have changed due to external influences.
In this method, in addition to the actual process of connecting the data in the two operation states, it is determined whether or not the two operations can be connected in the first place. It is possible to select another connection method or another operation by determining whether or not the connection is possible before actually providing the operation connection.
This method mainly targets movements that start and end in a state where the character is standing on the ground (especially standing with both feet), which is often required in actual applications. However, the algorithm of this method is basically applicable to a sitting state or a sleeping state.
(1) Connection by “Composite mode”
In the “synthesis mode”, the two operations are connected by smoothly mixing the end portion of the previous operation and the start portion of the next operation (see FIG. 8). If the position of the foot is different between the two movements, the position at the end of the previous movement is preserved even after the next movement starts, and then smoothly mixed with the next movement when the foot is moved . This connection method is suitable when the difference between the postures of the two actions is small or when it is desired to connect the two actions at high speed. In this connection method, the route, both hands, and both feet have the same constraints before and after connection (for example, if both feet are on the ground in the previous movement, It must be applicable only to those who need to wear both feet.
[Calculation of normal joint angle]
First, the current time t and the start (scheduled) time t of the two actions A and Binit A, Tinit BTo local time t within each operation dataA, TBCalculate
tA= T-tinit A, TB= T-tinit B... Formula (25)
Next, the weight of each operation at time t is calculated.
wA(TA) = (TA-Ttotal A+ Tterm A) / Tterm A, (TA> TtotalATterm A) ... Formula (26)
wB(TB) = TB/ Tinit B, (TB<Tinit B) ... Formula (27)
Where Ttotal, Tinit, TtermAre the time of the whole operation, the time of the start range, and the time of the end range, respectively. These times are given as meta data of the operation data when the operation data is created.
Finally, the function of the joint angle of the two actions is mixed according to the weight.
θi(T) = {θi A(TA) ・ WA(TA) + Θi B(TB) ・ WB(TB)} / {WA(TA) + WB(TB)} ... Formula (28)
Similarly, the position and orientation of the root body segment are blended according to the weight.
proot(T) = {proot A(TA) ・ WA(TA) + Proot B(TB)} / {WB(TB) / WA(TA) + WB(TB)} ... Formula (29)
qroot(T) = {qroot A(TA) ・ WA(TA) + Qroot B(TB)} / {WB(TB) / WA(TA) + WB(TB)} ... Formula (30)
[Joint angles of limbs with position restrictions]
As in the case of the joint angle, the position / orientation functions at the ends of the limbs are mixed.
pl(T) = {pl A(TA) ・ WA(TA) + Pl B(TB)} / {WB(TB) / WA(TA) + WB(TB)} ... Formula (31)
ql(T) = {ql A(TA) ・ WA(TA) + Ql B(TB)} / {WB(TB) / WA(TA) + WB(TB)} ... Formula (32)
All joint angles of limbs are calculated by inverse kinematics calculation from the position / orientation of the root and the position / orientation of the end of the limb.
proot, Qroot, Pl, Ql→ θ0. . . k... Formula (33)
[Joint angles of limbs with fulcrum restrictions]
This calculation is the main part of this method. For a limb with a fulcrum constraint, the end position and orientation at the end of the operation A are maintained even after the operation B starts. If the limb is moved during the operation B, it is smoothly mixed with the function of the original end position and orientation of the operation B at that time. The end position at the end of action A is pl ATterm A, Tleave B, Tleave BTtouch BAnd
tB<Tleave BWhen
pl(T) = pl A(Tterm A) ... Formula (34)
Tleave B<TB<Ttouch BWhen
pl(T) = {(Ttouch B-TB) Pl A(Tterm A) + (TB-Tleave B) Pl B(TB)} / (Ttouch B-Tleave B) ... Formula (35)
Ttouch B<TBWhen
pl(T) = pl B(TB) ... Formula (36)
[Root body position / orientation function]
When the position of a foot with a fulcrum constraint is changed from the position of the original movement according to the above method, the final generated movement becomes unnatural if the position of the root segment is the original movement. May end up. For example, if the position of one leg moves greatly, but the waist position remains the same, an action is generated that causes the center of gravity to protrude outside the fulcrum surface and the character to tip over if left as it is. It can happen. Therefore, the position of the root body segment at each key time is calculated according to the position change of both feet.
First, the horizontal position of the root body segment in the original motion data is converted into a (u, v) coordinate system based on the positions of both feet (see FIG. 9). Here, the reference vector u is a vector from the left foot to the right foot, and the reference vector v is the front direction of the body. This (u, v) is the reference vector u after foot position correction.*The horizontal position p of the root body segment after moving tot *Calculate
pt→ (ut, Vt), Pt *→ utu*+ Vtv ... Formula (37)
(2) Connection in “connected mode”
In the “coupled mode”, an intermediate operation that connects the two operations is inserted between the two operations, thereby smoothly connecting the two operations. If the foot position is different between the two motions, the foot is moved during the intermediate motion. This connection method is suitable when the difference between the two postures is large or when it is desired to execute each operation as accurately as possible. This connection method is applicable only when all of the following conditions are satisfied.
(1) The route, right hand, and left hand are not on the ground before and after connection (when standing on one or both feet).
(2) At least one of the feet is on the ground before and after connection.
[Create intermediate motion]
Several key frames are created from the posture at the end of the previous motion and the posture at the start of the next motion, and an intermediate motion is generated by smoothly interpolating between them. If the positions of a plurality of fulcrums are different between the two postures, the other fulcrum is moved with reference to the fulcrum closer to the center of gravity in the middle of the intermediate operation. . Further, since it becomes unnatural if the intermediate motion is too fast or too slow, the speed (motion time) of the intermediate motion is determined based on the difference between the two postures and the speed of the two motions.
[Calculation of intermediate posture]
As shown in FIG. 10, four key frames (intermediate postures) are created between the motion A and the motion B, and a smooth interpolation is performed between them.
Intermediate posture 1... The posture at the end of the previous operation is used as it is.
Intermediate posture 4... The posture at the start of the next operation is used as it is.
Intermediate posture 2... The center of gravity is moved above the fulcrum so that the feet other than the fulcrum can be moved. Route position p in intermediate posture 11P is the point projected onto the ground1 *P is the most inside the fulcrum surface in the intermediate posture 21 *A point close to is the horizontal position p of the root segment2 hAnd However, p1 *P is included in the fulcrum plane2 h= P1 *. Here, the fulcrum surface is the smallest convex hull surface including the entire contact surface between the character and the ground. Vertical position p of root segment2 vIs the height p in the intermediate posture 11 vUse as is.
p2= P2 h+ P2 v... Formula (38)
Intermediate posture 3. Lifts a foot other than the fulcrum and moves to an intermediate point toward the destination.
Assume that the position of the foot to be moved is f and the position of the foot serving as a fulcrum is b. At this time, the distance between the two in the intermediate posture 4 | f4-Bf| And the distance between them in intermediate posture 3 | f3-B3The position of the foot is moved in the root direction until the position where | is the same.
f3= A (p2-F2) + F2, | F3-B3| = | F4-B4| ... Formula (39)
By eliminating the coefficient a from equation (39), f3Is obtained.
[Calculation of operating time]
The speed of the entire motion is calculated according to the difference in posture between the two motions and the motion speed. In all the joints, the operation speed of the intermediate speed is calculated so that the speed of the intermediate movement does not exceed a certain reference speed.
First, a reference speed is acquired for each joint i.
-Speed θ 'at the end of the previous movementi A(Tterm A)
・ Maximum speed θ ′ for the next operation as a wholei_max= Max {θ 'i B(T)}
・ Constant θ ′ representing the overall minimum speedmin(To prevent the intermediate operation from becoming too slow when the above two values are both small)
For each joint, the operation time of the intermediate operation is TiMaximum joint speed θ ’i_maxAnd the operation time T so as not to be faster than the maximum speed among the above speeds.i *Calculate
θ ’i_max *= Max {θ 'i A(Tterm A), Θ ’i_max B, Θ ’min} ... Formula (40)
θ ’i_max> Θ ’i_max *When Ti *= Θ ’i_max *Ti/ Θ ’i_max... Formula (41)
Finally, the maximum operation time is adopted as the operation time of the intermediate operation in all joints.
T*= Max {T1 *, ..., Tn *} ... Formula (42)
Next, the details of the processing in the reaction action generating means 15 will be described. When the reaction control unit 13 controls the joint angular acceleration of the character according to the given motion data, the reaction motion generation unit 15 may generate an unnatural motion if the control is continued according to the motion data. Appropriate operation data (reaction) to replace the current operation data is dynamically generated and executed. Note that whether or not the reaction operation generating unit 15 needs to generate a reaction is determined by the operation determining unit 14.
In the present embodiment, the following three types are prepared as the types of reaction generated by the reaction operation generating unit 15.
・ Stepping to keep balance
・ Move to balance and land
・ Operation to return to a stable posture when joint load is large
Hereinafter, a method for generating these start conditions and actions will be described in order.
(1) Stepping to keep balance
〔Initiation condition〕
Executes when the character loses balance. Whether or not the character has lost the balance is determined by the instantaneous horizontal velocity p 'and acceleration p "of the root (waist). This determination is performed by the operation determination unit 14.
0.5 <| p ′ | <1.0 (m / sec) and | p ″ |> 10.0 (m / sec)2) ... Formula (43)
These parameters are set with reference to existing methods and actual operation data.
[Reaction generation method]
Stepping on a foot that has a small load on your foot when you lose balance, in a direction that would cause you to fall. First, the posture at the time of stepping on and landing is calculated, and motion data from the current posture to stepping on and landing using the intermediate motion calculation method used in the motion connection method is generated.
The position of the waist when landing the foot is determined according to the direction of the speed of the waist when the balance is lost (see FIG. 11).
proot_term= Krootp ’+ proot_init... Formula (44)
The position where the foot is landed is determined by the position of the foot serving as a fulcrum and the position of the waist.
pflying_term= Kfoot(Proot_term-Pbase) + Proot_term... Formula (45)
Where kroot, KfootAre experimentally adjusted parameters. For the joint angle of the joint other than the foot when the foot is landed, the joint angle of the posture at the end of the original motion data being executed is used.
(2) Landing operation when the balance is lost
〔Initiation condition〕
Executed when the character is greatly out of balance. As in (1), the motion determination means 14 makes a determination based on the horizontal speed / acceleration of the route (waist).
| P ′ |> 1.0 (m / sec) and | p ″ |> 10.0 (m / sec)2) ... Formula (46)
[Reaction generation method]
Unlike a stepping on foot, if you fall greatly out of balance and fall down, the landing position does not change so much, so depending on the horizontal speed of the waist, several pre-made falling movements Select and use the appropriate data. In the present embodiment, two types of actions are prepared: an action that falls forward and an action that falls backward. By executing the reaction on the selected motion data in the synthesis mode, the motion synthesis means 12 realizes a motion that smoothly falls down from the current posture in the direction in which the balance is lost.
(3) Operation to return to a stable posture when the joint load is large
〔Initiation condition〕
The operation control means 13 executes when the load on the joint is large and the target operation data cannot be tracked as it is. The motion control means 13 performs control so that the load applied to the joint falls within the range of muscle strength in consideration of the character's muscle strength model. For this reason, for example, when carrying a heavy load, the operation data given by the load may not be realized. When the motion control means 13 cannot output the joint angular acceleration for following the original motion trajectory for a certain time at a certain joint (the joint angular acceleration for following and the sign of the output joint angular acceleration) And the reaction determination unit 14 executes this reaction. [Reaction generation method]
The posture at the start of the current motion is set as a stable posture, and a motion that returns to the stable posture from the current state is generated (motion data is created by interpolating between two key frames). By executing the reaction in the composite mode, if the foot is on the ground at the start of the reaction operation, the foot is fixed to the ground as a fulcrum during the reaction operation.
As described above, in this embodiment, there are three types of reaction: an operation of stepping out to maintain balance, an operation of landing with a loss of balance, and an operation of returning to a stable posture when the joint load is large However, this is not necessarily limited to this.
【The invention's effect】
According to the present invention, the joint angular acceleration of a character is controlled using one piece of motion data generated from a plurality of pieces of motion data and data representing the character reference portion and all joints at the start of motion as a target motion. When the character is moved by the action data, if the action data is used as the target action and a natural action cannot be realized, the action data for the appropriate reaction action is generated instead of the action data. By configuring the motion data as the target motion, even if a very large impact or external force is applied to the character, the natural motion of the character can be generated and simulated in real time .
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a block diagram showing a configuration of a simulation apparatus according to an embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 2 is a diagram illustrating an example of a skeleton model of a character.
FIG. 3 is a diagram illustrating a relationship between control spaces.
FIG. 4 is a diagram illustrating an example of an approximation function used for follow-up control.
5A and 5B are diagrams showing zero moment points, where FIG. 5A is a diagram showing a state in which balance is maintained, and FIG. 5B is a diagram showing a state in which balance is not maintained.
FIG. 6 is a diagram illustrating an example of control of each part in active control.
7A and 7B are explanatory diagrams of an operation connection method, in which FIG. 7A is a diagram illustrating a synthesis mode, and FIG. 7B is a diagram illustrating a connection mode;
FIG. 8 is a diagram showing an example of behavioral synthesis with fulcrum constraints.
FIG. 9 is a diagram illustrating an example of position correction of a root body segment.
FIG. 10 is a diagram showing an example of motion connection with fulcrum constraints.
FIG. 11 is a diagram illustrating an example of generation of a stepping action.
[Explanation of symbols]
11 Operation database (DB)
12 Behavioral synthesis means
13 Operation control means
14 Operation judgment means
15 Reaction action generation means
16 Operation calculation means
17 Drawing means

Claims (6)

A motion synthesis step for smoothly connecting a plurality of motion data and data representing a reference portion of the character at the start of motion and the state of all joints and a plurality of motion data;
A motion control step for calculating the translation, rotational acceleration, and rotational acceleration of each joint so as to realize a natural motion using the motion data generated in this motion synthesis step as a target motion;
In the motion synthesis step, from the data representing the current state of the character reference portion and all the joints and the translation, rotational acceleration and rotational acceleration of each joint calculated as the character reference portion calculated in the motion control step. An operation determination step for determining whether a natural operation can be realized by the operation control step using the generated operation data as a target operation; and
As a result of the determination in the action determination step, when a natural action with the action data generated in the action synthesis step as a target action cannot be realized, a reaction action that generates action data of an appropriate reaction action instead of the action data Generation step;
Based on data representing the current state of the character's reference part and all joints and the translation, rotational acceleration, and rotational acceleration of each joint of the character's reference part calculated in the motion control step, A simulation method including a motion calculation step of calculating data representing motion states of a reference portion and all joints.
A motion synthesis means for smoothly connecting a plurality of motion data and data representing a character reference portion and all joint states at the start of motion to generate one motion data;
Motion control means for calculating the translation, rotational acceleration and rotational acceleration of each joint as a reference of the character so as to realize a natural motion using the motion data generated by the motion synthesis means as a target motion;
From the data representing the current state of the reference part of the character and all the joints and the translation, rotational acceleration, and rotational acceleration of each joint calculated by the motion control means, the motion synthesis means An operation determination unit that determines whether or not a natural operation can be realized by the operation control unit using the generated operation data as a target operation;
A reaction action that generates action data of an appropriate reaction action instead of the action data when a natural action using the action data generated by the action synthesizing means as a target action cannot be realized as a result of the judgment by the action judging means. Generating means;
Based on data representing the current state of the character's reference part and all joints, and the translation, rotational acceleration, and rotational acceleration of each joint calculated by the motion control means. A simulation apparatus comprising a motion calculation means for calculating data representing motion states of a reference portion and all joints.
A motion synthesis means for smoothly connecting a plurality of motion data and data representing a character reference portion and all joint states at the start of motion to generate one motion data;
Motion control means for calculating the translation, rotational acceleration and rotational acceleration of each joint as a reference of the character so as to realize a natural motion using the motion data generated by the motion synthesis means as a target motion;
From the data representing the current state of the reference part of the character and all the joints and the translation, rotational acceleration, and rotational acceleration of each joint calculated by the motion control means, the motion synthesis means An operation determination unit that determines whether or not a natural operation can be realized by the operation control unit using the generated operation data as a target operation;
A reaction action that generates action data of an appropriate reaction action instead of the action data when a natural action using the action data generated by the action synthesizing means as a target action cannot be realized as a result of the judgment by the action judging means. Generating means;
Based on data representing the current state of the character's reference part and all joints and the translation, rotational acceleration, and rotational acceleration of each joint calculated by the motion control means. A simulation program for causing a computer to function as motion calculation means for calculating data representing motion states of a reference portion and all joints.
前記動作合成手段は、互いに接続するデータの前の動作の終わりの部分と次の動作の始まりの部分を混合するものである請求項3記載のシミュレーションプログラム。4. The simulation program according to claim 3, wherein said behavioral synthesis means mixes the end portion of the previous operation and the start portion of the next operation of data connected to each other. 前記動作合成手段は、互いに接続するデータの間に接続のための中間の動作データを挿入し、各データ間を補間するものである請求項3記載のシミュレーションプログラム。4. The simulation program according to claim 3, wherein said behavioral synthesis means inserts intermediate motion data for connection between data connected to each other, and interpolates between each data. 前記リアクション動作生成手段により生成するリアクション動作は、バランスを保つために足を踏み出す動作、バランスを崩して着地する動作、関節負荷が大きいときに安定した姿勢に戻る動作のいずれかを含むものである請求項3から5のいずれかに記載のシミュレーションプログラム。The reaction motion generated by the reaction motion generation means includes any of an operation of stepping on a foot to maintain balance, an operation of landing with a loss of balance, and an operation of returning to a stable posture when the joint load is large. The simulation program according to any one of 3 to 5.
JP2002189163A 2002-06-28 2002-06-28 Simulation method, simulation apparatus, and simulation program Pending JP2004030502A (en)

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