HRP970009A2 - Full operation electric generator - Google Patents

Full operation electric generator Download PDF


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HRP970009A2 HR970009A HRP970009A HRP970009A2 HR P970009 A2 HRP970009 A2 HR P970009A2 HR 970009 A HR970009 A HR 970009A HR P970009 A HRP970009 A HR P970009A HR P970009 A2 HRP970009 A2 HR P970009A2
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direct current
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Croatian (hr)
Petrović Krunoslav-Ivan
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Petrović Krunoslav-Ivan
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Application filed by Petrović Krunoslav-Ivan filed Critical Petrović Krunoslav-Ivan
Priority to HR970009A priority Critical patent/HRP970009A2/en
Publication of HRP970009A2 publication Critical patent/HRP970009A2/en



  • Control Of Eletrric Generators (AREA)


Područje tehnike The field of technology

Izum je iz područja elektrotehnike The invention is from the field of electrical engineering

Tehnički problem Technical problem

Ovim izumom se rješava način proizvodnje istosmjerne i izmjenične električne energije u većim količinama. This invention solves the method of producing direct and alternating electrical energy in larger quantities.

Stanje tehnike State of the art

Danas se istosmjerna i izmjenična električna energija proizvodi u mnogo manjoj količini po generatoru. Today, DC and AC electricity is produced in much smaller quantities per generator.

Opis rješenja tehničkog problema Description of the solution to the technical problem

Suština izuma je u tome što ovi električni generatori proizvode električnu energiju za vrijeme cijelog rotiranja vodiča armature pri presijecanju magnetskog polja, odnosno induciranju istosmjerni i izmjenični napon i daju struju maksimalne vrijednosti, zato što se za vrijeme presijecanja magnetnog polja vodiči armature uvijek nalaze u najpovoljnijem položaju kad su najbliži magnetnim polovima i kad je najjače i najveće presijecanje magnetskog polja jer se kreću tik uz magnetske polove pri čemu vodič armature uvijek presijeca magnetsko polje pored istog magnetskog polja pri čemu se u vodiču armature inducira istosmjerni napon bez oscilacija. Ovo znači, posmatrano u koordinatnom sistemu da u toku rotiranja struja i napon imaju maksimalnu vrijednost koja se za vrijeme rotiranja vodiča armature između magnetskih polova ne mijenja, odnosno nema oscilacija kretanja prema nuli i kretanja prema najvišoj vrijednosti u jednom ili drugom smjeru. Ovaj generator proizvodi istosmjernu struju koja se odvodi preko kliznih prstenova. The essence of the invention is that these electric generators produce electricity during the entire rotation of the armature conductors when cutting the magnetic field, i.e. inducing direct and alternating voltage and give a current of maximum value, because during the cutting of the magnetic field the armature conductors are always in the most favorable position when they are closest to the magnetic poles and when the crossing of the magnetic field is the strongest and largest, because they move right next to the magnetic poles, where the armature conductor always crosses the magnetic field next to the same magnetic field, whereby a DC voltage is induced in the armature conductor without oscillations. This means, observed in the coordinate system, that during rotation the current and voltage have a maximum value that does not change during the rotation of the armature conductor between the magnetic poles, i.e. there are no oscillations of movement towards zero and movement towards the highest value in one or the other direction. This generator produces a direct current which is drained through the slip rings.

Ovim generatorom se može proizvoditi i izmjenična struja čiju će frekvenciju određivati razvodnik polova + -, 13 (crtež 7) smješten na osovinu, a od kojeg se odvodi struja u elektromagnete. U toku jednog okretaja razvodnik polova + - sa dva žljeba spojena na vodiče plus i minus izvrše jednu promjenu magnetskih polova, odnosno promjenu smjera struje u vodiču armature. Kod razvodnika polova + - sa osam žljebova gdje su četiri spojena na pozitivni vodič (+ pol) a četiri na negativni vodič (- pol) u nizu plus-minus za vrijeme jednog okretaja imamo četiri promjene smjera struje koja magnetizira statorske magnete pri čemu se za vrijeme jednog okretaja rotora sa vodičem armature četiri puta mijenja magnetski polaritet, sjeverni u južni a južni u sjeverni pol. Kod korištenja ovakvog razvodnika polova + - za vrijeme jednog okretaja imamo izvršene četiri periode. Dakle povećanjem broja pari žljebova na razvodniku polova + - imamo na izlazu iz generatora izmjeničnu struju sa većom frekvencijom. This generator can also produce alternating current, the frequency of which will be determined by the pole distributor + -, 13 (drawing 7) located on the shaft, from which the current is fed to the electromagnets. In the course of one rotation, the + - pole distributor with two grooves connected to the plus and minus conductors perform one change of magnetic poles, i.e. a change in the direction of the current in the armature conductor. In the + - pole distributor with eight grooves where four are connected to the positive conductor (+ pole) and four to the negative conductor (- pole) in a plus-minus sequence during one revolution we have four changes in the direction of the current that magnetizes the stator magnets, whereby for the time of one revolution of the rotor with the armature conductor changes the magnetic polarity four times, from north to south and from south to north pole. When using this type of pole distributor + - during one revolution we have completed four periods. Therefore, by increasing the number of pairs of grooves on the distributor of + - poles, we have an alternating current with a higher frequency at the output of the generator.

Isto tako ovaj generator može proizvoditi izmjeničnu struju sa jednom, dvije i tri faze za postojeće potrošače. Also, this generator can produce alternating current with one, two and three phases for existing consumers.

Izum je prikazan na crtežima i to: The invention is shown in the drawings:

Na crtežu 1. i 2. prikazan je shematski izgled električnog generatora za proizvodnju istosmjerne struje. Drawings 1 and 2 show the schematic layout of an electric generator for the production of direct current.

Na crtežu 3. i 4. prikazan je shematski izgled električnog generatora za proizvodnju monofazne izmjenične struje. Drawings 3 and 4 show the schematic layout of an electric generator for the production of single-phase alternating current.

Na crtežu 5. i 6. prikazan je shematski izgled električnog generatora za proizvodnju trofazne izmjenične struje. Drawings 5 and 6 show the schematic layout of the electric generator for the production of three-phase alternating current.

Na crtežu 7. prikazan je shematski izgled razvodnika polova + -. Figure 7 shows the schematic view of the + - pole distributor.

Na crtežima su prikazani sljedeći dijelovi: The drawings show the following parts:

1. kućište generatora; 1. generator housing;

2. poklopci generatora; 2. generator covers;

3. elektromagneti u obliku prstena; 3. ring-shaped electromagnets;

4. namoti za pobudu magneta; 4. coils for magnet excitation;

5. vodiči za dovod istosmjerne struje; 5. conductors for direct current supply;

6. nosač vodiča armature; 6. armature conductor support;

7. vodič armature; 7. armature guide;

8. vodič za odvod istosmjerne struje preko četkica; 8. conductor for draining direct current through the brushes;

9. klizni prstenovi; 9. sliding rings;

10. osovina generatora; 10. generator shaft;

11. ležajevi osovine; 11. axle bearings;

12. magnetsko polje; 12. magnetic field;

13. razvodnik polova + -; 13. pole distributor + -;

14. vodiči za dovod istosmjerne struje do razvodnika polova + -; 14. conductors for supplying direct current to the pole distributor + -;

15. vodiči za napajanje elektromagneta generatora izmjenične struje; 15. conductors for powering electromagnets of alternating current generators;

16. vodiči za odvod monofazne izmjenične struje; 16. single-phase alternating current drain conductors;

17. vodiči za dovod struje iz vanjske mreže; 17. conductors for power supply from the external network;

18. vodiči za napajanje elektromagneta generatora izmjenične struje; 18. conductors for powering electromagnets of alternating current generators;

19. elektromagneti u obliku izdužne ploče; 19. electromagnets in the form of an elongated plate;

20. vodiči armature za I fazu; 20. armature conductors for phase I;

21. vodič armature za II fazu; 21. armature guide for phase II;

22. vodič armature za III fazu; 22. armature guide for phase III;

23. vodiči za napajanje elektromagneta trofazne struje; 23. conductors for powering electromagnets of three-phase current;

24. klizni prstenovi za odvod trofazne struje; 24. sliding rings for draining three-phase current;

25. vodiči za odvod trofazne struje; 25. three-phase current drain conductors;

Na crtežu 1. i 2. prikazane su sheme električnog generatora za proizvodnju istosmjerne struje. Diagrams 1 and 2 show the schemes of an electric generator for the production of direct current.

Ovaj generator funkcionira na sljedeći način: This generator works as follows:

Za vrijeme rotiranja osovine generatora 10, rotira i nosač vodiča armature sa vodičem armature 7. Rotiranjem vodiča armature 7, između elektromagneta u obliku prstena 3, sa koje mu je jedne cijele bočne strane N pol a sa druge cijele bočne strane S pol između kojeg je magnetsko polje 12. U vodiču armature će se inducirati istosmjerni napon, jer će vodič armature stalno imati neizmijenjen položaj prema elektromagnetima. To znači da će vodič armature stalno presijecati magnetsko polje da im se položaj prema elektromagnetima ne mijenja. U ovom slučaju postoji samo jedan vodič armature u kome se inducira istosmjerni napon koji za vrijeme cijelog kruga ima maksimalnu vrijednost, jer će vodič armature stalno na najpovoljnijoj istoj udaljenosti od magnetskih polova presijecati magnetsko polje. Proizvedena električna istosmjerna struja će se odvoditi preko vodiča istosmjerne struje 8. During the rotation of the generator shaft 10, the armature conductor carrier rotates with the armature conductor 7. By rotating the armature conductor 7, between the ring-shaped electromagnet 3, on one side of which there is an N pole and on the other side there is an S pole between which is magnetic field 12. A DC voltage will be induced in the armature conductor, because the armature conductor will constantly have an unchanged position with respect to the electromagnets. This means that the armature conductor will constantly cross the magnetic field so that its position with respect to the electromagnets does not change. In this case, there is only one armature conductor in which a DC voltage is induced, which has a maximum value during the entire circuit, because the armature conductor will constantly cross the magnetic field at the same optimal distance from the magnetic poles. The produced DC electric current will be discharged via the DC conductor 8.

Na crtežu 3 i 4 prikazane su sheme električnog generatora za proizvodnju monofazne izmjenične struje. Drawings 3 and 4 show the schematics of an electric generator for the production of single-phase alternating current.

Ovaj generator funkcionira na sljedeći način: This generator works as follows:

Način rada i izvedbe ovog generatora je identičan opisanom na crtežima 1. i 2. s tim što on još na osovini ima razvodnik polova + -, 13, prikazan na crtežu 7, a zadaća mu je da za vrijeme rotiranja mijenja tok istosmjerne struje u elektromagnetima čime se mijenja i tok magnetskih silnica u magnetskom polju. Na ovaj se način u vodiču armature inducira izmjenični napon, koji se odvodi vodičima za odvod monofazne izmjenične struje 16. The mode of operation and performance of this generator is identical to the one described in drawings 1 and 2, with the fact that it still has a pole distributor + -, 13 on the shaft, shown in drawing 7, and its task is to change the direct current flow in the electromagnets during rotation. which also changes the flow of magnetic forces in the magnetic field. In this way, alternating voltage is induced in the armature conductor, which is drained by single-phase alternating current discharge conductors 16.

Na crtežima 5. i 6. prikazane su sheme električnog generatora za proizvodnju trofazne izmjenične struje. Drawings 5 and 6 show schematics of an electric generator for the production of three-phase alternating current.

Ovaj generator funkcionira na sljedeći način: This generator works as follows:

Za vrijeme rotiranja osovine generatora 10, rotira i nosač vodiča armatrure, pa i vodiči armature na kome su vodič armature za prvu fazu 19, vodič armature za drugu fazu 20, i vodič armature za treću fazu 21, koji su postavljeni razmaknuto pod kutom od 120° jedan prema drugom. Krajevi ove tri faze su međusobno spojeni i predstavljaju nulti vod, a fazni izlazi se odvode preko kliznih prstenova za odvod trofazne struje 24. Rotiranjem vodiča armature između, elektromagneta u obliku izdužene ploče 19, koji je učvršćen za kućište generatora 1, sa naznačenim polaritetom tako da sa jedne strane vodiča armature bude N sjeverni pol, a sa druge strane bude S južni pol između kojih će postojati magnetsko polje 12. U ovakvom međusobnom položaju vodiča armature sve tri faze koje prolaze pored magnetskih polova para N-S sjever-jug će se inducirati istosmjerni napon jer će vodiči armature imati stalno isti položaj prema elektromagnetima, sve do trenutka dok vodiči armature od sve tri faze, ali pojedinačno, ne uđu u donju stranu elektromagneta gdje će magnetsko polje biti usmjereno u suprotnom pravcu, jer će i položaj magnetskih polova biti suprotan. Na ovaj će način kroz vodiče armature teći izmjenična struja. Ovi elektromagneti i vodiči armature svake faze pojedinačno moraju biti u takvom međusobnom odnosu da, kad vodič armature jedne faze izađe iz magnetskog polja polova N-S sjever jug, odmah ulaze u magnetsko polje S-N jug-sjever, koji se nalaze na donjoj strani generatora. Na ovaj će način iz generatora teći izmjenična trofazna struja vodičima za odvod trofazne struje 25. During the rotation of the generator shaft 10, the armature conductor support also rotates, including the armature conductors on which there are the armature conductor for the first phase 19, the armature conductor for the second phase 20, and the armature conductor for the third phase 21, which are placed at an angle of 120 ° to each other. The ends of these three phases are connected to each other and represent the neutral line, and the phase outputs are led off via the sliding rings for the three-phase current drain 24. By rotating the armature conductor between, the electromagnet in the form of an elongated plate 19, which is fixed to the generator housing 1, with the indicated polarity so that on one side of the armature conductor is the N north pole, and on the other side is the S south pole, between which there will be a magnetic field 12. In this mutual position of the armature conductors, all three phases that pass by the magnetic poles of the N-S north-south pair will induce direct current voltage because the armature conductors will always have the same position towards the electromagnets, until the moment until the armature conductors of all three phases, but individually, enter the lower side of the electromagnet where the magnetic field will be directed in the opposite direction, because the position of the magnetic poles will also be opposite . In this way, alternating current will flow through the conductors of the armature. These electromagnets and the armature conductors of each phase individually must be in such a mutual relationship that, when the armature conductor of one phase leaves the magnetic field of the N-S north-south poles, they immediately enter the N-N south-north magnetic field, which are located on the lower side of the generator. In this way, alternating three-phase current will flow from the generator to the three-phase current drain conductors 25.

Navod o najboljem načinu za privrednu upotrebu Citation of the best way for economic use

Ovi generatori bi se koristili za već poznate strojeve koji u svom radu koriste električnu istosmjernu i izmjeničnu struju. These generators would be used for already known machines that use electric direct current and alternating current in their operation.

Claims (3)

1. Električni generator za proizvodnju istosmjerne struje u kojem se proizvodi istosmjerna električna struja ravnog toka bez oscilacija stalne maksimalne vrijednosti koji je “naznačen time” što se sastoji od osovine generatora (10) na kojoj je nosač vodiča armature (6) koji nosi vodič armature (7) a nalazi se između elektromagneta u obliku prstena (3) koji su učvršćeni za kućište generatora (1) između kojih je magnetsko polje (12) a magnetiziraju ih namoti za pobudu magneta (4) koji se napajaju iz vanjske mreže vodičem za dovod istosmjerne struje (5) a odvod istosmjerne struje se vrši preko kliznih prstenova (9) i vodiča za odvod istosmjerne struje preko četkica (8) sa bočnih strana generatora nalaze se poklopci generatora (2) u kojima su ležajevi osovine (11).1. An electric generator for the production of direct current in which direct current without oscillations of a constant maximum value is produced "indicated by" consisting of a generator shaft (10) on which there is an armature conductor carrier (6) carrying an armature conductor (7) and is located between ring-shaped electromagnets (3) that are fixed to the generator housing (1) between which there is a magnetic field (12) and they are magnetized by magnet excitation windings (4) that are fed from the external network by the supply conductor direct current (5) and direct current drain is done via slip rings (9) and direct current drain conductors via brushes (8) on the sides of the generator there are generator covers (2) in which the shaft bearings (11) are located. 2. Električni generator za proizvodnju monofazne izmjenične struje u kojem se proizvodi izmjenična električna struja ravnog toka bez oscilacija stalne maksimalne vrijednosti koji je “naznačen time” što se sastoji od osovine generatora (10) na kojoj je nosač vodiča armature (6) na kome je vodič armature (7) a nalaze se između elektromagneta u obliku prstena (3) koji su učvršćeni za kućište generatora (1) između kojih je magnetno polje (12) a magnetiziraju ih namoti za pobudu magneta (4) preko vodiča za dovod istosmjerne struje (5) te razvodnika polova + - (13) i vodiča za dovod istosmjerne struje do razvodnika polova + - (14) te vodič za odvod monofazne izmjenične struje (16) preko kliznih prstenova (9) sa bočnih strana generatora nalaze se poklopci generatora (2) u kojem se nalaze ležajevi osovine (11).2. An electric generator for the production of single-phase alternating current in which an alternating electric current of direct current is produced without oscillations of a constant maximum value which is "indicated by" consisting of a generator shaft (10) on which there is an armature conductor support (6) on which armature conductor (7) and are located between electromagnets in the form of a ring (3) which are fixed to the generator housing (1) between which there is a magnetic field (12) and they are magnetized by windings for excitation of the magnet (4) via a conductor for supplying direct current ( 5) and the distributor of poles + - (13) and the conductor for the supply of direct current to the distributor of poles + - (14) and the conductor for draining single-phase alternating current (16) over the sliding rings (9) on the sides of the generator there are covers of the generator (2) ) in which the shaft bearings (11) are located. 3. Električni generator za proizvodnju trofazne izmjenične struje u kojem se proizvodi izmjenična električna struja ravnog toka bez oscilacije stalne maksimalne vrijednosti koji je “naznačen time” što se sastoji od osovine generatora (10) na kojoj je nosač vodiča armature (6) na kome je vodič armature za I fazu (20) vodič armature za II fazu (21) vodič armature za III fazu (22) a nalaze se između elektromagneta u obliku izdužene ploče (19) te vodiča za napajanje elektromagneta trofazne struje (23) a koji su učvršćeni za kućište generatora (1) između kojih postoji magnetno polje (12) te vodiči za odvod trofazne struje (25) preko kliznih prstenova za odvod trofazne struje (24) a sa bočnih strana generatora nalaze se poklopci generatora (2) u kojima su ležajevi osovine (11).3. An electric generator for the production of three-phase alternating current in which an alternating electric current of direct current is produced without oscillation of a constant maximum value which is "indicated by" consisting of a generator shaft (10) on which there is an armature conductor support (6) on which the armature conductor for the I phase (20) the armature conductor for the II phase (21) the armature conductor for the III phase (22) and are located between the electromagnet in the form of an elongated plate (19) and the conductor for supplying the three-phase current electromagnet (23), which are fixed for the generator housing (1) between which there is a magnetic field (12) and three-phase current drain conductors (25) over sliding rings for three-phase current drain (24) and on the sides of the generator there are generator covers (2) in which the shaft bearings are (11).
HR970009A 1997-01-02 1997-01-02 Full operation electric generator HRP970009A2 (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
HR970009A HRP970009A2 (en) 1997-01-02 1997-01-02 Full operation electric generator

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
HR970009A HRP970009A2 (en) 1997-01-02 1997-01-02 Full operation electric generator

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HRP970009A2 true HRP970009A2 (en) 2001-04-30



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HR970009A HRP970009A2 (en) 1997-01-02 1997-01-02 Full operation electric generator

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