HRP950461A2 - Process and device for separating a hydropholic liquide fraction of an aqueous suspension - Google Patents

Process and device for separating a hydropholic liquide fraction of an aqueous suspension Download PDF


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HRP950461A2 HRA1128/95A HRP950461A HRP950461A2 HR P950461 A2 HRP950461 A2 HR P950461A2 HR P950461 A HRP950461 A HR P950461A HR P950461 A2 HRP950461 A2 HR P950461A2
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Kurt Weihs
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Oemv Ag
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Application filed by Oemv Ag filed Critical Oemv Ag
Publication of HRP950461A2 publication Critical patent/HRP950461A2/en
Publication of HRP950461B1 publication Critical patent/HRP950461B1/en



    • C10G1/00Production of liquid hydrocarbon mixtures from oil-shale, oil-sand, or non-melting solid carbonaceous or similar materials, e.g. wood, coal
    • B01D17/00Separation of liquids, not provided for elsewhere, e.g. by thermal diffusion
    • B01D17/00Separation of liquids, not provided for elsewhere, e.g. by thermal diffusion
    • B01D17/02Separation of non-miscible liquids
    • B01D17/0205Separation of non-miscible liquids by gas bubbles or moving solids
    • B01D17/00Separation of liquids, not provided for elsewhere, e.g. by thermal diffusion
    • B01D17/02Separation of non-miscible liquids
    • B01D17/0208Separation of non-miscible liquids by sedimentation
    • B01D17/0214Separation of non-miscible liquids by sedimentation with removal of one of the phases


  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Chemical Kinetics & Catalysis (AREA)
  • Thermal Sciences (AREA)
  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Oil, Petroleum & Natural Gas (AREA)
  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Life Sciences & Earth Sciences (AREA)
  • General Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Wood Science & Technology (AREA)
  • Organic Chemistry (AREA)
  • Processing Of Solid Wastes (AREA)
  • Treatment Of Sludge (AREA)
  • Production Of Liquid Hydrocarbon Mixture For Refining Petroleum (AREA)
  • Separation Using Semi-Permeable Membranes (AREA)
  • Removal Of Floating Material (AREA)
  • Separation Of Solids By Using Liquids Or Pneumatic Power (AREA)
  • Physical Water Treatments (AREA)


Ovaj izum se odnosi na postupak za odvajanje jedne hidrofobne tekuće frakcije iz neke vodene suspenzije, kao i na uređaj za provođenje tog postupka. This invention relates to a process for separating a hydrophobic liquid fraction from an aqueous suspension, as well as a device for carrying out this process.

Kod otvaranja naftnih polja, kao i kod crpljenja nafte, pojavljuju se smjese sitnozrnatih materija kao što je kameno brašno, pijesak, zrna i sl. s naftom i vodom. Te smjese mogu dugo postojati kao mulj i uvoditi se u razne postupke obrade. Jedna smjesa takve vrste sadrži karakterističan udio (omjer) krutih čestica u nafti u tež. omjeru od 1,5 do 1,7. Ostatak smjese je voda, pri čemu se pojavljuje relativno visok sadržaj naftnih proizvoda od najmanje 8 tež.%. Mulj takve vrste, koji se može opisati kao suspenzija, sadrži do 40 tež.% hidrofobne tekuće frakcije, npr. nafte. When oil fields are opened, as well as during oil extraction, mixtures of fine-grained substances such as stone flour, sand, grains, etc. with oil and water appear. These mixtures can exist as sludge for a long time and are introduced into various processing procedures. One mixture of this type contains a characteristic proportion (ratio) of solid particles in oil by weight. ratio from 1.5 to 1.7. The rest of the mixture is water, with a relatively high content of petroleum products of at least 8% by weight. Sludge of this type, which can be described as a suspension, contains up to 40% by weight of a hydrophobic liquid fraction, eg petroleum.

U SAD se mulj takve vrste prije miješao s poljoprivredno iskoristivom zemljom, kako bi se smanjio ukupan sadržaj nafte, što je djelovanjem aerobnih mikroorganizama rezultiralo razgradnjom naftnih proizvoda u CO2 i bjelančevine. Korištenje takvih postupaka u načelu je ograničeno na ona područja koja imaju samo manje količine oborina, kako ne bi došlo do ugrožavanja podzemnih voda. In the USA, sludge of this type was previously mixed with agriculturally usable land, in order to reduce the total oil content, which resulted in the decomposition of oil products into CO2 and protein by the action of aerobic microorganisms. The use of such procedures is, in principle, limited to those areas that have only small amounts of precipitation, in order not to endanger groundwater.

Kako bi se smanjile cjelokupne količine mulja koji se taloži pri ispiranju bušotine ili sl., on se nakon odvajanja od grubih čestica, npr. preko sita. centrifuga ili sl. odvodi natrag. Zatvoreni ili gotovo zatvoreni sustavi su jako skupi s obzirom na potrošnju energije, tako da se koriste samo u iznimnim slučajevima i na rijetkim lokacijama. In order to reduce the total amount of sludge that settles when washing a well or the like, it is separated from coarse particles, for example through a sieve. a centrifuge or the like drains back. Closed or almost closed systems are very expensive in terms of energy consumption, so they are used only in exceptional cases and in rare locations.

Provjerena praksa za obradu isplake (isplačnog mulja) ili slično, sastoji se u tome, da se isplaka u velikim bazenima polaganim postupkom počne odvajati od oleofilnih i hidrofilnih sastavnih dijelova i da se istovremeno postigne i odvajanje od vode. Pri tome se postupa tako, da se mulj stavlja u spremnike, npr. u zabrtvljene i kontrolirane spremnike i da se zatim prekrije slojem vode, koja isto tako analognom obradom potiče iz jednog drugog bazena. Kod toga zbog sile teže dolazi do sedimentacije mulja, pri čemu se u sedimentu još nalaze fino raspodijeljeni naftni proizvodi. Zbog napetosti površine naftnih proizvoda s vremenom se stvaraju veće kapi, koje će, zbog razlike specifične težine u odnosu na vodu, isplivati na površinu. Takvo izdvajanje vrši se još i anaerobnom fermentacijom u sedimentu, pri čemu nastaje jamski plin ili sl.. koji se zbog naročito velike razlike u specifičnoj težini s obzirom na vodu može popeti lakše nego naftne kapljice i tako stvara pore ili kanale, duž kojih se mogu penjati naftni proizvodi. Na površini se nafta odsisava i oslobađa od vode, te se dovodi u industrijske pogone za preradu nafte. Ovisno o zahtjevima može se provesti skladištenje na dugi vremenski period, čak i godine, pri čemu se vrši uvijek sve polaganije odvajanje hidrofobne faze u mulju odnosno u sedimentima. Isto tako ovisno o zahtjevima, može se nakon analize prosječnog sastava sedimenata odvojiti voda koja je iznad, a sedimenti, koji u pravilu imaju najmanji sadržaj od 15 tež. % naftnih proizvoda, odvode se u posebne deponije. Takve deponije moraju ispunjavati specijalne zahtjeve. Tako npr. ne smiju biti povezani s razinom podzemne vode u okolini. Ove uvjete osobito ispunjavaju rudnici soli, jer su takvi talozi soli tisućljećima bili izdržljivi (postojani) uslijed toga, što nije postojala nikakva veza prema izvorima vode, koji bi u kraćem vremenu uzrokovali izluživanje soli. The proven practice for the treatment of mud (sludge) or the like consists in the fact that the mud in large basins begins to be separated from the oleophilic and hydrophilic components by a slow process and simultaneously achieves the separation from the water. This is done in such a way that the sludge is placed in tanks, for example in sealed and controlled tanks, and then covered with a layer of water, which is also brought from another basin through analogous processing. Due to the force of gravity, sedimentation of the sludge takes place, and the sediment still contains finely divided oil products. Due to the surface tension of oil products, larger drops are formed over time, which, due to the difference in specific gravity compared to water, will float to the surface. Such separation is also carried out by anaerobic fermentation in the sediment, whereby pit gas or the like is formed, which, due to the particularly large difference in specific gravity compared to water, can rise more easily than oil droplets and thus creates pores or channels along which they can climb oil products. On the surface, the oil is sucked off and freed from water, and is brought to industrial plants for oil processing. Depending on the requirements, storage can be carried out for a long period of time, even years, whereby the hydrophobic phase in the sludge or in the sediments is always gradually separated. Likewise, depending on the requirements, after analyzing the average composition of the sediments, the water that is above can be separated, and the sediments, which as a rule have a minimum content of 15 wt. % of oil products are taken to special landfills. Such landfills must meet special requirements. So, for example, they must not be connected to the groundwater level in the area. These conditions are particularly fulfilled by salt mines, because such salt deposits have been durable (permanent) for millennia due to the fact that there was no connection to water sources, which would cause salt leaching in a shorter time.

Predmetni izum polazi od gore navedenog stanja tehnike. The subject invention is based on the above-mentioned state of the art.

Slijedeća faza tehnike navodi se u US-A-4,851,123, gdje se opisuje prerada otpadnih tvari jedne rafinerije nafte, pri čemu te otpadne tvari sadrže 8 tež.% nafte, mazive masti i sl.. te ostatak vode. Mješavina takve vrste se intenzivno promiješa na što se taloži suspenzija koja stoji iznad krute tvari. Dekantatu se dodaje flotacijska tekućina, koja stvara pjenu, nakon čega se vodi komprimirani zrak. Pjena koja se sakuplja na površini sadrži veliki dio nafte iz mulja. The next phase of the technique is stated in US-A-4,851,123, which describes the processing of waste materials from an oil refinery, where these waste materials contain 8% by weight of oil, lubricating grease, etc., and the rest is water. A mixture of this kind is intensively stirred, and the suspension that stands above the solid substance settles. A flotation liquid is added to the decanter, which creates foam, after which compressed air is introduced. The foam that collects on the surface contains a large part of the oil from the sludge.

Cilj predmetnog izuma je dobivanje postupka i uređaja za odvajanje jedne hidrofobne tekuće frakcije iz vodene suspenzije, pri čemu se unatoč malog ulaganja u strojeve kao i malog energetskog i osobnog ulaganja (napora) može provesti odvajanje hidrofobne faze suspenzije, kako bi se moglo dovesti do deponije bezopasne za okoliš i gdje bi se dalje vršila prirodna mikrobiološka razgradnja. The aim of the present invention is to obtain a process and a device for separating a hydrophobic liquid fraction from an aqueous suspension, whereby, despite a small investment in machinery as well as a small energy and personal investment (effort), the separation of the hydrophobic phase of the suspension can be carried out, so that it can lead to a landfill harmless to the environment and where further natural microbiological decomposition would take place.

Postupak prema ovom izumu za odvajanje hidrofobne vodene frakcije, naročito nafte, naftnih destilata ili sl. iz vodene suspenzije sa sadržajem hidrofobne tekuće frakcije od 10 tež.% do 40 tež.%, naročito 15 tež.% do 25 tež.%, po potrebi 18 tež% do 22 tež.% i sedimentne frakcije, npr. kamenog brašna od 25 tež.% do 40 tež.%, gdje se vodena suspenzija uz dodavanje vode skladišti u jednom spremniku po potrebi bazenu, te se sa površine vode izvlači hidrofobna tekuća frakcija, a iz vodene suspenzije se oduzima voda, sastoji se uglavnom u tome, da se suspenzija ponovno u spremniku miješa s vodom, a da se sa površine vode izvlači hidrofobna tekuća frakcija, nakon čega se suspenziji koja ima mali dio hidrofobne tekuće frakcije oduzima voda, a isto tako se sadržaj hidrofobne tekuće frakcije ponovno razgrađuje u suspenziji. The method according to the present invention for separating the hydrophobic aqueous fraction, especially oil, petroleum distillates or the like, from an aqueous suspension with a hydrophobic liquid fraction content of 10 wt.% to 40 wt.%, especially 15 wt.% to 25 wt.%, if necessary 18 wt.% to 22 wt.% and sedimentary fractions, e.g. stone flour from 25 wt.% to 40 wt.%, where the aqueous suspension is stored in one tank with the addition of water as necessary to the pool, and hydrophobic liquid is extracted from the surface of the water fraction, and water is removed from the aqueous suspension, consists mainly in mixing the suspension with water again in the tank, and extracting the hydrophobic liquid fraction from the surface of the water, after which water is removed from the suspension that has a small portion of the hydrophobic liquid fraction , and also the content of the hydrophobic liquid fraction is broken down again in the suspension.

Vodene suspenzije takve vrste nastaju unutar industrije nafte kod različitih faza postupaka i imaju tipičan odnos krutih tvari prema nafti ili sl. od 1,5 do 1,7. Spojevi takve vrste nastaju primjerice kod otvaranja naftnih polja, kod bušotina ili isto kod transportnih otvora u toku transporta nafte, ispiranja naftnih sondi ali i u pogonu za vrijeme prerade nafte. Aqueous suspensions of this type are formed within the oil industry at various stages of the process and have a typical ratio of solids to oil or similar from 1.5 to 1.7. Compounds of this type are created, for example, during the opening of oil fields, at wells or also at transport openings during oil transport, washing of oil probes, but also in operation during oil processing.

Sedimentna frakcija, npr. kameno brašno, naftni koks, muljevita zemlja ili sl. se dalje u pravilu više ne može ekstrahirati, ili barem ne u velikoj mjeri, tako da se ta inertna supstanca bez opasnosti može dovoditi natrag. Udio vode, koji se zbog prirodne redukcije stalno smanjuje zbog isparavanja uslijed tlaka vodene pare, može se u pravilu u kružnom toku (optoku) koristiti za dalju preradu otpadnog materijala. Samo udio mulja, koji ima preveliki sadržaj hidrofobnih tekućih sastavnih dijelova, se mora podvrći daljoj obradi. Zbog prevelikih količina dijelova mulja takve vrste može se provesti relativno jednostavan postupak s relativno niskim troškovima. Mulj takve vrste se doduše može termički inertizirati, ali je sveukupan trošak za energiju i za naknadno pročišćavanje plinova tako visok, da postoji bojazan od većeg onečišćenja prirode, npr. uklanjanjem filtarskog pepela, ostataka filtriranja i sl. Također postoji mogućnost, da se mulj ekstrahira sa sadržajem hidrofobne tekuće frakcije s organskim otapalima, pri čemu se tada hidrofobni sastavni dijelovi moraju osloboditi od organskih otapala. Takvi postupci su prilično skupi i ne mogu se koristiti kod većih količina nastalih suspenzija. Ustanovljeno je da se putem jednostavnih faza postupaka, odnosno ponovnim miješanjem s vodom suspenzije u spremniku i konačno izvlačenjem iz hidrofobnih tekućih frakcija koje su isplivale na površinu, te u zadnjoj fazi provođenjem postupka dehidracije suspenzije može na kraju dovesti do izrazito jakog odvajanja hidrofobnog tekućeg udjela. Tako dobivena zrnata suspenzija koja u načelu ima mali sadržaj vode ili ostatak suspenzije se može primjerice mikrobiološki razgraditi zbog niskog sadržaja ugljikovodika. The sedimentary fraction, eg stone flour, petroleum coke, silty earth or the like, can no longer be extracted as a rule, or at least not to a large extent, so that this inert substance can be brought back without danger. The proportion of water, which due to natural reduction is constantly decreasing due to evaporation due to water vapor pressure, can as a rule be used in a circular flow (circulation) for further processing of waste material. Only the part of the sludge, which has an excessive content of hydrophobic liquid constituents, must be subjected to further processing. Due to the large quantities of sludge particles of this type, a relatively simple procedure can be carried out with relatively low costs. Sludge of this type can be thermally inertized, but the overall cost for energy and subsequent purification of gases is so high that there is a fear of major pollution of nature, for example by removing filter ash, filtering residues, etc. There is also the possibility of extracting the sludge with the content of the hydrophobic liquid fraction with organic solvents, whereby the hydrophobic components must then be freed from the organic solvents. Such procedures are quite expensive and cannot be used for larger amounts of resulting suspensions. It was found that through simple stages of the procedure, i.e. by re-mixing the suspension with water in the tank and finally extracting from the hydrophobic liquid fractions that floated to the surface, and in the last stage by carrying out the dehydration process of the suspension, it can eventually lead to an extremely strong separation of the hydrophobic liquid fraction. The thus obtained granular suspension, which in principle has a low water content or the rest of the suspension, can for example be microbiologically degraded due to the low hydrocarbon content.

Ako se miješanje suspenzije s vodom vrši sa mlazom plina ili naročito zraka, može se postići jako dobro miješanje, pri čemu istovremeno zbog plinskih mjehurića, primjerice u suspenziji, nastaju pore s najmanjim poprečnim presjekom koji približno odgovara mjehuriću plina, a koje mogu služiti za daljnje odvajanje od hidrofobnih tekućih sastavnih dijelova. Zrak nadalje daje tu prednost, da se može provesti fermentacija, primjerice fakultativna aerobna fermentacija, pri čemu se isto tako u pravilu stvaraju plinovi kao proizvodi izmjene tvari, koji se zajedno sa hidrofobnim tekućim sastavnim dijelovima mogu popeti na površinu vode koja se nalazi iznad. If the suspension is mixed with water with a jet of gas or especially air, very good mixing can be achieved, while at the same time due to gas bubbles, for example in the suspension, pores with the smallest cross-section approximately corresponding to the gas bubble are formed, which can be used for further separation from hydrophobic liquid components. Air also gives the advantage that fermentation can be carried out, for example facultative aerobic fermentation, whereby gases are also usually formed as products of substance exchange, which, together with hydrophobic liquid constituents, can rise to the surface of the water above.

Ako se plin, naročito zrak, uvodi u suspenziju u impulsima, po mogućnosti s tlakom između 5 do 10 bara, u trajanju po mogućnosti od 1 do 5 sekundi, može doći do jednostavnog miješanja suspenzije s vodom, pri čemu zbog vremenske ograničenosti može doći do topljenja oleofilnih kapi, tako da se one mogu brže spajati te tako nesmetano isplivati na površinu vode. If the gas, especially air, is introduced into the suspension in pulses, preferably with a pressure of between 5 and 10 bar, lasting preferably from 1 to 5 seconds, a simple mixing of the suspension with water can occur, and due to the time limitation, melting of oleophilic drops, so that they can join together faster and thus float unhindered on the surface of the water.

Ako se plin, naročito zrak, uvodi putem plinovoda postavljenih u suspenziju i/ili ispod suspenzije, može doći do jednostavnog i za strujanje povoljnog stvaranja pora u suspenziji, što zbog činjenice da plin može izaći i s malim pritiskom, povoljno utječe na povezivanje hidrofobnih kapi u suspenziji. If gas, especially air, is introduced through gas lines placed in the suspension and/or under the suspension, a simple and flow-friendly pore formation in the suspension can occur, which, due to the fact that the gas can escape even with low pressure, favorably affects the connection of hydrophobic drops in suspension.

Ako se plin, a naročito zrak, prije uvođenja zagrije po mogućnosti na 40°C do 50°C, time se povećava uzgon plina unutar suspenzije odnosno vode, pri čemu istovremeno može doći do zagrijavanja suspenzije, a time i do znatnog povećanja fermentacije mikro-organizama u suspenziji, pri čemu nadalje površinsko naprezanje pojedinačnih oleofilnih kapljica unutar suspenzije pada, tako da dolazi do njihovog povezivanja, a time i bržeg penjanja na površinu. If the gas, and especially the air, is heated to 40°C to 50°C before introduction, this increases the buoyancy of the gas within the suspension or water, while at the same time the suspension can be heated, and thus a significant increase in the fermentation of micro- organisms in suspension, whereupon the surface tension of individual oleophilic droplets within the suspension falls, so that their connection occurs, and thus they climb to the surface more quickly.

Ako se plin, naročito zrak, uvodi u suspenziju preko nosača postavljenih duž površine vode, po mogućnosti preko splavi, tada samo kod velikih spremnika ili bazena može doći do diskontinuiranog dovođenja plinova, pri čemu se mora zadržati mali konstruktivni trošak, kako bi se moglo postići potrebno miješanje u svim područjima spremnika odnosno bazena na jako jednostavan način. Ako se suspenzija koja ispliva na površinu vode vraća u suspenziju koja se nalazi na dnu spremnika npr. preko muljne pumpe, po potrebi zajedno sa zrakom, može doći do jako izraženog odvajanja suspenzije između hidrofilnih i hidrofobnih sastavnih dijelova, pri čemu se istovremeno preko ponovno utisnute suspenzije pojačava miješanje. If the gas, especially air, is introduced into the suspension via supports placed along the surface of the water, preferably via rafts, then only in the case of large tanks or basins can a discontinuous supply of gases occur, whereby a small construction cost must be kept, in order to be able to achieve necessary mixing in all areas of the tank or pool in a very simple way. If the suspension that floats to the surface of the water is returned to the suspension located at the bottom of the tank, e.g. via a mud pump, together with air if necessary, a strong separation of the suspension between the hydrophilic and hydrophobic components can occur, while at the same time through the repressed of the suspension enhances mixing.

Ako se nakon završenog odvajanja hidrofobne tekuće frakcije izvlači voda, naročito preko vodova za tekućinu postavljenih ispod suspenzije, može se provesti oslobađanje suspenzije od vode, čime se sveukupna težina frakcije koja se podvrgava naknadnoj obradi može održavati malom, a čime se osigurava preporučivi vodni režim. If, after the separation of the hydrophobic liquid fraction is completed, water is withdrawn, especially through the liquid lines placed under the suspension, the release of the suspension from water can be carried out, whereby the total weight of the fraction subjected to post-treatment can be kept small, thus ensuring the recommended water regime.

Ako se suspenzija, iz koje je izvučena voda, odlaže u nasipe koji se mogu okretati, po mogućnosti mehanički, može doći do aerobne fermentacije djelomično suhe suspenzije, pri čemu se može koristiti suvremene tehnologije, kao npr. okretanje (zaoravanje) nasipa mehaničkim uređajima, postavljanje nasipa na vodonepropusnim ležištima, podovima ili sl. If the suspension, from which water has been extracted, is deposited in embankments that can be turned, preferably mechanically, aerobic fermentation of the partially dry suspension can occur, whereby modern technologies can be used, such as turning (plowing) embankments with mechanical devices, placing embankments on watertight beds, floors or the like.

Ako se suspenzija, iz koje je izvučena voda, pomiješa sa strukturnim materijalima, npr. sa slamom, korom ili sl. može se zbog postojećih struktura osigurati prilično jednostavan dovod zraka koji sadrži kisik, pri čemu dolazi do djelotvornog izlaženja proizvoda nastalih izmjenom tvari, primjerice CO2, jamskih plinova i sl. If the suspension, from which the water has been extracted, is mixed with structural materials, e.g. with straw, bark or the like, a fairly simple supply of oxygen-containing air can be ensured due to the existing structures, whereby the products formed by the exchange of substances are effectively exposed, e.g. CO2, pit gases, etc.

Ako se suspenzija miješa s mikroorganizmima, osobito s nosivim supstratima mikroorganizama,npr. drvene ploče transportnih uređaja ili sl., gdje mikroorganizmi razgrađuju tekuće hidrofobne supstance, može se postići preporučiva razgradnja specifične nafte ili sl., pri čemu se u pravilu koriste mikroorganizmi posebno namijenjeni za specijalne ugljikovodike. If the suspension is mixed with microorganisms, especially with supporting substrates of microorganisms, e.g. wooden panels of transport devices or the like, where microorganisms break down liquid hydrophobic substances, the recommended decomposition of specific oil or the like can be achieved, whereby as a rule, microorganisms specially intended for special hydrocarbons are used.

Naročito preporučivi oblik izvedbe se sastoji u tome, da se suspenzija miješa sa zelenilom, npr. travom, grančicama grmlja. Zelene biljke imaju u pravilu termofilne mikroorganizme koji dovode do ubrzane razgradnje kod povišene temperature. Time se s jedne strane može provoditi preporučivo sušenje supstrata s jedne strane, gdje se zbog povišene temperature vrši ubrzana razgradnja oleofilnih sastavnih dijelova pomoću istih razgradnih mikroorganizama, pod pretpostavkom da samo odvojene površine koje se priključuju na zelenilo, imaju povišenu temperaturu od 60°C do 70ºC. A particularly recommended form of performance consists in mixing the suspension with greenery, eg grass, twigs of bushes. As a rule, green plants have thermophilic microorganisms that lead to accelerated decomposition at elevated temperatures. In this way, the recommended drying of the substrate can be carried out on the one hand, where, due to the elevated temperature, the accelerated decomposition of oleophilic components is carried out using the same decomposing microorganisms, assuming that only the separate surfaces that are connected to the greenery, have an elevated temperature of 60°C to 70ºC.

Ako se u suspenzije umiješaju izvori dušika, tada dolazi do prevelike ponude ugljika s obzirom na razgradnju mikroorganizmima i do stvaranja vlastite supstance u tijelu na naročito prikladan način. If nitrogen sources are mixed into the suspensions, then there is an excessive supply of carbon with regard to decomposition by microorganisms and the creation of its own substance in the body in a particularly suitable way.

Uređaj prema ovom izumu se bazira na zadatku, da se konstruira ekološki uređaj za preradu supstanci koje sadrže naftu i koji bi mogao prihvatiti veće volumene, te pomoću kojeg bi se, uz mali potrošak rada i energije, mogle preraditi velike količine suspenzija zagađenih hidrofobnim supstancama. The device according to this invention is based on the task of constructing an ecological device for the processing of substances containing oil and which could accept larger volumes, and with which, with a low consumption of labor and energy, large quantities of suspensions polluted by hydrophobic substances could be processed.

Uređaj prema ovom izumu za odvajanje hidrofobne tekuće frakcije, naročito nafte, naftnih destilata ili sl. iz vodene suspenzije s bazenom, koji ima najmanje jedan vodootporni sloj s ilovačom, plastičnim materijalom ili sl., koji ima slojeve od šljunka i/ili kremenog pijeska i uređaj za skidanje površinskih slojeva sastoji se uglavnom u tome, da se u šljunku i/ili kremenom pijesku nalazi vod za vađenje tekućine i/ili vod za dovođenje plina. Uređaj takve vrste može, na vrlo jednostavan način i na način da ne zagađuje okolinu, omogućiti skladištenje suspenzija koje sadrže naftne proizvode, pri čemu se na jednostavan način omogućava i izvlačenje tekućine, dakle izvlačenje vode iz supstrata i dovođenje plina, što omogućava spajanje naftnih kapljica ili sl. The device according to this invention for separating the hydrophobic liquid fraction, especially oil, oil distillates or the like, from the water suspension with the pool, which has at least one waterproof layer with loam, plastic material or the like, which has layers of gravel and/or flint sand and the device for removing the surface layers consists mainly in the fact that there is a line for extracting liquid and/or a line for supplying gas in the gravel and/or flint sand. A device of this type can, in a very simple way and in a way that does not pollute the environment, enable the storage of suspensions containing petroleum products, while also enabling the extraction of liquid in a simple way, that is, the extraction of water from the substrate and the introduction of gas, which enables the coalescence of oil droplets or similar

Ako se predviđa splav, koja je pokretna duž površine vode i koja nosi uređaj za ubrizgavanje plina i/ili muljnu pumpu, može se bez velikih ulaganja izvršiti ravnomjerno miješanje suspenzije s vodom preko cijelog spremnika, pri čemu se pomoću optoka mulja omogućava dublje ubrizgavanje suspenzije sa dna, a mulj za razgradnju koji je isplivao na površinu se vraća u suspenziju i koristi za spajanje s ostalim oleofilnim kapljicama suspenzije. If a raft is provided, which is mobile along the surface of the water and which carries a gas injection device and/or a mud pump, it is possible to mix the suspension evenly with water over the entire tank without large investments, whereby the mud circulation enables a deeper injection of the suspension with the bottom, and the decomposition sludge that floated to the surface is returned to the suspension and used to combine with other oleophilic suspension droplets.

Ako uređaj za ubrizgavanje plina ima tlačnu posudu za plin, tada se mogu u kratkom vremenu pod visokim pritiskom izbaciti veće količine plina, čime se postiže naročito dobro miješanje suspenzije s vodom. If the gas injection device has a gas pressure vessel, then larger quantities of gas can be expelled in a short time under high pressure, which achieves particularly good mixing of the suspension with water.

Ako uređaj za muljnu pumpu ima uređaj za ekstrahiranje, koji uranja u vodenu površinu, tada se vrlo jednostavno suspenzija koja je isplivala, a koja primjerice sadrži plinovite djeliće, može vratiti u suspenziju koja se nalazi pri dnu. If the mud pump device has an extraction device, which plunges into the water surface, then very simply the suspension that has surfaced, which for example contains gaseous particles, can be returned to the suspension located at the bottom.

Nadalje će se uređaj pobliže objasniti pomoću crteža i primjera. Furthermore, the device will be explained in more detail using drawings and examples.

Slike prikazuju: The pictures show:

Sl. 1 presjek kroz bazen i Sl. 1 section through the basin i

Sl. 2 presjek između dva susjedna nasipa. Sl. 2 section between two adjacent embankments.

Bazen prikazan na sl. 1 ima sintetičku foliju 1 izrađenu od polietilena s debljinom od 2 mm. Ispod i sa svake strane te folije se nalazi sloj gline 2 prosječne debljine od najmanje 60 cm. Ispod folije 1 i sloja gline 2 su postavljene odsisne cijevi 3, koje služe za indikaciju eventualnog izlaženja tekućine iz bazena 4. Na dnu 5 bazena 4 postavljen je sloj šljunka 6 u kojem su predviđeni vodovi 7 za isisavanje vode. Ti vodovi imaju perforaciju po cijeloj dužini, tako da se duž kompletnog dna 5 bazena 4 može odsisavati voda. Iznad sloja šljunka 6, postavljen je finozrnati sloj 8, u kojem su postavljene cijevi za zrak 9, koje su također perforirane. The pool shown in Fig. 1 has a synthetic foil 1 made of polyethylene with a thickness of 2 mm. Below and on each side of that foil is a layer of clay 2 with an average thickness of at least 60 cm. Under the foil 1 and the clay layer 2, suction pipes 3 are placed, which serve to indicate the eventual release of liquid from the pool 4. At the bottom 5 of the pool 4, a layer of gravel 6 is placed, in which lines 7 for water suction are provided. These lines have perforation along their entire length, so that water can be sucked out along the entire bottom 5 of the pool 4. Above the gravel layer 6, a fine-grained layer 8 is placed, in which the air pipes 9, which are also perforated, are placed.

Iznad oba ta sloja 6 i 8, koji imaju ca. 25 cm debljinu sloja, postavljena je nataložena suspenzija 10, i to u debljini sloja od ca. 300 cm. Na površini vode 11 pliva splav 12, koja se može vući duž površine pomoću kotura koji nisu prikazani. Na splavi 12 je predviđen uređaj za ubrizgavanje zraka 13 (injektor) i muljna pumpa 14. Uređaj za ubrizgavanje zraka 13 ima tlačnu posudu kapaciteta 150 l punjenu zrakom komprimiranim na 10 bara, koji se u toku jedne sekunde ispušta prema dnu u obliku mlaza. Ventil se automatski otvara kada se postigne tlak od 10 bara. Uređaji za ubrizgavanje zraka takve vrste su poznati iz tehnike skladištenja u silosima, npr. za odvajanje hrpa žitnih zrna od stijenke silosa. Above both of these layers 6 and 8, which have ca. 25 cm layer thickness, deposited suspension 10 was placed, and that in a layer thickness of approx. 300 cm. A raft 12 floats on the surface of the water 11, which can be dragged along the surface by means of pulleys that are not shown. An air injection device 13 (injector) and a mud pump 14 are provided on the raft 12. The air injection device 13 has a pressure vessel with a capacity of 150 l filled with air compressed to 10 bar, which is discharged towards the bottom in the form of a jet within one second. The valve opens automatically when a pressure of 10 bar is reached. Air injection devices of this type are known from storage technology in silos, for example for separating piles of grain from the silo wall.

Muljna pumpa 14 usisava u površinskom području mulj uzvitlan uređajem za ubrizgavanje zraka i zatim ga ponovno utiskuje u suspenziju 10. Površinski uređaj za odvajanje 15 ima crijevo 16, koje je hidrofobno izvedeno i koje svojim kretanjem po vodenoj površini 11 prihvaća hidrofobnu frakciju koja je isplivala. Između dva valjka 17 crijevo se gnječi (istiskuje), a hidrofobna faza, u pravilu nafta, se dovodi preko cjevovoda 18 do međuspremnika. Nakon međuspremnika se isisana tekućina vodi u separator, u kojem se provodi daljnje razdvajanje oleofilne i hidrofilne faze. Oleofilna faza se tada odvodi na uobičajenu preradu u rafineriji. Bazen takve vrste ima obično kapacitet od primjerice 15.000 m3, pri čemu sloj mulja odnosno sloj suspenzije iznosi ca. 300 cm, a sloj vode iznosi ca. 100 cm. The mud pump 14 sucks in the surface area the mud stirred up by the air injection device and then presses it back into the suspension 10. The surface separation device 15 has a hose 16, which is hydrophobic and which moves on the water surface 11 and accepts the hydrophobic fraction that has floated out. Between the two rollers 17, the hose is crushed (squeezed out), and the hydrophobic phase, usually oil, is fed through the pipeline 18 to the intermediate tank. After the buffer, the extracted liquid is led to a separator, where further separation of the oleophilic and hydrophilic phases is carried out. The oleophilic phase is then taken to the usual processing in the refinery. A pool of this type usually has a capacity of, for example, 15,000 m3, where the sludge layer or suspension layer amounts to approx. 300 cm, and the water layer is approx. 100 cm.

Na sl. 2 su prikazani nasipi 19 izvedeni od suspenzije obogaćene naftom, koja ima zrnati sastav i u koju su umiješane slama i kora. Ti nasipi imaju širinu b od 300 cm i visinu h od 170 cm. Ukoliko se želi, mogu se u te nasipe lako umiješati supstance, kao što je zeleno bilje i sl. sa poljoprivrednih dobara, iz parkova, kao trava, lišće grmlja, kako bi se postiglo povišenje temperature za daljnju fermentaciju. Nasipi su postavljeni na takav način, da se mogu koristiti suvremeni uređaji za prevrtanje. Fig. 2 shows embankments 19 made from oil-enriched suspension, which has a granular composition and into which straw and bark are mixed. These embankments have a width b of 300 cm and a height h of 170 cm. If desired, substances, such as green plants, etc. from agricultural goods, from parks, such as grass, leaves of bushes, can be easily mixed into these mounds, in order to achieve an increase in temperature for further fermentation. The embankments are placed in such a way that modern overturning devices can be used.

Primjer 1 Example 1

U bazen prema sl. 1 se stavlja 10.000 m3 suspenzije sa slijedećim sastavom: 10,000 m3 of suspension with the following composition is placed in the pool according to Fig. 1:

18,0 tež.% nafta (2.135,2 t) 18.0 wt.% oil (2,135.2 t)

30,0 tež.% kameno brašno (3.558,6 t) 30.0 wt.% stone flour (3,558.6 t)

52,0 tež.% voda (6.170,0 t) 52.0 wt.% water (6,170.0 t)

Ta mješavina se prekriva sa ca. 3.000 m3 vode susjednog bazena, iz kojeg je izvučena voda. This mixture is covered with ca. 3,000 m3 of water from the neighboring pool, from which the water was extracted.

U sloju suspenzije dolazi za vrijeme skladištenja do slabe anaerobne fermentacije, pri čemu se tokom 10 godina može izvlačiti ca. 390 t nafte. Nakon izvlačenja vode, suspenzija se skladišti na kosoj strani bazena i ima slijedeći sastav: During storage, a weak anaerobic fermentation occurs in the suspension layer, whereby ca. can be extracted during 10 years. 390 tons of oil. After extracting the water, the suspension is stored on the sloping side of the pool and has the following composition:

15,2 tež.% nafta 15.2 wt.% oil

31.0 tež.% kameno brašno 31.0 wt.% stone flour

53.8 tež.% voda. 53.8 wt.% water.

U toku 10 godina odvojilo se samo ca. 20 tež.% nafte iz predmetne suspenzije. In the course of 10 years, only approx. 20 wt.% of oil from the subject suspension.

Primjer 2 Example 2

U bazen izveden analogno onom u primjeru 1 istog kapaciteta i dimenzija stavlja se 10.000 m3 suspenzije prema primjeru 1. Taj mulj se prekriva sa slojem 3.000 m3 vode. Tada se iznad bazena, koji ima površinsku mjeru od 25m x 120m, postavlja splav na koju se montira uređaj za ubrizgavanje zraka i muljna pumpa. Uređaj za ubrizgavanje zraka se kreće naprijed i natrag u poprečnom smjeru bazena brzinom od 2 m u minuti, pri čemu se za vrijeme impulsnog ubrizgavanja zraka 1m3 u minuti uz pritisak od 10 bara vrši intenzivno miješanje vode sa suspenzijom nataloženom na dnu. Za vrijeme skladištenja suspenzije u bazenu dalje se vrši dovod zraka kroz zračne vodove koji se nalaze na dnu u količini od 60 m3 po m2 i satu. Zrak se zagrijao na 40°C do 50°C. Suspenzija koja je isplivala na površinu vode odvodi se preko optočne pumpe zajedno sa zrakom u suspenziju. 10,000 m3 of suspension according to example 1 is placed in a pool constructed analogously to that in example 1 of the same capacity and dimensions. This sludge is covered with a layer of 3,000 m3 of water. Then above the pool, which has a surface area of 25m x 120m, a raft is placed on which the air injection device and mud pump are mounted. The air injection device moves forward and back in the transverse direction of the pool at a speed of 2 m per minute, during which the pulsed air injection of 1 m3 per minute at a pressure of 10 bar intensively mixes the water with the suspension deposited on the bottom. During the storage of the suspension in the pool, air is supplied through the air ducts located at the bottom in the amount of 60 m3 per m2 and hour. The air warmed to 40°C to 50°C. The suspension that has floated to the surface of the water is drained via a circulation pump together with air into the suspension.

Za 60 dana se sa površine izvuče 1.801 t nafte. Tada se voda koja se nalazi iznad suspenzije izvlači vodovima postavljenim ispod te suspenzije te se suši uz dovod zagrijanog zraka, osobito na 40°C do 50°C. Tako dobivena prethodno sušena suspenzija ima slijedeći sastav: In 60 days, 1,801 t of oil is extracted from the surface. Then the water that is above the suspension is extracted by lines placed below the suspension and dried with the supply of heated air, especially at 40°C to 50°C. The pre-dried suspension thus obtained has the following composition:

6,0 tež.-% nafta 6.0 wt.-% oil

64,0 tež.-% kameno brašno 64.0 wt.-% stone flour

30,0 tež.-% voda. 30.0 wt.-% water.

Ta suspenzija se miješa sa ca. 1 tež.% slame i ca. 4 tež.% zelenih listova grmlja. U zelenim biljkama bili su umiješani i djelići drveta sa ploča za bušenje, koje imaju mikroorganizme. Ploče takve vrste od drveta koriste se kod otvora bušotina. Ova tako dobivena smjesa ima slijedeći sastav: This suspension is mixed with ca. 1 wt.% of straw and approx. 4 wt.% of green leaves of bushes. Pieces of wood from the drilling boards, which have microorganisms, were also mixed into the green plants. Wooden boards of this type are used for well openings. This thus obtained mixture has the following composition:

5,70 tež.% nafta 5.70 wt.% oil

60,95 tež.% kameno brašno 60.95 wt.% stone flour

28,55 tež.% voda 28.55 wt.% water

0,95 tež.% slama 0.95 wt.% straw

3,85 tež.% zelene biljke. 3.85 wt.% of green plants.

Ova mješavina, koja je u početku bila sasvim tekuća a tokom vremena je postala zrnata, odlaže se u nasipima dimenzija 300 m širine i 170 m visine. Nakon pet tjedana mješavina je imala slijedeći sastav: This mixture, which was initially completely liquid and became granular over time, is deposited in embankments measuring 300 m wide and 170 m high. After five weeks, the mixture had the following composition:

2,4 tež.% nafta 2.4 wt.% oil

69,5 tež.% kameno brašno 69.5 wt.% stone flour

25,2 tež.% voda 25.2 wt.% water

2,9 tež.% slama i zelene biljke. 2.9% by weight of straw and green plants.

Za vrijeme fermentacije se mješavina pretvara u razmaku od tri dana, zbog čega dolazi do homogenizacije i ventiliranja. During fermentation, the mixture is transformed at three-day intervals, due to which homogenization and ventilation occur.

Fermentacija se vrši slijedećih jedanaest mjeseci, pri čemu se vrši pretvorba materijala u nasipu u tjednim razmacima a vlaženje za ca. 15 tež-% vode, po potrebi. Mješavina tada ima slijedeći sastav: Fermentation is carried out for the next eleven months, during which the material is converted in the mound at weekly intervals and moistened for approx. 15% by weight of water, if necessary. The mixture then has the following composition:

0,8 tež.% nafta 0.8 wt.% oil

84,8 tež.% kameno brašno 84.8 wt.% stone flour

15,4 tež.% voda. 15.4 wt.% water.

Ponovno se dobiva ca. 98,5 tež.% nafte odn. pretvara se u mikroorganizme i ugljični dioksid. Again, approx. 98.5 wt.% oil or it turns into microorganisms and carbon dioxide.

Kod premale količine dušika, kako u mulju tako i u nasipu, mogu se dodati druge tvari. If there is too little nitrogen, both in the sludge and in the embankment, other substances can be added.

Sadržaj nafte u određenim frakcijama određuje se ekstrakcijom sa n-heptanom. Udio sedimentnih tvari se određuje filtracijom i žarenjem otpadnih tvari (ostataka) uz utjecaj kisika pri 650°C. Kod te temperature su oksidirani mikroorganizmi kao i slama i zelene biljke. Zelene biljke i slama se određuju filtracijom, pri čemu je promjer pora filtra tako dimenzioniran, da pored nafte u filtrat dospijevaju i voda i sedimenti. The oil content in certain fractions is determined by extraction with n-heptane. The proportion of sedimentary substances is determined by filtration and annealing of waste substances (residues) under the influence of oxygen at 650°C. At that temperature, microorganisms as well as straw and green plants are oxidized. Green plants and straw are determined by filtration, where the filter pore diameter is so dimensioned that, in addition to oil, water and sediments also reach the filtrate.

Umjesto zraka se mogu koristiti i ostali plinovi, kao npr. oni koji nastaju kod gorenja, ali i zrak obogaćen kisikom. Instead of air, other gases can be used, such as those produced during combustion, as well as oxygen-enriched air.

Iako miješanje suspenzije plinskim mlazom omogućava intenzivno mješanje suspenzije s vodom i istovremeno olakšava vezanje (spajanje) oleofilnih kapljica, koriste se i drugi uređaji za miješanje, npr. mehaničke mješalice, također i mamut-pumpe, s kojima se suspenzija izvlači s dna i dovodi u bazen. Although mixing the suspension with a gas jet enables intensive mixing of the suspension with water and at the same time facilitates the binding (joining) of oleophilic droplets, other mixing devices are also used, e.g. mechanical mixers, as well as mammoth pumps, with which the suspension is extracted from the bottom and fed into swimming pool.

Iako se izum objašnjava pomoću naftnih proizvoda, prikladan je i za druge oleofilne supstance, koje se pojavljuju u mješavini s krutom tvari i vodenom fazom, u pravilu vodom. Pretpostavka za korištenje predmetnog izuma je ta, da suspenzija ima veliki viskozitet, tako da teško može doći do spajanja oleofilnih kapljica. Kao primjeri za takve oleofilne supstance se navode laneno ulje, ulje zemnog oraha i sl. Za sedimente se navode npr. čađ, kreda, glina, kruti ionski izmjenjivači, prah i sl. Although the invention is explained using petroleum products, it is also suitable for other oleophilic substances, which appear in a mixture with a solid substance and an aqueous phase, usually water. The assumption for the use of the present invention is that the suspension has a high viscosity, so that it is difficult for the oleophilic droplets to coalesce. Examples of such oleophilic substances include linseed oil, peanut oil, etc. For sediments, examples include soot, chalk, clay, solid ion exchangers, dust, etc.

Claims (17)

1. Postupak prema ovom izumu, za odvajanje hidrofobne vodene frakcije, naročito nafte, naftnih destilata ili sl. iz vodene suspenzije sa sadržajem hidrofobne tekuće frakcije od 10 tež.% do 40 tež.%, naročito 15 tež.% do 25 tež.%, po potrebi 18 tež.% do 22 tež.% i sedimentne frakcije, npr. kameno brašno od 25 tež.% do 40tež.%, gdje se vodena suspenzija uz dodavanje vode skladišti u jednom spremniku, po mogućnosti bazenu, sa površine vode se izvlači hidrofobna tekuća frakcija. a iz vodene suspenzije se oduzima voda, naznačen time, da se suspenzija ponovno u spremniku miješa s vodom, a da se sa površine vode izvlači hidrofobna tekuća frakcija, na što se suspenziji, koja ima mali dio hidrofobne tekuće frakcije. oduzima voda, a isto tako se sadržaj hidrofobne tekuće frakcije ponovno razgrađuje u suspenziji.1. The method according to this invention, for separating the hydrophobic aqueous fraction, especially oil, petroleum distillates or the like from an aqueous suspension with a hydrophobic liquid fraction content of 10 wt.% to 40 wt.%, especially 15 wt.% to 25 wt.% , if necessary 18 wt.% to 22 wt.% and sedimentary fractions, e.g. stone flour from 25 wt.% to 40 wt.%, where the aqueous suspension is stored in one tank, preferably a basin, from the surface of the water with the addition of water extracted by the hydrophobic liquid fraction. and water is removed from the aqueous suspension, indicated by the fact that the suspension is again mixed with water in the tank, and that the hydrophobic liquid fraction is extracted from the surface of the water, after which the suspension, which has a small portion of the hydrophobic liquid fraction. it takes away water, and also the content of the hydrophobic liquid fraction is broken down again in the suspension. 2. Postupak prema patentnom zahtjevu 1, naznačen time, da se miješanje suspenzija s vodom vrši mlazom plina, po mogućnosti mlazom zraka.2. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the suspensions are mixed with water using a gas jet, preferably an air jet. 3. Postupak prema patentnom zahtjevu 1 ili 2, naznačen time, da se plin, naročito zrak, uvodi impulsno u suspenziju, po mogućnosti s tlakom od 5 do 10 bara, u trajanju od 1 do 5 sekundi.3. The method according to patent claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the gas, especially air, is pulsed into the suspension, preferably with a pressure of 5 to 10 bar, for a duration of 1 to 5 seconds. 4. Postupak prema patentnim zahtjevima 1, 2 ili 3, naznačen time, da se plin, naročito zrak uvodi plinskim vodovima postavljenim u suspenziji i/ili ispod suspenzije.4. The method according to patent claims 1, 2 or 3, characterized in that gas, especially air, is introduced through gas lines placed in the suspension and/or under the suspension. 5. Postupak prema jednom od patentnih zahtjeva 1 do 4 naznačen time, da se plin, naročito zrak, prije uvođenja zagrijava po mogućnosti na 40°C do 50ºC.5. The method according to one of the patent claims 1 to 4 characterized in that the gas, especially the air, is preferably heated to 40°C to 50°C before introduction. 6. Postupak prema jednom od patentnih zahtjeva 1 do 5, naznačen time, da se plin, po mogućnosti zrak, uvodi u suspenziju preko nosača koji prolaze duž površine vode, po mogućnosti splavi.6. The method according to one of patent claims 1 to 5, characterized in that the gas, preferably air, is introduced into the suspension via carriers that pass along the surface of the water, preferably rafts. 7. Postupak prema jednom od patentnih zahtjeva 1 do 6. naznačen time, da se suspenzija koja ispliva na površinu vraća u suspenziju koja se nalazi na dnu spremnika pomoću npr. muljne pumpe, po potrebi zajedno sa zrakom.7. The method according to one of the patent claims 1 to 6, characterized in that the suspension that floats to the surface is returned to the suspension located at the bottom of the tank using, for example, a mud pump, if necessary together with air. 8. Postupak prema jednom od patentnih zahtjeva 1 do 7, naznačen time, da se nakon završenog odvajanja hidrofobne tekuće frakcije izvlači voda preko vodova za tekućinu postavljenih ispod suspenzije.8. The method according to one of the patent claims 1 to 7, characterized in that after the completion of the separation of the hydrophobic liquid fraction, water is extracted via liquid lines placed under the suspension. 9. Postupak prema jednom od patentnih zahtjeva 1 do 8, naznačen time, da se suspenzija, iz koje je izvučena voda, odloži na nasipe, koji se mehanički prekreću.9. The method according to one of the patent claims 1 to 8, characterized in that the suspension, from which the water has been extracted, is deposited on embankments, which are moved mechanically. 10. Postupak prema jednom od patentnih zahtjeva 1 do 9, naznačen time, da se suspenzija iz koje se izvlači voda miješa sa strukturnim materijalima, npr. sa slamom, korom ili sl.10. The method according to one of claims 1 to 9, characterized in that the suspension from which the water is extracted is mixed with structural materials, for example with straw, bark or the like. 11. Postupak prema jednom od patentnih zahtjeva 1 do 10, naznačen time, da se suspenzija miješa s mikroorganizmima, osobito s nosivim supstratima mikroorganizama, npr. drvenim pločama, koje razgrađuju tekuću hidrofobnu frakciju.11. The method according to one of the patent claims 1 to 10, characterized in that the suspension is mixed with microorganisms, especially with supporting substrates of microorganisms, e.g. wooden boards, which break down the liquid hydrophobic fraction. 12. Postupak prema jednom od patentnih zahtjeva 1 do 11, naznačen time, da se suspenzija miješa sa zelenim biljkama, npr. travom, grmljem.12. The method according to one of claims 1 to 11, characterized in that the suspension is mixed with green plants, eg grass, bushes. 13. Postupak prema jednom od patentnih zahtjeva 1 do 12, naznačen time, da se suspenziji dovode izvori dušika.13. The method according to one of claims 1 to 12, characterized in that nitrogen sources are supplied to the suspension. 14. Uređaj za odvajanje hidrofobne tekuće frakcije, osobito nafte, naftnih destilata ili sl., iz vodene suspenzije, naročito prema jednom od patentnih zahtjeva 1 do 13, sa spremnikom (4) koji ima najmanje jedan vodonepropusni sloj (1, 2) npr. s ilovačom, plastičnim materijalom ili sl., na koji se postavlja sloj (6) šljunka i/ili kremenog pijeska i uređaj (15) za skidanje površinskih slojeva za slojeve na površini vode i/ili jedan sloj koji na njima pliva, naznačen time, da je u šljunku i/ili kremenom pijesku postavljen jedan vod za isisavanje tekućine (7) i/ili dovod plina (9).14. Device for separating the hydrophobic liquid fraction, especially oil, oil distillates or the like, from an aqueous suspension, especially according to one of claims 1 to 13, with a tank (4) having at least one waterproof layer (1, 2), e.g. with loam, plastic material or the like, on which a layer (6) of gravel and/or flint sand is placed and a device (15) for removing surface layers for layers on the surface of the water and/or one layer that floats on them, indicated by that a line for liquid suction (7) and/or gas supply (9) is placed in the gravel and/or flint sand. 15. Uređaj prema patentnom zahtjevu 14. naznačen time, da se predviđa splav (12), koja je pokretna duž površine vode (11), i koja nosi uređaj za ubrizgavanje plina (13) i/ili muljnu pumpu (14).15. Device according to claim 14, characterized in that a raft (12) is provided, which is movable along the surface of the water (11), and which carries a device for gas injection (13) and/or a mud pump (14). 16. Uređaj prema patentnom zahtjevu 14 ili 15, naznačen time, da uređaj za ubrizgavanje plina (13) ima tlačnu posudu za plin.16. Device according to patent claim 14 or 15, characterized in that the gas injection device (13) has a gas pressure vessel. 17. Uređaj prema patentnom zahtjevu 14, 15 ili 16, naznačen time, da uređaj za pumpanje mulja (14) ima uređaj za odsisavanje koji uranja u vodu u blizini površine.17. Device according to claim 14, 15 or 16, characterized in that the sludge pumping device (14) has a suction device that immerses in the water near the surface.
HRA1128/95A 1995-07-03 1995-08-30 Process and device for separating a hydrophobic liquid fraction of an aqueous suspension HRP950461B1 (en)

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