HRP930588A2 - Therapeutic transdermal system having physostigmine as an active ingredient, and process for its development - Google Patents

Therapeutic transdermal system having physostigmine as an active ingredient, and process for its development Download PDF


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HRP930588A2 HR930588A HRP930588A HRP930588A2 HR P930588 A2 HRP930588 A2 HR P930588A2 HR 930588 A HR930588 A HR 930588A HR P930588 A HRP930588 A HR P930588A HR P930588 A2 HRP930588 A2 HR P930588A2
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active substance
polymer material
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Thomas Hille
Hans-Rainer Hoffmann
Hans-Joachim Huber
Axel Knoch
Gerhard Schneider
Fritz Stanislaus
Original Assignee
Lohmann Therapie Syst Lts
Klinge Co Chem Pharm Fab
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Priority claimed from DE3843238A external-priority patent/DE3843238C1/de
Application filed by Lohmann Therapie Syst Lts, Klinge Co Chem Pharm Fab filed Critical Lohmann Therapie Syst Lts
Publication of HRP930588A2 publication Critical patent/HRP930588A2/en
Publication of HRP930588B1 publication Critical patent/HRP930588B1/en



  • Medicinal Preparation (AREA)
  • Pharmaceuticals Containing Other Organic And Inorganic Compounds (AREA)


Grana tehnike u koju spada pronalazak The branch of technology to which the invention belongs

Pronalazak spada u oblast tekućih životnih potreba i farmaceutike. Simboli međunarodne klasifikacije patenata su A61L 17/06, A61L 15/03, A61K 51/645, C09J 7/02 i C09J 3/14. The invention belongs to the field of current life needs and pharmaceuticals. The international patent classification symbols are A61L 17/06, A61L 15/03, A61K 51/645, C09J 7/02 and C09J 3/14.

Tehnički problem Technical problem

Tehnički problem je kako izraditi sustav za transdermalno davanje lijeka, što se postiže izradom ljekovitog oblika koji se ljepljenjem nanosi na kožu i iz sustava, u kome je deponirana ljekovita supstanca, koji se sastoji iz više slojeva na bazi tekstilnih tkanina i plastičnog materijala prigodno usklađenih lagano se izdvaja odnosno resorbira ljekovita supstanca. The technical problem is how to create a system for transdermal administration of the drug, which is achieved by creating a medicinal form that is applied to the skin by gluing and from the system, in which the medicinal substance is deposited, which consists of several layers based on textile fabrics and plastic material conveniently aligned the medicinal substance is isolated or resorbed.

Stanje tehnike State of the art

Primjena fizostigmina za liječenje Alzheimerove bolesti je opisana u literaturi, pri čemu se djelovanje od različitih autora različito ocjenjuje. Budući da alkaloid posjeduje visoki first pass effect - bioraspoloživost fizostigmina poslije oralnog davanja leži kod 5% - moraju se rezultati koji odstupaju svesti na varijante primjene. The use of physostigmine for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease is described in the literature, whereby the effect is evaluated differently by different authors. Since the alkaloid has a high first pass effect - the bioavailability of physostigmine after oral administration is 5% - the deviating results must be reduced to application variants.

U DE-OS 35 28 979 opisuje se sastav, koji pored fizostigmina sadrži karbonsku kiselinu srednje dužine lanca, ovaj sastav može se nositi na zavoju, ulošku ili kompresama, koji se nanosi pomoću spajanja. Ova vrsta primjene po sebi ne predstavlja terapijski sustav, zbog čega je predviđeno, da se bandaža, kompresa ili ulošci opskrbe unutrašnjim slojem u obliku spremnika, nepropusnom zaštitnom folijom ili nepropusnim zaštitnim filmom i da se nanese između spremnika i kože membrana, koja regulira difuziju koja nije pobliže opisana. Ni membrana koja regulira difuziju, ni zaštitna folija nisu pobliže opisane. Karbonske kiseline se označavaju isključivo kao aktivni prijenosni vehikulum za davanje lijeka kroz kožu, koje inače ne bi moglo prodrijeti kroz kožnu prepreku. Ovaj iskaz nije znanstveno održiv. DE-OS 35 28 979 describes a composition which, in addition to physostigmine, contains a carboxylic acid of medium chain length, this composition can be worn on a bandage, pad or compresses, which is applied by means of bonding. This type of application in itself does not represent a therapeutic system, which is why it is intended that the bandage, compress or insoles be supplied with an inner layer in the form of a container, an impermeable protective film or an impermeable protective film and that a membrane, which regulates the diffusion that is applied between the container and the skin is not described in detail. Neither the diffusion-regulating membrane nor the protective foil are described in detail. Carbonic acids are indicated exclusively as an active transport vehicle for the administration of a drug through the skin, which otherwise could not penetrate the skin barrier. This statement is not scientifically tenable.

U DE-PS 36 06 892 se opisuje usporena primjena fizostigmina i drugih aktivnih tvari, koja se može obavljati transdermalno. Specijalna formulacija se ne otkriva, naprotiv se upućuje na već opisanu formulaciju /US-PS 3, 921, 363/. DE-PS 36 06 892 describes the delayed application of physostigmine and other active substances, which can be performed transdermally. The special formulation is not disclosed, on the contrary, reference is made to the already described formulation /US-PS 3, 921, 363/.

Pored samo neodređenih izvođenja transdermalnih terapijskih sustava ni u jednom od oba prethodno spomenuta spisa izložena na uvid se ne ulazi u nestabilnost fizostigmina, koja je već ranije uočena /Eber, W. Pharmaz. Ztg. 37, 483/ 1888/; Herzij, J. Mayer, H., Mh.Chem. 18, 379 /1897/; Herzig, J. Lieb, H. isto tu 39, 285 /1918/; Solvay, A.A., J.Chem.Soc. /London/ 101, 978 /1912/; nestabilnost na osnovu brzog raspadanja postavlja upotrebi fizostigmina u farmaciji uske granice. In addition to only unspecified versions of transdermal therapeutic systems, none of the two previously mentioned documents exposed to inspection do not address the instability of physostigmine, which was already observed earlier /Eber, W. Pharmaz. Ztg. 37, 483/ 1888/; Herzij, J. Mayer, H., Mh.Chem. 18, 379 /1897/; Herzig, J. Lieb, H. ibid. 39, 285 /1918/; Solvay, A. A., J. Chem. Soc. /London/ 101, 978 /1912/; instability based on fast decomposition places narrow limits on the use of physostigmine in pharmacy.

Opis rješenja tehničkog problema s primjerima izvođenja i popisom i kratkim opisom slika crteža Description of the solution to the technical problem with implementation examples and a list and brief description of the drawing images

Pronalazak se odnosi na postupak za izradu transdermalnog terapijskog sustava, koji kao aktivni sastojak sadrži fizostigmin. Zadatak pronalaska je stoga stavljanje na raspolaganje fizostigmina ili jedne od njegovih farmaceutski podnošljivih soli u obliku transdermalnog terapijskog sustava, koji kontrolirano ispušta fizostigmin ili njegovu farmaceutski prihvatljivu sol u vremenskom intervalu od 24 sata i garantira da se fizostigmin značajno ne razlaže u tijeku skladištenja prethodno izrađenog transdermalnog terapijskog sustava. The invention relates to a process for the production of a transdermal therapeutic system, which contains physostigmine as an active ingredient. The task of the invention is therefore to make available physostigmine or one of its pharmaceutically acceptable salts in the form of a transdermal therapeutic system, which releases physostigmine or its pharmaceutically acceptable salt in a controlled manner within a time interval of 24 hours and guarantees that physostigmine does not degrade significantly during storage of the previously made transdermal therapeutic system.

Rješenje zadatka se obavlja tako, što se fizostigmin otapa najmanje 25%-tno u otopini odnosno smjesi otapala, koji mora biti fiziološki zamjenjiv, pošto se mora računati s tim, da kroz matriks ne migrira samo fizostigmin već također i otapalo. Ova otopina može se utisnuti pomoću postupka pritiskom, kako je na primjer opisano u DE-OS 36 29 304, na tekstilnu površinu na koju je prethodno nanesen matriks, koji je prethodno opskrbljen zaštitnim slojem nepropusnim za aktivnu tvar, koji se u danom slučaju može ponovo odvojiti. Zatim se utisnuta tekstilna tvorevina i matriks pokriju prethodno izrađenim pokrovnim slojem, koji je također nepropustan za aktivnu tvar. Pomoću odgovarajućeg alata za izrezivanje, čija je površina okrugla i znatno veća od površine netkane tkanine, centrično se izrezuje. Zatim se rub ljepljenja, koji ne sadrži aktivnu tvar, odvoji rešetkom. The task is solved by dissolving at least 25% of physostigmine in a solution or solvent mixture, which must be physiologically replaceable, since it must be taken into account that not only physostigmine but also the solvent migrates through the matrix. This solution can be pressed by means of a pressing process, as for example described in DE-OS 36 29 304, onto a textile surface on which a matrix has previously been applied, which has previously been provided with a protective layer impermeable to the active substance, which in the given case can be re-applied separate. Then, the pressed textile product and the matrix are covered with a previously made covering layer, which is also impermeable to the active substance. Using a suitable cutting tool, the surface of which is round and significantly larger than the surface of the non-woven fabric, it is cut centrally. Then the edge of the adhesive, which does not contain the active substance, is separated with a grid.

Predmet ovog pronalaska je postupak za izradu transdermalnog terapijskog sustava za davanje fizostigmina na koži, koji sadrži pokrivni sloj nepropustan za aktivnu tvar, sloj spremnik koji ljepljenjem prianja i u danom slučaju zaštitni sloj, koji se može ponovo odvojiti, koji je naznačen tako, što se na sloj matriksa koji je unaprijed izrađen, samoljepiv koji je u danom slučaju opskrbljen zaštitnim slojem koji se može odvojiti, postavlja tekstilna tvorevina, na tekstilnu tvorevinu se u otopini nanosi fizostigmin ili jedna od njegovih farmaceutski prihvatljivih soli uz stvaranje depoa aktivne tvari, poslije čega se matriks i depo aktivne tvari opskrbljuju pokrivnim slojem. The subject of this invention is a process for making a transdermal therapeutic system for administering physostigmine on the skin, which contains a cover layer impermeable to the active substance, a container layer that adheres by gluing and, in a given case, a protective layer that can be separated again, which is indicated by a matrix layer that is prepared in advance, self-adhesive, which in a given case is supplied with a protective layer that can be separated, is placed by a textile fabric, physostigmine or one of its pharmaceutically acceptable salts is applied in solution to the textile fabric, creating a depot of the active substance, after which the matrix and depot active substances supply a covering layer.

Predmet pronalaska je dalje nosač za primjenu za transdermalno davanje fizostigmina, koji se sastoji od zadnjeg sloja nepropusnog za aktivnu tvar, sloja koji se lijepi prianjajući, koji je pogodan za primanje aktivne tvari, kao i u danom slučaju zaštitnog sloja koji se može ponovo odvojiti, koji je naznačen time, što je sloj spremnik, koji se lijepi prianjajući i sadrži 50 - 99,9 mas. % polimernog materijala, 0-20 ma.% omekšivača kao i 0,1 - 30 ms.-% otapala za fizostigmin. The subject of the invention is further a carrier for transdermal administration of physostigmine, which consists of a last layer impermeable to the active substance, a layer that adheres, which is suitable for receiving the active substance, as well as in the given case a protective layer that can be separated again, which is indicated by the fact that it is a container layer, which adheres and contains 50 - 99.9 wt. % of polymer material, 0-20 wt.% of softener as well as 0.1-30 wt.-% of solvent for physostigmine.

Postupak je u principu poznat i u DE-OS 36 29 304 opisan. Ipak služi, gore navedenom spisu izloženom na uvid, nikotinska baza kao supstanca. Pošto je nikotinska baza na sobnoj temperaturi tečna, postupak se nije mogao jednostavno prilagoditi. Naprotiv, morao se fizostigmin prevesti u visokopostotnu, t.j. najmanje 25 %tnu otopinu, pošto je doduše pojedinačno doziranje praškastih sastojaka u tehnologiji čvrstih oblika lijekova u upotrebi, ali je u tehnologiji polučvrstih oblika lijekova potpuno nepoznato, pošto se do sada ovo pitanje nije postavljalo. Istovremeno otapalo mroa zadovoljiti još tri važna zahtjeva: The procedure is known in principle and described in DE-OS 36 29 304. Nevertheless, the above-mentioned document exposed for inspection serves the nicotine base as a substance. Since the nicotine base is liquid at room temperature, the procedure could not be easily adapted. On the contrary, physostigmine had to be translated into a high percentage, i.e. at least a 25% solution, since the individual dosing of powder ingredients is in use in the technology of solid forms of drugs, but is completely unknown in the technology of semi-solid forms of drugs, since this question has not been raised so far. At the same time, the solvent must meet three more important requirements:

- ne smije vrlo nestabilan fizostigmin razlagati, - very unstable physostigmine must not decompose,

- mora fiziološki biti nesumnjiv, - must be physiologically unquestionable,

- mora omogućiti da je fizostigmin doduše u toku izrade sustava dobro izražen, ali za vrijeme skladištenja samo malo topljiv. - must enable physostigmine to be well expressed during the production of the system, but only slightly soluble during storage.

Karbonske kiseline, koje imaju više od 10 ugljikovih atoma, ispunjavaju navedene zahtjeve. Pri miješanju fizostigmina s ovim spojevima dolazi do otapanja, tako isto i do stvaranja soli. ali načelno su pak takvi pripravci tečni na sobnoj temperaturi. Carbonic acids, which have more than 10 carbon atoms, meet the above requirements. When physostigmine is mixed with these compounds, it dissolves, as does the formation of salts. but in principle such preparations are liquid at room temperature.

Topljivost aktivne tvari u matriksu se smanjuje time /čime se postiže dovoljno oslobađanje/, što se matriksu umiješa viši udio baznog polimera, na primjer kopolimerizate s kationskim karakterom na bazi dimerilaminoetilmetakrilata i drugih neutralnih estera metakrilne kiseline. Time dolazi poslije nanošenja matriksa između karbinske kiseline i baznog polimera do reakcije kiselina-baza, čime se topljivost aktivne tvari znatno smanjuje. Na osnovu oslobađanja primjera recepture može se pokazati, da oslobađanje obroka raste s udjelom baznog polimera u matriksu. The solubility of the active substance in the matrix is reduced by adding a higher proportion of the base polymer to the matrix, for example copolymers with a cationic character based on dimerylaminoethyl methacrylate and other neutral methacrylic acid esters. This results in an acid-base reaction after the application of the matrix between the carbinic acid and the base polymer, which significantly reduces the solubility of the active substance. Based on the release of the recipe example, it can be shown that the release of the meal increases with the proportion of the base polymer in the matrix.

Slijedeće treba shematski objasniti gradnju sistema. Next, the construction of the system should be schematically explained.

Pokrovni sloj (4) može se sastojati od savitljivog ili nesavitljivog materijala i biti načinjen višeslojno. Supstance, koje se mogu primijeniti za njegovu izradu su polimerne supstance, kao na primjer polietilen, polipropilen, polietilen tereftalat, poliamid. Kao daljnji materijali mogu se primijeniti također i metalne folije, kao aluminijske folije, same ili obložene slojem polimernog supstrata /u posljednjem slučaju (5)/. Mogu se primijenitit također tekstilne ravne tvorevine, ako sastojci spremnika na osnovu njihovog fizičkog svojstva ne mogu prodrijeti kroz tekstilni materijal. Kod oblika izvođenja koji se pretpostavlja, pokrivni sloj /4/ je spojni materijal, koji laminatu daje čvrstoću i služi kao prepreka protiv gubitka sastojaka laminata. Pored toga su pogodne također i folije na koje je nanesen u parnom stanju aluminij ili spojni materijali. The cover layer (4) can consist of flexible or non-flexible material and can be multi-layered. Substances that can be used for its production are polymer substances, such as polyethylene, polypropylene, polyethylene terephthalate, polyamide. Metal foils, such as aluminum foils, alone or coated with a layer of polymer substrate /in the latter case (5)/ can also be used as further materials. Textile flat products can also be used, if the ingredients of the container cannot penetrate through the textile material based on their physical properties. In the assumed embodiment, the cover layer /4/ is a connecting material, which gives the laminate strength and serves as a barrier against the loss of the laminate components. In addition, foils on which aluminum or bonding materials are applied in a vapor state are also suitable.

Na pokrovni sloj priključuje se matriks (1). Za vrijeme četrnaestodnevnog skladištenja prelazi fizostigmin iz depoa (2) aktivne tvari u matriks (1) i ovaj zaštićuje, tako da matriks postaje sloj spremnik. Matriks ima svojstvo da jamči čvrstinu sustava. On se sastoji od osnovnog polimera i u danom slučaju uobičajenih dodataka. Izbor osnovnog polimera se upravlja prema kemijskim i fizikalnim svojstvima fizostigmina. Polimeri kao primjeri su kaučuk, kaučuku slični homo-, ko- ili blokpolimeri, esteri poliakrilne kiseline i njeni kopolimeri. Načelno dolaze u obzir svi polimeri, koji se upotrebljavaju pri izradi ljepila za prianjanje. Fiziološki su nesumnjivi i ne razlažu fizostigmin. Naročito se pretpostavljaju takvi, koji se sastoje iz blok polimera na bazi stirola i 1,3-diena, poliizobutilena ili polimera iz akrilata i/ili metakrilata. Od blok polimera na bazi stirola i 1,3-diena se sasvim posebno upotrebljavaju linearni stirolizopren blok polimeri. The matrix (1) is attached to the cover layer. During the fourteen-day storage, physostigmine moves from the depot (2) of the active substance to the matrix (1) and protects it, so that the matrix becomes a reservoir layer. The matrix has the property of guaranteeing the solidity of the system. It consists of a basic polymer and, in a given case, the usual additives. The choice of base polymer is governed by the chemical and physical properties of physostigmine. Examples of polymers are rubber, rubber-like homo-, co- or block polymers, polyacrylic acid esters and their copolymers. In principle, all polymers, which are used in the production of adhesives for adhesion, come into consideration. They are physiologically unquestionable and do not break down physostigmine. In particular, those that consist of block polymers based on styrene and 1,3-diene, polyisobutylene or polymers from acrylates and/or methacrylates are assumed. Of the block polymers based on styrene and 1,3-diene, linear styrolisoprene block polymers are especially used.

Kao polimeri na bazi akrilata pretpostavljaju se akrilni kopolimeri sa odnosno bez titanhelatnog estera. Kao metakrilati se pretpostavljaju kopolimeri na bazi estera dimetiaminoetil metakrilata i neutralnih estera metakrilne kiseline. Kao esteri hidrogeniziranog kolofonija primjenjuju se u prvom redu naročito njegovi metil i glicerin esteri. Vrsta mogućih dodataka zavisi od upotrebljenog polimera i aktivne tvari: prema njihovoj funkciji mogu se podijeliti u omekšivače, sredstva koja daju ljepljivost, stabilizatore, nosače, dodatke koji reguliraju difuziju i penetraciju ili punioce. Za ovo su fiziološki nesumnjive supstance koje dolaze u obzir poznate stručnjaku. Sloj spremnika ima takvu ljepljivost da se osigura trajan dodir za kožu. Acrylic copolymers with or without titanium chelate ester are assumed to be acrylate-based polymers. Methacrylates are assumed to be copolymers based on dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate esters and neutral methacrylic acid esters. As esters of hydrogenated rosin, especially its methyl and glycerine esters are used in the first place. The type of possible additives depends on the used polymer and active substance: according to their function, they can be divided into softeners, adhesives, stabilizers, carriers, additives that regulate diffusion and penetration, or fillers. For this, physiologically unquestionable substances that come into consideration are known to the expert. The container layer has such tackiness to ensure a permanent skin contact.

Primjeri za omekšivače, pogodne omekšivače su diesteri dikarbonskih kiselina, na primjer do-n-butiladipat kao i trigliceridi, naročito treba navesti srednje dužine lanca trigliceride kaprilne /kaprinske kiseline kokosovog ulja. Examples of emollients, suitable emollients are diesters of dicarboxylic acids, for example do-n-butyldidipate, as well as triglycerides, especially the medium chain triglycerides of caprylic/capric acid of coconut oil.

između matriksa (1) i pokrovnog sloja (4) miruje depo (2) aktivne tvari. Sastoji se iz tekstilne ravne tvorevine i otopine fizostigmina. between the matrix (1) and the cover layer (4) there is a depot (2) of the active substance. It consists of a textile flat product and a solution of physostigmine.

Tekstilna ravna tvorevina može biti krug od materijala netkane tkanine /smjesa vlakana, tekstilna vlakna/pamuk 50:50, s površinskom masom od 40 g/m2 odnosno 80 g/m2 s promjerom od 20 do 50 mm. Drugi tekstilni materijali i drugi promjeri su mogući. The textile flat product can be a circle made of non-woven fabric/mixture of fibers, textile fibers/cotton 50:50, with a surface mass of 40 g/m2 or 80 g/m2 with a diameter of 20 to 50 mm. Other textile materials and other diameters are possible.

Kao spoj sa bar jednom kiselom grupom pretpostavljaju se više masne kiseline, budući da je veličina mogućih nadražaja kože, izazvane kiselinama koje migriraju, zavisna od dužine lanca kiseline. Primjeri za podesne kiseline su uljne kiseline, izostearinska kiselina, undecenska kiselina i versatična kiselina. More fatty acids are assumed to be compounds with at least one acid group, since the magnitude of possible skin irritations caused by migrating acids depends on the length of the acid chain. Examples of suitable acids are oleic acid, isostearic acid, undecenoic acid and versatic acid.

Odvojivi zaštitni sloj, koji stoji u dodiru sa slojem spremnika i odstranjuje se prije primjene, sastoji se na primjer od istih materijala, kako su korišteni za izradu pokrovnog sloja (4), uz pretpostavku, da se izrade odvojivi , kao na primjer silikonskom obradom. The removable protective layer, which is in contact with the container layer and is removed before application, consists of, for example, the same materials as were used to make the cover layer (4), assuming that they are made detachable, for example by silicone treatment.

Drugi odvojivi zaštitni slojevi na primjer su politetrafluoretilen, obrađeni papir, celofan, polivinil klorid i sl. Ako se laminat prema pronalasku prije nanošenja zaštitnog sloja podijeli u formate pogodne za terapiju /ljepljiva traka/, tako tada formati zaštitnog sloja koji se trebaju nanijeti mogu imati krajeve koji strše, pomoću kojih se oni mogu lakše skinuti sa ljepljive trake. Other removable protective layers are, for example, polytetrafluoroethylene, treated paper, cellophane, polyvinyl chloride, etc. If the laminate according to the invention is divided into formats suitable for therapy /adhesive tape/ before applying the protective layer, then the formats of the protective layer to be applied can have protruding ends, with which they can be more easily removed from the adhesive tape.

U slijedećem se treba objasniti izrada: In the following, the production should be explained:

Najprije se izrađuje matriks (1), čiji je sastav naveden kod pojedinačnih primjera recepture. Poslije odstranjivanja pokrovne folije postavlja se okrugla netkana tkanina, čija površina iznosi 13,72 cm2. Kao netkana tkanina koristi se netkani materijal - mješavina vlakana umjetna vlakna pamuk 70:30, površinska masa 40 g/m2. Zatim se iz matriksa obloženog netkanom tkaninom izreže pravokutna povšina od 56 cm2. Netkana tkanina i matriks su predstavljeni na slici 1 i slici 2. Pomoću odgovarajućeg uređaja, na primjer pomoću pipete za kapanje, nanosi se na netkanu tkaninu otopljen fizostigmin, 25%-tni u uljnoj kiselini ili 35 %-tni u undecen kiselini. Točne količine su navedene u pojedinačnim primjerima recepture. First, the matrix (1) is created, the composition of which is specified in individual recipe examples. After removing the cover film, a round non-woven fabric is placed, the surface of which is 13.72 cm2. A non-woven material is used as a non-woven fabric - a mixture of fibers artificial fibers cotton 70:30, surface mass 40 g/m2. Then, a rectangular area of 56 cm2 is cut out of the matrix covered with non-woven fabric. The nonwoven fabric and the matrix are represented in Figure 1 and Figure 2. Using a suitable device, for example a dropper, physostigmine dissolved in 25% oleic acid or 35% undecenoic acid is applied to the nonwoven fabric. The exact amounts are specified in the individual recipe examples.

Poslije nanošenja se depo (2) aktivne tvari i matriks (1) pokriju pokrovnim slojem (4). Pokrovni sloj je premaz ljepila, koji se sastoji od multiakrilnog kopolimera, koji je premazan na poliester foliji 15 μ. Poslije ostranjivanja otapala iznosi površinska masa 30 g/m2. Poslije pokrivanja se izrezuje okrugla površina od 21,23 cm2, tako da netkana tkanina natopljena otopinom aktivne tvari počiva u sredini (slike 3 i 4). Zatim se rubovi odvoje rešetkom i skladišti transdermalni terapijski sustav 14 dana dugo na 40 oC. After application, the depot (2) of active substances and the matrix (1) are covered with a cover layer (4). The cover layer is an adhesive coating, which consists of a multiacrylic copolymer, which is coated on a 15 μ polyester film. After removing the solvent, the surface mass is 30 g/m2. After covering, a round surface of 21.23 cm2 is cut out, so that the non-woven fabric soaked in the solution of the active substance rests in the middle (pictures 3 and 4). Then the edges are separated with a grid and the transdermal therapeutic system is stored for 14 days at 40 oC.

Nastajanje sustava prema pronalasku je predstavljeno na slikama 1 do 4. Slika 1 pokazuje u izgledu netkanu tkaninu (2), koja je postavljena na matriks (1). Poslije stavljanja netkane tkanine (2) na matriks (1) nanese se tečni pripravak aktivne supstance, čime nastaje depo (2) aktivne tvari. Zatim se kašira pokrivni sloj (4) preko matriksa (1) i preko depoa (2) aktivne tvari. Potom se izrezuje. Rubovi se odstranjuju pomoću rešetke. Slike 2 i 3 shematski pokazuju u izgledu (slika 2) i u presjeku (slika 3), kako depo aktivne tvari poslije odstranjivanja rešetkom počiva na matriksu (1) i završnom pokrivanju (3). The creation of the system according to the invention is presented in Figures 1 to 4. Figure 1 shows the appearance of a non-woven fabric (2), which is placed on a matrix (1). After placing the non-woven fabric (2) on the matrix (1), a liquid preparation of the active substance is applied, which creates a depot (2) of the active substance. Then the covering layer (4) is laminated over the matrix (1) and over the depot (2) of the active substance. Then it is cut out. The edges are removed using a grid. Figures 2 and 3 schematically show in appearance (figure 2) and in cross-section (figure 3) how the depot of the active substance rests on the matrix (1) and the final covering (3) after removal by the grid.

Sustav je potpuno predstavljen u presjeku na slici 7. Na slikama 1 do 4 znače: The system is fully presented in cross-section in Figure 7. In Figures 1 to 4, they mean:

1 matriks 1 matrix

2 depo aktivne tvari 2 depot active substances

3 zaštitni sloj 3 protective layer

4 pokrovni sloj 4 cover layer

5 met foliju 5 met foil

Primjeri receptura: Examples of recipes:

Primjer 1 Example 1

Izrada matriksa: 10,91 kg 40 %tne otopine samoumrežavajućeg akrilatskog kopolimera iz 2-etilheksilakrilata, vinil acetata i akrilne kiseline sa titanhelatnim esterom, smjese otapala: etil acetat, etanol, heptan, metanol 64:25:9:2 i 2,4 kg 50 %-tnog rastvora kationskog kopolimerizata na bazi dimetilaminoetil metakrilata i neutralnih estera metakrilne kiseline u etil acetatu pomiješaju se sa 360 g triglicerida kapril/kaprinskih kiselina uz miješanje na temperaturama okoline. Pomoću podesnog noža premaže se aluminij naparene poliesterske folije i pokrije s LDPE folijom. Površinska masa treba ležati između 260,0 g i 275 g/m2. Production of matrix: 10.91 kg of 40% solution of self-crosslinking acrylate copolymer from 2-ethylhexylacrylate, vinyl acetate and acrylic acid with titanium chelate ester, solvent mixture: ethyl acetate, ethanol, heptane, methanol 64:25:9:2 and 2.4 kg of a 50% solution of a cationic copolymer based on dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate and neutral methacrylic acid esters in ethyl acetate are mixed with 360 g of triglycerides of caprylic/capric acids with stirring at ambient temperatures. With the help of an adjustable knife, the aluminum is coated with steamed polyester foil and covered with LDPE foil. The surface mass should lie between 260.0 g and 275 g/m2.

Sastav matriksa: 1: Matrix composition: 1:

samoumrežavajući akrilatni kopolimer ACP1 74 % self-crosslinking acrylate copolymer ACP1 74 %

metakrilatni kopolimer MCP 20 % methacrylate copolymer MCP 20 %

trigliceridi kapril /kaprinskih kiselina /TriG/ 6 % triglycerides of caprylic/capric acids /TriG/ 6%

100 % 100%

LDPE folija se skida i stavlja se netkana tkanina. Na netkanu tkaninu nanosi se smjesa od 12 mg fizostigmina i 36 g uljne kiseline pomoću pipete za kapanje. The LDPE film is removed and the non-woven fabric is placed. A mixture of 12 mg of physostigmine and 36 g of oleic acid is applied to the non-woven fabric using a drop pipette.

Svi dalji primjeri i Primjer I su navedeni u slijedećim tablicama. In vitro oslobađanje je određivano u vodenoj kupki s mućkalicom na 37 oC. Medij za prihvaćanje je bila otopina 100 ml fiziološke kuhinjske soli, koja je poslije 2,4 i 8 sati potpuno zamijenjena. Koncentracije su određivane poslije 2,4, 8 i 24 sata preko UV-spektroskopije. All further examples and Example I are listed in the following tables. In vitro release was determined in a water bath with a shaker at 37 oC. The medium for acceptance was a solution of 100 ml of physiological table salt, which was completely replaced after 2, 4 and 8 hours. Concentrations were determined after 2, 4, 8 and 24 hours via UV-spectroscopy.

U tablicama navedene vrijednosti oslobađanja su uvijek zbrojevi mjerenih koncentracija. The release values listed in the tables are always the sums of the measured concentrations.

Tablica 1 pokazuje izgradnju i in vitro oslobađanje primjera I-IV. Kod ovih primjera korišten je uvijek isti matriks, ali je mijenjana količina nanošenja; nanesen je fizostigmin, 25 %tni otopljen u uljnoj kiselini. Table 1 shows the construction and in vitro release of Examples I-IV. In these examples, the same matrix was always used, but the amount of application was changed; physostigmine, 25% dissolved in oleic acid, was applied.

Tablica 1: Table 1:

Oslobađanje (mg) % Release (mg) %

Primjer Fizostigmin FG 2h 4h 8h 24h 24h Example Physostigmine FG 2h 4h 8h 24h 24h

I 12 mg 260 1,64 2,28 3,17 5,62 46,8 I 12 mg 260 1.64 2.28 3.17 5.62 46.8

II 12 mg 180 3,28 4,60 6,29 9,19 76,6 II 12 mg 180 3.28 4.60 6.29 9.19 76.6

III 16 mg 260 2,77 4,03 6,71 10,38 56,1 III 16 mg 260 2.77 4.03 6.71 10.38 56.1

IV 20 mg 180 6,43 9,15 12,76 17,47 87,4 IV 20 mg 180 6.43 9.15 12.76 17.47 87.4

PG = površinska masa matriksa /G/m2/ PG = surface mass of the matrix /G/m2/

Uviđa se da se sa povišenim udjelom fizostigmina ne povećava samo apsolutno već također i relativno oslobađanje. It can be seen that with an increased proportion of physostigmine, not only the absolute but also the relative release increases.

Kod primjera IV - XXIII dodano je doziranjem uvijek 20 mg fizostigmina - koji je otopljen u 60 mg uljne kiseline. Mijenjani su postotni sastavi matriksa i površinske mase /FG/. Podaci uz matrikse su ponovo dani u Tabeli 2. In examples IV - XXIII, 20 mg of physostigmine - which was dissolved in 60 mg of oleic acid - was added by dosing. The percentage compositions of matrix and surface mass /FG/ were changed. Data with matrices are again given in Table 2.

Skraćenice u tablicama znače: The abbreviations in the tables mean:

ACP1: samoumrežavajući akrilatni kopolimer iz 2-etilheksilakrilata, vinil acetata, akrilne kiseline sa titanhelatnim esterom kao umjreživačem; ACP1: self-crosslinking acrylate copolymer from 2-ethylhexylacrylate, vinyl acetate, acrylic acid with titanium chelate ester as a crosslinker;

ACP2: akrilatni kopolimer koji se ne umrežava sam iz 2-etilheksilakrilata, vinil acetata i akrilne kiseline; ACP2: a non-self-crosslinking acrylate copolymer of 2-ethylhexyl acrylate, vinyl acetate and acrylic acid;

NCP: kopolimerizat na bazi dimetilaminoetilmetakrilata i neturalnih estera metakrilne kiseline; NCP: copolymer based on dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate and natural esters of methacrylic acid;

TriG: trigliceridi kapril/kaprinske kiseline: TriG: triglycerides of caprylic/capric acid:

K.E.: ester kiseline smole kolofonija s glicerinom. K.E.: rosin acid ester with glycerin.

Tablica 2 Table 2

Tablični sastav matriksa i in vitro oslobađanje Table matrix composition and in vitro release

[image] [image]

Kod primjera XXIV - XXXI dodano je doziranjem uvijek 20 mg fizostigmina - pomiješano s 27 mg undecen kiseline. Varirani su postotni sastavi matriksa i površinske mase; podaci uz matrikse su ponovo dati u Tabeli 3. In examples XXIV - XXXI, 20 mg of physostigmine was always added by dosing - mixed with 27 mg of undecenoic acid. The percentage compositions of the matrix and surface mass were varied; data with matrices are again given in Table 3.

Tablica 3 Table 3

[image] [image]

Slike 5 i 6 pokazuju ponašanje in vitro oslobađanje Primjera XXX, koji je nasumce izvučen. Pošto oslobođena količina nanesena prema vremena kao kod gotovo svih primjera - daje pravu, može se kazati, da su razvijeni sustavi, koji matriksno upravljani kontrolirani odaju aktivnu tvar, pošto se jednoznačno ispunjavaju zahtjevi modela Miguchi-a. Figures 5 and 6 show the in vitro release behavior of Example XXX, which was randomly drawn. Since the released amount applied according to time, as in almost all examples - gives the right, it can be said that the systems have been developed, which matrix-managed controlled release of the active substance, since the requirements of the Miguchi model are clearly met.

Pokazuje se, da se oslobađanje molarnog odnosa karbonskih kiselina određuje prema baznom polimeru. Može se pokazati, da je oslobađanje utoliko više, što je manje kiseline i što je umiješano više baznog polimera. Oslobađanje je utoliko više, što je u sustavu prisutno manje nedisosirane kiseline poslije skladištenja; pošto se u molarnim količinama primjenjuje manje undecenske kiseline, nego uljne kiseline, također je razumljivo zašto kod istog matriksa uzorak undecen kiseline oslobađa više fizostigmina nego uzorak uljne kiseline. Prilagođavanjem omekšivača može se pokazati da omekšivač nema utjecaja na in vitro oslobađanje. It is shown that the release of the molar ratio of carboxylic acids is determined according to the base polymer. It can be shown that the less acid and the more base polymer is mixed in, the greater the release. The release is all the more, the less undissociated acid is present in the system after storage; since less undecenoic acid is applied in molar amounts than oleic acid, it is also understandable why, with the same matrix, the undecenoic acid sample releases more physostigmine than the oleic acid sample. By adjusting the plasticizer, it can be shown that the plasticizer has no effect on the in vitro release.

Claims (18)

1. Postupak za izradu transdermalnog terapijskog sustava za davanje fizostigmina na koži, koji sadrži pokrovni sloj nepropustan za aktivnu tvar, sloj spremnika koji se lijepi prianjajući i u danom slučaju ponovo odvojiv zaštitni sloj, naznačen time, što se na prethodno izrađen, samoljepivi, u danom slučaju s odvojivim zaštitnim slojem opskrbljen sloj matriksa postavlja tekstilna ravna tvorevina, na tekstilnu ravnu tvorevinu nanosi fizostigmin ili jedna od njegovih farmaceutski prihvatljivih soli u otopinu uz stvaranje depoa aktivne tvari, poslije čega se matriks i depo aktivne tvari opskrbljuju pokrovnim slojem. 1. Procedure for making a transdermal therapeutic system for the administration of physostigmine on the skin, which contains a cover layer impermeable to the active substance, a container layer that sticks to the adhesive and, in the given case, a removable protective layer, indicated by the fact that the pre-made, self-adhesive, in the given case in the case with a removable protective layer, the provided matrix layer is placed by a textile flat product, physostigmine or one of its pharmaceutically acceptable salts in solution is applied to the textile flat product while creating a depot of the active substance, after which the matrix and the depot of the active substance are supplied with a cover layer. 2. Postupak prema zahtjevu 1, naznačen time, što se transdermalni terapijski sustav poslije njegove izrade skladišti 14 dana, pri čemu iz depoa aktivne tvari fizostigmin prelazi u matriks, tako da matriks postaje sloj spremnika. 2. The method according to claim 1, characterized by the fact that the transdermal therapeutic system is stored for 14 days after its manufacture, whereby physostigmine from the depot of the active substance passes into the matrix, so that the matrix becomes the container layer. 3. Postupak prema zahtjevu 1, naznačen time, što sloj spremnika sadrži 10 . 90 mas.- polimernog materijala, odabranog iz grupe koje se sastoje iz blok polimera na bazi stirola i 1,3-diena, poliizobutilena polimera na bazi akrilata i/ili metakrilata i estera hidrogeniziranog kolofonija, o - 30 mas.- omekšivača na bazi ugljikovodika i/ili estera i što depo aktivne tvari sadrži neposredno poslije izrade 15 do 85 mas. -% 0,1 do 70 mas.-%tne otopine fizostigmina.3. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the container layer contains 10. 90 wt.- polymer material, selected from the group consisting of block polymers based on styrene and 1,3-diene, polyisobutylene polymers based on acrylate and/or methacrylate and hydrogenated rosin esters, o - 30 wt.- hydrocarbon-based plasticizer and/or ester and that the active substance depot contains 15 to 85 wt. -% 0.1 to 70 wt.-% solution of physostigmine. 4. Postupak prema zahtjevu 1, naznačen time, što polimerni materijal sadrži samoumrežavajući akrilatni kopolimer iz 2-etilheksil akrilata vinil acetata, akrilne kiseline i titanhelatnog estera.4. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the polymer material contains a self-crosslinking acrylate copolymer from 2-ethylhexyl acrylate vinyl acetate, acrylic acid and titanium chelate ester. 5. Postupak prema zahtjevu 1, naznačen time, što polimerni materijal nije samoumrežavajući akrilatni kopolimer iz 2-etilheksil akrilata, vinil acetata i akrilne kiseline.5. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the polymer material is not a self-crosslinking acrylate copolymer from 2-ethylhexyl acrylate, vinyl acetate and acrylic acid. 6. Postupak prema zahtjevu 1, naznačen time, što polimerni materijal sadrži kao polimer na bazi metakrilata kopolimer na bazi dimetilamin etil metakrilata i neutralne estere metakrilne kiseline.6. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the polymer material contains, as a polymer based on methacrylate, a copolymer based on dimethylamine ethyl methacrylate and neutral esters of methacrylic acid. 7. Postupak prema zahtjevu 1, naznačen time, što polimerni materijal sadrži kao ester hidrogeniziranog kolofonijea njegov metil ester.7. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the polymer material contains, as an ester of hydrogenated rosin, its methyl ester. 8. Postupak prema zahtjevu 1, naznačen time, što polimerni materijal sadrži kao ester hidrogeniziranog kolofonija njegov glicerin ester.8. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the polymer material contains its glycerine ester as an ester of hydrogenated rosin. 9. Postupak prema zahtjevu 1, naznačen time, što sloj spremnika sadrži kao omekšivač diokticikloheksan.9. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the container layer contains dioctycyclohexane as a softener. 10. Postupak prema zahtjevu 1, naznačen time, što sloj rezervoara kao omekšivač sadrži do-n-butiladipat.10. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the reservoir layer contains do-n-butyldidipate as a softener. 11. Postupak prema zahtjevu 1, naznačen time, što sloj spremnika sadrži kao omekšivač trigliceride.11. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the container layer contains triglycerides as a softener. 12. Postupak prema zahtjevu 1, naznačen time, što sloj spremnika sadrži kao omekšivač izopropilmiristat.12. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the container layer contains isopropyl myristate as a softener. 13. Postupak prema zahtjevu 1, naznačen time, što je otapalo otopine fizostigmina u depou aktivne tvari s najmanje jednom kiselom grupom.13. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the solvent of the physostigmine solution in the active substance depot has at least one acidic group. 14. Postupak prema zahtjevu 13, naznačen time, što je spoj s najmanje jednom kiselom grupom karbonska kiselina. 14. The method according to claim 13, characterized in that the compound with at least one acidic group is a carboxylic acid. 15. Postupak prema zahtjevu 14, naznačen time, što karbonska kiselina obuhvaća uljnu kiselinu ili undecen kiselinu.15. The method according to claim 14, characterized in that the carboxylic acid comprises oleic acid or undecenoic acid. 16. Postupak prema zahtjevu 14, naznačen time, što karbonska kiselina obuhvaća smjesu oktadekan kiselina. 16. The method according to claim 14, characterized in that the carboxylic acid comprises a mixture of octadecanoic acids. 17. Postupak prema zahtjevu 14, naznačen time, što karbonska kiselina obuhvaća verzatičnu kiselinu. 17. The method according to claim 14, characterized in that the carboxylic acid comprises versatic acid. 18. Nosač za primjenu transdermalnog davanja fizostigmina, koji se sastoji od zadnje strane nepropusne za aktivnu materiju, sloja koji prianja lijepljenjem, koji je pogodan za primanje aktivne tvari, kao i u danom slučaju ponovo odvojivog zaštitnog sloja, naznačen time, što je sloj spremnika koji se lijepi prianjajući i sadrži 10 - 90 mas.-% polimernog materijala, 0-30 mas.% omekšivača kao i 0,1 - 70 mas.% otapala za fizostigmin.18. Carrier for the application of transdermal administration of physostigmine, which consists of a rear side impermeable to the active substance, a layer that adheres by gluing, which is suitable for receiving the active substance, as well as in a given case a removable protective layer, indicated by the fact that the layer of the container which is adhesively glued and contains 10 - 90 wt.% of polymer material, 0-30 wt.% of plasticizer and 0.1 - 70 wt.% of physostigmine solvent.
HRP-2406/89A 1988-12-22 1993-03-29 Process for the preparation of therapeutic transdermal system having physostigmine as an active ingredient HRP930588B1 (en)

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