HRP20141096A2 - Newcastle disease virus strain zg1999hds as an ocolytic agent - Google Patents

Newcastle disease virus strain zg1999hds as an ocolytic agent Download PDF


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HRP20141096A2 HRP20141096AA HRP20141096A HRP20141096A2 HR P20141096 A2 HRP20141096 A2 HR P20141096A2 HR P20141096A A HRP20141096A A HR P20141096AA HR P20141096 A HRP20141096 A HR P20141096A HR P20141096 A2 HRP20141096 A2 HR P20141096A2
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newcastle disease
disease virus
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Hrvoje Mazija
Dinko Čović
Siniša Ivanković
Original Assignee
Hrvoje Mazija
Dinko Čović
Siniša Ivanković
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Application filed by Hrvoje Mazija, Dinko Čović, Siniša Ivanković filed Critical Hrvoje Mazija
Priority to HRP20141096AA priority Critical patent/HRP20141096A2/en
Publication of HRP20141096A2 publication Critical patent/HRP20141096A2/en



  • Medicines Containing Material From Animals Or Micro-Organisms (AREA)


Izum se odnosi na citolitički i onkolitički učinak vlastitog soja virusa newcastleske bolesti oznake ZG1999-HSD te njegovu moguću primjenu u liječenju tumorskih bolesti ljudi i životinja. Opisani su rezultati predkliničkih istraživanja. Istodobno parenetralno davanje virusa sa tumorskim stanicama samo je jedan od načina davanja virusa no očekuje se djelovanje i u kombinaciji s klasičnim postupcima liječenja tumorskih bolesti.The invention relates to the cytolytic and oncolytic effect of own strain of Newcastle disease virus ZG1999-HSD and its possible application in the treatment of human and animal tumor diseases. The results of preclinical studies are described. Concomitant parenchyral administration of the virus with tumor cells is only one way of delivering the virus, but it is expected to work in combination with conventional treatments for tumor disease.


Područje izuma Field of invention

Ovom se prijavom patenta izum štiti u slijedećim područjima tehnike, prema Međunarodnoj klasifikaciji patenata: This patent application protects the invention in the following areas of technology, according to the International Patent Classification:

A 61 K 39/17, A 61 K 39/17,

A 61 K 48/00, A 61 K 48/00,

A 01 N 63/00 A 01 N 63/00

Tehnički problem Technical problem

Zamisao da se virusi, inače patogeni mikroorganizmi, koriste u liječenju bolesnika s tumorom javila se još na početku prošlog stoljeća, a temeljena je na opažanjima regresije tumora u bolesnika koji su preboljeli neku virusnu zaraznu bolest ili su vakcinirani protiv bolesti uzrokovanih virusom. Tijekom pedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća napravljeni su brojni pokusi koji su pokazali da mnogi virusi mogu učinkovitije zaraziti i lizirati tumorske nego normalne stanice, a krajem prošlog stoljeća ponovno je obnovljen interes za upotrebu virusa u protutumorskoj terapiji. The idea that viruses, otherwise pathogenic microorganisms, are used in the treatment of patients with tumors arose at the beginning of the last century, and was based on observations of tumor regression in patients who had overcome a viral infectious disease or were vaccinated against diseases caused by viruses. During the fifties of the last century, numerous experiments were carried out that showed that many viruses can infect and lyse tumor cells more effectively than normal cells, and at the end of the last century there was a renewed interest in the use of viruses in antitumor therapy.

Virus newcastleske bolesti (NDV, od engl. Newcastle Disease Virus) je ptičji Paramyxovirus iz porodice Paramyxoviridae, slabije patogen za sisavce uključujući i ljude u kojih i jako virulentni sojevi izazivaju samo blagi konjunktivitis i laringitis. Za razliku od skupine genetski modificiranih virusa koji su stekli svojstvo specifičnog razaranja tumorskih stanica tek nakon genetske manipulacije virusnih čestica, NDV se ubraja u skupinu virusa sa tzv. prirođenom sposobnošću selektivnog uništavanja tumorskih stanica. Zahvaljujući navedenim osobinama, različiti sojevi NDV-a istraženi su u pokusima na eksperimentalnim tumorskim modelima na životinjama, a također su objavljeni i rezultati kliničkih studija u kojima je ovaj virus primijenjen kao protutumorsko sredstvo u tretmanu različitih tumora u ljudi. S obzirom na patogenost za prirodnog domaćina (ptice), sojevi NDV-a podjeljeni su na izrazito (velogeni), umjereno (mezogeni) i slabo (lentogeni) patogene sojeve. Među ovim sojevima, najviše su istraživana protutumorska svojstva i mehanizmi protutumorskog učinka umjereno patogenih sojeva NDV, dok su istraživanja vezana za primjenu lentogenih sojeva NDV (npr. LaSota, Hitchner ...) u kontroli tumorskog rasta relativno malo zastupljena, a isto tako mehanizmi djelovanja ovih sojeva NDV nisu još uvijek potpuno objašnjeni. The Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) is an avian Paramyxovirus from the Paramyxoviridae family, less pathogenic for mammals, including humans, in which even highly virulent strains cause only mild conjunctivitis and laryngitis. Unlike the group of genetically modified viruses that acquired the property of specific destruction of tumor cells only after genetic manipulation of viral particles, NDV is included in the group of viruses with the so-called innate ability to selectively destroy tumor cells. Thanks to the mentioned properties, different strains of NDV were investigated in experiments on experimental tumor models on animals, and the results of clinical studies were also published in which this virus was used as an antitumor agent in the treatment of various tumors in humans. With regard to pathogenicity for the natural host (birds), NDV strains are divided into highly (velogenic), moderately (mesogenic) and weakly (lentogenic) pathogenic strains. Among these strains, the antitumor properties and mechanisms of the antitumor effect of moderately pathogenic NDV strains have been most investigated, while research related to the use of lentogenic NDV strains (e.g. LaSota, Hitchner...) in tumor growth control is relatively rare, as are the mechanisms of action. the NDV of these strains have not yet been fully elucidated.

Stanje tehnike State of the art

Do sada provedena su istraživanja učinaka odabranih sojeva NDV na proliferaciju različitih tipova mišjih tumorskih i normalnih stanica, kontrolu rasta tumora i preživljenje životinja na eksperimentalnim modelima mišjih tumora kao i njihov učinak na imunološki sustav miševa s tumorom (Phuangsab i sur., 2001., Lorence i sur., 1994., Sinkovics i Horvath, 2000.). So far, research has been carried out on the effects of selected NDV strains on the proliferation of different types of mouse tumor and normal cells, control of tumor growth and animal survival on experimental models of mouse tumors, as well as their effect on the immune system of mice with tumors (Phuangsab et al., 2001, Lorence et al., 1994, Sinkovics and Horvath, 2000).

Rezultati istraživanja na staničnim kulturama ukazali su na izrazito citotoksično (citolitičko) djelovanje NDV na tumorskim stanicama, dok su promjene u normalnim stanicama izostale. Iako nije dovela do potpunog nestanka rastućeg tumora, primjena NDV značajno usporava njegov rast, a zabilježen je i stimulacijski učinak virusa na imunološki sustav miševa s tumorom. Rezultati pokusa u kojima je primijenjen kombinirani terapijski pristup, pokazali su da NDV može značajno pojačati antitumorsku aktivnost manjih doza zračenja, čime se znatno smanjuje oštećenje normalnog tkiva zbog primjene visokih doza zračenja. Nadalje, primjena virusa u kombinaciji sa znatno nižim dozama citostatika rezultira statistički signifikantnom odgodom rasta tumora (Čović i sur., 2006.). The results of research on cell cultures indicated an extremely cytotoxic (cytolytic) effect of NDV on tumor cells, while changes in normal cells were absent. Although it did not lead to the complete disappearance of the growing tumor, the application of NDV significantly slows down its growth, and the stimulatory effect of the virus on the immune system of mice with tumors was also recorded. The results of experiments in which a combined therapeutic approach was applied showed that NDV can significantly enhance the antitumor activity of smaller doses of radiation, which significantly reduces damage to normal tissue due to the application of high doses of radiation. Furthermore, the application of the virus in combination with significantly lower doses of cytostatics results in a statistically significant delay in tumor growth (Čović et al., 2006).

Ovim rezultatima potvrđena je mogućnost korištenja lentogenih sojeva NDV u liječenju malignih oboljenja bilo da se koriste pojedinačno ili u kombiniranom pristupu te kao takvi predstavljaju temelj za stvaranje novih, potencijalno klinički primjenjivih, terapijskih modaliteta u liječenju tumorskih bolesti. These results confirm the possibility of using lentogenic NDV strains in the treatment of malignant diseases, whether they are used individually or in a combined approach, and as such represent the basis for the creation of new, potentially clinically applicable, therapeutic modalities in the treatment of tumor diseases.

Slijedeći strani patenti smatraju se relevantnim stanjem tehnike za predmetnu patentnu prijavu: The following foreign patents are considered relevant prior art for the patent application in question:

Dokument 1. Patent US7,056,689, 06.06.2006., R. M. Lorence, K. W. Reichard: Methods of treating and detecting cancer using viruses. Document 1. Patent US7,056,689, 06.06.2006, R. M. Lorence, K. W. Reichard: Methods of treating and detecting cancer using viruses.

Dokument 2. Patent US7, 7,736,640, 15.06.2010., R. M. Lorence, K. W. Reichard: Methods of treating and detecting cancer using viruses. Document 2. Patent US7, 7,736,640, 15.06.2010, R. M. Lorence, K. W. Reichard: Methods of treating and detecting cancer using viruses.

Dokument 3. US Patent app. number: 20100113335, 06.05.2010., Z. Zakay-Rones, A. Panet, E. Greenbaum, E. Galun, A. I. Freeman, L. Rasooly, C. S. Irving: Compositions and methods for treatement of cancer. Document 3. US Patent app. number: 20100113335, 06.05.2010, Z. Zakay-Rones, A. Panet, E. Greenbaum, E. Galun, A. I. Freeman, L. Rasooly, C. S. Irving: Compositions and methods for treatment of cancer.

Dokumenti 1 i 2 istog podnositelja razotkrivaju metodu liječenja tumora administracijom virusa newcastleske bolesti u kombinaciji s poznatim kemostaticima, imunoadjuvantima itd. Documents 1 and 2 of the same applicant disclose a method of treating tumors by administering Newcastle disease virus in combination with known chemostatics, immunoadjuvants, etc.

Dokument 3 razotkriva liječenje tumora upotrebom lentogeničnog soja, dakle soja pogodnog da bude cjepni soj, virusa newcastleske bolesti. Document 3 discloses the treatment of tumors using a lentogenic strain, i.e. a strain suitable as a vaccine strain, of the Newcastle disease virus.

Bit izuma The essence of invention

Izdvojen je vlastiti soj virusa newcastleske bolesti oznake ZG1999HDS te se je dokazalo da pripada skupini lentogenih i imunogenih virusa različitih od poznatih. Virus prema predmetnom izumu je deponiran u COLLECTION NATIONALE DE CULTURES DE MICROORGANISMES (CNCM), INSTITUT PASTEUR, 25 RUE DU DOCTEUR ROUX 75724 PARIS CEDEX 15, FRANCUSKA pod brojem CNCM I-4811. Zbog općenito očekivanog citolitičkog učinka virusa newcastleske bolesti, učinak ovog soja istražen je in vitro na četiri tipa staničnih linija tumorskih stanica i to: A proprietary strain of the Newcastle disease virus designated ZG1999HDS was isolated and proved to belong to a group of lentogenic and immunogenic viruses different from the known ones. The virus according to the subject invention has been deposited in the COLLECTION NATIONALE DE CULTURES DE MICROORGANISMES (CNCM), INSTITUT PASTEUR, 25 RUE DU DOCTEUR ROUX 75724 PARIS CEDEX 15, FRANCE under number CNCM I-4811. Due to the generally expected cytolytic effect of the Newcastle disease virus, the effect of this strain was investigated in vitro on four types of tumor cell lines, namely:

FsaR – mišji fibrosarkom FsaR – mouse fibrosarcoma

SCCVII – mišji karcinom pločastih stanica SCCVII – murine squamous cell carcinoma

CT26WT – mišji adenokarcinom debelog crijeva CT26WT – mouse colon adenocarcinoma

4T1 – mišji adenokarcinom dojke, 4T1 – murine breast adenocarcinoma,

te uspoređen s učinkom na rast normalnih stanica L929 – (mišji fibroblasti). and compared with the effect on the growth of normal cells L929 - (mouse fibroblasts).

Na modelima in vivo istražena je dinamika rasta tumora induciranih parenteralnom primjenom tumorskih stanica CT26WT – mišji adenokarcinom debelog crijeva i 4T1 – mišji adenokarcinom dojke. Citolitički učinak virusa ZG1999HDS pokazan je pokusima in vitro na staničnim kulturama tumorskih stanica te jednako i in vivo na miševima, značajno boljim negoli usporedno istražen citolitički učinak soja virusa newcastleskle bolesti. The dynamics of tumor growth induced by parenteral administration of tumor cells CT26WT – mouse colon adenocarcinoma and 4T1 – mouse mammary adenocarcinoma were investigated on in vivo models. The cytolytic effect of the ZG1999HDS virus was demonstrated by experiments in vitro on cell cultures of tumor cells and equally in vivo on mice, significantly better than the comparatively investigated cytolytic effect of the Newcastle disease virus strain.

Primjena Application

Svrha ovih pokusa je dokazati da soj virusa newcastleske bolesti oznake ZG1999HDS, može značajno inhibirati razmnožavanje tumorskih stanica i to FsaR – mišjeg fibrosarkoma, stanica SCCVII – mišjeg karcinoma pločastih stanica, stanica CT26WT mišjeg adenokarcinoma debelog crijeva te 4T1 – mišjeg adenokarcinoma dojke u uvjetima in vitro, te odgoditi i inhibirati rast mišjeg adenokarcinoma debelog crijeva CT26WT i mišjeg adenokarcinoma dojke 4T1 u eksperimentalnom tumorskom modelu in vivo. Soj virusa newcastleske bolesti oznake ZG1999HDS mogao bise, nakon završenih kliničkih istraživanj, primijeniti u liječenju nekih tumorskih bolesti ljudi i životinja, bilo samostalno ili u kombinaciji sa suvremenim metodama liječenja ovih bolesti (zračenje, kemoterapija i drugo). The purpose of these experiments is to prove that the Newcastle disease virus strain ZG1999HDS can significantly inhibit the reproduction of tumor cells, namely FsaR - mouse fibrosarcoma, SCCVII cells - mouse squamous cell carcinoma, CT26WT mouse colon adenocarcinoma cells and 4T1 - mouse breast adenocarcinoma in vitro , and delay and inhibit the growth of mouse colon adenocarcinoma CT26WT and mouse mammary adenocarcinoma 4T1 in an experimental tumor model in vivo. The ZG1999HDS strain of the Newcastle disease virus could, after completed clinical research, be used in the treatment of some human and animal tumor diseases, either alone or in combination with modern methods of treating these diseases (radiation, chemotherapy, etc.).

POKUS 1. Istraživanje in vitro citotoksične aktivnosti soja virusa newcastleske bolesti oznake ZG1999HDS i usporedno virusa newcastleske bolesti soja LaSota, na kulturama tumorskih i normalnih stanica EXPERIMENT 1. Investigation of in vitro cytotoxic activity of Newcastle disease virus strain ZG1999HDS and comparative Newcastle disease virus strain LaSota, on tumor and normal cell cultures

Cilj pokusa je dokazati citotoksičke učinke različitih doza soja virusa newcastleske bolesti oznake ZG1999HDS na tumorskim i normalnim stanicama te usporediti citotoksični potencijal ovog soja s aktivnošću komercijalno dostupnog lentogenog LaSota soja virusa newcastleske bolesti. The aim of the experiment is to prove the cytotoxic effects of different doses of the ZG1999HDS strain of Newcastle disease virus on tumor and normal cells and to compare the cytotoxic potential of this strain with the activity of the commercially available lentogenic LaSota strain of Newcastle disease virus.

Stanične linije Cell lines

Istraživanje je provedeno na četiri vrste tumorskih stanica i to: mišjem fibrosarkomu FsaR, mišjem karcinomu pločastih stanica SCCVII, mišjem adenokarcinomu debelog crijeva CT26WT i mišjem adenokarcinomu dojke 4T1, te kao negativna kontrola, na normalnim stanicama mišjih fibroblasta L929. The research was conducted on four types of tumor cells: mouse fibrosarcoma FsaR, mouse squamous cell carcinoma SCCVII, mouse colon adenocarcinoma CT26WT and mouse breast adenocarcinoma 4T1, and as a negative control, normal mouse fibroblast cells L929.

Virusi Viruses

Korišten je pripravak soja virusa newcastleske bolesti oznake ZG1999HDS te komercijalni vakcinalni pripravak virusa newcastleske bolesti od soja LaSota (PESTIKAL®Pliva, Zagreb, Hrvatska). The preparation of the Newcastle disease virus strain marked ZG1999HDS and the commercial Newcastle disease virus vaccine preparation from the LaSota strain (PESTIKAL® Pliva, Zagreb, Croatia) were used.

Virusi su uzgojeni na korioalantoisnoj membrani desetodnevnih kokošjih SPF (SPF, engl. specific pathogen free, slobodni od specifičnih patogena) zametaka (VALO-SPF, Lohmann, Cuxhaven, Njemačka). Nakon zaražavanja, jaja su inkubirana pri 37oC tijekom 72 sata, a potom je iz jaja izolirana alantoisna tekućina obogaćena virusom te je određena 50%-tna infektivna doza za kokošji zametak, EID50 (engl. EID50 - Embryo-Infective Dose50). Korišteni su pripravci virusa koji su sadržavali najmanje 109 EID50 virusa po bočici. The viruses were grown on the chorioallantoic membrane of ten-day-old chicken SPF (specific pathogen free) embryos (VALO-SPF, Lohmann, Cuxhaven, Germany). After infection, the eggs were incubated at 37oC for 72 hours, and then the virus-enriched allantoic fluid was isolated from the eggs, and the 50% infectious dose for the chicken embryo, EID50 (Eng. EID50 - Embryo-Infective Dose50), was determined. Virus preparations containing at least 109 EID50 virus per vial were used.

Uzgoj stanica i izlaganje staničnih kultura djelovanju virusa Cell cultivation and exposure of cell cultures to virus action

Dva dana (48 sati) prije početka pokusa tumorske i zdrave stanice su izvađene iz tekućeg dušika i odmrznute. Nakon centrifugiranja, stanice su resuspendirane u mediju za uzgoj stanica RPMI-1640 (Sigma, SAD) u koji se prethodno dodalo 10% fetalnog telećeg seruma FCS (FCS, engl. Foetal Calf Serum; Sigma, SAD), a zatim su nasađene u plastične bočice za uzgoj stanica od 250 ml (Greiner, Njemačka) te ostavljene u inkubatoru (Heraeus 6000, Njemačka) pri standardnim uvjetima (5% CO2 u vlažnoj atmosferi pri 37oC) kako bi se prilagodile za rast u uvjetima in vitro. Kada su stanice prekrile dno boce u kojoj su rasle, supernatant je odliven, a u bočicu je dodan 1 ml tripsina kako bi se stanice odlijepile od podloge. Nakon dodavanja medija stanice su centrifugirane 5 minuta pri 150 x g, a zatim je određen broj i viabilnost stanica bojenjem s tripanskim modrilom. Two days (48 hours) before the start of the experiment, tumor and healthy cells were removed from liquid nitrogen and thawed. After centrifugation, the cells were resuspended in RPMI-1640 cell culture medium (Sigma, USA) to which 10% fetal calf serum FCS (FCS; Sigma, USA) had previously been added, and then they were seeded into plastic 250 ml cell culture flasks (Greiner, Germany) and left in an incubator (Heraeus 6000, Germany) under standard conditions (5% CO2 in a humidified atmosphere at 37oC) to adapt to in vitro growth. When the cells covered the bottom of the flask in which they were growing, the supernatant was poured off, and 1 ml of trypsin was added to the flask to detach the cells from the substrate. After adding the medium, the cells were centrifuged for 5 minutes at 150 x g, and then the number and viability of the cells was determined by staining with trypan blue.

Izlaganje stanica virusima izvedeno je u mikropločama za uzgoj stanica s 96 bunarića (Greiner, Njemačka). U svaki je bunarić dodano približno 104 stanica u 100µl medija RPMI-1640 s dodatkom 10% FCS, a zatim su stanice inkubirane u standardnim uvjetima kako bi se dobila jednoslojna stanična kultura. Kada su stanice prekrile dno bunarića (za 24 sata), stari medij je odbačen i zamjenjen novim (225µl), a zatim je dodano 25µl uzorka virusa koncentracije 20 odnosno 200 EID50/stanici. Kontrolnim skupinama stanica dodano je 25µl medija RPMI-1640 bez virusa. Stanice su inkubirane u prisutnosti virusa pri standardnim uvjetima tijekom 48 sati, a zatim je određen citotoksički učinak određivanjem stupnja preživljenja stanica probom citotoksičnosti s kristal violetom. Exposure of cells to viruses was performed in 96-well cell culture microplates (Greiner, Germany). Approximately 10 4 cells in 100 µl of RPMI-1640 medium supplemented with 10% FCS were added to each well, and then the cells were incubated under standard conditions to obtain a monolayer cell culture. When the cells covered the bottom of the well (in 24 hours), the old medium was discarded and replaced with a new one (225 µl), and then 25 µl of a virus sample with a concentration of 20 or 200 EID50/cell was added. 25 µl of virus-free RPMI-1640 medium was added to the control groups of cells. The cells were incubated in the presence of the virus under standard conditions for 48 hours, and then the cytotoxic effect was determined by determining the degree of cell survival using the cytotoxicity test with crystal violet.

Procjena stupnja preživljenja stanica testom citotoksičnosti s kristal violetom Assessment of the degree of cell survival by cytotoxicity test with crystal violet

Po završetku izlaganja stanica djelovanju virusa, stanice su fiksirane tijekom 15 minuta s 3%-tnom otopinom formalina. Zatim su stanice isprane u redestiliranoj vodi te ostavljene na zraku da se osuše. Tako fiksirane stanice obojene su dodavanjem 0,1%-tne otopine kristal violeta tijekom 20 minuta, isprane više puta redestiliranom vodom te ostavljene preko noći da se osuše. Boja vezana u stanicama ekstrahirana je pomoću 10%-tne otopine octene kiseline, a zatim je pomoću fotometra (Anthos Microplate Reader HT3) izmjerena apsorbancija na 540nm. Vrijednost apsorbancije proporcionalna je broju preživjelih stanica. Dobiveni rezultati prikazani su crtežom kao srednje vrijednosti s pripadajućim standardnim devijacijama. At the end of exposure of the cells to the virus, the cells were fixed for 15 minutes with a 3% formalin solution. Then the cells were washed in redistilled water and left in the air to dry. The cells fixed in this way were stained by adding a 0.1% solution of crystal violet for 20 minutes, washed several times with redistilled water and left overnight to dry. The dye bound in the cells was extracted using a 10% acetic acid solution, and then the absorbance at 540 nm was measured using a photometer (Anthos Microplate Reader HT3). The absorbance value is proportional to the number of surviving cells. The obtained results are shown in a drawing as mean values with associated standard deviations.

Osim toga, izračunat je postotak inhibicije staničnog rasta u odnosu na kontrolu prema slijedećoj formuli: inhibicija staničnog rasta (%) = (K-T/K) x100, In addition, the percentage of cell growth inhibition compared to the control was calculated according to the following formula: cell growth inhibition (%) = (K-T/K) x100,

gdje T označava srednju vrijednost apsorbancije u tretiranim stanicama (stanice izložene djelovanju virusa), a K označava srednju vrijednost apsorbancije u kontrolnim stanicama (stanice koje nisu izložene virusima). where T denotes the mean absorbance value in treated cells (cells exposed to the virus), and K denotes the mean absorbance value in control cells (cells not exposed to viruses).

Rezultati the results

Stanice mišjeg karcinoma SCCVII, fibrosarkoma FsaR, adenokarcinoma debelog crijeva CT26WT, adenokarcinoma 4T1 te fibroblasta L929 izložene su tijekom 48 sati u uvjetima in vitro djelovanju 20 odnosno 200 EID50/stanici soja virusa newcastleske bolesti oznake ZG1999HDS odnosno soja LaSota. Praćen je stupanj preživljenja stanica u ovisnosti o soju i koncentraciji virusa. SCCVII mouse carcinoma cells, FsaR fibrosarcoma, CT26WT colon adenocarcinoma, 4T1 adenocarcinoma and L929 fibroblasts were exposed for 48 hours under in vitro conditions to 20 and 200 EID50/cell of Newcastle disease virus strain ZG1999HDS and LaSota strain, respectively. The degree of cell survival was monitored depending on the strain and concentration of the virus.

Na Slikama 1-5 prikazani su učinci virusa newcastleske bolesti sojeva ZG1999HDS i LaSota na stupanj preživljenja istraživanih stanica nakon 48 sati inkubacije stanica u prisustvu virusa, dok je u tablicama 1-5 preživljenje iskazano relativno kao postotak inhibicije u odnosu na kontrolu. Figures 1-5 show the effects of Newcastle disease virus strains ZG1999HDS and LaSota on the degree of survival of the investigated cells after 48 hours of incubation of the cells in the presence of the virus, while in Tables 1-5 the survival is expressed relatively as a percentage of inhibition compared to the control.

Oba istraživana soja virusa newcastleske bolesti značajno su smanjila broj preživjelih tumorskih stanica u odnosu na preživljenje stanica u kontrolnoj skupini, s tim da je u istoj dozi, soj ZG1999HDS pokazao statistički značajno veći % inhibicije u odnosu na soj LaSota. Učinak je bio dozno ovisan (200 EID50/stanici > 20 EID50/stanici), a osjetljivost stanica prema virusima opadala je u slijedećem nizu: FsaR>CT26WT>SCCVII>4T1. Primjena virusa na fibroblastima L929 također je u određenoj mjeri reducirala preživljenje ovih stanica, s tim da je intenzitet inhibicije bio znatno manji u odnosu na stanice fibrosarkoma. Both investigated strains of the Newcastle disease virus significantly reduced the number of surviving tumor cells compared to the survival of cells in the control group, with the fact that at the same dose, the ZG1999HDS strain showed a statistically significantly higher inhibition % compared to the LaSota strain. The effect was dose-dependent (200 EID50/cells > 20 EID50/cells), and the sensitivity of cells to viruses decreased in the following order: FsaR>CT26WT>SCCVII>4T1. Application of the virus to L929 fibroblasts also reduced the survival of these cells to a certain extent, with the fact that the intensity of inhibition was significantly lower compared to fibrosarcoma cells.

POKUS 2. Učinak soja virusa newcastleske bolesti oznake ZG1999HDS i usporedno virusa newcastleske bolesti soja LaSota na rast mišjeg adenokarcinoma debelog crijeva CT26WT i mišjeg adenokarcinoma dojke 4T1 EXPERIMENT 2. The effect of Newcastle disease virus strain ZG1999HDS and in comparison Newcastle disease virus strain LaSota on the growth of mouse colon adenocarcinoma CT26WT and mouse mammary adenocarcinoma 4T1

Cilj pokusa je istražiti učinak soja virusa newcastleske bolesti oznake ZG1999HDS na rast mišjeg adenokarcinoma debelog crijeva CT26WT i mišjeg adenokarcinoma dojke 4T1 u eksperimentalnom tumorskom modelu in vivo te usporediti antitumorski potencijal ovog soja sa komercijalno dostupnim lentogenim sojem virusa newcastleske bolesti, LaSotom. The aim of the experiment is to investigate the effect of the Newcastle disease virus strain ZG1999HDS on the growth of mouse colon adenocarcinoma CT26WT and mouse mammary adenocarcinoma 4T1 in an experimental tumor model in vivo and to compare the antitumor potential of this strain with the commercially available lentogenic strain of Newcastle disease virus, LaSoto.

Pokusne životinje Experimental animals

Korišteni su miševi soja BALB/c, starosti između 3 i 4 mjeseca i tjelesne mase 20-23 g. Miševi su hranjene standardnom hranom za laboratorijske miševe (4 RF 21 GLP Mucedola srl, Italija) i pili vodu iz gradskog vodovoda. Pristup hrani i vodi je bio slobodan (ad libitum). Temperatura u pokusnoj prostoriji bila je 22oC, a vlažnost zraka iznosila je 55%. Ritam osvjetljenja bio je 12 sati svjetla i 12 sati tame. Pokus je vođen u skladu s hrvatskim Zakonom o dobrobiti životinja (NN 19/99). Mice of the BALB/c strain, aged between 3 and 4 months and body weight 20-23 g, were used. The mice were fed standard food for laboratory mice (4 RF 21 GLP Mucedola srl, Italy) and drank water from the city water supply. Access to food and water was free (ad libitum). The temperature in the experimental room was 22oC, and the air humidity was 55%. The lighting rhythm was 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. The experiment was conducted in accordance with the Croatian Animal Welfare Act (Official Gazette 19/99).

Presađivanje tumora i primjena virusa Tumor transplantation and virus administration

Viabilnost tumorskih stanica prethodno je provjerena pomoću testa isključivanja boje tripanskog modrila i iznosila je >95%. Osušak virusa je prije upotrebe bio pohranjen u hladnjaku pri 4oC. Neposredno prije ubrizgavanja, virus je suspendiran u RPMI-160 i pomješan s medijem u kojem su se nalazile stanice tako da je konačna doza virusa bila 200 EID50/stanici. Zatim je po 200µl suspenzije koja je sadržavala 106 tumorskih stanica i 200 EID50/stanici virusa newcastlske bolesti soja oznake ZG1999HDS odnosno soja LaSote ubrizgano potkožno u obrijano desno bedro miša, pomoću tuberkulinske igle i brizgalice. Kontrolni miševi su istodobno i na istovjetni način, primili po 200 µl RPMI-160. Tumor cell viability was previously checked using the trypan blue dye exclusion test and was >95%. The dried virus was stored in a refrigerator at 4oC before use. Immediately before injection, the virus was suspended in RPMI-160 and mixed with the medium containing the cells so that the final virus dose was 200 EID50/cell. Then, 200 µl of a suspension containing 106 tumor cells and 200 EID50/cells of Newcastle disease virus strain ZG1999HDS or LaSote strain was injected subcutaneously into the shaved right thigh of the mouse, using a tuberculin needle and syringe. Control mice received 200 µl of RPMI-160 at the same time and in the same way.

Praćenje protutumorskog učinka Monitoring of the antitumor effect

Tumori su mjereni 3., 5., 7., 10. i 13. dana pokusa, s pomoću kalipera (Lange Skinfold Caliper, Cambridge Scientific Industry, USA). Izmjerena su tri međusobno okomita promjera tumora: duljina (A), širina (B) i debljina (C). Za izračun volumena tumora korištena je sljedeća jednadžba: Volumen tumora (mm3) = π/6 x (A x B x C). Tumors were measured on the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th and 13th days of the experiment, using a caliper (Lange Skinfold Caliper, Cambridge Scientific Industry, USA). Three mutually perpendicular tumor diameters were measured: length (A), width (B) and thickness (C). The following equation was used to calculate tumor volume: Tumor volume (mm3) = π/6 x (A x B x C).

Statistička obrada podataka Statistical data processing

Postignuti rezultati izraženi su kao srednje vrijednosti s pripadajućom standardnom devijacijom. Testiranje razlika između skupina provedeno je pomoću testa ANOVA u kombinaciji s Holm-Sidakovim post hoc testom višestrukih usporedbi, u slučaju kad je usporedba rađena za više od dvije skupine, dok je za usporedbu dviju skupina korišten Studentov t-test za nezavisne uzorke. Rezultati su obrađeni računalnim programom SigmaStat 3.5. Statistički značajnim smatrane su vrijednosti p<0,05. The achieved results are expressed as mean values with the associated standard deviation. Testing of differences between groups was performed using the ANOVA test in combination with the Holm-Sidak post hoc test of multiple comparisons, in the case when the comparison was made for more than two groups, while the Student's t-test for independent samples was used to compare two groups. The results were processed with the computer program SigmaStat 3.5. Values of p<0.05 were considered statistically significant.

Rezultati the results

U pokusu in vivo, potkožno je aplicirana suspenzija tumorskih stanica i virusa newcastlske bolesti soja oznake ZG1999HDS odnosno LaSote miševima BALB/c, te je praćen njihov učinak na vrijeme odgode pojave tumora kao i na inhibiciju tumorskog rasta nakon pojave tumora. In an in vivo experiment, a suspension of tumor cells and Newcastle disease virus strain ZG1999HDS or LaSote was applied subcutaneously to BALB/c mice, and their effect on the delay in tumor onset as well as the inhibition of tumor growth after tumor onset was monitored.

Krivulja rasta adenokarcinoma debelog crijeva CT26WT u miševima BALB/c nakon istodobne primjene stanica i virusa prikazana je Crtežom 6. Rast tumora u skupini koja je istodobno s tumorskim stanicama dobila virus newcastlske bolesti soj oznake ZG1999HDS u cjelosti je odgođen kod svih mišeav sve do 10. dana od ubrizgavanja stanica i virusa. Nakon toga zabilježena je pojava tumora, a prosječni volumen tumora u ovoj skupini 13. dana bio statistički značajno manji u odnosu na kontrolnu te skupinu koja je primila soj LaSota (p<0,05; Holm-Sidakov test). U skupini koja je primila virus newcastlske bolesti soj LaSota, rast tumora je bio odgođen do 5. dana kod svih miševa. Sedmog dana nakon ubrizgavanja tumorskih stanica zabilježen je rast kod 2 miša, a 13. dana tumori su izrasli u svih miševa ove skupine (Slika 6). The growth curve of CT26WT colon adenocarcinoma in BALB/c mice after the simultaneous application of cells and virus is shown in Figure 6. Tumor growth in the group that simultaneously received the Newcastle disease virus strain ZG1999HDS was completely delayed in all mice until the 10th. days from the injection of cells and virus. After that, the appearance of tumors was recorded, and the average tumor volume in this group on the 13th day was statistically significantly smaller compared to the control group and the group that received the LaSota strain (p<0.05; Holm-Sidak test). In the group that received Newcastle disease virus strain LaSota, tumor growth was delayed until day 5 in all mice. On the seventh day after the injection of tumor cells, growth was recorded in 2 mice, and on the 13th day, tumors grew in all mice of this group (Figure 6).

Rast adenokarcinoma 4T1 u miševima BALB/c nakon istodobne primjene tumorskih stanica i virusa prikazan je Slikom 7. Soj ZG1999HDS odgodio je u cjelosti rast tumora sve do 10. dana nakon ubrizgavanja tumorskih stanica. U ovoj skupini rast tumora zabilježen je u svih miševa 13. dana pokusa, ali je volumen tumora bio značajno manji u usporedbi kontrolom i skupinom koja je dobila soj LaSotu (p<0,05; Holm-Sidakov test). Rast tumora bio je odgođen za 5 dana u miševa koji su primili soj LaSotu istodobno s tumorskim stanicama. Nakon toga uočen je postupni rast tumora kod svih jedinki s tim da su, volumeni tumora u svim mjernim točkama, bili značajno manji u odnosu na kontrolu (p<0,05; Studentov t-test). The growth of adenocarcinoma 4T1 in BALB/c mice after the simultaneous application of tumor cells and virus is shown in Figure 7. The ZG1999HDS strain completely delayed tumor growth until day 10 after the injection of tumor cells. In this group, tumor growth was recorded in all mice on the 13th day of the experiment, but the tumor volume was significantly smaller compared to the control and the group that received the LaSotu strain (p<0.05; Holm-Sidak test). Tumor growth was delayed for 5 days in mice that received the LaSotu strain concurrently with tumor cells. After that, a gradual tumor growth was observed in all individuals, with the fact that the tumor volumes in all measurement points were significantly smaller compared to the control (p<0.05; Student's t-test).

Zaključci Findings

Soj virusa newcastleske bolesti deponiran u Collection nationale de cultures de microorganismes (cncm), Institut Pasteur, 25 Rue du docteur roux 75724 Paris Cedex 15, Francuska pod brojem CNCM I-4811, interne oznake ZG1999-HSD se može koristiti u liječenju tumorskih bolesti i to bilo samostalno ili u kombinaciji s drugim priznatim postupcima liječenja tumorskih bolesti ljudi i životinja. Poglavito, soj virusa prema predmetnom izumu, pokazuje iznimnu učinkovitost pri liječenju fibrosarkoma, karcinoma pločastih stanica, adenokarcinoma debelog crijeva, adenokarcinoma dojke. Preciznije rečeno, soj prema predmetnom izumu lizira (razgrađuje) tumorske stanice fibrosarkoma, karcinoma pločastih stanica, adenokarcinoma debelog crijeva i stanice adenokarcinoma dojke. Povrh navedenog djelovanja soj virusa newcastleske bolesti oznake ZG1999-HSD ima naglašeno onkolitoičko djelovanje na način da odgađa rast tumora kao npr. fibrosarkoma, karcinoma pločastih stanica, adenokarcinoma debelog crijeva i stanica adenokarcinoma dojke. The Newcastle disease virus strain deposited in the Collection nationale de cultures de microorganismes (cncm), Institut Pasteur, 25 Rue du docteur roux 75724 Paris Cedex 15, France under number CNCM I-4811, internal designation ZG1999-HSD can be used in the treatment of tumor diseases and either alone or in combination with other recognized procedures for the treatment of tumor diseases in humans and animals. In particular, the strain of the virus according to the subject invention shows exceptional effectiveness in the treatment of fibrosarcoma, squamous cell carcinoma, colon adenocarcinoma, and breast adenocarcinoma. More precisely, the strain according to the subject invention lyses (decomposes) tumor cells of fibrosarcoma, squamous cell carcinoma, colon adenocarcinoma and breast adenocarcinoma cells. In addition to the above-mentioned effect, the Newcastle disease virus strain ZG1999-HSD has a pronounced oncolithic effect in a way that delays the growth of tumors such as fibrosarcoma, squamous cell carcinoma, colon adenocarcinoma and breast adenocarcinoma cells.

Soj virusa newcastleske bolesti oznake ZG1999-HSD, u usporedbi s LaSota sojem virusa ewcastleske bolesti, ima naglašenije citolitičko i onkolitičko djelovanje na način da statistički značajno brže ubija tumorske stanice in vitro te također statistički značajno usporava rast tumora potaknutih sa četiri različitih vrsta tumorskih stanica. The ZG1999-HSD strain of the Newcastle disease virus, compared to the LaSota strain of the Newcastle disease virus, has a more pronounced cytolytic and oncolytic effect in such a way that it kills tumor cells significantly faster in vitro and also statistically significantly slows down the growth of tumors induced by four different types of tumor cells.

Kratak opis slika i tablica Brief description of figures and tables

Slika 1. Citotoksički učinak NDV soja oznake ZG1999HDS i NDV soja LaSote na stanicama mišjeg karcinoma pločastih stanica SCCVII nakon 48 sati inkubacije stanica u prisustvu 20 i 200 EID50/stanici virusa. Figure 1. Cytotoxic effect of NDV strain ZG1999HDS and NDV strain LaSote on murine squamous cell carcinoma SCCVII cells after 48 hours of cell incubation in the presence of 20 and 200 EID50/cell of virus.

Slika 2. Citotoksični učinak NDV soja oznake ZG1999HDS i NDV soja LaSote na stanicama mišjeg fibrosarkoma FsaR nakon 48 sati inkubacije stanica u prisustvu 20 i 200 EID50/stanici virusa. Figure 2. Cytotoxic effect of NDV strain ZG1999HDS and NDV strain LaSote on FsaR mouse fibrosarcoma cells after 48 hours of cell incubation in the presence of 20 and 200 EID50/cell virus.

Slika 3. Citotoksični učinak NDV soja oznake ZG1999HDS i NDV soja LaSote na stanicama mišjeg adenokarcinoma debelog crijeva CT26WT nakon 48 sati inkubacije stanica u prisustvu 20 i 200 EID50/stanici virusa. Figure 3. Cytotoxic effect of NDV strain ZG1999HDS and NDV strain LaSote on CT26WT mouse colon adenocarcinoma cells after 48 hours of cell incubation in the presence of 20 and 200 EID50/cell of virus.

Slika 4. Citotoksični učinak NDV soja oznake ZG1999HDS i NDV soja LaSote na stanicama mišjeg adenokarcinoma dojke 4T1 nakon 48 sati inkubacije stanica u prisustvu 20 i 200 EID50/stanici virusa. Figure 4. Cytotoxic effect of NDV strain ZG1999HDS and NDV strain LaSote on murine mammary adenocarcinoma 4T1 cells after 48 hours of cell incubation in the presence of 20 and 200 EID50/cell of virus.

Slika 5. Citotoksični učinak NDV soja oznake ZG1999HDS i NDV soja LaSote na stanicama mišjih fibroblasta L929 nakon 48 sati inkubacije stanica u prisustvu 20 i 200 EID50/stanici virusa. Figure 5. Cytotoxic effect of NDV strain ZG1999HDS and NDV strain LaSote on L929 mouse fibroblast cells after 48 hours of cell incubation in the presence of 20 and 200 EID50/cell of virus.

Slika 6. Rast adenokarcinoma debelog crijeva CT26WT u miševima BALB/c nakon istodobne primjene suspenzije 106 tumorskih stanica CT26WT i 200 EID50/stanici virusa newcastlske bolesti soja oznake ZG1999HDS odnosno LaSota. Figure 6. Growth of CT26WT colon adenocarcinoma in BALB/c mice after simultaneous administration of a suspension of 106 CT26WT tumor cells and 200 EID50/cells of Newcastle disease virus strain ZG1999HDS or LaSota.

Slika 7. Rast adenokarcinoma sise 4T1 u miševima BALB/c nakon istodobne primjene suspenzije 106 tumorskih stanica 4T1 i 200 EID50/stanici virusa newcastlske bolesti soja oznake ZG1999HDS odnosno LaSota. Figure 7. Growth of 4T1 mammary adenocarcinoma in BALB/c mice after the simultaneous administration of a suspension of 106 4T1 tumor cells and 200 EID50/cells of the Newcastle disease virus strain ZG1999HDS or LaSota.

Tablica 1. Srednje vrijednosti apsorbancije pri 595nm (A595) i inhibicija staničnog rasta izražena kao % od kontrole na stanicama SCCVII. Table 1. Mean values of absorbance at 595 nm (A595) and cell growth inhibition expressed as % of control on SCCVII cells.

Tablica 2. Srednje vrijednosti apsorbancije pri 595 nm (A595) i inhibicija staničnog rasta izražena kao % od kontrole na stanicama FsaR. Table 2. Mean values of absorbance at 595 nm (A595) and cell growth inhibition expressed as % of control on FsaR cells.

Tablica 3. Srednje vrijednosti apsorbancije pri 595nm (A595) i inhibicija staničnog rasta izražena kao % od kontrole na stanicama CT26WT. Table 3. Mean values of absorbance at 595nm (A595) and cell growth inhibition expressed as % of control on CT26WT cells.

Tablica 4. Srednje vrijednosti apsorbancije pri 595nm (A595) i inhibicija staničnog rasta izražena kao % od kontrole na stanicama 4T1. Table 4. Mean values of absorbance at 595 nm (A595) and cell growth inhibition expressed as % of control on 4T1 cells.

Tablica 5. Srednje vrijednosti apsorbancije pri 595nm (A595) i inhibicija staničnog rasta izražena kao % od kontrole na fibroblastima L929. Table 5. Mean values of absorbance at 595 nm (A595) and cell growth inhibition expressed as % of control on L929 fibroblasts.

Zvjezdica (*) u tablicama označava statistički značajnu razliku u inhibiciji između ZG1999HDS-20 i LaSota-20, a znak (#) između ZG1999HDS-200 i LaSota-200 (p<0,05; Student-ov t-test). An asterisk (*) in the tables indicates a statistically significant difference in inhibition between ZG1999HDS-20 and LaSota-20, and a sign (#) between ZG1999HDS-200 and LaSota-200 (p<0.05; Student's t-test).

Claims (6)

1. Soj virusa newcastleske bolesti deponiran u Collection nationale de cultures de microorganismes (cncm), Institut Pasteur, 25 Rue du docteur roux 75724 Paris Cedex 15, Francuska pod brojem CNCM I-4811, interne oznake ZG1999-HSD, naznačen time da se koristiti u liječenju tumorskih bolesti i to bilo samostalno ili u kombinaciji s drugim priznatim postupcima liječenja tumorskih bolesti ljudi i životinja.1. Newcastle disease virus strain deposited in Collection nationale de cultures de microorganismes (cncm), Institut Pasteur, 25 Rue du docteur roux 75724 Paris Cedex 15, France under number CNCM I-4811, internal designation ZG1999-HSD, indicated to be used in the treatment of tumor diseases, either alone or in combination with other recognized procedures for the treatment of human and animal tumor diseases. 2. Soj virusa newcastleske bolesti prema zahtjevu 1, naznačen time da se koristi za liječenje ljudi i životinja od fibrosarkoma, karcinoma pločastih stanica, adenokarcinoma debelog crijeva, adenokarcinoma dojke.2. Newcastle disease virus strain according to claim 1, characterized in that it is used to treat fibrosarcoma, squamous cell carcinoma, colon adenocarcinoma, breast adenocarcinoma in humans and animals. 3. Soj virusa newcastleske bolesti prema zahtjevima 1 ili 2, naznačen time da lizira tumorske stanice.3. Newcastle disease virus strain according to claims 1 or 2, characterized in that it lyses tumor cells. 4. Soj virusa newcastleske bolesti prema zahtjevu 3, naznačen time da lizira stanice fibrosarkoma, karcinoma pločastih stanica, adenokarcinoma debelog crijeva i stanice adenokarcinoma dojke.4. Newcastle disease virus strain according to claim 3, characterized in that it lyses fibrosarcoma cells, squamous cell carcinoma, colon adenocarcinoma and breast adenocarcinoma cells. 5. Soj virusa newcastleske bolesti prema zahtjevima 1 ili 2, naznačen time da ima naglašeno onkolitoičko djelovanje te odgađa rast tumora.5. Newcastle disease virus strain according to claims 1 or 2, characterized in that it has a pronounced oncolithic effect and delays tumor growth. 6. Soj virusa newcastleske bolesti prema zahtjevu 5, naznačen time da onkolitički djeluje i odgađa rast fibrosarkoma, karcinoma pločastih stanica, adenokarcinoma debelog crijeva i stanica adenokarcinoma dojke. 6. The Newcastle disease virus strain according to claim 5, characterized in that it has an oncolytic effect and delays the growth of fibrosarcoma, squamous cell carcinoma, colon adenocarcinoma and breast adenocarcinoma cells.
HRP20141096AA 2014-11-11 2014-11-11 Newcastle disease virus strain zg1999hds as an ocolytic agent HRP20141096A2 (en)

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