HRP20020410A2 - Ecological-marketing-humanitarian board - Google Patents

Ecological-marketing-humanitarian board Download PDF


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HRP20020410A2 HR20020410A HRP20020410A HRP20020410A2 HR P20020410 A2 HRP20020410 A2 HR P20020410A2 HR 20020410 A HR20020410 A HR 20020410A HR P20020410 A HRP20020410 A HR P20020410A HR P20020410 A2 HRP20020410 A2 HR P20020410A2
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Eipić Zdravko
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Eipić Zdravko
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Application filed by Eipić Zdravko filed Critical Eipić Zdravko
Priority to HR20020410 priority Critical patent/HRPK20020410B1/en
Publication of HRP20020410A2 publication Critical patent/HRP20020410A2/en
Publication of HRPK20020410B1 publication Critical patent/HRPK20020410B1/en



Područje na koje se izum odnosi The field to which the invention relates

Ovaj izum odnosi se na nove mogućnosti distribucije svih vrsta letaka po stambenim zgradama, javnim i drugim objektima, kao i u sredstvima javnog prijevoza kao što su vlakovi, autobusi i tramvaji. Osnovna funkcija ovog izuma je sprečavanje stvaranja viška papira (letaka), mogućnost preglednije i organiziranije promidžbe raznih poduzeća i tvrtki, te mogućnost humanitarnog rada preko panoa. Izum je prema međunarodnoj (MPK) klasificiran kao A 01 P 20/01 ekološko-marketinško-humanitarni projekt. This invention relates to new possibilities for distributing all kinds of leaflets in residential buildings, public and other facilities, as well as in means of public transport such as trains, buses and trams. The basic function of this invention is to prevent the creation of excess paper (leaflets), the possibility of more transparent and organized promotion of various companies and companies, and the possibility of humanitarian work through billboards. According to the international (MPK), the invention is classified as A 01 P 20/01 ecological-marketing-humanitarian project.

Tehnički problem Technical problem

Jedan od velikih problema današnjice, kada se ima na umu očuvanje čovjekovog okoliša, je pretjerana eksploatacija šuma u svrhe proizvodnje i prerade papira. Velike količine papira utroše se svake godine na štampanje raznih reklamnih letaka, brošura itd. Dosadašnjim načinom distribucije letaka ubacivanjem u poštanske sandučiće ili dijeljenje prolaznicima na ulicama, isti leci nerijetko završavaju u otpadu i to najčešće bez prethodnog upoznavanja od strane onog kome su namijenjeni. Drugi problem koji bi se ovim izumom riješio je dostupnost informacija svakome i u svakom trenutku i to na jednom mjestu, za što po saznanju podnositelja do sada nije postojalo rješenje. One of the major problems of today, when the preservation of the human environment is taken into account, is the excessive exploitation of forests for the purposes of paper production and processing. Large amounts of paper are used every year to print various advertising flyers, brochures, etc. With the current way of distributing flyers by putting them in mailboxes or handing them out to passers-by on the streets, the same flyers often end up in the trash, most often without prior knowledge from the person to whom they are intended. Another problem that would be solved by this invention is the availability of information to everyone at any time and in one place, for which, according to the applicant's knowledge, there has been no solution so far.

Stanje tehnike State of the art

Do danas koliko je podnositelju poznato nije predloženo niti jedno rješenje ovog problema stvaranja prekomjernih količina papirnatog otpada od reklamnih letaka i brošura, zbrinjavanja i organiziranje tog otpada, kao i kvalitetnija i organiziranija promidžba, koja neće biti nametljiva, a opet će biti pristupačna svima koji su zainteresirani za nju. Danas postoje standardni oblici prenošenja informacija putem letaka i brošura, kao što su: odlaganje u poštanske sandučiće, dijeljenje letaka prolaznicima, njihovo postavljanje na vjetrobranska stakla automobila, bacanje letaka iz letećih naprava, npr. aviona, balona itd. To date, as far as the applicant is aware, not a single solution has been proposed to this problem of creating excessive amounts of paper waste from advertising leaflets and brochures, disposal and organization of this waste, as well as better and more organized publicity, which will not be intrusive, and yet will be accessible to all who interested in her. Today, there are standard forms of information transmission through leaflets and brochures, such as: placing in mailboxes, distributing leaflets to passers-by, placing them on car windscreens, dropping leaflets from flying devices, eg airplanes, balloons, etc.

Svi navedeni postojeći načini prenošenja raznih informacija putem letaka nisu dovoljno učinkoviti, te stvaraju ogromnu količinu viška papira, čime se sve utiče na prekomjerno i bespotrebno iskorištavanje šuma. Također u svim navedenim vrstama informiranja i promidžbe do sada nije bio uključen i humanitarni rad. All of the mentioned existing ways of transmitting various information through leaflets are not efficient enough and create a huge amount of excess paper, which all affects the excessive and unnecessary exploitation of forests. Also, humanitarian work has not been included in all the mentioned types of information and publicity until now.

Izlaganje suštine izuma Presentation of the essence of the invention

Primarni cilj izuma je sprečavanje nepotrebnog gomilanja viška papira po stambenim zgradama, u drugim objektima i sredstvima javnog prijevoza, tj. smanjenje distribucije reklamnih letaka, te organiziranje informacija koje su ranije bile na velikom broju reklamnih letaka u manje brošure koje će biti organizirane po prehrambenom sadržaju, tehnološkim ponudama i uslugama, intelektualnim uslugama, informacijama o kućnim ljubimcima, te informacije o kulturnim sadržajima. The primary goal of the invention is to prevent the unnecessary accumulation of excess paper in residential buildings, in other facilities and means of public transport, i.e. to reduce the distribution of advertising leaflets, and to organize information that was previously on a large number of advertising leaflets into smaller brochures that will be organized by nutritional content. , technological offers and services, intellectual services, information about pets, and information about cultural content.

Sekundarni cilj izuma je omogućiti da promidžba bude što učinkovitija, tj. na gore opisani način postavljanjem reklamnih letaka na panou informacije su svima u svako vrijeme dostupne. The secondary goal of the invention is to enable the promotion to be as effective as possible, i.e. in the manner described above, by placing advertising leaflets on the billboard, information is available to everyone at all times.

Tercijarni cilj izuma je humanitarni rad i to na način da se putem panoa građani informiraju o socijalnim i zdravstvenim problemima ugroženih osoba, kao i o načinu na koji se istima može pomoći. The tertiary goal of the invention is humanitarian work, in such a way that citizens are informed about the social and health problems of vulnerable people, as well as how they can be helped, through billboards.

Daljnji cilj izuma je utjecati na ekološku svijest građana i to ne samo kroz smanjenje potrošnje papira, već i time što bi se pano izrađivao isključivo od ekološki prihvatljivih materijala, te bi bio u obliku bora ili nekog drugog stabla. A further goal of the invention is to influence the ecological awareness of citizens, not only by reducing paper consumption, but also by making the billboard exclusively from environmentally friendly materials, and in the shape of a pine tree or some other tree.

Dodatni ciljevi i prednosti ovog izuma biti će izloženi u opisu koji slijedi, a dijelom će se o njima saznati kroz primjenu izuma. Additional objects and advantages of the present invention will be set forth in the description that follows, and in part will be learned through practice of the invention.

Pano prema ovome izumu može biti izgrađen od raznih materijala, npr. kartona, može biti raznih dimenzije, te može biti u obliku bora ili nekog drugog stabla. The panel according to this invention can be made of various materials, eg cardboard, it can be of various dimensions, and it can be in the shape of a pine tree or some other tree.

Na panou je predviđen prostor za razne kutije tj. pretince koji će biti podijeljeni na gore već navedeni način, tj. biti će posebni pretinci za informacije o prehrambenim sadržajima, za informacije o tehnološkim ponudama i uslugama, za informacije o intelektualnim uslugama, za informacije o kućnim ljubimcima, te za informacije o raznim kulturnim sadržajima. Na panou će nadalje biti i prostor za gore već navedeni i opisani humanitarni rad. On the panel, space is provided for various boxes, i.e. compartments that will be divided in the manner already mentioned above, i.e. there will be special compartments for information about food content, for information about technological offers and services, for information about intellectual services, for information about pets, and for information about various cultural contents. The panel will also have space for the humanitarian work already mentioned and described above.

Kroz ovaj izum uvelike će se smanjiti nepotrebna distribucija letaka, omogućiti će se puno preglednije informiranje o raznim sadržajima, utjecat će se na ekološku svijest građana, provodit će se humanitarni rad, a i uvelike će pridonijeti prostornom uređenju zgrada i drugih javnih objekata u kojima će biti postavljen. Through this invention, the unnecessary distribution of leaflets will be greatly reduced, it will be possible to provide much more transparent information about various contents, it will influence the ecological awareness of citizens, humanitarian work will be carried out, and it will also greatly contribute to the spatial arrangement of buildings and other public facilities in which they will be placed.

Kratak opis crteža Brief description of the drawing

Popratni crteži koji su uključeni u opis i koji čine dio opisa izuma, ilustriraju dosad razmatran najbolji način za izvedbu izuma i pomažu kod objašnjavanja osnovnih principa izuma. Crtež je prikaz panoa koji je izvediv u raznim oblicima, te može biti izrađen od raznih materijala. The accompanying drawings, which are included in the description and form part of the description of the invention, illustrate the best mode of carrying out the invention thus far considered and help to explain the basic principles of the invention. A drawing is a representation of a panel that can be done in various forms and can be made of various materials.

Slika 1. Prikaz panoa u cijelosti, u obliku bora ili nekog drugog stabla. Picture 1. View of the panel in its entirety, in the form of a pine tree or some other tree.

Slika 2. Prikaz kutije ili pretinca, koja može biti izrađena od raznih materijala, a koja se nalazi na panou, te služi za pohranjivanje raznih letaka i brošura ovisno o sadržaju. Ove kutije mogu biti raznih dimenzija i oblika. Figure 2. View of a box or compartment, which can be made of various materials, and which is located on a panel, and is used to store various leaflets and brochures depending on the content. These boxes can be of various dimensions and shapes.

Slika 3. Prikaz podloge panoa na koju se postavljaju kutije prikazane i opisane u slici br.2. Figure 3. View of the panel base on which the boxes shown and described in Figure 2 are placed.

Slika 4. Prikaz postavljenih kutija tj. pretinaca na podlogu panoa. Figure 4. Display of placed boxes, i.e. compartments on the base of the panel.

Slika 5. Prikaz izgleda panoa s točno naznačenom podjelom raznih područja informacija koje se na panou nalaze. Figure 5. Presentation of the layout of the panel with the exact division of the various areas of information that are on the panel.

Detaljan opis najmanje jednog od načina ostvarivanja izuma A detailed description of at least one way of realizing the invention

Sada slijedi prikaz jednog od načina primjene predmetnog izuma. Now follows the description of one of the methods of application of the subject invention.

Kao što je vidljivo na slici 1. pano može biti u obliku bora, a također može biti u obliku nekog drugog stabla, čime se želi dati jedna pozitivna ekološka asocijacija. Na panou se nalaze razne kutijice tj. pretinci, koji su organizirani i podijeljeni po raznim grupama informacija (prehrambene, tehnološke ponude i usluge, intelektualne usluge, kucni ljubimci, kulturni sadržaji), a u koje pretince se pohranjuju letci i brošure ovisno o njihovom sadržaju. Na panou je također predviđen i prostor namijenjen za humanitarne aktivnosti, tj. za pomoć socijalno ili zdravstveno ugroženim osobama. As can be seen in Figure 1, the panel can be in the shape of a pine, or it can also be in the shape of another tree, which is intended to give a positive ecological association. There are various boxes on the panel, i.e. compartments, which are organized and divided by various groups of information (food, technological offers and services, intellectual services, pets, cultural contents), and in which compartments leaflets and brochures are stored depending on their content. The billboard also provides space for humanitarian activities, i.e. for helping socially or health-impaired people.

Pano se može postaviti na bilo koje mjesto, a najčešće će biti pričvršćen na zid u prikladnom prostoru u stambenoj zgradi ili u nekom drugom objektu. The panel can be placed anywhere, and most often it will be attached to the wall in a suitable space in a residential building or in another building.

Na ovaj način zainteresirane osobe imaju na jednom mjestu i u svako vrijeme dostupne informacije o najrazličitijim sadržajima, a također se kao što je već i navedeno podiže ekološka svijest građana, te se pruža mogućnost pojedincima da sudjeluju u humanitarnim akcijama. In this way, interested persons have available information on a wide variety of contents in one place and at all times, and also, as already mentioned, the ecological awareness of citizens is raised, and individuals are given the opportunity to participate in humanitarian actions.

Ovakvim izumom ne samo da se doprinosi boljoj informiranosti građana, već isti izum ima i svoj ekološki i humanitarni aspekt, što sve čini ovaj izum izuzetno vrijednim i korisnim. Such an invention not only contributes to better information of the citizens, but the same invention also has its ecological and humanitarian aspects, which all make this invention extremely valuable and useful.

Način primjene izuma Method of application of the invention

Izum se može primjenjivati na više načina, tj. sam pano se može postaviti u najrazličitije prostore, od stambenih zgrada, javnih i drugih objekata, u sredstvima javnog prijevoza, kao i na svakom drugom mjestu, gdje je potrebno građanima pružiti informacije. The invention can be applied in several ways, i.e. the panel itself can be placed in a wide variety of spaces, from residential buildings, public and other facilities, in public transport, as well as in any other place where it is necessary to provide information to citizens.

Izrada izuma ne predstavlja problem, a i troškovi izrade nisu veliki. Creating an invention is not a problem, and the costs of creating it are not high.

Sam izum kako što je već u više navrata ponovljeno objedinjuje u sebi pored marketinške funkcije i ekološko i humanitarno djelovanje, po čemu je specifičan i predstavlja novost u odnosu na sve dosadašnje načine pružanja informacija. The invention itself, as it has already been repeated on several occasions, combines in itself, in addition to the marketing function, ecological and humanitarian action, which is why it is specific and represents a novelty in relation to all previous ways of providing information.

Claims (3)

1. Eko-pano, naznačen time, da je koji je izrađen od kartona, drveta, plastike, aluminija, željeza ili bilo kojeg drugog materijala, na koji se pričvršćuju kutijice (džepovi) od papira, plastike (ili drugog navedenog materijala, na čijim je prednjim stranama otisnut reklamni sadržaj određene tvrtke, a u unutrašnjosti kutijice (džepa) umetnuti brošure, leci i slično.1. Eco-panel, indicated by the fact that it is made of cardboard, wood, plastic, aluminum, iron or any other material, to which boxes (pockets) made of paper, plastic (or other specified material, on which advertising content of a certain company is printed on the front sides, and brochures, leaflets and the like are inserted in the inside of the box (pocket). 2. Eko-pano, prema zahtjevu 1., naznačen time da su posebno grupirani slijedeći sadržaji: ekološka propaganda, prehrana, tehnologija i obrti, intelektualne usluge, kućni ljubimci i kulturna događanja.2. Eco-panel, according to request 1., indicated that the following contents are specially grouped: ecological propaganda, nutrition, technology and crafts, intellectual services, pets and cultural events. 3. Eko-pano, prema zahtjevu 1. ili 2., naznačen time da se na njemu nalazi poseban prostor namijenjen određenoj humanitarnoj akciji.3. Eco-panel, according to request 1 or 2, indicated by the fact that there is a special space on it intended for a specific humanitarian action.
HR20020410 2002-05-10 2002-05-10 Ecological-marketing-humanitarian board HRPK20020410B1 (en)

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HR20020410 HRPK20020410B1 (en) 2002-05-10 2002-05-10 Ecological-marketing-humanitarian board

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HR20020410 HRPK20020410B1 (en) 2002-05-10 2002-05-10 Ecological-marketing-humanitarian board

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HRPK20020410B1 HRPK20020410B1 (en) 2004-04-30



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HRPK20020410B1 (en) 2004-04-30

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