FI91353C - Process for making a sauce base - Google Patents

Process for making a sauce base Download PDF


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FI91353C FI914815A FI914815A FI91353C FI 91353 C FI91353 C FI 91353C FI 914815 A FI914815 A FI 914815A FI 914815 A FI914815 A FI 914815A FI 91353 C FI91353 C FI 91353C
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FI914815A (en
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Pentti Kalevi Haemaelaeinen
Pekka Vilhelm Kaikkonen
Heikki Kaarlo Juhani Salonen
Original Assignee
Osuusteurastamo Karjaportti
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Application filed by Osuusteurastamo Karjaportti filed Critical Osuusteurastamo Karjaportti
Priority to FI914815A priority Critical patent/FI91353C/en
Publication of FI914815A0 publication Critical patent/FI914815A0/en
Priority to DE4233762A priority patent/DE4233762A1/en
Priority to AT0199092A priority patent/AT404659B/en
Priority to SE9202978A priority patent/SE505289C2/en
Publication of FI914815A publication Critical patent/FI914815A/en
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Publication of FI91353B publication Critical patent/FI91353B/en
Publication of FI91353C publication Critical patent/FI91353C/en



    • A23L23/00Soups; Sauces; Preparation or treatment thereof
    • A23L13/00Meat products; Meat meal; Preparation or treatment thereof
    • A23L13/30Meat extracts


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i 91353i 91353

Menetelmå kastikepohjan valmistamiseksi Forfarande for framstållning av en såsbasMethod for making the sauce base Forfarande for framstållning av en såsbas

Keksinnon kohteena on menetelmå kastikepohjan valmistamiseksi lihaisista luista ja kasviksista. Erityisesti keksinnon kohteena on nk. demi-glace-kastikepohj an valmistaminen siten, ettå saadaan aikaisempaa parempi aromi. Keksinnon mukaisella menetelmållå saatu tuote on maukas, helppokayttoinen ja asep-tisesti pakattuna såilyvå.The invention relates to a method for preparing a sauce base from fleshy bones and vegetables. In particular, the invention relates to the preparation of a so-called demi-glace sauce base so as to obtain a better aroma than before. The product obtained by the method according to the invention is tasty, easy to use and can be stored aseptically packaged.

Kastikepohjien valmistaminen naudan- ja sianluista ja kasviksista on yleisesti tunnettua. Kastikepohja voidaan esimerkiksi valmistaa kappaleiksi sahatuista lihattomista luista, jotka ruskistetaan rasvassa 190-250 *C:ssa. Rus kistetut kappaleet kåsitellåån ensin noin 170*C:ssa ja keitetåån sitten paineen alaisena 140*:ssa noin 8-10 tuntia, minkå jålkeen luut poiste-taan ja seos on valmis kåytetåvåksi kastikkeen valmistukseen. Kastikepohjan valmistuksessa lihasta, luista ja/tai kasviksista valmistettuun liemeen lisåtåan yleenså vehnå- tai muita jauhoja kastikkeen suurustamiseksi.The preparation of sauce bases from beef and pork bones and vegetables is well known. For example, the sauce base can be made from cut meatless bones that are browned in fat at 190-250 ° C. The browned pieces are first treated at about 170 ° C and then boiled under pressure at 140 ° C for about 8-10 hours, after which the bones are removed and the mixture is ready to be used to make the sauce. In the preparation of the sauce base, wheat or other flour is usually added to the broth made from meat, bones and / or vegetables to enlarge the sauce.

DD patenttijulkaisuissa 132 634 ja 285 712 esitetåån edellå mainitun kaltainen valmistusmenetelmå, jossa luukappaleet hienonnetaan 6-10 mm:n kokoisiksi kappaleiksi tai jopa murska-taan ennen rasvassa ruskistamista, jolloin lyhyemmåsså ajassa saadaan samoista aineksista suurempi måårå kastikepohjaa.DD Patents 132,634 and 285,712 disclose a manufacturing process similar to the one mentioned above, in which the bone pieces are chopped into pieces of 6-10 mm in size or even crushed before browning in fat, whereby a larger amount of sauce base is obtained from the same materials in a shorter time.

SU patenttijulkaisussa 1565470 kastikepohja valmistetaan pais-tamalla liha ja kasvikset erikseen, lisååmållå vehnåjauhoja ja luulientå ja låmmittåmållå. Kastikeseos pakataan såilioihin ja steriloidaan. SU patenttijulkaisussa 1517913 esitetåån menetelmå, jossa lihattomat luut kåsitellåån 85-90 *C:ssa vedesså ja rasvaa poistetaan veden pinnalta. Liuokseen lisåtåån kyp-sennetyt vihannekset, jauhoja ja mausteita ja seos hienonnetaan sekoittamalla homogeeniseksi valmisteeksi.In SU patent publication 1565470, the sauce base is prepared by frying the meat and vegetables separately, adding wheat flour and bone broth and heating. The sauce mixture is packed in silos and sterilized. SU patent 1517913 discloses a method in which meatless bones are treated at 85-90 ° C in water and degreased from the surface of the water. Cooked vegetables, flour and spices are added to the solution and the mixture is comminuted by mixing to a homogeneous preparation.

2 nykyåån myos kiireisisså kotitalouksissa on tarve saada kåyt-toon kastikkeen valmistusta nopeuttava ja helpottava kastikepohj a, jonka kåytto on vaivatonta ja jonka maku ja aromi ovat hyvåt. Lisåksi tarpeena olisi saada kåyttoon kastikepohja, jonka rasvapitoisuus ja lisåainepitoisuus on mahdollisimman alhainen, ja jonka såilyvyys on hyvå.2 Even today, even in busy households, there is a need to have a sauce base that speeds up and facilitates the preparation of the sauce, which is easy to use and has a good taste and aroma. In addition, it would be necessary to provide a sauce base with the lowest possible fat and additive content and good shelf life.

Keksinnon mukaan on kehitetty menetelmå, joka tyydyttåå nåmå tarpeet. Siten keksinnon kohteena on kastikepohjan valmistus-menetelmå, jonka menetelmån tunnusmerkit ilmenevåt oheisista patenttivaatimuksista.According to the invention, a method has been developed which satisfies these needs. Thus, the invention relates to a process for the preparation of a sauce base, the characteristics of which process appear from the appended claims.

Keksinnon mukaan kastikepohja valmistetaan luista ja kasvik-sista siten, ettå lihaiset luut paloitellaan noin 2-20 cm kokoisiksi kappaleiksi ja keitetåån vedesså yli 10 tuntia, kiinteåt kappaleet poistetaan ja liemi suodatetaan, liemestå erotetaan rasva ja liemi tii vistetåån, steriloidaan, homoge-noidaan ja pakataan aseptisesti. Paloitellut lihaiset luukappa-leet ruskistetaan uunissa ilman rasvan lisåystå, ruskistetut kappaleet keitetåån vedesså normaalipaineessa, erikseen valmis-tettu kasvisliemi lisåtåån luu-lihaliemeen tai vaihtoehtoises-ti kasvikset tai osa niistå lisåtåån keittokattilaan lihaisten luiden keiton loppuvaiheessa, ja rasvasta puhdistettu liemi tiivistetåån kiintoainepitoisuuteen noin 15-20%.According to the invention, the sauce base is made from bones and vegetables by cutting the fleshy bones into pieces about 2-20 cm in size and boiling them in water for more than 10 hours, removing the solids and filtering the broth, separating the fat from the broth and sterilizing, homogenizing and packed aseptically. The cut meat pieces are browned in an oven without the addition of fat, the browned pieces are boiled in water at normal pressure, the separately prepared vegetable broth is added to the bone-in-broth or, alternatively, the vegetables or part of them 20%.

Oheisessa piirustuksessa on esitetty keksinnon edullisen suo-ritusmuodon lohkokaavio.The accompanying drawing shows a block diagram of a preferred embodiment of the invention.

Keksinnon mukaan liha- ja luuraaka-aineet saadaan yleenså lihaleikkaamosta erikokoisina kappaleina. Lihaiset luut pie-nennetåån keksinnon mukaan esimerkiksi sahaamalla noin nyrkin-kokoisiksi kappaleiksi, jotka voivat vaihdella noin 2-20 cm vålillå. Tåtå pienemmåt luukappaleet eivåt sovellu hyvin keksinnon mukaisiin kåsittelyvaiheisiin, koska ne saattavat tart-tua kuljetushihnoihin tai låpåistå keittokattilan verkon. Toisaalta tåtå suuremmista luukappaleista kastikepohjan muo-dostavat aineet eivåt helposti vapaudu. Luukappaleet sahataan edullisesti noin 5-10 cm kokoisiksi.According to the invention, meat and bone raw materials are usually obtained from the meat cutting plant in pieces of different sizes. According to the invention, the muscular bones are reduced, for example, by sawing into pieces the size of a fist, which can vary from about 2 to 20 cm. Smaller bone pieces than this are not well suited for the processing steps according to the invention, as they may stick to the conveyor belts or pass through the boiler network. On the other hand, the sauce base-forming substances are not easily released from these larger bone fragments. The bone pieces are preferably sawn to a size of about 5-10 cm.

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Keksinnon mukaan on olennaista, ettå kåytetåån nimenomaan lihaisia luita, koska tålloin saadaan tuoteeseen haluttu maku, aromi, ja ravinnepitoisuus. Lihaiset luut ovat tavallisimmin naudanluita, joihin voidaan sekoittaa korkeintaan noin 40% sianluita. Menetelmåsså voidaan kuitenkin myos kåyttåå lampaan ja riistan, kuten poron tai hirven luita sekå myos linnun, kuten broilerin tai kanan luita seoksena naudanluiden kanssa tai erikseen.According to the invention, it is essential to use specifically fleshy bones, because this gives the desired taste, aroma and nutrient content to the product. Muscular bones are most commonly bovine bones, which can be mixed with up to about 40% pork bones. However, the method can also use the bones of a sheep and game, such as reindeer or deer, as well as the bones of a bird, such as a chicken or chicken, as a mixture with bovine bones or separately.

Keksinnon mukaan on todettu, ettå kappaleiden ruskistaminen uunissa parantaa kastikepohjan makua ja aromia. Kappaleet ruskistetaan parhaiten uunissa, jonka låmpotila pidetåån vå-lillå 160-220*C. Sopivimmaksi låmpotilaksi on todettu 180-210 * C, edullisesti noin 200 * C. Kappaleet viipyvat uunissa låmpo-tilasta riippuen noin 5-100 min, edullisesti kuitenkin noin 10-35 min. Menetelmån ruskistusvaihe voidaan suorittaa jatku-vatoimisena ja tarvittaessa ruskistetut kappaleet voidaan jååhdyttåå ennen seuraavaa vaihetta.According to the invention, it has been found that browning the pieces in the oven improves the taste and aroma of the sauce base. The pieces are best browned in an oven with a temperature of 160-220 * C. The most suitable temperature has been found to be 180-210 ° C, preferably about 200 ° C. The pieces remain in the oven for about 5-100 minutes, preferably about 10-35 minutes, depending on the temperature. The browning step of the method can be performed continuously and, if necessary, the browned pieces can be cooled before the next step.

Keksinnon mukainen ruskistus euoritetaan ilman rasvan lisåys-tå. On todettu, etta ruskistaminen ei vaadi rasvan lisååmistå ja koska lopullisen tuotteen rasvapitoisuus halutaan mahdolli-simman alhaiseksi, rasvan lisååmistå ei pidetå suotavana.The browning according to the invention is carried out without the addition of fat. It has been found that browning does not require the addition of fat and since the fat content of the final product is desired to be as low as possible, the addition of fat is not considered desirable.

Ruskistuksen jålkeen luukappaleet asetetaan keittokattilaan ja keittoveden låmpotila korotetaan 100 * C: een. Keittåmistå jat- ketaan låhes 100 * C: ssa yli 10 tuntia, sopivasti våhintåån 15 tuntia. Keittoaika on edullisesti noin 16-24 tuntia, edulli-simmin jopa 20 tuntia. Tåmån keiton aikana lihaisista luista vapautuu niiden sisåltåmå aromi-, maku- ja ravintoaineet. Vaikka pitkå keittoaika on energiankulutuksen ja ajankåyton kannalta epåedullista, on keksinnon mukaan todettu, ettå pitkå keittoaika on olennaista keksinnon mukaisen hyvån kastikepohjan saamiseksi. Vain nåin saadaan luista vapautumaan haluttu måårå komponentteja.After browning, the bone pieces are placed in a cooking pot and the temperature of the cooking water is raised to 100 * C. Cooking is continued at almost 100 ° C for more than 10 hours, suitably for at least 15 hours. The cooking time is preferably about 16-24 hours, most preferably up to 20 hours. During this cooking, the meat bones release aromas, flavors and nutrients. Although a long cooking time is disadvantageous in terms of energy consumption and time use, it has been found according to the invention that a long cooking time is essential to obtain a good sauce base according to the invention. Only in this way can the desired amount of components be released from the bones.


Luut keitetåån edullisesti verkossa tai håkisså, jonka avulla kiinteåt osat voidaan keiton jålkeen poistaa. Tåmån jålkeen liemi suodatetaan pienten kiinteiden aineiden poistamiseksi.The bones are preferably cooked in a net or cage, by means of which the solid parts can be removed after cooking. The broth is then filtered to remove small solids.

Keksinnon mukaan on todettu erityisen edulliseksi nostaa veden låmpotilaa hitaasti kiehumiseen asti. Erityisesti låmpotilan hidas nostaminen noin 60 ' C: sta 100 ’ C: een noin 2-3 tunnin aikana parantaa lopputuloksena olevan kastikepohjan laatua. Keiton alkuvaiheen aikana veden pinnalle kerååntyvå vaahto ja rasva poistetaan edullisesti. Keksinnon mukaista keittåmistå ei tule suorittaa paineen alaisena, vaan normaalipaineessa. Painekeittåminen heikentåå kastikepohjan laatua, erityisesti sen varia.According to the invention, it has been found to be particularly advantageous to raise the temperature of the water slowly until it boils. In particular, the slow raising of the temperature from about 60 ° C to 100 ° C in about 2-3 hours improves the quality of the resulting sauce base. During the initial stage of cooking, the foam and fat that accumulates on the surface of the water are preferably removed. The cooking according to the invention should not be carried out under pressure, but at normal pressure. Pressure cooking reduces the quality of the sauce base, especially its color.

Kastikepohjan maun, vårin, ravinnearvon ja kiintoainepitoisuu-den parantamiseksi siihen lisåtåån kasviksista saatua lientå. Kasviksina kaytetåån erityisesti juureksia, kuten porkkanaa, punajuurta, lanttua, sipulia ja valkosipulia. Haluttaessa voidaan myos lisåtå muita kasviksia kuten selleriå, palster-nakkaa, jne. sekå tomaattipyreetå tai jopa tomaattia. Kasvik-set kåsitellåån edullisesti luista erikseen. Keksinnon edulli-sessa suoritusmuodossa puhdistetut ja tarvittaessa paloitellut kasvikset keitetåån erikseen vedesså noin 100 *C:ssa. Kasvisten keittoaika voi vaihdella esimerkiksi 1-3 tunnin vålillå, mutta keksinnon mukaan parhaimpaan tulokseen on pååsty keittå-mållå kasviksia noin kaksi tuntia 100 *C:ssa ja tåmån jålkeen hauduttamalla kasviksia 80 *C:ssa noin 4-6 tuntia.In order to improve the taste, color, nutrient value and solids content of the sauce base, the broth obtained from vegetables is added to it. Vegetables such as carrots, beets, lentils, onions and garlic are especially used as vegetables. If desired, other vegetables such as celery, palster sausage, etc. can also be added, as well as tomato puree or even tomato. The plant sets are preferably treated separately from the bones. In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the purified and, if necessary, chopped vegetables are cooked separately in water at about 100 ° C. The cooking time of the vegetables can vary, for example, from 1 to 3 hours, but according to the invention, the best results are obtained by cooking the vegetables for about two hours at 100 ° C and then by stewing the vegetables at 80 ° C for about 4-6 hours.

Erityisen edulliseen tulokseen pååståån kun kasvikset tai ainakin osa niietå myos ruskistetaan ennen keittoa. Ruskistus suoritetaan ilman rasvaa, 180-210 * C: ssa 10-60 minuuttia. Parhaimpaan ruskistustulokseen on pååsty ruskistamalla kasviksia noin 30-40 minuuttia noin 200 * C: ssa.A particularly advantageous result is obtained when the vegetables or at least a part of them are also browned before cooking. Tanning is performed without fat, at 180-210 ° C for 10-60 minutes. The best browning result is achieved by browning the vegetables for about 30-40 minutes at about 200 ° C.

Keitetyistå kasviksista saadaan suodattamalla vahva kasvis -liemi, joka sekoitetaan edellå selitetyllå tavalla saatuun luu-lihaliemeen.The cooked vegetables are obtained by filtration of a strong vegetable broth which is mixed with the bone-meat broth obtained as described above.

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Vaihtoehtoisesti kasvikset voidaan joko ruskistamisen jålkeen tai ruskistamatta lisåtå luiden keittoastiaan keiton lopussa, haluttaessa eri aikoina riippuen eri kasvisten vaatimasta keittoaj asta.Alternatively, the vegetables can be added to the cooking vessel at the end of cooking, either after browning or without browning, if desired at different times depending on the cooking time required by the different vegetables.

Kiinteistå aineista vapautettu liemiseos, jonka kiintoaine-pitoisuus on suuruusluokkaa noin 8%, saatetaan tåmån jålkeen rasvanpoistovaiheeseen. Rasva voidaan erottaa liemen pinnalta, mutta parhaimpaan tulokseen pååståån kåyttåmållå separaatto-ria. Edullisimmassa tapauksessa olennaisesti kaikki rasva poistetaan.The solids-free broth mixture, which has a solids content of the order of about 8%, is then subjected to a degreasing step. The fat can be separated from the surface of the broth, but the best results can be obtained by using a separator. In the most preferred case, substantially all of the fat is removed.

Olennaisesti rasvaton liemi voidaan haluttaessa jååhdyttåå ja såilyttåå erillisenå, tai se voidaan johtaa suoraan seuraavaan kåsittelyvaiheeseen.The substantially fat-free broth can, if desired, be cooled and stored separately, or it can be passed directly to the next processing step.

Nåin saatu liemiseos tiivistetåån kiintoainepitoisuuteen noin 15-20%, edullisesti kuiva-ainepitoisuuteen noin 17%. Tållainen kiintoainepitoisuus on lopullisessa kastikepohjassa sopiva.The broth mixture thus obtained is concentrated to a solids content of about 15-20%, preferably to a dry matter content of about 17%. Such a solids content is suitable in the final sauce base.

Sen saavuttamiseksi keksinnon mukaisessa kastikepohjassa ei ole kåytetty lainkaan paksunnos- tai suurustusaineita, kuten vehnå- tai muita jauhoja. Tåmå on eras keksinnon mukaisella menetelmållå valmistetun kastikepohjan eras erittåin suuri etu, sillå nåin sitå voidaan kåyttåå esimerkiksi sairaaloissa myos allergikoille valmistettavissa kastikkeissa.To achieve this, no thickening or enlarging agents, such as wheat or other flours, have been used in the sauce base according to the invention. This is a very great advantage of the sauce base prepared by the method according to the invention, since it can thus be used, for example, in hospitals also in sauces prepared for allergy sufferers.

Liemen tiivistys suurempaan kiintoainepitoisuuteen suoritetaan edullisesti haihduttimella.The compaction of the broth to a higher solids content is preferably performed by an evaporator.

Tiivistetty kastikepohja on sellaisenaan kåyttokelpoinen. Jotta sitå voitaisiin myydå kåyttåjille, kuten suurkeittioil-le, ravintoloille ja myos kotitalouksille, se on saatava sopi-vaan såilyvåån muotoon. Keksinnon mukaan on todettu, ettå UHT-kåsittely noin 3-5 sekunnin, edullisesti 4 sekunnin aikana 140-145 *C:ssa, edullisesti 143 *C:sea tuottaa aseptisen tuot-teen, joka aseptisesti pakattuna såilyy useita kuukausia.The concentrated sauce base is usable as such. In order to be sold to users, such as commercial kitchens, restaurants and also households, it must be in a suitable preserved form. According to the invention, it has been found that the UHT treatment for about 3-5 seconds, preferably 4 seconds at 140-145 ° C, preferably 143 ° C, produces an aseptic product which, when aseptically packaged, can be stored for several months.

6 UHT-kåsittelyn jålkeen on edullista suorittaa kastikepohjan homogenointi, jotta kastikepohja pysyy paremmin homogeenisena såilontåajan. Homogenointi suoritetaan edullisesti valittomås-ti UHT-kåsittelyn jålkeen liemen ollessa noin 80-85 *C:ssa. Homogenointiin voidaan kåyttåå esimerkiksi kaksivaiheista homogenisaattoria, jossa paine on 30-200 bar.After the UHT treatment, it is preferable to homogenize the sauce base so that the sauce base remains more homogeneous during the storage period. The homogenization is preferably performed optionally after the UHT treatment with the broth at about 80-85 ° C. For homogenization, for example, a two-stage homogenizer with a pressure of 30-200 bar can be used.

Homogenoinnin jålkeen kastikepohja pakataan aseptisesti pak-kauksiin, joiden koko vaihtelee kåyttotarkoituksesta ja kohde-ryhmåstå riippuen. Tuote såilyy avaamattomassa pakkauksessa jopa kuusi kuukautta huoneenlåmpotilassa ja avattunakin noin viikon jååkaapissa. Keksinnon mukaisen tuotteen såilymistå ei siten tarvitse parantaa millåån erityisellå såilontåaineella, mikå kåyttåjien kannalta on erityisen edullinen piirre.After homogenization, the sauce base is aseptically packaged in packages of varying sizes depending on the intended use and the target group. The product can be stored in unopened packaging for up to six months at room temperature and even opened in the refrigerator for about a week. Thus, it is not necessary to improve the preservation of the product according to the invention with any particular preservative, which is a particularly advantageous feature for users.

Keksinnon mukaisen kastikepohjan kåytto on vaivatonta. Kastik-keen valmistamiseen ei tarvita pitkåå keittåmistå eikå suurus-tamista. Esimerkiksi viinikastike valmistetaan helposti kåyt-tåmållå kahta osaa keksinnon mukaista kastikepohjaa ja yhtå osaa viiniå. Vastaavasti kermakastike valmistuu helposti yh-destå osasta kastikepohjaa ja kahdesta osasta kermaa. Seosta keitetåån kunnes se saavuttaa halutun paksuusasteen.The use of the sauce base according to the invention is effortless. No long-term cooking or sizing is required to make the sauce. For example, a wine sauce is easily prepared using two parts of a sauce base according to the invention and one part of wine. Correspondingly, the cream sauce is easily prepared from one part of the sauce base and two parts of the cream. The mixture is boiled until it reaches the desired degree of thickness.

Keksinnon mukaan valmistettu uusi kastikepohja sisaltåå noin 80-85% vettå ja alle 2%, edullisesti alle 1% ja edullisimmin noin 0, 5% rasvaa. Raaka-aineista riippuen kastikepohja sisål-tåå yleenså noin 5-15% proteiinia, noin 1-10% hiilihydraattia ja noin 1-3% tuhkaa. Tårkkelystå tuote ei sisållå olennaisesti lainkaan.The new sauce base prepared according to the invention contains about 80-85% water and less than 2%, preferably less than 1% and most preferably about 0.5% fat. Depending on the raw materials, the sauce base generally contains about 5-15% protein, about 1-10% carbohydrate and about 1-3% ash. The product contains essentially no starch at all.

Seuraavassa keksinnon mukaista menetelmåå havainnollistetaan esimerkillå, jonka tarkoituksena ei ole millåån lailla rajoit-taa keksintoå. Alan ammattimiehelle on ilmeistå, ettå menetelmåå voidaan muunnella patenttivaatimusten puitteissa monella eri tavalla keksinnon hengesta poikkeamatta.In the following, the method according to the invention is illustrated by an example, which is not intended to limit the invention in any way. It is obvious to a person skilled in the art that the method can be modified within the scope of the claims in many different ways without departing from the spirit of the invention.

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Leikkaamosta saatiin raaka-aineeksi 80 paino-osaa lihaisia naudanluita ja 20 paino-osaa lihaisia sianluita. Lihaiset luut sahattiin noin 5-8 cm kokoisiksi kappaleiksi ja johdettiin jatkuvatoimiseen uuniin. Uunin låmpotila oli asetettu 200 * C: een ja kappaleet ruskistettiin rasvaa lisååmattå noin 20 minuuttia.The raw material obtained from the cutting plant was 80 parts by weight of meaty bovine bones and 20 parts by weight of meaty pork bones. The fleshy bones were sawn into pieces about 5-8 cm in size and fed into a continuous oven. The oven temperature was set at 200 ° C and the pieces were browned without the addition of fat for about 20 minutes.

Ruskistetut luukappaleet laitettiin metallihåkkiin, joka upo-tettiin keittokattilaan, johon johdettiin vettå. Veden låmpo-tila nostettiin suhteellisen nopeasti 60 ’C: een ja tåmån jålkeen låmmittåmistå hidastettiin siten, ettå veden låmpotila kolmen tunnin jålkeen oli saavuttanut kiehumispisteen. Keitto-veden pinnalle kerååntyi vaahtoa ja rasvaa, joka poistettiin.The browned bone pieces were placed in a metal cage, which was immersed in a cooking pot into which water was introduced. The water temperature was raised relatively quickly to 60 ° C, after which the heating was slowed down so that the water temperature had reached a boiling point after three hours. Foam and grease accumulated on the surface of the cooking water, which was removed.

Luiden keittåmistå jatkettiin 20 tuntia noin 100 ’ C: ssa, jol- loin keiton lopussa keittoastiaan lisåttiin tomaattipyreetå, suolaa ja mausteita. Pehmeåksi keitetyt luut ja muut kiinteåt aineet poistettiin metallihåkisså ja luu-lihaliemi otettiin talteen suodattamalla.The cooking of the bones was continued for 20 hours at about 100 ° C, at the end of which the tomato puree, salt and spices were added to the cooking vessel. The soft-boiled bones and other solids were removed in a metal cage and the broth was collected by filtration.

Luiden kåsittelystå erillisenå kåsittelynå kasviksista val-mistettiin kasvisliemi. Raaka-aineina kåytettiin porkkanoita, punajuuria, lanttua, sipulia ja valkosipulia. Juurekset ruskistettiin 45 minuuttia 200 *C:ssa.A vegetable broth was prepared from the vegetables as a separate treatment from the bones. Carrots, beets, lentils, onions and garlic were used as raw materials. The roots were browned for 45 minutes at 200 ° C.

Kasvikset laitettiin veteen ja keitettiin kaksi tuntia 100 *C:ssa. Tåmån jålkeen veden låmpotilan annettiin laskea 80 * C: een ja kasviksia haudutettiin kuusi tuntia tåsså låmpo-tilassa. Kiinteåt aineet suodatettiin pois kasvisliemestå ja nåin saatu liemi yhdistettiin edellå saatuun luu-lihaliemeen seossuhteessa 2 osaa lihalientå ja 1 osa kasvislientå.The vegetables were placed in water and boiled for two hours at 100 ° C. Thereafter, the water temperature was allowed to drop to 80 ° C and the vegetables were simmered for six hours at this temperature. The solids were filtered off from the vegetable broth, and the broth thus obtained was combined with the bone-broth broth obtained above in a mixture ratio of 2 parts of broth and 1 part of vegetable broth.

Liemiseos johdettiin separaattoriin rasvan poistamiseksi. Tåmån jålkeen liemi jååhdytettiin noin 2*C: seen vålivarastoin-tia vårten.The broth mixture was passed to a separator to remove grease. The broth was then cooled to about 2 ° C for interim storage.


Liemiseos johdettiin haihdutusyksikkoon, jossa sen kuiva-aine-pitoisuus nostettiin noin 8 %: sta noin 17 %: iin. Tuotteen kiinteys oli tålloin sopiva.The broth mixture was passed to an evaporation unit where its dry matter content was increased from about 8% to about 17%. The firmness of the product was suitable at that time.

Haihdutuksen jalkeen tiivistetty tuote esilåmmitettiin 80 *C ja paineistettiin. Tåmån jalkeen suoritettiin UHT-kasittely, jossa tuotetta johdettiin noin 4 sekuntia 143 ’C: na kestoput- kessa. Tuotteen låmpotilan annettiin laskea 85-83 " C: een ali-painekammiossa, minkå jalkeen tuote johdettiin kaksivaiheiseen homogenisaattoriin, jonka paine oli 30/100 bar.After evaporation, the concentrated product was preheated to 80 ° C and pressurized. This was followed by UHT treatment, in which the product was passed for about 4 seconds at 143 ° C in a permanent tube. The temperature of the product was allowed to drop to 85-83 ° C in a vacuum chamber, after which the product was passed to a two-stage homogenizer at a pressure of 30/100 bar.

Homogenoinnin jalkeen tuote jååhdytettiin aseptisessa låmmon-vaihtajassa 20 *C: een ja pakattiin aseptisiin pakkauksiin.After homogenization, the product was cooled in an aseptic heat exchanger to 20 ° C and packaged in aseptic packages.

Tuotteiden sailyvyys huoneenlåmpotilassa oli noin kuusi kuu-kautta.The shelf life of the products at room temperature was about six months.

Claims (10)

9135391353 1. Menetelmå kastikepohjan valmistamiseksi luista ja kasvik-sista, jossa menetelmåsså lihaiset luut paloitellaan noin 2-20 cm kokoisiksi kappaleiksi ja keitetåån vedesså yli 10 tuntia, kiinteåt kappaleet poistetaan ja liemi suodatetaan, liemesta erotetaan rasva ja liemi tiivistetåån, steriloidaan, homoge-noidaan ja pakataan aseptisesti, tunnettu siitå, ettå - paloitellut lihaiset luukappaleet ruskistetaan uunissa ilman rasvan lisåystå, - ruskistetut kappaleet keitetåån vedesså normaalipaineessa, - erikseen valmistettu kasvisliemi lisåtåån luu-lihaliemeen tai vaihtoehtoisesti kasvikset tai osa niistå lisåtåån keitto-kattilaan lihaisten luiden keiton loppuvaiheessa, - rasvasta puhdistettu liemi tiivistetåån kiintoainepitoisuu-teen noin 15-20%.A method of making a sauce base from bones and vegetables, comprising cutting the fleshy bones into pieces about 2-20 cm in size and boiling in water for more than 10 hours, removing the solids and filtering the broth, separating the fat and concentrating the broth, sterilizing, homogenizing is packaged aseptically, characterized in that - the cut meat pieces are browned in an oven without the addition of fat, - the browned pieces are boiled in water at normal pressure, the broth is concentrated to a solids content of about 15-20%. 2. Patenttivaatimuksen 1 mukainen menetelmå, tunnettu siitå, ettå noin 5-10 cm: n kokoisiksi kappaleiksi paloitellut lihaiset luukappaleet ruskistetaan 5-100 minuutin ajan, edul-lisesti noin 10-35 min, 160-220* C: ssa, edullisesti noin 200 * C: ssa.Method according to claim 1, characterized in that the muscular bone pieces cut into pieces of about 5-10 cm in size are browned for 5-100 minutes, preferably about 10-35 minutes, at 160-220 ° C, preferably about 200 * In C. 3. Patenttivaatimuksen 1 tai 2 mukainen menetelmå, tunnettu siitå, ettå lihaisia luita keitetåån våhintåån 15 tuntia, edullisemmin 16-24 tuntia, edullisesti noin 20 tuntia.Method according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the muscular bones are cooked for at least 15 hours, more preferably 16-24 hours, preferably about 20 hours. 4. Patenttivaatimuksen 1, 2 tai 3 mukainen menetelmå, tunnettu siitå, ettå kasvisliemi valmistetaan erikseen keit-tåmållå kasviksia 1-3 tuntia 100 * C:ssa ja tåmån jålkeen hau-duttamalla niitå 80 * C: ssa, edullisesti 4-6 tuntia.Process according to Claim 1, 2 or 3, characterized in that the vegetable broth is prepared separately by cooking the vegetables for 1 to 3 hours at 100 ° C and then incubating them at 80 ° C, preferably for 4 to 6 hours. 5. Patenttivaatimuksen 4 mukainen menetelmå, tunnettu siitå, ettå kasvikset ruskistetaan ennen niiden keittåmistå.Process according to Claim 4, characterized in that the vegetables are browned before cooking. 6. Jonkin edellisen patenttivaatimuksen mukainen menetelmå, tunnettu siitå, ettå liemiseoksesta poistetaan rasva separaattorilla.Method according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the broth mixture is degreased with a separator. 7. Jonkin edellisen patenttivaatimuksen mukainen menetelmå, tunnettu siitå, ettå lihaisten luiden keittolåmpotila nostetaan hitaasti 100 ’ C: een.Method according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the cooking temperature of the fleshy bones is slowly raised to 100 ° C. 8. Jonkin edellisen patenttivaatimuksen mukainen menetelmå, tunnettu siitå, ettå liemiseos tiivistetåån haihdutta-malla kiintoainepitoisuuteen noin 17% kuiva-ainetta.Process according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the broth mixture is concentrated by evaporating to a solids content of about 17% of dry matter. 9. Jonkin edellisen patenttivaatimuksen mukainen menetelmå, tunnettu siitå, ettå liemitiiviste steriloidaan UHT-kåsittelysså.Method according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the broth concentrate is sterilized in a UHT treatment. 10. Patenttivaatimuksen 9 mukainen menetelmå, t u η n e t -t u siitå, ettå liemitiiviste homogenoidaan UHT-kåsittelyn j ålkeen. 91353A method according to claim 9, characterized in that the broth concentrate is homogenized after the UHT treatment. 91353
FI914815A 1991-10-11 1991-10-11 Process for making a sauce base FI91353C (en)

Priority Applications (4)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
FI914815A FI91353C (en) 1991-10-11 1991-10-11 Process for making a sauce base
DE4233762A DE4233762A1 (en) 1991-10-11 1992-10-07 Making concentrated stock for prepn. of sauces - by chopping meaty bones roasting, boiling and filtering, adding separately prepd. vegetable stock, removing fat etc.
AT0199092A AT404659B (en) 1991-10-11 1992-10-08 METHOD FOR PRODUCING BASE SAUCE
SE9202978A SE505289C2 (en) 1991-10-11 1992-10-09 Process for making a sauce base based on meat-containing bones and vegetables

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

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FI914815A FI91353C (en) 1991-10-11 1991-10-11 Process for making a sauce base
FI914815 1991-10-11

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FI91353C true FI91353C (en) 1994-06-27



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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
FI104691B (en) * 1996-09-06 2000-03-31 Scanfish Ab Oy Process for making a sauce base
DE10122244A1 (en) * 2001-05-08 2003-01-02 Bestfoods De Gmbh & Co Ohg Process for the production of a storage stable brown sauce fund
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CN110477335A (en) * 2019-09-27 2019-11-22 湖南省嘉品嘉味生物科技有限公司 A kind of condensed soup and preparation method

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
DE1283660B (en) * 1967-06-30 1968-11-21 Hellmut Max Kolski Fa Process for the production of a bone broth paste that is particularly suitable for clear drinking broths

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