ES2556226B1 - Process for obtaining meat products exempt from neural processes (fascias) and meat product obtained by said process - Google Patents

Process for obtaining meat products exempt from neural processes (fascias) and meat product obtained by said process Download PDF


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ES2556226B1 ES201530941A ES201530941A ES2556226B1 ES 2556226 B1 ES2556226 B1 ES 2556226B1 ES 201530941 A ES201530941 A ES 201530941A ES 201530941 A ES201530941 A ES 201530941A ES 2556226 B1 ES2556226 B1 ES 2556226B1
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José Manuel LÓPEZ CID
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Produalsa Alimentacion SL
Produalsa Alimentacion S L
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    • A22C17/00Other devices for processing meat or bones
    • A22C17/0006Cutting or shaping meat
    • A22C17/002Producing portions of meat with predetermined characteristics, e.g. weight or particular dimensions


Proceso de obtención de productos cárnicos exentos de apófisis neurosas que comprende las etapas u operaciones de: despiece primario, disociación en cada uno de los pequeños músculos sin cortes transversales, extracción de la grasa existente en las intersecciones musculares, extracción de las apófisis neurosas, picado de los músculos sin apófisis neurosas, mezclado y homogenización de los músculos picados para obtener masas cárnicas exentos de apófisis neurosas, que luego serán enviadas a una reestructuración natural en porciones, mediante moldes o dispositivos porcionadores de baja presión, y envasado de éstas, y producto cárnico obtenido mediante dicho proceso.Process for obtaining meat products free of neural processes that include the stages or operations of: primary cutting, dissociation in each of the small muscles without cross-sections, extraction of existing fat at the muscle intersections, extraction of the neural processes, chopped of the muscles without neural processes, mixing and homogenization of the chopped muscles to obtain meat masses free of neural processes, which will then be sent to a natural restructuring in portions, by means of molds or portioning devices of low pressure, and packaging of these, and product meat obtained through said process.










Objeto y Campo de la inventionObject and Field of the Invention

La presente invencion se refiere a un procedimiento de fabrication de productos carnicos exentos de apofisis neurosas, en donde las operaciones convencionales de adicion de ligantes y/o coadyuvantes estan ausentes.The present invention relates to a manufacturing process for meat products free of apophysis neuroses, where conventional operations of adding binders and / or adjuvants are absent.

El presente objeto pertenece al sector agroalimentario, especlficamente, al area de procesado de carne de bovino.The present object belongs to the agri-food sector, specifically, to the beef processing area.

El principal objetivo de la presente invencion es conseguir aislar y extraer todas y cada una de las distintas apofisis neurosas que componen los paquetes musculares de la canal bovina para que, una vez eliminadas, sea posible una reestructuracion y formation de porciones de una manera natural, sin necesidad de utilizar ningun tipo de ligantes o coadyuvantes (Reglamento (CE) no 1333/2008 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 16 de diciembre de 2008, que establece un procedimiento de autorizacion comun para los aditivos, las enzimas y los aromas alimentarios).The main objective of the present invention is to be able to isolate and extract each and every one of the different neural apophyses that make up the muscle packages of the bovine canal so that, once eliminated, a restructuring and formation of portions in a natural way is possible, without using any type of binders or adjuvants (Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008, which establishes a common authorization procedure for food additives, enzymes and flavorings ).

Antecedentes de la invencionBackground of the invention

Las tecnicas de despiece convencional en cualquier parte del mundo se ocupan de separar los musculos de acuerdo a las costumbres y tradiciones de sus respectivas areas geograficas. Estos musculos, observandolos desde afuera hacia el interior, estan rodeados en primer lugar por una capa de grasa (grasa extramuscular) mas o menos fina y, en segundo lugar, por una membrana o telilla, a modo de delgada envoltura, y segun en que musculos puede ser muy fina, a la que los expertos en la industria de la carne conocen como apofisis neurosas o fascias. Esta ultima contacta directamente con los musculos y grupos de musculos, cubriendolos, como si fuera una faja sujetadora de tales musculos.Conventional cutting techniques anywhere in the world are responsible for separating the muscles according to the customs and traditions of their respective geographical areas. These muscles, observing them from the outside inwards, are surrounded firstly by a more or less thin layer of fat (extramuscular fat) and, secondly, by a membrane or gill, as a thin envelope, and according to which Muscles can be very thin, which experts in the meat industry know as apophysis neuroses or fascias. The latter directly contacts the muscles and groups of muscles, covering them, as if it were a fastener belt of such muscles.

Desde el punto de vista del consumidor de productos carnicos, la presencia de esta apofisis neurosas resulta desagradable e incomoda, durante la mastication de los mismos y, al termino de esta, provoca molestias, al introducirse facilmente en los espacios interdentales e intermolares.From the point of view of the consumer of meat products, the presence of this neurosis apophysis is unpleasant and uncomfortable, during the mastication of the same and, at the end of this, causes discomfort, when easily introduced into the interdental and intermolar spaces.








Convencionalmente, en la obtencion de presentaciones comerciales con mayor o menor grado de desgrase, en sus porciones, y picados (troceados), nunca se extraen las apofisis neurosas o fascias.Conventionally, in obtaining commercial presentations with a greater or lesser degree of degreasing, in their portions, and chopped (chopped), neuroses or fascias are never extracted.

En la realization del despiece de las canales de bovino es necesario actuar sobre todos los musculos, que en cada pals se comercializan agrupados segun usos y costumbres con nombres comerciales que difieren en cada zona geografica. En Espana, por ejemplo, se puede definir como cortes primarios los cortes de: la Bola, Lomo, Falda, Aguja y Espalda. A su vez, tambien se distinguen en la Bola, los cortes de: Tapa, Cadera, Babilla, Contra, Redondo; Culata de Contra, Morcillo etc. Estos musculos y todos los demas, se trocean para obtener porciones o se pican, pero siempre se hacen estas operaciones o etapas con sus envolturas naturales, o sea, sin excluir o eliminar esas membranas o telillas (apofisis neurosas) que rodean la masa muscular.In the realization of the exploded view of the bovine canals it is necessary to act on all the muscles, which in each country are sold grouped according to uses and customs with commercial names that differ in each geographical area. In Spain, for example, the cuts of the Ball, Loin, Skirt, Needle and Back can be defined as primary cuts. In turn, the cuts of: Cap, Hip, Babilla, Contra, Round are also distinguished in the Ball; Butt of Contra, Morcillo etc. These muscles and all others, are chopped to obtain portions or chopped, but these operations or stages are always done with their natural wraps, that is, without excluding or removing those membranes or telillas (neural apophyses) that surround the muscle mass.

En el musculo del animal vivo, las apofisis neurosas tienen una funcion mecanica para realizar movimientos y se encargan de conectar con la estructura osea. En la canal, en su proceso de "carnizacion", fase de picado y reestructurado, las apofisis al no ser eliminadas, actuan como pequenas barreras que despues impiden las conexiones de las distintas masas musculares. Como consecuencia de ello, se tienen que emplear, para poder realizar cualquier formato (hamburguesas, porciones esfericas, etc.), ligantes y coadyuvantes que enmascaran el verdadero sabor de la carne y cuyo uso prolongado puede ser perjudicial para la salud.In the muscle of the living animal, the neural apophyses have a mechanical function to perform movements and are responsible for connecting with the bone structure. In the canal, in its process of "carnization", phase of chopped and restructured, the apophyses not being eliminated, act as small barriers that then prevent the connections of the different muscle masses. As a result, they must be used, in order to perform any format (hamburgers, spherical portions, etc.), binders and adjuvants that mask the true taste of meat and whose prolonged use can be detrimental to health.

Description de la inventionDescription of the invention

Considerando el problema planteado en parrafos anteriores y la necesidad de conseguir un producto carnico nuevo, se desarrolla este proceso que, teniendo a las medias canales de bovino como material de partida, logra obtener productos carnicos exentos o desprovistos de apofisis neurosas o fascias (membrana fina o muy fina que recubre los paquetes musculares y musculos) y que, ademas, no es necesario el empleo de ligantes y coadyuvantes para hacer reestructuracion de porciones (hamburguesas, etc.)Considering the problem posed in previous paragraphs and the need to obtain a new meat product, this process is developed which, having half bovine carcasses as a starting material, manages to obtain meat products free or devoid of neural or fascia apophysis (thin membrane or very thin covering the muscle and muscle packets) and that, in addition, it is not necessary to use binders and adjuvants to make portion restructuring (hamburgers, etc.)

Las ventajas y beneficios de un proceso como el presente, en el que se extraen las apofisis neurosas o fascias, se relacionan a continuacion:The advantages and benefits of a process such as the present, in which the neural apophyses or fascias are extracted, are listed below:

1. Mayor riqueza de aromas que se descubren en los musculos, y sus porciones, libres de apofisis neurosas.1. Increased richness of aromas that are discovered in the muscles, and their portions, free of neural apophyses.








2. Supresion de las durezas habituales caracterlsticas de las apofisis neurosas, asl como cualquier otro de componente acido, todos los cuales hacen que su ingesta directa resulta muy desagradable.2. Elimination of the usual hardnesses characteristic of the neural processes, as well as any other acid component, all of which make their direct intake very unpleasant.

3. Tras la masticacion de un producto carnico como el que aqul se describe, desaparece el molesto efecto de la presencia de hilos de apofisis en los espacios interdentales.3. After chewing a meat product like the one described here, the annoying effect of the presence of apophysis threads in the interdental spaces disappears.

4. Se consigue una homogeneizacion total de todos los aromas existentes en las distintas masas musculares alcanzando un elevado grado de terneza y jugosidad en todas las porciones, convirtiendolas en la protelna carnica ideal para ninos y adultos de cualquier edad.4. A total homogenization of all the aromas existing in the different muscle masses is achieved, reaching a high degree of tenderness and juiciness in all the portions, making them the ideal meat protein for children and adults of any age.

5. En el proceso de digestion de carne o productos carnicos libres de apofisis neurosas o fascias, se ahorra un 75% de la energla necesaria para dicha digestion. De esta forma, se consigue un aprovechamiento energetico muy superior del total de la ingesta.5. In the process of digestion of meat or meat products free of apophyses neuroses or fascias, 75% of the energy required for such digestion is saved. In this way, a much higher energy utilization of the total intake is achieved.

6. La carne desposelda de las apofisis neurosas aporta una gran digestibilidad, resolviendo otro de los grandes problemas caracterlsticos del consumo de cualquier carne convencional.6. The meat stripped of the neuro apophyses provides great digestibility, solving another of the major problems characteristic of the consumption of any conventional meat.

7. Se alcanza un elevado valor proteico, por encima de un 25% en peso por 100 g de producto exento de apofisis neurosas, el cual se mantiene estable.7. A high protein value is reached, above 25% by weight per 100 g of product free of apophysis neuroses, which remains stable.

Segun un primer aspecto, el proceso comprende novedosamente las etapas u operaciones que siguen a continuation:According to a first aspect, the process includes novelly the steps or operations that follow below:

a- Un despiece primario mediante extraction de los grandes cortes para obtener paquetes musculares mayores, sin que se produzcan cortes transversales en los musculos y evitar asl la ruptura de las apofisis neurosas que los envuelven.a- A primary exploded view by extraction of the large cuts to obtain major muscle packs, without producing transversal cuts in the muscles and thus avoiding the rupture of the neural processes that surround them.

b- Las piezas primarias o paquetes musculares mayores, tras el despiece primario, se disocian en todos y cada uno de los pequenos musculos que componen las distintas agrupaciones de paquetes musculares. Para ello, se actua desde la cara externa de la canal bovina y con el requerimiento o cuidado de obtener unos musculos en toda su longitud y sin cortes transversales.b- The primary pieces or major muscle packs, after the primary cutting, are dissociated into each and every one of the small muscles that make up the different groupings of muscle packs. For this, it is acted from the external face of the bovine canal and with the requirement or care to obtain some muscles in all its length and without transversal cuts.

c- Tras el paso anterior, se procede a quitar o extraer la grasa extramuscular de los pequenos musculos. El objetivo es desvelar y descubrir las apofisis neurosas. d- Una vez que estan desveladas las apofisis neurosas se procede a su extraccion. Para ello, se emplean inicialmente unos rodillos de extraccion y se finaliza con el empleo de pinzas y bisturl de punta fina para eliminar los restos. Se obtienen asl musculos exentos de apofisis neurosas.c- After the previous step, the extramuscular fat from the small muscles is removed or extracted. The objective is to unveil and discover the neural processes. d- Once the neural apophyses are revealed, they are extracted. To do this, some extraction rollers are initially used and it is finished with the use of tweezers and fine-pointed scalpel to eliminate the remains. Muscles free of apophysis neuroses are obtained.

e- Estos musculos exentos, es decir, desposeldos de las apofisis neurosas, son sometidos a un picado mediante una picadora industrial convencional.e- These exempt muscles, that is, strips of the neuro apophyses, are subjected to a chopped by a conventional industrial chopper.








f- A continuation, los musculos picados se envlan a una operation de mezclado y homogeneizacion, para lo cual se utiliza una amasadora carnica de uso industrial. Se obtienen asl masas musculares homogeneas.f- Next, the chopped muscles are sent to an operation of mixing and homogenization, for which a meat mixer is used for industrial use. The homogenous muscle masses are obtained.

g- Dichas masas musculares son sometidas a una reestructuracion en porciones de una forma natural, que pueden adquirir diversos formatos: redondas, ovaladas, alargadas o piezas de distintos tamanos y pesos, por ejemplo: tipo Entrecot, tipo Solomillo, etc. Asl, en este caso, este proceso tiene ademas la caracterlstica diferenciadora respecto de procesos convencionales consistente en no anadir ligantes ni coadyuvantes. En esta reestructuracion se pueden emplear moldes o maquinaria formadora de porciones de baja presion, que un experto en este campo ya conoce, para mantener toda la jugosidad de la carne. Se consiguen asl productos carnicos en porciones que se envlan a la etapa de envasado.g- These muscle masses are subjected to a restructuring in portions of a natural way, which can acquire various formats: round, oval, elongated or pieces of different sizes and weights, for example: Entrecot type, Sirloin type, etc. Thus, in this case, this process also has the differentiating characteristic with respect to conventional processes consisting in not adding binders or adjuvants. In this restructuring, molds or low pressure portion forming machinery, which an expert in this field already knows, can be used to maintain all the juiciness of the meat. Meat products are thus obtained in portions that are sent to the packaging stage.

Mediante este proceso, tras extraer y eliminar las partes groseras del musculo y sin la presencia de las apofisis neurosas, se permite actuar al fibrinogeno y la trombina, los cuales de una forma natural se encuentran en las masas musculares y posibilitan que se pueda reestructurar de nuevo la masa muscular en cualquier formato o portion, sin necesidad de utilizar ningun tipo de ligante, coadyuvante, ni conservante qulmico.Through this process, after extracting and eliminating the gross parts of the muscle and without the presence of the neuro apophyses, fibrinogen and thrombin are allowed to act, which are naturally found in the muscle masses and make it possible to restructure new muscle mass in any format or portion, without using any type of binder, adjuvant, or chemical preservative.

Segun un segundo aspecto, se desarrolla un producto carnico nuevo que se obtiene segun un proceso como el descrito arriba, el cual contiene mayor riqueza de aromas y sabores, mayor digestibilidad, un producto homogeneo mas tierno y jugoso y, sobre todo, exento de apofisis neurosas y de aditivos y coadyuvantes, si se compara con el producto carnico convencional (musculo y sus porciones).According to a second aspect, a new meat product is developed that is obtained according to a process like the one described above, which contains greater richness of aromas and flavors, greater digestibility, a more tender and juicy homogenous product and, above all, free of apophysis neuroses and additives and adjuvants, when compared to the conventional meat product (muscle and its portions).

El producto carnico exento de apofisis y aditivos y coadyuvantes posee una elevada cantidad de protelnas (valor proteico) por cada 100 g de producto, la cual se mantiene estable. En este caso, un valor estable de un 25% en peso.The meat product free of apophysis and additives and adjuvants has a high amount of proteins (protein value) per 100 g of product, which remains stable. In this case, a stable value of 25% by weight.

Ejemplo de realization de la inventionExample of realization of the invention

Se describe mas abajo un ejemplo de realization que, de manera generica y no exclusiva, ni limitativa, pretende mostrar como se realiza el proceso de la presente invention.An example of realization is described below which, in a generic and non-exclusive, or limiting manner, is intended to show how the process of the present invention is performed.

A partir de medias canales de bovino se realiza primeramente un despiece primario mediante extraction de los grandes cortes: grandes paquetes musculares o piezas primarias que agrupan diferentes musculos y elementos no musculares, que normalmente conoce elFrom primary bovine canals, a primary exploded view is first made by extracting the large cuts: large muscle packs or primary parts that group different muscles and non-muscular elements, normally known by the

experto en la tecnica.technical expert.

A continuacion, se procede a la disociacion o diseccion de las piezas primarias, grandes cortes, en cada uno de los pequenos musculos. Para ello, se actua desde la cara externa de 5 la canal para obtener unos musculos en toda su longitud y sin cortes transversales.Next, we proceed to the dissociation or dissection of the primary pieces, large cuts, in each of the small muscles. To do this, the channel is operated from the outer face of the channel to obtain muscles along its entire length and without cross-sections.

Luego, se realiza la extraccion de la grasa extramuscular, para descubrir las apofisis neurosas. Una vez desveladas las apofisis neurosas se procede a su extraccion, mediante una sub-etapa inicial que emplea unos rodillos de extraccion y, luego, una sub-etapa final 10 que emplea pinzas y elementos cortantes,Then, extramuscular fat extraction is performed, to discover the neural processes. Once the neural apophyses are revealed, they are extracted by means of an initial sub-stage that uses extraction rollers and then a final sub-stage 10 that uses tweezers and cutting elements,

Posteriormente, se realiza un picado de los musculos exentos de apofisis neurosas mediante una picadora industrial. A continuacion, se realiza un mezclado y homogeneizacion de los musculos picados mediante una amasadora carnica, para obtener 15 masas musculares exentas de apofisis neurosas,Subsequently, a cut of the muscles free of apophysis neuroses is performed by an industrial chopper. Subsequently, mixing and homogenization of the chopped muscles by means of a meat kneader is performed, to obtain 15 muscle masses free of neural apophyses,

Por ultimo, se procede a una reestructuracion de las masas musculares exentas de apofisis neurosas en porciones, mediante moldes o dispositivos porcionadores y, posteriormente, envasado de las porciones de productos carnicos, que presentan un valor proteico por 20 encima de 25%, en peso, respecto de 100 g de producto obtenido. En este ejemplo, las porciones obtenidas son hamburguesas.Finally, we proceed with a restructuring of the muscular masses free of neural apophyses in portions, by means of molds or portioning devices and, subsequently, packaging of the portions of meat products, which have a protein value of 20 above 25%, by weight , with respect to 100 g of product obtained. In this example, the portions obtained are hamburgers.

Claims (2)

55 1010 15fifteen 20twenty 2525 ES 2 556 226 A1ES 2 556 226 A1 REIVINDICACIONES 1. Proceso de obtencion de productos carnicos exentos de apofisis neurosas (fascias) que, a partir de medias canales de bovino, se caracteriza por comprender las siguientes etapas u operaciones:1. Process for obtaining meat products free of nephonic apophyses (fascias) that, based on half bovine channels, is characterized by comprising the following stages or operations: a) un despiece primario mediante extraction de los grandes cortes, obteniendo asl paquetes musculares mayores,a) a primary exploded view by extraction of the large cuts, thus obtaining major muscle packages, b) disociacion o diseccion de los paquetes musculares mayores conseguidos anteriormente en cada uno de los pequenos musculos, actuando desde la cara externa de la canal para obtener unos musculos en toda su longitud y sin cortes transversales,b) dissociation or dissection of the major muscle packets previously achieved in each of the small muscles, acting from the outer face of the canal to obtain muscles along their entire length and without cross-sections, c) extraccion de la grasa extramuscular de los musculos obtenidos en la etapa b), para descubrir las apofisis neurosas,c) extracting extramuscular fat from the muscles obtained in stage b), to discover the neural apophyses, d) extraccion de las apofisis neurosas desveladas, mediante una sub-etapa inicial que emplea unos rodillos de extraccion y una sub-etapa final que emplea pinzas y elementos cortantes,d) extraction of the revealed neural processes, by means of an initial sub-stage that employs extraction rollers and a final sub-stage that uses tweezers and cutting elements, e) picado de los musculos exentos de apofisis neurosas, mediante una picadora industrial,e) chopped of the muscles free of apophyses neuroses, by means of an industrial chopper, f) mezclado y homogeneizacion de los musculos picados mediante una amasadora carnica, para obtener masas musculares homogeneas, exentas de apofisis neurosas,f) mixing and homogenization of the chopped muscles by means of a meat kneader, to obtain homogenous muscle masses, free of neuro apophysis, g) reestructuracion de las masas musculares en porciones, mediante moldes o dispositivos porcionadores, para obtener porciones de productos carnicos exentos de apofisis neurosas y envasado de estos.g) restructuring of the muscular masses in portions, by means of molds or portioning devices, to obtain portions of meat products free of neural apophyses and packaging of these. 2. Producto carnico obtenido segun un proceso definido en la revindication 1, caracterizado por que esta exento de apofisis neurosas y de aditivos y coadyuvantes y por contener mas de un 25% en peso de protelnas referido a 100 g de producto.2. Meat product obtained according to a process defined in revindication 1, characterized by the fact that it is free from neurosis and additives and adjuvants and because it contains more than 25% by weight of proteins based on 100 g of product.
ES201530941A 2015-06-30 2015-06-30 Process for obtaining meat products exempt from neural processes (fascias) and meat product obtained by said process Expired - Fee Related ES2556226B1 (en)

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ES201530941A ES2556226B1 (en) 2015-06-30 2015-06-30 Process for obtaining meat products exempt from neural processes (fascias) and meat product obtained by said process

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

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ES201530941A ES2556226B1 (en) 2015-06-30 2015-06-30 Process for obtaining meat products exempt from neural processes (fascias) and meat product obtained by said process

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ES2556226A1 ES2556226A1 (en) 2016-01-14
ES2556226B1 true ES2556226B1 (en) 2016-11-02



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ES201530941A Expired - Fee Related ES2556226B1 (en) 2015-06-30 2015-06-30 Process for obtaining meat products exempt from neural processes (fascias) and meat product obtained by said process

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ES2556226A1 (en) 2016-01-14

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