DK172979B1 - Coaxial cigarette - Google Patents

Coaxial cigarette Download PDF


Publication number
DK172979B1 DK198807127A DK712788A DK172979B1 DK 172979 B1 DK172979 B1 DK 172979B1 DK 198807127 A DK198807127 A DK 198807127A DK 712788 A DK712788 A DK 712788A DK 172979 B1 DK172979 B1 DK 172979B1
Prior art keywords
cigarette according
coaxial cigarette
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Danish (da)
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DK712788D0 (en
DK712788A (en
Erhard Rittershaus
Horst Borowski
Erwin Kausch
Gert Rudolph
Werner Schneider
Original Assignee
Bat Cigarettenfab Gmbh
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Priority claimed from DE3743597A external-priority patent/DE3743597C1/en
Application filed by Bat Cigarettenfab Gmbh filed Critical Bat Cigarettenfab Gmbh
Publication of DK712788D0 publication Critical patent/DK712788D0/en
Publication of DK712788A publication Critical patent/DK712788A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of DK172979B1 publication Critical patent/DK172979B1/en



    • A24D1/00Cigars; Cigarettes
    • A24D3/00Tobacco smoke filters, e.g. filter-tips, filtering inserts; Filters specially adapted for simulated smoking devices; Mouthpieces for cigars or cigarettes
    • A24D3/04Tobacco smoke filters characterised by their shape or structure


i DK 172979 B1and DK 172979 B1

Den foreliggende opfindelse angår en koaksialcigaret af den i indledningen til krav 1 angivne art.The present invention relates to a coaxial cigarette of the type stated in the preamble of claim 1.

Der findes en række publikationer vedrørende såkaldte "koaksiale rygeartikler", altså især koaksiale cigarer eller 5 cigaretter med en indvendig kerne, der er omgivet af en kappe af tobaksmateriale. Grundprincippet ved en sådan koaksialcigaret er fx kendt fra fransk patentskrift nr. 998.556, hvor den indvendige kerne består af en tobak med ringere kvalitet, hvilken kerne er omgivet af en ringformet kappe af 10 tobak med højere kvalitet. Derved kan der opnås besparelser med hensyn til omkostningerne til de anvendte tobaksmateria-ler.There are a number of publications concerning so-called "coaxial smoking articles", in particular coaxial cigars or 5 cigarettes with an inner core surrounded by a mantle of tobacco material. The basic principle of such a coaxial cigarette is known, for example, from French Patent Specification No. 998,556, in which the inner core consists of a lower quality tobacco, which core is surrounded by an annular sheath of higher quality tobacco. Thereby, savings can be obtained with respect to the cost of the tobacco materials used.

Andre udformninger af sådanne koaksialcigaretter fremgår af fransk patentskrift nr. 1.322.254, USA patent-15 skrifterne nr. 3.614.956 og 4.219.031, de britiske patentskrifter nr. 20 70 409 og 10 86 443.Other designs of such coaxial cigarettes are disclosed in French Patent Nos. 1,322,254, U.S. Patent Nos. 3,614,956 and 4,219,031, British Patent Nos. 20,70,409 and 10,86,443.

En koaksial cigaret af den angivne type er kendt fra tysk offentliggørelsesskrift nr. 36 02 846 og har en inder-kerne af et i det væsentlige aksefrit, glødbart materiale, 20 en omsvøbning af inderkernen, en inderkernen koaksialt omgivende yderkappe af et tobaks- og/eller ikke-tobaksmateriale, samt en omsvøbning for yderkappen. Den særlige fordel i denne koaksialcigaret ligger i, at den kan fremstilles med gængse fremstillingsteknikker på specielt modificerede 25 strengmaskiner.A coaxial cigarette of the type indicated is known from German Offenlegungsschrift No. 36 02 846 and has an inner core of a substantially axis-free, glowable material, a wrapping of the inner core, an inner core coaxially surrounding the outer shell of a tobacco and / or or non-tobacco material, as well as a wrap for the outer sheath. The particular advantage of this coaxial cigarette is that it can be manufactured using conventional manufacturing techniques on specially modified string machines.

Det er dog en ulempe, at denne koaksialcigaret ikke er forsynet med et filter, der kan opfange uønskede røgbe-standdele.However, it is a disadvantage that this coaxial cigarette is not provided with a filter that can catch unwanted smoke constituents.

Endelig angår USA patentskrift nr. 3.356.094 en koak-30 sialcigaret med et indre hulrør og et aerosolkammer med et snævert udløb. Fremstillingen af denne koaksialcigaret er dog meget omstændelig og dermed kostbar, og yderligere bliver de forskellige bestanddele adskilt fra hinanden, således at der fremkommer et udsædvanligt røgmønster.Finally, U.S. Patent No. 3,356,094 relates to a coaxial cigarette having an inner hollow tube and an aerosol chamber with a narrow outlet. However, the manufacture of this coaxial cigarette is very cumbersome and thus expensive, and furthermore the various components are separated from each other so that an unusual smoke pattern is obtained.

35 Endelig kéndes der fra DE-A-26 20 335 en koaksialci garet, som har en strengdel med en inderkerne og en ydre kappe. Ved mundenden er der på denne kendte koaksialcigaret påsat en filterdel på strengdelen, i hvilken der er indsat 2 DK 172979 B1 skillevægge. Det indre rum, som ved hjælp af skillevæggene er indesluttet i filterdelen, er placeret i tilslutning til inderkernen men er dog yderligere tilsluttet til den ydre kappe. Den ydre kappe er fyldt med et tobaksmateriale, me-5 dens inderkernen ved den kendte cigaret er hul. Nærmere betegnet skulle denne kendte koaksialeagaret løse det problem at reducere kondensatindholdet, men frem for alt blev ved denne kendte koaksialcigaret smagsintensiteten formindsket på en sådan måde, at en ryger allerede efter kort tid igen 10 ville gå tilbage til de almindelige cigaretter. Yderligere blev de uønskede røgbestandele ved den omtalte koaksialcigaret blot fortyndet, hvorved samtidig smagsoplevelsen for rygeren også blev påvirket.Finally, DE-A-26 20 335 discloses a coaxial cylinder having a string part with an inner core and an outer sheath. At the mouth end, a filter part is attached to this known coaxial cigarette on the string part, in which 2 DK 172979 B1 partitions are inserted. The inner space, which by means of the partitions is enclosed in the filter part, is located in connection with the inner core, but is nevertheless further connected to the outer casing. The outer sheath is filled with a tobacco material, while the inner core of the known cigarette is hollow. More specifically, this known coaxial cigarette was to solve the problem of reducing the condensate content, but above all, with this known coaxial cigarette the taste intensity was reduced in such a way that a smoker would return to the regular cigarettes after a short time. Furthermore, the undesirable smoke constituents of the mentioned coaxial cigarette were simply diluted, whereby at the same time the taste experience of the smoker was also affected.

Den opgave, som ligger til grund for opfindelsen, er 15 at fremskaffe en koaksialcigaret af den indledningvis nævnte art og ved hvilken de uønskede røgbestanddele kan opfanges næsten fuldstændigt.The object underlying the invention is to provide a coaxial cigarette of the kind mentioned in the introduction and by which the undesirable smoke constituents can be captured almost completely.

Især skal der foreslås en koaksialcigaret, ved hvilken de uønskede røgbestanddele kan opfanges næsten fuldstæn-20 digt.In particular, a coaxial cigarette must be proposed in which the undesirable smoke constituents can be captured almost completely.

Dette opnås i henhold til opfindelsen ved, at koaksi-alcigaretten er ejendommelig ved det i den kendetegnende del af krav 1 angivne.This is achieved according to the invention in that the coaxial alcohol cigarette is characterized by what is stated in the characterizing part of claim 1.

Hensigtsmæssige udføreIsesformer defineres ved hjælp 25 af de særlige træk, som er angivet i underkravene.Suitable embodiments are defined by means of the particular features set forth in the subclaims.

De ved opfindelsen opnåede fordele beror på, at de under et sug i sugefasen opstående forbrændingsprodukter i strengdelen i den ringformede yderkappe adskilt fra inderkernen, føres aksialt gennem koaksialcigaretten og absorbe-30 res i et specielt koaksialfilter, som behandler den perifere, filterkappen gennemstrømmende røg og den centrale, dens filterkerne gennemstrømmende røg på meget forskellig måde, der er afstemt efter de to røgtyper, således at der opnås en optimal filtervirkning. Herved reduceres specielt røgens 35 gasfase gennem diffusion og ventilation, medens partikelfasen reduceres ved ventilation og samtidig absorberes gennem et filtersegment med høj effekt.The advantages obtained by the invention are due to the fact that combustion products arising during suction in the suction phase in the string part of the annular outer casing separated from the inner core are passed axially through the coaxial cigarette and absorbed in a special coaxial filter which treats the peripheral filter casing smoke and the central, its filter core flowing smoke in a very different way, which is matched to the two types of smoke, so that an optimal filter effect is achieved. In particular, the gas phase of the smoke is reduced through diffusion and ventilation, while the particle phase is reduced by ventilation and at the same time absorbed through a filter segment with high power.

Såvel tobaksstrengen som koaksialfilteret i denne ko- 3 DK 172979 B1 Τ' aksialcigaret kan fremstilles med de eksisterende og i henhold til teknikkens standpunkt i princippet kendte teknologier, således at der kun fordres en tilsvarende modifikation på de eksisterende maskiner.Both the tobacco string and the coaxial filter in this coaxial cigarette can be manufactured with the existing technologies known in accordance with the prior art, so that only a corresponding modification is required on the existing machines.

5 Den frembragte og af rygeren opfangede røg er smags mæssigt acceptabel og indeholder kun små mængder kondensat, og er yderligere i vidt omfang frit for de ellers almindelige forbrændingsprodukter, idet rygeprocessen i sig selv ikke forandres, således at "rygeoplevelsen" bibeholdes for ryge-10 ren.The smoke produced and captured by the smoker is taste-acceptable and contains only small amounts of condensate, and is further largely free of the otherwise common combustion products, as the smoking process itself does not change, so that the "smoking experience" is maintained for smoking-10 clean.

Heruder udnyttes det forhold, at forbrændingsprodukterne under sugefasen i det væsentlige kun stammer fra omkredsen, dvs. kappeområdet af en cigaret, således at man her målrettet kan indlede tilsvarende forholdsregler for at op-15 fange de uønskede røgprodukter. Yderligere kan en optimeret tobaksstreng nu konsekvent kombineres med et optimeret to-Btrengsfilter for at opnå den ønskede smag i forbindelse med en vidtgående reduktion af de uønskede røgbestanddele.In addition, the fact is utilized that the combustion products during the suction phase essentially only originate from the circumference, ie. the mantle area of a cigarette, so that corresponding measures can be purposefully initiated here to catch the undesired smoke products. Furthermore, an optimized tobacco string can now be consistently combined with an optimized two-B string filter to achieve the desired taste in connection with a far-reaching reduction of the undesired smoke constituents.

Opfindelsen skal i det følgende beskrives nærmere ved 20 hjælp af udførelseseksempler med henvisning til den vedlagte, skematiske tegning, hvis enkelte figur viser et aksial-snit gennem en koaksialcigaret.The invention will be described in more detail below with the aid of exemplary embodiments with reference to the accompanying schematic drawing, the individual figure of which shows an axial section through a coaxial cigarette.

Den generelt med henvisningsbetegnelsen 10 antydede koaksialcigaret har en strengdel 12, på hvilken der med 25 gængs fremstillingsteknik er påsat et koaksialfilter 15.The coaxial cigarette, generally indicated by the reference numeral 10, has a string part 12, on which a coaxial filter 15 is fitted with 25 conventional manufacturing techniques.

Strengdelen 12 indeholder en inderkerne 14 med en omsvøbning 16 samt en yderkerne 18 med en omsvøbning 20. På lignende måde består koaksialfilteret 15 af en filterkerne 22 med en omsvøbning 24 og en filterkappe 26 med en omsvøbning 28.The string portion 12 includes an inner core 14 with a wrap 16 and an outer core 18 with a wrap 20. Similarly, the coaxial filter 15 consists of a filter core 22 with a wrap 24 and a filter sheath 26 with a wrap 28.

30 Koaksialf ilteret 15 er ventileret som det skal for klares nedenfor, idet ventilationsmidlerne er antydet som en linie af punktformede ventilationsåbninger 30, der strækker sig henover omkredsen af koaksialfilteret 15.The coaxial filter 15 is ventilated as will be explained below, the ventilation means being indicated as a line of point-shaped ventilation openings 30 extending over the circumference of the coaxial filter 15.

Den indvendige kerne 14 af strengdelen 12 har en dia-35 meter på fra 3 - 5 mm, medens diameteren af yderkappen 18 af strengdelen 12 maksimalt udgør 8 mm, således at denne strengdel 12 omtrent svarer til den gængse diameter på "normale" cigaretter.The inner core 14 of the string portion 12 has a diameter of from 3 to 5 mm, while the diameter of the outer sheath 18 of the string portion 12 is at most 8 mm, so that this string portion 12 roughly corresponds to the usual diameter of "normal" cigarettes.

r 4 DK 172979 B1 i 'vr 4 DK 172979 B1 i 'v

Inderkernen 14 består af en porøs bærersubstans med høj optageevne for den også som '’casing" betegnede kombination af aroma og/eller flavour-stoffer, som i almindelighed foreligger i opløsningsmidler og indeholder sukker, fugtbe-5 varingsmidler og lignende substanser, der tales også om en "sovsning"; denne "casing" tilsættes til tobaksmaterialet inden snitningen.The inner core 14 consists of a porous carrier substance with a high absorption capacity for the combination of aromas and / or flavoring substances, also referred to as "casing", which are generally present in solvents and contain sugars, moisture preservatives and similar substances which are also referred to as about a "sauce"; this "casing" is added to the tobacco material before slicing.

• I forhold til bærersubstansen skal optageevnen for "casing" være større end 3 vægt% tilsætning.• In relation to the carrier substance, the absorption capacity of the casing must be greater than 3% by weight of additive.

10 En foretrukken bærersubstans er tobaksmateriale, fx snittobak, tobaksfolie eller ekstruderet tobak; der kan i-midlertid også komme termisk sønderdelelige, ikke-tobaksma-terialer på tale. Det er vigtigt, at bærersubstansen i inderkernen 14 i vidt omfang er i stand til at gløde uden 15 aske.A preferred carrier substance is tobacco material, for example cut tobacco, tobacco foil or extruded tobacco; however, thermally decomposable, non-tobacco materials may also be considered. It is important that the carrier substance in the inner core 14 is largely able to glow without ash.

De opstående askerester skal være ubetydelige, og der består derfor den mulighed at tilsætte bærersubstansen i inderkernen 14 glasfibre eller andre mineralfibre, for allerede her at opnå en vis filtervirkning.The resulting ash residues must be insignificant, and there is therefore the possibility of adding 14 carrier fibers or other mineral fibers to the carrier substance in the inner core, in order to achieve a certain filter effect already here.

20 I det tilfælde, hvor inderkernen 14 indeholder to baksmaterialer, må denne have et højt aromaindhold og/eller et højt kondensatpotentiale, samt et lavt karbonmonoxyd-po-tentiale.In the case where the inner core 14 contains two baking materials, this must have a high aroma content and / or a high condensate potential, as well as a low carbon monoxide potential.

Omsvøbningen 16 af inderkernen 14 af strengdelen 12 25 har en forholdsvis ringe porøsitet. Som omsvøbning 16 kommer især cigaretpapir på tale, og nærmere bestemt et cigaretpapir, som i det mindste delvis består af tobaksråstof.The envelope 16 of the inner core 14 of the strand portion 12 has a relatively low porosity. Suitable wrappers 16 are, in particular, cigarette paper, and more particularly a cigarette paper which consists at least in part of tobacco raw material.

Som alternativ kan omsvøbningen 16 af inderkernen 14 også være fremstillet af tobaksfolier eller andre naturstof-30 folier.Alternatively, the wrap 16 of the inner core 14 may also be made of tobacco foils or other natural foil 30s.

Yderkappen 18 for strengdelen 12 består af tobaksmaterialer og/eller ikke-tobaksmaterialer med lavt kondensatpotentiale og med høj fyldeevne med en pasningstæthed på højst 220 mg/ml.The outer sheath 18 of the string part 12 consists of tobacco materials and / or non-tobacco materials with low condensate potential and with high filling capacity with a fit density of not more than 220 mg / ml.

35 Som ydre omsvøbning 20 af yderkappen anvendes et po røst cigaretpapir med en luftgennemtrængelighed, der er 3 2 større end 30 CU (Coresta Units = cm /min. x cm x 100 mm WS).As the outer envelope 20 of the outer shell, a porous cigarette paper with an air permeability greater than 30 CU (Coresta Units = cm / min. X cm x 100 mm WS) is used.

5 DK 172979 B15 DK 172979 B1

Det er vigtigt, at den indre omsvøbning 16 af inder-kernen 14 og den ydre omsvøbning 20 af yderkappen af strengdelen tilsættes almindelige, forskellige glødesalte og glø-desaltkoncentrationer som additiver og nærmere betegnet en-5 ten ensartet over hele overfladen eller som et glødesalt-mønster, idet der kan anvendes et bestemt glødesalt eller en blanding af flere forskellige glødesalte.It is important that the inner wrap 16 of the inner core 14 and the outer wrap 20 of the outer sheath of the strand portion be added to common, different glow salts and glow salt concentrations as additives and more specifically either uniformly over the entire surface or as an incandescent salt. pattern, using a particular incandescent salt or a mixture of several different incandescent salts.

Glødesaltmængden for den indre omsvøbning 16, respektive den ydre omsvøbning 20, må afstemmes således, at der 10 ialt for inderkernen 14 og yderkappen 18 opnås en glødehas-tighed, der sikrer en tilstrækkelig ensartet masseomsætning for inderkernen 14 og yderkappen 18 for strengdelen 12. Det må især være udelukket, at der på grund af lokal høj gløde-hastighed opstår hulrum eller lignende defekter.The amount of annealing salt for the inner envelope 16 and the outer envelope 20, respectively, must be adjusted so that a total of 10 for the inner core 14 and the outer sheath 18 is obtained, which ensures a sufficiently uniform mass conversion for the inner core 14 and the outer sheath 18 for the string portion 12. in particular, it must be ruled out that cavities or similar defects occur due to local high glow velocity.

15 Trækmodstanden i inderkernen 14 af strengdelen 12 skal være lavere end trækmodstanden i yderkappen 18 på tobaksstrengen 12.The tensile resistance in the inner core 14 of the string part 12 must be lower than the tensile resistance in the outer sheath 18 of the tobacco string 12.

Yderdiameteren af koaksialfilteret 15 svarer til y-derdiameteren af strengdelen 12, dvs. udgør maksimalt 8 mm.The outer diameter of the coaxial filter 15 corresponds to the y-diameter of the string part 12, i.e. is a maximum of 8 mm.

20 Diameteren af filterkernen 22 svarer omtrent til dia meteren af inderkernen 14 af strengdelen, men skal dog ifølge en foretrukken udførelsesform være ca. 0,1 til 1 mm mindre end denne, som antydet på tegningen, for på denne måde at udelukke, at røgen fra yderkappen 18 kan nå ind i 25 filterkernen 22.The diameter of the filter core 22 corresponds approximately to the diameter of the inner core 14 of the string part, but according to a preferred embodiment it must be approx. 0.1 to 1 mm smaller than this, as indicated in the drawing, in order in this way to exclude that the smoke from the outer casing 18 can reach into the filter core 22.

Koaksialfilteret 15 er ventileret og har en ventilationsgrad på fra 50 - 80%.The coaxial filter 15 is ventilated and has a degree of ventilation of from 50 - 80%.

Til dette formål anvendes som ydre omsvøbning 28 et højporøst omsvøbningspapir og et højporøst belægningspapir 30 med en yderligere, laserperforeret ventilationszone 30 indsat i det mindste gennem belægningspapiret. Dannes ventilationszonen som vist ved hjælp af en i omkredsretningen forløbende linie af punktformede ventilationsåbninger 30, skal linien af åbninger 30 have en 35 afstand på mindst 10 mm fra mundingsenden af koaksialfilteret 15.For this purpose, a highly porous wrapping paper and a highly porous coating paper 30 are used as the outer wrapping 28 with a further, laser-perforated ventilation zone 30 inserted at least through the coating paper. If the ventilation zone is formed as shown by means of a circumferentially extending line of point-shaped ventilation openings 30, the line of openings 30 must have a distance of at least 10 mm from the mouth end of the coaxial filter 15.

Længden af koaksialfilteret 15 skal ligge i området fra 21 - 30 mm. Tilsvarende vil ventilationszonen 30 i det 6 DK 172979 B1 mindste være 9 mm fra den mod strengdelen 12 vendte endeflade af koaksialfilteret 15, idet det tilstræbes at holde en om muligt lille afstand til mundingsendefladen.The length of the coaxial filter 15 must be in the range from 21 - 30 mm. Correspondingly, the ventilation zone 30 in the 6 DK 172979 B1 will be at least 9 mm from the end face of the coaxial filter 15 facing the string part 12, the aim being to keep a small distance to the mouth end face if possible.

Når afstanden mellem endefladen ved mundsiden af ko-5 aksialfilteret 15 og ventilationszonen 30 betegnes med 1 , bredden af ventilationszonen 30 med 1, længden af koaksial-filteret 15 med lp og afstanden mellem ventilationszonen og den mod strengdelen 12 vendte endeflade af koaksialfilteret 15 betegnes med 12, gælder følgende 10 lp - 12 “ ^i + i.When the distance between the end face at the mouth side of the coaxial filter 15 and the ventilation zone 30 is denoted by 1, the width of the ventilation zone 30 by 1, the length of the coaxial filter 15 by 1p and the distance between the ventilation zone and the end face of the coaxial filter 15 is denoted by 12, the following 10 lp - 12 “^ i + i applies.

Som nævnt er omsvøbningen 28 af filterkappen 26 porøs og består af et omsvøbnings- og et belægningspapir. Belæg-15 ningspapiret skal have en porøsitet på mere end 5000 CU og omsvøbningspapiret en porøsitet på mere end 10000 cu.As mentioned, the wrap 28 of the filter sheath 26 is porous and consists of a wrap and a coating paper. The coating paper must have a porosity of more than 5000 CU and the wrapping paper a porosity of more than 10000 cu.

Som materialer til de to filterzoner, nemlig til filterkernen 22 og filterkappen 26 kommer de gængse filtermaterialer på tale, således som de for tiden anvendes i cigaret-20 industrien.As materials for the two filter zones, namely for the filter core 22 and the filter sheath 26, the usual filter materials come into play, as they are currently used in the cigarette industry.

Som alternativ hertil kan filterkernen 22 bestå af porøse bærermaterialer med stor specifik overflade, især opskummet, ekstruderet, sintret, presset eller på anden måde formet materiale, som fx kul, tobaks- eller ikke-tobaksmate-25 rialer. Ved disse varianter består filterkappen 26 fortsat af de gængse filtermaterialer.As an alternative to this, the filter core 22 may consist of porous carrier materials with a large specific surface, in particular foamed, extruded, sintered, pressed or otherwise shaped material, such as carbon, tobacco or non-tobacco materials. In these variants, the filter jacket 26 still consists of the usual filter materials.

Ved begge varianter skal bærermaterialerne for filterkernen 22 indeholde additiver, nemlig for det første de gængse additiver, såsom fx triacetin, flavour- eller aroma-30 stoffer og/eller smagsmæssigt i vidt omfang neutrale stoffer med høje transferkoefficienter i kernerøgen.In both variants, the carrier materials for the filter core 22 must contain additives, namely, firstly, the common additives, such as, for example, triacetin, flavor or aroma substances and / or largely neutral substances with high transfer coefficients in the core smoke.

Filterkernen 22 er omgivet af en luftgennemtrængelig omsvøbning 24, som fx består af ikke porøst filterpapir.The filter core 22 is surrounded by an air-permeable wrap 24, which for example consists of non-porous filter paper.

For de to filterzoner 22,26 kan der angives følgende 35 data:For the two filter zones 22,26 the following 35 data can be specified:

Forholdet mellem de specifikke trækmodstand gennem filtermaterialet 26 i forhold til filterkernen 22 ved "lukket måling", dvs. uden hensyn til ventilationen, mindst 1,4.The ratio of the specific tensile resistances through the filter material 26 to the filter core 22 by "closed measurement", i.e. without regard to ventilation, at least 1.4.

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Τ’ 7 DK 172979 B1Τ ’7 DK 172979 B1

Den perifere filterkappe 26 har på basis af den perifere røgstrøm sammen med ventilationen via ventilationsåbningerne 30 en reduktionsgrad på mindst 90%, og filterkernen 22 har på basis af kernerøgen en filtervirksomhed på højst 5 40%.On the basis of the peripheral smoke flow together with the ventilation via the ventilation openings 30, the peripheral filter jacket 26 has a degree of reduction of at least 90%, and the filter core 22 has a filter activity of at most 5 40% on the basis of the core smoke.

Ved den beskrevne koaksialcigaret 10 opstår der altså forbrændingsprodukter såvel i den indvendige kerne 14 som i den ydre kappe 18 af strengdelen 12. Under et sug stammer forbrændigsprodukterne i det væsentlige kun fra yderkappen 10 18 af strengdelen 12, således at næsten alle forbrændings produkter i adskilte baner ledes gennem koaksialfilteret og derved på tilsigtet måde kan påvirkes således, at der uden at smagen påvirkes, kun forekommer små mængder kondensat, som i vidt omfang er fri for de ellers gængse forbrændings-15 produkter.In the case of the coaxial cigarette 10 described, combustion products thus occur both in the inner core 14 and in the outer casing 18 of the string part 12. During a suction, the combustion products originate essentially only from the outer casing 10 18 of the string part 12, so that almost all combustion products in separate paths are passed through the coaxial filter and thereby can be intentionally actuated in such a way that without affecting the taste, only small amounts of condensate occur, which are largely free of the otherwise common combustion products.

Claims (20)

1. Koaksialcigaret 5 a) med en inderkerne af et i vidt omfang restfrit, glød- bart materiale, især et tobaksmateriale, i b) med en omsvøbning af inderkernen, c) med en yderkappe, der omgiver inderkernen respektive dens svøb, af et tobaks- og eller ikke-tobaksmateriale, og 10 med d) en omsvøbning af yderkappen med e) et ventileret koaksialfilter (15) med el) en filterkerne (22), hvis inderdiameter 15 tilnærmelsesvis svarer til diameteren af inderkernen (14), og med e2) en filterkappe (26), 20 f) hvor filterkernen (22) har en luftgennemtrængelig omsvøbning (24), kendetegnet ved, at g) filterkappen har en luftgennemtrængelig omsvøbning (28) , 25 h) omsvøbningen (16) af inderkernen (14) og omsvøbnin-gen (20) af yderkappen (18) er forsynet med glødesalte, og i) trækmodstanden af inderkernen (14) er lavere end trækmodstanden af yderkappen (18).Coaxial cigarette 5 (a) with an inner core of a largely residue-free, glowable material, in particular a tobacco material, (ib) with an envelope of the inner core, c) with an outer shell surrounding the inner core and its envelope, respectively, of a tobacco and or non-tobacco material, and with d) an envelope of the outer sheath with e) a ventilated coaxial filter (15) with el) a filter core (22) whose inner diameter 15 approximately corresponds to the diameter of the inner core (14), and with e2) a filter jacket (26), f) wherein the filter core (22) has an air-permeable envelope (24), characterized in that g) the filter jacket has an air-permeable envelope (28), 25 h) the envelope (16) of the inner core (14) and the envelope (20) of the outer sheath (18) is provided with glow salts, and i) the tensile resistance of the inner core (14) is lower than the tensile resistance of the outer sheath (18). 2. Koaksialcigaret ifølge krav 1, 30 kendetegnet ved, at ventilationen af koaksialfil-teret (15) udgør 50 til 80%.The coaxial cigarette according to claim 1, 30, characterized in that the ventilation of the coaxial filter (15) is 50 to 80%. 3. Koaksialcigaret ifølge krav 1 eller 2, kendetegnet ved, at diameteren af filterkernen (22) er noget mindre end diameteren af inderkernen (14).The coaxial cigarette according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the diameter of the filter core (22) is somewhat smaller than the diameter of the inner core (14). 4. Koaksialcigaret ifølge krav 1, 2 eller 3, kendetegnet ved, at omsvøbningen (24) af filterkernen (22) består af et luftuigennerotrængeligt cigaretpapir. DK 172979 B1Coaxial cigarette according to Claim 1, 2 or 3, characterized in that the envelope (24) of the filter core (22) consists of an air-impermeable cigarette paper. DK 172979 B1 5. Koaksialcigaret ifølge et hvilket som helst af kravene 1 - 4, kendetegnet ved, at omsvøbningen (28) af filterkappen (26) består af et højporøst omsvøbningspapir og et 5 højporøst belægningspapir med en yderligere laserperforeret ventilationszone (30), der i det mindste går gennem belægningspapiret.Coaxial cigarette according to any one of claims 1 to 4, characterized in that the envelope (28) of the filter sheath (26) consists of a highly porous enveloping paper and a highly porous coating paper with a further laser perforated ventilation zone (30) which at least goes through the coating paper. 6. Koaksialcigaret ifølge krav 5, kendetegnet ved, at porøsiteten af belægningspa-10 piret i det mindste er 5000 CU og porøsiteten af omsvøbning-papiret i det mindste er 10000 CU.The coaxial cigarette according to claim 5, characterized in that the porosity of the coating paper is at least 5000 CU and the porosity of the wrapping paper is at least 10000 CU. 7. Koaksialcigaret ifølge et hvilket som helst af kravene l - 6, kendetegnet ved, at filterkernen (22) består af 15 porøse bærermaterialer med stor specifik overflade.The coaxial cigarette according to any one of claims 1 to 6, characterized in that the filter core (22) consists of 15 porous carrier materials with a large specific surface area. 8. Koaksialcigaret ifølge krav 7, kendetegnet ved, at der som bærermateriale anvendes opskummede, ekstruderede, sintrede, pressede eller formede materialer såsom f.eks. kul, tobaks- eller ikke-tobaks-20 materialer.Coaxial cigarette according to Claim 7, characterized in that foamed, extruded, sintered, pressed or shaped materials such as e.g. coal, tobacco or non-tobacco 20 materials. 9. Koaksialcigaret ifølge et hvilket som helst af kravene i - 8, kendetegnet ved, at filtermaterialet i filterkernen (22) og/eller filterkappen (26) er tilsat additiver.Coaxial cigarette according to one of Claims 1 to 8, characterized in that additives are added to the filter material in the filter core (22) and / or the filter jacket (26). 10. Koaksialcigaret ifølge et hvilket som helst af krave ne 1 - 9, kendetegnet ved, at forholdet mellem den specifikke trækmodstand af filterkappen (26) i forhold til filterkernen (22) uden hensyn til ventilationen i det mindste 30 er 1,4.The coaxial cigarette according to any one of claims 1 to 9, characterized in that the ratio of the specific draft resistance of the filter sheath (26) to the filter core (22) without regard to the ventilation is at least 1.4. 11. Koaksialcigaret ifølge et hvilket som helst af kravene 1 - 10, kendetegnet ved, at filterkappen (26) i forhold til den perifere røgstrøm sammen med den forudsete ventila-35 tion har en reduktionsgrad på mindst 90%.Coaxial cigarette according to one of Claims 1 to 10, characterized in that the filter jacket (26) has a degree of reduction of at least 90% relative to the peripheral smoke flow together with the provided ventilation. 12. Koaksialcigaret ifølge et hvilket som helst af kravene 1 - li, kendetegnet ved, at filterkernen (22) i forhold DK 172979 B1 til kernerøgen har en filtervirsomhed på højst 40%.Coaxial cigarette according to one of Claims 1 to 1, characterized in that the filter core (22) has a filter activity of at most 40% relative to the core smoke. 13. Koaksialcigaret ifølge et hvilket som helst af krave- i ne 1 - 12, kendetegnet ved, at inderkernen (14) indeholder j 5 en porøs bærersubstans med høj optageevne for aroma og/eller flavour-stoffer.Coaxial cigarette according to any one of claims 1 to 12, characterized in that the inner core (14) contains a porous carrier substance with a high absorption capacity for aromas and / or flavor substances. 14. Koaksialcigaret ifølge krav 13, kendetegnet ved, at der som bærersubstans anvendes et tobaksmateriale og/eller et termisk sønderdeleligt 10 ikke-tobaksmateriale.Coaxial cigarette according to Claim 13, characterized in that a tobacco material and / or a thermally decomposable non-tobacco material is used as carrier substance. 15. Koaksialcigaret ifølge krav 14, kendetegnet ved, at der anvendes et tobaksmateriale med et højt aromaindhold og/eller højt kondensatpotentiale samt lavt carbonraonoxid-potentiale.Coaxial cigarette according to Claim 14, characterized in that a tobacco material with a high aroma content and / or high condensate potential as well as low carbon monoxide potential is used. 16. Koaksialcigaret ifølge et hvilket som helst af krave ne 1 - 15, kendetegnet ved, at omsvøbningen (16) af inderkernen (16) er let porøs.Coaxial cigarette according to any one of claims 1 to 15, characterized in that the envelope (16) of the inner core (16) is slightly porous. 17. Koaksialcigaret ifølge krav 16, 20 kendetegnet ved, at omsvøbningen (16) af inderkernen (14) består af cigaretpapir, tobaksfolie eller andre naturstoffolier.The coaxial cigarette according to claim 16, 20, characterized in that the envelope (16) of the inner core (14) consists of cigarette paper, tobacco foil or other natural foil. 18. Koaksialcigaret ifølge krav 17, kendetegnet ved, at cigaretpapiret i det mindste 25 delvis indeholder tobaksråstoffer.The coaxial cigarette according to claim 17, characterized in that the cigarette paper at least partially contains tobacco raw materials. 19. Koaksialcigaret ifølge et hvilket som helst af kravene 1 - 18, kendetegnet ved, at yderkappen (18) indeholder tobaksmaterialer og/eller ikke-tobaksmaterialer med lavt 30 kondensatpotentiale og med høj fyIdeevne.The coaxial cigarette according to any one of claims 1 to 18, characterized in that the outer shell (18) contains tobacco materials and / or non-tobacco materials with low condensate potential and with high filling capacity. 20. Koaksialcigaret ifølge et hvilket som helst af kravene 1 - 19, kendetegnet ved, at omsvøbningen (20) af yderkappen (18) består af porøst cigaretpapir med en luftgennem-35 trængelighed på mere end 30 CU. I !The coaxial cigarette according to any one of claims 1 to 19, characterized in that the envelope (20) of the outer casing (18) consists of porous cigarette paper with an air permeability of more than 30 CU. I!
DK198807127A 1987-12-22 1988-12-21 Coaxial cigarette DK172979B1 (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

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DE3743597A DE3743597C1 (en) 1987-12-22 1987-12-22 Coaxial cigarette
DE3743597 1987-12-22

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DK712788D0 DK712788D0 (en) 1988-12-21
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DK198807127A DK172979B1 (en) 1987-12-22 1988-12-21 Coaxial cigarette

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US4966171A (en) * 1988-07-22 1990-10-30 Philip Morris Incorporated Smoking article
DE3901226C1 (en) * 1989-01-17 1990-07-26 B.A.T. Cigarettenfabriken Gmbh, 2000 Hamburg, De
GB9102658D0 (en) * 1991-02-07 1991-03-27 British American Tobacco Co Improvements relating to smoking articles

Family Cites Families (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US3356094A (en) * 1965-09-22 1967-12-05 Battelle Memorial Institute Smoking devices
GB8502651D0 (en) * 1985-02-01 1985-03-06 British American Tobacco Co Smoking articles
DE3901226C1 (en) * 1989-01-17 1990-07-26 B.A.T. Cigarettenfabriken Gmbh, 2000 Hamburg, De

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