DK141152B - Mechanism for cleaning the branch wheel of a root fruit harvester during the recording operation. - Google Patents

Mechanism for cleaning the branch wheel of a root fruit harvester during the recording operation. Download PDF


Publication number
DK141152B DK451577A DK451577A DK141152B DK 141152 B DK141152 B DK 141152B DK 451577 A DK451577 A DK 451577A DK 451577 A DK451577 A DK 451577A DK 141152 B DK141152 B DK 141152B
Prior art keywords
branch wheel
recording operation
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Danish (da)
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DK141152C (en
DK451577A (en
Osvald Pedersen
Original Assignee
Osvald Pedersen
Ingenioer Johannes Madsen
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Application filed by Osvald Pedersen, Ingenioer Johannes Madsen filed Critical Osvald Pedersen
Priority to DK451577A priority Critical patent/DK141152B/en
Publication of DK451577A publication Critical patent/DK451577A/da
Publication of DK141152B publication Critical patent/DK141152B/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of DK141152C publication Critical patent/DK141152C/da



  • Harvesting Machines For Root Crops (AREA)


\Ra/ (11) FREMLÆGGELSESSKRIFT 1 U 1 152 DANMARK Wl Intel.· A 01 D 1S/00 §(21) Ansøgning nr. ^515/77 (22) Indleveret den 12. Okt. 1977 (23) Løbedag 12. Okt. 1977 (44) Ansøgningen fremlagt og . . nn fremlæggelsesskriftet offentliggjort den t-O. jan. I you DIREKTORATET FOR u ^ ^ PATENT-OG VAREMÆRKEVÆSENET (30) Prioritet begæret fra den (71) OSVALD PEDERSEN, Fabriks vej 18, 6980 Tim, DK.\ Ra / (11) PUBLICATION WRITING 1 U 1 152 DENMARK Wl Intel. · A 01 D 1S / 00 § (21) Application No. ^ 515/77 (22) Filed on 12 Oct. 1977 (23) Race day 12 Oct. 1977 (44) The application presented and. . nn the petition published on t-O. Jan. I you Directorate of Patent and Trademark Services (30) Priority requested from (71) OSVALD PEDERSEN, Fabriks väg 18, 6980 Tim, DK.

(72) Opfinder: Samme.(72) Inventor: Same.

(74) Fuldmægtig under sagen· behandling:(74) Plenipotentiary in the proceedings · Treatment:

Ingeniør Johannes Madsen.___ (64) Mekanisme til renholdelse af en rodfrugt opt agers grenhjul under optagearbejdet.Engineer Johannes Madsen .___ (64) Mechanism for cleaning of a root fruit opt agar branch wheel during the recording work.

Ved rodfrugtoptagere, der bag deres optageorganer har et liggende roterende grenhjul, på hvilket de af optageorganerne oppløjede eller optrukne rodfrugter ledes op for videretransport til et aflægnings-sted samt for under denne transport at blive frasorteret mest mulig jord fra det på grenhjulet indførte materiale, er der den ulenqpe, navnlig når optagningen finder sted under ugunstige vejrforhold og i særdeleshed når det drejer sig om optagning af sukkerroer, der som regel har sin opvækst i lerblandet muldjord, at den fugtige jordmasse har tilbøjelighed til at kline sig fast til grenhjulets nav og den fra dette fremspringende flange, ud fra hvilken grenhjulets grene udspringer.In the case of root fruit pickers having a rotating branch wheel behind their harvesting means, on which the rooted or raised root fruits are led up for further transport to a deposition site and for during this transport as much soil as possible is removed from the material introduced on the branch wheel. where the disadvantage, especially when the shooting takes place in adverse weather conditions and, in particular, in the case of sugar beet harvesting, which usually has its growth in clay-mixed soil, that the moist soil mass tends to cling to the hub wheel and the from this projecting flange, from which the branches of the sprocket originate.

Denne fastklining af jordmassen kan efterhånden brede sig ud over grenene i retning mod deres periferi og efterhånden danne et så tykt sammenæltet jordlag på grenene, at disses rensefunktion bringes til ophør.This cleavage of the soil mass can eventually extend beyond the branches towards their periphery and eventually form such a thick, cohesive soil layer on the branches that their purification function is terminated.

2 1411522 141152

Opfindelsen har til formål at angive en mekanisme, der kan anbringes på såvel nye som ibrugværende rodfrugtoptagere, og som, når den er påsat, automatisk hindrer sammenæltede jordmasser i at sætte sig fast på grenene i optagerens roterende grenhjul·The invention has for its object to provide a mechanism which can be applied to new as well as in-use root crop harvesters and, when applied, automatically prevents entangled soil masses from attaching to the branches of the rotary branch wheel of the recorder.

Det for opfindelsen ejendommelige fremgår af krav l's kendetegnende del.The characterizing part of the invention is apparent from the characterizing part of claim 1.

Den på de inderste dele af grenhjulets grene sammenæltede jordmasse presses af trykhjulet ned igennem mellemrummene mellem grenene, hvorved hindres, at en sammenæltning af jordmasserne breder sig ud over grenhjulets yderst beliggende del, og den i kravet omtalte skraber, der fører hen over grenhjulets inderste del, sikrer, at alt jordmateriale, der søger at ælte sig fast til grenhjulets flangedel, af skraberen tvinges ud over flangedelens kant umiddelbart foran mekanismens trykhjul.The soil mass entrained on the innermost parts of the branch wheel is pushed by the pressure wheel down through the spaces between the branches, thereby preventing a soil mass spreading over the outermost part of the branch wheel and the scraper mentioned in the claim leading over the inner part of the branch wheel. , ensures that any soil material that seeks to adhere to the flange portion of the branch wheel is forced by the scraper beyond the edge of the flange portion immediately in front of the pressure wheel of the mechanism.

Mekanismenkan? som det fremgår af kravet, ophængespå optagerens stel således, at trykhjulet kan indstilles i højderetningen samt således, at hjulets trykpåvirkning på grenhjulet ved justering af den i krav 1 omtalte fjeders spænding kan gøres større eller mindre under hensyntagen til jordstrukturen under optagearbejdet, hvilket fremgår af krav 2's kendetegnende del.Mekanismenkan? As can be seen from the claim, hang on the frame of the recorder so that the pressure wheel can be adjusted in the height direction and so that the pressure of the wheel on the branch wheel can be increased or decreased by adjusting the tension of the spring mentioned in claim 1, taking into account the soil structure during the recording work. The characteristic part of claim 2.

Trykhjulet eller den del af dette, der har anlæg mod grenhjulets grene, er, som det fremgår af krav 3's kendetegnende del, fortrinsvis udført af et elastisk materiale, såsom kautsjuk.The pressure wheel or part thereof having abutment against the branches of the ram wheel is, as is evident from the characteristic part of claim 3, preferably made of an elastic material such as rubber.

En rodfrugtoptager med tilhørende renholdelsesmekanisme ifølge opfindelsen er vist på tegningen, hvor fig. 1 viser et planbillede af en rodfrugtoptager med påsat renholdelsesmekanisme set fra oven, og fig. 2 i større målestok selve renholdelsesmekanismen set bagfra.A root fruit recorder with associated cleaning mechanism according to the invention is shown in the drawing, in which fig. 1 is a top plan view of a root fruit recorder with applied cleaning mechanism; and FIG. 2 on a larger scale, the actual cleaning mechanism is viewed from behind.

På tegningen betegner 1 optagerens stelramme, i hvilken er drejeligt lejret et liggende grenhjul 2, foran hvilket der i stelrammen er ophængt to sæt optageorganer 3» der under optagearbejdet oppløjer eller optrækker rodfrugterne og leder massen ind på grenhjulets grene for frasortering af jordmasserne.In the drawing, 1 denotes the frame of the recorder in which is rotatably mounted a lying branch wheel 2, before which two sets of recording means 3 are suspended in the frame frame, which during the recording work dissolve or pull up the root fruits and guide the mass into the branches of the branch wheel for the removal of the soil masses.

På den bageste del af optagerens stelramme 1 er der fastspændt en mekanisme, der har til opgave at hindre fugtige lerholdige jordmasser i at kline sig fast til grenhjulets grene, og denne mekanisme består som vist på tegningen, se navnlig fig. 2, af et bærestykke 4, der er fastspændt til den øverst beliggende del af optagerens stelramme og hensigtsmæssigt til den rammedel, der tjener til bæring af grenhjulets øverst beliggende akselleje.On the rear part of the frame frame of the recorder 1 is secured a mechanism which is designed to prevent damp clay-containing soils from clinging to the branches of the branch wheel, and this mechanism consists as shown in the drawing, see in particular fig. 2, of a support piece 4, which is clamped to the upper part of the frame of the recorder and suitably to the frame part which serves to support the upper wheel shaft bearing.

Bærestykket 4 har en fastsiddende lodretstillet, rektangulært 3 U1152 udformet styrenav 5, i hvilket er forskydeligt ophængt en bærestang 6, i hvis nederste ende der er drejeligt ophængt en dobheltarmet vægtstangsarm 7, i hvis ene ende er drejeligt ophængt et på højkant stående trykhjul 8, og hvis anden ende ved en trækfjeder 9 er ophængt i mekanismens bærestykke 4.The support 4 has a fixed vertical, rectangular 3 U-shaped steering hub 5 in which is slidably mounted a support rod 6, the lower end of which is pivotally mounted a double-arm lever 7, at one end of which is pivotally mounted a high-pressure push wheel 8. and if the other end of a tension spring 9 is suspended in the support piece 4 of the mechanism.

Mekanismen er ophængt på optagerens stejLdel således, at trykhjulet 8 presses ned imod den inderste del af grenhjulets grene. Poran tryk-, hjulet 8 er der til optagerens øteldel fastgjort en over grenhjulets flange beliggende radialforløbende skraber 10, der under grenhjulets rotation skraber det på flangen indtrængende jordmateriale ud over flangens periferi, og dette jordmateriale bliver umiddelbart derefter presset ned gennem mellemrummene mellem grenhjulets grene ved hjælp af trykhjulet 8, der holdes i rotation på grund af sit anlægtryk mod grenhjulet. Så snart jordmasserne er presset ned gennem grenenes spalte-., formede mellemrum, falder de ned på markoverfladen.The mechanism is suspended on the stem of the recorder such that the pressure wheel 8 is pressed down against the innermost part of the branches of the branch wheel. Poran pressurized wheel 8 is attached to the recess portion of the recorder a radially extending scraper 10 located over the flange wheel, which scrapes the soil penetrating the flange beyond the periphery of the flange during rotation of the branch wheel, and this soil material is immediately pressed down through the spaces between the branch wheels. by means of the pressure wheel 8, which is held in rotation due to its abutment pressure against the branch wheel. As soon as the soil masses are pressed down through the gaps in the branches, they form on the field surface.

Da den indre flangedannede del af grenhjulet og de inderste dele Λ af grenhjulets grene derved kan holdes fri for påføring af et klæbe-lag af en fugtig jordmasse, kan den øvrige del af grenhjulets grenparti også holdes fri, dels fordi afstanden mellem grenene indbyrdes tiltager i retning udad mod grenhjulets periferi, og dels fordi gren-hjulets grene nu uhindret kan foretage deres vibrerende bevægelser under det optagne rodfrugtaaterlales transport aed grenhjulet*As the inner flange-shaped part of the branch wheel and the inner parts Λ of the branches of the branch wheel can thereby be kept free from the application of an adhesive layer by a moist soil mass, the other part of the branch portion of the branch wheel can also be kept free, partly because the distance between the branches increases with each other. direction outwards towards the periphery of the branch wheel, and partly because the branch-wheel branches can now unobstruct their vibrating movements during the transport of the root cane plant to the branch wheel *

Trykhjulet 8 består fortrinsvis af et hjul, hvis yderste cirkulære del er udført af et elastisk materiale, såsom kautsjuk eller et andet egnet formstofmateriale, og trækfjederen 9 bør være ophængt således , at den kan indstilles til større eller mindre trækspænding.The pressure wheel 8 preferably consists of a wheel whose outer circular part is made of an elastic material such as rubber or other suitable plastic material, and the tension spring 9 should be suspended so that it can be adjusted to greater or less tensile stress.

Ved rodfrugtoptagere, der har to eller flere grenhjul, på hvilke det optagne materiale skal passere, inden rodfrugterne når deres aflægningssted, kan der om fornødent oven over hvert grenhjul påmonteres en rensemekanisme som i det foregående beskrevet.In case of root fruit pickers having two or more branch wheels on which the absorbed material must pass before the root fruits reach their deposition location, a cleaning mechanism may be fitted, if necessary, above each branch wheel as described above.

DK451577A 1977-10-12 1977-10-12 Mechanism for cleaning the branch wheel of a root fruit harvester during the recording operation. DK141152B (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DK451577A DK141152B (en) 1977-10-12 1977-10-12 Mechanism for cleaning the branch wheel of a root fruit harvester during the recording operation.

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DK451577A DK141152B (en) 1977-10-12 1977-10-12 Mechanism for cleaning the branch wheel of a root fruit harvester during the recording operation.
DK451577 1977-10-12

Publications (3)

Publication Number Publication Date
DK451577A DK451577A (en) 1979-04-13
DK141152B true DK141152B (en) 1980-01-28
DK141152C DK141152C (en) 1980-07-07



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
DK451577A DK141152B (en) 1977-10-12 1977-10-12 Mechanism for cleaning the branch wheel of a root fruit harvester during the recording operation.

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DK (1) DK141152B (en)

Also Published As

Publication number Publication date
DK141152C (en) 1980-07-07
DK451577A (en) 1979-04-13

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