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Use TI= to search in the title, AB= for the abstract, CL= for the claims, or TAC= for all three. For example, TI=(safety belt).
Search by Cooperative Patent Classifications (CPCs): These are commonly used to represent ideas in place of keywords, and can also be entered in a search term box. If you're searching forseat belts, you could also search for B60R22/00 to retrieve documents that mention safety belts or body harnesses. CPC=B60R22 will match documents with exactly this CPC, CPC=B60R22/low matches documents with this CPC or a child classification of this CPC.
Learn MoreKeywords and boolean syntax (USPTO or EPO format): seat belt searches these two words, or their plurals and close synonyms. "seat belt" searches this exact phrase, in order. -seat -belt searches for documents not containing either word.
For searches using boolean logic, the default operator is AND with left associativity. Note: this means safety OR seat belt is searched as (safety OR seat) AND belt. Each word automatically includes plurals and close synonyms. Adjacent words that are implicitly ANDed together, such as (safety belt), are treated as a phrase when generating synonyms.
Learn MoreChemistry searches match terms (trade names, IUPAC names, etc. extracted from the entire document, and processed from .MOL files.)
Substructure (use SSS=) and similarity (use ~) searches are limited to one per search at the top-level AND condition. Exact searches can be used multiple times throughout the search query.
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