CA2142058A1 - Pulmonary resuscitation device - Google Patents

Pulmonary resuscitation device


Publication number
CA2142058A1 CA 2142058 CA2142058A CA2142058A1 CA 2142058 A1 CA2142058 A1 CA 2142058A1 CA 2142058 CA2142058 CA 2142058 CA 2142058 A CA2142058 A CA 2142058A CA 2142058 A1 CA2142058 A1 CA 2142058A1
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inlet tube
outlet tube
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CA 2142058
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French (fr)
Calvin T. Geeham
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Publication of CA2142058A1 publication Critical patent/CA2142058A1/en
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  • Respiratory Apparatuses And Protective Means (AREA)


A pulmonary resuscitation device which can be used by anyone in an emergent situation, with or without prior training, composed of an airway member which includes an inlet tube and an outlet tube, a face mask sealably connected with the airway member, and a connection at a remote end of the inlet tube for connection of an oxygen bottle or a user's mouth thereto. In operation, a user inserts the airway member into the throat of the patient so as to depress the tongue and open the patient's airway, then completes insertion with the fitting of the face mask sealably onto the face of the patient. Oxygen is then turned on from an externally connected oxygen bottle, or else the user breathes into the inlet tube. Gas then enters the patient's lungs through the inlet tube thereby inflating the lungs, but with excess pressure build-up within the patient being prevented by the outlet tube being provided with a throttling cross-sectional area which automatically meters gas venting to the atmosphere. Thus, the present invention provides for the benefits of mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration, without any of the dangers associated with possible transmission of disease thereduring.



BI~CKGROUND OF THE lwv~ Ow 1. Fie~l of the invention:
The present invention relates to devices which supply aspiration to patients. More par~ lArly, the present invention relates to a pulmonary resuscitation device which provides an ai~way for providing non-contact mouth-to-mouth art;f;f~iAl respiration and/or administration of bottled oxygen to a patient without danger of an undue pressure b~ -up within the patient due to automatic metering of the outflow gas from the patient's lungs. Still more particularly, the present invention relates to a device of the af ores~ type which is extremely portable and compact, making it suitable f or use by the general population during times of emergency with or without prior training.
2. Description of the Prior Art:
It is well known that failure of respiration can have rapid dire consequences for a person who suffers an emergent me~
problem. While the standard practice is for a bystander to administer mouth-to-mouth artif;~;~l respiration, this practice has with it a certain degree of danger should the patient suf f er f rom a dread commlln;~hl~ disease, such as AIDS.
In the prior art there are certain devices which can af f ord respiratory function to a patient without need for ~;rect body intercomrll n i ~ tion .

-U.S. Patent 2,857,911 to Bennett, dated October 28, 1958, discloses a respiratory device having a mouthpiece with a tubular portion connected thereto for the introduction of air into the patient's lungs. This device fails to address tongue depression and nasal airway involvement.
U.S. Patent 3,730,179 to W;~ ms~ dated May 1, 1973, discloses a cn~rle~ system which combines resuscitating, aspirating and gastric draining f unctions in one apparatus. One tube passes through the patient's nostrils, and a flattened tube is structured to enter the throat of the patient and is securable by a ~ip seal. A
tube extends through the flattened tube and is connected at its remote end to a mechAnicAl aspirator. A resuscitating supply source is connected with the remote end of the flattened tube.
This device, while being well suited to a hospital environment, is ill-suited to home or emergent care situations in which non-trained or semi-trained individuals must act quickly.
U.S. Patent 4,270,531 to Blachly (deceased et al), dated June 2, 1981, discloses an oropharyngeal airway device having an airway tube connected with a bite block assembly that provides an A;r-tight mouth seal. A ventilatory resuscitator bag is connected at a remote end of the airway tube and the patient's nostrils are oc~ ed by some conventional means.
U.S. Patent 4,788,973 to Kirchgeorg et al, dated December 6, 1988, discloses a gas dispensing system f or use as an emergency Q~ygen ;nh;~tor which includes a gas storage tank and a connected f ace mask.

21~2058 -U.S. Patent 4,559,940 to McGinnis, dated December 24, 1985, discloses an airway tube having a single exterior tube having a single open end protruding f rom the mask. On the other side of the mask, interior to the patient, an elongated beam portion is provided which connects with the tube. Two channels are provided by an '~-beam" configuration of the beam portion, since it is not possible with this configuration f or the patient's tongue to assume a position that blocks of f both channels simultaneously.
U.S. Patent 4,944,291 to Robertson Il: et al, datéd July 31, 1990, discloses a hygi~n;~ pulmonary resuscitation device having an inlet tube and an outlet tube, each having the same cross-section and each terminating the same length inside the mouth mask. In operation, a portion of the outlet tube must be pinched by the user in order to provide a correct pressure in the lungs of the person.
U.S. Patent 3,060,927 to Gattone, dated October 30, 1962, discloses a single tube f or mouth-to-mouth resuscitation which has provision f or connection with an oxygen bottle.
U.S. Patent 3,185,147 to Champagne, dated May 25, 1965, discloses a resuscitator having a multiple chamber configuration.
By pumping (using a hand pump or blowing~J air or other gas enters an inlet controlled by a one-way valve, enters into a lower chamber, then goes out a mouthpiece via control of another one-way valve to a discharge end and thereupon into the patient.
The gas then returns to the mouthpiece via a discharge tube, ~ i~culates past another one-way valve, enters an intermediate chamber and thereupon exits through another one-way valve. The 214205~
-cap i8 provided with a hand pump or a mouthpiece f or providing a gas pressurizations in an upper chamber which causes ~ phrams to effect (in conjunction with the one-way valves) the gas to be pumped as des~rihe~l above.
What remains needed in the art is a simple, easily used and operated pulmonary resuscitation device which can be used by anyone in an emergent situation, with or without prior training because pressure relief is automatically effected without moving parts and without skilled user control of gas flow metering.

The present invention is a simple, easily used and operated pulmonary resuscitation device which can be used by anyone in an emergent situation, with or without prior tr~;ning, wherein pressure relief is automatic~lly effected without moving parts and without ski~led user control of gas flow metering.
The present invention is composed of an airway member which includes an inlet tube and an outlet tube, a f ace mask se~l~hly connected with the airway member, and a connection at a remote end of the gas inlet tube for connection of an oxygen bottle or a user's mouth thereto. The outlet tube has a cross-section which is sized to cause automatic metering of the outflow of gas from the lungs of the patient at a rate which allows for the lungs to be f;lle~l~ but not injuriously pressurized, by the gas flo~Lng ~nto the lungs from the inlet tube.
operation, when a patient requires pulmonary resuscitation, '_ the user inserts the ai~way member into the throat of the patient so as to depress the tongue and open the patient's airway, and completes insertion by fitting of the face mask se~l~hly onto the f ace of the patient. The user then breathes into the inlet tube or alternatively oxygen f rom a bottle is connected with the inlet tube and then an in-line valve is turned on. Air or oxygen then enters the patient's lungs through the inlet tube to thereby lif e-savingly inflate the lungs, while excess pressure b~ -up within the patient is prevented by automatic metering of the outflow gas by the outlet tube, wherein the outflow gas is vented harmlessly to the atmosphere. The user may or may not wish to momentarily block the outlet tube with his or her finger to assist inflation of the lungs, but this is not required because of the inherent, built-in automatic metering f eature of the outlet tube. Accordingly, operation is f ool-proof, so that anyone can operate the invention, as may f requently happen in emergent situation s .
Accordingly, it is an object of the present invention to provide a pulmonary resuscitation device which provides f or delivery of air and/or bottled oxygen to a patient without need of complicated structures and other attendant apparatus.
It is an additional object of the present invention to provide a pulmonary resuscitation device which provides f or delivery of air and/or bottled oxygen to a patient without danger of pressure bll;kl-up, so that any person can operate the invention during an emergen t situation .
It is another object of the present invention to provide a 21~2û~8 _ pulmonary resuscitation device which provides f or the A~l~ini ~:tration of mouth-to-mouth arti f; ~ 1 respiration without any of the dangers associated with possible transmission of disease there~ ring.
It is a further object of the present invention to provide a pulmonary resuscitation device which provides f or delivery of ~i r and/or bottled o~cygen to a patient without danger of pressure build-up, so that any person can operate the invention during an emergent situation, wherein lung pressure relief is automatically ef f ected without moving parts and without ski~led user control of gas outflow metering.
These, and additional objects, advantages, f eatures and benefits of the present invention will become apparent from the f ollowing specification.

Figure 1 is a partly sectional side view of the pulmonary resuscitation device according to the present invention, shown in operation in connection with a patient.
Figure 2 is a rear perspective view of the pulmonary ~ resuscitation device according to the present invention.
Figure 3 is a partly sectional top plan view of the pulmonary resuscitation device according to the present invention.
Figure 4 is a sectional view of the pulmonary resuscitation device, seen along lines 4-4 in Figure 3.

Ref erring now to the Drawing, Figure 1 shows the pulmonary resuscitation device 10 according to the present invention in operation in connection with the pulmonary ventilation of a patient 12. As can be discerned f rom Figure 1, the pulmonary resuscitation device 10 is composed of an airway member 14 (which includes an inlet tube 16 and an outlet tube 18 as shown in Figures 3 and 4), a f ace mask 20 sealably connected with the airway member 14, and a threaded connection member 22 located at the remote end 14a of the airway member. As can be f urther discerned f rom Figure 1, the airway member 14 is gently curved so as to provide depression of the patient's tongue 12a, provide an airway to the patient's throat 12b and sealably interf ace with the patient's f ace 12c. Greater structural and operational specificity will now be described with ref erence being had to the Drawing, generally.
The airway member 14 is pref erred to be constructed of a plastic material and is preferred to be of an ellipsoidal cross-section, as shown in Figure 4. The ailway member 14 is composed of two component tubes: an inlet tube 16 and an outlet tube 18. It is preferred for the airway member 14 to be formed by the inlet and outlet tubes 16, 18 being integrated as shown in Figure 3, although this is not a requirement. In this regard, the outlet tube 18 may be alternatively connected with the inlet tube 16 entirely exterior to the inlet tube.
The inlet tube 16 terminates at an output end 16a that is coterln;nous with the intubate end 14b of the airway member 14, 21~2058 wherein when properly placed within the mouth of the patient the a~way member extends to a location substantially adjacent the base 12a' of the patient's tongue 12a as depicted in Figure 1. The input end 16b of the inlet tube 16 is pref erably provided with a threaded connection member 22 whereto an external line 24 is thre~ hly connectable. The external line is connected, in turn, with an oxygen bottle 2 6 f or providing oxygen to the patient through the inlet tube af ter an in-line valve of conventional construction has been turned on. The threaded connection member 22 is also used by a person to perf orm mouth -to-mouth art-; f i ~i ~l respiration by placing his or her mouth thereto and then blowing into the input end 16b of the inlet tube 16. Other structures than the pref erred threaded connection mem-her 22 may be substituted theref or, such as f or ex~mrl~ a connection member structured f or easy and eff;~i~nt mating with a user's mouth parts to fa~ ilitate the user administering mouth-to-mouth type resuscitation to the patient.
The outlet tube 18 terminates at an input end 18a that is remote from the intubate end 14b of the airway member 14, for ~x;~mpl Q about an inch or so. ~ this regard, because the input end 18a of the outlet tube 18 is located a predetermined distance f rom the output end 16a of the inlet tube 16, gas entering into the patient's throat 12b f rom the output end 16a of the inlet tube will travel to the patient's lungs thereupon inflating the lungs and circulating in the lungs, and then exit at the input end of the output tube without an undue proportion of the inflowing gas entering from the output end of the inlet tube by-passing the lungs and ,1; rectly exiting via the input end of the outlet tube.
The outlet tube 18 terminates at an output end 18b a predeterln;ned length from the remote end 14a of the airway member so that venting gas f rom the outlet tube will not endanger or bother the user who is administerirlg resuscitation. In this regard, an extension tube 18c may be optionally added to the output end 18b of the outlet tube 18, as shown in phantom in Figure 3, having a selected length and a selected shape so as to carry vented gas to a remote location with respect to the connection member 22 and thereby assuage any danger of the user breathing in vented gas therefrom.
The f ace mask 20 is of a substantially conventional structure, and is preferably constructed of a plastic mater;~l- The face mask is provided with a central aperture 20 which interfaces se~l~hly with the airway member 14 via a seal 28. As depicted in Figure 1, the f ace mask 2 0 seals the patient's f ace 12c in terms of his or her nostrils 12d and mouth 12e. It is to be noted that the output end 18b of the outlet tube 18 is located between the f ace mask 20 and the threaded connection member 2 2, so as to thereby vent outflow gas to the atmosphere. It is to be further noted that the input tube 16 has a length inside the f ace mask 20 which exceeds the length of the outlet tube 18 inside the f ace mask such that the inflowing gas from the input tube cannot simply short circuit to the outlet tube, but rather must circulate through the lungs before exiting via the outlet tube.
Critical to operation of the pulmonary resuscitation device -10 is the structure of the outlet tube 18 thereof because the outlet tube provides inherent automatic outflow gas metering that ensures inflation of the lungs and prevents over inflation of the lungs without any act on the part of the user being reqll; red to accomplish this. The automatic outf low gas metering is provided by throttling of the outflow gas due to preselection of an interior cross-sectional area of the outlet tube. In this regard, the throttling of the outflow gas by the outlet tube provides a preselected gas outflow rate range at a preselected lung pressure range when the input tube supplies a preselected gas inflow rate range at a preselected input pressure range. Thus, given a preselected gas inflow rate range at a preselected input pressure range via the inlet tube, the outlet tube provides an outflow gas rate range that results in a lung pressure range at mA~imllm less than that which is injurious to the lungs and at mini~ m that which is suffi~iP~t to inflate the lungs. It is preferred for the entire length of the outlet tube to be provided with a preselected cross-sectional area for providing the aforesaid throttling, however, a selected portion or a location somewhere along the outlet tube may be provided with a constriction having a cross-sectional area such as to provide the afores;~ throttl;ng. For PlrAmrlP, a person breathing into the inlet tube to manu~lly provide mouth-to-mouth ar~ifi~i~l respiration of a patient would generate an input pressure and inflow gas rate during exhalation that would recommend an interior cross-sectional area of the outlet tube f or providing the aforesaid throttling on the order of about .0123 square inches 21~20S8 -(which corresponds to a diameter of about one-eighth inch) so that the lungs will inflate and yet be at most pressurized below an injurious level. In the case where bottled oxygen under pressure is to be introduced to the lungs of the patient via the inlet tube, the outlet tube cross -sectional area would be preset to have a cross-sectional area selected to be the same, increased or decreased relative to the af oresaid example in order to provide throttling via the outlet tube analogous to that des~r;hetl with respect to the example.
The interior cross-sectional area of the inlet tube 16 is not critical (in the same sense that the interior cross-sectional area of the outlet tube 18 is critical f or providing the af oresaid throttling feature), but is nonetheless predetermined to provide an expected range of inflow gas rates commensurate with an expected range of input gas pressures. For example, with respect to a manual resuscitation scenario wherein the outlet tube 18 interior cross-sectional area is about .0123 square inches, the inlet tube 16 interior cross-sectional area would be preferably about 196 square inches (which corresponds to a diameter of about one-h~lf inch) in order to ensure easy inflation of the patient's lungs by the user's breath. Ordinarily, the interior cross-sectional area of the inlet tube 16 would be considerably larger than the interior cross-sectional area of the outlet tube 18, as is depicted by way of pref erred example in Figures 3 and 4. With regard to operation with respect to a pressurized oxygen bottle, the interior cross-sectional areas of each of the input and output tubes is such as to regulate the gas inflow rate with the gas outflow rate such that a steady state gas flow rate is estAhli~hed whereat the pressure within the person's lungs is less than injurious, yet the lungs are inflated.
Thus, it is to be understood that the throttling feature of the outlet tube 18 results in the inflowing gas inflating the lungs of the patient, and further serves to prevent the pressure in the lungs f rom reaching an in jurious leveL This is a critical f eature of the invention because the user who is administering resuscitation to the patient may not be able to adequately discern whether or not inflowing gas from the inlet tube 16 is actually inflating and circulating in the lungs bef ore exiting via the outlet tube.
Experiments to verify the hereinabove des~r;herl throttling f eature of the outlet tube have been conducted. In the experiments, a model of the pulmonary resuscitation device according to the present invention was constructed composed of a plastic inlet tube having an inside diameter of between one-h~lf and five-eighths inch and a plastic outlet tube having an inside diameter of between one-eighth and three-sixteenths inch. A
balloon (which was intended to simulate a patient's lungs) was sealingly connected to the outlet end of the inlet tube and the inlet end of the outlet tube.
In one experiment, ~i r was manually blown into the input end of the inlet tube. The balloon was observed to inflate and slowly deflate after blowing ceased. The rate of ~ir venting through the outlet tube increased as the pressure in the h;~llor~n increased, and slowed as the pressure in the balloon decreased as it deflated.
This automatic inflation and pressure control of the balloon was adduced because of the outflow gas metering as a result of the interior cross-sectional area of the outlet tube, which cross-sectional area provided the necessary throttling process to pr~vide the afores~ outflow gas metering. It was further observed that blocking the output end of the outlet tube, as f or example by placing a finger sealingly thereagainst, was not essential to effect inflation of the balloon. Thus, it was observed that the output end of the outlet tube need not be blocked during blowing into the input end of the inlet tube in order to secure inflation of the balloon, which effect is considered ~plic~hl~? to pulmonary resuscitation administered to a patient's lungs.
In another exper; ---t, air was .qrlmin; ~tered to the input end of the inlet tube at a rate of approximately two liters per minute while the output end of the inlet tube was pinched closed. One minute later the balloon was observed to be inflated and the output end of the outlet tube was then unblocked. The balloon was observed to remain inflated. Now the rate of inflowing air was increased to three liters per minute. The balloon was observed to hardly increase in size because the outlet tube vented the added rate of inflowing ;~;r.
Thus, what may be drawn as conclusions from the experiments with respect to pulmonary resuscitation device according to the present invention are:
1) proper throttling via the selected cross-sectional area of 21~2058 -the outlet tube provides both inflation and excess pressure relief of the lungs;
2) the output end of the outlet tube does not need to be blocked to provide inflation of the lungs; and 3) if the outlet tube has too much throttling ef f ect the lungs of the patient may become dangerously over pressurized or, if the outlet tube has too little throttl;ng effect the lungs may not receive suff;~;Rr~t inflowing gas to adequately ventilate the patient.
In operation, a user inserts the intubate end of the ai~way member into the mouth of a patient so that the tongue is depressed and continues insertion until the face mask seAlAhly engages the f ace of the patient. If an oxygen bottle is being used, the bottle is connected to the connection member and the in-line valve is then turned on to thereby deliver oxygen to the patient's lungs via the output end of the inlet tube. Gas pressure is prevented f rom hll;lrl;ng to an injurious level by automatic operation of the inherent gas f low metering af f orded by the throttling caused by the predetermined interior cross-sectional area of the outlet tube. In the event resuscitation is to be manuqlly perf ormed, the user places the connection member to his or her mouth and then proceeds to blow into the inlet tube. During this process, the user may wish to block the output end of the outlet tube to assist lung inflation, although this is not considered essenti.ql because the automatic, inherent gas flow metering function of the outlet tube will serve to promote inflation of the lungs as well as prevent the lungs from being subjected to in jury by over inf lation. In order to ef f ect and 21 120~8 retain the af oresaid throttling ef f ect, the user would keep his or her mouth sealingly engaged with the inlet tube f or the duration needed.
To those skilled in the art to which this invention appertains, the above described pref erred embodiment may be subject to change or morlif;c~tion. For instance, the shape and construction of the airway member may be varied. Further for instance, the term oxygen bottle" is interpreted to mean a container of compressed gas, parti~lllArly a compressed gas having a rich percentage of oxygen. Such change or mo~;fi~tion can be carried out without departing from the scope of the invention, which is intended to be limited only by the scope of the appended claims.

Claims (6)

1. A pulmonary resuscitation device for administering pressurized gas into the lungs of a person, the pressurized gas providing a predetermined inflow gas rate range at a predetermined inflow gas pressure range, said pulmonary resuscitation device comprising:
an airway member, said airway member having an intubate end and an opposite remote end, said airway member comprising:
an inlet tube having an input end and an output end, said output end of said inlet tube being coterminous with said intubate end of said airway member, said input end of said inlet tube being located at said remote end of said airway member, said inlet tube being structured for receiving pressurized gas at said input end thereof and exiting the pressurized gas from said output end thereof; and an outlet tube having an input end and an output end, said inlet tube being connected with said outlet tube, said output end of said outlet tube being spaced from said input end of said inlet tube so as not to fluidically communicate with said input end of said inlet tube;
throttling means connected with said outlet tube for regulating pressure of the pressurized gas within the lungs of a person, wherein said throttling means comprises said outlet tube having at least one location therealong whereat an interior cross-sectional area thereof provides a preselected gas outflow rate range at a preselected lung pressure range when said input tube supplies a preselected gas inflow rate range at a preselected input pressure range, wherein when the preselected gas inflow rate range at the preselected input pressure range is provided via said inlet tube said outlet tube provides an outflow gas rate range that results in a lung pressure range at maximum less than that which is injurious to the lungs of the person and at minimum that which is sufficient to inflate the lungs of the person; and a face mask sealably connected with said airway member between said input and output ends of each of said outlet tube and said inlet tube;
wherein said face mask is structured to sealably interface with a face of a person so that nostril and mouth parts of the person are sealed by said face mask while said intubate end of said airway member is positioned adjacent a tongue part of the person, and further wherein said output end of said outlet tube is in atmospheric communication;
wherein said input end of said outlet tube is spaced a first predetermined distance from said face mask and said output end of said inlet tube is spaced a second predetermined distance from said face mask, wherein said second predetermined distance exceeds said first predetermined distance so that at least a substantial amount of the pressurized gas exiting from said output end of said input tube circulates into the lungs of the person before entering into said input end of said outlet tube.
2. The pulmonary resuscitation device of Claim 1, further comprising connection means connected with said remote end of said airway member and said input end of said inlet tube for providing releasable connection of a source of compressed gas to said inlet tube.
3. The pulmonary resuscitation device of Claim 2, wherein said airway tube is gently curved so as to facilitate depression of the tongue part of the person; further wherein said airway member is dimensioned so that said intubate end thereof is located substantially adjacent a base location of the tongue part when said airway member is fully inserted into the mouth of the person.
4. The pulmonary resuscitation device of Claim 3, wherein said first predetermined distance is such that gas entering into the person via said output end of said inlet tube first substantially circulates into lung parts of the person before exiting via said input end of said outlet tube.
5. The pulmonary resuscitation device of Claim 4, further comprising compressed gas means connected with said connection means.
6. The pulmonary resuscitation device of Claim 1, wherein said interior cross-sectional area of said outlet tube is less than substantially .03 square inches.
CA 2142058 1994-03-04 1995-02-08 Pulmonary resuscitation device Abandoned CA2142058A1 (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (4)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
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US34021694A 1994-11-16 1994-11-16
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CA 2142058 Abandoned CA2142058A1 (en) 1994-03-04 1995-02-08 Pulmonary resuscitation device

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
WO2023108274A1 (en) * 2021-12-14 2023-06-22 Labib Mahmoud Ventilation accessory device and related method

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
WO2023108274A1 (en) * 2021-12-14 2023-06-22 Labib Mahmoud Ventilation accessory device and related method

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