CA2099389A1 - Flying insect exterminator - Google Patents

Flying insect exterminator


Publication number
CA2099389A1 CA 2099389 CA2099389A CA2099389A1 CA 2099389 A1 CA2099389 A1 CA 2099389A1 CA 2099389 CA2099389 CA 2099389 CA 2099389 A CA2099389 A CA 2099389A CA 2099389 A1 CA2099389 A1 CA 2099389A1
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Application number
CA 2099389
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French (fr)
Paul Biela
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Priority to CA 2099389 priority Critical patent/CA2099389A1/en
Publication of CA2099389A1 publication Critical patent/CA2099389A1/en
Abandoned legal-status Critical Current



    • A01M1/00Stationary means for catching or killing insects
    • A01M1/08Attracting and catching insects by using combined illumination or colours and suction effects
    • A01M2200/00Kind of animal
    • A01M2200/01Insects
    • A01M2200/012Flying insects


The invention is a device, to catch and exterminate flying insects, that is comprised of: a hollow housing that is open at its top end. A fan is secured within the housing, so that its intake end faces the top of the housing. A light source is located above and proximate the intake end of the fan. An elf-permeable enclosure, the 'catcher', the inside of which may be accessed by a person who is operating the device, forms the end portion of the housing. The catcher may either be a separate air-permeable element, that is removably sealingly attached to the housing's bottom end, or it may be the bottom portion of the housing itself, which is air-permeable, and which has a closable access port.


2099389 ~ : ~

~,' , ~ ' ~ackground of the Inventlon ~ -Fleld of the Inventlon The present lnventlon relates to flylng lnsect capturlng and killlng devlces. In partlcular the present lnventlon -~
relates to devlces that capture the lnsect by means of ~uctlon.

Descriptlon of Related Art Flylng lnsects, such as mosqultoes, flles, moths, and the llke, have always posed a nulsance problem to people who llve ln ;~
areas where those lnsects are found. In the last half of thls ~ ;k~
twentieth century, people have lncreaslngly turned thelr attentlon to rlddlng themselves of nulsance lnsects. In some locatlons, such as ~lnnlpeg, Manltoba, Canada, hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent, annually, to spray the entlre clty wlth mosqulto kllllng polson. Mosqultoes and other lnsects have been slmllarly attacked ln other areas, at great expense to the munlclpallty. Personal use lnsect killlng devlces have also been known for many years. Some examples lnclude, fly paper, the fly swatter, aerosol can polson sprays. other, more mechanlzed examples, lnclude devlces havlng a suctlon collectlon area, whlch draws ln the lnsect. Many suctlon collectlon devlces rely on one-way openlng flaps, or connectlng passages, and multlple stages, through whlch the captured insect must flow, before lt reaches the secure holdlng area. Many lnsect trapplng devlces, ~ -lncludlng suctlon devlces, also rely on a polson lnslde the devlce, to klll the lnsect, or on a dlspo~able contalner, lnto , :

1 whlch the lnsects are drawn.

Summary of the Inventlon A f irst ob~ect of the present lnventlon, ls to provlde a relatlvely easy to construct, and lnexpenslve, flylng lnsect catching and exterminatlng device. A second ob~ect of the -lnventlon, l~ to provlde an envlronmentally frlendly devlce, that `~
ls also effectlve ln catchlng and extermlnatlng flylng insects.
A thlrd ob~ect of the lnventlon ls to construct the devlce ~o that lt ls relatlvely lnexpensive to operate. A fourth ob~ect of the lnventlon is to provlde a devlce t'nat requlres as llttle malntenance as posslble, with the exception of discarding the kllled lnsects. A fifth ob~ect of the invention is to provlde a devlce that ls qulet and lnoffenslve ln operatlon. A slxth ob~ect of the lnventlon, ls to provlde a devlce that 15 effectlve agalnst a large variety of flylng lnsects, without the need to modlfy lt for any of the varlety of lnsects. !~
The ob~ects of the invention are accompllshed by -constructlng a devlce comprlsed of: a hollow houslng, havlng an `:
openlng at lts top end; a fan ~ecured wlthln the houRlng, such ~,~;",,.~ '~, ~d that the lntake end of the fan faces the top of the houslng; a 1lght source above and proxlmate the lntake end of the fan; an ~ -alr-permeable, non-lnsect permeable, enclosure, the 'catcher', ~ -the lnslde of whlch may be accessed by a person who ls operatlng the devlce, that 13 the termlnus of the bottom portlon of the houslng. The catcher may elthqr be a separate alr-permeable, non-lnsect permeable element, that ls removably sea11ng1y attached to the hou3lng's bottom end, or lt may be the bottom ;~
' .

.,.''~ ;'' 2099383 ::
1 portlon of the houslng ltself, whlch ls alr-permeable, and whlch has a closeable access port.
The lnsect ls attracted to the llght source. The fan, whlch is in continuous operation, creates a flow of alr from its intake -;
end, to and past lts exhaust end. An lnsect that has been attracted to the llght source, ln lts fllght around and near the llght source, wlll, in all but negllgible lnstances, fly lnto the alr stream created by the fan. The alr stream then sucks the lnsect through the splnnlng fan blades and lnto the catcher. The lnsect cannot fly back up through the fan blades and out of the houslng, because the splnnlng fan blades make such a fllght - ~-lmposslble ln all but the most anomalous of sltuatlons, and the alr stream that was strong enough to suck the insect down, is in contlnuous existence, and therefore should be strong enough to keep the lnsect from flylng agalnst it, out of the housing. The ;~
air stream also continuously passes over the insect and though ~ "
the air-permeable portlon of the catcher, contlnuously dehydrating the lnsect, untll after a sufflclent tlme, the insect is killed from dehydration.
Perlodlcally, as necessary, the catcher ls emptled. ~.
The only consumptlon of the devlce ls the electrlclty requlred to power the llght source, and to run the fan. The only antlclpated malntenance, other than emptylng the lnsects, l~
. .
replacement of the llght source, when lt ceases to functlon.

Brlef Descrlptlon of the Drawlngs Flgure 1 is a perspectlve vlew of a devlce accordlng to the lnventlon, employlng a me~h catcher, and a cover above - 3 - ; :

" ': ' '" ' ~ ~ ~:' 1 the 11ght source.

Figure 2 is a perspective view of a device according to the invention, employing a sack type catcher, and a cover above the llght source.

Flgure 3 ls a perspectlve vlew of a devlce accordlng to the lnventlon, employlng a sack type catcher, a cover above the llght ~ource, and a holding mean~ for an lnsect i~
attractlve sub~tance.

Figure 4 ls a perspectlve vlew of a devlce accordlng to the lnvention, whereln the bottom portlon of the houslng ls ir ~-alr-permeable.

Descrlptlon of the Preferred Embodlment - Figure 1 111ustrates a preferred embodlment of a devlce according to the lnvention. It ls com~rlsed of a houslng 9, a 11ght source ~- 20 19, whlch ln the preferred embodlment ls a 11ght bu1b, a fan lO
fan body ~upports 12, whlch ~ecurely hold the fan approxlmately ~ : .
centrally wlthln the hou~lng, a cover 21, that ls securely attached to the houslng, a hanglng means 20a, secure1y attached to the cover, a power cord 13, for provldlng electrlclty to run the fan and the llght bulb, a mesh catcher 15b, that ls sea11ng1y attached to the houslnq by ~eans of screws 30, and which has a hlnged bottom openlng door 22. The cover 21 is non-transparent. ~ -The lnsects can approach the 11ght source through space~ 23.
The dlstance between the 11ght source 23, and the tops of , . -, . ~ . . . - . .

...:--'' ' "''' 1 the fan blades 11, 13 chosen such that the alr ~tream created bythe fan, 1B strong enough, wlthln a dlstance from the llght ~ource, that the lnsect~ of lnterest are llkely to fly, to draw ln the lnsects, and suck them through the fan blades and lnto the catcher 15b. The dlstanGe between the llght ~ource and the alr stream wll1 vary dependlng on the lnsect~ of lnterest, however, the cholce of sald dlstance wlll be known to those famlllar wlth the art.
The houslng 9, and the cover 21, may each be made out of any sultable metal or other materlal, ~uch as plastlc. They may both be made out of the same sultab1e materlal, or they may each be made out of dlfferent ones of the sultab1e materlals. Any commerclally avallable fan may be used, provlded lt creates a sufflcient alr stream. The hanglng means 20a, may also be made ~ ;
out of any sultable metal or p1astlc, or other materlal, and lts means of attachment to the cover 21, wlll be clear to those ln the art, and w111 vary dependlng on the materlal out of whlch the -hanging means 19 made, and out of whlch the cover 18 made.
The cover 21 acts to protect the llght bulb and the fan and motor from raln and other air born elements. The cord 13, supp11es power to both the fan and the 1lght bu1b, lts connectlon to the llght bu1b 18 not shown.
It can be seen that the smaller that the openlngs 23 are made, the greater ~uctlon w111 be created at them. On the other hand, they must be large enough to allow a sufflclent volume of lnsect~ to fly through them, for the devlce to be optlmally effectlve.
Flgure 2 a1so ll1u~trate~ a preferred embodlment of the -~
devlce. In flgure 2 the hanglng means 20b, 1B attached to the 1 housing. Another variatlon ln flgure ~ 19 the locatlon of the llght bulb 1~; ln thl~ embodlment lt 19 mounted ln a soGket that sits at the top of the fan. The catcher 15a, of flgure 2, is an air-permeable cloth sack that ha~ an elastlc edge, by whlch lt seallngly attaches to the bottom of the houslng. The catcher 15a is slmply pulled down and off the housing, to be emptled, lt ls ;~
then slipped back onto the bottom of the housing.
Figure 3 illustrates another type of cover 17, to protect the light bulb and fan from rain and other air born elements. A ~ "~
further enhancement to the preferred embodiment illustrated in figure 3, ls the holder 34. Holder 34 ls for retalning, and ~ -exposing to the air, an attractlve element, that wlll glve off particles, or molecu1es, that may become alr born, and whlch are attractlve to the flylng lnsects that the devlce ls belng used to catch and klll. It wlll be readlly known to those ln the art, what elements to place ln holder 34, to further attract the lnsects they are bulldlng the device to catch and extermlnate. ;;~
The hanglng means, ln figure 3, is an eye bolt 20c, secured to the top of cover 17.
Flgure 4 illustrates another embodlment of the device. It does not have a cover, or a hanglng means. It rests on legs 31. - - - -In flgure 4, there is not a separate catching element. A portlon of the bottom of the houslng 9, which porltion is generally lndlcated by number 40, has located in lt, alr-permeable vents - `~
33, and door 32.
In all of the embodlments, the prlnclpal of operatlon ls the same. The llght source attracts flylng lnsects. The flylng ;~
lnsects that have come to the 1lght source, and have entered the air ~tream orsated by the Çan, are sucked through the fan blades '''' `,.",',"`,'.','.','' ' 1 and into the catcher. They cannot fly back out of the catcher due to the constant opposed alr current, and due to the spinning of the fan blades. Whlle they are ln the catcher they are `~
constantly exposed to a strong current of alr pa~Ylng over them and out of the catcher vla lt~ alr-permeable element. The - ;~
constant flow of alr over the lnsects dehydrates and thereby kllls the~. The catcher l~ emptled as deslred. ` ~ ~-Pol~ons are not requlred to klll the lnsects. Electlc shock, and ltY accompanylng nolse are not requlred to klll the lnsects. The devlce 19 therefore not pollutlng wlth polsons, or dlstractlng wlth noi~e. It consumes no resources, except the electrlclty to run lt.
It wl11 readlly be seen by those skl11ed ln the art, that many different materials could be used for the catcher, dependlng on ltY constructlon. Such materlals lnclude, but are not 1lmlted to, p1astlc, cloth, and screen and wlre mesh. It can al~o be ~een that the Yhape of the houslng may be varled, and that the shape of the catcher may be varled, and that the ~hape of the fan may be varied, and that the ~hape of the cover, if one ls used, ~-may be varled, as may the hanglng means, if one is used. Many varlatlon~ wl11 be obvious, and they are included ln the lnventlon, by lt~ c1aims.

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Claims (12)

1. A flying insect catching and exterminating device, comprised of: a hollow housing, having an opening at its top end, and an opening at its bottom end; a fan secured within the housing, such that the intake end of the fan faces the top of the housing; a light source, above and proximate the intake end of the fan; an air-permeable open ended enclosing means; wherein the open end portion of the enclosing means is removably sealingly attachable to the housing's bottom end, and wherein the flying insects which the device was designed to catch and exterminate, cannot pass through the air-permeable portion of the enclosing means.
2. A flying insect catching and exterminating device, comprised of: a hollow housing, having an opening at its top end, a closed bottom end, and an openable portion near its bottom end; a fan secured within the housing, such that the intake end of the fan faces the top of the housing; a light source, above and proximate the intake end of the fan; and wherein part of the housing below the fan is air-permeable, but is not permeable to the flying insects which the device was designed to catch and exterminate.
3. A flying insect catching and exterminating device, comprised of: a hollow housing, having an opening at its top end, a closed bottom end with an openable portion in it; a fan secured within the housing, such that the intake end of the fan faces the top of the housing; a light source, above and proximate the intake end of the fan; and wherein part of the housing below the fan is elf-permeable, but is not permeable to the flying insects which the device was designed to catch and exterminate.
4. A flying insect catching and exterminating device, as described in claim 1, wherein the enclosing means is a sack made out of an air-permeable cloth.
5. A flying insect catching and exterminating device, as described in claim 1, wherein the enclosing means is a sack made out of an air-permeable non-cloth substance.
6. A flying insect catching and exterminating device, as described in claim 1, wherein the catcher is a cage, made out of a mesh material, the holes of which are too small to allow any of the insects the device was designed to catch and exterminate, to pass though them.
7. A flying insect catching and exterminating device, as described in claims 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, that 18 also comprised of a cover secured above the light source, such that any of the flying insects the device was designed to catch and exterminate, may enter between the cover and the intake end of the fan.
8. A flying insect catching and exterminating device, as described in claims 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, that is also comprised of a holding means suitable for holding an insect attractive substance.
9. A flying insect catching and exterminating device, as described in claims 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, that is also comprised of a cover secured above the light source, such that any of the flying insects the device was designed to catch and exterminate, may enter between the cover and the intake end of the fan, and that is also comprised of a holding means suitable for holding an insect attractive substance.
10. A flying insect catching and exterminating device, as described in claims 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, that is also comprised a hanging means, secured to the housing, by which the device may be hung from a hook.
11. A flying insect catching and exterminating device, as described in claims 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, that is also comprised of a cover secured to the housing, above the light source, such that any of the flying insects the device was designed to catch and exterminate, may enter between the cover and the intake end of the fan, and which is also comprised of a hanging means, by which the device may be hung from a hook.
12. A flying insect catching and exterminating device, as described in claims 1, 2, 3, 9, 5, or 6, that is also comprised of a cover secured above the light source, such that any of the flying insects the device was designed to catch and exterminate, may enter between the cover and the intake end of the fan, and that is also comprised of a holding means suitable for holding an insect attractive substance, and which is also comprised of a hanging means, by which the device may be hung from a hook.
CA 2099389 1993-06-30 1993-06-30 Flying insect exterminator Abandoned CA2099389A1 (en)

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CA 2099389 CA2099389A1 (en) 1993-06-30 1993-06-30 Flying insect exterminator

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CA 2099389 CA2099389A1 (en) 1993-06-30 1993-06-30 Flying insect exterminator

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CA 2099389 Abandoned CA2099389A1 (en) 1993-06-30 1993-06-30 Flying insect exterminator

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Cited By (6)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
WO2001001768A1 (en) * 1999-07-02 2001-01-11 Ali Adil Lamp with insect catcher
US6817139B1 (en) * 2003-01-13 2004-11-16 William E. Powell Bug killing system
US6840003B2 (en) * 2003-02-04 2005-01-11 Dale Moore Light emitting insect trap
WO2008010232A1 (en) * 2006-07-21 2008-01-24 Ignatius Orwin Noronha An improved appatratus for attracting, trapping,damaging instantly and killing of insects
CN103931583A (en) * 2014-05-07 2014-07-23 浙江中穗实业有限责任公司 Automatic grain storage pest trap with wireless control technology and using method of automatic grain storage pest trap
USD818559S1 (en) 2016-05-20 2018-05-22 Ecolab Usa Inc. Insect trap

Cited By (7)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
WO2001001768A1 (en) * 1999-07-02 2001-01-11 Ali Adil Lamp with insect catcher
US6817139B1 (en) * 2003-01-13 2004-11-16 William E. Powell Bug killing system
US6840003B2 (en) * 2003-02-04 2005-01-11 Dale Moore Light emitting insect trap
WO2008010232A1 (en) * 2006-07-21 2008-01-24 Ignatius Orwin Noronha An improved appatratus for attracting, trapping,damaging instantly and killing of insects
CN103931583A (en) * 2014-05-07 2014-07-23 浙江中穗实业有限责任公司 Automatic grain storage pest trap with wireless control technology and using method of automatic grain storage pest trap
USD818559S1 (en) 2016-05-20 2018-05-22 Ecolab Usa Inc. Insect trap
USD861825S1 (en) 2016-05-20 2019-10-01 Ecolab Usa Inc. Insect trap

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