CA2014790A1 - Assembly in a paper machine for effecting upward dewatering - Google Patents

Assembly in a paper machine for effecting upward dewatering


Publication number
CA2014790A1 CA002014790A CA2014790A CA2014790A1 CA 2014790 A1 CA2014790 A1 CA 2014790A1 CA 002014790 A CA002014790 A CA 002014790A CA 2014790 A CA2014790 A CA 2014790A CA 2014790 A1 CA2014790 A1 CA 2014790A1
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French (fr)
Risto Savia
Jouko Ventola
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Valmet Technologies Oy
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    • D21F1/00Wet end of machines for making continuous webs of paper
    • D21F1/48Suction apparatus
    • D21F9/00Complete machines for making continuous webs of paper
    • D21F9/003Complete machines for making continuous webs of paper of the twin-wire type


  • Paper (AREA)
  • Investigation Of Foundation Soil And Reinforcement Of Foundation Soil By Compacting Or Drainage (AREA)
  • Sink And Installation For Waste Water (AREA)
  • Fats And Perfumes (AREA)
  • Diaphragms For Electromechanical Transducers (AREA)


In an assembly in a paper and cardboard machine in a twin-wire section comprising a lower wire (1) constituted of the wire (1) of a fourdrinier wire section, and an upper wire (2) which is guided on top of the lower wire (1) by means of a forming roll (3), around which the twin-wire section is curved within a predetermined sector (.alpha.). The twin-wire section situated after the forming roll (3) is provided with a guiding means (6) on the side of the lower wire (1), the twin-wire section being curved at said guiding means in an opposite direction compared with the curvature on the forming roll (3). The section between the roll (3) and the guiding means (6) is provided with one or several dewatering means (4) on the side of the lower wire (1). Within said section on the side of the upper wire (2) there is provided a dewatering means, to which is connected means for effecting suction causing dewatering.

Fig. 2


A~embly ln il payer machln~s fc,r ~3ffectin~l upward ~ew~terlng The present invention rela~e~ to an assembly in paper or cardboa~ machine for electing upward dewaterlng, the a~embly being defined in the preamble portion ox claim 1. The invention is intended for the twin-wire ~ec~ion of a piper or cardboard m~chlne.
Within thl~ ~ec~ion another wore it guided by men of a forming roll on top o the fourdrinier wire ~ltuated in the initial portion of the paper machine and on top o the f i~rou6 web formed ~-hereon, the we havlng been subjected to lnit1-al dra$nage. In to twin-wixe ~ectlon de~ate~ing wakes place Lhrough h the upper and lower wire, end the control of rho dewatering within this section it one of the most important factor effecting the ~orm~tion of a paper web.

20 In paper machineB operating at high speed, means operatlng at a subAtmo6pheric pre~ure are u0ed a a rule only on the wide of the lower wire. These mean lnclud~ suction hoe ~uctlon boxes and the ~lke. Such ~olutlon~ are dl~clo~ed for example in 2S F~ nnl~h Patent Application Publication Jo. 7537S a well A5 in Flnnish Patent Application No. 873034. As the speed0 of the piper machines ~ncrea~e, the masterlng of the dewatering ha become problem. In thi8 connection it ho bee dlscovercd that it ha not been po~lble to lnfluence the presence of lock on the top surface of the paper to a ~uf~icient extent.

he purpose of the invention it to p~vide an i~npL~v~ L a regards to the drawback presented hereina4Ove and tO di6clo~e an a~e~bly my mean of which de~ate~in9 in the ~win-wire section can De better effected both on the wide of thy upper wire Qnd on the 61da of the lower wire. For ncc~mpli~hing this puLpoxe Ll~ n~ly wcordlng Jo the invention $s Inainly characterized what i6 ~isclo~ed in the ch~rscteriging clause of claim 1. According to the invention on the wide of the upper wire in the section following the forming roll there is a dewaterin~
means connected to mean effecting suction. my vlr~ue of rid mean wnter can be r~mo~ed Ln a controllable Hnd ~d~ustable manner al80 through the upper wire in whlch vent the fibrous flock on the top surface of the p~pex web under ~ormatSon con be d~-~integrated.
The consistency of the stock after the forming roll it still Jo low that said flocks can till be dluint~gr~ted by 6hearing ~oLce~.

according to an advantageous embodiment the ph~h of travel of the twin-wire ~ectlon 18 straight at the locution oL the at~rlny mean on the upper wLre wide. The controllqblllty of the dewaterlng it thus ~mp~o~d AL at loCation.
Still, according to ono ndvantageous embodiment, the c fQcti~ l~t4rihg a a guide surface lollowing the curvature of the worming roll ~r~YIcorporated to the tame structure.

The lnventlon will be de~cxlbed in the followlng in more detalls with reference to the accompanylng dr~wing~, wherein 30 Flg. 1 show the twln-wi~e section of a paper ~achin~, ln whlch the a~embly accordln~
to the invention is used, the section belng illustrated 4~ a side vlow teen in the d1~ection of the axe of the rolls ~5 ~uidlng the travel of the wire and l47~3~

Fig. 2 how ~win-w~re section Ln a view ~imllar to that of Fig. 1. aocording to Qn alternative e~odiment.

5 the ~wln-wl~e section oL k paper machine fihown in Fig. 1 it precede by a 6ingle-wlre ~ourdrinier wire section, on which the fibrous stock Lo supplied from a hoad box. the fibrous ~to~k advances on top ox the fourdrlnler wire 1 towards the twin-wirs qection and the in ill drainage wakes place at this polnt, the result of which iB the dewaterlng of the fibrous web W or ~'Q of IO4A~IS ~9A inir wire 1. An upper wire 2 is lntroduced from above through n wire guiding roll 9 situated above the lS ~urdrinler wire 1, whereafter the upper wlre 2 ~oin~
the fourdrinier wire 1 on a forming roll 3. After the ~o~nlng point the wires 1 end 2 zap, the we W
entrapped ~herebetw~en, the roll 3 within a sector a end leave the roll at a point, whlch 18 situated above the imaginary extension of the plane along which the fourdrinier wire 1 travel before the roll 3. ~ftor thio poLnt the wiry 1 and 2 are directed obllquely upward, and the wlxe~ 1 and 2 travel along a s~rAlght pArt onto roll 6 having a gmooth surface and belng ogled on the wide ox the lower wire 1. On the roll 6 the wires 1 and 2 are curved again in an oppo~lte dlrect$on compared with the curvature on the roll 6, being d$rected aPter thls location obliquely downward. After the roll 6 the wi~e~ 1 and 2 travel onto reefing roll 8 hazing a smooth 3urface, wherea~ter the upper wire 2 it separated prom the vower wire whLle being gulded by the wire guiding roll l the web W tr~vel~ on top of the lowex wire 1 toward the preys ~ectlon. The ~ep~ration ox the web onto tho lower wire 1 it e~ec~Qd by means of tr~nsfe~
suction boxes on which the lower wire 1 it passed after the roll 8 and whlch are denoted by reference numeral 11 in the dr~win~.

In toe fellowin~ the dewaterin~ jeans ~it~ated within the twin-wire section between the rolls 3 and will be expl~in~d ln more detail t~ethex with the dew~ering event involved.

The forming roll has an open ~urfa~e an at it loanLioll Lh~ we no out vf the web W ln Roth directions through the lower wire 1 and the upper wire 2. The water preyed through the upper wire 2 flow into the epen point of the ~urfacQ ox the roll 3, end tt it t~an~ferred under the inLIuezl~e l t.h~
centrifugal force due to the rotntion of the xoll and guid~3d by yule ly urn 7 ~Will5~ the curvat~lre of the outer surface o the roll air the sector ln the direction of rotation of the roll. The water slung on the surface 7 by the roll 3 will end in a tLvugh us yU~L 13, wSlch i6 fled ox the Ron 31de of the roll 3 between the wire guide roll and ~0 the roll 3. the lower edge ox the guide ~urfac~ 7 te~in~te~ Ho n hot distance nbove the upper wise leavlng a small gyp between the lower edgo and the upper wlre I. Tho upper wire iB thus no ~ub~ected to mechnn~c~l ~tro~ duo to the guiding surface. At thifi location there is a straight ~u~ion box 4 lying Mgaln~t the lower wire 1 in the straight section following the roll 3. The suction box 4 is co~mecte~
to means erecting ~uctlon and water i6 removed from the web through the lower wire 1 and through the open aurface of the Fox. Aster the ~ua~ion box there it on the lo ox the upper wire 2 a st~tionaxy dewatering me~n6 5, co~npri~ing an o~lice, fluted first ln the dlrec~ion ox travel of thy web and one or several ~uc~Lon ~oxe~ slt~atea tnerea~ter. Tne ~ur~aces ox the suction boxes oomprise bars or blade extending transversely to the direction of ~rMvel of the wires, end the dewaterlng wakes place therebetween through the upper wire 2 by virtue of suction provided in the ' 7~

6uc~10n ~oxee 5b. The au~oslice 5a it also connect;ed to suction and the suction within these different ~o~par~ments may be controllable lndependen~ly of each other. the au~o~lice Sa and suction boxes 5b ~ulde the wlres 1 and 2 along a s~raigh~ path of travel, whiah it parallel wlth the common tangent of the roll 3 and the toll 6~ A$ter the dewater1ng means 5 there I till another straight suction Fox 4 on the wide of thc lower wirer ~ituat~ befoJ:e the smooth-faced roll 6t on which the wire are turned tu~a~d~ the re~e~ing roll I-within the straight section between the rolls 3 ancl 6 the parame~er~ effecting the dewatering can ye sdjueted in controllable manner using the suction. The procure pulsation directed to the web i5 thereby caused only by the suction of the suction boxes. ha klnd of dewatering pressure which would be caused by Ian Q~ to a ~di-ls a curvature of the web OR), boing represented my the equation P-T~R, doe not occur on said reglon.

At the locatLon of the smooth-faced roll 6 water is removed from the web through the upper wire 2 due to tho centrifugal Eorce caused by the curvature of the pnth of travel and due to compression. The water is guided, slunk by the centrifugal force, into the water collecting trough 12 nbove the wlres. Wlthin the straight cation between the roll 6 and the xever~ln~
30 roll 8 the wLres travel along a straight path, which coincide with the common tangent of the roll 6 and I. Within thl~ fiection there iB ~u~ther two straight suc~lon boxes 4 on the wide of thy lower wire 1.

on F1~. 2 there i8 shown another a1ternative ox the a~embly according Jo the inven~lon. Tha twin-wire ~ectlon 18, like in the embodiment of Fig. 1, p~ecede~
by a straight fourd~inler wLre section 1 and the top -7~

or upper wire 2 i8 led from above by means of a wire guiding roll 9 on top of the lower wl.:re 1 and the web W lying thereon. The wlres 1 and 2 come toget}ler on the ~urf~ce of an open-f~ced forning roll 3, on which thy ye cl~rved together ~o~ds~ thy 6~e~ e~Pe~
therebetween, wlthin a predetermined sector I. After leaving thQ periphery of the roll 3 at the end of the Hector thy are directed obliquely upwards along the surface ox a ~uctlon box So which follows immediately after the roll 3 and beglns at the lower edgy of the guiding surface 7 in a manner that no gaps it left between the lower edge of the surface and the upper wire. The front edgy of the 6uction box act thus us prolonga~$on of the guLdlng surface 7 down to the wire8 1, 2, e.g. ln a for of a first tran~er~ely exten~lng element of the suction box surface. The surface of the suction box g on the uppex wlre ~lde And lo in contact with the upper wlre 2 or mean ox itn tran~v~r~ely extending berm or blade3, whiCh d~fin~ Lntermedlate pace through which the dew~torlng a take pie upward through the upper wire 2 by means of suction connected to the suction box S. At the location of the ~uct$on box 5 the path of the wlres it guy ded entirely by the straight wire gulding ~urfnco of thls sucti on box and a from spAce remain on the lower wLre id The water preyed - through the lower wire 1 wlll be removed by the deflector actton of the Lron1; edge of a suctlon box situated be$ore 'che roll 6.
.~n the dewaterLng i8 still quite yen~le and easily controllable aL the upper dewa~erlng men my ad~u~tlng thQ suction in the upper suction box 5 it i8 thus possible to control the dewatering upwards 3S making it possible to disintogr~te the fibrous flock.

Toe suction Fox 5 it integrated to the Same ~truGture a is the curved gu$de Surface 7~ which worms the wall 7 7$~3 of the ~uctlon box 5 facing the ~llrfa~e of 8lle roll 3 ~it~ated after the sector I. more simple construc~i.on and a ~omewh~ shortened length it obtained by this arrangement. Further, the auto~llce rsquiring a greet amount of air is avoided, A is t.he ~a~ alto in t.he embodiment of Flg. 1, the water collected Jo the open area of roll 3 iB alung by the ~en~r$fu~al once upwards dnd will be guided my the guide surface 7 finally to the trough 13 between the rolls 9 and 3.
The interior of the suction box 5 contains a par~ltion Sc dlviding the suction box 5 to a channel 5d extending nlong the whole width of the web between the partition 5c and the suction Fox roar wall 5e coin the lS directlon of travel of the wire chnnll01 5d it at it lower reqion in connection with the cpen spaces between the f or blade on the wire guiding surface end thus direct the water oollect~d through these spaces obliquely upward. The p~titLon 5c terminates before the upper wall of the suction box and the water paced through the channel 5d is directed backwards to space Sf bounded by the wall forming the guide surface 7, the partitlon 5c, and the hottom lying above the wirs guidlng surface of the euction 2S box 5. Botween the bottom of the space 5f and the wise guiding surface there is a pee to whlch the water l fir pasted between the Pus or blades, the he$ght of this space increasing in the directlon of travel of thy wi~e~. The space terminates at the Lower end ox the channel 5d and continues as the channel, whlch 18 directed move upw~rd~. From the space 5~ the water can be drawn off by conventlonal means not shown.

between the Æuct1on Fox 5 and the trough l therm ls approxLmately above the uppermost point of the roll 3 shower which w~eh~a f ox thy roll 3.
The wa~h~d waxer g slung off by c~n~xi~u~al force 7~

together with the water dxairl~d prom the web into the trough 13.

After the surface of the uppeL suction box there it a ~tr~$ght suction bex 4 on toe side of the lower wire 1, which guides the pith of the wires to the smooth-faced roll 6, on which the path ox the wire curves in the opposite direction compared with the curva~re on the roll 3~ Thy w4t~r it slung off by mean of centrifugal foree on the roll into the trough 13.
After the roll 6 there iB 8till some suction boxes 4 on the sLd~ ox the lower wiro 1 and finally a transfer 8uetion box 11, at which k separMtion of wires t~kés plape and the wob w formed remains on the lower Lo Wl~e l one uppor wlre lS quided ~hrou~h a coach roll f u~ther to its upper wire loop containing e~nventlonal can fox ~uldinu, washing and tensioning the roll.

By meAnS of the invention, better formation in the piper web to be iormed is accompli~h~d, to which the upward dewatering contribu~e~ significantly. In p~rtloulax ln cave ox paper grades having the gramm~ge exceod~ng 50 g/m~ the role of the upward dewatering it signiric~nt for the improvement of formation. By means of the dewntering box ~ltuated en the upper side and followlng the forming roll thl~ upward dewatering Jan be ad~u~ted to a deslred 1eve1 end tho flbro~s lock 6tlll pr~ent on the upper ~uxface ean be dl6integrated at a suifici~nt1y low consistency using shearing forces. By prov$dlng substantially ~tr~i~ht path of travel of the wire at thy location the dew~terlng Lo al60 enough tranquilli~ed.

lnv~ntlon is not re~trlct~ only to the emb~diment6 ah~wn by Ll~ Fl~ur~6 and explained in the descrip~i~n, but it can ye modifLed within the scope pr~ented by the appended claims. In certaln c~6e~ the 6urface of 7~

ale us E elFLn~ heals my ye so sl,9htl~1 curved, the radius of this cllrvacure being, ho~4ev~3rr many ~ime6 greater than that ox the p.~ececling f ormlng roll .

Claims (7)

1. Assembly in a paper and cardboard machine in a twin-wire section comprising a lower wire (1) constituted of the wire (1) of a fourdrinier wire section, and an upper wire (2) which is guided on top of the lower wire (1) by means of a forming roll (3), around which the twin-wire section is curved within a predetermined sector (.alpha.), the twin-wire section situated after the forming roll (3) being provided with a guiding means (6) on the side of the lower wire (1), the twin-wire section being curved at said guiding means in an opposite direction compared with the curvature on the forming roll (3), the section between the roll (3) and the guiding means (6) being provided with one or several dewatering means (4) on the side of the lower wire (1), characterised in that within said section on the side of the upper wire (2) there is provided a dewatering means, to which is connected means for effecting suction causing dewatering.
2. Assembly as claimed in claim 1, characterised in that the path of travel of the twin-wire section is straight at the location of the dewatering means situated on the side of the upper wire (2).
3. Assembly as claimed in claim 1 or 2, characterised in that the dewatering means (5) comprises an autoslices (5a) and one or several suction boxes (5b) situated after the autoslice (5a).
4. Assembly as claimed in any of claims 1 to 3, characterised in that at the point where the twin-wire section leaves the forming roll (3) after the sector (.alpha.), there is a guiding surface following the surface of the roll (3), such as a plate (7), which has connection to a water collecting container (8) situated on the side of the roll (3) facing the fourdrinier wire section.
5. Assembly as claimed in one of claims 1 and 2, and in claim 4, charaterised in that said guiding surface (7) and said means (5) on the upper wire side effecting dewatering are incorporated to the same structure.
6. Assembly as claimed in claim 4, characterised in that a gap is left between the edge of the guiding surface (7) facing the upper wire (1) and the upper wire (2).
7. Assembly as claimed in claim 6, characterised in that at the gap there is a suction box (4) in contact with the lower wire (1).
CA002014790A 1989-04-19 1990-04-18 Assembly in a paper machine for effecting upward dewatering Abandoned CA2014790A1 (en)

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Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
FI891853 1989-04-19
FI891853A FI86652C (en) 1989-04-19 1989-04-19 Device in a paper machine for providing dewatering on the surface

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CA002014790A Abandoned CA2014790A1 (en) 1989-04-19 1990-04-18 Assembly in a paper machine for effecting upward dewatering

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