CA1177640A - Water cooled refractory lined furnaces - Google Patents

Water cooled refractory lined furnaces


Publication number
CA1177640A CA000412360A CA412360A CA1177640A CA 1177640 A CA1177640 A CA 1177640A CA 000412360 A CA000412360 A CA 000412360A CA 412360 A CA412360 A CA 412360A CA 1177640 A CA1177640 A CA 1177640A
Prior art keywords
refractory material
thermal conductivity
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French (fr)
John A. Middleton
Thomas L. O'dwyer
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Combustion Engineering Inc
Original Assignee
Combustion Engineering Inc
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Application filed by Combustion Engineering Inc filed Critical Combustion Engineering Inc
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1177640A publication Critical patent/CA1177640A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



    • C21B7/00Blast furnaces
    • C21B7/04Blast furnaces with special refractories
    • C21B7/06Linings for furnaces
    • C21B7/00Blast furnaces
    • C21B7/10Cooling; Devices therefor
    • F27B1/00Shaft or like vertical or substantially vertical furnaces
    • F27B1/10Details, accessories, or equipment peculiar to furnaces of these types
    • F27B1/12Shells or casings; Supports therefor
    • F27B1/14Arrangements of linings
    • Y10S266/00Metallurgical apparatus
    • Y10S266/90Metal melting furnaces, e.g. cupola type


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Manufacturing & Machinery (AREA)
  • Materials Engineering (AREA)
  • Metallurgy (AREA)
  • Organic Chemistry (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Furnace Housings, Linings, Walls, And Ceilings (AREA)
  • Vertical, Hearth, Or Arc Furnaces (AREA)


The metal shell of a furnace or cupola is cooled by means of water flowing down over the exterior surface of the metal shell. In order to reduce heat loss and thus decrease the energy consumption, the interior surface of the metal shell is lined with a fired refractory shape. The thermal conductivity of the refractory material and its thickness are selected such that the amount of refractory material remaining upon reaching equilibrium conditions will be sufficient to maintain the mechanical and structural integrity of the lining. Refractory materials of different conductivities may be selected for various locations in the furnace depending upon the temperatures to be encountered.


The present Tnvention relates to water cooled furnaces and particularly those employed to melt some ma+erial or those in which a molten slag or metal contacts the furnace walls. Examples of such furnaces are cupolas, electrtc arc melt7ng furnaces and coal gasification furnaces. The invention has particular applicability to cupolas and will be described with reference to such units.
Cupolas, which go back several centuries, were refractory llned until recent years when the water cooled cupola came into being. The primary function of the refractory materlal was to reslst hlgh temperature metal, slag, and combustion gases, but the refractory Is also called upon to reslst abraslon and thermal shock. The refractory requirements in the cupola are among the most severe encountered In metallurgical practlce. It was usually necessary to repair the llning or replace portions of it daily after each eight hours of operatlon. This resulted In large capltal investment to minimuze the Impact of the daily shutdown periods as well as hlgh refractory costs. It was in view of these disadvantages that the water cooled cupola was developed. The typical water cooled cupola has a metal casing or shell which is slightly tapered inwardly towards the top of the cupola. Means are provided for supplying a stream of water to the exterior surface of this tapered section at the top whereby the water will either cascade down over the exterior surface of this . .

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- 2 -shell and remove heat therefrom or in an alternative design flow thru a water jacket. In either case, the metal shell is maintained at a sufficiently low temperature of perhaps about 150 degrees fahrenheit. This results in a protective layer of frozen metal and/or slag on the interior surface of the metal shell.
Although the water cooled cupola does away with the prob-lems associated with a refractory lining, i.e. repairing the lining daily, there is an energy penalty due to higher heat loss thru the shell. This energy penalty is paid by higher coke consumption, which decreases the iron to coke ratio. This results in a higher cost for coke, increased emissions of pollutants from the cupola (and therefore, increased pollution control equipment) as well as the waste of heat.
The present invention relates tc a water cooled furnace including a metal furnace shell and means for water cooling the exterior surface of the shell. In a broad aspect, the inventive improvement in such furnaces comprises a relatively uniformly thick lining of fired refractory blocks attached to the interior surface of the shell wherein the refractory lining has a thermal conduct-ivity such that a significant portion of the thickness of the ref-ractory lining will remain when equilibrium conditions have been reached so that the refractory lining will maintain its mechanical integrity. In one modification, various refractories are selected for different elevations in the furnace to correspond to the dif-ferent temperatures.

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Figure 1 illustrates a cupola in cross-sectional eleva-tion incorporating the present invention.
Figures 2, 3 and 4 illustrate the details of the refra-ctory block or tile and the method of attaching the tile to the furnace shell.
The preferred embodiments of the present invention will be described with particular reference to the drawings which dep-ict a cupola and the refractory lining materials.


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-3-However, It wlll be understood that the Inventlon Is not limited to these particular embodiments. The invention can be applted to any furnace with a metal shell cooled by flow7ng water, for example, an electrlc arc meltlnq furnace, a coal furnace, a coal gasification furnace or a magnetohydrodynanlc unit.
Fi~qure 1 shows a cupola 10 whlch is equlpped wlth tuyeres 12 which are located near the bottom and spaced around the periphery of the cupola. These tuyeres normally extend somewhat 7nto the Tnterior of the cupola and are water cooled.
A tap hole 14 is provided to extract the molten metal and slag.
The bas7c structural component of the conventtonal water cooled cupola is the metal shell 16. This shell is cooled by means of water flowing downwardly over the exterior surface of the shell 16 from the header 18. Some sort of collecting through is provided near the bottom of the cupola to collect the coolina water (not shown). In such conventtonal water cooled cupolas, the metal shell between the header 18 and the tuyere area is unlined in contrast to the present invention wherein this section is lined with refractory material as shown in Figure 1.
The cupola in the area of the tuyeres 12 is normally lined with materials such as carbon blocks 19 which will wlthstand the severe conditions in this area. Also, a conventional cupola may be lined with materlal such as cast iron wear brick 20 in the charging area which is above the header 18. This cast iron wear plate is for the purpose of w7thstanding the severe abrasion conditions imparted by the charging operation. In the area between the tuyeres 12 and the header 18, the metal shell of the present invention is lined wlth fired refractory shapes in the form of blocks or tile which are formed from any suitable refractory composition.
S7nce the most severe conditions within the cupola are encountered in the area of the tuyeres 12, the refractory lining must be selected so as to withstand the conditions in this particular area. Therefore~ a pre-fired refractory tile or block is selected which has a thermal conductivity such
-4-that the amount of refractory materlal remalnlng upon reachlng equlllbrlum condltlons will be sufflclent to ma~lntaln the mechan7cal and structural Integrlty of the lln7ng. It has been found that with a typical type of water cooled cupola In whlch 3 thick fired refractory blocks are placed havlng a thermal conductivity of 18 ~TU/sq.ft./hr./ln.thlckness/F the llnlng wlll wear down in the tuyere area to an equllbrlum polnt where there Is at least about 3/8 of an Inch of materlal remaTning. The amount of wear will decrease at locations remote from the tuyeres and up In the area of the header 18 there wlll be very little if any wear. Thls means that when equlllbrium conditions are reached there wlll be sufficlent refractory materlal remalnlng to provlde a slgnlfIcant degree of Insulatlon and to Insure the long term structural Integrlty of the llnlng. It should be polnted out that llning wlth an unflred materlal such as a rammlng or gunnlng mix in the high temperature region of the tuyeres will not produce the same results as the present invention. The unfired material remains unreacted and unslntered agaTnst the metal shell because of the water cooling and thus looses its mechanical ability to remain in place on the wall after a short period of tlme.
The 3 thick tile with a thermal conductlvi-y of 18 mentioned above is merely by way of example. It has been found that a thickness of about 3 is preferred but that the optimum thickness will vary according to the temperatures encountered within the cupola as a function of the materlal being treated the thermal conductivity of the partlcular refractory material that is selected and the amount of external coolinq from the water. The thermal conductivity of the refractory materlal which Is selected may also vary. It has been found that thermal conductlvities less than 15 BTU/sq.ft./hr./in.
thickness/F at least in the area of the tuyeres is not practical. On the other hand the conductivity may go as high as 100 such as if silicon carbide lining materlal Is used.
These limits on the conductivity of the refractory material apply only in the area of the tuyeres. The possibility of . ~

-5-uslng refractory materlal havlng a dlfter0nt conductlvlty In the upper portlon of th~ cupola wlll be dlscussed herelnafter.
The equlllbrlum condltlon whlch has been dlscussed Is reached when the Inslde surface of the refractory llnlng is at a temperature about equal to the meltlng polnt of the materlal In the cupola. For example, the meltlng polnt of Iron Is about 2160F and when the refractory llnlng has worn down such that the hot face temperature Is down to that polnt, further eroslon of the refractory materlal wlll not take place. The exact temperature, of course, wlll vary wlth the meltlng temperature of the partlcular materlal.
At equllibrlum conditlons, the heat loss from the cupola to the cooling water and the surrounding alr will be reduced by as much as 60~ as compared to an unlined cupola.
Since the heat loss has been reduced, the cupola temperature can be maintalned at the proper level with signlficantly less coke. For example, a normal coke-to-iron ratio of 1 to 6 may be reduced to a figure of 1 to 18. Less coke results In the production of less carbon monoxlde and dioxlde, thus producing less air pollution and reducing the amount of air pollution control equipment that is required. Furthermore, because less coke Is required and the ratio of coke-to-iron is reduced, a higher tonnage of Iron can be produced in a particular cupola per unlt of time.
The conventlonal non-llned cupola will, using cooling water, ma7ntain a shell temperature of about 1500F. This shell w711 have a relative short life, after which time it must be replaced. Refractory llning will extend thTs life significantly.
Referring now to Figures 2, 3 and 4, there is illustrated a typlcal type of refractory tile which is used in the present inventTon. Figure 2 Ts a view of two of the tile 22 placed adjacent to each other while Figure 3 is a side view of one of the tile illustrating the hot face 24 and the cold face 26. These two Flgures illustrate the semicircular channels 28 which are formed in the sides of the tile. These channels 28 are semicyllndrical extending from the hot face 24
-6-a portlon of the way throuqh the thlcknesY of the tlle and then are tapered Inwardly at 30 towards the cold face 26. As shown In Flgure 2, when two of these tlles are placed adJacent to each other, these channels mate wlth each other to form circular channels. These channels are for the purpos0 of retalnlng the tlle on thè metal subsurface by means of a tapered weld plug 32 as shown In Flgure 3. Thls weld plug Is of the conventlonal type whlch Is placed Into the channel and which flts snugly Into`the tapered portlon 30 and whlch is then welded to the metal subsurface to retaln the,tlles In - posltlon. Since the tiles must be adapted to conform to a cylindrical cupola conflguratTon, the sides are curved as shown in Ftgure 4 at 34 and 36 so that adjacent t71e wtll mate properly with each other. After the tiles have been attached with the metalTc retainers, the retainer openings are filled with refractory materTal.
In a modified form of the present invention, dtfferent refractory compositions are selected for different elevations in the cupola to correspond to the different temperatures encountered. For example, Figure 1 shows refractory blocks 22a down in the area of the cupola near the tuyeres and refractory 22b in the upper portion of the cupola remote from the tuyeres. Refractory block 22a which is in a very high te~perature region, will have a high thermal conductivity on the order of 15 to 100 as previously mentioned or even higher while the refractory block 22b will have a slgnificantly lower conductivity, perhaps on the order of 0.4 to 20 BTU/sq.ft./hr./in./F. By this technique, refractory block of relatively uniform thickness may be used and the heat loss in the upper portton of the cupola can be greatly reduced sttll wtthout exceedtng the temperature limit of the refractory 22b. In other words, this is a technique that may be used to further reduce the heat loss from the cupola while stiil maintaining the integrity of the refractory lining.

Claims (5)

1. In a water cooled furnace including a metal furnace shell and means for water cooling the exterior surface of said shell the improvement comprising a relatively uniformly thick lining of fired refractory blocks attached to the interior surface of said shell wherein said refractory lining has a thermal conductivity such that a significant portion of the thickness of the refractory lining will remain when equilibrium conditions have been reached whereby said refractory lining will maintain its mechanical integrity.
2. The invention set forth in Claim 1 wherein said refractory lining has an initial thickness of about 3 inches and a thermal conductivity of between 15 and 100BTU/sq.ft./hr./in/°F.
3. The invention set forth in Claim 1 wherein said furnace is a cupola.
4. In a water cooled cupola including a metal shell and means for water cooling the exterior of said metal shell wherein said furnace has at least one high temperature region and at least one low temperature region the improvement comprising a relatively uniformly thick lining of fired refractory material attached to the interior surface of said metal shell comprising:
a. a first refractory material in the high temperature region having a thermal conductivity such that the interior surface of said first refractory material wi11 be maintained at about a preselected temperature and b. a second refractory material in the lower temperature region having a thermal conductivity lower than that of said first refractory material such that heat conductivity through said second refractory material will be lower than through said first refractory material and such that the interior surface of said second refractory material will not exceed said preselected temperature.
5. The invention set forth in Claim 4 wherein said first refractory material has a thermal conductivity of between 15 and 100BTU/sq.ft./hr./in./°F and said second refractory material has a thermal conductivity of between 0.4 and 20 BTU/sq.ft./hr./in./°F.
CA000412360A 1981-12-16 1982-09-28 Water cooled refractory lined furnaces Expired CA1177640A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US06/331,040 US4418893A (en) 1981-12-16 1981-12-16 Water-cooled refractory lined furnaces
US331,040 1981-12-16

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CA1177640A true CA1177640A (en) 1984-11-13



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CA000412360A Expired CA1177640A (en) 1981-12-16 1982-09-28 Water cooled refractory lined furnaces

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