CA1156028A - Mechanical surface finishing apparatus, process and product - Google Patents

Mechanical surface finishing apparatus, process and product


Publication number
CA1156028A CA000416528A CA416528A CA1156028A CA 1156028 A CA1156028 A CA 1156028A CA 000416528 A CA000416528 A CA 000416528A CA 416528 A CA416528 A CA 416528A CA 1156028 A CA1156028 A CA 1156028A
Prior art keywords
abrasive means
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French (fr)
Wolfgang K. F. Otto
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Milliken Research Corp
Original Assignee
Milliken Research Corp
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Priority claimed from US06/092,815 external-priority patent/US4316928A/en
Application filed by Milliken Research Corp filed Critical Milliken Research Corp
Priority to CA000416528A priority Critical patent/CA1156028A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1156028A publication Critical patent/CA1156028A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Treatment Of Fiber Materials (AREA)


A process is provided for mechanically surface-finishing a textile fabric which comprises continuously feeding said fabric from a source of supply, such that said fabric lies in a single plane, subjecting successive adjacent sections of the fabric to intermittent mechanical impact with an abrasive means across the width of said fabric thereby avoiding sub-stantial sustained contact between the fabric and the abrasive means, the mechanical impact being at a force and frequency sufficient to cause a substantially uniform modification of the surface characteristics of the fabric. Textile fabrics with modified surface which may be made by the above process are also provided. The textile fabric includes a body portion containing a plurality of fibers of which at least 20% by weight are synthetic fibers. These fibers have a curvature and are arranged so as to have both convex and concave side portions. The convex side portions which are exposed are substantially scarred and contain a multiplicity of generally short rather thick lamella-shaped protrusions extending therefrom. Apparatus for mechanically surface-finishing a textile fabric according to the aforedescribed process is further provided.


1 ~ S602~

This application is a divisional of Canadian patent application Serial Number 362~586 filed on October 16, 1980.
The present invention relates to a process and apparatus for surface finishing fabrics by mechanical means to provide a fabric product having improved surface softness and a desirable fabric hand. The present invention also relates to a textile fabric with modified surface which may be made by the process.
It is generally known that fabrics may be mechanically face-finished to provide various effects on the fabric, such as a soft surface feel, to generate cover, or even to give fabrics made from filament yarns a spun-like hand. These mechanical face-finishing techniques include napping and sanding techniques, the particular technique employed as well as operating parameters selected being determined by the desired effect as well as by the nature of the fabric to be finished.
Sanding of textile fabrics, also variously referred to in the art as buffing or emerizing, is generally accomplished according to known methods by passing the fabric over rapidly-rotating cylinders covered with an abrasive, e.g., sanding paper of a suitable degree of fineness or coarseness. The sanding grains which come into contact with the fabxic surface for a period of time, depending upon operating conditions, abrade th~
surface ~ibexs of the ~abric and raise a cover which i9 generally ~horter than ~hat which i~ ob~ainable by napping.
In sanding type of face finlshing opexations it iS al90 known that the textile abric may be forced onto the abrading sur~ace by either tensioning or by setting a pre-determined gap somewhat less than the ~abric thickness between the abrading surface and a backing device~ Frequently the fabric surface obtained by such mechanical finishing techniques must be sheared after sanding or other treatment to provide a 1 ~56~28 product having the desired uniformity of the nap or pile height.
It has been found generally with regard to ~abrics trea~ed using known mechanical surface finishing techniques that frequently a considerable amount of fabric strength may be lost especially if a significant alteration of the appearance or hand of the fabric is sought. Also, where it is desired to surface finish very rigid fabrics such as woven polyester-cotton fabrics or woven all-polyester fabrics, the result, particularly after sanding, may be a streaked surface resulting at least in part from tight warp ends in the fabric. ~hese tight warp ends are, furthermore, difficult to avoid in the fabric as a practical matter. Moreoverr on many fabrics it is difficult to obtain a dense and uniform modification of the fabric surface. On fabrics made from relatively strong fibers, such as polyester in particular, the cover obtained is frequently thin, non-uniform and "choppy," so that the fabric product is aesthetically un-appealing, and there is little or no benefit to the hand characteristics of the product.
Also, mechanical surface finishing techniques may result in a fabric surface nap or pile which is longer than desired so that the length of the nap or pile must be reduced by shearing whlch may result in an inadequate amount o~ cover on the fabric product, known as a "hungryi' cover. Thus, lt is quitc di~ficult, using conventional surface finishing techniques, ko provide aonsistently ~ood quality, uniform p~oducts with little or no de~ects. Furthermore, some Eabrics, espeaially Eor instance very lightweight Eabrias, canno~ be face finished at all using aonventional techniques.
Accordin~ly, the process oE the present invention has been developed to pxovide a more uniEorm sur~ace finish to fabrics than conventional methGds, even on fabrics with tight warp ends; streaking has been minimized or prevented entirely.

I'he process can be easily controlled and finish char~cteristics can be adjusted predict~bly by varying operating parameters.
The surface finish obtained, depending on operatiny conditions and the fabric substrate, may have few broken fibers although it may be characterized as having a very soft touch, or, if desired, may have a dense but very short cover. Depending upon substrate characteristics and operating parameters selected the surface hand of the treated fabric may be suede-like, cotton-like or it may even have the desirable feel characteristics of wool.
These different results are not solely dependent on su~strate type and may frequently be achieved even on the same fabric substrate type when desired by varying operating parameters. The fabric itself may be caused to develop more drape, or, iE desired, processing parameters may be adjusted so as to change primarily only the fabric finish, e.g., surface feel, with little or no effect on the fabric drape and crispness. Thus, it has been observed that appearance and hand characteristics of fabrics treated according to the process of the present invention differ significantly and desirably from the fabric appearance and feel obtainable by conventional methods.
It has also been observed that fabrics that generally cannot be surface finished mechanically at all by conven-tional methods may be convenien~ly and easily processed by the pre~ent process, For instance, certain lightweiyht ~abrics, such as some jersey knit fahrics, cannot be sanded or, at least, cannot be conventionally sanded conveniently since they tend to "neck down" considerably under the tension required ~or ordinary sanding and they may, in addition, tend to wrap around the sanding roll. The process of the present invention, however, permits better control o surface ~inishing conditions and it has been found that even very lightweight jersey knits may be surface finished. Also, a common fabric deficiency is 1 ~56~

"tight selvedges." This deficiency makes conventional sanding nearly impossible,but according to the process of the present invention such fabrics may be easily finished and there is little or no adverse efect resulting from the "tight selvedges." It has been found that even embossed fabrics may be mechanically surface finished by the present process providing a product having improved hand and appearance in both the embossed and non-embossed areas, and the undesirable "glossy" or "plastic"
look in the embossed areas is reduced.
Synthetic filament fabrics, such as polyester filament fabrics, processed according to the present invention may acquire many of the desired hand and appearance character-istics of spun fabrics and frequently also may acquire a desirable surface feel normally associated with fabrics made from finer denier fibers. Fabrics processed according to the present invention, furthermore, may possess enhanced adhesion characteristics, that is, they can be caused to adhere better than untreated materials to another material, such as for instance polyurethane shee~ material, using a suitable adhesive.
Accordingly, the present invention relates to a process for mechanically surface finishing a textile fabric, which comprises continuously eeding said fabric from a source o~ supply such that, said fabric lies in a single plane, sub~ecting successive adjacent sections o~ the fabric -to ~5 intermittent mechanical impact with an abrasive means across the width o~ ~aid ~abriG thereby avoiding substantial sustained contact between said Eabric and said ab~asive means, said mechanical impact b~ing at a force and ~requency suEficient to cause a substantially uniorm modification o the surace Gharacteristics of said ~abric.
The pr~sent invention also relates to a tex~ile material which may be made according to the process of the 1 1~6028 invention having a body portion containing a plurality of fibers, of which at least 20 percent by weight, and preferably at least 45 percent by weight, are synthetic fibers, e.g., thermoplastic synthetic fibers sl}ch as polyester or nylon fibers.
The remaining portion of the textile material, if it is not totally synthetic, may be made up of natural fibers and may even include some nonfibrous materials. The fibers in the textile material have a curva-ture and are arranged so as to have convex side portions and concave side portions. Those convex side portions o~ the fibers of the material which are exposed, e.g., those that are at or near the surface of the material and not covered by other fibers, are substantially scarred and they contain a multiplicity of generally short, rather thick lamella-shaped protrusions extending therefrom. While the actual length and number of these protrusions may vary considerably according to the invention depending upon the type of material treated and the severity of treatment, on the average it has been determined that the length of such protrusions will in general be quite short, e~g., less than about .05 mm., preferably less than about .03 rQm. from the base of the protrusions where they are joined to the main body portion of the fiber to the tip of the pro-trusions. As mentioned, it has also been observecl that the extent of modification of these exposed conve~ side portions o~
~he tex~ile material may va~y dependlng upon the ~abric substrate 2S composition. It is quite appaxent, however, that the modi~ication o~ such characteristics is si~ni~ican~ and quite unique as applied to a brQad range o~ ~abrics and may be easily identi~ied by comparison o~ the Eabric substrate aPter modi~ication to an untreated control sample or even to a sample o~ the same composition and structure which has been surace finished using conventional techniques, and thus will be very clearly shown in the examples below.

1 15602~

The shape oE the protrusions has been described in general as being lamella-shaped. This characterization is not meant to imply that individual protrusions have a precisely identifiable and reproducible shape. Rather, the term "lamella"
is used in i-ts conventional sense to refer to a thin, flat scale or part (see Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary, 1965 ed.). Individual protrusions, furthermore, may be of a rather irregular shape, some even being rather long by comparison to their cross-sectional dimension. Nonetheless, on the average, the protrusions are rather short and are rather flat in cross-sectional dimension rather than being of a generally circular cross-sectional dimension which might characterize a true "fibril."
It has also been observed particularly with regard to the pre~erred products of the present invention that fre~uently the cross-sectional dimension of the fibers on or near the surface of the textile material themselves may be distorted as a result of the mechanical surface treatment o the present invention while the dimension of the fibers not at the surface may remain undisturbed. This has been observed in certain instances, such as where the fabric sample is a thin, hard fabric, as a "smearing" of the synthetic fibers which are thermoplastic in nature. This smearin~ may be a xesult of thermoplastic defQxmation although appliaant is not ce~tain o~ the mechanism by means of which such "smearing" occurs and is not to be bound thereby. Furthermore, individual syn-thetic ~ibers at or near the~ surface of the tex-tile makerial may actually be ~lattened somewhat as a result o~ the mechanical su~face finishing. For example, if the cross-sectional dimension o~ the individual fibers is substantially circular prio~ to mechanical surEace treatment, lt may be observed that after mechanical surface finishing the cross-sectional dimension becomes somewhat ovoid. If the cross-sectional dimension is multi-lobal on the other hand, there may be a s~bstantial deformation of this configuration with regard to fibers at or near the surface. This observed smearing effect and the distortion of the cross-sectional dimension of the individual fibers at or near the surface of the textile material may con~ribute to the beneficial surface characteristics of the textile material product of the invention.
Figure l is a preferred apparatus o~ the invention designed to carry out the process of the present invention, and the apparatus oE the invention may be fully understood by reference to the detailed description of the apparatus.
Figures 2 through 5 are schematic views of alternative embodiments of the present invention, showing various means o~
obtaining intermittent mechanical impact between a sanding means and the fabric being finished.
Figs. 6 and 7 are scanning electron pho~omicrographs (SEPMs) of a double knit fabric that has had no mechanical surface finishing at lOOX and 350X respectively, such fabric being used for control purposes.
Figs. 8 and 9 are SEPMs at lOOX and 350X ot a knitted yarn treated in accordance with the present invention.
Figs. lO and ll are SEPMs at lOOX and 350X of a fabric conventionally surface finished by means oE a Gessner sander.
Figs. 12 through 52 are ~urther SEPMs at dif~ering decJrees o~ magnification o~ Various control samples, variou5 25 produc-ts treated according to the process of the present invention and certain produets havincJ conventional surEaeq ~inishes all as set out in Eurther detail in the ~ollowing speci f i ca tion.
Referring now to the drawinys and in particular to Figure l, the ~abric lO to be treated is unrolled fxom a fabric supply roll l under eontrolled tensio~ and led to guide rolls 2 and 3. Guide rolls 2 and 3 ma~ either be fixed or idling ~ 1 S6028 rolls, and they function to position the direction of the fabric so that its continued path will be in approximately the vertical direction while it maintains contact over substantially its entire width with the lower guide plate 4a. The path of the fabric continues over the upper guide plate 4b of the guide plate set and passes between fabric stabilizing rods 5a and 5b over fabric guide plate set 6a and 6b and to guide rolls 7 and 8 which function to change the direction of the abric, which then moves to fabric take-up roll 9 onto which it is wound.
Guide plate sets 4a and 4b and 6a and 6b may be adjusted in both the horizontal and vertical directions. The construction of g~ide plate sets 4a, 4b, 6a and 6b may vary widely and may consist of plates as illustrated or actual channels. Between guide plates 4a and 4b and 6a and 6b the fabric passes between abrasive rolls 11 and lla and corresponding flap rolls 12 and 12a.
The abrasive rolls are covered with a suitable abrasive material such as sandpaper, the grit size of which may vary depending upon the desired effect as described more fully below. Guide-plates 4a and 4b and 6a and 6b are adjusted to position the fabric accurately so that it will pass near to but not touch sanding rolls 11 and lla unless it is impacted onto the sanding rolls by ackion of flap rolls 1~ and l~a as described more fully below. ~tkached by su~table means to rolls 12 and l~a are ~laps illustraked in ~igure 1 as 13a, 13b, 13c and 13d on roll 12 and 2S flaps 13e, 13~, 13g and 13h on roll 12a. ~he flaps may he in-8 talled as lllustrated by simply bolking them on~o ~he flap roll so that when the rolls are at rqst the plane of the ~laps i9 essentially tangential to the rolls. In this embodiment, when khe flap rolls are rapldly rotated, the centrifugal ~orce will extend t.hem substantially radially from the roll. The ~laps may also be installed so that they extend radially from the flap roll even while the roll is at rest, i.e., in the absence of cen-1 15~02~
trifugal forces. The flaps may be made of a wide variety ofsuitable reinforced or non-reinforced materials such as n~oprene rubber, urethane, polyvinyl chloride, nylonl or even steel and other sheet ma~erials and even composites thereof of sufficient durability and flexibility to accomplish the desired result. The flap rolls may be driven by motor 14 via drive shaft 24, pulleys 15 and 15a and 17 and 17a, belts 16 and 16a and shafts 18 and 18a.
Sanding rolls 11 and lla may be driven by motor 19 via drive sha~t 25, pulleys 20 and 20a and 22 and 22a, belts 21 and 21a via shafts 23 and 23a.
When in operation sanding rolls 11 and lla rotate as do flap rolls 12 and 12a. The distance between flap rolls 12 and 12a and sanding rolls 11 and lla respectively is adjusted so that in the absence of fabric 10 the flaps would impinge upon sanding rolls 11 and lla to a predetermined depth of the flaps. When the machine is operating and threaded up with fabric 10, flaps 13a-h will be extended substantially radially by centrifugal force from the rapidly rotating rolls 12 and 12a respectively and will inter-mittently impact the fabric with considerable ~orce onto the sanding rolls 11 and lla.
Depending upon the desired ef~ect, the sanding rolls 11 and lla and the flap rolls 12 and 12a may independently be rotated either clockwise or counterclockwise. Speed of rotation oP both the sandlng rolls and ~lap rolls may also vary widely dependiny upon the deslred e~fect5 ~s described below.
Fiyure 2 provides a more detailed representation o~ a treatment station which comprises the sanding roll 11 and ~lap roll 12 with ~laps 13a, 13b, 13c and 13d and Eabric guideplates 4a and 4b. In this schema~ic drawiny the ~abric 10 is shown while beiny impacted by ~lap 13c onto the abrasive cover of the sanding roll 11. It should be noted that while Figure 1 illustrates only two treatment stations both oE which are of the 1 15602~

same type as that illustrated in Figure 2~ the actual apparatus may include only one station or alternatively two or more stations, e.g., three, four or even more stations may be provlded on the apparatus ~or treatment o~ one or both sides of the fabric.
The treatment stations, furthermore, need not necessarily be all of the same type as illustrated in Figure 1 but rather may include stations of different types, e.g., those illustra-ted in Figures 3 and 4 discussed below, as well, even on the same apparatus.
As mentioned, Figures 3, 4 and 5 illustrate alternative treatment stations provided with means by which the fabric may be caused to impact onto a rapidly moving abrasive means, al-though it should be appreciated that there may be others within the scope of the present invention. In Figure 3 the fabric 10 is caused to impact onto the abrasive covered roll 11 by means of a rapidly rotating non-circular bar, for instance as illustrated a square bar 30 which will alternately allow the fabric to clear the sanding roll and to impact it upon the roll.
In this embodiment the roll 11 may be covered with a compressible foam which is placed on the xoll between its outer periphery and the abrasive means so that the impact of the fabric 10 upon the abrasive means is softened and jamming o~ the fabric between the a~rasive means and the impacting means is prevented. Alt~rnatively the non--circular bar 30 may be covered wi-th a compressiblq ~oam ~or the same purpose. Also, it is particularly advantageous in the embodiment of the invention illustrated in Figurq 3 that the impacting means 30 be dlsposed either above or below the point oE closest proximity between the abrasive means 11 and the impacting means. Such disposition o~ the impacting means may also be advantageous in the alternative ~mbodiment illu~trated, for instance, in Figures 2, ~ and 5 as well as in other embodiments where the impactiny means may be, for instance, an oscillating 1 ~5~02~

bar or even a rotatin~ eccerltric roll, and the like.
Figure 4 illustrates a further embodimen~ where an intermittent airstream 40 is emitted from a nozzle 42 to cause the fabric 10 to be impacted intermittently upon the surface of the sanding roll 11.
Figure 5 illustrates yet another embodiment of the apparatus of the present invention. In this embodiment the fahric 10 is moved over idler roll 50 changing its direction and then over spacing rolls 51, 52, 53, 54 and 55. Then the fabric is caused to move over idler roll 56 to again change the fabric direction. The spacing rolls are designed to prevent contact between the fa~ric 10 and the sanding surface unless impacted upon it by the flaps as illustrated. Thus, during operation flap rolls 62, 63, 64 and 65 impact the fabric 10 onto the abrasive-covered surface of llb with flaps 66a through d, 67a through d,68a through d and 69a through d.
A wide variety of fabrics may benefit from being processed according to the present invention. Examples of such fabrics include woven, knit, non-woven fabrics, as well as coated fabrics and the like. Even certain films may beneit from treatment according to the present invention and films made from polymers, paper, and even natural products in sheet ~orm such a~ leather may be processed according to the present invention. Examples of knit fabrlcs include doubl-~ knits~ jerseys, tricot~, warp 2S knit ~abrics, we~t insertion ~ahrics, eta. Woven ~abric~ may be plain weaves, twills or other well-known constructions. Such eabric may be constructed from spun or ~ilamen-t yarns or may be constructed by using both types o~ yarns in the same ~abric.
Fabrics made ~rom natural ~ibers such as wool/ silk, cotton, linen may also be treated, althou~h the preferred fabrics are those made ~rom synthetic fibers such as polyester fibers, nylon ~ibers, acrylic fibers, cellulosic ibers, acetate fibers, thei.r mixtures :1 ~ S6~28 with natural fibers and the like. Particularly significant improvemen-t in -the surface characteri~tics of fabrics has been observed on ~abrics containing polyester fibers.
As noted above, fabrics processed according to the present invention generally may be characteri~ed as having a more uniform surface finish than fabrics processed according to conventional methods. The process may be used to provide a finish on the fabric surface which may be apparent to the naked eye, or a finish may be achieved which may not be apparent to the naked eye but which is quite apparent to the touch. The fabric may assume a generally softer hand and the fabric bending modulus may be reduced.
Fabric such as knit texturized polyester filament fabrics may be caused to shrink upon being processed accoraing to the present invention in the width direction resulting in a higher fabric weight. Furthermore, even if the fabric is stretched again to its original width and approximately its original weight per unit area, the fabric may generally be characterized as having a fuller, bulkier hand. Polyester filament fabrics may lose their undesirable "plastic-like" feel and the hand of such ~abrics will become more simi}ar to ~abrics made ~rom natural fibers such a~ wool or cotton. Products such as polyest~r douhle knit ~abxics may, in cer~ain in~tances, be characteriæed as having a density, uniformity and shortness o~ cover which cannot ~5 be obtained prac-tically by means o~ conventional sanding or napping technlques ~ h~ p~ocess o~ the prasent invention permits inishing o~ ~abrlcs which are generally too stretchy or -too light in weight to be ~inished b~ conventional sanding techniques. Con-ventional methods rely frequently on tension to bring the fabricinto contact with the sanding means. Where contact is accomplished by compressing the fabric between a backing and the 1 ~ ~6~8 sanding surface, tension is required to ]ceep the fabric frombeing grabbed by the sanding roll and wrapped around it. Due to the in~ermitten-t na-ture of the contact with the sanding roll and due to the proper use of fabric guiding plates a considerably lower amount of tension is sufficient accorcling to the process of the present invention so that it is possible to finish very lightweight fabric such as ligh-tweight jersey knits. These light-weight jerseys in conventional finishing techniques pose very serious problems because they elongate very easily and neck down under tension, and their selvedges have a tendency to roll under tension. Also, in conventional sanding techniques it is almost impossible to control the degree and uni~ormity of treatment of lightweight woven fabrics while both results are possible accord-ing to the process of the present invention.
It has been found that particularly good results may be achieved according to the process of the present invention by application of the process to a double knit such as that con-structed from texturized polyester filament yarns, e.g., from 150/34 denier yarns. Ordinarily, in order to obtain an appealin~, soft, spun-like, uniform surface finish by conventional sanding, fabrics of this type must be constructed from more expensive yarns, ~or example 150/50 denier or even 150/68 denier yarns.
Fabrics constructed from lS0/34 deniex yarns, however, generally provide a choppy, coarse-feellng, non-unlform surface finish when ~5 sanded conven-tionally. ~t has been Eound, however, surprisingly that fabric~ made ~rom such 150/3~ denier texturized polyester yarns may be subjected to the process of the present invention to obtain a spun-type finish on the fabric that is approximately e~uivalent in hand and appearance to the ~inish obtained by con-ventional sanding o more expensive fabrics constructed rom, orinstance, 150/50 denier texturized polyester filament yarns.
Because a heavier fabric generally must be constructed from, for instance, 150/50 denier filament yarn in order to maintain fabric crispness, the abili-ty to use a fabric constructed from 150/34 filament texturized polyester yarns yielding an e~uivalent finish also permi~s the use of a lesser weight fabric.
The process of the present invention i5 not limited, however, to textile materials per se and, for instance, appli-cation of the process to clear films may result in a matte-type finish providiny a translucent film. Application of the process to paper of sufficient strength to undergo treatment may result in a softening of the surface of the paper.
According to the process of the present invention, successive adjacent sections of the fabric are intermittently impacted upon an abrasive means across the entire width of the fabric. The fabric is ordinarily extended to its open width and may be moved in the warp or longitudinal direction. Sustained substantial contact between the fabric and the abrasive means is avoided, the mechanical impact being of a force and frequency sufficient to cause a substantially uniform modification of the surface characteristics of the fabric. As will be apparent to those skilled in the art, the extent of modification of the surface characteristics, the specific effects obtained, and the rate at which thes~ effects may be obtained will depend upon the opera~ing conditions of the machine used in the proc~s~ and ~he na~ure o~ the ~abric being treatecl, Operating parameters ~5 of -the appaxatu~ used in the process, e.g., Eorce and frequency of impact, gri-t si~e Oe abrasive means ancl other variables, may be adjusted over a broad range. For i.nstance, the linear speed QE the fabric relative to the sanding means may vary from about 1 yard to abouk 200 yards per minute and will preferahly be between about 5 and about 100 yardq pex minute, depending upon the nur~er of treatment stations available, the type of fabric and intensity and character of the treakment desired.

1 15~2~

Where the abrasive means is a sanding paper, the grit of the s~ndillg paper ma~ vary widely, wlth grit sizes of about 16 to about 600, preferably between about 80 and about 400, e.g., about l80 to about 320 beiny appropriate. On machines with multiple treatment stations different size grits may be em-ployed for the different sanding rolls in different sequences to accomplish specific e~fects. For example, it has been found desirable to pre~reat the fabric at a first sanding station wi~h a airly coarse grit in order to make the fabric surface more easily alterable by the subsequent finer grits at subsequent treatment stations.
The use of finer grit sanding paper will be particularly recommended for lightweiyht fabrics made from fine denier fibers or filaments, and will also be recommended for other fabrics, if a particularly subtle and fine finish is desired and when it is desired that the effects of the treatment be confined primarily to the fabric surface. The relative intensity of the treatment accomplished by means of the pre~ent invention is dependent not only upon the grit of the abrasive means but also on the force of the impact of the fabric on the abrasive means. This is in turn a function o the radius of the flap roll, flap length, bending modulus of the ~laps, specific yravity or density of the flaps and the extent to whiah the flap ~ront edge does not clear the sur~ace of the opp~sing sanding roll and speed o~ xotation o~ the Elap roll, In general it has been Qbserved that a s:Lgni~icant ef~ect may be obtained accordiny to the process o~ the pres~n-t invention with a ~iner yrit sandpaper than that used in standard sanding because the cutting edyes of the yrit are impacted upon the ~ibex~ o the ~abric with considerable force causiny most i~
not all o~ the sanding grains to cut into or abrade the surPace of the tex~ile material. Since a signiicAnt efect is obtained 1 1 5602~

with a finer grit and since simultaneously more cutting grains of a finer c3rit are located on the surface of the sandpaper per unit area it is thought tha-t the number of fibers a~fected per unit surface area is consequently siqnificantly greater than, and perhaps several times, that obtained with the coarser gxit material in a normal sanding operation so that the ~inish which results is more uniform, fine and dense. Thus, fre~uently fabrics treated according to the process of the present invention may not require shearing since the individual fiber ends which are formed are generally very short and uniform in length which also distinguishes the products of the present invention from - those of conventional sanding techniques.
The surface speed of the sanding means relative to the fabric may vary widely and may be between about 10 feet per minute and about 8,000 feet per minute, preferablv between about 500 feet per minute and 2~500 feet per minute. As discussed above in connection with the apparatus, the sanding roll may be rotated clockwise or counterclockwise and the direction of rotation of the flap rolls may either correspond to that of the sanding roll or may be opposite thereto. For instance, where the sanding xoll and the flap rolls are both rotated in a clockwise direction very lightweight, stretchy fabric may have less tendency to be grabbed hy the ~anding roll and to wrap around it.
~5 The force at which the ~abria is caused to impact upon the abrasive means is a Eunction o~ the speed of rotation o~
the flap roll, ~he length and stifEness oE the Elaps, the diame-ter o~ the Elap roll, as well as the density o~ the flap material, and other variables, but ~enerally the flap roll will rotate at speed~ ~rom about 100 to about 8,000 rpm's, pre~erably ~rom about 500 to about 6,000, e.ct. t abou-t 1,000 to about ~,001) rpm's.
Fabrics which have been processed pur~;uant to the present invention may be subjected to various subse(~uent treatment operations. It has been found, for instance, that a particularly appropriate post treatment for the products of the present invention may be brushing. Thus, fabrics may be mechanically surface finished according to the invention using comparatively mild treatment conditions, e.g., a relatively fine grit sandpaper as the abrasive means, or a relatively low impact force of the fabric onto the abrasive means, or a comparatively lower frequency of impact so that -the strength of the fabric is reduced less than it might otherwise be. Then by brushing the fabric vigorously using, for example, nylon or metal brushes, such as brass or steel brushes, modification of the surface characteristics of the fabric may be desirably enhanced.
I have illustrated and described what I consider to be the preferred embodiments of my invention. It will be apparent, however, that various modifications may be resorted to without departing from the broader scope of the invention as defined by the claims.
A doubleknit fabric was prepared from 1/150/50 ~o Monsanto* type 446 100 percent texturized polyester filament yarn.
The fabric was scoured, jet-dyed to a light blue color, slit and then heat set to provide a control sample. The finished weight was betwe~n 13-3/~ and 14~ ounces per yard, with a width of hetween 60 and 62 inches. q'he Mullen Burst Strength (ASrrM No.
D-231 (1975)) was ~76 lbs, Flgures 6 and 7 are scanning electron photomicrograph~ (SEPM) kaken o~ the ~abric at lOOX and 350X
A separate sample o~ the above yarn was knitted and the resulting doublekni-t was then processed by scouring, jet-dyeing to a ligh-t blue color and ~litting. A~ter slitting, but prior to heat settin~ the ~abric was mechanically sur~ace treated according to the process of the present invention to provide a *Trademark 1 15~028 product of the present invention. SEPMs of the sample are pro-vided in Figures 8 and 9 at 100X and 350X. The processing parameters are set forth below in the Table. After treatment, the Mullen Burst value was 235 lbs.
Another sample of the above fabric was treated in substantially the same manner as set forth above for the sample according to the invention, although it was colored navy blue and instead of mechanically surface finishing prior to heat setting according to the present invention it was Gessner sanded. The Mullen Burst value for the Gessner-sanded product after treatment was 230 lbs. SEPMs of the Gessner-sanded product are set forth below in Figures 10 and 11 at 100X and 350X.
Observation of the fabric treated according to the present invention revealed that it had a very luxurious, warm and soft surface hand and a very short, dense cover. The cover was readily apparent to the naked eye although because of its relative shortness it permitted the construction of the fabric to be fully visible. The control fabric, that is the fabric that has had no mechanical surface finishing, by contrast had a clear surface, no cover, and had the typical hard, "plastic", somewhat slick appearance and hand of texturized polyester doubleknits. The appearance and hand of the sample trea~ed according to the present lnven-~ion was compara~le -to -that o~ a ~abric prepared ~rom ~ine wool yarns. The ~ample which was conventionally surface ~inlshed by means of a Gessner sander clid not approach the desirable characteristics o~ the sample -treatecl according to the present invention, especially with regard to sotnes~ oE ~land, den~ity oE
cover, and similarity to a fahric made o ine wool yarn~.
Reference to the S~PM of the control sample, the sample treated according to the present invention, and the conventionally sanded sample at magnifications oE 100X and 350X shows that the fibers of the abric of the present invention are broken to some extent 1 ~5~0~8 but are predominantly extensively modified by the formation oflamella shaped protrusions on the fiber surfaces and by the formation of scar type surface modifications on the fiber surfaces.
The Gessner-sanded samples by contrast show a substantial number of cut and broken fibers with only very minor modifications of the surface characteristics of the individual fibers.
Example 1 was repeated using a 1/150/34 100 percent texturized polyester filament yarn. A control (untreated) sample, ~essner-sanded sample and a sample treated according to the invention were prepared. In this example the Gessner-sanded sample exhibited no significant difference from the untreated control sample, and the product in fact did not have a commercially acceptable finish due to the relativ~ly coarse nature of the 150/34 texturized poly~ster yarns from which it was made. This same fabric which was treated according to the present invention, however, had a significantly improved surface feel and a warm, pleasant wool-like hand as compared to the control sample. In fact, the sample compares very favorably to the Gessner-sanded version made according to Example 1 from the more expensive 150/50 texturized polyester filament yarns. The Mullen Burst value fox the untreated control was 280 compared to 220 l~s. after Gessner-sanding and 240 lbs. af~er surface ~ini~hing accox~ing to the pre~nt lnvention. ~hus, while the surface
2$ modi~i~ation i~ si~nificant according to the process of the present invention, les.s strength lo~s is observed compared to Gessner-sanding.
~X~MPLE 3.
The ~abxic used in thi.s Example was a yarn-dyed, polyester doubleknit. The yarn used was a 1/lS0/34 texturized 100 percent polyester filament yarn. The control sample was prepared by sponging, slitting and drycleaning the knitted fabric.

The finished weight was 12.~ ounces per yard, with a width of 64 inches, and a Mullen Burst strength of 215 lbs. The sample of the present invention was then processed as set forth in the Table. The Mullen Burst value was 120 lbs. After surface finishing the fabric was heat set, sheared, heat set again and decated. The finished weight was 11.6 ounces per yard, with a width of 60 inches.
A sample of the same cloth was then processed in the same manner as described above except that instead of mechanical surace treating according to the present invention the fabric was napped after the first heat setting operation, and then sheared, heat set again and decated. The finished weight was 11.70 ounces per yard with a width of 59-1/4 inches.
The fabric treated according to the process of the invention had a very soft, cotton-like surfac~ hand as compared to the typical hard, sl'ck, "plastic" and unappealing hand of the untreated control sample. Because of the relative shortness of the cover on the fabric treated according to the invention the clarity of the pattern o~ the fabric was not obscured to any measurable extent except for a very minor reduction of color contrast. The fabric construction, however, was still discern-able. The napped fabrie made from the same control fabric had a much harsher, drier somewha~ wool-like hand. Both the eolor patt~rn on the sur~ace anA the construction ~eatures o~ the ~abric w~re extensively obscur~d by napping. Figures 12l 13 and 14 are SEP~ at 35X, lOOX and 350X of the control sample. Figures 15, 16 and 17 are SEPMs at 3SX, lOOX and 350X of khe doubleknit yarn dyed produc~ which has been kreated according to the process o~
the present inv~ntion. Figures 1~, 19 and 20 show SEPMs at 35X, lOOX and 350X xespeetively o~ the napped samples. Comparison o~
the SEPMs reveals that the ibers at or near the suraee of the sample which has been kreated aeeording to the process o the 1 ~5~028 invention are relatively severely modified with the ormation of lamella~type protrusions and scars as well as by a very small amoun~ of cut fibers. The napped samples by con~rast show very little or no actual fiber surface modification although there are a substantial n~er of cu-t fibers. Visual observation reveals that the napped sample has a random layer of disoriented fibers established on the surface forming a substantially flat cover on the fabric. The yarn structure has been substantially disturbed, and the original construction is lar~ely obscured. On the sample treated according to the process of the present invention, by contrast, the original yarn structure is substantially intact and very few randomly oriented fibers are observed on the surface of the fabric.
T~e characteristics of 100 percent acrylic doubleknit were compared before surface finishing according to the present invention and after such finishing. The processing conditions for the mechanical surface finishing according to the invention are set forth in the Table.
It was found that the sample which was treated accord-ing to the invention had a more natural, wool-like feel and a soft surface hand, while -the control sample by comparison had a some what pla~tic-like hand typical of synthetic ~abrics, although the pla~tic-llke appearanae was ~omewhat less apparenk than would be 2S the case ~or ~abrics made from polye~ter ibers~ Examination o~
the 5EPMs o~ the abrlc according to the present inventlon shown in Figures 21 and 22 at 100X and 350X respectiv~ly show the ormation again of lamella-type protrusions on the iber suxface a~ well a~ scarrlng of khe fiber surace. Comparison to the con-trol samples shown in Figures 23 and 24 again at 100X and 350X
show no similar characteristics.

~ :~56~28 EXA~IPLE 5.
The characteristics obtainable by the process of the invention applied to 100 percent polyester woven fabrics made from a filament warp yarn and a spun filliny yarn were compared. The starting fabric was woven from a 2/150/34 Danbury-24T Dacron*
5 polyester filament warp yarn (lot number 841). The filling yarn was a spun 12/1 T-350 Trevira* polyester yarn.
The control sample was prepared by Mezæera treatment, jet-dyeing with a navy blue dye, and finished by heat setting, shearing, and decatiny. The finished width was 59.4 inches 10 (inside selvedges) with a weight of 11.5 ounces per yard. The strength as measured by the Scott Grab Tensile test (ASTM number D-1682, ~1975)) was 263 lbs. for the warp and 156 lbs. for the fill.
The above processing sequence for the control sample 15 was modified by surface treatment according to the present invention prior to Mezzera treatment with the remaining steps in the process being identical to those set forth above Eor the control sample.
The finished weight and width were the same as for the control sample. The mechanical surface treatment conditions are set forth 20 in the Table below. After tréatment the Scott Grab Tensile (SGT3 value was Eor the warp 205 lbs. and for the fill 47 lbs.
The above procedure was repeated except that the mecharllaal surface treatment accordiny to the invention wa5 per-~o~med after Mezzera treatment and prior to jet-dyeing with the ~5 o-ther processing s~eps being in the same order. The ~lnished weiyht ancl width were the same. SG~ strenyth ~or the warp was 2~6 lbs. and Eor the fill was 75 lbs~
~ he above process was repeated again exGept that the mechanical sux~ace ~reatment according to the inventic)n Wcl9 per--30 formed after jet-dyeing and prior to heat setting with the other processing steps remaining the same. The Einished weight and *Registered Trademark I 1 5 ~28 fabric width were again the same.
The latter procedure was followed again except that instead of mechanical surface treatment according to the present invention prior to heat setting and after dyein~ the fabric sample was Gessner sanded at this stage in the process.
The finished weight and width were the same. The SGT value was 259 lbs. for the warp and 93 lbs. for the fill.
The above procedure was repeated again except that napping was performed on the fabric af~er jet-dyeing but prior to heat setting. The finished weight and width of the fabric were the same. The SGT value was 264 lbs. for the warp and 147 lbs. for the fill.
Examination of the samples which were processed according to the invention be~ore dyeing revealed that a wool--like hand was achieved. Mechanical surface treatment accordingto the invention after dyeing of the fabric resulted in a fabric having a cotton-like hand.
Thus, it can be seen that appropriate variation of the processing steps can be used to achieve two distinct:L~
different products from the same starting material.
Depending upon the processing sequence the samples treated according to the invention generally had a very attractive, soPt and pleasant wool or cotton~ e hand, while the fabric which did not have any sur~ace treatment had the customary hard, harsh Eeel of polyester ~abric. Sanding by conventional means, namely with a Gessner sander, resulted in only minor modification ~P the hand of the control sample, although the result dld not app~oach either the softnes~ or luxuriousne~s oE the surPace fecl obtained by the present invention. The sample which was napped resulted in a relatively so~k surEace hand a~ compared to conventional sanding, but it did not produce either a pleasant or a soft surface finish as was achieved according to the present 1 ~56028 invention, especially where the surface treatment was performed prior to dyeing. Also, i-t was noteworthy that napping resulted in a considerably less uniform and longer cover with a great deal of "wild hair~' protruding from the fabric surface. Even ater shearing the finish obtained by the present invention was both more uniform and more attractive than the finish obtained according to the conventional techniques.
Fiqures 25 and 26 are SEPMs of the control samples at lOOX and 350X respectively. Fiyures 27 and 28 are the Gessner-sanded samples at lOOX and 350X, and Figures 29 and 30 are the samples which were napped, again depicted at lOOX and 350X.
Figures 31 and 32 are the samples which were finished according to the present invention by mechanical surface treatment after dyeing but prior to shearing and decating. Examination of SEPMs of the sarnples mechanically surface finished prior to Mezzera treatment and those treated after Mezzera treatment but prior to dyeing appeared almost identical to Figures 31 and 32 and, there-fore, need not be shown. As the SEPMs reveal, the fabric samples treated according to the invention, whether prior to dyeing or after dyeing; all showed substantial lamella protrusions from the surface of the fabric as well as a substantial amount of ~carring. Plastic de~ormation of the fibers was also evident.
Conventional Gessner sanding resulted by contrast in only a limit~d amount of Piber surPace modi~iation with lit~le or no lamella Pormation and no plastic de~ormation o~ the ~ibers.
Napplng resulted in even less Pibex surPace modiPication, no plastic deformatlon uf the polymeric ~ibers although a signiPi-cant amount oP Piber cutting i5 apparerlt.
A jersey kni~ was mechanically surface finished according to the present invention and compared with a non-finished control sample. The control was prepared ~ro~ 100 -2~-1 ~56~28 percent Dacron polyester T-56 1/70/34 yarns. The sample was processed by Mezzera treatment, jet-dyeing a light green color, slitting and heat setting. The finished weight was 5.75 ounces per yard with a width of 63 inches. The Mullen Burst strength was 130 lbs.
Next, the above process was modified by treatment of the fabric after heat setting according to t:he invention. The process and conditions were as set forth in the Table. The Mullen Burst strength after treatment was 123 lbs~
Observation of the finished samples reveals that the sample treated according to the present invention had a soft, warm, and luxurious hand; while the untreated control had a relatively slick surface hand typical of polyester fabrics. The sample treated according to the invention may be said to have a 5 hand that is comparable to that of fabrics made from spun yarns.
Samples of 65/35 polyester cotton blends were treated according to the present invention and then compared to control samples. The warp and fill yarns were both 65 percent polyester, 35 percent cotton. The control sample was prepared by s:ingeing and mercerizing the fabric. The finished weight was 4.86 ounces per square yard and the finished width was 60.3 inches. A
~eparate sample o~ the fabric was processed in the same manner as the control sample but was subsequently ~inished by treating accordiny to the process of the invention. ~he treatiny condi-tlons are set for~h in the ~ahle. ~or comparison purposes an-other sample was treated as above by singeing, merceriæin~ and then ~essner ~anding, ollowed by range dyeing, inishiny and ~an~orixing oE the cloth.
~ vi~ual comparison o the control sample with the sample treated according to the present invention showed that the sample of the invention had a substantially softer and moxe ~ 15~02~

pleasing, cotton-like surface hand than the control without any significant loss in fabric crispness. By comparison sanding of the same style fabric by conventional sanding provided vexy little beneficial effect on the fabric in terms of its hand, or other characteristics.
Figures 33 and 34 are SEPMs of the control sample at 100X and 350X. Figures 35 and 36 are SEPMs of the sample which was processed according to the invention, also at 100X and 350X.
Figures 37 and 38 are SEPMs at 100X and 35t)X of the Gessner-sanded sample. Examination of the SEPMs revealed that the samplewhich was tr~ated according to the process of the invention has lamella-type protrusions on the fibers at or near the surface of the fabric. There were also a few cut fibers, scarring and significant thermoplastic deformation of the polyester fibers.
It was also evident that the yarns immediately at the surface of the fabric were flattened, apparently in conjunction with thermoplastic deformation of the polyester fibers. Observation of the SEP~s of the Gessner sanded samples revealed that the process resulted in very little modification of the surface fibers although certain randomly oriented fibers and some cut Pibers were present on the fabric surface.
A sample o~ woven 80/20 polyester cotton having a spun warp and a filament fill yarn wa~ trea~ed accordlng to the process ~5 o~ th~ inven~ion and compared with a control ~ample. The warp yarn wa~ a 6S percellt polyester, 35 percen-t cotton ya~n. The fill yarn was a texturized 100 percent polyester fllament yarn.
The control sample was prepared by the steps of heat setting, sinyein~ and mercerizlng. The ~inished w~iyht was 4.94 ounce~ per s~uare yard and the finished width was 60.2 inches.
SGT strength of the warp was 133 lbs. and 131 lbs. for the fill.

~ 156028 A sample of the above ~abric processed in the identical manner was finished by mechanical surface treatment according to the process of the invention. The finished weight and width were both the same as or the control sample. The processing con-ditions are set forth in the attached Table. The resultiny SGT strength was 122 lbs. ~or the warp and 101 lbs. for the fill.
A similar fabric having a spun warp yarn of 65 percent polyester and 35 percent cotton and a fill yarn of textur;zed 100 percent polyes-ter filament yarn was processed by heat setting, steam treating, mercerizing, and range dyeing to provide a tan fabric. The fabric was then conventionally Gessner sanded, finished and sanforized. The finished weight was 5.35 ounces per square yard, and the finished width was 60.5 inches. The SGT strength for the warp was 207 lbs. and for the fill was 181 lbs. The tensile strength characteristics of the fabric prior to treatment were unavailable.
Visual comparison of the sample treated according to the present invention with the control sample showed that while the surface appearance of the fabric was not significantly changed, the surface feel of the fabric treated according to the present invention was substantially softened as compared to the rather hard surface feel of -the untreated control sample. The Pabric crispness Oe the treated samples as compared to the control sample was substantially retained. By contras-t, little or no advantageous modiEication was observed when a similar fabric was subjected to Gessner sanding Figures 39 and 4~ are SEPMs oE the control sample at lOOX and 350X. Figures 41 and 42 are SEPMs taken at lOOX and 350X
of a sample which has beqn prepared in the same manner a5 the 3Q control sample and then mechanically surface finished according to the invention. Figures 43 and 44 are SEPMs of the sample which has been Gessner sanded and prepared as described above.

1 1S6~2~

Examinat1on of the SEPMs shows that very few of the fibers are cut in the sample processed according to the present invention.
Rather, the surface of the fibers has been significantly modified in the process. Some lamella-type protrusions are produced and scarring was particularly obvious. Some plastic deformation of the polyester fibers was observed. Also, a flattening of the yarn surfaces was again observed. With regard to the Gessner-sanded sample, except for some cutting of the fibers there was little apparent effect on the fibers of the fabric.
An 80/20 polyester/cotton blend fabric was treated according to the process of the invention using the processing conditions set forth in the Table before range dyeing. After range dyeing it was observed that some of the advantageous characteristics of the fabric treated according to the process of the invention were apparently lost. This sample, however, was subsequently brushed with either a nylon brush or a steel brush, and it was observed that the original beneficial effects were re-established and actually significantly enhanced, without any substantial strength loss. In fact, it was determined that even where the sa~ple was mechanically surface finished according to the invention after dyeing that the advantageous effect of brushin~ with either a nylon or a steel brush resulted in a signi~icant enhancemenk of the beneEicial eEfects of the mechanical sur~Ace treatmerlt in terms o~ both fabric surface 34~kness, pleasankness and luxuriousne3s Qf feel, again wikhout any substantial stxengkh loss. A similar sample which was not mechanically surface finished acco~din~ to the invention was simply bxushed after dyeing with a nylon hrush and a separate sample was brushed with a skeel bxush under e~uivalent conditions and practically no beneficial efect on the samples were observed.

1 1 56~28 EXAMPLE lO.
A lO0 percent filament embossad woven polyester napery fabric was treated according to the process of the invention, and its characteristics were compared to that of an untreated control sample. The sample treated according to the invention had a pleasing a~rance resembling ~ t of genuine cotton ~acquard damask fabric and even the depressed embossed areas of the fabric were beneficially a~Eected. By contrast, the untreated control sample had a glass-like sheen and a plastic appearance quite dissirnilar to the subtle and fine appearance of the high priced jacquard woven damask fabric.
A control sarnple of woven lO0 percent polyester filament warp and fill napery fabric was prepared and its characteristics were compared to that of a similar sample which was treated accordin~ to the process of the invention. It was observed that in addition to the improved surace hand characteristics, tablecloths or napkins made from the above-described material and processed according to the invention could be stacked without the piles of stacked fabric sliding and falling down. The overall appearance of the fabric was, however, changed ver~ lit~le and the fabric had a complekely clear face~ However, the abxic in e~ect clid have a very advantageou~ cotton-llke hand.
2S E~AMPL~ 12 a rrhis ~xample illustrates applicat.lon of the process of the lnvention to a 100 percent nylon nonwoven point-bonded fabxic.
A control ~ample was prepared and a ~epaxate sample was sub-sequerltly processed accordin~ to the invention. The processing conditions are set foxth in the Table. The nonwoven nylon fabric when treated according to the process oE the invention exhibited a dramatically soter, kinder surface hand than the s1.ick, "glassy"

_~9_ 1 1 56~28 starting material. A dense, somewhat longer cover was created giving the surface of the fabric the touch and surface ~eel of material made from natural fibers. Little strength loss was encountered due to the treatment of the fabric. Comparison of the SEPMs of the sample treated according to the process of the invention shown in Figures 45 and 46 at 100X and 350X respectivel-~to the control samples as shown in Figures 47 and 48 at 100X and 350X respectively shows that there has been a significant generation of lamella-type protrusions on the fiber surface, fiber surface scarring, and visual observation revealed cut fibers.
A control fabric was prepared of a napped substrate fabric containing on its surface a coagulation type coating. A
separate sample of the fabric was processed according to the invention using the processing conditions set forth in the Table.
Observation of the fabric revealed that the original control fabric had a soft but tacky surface hand while the fabric which was treated according to the process of the invention had an even, softer but a tctally non-tacky surface hand. The appearan~e of the sample treated according to the invention was also somewha-t smoothqr and more uniform than that of the original sample. ~e~erence to ths S~P~s shown in ~igure 49 at 350X show~
~hat khere had been a ~ro~s accumulation oE coag-llated polymer present on the sur~ace oP the untreated control sample, By contrast -the sample which has been treated according to the process o~ the invention shown in Figure 5~ at 350X reveals that while desirable small islands of the polymer coatin~ are still present, gros~ accumulations have been substantially removed or hroken up. Furthermore, the sample treated according to the invention also exhibits the typical lamella-type protrusions and scarring oE the fiber surfaces.

1 1$6~28 EXAMPLE 14.
Mechanical surface treatment according to the present invention was performed on a polyethylene sheet material of 2 mils thickness. The processing conditions are set forth in the attached table.
Observation of the sheet material which has been mechanically surface finished revealed that the treatment resulted in converting a substantially transparent film material (the control sample) into a translucent film material with a milky, non-slick surface. SEPMs shown in Figures Sl (the control) and 52 (the treated sample) reveal that the treated sample exhibited scratches, striations, lamella-type protrusions and substantial plastic deformation of the surface. Quite similar effects were observed when a nylon film was mechanically surface finished and compared to an untreated nylon film.
Substantially the same results were also observed when a poly-ester film sample was subject~d to mechanical sur~ace treatment according to the present invention.
In this Example, a heavy duty paper (white, light cardboard-type) was subjected to mechanical sur~ace treatment according to the pr~sent invention. Th~ papex had a thickness o~ 11 to 12 mils. Observation of the pxoduct a~ter treatment revealed that mechanical surEace treatment oE the paper resulted in a mat, non-slick sur~ace as aomp~red to ~he untreated control sample.

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Claims (20)

The embodiments of the invention in which an exclusive property or privilege is claimed are defined as follows:
1. A process for mechanically surface finishing a textile fabric, which comprises continuously feeding said fabric from a source of supply such that said fabric lies in a single plane, subjecting successive adjacent sections of said fabric to intermittent mechanical impact with an abrasive means across the width of said fabric thereby avoiding substantial sustained contact between said fabric and said abrasive means; said mechanical impact being at a force and frequency sufficient to cause a substantially uniform modification of the surface char-acteristics of said fabric.
2. The process of Claim 1, wherein said abrasive means is at least one rotating roll having an abrasive surface and said intermittent mechanical impact with said abrasive means is caused by an intermittent impact means for repeatedly and inter-mittently pushing said fabric across its entire width against said abrasive means, said intermittent impact means being dis-posed across the fabric width and parallel to the abrasive means at or near the reverse side of the fabric from said abrasive means.
3. The process of Claim 2, wherein said intermittent impact means comprises a rotatable roll having extending from its perimeter and parallel to its axis across its width at least one strip of flexible material.
4. The process of Claim 2, wherein said intermittent impact means comprises at least one rotatable non-circular bar.
5. The process of Claim 2, wherein said intermittent impact means comprises at least one eccentric roll.
6. The process of Claim 2, wherein said intermittent impact means comprises an air slot or slots emitting intermittently pressurized air against the reverse side of said fabric from said abrasive means.
7. The process of Claim 1, wherein said textile fabric is a polyester-containing woven, knit, or nonwoven fabric.
8. The process of Claim 7, wherein said textile fabric is 100 percent polyester fabric.
9. The process of Claim 7, wherein said textile fabric is a polyester-cotton blend fabric.
10. An apparatus for mechanically surface-finishing a textile fabric, which comprises means for continuously feeding said fabric from a source of supply such that said fabric lies in a single plane, an abrasive means, an intermittent impact means for subjecting successive adjacent sections of said fabric to intermittent mechanical impact with said abrasive means across the width of said fabric thereby avoiding substantial sustained contact between said fabric and said abrasive means;
said mechanical impact being at a force and frequency sufficient to cause a substantially uniform modification of the surface characteristics of said fabric.
11. The apparatus of Claim 10, wherein said abrasive means is at least one rotating roll having an abrasive surface, and said intermittent impact means functions to repeatedly and intermittently push said fabric across its entire width against said abrasive means, said intermittent impact means being disposed across the fabric width and parallel to the abrasive means at or near the reverse side of the fabric from said abrasive means,
12. The apparatus of Claim 11, wherein said intermittent impact means comprises a rotatable roll having extending from its perimeter and parallel to its axis across its width at least one strip of flexible material.
13. The apparatus of Claim 10, wherein said intermittent impact means comprises at least one rotatable non-circular bar.
14. The apparatus of Claim 10, wherein said intermittent impact means comprises at least one eccentric roll.
15. The apparatus of Claim 10, wherein said intermittent impact means comprises an air slot or slots emitting intermittently pressurized air against the reverse side of said fabric from said abrasive means.
16. A process for mechanically surface finishing a textile fabric which comprises continuously feeding said fabric from a source of supply such that said fabric lies in a single plane, subjecting successive adjacent sections of said fabric to intermittent mechanical impact with an abrasive means across the width of said fabric thereby avoiding substantial sustained contact between said fabric and said abrasive means; said mechanical impact being at a force and frequency sufficient to cause a substantially uniform modification of the surface characteristics of said fabric, and subsequently brushing said fabric across its entire width to further enhance the modifi-cation of the surface characteristics of said fabric.
17. The process of Claim 16, wherein said abrasive means is at least one rotating roll having an abrasive surface;
and said intermittent mechanical impact with said abrasive means is caused by an intermittent impact means for repeatedly and intermittently pushing said fabric across its entire width against said abrasive means, said intermittent impact means being disposed across the fabric with and parallel to the abrasive means at or near the reverse side of the fabric from said abrasive means.
18. A process for mechanically surface finishing a cellulosic sheet material which comprises continuously feeding said material from a source of supply such that said material lies in a single plane, subjecting successive adjacent sections of said material to intermittent mechanical impact with an abrasive means across the width of said material thereby avoiding substantial sustained contact between said material and said abrasive means; said mechanical impact being at a force and frequency sufficient to cause a substantially uniform modification of the surface characteristics of said material.
19. The process of Claim 18, wherein said cellulosic sheet material is paper.
20. A process for mechanically surface-finishing a polymeric film material which comprises continuously feeding said material from a source of supply such that such material lies in a single plane, subjecting successive adjacent sections of said material to intermittent mechanical impact with an abrasive means across the width of said material thereby avoid-ing substantial sustained contact between said material and said abrasive means; said mechanical impact being at a force and frequency sufficient to cause a substantially uniform modification of the surface characteristics of said material.
CA000416528A 1979-11-09 1982-11-26 Mechanical surface finishing apparatus, process and product Expired CA1156028A (en)

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CA000416528A CA1156028A (en) 1979-11-09 1982-11-26 Mechanical surface finishing apparatus, process and product

Applications Claiming Priority (4)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US06/092,815 US4316928A (en) 1979-11-09 1979-11-09 Mechanically surface finished textile material
US92,815 1979-11-09
CA000362586A CA1153192A (en) 1979-11-09 1980-10-16 Mechanical surface finishing apparatus, process and product
CA000416528A CA1156028A (en) 1979-11-09 1982-11-26 Mechanical surface finishing apparatus, process and product

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CA1156028A true CA1156028A (en) 1983-11-01



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CA000416528A Expired CA1156028A (en) 1979-11-09 1982-11-26 Mechanical surface finishing apparatus, process and product

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
USRE41278E1 (en) 1999-01-08 2010-04-27 Yu Ruey J N-acetyl aldosamines and related N-acetyl compounds, and their topical use

Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
USRE41278E1 (en) 1999-01-08 2010-04-27 Yu Ruey J N-acetyl aldosamines and related N-acetyl compounds, and their topical use
USRE42902E1 (en) 1999-01-08 2011-11-08 Tristrata, Inc. N-acetyl aldosamines, N-acetylamino acids and related N-acetyl compounds and their topical use
USRE44302E1 (en) 1999-01-08 2013-06-18 Ruey J. Yu N-acetyl aldosamines, N-acetylamino acids and related N-acetyl compounds and their topical use

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