CA1098968A - Corrosion-resistant light-weight spot welding gun - Google Patents

Corrosion-resistant light-weight spot welding gun


Publication number
CA1098968A CA305,661A CA305661A CA1098968A CA 1098968 A CA1098968 A CA 1098968A CA 305661 A CA305661 A CA 305661A CA 1098968 A CA1098968 A CA 1098968A
Prior art keywords
cooling water
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French (fr)
Adrian P. Smith
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Priority to CA305,661A priority Critical patent/CA1098968A/en
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Publication of CA1098968A publication Critical patent/CA1098968A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Resistance Welding (AREA)


A light weight spot welding gun has an aluminum body with silver-plated sockets for fixed and movable electrodes.
The body has cooling water passages communicating with the sockets. To prevent corrosion and clogging of the passages, the passages are nickel-plated.


Back~round of the Invention Aluminum and its alloys have come increasingly into use for the fixed ~aw bodies and movable jaws of spot-welding guns because of theix weight being only about one~third of cop-per from which previous welding guns were commonly made. Al-uminum, however, is easily attacked by corrosive agents pres-ent in contaminated water with the result that the aluminum oxide powder resulting from corrosion of the aluminum clogs - the water cooling passageways and causes ~ailure of the weld-ing gun. Aluminum castings provided with nickel tubes seated therein which were previously tried were found to ~ail when corrosion o~ the aluminum took place so that the tubes filled up with al~m~n~m oxide powder and the brass water fittings ~me out taking portions o~ aluminum with them. Aluminum sur-~0 faces exposed to air also corroded to a lesser extent, but sufficiently to prevent good electrical contact between the aluminum and the adjacent electrical current conductor connect-ed thereto.
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The invention particularly resides in a corrosion-. " j .
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resistant nickel-plated aluminum or other light-weight metal ;,, spot-welding gun which is exteriorly nickel-plated and is provided internally with cooling liquid passageways coated . ,~, . . . , ~ -~' ;: `


with nickel-plated layers for protection against corrosion by deleterious chemicals in the cooling liquid, such as water, Ln both the fixed and movable electrode-carryiny jaws. It also resides in the provision of silver-plated sockets in said fixed and movable jaws in which the rearward ends of the hollow fixed and mo~able copper spot-welding electrodes are mounted. It fur-ther resides in the provision of silver-plated coatings on the surface or surfaces in which electrical contact is made by the current-carrying welding cable terminal ~o the fixed jaw, and through a flexible shunt and shunt adapter to the movable jaw, silver-plating being used to enhance electrical connection where the mutually-engaging parts are free from contact with water con-taining corrosive chemicals or are protected to a great extent by their tightly contacting engagement from air pollution corro-sion.
In the drawing~
Figure 1 is a side elevation of a corrosion-resistant light-weight spo~-welding gun, partly in se~tion in the upper right-hand corner, according to one form of the invention, with the connectors of the welding cable terminal omitted in order to reveal portions otherwise concealed therebyO
Figure 2 is a side elevationO partly in section, of the novable jaw o~ the spot-welding gun of Figure lo detached therefrom but with cooling liquid hose connection fittings added thereto;
Figure 3 is a rear elevation of the movable jaw shown in Figure 2;
Figure 4 is a horizontal sectionO taken along the line ~ 2 1~8~

4--4 in Fi~ure 2, and Figure 5 is a fragmenkary top plan view of the upper right-hand corner of Figure 1~ but with a portion of one of the connectors of the welding cable terminal. added thereto.
Re~erring to the drawing in detail~ Figure 1 shows a cor-rosion-resistant light-weight spot--welding gun, ~enerally des-ignated lOo according to one ~orm of the invention~ as consist-ing generally of an approximately L-shaped cast aluminum or oth-er light-weight metal body 12 includin~ a fixed electrode-carry-ing forward jaw 14 and a fixed cylinder-carrying rearward arm 16 for the mounting of a ~luid pressure power cylinder or other reciprocatory motor 18. pivotally mounted on the fixed ~orward or jaw-carrying arm 14 as b~ a pivot pin 20 in a bore 21 and electrically insulated therefrom by insulating bushings and washers 9 is an L-shaped movable electrode-carrying jaw of cast aluminum or other light-weight metalO generally designated 220 having a movable electrode~carrying forward arm 24 and a power-applying rearward arm 26 bored transversely at 28 to re-ceive a similarly-insulated pivot pin 30 upon which the clevis 32 on the forward end of a piston rod 34 is pivotally mounted.
The piston rod 34 passes through a suitable bore 35 in the rearward arm 16 of the body 12 into the fluid cylinder 18 where it is connected to a piston head (not s~own~ reci~ ocable therein. The cylinder 18 is connected in a conventional manner to a flexible conduit or conduits (not shown) leading to a source of pressure fluid by way of a suitable conventional fluid control valve (not shown).
Both the fixed jaw 14 and the movable jaw 22 are bored to provide electrode sockets 36 and 38 respectively9 prov~ded with silver-plated coati.~ or la~ers 40 and 42 respectively, in which are clamped the rearward ends of hollow copper fixed and movable welding electrodes 44 and 46 respectively provided with fixed and movable tips 48 and 50 respectively. The electrodes 44 and 46 are provided with cooling liquid passageways 52 and 54 .~spectively which are annularly grooved at their forward ends to receive elastomeric 0-rings 57 and 59 as sealsO and communicating at their rearward ends with T-shaped cooling li-quid passageways 56 and 5~ respectively (Figure 4). EacH
passageway S6 or 58 has a threaded cooling-liquid inlet port 60 and ~ threaded cooling liquid outlet port 62, each provided with a threaded hb:se connection fitting 64 or 66 respectively adapted to be connected to cooling liquid inlet and discharge hoses (not shown), the former of which are in turn connected to a source ~ cooling liquidO such as a water main~ The cool-ling liquid passageways 56 and 58 are provided with nickel-plated coatings 68 and 70 respectively which provide protection against corrosion of the aluminum or other light-weight metal of the body 12 or movable electrode-carrying jaw 22 against cor-rosion by corrosive chemicals presentirl the cooling liquid.
As stated aboveO the aluminum welding gun body 12 with its fixed jaw 14 and the movable jaw 24 are nickel plated to protect them against corrosion from deleterious chemicals in the cooling liquidO such as water The upper rearward corner of the light-weight metal body 12 (Figures 1 and 5~ is provided with a rearwardly-extend-ing boss 74 with a side face 76 co~ered with a silver-plated coating 78 thereon to insure good electrical contact with the conventional first terminal connector (not shown) projecting forward from the conventional terminal (also not shown) of a conventional tw3~0nductor welding cable (likewise not shown).
A portion 77 (Figure 5) of the conventional second terminal connector of opposite polarity also projects forward from the welding cable terminal in spaced parallel relationship to the first terminal connector and is separated from it by a con-~en-tional insulating strip ~not shown). Such welding cables and their terminals and terminal connectors are well known to those - skilled in the electric welding art and therefore are believed to require no further description. As is also well known~ the bolt 81 passing through aligned holes in the cable terminal connectors of opposite polarities and their insulating strip is also insulated therefrom and from a similarly-aligned bolt hole 80 in the boss 74.
The movable jaw 22 at its rearward end adjacent the pivot pin 20 is provided with an electrical connection face 82 (Figures 2 and 3) which in turn is provided with a silver-plated coating 84 for improved electrical connection to a flex-ible shunt 86 of stac~ed thin flexible copper stxips 87, the opposite ends of which are secured to lugs 83. The forward lug 83 is bolted to the connection face 82 of the movable jaw 22 by screws or other fasteners 85 threaded therein. The rearward lug 83 of the shunt 8~ is similarly bolted to an L-shaped hol-low shunt adapter 89/ the forward arm 90 of which projects out~
ward through the side wall of the body 12 ~Figure 5), from which it is inslllated electrically by an irlsulating bushing 91.

The rearward arm 92 of the shunt adapter 89 terminates in a gen-erally annular head 94 which is also silver-plated on its inner face where it abuts the second terminal connector 7'7 and is held thereagalnst by tlle electrically insulated bol~ 8I~ The shunt adapter 89 has an angled and Tee--shaped nickel-plated cool-ing liquid passageway 86 therethrough terminat,ing in cooling liquid inlet and outlet fittings 98 and 100 ~o.r the attachment of cooling liquid supply and discharge hoses (not shown).
The rearwa.rd ends of the welding electrodes 44 and 46 are detachably secured in their respective sockets 36 and 38 by so-called barrel locks 88, The bores 21 and 28 for the pivot pins 20 and 30 are prov.ided with insulation 93 and 95 for insula~ing the movable jaw 22 and the clevis 32 from their respective pivot pins 20 and 30 and therefore insulating them from the body 12 and fixed jaw 14.
In the operation of the inventionO let i.t be assumed that the passageways 56, if a shunt adapter (not shown) is em-ployed~ and 58 and the port 72 are connected to cooling liquid inlet and outlet hoses attached to the fittings 64 and 66. Let at also be assumed that the terminal of the welding cable (not shown) has been bolted or otherwise attached through the bolt hole 80 to the silver-plated face 76 of the boss 74r also that the cylinder 18 has been connected to a source of pressure fluid. Thereafter, as the workman grasps the body 12 of the gun 10 and applies the electrode tips 48 and 50 to the spot weld-ing location~ he operates the pressure fluid control valve (not shown) to actuate the power cylinder 18 in such a manner as to move the piston rod 34 forward, causing the movable jaw 22 to swing around its pivot element 20 and bring the electrode tips 48 and 50 into contact with the workpiece. As a result~
a spot weld is made. Meanwhile, the cooling liquid traverses the cooling liquld passageways 56 and 58, taking away the heat generated in the electrodes 44 and 46 by the weld. At the same ~ime, the silver-plated layers or coatings 40 and 42 and the silver-plated face 78 respectively insure superior electri-cal contact at those locationsO whereas the nickel-plated layers or coatings 68, 70 and 21 likewise insure fxeedom ~rom corrosion resulting from attack of the aluminum or other light metal and consequently prevent the accumulation ~f the solid corrision residues which would otherwise soon clog the a~ore-said cooling liquid passageways.
It will be understood that the term "aluminum", as used herein, includes aluminum alloysj and that the term "cop-per 1ll as used herein~ includes copper alloys~ such as bronze.

Claims (4)

I claim:
1. A corrosion-resistant light-weight spot welding gun, comprising an aluminum spot-welding gun body having a forward portion with a fixed jaw containing a fixed electrode socket and having a cooling water passageway communicating at its forward end with said fixed electrode socket and at its rearward end adapted to be connected to cooling water supply and discharge conduits, a movable aluminum spot?welding gun jaw mounted on said body and having a forward portion with a mov-able jaw containing a movable electrode socket and having a cooling water passageway communicating with said movable socket and at its rearward end adapted to be connected to cooling wat-er supply and discharge conduits, said fixed and movable sock-ets being adapted to receive and hold hollow fixed and movable spot welding electrodes respectively communicating with said passageways, sealing means interposed between said sockets and said passageways for excluding water from said sockets, means on said body operatively connected to said movable jaw for mov-ing said movable jaw toward and away from said fixed jaw where-by to move the welding electrodes into and out of welding engage-ment with a workpiece placed ?herebetween, a bipolar welding cable connection on said body adapted to be connected to the terminal connectors of an electrical supply welding cable, and means for conducting electricity of different polarities from said welding cable to said fixed and movable jaws respectively, the internal surfaces of said cooling-water passageways having nickel-plated corrosion-resistant coatings thereon.
2. A spot-welding gun, according to claim 1, wherein said means for conducting electricity from said welding cable connection to said movable jaw include a shunt and a shunt adapter connected thereto and wherein a cooling water passage-way is disposed within said shunt adapter, the internal surface of said shunt adapter passageway having a nickel-plated corro-sion-resistant coating thereon.
3. A spot welding gun, according to claim 1, wherein said cooling water passageway in said fixed jaw is approximately T-shaped, wherein said cooling water inlet and outlet connec-tions are disposed at the opposite sides of said T-shaped pass-ageway, and wherein said nickel-plated corrosion-resistant coat-ing extends throughout the internal surfaces of said T-shaped fixed jaw passageway.
4. A spot welding gun, according to claim 1, wherein said cooling water passageway in said movable jaw is approxim-ately T-shaped, wherein said cooling water inlet and outlet connections are disposed at the opposite sides of said T-shaped passageway, and wherein said nickel-plated corrosion-resistant coating extends throughout the internal surfaces of said T-shaped movable jaw passageway.
CA305,661A 1978-06-16 1978-06-16 Corrosion-resistant light-weight spot welding gun Expired CA1098968A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA305,661A CA1098968A (en) 1978-06-16 1978-06-16 Corrosion-resistant light-weight spot welding gun

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA305,661A CA1098968A (en) 1978-06-16 1978-06-16 Corrosion-resistant light-weight spot welding gun

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
CA1098968A true CA1098968A (en) 1981-04-07



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA305,661A Expired CA1098968A (en) 1978-06-16 1978-06-16 Corrosion-resistant light-weight spot welding gun

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CA (1) CA1098968A (en)

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