CA1086188A - Automatic washing apparatus - Google Patents

Automatic washing apparatus


Publication number
CA1086188A CA288,850A CA288850A CA1086188A CA 1086188 A CA1086188 A CA 1086188A CA 288850 A CA288850 A CA 288850A CA 1086188 A CA1086188 A CA 1086188A
Prior art keywords
manifold casing
Prior art date
Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed.)
Application number
Other languages
French (fr)
Robert O. Alexander
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Cera International Ltd
Original Assignee
Cera International Ltd
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
Filing date
Publication date
Application filed by Cera International Ltd filed Critical Cera International Ltd
Priority to CA288,850A priority Critical patent/CA1086188A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1086188A publication Critical patent/CA1086188A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Cleaning By Liquid Or Steam (AREA)
  • Nozzles (AREA)
  • Cleaning In General (AREA)


Improvements in or relating to Automatic Washing Apparatus"


An industrial washing machine for washing each of a continuous flow of production components in turn has a group of jets mounted in a respective manifold casing at each of one or more washing stations. Each mani-fold casing is hinged to fixed structure and is held in abutment with a locator stop by a toggle lever latch.
Each jet is precisely located in position for use by the combination of the respective locator stop and hinge and can be swung from that position when the respective latch is released in order to facilitate access to the jets for cleaning and/or access to a production compo-nent which is supported at the respective washing station for cleaning so that, if such a production component should be displaced, relocation is facilitated.
The jets in each manifold casing have a smaller diameter and longer bore than do the remaining jets in the washing section of the machine. Washing fluid fed to each manifold casing is passed first through primary and secondary filters whereas the washing fluid fed to the other jets is passed through the primary filters only.



q'his inven-tion rela-tes to industrial washing machines for washing production component~ and more partlcularly for washing each of a con tinuou3 flow of production components in turn, the continuou~ flow of production component3 being produced by part o~ a production line.
Such machines which shall be referred to herein-after as "industrial washing machines of the kind re~erred to", comprises pressure fluid supply means for drawing washing fluid from a source of such fluid and for feeding it under pressure to and through at lea~t one battery o~ ~ets which are mounted and located with precision at at least one washing station, and suppoxting and locating mean~ ~or supporting and locating each component in turn at the or eaoh washing station so that each of the Jets directs a pressure jet o~ washing ~luid at a corresponding speai~ic part .
of a component which is ~upported and located at that sta-tion by the supporting and locating means when the machine is in use.
~ he standard supporting and locating mqans fox supporting and locating a ~at-ter~ of jets at a washing station compri~e rigid suppor-t ~tructUr~ in whloh oach ~et is mounted rigidly and which i3 bolted in position. ~ ?
The jets tend to become blocked with matter such as dirt or swarf that is flushed from produotion compo-~`' ,, !

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nents -that are wa~hed by the ~,clchine. 'rhi~ i.s particularly likely to occur :i. the specific part of a production compone~nt at a jet is directed i~ a blind hole. Also a component which is supported by the supporting and locating means can be displaced from -the locatlon at which it is to be supported by the suppor-tLng and locating means during operation of the apparatus.
An ob~ect of this invention is to provide improved supporting and locating means ~or supporting and locating a group of ~ets at a washing station of an industrial washing machine of the kind referred to.
A preferred ~orm of industrial washing machine of the kind referred to in which this invention i8 embodied, has jets mounted rigidly in a respective manifold casing in which a pressure fluid ~low path is formed for directing to each jet of the bat-tery washing fluid which i~ supplied under pressure by the pressure fluid supply means. ~ocating means.are .provided for providing precise location for each manifold caslng at the xespeotive washing station so that eaoh batter~
of ~et~ 1~ located with precision at the ro~pective wa~hing station when the machine is in use. ~he locating means for each manifold casing comprise a respective lo¢ator stop, which ma~ be adjustable, and a hinge arrangement by which the manifold casing is ,' -- 3 -- . ;

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hinged to fixed structure of the machine BO that, when the respective releasable latching mean~ are xeleased, lt can be swung to and ~rom the position I in which it abu-t~q the respective locator stop.
I Releaqable latching means are provided ~or retaining i each manifold casin~ releasably in abutment with the ~ respective locator stop, the latching means being i releasable to permit removal o~ the mani~old caslng from the position at which it i8 located precisely at ; the respecti~e washing station by the respec~ive locating~ means and being adapted to reclamp the manifold ca~ing ;, subsequently in the æame precise position that 1R
determined by the respective locatin~ means. q'he pressure fluid flow path foxmed in each mani~old oasing is connected to the pressure ~luid supply m~an~ by a ~le~lble p1pe.
~he jets that are mounted in each manifold I casing are special jets which have longer bores of a i3 smaller diameter, ~ay less than ~ inch and usually of the order of ~ inch or 3/16 inches, than do jets o~
~ standard dimension that are normally used a~d which 3 have a diameter graater than ~ ch, usually o~ the order oE ~ or ~ inohe~. ~he special ~ets direct ~et~
o~ washing fluid with a higher degree of precision than oan be expected when the standard jet~ are used.
~ ~he pressure fluid supply means comprise a sump ¦ ~or collecting washing fluid drained from each washing ~ .

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~ 36~.~8 qtation durlng operation o~' the machine, a tank, one pump is opcrable to draw wa~hlng ~luld ~rom th~
~ump and I;o feed it to the tank vla prlmary ~lltering means, such as hydrocylones~ ~nd another pump which i8 operable to draw washing fluid from the tank and to feed lt under pressure directly to any standard jets that are mounted in the washing section and indirectly to each manifold casing via secondary filtering means.
An industrial washing machine i~ which this invention is embodied and which is for cleaning engine blocks will be described now by way of example with reference to the aocomparlying drawings, of whlch:-~ igure 1 is a perspective view o~' the maohine;

~ igure 2 is a diagrammatic illustration of thewashing fluid circuit of tha washirlg section, the washing section rotor being shown as seen along its axis;

~ igure 3 i~ a ~iew of the wa~hing ~ection roto.r and part of the assoc:Lated fabricated hou~lng, a~ 9een along its axi~ and drawn to a larger scale than Figur~

Figure 4 is a plan view of the parts of the washing section of the machine that are showrl in Figure 3;

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~ guro 5 ls a front elevation o~ one of the manlfold casing~s of the machine shown in ~igure~ 1 ', to 4.
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? ~igure 6 i~ a side elevation of the manifold ' casing shown in ~igure S; and ;l . .
, ~igure 7 i~ a longitudinal cro~s-sec-tion of a j-. typical one of the ~ets of the manifold casing shown i in Figures 5 and 6.

~ The machine shown in Figure 1 has an input ; ~tation 10 at which each of a continuous flow of ! engine blocks produced by a production line are depo~ited one after another and compri~e~ a ~abricated hou~ing in which the variou~ sections of the machine ~ are enclosed. ~ach engine block would have been 1~ subjected to a number of different manufacturing operations as it progressed along the production line.
he manufacturing operations may lnclude milling, drilllng, -tapping, broaohing, honin~ or other ~orming or machining operation~ which result in each engine .
p block b~in~ soll~d with mlner~l oils, core ~a~d, dir~
or ~war~.
Engine blocks received at the input station 10 ' o~ the maohine are oo`nveyed ln a stepwise manner one Il, behind another to a washing section 11 o~ the machine.
,~ After pas~age through the washing sectlon 11, the engine }. . :
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block~ are conveyed ~n a stepwise manner one behind another to a drying ~ection 12 of the machine. After par~age through the dryin~ section 12, the cleaned and dried engine blooks are conveyed in a stepwise manner one behind ano-ther to a discharge station (~ot shown) of the machine from which they axe cellected one afber another for conveyance to another part of the manu-facturing c~peration.
Bo-th the washing section 11 and the drying section 12 o~ the machine comprise a rotor which carries supporting and locating configurations at a number of equalIy ~paced points around its circumferenoe. Con-veniently there are six ~uoh poin-t~ equally-spaced around the circumference of both the washing section rotor 13, which i~ illustrated in ~igures 2, 3 and 4, and the drying section rotor although choice o~ the actual number of such poi~ts is a question of design convenience. ~he supporting and locating configurations at each such poinb on the circum~erence of the washing section ~otor 13 ana of the drying sectio~ rotor are adapted to supporb and locate an engine block a-t eaoh o:~ a number o~ e~ually angularly spaced stations around ibs ciroum~erenoe. Eaoh engin0 block to be washed is shown in chain dotted lines at 14 in ~igures 2, ~ and 4. ~aoh of the washing section rotor 13 and the drying ~ection rotor is driven by a common driving meohani~m by which it is inde~ed sucoessively through ,.
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~86~L~8 angular .steps which comprise the angular displacement between e~ch ad jacent pair of ~upporting and locatin~
configurations so that each engin~ blook 14 is tran~-ported in a s-tepwise manner through each o~ the stations o* the washing and drying sections 11 and 120 ~he driving mechanism incorporates a suitable dwell mechanism so that each engine block dwells at each station Or~ the washing and drying sections 11 and 12 where it is washed or dried acoording to the section 11~ 12.
~ he washing section 11 also includes a pre-wash station 20 (see ~igures 3 and 4) at which each engine ~lock 14 is deposited in turn and washed before being presented to the supporting and locating con~i~uration~
that are located at -the first washing station when it arrives at that station.
~ battery o~ precision located iets is provided at each o~ the pre-wash and washing stations of the washing section 11. ~he orienta-tlon of each jet is such that it is aligned wibh a corresponding blind hole, bore, cavity or other sur~ace parb o~ an engine blook 1~ which is supported and located at the respective washing station so that washing ~luid ~ed to and through each jet ori~ice under pressure is directed at that aligned part o~ that engine block 14 as a jet. Some of the jets have standard siæe jet orificas and others are special jets which ha~e jet ori~ices with smaller diameters and longer bores than do the standard jet _ 8- `:

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;l orifices.
~ ~he machine ha~ a sump 15 into which washing 'I .
~, fluid that drain~ from each engine block 14 that ~8 j) pas~e~l through the washing section 11 to th~ drying j ~ection 12 is directed. A ~ir~t pump 16 i~ operable to draw washing fluid from the sump 15 through primary filtering means which comprise a pair of hydrocyclone~
17 which are connected to the output of the pump 16 in ~ . parallel and which operate to separate particles o~
J~ solid matter ~rom the washing ~luid. ~he filteredwashing flu1d is directed from the output o~ the hydro-cyclones 17 to a storage tank 18 (3ee ~igure 2). A
second pump 19 (see ~igure 1) lS operable to dxaw washlng ~luid from the storage tank 18 and to feed lt under pressure to the jets at each of the pre-wash and wa3hing ~tation3 of the washing 3ection 11.
3~ ~he output o~ the second pump 19 is connected to a main conduit 21 from which several branch conduits extend. Eaoh standard ~et i~ mounted rigidly in its own support structure at the re3pecti~e pre-wash or washing station and is connected to bhe main conduit 21 by a respective one of the branch oonduits. For ~ example, ~igure 2 ~hows a standard ~eb 22 at ono o~
i the wa~hing st~tion~ and a standard ~et 23 at another : of the wa~hing stations, the ~et 22 being connected to the main conduit 2I by a bran¢h oonduit 24 and the jet 23 being connected to the main conduit 21 b~ another branch conduit 25. Similar standard ~ets ma~ be ~: g_ ' '--..

mounted where req1iired at ~ny of the washirlg ~tations a~ requi:red.
'~he various ~peclal Jot~ at each of the pre-wash and washing stations are arranged in batteries and each battery of special jet3 i8 caxrled by a respective manifold casing 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 which is hlnged to fixed s-~ructure o~ the machine and which is latched in position at the re~pective washing ~tation against a raspective locator stop b~ a toggle lever Each manifold casing 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 is located with pre-cision at the respective station of the washing section by the respective locator stop and hinge pin. Details of the construction and arrangement o~ the man1fold casings, locator stops, hinged and toggle clamps at each station are described more full~ below.
One, 31, of the branch conduits that extend from the main conduit 21 i8 oonnected to the input of a secondary filter unit 32 which conveniently incorporates a screen cartridge filter. Various particles of solid ~:
that were not removed from the washing fluid when that ~luid wa~ passed through the hydrocyclones 17 are separated ~rom the washing fluld in the ~econdaxy :Eilter unit 32 and are dlscharged from the secondary filter unit 32J the washing fluid being directed to a secondary conduit 33 from which various branches, including branches 34, 35 ~hown in ~igure 2 and branches 34A and 35A shown in ~igures 3 and 4, extend. Each branch 34, 35 from the seco~dar~ conduit 33 comprises a flexible pipe and :
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28 and 30. The brancheH S4~ and 35A co~prise flexib].e pipes that are conn~cted respectively to the manifolds 26 and 27. Hence washlng fluid ~at has bee~ filtered to a higher order of clarity than the washing fluid that is ~ed under pres~ure to the standard jets 22, 23 via ~he main conduit 21 and it~
branches 24, 25 is fed under pressure to the interior of each of the various mani~old caslngs 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 which communicates with the orifice~ of the respective ~attery of ~pecial jets.
~ he secondary filter unit 32 may be a self-cleaning unit or may be adapted to be cleaned manually.
A drag conveyor extends below and at right angles to the conveyor by which engine blocks are oarried from the washing section to the drying seotionO ~he solid matter separated ~rom the washing fluid by operation o~ both the hydrocyclones 17 and the secondary filter unit 32 is discharged via the discharge pipes ~6, in the oase o:~ the hydrocyclone~ 17, and by the discharge pipes 37 in the case o~ the secondary filter unit ~2, and is depo~ited upon th~ dra~ co~veyor which carries it to a sludga discharge station outside the machine 90 that it is not returned to the sump 15.
~ he ~abricated housing includes a spaced pair o~
horizontal beams 38 and '~9 and four vertical pillars 419 42, 43 and 44 within the washing section 11, each ., ~8~

of the beams 38 and ~9 pro-~iding a ~'oundQt:lQn for a re~pective pair oY pillars ~1 and ~2 or 43 and 44.
Tht, pre-wa~h station 20 includes locating and supporting confi~urations ~5 (see ~igure 3) for locating ~nd supporting an engine block component 14 between the pair o~ similar manifold casings 26 and 27 at that station. ~he two manifold casings 26 and 27 are arranged symmetrically about the centre line o~ the pre-wash s-tation 20. ~he special jets tha-t con~titute the battery o~ jets carried by each of the two mani-fold casings 26 and 27 are mounted in the opposed faces of those casings 26 and 27.
~ he first of the six washing stations that are di~posed around the wa~hing seot~or~ rotor 13 is in line with the pre-wa~h station 20. ~he second of those ~ix washing stations i~ displaced angularly from that first washing station in a clockwise direction as seen in ~igures 2 and 3, the third washing station is displaced angularly from the second in the same sense and ~o on in series so that the ~ixth washing station i~ displaced angularl~ from the first in an antl-alockwise direction. ~herc axe looating and ~upport~n~ oon~iguration~ (not shown) for locating and supporting an engine blook component 14 at each of the six washing stations.
~ he suppoxting and locating configurations at the fifth wa~hing station are adapted to support an engine block component 14 between the pair of similar mani~old !
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ca,~ings 28 c~d Zg which extend radially and are (lis~
posed ~ymmetxically, one on e.ither side of -the roto~
13 ad~acent the outer periphex~ o~ the rotor 13 which rotate~ between them. ~ ~pecial ~ets at the fifth washing statio~l are distributed ~etween the two manl~old casings 28 and 29 at that station a~d are mounted in the face o~ the respective ca~ing 28, 29 tha~
i8 nearest to the xotor 13. Those jets that are mou~ted in the casing 28 are shown generally at 51 in ~igur~ 4 and those jets are mounted in ~he casing 29 are ~hown generally at 52.
The special ~ets at -the sixth washing station are mounted in~a manifold casing 30 which i9 dispo~ed radially-outwardly with respect to the outermost peri-phery of the rotor 13, these ~ets, which axe ~hown generall~ at 54, being in the face of the oasin~ 30 that is nearer the rotor 13 so that they point toward~
an engine block component 14 that i~ qupported and located at the sixth washing station~ ~
~ he moun-ting arrangemen-t by which each of the five ani~old ca~ings 26 to 30 i~ located and mounted in position at the respecti~e wa~hing ~tation wlth I preoi~io~ i~ broadl~ simi.lar and the detailed construc-; tlon o~, a~d the particular mounbin~ arrangement for the manifold casing 30 will be described now in detail bg way of example with xeference to ~igure~ 3 to 6.
The manifold casing 30 comprlses a generall~
rectangulax hollow s-truc-ture 55. ~he face of the , ' .

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~6~88 manifold casing 30 in which the ~ets 54 are mounted o~ the major planar faces of the rectangular l~ structure 55 and 1~ formed by a bas~ plate 56 which !~ project~ in opposite direction~ from both of the ,!j longer sides of the rectangular structure 55 to form flanges 57 and 58.
~¦ Each of a ~paced pair of journal blocks 59 and 61, which are secured to the shorter flange 57 adjacent ~; its outer edge and on the side of that flange 57 1?~ ' - , 3 opposite the planar face in which the ~ets 54 are mounted, is adapted to recei~e a respective one oi~ a ~ coaxial pair of hin~e pins 62 and 63. A length 64 i~ of round bar i~ secured to the longer Elange 58 at !~i the centre of the outer edge oE that flange 58 and on the side o~ that flange 58 opposite the planar .face in whi¢h the jet~ 54 are mounted 90 that it extends sub stantiall~ parallel to the ad~acent side of the rectangular structure 55.
Each hinge pin 62, 63 is carried by a respective ~ support plate 65, 66 which is fixed to a ~espective ;I! ono of the two vertical pillars 42 and 4~ so that it pro~ects :Erom that pillar ~2, 44 in the man~er of a ~ -o~ntil~er, the two pins 62 and 63 being ooaxial with their axes substantially horizontal and parallel to the ,~ axis of rotation oE the rotor 13 and being located .11 at the bottom o~ the sixth washing station with precision with respect to the location of a component ' .- - 14 - , !
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14 at that ~tation. He~ce t~e manifold casing 30 is mounted for swinging n~ovemcnt about a horizontal axis as indicated by arrow ~ in ~igure 3.
~ he length 64 of round bar co-operates with a toggle lever 67 which func-tions to hold the mani~old casing 30 i~ the position shown in full lines in Figure 3 which is its working position at the sixth washing station. ~he -toggle lever 67 is mounted at the centre of the central section of a U-shaped support ~rame 68 which has each of the free ends o~ its two limbs secured to a respectiYe one of the two vertical pillars 42 and 44 and which extends around the rotor 13 abo~e the cantilever support plates 65 and 66 ~o that its central seotion extends substantiall~ parallel to the axis o~ rotation of the washing section robor 13 from one side to the other of that rotorO ~he oen-tral section o~ the U-shaped support frame 68 BlSO carries an ad~ustable locator stop 69 which ~oomprises a setscrew which is screwed into a tapped hole in the central section of the U-shaped support frame 68, ~he hinge pin o~ the toggle lever 67 and bhe locator ~top 69 are both looatod with preci~ion with respec-t to the looatlon o.~ a ¢omponent 14 a-t the sixth washing station. ~he toggle lever 67 i~ adapted to hold the planar ~ace o~ the base plate 56 i~ contact with the head o~ the locator stop screw 69 so that the mani~old casing 30 1s looated in the position in which it is so latched by the toggle lever 67 by the respective hinge pins 65 and 66 and the locator stop ' :
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screw 69.
~ he tog~le :Levex 67 compri~e~ a ~enerally tri-angular plate wh:ich lies-i~ & vert.lcal plane and whlch ha~ two sides which are ~ubstantially mutually perpen-dicular, a tubulax body 71 which ls fo~med at a corner of the plate forms the larger of the two acute angles of the notional trlangle and which is journaled upon the respective hingepin so that it i~ sub- ~-stantially normal to the plane of -the plate, and a handle which comprises a pro~ection from the other corner of the notional triangle. ~ slot, which extends substantially parallcl to the handle, which i8 aligned with lt and whioh opens into the opposite side of the plate that ls ~nearer to the right angled corner o~ the not.ional triangle than to the tubular body 71, separates a ~inger 72 from the remalnder of the plate. ~he finger 72 projects beyond the open end of the slot away from the handle. ~he finger 72 oo-operates with the length 64 of round bar to latch ; the longer flange 58 of the casing 30 against the ad~ustable stop 69. A setscrew 73 is passed through the finger 72, aoross the slot and is sorewed into ~the main part of the plate to lock the toggle le~er 67 in the latched condition shown in ~igure 3.
~ he manifold casing 26 at the pre-wash s-tation 20 ls a hollow rectangular structure which h~s a rectangular backpla-te 74. A pair of hinge arms 75 project from ;~
~ the rear planar face of the backplate 74 adjacent one j - 16 -,~


of the shorter i~ide~ of the b~ckpldte 74 and at right angle~ to that rear ~ac~ hat part of the baokplate 74 which forms the other of itB ~horter ~ides project~
beyond the remai~der of the manlfold caqing 26. A
hinge pin 76 has its ends spigotted into c~rre~ponding holes which are formed in the pair of hinge arms 75 so that its longitudlnal axis is parallel to the bac~-plate 74. ~he hinge pin 76 i9 ~ournaled in a spaced pair o~ support blocks 77 which are mounted on the vertical pillar 41, the longitudinal axiq o~ the hinge pin 76 being verticala Each suppoxt block 77 is below the respective hinge arm 75 so that the weight ~ .
of the manifold casing 26 is borne by the 9upport blocks 77. Shims 78 between eaoh hinge arm 75 and the respecti~e support block 77 accurately locate the hinge arms 75 vertically relative to the support ~ :
blocks 7-7. The location of each support block 77 .
with respect to the vertical pillar 41 is determined by shims 79 ~see ~igure ~)O
~ he portion of the backplate 74 that pro~eots ~beyond the remainder of the mani~old casing 26 co-operates wi-th a respeotlve toggle lever 81 whi¢h ~u~¢tion~ to latoh the manifold casing 26 in its working position at the pre-wash station 20. ~he toggle leveir 81, which is further from the washing ~ection rotor 13 than are the hinge arms 75, retains the pro:jecting part of the front planar face of the bac~plate 74 in abutment with an ad~ustable stop (not . . .
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shown). Both the toggle lev~r 81 i~nd the ad~ustable ~top ara carried by a suppor-t beam 82 wh:Lch extends ver-tical~y and which is ~upported at it9 ends ~rom the vertical pillar 410 Shimis 83 locate the ends of the beam 82 accurQtely with respect to the vertical beam 41, The toggle lever hinge pin 84 is supported from ~-the vertical beam 82 with its axis vertical. ~he ¦
toggle lever 81 comprises a tubular body whi~h is journaled upon the hinge pin 8~ and a cxanked plate which pr~jects ~rom the tubular body in a substantially horizontal plane. ~ short length 85 of round bar i~
fixed to the cranked plate portion of the toggle levar 81 at the inner edge of ~he elbow with its axis vertical and co-operates with a pad 86 to latch the backplate 74 o~ the mani~old casing 26 against the adjus-table stop. ~he pad 86 is mounted at the snd of the rear planar face of the backplate 74.
~ he manifold casing 27 is supported and located in a similar mannex to that which has ju~t been descrlbed for the manifold caslng 26 and cQmponents of the supporting and locating meani~ for thc two oasings 26 and 27 as well as parts of -these two casings 26 and 27 are identified by the same references~ ~he jets ¢arried by each manifold c~sing 26, 27 are~formed in the facc o~ tha~ casing that is remote f~om bhe respective backpla-te 7~ and which ~aces a oomponent 14 that is located and supported at the pre-wash sta-tion 20, when ~ " .

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the manifold caslng 26, 27 is latched in position wich its backplate 74 in abutmen'c with the aa~us'cable stop a9 shown ln full llnes in F.~gures 3 and 4r Of the drawingrs.
'l~he outer port~on of the cranked plate portion of each toggle lever 81 serves as a handle by which that toggle layrer 81 can be rotated manually abou-t its hinge pin- 84 to release the respectlve manifold ., oasin~ 26, 27 for pivotal movement about its hlnge ~ ' pin 76 to the position shown chain dotted in ~igure.,~''
4. The jets that are carried by each mani~old casing 26, 27 are readilg acoessible for cleaning purposes when that mani~old casing 26, 27 ls located~ .
in the position shown chain dotted ln Figure 4.
Also displacement o~ either of the mani~old casin~s 26 and 27 to the position that is shown chain dotted in Figure 4 facilitates access to an engine block component 14 which i8 positioned in the pre-wash station 20 so that, for example, it is a falrly simple ta3k,to relocate that engine block component 14.i~
: it should ha~re been dlslodged from the position in which it i~ suppo~ed to be looated.
'~h~.3 mani~old casing~ 26 and 27 are located in the position in which they are latched by the toggle ~' :
levers 81, as shown in full lines in Figure, 4r~ by the respective hin~e pin 76 and the adjustable stop oarried ~ ' by the respective support beam 82. , ' ,' ~;; '. ', .
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~ ac~l of thc ~n~nifold casings 28 and 29 ~lt the fifth wa~llng ~tatLon i~ a hol~ow generally r~ctangular structure and i3 mounted p:ivotally upon a respective hinge pin which is located wi-th precision vr~th respect to and which is mounted upon a resp~ctive one of th2 vertical pillar~ 42 and 44 of the machine in a manner which i5 similar in principle to that which has been `~
deacribed above with respect to the mounting of the hlnge pins 84 for the man.ifold casings 26 and 27.
~he location o~ the hinge pin which i~ journaled at one corner~o~ the generally rectangular manifold casing 29 will be apparent ~rom the ~imilar location of the hings pin 87 of the generally rectangular manifold casing 28 as shown in ~igur~ 3. Tho axes of the hinge pin~ fox the casings 28 and 29 are horlzontal. Henoe the manifold casing~ 28 and 29 are mounted t~ swing in vertical planes (as indicated by arrow ~ in ~igure 3), bécause their generally planar faces in which their ~et~ 51, 52 are mounted are normal to the axes of the ,re~pective hinge pin.
~ o~gle levexs 88 and 89, ar~ generally simllar to the toggle le~ers 67 which are described in detail above, are provided ~or latching each manifold casing 28, 29 against a respective adjustable stop.
~ he hinge pins for the toggle levers 88 and 89 and the re~pective adjustable stops are located with precision with respect to and upon the respective ' :

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one OI the vertlcal pillar~ 42 and 44 in a similar manner to the hinge pin~ :Eor the manifold casings, 28 and 290 ~Ience, like the other three mani~old casings 26, 27 and ~0, t;he mani~old casings 28 and 29 ~re located in the position in which they are latched by the re~pective tog~le lever 88~ 89, by the respeotive hinge pin by which they are hinged to the r~spective vertical pillar 42, 44 and by the respective ad~ustable stop, ~igure 3 shows that the adjustable stop for the manifold casing 28 is provided by the head of a setscrew or bolt 91 which i8 carried by the support means for the hinge pin of the respective toggle lever 88.
~ ach of the finger 92 of the toggle lever 88 and the finger (not shown) o~ the toggle lever 89 co-operates with a r~spective pin 93, 94 which extends between a respective pair of side plates 95 and 96, 97 and 98 whioh are fixed to opposite sides of the respective manifold casing 28, 29 to la~ch a locating surface (not shown) of the respective manifold casing 28, 29 against the respective ad~ustable stop. Setscrews similar to the setscrew 73 o~ the toggle lever 67 alao loclc the tog~le levers 8~ and 89 in the lat~hed condition.
~ ach .~lexible pipe 34, 34A, 35, 35A is fitted onto an appropr.~ate one 101 of a pair of tubular bosses 101 and 102 (see Figures 5 and 6) with which each of the manifold casings 26 to 30 is provided. ~he tubular boss 102 is stopped by a suitable bung for normal - 21~


' ' . . ' ;: . :

~ 6 ~ ~

operatlon oE the apparatusi. l`he bores o~ both the bo~se~ 101 and 102 of each maniCold ca~ln~; 26 to 30 communicate with the interior of' the hollow casingO
q'he speclal jet~ conv~nie~tly are mounted removabl~
withln -the hollow ca~ing o~ each manifold casing 26 to 30. ~igure 7 shows that ~uch a ~e-t is ~c~ewed into a tapped bore 103 in the appropriate wall 104 o~ the hollow casing. ~he jet has an enlax~ed head 105 at its outer end and a two diameter stepped bore, the smaller diameter bore portion 106 ~orming the ~et discharge nozzle. The larger diameter bore portion lQ7 is in communication with the interior of the hollow ca~ing~
~ ach of the toggle levers 67, 81, 88 and 89 can be rotated manuall~, aftex removal o~ the respective setscrew in the case of the leve~s 67, 88 and 89, to release the respective mani~old cas:Lng 26 bo 30 ~or pivotal movement about its hinge pin to the position shown chain dotted in ~igure 4 in the case of the casings 26 and 27 or away from the rotor 13 in the direction of the respective arrow ~ or ~ as shown in .~igure 3. When one of the manifold casings 26 to 30 i~ 90 located, the en~ine block component 1~ at the re~pective washing station can be readil~ relocated if it had been di~lodged. ~l~o the ~et~ that are carried by the manifold casings 26 to 30 are readil~ accessible for removal for cleaning purposes when that mani~old casing 26 to 30 is so located.

.. ~ , , , ' - , - . . .: .

_~ 6 ~8 ~

A-t the same tlme th~! bung may be r~mov~d f.rom t,he tu~ular bos~ 102 to allow thl3 interio~ of the respective hollow car~ing to be flushed oult b~ a flow o~ uid in order -to clean ou-t i-ts interior, Once the jets and thei in-terior o~ the hollow casings have been cleaned, or the block compone~t 14 relocated at the respective washing station, the respective manifold casing 26 to 3C is easlly re-positioned by pivotal movement until it abuts its respective adjustable stop where it is correctly located and is relatched in position by operatio~
of the respective toggle clamp lever 67, 81, 88 or 89. . One or more mani~old casings which each carry a group of jets may be located and mounted in position with precision at a~y o~ the pre-wash and main washing stations of the washing section to suit re~uirements for cleaning a particular engine block or similar component.
Use of such manifold casings is not to be taken to ~e Iimitad to their use in the five locations that are ~ ;
described above with reference to the accompanying drawings. ~he mountin~ arrangement b~ which each such a mani~old casin~ is located and mounted in poæition at the respective st.ation would be broadly similar to that which haæ beexl described above ~or the mani~old casings 26 to 30.
~' . -.

~' ' '"~



Claims (10)

The Embodiments of the Invention in which an Exclusive Property or Privilege is Claimed are Defined as follows:-
1. An industrial washing machine for washing production components, the machine comprising a housing; a washing section enclosed within the housing, the washing section including a source of washing fluid, at least one battery of jets which are mounted and located with precision at at least one washing station of the washing section and pressure fluid supply means for drawing washing fluid from said source and for feeding it under pressure to and through said at least one battery of jets; and supporting and locating means for supporting and locating each component in turn at each washing station so that each of the jets directs a pressure jet of washing fluid at a corresponding specific part of a component which is supported and located at that station by the supporting and locating means when the machine is in use; wherein the improvement comprises the provision of at least one manifold casing in which a plurality of said jets axe mounted rigidly and in which a pressure fluid flow path is formed for directing to each of the jets mounted in the manifold casing washing fluid which is supplied under pressure by the pressure fluid supply means; there being locating means provided for providing precise location for each manifold casing at the respective washing station so that the jets mounted in that casing are located with precision at the respective washing station when the machine is in use, the locating means for each manifold casing comprising a respective locator stop; and releasable latching means which are provided for retaining each manifold casing releasably in abutment with the respective locator stop, the latching means being releasable to permit removal of each manifold casing from the position at which it is located precisely at the respective washing station by the respective locating means and being adapted to reclamp the respective manifold casing subsequently in the same precise position that is determined by the respective locating means.
2. An industrial washing machine according to Claim 1, wherein the locating means for each manifold casing also include a hinge arrangement by which the respective manifold casing is hinged to fixed structure of the apparatus so that, when the respective releasable latching means are released, it can be swung to and from the position in which it abuts the respective locator stop.
3. An industrial washing machine according to Claim 1, wherein each locator stop is mounted adjustably with respect to the housing.
4. An industrial washing machine according to Claim 1, wherein the releasable latching means for each manifold casing and the respective locator stop are supported with respect to the housing by the same support structure, there being separate support structure for jointly supporting the releasable latching means and respective locator stop for each manifold casing.where there is more than one manifold casing.
5. An industrial washing machine according to Claim 1, wherein the pressure fluid flow path formed in each manifold casing is connected to the pressure fluid supply means by a respective flexible pipe.
6. An industrial washing machine according to Claim 1, wherein the jets that are mounted in the or each manifold casing are mounted removably therein.
7. An industrial washing machine according to Claim 1, wherein said at least one battery of jets comprise at least one standard jet mounted rigidly within its own fixed support structure and the jets that are mounted within said at least one manifold casing and which are special jets having smaller diameters and longer bores than each standard jet.
8. An industrial washing machine according to Claim 7, wherein said source includes a sump for collecting washing fluid drained from each washing station during operation of the machine, there being conduit means by which said pressure fluid supply means communicate with the sump and with each of said at least one battery of jets, primary filtering means through which all washing fluid drawn from the sump by said pressure fluid supply means for feeding to said jets is directed and which are adapted to separate from washing fluid passed therethrough particles of solid matter which have a size which is greater than a predetermined minimum size, and secondary filtering means through which all washing fluid that is fed under pressure to each manifold casing is directed, the secondary filtering means being adapted to separate from the washing fluid passed therethrough particles of solid matter which have a size which is smaller than said predetermined minimum size.
9. An industrial washing machine according to Claim 8, wherein the pressure fluid supply means comprise a tank, one pump which is operable to draw washing fluid from the sump and to feed it to the tank via said primary filtering means and another pump which is operable to draw washing fluid from the tank and to feed it under pressure to said jets via said conduit means.
10. An industrial washing machine according to Claim 8, wherein the primary filtering means comprise at least one hydrocyclone.
CA288,850A 1977-10-17 1977-10-17 Automatic washing apparatus Expired CA1086188A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA288,850A CA1086188A (en) 1977-10-17 1977-10-17 Automatic washing apparatus

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA288,850A CA1086188A (en) 1977-10-17 1977-10-17 Automatic washing apparatus

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CA1086188A true CA1086188A (en) 1980-09-23



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA288,850A Expired CA1086188A (en) 1977-10-17 1977-10-17 Automatic washing apparatus

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CA (1) CA1086188A (en)

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US4744379A (en) * 1986-02-20 1988-05-17 Goettel Andrew P Conveyor system for washing apparatus

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US4744379A (en) * 1986-02-20 1988-05-17 Goettel Andrew P Conveyor system for washing apparatus

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